#sorry i didnt make operation real
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goodlouse · 1 month ago
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what if mouthwashing was a PRINTABLE board game..?
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dogbunni · 4 months ago
shut up. saiki k tumblrverse
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🍤shrimptextures reblogged
😊justnormalguythings Follow
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💟yuri2k reblogged
🗿nenjoriki Follow
ii. Jsshj; nsjsks)hæj
go off king!!!
#nendo did u fall asleep scrolling tumblr again #<- last time he did that he reblogged the same post 27 times in a row <3 #one time he fell asleep scrolling tiktok and posted a clip of him snoring lmfaoooooooo #real life #not aesthetic #sorry y2k babes i'll reblog some cunty lil jpegs rn #i just have to clown on my irls i kno u all understand💅
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💟yuri2k reblogged
😻chiyobangs Follow
rah rah fax machine
aha i didnt know u were freakay like that 🫦
#stop being a pervert challenge: impossible #also omg chiyopipi!! i didn't know u had a blog #hiiiiiiiiiii 💗💘✨🍰🌸💐💖🥰🌷🌺🍒🍡👛🩷🍧🧋🔮🦄🌟🪷💗💫⭐ #dont listen to him he was cursed w no rizz
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📿th3pu55yd35tr0y3r reblogged
😻chiyobangs Follow
rah rah fax machine
aha i didnt know u were freakay like that 🫦
#girl i'll fax on ur machine til u rah
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what the fuck is human pet guy
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fukc it.i ccant stop thinking abt that one blog. normalguy. do u think he jnows abt human pet guy
#maybei am hsving a bental makebown
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💸thericherelonmusk reblogged fivefingerdiscount
🗿nenjoriki Follow
chair -> 💺
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💟yuri2k reblogged
🎤urinarytractinjection Follow
toumatome -> urinarytractinjection
Fear not friends, for I have only changed my URL. I remain the same [FULL LEGAL NAME REDACTED FOR INTERNET PRIVACY AND SAFETY REASONS, AS ALL TUMBLR USERS SHOULD DO, IN CASE OF DOXXING, PHISHING, BLACKMAILING, CYBERBULLYING, STALKING, ETC. CRIMES IN WHICH YOUR INDENTITY COULD BE DISCOVERED AND USED AGAINST YOU] that you have all known and come to love. For reasons undisclosed I will not be taking suggestions or criticism re. my new URL at this time. As always my ask box remains open (anon is always on, anonymous yappers- I desire you carnally) I will begin answering some of the backlog shortly ÒvÓ
Read more
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😊justnormalguythings Follow because you follow #normcore
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#normalcore #normal #oranges #normcore #justnormalguythings
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💟yuri2k reblogged
☠️abysslblkflmedrgn Follow
do3s 4ny1 kno a GOOD 4rtist who tak3s oc commissionz??? i w4nt 4rt of my orv oc plzzzzzzzzz
i think @merartist is taking comms!!
#get that bag girl!! #not aesthetic #real life
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💸thericherelonmusk reblogged underagegunshot
☠️abysslblkflmedrgn Follow
my oc cld probz take yjh in a 1v1
🏍️underagegunshot Follow
what if i killed you dead
☠️abysslblkflmedrgn Follow
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
🏍️underagegunshot Follow
L copypasta
🐉dragons-locator Follow
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
#once again thinking about how much money I could make if I had Father copyright this copypasta #follow for more unethical capital gains pro tips #also I don't go here but ORV fandom seems uncouth and rabid #when I buy tumblr I'm banning these two specifically
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🎀dump him moodboard🎀
for anon <3
#omg an actual y2k post who is she!! #this ones for the girlies #kiss me instead #<- who said that #y2k #y2k aesthetic #y2kcore #y2k moodboard
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💟yuri2k reblogged
dm me babe 💕
#real life #not aesthetic
3,209 notes
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#oomf is having a breakdown about a random blog?? #idk it's just a normal blog #they make relatable captions with stock images #worried about oomf :( #what do i do? #how do i reach out without sounding rude </3 #i just think someone should check on them #pppposts
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ORANGES?????????????? FUCKING ORANGES?????
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📿th3pu55yd35tr0y3r reblogged
😊justnormalguythings Follow
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🗿nenjoriki Follow
🎤urinarytractinjection Follow
Hello fellow tumblr user and real life acquaintance :3
🍎merartist Follow
😻chiyobangs Follow
☠️abysslblkflmedrgn Follow
🏍️underagegunshot Follow
💰fivefingerdiscount Follow
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thewertsearch · 1 month ago
GT: Well ive thought about it. GT: Even went downstairs to check the great vaulty doodad. GT: And predictably the infernal contraption is nowhere to be found. TT: Well yeah, Jake. TT: That's sort of the point. TT: Thrill of the hunt and all.
Ok, I think I get what's going on here.
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Jake's Dreambot is probably the last remaining source of uranium on the entire island, and the AR is turning its retrieval into a game of hide-and-seek.
I'm not sure why Jake hadn't already retrieved this particular chunk of uranium, especially since he has no use for the robot himself. Maybe he was keeping it operational for sentimental reasons?
TT: I thought you liked to manicure the image of a dude who shits his pants over a good adventure. […] GT: I mean i wouldnt put it in a way like that or come out against a solid policy of clean trousers. But yes adventure is awesome. GT: I just prefer the idea of adventures which i can actually win.
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Jake's picturing a LIVING GRANDSON SMACKDOWN - and, frankly, so am I. That robot's being piloted by an absurdly advanced AI, and I'm pretty sure Jake doesn't have any combat experience.
Winning, in this case, is shorthand for 'waiting for the AR to take pity on you'.
TT: It seems there is a 76.10395784% chance you are pussying out on me. Are you pussying out on me, Jake?
Now, to be fair, that one would only work if Jake had agreed to this challenge beforehand. After all, you can't pussy out of something you never pussied into.
GT: It seems it seems it seems!!! GT: It seems there is a million percent chance that you say it seems way too much and do it just to sound more like a lame robot from a movie and also probably just to piss me off! […] TT: Have you ever stopped to think that while I may be bound to processes inside the glasses of a real and incredibly cool guy, my algorithms in cognitive totality comprise a conscious entity not far short of the experiential and emotional complexity of a human being? GT: Oh malarkey. GT: YOU ARE A TIN CAN. ROBOTS DONT HAVE FEELINGS.
Jake, it's been sixty seconds since you complained about him pretending not to have feelings.
TT: I do have feelings. And you're shitting on them. TT: It sucks. GT: Oh. GT: Um. GT: Im sorry then if thats the case.
Well, that's something, at least - but I don't think Jake really understands why the AR is offended, so I'm worried it's just going to happen again in their next argument.
How long has the Responder existed for, anyway? Jake seems familiar with his schtick, so he's probably not brand-new - but at the same time, Jake's surprised apology makes it sound like the AR has only recently started to express feelings.
Maybe the AR has existed for years, but hasn't been sentient for years. Like, it really did just start as a primitive response script, but Bro kept uploading more of his personality onto it, until it slowly began to think and feel. Fascinating idea, I have to say.
GT: It can just be difficult to drum up sympathy for a program that presents itself as an impostor so often. GT: Maybe if you werent so ready to insist you were the genuine article all the time? Or didnt make it so confusing for me… GT: I think it would be best if we henceforth treated you as a totally distinct… uh… THING from my buddy.
Hey, it's not like the AR can stop imitating Bro. Even if he wanted to have his own identity, he's currently bound to the response script of someone else's Pesterchum account. When he talks, he's forced to do it through Bro's handle.
All evidence points to the Responder being a thinking, feeling being with his own inner world - which makes it a little ethically dubious to force him to be Bro's secretary. The guy shouldn't be treated as a bargain-bin Bro, the same way that Davesprite wasn't a backup Dave. We all saw how that ended, and it sure wasn't pretty.
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teradrama · 3 months ago
teen wolf duos ranked by whether or not they could find santa
to celebrate my finishing the show (somehow . . . ) I was originally going to make a meta post on s2 but decided this would be much more fun! as a disclaimer I'm only using the teen characters so no derek (sorry not sorry)
stallison: the writers didnt let them be friends bc they KNEW that they would be too powerful. that being said i am 100% confident that if you gave these two 48hrs and suffiecient red bull they would be able to take over Santa's entire operation. (im still waiting on the post s2 fic where they kill peter and frame it as an accident)
stydia: pretty much the only thing that puts then below stallison is the fact that they'd probably get distracted arguing (and also neither of them are subtle. at all) but I will give credit where credit is due since this is the duo that successfully found and stopped the dead pool
scydia: most people (including lydia) significantly underestimate Scott's intelligence however they WOULD make a good team and they'd probably be able to figure it out. The main thing they've got going for them is their manipulative skills - if people don't crack under Lydia's words, Scott's puppy eyes will definitely finish them off
rest under the cut!
scira: i feel like theyd get side tracked pretty easily but they would get there - eventually. they'd give people the puppy eyes and on the (low) chance that that doesn't work they'd pull out the katana and claws
allydia: VERY distractable when together. but they're also both very stubborn so they'd go on and find him come hell or high water
stiles + mason: they'd be effective but I feel like mason would come out of it traumatized. shocked by the pure violence stiles is willing to unleash
liam + mason: everyone is surprised that they succeeded. most of all them
stalia: see it's not that they wouldn't be successful, its just that I shudder to think of the collateral damage
malira: good cop bad cop except kira gets to play both roles
thiam: they would make this huge ass plan but deviate 5 minutes in and then succeed by pure luck
scallison: let's be real they would be too busy making out
scallisaac: they would probably set the warehouse on fire
sciles: we all saw liams kidnapping
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ganondoodle · 1 year ago
sorry, long post, got totk thoughts ...again
first botw vs totk shrines aesthetic and meaning; then shiekah symbolism thats overtaken by sonau
botw vs totk shrines (not in quality of puzzle since i talked about that a little before, but as in aesthetic, meaning etc)
something that worked well with shiekah shrines in botw was that these things were built SPECIFICALLY to make a future link stronger, theres that denialability to it that kinda make sense when you think about it, they are small challenges for the future hero to test and make them stronger, they are spread around the world bc you wouldnt want to hide some major source of power in one place, a monk literally sacrifices their life to enable you to gain more power their dead body waiting for you at the end (neat!!), they are each a little different in pose and clothing and im pretty sure its implied each monk made the puzzle for their shrine themselves; and the ones that rely on something happening in the world first can also be explained by their ability to see the future, the shrines and towers all rise up from the ground, which gives them that believable sense of they have been down there all this time and been activated via the net connecting them all to signal it is time- their design is also just .. nice? its got a nice contrast of the dark and the ligher brown with eye catching light from orange to blue to pink telling you in what states of operation it is (idle, working/done, corrupted) and their shape design is a very striking mix of bigger emptier spots of dark with the lighter browns wiggly lines coming in in nicely paced patches and the strong lights poking through giving you a nice soemthign for your eyes to look at (their tech is also a mix of magic stuff AND mechanism, they still look and work kinda magical but still have cogs and springs and looks like they are actual maschines put together)
totk shrines have no real denialability to why they are the way they are, its pretty clear that they are there for game reasons (and to copy botw i guess?) with no proper thought given to it (or failed to convey); they are already there when zelda does her time travel bs, and i heard (havent seen it myself? or dont remember) that the sonau shrines were built to .. keep monsters at bay? ok, im not even gonna question that part ( ... but i am .. i guess lightmagic wahtever dont think about it) so .... why do they contain a puzzle at all? its not to prevent monsters from entering since you need raurus hand to activate it (in botw you need the shiekah stone to do so which isnt really found besides yours either but ... their purpose is to test and empower you anyway .. and pehaps in a wider range to strengthen the bond with other folks when you have to work with them to get to it) then they werent present in botw so they must have ... somehow appeared out of nowhere? their connection to the lightroots might have been an attempt to try and make them feel more connected but that didnt work either imo, the shrines on the surface mirror lightroots in the underground, implying they are connected somehow, i at first thought like the lightroot is their root and the shrine is the flowerbud, but its very clearly just some ...magic rock crystal with stuff built around it including a teleportation thing thats pretty much copied from the shiekah ones (??) and you somehow ... enter magic dimension (which is .. fine, but i liked how in botws it was an elevator going down, making it feel like you are put into a physical room underground) but then there .... are also shrines in the sky ... that have no lighroot to connect to .. (i guess .. magic light wahtever dont htinkaboutit) so that part kinda falls flat- and the bring-crystal-to-shrine-spot (uhg) also debunk that thought since its a (tasty looking) green crystal that just kinda warps into a big grey rock ... for some reason, at their end is always the same colorless statue of da kind and his fridge wife (not her build) they are also missing that denialability that they were built for link specifically, sonau cant see into the future so (unless they yoinked that from the shiekah too??).. how does .. anything of that work then? especially with the crystal ones given that they are always a blessing shrine sicne bringing the crystal to its spot is counted as the puzzle but they couldnt have known that thats where it would end up at (and then ...how and why would you put a shrine thing into a crystal thing and disconnect it and throw it whereever when it manifests somehow again thousands years later- i need to stop thinking about it)- then their aesthetic is white green and gold(ish) which is a nice color combination in itself tho its lacking that neat status singaling and the eye catching contrast with their glow, the green glowy bits dont stand out as much, their shape design i dislike alot since it ... looks kinda unfinished and in a strange disconnect to their tech; buildings and statues are very blocky solid colors with the occasional rune or dragon carved into, which is also very blocky and one colored, their shapes are pretty uniform in a blocky way, theres not alot of shape contrast anywhere besides basic smaller block and bigger block, the most interesting looking ones are the ... outer walls of the shrines with their scaled look and the ground with the circle patterns; their tech and clothing is in a strange disconnect, its got a gree-tealish scale like texture in anything solid, be it tech or ornaments, it also features alot more gold and also brown stones that look rather untouched- now, for clothing, that is fine, the shiekah didnt dress like their tech either (.... mostly, ancient armor does exist) BUT the constructs and tech also have that more natural look to them
the fact that the same blocky statue waits for you at the end alsso removes not just coolness but also personality, instead of individual monks that gave their life for you and you setting them free once you take their spirit orb its the same representation of the holy king and queen giving you some light juice to cure you more of miasma .. which doesnt actually matter sicne you get your normal arm back no matter how many light juices you got at the end anyway (their "tech" also just looks less like actual maschinery and much more like .. magic tm, the constructs have nothing maschinery like about them and are just floating rings animated by green magic wiggle lines and function almost the same as literal bokblins with the added thing of being able to fuse/use tech.. the empty spot of a threat like the guardians is very prominent once you realize that the constructs are largely just like a reskinned bokblin, and the miasma hands, while neat, are more like a surprise jumpscare and less like a looming threat and are also not taken to their full potential)
theres also a disconnect between the sonau as we are introduced to them in totk and the actual sonau ruins from botw, which share a common dragon motive but have a much more .. MORE aesthetic, theres even color present you dont see anywhere in totk sonau stuff, like the red paint- you are given the explanation that those are ruins built by hylians as a monument to the sonau but i think it falls very flat sicne its clear it wasnt designed to be meant like that in botw and also looks much more withered than the totk sonau ruins which rarely look withered at all despite being even older than the botw ruins; im very sure its jsut an excuse bc their design for totk sonaus got changed ... for some reason, just like their "barbaric" origins in the phirone/faron region
shiekah symbolism and more kinda overtaken by sonau
so, soemthing i really dont like about the sonau as well is that theres quite a bit that they take from shiekah and kinda... present it as being the origin of it, actually;
we all know the very dominant symbol of the eye/third eye with three eyelashes and a tear drop for the shiekah which is established in the very first chronological game (skyward sword) but also featured in alot of other zeldas, it symbolizing their connection to hylia and their foresight (perhaps even more? i dont know everything); now we got the sonau who ... have a LITERAL third eye (and it doesnt even look special ..) that has three lashes and they paint tear drops under their eyes... (which has only the connection to .. the tears zelda sheds when shes a dragon, no other character does so at any other point, lol?) it makes it seem like we are to assume that the shiekah got their symbols from the sonau, actually, just like their tech wasnt their invention either but the sonaus, actually, who are new to the franchise and have no other connection to anything of past games, unlike the shiekah who have been there from the start really
then theres the tech, the ancient shiekah had very advanced, mystical tech in botws ancient history and now the even MORE ancient sonau had even MORE advanced tech way before them in totks lore which goes beyond even botws ancient history
im not saying symbols gotta be exclusive to one group of people but .. it holds alot of significance carried from the older games too, it feels strange for them to highjack the shiekah symbols and achievements WITHIN the two games that are supposedly directly connected in timeline and world (while also pairing them with those supposedly aniecnt hylian feather crowns and belly out look ... which, im no expert but i raise my eyebrow at that) together with the fact that nearly any and all traces of shiekah tech, except for the little needed parts that are never called that though and are just footnotes .. if anything, are precisely erased feels .... off
another long ramble about my thougths about totk, some people graciously call them analysis but i wouldnt say its that, its jsut a largely incoherent waterfall of words that would have spun around in my head for weeks if i didnt write them out and i keep coming up with more thoughts bc im thinking about the rewrite and well ...
im gonna have art soon again ... promise <(_ _)>
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balrogballs · 4 months ago
You mentioned you're a writer irl and having read your fics I'm not surprised! It makes me ridiculously happy to know that published authors still have the time/energy to write fanfiction (aka the only form of written literature that is still Innocent and Unsullied, if you ask me) I dream of being published myself. Any words of advice for an aspiring author? (more specifically, how does one get a literary agent?)
Thank you so much and yes absolutely! I always, always have time for fanfiction — I think some folk, especially in the literary fiction genre, tend to look down their nose at it and say it isn't "real writing" but my hill to die on is that a) it is real writing, and b) prior to the deal I never published a thing irl, and didnt do an MFA but have written fanfic since I was 12 and it genuinely is the way I developed my writing style. Will put the advicey bit under the cut
(disclaimer that I'm not Agatha Christie 2, I am simply little old balrogballs, so my advice defo isn't expert or even particularly qualified hahaha 🥹)
(below bit is as per my experience with litfic, I'm not sure which genre you write in but it may be a little different with genre fic, and more different still with non fiction)
The querying phase is genuinely hellish, and the biggest zone for rejection, with many of the top top agents not even reading query letters let alone manuscript. My main piece of advice here is — look for upcoming/new/fresh agents at established agencies, and submit to them. Whilst they themselves may not have a lengthy track record, they would be operating in an environment that would support them with established contacts, editor introductions, training in negotiations etc, that make it more likely for you to get a good deal.
Anecdotally, my agent is very established, and represents multiple Booker winners and a Nobel winner — understandably, she hadn't even read my manuscript when I first submitted to her, she pressed reject at query stage after reading my letter. A couple months later, I submitted to a fresh intern at the same agency, who wasn't repping litfic, but she passed the manuscript to said top agent and I got an offer within the week though my agent probably won't take intern recommendations anymore because imagine representing Booker winners only to have some deranged 25 y/o debut drag her into a meeting about elf sex fanfics...
But yes generally speaking, it definitely helps to look out for smaller fish in, er, famous ponds!
Other than that, I'd say really pore over agents wishlist (usually on the agency's website or the Query Tracker site — latter is VERY useful as a resource) and hardcore tailor your cover letter to align with it as that's the first impression they get. Also, if you're based in either US/UK, query in your country as the first port of call before switching over to the other side of the pond. But if you write for an English speaking audience and don't live in either of the above, you can query in both US and UK!
Hope this has helped, and v sorry if it's too long I am simply unable to ever stfu
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rocksibblingsau · 9 months ago
Honestly, I'm this close to snapping and writing a fic where Branch dies during Trollscide/the escape and Brozone having to deal with the giant grief that would have caused
Like I get it, they were kid that needed indepedence bla bla bla but are we forgetting that they (most likely, the timeline is kinda just whatever the writers/fans want) left a toddler and an elder in a TROLL-EATING TOWN AND 3/4 NEVER TRIED TO CHECK IF EITHER WERE DOING OKAY (Clay will depends of your headcanon, but I still include him for the vibes)
What they did was shitty if we are talking only real-life perspective, in the trolls world what they did was genuine heartless like Branch is extremely right to be mad bcs for all they knew he could been dead the same year that they walked-out and they shouldnt have know for like 20-something YEARS. We dont know how the three/four of them got out and if they could have taken Branch and Rosie with them or not, but like yk send a letter or some shit FIGURE IT OUT YOUR BROTHER WHO IS A TODDLER COULD BE DEAD or without a proper gardian (which is what happened by the fucking way, next-of-kin WHO)
Sorry for the rant, but like I feel that many people when writing Brozone focus too much on the 'teenagers that left home' aspect and not 'their home is the troll equivelent of a murder cult and they didnt border checking if their family, that never wronged them, was even alive or needed to be taken care of' part
Yeah the fact they left them in the troll tree is pretty messed up. I do think however there would have been no way to take them. I imagine the only reason the four of them escaped is due to the fact they ran on their own. Rosie would have been about the age she would have slowed them down, and the fact of the matter is that while all four were leaving with dreams of finding a place...
They were all leaving on what was likely a suicide mission. I imagine attempts to leave the tree had a 99% mortality rate. It's why they tunneled instead of, yknow, walking through the bars. To take a baby who Probably had a decent life spin ahead of him on a tribe that would Definitely kill him would be a tough choice to make.
Something interesting to consider is that maybe that's what their parents did. Their parents ran and left them all behind. They might think it's normal to do so in that case.
Some people take the third movie to be evidence that the Bergens were a recent development and there were only a few years of Trollstice. (BroZone left, Bergens came in, 3-5 years later grandma dies, the escape happens) Which would explain why BroZone was both able to leave and comfortable leaving Branch behind, because there was no threat of death. It would also explain why John Dory didn't react to the Bergens, he had no clue who or what the hell they were. Me personally I don't believe that, and I find them leaving under the threat of Trollstice more narratively interesting but canon doesn't tell us jack so it's within the realm of possibility.
Can I be honest about something? I'm actually not sure if Branch dying would be more traumatic to them. I think all of them were operating under the assumption Branch would one day be eaten by Bergens. JD already did think he was dead. They might have been having a 'he's in a better place and its okay' mentality.
How much worse is it to find out that no, he's very much alive, though for the longest time he wished he wasn't? Every time you told yourself he's resting, he's with loved ones, he feels no pain now; it was all a lie. He was suffering. You could have stopped it. You could have found him.
Death is tragic, but sometimes living can be so much worse.
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callsign-relic · 8 days ago
sorry for all the back to back liveblogs i usually try space em out a bit but im very excited and ur very excited so im sending it in so i can watch the next eps sooner auufifigjdkjgkf tomorrow. maybe.
S3 EP7 (47)
go with the flow...
more spideybots!
omg its the kids again 🥺 awwwwww... cute...
POP OP... LKJHSKJDHF PRUNEFACE,, rattrap i cant take all these back to back 
Cheetor is teaching the kids!! 
lever......................... PULLEY...LADHAKJ
ouhhhh what are the predacons building...
the fucking camera just dropping closer to the protohumans... AHDJFHEK OH IT WAS REALLY DOING THAT 
"this bot tries for positive programming" GDJFOFDJEFBFKFHEL
UNA NO!!!!!!!!! D:
depth charge is here!
aww una and chak... :((
DEPTH CHARGE... he wanted to go off alone again 
omg shes learnt so much <3 go for the hinges!!
waspinator: "she injuring waspinator!" 
Megatron: "ohhh! situation normal then!" LMAO
wwwuh oh theyr shootin the Beam.
"i aint dead!" "this day is just FULL of disappointments." GrjfkfhdHFKFBD
butterfly stops on Depth Charges chest... "what're YOU lookin at?"
i wanna be that butterfly. i mEAN WHAT WHO SAID THAT.
megatron trying to get una to do things... GRJFIFBEK very cute
oh no... dinobot :(
awhwjdfjdkf,, make like a boat and FLOAT
shdjfkfjedjdk all 3 predacons smackin into each other
oh NO........
oop the explosion still had a big shockwave
i love. rattrap and depth charges dynamic. rattrap just gets along really well with ornery guys.
S3 EP8 (48)
Crossing the Rubicon
gasp!!! BLACKARACHNIA ... tm2 BA real?
why did she give the pod spider legs as well.
oh shit silverbolt 
OHH................. :( 
DUN DUN... never before done operation...
:00... the tension...
awwh,, AWWWWWWWWWWW sappy as always <3 
this is so stressful,,,,,,,,,,
i LOVE these visuals
TARANTULAS! he was snoring LMAO,, hes so nasty 99.99% of the time but. i think that was. kinda cute u_____u
hes like. my unreasonable weirdo fav. like even i dont get it but i like him anyway. 
"this fits with our plans for [Optimus]" what NOW
aHHh,, maximum stress!!!
RAMPAGE !! havent seen him in a while <3333 
🥺🥺😭😭😭😭😭😭 NOoooooOoOOOO BLACKARACHNIA ?!?!
"TARANTULAS.............." Oh hes IN for it now. 
hhhhghgh :(
the silences are so :((
AHHHH !!! blackarachnia... 
RAMPAGE!! "ah such pain... i must help... deepen it"
Oh she looks SO COOL
SB's lil gulp. LMAO me too buddy
Rampage: "LOVE the new look. GOODBYE!" at least he acknowledges that she SLAYS
i am a big fan of rampage gettin whirled around again. this is great
im so glad they didnt romeo and juliet them. id have been so so upset if they did 😭😭
and now we've got transmetal2 blackarachnia!!!!!!
S3 EP9 (49)
master blaster... smth smth insert master baiter joke here.
waspinator :(
tarantulas... at least its not OPs ass again.
oh i am so very normal abt these internal shots.
"sure thang!" HRKFHDK? QUICKSTRIKE...?
Take A Rest! 
poor cheetor gettin punched Again.
oh so spooky... 
i really like that the deco on BA's head moves, it looks really neat
"power outage" UH HUH... 
oh it IS QS. deeply unsettling hearing his voice from OP
OhHHHHHHHHHHH,,, everyones trapped
but depth charge is still somewhere out there................. somehow i dont feel like hes gonna be any help
hhrhhgh. rampage holdin BA. his scary lil laugh. <3333 
theyr making their way onto the ark again !!!! aHH
i am unwell. rampage taunting blackarachnia. ohuuhhghbntbngnnb <3 
Megatron: "ahHhh...~" dont tell me hes gonna monologue AGAIN
oh! Megatron ... OG Megatron!
hrhhrhhhhehdhhhf okay. 1. really interesting to see how many layers Megatron (BW) has around his spark esp. compared to OP last time and also 2. HEY WHATS UP WITH THR WEIRD SPIKED TENTACLE? why. why.
hejedkhfkd HE JUST PRESSES A BUTTON AND BAM. MEGATRONS CHEST IS UNFOLDING like I feel this is a tactical oversight.
its been SO long since we've had some good ol TREACHERY. 
Oh god. Tarantulas... oh hes so narsty
unless. OG!Megatrons spark. yknow.
i kinda assume this is what happened because time isnt unravelling
QS is such a Freak (/neg) 
Wgrjfifhdkfbkd BA LOCKED INFERNO OUT ahahshshhfjdjdjfs
...... dragon megatron 👀??  <- (has watched like. 5 episodes of TF RID 2001)
LMAO. is he a one or 2 headed dragon though....
one head! Still FUCKING AWESOME 
Quickstrike. is so creepy but in a bad way that i do not Like.
"i can suffer your treachery lieutenant, not YOUR INCOMPETENCE." Yeets Tarantulas. "Treachery requires no mistakes."
these are such banger lines. the line delivery is just mwah mwah top notch
he survives his dip in the lava TOO.
"core implosion aborted. all systems normal. have a nice day" WHDKFKFJEKFNKENFKE
Megatron has got ICE powers as well?!?!?
yaaaay everyones back online <3 
wait wheres my boy depth charge :(
man. man. dragon Megatron FUCKS <33 
i try to mostly ignore the thumbnail for the next episodes but the next one has what looks like Megatron in a judge wig?? which is. an image for sure. i cant wait to find out what the fuck thats about LMAO
S3 EP10 (50)
Other Victories...
OH!!!!!!!!! THE ALIENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE VOK
only one body though...
i love a good courtroom scene. this is gonna be great.
waspinator is the lawyer?!?!?!?!?!?
"waspinator LIKE defense! maybe a little MORE defense and maybe waspinator not get blown up all the time" aww...
AHRHRHGHFJSJJGJRJGJKEHTJFJFN inferno is taking minutes. hes got a type writer im gonna fucking cryyy RBFJFKDJ
HSJDKFNFKSNFMFBFKS saved by the alarm
what the FUCK is Tarantulas doing. hes making horrible noises again. oh hes Steaming. hes being a little hater.
!!!!!!! OHHHH FUCK. abandon base..............
"at least this time waspinator was companyyyyyyyy!" AWHDJFHD
we're all gonna die...
OOP tarantulas!
👀 Tarantulas isnt even upset that OP arrived. WHAT IS HE PLANNING...
...... TIGERHAWK JUST. HUUUHHGDHJF? the earth swallowed up OP...
OH! spiderdroids...
AND HIS ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AGAIN
wait WHAT. THOSE are Airazor and Tigatrons sparks.
their sparks fused(?!?!?)
PHEW op is okay
HUHHHHH... oh my god Tarantulas loredrop?!?!
i and the tripedacus council have DIFFERENT origins... HELLO?
AHJDHFJDBDJDBFJDJ he tried to do the fucking. cross at the ghosty aliens LMAO
OH FUCK???????????????
IS HE GONE?? IS THAT IT FOR MY BOY???? is tarantulas dead 😭😭😭 ayuuuygdfhljhckhkc
... okay. at least. Tigatron/Airazor are KINDA back. but as a new character (?!)
tigerhawk is cute,,,,,,,,
yelling. just in general. id have split this up but it's nearly the end of the season and AHhhhHhhHhhHhhhHhh,,,,,,,,,,,,, HHHHH feral scream felt like 20x longer than it actually was and these all felt 20x shorter than they actually were but in a good way. so much. happens.
- initiate
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quiminus · 1 month ago
Jesus christ im gonna be real i completely forgot my own version of the mecha pilot au because i started getting into sonic and in my main fic things are heating and also i travled a little while ago so yeah sorry here is the part 1 its a little short but yeah better late than never am i right
Pov jazz
- sistems online, everything is fully operational swerve - said jazz making his mecha give the thumbs up to the security camera in the space station
{Ok jazz remember this is just to test if the mech is going to survive actual space dont do anything crazy i repeat DO NOT ENGAGE THE ENEMY do you understand?} - said wheeljack in the microphone from the control room in earth
- ok, ok i get it i get it toning the craziness
{opening the hangar, be careful out there} - said perceptor with a stern voice
The massive double reinforced steel doors of the hangar opened and there went jazz he activated the thrusters at the bottom of the mechs feet and went soaring through the vastness of space
{oxigen levels are green pressure is alright, until now everything is as it should be, congratulations jazz you are the first man to fullfil a lot of peoples dreams} - said swerve overjoyed
- thats great, im gonna try out movi- BAM - jazz was interrupted by a gunshot that grazed his- the mechas shoulder
{Jazz what happened?!} Said wheeljack worried
- its the quintessons they, they started attacking - the panic was rising in jazz he had no backup, and it wasnt just one octupus shaped alien it was several
{Jazz get back inside!} - yelled perceptor
- im trying, but there is too many - jazz was dodgin like crazy, it was an onslaught of lasers aiming at him and his only option was run away
He flew, flew as fast as he could and then, he saw something he had never seen before, it was some kind of portal it had the shape of a circle and it was glowing silver
[What the hell is this?since when-] jazz was thinking when more lasers came
Seeing the swarm get bigger and more vicious he flew away in desperation, he got shot in the back the impact big enough to knock him unconscious
Pov swindle
He was taking a coffe break when the news reached him their best pilot jazz, with their very new very expensive space worthy mecha had died in a quintesson ambush alonside the mech
The investors were pissed off their money had seemingly gone to waste and his headache was just starting
He paced around his office his hands in his face, his forehead and hair, he knew the goverment and the suits people already were alergic to caring about the pilots themselves, and that jazz dying would possibly give shockwave more leeway to do ultra mega fucked up things in the name of ensuring things like that didnt happen again, and he needed to stop that, he looked at cellphone in the table debated with himself how much of a scumbag he would be if he did it, and in the end, he sighed in defeat dialed the number and hoped for the best and braced for the worst
Next ->
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viciouslyfilthy · 1 month ago
I got this kind of ask for the frost kids and thought you might have fun with it as well! Rank the sins from the worst to best person
AWH MAN I MUSTA MISSED IT BC I DIDNT SEE THAT ON UR BLOG!! 🐀💨💨 this is gonna be fun lmao. I'm SO sorry it took me this long to finally reply to this 😭 I've been so distant from my OCs, I miss talking about/drawing them. Beware the reply is LONG make yourself a coffee in the meantime lmao
Oof, for worst of the worst? I'm torn between Sün and Jeremiah. They're kind of like two sides of the same coin, but with opposite 'positive' traits. Jeremiah is greedy and will squash anyone that gets in the way of getting what he wants and puts down his low income workers. Jeremiah doesn't care what others think of him, thus he doesn't try to control it. He operates mainly through a consumerist's point of view, so as long as what he produces is good and he has satisfied clients and most of his workers are content, you can't really hurt him and he doesn't care. But he is greedy, he takes more than what he gives to lower-class folks who work for him because they don't provide him with many benefits compared to someone who's wealthier or is more popular/has an influence because it can attract more customers. He is unwilling to change his capitalist mindset because of selfishness and greed.
Whereas Sün is generous (money has no value for him) and is willing to, albeit begrudgingly, negotiate things and discuss topics of change especially amongst his followers since he wants them to think they're on the same level. (manipulates their view to get his way but at least he's not making their lives entirely miserable); and for those that aren't up to date on Sün- the reason I think he's one of the worst is because: he is a cult leader supernatural creature that witholds the power of the Sun itself, which he uses as a fear tactic for his flock since they believe he's the one true God that really makes the world work (spinning the Earth, making natural life exist). Sün is manipulative and egotistical whom preys on the weak-minded and those in vulenrable positions (economical or otherwise) to indoctrinate them into his cult and further grow the worship around Him. (NOTE: he is not truly a deity, he just goes along with whatever people call him to fuel his ego. What he is exactly is complex to describe, but he's basically a supernatural terrestrial creature that is tied to the Sun, hence giving him a long lifespan. When the Sun blows up, his life ends on the spot as well- like having a heart attack. A true deity is not a creature born on Earth, their powers are not limited- meaning they can bend time, space & dimensions, and they do not die.)
Next up is Claude, because of his status when he was alive in his time period. Now that aristocracy isn't a thing anymore, he has no real power in society which leaves him an outcast. Claude, to put it in plain words, is a man that has no clue what he's doing.
He was raised to be a certain way, was made to follow certain beliefs and that's how it simply is in his mind. He doesn't know how to look past that, he doesn't know about himself, unless he has someone whispering in his ear what he should do, he doesn't really know what he's supposed to stand for or who is 'the good guy' since from his point of view, it should be him objectively just because he's an aristocrat and has a wealthy background; he is often conflicted and hypocritical, he doesn't know right from wrong + he's constantly at war with himself. You don't want that kind of person to make political choices, let alone be in a powerful position.
Next up is Willy, because similarly to Claude, he too doesn't know what he's doing, but in this case it's a bit more literal because of his intense emotional disregulation, since he's never had parents or a guardian at all, and having been exposed to torture 'therapy treatments' at the insane asylum that he grew up in- it created a loose cannon.
How Willy acts and behaves is purely based on raw emotions, he has no sense of critical thinking or processing situations, and if for some reason he is unable to use violence (his usual go-to response) he just cowers in fear, bites and screams like a frightened wild animal. While this last bit might make him more empathetic, it's to make an observation that he cannot be reasoned with like an average person having a breakdown if he's overtaken by emotions even if restrained, he won't listen to you because you've made him feel upsetting emotions which makes you bad in his eyes. His one true Saint that he will listen to is Eden, because he's kind to him .
Next is Rotgut which I could argue goes on the same level as Willy... while they are both victims which you Can empathize with, it doesn't mean they're little angels that never did anything wrong. They are Bad™️ and they lash out externally at anyone that gets in their path, the difference here is that Rotgut is 100% aware of what he's doing and still chooses to do it because he genuinely believes people around him deserve it because of the many centuries where people have ridiculed, abused and killed him over and over in the past.
He goes as far as to detach himself from people as if he's not also human. He puts himself high on a pedastal, he sees little to no good in humanity so he's always degrading anything remotely humanoid because you are objectively below him just for existing as you are, in his eyes all you're good for is sex and he's more than open to show that in the form of catcalling or groping.
He's at a surprisingly higher level from the top 'worse' I mentioned at the very beginning because at heart he is not entirely a bad or beyond irredeemable person... believe it or not, he has moments where he manages to look past sex; he has interests he enjoys discussing with other people that enjoy them; he is quite generous when it comes to wealth- money means nothing to him other than 21st century collectibles to keep in his coin collection, it doesn't matter if he has money or not- if he sees something he wants, he takes it regardless, a prison cell can't contain him and he can't be killed.
And of course, he has a big soft spot for kids (his own mostly, human kids just annoy him but he would never hurt or ignore a human child in danger either); lastly- Rotgut has a strong sense of justice when it comes to discrimination, but it fluctates a lot between his own selfishness and being selfless for others, to the point where it makes him quite hypocritical. He's fully capable of simply not giving a damn about the next person's feelings or space by spitting on their food or unsolicited tiddy honking, but the moment he sees a marginalized group being threatened he fights back on impulse based on emotion. His home country was taken from the hands of his people and he was tortured and killed over and over again because he refused to leave or submit to christian beliefs, it's like an automatic response from the little bit of humanity he still has left to defend others going through something similiar. I guess this kind of makes him morally grey in some aspects?
Next up is Freddy, who is also on a morally grey spectrum.
On one hand he is a scary-intelligent but introverted man; he's kind, understanding, he can be melancholic (artistic melancholy/dramatic more often than genuine grieving or despair, to be clear), and maybe a little gruff but with good intentions, but on the other he's a mad scientist with horrendous coping mechanisms who's primarly focus is his work and his work ONLY, so far that he's willing to perform gruesome experiments on creatures he's captured over minor offenses.
His 'side jobs' as a monster hunter and hitman sometimes leads to finding creatures that genuinely mean no malicious harm- but he uses the excuse thaf they 'posed a threat to humanity' in the moment he caught them which, in his mind, automagically justifies kidnapping them and using them as guinea pigs- at which point he no longer sees you as a person but an emotionless object instead which he is allowed to toy around with to reach his desired goal in xyz experiment. Really, deep down torturing monsters he's captured and deemed 'a threat' is, in a way, a personal way of letting out his bottled-up frustration and resentment on something.
He can focus his spite in the form of work, which he sees not only as productive but beneficial; it's a methodical hate, it's calculated as he cuts, injects, and surgically separates tendon from muscle, basking in the agony of the creature.
All his life he's masked and bottled his true feelings, nobody would listen or try to reason with a 'hostile' man who can only argue over a joke because it was a microaggression towards him? And what of his attitude, nobody would take seriously someone who's bitter all the time, only because you judged him by his appearence.
I think, summarized: dr. Kraus' character is tragic; another case where this person is a victim of generational trauma and racism, which you can understand, but his actions aren't justified. He is very prideful, egocentric perhaps, he's aware of his position of power thanks to his intelligence, he knows he has talent and he's very smug about it; thus, he justifies himself that this 'inferior' creature's (or anyone who crosses him) fate is for him to decide what to do.
He CAN be reasoned with. He can be redeemed. Kind of similiar to Willy, his actions are very much tied to his emotions- but in this case it's much more complex and elaborate instead of unchained and direct. If he finds that he can relate to X creature/person, you can be able to dig out his humanity. (The best way I can picture this for it to be understandable is that final scene with Peter Parker and Otto Octavius in Spiderman 2)
Lastly, Eden! I think that on a scale, he's the most mentally stable and 'normal' out of everyone else, although his condition is far from normal, being a corpse full of rats and all. He's introverted, he's kind, he's understanding, he's open-minded and happy-go-lucky.
But that doesn't mean he isn't flawed. While he generally doesn't pose a threat to others (unless Sün forces him to), he has little to no respect/boundaries for himself. His 'soft' nature, his meekness, his cowardly/neutral behaviour to speak up for himself can make him become a victim at the hands of others without being able to eacape the cycle, and he allows it to keep happening out of fear. Sün openly abuses and bullies him knowing that he won't fight back; on the other hand, if he sees Sün abusing someone else, he will be too scared to speak up or mention it to someone else for fear of the abuser finding out, unless you force it out of him.
His personality mirrors Freddy's; he bottles up a lot of his feelings, leaving only those which are 'pleasant' for those around him. Both forced to put on a 'formal gentleman' mask to be seen as people in their timeline where appearences meant everything. He doesn't have any coping mechanism like Freddy, he just straight up ignores any feeling of anger, resentment, injustice because he thinks it's nonsense and doesn't know what to do with it.
And when he reaches his limit, just like Freddy- he explodes and unleashes raw, unprocessed emotions in destructive manners. Although his 'tolerance' bar is a lot higher than Freddy since he's lived like this his entire life, it's very rare for him to lash out. It's easier to see him cry or make him kiss your feet before you'll see him being genuinely angry/expressing his true feelings or standing up for himself, it's sad and pathetic.
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poisoned-pearls · 1 year ago
okay okay, THEIF AU. hear me out
the tweels are mafia implied??? iirc lmao but azul mobster vs jamil viper swiper
jamil is a theif for hire and azuls just a silly mob boss silly guy :3 but jamil gets paid BIG BUCKS one day, to steal from azul. he does and is the ONLY person who has ever succeeded on azul. he gets snapped into this infatuation because he NEEDS jamil by his side.
you know how he tries to get jamil to join octavinelle..? yeah thats him trying to get jamil to be his mob wife. he starts STALKING forums to see who hires jamil and what they want him to steal. he starts showing up to all the places jamil does, even canceling important business meetings in order to see jamil, just to pester him.
"we could rule together, side by side." "i can give you anything you want, all the riches of the world. you wouldn't have to move a finger, with me, if thats what you desired, love." -azul, probably.
and jamil "i just stole important shit from you??" viper is CONFUSED AS HELL because this important guy, isn't doing anything to enact revenge. so he thinks that azul is trying to conn him, to hurt him. he cant imagine that azul would be genuine in his attempts.
so they play cat and mouse. (aka azul follows him on his hires and lets jamil steal his stuff (tweels are ???))
meanwhile, azul has been personally ensuring the safety of jamil, even though zu doesn't know his real identity so he protects him on jobs and stuff. then one day the worst happens and jamil gets knocked unconscious. azul is immediately in action (probably uhh does some erm bad things to the guys who did it tbh!) and takes azul to his base to nurse him back to health and make sure hes not concussed.
when jamil wakes up hes so confused because 1.) where is he? 2.) what happened? 3.) why is his mask still on?
you would assume if you get kidnapped by people who want to hurt you, you would have your identity revealed. in rushes azul, who immediately starts fretting over him. checking his forehead, asking if hes okay etc.
jamil just looks at him and asks "why is my mask on?"
and azuls kinda stumped because, why ask that of all questions. he just says "why, is it hurting you? im sorry, i didnt want to force you to reveal yourself to me."
and jamil just melts because thats the kindest thing hes ever heard (he needs therapy and good friends fr)
(jamil is probably really flexible and agile, moving like a cat while azul is just stiff as a board (its okay hes packing heat))
how dare you put this into my head. I love it. (also how did you know about the mafia fic sitting in my drafts.)
Jamil for the asims forcefully, so Azul IS using his spy just to figure out where he’s going. He’s utterly INFATUATED. He’s full on prepared to see him constantly. He HAS a ring on him whenever to propose before people even realize he likes him.
Azul definitely has him on a list of “you do not hurt these people unless YOU want to be hurt. Badly,” so very few people mess with him on his runs. It almost concerns him.
When Jamil IS like, shot, Azul is going absolutely insane. No one except for his men in that room is safe. If Jamil has to leave with a shot everyone else is leaving with something worse.
He’s fretting over him for DAYS. When they get their doctors to treat the bullet wound he is in that operating room as well. Every single second he has is dedicated to staying by Jamil’s side.
When Jamil wakes up he shoots up immediately, which gets Azul to straighten up too. He’s sitting over in the corner and is immediately like “you’re up! Do you feel okay?- don’t- don’t move your arm it’ll just irritate it- do you want anything? Food, water? I can get you whatever you want.”
“Why is this….” As he gestures to the mask on his face.
“Hm? Does it hurt? I didn’t want to force you to reveal yourself but if you need to take it off I can close my eyes-“
Jamil is like. Beyond suprised. What.
He ends up staying around Azul’s base for a while (Azul is definitely like “oh I just want to make sure they don’t put you back to work when you’re still healing) and he doesn’t realize that he was given the second best room in that place. The only reason he didn’t get the first was because Azul couldn’t clear out his own room in time. But best believe, if Jamil even mentioned something like it Azul would be gone and it would be his.
The entire time Azul is trying to PROVE how happy Jamil could be as his husband. He’s full on courting this man. Everyone in his mob is fucking terrified of messing up around him. Azul’s standards are through the roof so everyone else has to be too.
Azul brings him giant bouquets, expensive accessories, even tailored clothing to his exact size. All of the attendants around the house are told to pay attention to what Jamil wants so he can get it without him even asking. Every time Jamil wants to eat he’s getting expensive food, prepared by their best chefs.
and the entire time Jamil wants to resist, but he just… can’t. Over at the asims he WAS a servant, he didn’t get this kind of treatment, and Azul really wore down his walls the moment he woke up.
Once Jamil has fully recovered though, he doesn’t really want to go back. So one day during dinner he’s just like “I’ll marry you.”
“I Said, I’ll marry you. You’ve proven your point, I like this. And…. It seems fun to have a mob boss wrapped around my finger.”
Azul’s face is fucking burning alive at that point. (He is however, very much like “and I will gladly stay wrapped-) he pulls the ring out of his pocket and slides it over to him.
“You have this on you?”
“I always do-“
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danvillecheese · 2 years ago
why do u think act ur age is fucked
[cracks knuckles] alright. essay time. you asked for it.
I’ve done a similar response to this before here and mentioned something else about it here but I’ll go over it again since those posts are both from a while ago. also bear in mind I haven’t seen aya recently bc I don’t like it. okay let’s get into it
[also im gonna preface this saying maybe i sound very pessimistic but im ranting and its just gonna sound like im complaining because i am. i mean no real malice by the way. im simply a person with a blog.]
first off. they don’t use the show don’t tell as well as they could. in the what might have been montage, sure, they showed potential scenarios and how phineas felt (very briefly) when isa stopped visiting his backyard but it just feels so rushed. I get that they only had like 11 minutes to show it but idk there has to be another way to write it. or just not have it at all idk its just from a writing point of view the whole episode feels rushed and out of place from everything else continuity-wise. why not use little easter eggs planted in the show beforehand? operation crumbcake? pharmacists? meapless in seattle? god theres so many episodes with evidence that phineas liked her back even if he didnt know. just. continuity!!!!
second. why did their friends not try something sooner. it’s not like they didn’t know. like phineas seems to be okay with saying “i wish! i am so in the friend zone there” in front of his friends (that quote alone makes me lose my shit but that’s a whole other point) so clearly they knew about phineas. and isabella also wasn’t quiet about it (source: pnf s1-4). they had like four years of high school to do something and they planned it the day isa left for college? nah its just the least realistic thing ever for me. also them being 18 is like yeah okay maybe the slow burn was worth it and theyre way more grown up (i love a good slowburn) but ohhhhhh my god SURELY their friends were getting sick of them dancing around each other. just me?
third. and I’m sorry to ash simpson but oh my god I hate the character designs like They Would Not Fucking Look Like That. it almost feels like it completely disregards their arcs during the original summer. like yeah child chub disappears over ur teen years but sometimes it stays a little longer! make phineas less twiggy!! make isa look more like her mother! (am i about to redesign them again? whoops)
four. and i know this is no fault of dan and swampy but the show was about to end anyways and yet the entire friend group was paired off into hetero ships?? get fucking real. none of those kids are straight. realistically, i know it was a different time and gay marriage wasnt even legal in the us yet so it wasnt all that common to have queer romance on screen let alone on disney channel but like i said, the show was about to end. what were the disney channel execs gonna do? cancel it? lmao
five. "I am so in the friend zone there." "we are guys. we do not talk about our feelings." WHAT!!! i cant believe this shit is real. these lines of dialogue are canon. what the hell. what kind of message does that even send to younger, impressionable viewers? if ur a 10 year old boy watching that (ok fine maybe that isnt gonna stick with you forever but listen) and you go 'oh its okay to just bottle everything up and not tell my friends about my feelings about anything ever' that is insane! thats not how things should go!! like i get the whole "im so in the friend zone" and yes, this also has to do with the era but like if they wanted to be a more progressive cartoon that kids look up to and enjoy maybe they just. shouldn't have put that whole conversation in.
i barely have any problems with the b plot. in fact id watch the episode just for the kazoo solo. because that plot lines up with the continuity. i can totally see heinz having bowling night with perry and carl and monogram every week! i can totally see perry and monogram retired! and carl running owca and getting payed for it! that all checks out! that one makes sense and works with the canon! if they got that plot so right how did they get the a plot so wrong?
i can answer this question: fanservice. its an awful word, i know. act your age is a fanservicey episode which is why i think it crashed and burned. mml season 2 is rooted in the same issue: doof is very present and takes away from the original plot of the show. like, the one he wasnt even in until the last episode of s1. slightly getting off topic but it is the crux of the issue. fanservice doesnt make for good storytelling. even if it brings in the big bucks. at its core, telling the story the way it should be told is the best one. even if it pisses people off. a good portion of the viewers will still appreciate whatever ending the creators come up with. and no, im not saying phinbella shouldn't have become canon, in fact i really like the ship and all their dynamics, i just think they went about it the wrong way.
as someone who's written and published fic about them getting together in different universes (granted, they were from when i was younger so its mildly terrible. take them with a grain of salt) there are a lot of other ways to tell that story canonically. honestly, i think the best way of doing it was to keep it ambiguous. dont tell that story. let the viewers pick their own ending for phineas and isabella. maybe they dont get together after all. who knows!
thanks for the ask! hope you had fun getting lectured <3
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shadyfestivalperfection · 16 days ago
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Summery: Y/n is the head of surgery and Sebastian is the chairman of the hospital. Y/n is in desperate need of money to repay the dept her parents had taken from gangsters before they had died. On the other hand Sebastian is being forced to get married to Katherine Light who is a very successful business woman. To avoid it, he is in need to find a fake wife. What happens when Y/n and Sebastian get into a marriage of convenience? Will this fake relationship ignite to a real one?
Characters: Chairman! Sebastian Stan x f!Surgeon! Reader
Note: All of these characters are mine except Sebastian Stan
Genre: Romantic & Marriage of convenience
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CHAPTER 1: Y/n L/n
As a disfigured human, life often left me feeling confined, he laid on a stretcher being wheeled into the emergency room. The fluorescent lights above blurred into a haze, their sterile glare amplifying the ache of yet another surgery awaiting me. The reception staff worked mechanically, filling out his paperwork, their clipped voices a distant hum against the chaos of the hospital.
Then, without warning, the fragile routine shattered. A brawl erupted in the ER—a cacophony of shouts and hurried footsteps that cut through the air like a knife. Amidst the commotion, I heard my name. Summoned into action, I barely had time to process the urgency before instinct kicked in. The weight of oxygen-heavy air pressed on my chest, but the fire of responsibility burned stronger. I wasn’t just a medical student anymore—I was a healer.
As I stepped into the frenzy, my gaze locked on a face I hadn’t seen since a few days. My childhood best friend Oliver stood there, his expression caught between shock and desperation. He was stationed by the emergency room’s monitors, a silent guardian in the chaos. The reality of the situation pulled me back like a sharp tug. His life—or perhaps someone else’s—was in my hands. With trembling fingers, I grabbed a pair of gloves, the snap of the latex against my skin grounding me in the moment. I couldn’t afford doubt or hesitation.
Taking a deep breath, I stepped forward. I was no longer the broken girl confined to her own pain; I was the one who could change the ending of this story. Determined, I began to treat him, the weight of both our past and the present pressing down on my shoulders.
“The artery is narrowed than anticipated. We need to adjust before making the incision deeper.” I responded while performing the surgery. “Vitals are stable, but we need to be precise. One wrong move and we could risk significant blood loss.” Oliver said in a flash. The operation room was steeped in tension, each beep of the monitor echoing like a countdown. “Pressure’s dropping.” The nurse’s voice cut through the air like a warning bell. “Stay with me.” I muttered, eyes darting between the surgical site and the monitors. A breathless silence gripped the room as the patient’s life dangled by a thread. Just when defeat seemed imminent, a flicker of institution guided his movements. A delicate adjustment, a daring suture, and then stability. “He’s back.” announced the nurse, relief softening the lines of her face. The room released a collective breath as I crossed my eyes for a moment, feeling the rush of victory against all odds.
-to be continued
(Sorry for such a short chapter)
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halimaidmf · 21 days ago
ooh, what'd you think of Victory Gundam, I feel like you never see people talking about it even though I thought it was pretty good
im sorry anon imo it sucked. its the only gundam ive skipped episodes in (skipped from around the bit in mexico where uso's mom dies to when he meets up with his dad). katejina loos is i feel like the most written by a misogynist gundam character... i didnt feel like there was ever a real motivation for her to go over to the... um... zanscare empire? and it also felt like the ending where she was like "hahaha i am pedophile for uso and im making u and the char clone fight over me" came completely out of left field and i kinda hated it. also i think they dwelled on a couple Shticks too hard (early on The Legs, in the middle third The Mobile Suit Reactor Explosions (the latter felt forced because we had been not worrying about the pollution of mobile suits exploding for the first half of the show and also for all the prior gundam series).
i will say though that the early bit up to meeting the queen and the whole episode where iirc uso was slated to be guillotined was quite good! the angel halo was also an Interesting superweapon (even though I skipped probably the first episode or two with it) but it felt like it was way too blindingly obvious to shakhti that she shouldnt have tried to like, operate it when she did it anyways.
anyways for the bad reasons its not on the list of gundams im making my girlfriends (both de facto and de jure) watch, but now that you mention liking it you have given me an appreciation for the good bits of Victory Gundam that I previously lacked
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baby--b4t · 9 months ago
guess whoooo
it’s fishie again !! :3 writin this req while tiny so apologies if it doesn’t make sense >_<
ftm!reader who recently got top surgery, and is insecure about his scars from it, so s/o itto (or baizhu) who is also ftm helps comfort reader and take care of them after the surgery
(transmasc headcannons make me so happy djdjdjdjdjdjnf ^^) dis is similar to the req I put in b4 dey closed but they’re the sillies so i’m requesting a bunch of things 4 em
HI IM FINALLY GETTING AROUND TO WRITING YOUR REQUEST !! (sorry it took forever). I think I made a Baizhu bot out of this request but I cannot remember. Ill make this Itto because hes so silly and honestly ftm!Itto makes me giggle /pos. Hopefully this is good >:3
(Its not exactly agere BUT he does call the reader little beetle :3)
You had finally gotten the surgery you spent a lot of time saving up for; Top surgery! You felt so proud of yourself for saving up all of the Mora and working so hard to feel comfortable in your own body, so proud for doing something nice for yourself… So why did it feel so terrifying now?
You laid in your bed, staring down at your chest and the way it was all wrapped up. Maybe it was the medication, or maybe it was the feeling of your chest from being operated on, or maybe-… Who were you kidding? You didnt feel right because you knew you would have scarring afterwards. Two very noticeable lines under your chest that would tell everyone you werent a “real” man. Just the thought of it made your eyes fill with tears.
And as if his himbo senses kicked in, Itto emerged from the doorway.
“Hey, hey, heyyy~” He greeted, casually walking towards your bed. “Guess who just scored the best and most delicious noodles for dinner tonight? This guy right here!!” He pointed his thumbs towards himself, not yet noticing your teary face. Somehow his carefree attitude always managed to make you giggle, but once Itto heard you giggle, hearing the off tone of your voice, he knew something wasnt right.
“Huh? Hey, why is my little beetle all sad?” Itto asked as he gently wiped the tears off of your face, being careful with his nails. “Are you in pain? Did you take the meds?” He seemed like such a nervous puppy whenever it came to you, making sure you were comfortable and happy. Once you explained to him that you were scared of the scarring the surgery would have, he just smiled at you.
“What? Thats it? Youre scared of having these super awesome and amazing scars right here?” Itto asked, showing off his own slightly faded scars. He was never shy about them and always explained what they were to curious people. “You mean that youre totally not going to be proud because you went through a big surgery and lived to tell the tale?!” Itto added on, his tone becoming more playful and teasing. He gently ruffled your hair as he saw you smiling again, finding the way he described everything to be funny.
“But seriously, are you in pain? You know you can-“ Itto started to go on again before you shushed him. You reassured him you werent in pain and had taken the medications given to you for recovery. It felt so funny to see such a big and sometimes intimidating guy become such a worried person for you. Thats when Itto finally calmed down and went back to talking about the noodles he grabbed for both of you, even talking about making them soon so you could eat. He just wanted you to have an easy recovery.
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seijatachiis · 11 months ago
so i was clearing out the 49723463781 screenshots on my ipad bc i was cheap and only got 64gb and found a clear for one of the harder challenges from CC12... it makes me sad i dont have my r18 clear but then also like i just used kyostinv's guide anyways. this is one of the challenges that was fairly hard! but this clear is one i did trying to help my friend, whos a mostly maleknights player. im fairly proud of this because i think its a combo of a guide and me tryna utilize operators i dont use or skills i dont use on them as replacements. it helped him too!! he got it done!! and its too big to upload :(
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this was the challenge and risks
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this is the team and their levels. id have to go in game to check module levels...oh mybad i took the screenshot too early lol i also took a guest mylnar lvl90 s3m3 no pots.
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main set up pre-boss... i know i got the vigil lane holding from kokokbeluk's clear!
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go go eyja! also important timing was of kirito s2 to block the mortar guy while also being able to dmg the boss!
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burst the first phase down *stonks*
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and down he goes... im really proud of this clear and i think i was excitedly telling my bf about it after for a while and at the time he didnt play arknights. (he does now but not really that often so hes still confusion but hes trying for me and i love him for it)
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i enjoyed cc a lot. i dont really like the revamp. i have fond memories from CC2, my first real CC (was here for CC1 but was way too noob and couldnt even clear one of the daily stages on risk 0). i remember spending HOURS trying to clear risk18, i streamed it for my friends, it was a great time. the early OSTs are the best bc while operation blade has a special place in my heart, operation pyrite just fucking hits on another level.
anyways sorry for rambling im proud of this clear bc its a combination of what ive learned from guides and people posting their clears to create a guide that could work for my friend and what his roster has available and using operators he likes.
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