#sorry for the ventish posts ugh something this morning put me in a sour mood
giddlygoat · 3 months
i really wish my memory functioned and that people would stop telling me “look on the bright side, at least you’ll forget your painful experiences too” because. nah. i’ve had people who hurt me horribly call me up years later only for me to greet them like old friends because i literally could not remember why we stopped talking. all my confidence goes out the window when i have to make an argument because i can’t for the life of me remember where my sources are from, if they’re legitimate, whether or not i dreamed it up…
and even beyond that, shouldn’t i get to recall the wonderful experiences in detail, too? i went to bronycon in 2019 and it rewired my brain a bit for the better. hell if i can remember more than a few details. that’s unfair.
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