#sorry i know the quality isn't the best since zooming in on this shot does that but i hope you still see what i mean! ^^
puccafangirl · 2 years
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Sorry to gush over my OTP for the billionth time but I love how adoringly Scratte looks at Scrat in this screenshot. X3 💕
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The Dominators - Episode One
Written by - Norman Ashby Director - Morris Barry Producer - Peter Bryant
Episode One
("This place reminds me of the old atom test islands on Earth." - Zoe to Jamie about the bombed house they find.)
- Cully. Look at him surviving out there all on his own because he knows how to act smart. He stays out of sight, he doesn't wander off, he plays dead when a killing machine is around. Smart. His whole team was killed because they didn't listen to him. So I also kind of feel sorry for him there.
- I like how completely unimpressed the Educator is with everything. Also, he kind of sucks as a teacher, but in the way a student would probably like unless they're going for quality education. I had a maths teacher like this once. Best teacher ever to have for fun, worst teacher to actually teach maths.
- Why would the Doctor not check the radiation levels when leaving? It's one of the first things he generally does, before leaving the TARDIS. No matter where he lands.
- I don't get why these people built one atomic weapon and loosed it on this island so students can study nuclear fallout, since there would have otherwise been no reason for them to even know about nuclear fallout on their own planet. Just...what. Who builds weapons to never use them? Or use them solely for educational purposes which are basically going to be redundant?
- I did like the landing of that ship at the start when it was the actual ship and not a white dot looking to land. You could see it much better when it switched to the close up of it landing. Why it only kicked up sand on one side is beyond me but I still liked it. Yeah the ships looked much better in that shot.
- Listen to those funky sound effects. I really like this serial with one exception for sound effects. They're great.
- Weird thing to put here, but I like those cups.
- While hard to understand, I do appreciate that the voice actor for the Quarks is female. Usually it's a male voice.
- The zoom in on the ships right at the start was not only unnecessary, but showed that those ship models were stringed together. The far away shots were much better to stick with and a lot more impressive.
- Those god awful shoulder guards on the Dominators look worse than the curtain dresses all of the Dulcians are wearing. I cannot even fathom how uncomfortable those must have been to wear.
- Oh god, the Quarks are going to be hard to understand aren't they? When they first spoke I couldn't understand them at all, but I did hear them say Shall we destroy over and over at the end, so maybe they weren't actually saying anything and just making noises to summon the guy who runs the ship.
In Conclusion
Boring. No, really, I think this word is going to be used a lot in this one. Not too much to like, but on the plus, there isn't much to dislike either. This is likely my smallest entry yet because of it.
This, for lack of a better word, exists.
As does the already pretty high body count for a first episode.
Body count - 3. The three Dulcians that were with Cully were killed by Quarks for existing.
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