(Mostly) original muses 18+┃Multi-verse/ship/muse┃Semi-selective (no minors, please) .┃Penned by mun Klaue┃
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
With Quotittak being a retired Rat Mother and all. How do you think she feels about her "retirement" from ratling birthing duty?
She was not retired in the traditional sense. The Skaven noticed over time that after mating, this one broodmother did not produce any ratlings. So, she was originally sent elsewhere, away from the nursery areas deep within Skavenblight, with the intent to be executed.
Quotittak doesn't understand what menopause is, she just feels kind of unhappy that her core purpose as a broodmother apparently 'stopped working' all of a sudden, because then her clan has no more use for her, which means it's the end of her life.
And the most fucked up part (giving you a glimpse on how grim the ratmen's 'society' is) is how Quotittak has little to no sense of individuality when living within Skavenblight (before wandering off because of her curiosity to explore), she's not upset that her life would be taken if she served no more purpose, she's upset because she CAN'T serve any more purpose to her kin, despite her size her mind has the same hive mentality as any other skavenslave. She doesn't think for herself.
The reason she wasn't killed by her kin is because the warlords, as well as Clan Moulder, see purpose in her yet even if she's not able to reproduce; her resilience and strenght, which is the same as a Rat Ogre.
#what awaits outside of skavenblight? ( quotittak )#roots from the past ( oc info/backstory )#the rabbit has left its home ( ooc )
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With her twisted spine and aching body How do you think Quo copes with the discomfort? Is she the type to crack jokes about her creaky joints, or does she keep it low-key and soldier on through the pain?
Quotittak doesn't understand humour or jokes, she's direct with communication (which is a thing she already struggles with alone).
She bears through the amounts of pain she's already used to tolerate, but she will complain about it and ask for help (if needed) when it becomes too much for her. She doesn't know shame, especially for something as serious as physical pain.
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"what did you think was gonna happen ?!" (Beetlejuice to Rotgut or whoever you wish; from this meme)
"I thought saying your name three times reversed would turn you inside out like a sock... or perhaps exorcise you? I haven't kept up with how ghosts work.
AAAAAAAND! it sounds more complex. Mysterious, even. Icy... err"
He looked down at a crumpled piece of paper, scratching the side of his head, eyes squinted, eyebrows knitted as the smaller man seemed to put all his focus on deciphering his own writing.
"Ehhh.. Eecyiuj..elteeb..... ugh.. no, no. On second thought. That sounds like gibberish."
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Jeremiah is not just the boss of his own company, he's the founder of it! He owns the entire place, has people that rapresent him in lines of work since he can't be in more than one building at the same time. You can argue he might even have the same power as Sün, the difference is he works and controls economically, Sün does it with faith. (And yes you're correct he can deform and change the shape of someone and rearrange their bone structure, he can do what AM does to Benny physically in IHNMAIMS)
Also I'm sorry it came across like that for Claude! Aristocracy in itself isn't COMPLETELY dead, there are still people that rich that are detached from the world, but the type of aristocracy specifically from which Claude comes from, with the attitude, fashion and habits of french aristocracy, is not a thing anymore. You don't see men with powdered faces in wigs and expensive silken clothes on the streets that request their courtiers to observe them eating dinner or put clothes on them in the morning. That type of detached, extremely spoiled type of aristocracy is what Claude is used to and hasn't been able to move on from (and it's the only type of aristocracy he knows of other than England, because he's too ignorant to acknowledge other parts of Europe have also evolved they don't all just live in huts or cabins like he assumes💀). His opossums are former guards, courtiers and servants that he has revived and transformed and often controls to continue this treatment for him. He doesn't know how to dress himself.
I think he and Suzy would get along, they're both infuriatingly stupid 💜
Also you bring up a good point abt Willy! He didn't choose to go live in an insane asylum and get left behind, it was a tragic fate that befell him that was not his fault. Another reason why Willy is made to be more like a wild animal is his behaviour because nothing he has done or how he has lived was a choice he actively made, it's a response to his surroundings and being constantly in survival mode. He often sees himself as a wild animal. You can feel sympathy for an aggressive dog, but you wouldn't praise it's violent behaviour nor put all the blame on it. You can't tame Willy, you can show that you aren't a threat to him like Eden does, but he cannot become civilized when he has lived so long as an outcasted beast. He's the one sin who's symbolic animal he's tied to (the fox) is taken in the most literal form.
The ONE CHOICE he has made for himself is attacking families/any randos that he sees that appear to have (in his eyes) a familial relationship purely out of spite and jealousy. That is what grounds him as still being human, because he's not completely mindless like an animal, and it's this immature violence what can be considered bad about him as a person.
And again I feel like I should've put a clearer example for Freddy- he doesn't just take any creature he traps as an experiment to play with, he has a moral compass to an extent. allow me to paint a better picture: Astarion from Baldur's Gate 3 is a vampire spawn that can be controlled by a true vampire to do whatever his master wants him to do. Astarion is not only a starved vampire, which already makes him dangerous to people, but he's being controlled by a malicious entity, his master. If Freddy had caught Astarion before the events of BG3, he would have labelled him as too dangerous to be left alive. And he would become another guinea pig to enrich his work/research as he forces him to reveal where his master is hidden before actually putting an end to his misery; in Freddy's point of view, although it might seem cold: it doesn't matter how the vampire really feels when he's not being controlled- he is a pawn to a genuine threat, which extends this threat further, and he- along with his master, need to be eliminated.
However, if things play differently, say... Freddy encounters Astarion during the events of BG3, and he shows not only to control his hunger as a vampire to a degree, but that he has broken off his master's control, he- although wary, can be made to reason and see a different perspective, if he can see a logical, positive outcome from it.
Freddy has encountered many creatures that have proven to be cunning, it's only natural that he'd grown to be even more emotionally detached in this job. He is the judge, jury and executioner (at his own leisure). He's extremely strict when it comes to 'giving the creature a chance', which is why he often won't have mercy if there's a lot of negatives that point to the creature being a threat (regardless if they are in control or not), and he does not tolerate making mistakes. Obviously the torture part is unnecessary and it's something evil he chooses to do on his own, but he feels justified knowing that this creature is supposedly 'entirely evil' and that he's giving it a 'dose of it's own medicine', like say a starved vampire that can be mindcontrolled by an even more powerful vampire; for all he knows, that vampire is all but a bloodsucking brainwashed husk.
I got this kind of ask for the frost kids and thought you might have fun with it as well! Rank the sins from the worst to best person
AWH MAN I MUSTA MISSED IT BC I DIDNT SEE THAT ON UR BLOG!! 🐀💨💨 this is gonna be fun lmao. I'm SO sorry it took me this long to finally reply to this 😭 I've been so distant from my OCs, I miss talking about/drawing them. Beware the reply is LONG make yourself a coffee in the meantime lmao
Oof, for worst of the worst? I'm torn between Sün and Jeremiah. They're kind of like two sides of the same coin, but with opposite 'positive' traits. Jeremiah is greedy and will squash anyone that gets in the way of getting what he wants and puts down his low income workers. Jeremiah doesn't care what others think of him, thus he doesn't try to control it. He operates mainly through a consumerist's point of view, so as long as what he produces is good and he has satisfied clients and most of his workers are content, you can't really hurt him and he doesn't care. But he is greedy, he takes more than what he gives to lower-class folks who work for him because they don't provide him with many benefits compared to someone who's wealthier or is more popular/has an influence because it can attract more customers. He is unwilling to change his capitalist mindset because of selfishness and greed.
Whereas Sün is generous (money has no value for him) and is willing to, albeit begrudgingly, negotiate things and discuss topics of change especially amongst his followers since he wants them to think they're on the same level. (manipulates their view to get his way but at least he's not making their lives entirely miserable); and for those that aren't up to date on Sün- the reason I think he's one of the worst is because: he is a cult leader supernatural creature that witholds the power of the Sun itself, which he uses as a fear tactic for his flock since they believe he's the one true God that really makes the world work (spinning the Earth, making natural life exist). Sün is manipulative and egotistical whom preys on the weak-minded and those in vulenrable positions (economical or otherwise) to indoctrinate them into his cult and further grow the worship around Him. (NOTE: he is not truly a deity, he just goes along with whatever people call him to fuel his ego. What he is exactly is complex to describe, but he's basically a supernatural terrestrial creature that is tied to the Sun, hence giving him a long lifespan. When the Sun blows up, his life ends on the spot as well- like having a heart attack. A true deity is not a creature born on Earth, their powers are not limited- meaning they can bend time, space & dimensions, and they do not die.)
Next up is Claude, because of his status when he was alive in his time period. Now that aristocracy isn't a thing anymore, he has no real power in society which leaves him an outcast. Claude, to put it in plain words, is a man that has no clue what he's doing.
He was raised to be a certain way, was made to follow certain beliefs and that's how it simply is in his mind. He doesn't know how to look past that, he doesn't know about himself, unless he has someone whispering in his ear what he should do, he doesn't really know what he's supposed to stand for or who is 'the good guy' since from his point of view, it should be him objectively just because he's an aristocrat and has a wealthy background; he is often conflicted and hypocritical, he doesn't know right from wrong + he's constantly at war with himself. You don't want that kind of person to make political choices, let alone be in a powerful position.
Next up is Willy, because similarly to Claude, he too doesn't know what he's doing, but in this case it's a bit more literal because of his intense emotional disregulation, since he's never had parents or a guardian at all, and having been exposed to torture 'therapy treatments' at the insane asylum that he grew up in- it created a loose cannon.
How Willy acts and behaves is purely based on raw emotions, he has no sense of critical thinking or processing situations, and if for some reason he is unable to use violence (his usual go-to response) he just cowers in fear, bites and screams like a frightened wild animal. While this last bit might make him more empathetic, it's to make an observation that he cannot be reasoned with like an average person having a breakdown if he's overtaken by emotions even if restrained, he won't listen to you because you've made him feel upsetting emotions which makes you bad in his eyes. His one true Saint that he will listen to is Eden, because he's kind to him .
Next is Rotgut which I could argue goes on the same level as Willy... while they are both victims which you Can empathize with, it doesn't mean they're little angels that never did anything wrong. They are Bad™️ and they lash out externally at anyone that gets in their path, the difference here is that Rotgut is 100% aware of what he's doing and still chooses to do it because he genuinely believes people around him deserve it because of the many centuries where people have ridiculed, abused and killed him over and over in the past.
He goes as far as to detach himself from people as if he's not also human. He puts himself high on a pedastal, he sees little to no good in humanity so he's always degrading anything remotely humanoid because you are objectively below him just for existing as you are, in his eyes all you're good for is sex and he's more than open to show that in the form of catcalling or groping.
He's at a surprisingly higher level from the top 'worse' I mentioned at the very beginning because at heart he is not entirely a bad or beyond irredeemable person... believe it or not, he has moments where he manages to look past sex; he has interests he enjoys discussing with other people that enjoy them; he is quite generous when it comes to wealth- money means nothing to him other than 21st century collectibles to keep in his coin collection, it doesn't matter if he has money or not- if he sees something he wants, he takes it regardless, a prison cell can't contain him and he can't be killed.
And of course, he has a big soft spot for kids (his own mostly, human kids just annoy him but he would never hurt or ignore a human child in danger either); lastly- Rotgut has a strong sense of justice when it comes to discrimination, but it fluctates a lot between his own selfishness and being selfless for others, to the point where it makes him quite hypocritical. He's fully capable of simply not giving a damn about the next person's feelings or space by spitting on their food or unsolicited tiddy honking, but the moment he sees a marginalized group being threatened he fights back on impulse based on emotion. His home country was taken from the hands of his people and he was tortured and killed over and over again because he refused to leave or submit to christian beliefs, it's like an automatic response from the little bit of humanity he still has left to defend others going through something similiar. I guess this kind of makes him morally grey in some aspects?
Next up is Freddy, who is also on a morally grey spectrum.
On one hand he is a scary-intelligent but introverted man; he's kind, understanding, he can be melancholic (artistic melancholy/dramatic more often than genuine grieving or despair, to be clear), and maybe a little gruff but with good intentions, but on the other he's a mad scientist with horrendous coping mechanisms who's primarly focus is his work and his work ONLY, so far that he's willing to perform gruesome experiments on creatures he's captured over minor offenses.
His 'side jobs' as a monster hunter and hitman sometimes leads to finding creatures that genuinely mean no malicious harm- but he uses the excuse thaf they 'posed a threat to humanity' in the moment he caught them which, in his mind, automagically justifies kidnapping them and using them as guinea pigs- at which point he no longer sees you as a person but an emotionless object instead which he is allowed to toy around with to reach his desired goal in xyz experiment. Really, deep down torturing monsters he's captured and deemed 'a threat' is, in a way, a personal way of letting out his bottled-up frustration and resentment on something.
He can focus his spite in the form of work, which he sees not only as productive but beneficial; it's a methodical hate, it's calculated as he cuts, injects, and surgically separates tendon from muscle, basking in the agony of the creature.
All his life he's masked and bottled his true feelings, nobody would listen or try to reason with a 'hostile' man who can only argue over a joke because it was a microaggression towards him? And what of his attitude, nobody would take seriously someone who's bitter all the time, only because you judged him by his appearence.
I think, summarized: dr. Kraus' character is tragic; another case where this person is a victim of generational trauma and racism, which you can understand, but his actions aren't justified. He is very prideful, egocentric perhaps, he's aware of his position of power thanks to his intelligence, he knows he has talent and he's very smug about it; thus, he justifies himself that this 'inferior' creature's (or anyone who crosses him) fate is for him to decide what to do.
He CAN be reasoned with. He can be redeemed. Kind of similiar to Willy, his actions are very much tied to his emotions- but in this case it's much more complex and elaborate instead of unchained and direct. If he finds that he can relate to X creature/person, you can be able to dig out his humanity. (The best way I can picture this for it to be understandable is that final scene with Peter Parker and Otto Octavius in Spiderman 2)
Lastly, Eden! I think that on a scale, he's the most mentally stable and 'normal' out of everyone else, although his condition is far from normal, being a corpse full of rats and all. He's introverted, he's kind, he's understanding, he's open-minded and happy-go-lucky.
But that doesn't mean he isn't flawed. While he generally doesn't pose a threat to others (unless Sün forces him to), he has little to no respect/boundaries for himself. His 'soft' nature, his meekness, his cowardly/neutral behaviour to speak up for himself can make him become a victim at the hands of others without being able to eacape the cycle, and he allows it to keep happening out of fear. Sün openly abuses and bullies him knowing that he won't fight back; on the other hand, if he sees Sün abusing someone else, he will be too scared to speak up or mention it to someone else for fear of the abuser finding out, unless you force it out of him.
His personality mirrors Freddy's; he bottles up a lot of his feelings, leaving only those which are 'pleasant' for those around him. Both forced to put on a 'formal gentleman' mask to be seen as people in their timeline where appearences meant everything. He doesn't have any coping mechanism like Freddy, he just straight up ignores any feeling of anger, resentment, injustice because he thinks it's nonsense and doesn't know what to do with it.
And when he reaches his limit, just like Freddy- he explodes and unleashes raw, unprocessed emotions in destructive manners. Although his 'tolerance' bar is a lot higher than Freddy since he's lived like this his entire life, it's very rare for him to lash out. It's easier to see him cry or make him kiss your feet before you'll see him being genuinely angry/expressing his true feelings or standing up for himself, it's sad and pathetic.
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Rotgut's role as a guardian for Sün's cults is pivotal. How does he interpret his duty to protect these groups, and what lengths do you think he would go to in order to fulfill this responsibility?
To be fair? He doesn't always take the duty all too seriously, he attends the Summer reuinions because it's entertaining and it fuels his ego to be among a group of people that worship him (not to mention a few cult members are century-long friends of his that requested to live eternally of Sün as a blessing) so... for him to go to great lenghts for the cults it would really depend on the level of 'danger' that his cults find themselves in, if any at all, and WHO is in danger exactly. If it's a singular 90 year old he doesn't know that's about to get dismembered by clicker zombies, he'll take his time and pull out the excuse that 'oops. I couldn't get there on time. Sorry :3' (keeping in mind he can't always allow people from the cult to die on his watch since he's supposed to be a protector to avoid doubt of the Sins' abilities to prevent bad things from happening, it's a tiny slip he allows himself from time to time)
It's kind of like a part time job he's not too thrilled to do but he can't really quit from. Over time he started to sniff out that Sün's threats that he could 'replace any of them if they disobeyed' are a bunch of horseradish- he exhausted too much energy on splitting parts of himself to tie 6 human souls back into the waking world, to undo one would be like deleting System 32 on your Windows computer.
He needs them more than they need him.
Also, Rotgut was one of the few that were bold enough to request something in return for his supposite 'god-given duty' to just be there in the Summer, which always would be any xyz thing that his children desired in the moment (examples: 6 corndogs, Pixel Chix, Louis Vuitton handbag) or for wealth for himself... that he would then spend on his kids. Sün tends to grant his wishes because 1, he doesn't see any significant importance in what he requests (money has no value to him), but he does get cranky that he just gets used as some instant Mall Santa. And 2, it's not like he can complain, being the supposite 'benevolent generous deity' he paints himself as to his cult.
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I got this kind of ask for the frost kids and thought you might have fun with it as well! Rank the sins from the worst to best person
AWH MAN I MUSTA MISSED IT BC I DIDNT SEE THAT ON UR BLOG!! 🐀💨💨 this is gonna be fun lmao. I'm SO sorry it took me this long to finally reply to this 😭 I've been so distant from my OCs, I miss talking about/drawing them. Beware the reply is LONG make yourself a coffee in the meantime lmao
Oof, for worst of the worst? I'm torn between Sün and Jeremiah. They're kind of like two sides of the same coin, but with opposite 'positive' traits. Jeremiah is greedy and will squash anyone that gets in the way of getting what he wants and puts down his low income workers. Jeremiah doesn't care what others think of him, thus he doesn't try to control it. He operates mainly through a consumerist's point of view, so as long as what he produces is good and he has satisfied clients and most of his workers are content, you can't really hurt him and he doesn't care. But he is greedy, he takes more than what he gives to lower-class folks who work for him because they don't provide him with many benefits compared to someone who's wealthier or is more popular/has an influence because it can attract more customers. He is unwilling to change his capitalist mindset because of selfishness and greed.
Whereas Sün is generous (money has no value for him) and is willing to, albeit begrudgingly, negotiate things and discuss topics of change especially amongst his followers since he wants them to think they're on the same level. (manipulates their view to get his way but at least he's not making their lives entirely miserable); and for those that aren't up to date on Sün- the reason I think he's one of the worst is because: he is a cult leader supernatural creature that witholds the power of the Sun itself, which he uses as a fear tactic for his flock since they believe he's the one true God that really makes the world work (spinning the Earth, making natural life exist). Sün is manipulative and egotistical whom preys on the weak-minded and those in vulenrable positions (economical or otherwise) to indoctrinate them into his cult and further grow the worship around Him. (NOTE: he is not truly a deity, he just goes along with whatever people call him to fuel his ego. What he is exactly is complex to describe, but he's basically a supernatural terrestrial creature that is tied to the Sun, hence giving him a long lifespan. When the Sun blows up, his life ends on the spot as well- like having a heart attack. A true deity is not a creature born on Earth, their powers are not limited- meaning they can bend time, space & dimensions, and they do not die.)
Next up is Claude, because of his status when he was alive in his time period. Now that aristocracy isn't a thing anymore, he has no real power in society which leaves him an outcast. Claude, to put it in plain words, is a man that has no clue what he's doing.
He was raised to be a certain way, was made to follow certain beliefs and that's how it simply is in his mind. He doesn't know how to look past that, he doesn't know about himself, unless he has someone whispering in his ear what he should do, he doesn't really know what he's supposed to stand for or who is 'the good guy' since from his point of view, it should be him objectively just because he's an aristocrat and has a wealthy background; he is often conflicted and hypocritical, he doesn't know right from wrong + he's constantly at war with himself. You don't want that kind of person to make political choices, let alone be in a powerful position.
Next up is Willy, because similarly to Claude, he too doesn't know what he's doing, but in this case it's a bit more literal because of his intense emotional disregulation, since he's never had parents or a guardian at all, and having been exposed to torture 'therapy treatments' at the insane asylum that he grew up in- it created a loose cannon.
How Willy acts and behaves is purely based on raw emotions, he has no sense of critical thinking or processing situations, and if for some reason he is unable to use violence (his usual go-to response) he just cowers in fear, bites and screams like a frightened wild animal. While this last bit might make him more empathetic, it's to make an observation that he cannot be reasoned with like an average person having a breakdown if he's overtaken by emotions even if restrained, he won't listen to you because you've made him feel upsetting emotions which makes you bad in his eyes. His one true Saint that he will listen to is Eden, because he's kind to him .
Next is Rotgut which I could argue goes on the same level as Willy... while they are both victims which you Can empathize with, it doesn't mean they're little angels that never did anything wrong. They are Bad™️ and they lash out externally at anyone that gets in their path, the difference here is that Rotgut is 100% aware of what he's doing and still chooses to do it because he genuinely believes people around him deserve it because of the many centuries where people have ridiculed, abused and killed him over and over in the past.
He goes as far as to detach himself from people as if he's not also human. He puts himself high on a pedastal, he sees little to no good in humanity so he's always degrading anything remotely humanoid because you are objectively below him just for existing as you are, in his eyes all you're good for is sex and he's more than open to show that in the form of catcalling or groping.
He's at a surprisingly higher level from the top 'worse' I mentioned at the very beginning because at heart he is not entirely a bad or beyond irredeemable person... believe it or not, he has moments where he manages to look past sex; he has interests he enjoys discussing with other people that enjoy them; he is quite generous when it comes to wealth- money means nothing to him other than 21st century collectibles to keep in his coin collection, it doesn't matter if he has money or not- if he sees something he wants, he takes it regardless, a prison cell can't contain him and he can't be killed.
And of course, he has a big soft spot for kids (his own mostly, human kids just annoy him but he would never hurt or ignore a human child in danger either); lastly- Rotgut has a strong sense of justice when it comes to discrimination, but it fluctates a lot between his own selfishness and being selfless for others, to the point where it makes him quite hypocritical. He's fully capable of simply not giving a damn about the next person's feelings or space by spitting on their food or unsolicited tiddy honking, but the moment he sees a marginalized group being threatened he fights back on impulse based on emotion. His home country was taken from the hands of his people and he was tortured and killed over and over again because he refused to leave or submit to christian beliefs, it's like an automatic response from the little bit of humanity he still has left to defend others going through something similiar. I guess this kind of makes him morally grey in some aspects?
Next up is Freddy, who is also on a morally grey spectrum.
On one hand he is a scary-intelligent but introverted man; he's kind, understanding, he can be melancholic (artistic melancholy/dramatic more often than genuine grieving or despair, to be clear), and maybe a little gruff but with good intentions, but on the other he's a mad scientist with horrendous coping mechanisms who's primarly focus is his work and his work ONLY, so far that he's willing to perform gruesome experiments on creatures he's captured over minor offenses.
His 'side jobs' as a monster hunter and hitman sometimes leads to finding creatures that genuinely mean no malicious harm- but he uses the excuse thaf they 'posed a threat to humanity' in the moment he caught them which, in his mind, automagically justifies kidnapping them and using them as guinea pigs- at which point he no longer sees you as a person but an emotionless object instead which he is allowed to toy around with to reach his desired goal in xyz experiment. Really, deep down torturing monsters he's captured and deemed 'a threat' is, in a way, a personal way of letting out his bottled-up frustration and resentment on something.
He can focus his spite in the form of work, which he sees not only as productive but beneficial; it's a methodical hate, it's calculated as he cuts, injects, and surgically separates tendon from muscle, basking in the agony of the creature.
All his life he's masked and bottled his true feelings, nobody would listen or try to reason with a 'hostile' man who can only argue over a joke because it was a microaggression towards him? And what of his attitude, nobody would take seriously someone who's bitter all the time, only because you judged him by his appearence.
I think, summarized: dr. Kraus' character is tragic; another case where this person is a victim of generational trauma and racism, which you can understand, but his actions aren't justified. He is very prideful, egocentric perhaps, he's aware of his position of power thanks to his intelligence, he knows he has talent and he's very smug about it; thus, he justifies himself that this 'inferior' creature's (or anyone who crosses him) fate is for him to decide what to do.
He CAN be reasoned with. He can be redeemed. Kind of similiar to Willy, his actions are very much tied to his emotions- but in this case it's much more complex and elaborate instead of unchained and direct. If he finds that he can relate to X creature/person, you can be able to dig out his humanity. (The best way I can picture this for it to be understandable is that final scene with Peter Parker and Otto Octavius in Spiderman 2)
Lastly, Eden! I think that on a scale, he's the most mentally stable and 'normal' out of everyone else, although his condition is far from normal, being a corpse full of rats and all. He's introverted, he's kind, he's understanding, he's open-minded and happy-go-lucky.
But that doesn't mean he isn't flawed. While he generally doesn't pose a threat to others (unless Sün forces him to), he has little to no respect/boundaries for himself. His 'soft' nature, his meekness, his cowardly/neutral behaviour to speak up for himself can make him become a victim at the hands of others without being able to eacape the cycle, and he allows it to keep happening out of fear. Sün openly abuses and bullies him knowing that he won't fight back; on the other hand, if he sees Sün abusing someone else, he will be too scared to speak up or mention it to someone else for fear of the abuser finding out, unless you force it out of him.
His personality mirrors Freddy's; he bottles up a lot of his feelings, leaving only those which are 'pleasant' for those around him. Both forced to put on a 'formal gentleman' mask to be seen as people in their timeline where appearences meant everything. He doesn't have any coping mechanism like Freddy, he just straight up ignores any feeling of anger, resentment, injustice because he thinks it's nonsense and doesn't know what to do with it.
And when he reaches his limit, just like Freddy- he explodes and unleashes raw, unprocessed emotions in destructive manners. Although his 'tolerance' bar is a lot higher than Freddy since he's lived like this his entire life, it's very rare for him to lash out. It's easier to see him cry or make him kiss your feet before you'll see him being genuinely angry/expressing his true feelings or standing up for himself, it's sad and pathetic.
#roots from the past ( oc info/backstory )#from my mouth to yours ( rotgut )#look at that disgusting display ( claude )#the father ( eden )#rabid jealousy ( willy )#get out of my sight ( freddy )#greed has no limit ( jeremiah )#eternal sunlight ( sün )#the rabbit has left its home ( ooc )
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I'm alive !!!!
Update on this old thing since it's been so long since I've written/reblogged anything.
Other than lacking the inspiration to write and roleplay, I've finally managed to get into art school!! Albeit a little later than I would have preferred, but I'm grateful nontheless. Work's been up to my neck, been busy getting gifts/making gifts for friends (festivities and otherwise) and overall just focusing on myself so I haven't really been online checking on people's blogs and whatnot😞 I hope to again eventually.
Now that I'm on vacation I'm gonna try and plan some time to keep reorganizing my blogs and finish writing lore stuff for some.
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💌 (to Max😳)
- @viciouslyfilthy
send 💌 for my muse to write a letter to yours
Dear Maxwell,
How have you been lately? I hope you're doing well. Nothing much has been going on around here, so I suppose I've been a bit lonely.
You can always stop by to visit, if you want. I always enjoy having company around. And it's always a good opportunity to bake something nice. I hope to see you again soon.
#dragonskxn // ₊˚.༄ ೃ ᴀɴɴᴀʟɪꜱᴇ ༺ ˖࣪#oughhhh#ALSO 'I suppose I've been a bit lonely' girl you are a hunted figure on the outskirts of the forest /lh
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Quotittak 90% of the time does this unintentionally and regrets it immediately. She's extremely compassionate and doesn't like hurting other creatures especially if it is something she's being forced/ordered to do to avoid being hurt herself.
There's quite a few times where she just forgets her own strenght too, and ends up sending someone flying after giving them a high five a bit too roughly or breaking a table after putting too much force while using the rolling pin on bread dough.
When your OC inevitably hurts someone or breaks something, how intentional, on average, were their actions in doing so?
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Donno if I ever mentioned this here but: Quotittak doesn't understand the concept of death at all. Even if she were to watch a corpse rot in front of her she still wouldn't be able to just comprehend what's going on- to her it's like saying pigs can fly. It's surreal and it just doesn't make sense. She literally thinks dead things are just in a prolonged sleep state because that is what makes most sense in her mind. It isn't denial, she wouldn't grieve someone who passed away because she just doesn't comprehend that death is a real process that exists.
Again: reminder she has lived her entire life as a vegetable breeding machine in Skavenblight. She has JUST RECENTLY made an identity for herself with an actual name. She just started living her life (despite ironically having given life to so many others). She has had enough strenght to keep going despite warpstone mutations & physical changes, but in exchange her mental state has been severely affected.
Best example I can give you to get a clearer idea is that episode in the chucky series where Chucky ends up getting 'brain-bleached' as a result of exposure to incessant torture. (And for those that have seen the series YES I KNOW I KNOW BUT IM PICTURING THIS SCENARIO WITHOUT THE CONTEXT OF THE SHITTY PLOT TWIST LATER ON)
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Kruber blinked.
"...'Ello to you, Quo... Quo-tic... Quo-tick-tack," he attempted to greet with a salute. Either Queekish was difficult for those who only spoke Reikspiel or the sergeant was still dumbfounded by all this.
Saltzpyre opened the door that was part of the keep's gate. He looked back to Quotittak and bid her to wait a moment. He would have to unbar and open the entire gate for her to enter. After some grunting, he accomplished this and led on.
Inside the center of Taal's Horn Keep, Lohner was reviewing the map on his table---until he heard some unusually heavy footsteps. Looking up, he quickly discovered the source.
"Bloody Hell!" the former innkeeper remarked. "If you had told me we were having some company, I might've been able to spruce-up the place a bit."
Saltzpyre rolled his eyes at Lohner's joke.
"So, what's your plan with this one? Just going to put them to the question or..?"
"I will have the answers I require," Saltzpyre replied. "But until then, she may stay here."
"And how do you suppose that will work?" Lohner asked in disbelief. "What, arrange a room for her? Tell Sienna to go bunk with Kerillian, is that it? For how long?"
Saltzpyre deadpanned. "Here, I said," pointing to the floor. No one was going to give up their room for a giant Skaven.
"...Aye, that'll do it," Lohner nodded. Still, there would a giant Skaven left in the middle of the keep and people would likely be concerned about that.
There were no complaints. In fact, the Skaven didn't seem offended nor phased by the arrangements of sleeping on the floor- then again, she wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed; so far she still did not realize Saltzpyre and his crew slaughtered tons of her kind.
She greeted Lohner the same way she greeted Kruber. Upon being told that she could rest here, the giant rat took it upon herself to explore the area- though without straying too far from where she was instructed to remain... and until she could no longer bear the pain in her back that required her to lay down.
The assumption that the Skaven was attempting escape would've been the logic conclusion considering what they all had experienced with the children of The Horned Rat, however, it wasn't until she abruptly stopped and slowly settled within her handmade 'bed-hole' that they realized she was... just making herself at home; resting on her belly and tucking up all of her limbs underneath, using a large stone she removed from the floor to rest her chin on like it was a firm pillow, her cane leaned against a nearby wall behind her to easily reach.
Up until now the Skaven had been nothing but quiet, an uncharacteristic gentle giant. But it wasn't even a couple hours in when she decided to 'arrange' the portion of the floor she chose as her 'bed-area' that some indecorous destruction, typical of the wretched vermin, would take place: smashing and cracking of stones ringed throughout Thaal's Horn Keep, enough to scare straight anyone in there as the Quotittak ruthlessly drove her fists on the ground, effortlessly separating bits of stone- big and small, until she reached dirt and created a crater in the ground. She made it look easy akin to crushing eggshells and digging into sand, it was quick and violent.
Now they all could get an idea of why she could've been extremely important for Skaven- she wasn't just being a breeding female: she was a weapon.
Regardless of her personality, this served as a reminder that this... this was still a potential threat to The Empire, a beast. What else was she capable of? What would she even be like if you got on her bad side? Surely, she could badly injure at least three of the Ubersreik Five if she wished... and yet... she has never once shown this same force with malicious intent towards them up to this point, or to save her own skin. But why? She wasn't entirely defenseless and she wasn't scared, what differentiated her from acting like the rest? Why was she just nice?
"What?" Quoti bluntly asked once she took notice she'd gained some attention... mainly from Saltzpyre since, to an extent, any wrecking or trouble she caused was his responsibility- his blame for the taking. It was the devouted Son of Sigmar's choice to bring her along with them for questioning after all... one could say (likely Sienna) this was a little price to pay for his obsession with Skaven and thirsting for more knowledge.
"Man-thing want-need some thing?" Her tone was confused and... still, so frustratingly naïve and 'innocent'; it was like a pitiful mockery to the entire Skaven species and their wretched ways, and a complete insult to all of the suffering they've brought upon him.
(( Closed starter for @viciouslyfilthy ))
The journey back to Taal's Horn Keep was uneventful, as usual. Injured and exhausted after culling a few thousand Skaven, the Ubersreik Five---or whichever four of them had gone out---would limp back to the old fortress, tend to their wounds and collapse into their beds. What made this return trip different was their "guest": a Skaven female who somehow left her clan's breeding pit.
Markus Kruber, having broken a leg during an earlier mission, was left behind at the keep. As the sun began to set, he moved himself to sit out in front of the gate and waited for the others to return. Bardin appeared first, eager to swap stories with Kruber over drinks later. Kerillian and Sienna walked together, struggling to muffle their laughter and conceal their wide grins. Kruber inquired, but the ladies just scurried away.
Saltzpyre's stove-pipe hat appeared over the crest of the hill before he did. Even from this distance, Kruber could feel the old witch-hunter's cold gaze upon him. Judging by the women's behavior, he assumed something happened---to the embarrassment or frustration of Saltzpyre, but to their delight.
"Sir," Kruber sat himself upright before giving a salute. "Welcome back. What news from--"
Catching glimpse of the giant Skaven trailing Old One-Eye, Kruber ignored his current condition and sprang into action. "Sir! Rat Ogre behind you!" he cried out.
Kerillian and Sienna had utterly lost it, bursting with laughter from inside the keep.
"At ease, Sergeant," Saltzpyre grunted with a wave of his hand. "This one is for questioning."
"...Sir??" Kruber questioned. He saw no wounds on the giant rat's bulky frame or any sort of bindings on its limbs. How could his companions---or perhaps Saltzpyre alone---have taken such a monstrous Skaven captive?
"As I said, this one is for questioning," Saltzpyre reaffirmed. "Do not make me repeat myself again, Sergeant."
Despite severe confusion, Kruber took the witch-hunter at his word and sat back down with a grunt.
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Why is the ball in the sky so bright and why does it go down
What do humans do for fun
What is sigmar
If im hungry but i dont have food can i eat grass and stones
How do i learn to make food
What is a bread
Basic sandwich recipe
If i am skaven can i make human friends
Why do flowers take so long to open
what would be some of your ocs recent google searches?
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Quotittak fuckign LOVES berries. Raids all types of berry bushes she can find.
Yummy colorful ball-food
what is your ocs favourite fruit?
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When she could no longer give birth to litters, Quotittak was allowed to be left alive because the Lords of Decay see potential in her strenght to become a Rat Ogre variant of sorts. It wasn't her choice, she was just lucky that her body is so sturdy- otherwise... well.
why is your oc still alive?
#gentle vermin ( quotittak aesthetic )#did I ever tell you how fucked up the skaven 'society' is? yes? well let me remind you of that
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