#sorry for the rant but please nintendo or whoever made these decisions stop
elendsessor · 1 year
maybe i shouldn’t be complaining since i refuse to buy any of the new pokemon games until there’s an improvement quality wise but for the people sticking around with the franchise the sv dlc is actually insulting. ngl i feel the need to emphasize that i do still love pokemon despite all the blunders in recent years and i’m only so harsh because i want the series to improve and also prove that it doesn’t have to be the butt of jokes now that it’s become infamous for low quality and a rabid fanbase. hell, the fans deserve so much better. they have saintly patiences to put up with the treatment nostalgia blind or not. they shouldn’t be treated like mindless consumers that will buy every bit of slop put out because they, too, love and want to see the franchise they adore get better.
but i don’t care how many copies it sold or how good the story is. i don’t care if it’s overhated or something. i don’t care who decided for it to be priced the way it is or if the staff working on it did the best they could (because it is the higher ups’ fault). this is an insult. this is inexcusable. this is a prime example of how far not just the series but triple a gaming has fallen.
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if you have violet, you have to wait a couple more months. if you don’t have the switch online membership or friends to trade with, you have to buy the same game—a game that costs $60 without tax—and, regardless, pay over half the price to experience a dlc for a game that released in such a poor state that there was mass refunds and nintendo actually had to issue an apology for. that’s visually horrendous and runs like trash for a modern title for a triple a franchise. that still has bugs and glitches galore that hasn’t been ironed out much if at all. that’s basically another cog in the modern gaming mentality machine that is “release the game unfinished.” that’s only backbone is the pre existing fanbase and, again, nostalgia like its goddamn disney. all for a couple new pokemon and the chance that it’s better than the base game. if it has to cost money, at most, it would be worth $10.
i have no idea who decided the pricing but. higher ups at game freak, nintendo, whatever, you make millions upon millions every quarter from merchandise alone. the team that works on these games is incredibly small and not even near the number of workers on other gaming projects by other studios not nearly as successful as the pokemon dev studio. there’s not many who need to be paid and hell they’re probably getting paid the bare minimum. pokemon is the highest grossing franchise in the world. you can afford to make the dlc cheaper. you can afford to take more time to develop newer shit. nobody will complain or care.
please for the love of god do not support this. even if you decide anyways to pay for the dlc, don’t just turn a blind eye to what’s actually going on and where your money actually goes because it does not go towards the improvement of the product’s quality. this goes for anything, really, but for such a big franchise this is especially appalling.
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