#sorry i missed day 20 OTL
potionbarrel · 2 years
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science teamtober day 21- the perfect dog prompts | science teamtober blog
[ID: Sunkist is kissing Tommy’s cheek while they laugh. In the background, there’s an old Polaroid of Sunkist and Tommy when they were both younger, Sunkist soda bottles off to the right. /End ID.]
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bweirdart · 7 months
#mARTch 2024
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text version (with more info!) under the readmore! please check it out if you're confused about anything <3
do i have to draw every day? no!!!! there are skippable days built into the event, please use them whenever you need them! i really don't want anyone getting a wrist injury!
can you share my art? yep! i try to share entries to @bweirdevents daily during the event!! the tags can get busy tho so i might miss some posts OTL sorry
what are the tags? #mARTch is the main tag, but this year you might find posts in #mARTch2024 too!
wait, i'm confused about a prompt... full breakdown of all the prompts below ↓ with helpful hints if you're stuck!
this week is all about your artistic identity ... technically, you don't have to draw anything new this week if you have some art that already fits. the starter days are:
1 ⭐ self portrait who are you? it doesn't have to be you IRL .. if you feel more comfortable drawing a fursona or mascot, that's fine too! if you don't wanna draw, you can also just share old self portraits today and talk about why you drew yourself that way!
2 🤍 inspirations see how this day doesn't have a star? that means it's optional and you don't have to do it at all! but if you really wanna- tell us all about what inspires you to create art! this could be anything from the people that inspire you, the shows you like, the pins on your big messy pinterest board, or concepts that you're drawn to! you can draw something about it, talk about it, or just post your inspirations! anything is fine
3 ⭐ fav thing to draw what do you like drawing most? backgrounds? animals? one specific animal? bust of your oc facing left? cars? the same anime boy over and over and over? no judgement!! show us :)
this is the week we actually start drawing from reference! polished art is not required at all, quick sketch studies are fine! please don't burn yourself out
4 🤍 plant
5 🤍 body
6 ⭐ animal
7 🤍 object
8 🤍 food
9 🤍 face
10 ⭐ hand
these ones are pretty self explanatory! you can do them as realistic studies, or adapt them into your own art style, it's all fine! you can reference from your own photos or from resources on the web.. have fun!
this is the week for playing with palettes and working on your colour theory skills! if you're really struggling with these ones, don't worry about drawing scenes or characters, you can just have fun splashing colours around on an abstract canvas!
11 🤍 RGB a set or primary colours typically used in digital/screen art - red, green and blue!
12 🤍 CMYK a set of primary colours typically used in traditional/print art - cyan, magenta, yellow ... and key (black!)
for both of these days ↑ you can add in black and white. and feel free to combine the two days into one, if you're struggling with a three-colour palette! use all six!
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13 ⭐ WARM COLOURS the warm side of the colour wheel, reds oranges and yellows!
14 🤍 MONOCHROME monochrome doesn't mean black and white ... it means one colour! that can be any colour at all- shades of red, shades of purple, shades of green .. or yeah, grey if you really want!
15 🤍 COMPLIMENTARY complimentary colours are the ones opposite each other on the colour wheel! they're kinda married
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16 🤍 YOUR FAV COLOURS pick any palette that works for you! where's your comfort zone? what looks nice to you? what colour combos do you always go back to?
17 ⭐ COOL COLOURS the cool side of the colour wheel, purples, blues and greens!
this week is all about vibes! try to create something that matches the mood of the prompt .. they're vague on purpose! don't overthink it, just draw from the heart!
18 🤍 SMALL you could draw something that's really small, like an ant .. or draw on a canvas that's really small .. or use a really small brush .. get creative with it!
19 🤍 DANGER try to capture the adrenaline .. the rush .. the fear that you associate with the word danger!
20 ⭐ SOFT soft colours, soft textures, soft vibes ... whatever makes you comfy!
21 🤍 MIDNIGHT darkness and secrecy .. spooky witchy vibes .. the tranquility of a forest at night .. the fun of a late-night party .. there's lots of ways you can take this!
22 🤍 POWER what does this word make you think about? superpowers? control and oppression? literal electrical power? something else?
23 🤍 CHILL chill as in calm? or chill as in cold? who knows .. it's up to YOU!
24 ⭐ LOUD try to draw something that feels LOUD! BRASH! IN YOUR FACE! how can you convey sound through art?
this week is just for enjoying yourself! take it easy and have fun! also .. another reminder! there are skippable prompts! if you're tired and struggling to get to the finish line, please don't hesitate to skip a day!!! or multiple days!! as many as you need!!!
25 🤍 TRY A NEW ART STYLE copy the art style of a show you like, ask a friend if you can try their style, draw the eyes a new way, develop a totally new style on the spot... whatever you want!
26 🤍 DRAW WITH YOUR NON-DOMINANT HAND righties, draw with your left! lefties, draw with your right! ambidextrous nation ... our time to show off!
27 ⭐ DRAW WITH YOUR EYES CLOSED don't peek! try to draw something without looking! if you really want, you can colour it with your eyes open after you draw the lines/sketch with your eyes closed... but please try not to cheat with the actual drawing part!
28 🤍 RE-DRAW SOMETHING OLD find some old artwork you like, or something you feel like you can do better on now, and give it another go!
29 🤍 RE-DRAW A MEME find a silly picture on the internet to redraw .. do you have any in-jokes with your besties?
30 🤍 DRAW A GIFT FOR A FRIEND create something for someone you love <3
31 ⭐ FREE CHOICE final day! you can draw anything you want today! show off your skills! draw something you've been meaning to draw! whatever!
please refrain from reblogging this post after march ends - next year's prompts will be different, thank you! if you have any additional questions, don't hesitate to shoot me an ask!
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o-hora-o · 3 months
hello your art is amazing !! i wondered, do you have hcs / doodles / thoughts about the aftermath of the 1955 disaster ? be it eins and tesla's reaction, how they had to support each others to rise again, how eins had to survive joyce's loss etc... also i'm curious because we always talk about einjoyce in 55 naturally, but the game showed us she still thinks of him even in 2018, it's been so long.... after all the welt joyce is the whole pillar emblem and creation of anti-entropy, it must be hard to be one of the founder of a worldwide organization based on your old lover's legacy otl
Thank you very much!!! Both for the compliment and the question. I often think about 55's aftermath, of course. And these thoughts torment me most of the time so that I draw sketches and make hcs about the alternative outcome. Sometimes I do want to draw more arts about canonical events, and I probably will but it's just...hard.  
Now further goes my headcanonical 1955 disaster aftermath and einjoyce fan ramble and I’m sorry in advance if this is not what you expected to hear from me: 
In the novel, Ada mentioned that after waking up, Ein and Tesla accepted everything that had happened very calmly. But I imagine Ada wasn't present there when they woke up, she spent all her time with Joachim and took care of him. And maybe at some point, the boy got so attached to her that that’s why he eventually decided to run away with her for 20 years, away from the problems and legacy of the late hero (And then hi3 mentions Ada only...what, once?) I imagine that Ada was really the only one who could look after Joachim because Planck spent most of her time in the hospital. 
So, now let’s talk about Planck. I love Emma, she might have quirks but she’s very dear to me. She played the mother figure whose presence could bring the sense of peace, comfort and safety. Emma was “everything is going to be alright” person with a strong yet soft spirit, she was someone Lieserl aspired to be. But oh, how lonely she’d been...throughout all her life. I think Carl was the only one who understood her like no one else. Then she lost him and was on the verge of losing her dear girls. Not to mention she had already lost Edison and Schrodinger. She had to take Edison's place and single-handedly create an entire organization out of the ashes, and Schrodinger...Planck did not live to see the day when it turned out that Erwin was alive. So yeah, Emma was a lonely woman with no one by her side but the unthinkable unbearable burden, she was the first one who had to carry the weight of the World on her shoulders. All in all, back in 1955-56 Plank was either in the hospital or busy trying to find a new base. Oh, yes, most likely she had to organize funerals which Ein and Tesla, obviously, missed. 
Ein and Tesla...as I’ve already said once, not seeing waking-up-from-coma scene in the novel was the greatest loss but the greatest blessing at the same time. I think it was the hardest and most horrific moment in their lives. And I also like to imagine around then they got drunk together for the first time. 
To be honest, I admire Tesla's copium and how she's doing...mostly alright these days. Especially regarding her unfortunate life. But damn how easily 1955 can trigger her. I think she's been holding a very deep personal grudge against Welt all these years. She almost never mentions him or speaks his name out load and, in general, she never speaks of those years either, unlike Ein. If Ein and Joachim are stuck mentally in the past, Tesla seems to exist only within "today". It's only when Joachim tries to sacrifice himself over and over again all the accumulated resentment and despair wakes up in her. Because Welt's sacrifice did all this to Joachim and Welt's legacy is louder than Tesla's cry to stop playing a lonely hero. I think Tesla is a definition of "I told you so" in this story. She was the one who foresaw Welt's death. She was the one who wanted to share her "know there's nothing worth remembering in our lives so there's no need to dwell on the past" ideology to help him let go of the guilt and start appreciating his life. I think she cared about him no less then Ein because I see Tesla and Welt as a younger brother/older sister duo, they always bicker, tease but care for each other nonetheless. So of course when she woke up, she was lost, angry, hysterical and hurt. I think she deserves no less than Joachim or Ein the opportunity to meet Welt again and to talk everything she’s been holding inside all these years out. But apparently this was too boring for the writers, and they just decided to erase Welt’s soul for forever and took away from AE the opportunity to try locating his soul in the core and bring him back when they’re not busy preventing the end of the world every day. But instead, we got Joffrey (I have nothing against the boy but this whole clone thing just feels so.... utterly wrong, help). And I find it ironic that the one who unwillingly made Tesla’s life a mess is, kinda, became her son whom she’s been taking care of and who will be by her side from now on. 
And Lieserl...you know, I’ve never been a fan of romantic stories but somehow einjoyce got a chokehold on me and my heart, for me they’re the true manifestation of soulmates and match-made-in-heaven thing. I already had a little brainrot post about her living after 1955 but yes, you are right, she still thinks of him even in 2018 and I still can’t wrap my mind around it. That and the fact she’d been analysing him for 3 years before she took him in to the 42 lab. For 3 years, without seeing him in person (and she even tried to practice talking less “nonsense” so she would look mysterious and idk attractive to him? But totally failed on the very first day spent together with him). And then, in the course of one, ONE, month Welt became someone who could not only understand Ein’s quirks, chaotic thoughts but also enjoy her personality and communicate with her in pure silence. He was the last one she talked to so freely and who actually listened to her. And Lieserl being ready to rather die than let Erwin hurt Welt is a whole “hear me out” conversation on its own. So yes, I believe a part of her died that day with Welt and the other - later on with the death of her "ultimate navigator" Planck (I still think about how she shortly mentioned that that period was a nightmare for the organization). Now she's just Doctor Einstein and even though she acts as her younger self from time to time she still feels like an... empty cold vessel with an escapistic fixation on work, books and games. And if she has no Tesla to tease, no work to do, no book to read and no game to play, she escapes into nostalgic thoughts. Does she really care about the future of the world and humanity? Because I think she can't care less about 99% people around her. She and Joachim are just driven by symbolic and twisted sense of Welt's legacy who thought his death would be insignificant and then it turned their lives upside down and inside out. Does she even care about Joachim or just sees him as a part of Welt’s legacy? 
But back to the 1956. 
Would it be too sadistic to imagine she had a long dream in which no one died whilst she was in coma? I remember I had an old headcanon similar to this one but it's about present days where 14th Herrscher puts everyone to sleep with an ideal dream. And it back loops to the moment when Ein wakes up in sweat early in the morning in the villa of Southend-on-Sea.  
But anyway. The moment when she woke up from coma...I’m no writer but let’s say her consciousness awakened before her sensations. She couldn't understand where she was or who she was. She didn't remember what happened. And this void of perception caused both calmness and unease for her, everything around felt like through fathomless water. It was hard for her to open eyes and concentrate because she was met by blinding light and dizziness instead. Her hands were shaking, and her body was shivering when she tried to get up. As she called for Welt and Tesla her lips felt numb and every word seemed to scratch her throat, taking away all her energy so that she was ready to fall asleep again. And let’s say Tesla woke up sooner than Ein so that Nicola and Emma were both in anticipation and fear of the moment when she would wake up only to split her life into “before” and “after” with mere three words. She would be in denial and panic would slowly rise up her throat. As the realisation set in, she would slowly suffocate on the verge of tears. Because all of it was so unfair, she entrusted her little World’s fate to the world, and it took him away. She failed to protect him, and the guilt slowly consumed her from the inside day after day, year after year. And to give her an eternal life with an option of ending it by her will is... sigh. I hope she and Tesla at least got sedative pills while in hospital. 
So that’s when Tesla and Ein formed a strong bond. But their problem is that they are constantly keeping all their opinions, feelings and thoughts to themselves (yes, even Tesla) and most likely it resulted in various quarrels and then Emma helped them realise that from now on they only have each other and the life will go on but in the end... they will be the only one left.  
Sometimes I forget that not long after all of this hospital chaos they took part in numerous interviews with Joachim who had to shapeshift into Welt's appearance, and he had to do that for years. That's almost as dreadful as getting eternal lives.  
As you can see, I can endlessly talk about them and all the known scenes they took part in after 1955. I honestly tried to write my thoughts as short as possible, and I hope you don’t regret opening this door into abyss of my endless thoughts with your question. 
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Three Hundred Forty-Two: Taking Chances ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata ] [ SasuHina, gun ] [ Verse: Of Monsters and Men ] [ AO3 Link ]
She was never really the type to take chances, but then, well...Uchiha Sasuke came into her life, and nothing has been the same.
Hinata had been trying all her life to just be a normal girl. She went to school, never skipped, got good grades. Maybe not enough to be top of the class, but close. Bookish, introverted, and shy, she coasted through most of her educational years alone. Her grades did well, but...her social life, not so much. It wasn’t until college where she really began to branch out a bit. She met a few other girls her age taking what was meant to be her core classes that they were taking as electives: those relating to horticulture. Sakura took it slightly as a vanity project, given her name. And Ino’s family owned a flower shop in her hometown. The former wanted to become a doctor, and the latter wanted to study cosmetology. While Hinata didn’t consider either of them close friends...they were the closest she’d gotten to the notion in quite some time.
The changes college brought about meant changes in her, too. Ever so slightly, she felt herself growing bolder. She’d skip study hours to go with them to movies. Listen in to gossip as the pair would mull over boys in their classes or spotted on campus. None of it was really her typical style, but...she told herself she liked it. Told herself it was normal to befriend people her age, especially girls, and actually do things besides study and lurk online.
And then life had to go and make her wish she’d never stepped outside her comfort zone.
It was stupid. She knew it was stupid. But she also told herself it wasn’t that big of a deal. The odds of something going wrong were surely not that high. Her university city is big, sure...but the crime rate isn’t too high. Surely a quick jaunt on her own wasn’t going to land her in any trouble, right?
Walking quickly and eyes flickering, she’d found herself suddenly grabbed by an arm and dragged into an alleyway. Heartbeats soared with panic, mind screaming, “I told you so!” as a man leered down at her, gripping her neck and pinning her up against the building behind her.
But it wasn’t just any man. This man wasn’t human...he just looked the part, sans the bright red eyes and sharp teeth in his grin.
Hinata knew what he was. She’d seen beings like him since she was small. A talent - or in her mind, a curse - she’d had for as long as she could remember...one her father had insisted she stamp out, ignore, somehow cure herself of.
But for all her playing ignorant, for all her pretending not to see...Hinata could never fully escape her sight.
And even then...it wouldn’t have saved her.
No...her saving grace came in the form of another man. Another vampire. This one wielding a gun and demanding the attacker let her go. Claimed to be an Enforcer...whatever that meant.
The word had stiffened her assailant, bolting only to be struck down. Hinata was alive...and in shock. Though, admittedly, not as much as a typical human would be.
The officer attempted to drug her, to help her forget...but there would be no forgetting. She’d been privy for their world long before then.
The world of monsters...of Nightwalkers.
Awakening something long buried within herself, she’d managed to break free with what felt like a kind of...magic.
And then she fled.
She had fully expected that to be the last incident. No more taking chances - she’d just...hole herself up in her dorm when not in classes, and get through the rest of her schooling without anything else going wrong.
But Ino and Sakura were relentless, and a few weeks later insisted she join them for another movie. No matter her insistence otherwise, they wouldn’t let up...and finally she caved. The movie itself was fine, the gaggle of them heading back to the station to take the train back across the city. But little Hinata, short of stature in the crowds, was lost and left behind.
And that’s when he found her again.
Part of her had panicked, wondering if he was here to arrest her, or try to take her away. But all he’d offered was a ride back, given she’d missed her train.
Wary...she’d agreed, part of her admittedly curious about him, and his world. He’d introduced himself as Uchiha Sasuke: a vampire, and a kind of officer tasked with protecting their world from detection.
He also told her she wasn’t human. Not...completely. Hinata, as it turned out, was an odd in-between. The term varied by culture, but in Japan they were often called mikos...or in less friendly terms, witches.
It had been...only partially shocking. Hinata had always known she was different, but wasn’t aware of how rare, or that she wasn’t just crazy, but...simply something different than anyone else she’d ever known.
To her detriment, however...the rather handsome vampire was spotted taking her home, spurring rumors and begetting interrogations from her friends. Barely holding them off with his tale of being a cop (which...was true, just not the way they thought), she’d found herself at a crossroads. No longer could she keep trying to be blind to the other world, but...doing so would make existing in the human half difficult.
Sasuke kept contacting her. Kept trying to learn more about her. About her lineage. The pair grew closer. She even dared to call him a friend. And that friendship was tested when Sasuke found himself wounded nearby her campus, stopping in and asking for her help...only to end up drinking her proffered blood to help overcome the silver-inflicted injury.
...but that’s when the trouble truly started.
There was something...else between them now. The act had felt...strangely intimate. Hinata wasn’t sure what to call it. But it wasn’t long after that she found herself dragged into a political disaster.
Sasuke’s boss - the leader of his coven, and one of the most powerful Nightwalkers in the world, Uchiha Madara - had finally taken interest in Sasuke’s little project of studying witches. He had her kidnapped, dragged to one of his many hideaways...and wanted to study her for himself.
It was then Sasuke showed his true colors at last. Nearly going feral with anger, he’d been stopped only by his brother in an attempt to attack the Japanese vampiric Senator of the Nightwalker Senate. Madara, explaining more of their history, also put the pieces together and declared that Sasuke had fallen quite deeply in love with the little witch, if his reaction to her being stolen away told them anything.
...Hinata wasn’t sure what to think.
But that wasn’t all Madara wanted. Backing her into a corner, he forced (under a guise of choice) Hinata to agree to work for him: to ally her budding powers to him and his own. She was given a week to think it over, during which she consulted Sasuke...but there wasn’t much to discuss.
To refuse was to be killed.
...she’s taken a few days to - rather than mull the ‘offer’ over - simply...come to terms with it. Part of her still isn’t sure about...well, anything. But though meeting Sasuke has led to this entire chain of events...she can’t bring herself to regret it. Any of it.
She knew that, eventually, there’d be no more running. Either she’d accept her oddity, or she’d succumb to it. And if nothing else...well, at least she’s finally made a true friend. Conquered her fear. And become a person she never really thought she could be.
Staring up at the doors before them, Hinata turns to Sasuke. As he’s been since Madara’s revelation, he holds a carefully blank expression. She has yet to address the accusation of his being in love with her. Partly because there’s just...too much else to think about. But mostly because she really isn’t sure how she feels, given the chaos that has ensued since learning the truth. There’s been no time to sit and think about it. Consider their history, their bond, their experiences...and the feelings they all bring.
But at the very least...she knows he’s the most genuine friend she has. No one else has ever cared about her like he does...even if the birth of their bond was an odd one.
So, with a small glance to his hand, she gently reaches and takes it. Unlike all of those silly vampire stories, it isn’t cold or hard...but warm. Calloused. Maybe just a little sweaty.
It feels so...human. Even if she knows he isn’t.
But mostly it feels...familiar. Comforting. Reassuring.
It makes her feel that she can do this...so long as she doesn’t have to do it alone.
A hint of a smile curls her lips before looking up to his face. “...yeah. I think I am. Are you…?”
“...if you can do this, so can I.”
That earns a brief laugh. “And here I was t-thinking the exact opposite.”
“Some people tell me that what I do makes me brave, but...in a lot of ways, it’s what those like me have always done. But you...you’re being far braver than I’ve ever been, Hinata. You’re taking one hell of a chance with this. For someone like you to do what you’re doing...that takes far more guts. I hope you realize that.”
Her smile just softens. “...I guess so. It just feels like...w-what I’m supposed to do. And...thank you for being with me.”
“I can’t abandon you now - you wouldn’t be in this mess if not for me.”
“...no, I wouldn’t be.” Slowly, her expression warms. “...but I think...I-I think that, as much as it’s cost...it’s been worth it...ne?” Her grip on his hand tightens.
Something flashes through his eyes for the briefest of moments. “...if you say so, then...guess it’s true.”
“...come on. Let’s...get this over with.”
     (This is a sequel to days 35, 44, 52, 80, 82, 105, 115, 133, 159, 162, 188, 193, 289, 298, 307, 310, and 317!)       I am...so behind OTL And this is really late. Like...almost 20 days late. I'm just so stinkin' burnt out and busy and blegh. So lemme just apologize for like the fiftieth time about how badly this is crumbling here toward the end. Life is just really making it difficult these last few weeks. I'm sorry.      BUT, either way, I'll finish! Just...very late, ahaha~      Anyway, on to the story. A bit more of the Nightwalkers crossover. Sort of a recap kinda thing given just how LONG this one's gone on, and partly as a refresher for myself. I LOVE this accidental mini series, and have every intention of making it into a proper fic down the road, and even have the ending plotted, which is exciting! So I don't want to go TOO much further with it during the challenge. But this prompt just...insisted on being in this verse, lol      I'd...say more but I'm very tired. It's 3am and I'm a doof for being so late, but...guh. Writing is a real struggle nowadays, so hopefully y'all don't mind being patient with me ;w; Either way, that's all for now...thanks for reading!
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heymeowmao · 5 years
[Full] Our Song _ E11 (Last in rankings today (fourth place) will leave. Last episode next week.)
4:17 - MC: Na-jie is back with the team, and XZ can finally breathe a breath of relief. He finally let Na-jie come back and has withstood the challenges without her, right? But right now we have a different situation, which is that they haven’t met for a while. Tonight is an important match. XZ, you won’t let Na-jie only come back this once and then not again, right?  XZ: Of course not! Na-jie and I have not felt the passing of time at all, we’re still as compatible as ever! NY: I have communicated through phone, and I always ask him how the song selections are going.  
5:30 - MC: In order to pick our order today, we all went shooting. The only person to shoot a 10 was... /one day earlier/ MC: When you (XZ) film, you should have practiced this, right? XZ: Yep. NY: Ge, let me tell you. You might not win over him (XZ). While filming he’s been learning how to shoot. FYQ: Oh, he has experience? NY: Yes, yes. Be careful! XZ: Playing blind~
6:44 - WOW, Fei Yuqing shoots a 10 AND made it look so easy. 7:15 - XZ: NA-JIEEEEEE!!!! /shoots a 4/ oTL [total 18 points] 7:26 - FYQ getting ready... /Na-jie starts singing/ He misses. FYQ: Who was singing??! ZHJ: You definitely influenced him. 7:51 - NY: Let me sing another song. FYQ: /misses again/ [total 10 points]
8:32 - MC: Because FYQ’s skill is very good, he can give the #1 spot to another team. FYQ: Ah, number 1.... Who was it that sang “The Evening Bell of Nanping”? NY: /oops/ FYQ: Who sang “One Plum Blossom”? NY: HAHAHA
9:14 - MC: Team Na-Zhan will be the first to sing tonight. They’ll be fulfilling two expectations. The first is that Na-jie is back! What sort of stage will their collaboration bring to us this time? The second is that they had prepared this song a while ago but didn’t get the chance to sing (bc they passed into the next round already), and at the time I had asked XZ to sing a few lines. Since that time, the audience has been asking non-stop when we would hear the song in its entirety. Everyone. That time is now.
9:54 - XZ: Na-jie!!!! NY: What is this? We’re matching again today, too. XZ: Come quick, come quick! XZ: I really missed you. NY: You missed me? How did it go? XZ: Pretty good. I need to report to you my results. NY: I thought it was a payroll. XZ: LOL. This is our record for the past weeks. We got third place twice, but last time we got second. Pretty good. NY: Very good!
Na Ying x Xiao Zhan -  被风吹过的夏天 (Bei Feng Chui Guo De Xia Tian)
16:07 - XZ: /confused baby takes the fish from Na-jie/ NY: I’m sorry. MC: Na-jie. I’m sure in all your years on stage and in your life, you’ve never been gifted a bag of fish before, have you? NY: /giggling/ XZ: /still confused/ NY: You didn’t see, did you? XZ: ? NY: I dropped the fish. XZ: /WHAT?/ A: If he had seen I bet he also would have laughed. XZ: If I had seen I wouldn’t have been able to sing the last verse either
16:45 - NY: When we were practicing, XZ would only be holding an ID card. Look at this thing- all wet, and REAL fish. With water. I didn’t hold it properly and when I was walking behind you I dropped it. At that time- my heart shattered. NY: And then when I was sitting here, I held up the fish and then I remembered how I dropped them and I COULD NOT sing anymore.
17:15 - XZ: I didn’t know what happened. I thought I sang wrong, Na-jie! NY: You were great. You kept on singing until the end. XZ: I didn’t have any other choice
17:26 - NY: I’m really glad you didn’t see that. I really need to tell you I’m sorry. XZ: No, no, no, no. It’s his fault (the fish). It’s you. /pokes the fish/ 17:38 - A: We were laughing ourselves silly down here. I saw Huajian-dage over there... ZHJ: I knew it could definitely influence them, but I get more screen-time.
17:51 - MC: Let me ask HJ, do you think it’s alright to make mistakes on a live stage? ZHJ: Of course! In this world, who can compare to me in terms of making mistakes on stage? JYQ: Big Bro “Forgetting the Lyrics”  ZHJ: Not only forgetting the lyrics. I’ve written a whole new song before.  ZHJ: This has to be said though, Xiao Zhan has improved a lot.
Hacken Lee x Zhou Shen -  大会堂演奏厅 (Da Hui Tang Yan Zou Ting)
30:06 - MC: Hacken wrote the lyrics for this song in 1988, when he was just 21 years old. A lot of people know his songs, but I must let everyone know that he’s written lyrics for more than 80 songs.
Fei Yuqing x Ayanga -  新鸳鸯·蝴蝶梦 (Xin Yuan Yang - Hu Die Meng) + Ayanga in a Pikachu sweater. Never thought I’d see it.
37:55 - MC: I need to say, from my standpoint, the one I could see the most clearly was Xiao Zhan. It looked like there was something shining from deep within his eyes. XZ: I feel very touched. I felt like I could hear in the song a hopeful feeling. It was divine, and made me see “hope” and the “future”. It’s very abstract, but I liked it a lot. NY: As soon as FYQ opened his mouth, I felt (indescribable). I realized that in the music industry, he’s too superior.  -- NY: I’ve been thinking to myself- how could FYQ not continue to sing anymore.[FYQ is retiring, after this show is over, he will not be singing professionally anymore.] At the very last moment, now here is Ayanga. When he stood there singing I came to realize that even when Xiao Ge doesn’t sing anymore, he could be relieved that Ayanga is there to sing in his place. 
Zhou Huajian x Jiang Yiqiao -  虎口脱险 (Hu Kou Tuo Xian)
Na Ying x Xiao Zhan -  恼人的秋风 (Nao Ren De Qiu Feng)
1:00:20 - MC: Hold on! We need to confirm something first. Could the female singer please say a few words? (/confirm it is really Na Yin XD/) NY: He’ll talk first. Him first. MC: I really do not dare believe this is our Na-jie! Audience: Team Na-Zhan! x10000 NY: What about us? Audience: You’re great!!! NY: Do you think we can turn this around (win another round)? Audience: /cheering/ MC: XZ, tell me. Whose idea was this? XZ: Actutally, it was Na-jie. She said she wanted to pay tribute. MC: ??? NY: It’s because previously we heard Hacken and Zhou Shen sing the “Ye Lang Disco”. After I saw that I thought that we also should sing a song like that. I wanted to pay tribute to my 80′s. MC: XZ. When you heard about the song, did you not even hesitate for a second? NY: He ignored me for a whole day! XZ: No, Na-jie! I really was working! I wouldn’t dare (ignore you)! NY: I was thinking “Oh shoot. He probably doesn’t like it.” MC: Or maybe he got scared.  XZ: Honestly I did hesitate at first. I didn’t think I would be able to control it. But Na-jie said she wanted it retro, and she explained her vision to me, and I was convinced. I said if we’re going to do it, let’s [go big or go home]. So we tried a retro style.
1:02:05 - MC: You know, with Na-jie.. it’s very rare that we have the chance to see you sing AND dance on stage.  ZHJ: And she danced very well! NY: I really need to thank XZ for practicing the steps with me all the time. When we were sitting there, too, he was counting the beats for me. You all know that even when I walk normally I’m a little uncoordinated. So this (dance) was really hard for me. You may not have seen, but up there where the lyrics are, the choreographer was there, showing me the steps. 
1:02:53 - MC: Let me tell you, ever since we started battling in teams, this is the first time that FYQ forgot to hold his pen and paper.  1:03:44 - ZHJ: I know you are all very happy, but have you thought about how we feel? (ZHJ x JYQ, who have to sing next). You two... do you have to be so cruel? NY: In this music competition, you HAVE TO be this cruel.  ZHJ: If we could vote, I’d vote for you to win.  ZHJ: I’m really happy and thankful to have made it this far in the competition. It doesn’t even feel like one at this point. We’re all here to appreciate each other. I really want to thank the two of you for letting us open our eyes and ears. Especially Na-jie. NY: This is not easy for me. ZHJ: You’re obviously someone who can just rely on your face... why do you have to sing so well? And why do you have to have such a nice figure? NY: Do you know how much I’ve suffered off this stage? I can’t eat all the good foods! YOU can eat a bowl of noodles, but I can only eat three strands! XZ: !! NY: And then I have to work out. I think if you still want to stand on stage, you have to maintain a healthy mind/body.  ZHJ: We will still work hard! Watch out for us!
Zhou Huajian x Jiang Yiqiao -  其实不想走 (Qi Shi Bu Xiang Zou | Don’t Want to Go)
1:05:11 - NY: This title makes my heart hurt. ZHJ: We can only play the sympathy card now.
1:12:24 - MC: When I was conversing with HJ before, he had told me that there was a singer that he always wanted to sing with- that singer is Na-jie. NY: ?! Audience: /sing sth!/
1:13:13 - ZHJ: Work with me here, is there any of my songs that you’ve heard? NY: I can sing any/all of your songs. MC: Can I request one? Because the two of your teams.... only one will continue in the competition, and now you have to part ways. So the only thing I can think of is “ 让我欢喜让我忧” (Make Me Happy Make Me Worry)
多想說聲我真的愛妳 I want to say I really love you 多想說聲對不起妳 I want to say I’m sorry to you 妳哭著說情緣已盡 You cry and say the relationship is over 難再續 難再續 It’s too hard to continue, too hard to continue
就請妳給我多一點點時間 再多一點點問候 Just please give me just a little more time, just a little more greetings 不要一切都帶走 Don’t take everything and go 就請妳給我多一點點空間 再多一點點溫柔 Just please give me just a little more space, just a little more tenderness 不要讓我如此難受  Don’t make me so uncomfortable
ZHJ: Wait, there’s more I have to sing
妳這樣一個女人 讓我歡喜讓我(+們)憂 A woman like you, makes me happy and makes US worry (he changed the lyrics from “me” to “us”) 讓我甘心為了妳付出我(+們)所有 Let me be happy for you, give US everything
1:16:39 - MC: I’ve been listening to a song recently that I really like, and I’ve written down a few of the lyrics to share with you. I think it suits this stage and everyone’s thinking. We say that this society runs too fast sometimes. So how fast is it? [Lyrics to Zhou Huajian’s most recent release “少年” Shao Nian (Youth)]
有时候来不及沉淀 岁月总是跑在灵魂的前面 Sometimes it’s too late to rush, years go by passing faster than the soul 好在还有一点信念 陪我们完成每一天 Fortunately I still have a little faith to accompany us to complete the day 别忘记心中的少年 狂奔的勇敢的 Don’t forget the youth still in your heart, hasty, brave 最初的少年 The youth you were at first
MC: We’ve been waiting six years for a new song from Huajian. Could you tell us about this song? ZHJ: Let me speak directly. For people my age, it’s hard to walk into a record shop... it’s highly likely that there aren’t many songs we can choose to listen to. That’s not to say that the current music of the youth isn’t good, it’s just that when you reach a certain age, there’s inevitably going to be that generational gap. I wanted to be able to give people in my generation a choice. For the past six years I’ve been thinking about this, and it’s only in the past year that I realized that after having written eight songs I was always talking about the past, when I was young. That’s how I thought of the theme, the title- “shao nian.” When I finished making the song I found it interesting. I used the word “youth” to look at the faces of everyone around me. The people I know now, the people I’ve known for years, the people I am getting to know. There’s a youth inside all of us. No matter what age you are now, whether 60 or 70, there’s a youth inside you. Don’t hide them. Let them out. 
Goodbye to Zhou Huajian and Jiang Yiqiao :’(
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Sunny~ I’m sorry for taking so long to respond to this OTL last night was my 9th day of working in a row so I just fell asleep when I got home. BUT! I have 4 days off now and get to rest :’) I love you so so much and I hope you’re doing well, my sweet little tulip~
6. How did you get to be so beautiful?
Oh stop it you :P 💕
12. Who do you look up to?
Role models? Most of them are musicians: Freddie Mercury, David Bowie, Elton John. But I really admire Rami Malek, Chris Evans and Emma Watson too. And my aunt; one of the strongest women I know :’)
20. What’s your hairstyle?
Dude idk 😂 you’ve seen my hair! Dirty blonde waves? Kinda beachy hair but not beachy hair? Straight when blow-dried? IDEK!!!
27. Have you ever wished on a star? A falling eyelash?
34. Who makes you happy?
You~ @starlightstae, @bang-tan-bitches, @aloosefangirl, @tryingtostudyblr, all my other mutuals and followers and readers~
35. What makes you happy?
Sleep 😂 long relaxing baths, good coffee and hot chocolate, great food, great movies, my cat, music, reading, rainfall, waterfalls, sweet flowers; just the small things :’)
42. Do you like MBIT? What’s your MBIT?
I do! I am an INFJ~
48. Does smiling put you in a better mood? Try it right now! Your smile is gorgeous.
Mmm kinda sorta 😂 and gosh golly I hope so after the 2+ years of braces and extractions I’ve had done to my mouth.
81. Sunrise or sunsets?
East coast sunrises and West coast sunsets...gosh I miss the California sunsets so much :(
90. What’s your favorite personality trait that you have?
Oh goodness...I’d say I love my motherly trait the most :’)
98. How’s your day/night going?
Wonderfully~ I got 10 hours of sleep, just bought and downloaded new Sims content, I have pizza and hot chocolate and I’m ready to relax during my 4 days off~ Oh! And payday is today and on Friday, so I’m super excited for that~
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fly-sky-high-09 · 6 years
I'm tagged by @homebounddude Eeyy thanks!
1. Nickname:
-Furi-chan, just Furi or Fur and Flurry, Sky for folks online, Joka for family folks
2. Sun sign:
-Scorpio ouo;;;
3. Height:
4. Last movie I saw:
-and like, watch it from start to end.... I can't remember OTL I am certain I watched something while I was sick in bed for a month but I can't remember what it was, sorry! I don't watch movies often fjwjdjsjsbc
5. Last thing I googled:
-BUCKLE UP YOU'RE GONNA LOVE THIS.... It's orgasmatron! The thing to scratch your head with! .... Yeah! It's called like that! *sobs*
6. Favorite musician/band:
-Don't have those... *sweats while looking at her playlist full of ost music and two steps from hell*
7. Songs stuck in my head:
-Full time from 7 deadly sins I think! Does that even count as a song?
8. Other blogs:
-I got @fly-sky-high-arts for art, @fly-sky-high-rising for flight rising funsies and the RP account tumblr doesnt want to tag for some reason @gravitation-switch
9. Do I get asks?
-Nah and don't need those
10. Blogs following:
-I am typing all of thia from mobile so who knows but probably a lot (from which a lot are dead now)
11. Amount of sleep I had:
-I think it was 7 hours this time! Would have slept longer but cat happened.
12. Lucky numbers:
13. Dream job:
-Storyboard artist (preproduction really), web comic artist or creature concept art artist
14. Dream vacation:
-I have no freaking clue cuz I don't have a chance to travel much but right now I feel like any small village or town with fresh air and mountains.
15. Favorite food:
-Mom's home made lasagna!
16. Play any instruments:
-Nope, no proper hand coordination for that but I feel like I have an ear for sound and keys so I do like to sing if I can! My "voice color" isn't the best tho...
17. Languages:
-Serbian and English
18. Favorite song:
-Crap... Uhhh at the moment??? Uuuuuhhhh *flips through her OST music* ... Anything from digimon really... Specifically anything with Wada Koji from Xros Wars
19. Describe yourself as aesthetic things:
-Soft things like pillows or blankets, cosy sleep or nights in general, warm drinks or morning coffee, favorite plushies, trips to the zoo, casual chatters between small group of friends, sketchbook full of doodles made from relaxed feelings and fun, reading that one book or manga you wait to sit and get to after a hard day, refreshing silence of your isolated room... I hope I got the gist of aesthetic idea
20. ??? It went missing lol
21. Current hobbies:
-Obsessing over frp or dnd sessions and characters hahahaha! But also listening to podcasts (or watching animated episodes) of alike. I doodle personal stuff and that's all I can manage until I graduate this year :') I still manage to rp but not as much, my muses have been kind of scattered and gone missing lol
Das it, I'm not tagging anyone so HAVE FUN WITH THIS WHO EVER CHOOSES TO DO SO!
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edgelord-saeran · 6 years
Happy almost birthday!!!! How about 36, MC to Unknown?
36. “I ran out of gas, and I have no fucking idea where I am. Can you please come help me?”
“Fuck.” She muttered as her car failed to start again. 
She’d driven out to meet with her friend for lunch. She hadn’t realized how low on gas she had been when she’d left, and it really didn’t help that the directions she’d been given were absolute garbage.
“’Take this short cut, MC! It’ll get you home faster!’” She said in a high pitched voice as she dug in her bag for her phone. “Faster my ass. All I am is lost.”
She unlocked her phone and stared at her contact list. Who should she call? She knew that Jumin would most likely send a car for her if she asked, but if she was being honest, she wasn’t sure how quickly she’d be able to get in contact with him. And if she was being honest, she didn’t want to bother the others.
She grinned, suddenly realizing the one person that answered whenever she called.
“Unknown~ I need you~” She said, as soon as he picked up.
“It’s the middle of the day. Do you miss me that badly?” He flirted back.
“That and I ran out of gas, and I have no fucking idea where I am. Can you please come help me?” She said. There was silence on the other side of the phone. “Unknown?”
“I should hang up on you.” He said, mood clearly gone sour.
“Please don’t.”
“Do you know how to send me your location on your phone?” He finally sighed.
“No.” She mumbled. He huffed again.
“Give me a second.” He mumbled. She pulled the phone away from her ear to see it flash green with code. “Got it. I’ll be there in about 20 minutes.”
He still sounded slightly annoyed and she bit her lip.
“Sorry.” she mumbled.
“Don’t worry about it. You’ll just have to make it up to me.” He said, and she could hear the smile in his voice. She smiled softly as well.
“I will.” She promised him.
(Thank you for the birthday wishes! Sorry I’m late responding OTL)
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toheartt · 6 years
30 questions tag 💫 i was tagged by @lilbubtaemin thank you so much!! 💖
1. Favorite smell? Cotton, linen, rain, grass, cucumber (sorry taem!! 😋)
2. Last time you cried? Today...several times...
3. Favorite pizza? Veggie, all the veggies!
4. Favorite flower? I don't know what they're called but I see these intricate miniature dainty wildflowers on my running trail and they look like this:
Tumblr media
5. Favorite animal? Cat, deer, panda
6. Did you go to University? Yes
7. Untie shoes when taking off? Only if they're like dress shoes or oxfords
8. Rollercoasters? *key voice* Hell no
9. Favorite ice cream? Vanilla with fruit and gummy bears in it 🍓
10. Shorts or jeans? Jeans
11. Favorite type of music? I'm a ballad ho, so artists like Yesung, Roy Kim, Park Hyo Shin, that kind of thing 😄
12. Favorite TV show? I haven't watched anything recently! But I loved Drinking Solo.
13. Tattoos? Not yet, I'd like to get something small soon.
14. Hair color? Brown/ black
15. Eye color? Green
16. Favorite food? Soba noodles with broccoli slaw
17. Favorite holiday? Thanksgiving
18. Beer or wine? I'm intentionally avoiding both so I don't message anybody I shouldn't
19. Early morning or night owl? Early morning
20. Favorite day of the week? Blooming day
21. Nickname? Banana bear, vamp
22. Favorite season? Autumn and winter
23. Favorite get away place? Anywhere I can walk for a long long stretch and get lost in some music
24. Missing someone? Yeah
25. Dream vacation? England!!!
26. Any regrets? Sometimes I'm too low energy to do stuff with friends and then I  regret it later :/
27. Middle name? My mom didn't give me one otl
28. Go back to secondary school? No way!
29. Ocean or lake? Lake
30. Who do you think will do this?? It seems like some of my friends have already done this, if you feel like doing this, I tag you! 😚
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atalantaz · 7 years
Tag people things
I thought I was able to post the first two parts months ago BUT IT WAS JUST IN MY DRAFTS OTL
So here I am... I’ll just put them all in one post for convenience, plus it is also long so 
Arrives months late with Milk ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
I got tagged by @unerringherring, thank you for the tag! Sorry to have kept you waiting;;
Rules: You can tell a lot about a person by the music they listen to. Put your playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs.
My music taste? Nonexistent. It’s all over the place
1. Holding Out For a Hero - Bonnie Tyler
2. Do As Infinity / 深い森(Fukai Mori)
3. DESPAIR (MACARON/ マカロン but Dangan Ronpa Inspired) - MissPavalova
4. I forgot I had this in my playlist holy shit
5. Hall of Fame - The Script
6. poison -劇薬- 狛枝凪斗(CV.緒方恵美) - Yes, this is what you think it is
7. Kill The Lights - Set It Off
8.  光るなら/Goose house
9. Wired Life - Meisa Kuroki
10. Immortals - Fall Out Boy
Tagged by @dettouo thankies for the tag~ My apologies for the late reply! OTL
Rules: Answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers/people you’d like to get know better.
Name: ╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆*:・゚
Nickname: I go by Sera/Sefira
Zodiac: ♎
Height: Last I checked I was Maki height
Orientation: Panro
Nationality: Balut
Favourite Fruit: Mango, and then Lychee
Favourite Season: We don’t have 4 seasons here, only the ‘hot and dry’ season and ‘cold and wet’ season, and I prefer the latter
Favourite Book: I barely read books lately but I recently watched The Little Prince’s movie and now I remember 10 year old me reading the book but didn’t understand much 
Favourite Flower: Forget-me-nots
Favourite Scent: HMMM freshly washed sheets, I guess? And maybe duavent because I need it to live
Favourite Colour: Tsumugi Shirogane’s color palette Light blue, blue in general
Favourite Animal: Dolphins
Coffee | Tea | Hot cocoa: Depends on my mood, lately I drink more tea than most
Average sleep hours: Ranging from 4 to 10 
Cat or dog person: I want to have a pet cat but I miss my dog
Favorite fictional character: I think I’ve made it obvious who it is, but if not from the Danganronpa franchise then it’ll be Mephisto Pheles from Ao no Exorcist
Number of blankets you sleep with: one or none 
Dream trip: Oh this is hard, since I do want to go to Japan, Canada, Austria, New Zealand, and some parts of the US. I guess Japan then? Gotta get all those DR merch PFFFF
Blog created: Aug 2015 
Number of followers:  How many sentient Monokuma are there
Random fact:  
⚠ VIDEO WARNING FOR V3 END GAME CONTENT ⚠ http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm31246442 is my favorite MMD video of all time and you can assume I’m dead once I don’t watch this once a day.
Other than that, I’ve been binge watching a lot of V3 videos, whether they were Drew It or MMD videos, just to fill the void in my heart that was left by V3
Tagged by @morally-ambiguous-llama! Thank you so much for the tag! ^^
1.) Tag 9 people you want to know more about: 
2.) BOLD those statements that are true for you
I am 5'7" or taller
I wear glasses
I have at least one tattoo
I have at least one piercing
I have blonde hair
I have brown eyes
I have short hair
My abs are at least somewhat defined
I have or have had braces
I love meeting new people
People tell me that I’m funny
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me
I enjoy physical challenges
I enjoy mental challenges
I’m playfully rude with people I know well
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it
There is something I would change about my personality
I can sing well
I can play an instrument
I can do over 30 pushups without stopping
I’m a fast runner
I can draw well
I have a good memory
I’m good at doing math in my head
I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute (its been years since I last went swimming so idk)
I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch
I know how to throw a proper punch
I enjoy playing sports
I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
I have learned a new song in the past week
I work out at least once a week
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
I have drawn something in the past month
I enjoy writing
I do or have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss
I have had alcohol
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting
I have been at an overnight event
I have been in a taxi
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past years
I have beaten a video game in one day
I have visited another country
I have been to one of my favourite band’s concerts
I’m in a relationship 
I have a crush on a celebrity
I have a crush on someone I know
I have been in at least 3 relationships
I have never been in a relationship
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
I get crushes easily
I have had a crush on someone for over a year
I have had feelings for a friend
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend”
I live close to my school (high school, not my uni)
My parents are still together
I have at least one sibling
I live in the United States
There is snow right now where I live
I have hung out with a friend in the past month
I have a smartphone
I have at least 15 CDs
I share my room with someone
I have breakdanced
I know a person named Jamie
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce
I have dyed my hair
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now
I have punched someone in the past week
I know someone who has gone to jail
I have broken a bone
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what I want to do with my life
I speak at least 2 languages 
I have made a new friend in the past year
Aaaand that’s all! I didn’t want to tag anyone because I don’t want to take up their time ^^’ that, and I think by now most people have done these sort of things?;;
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seitsuya · 7 years
Tagged by @fadeslikewhispers​
WHISP IM SORRY THIS TOOK ME FOREVER OTL. Literally I’ve tried doing this twice already and both times tumblr decided to crash on me. But hey third time’s the charm yeh
1) Are you really ready for 93 questions?
Not really but I’m not backing out now
2) Was your last real relationship a mistake?
Was it even a real relationship 
3) Who did you last say “I love you" to?
My parents
4) Do you regret it?
Why would i regret saying i love you to my parents haha
5) Have you ever been depressed?
Been depressed, I don’t think so? Felt depressed, yes
6) Are you a boy or girl?
100% girl
7) Who is your best friend?
Someone from school, I don’t actually know her tumblr ;;
8) How do you want to die?
If possible, without pain
9) What did you last eat?
Instant noodles
10) Played any sports?
I used to swim and play badminton a lot. I also did cheerleading?
11) Do you bite your nails?
12) When was your last physical fight?
I’ve never gotten into a physical fight before
13) Do you have an attitude?
I guess I do sometimes 
14) Do you like someone?
Romantically, no
15) What is your real name?
16) Are you gonna get high later?
I don’t do drugs 
17) Do you hate anyone at the moment?
No one in particular
18) Do you miss someone?
@fadeslikewhispers​, I haven’t talked to you in ages and yes I miss you a lot ;;
19) Twirl or cut your spaghetti?
20) Do you tan a lot?
Not really? Only when we had sports festival at school, when we had to practice cheerleading and stuff like that
21) Have any pets?
I had a golden retriever and koi and parrot fishes a few years back, not anymore though
22) How exactly are you feeling?
A lil stressed
23) Ever eaten food in a car while someone or yourself is driving?
Definitely yes
24) Ever made out in the bathroom?
25) Would you take any of your exes back?
Hell no
26) Are you scared of spiders?
Not really
27) Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
28) Do you regret anything from your past?
A lot of things
29) What are your plans for this weekend?
Celebrate a friend’s birthday, meet up with a friend I haven’t met in 2 years omg, watch bts.. idk I haven’t really planned much
30) Do you want to have kids?
Um not really? I’m not that good with kids tbh
31) Did you ever kiss someone whose name starts with an M?
32) Do you type fast?
I’m not sure if it would be considered fast. Average speed?
33) Do you have piercings? How many?
2, one on each ear
34) Want any more?
I kinda do yes
35) Can you spell well?
Yes and no
36) Do you miss anyone from your past?
Occasionally, I do
37) What are you craving right now?
38) Ever been to a bonfire party?
39) Have you ever been on a horse?
I think so?? Probably when I was younger 
40) Kissed someone in a pick up truck?
41) Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
Probably yes
42) Have you ever been cheated on?
43) Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
Apparently I have, but I’m not sure if they really cried or if they were just trying to mess with my feelings
44)Would you live with someone without marrying them?
45) What should you be doing?
Studying, writing
46) What’s irritating you right now?
Nothing much
47) Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurts?
48) Does somebody love you?
I sure hope so
49) What is your favourite colour?
Red, black, white, pastel colours
50) Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?
51) Do you have trust issues?
I guess
52) Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
I’d say so, yes
53) Do you believe your most recent ex thinks about you? 
Who knows. I hope not.
54) Who was the last person you cried to?
One of my best friends
55) Do you give out second chances too easily?
56) Is it easier to forgive or forget?
lol I literally never forget, forgiving someone is easier for me
57) Is this year the best year of your life?
58) What was your child hood nickname?
I don’t think I had any. That or I just don’t remember 
59) Have you ever walked outside completely naked?
When I was a kid probably 
60) Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
61) What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
Read some fics
62) Do you socialize often?
63) What is bothering you?
Need some time to figure that out
64) Have you ever been out of your state?
65) Do you play the Wii?
66) Are you listening to music right now?
67) Do you like Chinese food?
Depends on what chinese food but most of the time yes
68) Do you know your fathers b- day?
69) Are you afraid of the dark?
70) Is cheating ever okay?
wtf hell no 
71) Are you mean?
72) Can you keep white shoes clean?
Maybe for the first few weeks or so 
73) Do you believe in true love?
Not really. I’d like to though
74) Do you like the outside?
75) Are you currently bored?
A bit
76) Do you wanna get married?
Haven’t given it much thought
77) Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
I guess, it depends 
78) Are you hungry?
Not really
79) Have you ever made out for more than a half hour straight? 
Literally have never made out with anyone so no
80) What makes you happy?
Too many things to list out
81) Would you change your name?
82) Ever been to Alaska?
83) Do you watch the news?
84) What’s your zodiac sign?
85) Do you like Subway?
86) Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
87) Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
My best friend of the opposite sex is gay lmao. Hypothetical best friend. I’d probably tell them I’m not interested and try my best to stay friends with them. Or if I’m interested then who knows, maybe I’d try dating them
88) Do you talk like your friends? 
I get influenced really easily tbh so sometimes i do HAHA
89) Have you ever seen someone you knew & purposely avoided them?
90) Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?
91) Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? 
One of my best friends, through text
92) Does it matter if your boyfriend smokes?
93) Can you count to one million?
I mean, in what situation would you need to do this?? I’d probably mess up a quarter way through 
Tagging: @liablackpandora, @tetsya, @tealilte.. I don’t actually know who else to tag but if anyone wants to do this, feel free! If you don’t want to do this, that’s fine too, no pressure ^^
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sakyou · 7 years
Thanatos Night Vol. 6 Duran (Full Translation)
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This CD made me sad, very sad. Duran isn’t trash in the slightest so if you need something sweet without drowning in fluff I recommend this.
Please note there are slight mentions of domestic abuse. If that bothers you i’d probably give this one a miss.
Apologises for any mistakes, CDs aren’t my strong point and my brain turned to complete dust with this one OTL
(Translation under the cut - Do not use/repost without permission)
Track 1 - The one with the black wings
Noisy….so noisy…so nois- *crashes* What? Ha? What are you looking at? That aside you crashed into me apologise. Ha? Acquaintances? Sorry but I don’t know you. *sigh* bothersome. Dammit.
*Door opens*
*Bell rings*
*Tap on shoulder* Hm? Who are you? Classmate? I don’t recognise your face though. Hm? You refuse to come to school. I see. *Yawn* Yesterday? What? Crashed? With you? I don’t remember. Tired. 
*Bell rings* It’s finally lunch time huh. Ha? You again? *Sigh* What? Ha? I’m a demon? Are you alright in the head? I don’t understand what you mean though. Annoying.
Since earlier, what is it? How long do you plan on following me for? *Sigh* that again. Demon, demon it’s annoying though. Seriously are you not right in the head? 
Black wings? *Grabs* Don’t screw with me. You, you can see these right? Since when? Yesterday? Come to think of it you said you crashed in to me. That’s why even though you refuse to come to school you came to see me? You were nervous from afar but you came close to me, you’re quite nosy aren’t you?
But how unfortunate. I’m not a demon, I’m a fallen angel. Well demon or fallen angel it doesn’t change the fact that I take the lives of the people that can see these wings though.
What? Are you that desperate to die? Otherwise you wouldn’t be able to see these wings. Hmmm? *Grabs* in that case go die yourself. Why do I have to do something like that? *Tightens grip* Something like killing you is a pain. Don’t get yourself involved with me anymore *throws aside* Hmph *walks away*.
*sigh* You still haven’t learnt your lesson? 
That aside, that face. Why are you smiling? Ha? You’re happy I’m a fallen angel? I don’t understand though. You, just how much do you want to die? It would be fine to just go and kill yourself right?
You’re a coward so you can’t kill yourself? That’s why you want me to kill you. You’re disgusting and annoying. If you want to die that much then go die as you please. Don’t force it on me. *Leaves* 
Track 2 - Reason for wanting to die 
*Yawn* Ha? *Sigh* the other day you said you refused to come to school right?Why did you come again?  I don’t have anything I want to talk about so don’t keep coming back.
*sigh* How annoying. *grab* Let go of me. I told you to go die as you please didn’t I? Annoying.
*Bell rings*
*Sigh* You again. Isn’t it about time you give up. You’ll be disliked if you’re a persistent person. I’ve already said this but I won’t grant your wish. What a pain. You’re just going to ask me to help kill you, am I wrong? Ha, as I thought. Don’t bother me. If you want to die then go- Hm? Not really. *sigh* your wrist there’s a strange bruise on it. I see. 
*fades out*
*Yawn* what a pain. Ha? You followed me all the way to the library. Tsk. I’m going to kill that teacher. Nothing really. What I was doing has nothing to do with you. Haa annoying. He said I have to tidy up as punishment for dozing off in class, I have no intention of doing it though. Who’d listen to what a teacher says? Just leave me be it’s fine
If you’re going to say that then you do it for me. Didn’t you want me to kill you? If you were to deal with the books here then that should be easy right?
*Yawns* I’m tired. I’ll leave the rest to you *sleeps*.
*Taps shoulder*
Ah, *yawns* What? Ha? You’re done you say. Ah, he- you really did it all? what an idiot. *Laughs* you’re an idiot right? You could have just ignored it and gone home. That again. You really want me to kill you don’t you? I got it. For cleaning up i’ll kill you.
But, not now. Fallen angels can only kill humans on the night of the full moon. Fallen angels, on the night of the full moon send humans to their death by song. 
What are you so happy about? Ha? I’m saving you? I don’t understand what you mean though. What are you saying to a fallen angel that kills humans? Whether it’s dying or being rescued when you die it’s the same
You, do you really hate living that much? Hm? The people at home are violent towards you? The other day was because of that too? Well to be beaten to a bruise of that extent it would be hard, if a teacher was to notice it would be bothersome. Wouldn’t it be better to do something sooner? to think that it would be better to die, it wouldn’t be funny if you were to die right?
Ha? That kind of thing? You don’t want your family to be criminals? That’s why you said I was saving you by killing you? Well before that happens I wouldn’t want you to resist by saying you don’t want to die. If you’ll pass on to heaven easily then whatever is fine.
Then I’m heading home. My job here is already done and i’ve heard everything you have to say there’s nothing more to talk about right? It can’t be helped but I’ll kill you on the night of the full moon. So don’t pester me anymore
*Sighs* Although something bad happened to them they’re protecting them? As I thought they’re weird in the head.  
Track 3 - Saviour
What? We’re in the middle of self study now right? Just let me sleep *yawn* Whatever the issue is doesn’t matter. Even if you don’t listen to what the teacher says it’s not a problem.
Besides what we talked about before, there’s no point hanging around me until the night of the full moon comes, so why are you coming to school? Has your home been like that up until now? skipping school like that, you have ways of passing time right?
Ha? Is there some connection between me being here and you coming to school? your heart feels at ease? What’s that? Haa, you said that before too. As an angel rather, for me that became a fallen angel I saved a human, you
How laughable. That aside your being loud. Calm down. Not really. As long as you understand. 
Is that so. For you it’s the same either way. Then, if I was to say something as the person that saved you, you’d listen to whatever I say right? Then this, i’ll leave it to you. Do you dislike it? If you want to be of use to me then you shouldn’t have a problem doing it in my place right? What? Do you have a problem with that?
He- you’re really going to do it? Even though you’re going to die anyway, you’re strangely diligent *smirks* to think you’d want to live a proper student life up until the end huh? I see. Isn’t it fine? Do what you want. *stops writing* Your hand, it stopped. Do you have the motivation for this? You don’t know, ah that’s right up until now you haven’t been coming to school. 
Even though you were at home did you study? You proud of that? If you can’t solve the problem then you won’t be able to do them while studying right? Such a noisy person, i’m fine either way. Ha? Why do I have to? Just one question okay. The next question is 3, it’s 2:03 now that’s why rather than demonstrating you should be doing it right?  
Come on, hurry up and write it down. Your satisfied with that right? *yawn* Then, i’m going to sleep. You still want me to keep helping you geez, such a bothersome woman. *sigh* Ha? This is B, just a hunch. Didn’t I say do it instead of demonstrating, not to mention it’s surprisingly correct. There’s a 20% chance of being right. Well, multiple choice questions are limited though.
Oi don’t laugh, geez. *yawn* I’m tired from using my brain i’ll leave the rest to you. I’ve helped you enough already didn’t I? *falls asleep* 
*fades out*
What? Did I wake up because I felt you coming? Even if you didn’t come I would have gotten up
*yawns* Well? What do you want? Ah, you came because class is starting soon. I’m skipping. Since I was helping you earlier I didn’t get to sleep *yawns*
Whatever I do is nothing to do with you. Hurry up and head back to class. *bell rings* Look, class is beginning. You not going? Weren’t you going to attend class diligently until you die? 
Ha? Don’t tell me you plan to skip to? *smirks* Is that so. Then do what you want. Not really, keep it down. *yawns* the wind?
What? Wings? You find these kind of things pretty. I don’t really get it. Noisy. Don’t keep thinking about every single thing about fallen angels
Besides with you here I can’t sleep. My head is a little- Hey, hold on, here, button. If you don’t do it up then people can see. Don’t misunderstand it was the bruise, the bruise.
It’s there lightly on your neck. Your wrists too is it alright to be careless? They’re not hidden there either
Don’t tell me you hadn’t noticed until now. Someone at home again? It feels like it’s worse than the day before though. That’s nothing to laugh about right. Besides why do you come to school? You don’t want people to find out do you? *sigh* You said that before to. Because you want to be with me, you really are a nosy woman. 
Stay still. What are you turning red for? i’m just doing your button up
It’ll be trouble if someone found out right? So do it. Not really. I’m just going to kill you on the night of the full moon that’s all. Everything outside of that has nothing to do with me. *yawn* Don’t disturb me this time *yawn* tired.
Track 4 - Couldn’t die
*bell rings*
*yawns* I slept well. They, didn’t come today. Well it’s nice that it was peaceful though. Perhaps i’ll head home. 
Oh, oi. what are you doing sitting in a place like this? You, that injury. There’s no way that’s nothing. It’s worse than usual. Did they hurt you again? 
Come. *drags* Noisy. It’s fine just come with me. 
Here, come inside. My room, don’t look around too much. I’m tired. You sit too. Not really. It’s not like I saved you, it’s just if you’re here then on the night of the full moon I wouldn’t have to go out just to meet up with you. It would be easier that way.
That’s why, for now you can stay here. As long as you don’t get in the way you can do what you want. I have nothing to treat you with though, it’ll heal eventually right?
Don’t misunderstand, I didn’t do anything to be thankful for. Well, then if that’s what you want to believe then feel free to. *yawn* i’m going to sleep you rest too. 
What? Ha? Fish? *sigh* I told you not to stare around. *sigh* That’s why I didn’t want to, you’re persistent. I don’t particularly like fish or anything. Well I don’t dislike them either though
It was just a fish tank from one of the guys from another room that’s all. Other people live here. When you came here there were other rooms right? One piece of advice i’ll give you though they’re not all good people so it’s best not to come face to face with them
*phone rings* 
What are you so startled by? You not answering it? *ringing stops* Are you glad you didn’t answer it?  *rings again* Again. Pick it up or turn it off it’s noisy. *continues to ring* Haa, oi are you listening? *sigh*
Could it be, it’s from home? Hmm they always call you like this and you return home right? Well, if the daughter they beat until she was injured didn’t come home they would be impatient though. If someone that bruised was to be spotted outside then they would be troubled wouldn’t they.
*ringing stops*
Hey, if you’re not going to answer then turn your phone off. They’ll just call again right? If you turn it off then they can’t hit you. Ha? *gets up to leave*
Oi, wait. 
If you go home they’ll just hit you again. If they do anymore than this...you’ll really *breaks free* even though you know that you’re still going back? Are you an idiot? Even though you run if they call you’ll go back again and they’ll hit you, that’s how it’s been up until now right? 
You, are you really fine with that? Could it be that you actually like it like that? That’s why you want to go home isn’t it? In that case, how about I hurt you instead?
If you want to be beaten then it doesn’t matter who it is right? Either way the same thing will happen. It’s fine if it’s me isn’t it? 
You said you wanted to be killed. The truth is you like things like this, don’t you?
How’s that? You’re happy right? Having something like this done to you. If you’re not going to resist then that’s it isn’t it? Hey, if you really want to die that much at this rate i’ll kill you. Aren’t you glad? I granted your wish and killed you.
*lets go*
Haaa, if you could fight back then you should have done so sooner. Truthfully you hate it don’t you? That’s the truth isn’t it? You’re slow realising it. If only you were just honest, earlier you were cowering
You wanted me to save you. If you stayed there I would have spotted you on my way back from school. Isn’t that what you’re thinking? The family that beat you aren’t here. 
No matter what you say no one will condemn you. I’ll listen to you, so give it a go, go on. 
You, you’re going to die on the night of the full moon you know? Until the end be selfish and say what you want. Do as you like. 
Ha, that’s right. Speaking of which you actually don’t like being hurt do you? Good for you, you finally said it. Don’t cry, stupid. You’re not a coward, you said how you truly felt. You weren’t able to die yourself, it wasn’t because you were weak. Still you know that right? 
Try and say it all, i’ll listen. Ha? You were always waiting for someone to come and save you. You who wanted to die, had been looking all this time for someone to save you. But you were found a little too late. If you had been found earlier you may have lived on and not had to die. You’re happy this happened? why do you say that? 
You really wanted to be saved, you don’t want to die, don’t you feel like that deep down? 
*sigh* Stupid. I didn’t save you. We met because you were persistent, I didn’t do anything though. Something like a fallen angel that brings death to people, cannot save humans.
He, you seem awfully confident there, did I save you again today? *smirks* you felt glad to be alive you say. You, really are a helpless fool. But if you were able to make memories in the very end then, I guess there are places we could go together
*phone rings*  again huh. Give it here. *throws in fish tank* Ha it’s finally quiet. With that you’re free right? Yeah, there’s no reason for them to call anymore
There’s only a few days left but it’s fine to do as you like. In that case it’s fine if you stay here. I’ll protect you until the end. What? Are you unhappy with me? Hmmm if you’re going to smile like that then I don’t dislike that face of yours. 
You’re awake? I just went to buy some things. Here, use it. Disinfectant and bandages. Wrap it around those wounds and bruises. I don’t know how to treat it so you’ll have to do it yourself. Alright?
Not really. Come on, hurry up and do it. *yawns* Tsk terrible. *sigh* That’s enough, i’ll do it you stay still. Even if it’s fine it’s not something you can do on your own right? Besides I promised you didn’t I, that i’d protect you until the end.
Ha? Why are you crying? *laughs* Is that so. To be that grateful what a simple person. but leave crying for when it hurts or you’re in pain. I think it’s best to smile when you’re happy. I’m not kind, you really are a fool. That aside before you complain give me your hand. Don’t complain if i’m bad at it i’ve never done this before.
Track 5 - Even until the end
The full moon tonight is awfully beautiful. If you’re to die then this isn’t a bad night to die don’t you think?
What a relief. All the pain and suffering ends tonight. When you die you won’t have to be scared of such things. You won’t have to think about anything, and become at ease.
You’re going to die now, and yet you’re making such a face. Aren’t you scared? Tsk even though when I tried to kill you before you were so scared. Don’t you think about if it will hurt or be unbearably painful? 
Stupid. *hugs* You, don’t say it’s fine. There’s no way it would hurt right? up until you went through a lot of pain. In the end i’ll be gentle. 
*bell rings*
It’s time. When the ringing stops i’ll kill you. Your wish at last. Now, i’ll put you at ease so, listen carefully to my song. And, *kiss* It’s a farewell gift.
It’s alright, it won’t hurt, you won’t suffer. That is the finally thing I will do to protect you as I had promised.
-Song track-
Extra track - A fallen angel’s prayer
Hey, are you glad? Truthfully? For it to end like this?
*smirks* You look happy.
Even though I killed you, you were thankful. As I thought being a fallen angel is bothersome. But, can a fallen angel save people?
I hope you are reborn into a world that brings you happiness
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otome-obsessed · 7 years
Vehura Reviews - Hakuoki: Kyoto Winds Limited Edition
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Just in case you are not up-to-date on this massively popular otome series, the plot of Hakuoki is: 
Chizuru Yukimura goes to Kyoto to attempt to find her father and, through a series of events, she ends up with the Shinsengumi. From there, and after revealing who she really is, she joins up with the men to help locate her father. And, at the same time, uncovers a dark secret the group are keeping as well as some secrets of her own.
Hakuoki is the grandpapa of otome internationally. Originally released in 2012 on the PSP, it help boost the otome landscape of what we have today. It’s a long game in its original form being 30~50 hours with six routes. It has spawn anime, stage plays, musicals, and many MANY versions of the game.
Are we all caught up? Good.
Once Kyoto Winds (the upgraded version of the original PSP) was announced, I spent December playing the original game on my stream to build hype for Kyoto Winds and we had a blast! After the stream, many people told me they were very excited for the new version of the game that was adding six love interests and expanding the shorter romance routes.
Then there is the merch.
When the Limited Edition was announced I was like a puppy who had seen its favorite toy. Bento Box? Sign me up! Furoshiki? I will be the most beautiful weeb-bushka! Artbook? OMG, are you trying to make me cry?! Soundtrack? I’m gonna take epic roadtrips! Reversible Cover Sleeve? When I get tired at looking at these handsomes, now I will look at these other handsomes!
So, when I was contacted by Idea Factory International to be sent a review copy of the Limited Edition, I was floored. Yes, a thousand times, yes.
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First and foremost, I have a degree in graphic design. I love touching and holding things. I enjoy well made items. I don’t want flimsy items. If I’m going to spend money on something, I want to get my actual feels worth. And because of that, I hold physical items up to a pretty high standard. I also am a bit of a package design snob. How things fit in packaging, was the package actually designed or is it just a box with things thrown in it, ect.
Oh god. I’m so happy right now I might cry and I want to shake the package designer’s hand. They did a beautiful job.
Let’s start with the collector’s box itself.
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(Pocky for scale)
This is a nice box. It’s not flimsy. It’s a thick board. If you bought the Amnesia collector’s edition, this is a big step up from that. At no point am I worried I’m going to put the box back together the wrong way and bend it. Just hold the sides and let the bottom slide out. Awww yeah...
I gasped at opening this. I think it’s important to note that the last handful of Limited Editions I bought consisted of “just throw it in the box!” I can tell that everything has a compartment and I’m floored. (Sorry sorry, designer coming out in me again.)
We’ll get to the game itself later but first...
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The bento box is not fake wood. It is legit Bamboo and Chinese Fir that has then had a thin layer of latex added. Hand-wash only, not microwave safe. I don’t know if I’d feel comfortable actually using it for its intended purpose because how nice it is.
Every Limited Edition needs its nick-nacky things, this and another thing in this box are those things. They are the body pillow and coasters from the Amnesia Box Set. In this set it’s this and the furoshiki, two items that I would be worried about ruining if I used them. OTL
Maybe I’ll hold charms in the bento instead, like suggested in the Unboxing video that IFI did a month back.
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Soundtrack, the necessary item in a limited edition. If there is one small thing I am disappointed in here, it is the same thing that disappoints me about CDs and games these days. I remember in my day we had booklets that came with our CDs and games! You kids these days have no appreciation for a well designed booklet!
20 tracks. I jammed to it on my 10 minute drive to work this morning.
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Peek-a-boo. It’s the furoshiki!
For those of you who don’t know the use of a furoshiki, you wrap things in them. Presents, bentos, ect are wrapped in them for easier transport. And now here is one with all 12 bachelors on it. Also, it’s massive (Vita box for scale).
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It’s made of polyester so there is a nice feel to it. This is another thing I don’t think I would actually use, though the idea of wrapping my hair in it like some weeb-bushka is very tempting.
Maybe I’ll frame it just to get weird looks from the people I get my prints framed at. They’ve seen what I’ve brought in before, I don’t know why they would be surprised...
Here comes the other thing that made me gasp when I saw it.
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It’s a hardcover art book! I opened it to hear the crack. Ohhhhhh I’m gonna curl up in a ball of happiness. That’s some good stuff right there. Nice glossy paper that still has some tooth to it. I held it close for a bit and thought about actually displaying it on my bookshelf instead of hiding it inside the box.
The information is really nicely laid out for the most part. You get a lot of stats info that can help you figure out the age of the characters when you meet them during the game.
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Husbando likes tofu. I’m gonna get that MFer some tofu so he’ll love me.
Also, stop calling Toudou the shota of the game, he’s the same age as husbando! Which, going by MC’s age and her birthdate, puts them both at 19~20..........
*lies on the floor* Still gonna get husbando tofu...
It’s just a really nice 64 page art book... Oh and there were ~40 pages of CGs in the book. TAG YOUR CG SPOILERS, IFI!!!
And finally we make it to the game’s case.
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I’ve looked at the three new husbandos long enough. Gonna flip the cover to the other husbandos.
Straight up: For me, the artbook alone makes it. Just some nice artbook. 10/10, would artbook again. That artbook is easily worth $30 on its own. The bento and the furoshiki are nice thing to have for display or maybe a purpose outside of their original ones. And if you want to use them, more power to you! It’s up to you. I do believe that items are best and their happiest when you are using them.
Also, there are chibis all along the sides. And who doesn’t love some cute chibis?
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Quick Game Comments
The game Hakuoki: Kyoto Winds is a wonderful upgrade too. The GUI (Game User Interface) has an amazing upgrade that almost made me cry when I saw it. Gone are the jagged edges and the yellow text box. Everything is crisp. Don’t want to press X? Just touch the screen now. The characters blink and their mouths move when they talk (I was surprised when it happened). Random characters, like one of the ronin in the beginning of the game, now have sprites, which adds to the game’s richness. Backgrounds are now added in where they weren’t in the original game. There are effects happening on screen, it’s now snowing in the game and there are animations when the MC moves.
Oh, and splatter effects. Bless splatter effects. lol
All in all a very nice upgrade from the original version.
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I like it so much. I was thinking that I would have a few more gripes about it, but it’s a solid package with nice extras and the game itself has a beautiful upgrade.
Something I do feel the need to confirm with everyone is this game is in two parts. Due to the additional routes, upgrades, and extensions of existing routes, Idea Factory decided to release this game in two parts. The first part is Kyoto Winds (Kaze no Shou) and there is a second part, Hana no Shou. Think of it like an anime series that leaves you with a cliffhanger until the second season comes out. I have seen that most reviewers, who seem to not know what they are missing, feel satisfied with the game after playing it.
I’ll still be here ready for the second part. Additional releases could still be ahead for this series as well. If you look anywhere where fans are talking about this series, you will see wails for Hakuouki SSL ~Sweet School Life~ which is a High School AU game. Otome fans love their AUs...
If you want to get your hands on this, you need to make a decision FAST. The game isn’t even out yet and, on May 5th, Idea Factory Intl announced they are at 40% stock. It’s going and soon it might be gone!
Get those husbandos and enjoy your merch!
Thanks to Idea Factory International for sending me this to review. I’m still in shock when I hold it and feel I’m not worthy. Also, hearing I was the first person outside the company to receive this in no way made me super nervous. NOPE.
Release Date: May 6 (NA) May 9 (EU) Store links: NA - http://www.iffysonlinestore.com/HakuokiKyotoWindsLE EU - https://store.iffyseurope.com/products/hakuoki-kyoto-winds-limited-edition Official Site: http://ideafintl.com/hakuoki-kyoto
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tangeythetangerine · 7 years
Questions divisible by 4?
So many questions! I started these last night but fell asleep before I finished, oops sorry! 
4. Are you easy to get along with?Sometimes? As long as I’m not in a bad mood I like to think I’m pretty friendly, I am super shy though unless I’m comfortable with the people around me8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?Do potatoes count?12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?This is hard, I don’t really have any right at this moment, guess we’ll go with the first ones that pop into my head:- Something’s Gotta Give - All Time Low- Shut Up and Dance - Walk The Moon- Just One Yesterday (feat. Foxes) - Fall Out Boy- Wild Mustang (feat. Becky G) - Yellow Claw & Cesqeaux- Don’t Threaten Me with a Good Time - Panic! At The Disco16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?Yeah probably20. Do you like your neighbors?When their kid isn’t playing the drums in the morning, yes haha they have a cute greyhound and a cat that spends 90% of its time in our backyard24. Favorite part of your daily routine?I have a daily routine??? 😂28. Who are you most comfortable around?Allison and Jossie32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?This is not a thing I have ever thought about and honestly: I have no idea.36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?Ahahaha when have I EVER told them40. What do you want to do after high school?Yikes, I’ve been outta high school for 7+ years…I’ve done the uni thing so I’d like a job plz k thx (preferably somehow related to biology)44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?Oooo this is a tough one…I really want both tbh48. Have you ever been drunk?Yup52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?My temper. Or maybe that whole emotion bottling thing.56. Favourite colour?Purple60. Ever won a competition? For what?Lol no…actually does winning one netball grand final count? Because I’ve done that once.64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?Boring af, still salty I was the one that had to lean in. Basically: I had been with my then boyfriend for about…2 or 3 weeks? He was dropping me off at the station and he was going to Hong Kong to catch up with his family for a month in a couple days and was essentially like ‘hey I know you haven’t your first kiss but since I won’t see you for a month do you want to now?’ and I was like ‘uh okay’ and *I* had to lean over and essentially just peck him on the lips. So underwhelming ahahaha68. Twitter or Tumblr?Tumblr, largely because I don’t understand how to use Twitter72. What colour are your towels?Pink76. What colour is your underwear?Light blue80. What colour pants?Pale blue with white dogs on them!84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?Oooo I’d have to say I prefer rewatching 21 Jumpt Street over Mean Girls88. Last person you talked to today?Like actually vocally talked to? Mum92. In a fight with someone?Not presently96. Favourite actress?I’m so bad with these questions, I really don’t pay enough attention ummm Candice Patton maybe? I’ve been marathoning The Flash haha (still a season behind orz)100. How are you feeling?Sick, bit tired haha104. Do you miss anyone from your past?I miss some high school friends that I’ve kinda lost contact with (I mean I have all the means to contact them but I just am unsure about starting up a random out of the blue conversation…which is mostly how I lost contact in the first place “OTL)108. What should you be doing?Sleeping112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?…I can’t actually remember… potentially my roommate on contiki?116. Are you listening to music right now?Nope120. Are you afraid of the dark?Nah (weird sounds in the dark on the other hand…)124. Do you believe in love at first sight?Nope, gotta get to know a person to love them128. Would you change your name?Probably not? It’s a solid generic average name and I don’t know what I’d change it to132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?What is “deep”? 136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?Closed140. Summer or Winter?Summer hands down144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?ALL THE CHOCOLATE148. What’s your favourite quote?“For courage to count, you have to take action.” - Nyozeka from Alice 19th by Yuu Watase
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coffeecakey · 7 years
hello! uhh i saw u @sabo last yr n i was digging through old photos and i saw ur table so hopefully this isnt too out of the blue? (if this question makes u uncomfortable pls just ignore) would you mind sharing how you make your prints and such? im tabling for the first time this september @ sabo and i dont realy know where to start.. ive never had to deal with printers and such before especially not like buttons/stickers/prints without (1/2)
“without investing in a better printer or button press or something? i feel like something is bound to go wrong considering its my first time doing something this big but any advice would b really much appreciated..! sorry about the sudden msg i hope u have a nice day !! :) 2/2”
HI absolutely not a bother at all!! And I’m sorry I’m only just responding to you!! But here is a comprehensive post in re: CONS because AA stuff is hard when you’re just figuring stuff out, and I’m still working on it myself. But I can definitely prevent you from making the same mistakes I did (like getting 11x14 prints for $9 each for my first con OTL)
First off, let’s talk prints.
Prints should always be the main event of your table, especially if it’s your first con. If you showcase your art style on a large scale, it is more likely to attract people to your table. You want to build your stock around the prints you choose to make.
Since saboten is the biggest anime con in AZ, you’re going to want at least a few (I would say at least 6!) 11x17 size designs for print. The less designs you have, the more of each print you should have. I like to have 12-15 print designs for each con, so i buy 8-12 of each depending on popularity. For really popular things, I like to have an upwards of 20. But since this is your first con, I would suggest you start with a smaller stock with about 10-15 of each one, 15 being for your most popular fandom!! A total stock of about 75 prints should be good, and I don’t think you would need more than that.
And while it’s a good idea to choose subjects that you like, it’s also important to choose popular fandoms and subjects. Voltron, Yuri on Ice, and Sailor Moon have been among my best selling subjects over the last year! I know people are also interested in Breath of the Wild, Overwatch, Final Fantasy, and MP100. Do your research in what’s up and coming in the next few months so you know what’ll have traction. It takes practice to understand, but also talk to friends, look on instagram to see what people are planning for cosplay, etc. For example, Voltron will have a lot of hype because of SDCC in July, so people will be excited for season 3, whenever it comes out in the next year. Cater to those people! The point is that you have to balance what you want to sell with what people want to buy. Also, it’s worth noting that generalized/group images sell VERY well because they appeal to more people.
Postcard sized prints are ALWAYS up to you, and feel free to make them individual characters or popular pairings–and how many you have is sort of just up to you. In my opinion, they don’t sell perfectly well. People are more interested in things they can either put on their wall or on their bags, so they aren’t as popular. Between 5-10 of each design should be acceptable. It’s also okay to make a smaller version of one or two of your anticipated larger best sellers (you can usually assume).
Now, where to order them from!
Catprint is absolutely the best place I have ordered prints from, and I prefer it to having them printed at Kinkos. They do absolutely any size, with different paper stocks, finishing options, and coating options. Holy customization, Batman! Plus, it’s cheap (especially if you manipulate a little. Not in a bad way, of course, but in a way that suits your needs). I like to order 11x17s on Matte Lightweight cardstock because they’re only $0.65 each and are sturdy and beautiful! For postcards, I arrange 5x7s/6x4s & 5x5s on an 11x17 file and cut them out with an industrial cutter when i print stickers and buttons at Kinkos, rather than ordering them (because for some reason they severely overcharge on postcard sizes). This is also a good idea if you want an irregular shaped print but want to save!
Also, make sure that you follow the file requirements that Catprint lists on their website–it’ll save you time and money!!
If you like, here is my referral linkfor catprint that will save you (and me!) 10$ when you order.
On to buttons and stickers!!
These are GREAT for first cons, especially because they are cheap for buyers and they can buy all their favorite characters or pairings!
For stickers, it is cheapest and easiest for me to buy unscored, matte label paper on amazon or ebay. And lots of it. I am still hacking through mine, even after using them for my stock, shipping labels, and freebies. I make all my stickers circles because I’m hard enough on my hands as it is and… uniquely shaped stickers sell exactly the same. So I own a 2.5" circle punch and make all my stickers 2.44" so there’s a white boarder. You can always fill them to be exact (and go over to about 2.6" for the design file), but i think they look finished this way, and if you miss the mark a bit, you won’t have any added whites on your design.
Buttons are certainly more complex, and it depends on whether or not you already have a machine. If you have one, don’t buy one unless your current one breaks. If you don’t have one, WAIT until you’re making good figures to buy an American made button maker. Chinese made machines are cheap, but pricey to fix and replace. American Button Machines are FANTASTIC (they’re what I use!) and use all metal fixings so that they’re basically guaranteed to last. But until you are making 2-5k per con, it’s not really worthwhile to buy a nice machine.
BUT! You CAN team up with other AA people local or otherwise (LIKE ME) who are willing to make buttons on their fancy industrial button makers and cutters (if you’re interested in this, I proof files, print them myself on no-bleed paper, and assemble the buttons myself. I also do proofs for $0.50 a button with no minimum and there’s flat shipping fees for under 100 buttons! I can set you up with my pricing for labor and materials if you like). This is very much so your cheapest option for buttons if you don’t already have a machine, as most companies charge more and have higher minimums per design.
My recommended size are 1.25" buttons. They’re not too small and they’re not too large! This is the only size I offer, but if you’re feeling specific I know places like PureButtons have great options and pricing.
You will certainly want to have lots of each sticker design. They sell very well, and people will even buy original designs of stickers if they’re cute enough! Buttons are a little more tricky, and it’s better to have less if you are ordering them, and better to have more options if you make them yourself. I don’t really sell more than 30 buttons at any con since it’s not my main focus. So choose wisely for button designs!
I know I went overboard with this answer, so please feel free to ask me more questions on ordering prints. This is mostly my process, but I hope I was able to help you at least a little bit!!! Let me know if you want help with displays, business cards, packaging, or con commissions. I’m happy to help !! ♥️
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kamenowriting · 7 years
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Change chapter 15
Fandom: Hakuouki ~Sweet School Life~ Summary: When Yukimura Chizuru was taking an enrollment of Hakuou Academy, she discovers that it’s an all-boys high school! So she pretends herself as a boy, though her secret can’t kept it longer. And what’s worst, a certain President of Student Council had interested in her despite she hasn’t told her real identity yet. Characters: [Kazama Chikage, Yukimura Chizuru,] [Amagiri Kyuuju & Senhime] Pairings: KazaChi, harem!Chizuru(Saitou/Hijikata/Souji/Heisuke/Yamazaki) & AmaSen Genres: Romance, school life Rated: T rated Words: 19, 423 Link: Byaichi126fic, Fanfiction.net Warnings: Grammar error, AU, OOC-ness, typos
A/N:  Aaaaaaaaahhhhh! I’m so sorry for the late-ish updating..! I wasn’t expecting to be writing this long.. probably I’ve been a little distracting of my real life. OTL
More babbling should be in FF.net
Special thank you to a very amazing person whom kindly sharing us all Hakuouki SSL sprites rips. I’ve been waiting for these for like almost 5+ YEARS or so?!! The Background however, are not made by me nor originally from Hakuouki. Most of it I found if google images obviously.
I apologized there’s no Kazama/KazaChi scene thingy since I can’t find a suitable background for those two OTL
"By the way, Amagiri," Kazama began. "When I mentioned you about girl, who are you thinking about?"
Turning around to meet the other man's ocean-blue eyes, searching of whatever the person the red-headed man think of a moment ago.
"You have a very strange smile on your face when you were having a deep thought." Kazama narrowed his eyes. "Do you by any chance meet someone in coincidently?"
"That is…" Amagiri mumbled, not knowing what to say. "Rest to be assured, Kazama-sama," Amagiri began, averted his eyes by lowering his head down. "for whoever woman or girl I thought of a moment ago doesn't have to do with you or Yukimura-dono."
"Oh…? You're sharp." Kazama commented. "Well, whatever. If your words are honest, then I suppose I shouldn't have to worry about."
“Sexual harassment..? Oh no, of course I’m not intending to do that.”
“Then what is?”
“I saw her looking a little down. I was expecting she was a bit cold or something. So I gave her a medicine as my Christmas gift to make sure she’s fine. It would be a little troublesome if a guest falls a sick in a Christmas Eve such as this.” Sannan explained, smiling like a Cheshire cat.
“Whether she’s sick or not, touching her without permission is still known as sexual harassment.”
“I suppose you’re right.”
“Your Christmas gift.” Kazama stated clearly.
“I… I don’t have a Christmas present for you.. I-I’m sorry Kazama-senpai.”
“Oh, I think you’re already have by now.”
As she blinked in confused of his words, the President’s face starting to move closer to hers, and, oh she knows what does those words meant about.
Feelings her cheeks burnt up in red from embarrassingly, she pushed his face away to stop him from whatever he’s trying to scheme of.
“Wait, wait, wait..! This is..! It’s too soon!” She exclaimed in panic, her ears began to flush as well.
He can’t do that in here…!
"I suggest that we must return to your manor in haste." Amagiri break Sen's thought of his and Kimigiku's relationship, her eyes lift up into the ocean-blue ones. "Wouldn't want Miss Kimigiku worry of you more."
"Oh.. of course!," with that, Sen hopped on her heels while walking next to the red-headed man a little closer.
She wondered.. would she ever gets an answer about whatever kinds of feeling she had for this man…?
Chapter 15
Ever since meeting the red-headed man that day, flashback starting to occur in her dream. There, the little Suzuka watched her friend and Kosuzu played along with the other kids. Knowing that there are boys at the playground, Sen eventually refused to play along with them; rather watching the others having fun without her.
Envy of how fun they're all had, Sen lets her sigh released from her lips.
If it wasn't for that man, she wouldn't…
"Don't you wanna play with them?"
A male voice around possible 14 years spoke to her as he stood next to Sen but not close to her personal space.
"There are boys over there. I hate them."
"Why? I do not remember they have done something terrible to you,"
"Of course they haven't…" she paused. "…yet. Sooner or later, they might pick a fight after this."
With that, the teenager nodded and murmured.
"..I suppose, there's a chance."
Glaring on the other male, Sen began to speak.
"What are you doing here anyway? You didn't come here to talk to me right?"
"In truth, not really. I've come here just to make sure my lord won't do something crazily."
"Oh, pretty sure he already did by now."
Sen said with an uninterested tone on her lips, as she rolled her eyes on elsewhere.
"However, when I saw you sitting here, I just thought you need someone accompany."
"Oh yeah, maybe I do, thank you very much." Sen replied sarcastically.
"I apologized if my presence nuisance to you." The teenager said apologetically. "If you want me to leave, then, I'll leave."
Upon of leaving the Suzuka alone, Sen sighed and replied lowly.
"Your presence is not nuisance or anything." With that, the other person looked at her in a hidden perplexed. "I have my own reasons why I'm being this way toward you and other boys. I won't tell you any further as it doesn't has to do with you."
At that, Sen was expecting that the teenager boy would eventually take a leave after all, but instead…
"Then, if you don't mind, I'll stay here with you until evening then."
"Sure, sure. Only one circumstance though," Sen grabbed a stick and drew a line on the ground about a few millimeter away from hers and the other person. "Don't you dare step into this line, got it?"
With that, the teenager boy gave a soft chuckled as a reply. It wasn't in insult or sarcastic however. Instead, it was more as… amusing.
"As you wish, Miss Sen."
With that, the two watched the other kids having fun at the playground.
Before her flashback began to end, Sen took a time to glance on the other person's amazing red hair.
It was the most beautiful hair color she had ever seen.
…And she would never forget it no matter how many years would come.
As the dream starting to fade away, the older Suzuka began to flutter her eyes opened, took a gaze on the ceiling above her.
A man with an amazing red hair.
It has the same color as the man yesterday.
To think, her past starting to replay back in her at a time like this. …Not that she bothered or something. It's almost as if the dream wanted to know that the man in her past was the most important person in her life. The dream wanted to make sure that there are many male she can trusted of, beside Kazama and Shiranui(?). Although it's hard to say what she sees of the tan-skinned man, but she does finds Shiranui a bit nuisance as he had a similar vibe of being a bad boy or delinquent, in which, Sen did not hesitated distrust him.
Speaking of the red-headed man,
It's complicated to say what kind of feeling she'd felt for him. He's not annoying like Kazama. He's not even a playboy like Shiranui. Despite he had a same age between Kazama and Shiranui, yet, almost everything about him is more like 20 years old or so…? She didn't know.. she can't tell.. but for sure… little by little, she'd starting to open up a little because of his gentle and kindness toward her. The chains that been tied up in her heart slowly starting to loosen up.
She wondered.. is it a good idea to give a chance to open up that red-headed man? What if, he's been playing on her to take a chance to hurt her? …Well, for an older man with a gentle smile, there's a higher doubt that he would break her apart.
Even so…
"Osen-neesan!" Kosuzu's voice brings her back to reality. "Breakfast had prepared!"
As soon as her thought about that man started to disappear because of her sister's cheerful chirp, Sen gave the most beautiful smile on her face, hopped off from her bed as she readying herself to go to school.
Beside she's getting exciting for school, there are another thing she's exciting more;
Serizawa Christmas Party.
To think, she getting invited to someone else's party, and not to mention it, from the red-headed man of course.
Knowing that he'll be her partner to accompany her all the way to Serizawa Christmas Party, he might've wearing a very gorgeous black tuxedo with a blue rose that attached on his right pocket.
She has to admit it though, his hair really needs to fix by at least cut it off reached to his neck or something, combed in neat as well to make sure men and women see him in respectful and polite.
But, of course. She doubted that he would listen her opinion.
Serizawa Christmas Party, huh? Sen thought to herself as she eyed on her highschool uniform in her drawer.
Once she finally grabbed her clothes, her smile began wider than ever.
Let's meet again, Mr. Red-Headed Man.
Meanwhile with Kazama,
after he'd accompanied his beautiful and graceful girlfriend all the way to Hakuou Academy by walking, the couple has to part away at the gate as he needs to finish his paperwork as soon as possible by today. It's disappointed to him however that he didn't get to spend a pleasant times with her as it almost about Christmas after all.
Chizuru's reply, however, that she didn't mind if she wouldn't get accompanied with the President a little longer since she needs to get some things in her locker after all. She highly doubted that the President is going to be amused having around with… commoner friends such as Heisuke and Souji. The part of commoner word is not from Chizuru's lips of course. It's belonged to none other than the richest, yet arrogant President. Who would it be beside him? The brunette would never call her friends that way.
Before parting away, Kazama replied with his famous smirk on his face and giving Chizuru a goodbye kiss(on cheek), which, as usual, the young brunette's face was flushing in red from embarrassment. She's still far from innocent to receive a kiss on the lips. He would be a very patient as he wanted to until she's getting used to kissing on her cheeks.
Every parts of his-soon-to-be-wife often amused him. Knowing that she's not like any other rich girl, she's quite innocent, kind, and often cares and worries of her friends surrounding her than herself. then again, that must be an effect after losing her parent in a very young age. Then again, the President actually prefers this kind of girl he's seeking for.
"Now then, what kind of special Christmas gift should I give her?" Kazama said, scheming onto something, while putting his fingers on his chin. "Since she had a feeling for me after all, this would take an opportunity to give her engagement ring when her graduation has finally come." The President nodded in proudly as he had some more plans that's related to his girlfriend and… trouble.
"But where's the fun would be then?" Kazama smirked at that but soon starting to fade away as he realized giving an engagement ring is a bit too much. ..Well, since Christmas Eve is around the corner, the President has to give her the most perfect Christmas present to make sure Chizuru could only sees him and him only. Not anyone else.
As the President was having a deep thought, he realized he wasn't alone in the office.
Eyeing on a familiar broad shoulders of the red-headed man, Kazama began to break the silent toward the other man.
"So, Amagiri," Kazama began, waiting for his personal servant eyed on him. "In your opinions about girls, what's the best gift would she likes the most?"
"Opinions about girls?" Amagiri blinked. "I assume, you must've referred to Yukimura-dono, yes?"
With that, Amagiri starting to have a deep thought for a moment, putting his fingers on his chin. It took a short moment then he finally answer.
"How about flowers?" The red-headed man started. "Maybe some cute things like plushie, and cushions? Girls also like sweet things like ice cream." As he stopped right there, his memory replay back how much he admired the older Suzuka loves sweet things truly, especially parfait.
"It look like you're enjoying sweet things."
"Well yeah. Of course most women likes sweet things. No other female could ever dislikes sweet stuff… unless they're into strange taste."
Amagiri gave the warmest smile on his face as he repeated those moments over and over without feeling bored. Meeting the older Suzuka was like Kami's approving their unexpected fate.
As the President observed the red-headed man very carefully, he noticed for a moment that something's not right about the other man. It wasn't in a bad way. It was more like… very unlike of the red-headed man. Amagiri, the most polite(definitely not Kazama's word) and gentle(and so this) person, gave the gentlest smile on his face right in front of him. Very much unlike him at all. If Shiranui had already seen that, he must've called the ambulance by now.
Well, for whatever it is, it must've related to girls and women since Kazama does talk about Chizuru for a moment. For whoever girl or woman Amagiri thinking of, the President was hoping that it's not his girlfriend knowing that every part of her is belonged to his and his only.
And yes, Kazama Chikage can be quite possessive when it comes to partner or lover.
He's not the kind of person who could share his property to anyone else, especially not to the commoner.
"Flowers? Cushions and plushies? Don't be ridiculous." Kazama spoke confidently. "As if my soon-to-be-wife would like such a cheap gift as that especially when Christmas party is coming."
"That's just my opinion about girls, Kazama-sama. After all, you did tells me my thoughts about girls' gift."
"I guess you're right.." Kazama murmured, in which leaves silent moment formed in the office then.
Until a few seconds or so, Amagiri break the silent.
"Well… what about sweet things? I'm sure that Yukimura-dono would be very glad to have a taste of strawberry parfait." Especially if it's in homemade by you, Amagiri thought at the last part. But he highly doubted that Kazama would made a parfait on his own, knowing that the President had never come to kitchen since he described that place a bit oily, and hot, in which, doesn't suit a rich son to visit such a place like that.
"I would give a gift that could cherish that thing until eternity. Food can't stand last forever." Kazama complaint stubbornly, putting his hand on his chin as his thought filled with the brunette girl, whom wearing such a beautiful, lovely wedding gown. He wondered what kind of reaction would Chizuru made if the President ever gives her a wedding gown…? Then again, he highly doubted that she likes that idea..
I did suggested you some plushies and cushions. Amagiri thought deeply, but decided to slide that part away as no one could ever fought back of the President's argument. …Unless, possible the older Suzuka… "Then… how about something that made by yourself? Beginning from scratch?"
"From scratch?"
Amagiri nodded. "Since flowers can't stand last forever, you can always give her a cloth-made flowers by yourself."
"Now's that complicated."
"Complicated, but worthy."
Kazama groaned in reply as he took a deep thought then.
Several minutes then, Kazama finally had a decision whatever he thought of the red-headed man's recommends for his lover's Christmas gift.
"Almost your opinions for my wife's gift doesn't suits her so well." He sighed. "As I expected, asking you your thought about girls' gift doesn't help me at all."
Amagiri didn't say any word, but groan because how stubborn the blonde-haired man can be.
As the President stood up from his place to leave his office, he stopped in mid-walking then.
"By the way, Amagiri," Kazama began.
"When I mentioned you about girl, who are you thinking about?"
Turning around to meet the other man's ocean-blue eyes, searching of whatever the person the red-headed man think of a moment ago.
"You have a very strange smile on your face when you were having a deep thought." Kazama narrowed his eyes. "Do you by any chance meet someone in coincidently?"
"That is…" Amagiri mumbled, not knowing what to say. It's quite rare of the President to wanting to know of someone else's personal business beside the Yukimura girl. Despite being self-important and arrogant President, Kazama does capable on observing other people…
"Rest to be assured, Kazama-sama," Amagiri began, averted his eyes by lowering his head down. "for whoever woman or girl I thought of a moment ago doesn't have to do with you or Yukimura-dono."
"Oh…? You're sharp." Kazama commented. "Well, whatever. If your words are honest, then I suppose I shouldn't have to worry about."
When no words the red-headed man intended to speak, the President had finally left the office, leaving Amagiri alone in a quiet Student Council room.
Upon of arriving in the locker room, the young brunette met her childhood friend.
"Good morning, Heisuke-kun."
"Hm? Oh, Chizuru!" Heisuke gave a very wide grin upon of seeing his friend here. "Morning. It's rare to see you here."
"Ah.. well, I forgot to get my things before my homeroom teacher coming."
The younger boy replied with a nod while there's still a wide smile on his face. It was as if his childhood friend was his smile.
Glancing around themselves, the brunette noticed something.. well most likely, someone is missing here.
"Um.. where's Okita-senpai?"
As the brunette started to bring up a subject about the prankster senior, Heisuke's cheerful smile had disappeared, replacing to a groan/mumble.
"Obviously that Souji still mad about the terrible news about Christmas party." Heisuke began. That damn Souji.. although he told me to call him a senpai, he's still like a brat.. Heisuke finds himself pouting, in which, brings his childhood friend tilted her head in confused as he realized she could see through all over her face.
Not wanting to worry of his childhood friend, Heisuke gave a very wide grin once again.
"B-But don't worry! I'm sure that we can find a way to cheer him up." Heisuke said, hoping being optimistic could make everything's better.
"I hope so…" she murmured softly, hoping that she could at least see his sadistic smirk every once in a while.
Meanwhile in the Hijikata's office
Souji pushed the raven-haired man against the wall harder. There was a hidden anger and frustrating behind on those emerald orbs of Souji's. Although it's normal to see Souji to have despise Hijikata so badly, but never would have thought to see the prankster student finally snapped before. Guess celebrating a Christmas party with Kondou, especially with other students must've been meaning to Souji huh?
"Why didn't you try and stop Serizawa about this? You've known that that Serizawa bastard is scheming onto something, right?! So why can't you stop him?!"
Hijikata didn't spoke a word yet, but replying a quiet groan, tried to find a better word to make the prankster student felt better. But not a single thing came out in his mind. Rather than speaking back, the raven-haired man narrowed his eyes deeper as he lets Souji blaming him only, not Serizawa.
"Go on. Say something." Souji said with a growl. "Why didn't you try and stop Serizawa?!"
Before Hijikata finally speaks, the gentle Principal protected the raven.
"That's enough, Souji.." Kondou whispered gently as if he was speaking to a crying child. "It's my fault after all for planning a Christmas party at a time like this."
Souji faced to Kondou back, but his cold and hatred eyes toward Hijikata melted away when he saw a sad and guilty expression on Kondou's face. One of a thing he couldn't stand on is seeing the Principal look sad and disappointing.
"Rest to be assured that it's not your fault, Kondou-san." Souji said. "We've been done this every year in Hakuou Academy. Why would that Serizawa bastard starts a party in a time like this?"
With that, Kondou didn't spoke anything, not knowing what to say toward the emerald-orbs man.
"You do realized that blaming me wouldn't help anything else, especially bringing Kondou-san's party back." Hijikata finally spoke, as he get tired of Souji's childish side. As Souji continued giving a death-glared on him, Hijikata continued, "if you want it so badly, how about you're celebrating Christmas Eve in Kondou-san's place? That would end this problem."
After a long dark glare between teacher and student, it took more than minutes Souji finally ungripped his hold from Hijikata's.
"It would've been better if everyone in school here celebrating Christmas with Kondou-san…" Souji mumbled like a child.
As the prankster's presence was no longer in the raven's office room, Hijikata felt an urged to massage his forehead somehow. Damn.. ever since that Serizawa bastard visiting this year, things have gotten drivin' him crazy somehow. First, Itou coming back to school. After that, Serizawa cancelling Kondou's Christmas party. And now, that damn brat Souji blames on him for not letting the other students celebrate Christmas Party with Kondou.
It wouldn't get any worse right..?
Actually, no. He rather not say it out loud, knowing it would've been much worse than this.
"Say, Toshi…" Kondou began, bringing Hijikata back to reality. "Sorry about this."
"No need." The raven replied simply. "I've gotten used to getting blamed by Souji. He's better than that Serizawa bastard though."
With that, both men started to remain quiet without any word until the Principal intended to enlighten his friend mood by taking a subject about Souji.
"So.. speaking about Souji," Kondou began. "do you remember how we met him?"
"We…? Whoah, there, Kondou-san. Don't you remember?" Hijikata said, lit up his cigarette after he opened the window wider. "Didn't you actually found Souji first?"
"Was.. was I?" Kondou said innocently. "I-I guess so… ahaha..!"
Hijikata finds himself curled his lips upward upon of seeing Kondou's gentle smile. It's unfortunate for Souji that he didn't managed to see the Principal's smile after he left just now. Then again, talking a subject about him would've been embarrassed to Souji in the end.
"So you found Souji in the Shieikan dojo, right?"
"Ahh… that's right." Kondou nodded. "Somehow, I couldn't bring myself to kick him from dojo since he's looks like a poor puppy that needs a shelter so badly."
"It would've been better if you kick him off." Hijikata said sarcastically.
As the raven continued smoking to release his frustration, Kondou gave a melancholy smile as he remembered how he met little Souji back then. It's almost as if he was adopting a new son somehow.
When school has finally over, it was almost about time for the young brunette to take a leave then. As the sky starting to turn red-orange colored, the Sun is almost about to reach at the end of horizon by now. Upon of walking to the school gate, she could've sworn she heard a commotion at the field.
Curiously, the young brunette took a peek on the field and met two familiar men were fighting like a cat and a mouse.
"I told you before, she will come with me for the Serizawa party!"
"Don't be ridiculous." He spat in disgustedly. "Someone like you is not worthy to be her company. As her generous boyfriend, not to mention it; the most handsome one, she would gladly comes with someone like me rather than a commoner like you." The President began to give the most prideful smirk on his gorgeous face.
At those words, Heisuke felt an urged to twitch his left eye in annoyance because of that bastard's self-important attitude.
"J-Just because you two are lovers, that doesn't mean you can take an advantage of being her boyfriend and all!" Heisuke began to yap like a puppy(in Kazama's perspective)
"Ho… and what about you?" Kazama said confidently. "Always barking this and barking that how she's your childhood. Don't you ever get tired of using the same line?"
"That's because she is my childhood friend!"
As the argument goes on and on, it took several moments then they finally aware of the young brunette's presence. Both male students eyed on her at the same time as if she was some kind of food or reward to them, in which, brings the brunette jumped in surprised at the strange feeling of getting a deep glared struck into her chest.
"Chizuru!" Heisuke exclaimed first. "Perfect timing!"
"G-Good evening, Heisuke—" her words soon had been cut off as the other boy started to grab her both shoulders, making sure her eyes gazed into his(and definitely not to Kazama's)
"Tell me, Chizuru," Heisuke said. "who would you prefer of to come to Serizawa party? You're going to choose me, right?"
"S-Serizawa party?" Chizuru blinked in confused at that part.
"Yea!" The younger boy nodded. "After all, you need someone to come with you since letting a lonely woman walk to Serizawa mansion can be quite dangerous." He spoke in a soft and gentle tone, still gripping his small hands on his childhood friend's shoulder tighter than ever, but not in pain.
"…Oi, Toudou boy," Kazama growled in possessively. "Get your filthy hands off from my Princess. Only I can touch her," Chizuru couldn't helped but to flush in red upon of hearing the President called her 'princess'. And not to mention it, his possessive side. As his lover, he must've cherished her truly.
At that, Heisuke gritted his teeth, feeling an urged to give another yap but soon stopped by his childhood friend.
"U-Um… about that, Heisuke-kun," Chizuru said, raised her both hands, gesturing the younger boy to stop whatever he's intending to do.
"..I can't go with you."
Despite her words were pretty soft like a breeze, and yet to Heisuke, it's almost like a thunder jolt struck into him until he was nothing but a black ash. When the rejection appeared right in front of his face, the younger boy couldn't helped but to shot his eyes open, staring at her in disbelief and flabbergasted.
Although it's right for her to refuse him knowing she is going out with Kazama, Heisuke couldn't helped but finds his heart clenched in pain somehow.
With that, there's a proud smug on the President's face.
"See? Haven't I told you?" Kazama said. "Of course, she would not coming with you in Serizawa party. After all, she does have—"
Before Kazama could finish his sentence, Chizuru interrupted him as well, in which, give the most guilty smile on her face.
"I-I'm sorry Kazama-senpai, but, I can't be with you in Serizawa Christmas Party."
With that, the President didn't say anything, his usual smug started to disappear and continued on gazing on her, as if he was gesturing the brunette to explain of whatever reason she has to refuse him.
In which, Chizuru gladly tells them;
"Well…my father, Kodou," she started, " he'll be back when Christmas coming. I would like to celebrate a Christmas with my father for this year since it's been a long time since I last see him."
"Y-Your dad is coming…?" Heisuke murmured.
"That's right." She nodded. "I know it'll be much better celebrating in Serizawa Christmas Party. But, I'd really wanted to spend the Christmas night with my father this year. It would be very appreciate it if you understand my feeling. ..Please!" With that, Chizuru gave the most polite bow the male students had ever seen. But of course, it's actually important for her to celebrate a Christmas party with her father this time as it's been a while since she last seen his face. For once, she wanted to spend a greatest Christmas night with him like a family.
He and Kaoru are the only members of family she had ever have…
It took a moment then, the silent moment had finally break from Heisuke's voice.
"W-Well, if it's about your dad, then I guess I should invite someone else then." Heisuke mumbled, and there was a tinged of sadness behind on his orbs, in which, finds the brunette difficult to figure out of whatever expression he actually used just now.
At that, Heisuke turned on his heels then, leaving the President and the brunette all alone. As silent moments began to form between them once again, Chizuru gazed on the gorgeous President, hoping she could hear his permission for her to have a great celebration with Kodou. Rather than giving a word he'll expressed of, Kazama took a gazed on her deeper as well. It's almost looks like he wanted to say something. But not a single word could form on his lips.
Instead, he shook his head and turning on his heels to leave at the field.
The brunette couldn't helped but to blink in confused. Well, she was hoping that she could get to hear his approving in words. …The President must have better things to do than spending her..
Chizuru shook her head at that part, slapping her soft cheeks in multiple as while scolding herself to leave those thoughts out of her mind.
And so, Christmas Eve has finally come.
Chizuru had finally decorated her house for Christmas all by herself without helping anyone, not even Kaoru. She just thought to proof her older twin brother she can be quite useful no matter how much naïve she can be, especially around Kazama and Souji.
"There," the brunette said happily, as she finally put a golden star for the finishing touch on the top of the Christmas with a stool.
It looked beautiful…, she thought, finding herself closing her eyes as she remembered her past in every Christmas Eve. For the past years, she's usually celebrating the Christmas Eve with her father. Knowing that Kaoru living with Nagumo residents, it's impossible for him to celebrate with her and Kodou without knowing their address.
Now's that everyone's here, this should be one of a greatest Christmas Eve she had ever experienced with family…!
Not so long after this, Chizuru finally returned back to reality as the sound of phone began to ring. Turning on her heels quickly, she started to answer the phone and coincidencely, it was none other than her father..!
"Father!" The brunette called him in excited.
It's been a while since she last heard his voice now. But somehow, she could felt the tone that her father using a moment was a bit… sorrow.
It's almost as if he couldn't save his patient that almost dying and he needs someone to be there with him or at least hear his daughter's sweet voiced. Though, she knew that her father was not the best nor a professional doctor. So having an experienced by watching a patient died right in front must've hurt her father truly knowing that almost all patients were like his children…
Trying to enlighten the mood, the brunette tried her best to cheer her father up;
"S-So, how's everything? You're coming right, Father? There are a lot of things I want to talk about once you're coming. Kaoru might be surprised once he meet you as he hasn't seen you for a long time. And.. and—" aaaah! Honestly, there are so many things she wanted to tell her Father. Especially how's her school life lately.
And most of all—
about Kazama.
She wondered what his reaction would be if he finds out that she's dating with a generous President, who ended up becoming a lover? The thought of that finds her heart fluttering in happiness somehow.
"Chi-Chizuru.." Kodou whispered quietly as if he didn't want to scare his adoptive daughter or something. "There's something I need to tell you."
"Yes..? What is it?"
As the brunette waited of whatever of her father trying to say
this broke her heart completely.
At the Suzuka Manor.
Ding Dong!
"Coming~!" Kosuzu chirped, hopped from the couch and opened the door to see whoever it was. Upon of wondering to know whoever it was, her eyes shot open in shock to see an unfamiliar, tall man right in front of the Suzuka manor.
She couldn't helped but to frightened a little to see how tall he is as if he was a bear, while the bun-haired styled Suzuka, is a frightened, little, small Chihuahua who could do nothing except shaking in fear.
Trying to hide her fear away from her eyes, she tried herself to be brave a moment.
"Um… h-hi. Is there anything business you have here?"
The red-headed man greeted with a polite nod in which, little by little, Kosuzu finds herself a little comfortable around him as she realized that he wasn't really that scary despite he was quite tall than anyone in a member of Suzuka.
"Good evening. I've come here to accompany Lady Sen for Serizawa Christmas Party."
"Serizawa Christmas Party..?" Kosuzu blinked for a moment. "…Oh! Right, Osen-neechan had told me that she decided to go to someone else's party. I'll go and get her. Please, have a sit for a moment." The bun-haired girl said, gesturing the guest to sit on the couch.
"Excuse me, then." Amagiri said, entered the Suzuka Manor, and took a sit on the couch.
As the red-headed man waited for Sen's coming, a familiar, female voiced spoke to him.
"Well, if it isn't Amagiri. It's been a while."
Raising his eyes into the woman figure, she has a same smile as ever.
"It's a pleasure to see you again, Miss Kimigiku. I see that you're well today."
"Yes, and so are you." Kimigiku said, putting a tray of cup and kettle on the table. "How's Kazama has been?"
"Stubborn and troublesome, as ever." Amagiri said with a sigh as he took a sip of tea that Kimigiku recently poured for him. "But.. he's gotten a bit mature somehow." Probably thanks to Yukimura-dono.
Kimigiku replied with a soft giggle.
"So, how's Lady Sen?"
"Well, well, well. I'm impressed you're still remembered her. I was expecting you were no longer remembering her since either of you rarely seeing each other a lot." She spoke with a little amazed.
"I'm a bit surprised as well." Amagiri said, eyed on a cup of his tea for a moment and spoke once more, "Though.. of course, I don't think I couldn't forget of her since the first time I found her sitting on the porch." His usual calm and gentle smile started to disappear as he remembered how lonely she was whenever she watched the other female friends play without her. Despite she has gotten used to have a feeling of loneliness, yet, it's still very wrong for her to be alone this way.
A warmth, and gentle hand starting to grip on the red-headed's big hand, eyed on Kimigiku's hand, there was a melancholy smile on her face.
"I'm really happy to see her getting along with a man like you. ..I hope, you and Sen will continue becoming a good friend." Kimigiku said, her hand still laid on Amagiri's one.
Returning to grip hers as well, there was a promising and determined behind of his ocean-blue orbs one.
"I will do whatever I can whenever she needs me."
They both exchanged each other with smile and chuckled.
When their hands started to part away, either of them started any of conversation this time. Amagiri took a sip of his tea until the other woman gave a chirped of 'oh!'. Eyeing on the long, raven-haired woman, Oukiku began to stand up from the couch.
"I remembered that there's something amusing that you would love to see it. I'll be right back."
With that, Kimigiky leaves the red-headed man in the living room then, bringing a silent moment formed around Amagiri.
Enjoyed the taste of Earl Grey tea, Amagiri eyed on the staircase, wondering what the older Suzuka do right now.
"…What taking so long, I wonder?"
In Suzuka room,
The atmosphere around Sen's room was quite peaceful, where she gets all excited to go to Serizawa Christmas party, couldn't decided which dress should she wear. There are many gowns that suitable to her, but of course, she usually prefers of a one-piece dress with many white ribbons.. does that clothes look a bit childish to her…?
However, after she finished wearing accessories and one-piece dress for a short moment, things has gotten a little tense the moment her mother, the heir of Suzuka clan came back from the meeting and started to talk to her of a same subject that related to be an arrangement meeting for the older Suzuka.
"Like I told you, mom," Sen said with a sigh of exhaustion. "I need some times to think."
"And when will this some times, Sen? We've been talked about this since you've entered Shimabara. Shouldn't it be about time for you to accept the arrangement marriage by now?"
"I know, I know.. but I'm not ready yet, somehow."
"Sen," her mother began. "I know this is hard for you. I know this is hard since that man left us. But please, for the sake of our clan, you should focus on your goal as the-soon-to-be-next-heir-Suzuka clan by now."
With that, Sen didn't spoke anything, in which, her mother continued once more.
"Even if there's no man that you're interested in, how about Kazama? You and that man had known each other since you two were very little right? And your relationship have gotten really quite close since you've met him several months ago from what I've heard from Kosuzu."
As this conversation would eventually turned complicated as ever, before Sen could speaks a word, her heroine came at the right time.
"Um.. I'm sorry for intruding.." Kosuzu said timidly after she knocked the door to Sen's room.
Two women eyed on the bun-haired girl as they let her spoke again.
"Osen-neesan, he's here."
Upon of hearing a word of 'he' next to her ear, her exhaustion of speaking with her mother about the arrangement marriage disappeared.
It must be him..!
"He?" Sen's mother raised her eyes in perplexed. "What is she—"
"I'm sorry mom," Sen interrupted her, taking her coat on the bed. "I'm going out with a… friend. We can talk about this later."
Calling that man a friend would be impossible as she didn't got his name yet. But of course, Sen would be gladly to call that man as a friend rather than stranger.
Before her mother could speak, Sen dashed away down to the stairs together with her bun-haired sister to meet the red-headed man.
Has he waited for her that long…?
"Do you remember this?"
As Amagiri took a peek of the album that the long, raven-haired woman intended to show while awaits the older Suzuka's arriving, Amagiri replied with a gentle smile then.
"Yes, I remember this so well." The red-headed man spoke, with a soft laugh on his lips. He doesn't usually laughed but knowing that Kimigiku had known him quite well, she knew what kinds of thing the other man finds amusing, and showing the older Suzuka and Kazama childhood event is one of an amusing one.
"It's unfortunate you didn't get a chance to meet Lady Sen in properly." Kimigiku said with a sigh.
"It's alright. I would rather not wanting her to find out whoever am I for a moment."
"You're starting to be a little secretive when it comes to Sen."
"I have my own reason as to why I am being secretive toward her." Amagiri spoke in a little hesitant one.
"Then I won't forcing you to tell me this. However, I hope whatever you're trying to do will not leads to the worst." Kimigiku used a very rare serious tone, giving her friend a small warning. There are times, the red-headed man can be quite unlikeable reckless.
Amagiri replied with a nod, as if he known whatever he's doing right now is right.
"Rest to be assured, I will tell her the truth of me… soon."
"And when is this soon?" Kimigiku said, closing the album book as they decided to forget whatever subject they had about Sen's/Kazama's childhood album.
"Who knows.." He said. "Maybe after her graduation."
"You knew that she would soon finds out about you later."
"..I know."
Before the raven-haired woman could say some more, the tense of atmosphere between then had disappeared as Kosuzu comes to them on the spiral stair.
"Mr. Amagiri, she's here." The bun-haired Suzuka announced the red-headed man in a rather timid one, probably she doesn't usually talk with boys or men quite often exceptional for Ibuki, of course.
Standing up from the couch then, Amagiri awaits of the older Suzuka's arriving. When the other man gazed the older Suzuka whos walking down on the spiral stairs slow, yet elegant one, he can't helped but widening his eyes open in astounding one.
Although the Christmas party wouldn't be as formal as Kazama or Suzuka famly, yet, Sen looks quite gorgeous in a white, one-piece dress with several beautiful ribbons right there and there. Not to mention it, although she's not a fond of accessories, but the way how she tied her hair in a bun-haired styled with a sakura petals hairpin, it actually suits her so well.
To think, such a beautiful figure could actually still exist here…
It took a moment then Amagiri finally returned back to reality as he heard a similar soft giggled on Sen's lips, as if the red-headed man had never seen her looks feminine and all.
…Well, in almost all men's perspective of course, they would've gapped like a fish to see the older Suzuka looks beautiful in a formal dress.
"Now then, should we go?" Sen's voice brings Amagiri back to reality once again, in which, the red-headed man replied with a polite bow and turned on their heels to leave the manor together.
"Try not to be late." Kimigiku reminded them. "Make sure to come home around 11 o'clock."
"Yes, yes.." Sen said, waved her hand off. "What are you, my second mom?"
Kimigiku could only gave a soft chuckled and averted her eyes on the blue-ocean ones.
"I entrust her safety to you, Amagiri."
The red-headed man reply with a nod and polite bow, as if he known his job.
"Of course."
As Sen eyed on them from Kimigiku to Amagiri, then from Amagiri to Kimigiku, she couldn't helped but to raise her eyebrow in puzzled and curious.
They seemed to be quite close..
Is there any connections between those two? It almost felt like she'd missed something..
Shaking her head to leave those wild thoughts out of her head then, Sen enwrapped her warm coat around her body before they left the manor.
As Kimigiku watched the couple leaves the Suzuka manor from the door, there was a glimpse of intriguing about them behind on her amethyst orbs.
It's quite rare to see the older Suzuka walking close to Amagiri's. Their spaces were even closer than Kazama's.
She couldn't helped but to curl her red lips in upward at the sight of watching the older Suzuka walked with other man besides the blonde-haired man.
Now this is interesting.
As they had walked about a few metres away from the Suzuka manor, Sen couldn't helped but feeling slightly nervous.
Although it's pretty normal for the couple to have walking close together. Sen, on the other hand, feels a greatest urged to feel ancious. However, this kind of anxious wasn't in terrible one or how she experienced some random men touch or grab her without permission. It was more like in opposite one.
But she couldn't described what kind of anxious or this nervousness feeling she felt right now. Is it happiness? Joy? Grateful? Or more than that? She had to admit, it's the first time she has ever going out with a partner and all.
And not to mention it with Amagiri of all the people.
In every Christmas Eve, Sen always spent most of her Christmas days in Suzuka manor as the Suzuka often held a Christmas party. Most guests that's been invited were usually from rich families. But the one's that organized the Christmas party of Suzuka family usually her mother.
Only the heir of Suzuka family would be allow to organize the party in Suzuka manor. There are actually many events they're actually held, but most of them could only be invite of wealthy family or receiving a very high title and all.
Her mother wouldn't even inviting Chizuru no matter how much desperate Sen had tried to.
Just thinking about her family, especially her mother kinda ruins her mood of her exciting for Serizawa party. Shooki her head slightly, she decided to move those subjects away from her mind, and thinks of a certain red-headed man even more.
Took a closer peek of the other man, she couldn't helped but finds the man looks quite fascinating in a black tuxedo with a red flower attacked on his right-chested pocket. Beside that, his scarlet hair looks quite neat. …Probably he wanted to give a very nice vibe around him when they're finally arrived in the party later.
"That's looks good on you."
Sen ended her words leave out from her lips in loud. And yet, she had no reason to feel shy about it.
"Excuse me?" Amagiri blinked in a slight on confuse.
Avoiding answering the question, Sen replied with a shook on her head and turned on her heels without hearing anymore words from the red-headed man.
"It's nothing. We should get going to the party by now."
With that, all Amagiri could by now is leave this mysterious unanswerable question, following after Sen, whom very excitedly about the party.
The brunette sighed in depressingly upon of hearing terrible news from her father.
"There's a snow storming in the airport. So it's impossible to make it to Kyoto. I know.. I promised myself that we will celebrate a Christmas Eve together, but.. it can't be helped Chizuru…"
She wanted so much to cry..
After all she's been waiting for him..
She was getting all excited to celebrate a Christmas with family..
So much for her happiness she hoped for, huh…?
Trying to hide her sadness away from her father, she replied normally though she could felt a warm tears began to fall down on her cheeks.
"Ah.. so that's how it is… It's fine, Father. In fact, the founder of my school invited me to attend his party. So I might go there instead."
Actually, that was a lied. Well, it's true that Serizawa did invited all students of Hakuou to come to his manor for the Christmas Party. But, she doesn't have any power or energy to come to any party after hearing her father couldn't make it to Kyoto.
After all, it's actually the first time she couldn't celebrate a Christmas Eve with Kodou before. Even if she called her brother to come over, he might thought of her a nuisance or something..
She sighed and buried her face with the palm of her hands in depressed and sorrow.
What should she do now…?
Meanwhile with Amagiri and Sen;
The couple had finally arrived in the Serizawa Christmas party. Upon of entering the found of Hakuou manor, Sen felt an urged to gap like a fish from amazed.
"Whoah.. I didn't know there are many guests here." The older Suzuka said in flabbergasted as she eyed on every guest in Serizawa's manor. There are several of guests Sen familiar of as most guests in here are from rich and wealthy families. So this Serizawa person must be a very rich man huh?
Eyeing on a few women with a beautiful dress and expensive accessories, Sen couldn't helped but feeling down on herself as she realized her accessories weren't as many as noble women are, despite the older Suzuka would be a-soon-to-be-heir-of-Suzuka family in the future then…
A sudden, familiar male voiced then began to speak;
"Whichever dresses you wear, accessories or without accessories, your beauty still would no match with them, Miss Sen." Eyeing on the red-headed companion next to him, Sen realized that he must've noticed her sadness in her eyes when she took a glanced to the other women and herself.
No matter what the situation it is between them, the red-headed man always had a clever words to cheer the older Suzuka up. It was like he's a knight who willing to do everything to make the princess smile and happy from sadness or despair.
With that, Sen replied back with her confident smile on her face.
"Well, thank you very much for your cheesy compliment, Mr. Gentleman." She playfully gave a soft punched on his muscular arm. If a feminine girl ever hit the red-headed man's arm, her fragile hand/fist would've broke like a glass by now. Thankfully the older Suzuka has born to be a little tomboy-ish, willing to hitting or kicking someone ass especially weakling men that ever insult her friends, Kosuzu or women.
"We've been together for such a long time that I almost forgot to introduce myself."
"Ah, that's right..!" Sen said foolishly. It was stupid and very rude of her to not have know the red-headed man's name after all he done something generous-ish to the older Suzuka. Just what made her forget to ask his name anyway…? Could spending a time with him forget her pride to despise men? ..Or maybe she has a habit of forgetting to introduce herself and vice versa?
Started with a very polite bow, the red-headed man begin.
"My name—"
"Sen, is that you?!"
A familiar female voice exclaimed in shocked.
Searching whoever it is, Sen flashed her eyes into a very familiar woman. She has a long, straight, dark blue hair. Her skin color is a fair one, and she was born to have an auburn orbs.
"Cornelia-chan! I didn't know you were here!" Sen chirped happily, forgetting of the red-headed man's introducing as she walked straight to her
Both women embraced very tightly in a friendly way. The older Suzuka hold the blunette's hand as if she didn't want to let it go.
"It's been a while. How have you been?"
"Fine, thank you." Cornelia nodded politely. "What about you?"
"Fine, as well. Although there are times that I'm a little worried of Chizuru-chan's idea of going to school that filled with many men," Sen sighed exhaustedly, in which, the blunette replied with a soft giggle.
"You're a worrywart as ever. Just respects her choice. I'm sure she never regrets on choosing an all-boys high school."
"Even so…" Sen stopped in mid-sentence then, feeling herself to pout like a child in which, giving her friend replying another giggle.
As soon as he realized the older Suzuka was having a great conversation with her friend, it'll be better to take a leave as he would rather let the girls have some conversation without his presence:
"I'll go and get some drinks for you, Sen."
Sen nodded. "Sure."
Bowing in politely for the last time, the red-headed man began to leave.
"Who's that man?"
The blunette changed the subject upon of seeing a very large man such as him for the very first time.
"Oh, him?" Sen pointed his broad-back with her thumb. "He's someone I know."
"Well that's rare of you to have a male friend." Almost all Sen's friends knew that Sen hates men the most. Not even a single man Sen has ever calls him a friend. Upon of hearing the older Suzuka said she 'knew' rather than she 'annoys', the blunette couldn't helped but feels in need to show a very perplexed expression on her face.
"Well.. I just thought to try to befriends another man besides Kazama," Sen half-lie. In truth, their meeting was a bit awkward and weird. …Not that she hates his presence or something. The more she gets to know of him better, the more she realized that there's a kind and gentle vibe around the red-headed man.
"Now's that was an unexpected," Cornelia said with a soft laughed. "I was hoping that you would choose a handsome or good-looking men over a weird and unattractive men."
"Well…" Sen said with an awkward laughter.
Did she just said unattractive..?!
… Well, actually in truth, the red-headed man can be quite strange for the first time she met, so yeah, the older Suzuka probably agreed the part of that man being a little weird. But unattractive?! How can she be so blind about that red-headed man's intrigued figure?
True that by the looks of it he was about 30 years old or so. But having his presence next to her, Cornelia should've known that she would be safe around him knowing that his tall figure helped them to frightened away some men who intended to hurt her.
Trying not to show her rage in front of her friend, Sen decided to slide it away. "Ah, that's right." Sen said, clapping her hand in a one time, as if she's trying to forget of whatever Cornelia referred of to the red-headed man. "How's things in your marriage arrangement? Did it turned out great?"
"Eh..? Oh, yes. It turned out good so far." The blunette replied. "At first, I thought it was actually a bad idea to have a marriage arrangement without knowing my future groom. But it's great to see my groom was actually kind and willing to marry me for the sake of our family."
"That's great." Sen said with a hidden of envy. "I'm happy for that. Don't forget to invite me for your wedding day" As the older Suzuka winked her left eye in playful, her friend replied with a flushed in embarrassment on her soft cheeks.
"What about you?"
"Don't you think it's about time for you to have a marriage arrangement meeting with the Kazama? I haven't heard any news about you two."
"A-Ah… about that.." Sen murmured awkwardly. "I—postponed the marriage arrangement meeting."
"Again?" Cornelia said in surprised. "You were postponing the meeting again?"
"I-I've got a lot of things to do that's all," Sen tried to find a reason to keep this conversation from tense.
"You've known Kazama for such a long time. And yet, you're still not gonna accept on marrying him when graduate coming? You do realized that at this rate, you will eventually dishonor your family."
"I know, I know." Sen said with a sigh. God, it's almost looks like she was having a tense conversation with her strict mother by now..
As things had gotten awkward as ever, Sen intended to take a leave. At this rate, she might've received another lecture from her friend that relating to arrangement marriage again.
"W-Well, I better get going then." Sen said. "Pretty sure that he is waiting for me by now. B-Bye!"
Ignoring the blunette called her name, Sen turned on her heels as she's searching for the mysterious red-headed man. Geez.. where is he? Sen thought frustratedly. She would've expecting he would get her some drinks pretty quick. She didn't know that it took longer than ever. Giving up herself, she sighed exhaustedly as the older Suzuka stood at the corner of the hall room while the other guests having a great fun in the Christmas party.
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Serizawa residence." Serizawa began to speak. Sen, on the other hand, doesn't seem to have aware of hearing his voice as she's been bothered something. "It is my honor to have spending this holy night with all of you. Merry Christmas."
Ignoring the entire cheerful and joyous atmosphere around in Serizawa's manor, Sen's thought filled with nothing except about her mother and Cornelia's words of the marriage arrangement. Although she had longed knew that she eventually has to marry a certain man from rich family, but marrying a stranger feels a little uncomfortable somehow. There is a higher chance that some men had a dark plan they've been schemed on once she married some random stranger. What if, her fate would leads her like her mother's as well? What if, that man would leaves her just the way that bastard leaves her mother? The thought of it brings Sen feeling confused what she's gonna do…
..What should I do, Chizuru-chan?
It would've been better if her fate leads similar as her best friend, where neither she needs to worry of marrying a rich family or commoner one.
"Well, well, well. Good evening, beautiful maiden."
An unfamiliar male voice brings Sen back to reality, in which, she lifted her honey-brown orbs into the four-eyed man. Compared to other guests, he didn't wear anything formal or a black tuxedo like the red-headed. Instead, he was some kind of… doctor, sort of?
"Uh.. g-good evening," Sen greeted back quietly, not knowing where's this man coming nor why he approaching her.
Upon of waiting any reply from the other man, almost like more than minutes then, the four-eyed man answered with the creepiest smile she had ever seen. Much creepier than the two drunkard she approached a few days ago.
It's almost as if that man in front of her is not a human.
"You look a little down when Serizawa-san is giving a speech. Do you by any chance feeling a cold? Or maybe a fever?"
Although his voice was soft and gentle like a wind, but she could felt something crawling on her body just hearing that kind of tone from him. Not to mention it, that creepy fuckin smile…!
"I-I'm fine. Thank you." Sen said, bowed in a very politely. It best to avoid from this man. She had a feeling that if she had stayed with him longer.. something terrible might gonna happened to her…!
"Why are you trying to run away?" The other man said in a faking-worriedly. "I was trying to help you."
Help in your ass…! "Th-thank you for your hospitality. But I've gotta go now—"
Before she could get away from him, strong hand began to grip on her small wrist, brings her body stopped right there in paralyzed. Eyes filled with frightened, lifting her orbs into the other man once again, there was a very wide smile like a red, crescent moon. His glasses were glowing very brightly like a flash.
Feeling an uncomfortable touch from the four-eyed man's hand, her body was shaking like a leaf. Eyes falls down on the floor as she felt tears were about to burst by now.
She can't do this.
She can't do this in here.
Not in front of guests and Serizawa.
However, no matter how many times she forced herself to move, the four-eyed man's hand was like a poison, injecting a strange drug deep into her body until he finally able to control her like puppet.
This is bad...!
This is bad…!
What should she do—
"I've just thought to give every guest here my Christmas gift. To make sure everyone is full of health in the future." The other man said, with his usual creepy smile.
Sen did not reply anything nor ask him what kind of gift is he trying to give.
Widening his lips on his face, he dug his other free hand inside his pocket, searching for something. And once he finally found it, he revealed his gift to her; a medicine bottle that contain red liquid like a blood.
"This is my Christmas gift for a beautiful maiden such as you." The other man said. "Ah… rest to be assured that, it's not a poison. It's a very useful medicine. I hope you'll accept it." Putting a bottle medicine on Sen's other hand, without her own will, her hand gripped back, gesturing she'd accepted his Christmas gift.
Feeling a little delighted how the young maiden accepted his gift rather than refused it, he widen his smile again and again.
"Since I have a lot of free time. How about we—"
A man named Sannan had no time to finish his sentence as a certain man interrupted his conversation with the older Suzuka. Recognizing a male voiced, her eyes laid into the red-headed one. Slowly, the longer she took a gazed on his gentle and calm orbs, some dark spell that the four-eyed man casted has been lift off from her body little by little.
"Oya… Amagiri-kun." Sannan called him. "It is surprised to see you here."
Amagiri..? Is that the red-headed man's name?
"I was about to say the same thing, Sannan." Amagiri spoke.
Eyed on the older Suzuka, he could see how frightened she is as if she was a little girl lost in a deep, dark street where no one can finds her whereabouts anymore. Narrowed his eyes deeper, this would be the second times he had seen this kind of side from her. To think, leaving her alone was a terrible idea. He shouldn't have leaves her when she had a conversation with the other woman just now…
Soon, his eyes gazed back into the nurse teacher. He felt himself in need to grip his hands into a fist by now.
"Sannan-san, I don't remember Serizawa-dono letting you give a sexual harassment on one of guest here before. Explain to me what do you think you're doing."
"Sexual harassment..? Oh no, of course I'm not intending to do that."
"Then what is?" There was a cold growled under his throat. It's the first time the older Suzuka has ever seen the red-headed man looked anger before. But what made him so angry that he has to use a threatening tone on the four-eyed man?
Could it be…
..he was worried of her?
"I saw her looking a little down. I was expecting she was a bit cold or something. So I gave her a medicine as my Christmas gift to make sure she's fine. It would be a little troublesome if a guest falls a sick in a Christmas Eve such as this." Sannan explained, smiling like a Cheshire cat.
"Whether she's sick or not, touching her without permission is still known as sexual harassment." Amagiri continued. In which, brings two man gazed on each other longer than ever. …Until Sannan replied with a small snorted, gesturing he's finally give up.
"I suppose you're right." Ungrip his hold from Sen's hand, his eyes gazed into the frightened honey-brown orbs ones. "I apologized for gripping your hand all of a sudden. I hope you like my Christmas gift. And… merry Christmas too."
With that, Sannan finally takes a leave, leaving the couple all alone. Amagiri replied with a groan. To think, Serizawa invited him in the manor as well. He wasn't expected that before.
Eyeing back into the older Suzuka, there was a blank expression on her face; he had a feeling that Sannan's touches must've frightening her greatly. He felt so bad that he had an urged to hold her hand, ensure that she'll be fine. He will always right next to her from now on. But then again, if he lets his hand touched hers, it would've been more horrifying. The best choice he has to do for now is standing next to her until she's feeling comfortable.
And the drinks that Amagiri was suppose to bring had been left forgotten.
Ding Dong
A door bell starting to ring in her house.
Leaving from the kitchen, Chizuru couldn't helped but to raise her eyebrow in perplexed for receiving an unexpected guest in Christmas party. She doubted that whoever appeared in her house would be Kodou knowing that he had just giving a bad news how he won't be able to make it to Kyoto.
Since Kodou and Kaoru are out of the option in her head, who could it be…?
As whoever it is ringing the bell for a few times, it took a while then Chizuru turned on her heels to reach to the door and opened it.
Eyes gazed into a familiar crimson orbs, Chizuru couldn't helped but to gap like a fish to meet Kazama in Christmas Eve.
"K-Kazama-senpai..?" She murmured in disbelief.
It's not a dream… is it?
"That took a while to open the door," Kazama said, passed over the brunette as she looked at the President in full of perplexed. Too speechless to see him, the other man entered her house as if he owns the place and put a bouquet of flower on the coffee table near him(in the end, he ended up following Amagiri's advise).
"A-ah..! W-wait, Kazama-senpai!" Chizuru called him in which, stopped him from mid-walking, eyeing on her from his back. "Wh-What are you doing here..?!"
"Why, you say…?" Kazama said, raising his eyebrow puzzled this time. "Obviously to celebrate a Christmas party together with your father."
"E-Ehhh…?!" At that, Chizuru's eyes widen open in a saucer one, "Wh-what about the Serizawa Christmas Party?"
"Oh.. that?" Kazama began, eyed on elsewhere. "Choosing between Serizawa Party and yours; of course, I would rather choosing you knowing that this would be a great opportunity for our relationship getting deeper and better," as he spoke that, when the President winked his eye in attractive way, she was pretty sure that she just saw a very small star form next to his eye… or maybe she's just having a hallucination for a moment. "beside that, I would gladly meeting your father eye-to-eye so that he could gave a blessing of our fateful destined."
When the President mentioned of her father, she couldn't helped but sorrow starting to form on her face, eyes looking down on the floor as she could felt tears starting to form.
"So, where's your dad?" Kazama questioned, taking a look around on his-soon-to-be-wife's house, couldn't felt any presence of another person beside the brunette.
"Um…" Chizuru murmured, eyes still laid down on the floor. "He's… not here.."
Raising his eyebrow in reply, Kazama moved closer to the brunette's personal space, but not too close. Waiting her explanation very patiently, his lover managed to answer very clearly without being too much emotional;
"Th-there's a snow storming at the airport where my father works in the overseas. Knowing that the weather is terrible, it's impossible for my father to make it to Kyoto then. So…" With that, Chizuru finds herself in need to cry.
Several moments had passed between them, the brunette was expecting that the President would come closer to her, giving her an embraced, and lets her tears fall down on his shoulder.
But instead…
A deep chuckle formed from Kazama's gorgeous lips.
"And by meaning that," her head began to lift up as she could felt a callous finger on her chin, her brown orbs and the crimson ones began to stare into each other. "this would mean just the two of us celebrating a Christmas Eve together, yes?"
As she realized whatever he's scheming of, she slapped his hand away and pouted in anger.
"Th-this is serious Kazama-senpai! It's the first time I had ever celebrating a Christmas Eve without my father! So—"
"So, falling into depressing or grief wouldn't help your father coming here in a split second." Kazama cut off the brunette's words, in which, leaves her looked at him in a little frustrated. "You should be grateful that you have someone to spend a Christmas even without your father or that damn Nagumo boy. …Beside that," using his thumb to wipe her-soon-dried-tears on her cheek. "seeing you in tears doesn't seem to suit you so well. Why don't you appreciate it, and enjoy this night for once."
She couldn't helped but finds her tears starting to form on her cheeks even more and more. Her tears was falling wasn't because of angry this time. It was more like happiness. Grateful. She was so grateful that she wasn't alone this time. She was so grateful that she wouldn't celebrate the Christmas alone.
Even if her father won't comes.
Kazama's here.
He's there for her.
And this is probably enough to avoid from celebrating the Christmas alone.
"I'm sorry, Kazama-senpai…" Chizuru murmured quietly, letting his warm hand caressed on her cheek tenderly. "…And thank you."
Hearing a familiar satisfied chuckle from the President, Chizuru ended up buried her face on Kazama's broad-chested, leaving them stood there in silent for like forever.
Several moments had passed between them, Amagiri had been sat next on the grand seat together with the older Suzuka.. but, not so close as he knew she needs some space to get some air.
Another more minutes then, somebody needs to break the atmosphere between them now.
"Who.. was that?" Sen finally questioned, thankfully, that creepy man's warmth touches on her hand suddenly cool down slowly.
"That's.. Sannan-sensei. My nurse doctor." Amagiri replied with a little hesitated.
"Your nurse doctor? In school?" Sen said, feeling a little perplexed. She never expected the red-headed man had a very strange, and not to mention it, the creepiest teacher in his school. ..Which, reminds her of Chizuru's suppose-all-boys high school. She often gives Sen and Kosuzu some weird stories of her experienced in her school life.
It's kinda a bit coincidence.. is it?
"I apologized for whatever that man did to you. I shouldn't have leaves you since the beginning."
"No, no, it's fine.." Sen murmured, caressed her other hand gently where the four-eyed man grabbed her. "A-As long you're there, I don't care what happened in the past. It's over."
She could see how guilty the red-headed man is.
Auf… she has to do something.
She needs to stop this awkward atmosphere or else, she might leave him again…
Acting proud, and strong in front of Amagiri, Sen covered her lips on a palm of her hand as she gave a bark of laughter like a selfish rich woman who she can do anything with just money only.
"Honestly, what's with that depressing face you made, Amagiri?"
Amagiri blinked. He didn't know which part he was blinking of. Either Sen's frightened side disappeared so soon or the way how she calls him was the most pleasant voice he had ever heard from her.
"Come on. That isn't like you." Raising her left eyebrow in jokingly, poking her finger on his broad-chested in every word. "Where's the Mr. Gentleman that I used to know, anyway? Did you let your head hit on the boulder or something?" At that, she gave another laughter as she fought back the thought of the four-eyed man's touches in her head.
"Sen…" the red-headed man murmured her name, not knowing what to say anymore as he watched her smile and laughing at the same time. It's hurt him a little to see how she pretended to be herself, especially in front of him. She must've worried of him as well..
"Honestly.." Sen began, as she turned on her heels to take a short walk around the manor, in which, the red-headed man followed her back. "..ever since meeting you a lot of strange happened to me. First, I've got attracted by men even more, then, they were dared touching me no matter how struggle I fought back on them. I... I had never experienced such as this since he'd disappeared."
With that, sadness started to form on his blue orbs then. Every word she spoke just now is like he is the causes of bad luck. Wouldn't it be better for the two of them can never see each other anymore and—
"But, I'm not saying in bad ways of course." Sen continued, as if she could read the red-headed man's thought. "True, it was quite terrifying getting closer with other men and all. But, it's actually great way to overcome my fear of men."
"Fear of men…?" Androphobia…? ..No. or maybe it's possible she suffered of haphephobia.
"Yup." Sen said, walking all the way to the garden then. "I'll be the next heir clan for Suzuka, after all. So it's about time for me to start overcome this fear even if it's looks cheap to you."
This is the first time Sen has ever talked about her fear toward anyone.
To Amagiri, most of all.
Despite this kind of conversation should've been suitable toward Chizuru or Kosuzu, but her words almost as if it's been sealed off when it comes to them. It's almost as if they were not the right person to know the truth behind of her hatred for men.
But Amagiri..
How could she be able to speak about her own fear toward to the red-headed man?
Was it actually a good idea to speak this subject toward him?
She didn't know..
But she wanted the red-headed man understands about her so well.
"I don't think it's cheap or something." Amagiri broke the older Suzuka's thought, in which, brings her eyes laid into the ocean-blue orbs. Upon of staring deep into the red-headed's gentle orbs one, she finds herself a little ease somehow, in which, brings the older Suzuka curled her lips upward for a moment, but soon faded in sadness. Eyeing on a beautiful garden, she murmured with a very soft tone of hers:
"Shouldn't you disliking me?"
"Pardon?" Amagiri questioned.
"Shouldn't you disliking me for my hatred for men? Don't you think you should be?"
Silent moment passed between them at the beautiful scenery, night garden. It takes some times then Amagiri spoke.
"Hatred… is such a strong word to use especially from you, Lady Sen." The red-headed man gazed on the white roses in admiringly one, moving closer, in which, the older Suzuka followed him as well. "I don't think it's hatred that you've felt for toward men all this time, Sen. It's something different. Maybe.. anger. Or maybe.. frustrated at the same time? You might possible be angry and frustrated at the same time instead to whoever this man had done to you and your family."
At that, Sen couldn't helped but to shot her eyes open like a saucer in horror.
Hold on.. she had—
She had never telling this to anyone.
Not even to Kosuzu—
So how did this man—
"How did.. how did you know about—my family?" Sen questioned in disbelief. This kind of dark secret had never revealed to anyone. Not even to Kazama. So how did, of all person that figures the dark past of Suzuka family, why Amagiri?
"Miss Kimigiku told everything to me." Amagiri explained honestly. "Although she's not a member of Suzuka family nor related in your blood, yet, she knew fully well about your family."
Ahh.. of course.
She learnt from her mother that Kimigiku has been served for Suzuka family since she was a young teenage as her family owe a big debt for the Suzuka family, in which, she has to become Sen's personal servant after she was born. Kimigiku's debt soon finally paid once the older Suzuka has finally become the heir of Suzuka family and marries any man she chose of.
Amagiri held his hand up, gesturing he knew what she intended to say, in which, the red-headed man replied with a shaking his head slightly.
"Rest to be assured, Miss Kimigiku didn't tell me whoever this person you actually despise of."
With that answer, Sen gave a relief sigh, though she couldn't helped but to pout in annoyingly. "That damn Oukiku shouldn't have told everything's about my family to you.." Sen said with a sigh,
As Amagiri replied with a quiet chuckled, his smile started to fade away as he decided to tells her something she should've known about.. this person she despise of truly.
".. Although you may won't forgive this person that had ruining your family, but you knew fully well, whoever this is— would've been felt guilty as well to have destroy your life by accident to be honest."
"How did you know about this." At those words, Sen's usual kind and gentle smile started to disappear, and changed into aggressive mode;
"You don't know anything about that bastard! He had done horribly to my mother..! To my family..! How can you not blaming that old man's done…! How can you sided on him over me?!"
She didn't know why but it's her very first time to have raise her voice to the red-headed man. Although she once telling herself that she couldn't brings herself to raise her voice or being aggressive toward Amagiri. But somehow, it made her really furious to see the other man siding on that bastard than her.
She was expecting the red-headed man would choose her but—oh, she's definitely wrong.
Ever since Sen raised her voice for the first time toward the red-heaed man, Amagiri's expression didn't change into shock or perplexed. It's almost as if he'd known he eventually getting mad by the older Suzuka.
"…How did you know this.. man hurt your family terribly?"
"My mom.." Sen said a little hesitantly while sniffling softly as she finally realized that she was about to cry just raising her voice toward men. "She told me how that man abandoned us all even though everything's what my mother's done was for the good sake of our family. She sacrifice herself to choose him and what he eventually do is running away and vanished without a word. I hate it!"
The red-headed man didn't spoke anything, as he watched the older Suzuka released her own sadness right in front of him. It must have been tough for her to hide this kind of pain about her 'hatred' toward this man from her sister and the Yukimura girl.
That man abandoned her since she was in kindergarten after all.
Speaking this subject quite sadden the older Suzuka truly.
Intending to cheer Sen up, Amagiri took a glanced on the beautiful garden then, finally caught an interesting flower that suits Sen's character truly. He hoped that Serizawa lets anyone, especially Amagiri to pluck one of flower in the garden. Plucking a white daisy in gently, not wanting to let their petals fall down fragilely, Amagiri returned back to Sen whom, staring at him in a little perplexed as to why did he brought a flower all of a sudden.
Slowly, and hesitantly, Amagiri brushed down the older Suzuka's frame right hair to give her a permission to give a light touch. When Sen feeling a little comfortable about his touch, he began to slip a white daisy that he plucked on her earlobe. At that, Amagiri gave a soft sigh on his lips as he finds it suits her with a white flower on her hair.
"My deepest apologized to speak this conversation when I've known you will feel a little uncomfortable about it." Amagiri said with his apologetically bow, being polite as ever. ..Not that Sen's grown tired or something.
"It's fine.. Sen murmured. "After all, I did spoke this kinds of conversation first, not you. I wasn't really expected it could leads to relating to my family and all."
Curling his lips in warmth one, he nodded slightly.
"I guess so."
As their eyes drawn each other and forgetting of the reality for once, the older Suzuka couldn't helped but to grown a little attached toward the red-headed man little by little. She'd always likes this kinds of side from Amagiri; kind, and gentle. Never would've thought she could ended up on opening her heart to a male friend whom they're just met for less than a week.
As they've been staring into the other's eyes in amazingly, a sound of clock bell began to bring them back to reality, which, leads their eyes to the big, old clock in the hall room of Serizawa manor.
It's already 11 pm.
Although the older Suzuka wanted so much to spend more times with the red-headed man, but she knew that returning home very late could bring getting a lecture by her strict mother.
"So it's finally 11 o'clock." Amagiri murmured quietly. "I guess times really does move quite fast between us."
"That's what I said for the first time we met remember?" Sen said with a smirk, in which, the other man replied with another warmth and gentle smile. As she took a very closer look behind of Amagiri's ocean blue orbs, the older Suzuka could've sworn she'd just saw there's a tinge of disappointment and sadness behind on it.
Has he wanted to spend times together with her a little longer as well…?
"We might as well bringing you home by now, Sen." The red-headed man said. "They're probably been waiting for your return."
She replied with a nod then, not knowing what to say, and leave the manor together next to the red-headed man.
Without aware of herself, Sen has starting to enjoy being close to the other man little by little.
"Here," Kazama said, giving his lovely lover a medium present box with an elegant red ribbon on the top of it.
Chizuru blinked in confused at the sudden of receiving a gift.
She wasn't expecting to receive a present from the President. After all, he's been a bit quiet and obedient ever since he finds the young brunette couldn't able to go to the Serizawa Christmas Party. Could it possibly be this is what he's been a in deep thought for a few past days ago?
"Umm… what's this, Kazama-senpai?" Chizuru questioned dumbfoundedly.
"My Christmas present, obviously." Kazama replied with a smirk, while putting his knuckles under his cheek as he watched the young brunette being innocent and cute as ever. "Try take a look."
Blinked in confusedly once more, it took a moment then Chizuru has finally decided to open a Christmas box from the President. As she untied the ribbon very carefully, her eyes widen opened in shocked.
Inside the Christmas box gift is a two pair of mittens made from wool. It fits her hands perfectly. The brunette could also felt a little soft and fluffly as she put it on them.
She wasn't expected to have receive such an amazing gift from the President before. At first, she was expecting that her boyfriend would bought her an expensive necklace or accessories from overseas or something.
—But mittens.
She didn't know why but she felt so happy somehow. Although it sadden her a little when her father couldn't able to make it here, but receiving a Christmas present from her lover somehow brings her sadness vanished away.
"They're beautiful, Kazama-senpai. Where did you bought this?" Chizuru said, putting her hands on her cheeks, feeling a pleasant warmth on her face.
"I made it."
"Ahh… so that's how it is. You made—"
As she understood his answer very clearly, the young brunette jolted right there in surprised. It was almost as if the thunder was striking right through her from the window.
"Y-Y-You made it.. Kazama-senpai…?!" Chizuru couldn't helped felt an urged to exclaim.
"What? Don't believe me?" Kazama said with the most proud tone on his lips.
"W-Well…" she mumbled softly, loss in words. Of course, she couldn't believe this. How come, the most arrogant and self-important President such as Kazama Chikage could know a technique of making a handicraft…?!
"Take a look."
As her boyfriend's voice brings her back to reality, Chizuru raised her face to gaze on the President, and soon, her almond-brown orbs began to wide in horror as she saw some light injured from the President's gorgeous hands.
Has he.. has he really made this glove for her?
Is this the reason why he's been quiet for a moment?
"You're.. doing this for me?" The brunette whispered softly, kinda feels a little guilty.
"As long as it could make you happy, I'm willing to do it for you even if it's difficult for me."
Once Kazama finished, Chizuru grabbed his injured hand to take a closer look, caressing it in tender and gentle one as if she didn't want to hurt him worst.
"You shouldn't do this for me, especially since it's complicated for you.." she spoke guiltily.
"Complicated, but worthy."
The President copied the red-headed lines.
After Chizuru had aid him by bandaging his hand up with the help of the first aid kit, Kazama stared at her interestingly as she put the ointment and the cloth in the metal box.
"Now, I'm waiting."
Kazama break the silent moment, in which, brings Chizuru tilted her head in confused.
"Waiting for what?"
"Your Christmas gift." Kazama stated clearly.
With those words, her eyes averted on elsewhere as she replied in a little hesitant. "I… I don't have a Christmas present for you.. I-I'm sorry Kazama-senpai." She couldn't helped but feeling so bad to herself to have forgotten to buy something special for the President despite being his lover.
"Oh, I think you're already have by now."
As she blinked in confused of his words, the President's face starting to move closer to hers, and, oh she knows what does those words meant about.
Feelings her cheeks burnt up in red from embarrassingly, she pushed his face away to stop him from whatever he's trying to scheme of.
"Wait, wait, wait..! This is..! It's too soon!" She exclaimed in panic, her ears began to flush as well.
He can't do that in here…!
Showing a little frustrating and annoying behind on those crimson orbs of Kazama's, the President grabbed Chizuru's wrists so that he could tilted his head closer to hers easier. The closer the gap between them, the deep the scarlet the young brunette's cheeks are.
"If we can't do it here then when? You do realized almost everyone keep us both apart." The President growled under his breathed in threateningly. He could understand the Yukimura girl can be quite stubborn one. But he never thought that she could be this stubborn.
"Th-that is…" Chizuru murmured softly, not knowing what to say as she tries to find a word to answer him.
Oh, of course she's known that. It took several days then, the brunette noticed how almost everyone disagrees of their relationship. Whenever Kazama tried to kiss, or hug her in school, one of her friend would often pretended to bump into them and starts the usual conversation, and the next thing they knew, they pulled her arm and telling the President that they had some urgent to do with the brunette. She could understand how much caring they are for her, but being a little— no, too much over-protective is kinda getting on her nerve somehow.
If the only there's a way to stop being an over-protective family toward her.
As she was in a deep thought, she hadn't realized until now that there was a soft and warm feeling on her lips. The next thing she knew that she realized that the President had plunged his lips on hers while she was distracting herself from thinking about the others in school.
Slightly stunned from receiving another sudden kiss from Kazama, the brunette wanted so much to parted their lips away but knowing that her strength was no match to the President, it was impossible for her to break a free from him. In which, in the end, she eventually given up on herself, as she enjoys their kisses.
Knowing that they don't usually kissing a lot, Chizuru was pretty much suck on this kinds of stuff. She couldn't helped but feeling a little envy of Kazama's skillful kisses. If they had been kissing quite a lot, would she be as capable as the President's then…?
Feeling a little out of breathed, the brunette put her palm of hands on Kazama's broad chested, gesturing him that she needed some air in which is, Kazama gladly parted their lips her. Watching his beautiful soon-to-be-wife in admiringly, he finds her beautiful even when she was trying to catch some breathe desperately.
When she had enough air to breathe, Kazama began to pin her down on the couch, which brings their eyes gazed into nothing except each other. The perplexed look on her face was amusing the President truly.
He wanted so much to kiss her more and deeper, but he decided to keep the best part later.
Kissing his lover's forehead, cheek, ear and nose, he noticed Chizuru's cheeks began to flush in red once more. He replied with a soft chuckle on his lips. Of course, those kinds of chuckle wasn't meant in sarcasm or sadistic actually. Once he had satisfy kissing her face, Kazama began to move closer to her ear to give a seductive whisper, in which, brings the young brunette flushed in embarrassingly, just as the President predicted of.
"It's too bad you didn't hang a mistletoe in your house. …But if you had it.." a smirk formed into his lips, the President purred at that part, "I wouldn't have stop kissing you by now."
With that, Chizuru couldn't helped, felt an urged to flush in red once again.
"St-stop joking around like that!" The young brunette exclaimed in a slight of embarrassing at the thought of getting devoured by the President's lips.
"What do you mean by that?" Kazama spoke in a serious tone, narrowed his eyes slightly deeper from her words. "Of course, I'm not joking around when it comes to our relationship."
When the brunette didn't know what to speak anymore, the President continued once again;
"Do you actually think I would make a fun of your feeling toward me?"
"Of-Of course not!" Chizuru exclaimed at that. Wasn't expected to hear those lines from the President.
Guess there are times Kazama really known so well about falling in love and all.
"Then, you should be grateful that I'm doing this for you and you only," with that, Kazama's Oni President-ish mode started to disappear, return back to his usual flirty lover mode, giving a chaste kiss on Chizuru's soft cheek.
Ahhh... she couldn't understand about this man at all.
"Somehow.. I'm still not getting used to it on this kinds of thing…" The younger brunette whispered in flustered, hoping that her voice didn't reach to the President's ears. But since their space were pretty quite close, it's obviously that Kazama heard it very well, especially by the looks on his face, there was a wide smirk in which, she had a greatest urged to push the President away from her, turning on her heels to reach to her room and locked it until Christmas Eve finally over.
"Then, how about we should practice from now on?"
Kazama suggested with a very wide and dark smirk on his face. Of course, the part of 'dark' wasn't actually in malicious one.
As she heard those words from her lover, she knew so well that by meaning practice, it must've been more than just a kiss..! …Oh wait, or maybe she was being a little exaggerated.
Too exaggerated.
"W-Wait, what do you mean by that?!" She stuttered in flustered, feeling her cheeks starting to burn up once more from embarrassment.
"Obviously that, I've decided to further our relationship into deeper as soon as possible," Kazama explained clearly. "Although I would like to take our relationship grows slowly, but knowing that your friends and teachers were being too over-protective. So I think it's about time to show them off to know how much you only want me."
"W-Well, they cared for me. So it's normal that there are some people thinking about me."
"Yeah… 9 people being too over-protective like a parent." He muttered under his breathed at that. "Don't you think that they made some kind of plan to part us away?"
"They may be over-protective toward me, they may care for me like a family, they may not approve our relationship, but they would never do such a thing to part us away like this."
Kazama replied with a hum. "Sounds a bit suspicious to me."
"Talk about yourself…" Chizuru mumbled under her breathed, thankfully, this time the President didn't heard it.
After they've been spending times together in Chizuru's house, she was expecting he would eventually gave his usual goodbye kiss to her and leaves the house to make sure she would have a pleasant sleep for this night.
However, it didn't happened… yet.
"Close your eyes."
"Just close your eyes and trust me. There's something I want to show you"
Tilted her head in a slight of confusion. Knowing that asking more questions would brings a lot of riddles, Chizuru eventually closed her eyes just as the President demanded, waiting for whatever her lover trying to show her.
A moment then, Chizuru could felt a warm hand grabbing hers in gently one and took her to the staircase. The President has been remained quiet since he asked her to close her eyes.
Whatever he's trying to show her must be a surprised one.
Soon, as they finally arrived outside, possibly at the night of balcony, Kazama began to stop walking then.
Is this the place?
She gets a feeling that she's still in her house.
What is he trying to show her?
She couldn't helped but her curiosity is drivin' her crazy now.
"Alright," Kazama finally broke the silent. "now you can open your eyes."
With that, slowly, Chizuru fluttered her eyes opened slowly to prepare of whatever coming then. Her eyes soon lit up in joyous and happiness as she finally knows what her lover trying to show her.
The couple were in the balcony of her father's room. As she took a closer look outside the balcony, the scenery of night city about a few metres away from here looked beautiful with all those various colorful lights here and there. She could even see a big, Christmas tree that lit it up brighter than any lights at the town square. Some couple were enjoying themselves together in the city as well. It has such a great view to watch the city truly.
"It's beautiful, Senpai," Chizuru said with a full of admiringly one.
"I would be expecting you like it as well." Kazama said proudly.
Eyeing to her lover, she raised her eyebrow in curious. "How did you know this place has a great view to watch the city?"
At that question, Chizuru couldn't tell whether it's a good idea to ask or terrible one, but by looking at the other man's mischievous smirk, pretty sure she just ask a very terrible question one.
"Do you remember what happened between us when the car passed us outside your house?"
Just speaking a day when she confessed her feeling for the President kinda flushed her cheeks in embarrassing somehow.
"Y-Yeah.. why?"
"Well," Kazama began. "After I took a bath, I take an opportunity to get to know of yourself by secretly looked around the house, including several rooms." With that, he replied with another smug on his face. "As I went into your father's room, I've realized that the balcony there had such a great view to watch the city here. So I've just thought that it would be great for you to watch it later whenever you're alone and all."
"W-Wait—! Y-You went all over the rooms?!" Chizuru exclaimed in disbelief, finding her cheeks flushed in red at the thought of the President went into her room as well.
Wh-wha.. what if he thought her room looks childish and all?!
But wait, how can he tells which her father's room and hers?
As he could see through her all over it very clearly, Kazama gave a soft chuckle as he finds quite amusing of her side truly.
Damn, no matter whatever she do, the brunette girl would never fails to amuse him.
"Rest to be assured, my love," Kazama began. "I never enter your room yet, as I understand of woman's personal life. I wouldn't barging your room whatever I like unless we're both officially famuly in the future." He smirked at that part.
"A-Ahhh… o-officially family'..?" Chizuru murmured those words in embarrassingly, finding her cheeks burnt up deeper.
Smirking wider, Kazama continued once more to see his lover flushed in red even deeper.
"Ahh well.. even if we're officially family, I highly doubt that you'll be living here anymore."
At those riddles-like words, Chizuru raised her eyebrow in perplexed.
Wh-what does he mean..?
Before Chizuru could say more, Kazama continued then;
"Rather than staying here," the President tilted his head closer to Chizuru's ear to give a soft purred, "you will eventually live in my manor as my wife, the queen heir of Kazama famuly."
"W-Wife..?!" and Queen?! She squeaked at that word. She couldn't tell whether she was supposed to be embarrassed or happy for this. But of course, she's actually feeling too embarrassed about this as speaking about their future is too soon for her. "St-stop speaking something embarrass, senpai.." As she said that, she covered her face with her palm of hands as she realized her ears were joining to flush in red as well.
"Embarrassing? What are you talking about?" Kazama raised his eyebrow in perplexed. "Of course everything I said is the truth; you're belongs to me and me only, our destiny can never change no matter how many times you're try to escape it." He gave a smug at that, watching the poor girl feeling flustered at their 'future' fate.
Too embarrassed to speak a word, Chizuru could only reply with a groan then.
The other man replied with a chuckle, he gripped her chin with his fingers closer to take a good look on his lover, his smirk never faded away from his face.
At that, Kazama moved closer to give another chaste kiss on her lips then.
They stayed right there while feeling fascinating watching down on the beautiful, night, scenery city. Until around midnight then, Kazama bids her farewell before he went into his black limo car.
As soon as Chizuru changed herself into her yellow pajamas with cute brown pattern bears, she laid herself on the soft bed, letting herself having such a sweet dreams.
Although she wanted so much to celebrate a Christmas Eve with her adoptive father and Kaoru together for this year, but she never expected that celebrating with Kazama—her lover, could be fun and enjoyable actually.
But still...
"Embarrassing? What are you talking about?"
"Of course everything I said is the truth; you're belongs to me and me only, our destiny can never change no matter how many times you're try to escape it."
At those words she found herself blushed in happiness. Burying her face on her pillow from embarrassment, she soon falls asleep once she had finally calmed down then..
As the Christmas party in Serizawa's place had finally over, it was almost about time for the red-headed man escorted the young lady to her manor. Silent moment formed between on them, neither of the couple started any conversation. They pretty much enjoyed this peaceful and harmony quiet atmosphere.
While walking all the way to the Suzuka's manor, a soft, and white snow started to fall down on Kyoto.
"Look, it's snowing!" Sen chirped happily as she gazed on the beautiful snowy sky to watch snowflakes fall more.
Amagiri joined as well by raising his head, feeling himself to smile upon of seeing the first snowflakes fall with someone for the first time. As the red-headed watched the older Suzuka danced in beautifully and gracefully one like a gorgeous princess, he lets his lips formed a very small smile when Sen showed one of her cute and childish side by sticking out her tongue to have a taste of snow.
"It looked like you're having some fun." Amagiri began.
"Of course I am! Why wouldn't I? After all, it's the first time I've got inviting in a Christmas party like this." She replied happily. And not to mention it, I managed to get away from my mom just so I could avoid talking about arrangement marriage and stuff like that. Sen mumbled very quietly, hoping the other man didn't hear every single of her mutter.
As the older Suzuka continuedly enjoying watched the beautiful snowy scenery at the Kyoto, Sen noticed that the red-headed man had remained quiet for a moment now. There was a tint of guilty on his face.
Moved forward to the other man, Sen tilted her head in wonder, and taking a closer look on his face, hoping she could see whatever problem he had in mind behind on those ocean-blue orbs of Amagiri's.
"Something bothering you?"
"N-No." the red-headed man replied in a little hesitantly, moved his eyes on elsewhere except the honey-brown orbs one.
"That doesn't look to be fine at all." Sen spoke once more, not wanting to slide it that way. There's a chance that she might able to help his problem.
As the older Suzuka continuedly on staring at the other man for like eternity, it took a while then Amagiri has finally given up on himself, telling her whatever that's been in his head over and over. With a little hesitation, the red-headed man spoke in a very soft tone one like a whisper:
"…I'm sorry."
"For what?" Sen blinked in confused, tilting her head slightly in adorable.
"For.. leaving you alone in Serizawa's Party a moment ago."
"Again with that?" Sen couldn't helped but finds herself rolled her eyes. It's not in annoyance one, however. Though she could understand how much guilty he must has to have not coming to her sooner. After all, he did made a promise toward her personal servant that he would make sure the older Suzuka was definitely saved.
Honestly though, Sen couldn't helped but feeling a little curious as to what kind of relationship both, Amagiri and Kimigiku had. By the looks of it, they seem to have deepen their bonds before the older Suzuka met him first.
Or maybe even before she's in kindergarten.
Whenever she took a glanced of Amagiri's amazing ocean-blue orbs, there was a hidden of honest and maybe a little joyous as well to have see her personal servant once again.
It's not that their relationship is bothering her or something. Sometimes, the older Suzuka had always has a feeling of loneliness being next to the red-headed man whenever the raven-haired woman's presence exist between them.
It was almost as if the special person that could only fill his heart could only belongs Kimigiku and Kimigiku only—
Whoah, whoah, whoah.. hold the fuckin minutes. Since when Sen could ever envy of this kinds of feeling to someone, and not to mention it, her own personal assistant.
It's not that she was jealous of her or something right?
…Somehow, she couldn't helped but finds herself a bit familiar with her best friend, whom quite jealous to a certain woman, when she thought her feeling for whoever that man is one-sided.
Why should I jealous for Kimigiku? Amagiri?, Sen thought deeper as she took a glanced on the red-headed man whom looked at her in such a clueless expression on his face.
No.. no.. it couldn't be. She shook her head slightly. They've just friends several days ago. Nothing's special, nothing's more. Sure, he's great to be spends time with. But this kind of relationship is nothing but sort of a princess and a knight.
Amagiri, whom, takes a real great role of a protective knight—not over-protective. Just protective is enough. A knight, whom swore himself to the king, the queen, and the lovely princess to protect her at all cost even if it has to sacrifice his own life.
For Sen, a princess from far, far, far away land. In truth, being a wealthy daughter is tough. Very, very tough. Some commoner had always thought being a daughter of rich people has an easy life. But no.
They were absolutely wrong.
Being a rich people is tough.
For she, must marry some random rich man for the sake of their family.
Having an arrangement marriage is terrible one.
As there's no such thing as love between them.
She wanted so much to marry with someone she had a feeling of love, such as to marry Amagiri—
Why did his name slip off from her thought?!
..it's not that she hates it or not..
It's just so..
—so complicated to describe of.
She likes Amagiri, that's what her thought.
She likes Amagiri as a friend.. is it…?
She couldn't tell.
At first, she was expecting she was definitely won't falls in love with someone.
And obviously, not to Kazama, as she always sees him as a brother only.
But Amagiri—
He's so—complicated to describe of.
"I suggest that we must return to your manor in haste." Amagiri break Sen's thought of his and Kimigiku's relationship, her eyes lift up into the ocean-blue ones. "Wouldn't want Miss Kimigiku worry of you more."
"Oh.. of course!," with that, Sen hopped on her heels while walking next to the red-headed man a little closer.
She wondered.. would she ever gets an answer about whatever kinds of feeling she had for this man…?
As they finally arrived at the Suzuka manor, Sen stopped right in front of the door and bowed in a very polite manner toward the red-headed man.
"Thank you for inviting me to the party. Really, it's a bit awkward, but I'm having a lot of fun spending times with you," Sen said with a proud grin.
"I am very glad you're enjoying it."
With that, they both could do nothing except smiled each other. Honestly though, somehow, they never get tired of smiling, chuckling and giggling to each other. It was almost as if their presence always makes them feel comfortable.
"Now then, I should take my leave, Lady Sen." Amagiri said with a bow. "Merry Christmas."
Upon of watching the red-headed man's broad back moved further and further, Sen couldn't helped but finds her world starting to turn grey upon of watching the other man's existent vanished in her life.
Would she ever sees him again?
When the red-headed man's name had been called from the older Suzuka in a hidden of desperate and a little grief, Amagiri stopped from mid-walking while took an eyed on Sen whom looks a bit anxious and worried, similar how men tried to touch her.
Why would she being this way…?
Sen, however, did not speak a word nor reply the red-headed man. Instead, he stood right there, while looking down on the ground. She was too frightened to see him disappeared in her life again.
She was so grateful to him. Very grateful to him. Everything's what he's done had always cherished her truly. The way how he continued to support her like a knight who vow himself to protect his princess, even if it means to risk his own life.
He was the very first person to have needs someone helps her.
She hated to admit, but she obviously dislikes being a damsel in distress especially when it's her job to protect other women, especially Kosuzu and Chizuru from getting a sexual harassment by men. Despite how she was suppose to get angry for being pathetic and useless when Amagiri saved her from the other random men, though, she couldn't helped, rather than getting angry, it was more like she was… happy.
She couldn't described it very well. But for sure, whenever the other man saved her, it was almost as if her life was important to him. He couldn't live without her happiness and smile no matter. The older Suzuka could see right through his face very well; she noticed how sadden he looked whenever she vanished her smile away from her face.
He… must've cherished her as well, huh?
Lifting her face up upon of hearing the other man called her. The next thing she knew, Sen could felt a very soft and warmth feeling on her forehead. It was the same feeling when she was getting a tight embraced by her personal servant. Reassuring her that it's fine to cry. It's alright to cry on other's shoulder.
It took moments to have Sen realized that this soft and warmth feeling she felt on her forehead was none other than Amagiri's lips.
His lips were soft and gentle.
Sooner or later then, the older Suzuka's heart was starting to pump up really quickly. She knew so well that this isn't anxious or fear she usually felt this time. It was different. Such an unfamiliar feeling she had experienced of in her life. A tinged of soft scarlet color were flushed on her both cheeks and ears at the same time. Although the weather here was suppose to be cold, Sen could felt her face were starting to burn up as if she was about to have a fever by now.
When seconds passed between them then, Amagiri finally moved his face away from Sen's forehead. He gave a very soft sigh of relief, slightly glad to see the older Suzuka was giving him a permission to come closer to their personal space.
As the older Suzuka had been stood there for more than 3 seconds, Amagiri had a feeling that he must be the second man(the first would be Kazama, obviously) to get this close to the older Suzuka since by looking on her expression, she's been stood there without a word, and stared at him in a blank face as if she finally realized Amagiri has been a ghost all this time.
Of course, that kind of reaction weren't mean in bad one. Probably this is the first time Sen has ever getting received an affection of friendship from other man(beside Kazama—oh wait, he didn't think Kazama has ever shown any affection toward Sen.. except maybe concern?).
"Well then," Amagiri finally break the silent moment between them. "I must leave for now." Giving his usual polite bow before the-soon-to-be-heir-of Suzuka, "Once again, merry Christmas, and have a pleasant night."
As the other man had finally leaves his presence at the manor of Suzuka, Sen, on the other hand, still stood there like a statue. Without realizing it, her hand moved to her forehead to give a soft caressed on it where the other man gave a chaste kiss.
Never would she have had ever imagined to have received a kiss from other man, not to mention it, Amagiri of all the men…!
Doki, doki
Soon, something insides her chest suddenly made such a strange loud sound. It took a moment then Sen realized that her heart was pumping even louder than ever. She knew whose fault this is to have made her feel this way.
Wha—just what did that guy done to her..?!
Peeking outside the window, Kimigiku couldn't helped but feeling a little worry toward the older Suzuka.
It's getting late.
Where is she..?
It's weird how despite she and Sen doesn't have any relation blood, yet she's the only one that worry of Sen the most before Kosuzu and Kazama.
As she took a peek another window once more, she finally saw her outside from the Suzuka manor.
Ah.. there she is.
Narrowed her eyes deeper, there's something's weird going on to Sen.
What's happened to her..?
The next thing she knew, Kimigiku realized she wasn't alone actually.
There was Amagiri.
He stood there right in front of the older Suzuka. There was a very soft smile that Kimigiku rarely seen from the red-headed man. Although it's normal to see the other man was showing a very polite manner, even toward stranger. But this… that smile was the rarest one Kimigiku had ever seen before.
Could it be that smile was meant for the older Suzuka.
As Kimigiku watched whatever going happened between them rather than going outside and thanking the red-headed man for accompanied the older Suzuka, almost like a minute then, Amagiri patted Sen's head like a child, the next thing after then, his face leaned closer to Suzuka's forehead.
At first, Kimigiku had an urged to turn on her heels in a flashing light as if whatever Amagiri did just now was actually a taboo. But something stopped her however that, rather than going outside, there's still a smile on Amagiri's face. Kimigiku had a feeling that whatever the red-headed man did just now it had already been given a permission from Sen.
As soon as Amagiri finally turned on his heels to take a leave, Kimigiku began to take a glanced on Sen's face from the window. Gazing on her very closely then, she soon, finally saw the older Suzuka's expression clearly.
Instead of anxious and horrifying that Sen used to show whenever stranger men come closer to her, the older Suzuka's face was flushing in a deep of ripe tomato color on her cheeks and ears. Her eyes were filled with wondered and a little confused.
By the looking on that kind of expression, it looked like Sen has finally accepted on someone than just Kazama.
She finally accepted Amagiri in oblivious.
So that's how it is.
Kimigiku finds her lips curl upward in approved.
He's the man we've been looking for.
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