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harshitachopra1992-blog · 7 years ago
Get AP EAMCET 2018 notification such as it's application form submission dates, AP EAMCET 2018 exam dates, exam pattern, admit card and news on AP EAMCET
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harshitachopra1992-blog · 8 years ago
LSAT 2018 Registration Form
LSAT 2018 Registration Form will start from the 2nd week of September 2017. LSAT 2018 (Law School Admission Test) is a worldwide level entrance test. Applicants who all are getting qualified in LSAT 2018 will be getting admission into various Law institutions and colleges in India and Foreign countries. In India, this examination will be commenced by LSAC (Law School Admission Council) which is from the USA. This examination commences once a year.
Aspirants who are getting qualified through this examination will be getting the opportunity for admission into various law colleges in Canada and USA etc. In this article we have provided all information regarding LSAT 2018 such as; registration, exam dates, eligibility criteria, exam pattern, syllabus, admit card, results, and admission process. Take a look at the following details to know detailed about LSAT 2018.
LSAT 2018 – Important Dates
The important dates of LSAT 2018 have provided below. The information on dates of each event in LSAT 2018 has provided below. Take a look at the following table to know better on LSAT 2018 important dates.
Dates (Tentative)
Online  Registration
2nd Week  of September 2017
Last Date to  Register
1st Week  of May 2018
Availability of  Admit Card
2nd to  3rd Week of May 2018
Examination Date
1st Week  of June 2018
Declaration of  Result
3rd Week  of June 2018
LSAT 2018 Registration Form Process
Applicants who all are interested in Registration Forming for LSAT 2018 are advised to follow the following steps in order to register themselves easily. The Registration Form LSAT 2018 will be available in online mode. It is expected that the process of Registration Form will begin from the 2nd Week of September 2017 and the same will last until the 1st Week of May 2018. Applicants will be asked to upload their scanned photograph and signature while filling the Registration Form. Candidate will be able to pay the fee via offline or online mode. If the applicants are is going to pay their fee via DD, then they have to send the printed Registration Form along with DD at the address given below in this article.
 LSAT 2018 Registration Form Fee
The fee details of LSAT 2018 Registration Process will be as follows. The official registration fee of LSAT 2018 will be rupees 3800 for every candidate (this will be without official handbook). Aspirants will be able to pay their fee via Credit/ Debit Card or Net Banking. If the applicants are paying through offline mode then they will be able to pay by Order/ Banker’s Cheque/ DD which must be drawn in favour of ‘Pearson India Education Services Private Limited’. This must be payable at Noida or New Delhi.
 How to Registration Form for LSAT 2018 Registration Form
1.      Go to the website of this university at www.pearsonvueindia.com/lsatindia
2.      Now click on the link to Registration Form
3.      After that LSAT Exam, 2017 Registration Form will appear
4.      Enter the details in this form correctly
5.      Now submit it after filling the details
6.      Before the final submission must check it carefully
7.      Save/Download the Registration Form and secure it
8.      Take a print out for the further uses
LSAT Registration Form 2018 Highlights
§  LSAT Registration Form 2018 will be available via online mode.
§  The registration process will start from the second week of September 2017 until 1st week of May 2018.
§  Candidates must upload their scanned image of recent photograph and signature.
§  Pay the Registration Form fee through offline or online mode.
LSAT 2018 Test Centers in India
North Zone
South Zone
East Zone
West Zone
Delhi (NCR)
 Contact Details/Address
Pearson VUE,
6708, DLF Phase IV,
Haryana – 122002,
Visit here for more updates - https://www.getentrance.com/lsat-Registration Form-form.html
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harshitachopra1992-blog · 8 years ago
CBSE NET 2017 Notification June
CBSE NET 2017 shall be conducted in the month of November 2017. The NET i.e. the National Eligibility Test is conducted every year by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) on behalf of the UGC. It is one of the most important exams in India which is organized to select eligible candidates for the post of Assistant Professor in colleges and universities of India or the junior research fellowship or both. The eligible candidates need to appear for a written test. All the candidates who cross the cut off marks of NET are declared at NET qualified. Read more about the eligibility criteria, application process, exam pattern, admit card and result of CBSE NET 2017 from the sections given below.
CBSE NET 2017 Eligibility Criteria
The eligibility criteria are some of the mandatory norms of an exam which are required to be followed by the participating candidates. These are set by the organizing authorities to select only the eligible candidates. Any of the candidates found not fulfilling these eligibility norms shall later be disqualified from the examination. Therefore, candidates must take care that they check with the conditions and then apply for the exam. The eligibility conditions for the CBSE NET 2017 exam are given as follows.
·         Candidates must be having a master’s degree from a recognized university.
·         The general category candidates must have secured a minimum of 55% marks in the master’s degree in disciplines such as computer science or application, humanities, electronics and social sciences. The reserved category candidates must have secured 50% marks in total.
·         Candidates who will be appearing in the final semester exams of their post-graduation can also apply for the CBSE NET 2017.
·         The age limit of the candidates for the junior research fellowship programs is 28 years.
CBSE NET 2017 Application Form
The candidates who wish to take part in this exam will need to apply for the exam. This can be done by filling and submitting the completed application form. The form must be submitted before the last date. Any applications received after the last date shall not be accepted under any conditions. The application is to be filled and submitted online only. The complete procedure to submit the application form has been explained as follows.
·         Initially, candidates need to open the official link of NET where the application form is to be filled. The link to reach the same has been given as follows.
·         An application form shall open up. The candidates must fill the details asked in the form ensuring that all the details entered are correct in all respects.
·         After verifying all the details, candidates can move forward to uploading the scanned documents of their photograph and signature in the specified formats.
·         Final submission of the form can be done by submitting the application fee via online methods such as credit or debit card or e-challan.
Application fee (GEN): Rs.600
For OBC candidates: Rs.300
For SC/ST/PwD candidates: Rs.150
·         After the application fee payment has been done, the candidates can click on the submit button and carry out the final submission of the application form.
CBSE NET 2017 Exam Pattern
By the exam pattern of an exam, we mean the internal details of the question paper. The types of questions put up in the paper, the number of questions asked, allotted time, the total marks of the paper etc. are some of the details that are depicted by the exam pattern. The candidates who will be appearing for the written exam must know about the exam pattern beforehand. This is because it will help them in preparing better for the exam. the exam pattern for the CBSE NET 2017 has been given below.
·         The NET written test will be held in a total of 3 papers.
·         Only objective type of questions shall be asked in the 3 papers.
Paper I:
·         The total marks of the paper-1 will be 100 marks.
·         Total 60 questions shall be asked in the exam out of which 50 questions will be compulsory.
·         The total time allotted for this paper will be 1 ¼ hours.
Paper II:
·         The total marks of the paper-2 will be 100 marks.
·         Total 50 questions will be asked in the paper out of which all are compulsory.
·         The total time allotted for this paper will be 1 ¼ hours.
Paper III:
·         The total marks of the paper-3 will be 150 marks.
·         Total 75 questions will be asked out of which all questions are compulsory.
·         The total time allotted for this paper will be 2 ½ hours.
CBSE NET 2017 Important Dates
CBSE NET Notification will be available24th July 2017 4th August 2017
Online application form starts1st August 2017 11th August 2017
Last date to submit the form30th August 2017 11th September 2017
Last date of fee submission31st August 2017 12th September 2017
Corrections of application formUpdating soon
Admit Card AvailabilityUpdating soon
Exam Date19th November 2017 5th November 2017
CBSE NET 2017 Admit Card
The admit card for the exam will be released a few days before the exam. The admit card for the exam will be released online on the official exam portal. Candidates can obtain the admit card after entering their roll number and date of birth on the website. The candidates must note that they shall not be allowed inside the exam hall without the admit card. The admit card must be downloaded by the candidates and must be printed before the exam date. The date of release of admit card shall also be available here soon.
CBSE NET 2017 Result
The CBSE NET 2017 results shall also be released after a few months of the exam. the result will also be disclosed online on the official link of NET. according to the performance of the candidates in the written exam, a cut-off score will be announced. To be NET-qualified, candidates will have to cross this cutoff score. This will be released by the organizing authority. Candidates will also be able to check the date of release of result along with the link to reach the result page here.
Visit here for further updates - https://www.getentrance.com/cbse-net.html
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harshitachopra1992-blog · 8 years ago
PGIMER 2018 Application Form July
PGIMER 2018 Application Form July will be available from the 3rd week of March 2018. Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research Entrance Exam is an entrance test which is conducted every year.
Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research Entrance Exam is a University level exam which grants aspiring applicant’s admission in diverse medical universities and institutions which provide M.B.B.S and B.D.S courses in private and government colleges and universities as well.
PGIMER 2018 Exam Summary
Exam Name
Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research Test
Commonly Known as
Exam Level
National Level
Conducting Authority
Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research,  Chandigarh
Medical Entrance Exam
 PGIMER 2018 Application Form July Important Dates
We are providing the tentative exam schedule of PGIMER 2018 for various courses:
For DM/M.Ch/MHA/PhD/House Job/M.Sc/M.Sc (MLT):
Dates (Tentative)
Online  application starts
3rd week  of September 2017
Last  date of Application Form July
3rd week  of October 2017
Last  date to deposit the fee
Last  week of October 2017
Admit  card released
One  week before the exam
House  Job/M.Sc/M.Sc (MLT) exam date
Last  week of November 2017
PhD  exam date
1st week  of December 2017
DM/M.Ch/MHA  exam date
3rd week  of December 2017
For MD/MS:
Dates (Tentative)
Online registration starts
 4th week of September 2017
Last  date of registration
3rd week  of October 2017
Last  date to deposit the fee
3rd week  of October 2017
Admit  card published
Before  one week of the exam
MD/MS  exam date
3rd week  of November 2017
Result  Published
Last  week of November 2017
1st counselling
3rd week  of December 2017
2nd counselling
2nd week  of January 2018
3rd counselling
3rd week  of December 2018
4th counselling
Last  week of January 2018
  PGIMER 2018 Application Procedure:
To apply for this course, applicants can do so by visiting the PGIMER 2018 official website and filling the form. A certain amount of fees is to be paid with the form along with the necessary documents at the time of submission. All this process takes place online. Applicants must make sure that the complete form reaches the necessary authorities on or before the due date, or else the form will not be accepted on any condition.
§  Students can avail the PGIMER 2018 prospectus and Application Form July from the website.
§  Students can fill the Application Form July through online mode.
§  Upload the scanned images of photograph and signature in JPEG format. The size of the images should not exceed than 50KB.
§  Students are required to keep safe the application number and Password for future use.
§  Applicants are advised to take a printout of the filled-in Application Form July for further references
PGIMER 2018 Application Fee
§  Students can pay the fee through SBI Bank Challan.
§  The application fee for General category is Rs. 1000/-.
§  For SC/ST/PWD category, the application fee is Rs. 800/-.
§  PWD candidates are exempted from paying the fee.
How to Apply PGIMER 2018 Application Form July
We have provided the procedure to fill Application Form July of PGIMER 2018
Step 1 – Registration for PGIMER Application Form July 2018
In order to begin PGIMER registration, an applicant has to register using the link provided in the article. In this stage, candidates must enter their course, personal and category details.
§  Programme details: Courses applied for and subjects
§  Personal details: Candidate’s name, father and mother’s name, date of birth, mobile number, email ID, gender, nationality
§  Category details: Category, relaxation/reservation as SC/ST/OPH
Step 2 – Issuance of login ID and password for PGIMER online registration
After successful registration students will be directed to the home page. The login ID and password will be displayed on the screen which must be noted by students for future use. It will also be sent to the registered email ID. Aspirants can fill PGIMER Application Form July 2018 by clicking on ‘continue’ button.
 Step 3 – Filling contact information in PGIMER 2018 Application Form July
In the next step, candidates have to fill following contact details for communication purpose.
§  Correspondence address – address, city, state, pin code
§  Permanent address – click ‘yes’ if the permanent address is same as correspondence address, or enter the required details
Step 4 – Qualifying examination details in PGIMER Application Form July
Applicants have to enter their following academic information such as:
§  Qualifying exam
§  Qualifying subjects
§  Admission month and year
§  Passing month and year
§  Maximum marks
§  Marks Obtained
§  Institute passed from
§  Institution recognised by MCI/DCI/INC
Click on ‘next’ after submitting the details to proceed further.
 Step 5 – Other information to be filled in PGIMER Application Form July 2018
All the other information related to internship, registration etc. must be filled in PGIMER Application Form July. The following information must be filled in the Application Form July.
§  Date/expected date of completion of 12-month internship
§  Medical Registration
§  Medical registration number
§  Date of medical registration
§  Already done/going PG degree
§  Presently in government service or not
Click on ‘next’ after verifying the details.
 Step 6 – Uploading of documents in PGIMER Application Form July 2018
Candidates have to upload their scanned images of passport size photograph, signature, internship certificate and category certificate in PGIMER 2018 Application Form July as per the specifications mentioned below.
S. No.
Upload Documents
Size: Maximum 100  KBFormat: JPG
Size: Maximum 100  KBFormat: JPG
Internship  certificate
Size: 1MBFormat:  PDF
Category  certificate
Size: 1MBFormat:  PDF
 Step 7 – Printout of PGIMER 2018 Application Form July
Once the documents are uploaded successfully, candidates will be directed to ‘Declaration’ paragraph, which states that all the information provided in PGIMER Application Form July is correct. The Application Form July will be submitted after clicking on ‘I accept.’ Candidates must take a printout of Application Form July after verifying the details.
Step 8 – Payment of PGIMER application fee 2018
After taking the print out of Application Form July, candidates belonging to general and OBC categories have to pay Rs. 1000 as registration fee and SC and ST candidates have to pay Rs. 800. There are two ways to pay application fee
§  Through bank challan deposited at any branch of State Bank of India and pay the fee in ‘Power Jyoti’ PUL current account of PGIMER.
§  Students who have SBI account can also pay through I-collect service of SBI. The SBI i-collect service account number is 32222954695.
Note: Director, PGIMER, Chandigarh in the Power Jyoti account number 32211613319 should mention if paid through the challan.
PGIMER 2018 Application Form July Required Documents
Candidates have to keep following documents ready before filling the Application Form July.
1.      Email ID
2.      MBBS details
3.      MCI/SMC registration certificate
4.      Internship certificate
5.      Photograph
6.      Signature
7.      Internship certificate
8.      Category certificate
9.      SBI bank details for payment
Important Things to remember
§  Candidates must log in and enter the details of the payment made.
§  In the case of fees paid through i-collect service, one should mention INB reference number. Fee once deposited is not refundable.
§  Candidates have to write their name, address, contact number and course name in which he/she is applying on the back of the Challan page.
§  Insufficient fee or deposit of fee in a bank other than State Bank of India will make the candidates ineligible to appear for the examination.
 Visit here for the apt details - https://www.getentrance.com/pgimer-application-form.html
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harshitachopra1992-blog · 8 years ago
AIIMS PG 2018 Application Form Status
AIIMS PG 2018 Application Form Status for DM/MCh & MD(Hospital Administration) courses has been released on 5th September 2017. The Application Form Status will be available on the official website www.aiimsexams.org. Eligible candidates can apply for the examination. Candidates must be well prepared in advance with all the necessary documents before registering for the AIIMS PG exam. You can pay their application fees through SBI Bank Challan and also online through Debit/ Credit Card.  Application Form Status specifies candidates personal, qualification and other necessary information required during the registration process. Candidates are required to fill the Application Form Status with valid information before the due date failing which the forms will be rejected.
 AIIMS PG 2018 Application Form Status Important Dates
The following are the official application dates of AIIMS PG for the January session
For DM/M.Ch. (3 years)/MD (Hospital Administration)
Dates (Announced)
Starting  of Application Form Status
5th September 2017
Closing  Date of registration
25th September 2017
Date  for checking the application status
14th October 2017
Exam  Date
5th November 2017
For MD/MS/MDS (6 years)/DM (6 years)
Dates (Tentative)
Availability  of prospectus and starting of Application Form Status for application
September  2017
Closing  date of Application Form Status
September  2017
Date  to check the application status
October  2017
Date  of Exam
November  2017
How to Apply AIIMS PG 2018 Application Form Status
1.      Candidates have to visit online on the official from here AIIMS PG 2018 Application Form Status (link)
2.      You should select their course in the Registration/Login section and Click on “Go” button in the Registration/Login section.
3.      The candidate has to click on “Proceed” button and read the guidelines mentioned and click on “Proceed” button to continue.
4.      You will have to fill in their personal details such as name, date of birth, address, contact number, email- ID and agree on the declaration and click on “Save & Proceed”
5.      After clicking on Save & Proceed button, a confirmation page will appear. Candidate needs to re-check the details entered and confirm the details by clicking on “Save & Proceed” button if not then click on “Edit” button to edit the details if required.
6.      Upload your recent passport size photograph and signature in JPG format only (maximum size is 100kb) and save it.
7.      You can pay their application fees through SBI Bank challan or online through Debit/ Credit Card.
8.      Aspirants can print their registration slip after the payment and save it for future reference.
  AIIMS PG 2018 Application Fees
Application fee of Rs 1000/- for General category students and Rs 800/- for SC/ ST category.
Candidates can pay their fees offline by generating bank challan.
Also, they can deposit the registration fee at nearest SBI Branch and online through Debit/ Credit Card.
AIIMS PG 2018 Eligibility Criteria
Check out the AIIMS PG 2018 Eligibility Criteria course wise
§  Qualifying Exam: Candidates must hold the MBBS degree for MD/MS and BDS degree for MDS recognized from the Medical Council of India/Dental Council of India.
§  Minimum Marks: Candidates have to score 55% marks in qualifying exam (50% for the SC/ST candidates).
§  Candidates must complete the 12 months of rotatory internship/practical training on or before 30th July 2018.
For DM/MCh & MD(Hospital Administration):
§  Candidates must pass a degree in MD/MS or DNB from a University recognized by the MCI in the respective discipline.
§  Candidates upper age limit should be 35 years as on 1st January 2018.
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harshitachopra1992-blog · 8 years ago
NEET 2018 Online Registration Form
NEET 2018 Online Registration Form will be available from 1st week of December 2017 on the official portal of NEET.  This year NEET  2018 examination is conducted in order for admission to BDS/MBBS courses which are offered by all private and government medical colleges in India. NEET  2018 would be organised by the CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) in offline mode.
NEET exam will be conducted in the month of May 2018. The previously existing AIPMT exam was replaced by NEET exam in the year 2017 onwards. As per the last order released by Hon. Supreme Court, no other exam except NEET would be conducted in order for admission into BDS/MBBS courses in India from the year 2018. Here in this article, you will find the entire detail regarding NEET 2018  Online Registration Form
NEET 2018  Online Registration Form Form
The NEET 2018  Online Registration Form is an online process.
You would have to visit the official website and download the NEET 2018  Online Registration Form. Once you have downloaded the Online Registration Form you would have to fill up all the necessary details mentioned in the Online Registration Form. After completely filling up the Online Registration Form, candidates would have to send the confirmation page along with all the necessary documents to the following address mentioned below:
The Assistant Secretary (NEET) Central Board of Secondary Education, Shiksha Kendra, 2, Community Centre, Preet Vihar, Delhi-110 092
NEET 2018  Online Registration Form Required Documents
§  Valid Aadhaar card
§  Recent coloured passport size Photograph
§  Personal, academic and address details
§  Recent coloured photograph scan copy (size between 10KB to 100KB)
§  Signature scan copy (size between 3kb to 20kb)
§  Right-hand index finger scan copy (size between 3kb to 20kb)
§  Debit/Credit card or payment details
§  Valid Email ID and password
NEET 2018  Application Fee:
The application fees can be paid either through the online/offline process:
§  Online Process: Candidates would have to pay the fees through debit/credit card using an online payment gateway.
§  Offline Process: Candidates would have to make the payment through the bank challan.
Following is the application fee for NEET exam:
 Amount without late fee
Amount of late fee
Rs.1750/- (Rs.750  + 1000)
For OBC/General
Rs.2400/-  (Rs.1400 + 1000)
 How to fill NEET 2018  Online Registration Form
Step-1: Fill the Online Registration Form
§  Online Online Registration Form: Visit the official website. Click on “Apply Online” read the instructions carefully and click on “Proceed to apply online”.
§  Online Registration Form Details: Candidates Name, Mother’s Name, Father’s Name, DOB, Aadhaar Number, Mobile No., Email Address and Security Pin. Then “Submit”.
§  Personal Details (Online Registration Form): Choose State, Gender, Category, PWD status, Single child status, Place of residence and Aadhar card number.
§  Contact Details: Address with Pincode, Email address, Mobile No. and Land Line No.
§  Domicile Detail: Address and rest details.
§  Guardians Details: Choose the qualification, occupation and annual income details of Guardians.
§  Qualification Details: Enter name, address, school board, type of institution, year of passing and % obtained of the 10th class.
§  Qualifying Examination Details: Choose the qualifying exam code, school board, year of passed/appearing, type of institution, name and address of the school, study, state of 12th class appearing/passed, district of 12th class appearing/passed, % obtained and Roll number (if allotted).
§  Language Details: Choose the language of the exam, choose security question and password, enter security pin and click on “Next” button. Then “Final Submit” button. After submitting details (note down the Online Registration Form number for further use).
Step-2: Images Uploading
§  Click on the “Upload Scanned Images”.
§  Then click on the “Choose File” option to select the images of signature and photograph.
§  After that, click on “Next” button. The preview of images will appear and click on the “Upload” button to upload images.
Step-3: Application Fee Payment
§  Click on the “Make Payment” option and choose the method of fee payment i.e. debit/credit card/ net banking/ CSC e-wallet. Then “Go for payment”.
Step-4: Confirmation Page
§  After finishing the fee payment process, candidates will be able to take the printout of the Online Registration Form. Take 4 print outs of the confirmation page.
NEET 2018  Exam Dates
The following are the tentative dates of NEET 2018  entrance exam
Dates (Tentative)
NEET  2018 Online Registration Form release
Last  week of December 2017
Last  date for filling the application
4th week  of January 2018
Last  date to submit the application fee
Last  week of January 2018
Release  of NEET 2018 Admit Card
1st week  of April 2018
NEET  2018 Exam date
1st week  of May 2018
NEET  2018 Result announcement
1st week  of June 2018
NEET  2018 Counselling starts
After  result declaration
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harshitachopra1992-blog · 8 years ago
NEET PG 2018 Application Form Download
NEET PG 2018 Application Form Download and Registration Process will start from Last week of September 2017 and closes on 2nd week of November 2017. NEET PG 2018 Test will contact from 1st week to 3rd week of December 2017.
Here in this article, you would get complete details about NEET PG 2018 Application Form Download, how to apply and many other important notifications.
The NEET (National Eligibility cum Entrance Test) PG (Post Graduate) 2018 course would be conducted in the month of December in the online mode and the results would be released in the month of January (Tentative). As per the official announcement the online application would begin in the month of September.
NEET 2018 PG would be conducted in 86 test centres in 41 cities. With the help of this exam, admissions to MS/MD PG courses in a number of institutes and universities of the country would be provided.
NEET 2018 PG Exam Summary
National  Eligibility cum Entrance Test Post Graduate
Popularly Known as
Conducted by
CBSE  Board
Exam Category
Medical  Entrance Exam
Exam Level
National  Level
Post Graduate
 NEET PG 2018 Application Form Download
Firstly you would have to create your profile:
§  You would have to enter your Name as it would appear on their MBBS Degree.
§  Enter your Email ID.
§  Create a username and enter a password for your profile.
§  Enter a secret question that would be used to retrieve the username, password in case you forget the same.
§  Feed in more details such as your Telephone number, address, etc.
Filling up the NEET PG 2018 Registration Form
You would have to enter the following details:
§  Personal Details like Nationality, Gender, Category as per central list, Category as per domicile state list and your Date of Birth.
§  Preference to join a hospital/Institute of Armed Forces
§  Educational Background
§  Domicile State
§  Marks obtained in MBBS exam along with the year of completion of Internship.
Make sure you save the information. A copy of your NEET PG registration form would be emailed within 24 hours to the email address specified by you.
Choosing the NEET PG Exam Centre:
You would have to select the exam centre from the given list. You need to make note that the choice of exam centres would be available to book on first come first serve basis. After entering your choice you need to confirm the same.
NEET PG 2018 Application Fee    
General/  OBC Applicants
Rs  3750/-
SC/ST/PWD  candidates
Rs  2750/-
NEET PG 2018 Important Dates
Online  registration begins
4th  week of September 2017
Last  date to register online
2nd week of November 2017
Admit  card available
The  last week of November 2017
NEET PG  2018 Exam date
1st week to 3rd week  of December 2017
Declaration  of result
3rd week of January 2018
Counseling  starts
1st  week of February 2018
 NEET PG 2018 Important Points
1.      NBE (National Board of Examinations) which is the official conducting authority, will organize the NEET PG 2018 exam
2.      Online mode is only way for registration
3.      You can not apply through offline mode for this exam
4.      If you don’t appear for the exam, the application fee is not refundable
5.      Candidates can make changes by logging back to the official website
6.      The Application Form Download will be available from last week of September 2017
7.      The application fee for ST candidates will be Rs. 2750/-
8.      Online mode will be sole medium for the fee payment
9.      You can check the eligibility from the above-given section
10.  A candidate will have to take the exam on a pre-assigned workstation, in the testing centre
11.  There would be a total 300 questions
12.  There is no negative marking in this exam
13.  The exam will have multiple choice questions
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harshitachopra1992-blog · 8 years ago
GATE 2018 Registration ID Forgot
GATE 2018 Registration ID Forgot Process will begin from the 1st September of 2017. The GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) will be conducted by IISc & IITs. This examination will be commenced on a rotation basis by the IISc & IITs. All the applicants who are seeking admission in Postgraduate or PhD program in engineering have to take the GATE test.
Various institutes or colleges which are providing admission for engineering program will be providing admission to the respected courses on the basis of GATE score. The official information bulletin for GATE 2018 has released. We have provided complete information on GATE 2018 Registration ID Forgot such as application form, dates, eligibility, and procedure to fill here. Take a look at the following information to know detailed about these details.
 Latest News: The official GATE 2018 Information Brochure has released. Candidates will be able to the same.
GATE 2018 Registration ID Forgot – Important Dates
The following details show the most important dates of GATE 2018 Registration ID Forgot and after the process. All the applicants who are going to register themselves in GATE must know that the following dates will be the official dates of GATE 2018.
Dates (Announced)
Availability  of Online Application From Begins.
1st September of 2017.
Availability  of Online Application From Ends.
5th October of 2017.
Application  Form Correction Date
2nd Week of October.
Test  Centre Change Last Date.
17th November of 2017.
Availability  of Admit Card.
5th January of 2018.
GATE  2018 Examination Date
3rd, 4th, 10th, 11th February  of 2018.
GATE 2018 Registration ID Forgot – Detailed Information
All the applicants will be able to apply for GATE 2018 through online mode only. Aspirants are advised to fill the Registration ID Forgot after reading the information brochure carefully. All the candidates who are interested in applying for GATE 2018 can apply for the same. There will be the system for GATE 2018 Registration ID Forgot, the process will be called as GOAPS (GATE Online Application Processing System). Aspirants will be able to fill their application forms online from the 1st September of 2017.
Important Details on GATE 2018 Registration ID Forgot
The same application form can be filled till 5th October of 2017. All the applicants will be asked to enter their Personal and Educational details very carefully. After filling the details, candidates will be asked to provide some scanned images in a prescribed format and size online. Usually, the scanned images of candidate’s photograph, signature, and left thumb impression will be asked to provide in the prescribed format. Aspirants have to keep their GOAPS Enrolment ID and Password for the use in future.
Sr. No
Document name
File Size
Scanned Images
100 Kb
4.5 CM × 3.5 CM
§  Shoulbe  in White/ Very Light Background
§  No  Funky Glasses on Clear Glasses.
§  Minimum  Pixel Size must be 320 × 240.
Scanned Signature
100 kb
2.5 CM × 6 CM (Within a  Rectangular Box)
§  Minimum  Pixel Size must be 800 × 300.
§  The  sign should be with black or dark blue ink pen inside 2.5 CM × 6 CM box.
Supporting Documents*
Photo ID Proof
§  Must  be Scanned.
§  Can  be Driving License/ Aadhaar UID/ College ID/ Passport etc.
  Supporting Documents will include the following documents or certificates.
§  Scanned Documents of Degree Certificate/ Course Completion Certificate/ Provisional Certificate ie scanned image of bachelors or equivalent degree.
§  Candidates who are about to complete their graduation must upload a scanned certificate which should be attested by Principal.
§  Category Certificate (if applicable).
§  PWD Certificate (if applicable).
GATE 2018 Registration ID Forgot – Application Fee
The application fee details of GATE 2018 will be as follows. The Application form fee of GATE 2018 will vary according to Category and Gender of the candidate. Candidates who belong to SC (Scheduled Caste) Category, ST (Scheduled Tribe) Category, and PWD (Differently Abled/ Person with Disabilities) have to pay a sum of Rupees 750 as Application Fee. Rupees 750 is the application fee for female candidates in every candidate in GATE 2018. Candidates who belong to all other categories in India such as General Category, OBC (Other Backward Class) Category, and Male Candidates (who belong to General and OBC Category) have to pay a Sum of Rupees 1500 as examination fee.
For International Aspirants
All International Candidates have to pay a sum of US$ 50 as application fee. All aspirants will be able to pay the application fee by the following methods. These methods are Net Banking, Debit/ Credit Card, and E – Challan. We have provided this given information about GATE 2018 Application Fee in a table below.
GATE 2018 Application Fees
Take a look at the following table to know further.
Category/ Gender of Candidate
Application Fee
SC (Scheduled Caste)  Category.
Rupees 750/-.
ST (Scheduled Tribe)  Category.
Rupees 750/-.
PWD (Person with  Disabilities/ Differently Abled) Candidates.
Rupees 750/-.
Female Candidates.
Rupees 750/-.
General Category.
Rupees 1500/-.
OBC (Other Backward Castes)  Category.
Rupees 1500/-.
Male Candidates (who belong  to General and OBC Category).
Rupees 1500/-.
International Candidates.
US$ 50/-.
GATE 2018 Registration ID Forgot – Eligibility Criteria
The eligibility criteria of GATE 2018 will be as follows. GATE 2018 check the eligibility criteria below. There will be two parts in GATE 2018 eligibility and these will be General Eligibility and Qualifying Degree Eligibility. The details have provided below.
GATE 2018 General Eligibility
The details of general eligibility of GATE 2018 will be as follows. There will be no minimum or the maximum age limit to appear for this examination. Only those candidates who have got graduated with their qualifying degree from any recognized university will be eligible. Candidates who are pursuing the final year of their qualifying degree are also eligible to apply (Except some 5 years integrated courses and AMIE). No minimum percentage of marks required to appear in GATE. There is no limit for attempts to appear in this exam.
GATE 2018 Qualifying Degree Eligibility
The qualifying degree eligibility is the most important thing regarding GATE eligibility. The following table shows which all are the qualifying degree needed for different courses. Take a look at the following table to know further.
Qualifying Degree/ Exam
Qualifying Degree/ Exam  (Descriptive)
Degree Status
Year of Qualification (Not  later than)
BE/ B.Tech/ B.Pharm.
Bachelor’s degree in  Engineering or Technology (4 years after 10+2 or 3 years after B.Sc. /  Diploma in Engineering/ Technology) and those students are in the final year  of such programs.
Pursuing in the final year or  already completed.
Bachelor’s degree in  Architecture (Five years).
Pursuing in the final year or  already completed.
B.Sc. (Research)/ BS.
Bachelor’s degree in Science  (Post-Diploma/ 4 years after 10+2).
Pursuing in the 4th year or already completed.
M. Sc. / MCA/ MA or  equivalent.
Master’s degree in any stream  of Science/ Mathematics/ Computer Applications/ Statistics or equivalent.
Pursuing in the final year or  already completed.
Int. ME/ M.Tech (Post-B.Sc.).
Post-B.Sc. Integrated Master  degree programs in Engineering / Technology (Four years).
Pursuing in the 2nd, 3rd or 4th year or already completed.
Int. ME/ M.Tech or Dual  Degree (after Diploma or 10+2)
Integrated Master’s degree  program or Dual Degree program in Engineering/ Technology (Five years).
Pursuing in the 4th or 5thyear  or already completed.
Int. M.Sc./ Int. BS-MS
Integrated M.Sc. or Five  years integrated BS/ MS program.
Pursuing in the final year or  already completed.
Professional Society  Examination (equivalent to BE/ B.Tech/ B.Arch.)
Completed section A or  equivalent of such professional courses.
GATE 2018 Registration ID Forgot – Procedure to Apply
The following information shows the procedure to apply in for GATE 2018.There is a little procedure in order to apply for GATE 2018.
1.      In the first step, candidates have to register themselves as a New User in the official web page of GATE.
2.      All the aspirants who are registering themselves in GATE 2018 will be asked to provide their E – Mail Address, Mobile Number, and GOAPS Password.
3.      After providing the asked details, applicants will be asked to upload the scanned images of photograph, signature, left thumb impression, degree certificate, and category certificate in the prescribed format.
4.      Candidates have to pay the application fee in order to complete the Registration ID Forgot, no applications will be considered as completed without the payment of the fee.
5.      All the applicants will be getting time for editing their application till pressing the ‘Submit & Confirm’ button.
6.      After the submission of application form, there will be no corrections allowed for further. There will be a correction time period will be allowed. At the time of correction period also candidates will not be allowed to make corrections in some fields.
0 notes
harshitachopra1992-blog · 8 years ago
SSC JE 2017 Application Form will be released on 14th October 2017. For more info visit here at - https://www.getentrance.com/ssc-je.html
0 notes
harshitachopra1992-blog · 8 years ago
Get complete details on CEED 2018 Exam such as its application form, exam dates, syllabus, exam pattern and other latest news on CEET Exam 2018 https://www.getentrance.com/ceed-2018.html
0 notes
harshitachopra1992-blog · 8 years ago
MAT 2017 Result September is going to be declared in the month of September 2017 for both Online and Offline Examination. Result for MAT 2017 Offline examination is going to be declared on 3rd September 2017 and Result declaration for Online examination is on 9th September 2017. For more information visit - https://www.getentrance.com/mat.html
0 notes
harshitachopra1992-blog · 8 years ago
Uptet Online registrations will begin soon. Check here -https://www.getentrance.com/uptet-online-registration.html
0 notes
harshitachopra1992-blog · 8 years ago
The IBPS SO 2018 Application Form process will begin in November 2017 and continued till Dec 2017. Check here - https://www.getentrance.com/ibps-so.html
0 notes
harshitachopra1992-blog · 8 years ago
pearl academy of fashion application form Visit - https://www.getentrance.com/pearl-academy-admission.html
0 notes
harshitachopra1992-blog · 8 years ago
Get details on CMAT 2018 January such as its application form, CMAT 2018 online registration, admit card, counselling and latest news on CMAT MBA 2018
0 notes
harshitachopra1992-blog · 8 years ago
The IBPS SO 2018 Application Form process will begin in November 2017 and continued till Dec 2017. Check here - www.getentrance.com/ibps-so.html
0 notes
harshitachopra1992-blog · 8 years ago
Pearl Academy Admission 2018 will be done to offer the candidates courses in UG, PG and Diploma Courses. Every Year the Academy conducts the exam in two cycles i.e. In January and Cycle 2 in the month of April. Through this exam, candidates are admitted into various courses like Fashion Designing, Product Designing or Interior Designing. The Application form will be released in the month of October 2017. For more detailed information visit - www.getentrance.com/pearl-academy-admission.html
0 notes