#sorry for the bummer energy but i’m just being real
How r you doing?
well i’m absolutely horrified by the state of our world right now and disgusted by the endlessly racist, heartless, inhumane atrocities being committed and abetted by the leaders of my country against palestine day in and day out with no end in sight…but other than that i’m great! 🥲
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thelonesomequeen · 3 months
Question: How do you ladies deal with all the hate, death threats, fandom toxicity, and nonsense that you’ve gotten lately? I’ve been dealing with a lot of really dark traumatic events that I wouldn’t wish on people, and it’s beyond ridiculous seeing some of the things this so-called fandom loses their mind over. I’d hate to see how some of them react if an actual problem were to happen in their own lives. I miss the days when things were fun on here. I have a lot of downtime at work & found this blog a while back. Stayed cause I enjoyed the 4 of you. Enjoyed seeing Materialists pictures. Chris looked like he was having fun. My point is, I wouldn’t have the patience or energy to run this blog dealing with some of the things people say, and have no idea how either of you do it. Fandoms have gotten beyond irrational and terrifying (TBH). You have a lot of patience to deal with it all. I feel like I am losing my mind seeing some of conversations that happen in these fandoms. It’s sad. Then I go to back to work and check out. But I’m left to wonder how many of those people leave their houses… ever?! I feel bad/sad for those people, but also don’t. I mean minors are one thing, but the adults need to take responsibility for themselves and their actions. Sorry if this is mean, needed to vent and send compliments at the same time. Life is hard, mental health is real, but I’ve been going through it lately.. and Chris Evans has the last thing on my mind; I’ve been focusing on myself. If anything, I’ll come on here during work, but that’s been counterproductive cause I just get mad (not cause of you ladies) and it’s a bummer. Sorry for the long ask ♥️
First of all, I'm glad you're putting yourself first. That should always be the case. I'm sorry you're going through some tough shit right now but you'll come out better for it on the other side. 💜
Second, we basically do the same. We know that this blog is only a part time thing and we just don't allow it to bleed over into our personal lives. We make sure to take time outs when we need it and enjoy the world around us. It helps that we have multiple mods because one can take over if someone else is busy. We have different opinions sometimes, but we’re still a team. We’re here for each other and support each other through fandom things, but real life things as well. It can be a lot of fun to be part of a fandom space, but we don’t let it consume our lives and we actively stay present in our outside worlds.
The people that send us hateful asks are just trolls looking for attention. It’s why we’re able to just let it go. We do have concerns about their behavior in general though. When they send us death threats, we’re in a place where our mental health is strong enough for it not to bother us, but it concerns me that they use language like that in general when we know plenty of people on here do struggle with mental health and sending messages to others telling them to off themselves isn’t funny or okay at all. If sent to a person who is struggling, that can have a catastrophic result and it’s the reason why we try to speak up as much as we do. When these bullies pop up, we want to be known as the people who said “hey, what your doing can have negative consequences and that isn’t ok” as opposed to being the type of people who couldn’t be bothered because it didn’t affect them. We don’t want to be passive people who standby at watch it all happen. It just goes against us as people in general.
We try to hold on to hope that the fandom will eventually return to the fun community it used to be. Having all of the BTS content the last couple of weeks was fun and made it feel like old times again. I love when we can sit back and share in the excitement of some new content and share thoughts and opinions of how we think the movie will be. Hopefully we’ll get a chance at more of that soon! 😊
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eeunoia · 3 years
ENHYPEN Mini Series
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E N H Y P E N as Vampires
pairings: jay park x reader
summary: you were obsessed to vampires not knowing you actually have on luring closely around you.
word count: 5.3k
warnings: a little spicy (keyword: little)
a/n: So after seeing black-haired Jay, I don’t know what else to feel. He really looked good! I mean, all of them looks so good. Oh my gosh, I don’t know. But I hope you enjoy this one. 🌸 (Taglist still open!)
taglist: @rubyanne, @izneos, @jung-breadshop @llamabouquet @eterniki @hwangjangmi @full-sannie @danyxthirstae01 @flowerjaem @dreamykkoo​​
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“Oops. I’m sorry.” you politely said to the person you bumped into while holding some books over both of my arms. He glanced at you then decided to go back to what he was doing. You just shrugged it off and ignored it.
With a light bit to your lower lip you just continued your way back to where your table was. The table was already filled with a lot of books, you’re the only one occupying it but it seems like a group of friends were sitting there because of all the mess. You have a free period so you decided to spend your time here in the library, reading something about vampire.
“I knew I’ll find you here.” your head snapped upwards and a smile quickly spreads through your face at the sight of your friend in front of you.
He was gorgeous as always, Park Jay is in front of you, hair pushed back showing off that beautiful forehead of his. He was showing your his side-smirk while one of his hands was inside his pocket.
“Hi, I was just reading some stuff.” you said excitedly at him. He scoffed right at you didn’t really need to ask you what it was because he already knew what it is. There’s only one thing that makes you go crazy... vampires.
Jay sat down at the vacant chair beside you. He roamed his eyes around to all the different varieties of books at the table. There were thin ones and thick ones. All sort of those type of books you can see in a library.
“Can you even read all of these? I mean, there’s just too many.” Jay said sounding a bit concern as he even goes through some of the books. His face kind of made this unexplained expression as he see some weird stuff written over at the title of the book.
“So... I went here because Shan, is throwing a party later tonight. I was planning to invite you.” Jay said as he still kept looking through some of the books.
You don’t usually get along well with a lot of people. You only have few friends and Jay’s one of them. He figures it would be great to let you interact with real people instead of having you spend your night reading stuff like this. You glanced at him for a while.
“Sounds fun but I’ll pass. I have plans tonight.” you gave him a warm smile as you started flipping over at the pages of the book that you’re currently reading. You grabbed your small notebook to write down something new that you’ve just read.
Jay rolled his eyes and let out a loud sigh, “What plan? To read and research about vampires again?” you weren’t that much surprise to heard it from him. If there's somebody who knew you well, it would be him. Although you don't know much about your dear friend, he knew almost everything about you. Almost... since he doesn't have an idea about your feelings for him.
"Yeah, you got that right." you smiled at him before you went back at reading once again. Furrowing your brows seriously, you tried hard to focus at the books instead of Jay's manly scent.
You've always known his scent ever since. There's just something about it that makes your head grew blank of any thoughts but him. It was like his trademark, makes you aware that he's around.
He snorted beside you then rolled his eyes before resting his hand over at the book you were reading. With a shooting glare, you glanced towards his direction.
"I have better plans so we should go with mine." he shoot you with those intimidating stares. You can't help but to gulp while you're admiring his beauty. He looked so intimidating and hot at the same time. No wonder, a lot of girls from your university were head over heels for him.
"Why do you even want to bring me there? You know how I hate parties and you're probably just gonna use me to avoid those girls." you rolled your eyes at him as you shoved away his hands. You grunted when he don't even moved his hands. How can he be so strong?
"You're kind of right about the girls things but the main reason was because I don't want to be all happy in that party while you're being miserable reading." he said and even smirked at you.
You pushed the side of your cheek with your tongue as you raise an eyebrow at him tilting your head over at the side. "And who said I'll be miserable while reading? I would probably enjoy my night." you said.
He chuckled and finally moved his hand away from your book only to wrap it around your shoulder to pull you closer to him. With a bright red tinted over at your cheeks, you tried hard to calm yourself down.
"C'mon don't be a bummer! I promise I'll go to the library tomorrow with you and you can read for as long as you want." he said whispering over at your ears making your heart beat faster every time his hot breath fans over at your ears and neck.
You tried hard to ignore your beating heart and focused with what he just said. Did he really just said that? Offered to go with you at the library? He never done that before and despise it whenever you asked him to join you. He really got bored pretty fast so you can't blame him. Books just bore him out.
"Are you serious about that?" you said trying to check if he's saying the truth because you kind of doubt it. It can be one of his traps so he can make you go to that party.
"Yeah, I really mean it." and he smiled at you, this time sincerely. You felt your heart racing as your shoulder fell as a gesture of surrendering. You let out a sigh before you pursed your lips, starring over at his pretty eyes.
"Okay, we have to seal it." and you extended your hand over at him, showing him your little pinky finger.
Jay's eyes trailed over it and chuckle a bit because of how cute and childish you can really be. He raised his hand and linked his pinky with yours as he looked back up at you.
"Sealed. I'll pick you up at 8pm."
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You tilted your head before slightly covering your ears as the loud music kind of ringed inside your head making it ache a bit. You're starting to regret your decision of coming here with Jay.
It's been almost like fifteen minutes and he can't be found anywhere! He just told you that he'll get both of you drinks and he disappeared. You rolled your eyes as you started fidgeting with your fingers, slightly starting to feel getting tired of the surrounding.
Whenever there’s a lot of people, you can just feel all of your energy getting sucked out. You don't know but that's just how you feel, maybe because you really hate being in a lot of crowd. Which is a little strange because your friend, Jay, was the complete opposite.
"Why does a pretty girl like you alone, huh?" your head snapped upwards when somebody talked to you. In front of you was one of the cocky football players in your school. You're familiar with him because he's one of the famous students. Often talked about by the girls in your class. He's also friends Jay, you think.
You gave him a faint smile, "Uh, Jay said he'll just grab us drinks." you reasoned out even though that was already fifteen minutes ago.
You saw how a playful smirk got plastered over at his lips, "Ohh, Jay... But I clearly remember seeing him banging somebody at the bathroom though?" he even tilted his head over at the side.
You didn't have time to examine his expression because you quickly felt betrayed after hearing that from him. He said he'll take care of you in this party but seems like he's gonna take care of something else. You have no right to get mad at him, it was normal. But what pisses you off is that you're supposed to be at your dorm, peacefully reading your books and he dragged you all the way here.
You let out a sigh standing up from the sofa and slightly pulling down the end of your short dress. You gave the guy an awkward insincere smile, "I think I should go." you mumbled as you were about to turn and leave the place when you felt him grabbing your arm, stopping you.
"Why don't you stay for a bit more? I can get you a drink." he smirked showing off his charming smile at you.
You battled inside your mind but ended up smiling at him in an apologetic way, "I'm sorry but I want to go now." and you tried to get away from his grip.
You made it outside the frat house and there’s still a lot of people outside but not as crowded from inside. When you were about to make it really out, you felt one hand gripped over you once again.
"Hey are you sure you don't want to stay?" it was the guy from before, he came after you.
"Uh yeah."
"Then can I just drive you home?" he sounds sweet, honestly. But since you knew him a bit, you know he's just basically wanting to get into your pants.
You gave him a smile once again, trying not to show that you're slowly getting pissed. Not to mention, Jay really did get into your nerves tonight.
"No, thanks." you sound polite saying no. When you were about to pull off from him, a hand suddenly loosen his grip from you and Jay's familiar back was now in front of you.
"Hands off, Yoon." Jay said firmly and he's now the one holding your arm. You rolled your eyes and looked away, still pissed at him.
"Okay! I was just offering her a ride home."
"Go offer that to somebody else." and you heard the guy walked away after he heard that from Jay.
You kept quiet even after he turned around to face you. His brows were furrowed hardly looking pissed as well. Taken aback at how he's acting, you pulled away from his grip.
"What?" you asked him sarcastically.
He let out a sigh, calming himself before he ran his hand over at his hair. "I clearly remember told you to stay and wait for me." he muttered seriously at you.
You smiled at him fakely, "Oh, I'm sorry. I figured you wanted to take time fucking the girl in the bathroom so I was just about to go home."
You saw the instant confusion over his face as he starred at you.
"What are you talking about?"
It pisses you even more looking at him denying it. "You were banging somebody at the bathroom that's why you disappeared."
He was still confused, "Banging? Who told you that? I was not--" you didn't even let him finish because you turned around, ready to leave. You were just getting pissed because he was denying it.
You felt him grabbing you and forcing you to face him, "Hey I'm telling the truth! You can even check if my I did. I was just caught off with some friends inside and when I went back to give you the drink, you were gone! You gave me a heart attack, thinking somebody took you somewhere else."
You crossed your arms at him, "I want to go home."
Jay starred right at your eyes and sighed heavily. He planned to actually have fun with you tonight but it seems like that's not gonna happen anymore because you're upset.
"Okay, I'm sorry baby if I left you for a long time." he said sincerely. You gulped and looked away from him as the sweet endearment of him rings over your mind.
You weren't even supposed to act mad. Then so what if Jay's fucking someone at the bathroom? He's already a grown man, he's attractive so a lot of girls will be interested to him! Maybe it's because of your jealousy? You don't exactly know what.
"Okay whatever. I wanna go."
"Okay, can I first have a hug because I was really scared when you were not there where I left you." you eyed him and he's now opening his arms for you.
"And to make sure you aren't upset anymore." he said smirking.
You starred at his eyes for a bit while before you gave in and let out a sigh. Slowly, you approach Jay and wrapped your arms around his waist while he wrapped his around you. He dropped a kiss over at your head before he mumbled something over at you.
"I'll just say goodbye with my friends inside and we can just go somewhere else." he softly said.
You pulled away from the hug after nodding, "Okay, I'll wait for you here."
He starred at you seriously before he shake his head, "No. I'm not leaving you ever again." and he pulled you by your hand.
When you made it inside the crowded frat house, the loud music once again ringed inside your head. The people inside were now getting wasted so it can't be helped to be bumped by somebody. Jay intertwined your fingers with his to make sure you won't be lost.
"Hey, I'll be going." you noticed Jay's familiar circle of friends. They eyed Jay and you saw that disappointed look over the girls that were there.
He chuckled as they groaned in disagreement. "It was a great party, dude. See you around." he lastly said before he started pulling you away.
You even saw how the girl's eyes looked at you with envy and madness. They sure want to stop Jay, that's for sure. But they also know once Jay made a decision, they can't stop him from doing it.
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"Thank you." you smiled at him when he put some more books at the table. He smiled at you as he sat down beside you.
You're now at the library and as promised, Jay really did go with you. He even helped you look for books and said he will stay with you while you read.
As you started rummaging over the books, Jay rested his back over his chair and get his nintendo. He'll play while you do your reading. You've got no classes for today so you can do as much reading as you want without worrying for the next classes.
"Did you know vampires can live forever?" you said sounding so excited as you eyed Jay who's clearly busy with his game.
His hands were busy and his eyes too, while brows furrowed seriously, he gave you a quick glance.
"Oh really? Interesting." you ignored the fact that he sounded so sarcastic about and just kept flipping the pages of the book.
"And I even read that they can roam around even in broad daylight without worrying to be dissolved." you started blabbering some stuff you find cool about them.
Jay just gave you a small nod and still kept his eyes over at his game. You know you're sounding a bit pathetic to other people because of how crazy you are with vampires. They're just few people who believed they do exist and you're one of them. You're just glad that even though you're like this Jay didn't unfriend you. He's just there, listening with your obsession.
"Do you think it'll be painful if a vampire bite you?" You wondered and rested your elbows at the table then your head leaned over your palm as you stare over Jay.
You saw how he stopped moving his fingers and eye you. Those stares really gave chills over your back but you can't look away from him as well. His gazes truly were intimidating, but you love them.
"Wanna try?" he said seriously. You blushed hardly as you starred at him too.
You two were silent for a while as you slowly went back to your senses.
"What do you mean?" you asked feeling completely flustered.
He put his game over the table and leaned closer to you, you gulped starting to feel nervous. Jay's face was still serious when he stretched his hand and put it behind your neck before he pull you closer his lips quickly aiming for your neck.
"J-Jay?" you were confused why he's suddenly acting like this.
"I bet it'll hurt a lot, y/n. It will hurt so much that you can't even take the pain." he whispered after placing a soft kiss over at your neck.
You gulped trying to clear your throat and Jay pulled away now with a smirk over his handsome face. His hands crawled over at your neck and he grabbed it, with a slightly choking position but not tightening it.
"But I bet the vampire will enjoy biting your neck. Sure will do." he muttered before leaning closer to kiss you over at your cheek.
He pulled away and smiled at you, "I'll just get us some drinks." he winked before standing up and leaving you there, dumbfounded.
Jay's really driving you crazy! How can he pull off that stunt without even a single warning? You literally thought he'll bite off your neck or something. You sighed and you rested one of your hands at your chest. You can feel your indefinite heart beats, it was all his fault.
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You starred worriedly over at Jay when he opened the door for you, one night. It was already 9pm and he suddenly called you saying he doesn't feel so good. You hurriedly went to his house to check on him and you saw him looking a bit unwell.
"What happened to you?" you asked worried and rested your hand over at his forehead. It was cold, like always.
He held your hand and smiled a little. You can clearly see that he isn't okay, that he's not feeling well.
"I'm fine. I'll get better once you cook for me." he said and starred right at you. You ended up nodding your head and instructing him to just lay down somewhere.
You tied your hair up and wore the apron slowly trailing over the familiar cozy floor of Jay’s house. It isn’t the first time you were there so were obviously used to it. You rummaged over his stuff and started making something you remembered he loved.
You were now chopping off some ingredients that you’ll be needing for the dish you’re planning to cook for him while you’re mind wonders off to Jay. Ever since the day at the library and the conversation about the bite in the neck, you started thinking about Jay even more. You don’t know why but you think you might be out of your mind. Your obsession with vampires was making you think your friend were actually one of them.
“Ugh.” you grunted lowly as you accidentally cut your finger. You quickly walked towards the sink to wash it away when you felt presence behind you.
“Y/n...” you heard Jay said in a low voice.
You turned around and saw him starring like crazy in your finger that was bleeding, “Jay, it was just a small cut.” you even tried smiling at him but his eyes were still locked at your bleeding finger.
Finding it a bit odd, you cupped his face using your unwounded hand and made him face you. It was just for a short moment but you clearly saw it with your own eyes. Jay’s black eyes turned into a bright red color. You don’t know how to express the excitement you just felt when you saw it.
“Y-You’re eyes...” Jay snapped back to reality and stepped backward, away from you. He knew he fucked up, he shouldn’t have made you go here when he’s like this, when he’s hungry. He thought he was in control and seeing you can somehow calm him down but why does it have to end this way? He can resist you as long as he cannot smell your blood but you just cut yourself and your blood triggers him.
All he wants now is to hold you closer, have some of those blood. Keep you near him, so close to him and to never let go. The most hidden feelings of him slowly becoming visible, he hates it.
“No way,” you mumbled still starring at him not minding that your finger was still bleeding.
“Yes way so if you don’t want me to eat you alive, get away.” Jay said and still slowly backing away.
You starred over at his eyes trying not to miss the moment of him changing his eye color. You can’t believe that what you just read was true. They did change their eye color! Excitement ate you whole as you advanced towards Jay, fear clearly can’t be seen over at your eyes.
“You don’t know how exciting that sounds for me, Jay.” Jay was dumbfounded to actually hear that from you. He’s being dizzy by the scent of your fresh blood and all the emotions that were starting to mess around.
He knew you were obsessed and crazy over his kind but he never really thought you’ll react this way when you knew about him. He didn’t took notice that you were now close to him. you cupped his face as you stare at him.
“Vampires do look breath-taking.” you said.
Jay gulped eyes turning red once again, you were too close and he knew it was dangerous. He pursed his lips as he held over your waist ready to push you away. n “Baby, this is not good. You’re making me so hungry.” he shut his eyes.
“You can have some.” Jay snapped his eyes open and when he saw how sincere your eyes looks, he can’t stop himself anymore.
He muttered small little curses under his breath before he carried you and made you sit over the kitchen counter. Jay held your face softly as his fangs slowly showed, “It’ll hurt a lot.”
You smiled and caress his face, “I can take it.”
He sighed and leaned forward to kiss you over at your lips once before he showered your chin and neck with butterfly like kisses. You shut your eyes as you held unto his hair.
Jay was already feeling so hungry and seeing your bare neck in front of him just drives him crazy. The countless times he fantasize of biting this flashed back through his mind, he didn’t even know there comes a time he will actually burry his fangs at your neck.
You bit your lower lip as you felt his fangs bury at your neck causing you this unexplainable pain. You quickly felt dizzy and Jay was there to hold you close to him making sure you won’t fall.
He pulled away and faced you, looking a bit pale, he got worried and held your face. You smiled seeing him in front of you, fangs showing and blood over at the side of his lips.
You leaned over and kiss it off of the side of his lips. You opened your mouth letting his tongue touch with yours. He groaned and even held your nape to deepen the kiss. You chuckled and pull away, n “You actually enjoy that taste?” you tried to joke when you had a taste of your own blood.
“It was the best so far,” he smirked.
You smirked at him too as you starred at Jay. His eyes weren’t red anymore but his fangs were still out in the open. “You look so hot.”
“Oh yeah?” he chuckled and leaned for another kiss.
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It’s been days ever since the day you knew that Jay was a vampire and ever since then you started becoming his blood bank. He have this blood packs that you don’t know where the hell came from but he prefers to have your blood. It was kind of cute not until you’re full of his bite marks.
If it’s annoying for you, it’s a masterpiece for Jay. For him, seeing you full of his bite marks clearly like claiming you. He smirked while starring over at you doing your homework. Classes were over and you’re at the library with him.
“Aren’t you hot for wearing that?” he teased referring to your turtle neck.
You rolled your eyes, “Why don’t you try then? I clearly told you, stop putting it in a visible place! You never listen.” you hissed at him a bit pissed.
He smirked tilting his head before leaning forward and carefully ran his palm from your collar bone up to your neck, he leaned in.
“Then so what if I want to put it in where people can see it?”
“If its love bites, it’ll be just fine but they’re vampire bites. You hear that? Now, move away,” You rolled your eyes and Jay laughed loving how you talk back at him.
He held your chin and made you face him dropping a kiss over at your lips.
Finally, Jay left you because he have basketball practice and he said he’ll be out till night. It’s okay for you since you’re planning to do something while he’s busy with something else.
It’s been days since you kept on forcing Jay to turn you in. But it’s either he change the subject or he’ll straightly say no. It pissed you off since you were aware of the process of becoming one and you know it’s really possible.
You walked silently towards the football field and go straight over the back of their locker room. There you saw him, squatting down, smoking.
“I knew I would see you here.” you started. The guy snapped his head towards your direction and was a bit stunned to see you there.
“What are you doing here, Jay’s girl?” he asked and take a huff from his cigarette.
You pursed your lips before you let out a heavy sigh, “Can I ask you for a little favor?” you don’t want to waste any time and want to straightforward.
“It depends if we won’t get into trouble with Jay. Why are you even here? Why don’t you ask him for the favor?”
You crossed your arm, “Well, I already did but he refused to.”
He looked at you, trying to guess what you want.
“What is it?”
You were silent of a while before you let out a sigh, “Can you turn me into a vampire?” you suddenly blurted out, getting straightforward.
His eyes grew big for a while as he started coughing after breathing wrongly with his cigarette. You kind of feel bad, so you approach him.
“Are you okay?”
“Are you? This is actually someone approached me for this kind of favor. I thought you were gonna ask me to have sex with you for a second there, I mean that’s what girls usually ask me for a favor.” he was still a bit shock but he managed to stare at you. Now, he noticed the clothes you were wearing.
“So you knew about Jay and he’s feeding on you.” he stated a bit surprised by the situation. He can’t believe this kind of thing was happening right now.
You rolled your eyes, “Are you gonna do the favor or not?” you’re starting to get pissed and you’re actually running out of time. Jay’s practice will be over and you won’t have any time to approach this guy.
“Chill, how did you even know I’m one of them?” your eyes trailed over at his hand that was holding the cigarette.
“That ring, Jay also that kind of old ring. He said it helps him to walk freely in daylight.” you explained.
He nodded actually realizing you were pretty observant of your surrounding. “If you badly want to become one, then why don’t you ask him to turn you?”
“Do you think I didn’t do that? I already did. He kept on refusing.”
“Maybe he have his reasons? Look, I know the sound of living forever and not being able to die is tempting but trust me, it’s not that easy.”
You grew silent. You knew that. Of course you’re aware of that. You think about this a lot and it still brings you to the desire of becoming one.
“Does he know you’re here?” you looked back at him. brows starting to furrow.
You saw how he smirked while leaning over the wall, n “That explains why he seems to be really mad.” you didn’t even have the time to ask him. You just saw him pinned over the wall, a mad jay was holding him by the collar.
“Jay!” you panicked and approached closer.
“What do you think are you doing, Yoon?” his eyes were red and fangs were visible. Yoon smirked at him and raised both of his hands.
“I’m not doing anything, Jay. She was the one who went here.” he said. Jay’s mad eyes were not darted over at you.
“He’s right, I went here myself.”
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“What were you thinking?! You went there alone at night! You knew he’s a vampire and you still went there.” he was very mad. You made it to his house and you two were now in front of each other, his eyes bloodshot, angry at you.
“I wanted to ask him a favor to turn me in since you kept on declining.”
He eyed you, anger became more even intense. He doesn’t know what to feel when he actually heard that from you. All he know is that he’s angry and worried for you. Seeing you in front of Yoon a while ago made him so mad and jealous. For him, you were just his.
“I know you’re obsessed with vampires but I can’t believe you can be this crazy and desperate of becoming one.” he muttered angrily at you.
You pursed your lips while you stare at your fidgeting hands. You sniffed, tears started to pool your eyes. Slowly, you raised your head to face Jay and look over at his eyes.
“It’s not about my obsession about vampires anymore, Jay.” your tears fell from your eyes as Jay clenched his jaw. He hates it, he doesn’t want to see you crying, but he also wants this to stop. He doesn’t want you luring around another vampire again.
“Then what?”
“When I found out that you were a vampire, wanting to become one is not because of my obsession. It’s because I want to be with you forever.” you cried even more.
Jay’s eyes soften as he watch you, “Knowing that soon I’ll leave you hurts me. I don’t want to leave you, Jay. I love you.”
You cried hardly and cover your face with both of your hands. Jay sighed eyes turning red. He advanced closer and held your arms carefully. He uncovered your face kissing you over at your forehead then cupped your face.
“Do you really mean it?”
You starred right into his eyes as you nod your head. He smiled as he leaned closer kissing your lips.
“Alright,” he mumbled softly and turned your head over at the side then moved your turtleneck. He bite over your neck, making you grunt a little.
He pulled away as he held unto the end of your shirt and take it off of you.
“On your knees in front of me, baby,” he ordered giving you those intense look.
Slowly you followed what he said. Jay starred down at you before he fold his sleeves up to his elbow before he bite his two fingers. You saw how his blood ran down.
He moved it down and placed it in front of your face. You looked at it before you looked back over at Jay.
“Open your mouth for me.” he muttered lowly. You followed and carefully entered his two fingers inside your mouth letting you taste his blood.
“That’s it, every bit.” you drank his blood and felt a bit stranger.
“That’s a good girl.” Jay said before he withdraws his fingers from your mouth then crouched down to kiss over your lips. You moaned when he bite over your lips making you open your mouth, sliding in his mouth and you taste more blood from it.
Jay pulled away and carried you over at his bed, laying you down and showered kisses over you as he whispered over your ears.
“I’ll turn you and keep you forever, y/n. You’re gonna be mine and you will never ever have a chance to leave me.” he said right over your ears.
“I love you, Jay.”
You felt his hands over at your body. He kissed the center of your tummy, up to the middle of your chest, to your neck then grabbed it by his hand. He pulled away and starred right at your eyes, his eyes were red, full of affection for you.
“I love you, y/n.”
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doubleleoenergy · 3 years
i. Summer Bummer, Lolita Series
She just might become my lover for real. I might fuck with her all summer for real. They better not holla if I cuff her for real.
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: bestfriendsdad!Andy Barber x fem!reader
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, mentions of erection, lewd thoughts, drinking
Words: 2168
Summary: Andy meets Jacob friends for the first time, including y/n.
“Dad, we’re here!” Jacob cried out, opening the front door to his familiar family home. 
Jacob Barber had just finished his Junior year at Columbia University and had just finished packing up his things in his apartment before driving back home. His parents had just finalized their divorce over the Christmas Break, and frankly, Jacob was relieved. His father, Andy Barber, seemed to be doing great, much happier without Laurie in his life. Maybe that was why he had agreed to let Jacob and his roommates from Columbia stay in their home for the entire summer leading up to their final year of undergrad.
“I’ll be right down, just changing a lightbulb in the bathroom.” Andy called out from upstairs, finishing his work quickly and disposing of the broken bulb in the bathroom trash can. He took his time down the stairs, smiling widely as he saw Jacob and his friends standing in the kitchen. “Good to have you home, son.” Andy announced, embracing Jacob in a warm embrace. He wasn’t lying at all, yes, he was fine after the divorce, but he did miss having his son at home playing video games or listening to his music too loud. Once Andy let go, he eyed the two other boys behind him, patting Jacob on his shoulder. 
“You boys must be Jacob’s roommates, right?” He questioned. 
“Yes, sorry dad, this is Rashad and Collin.” Jacob motioned to each of them, watching as his father shook each of their hands. “It’s nice to meet you all, and please, call me Andy. Only my clients call me Mr. Barber.” Andy took a step back, reaching into the fridge to grab a few Coors Light bottles, handing one to each of the boys before turning his attention back to Jacob.
“I thought you said there was another roommate coming, right? The one who you begged me to let intern at my office during the summer?” Andy asked, raising an eyebrow at his son.
Jacob took a swig off his beer bottle, nodding his head. “Yeah, y/n said she’d be here soon, she was just finishing up with a friend for brunch and then she was heading over.” Jacob, Rashad, Collin, and Y/N had been roommates this year in a quaint little apartment about five minutes from Columbia’s main campus. Andy had been to the apartment once to meet up with Jacob for dinner in the Fall during one of his many fights with Laurie, though Jacob’s roommates had all been out that day.
“Alright, well why don’t you boys make yourselves at home, take your pick of any of the guest rooms upstairs and let me know if you need anything. I was thinking of firing up the grill, it’s such a beautiful day out and the swimming pool contractors just finished with the new pool out back.” Andy opens the doors of the fridge again, pulling out the hamburger meat as the three men race up the stairs to look at the rooms they’d be occupying for the next few months. “Sure dad, thanks!” Jacob calls back, giving his father a short wave of his hand.
About an hour later the boys had all settled into the Barber’s backyard, speakers against the home blaring the hottest songs of the summer. Andy and the boys stood around the grill, exchanging stories of their latest semester and giving Andy a chance to get to know Rashad and Collin better. He was quite impressed with the type of people Jacob had chosen to associate himself with. Rashad was an engineering major like Jacob while Collin was studying chemistry.
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After the boys finished laughing about Collin and Jacob’s double date gone terribly wrong, Jacob’s phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out, glancing at the screen with a smile. “Y/N’s pulling in, I’m going to go help her with her bags.” The other boys stayed next to Andy, watching as he flipped the last set of burgers on the grill.
“She’s gotta look heavenly in a bikini, right bro?” Rashad asks Collin, nudging him playfully in the side.
“You got a thing for y/n? Because I don’t think it’d be too appropriate to get with someone you are living the entire summer with, especially under my roof.” Andy objected, removing the burgers off the grill and onto the plate beside him.
Both Rashad and Collin burst out laughing, taking swigs from their beer bottles as they do. “Nah, Andy. Y/N’s a smoke show don’t get me wrong, but we can look but don’t touch. She’s not a relationship type of woman anyhow.” Rashad teased.
Just as the two boys finished their snickering, Jacob opens the screen door, the two immediately jogging up to give y/n a hug. 
“What, you boys miss me that much after being apart for only a day?” She teased, Collin finally releasing her from his death grip. Jacob pulls y/n out into the yard, stopping right in front of the grill where Andy was turning off the burners.
“Dad, this is y/n.” He gestures towards the woman beside him just as y/n sticks out a hand for Andy to shake.
“It’s nice to finally meet you, Mr. Barber, I’ve heard so much about you.” Andy finally turns his head in the direction of her voice, his eyes locking on hers as his heart skips a beat in his chest.
“It’s nice to meet you too, and please, call me Andy.” He reaches forward to shake her hand, taking in the whole sight of her. Her hair hung in loosely tousled waves down her back, stopping just above her breasts that were jutting out of her black lace bodysuit, which clung tightly to her hourglass figure and was tucked into her jean shorts that barely seemed to cover her ass. Her lips were plump and juicy, the color of a glass of fruit punch, a dotting of light freckles across her cheeks. Her eyes were striking, she wore no mascara, yet her lashes were thick and long. She was breathtakingly beautiful, a ‘smoke show’ as Rashad had said, indeed. 
Y/N watched how Andy’s eyes engulfed her body, tilting her head to one side as she pretended not to notice. “Well Andy, thank you again for letting us all stay with you this summer, and thank you for the internship. I would rather work a paid internship than work with these boys anywhere.” She teased, ruffling Jacob’s hair.
“It’s no trouble at all, our office could use a good intern for the summer.” He agreed, eyes lingering a little too long on her perky breasts again.
“Maybe we can carpool to work, I’m all about environmentalism.” Her words are flirtatiously drifting off her tongue, a seductive smile spreading across her lips. Was Andy imagining this?
“R-right, yeah sounds good.” He moves to grab the plate of burgers by the grill, gesturing to the house. “Boys, please bring out the salad, condiments, and tableware from the counter and come set the table. Oh, and get y/n a beer.”
Andy moves to the patio table and sets down the plate of burgers, watching y/n as she slowly sinks into the chair next to him. He catches a whiff of her perfume, a heavenly mix of oranges, vanilla, and sandalwood wafting through his nostrils. It’s the perfect scent for her, he thought, moving to sit at the far end of the table.
The boys come back with all the supplies for dinner, including y/n’s beer, which she is already nursing happily from. Andy’s eyes focus on how her lips wrap around the top of the glass bottle, clearing his throat as if to rid himself of his dirty thoughts.
“So, y/n, what made you want to intern in my office?” He questioned, assembling a burger onto his plate. Y/N tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, carefully putting a helping of salad onto her own plate before assembling the rest of her meal.
“I’m completing my undergraduate degree and then hopefully getting admitted to law school to become an attorney. I figured interning in a real office would be a great first step.” She stuck her fork into the salad, opening her mouth to take in the bite.
“So, what are you getting your undergrad in?” 
“My major is human rights with a minor in economics.” Her eyes met Jacob’s, a smile spreading on her face. “That’s how I actually found out Jake-y here was looking for another roommate. We had microeconomics together. Then I got introduced to these two losers-“ She teased, motioning to the other two guys at the table who feigned hurt expressions. “-and the rest is history.” The boys next to her were all chowing down as usual as if they hadn’t been fed in days.
As they take the time to finish eating, y/n lets the boys do most of the talking. She’s not a huge sharer when she first meets people, and frankly she’s glad to have the guys around to keep her entertained all summer. The dinner is spent catching way-too-long glances from Andy, his eyes lingering on hers for a bit too long here and there. There’s something about him that intrigues her, maybe it’s because he’s not a boy but a man, or maybe it’s just her usual game of cat and mouse, men usually fell to putty at her feet and she assumed he’d be the same.
“That was great dad, thank you.” Jacob says, finishing his third burger of the night. “Anyone up for a late-night swim?” He asked, standing up from the table and picking up a few of the items from it to take them inside. Rashad and Collin follow suit, with y/n trailing behind.
“Sounds good.” Rashad replies, going over to set his plate in the sink before bounding up the stairs. Andy walks back in as the four head upstairs to change, turning on the sink and rinsing off the dishes before setting them in the drying rack on the counter.
Shortly after finishing washing his third plate, he hears the boys running down the stairs, pushing each other to see who can do a cannonball in the pool first. Andy can’t help but chuckle to himself at their energy, it truly was nice to have noise in the house again.
“Can I help you, Mr. Barber?” Andy turns his head to the soft voice behind him, his cock twitching in his jeans. She’s standing in front of him in the tiniest floral bikini he’s even seen on a woman, the bottoms barely covering her slit and leaving nothing to the imagination of her ass.
“It’s Andy.” He chokes out, licking his lips before turning his attention back to the sink. Y/N sashays over to his side, grabbing the clean towel off the counter and starting to dry the dishes as Andy sets them into the rack.
“Right, I’m sorry, Andy.” Her eyes trail over his figure as she speaks, he can feel her eyes on him, and he shifts his weight as he stands to make sure his cock couldn’t be seen through the fabric of his jeans. “Thank you again for letting us all stay here; I was hoping not to have to deal with another summer bummer.” Her thin fingers set each dry dish carefully atop the other, Andy’s eyes glancing over one last time before he turns off the water, drying his hands on a clean towel.
He clears his throat. “Of course, any friend of Jacob’s is a friend of mine.” Suddenly, as if his ears are burning, Jacob opens the screen door sopping wet.
“You coming y/n?” He asks, cocking an eyebrow at her. 
“Yeah, I was just helping your dad clean up.”
Andy shifts uncomfortably, trying to hide the erection in his pants. “Hey kiddo, I’m going to bed, you guys have fun tonight.” He turns to walk down the hallway of the first floor to his bedroom, hearing y/n’s soft voice echoing out to him.
“Goodnight Andy.” She purred, Jacob finally picking her up over his shoulder and carrying her out to the pool area, her cries of protest lingering as he shut the screen door behind them.
Once locked away in his room Andy let out a sigh, undoing his jeans and letting his cock spring free from his underwear. He couldn’t believe the way he was getting hard for his son’s best friend, he hadn’t even had a chance to think of another woman since the divorce, but y/n just had this sickeningly sweet seduction about her, he knew it matched a certain name.
“Lolita.” He murmured, and though she wasn’t a 12-year old girl from the novel, because ew, he did seem to have some sinful obsession with her after having just met. Is this love or lust or some game on repeat? Andy didn’t know, but one thing was for sure, he was definitely about to jerk off to sexual thoughts of her in that bikini.
Tagging those who may be interested. Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list: @midnightf @my-divine-death @saamwilsonn @fierylibraa @fuckandfluff​ @rattlemyb0nes​ @rootcrop @goldenboysteve​  @turtoix​  @jeremyrennermakesmesmile​  @ccmarvelxx
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“Incorrect Quotes with Haikyuu Boys„
Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5 , Part 6 , Part 7 , Part 8 , Part 9 , Part 10
Synopsis : Different Quotes From Brooklyn-Nine-Nine as Haikyu!! Characters
Genre : Comedy , romance , comfort (??)
Pairing(s) : Goshiki x reader , Shirabu x reader , Aged up!Oikawa x reader
Word Count : 1.26k
Warning(s) : She/her pronouns used , mention of suicide , drowning , pain signs (??)
Masterlist Link : Here
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Goshiki : You’re going to ace this test!
[Name] : You think that because you love me, and love has made you dumb.
Goshiki : I disagree, if anything, love has made me smarter. Remember last week when I boiled that egg?
[Name] : That was big. I was really proud of you.
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Yamamoto : She doesn’t like me.
[Name] : So she doesn’t like you. It happens. I mean, not to me, but not everyone has my combination of elegance and charm and grace and poise, and then just gif-ability. Some would say “jif,” but then again some people would also say “ant” instead of aunt.
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*On the phone with Shirabu*
Shirabu : *Groaning*, This is the last thing I need!
[Name] : Okay, so sorry about all of this, I didn’t mean to cause you trouble!
Shirabu : ...
[Name] : Oh, also one more thing. I love you.
Shirabu : *Unimpressed silence*, ... I love you too, [Name].
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Part 1/2
Kita : We have ta reduce energy usage by 15%. That means no more laminatin’, Aran.
Aran : Oh, that’s fine. It’s not the thing that gives me the most pleasure in life. Interactin’ with others... that’s what gets me going.
Kita : Atsumu, Osamu, lose the chocolate fountain.
Atsumu : What are we supposed ta dip our strawberries in? Our nacho cheese fountain? That’s crazy. Unless...
*Osamu grabs a strawberry and dunks it in the cheese fountain*
Osamu : *Eating the strawberry* ... Kita, ya beautiful bastard.
Kita : Get rid of ‘em. And [Name], ya can’t run that space heater 24/7 anymore.
[Name] : Space heater? Excuse me, this is a Fornax Radiant Comfort System, and her name is Jacinta.
Kita : Okay, well Jacinta has ta go.
[Name], to the space heater : He doesn’t mean that, darling.
Kita : Seriously, turn off the space heater.
[Name] : No.
Kita : Do it, now. It’s an order.
[Name] : Yeah, well, you don’t wanna start a battle of the wills with [Surname] [Name] because you will emerge from that battle a broken man. Not to brag, but I was name-checked in my kindergarten teacher’s suicide note.
Kita : Oh, ma god.
Part 2/2
Kita : Thanks for hand-laminatin’, Aran.
Aran : Of course, if ya ask me, savin’ energy is trendin’.
Kita : [Name], did ya shut off yer space heater yet?
[Name] : Space heater?... Doesn’t ring a bell.
Kita : Jacinta...
[Name] : Oh, no. She’s still going strong.
Kita : A will take that thing away from ya by force, if necessary.
*Manager stands up, revealing 1850’s dress*
[Name] : Well, come and get it!
Kita : Seriously? The heater’s underneath yer skirt?
[Name] : Maybe. You can’t prove that.
Kita : Yeah, a can. There’s a cord runnin’ under it, and I think ya may be on fire.
*Smoke starts coming from underneath the dress*
[Name] : Mhmm... so?
Kita : What do ya mean “so”?!
[Name] : I’m not giving Jacinta up.
Kita : Ya are on fire, [Name]. Ya don’t have the upper hand in this situation.
[Name] : I always have the upper hand.
Kita : Not when there’s flames shootin’ outta yer butt!
[Name] : Especially when there’s flames shootin’ outta ma butt!
*Manager and Kita staring each other down whilst the smoke detector starts going off*
Kita : Damn it! *Grabs fire extinguisher and puts the fire out from the skirt*. How the hell did a lose to that one?
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Part 1/5
*The Inarizaki VBC getting shut down soon*
[Name] : Rin, you seem pretty happy. Did you not like volleyball?
Suna : I do, I just am devoting my energy to a new project, Sunazon. It’s a one-stop online portal for my legions of followers. Speaking of whom, *Starts filming on phone*, what’s up, Rin-Hive? It’s your boy, Rin. I’m bored at practice, so I’m gonna prank all my teammates.
[Name] : ... That sounds like a bad idea for an already crappy day.
Suna : Fine, man. I won’t do it. *Walks away*, I will do it, so you can count this as my first prank I guess, unofficially.
Part 2/5
Suna : Hey, Aran, want a cup of coffee? They made an extra one on accident.
Aran : Oh, sure. Thank you, *Drinks the cup and immediately spits it out*. Oh, ma god. What is that?!
Suna : Cement! You just drank cement! Guys, check back in to see if he dies. Ugh! *Choking and gestures death hand signals, stopping the video afterwards*. You’re not really gonna die, probably, okay? Just a little honey for the Rin-Hive.
Part 3/5
[Name] : Whoo! We can save the club, this is amazing news! *Drinks out of cup and spits it out*.
Suna : *Filming the whole thing*, ah, you just drank cement~ You just drank cement~
Part 4/5
Suna : Oh, Gin, you look so sad. You know what would cheer you up? A nice bowl of miso soup.
Ginjima : No thanks, Suna. I’m not in the mood.
Osamu : So, Suna, is the soup up for grabs?
Suna : ‘Samu, no. My followers are sick of watching you eat cement.
Part 5/5
Coach Kurosu : We’d like ta thank Suna. Apparently, the community came to our aid. There was a swell of online support orchestrated by an organization called “Suna-Zone.”
Suna : *Poping from behind a counter*, I think you mean Sunazon. I was behind the counter the whole time. Another great Suna Rintaro entrance.
Atsumu : That’s amazin’! What did ya do?!
Suna : I was live streaming whilst all of you were talking about the club. I guess people were moved. They were like, “What can we do to help?” And I said, “Call the school principal.”
[Name] : The Rin-Hive is real!
Atsumu : A can’t believe ya did it. Suna, yer a legend! Ta Inarizaki Volleyball Club!
Inarizaki VBC : Ta Inarizaki Volleyball Club! *All drink juice, then they groan*.
Kita : What is in this?
Suna : *Filming*, You all just drank cement!
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[Name] : Guys, guys, guys, check it out. Tendou fell asleep in the supply room, so I put his hand in a bowl of warm water.
Shirabu : Come on. That’s the stupidest prank ever.
[Name] : Uh, no. It’s the smartest; it involves biology. I bet it worked all ready. Let’s go check!
*At the supply room*
[Name] : Tendou, no!
Goshiki : He’s drowning, he’s drowning!
Semi : Save him, man!
*Reon grabs Tendou’s shoulders and forces them to sit up straight*
Tendou : *Gasping air desperately*.
Shirabu : I take it back, [Name]. Great prank.
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Coach Nekomata : Please don’t do anything to jeopardize this. Understood?
Nekoma VBC : *Murmurs of acknowledgment*.
Coach Nekomata : Dismissed, *Leaves the room*.
Lev : That’s a big ‘ole bummer!
[Name] : All right, everybody, just relax. We’re still going to have a great time. If there’s one thing I know, it’s how to sneak out to a party without your parents finding out. I used to do it all the time!
Nekoma VBC : *Unimpressed silence*.
[Name] : Well, I did it a few times.
Yaku : Mhmm...
[Name] : Once to go to a Magic : the Gathering tournament. I got stuck in the window like Winnie the Pooh. There, okay? Now you know everything.
Kuroo : Continue.
[Name] : My mom had to pull me back in by my ponytail... All right, let’s party!
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*Aged up*
Oikawa : Check whatever this is out! It’s called The Wasp. It’s for dispersing crowds of young people. It emits a sound that you can only hear if you are 25 or younger. *Turns the device on*.
Takeru : *High pitched screaming in agony*.
*[Name] and Oikawa looking at each other confused, following in Takeru’s screams*
Oikawa : I also hate the sound— that I definitely hear!
[Name] : Me too! It’s so high pitched or low pitched. Oh, that was bogus to the extreme.
Oikawa : So bogus and not tubular. My ears are ringing from the pain of being young.
[Name] : Ugh, so not gnarly.
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shiningloki · 2 years
I’m wondering if you’ve ever been made fun of for your writing? I know you’re very popular now especially after “Get on your knees and pray to me” but did you ever deal with that?
I ask because I am a writer too and while my stories seem to have a good audience I’m often being told I am “too old” to be writing them and getting bullied for it, I highly respect you as a writer and hope that people will love my work as much as yours someday.
I appreciate any insight you may have and I hope you’re well
Hi hun! First of all, I am so sorry that people are bullying you. It is absolutely ridiculous that authors have to deal with that, especially after putting so much time and energy into writing for free. Keep your head up, and I hope those nasties go away soon. There's no such thing as "too old" to write. Write how you want, when you want, where you want. Writing is your craft, don't let them beat you down.
Unfortunately, I've been dealing with bullying since I began writing about 4 years ago, and it's gotten worse after I gained a larger following :( I too was bullied for my age, but people called me too young to be writing what I wrote. I'm only 23 at the moment, and some people were telling me I was too young, immature, and inexperienced to be writing, especially the level of smut I was writing. That was a real bummer to hear, but luckily, I don't seem to get that one in my inbox anymore.
What I do deal with more, though, is people bullying me for not writing what they want to see. The people who bullied me want to see Loki and Tom Hiddleston fics, and that's it. Anyone else I write about, they feel bullying me will stop me from writing about other characters and "turn me back" to writing about Loki. This happened so badly that I had to take a long break from writing after I wrote a Loki x Eros x Reader fic. I was super excited to write it and try new avenues, but there were a lot of people that were mad that I wrote about Eros, said I was betraying Loki, I was fake, a liar, a horrible person, that I deserved to be kicked out of the Loki community...all for writing a fic about 3 adults consenting to a threesome. It was brutal, and whenever I mention another character, reblog another character, or write about another character, hate and bullying overflows my inbox. I've learned to just ignore it and delete it and do what makes me happy, but it still gets under my skin. It's really hard not to let it hurt you, I know.
Hate and bullying are something that happen far too often, especially when people can hide behind anons and a screen. There's no consequence to their actions so they'll say whatever they want. Luckily, there are so many more amazing people and loving people out there than there are bullies. It's those amazing readers and kind hearts that make it a little easier to get through the bullying. I hope that you're able to stay strong throughout this and remember, you've got me in your corner! I'll fight on your side, hun :)
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buckyownsmylife · 4 years
Catch me - Tom Hardy smut
The one where you’re Tom’s neighbor and he comes to your place after he’s locked out of his house on a rainy night. Requested by anon. + Dry Humping also requested by different anon ask
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, cursing
A/N: okay, so here it is! My Tom Hardy requested smut! I’d also like to announce that I’ll be attempting to partake in this years’ Kinktober, and this is my first fic, fulfilling the prompts dry humping + face sitting. I’ll post the list of prompts I created for myself, along with the characters they are paired up with, a bit later. I also say “attempting” because I actually had a pretty bad accident last night and I’m still unable to do regular things like sitting or walking, so it’s been a struggle to get this done. If in anyday I am unable to write, I won’t force myself to do it. But that’s all, please enjoy this fic and let me know what you think of it! My requests are now empty, so feel free to send me any ideas you might have - I can either integrate them in one of my fics for the kinktober challenge or work on them in November.
Tom’s P.O.V.
I had watched with only partly concealed interest as the new neighbor slowly grew more comfortable at her place right next door to me. At first, it truly was just a slight curiosity founded in my observation of just how beautiful she was. But then, one day, right after she moved in, she caught me staring, and opened up the most beautiful smile I’d ever seen. Just like that, I was stuck with a teenage-boy crush that left me blushing and stuttering every single time she so much as looked my way. 
If there was one thing people knew about me, was that I was not the blushing, stuttering type.
But things only got worse as time went on. She turned out to be just the perfect neighbor, usually coming around to offer me cookies or other baked goods precisely when I needed it the most.
“How do you always know when I’m feeling down or hungry, sweetheart?” I even ended up asking as I accepted yet another tray of brownies from her tiny hands. Her sweet little giggle went straight to my pants, instantly hardening my severely ignored member.
“It’s not that hard to figure out, Tom. Anytime you get back home this late, I can pretty much assume you barely had anything to eat all day, and it’s very clear you won’t have the energy to whip up anything right now.” My eyebrows raised up at her comment, but before I could satiate my curiosity, she quickly added, “And before you ask, no, I don’t spend my life looking out of the eyehole, you just have pretty loud steps when you’re tired, I can easily hear from my living room when you walk the hallway during the evening.”
Chuckling, I nodded, granting her that. I knew that she meant no harm, but I couldn’t help but to feel embarrassed. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I’ll try to be more mindful next time.” Her eyes widened at my apology, and she immediately waved my words away, clearly mortified by the fact that I had interpreted it as a complaint.
“Gosh, Tom, no, that’s not what I… Please, don’t worry about it. I’m just a terrible insomniac, and I have good ears. It’s not like you’re waking me up every time you come home or anything. That would be a bummer, but also highly improbable, since I’m a very heavy sleeper…” I had come to understand that she was very capable of maintaining a conversation completely by herself, but everytime she took notice of it, she scrambled to get out of my sight. I figured someone in her life must have told her she talked too much, but personally, I’d do anything to witness her little monologues at least a bit more. She just seemed so interesting, and selfless despite the constant stream of consciousness that poured out of her lips whenever she was nervous.
I liked knowing I made her nervous. It made me feel less terrible about wanting to know more about her. Did that make me a creep? Hell, probably. But I couldn’t pretend like I gave a damn. I felt this inexplicable attraction to her, her personality and body, and that was it. I wanted to uncover what it was about her that had me so engrossed.
And one night, the opportunity presented itself to me. I had gone out of my car in a hurry because of the rain that had decided to pour all over the city and didn’t look like it was stopping any time soon, so I only noticed that I had locked my keys on the trunk of the car when I was already in front of my own apartment’s door, dripping all over the hallway. 
Fuck, that was just so typical of me. Why did I even bother to get my backpack out of the car, when I was already arriving home close to midnight and would be back at work early in the morning? It wasn’t like I would have the time to use my computer or anything. 
Sighing, I ran a wet hand over my face in an effort to figure out my next move. Obviously I would need to get someone to open my car for me, but in the middle of the night, it’d be hard to know who would come. It would definitely be easier to find someone in the morning, and I could very well get an Uber to some cheap motel and spend the night there. 
I was about to do just that when suddenly the door behind me opened, and a delicious smell of lasagna filled my nostrils, making me aware of just how hungry I was. “Tom?” Her sweet, sweet voice instantly calmed my tense muscles, making me open a smile at the sight of her despite the series of events I had just lived through. “Is something wrong?” 
A low chuckle escaped my lips at the awareness of just how pathetic my situation was, but there was no real humour in my tone. I looked down at my wet shoes before gathering the courage to look her in the eye again, giving her a small smile. “I locked myself out,” was all I said, and before I could even further explain my situation, her eyes had widened and she was reaching out to me, holding me by my wrist and pulling me inside of her place. 
“You poor thing. And right on the worst night for it to happen? Here, sit down while I go look for something you can change into. Wouldn’t want you catching a cold, would we?” I briefly considered offering some kind of protest, explaining how I intended to go spend the night in a motel, but the truth was, I didn’t want to. It was late, I was tired and I was really fucking cold and just by being in the close proximity of this beautiful creature, I already felt a little bit better, so I’d just shut up and wait to see how this would play out for me. 
She came back with some sweatpants and a large cotton shirt, a bashful look on her face. “I bought these sweatpants from the male’s department because they’re usually comfier than the ones I find in the female department, they should fit you well.” I accepted the small bundle of fabric she offered, one eyebrow raised as I stared down at her in curiosity.
“What about the shirt?” I asked, and she blushed five different shades of pinks and reds, making her just that much cuter. It made me want to eat her whole, and the fact that she stood a few good feet under me didn’t help that at all. I knew I could break her so easily.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
I felt like I could slap myself over how silly I was behaving over something so ordinary. Why would Tom care about me having an ex? It was only natural, it’s not like I was a blushing virgin nun who never did anything slightly out of the ordinary. Sex was ordinary. I’ve done it before. I’m sure Tom wouldn’t assume I hadn’t.
Oh, what am I saying? There’s no way he has even considered this subject when it comes to me. Why on Earth would he be thinking about my sexual past? What is going on with me? I feel like I’m going insane. 
I could feel just how warm my face had gotten, but I still had some amount of pride in me to salvage the situation, so I managed to roll my eyes as I pushed Tom further inside my house, in the direction of my bathroom.
“You’re a smart man, you can figure out where the shirt came from.” His chuckle shouldn’t be so sexy, but what about this man wasn’t?
“That’s not the answer I hoped for.” And with that mysterious sentence, he locked himself in my bathroom and left me alone with my thoughts. Granted, most of them revolved around him, so I couldn’t really say I was that alone, but the lack of someone to talk to only meant that my mind was swirling and a lot of different things I shouldn’t be thinking about managed to dominate my head. 
Just what did he mean by what he said? Could it be that he… No, of course not. There was no reason for him to be jealous of me. It’s not like he could possibly want me. Right?
I spent the entire time he was taking a shower stuck in the same pattern of thoughts, so much so that I didn’t even notice he had come back to the kitchen and was watching me from the doorway until he cleared his throat, making me jump out of my skin while carrying a plate full of very hot lasagna.
“Oh,” was all I said as I felt some of the sauce spill on my hand and my chest, some even managing to get on my face. But Tom’s rough ‘Shit’ brought a giggle to my lips, despite the discomfort of the slight burning sensation on my skin. 
“‘M sorry, sweetheart. I thought you’d noticed me standing here.” While he assured me of his lack of intention to hurt me - as if I didn’t already know- he had grabbed the plate I was still holding onto and placed it on the counter, quickly procuring an already dirty rag and eagerly starting to clean me up, first my hand, and then…
Before he pressed the fabric to my chest, he looked up at me, his beautiful eyes catching mine and making me suck in a breath. “T-that’s alright,” I managed to get out, trying to look away from his hypnotizing gaze. “It doesn’t really hurt that bad. I think with a bit of cold water it might calm down.”
He nodded, agreeing with my words, but his gaze still searched mine for something I didn’t understand. “I sure hope so,” was all he said initially, his eyes finally dropping from mine to focus on the task at hand. “But I must say, I’m very disappointed.”
The comment puzzled me, rendering me useless for the time being. I could only tilt my head as I looked down at him, still crouching in front of me to clean my chest before he finally stood up on his full height and grabbed my face, gently engulfing it in one of those huge palms of his.
“I was really hoping that you were single, but I guess that would be expecting too much from the universe, considering how beautiful you are.” My eyes grew twice their normal size as I immediately tried to push him away and hide my face from his view, suddenly incredibly shy. But of course, he didn’t let me, instead pressing me against the counter and his very hard body, while he very carefully wiped away the few drops of sauce on my cheek.
For a few seconds, I let him work in silence, still trying to gather my nerves so I could say something. I should say something, shouldn’t I? I mean, here lies an opportunity that I never thought I’d experience, and here I was, being all silly about it. Finally, when he had at last finished slowly rubbing the rag against my skin, and seemed to be about to separate himself from me, I sprung into action, pulling him to me again by his forearms. 
“I-I am,” that’s all I managed to say, immediately cringing at my own lack of social skills. “Single, I mean.” Very smooth. Well done, Y/N. But despite my stupidity, it seemed that I was able to achieve my intention, since my sentence made Tom finally get rid of the rag and hold my face between both of his hands now, his thumbs softly running over my cheekbones.
“Oh, is that so?” He breathed out against my skin, our lips inches away from one another, and I shivered against my best wishes. That reaction caused a predatory smirk to appear on his face, and I knew then and there that I was in way over my head. “Good to know,” he whispered, and then his lips were on mine, forcing me to accept his tongue, eating me whole. 
He tasted like peppermint and coffee and I was already addicted to his taste, hoping to God I tasted as great to him as he did to me. At least, he didn’t complain. In fact, by the way he sucked on my tongue, forcing his deep inside my mouth, I’d go as far as to say that he did like what he tasted. 
Before long, he had pulled me up on the counter, his hands holding me by my waist as his lips ventured from my mouth to my jaw, until they found a spot on my neck that made me gasp and hold his shirt tightly, and then he was sucking, rolling his tongue on the spot where I could already feel a bruise forming, before his teeth carved their own impressions on my skin, imprinting himself on me.
My head swirled with the force of the emotions bursting through me. My legs wrapped themselves around his strong body, and I was happy that my hands knew what to do when my mind hadn’t still managed to catch up to this turn of events. When his tongue came out to lick right over my collarbones, the response gasp he elicited from me came out sounding much more like a sob than anything else.
“You’re so sensitive, princess,” He teased me, still otherwise occupied with marking my skin as his. “I’ve barely even started and here you are…” His hands ran through the expanse of my body, like he was showing his proof to an audience. “... a mess already.”
He wasn’t wrong. I was somehow dripping already. I could feel it, dripping from inside of me, slowly ruining the panties I was wearing. They were so not appropriate for the activities I was currently partaking in, but how the hell would I have known this was going to happen?
All I knew was that Tom had lit the fire inside of me, and now the flames were threatening to swallow us both.
Tom’s P.O.V.
She was just too cute, so out of breath and trembling with desire with the little I’d done to tease her. It just made me want to ruin her even more. My little neighbor, so perfect and sweet, so needy for me.
She didn’t even realize she had started to grind herself against me, in search of some sort of release. Well, I wasn’t about to cut her off. Unstead, I took advantage of my grip on her, pulling her body until I was the one keeping her up, trapped between my body and the counter.
“Rub your tiny wet cut against my jeans, love,” I ordered in a demanding whisper right on her ear, making her shiver. She obeyed without any sort of hesitation, looking up at me underneath her eyelashes with her eyes glazed over with lust. “That’s it…” Fuck if the pressure wasn’t exactly what I needed to help ease up some of the tension from the need I was feeling in my veins. “Rub yourself against my hard cock, don’t be shy.”
My words seemed to be gasoline for her, giving her the push she needed to grind herself even harder against my bulge. I decided to help her, pushing her more firmly against the counter and following the movements, rejoicing in the pleasure gasp that escaped her lips as the added pressure provided more friction to her clit.
“Fuck…” She whispered, and I think that in the entirety of the four months of conversations I’d entertained with her, that was the first time I’d heard her cuss. The four letter word I was so familiarized with had a new, unexpected effect on me, making the situation inside my pants so difficult I had to stop my movements and slow hers down by her hips, so I wouldn’t just jizz on my pants like a fucking teenager. 
But Y/N didn’t stop, despite accepting my silent request to decrease the fervor of our activities. When I finally managed to get control over myself again, I realized why. She had gripped the counter behind her and was using it to better control her movements, and it was clear by the way her head hung back and her mouth fell open that she was about to cum just like that.
“Shit,” I cussed just as the realization hit, and it felt like all of the control I’d managed to build in the last few seconds I closed my eyes had suddenly escaped through the window. My cock was painfully hard again, and all I could think of was that I needed to get out of these fucking jeans.
Who could blame me, though? When she looked like that, creaming her panties with her clothes still on? Shit, I couldn’t wait to get her naked and underneath me. I needed to feel her from the inside, explore her wetness with my hard cock.
But first, I was desperate to get a taste of her. So as soon as her breathing came back to a somewhat regular pattern, I was careful to put her on the ground again, making sure she was able to stand on her own legs, before dropping to my knees in front of her.
“What are you… Oh.” I couldn’t help but to chuckle at the innocence of her mind that stopped her from immediately understanding what I intended to do, but then I was pushing her skirt up and away from my view and her panties were in front of me and they were drenched, absolutely ruined by the sticky liquid that made my mouth water. 
“Fuck, princess…” I moaned as I carefully peeled the cotton fabric down her legs, keeping it pooled around her ankles as I pushed her legs open as far as they could go. She was dripping, a single line of her wetness connecting both of her thighs, making me groan at the sight. “You might just kill me…” I commented before reaching up to pull her to me, effectively burying my face on her.
“T-Tom!” The sound of my name escaping her lips with that reverent tone left me even hungrier for her, as did her exquisite taste. It painted my tongue with its sweetness, embedding itself in my cells, making sure I’d never be able to forget it. I already knew I’d be hungry for her again the second I pulled away from her cunt.
Nonetheless, I forced myself to stop for a moment to gather my senses, as her taste made it harder and harder to control my need to relieve my aching member. I needed to be inside of her, and quickly. 
Abruptly rising up to my full height, I picked her up by the back of her thighs so she’d wrap her legs around me and took us to where I’d assumed her bedroom would be, considering I was familiarized with the general layout of the apartments. The second I laid her on the bed, my hands were struggling with my own belt, as I watched her pull her dress over her head, now completely bare before me.
“You’re so fucking hot.” When my pants dropped to the floor and my cock slapped my lower stomach, I pounced on her immediately, crawling on the space between her legs and pulled her by the back of her neck to connect our lips once more. “Do you want to be railed tonight, pretty neighbor?”
She fucking whimpered in response, repetitions of “yes” and “please” escaping her lips as she tried to pull me closer to her by the legs she embraced me with. Not having it in me to stop this moment any longer, I gripped my member with one of my hands while I held her hips down with the other, briefly rubbing the blunt head of my cock over her sensitive clit before pushing myself completely inside of her.
“Oh, fuck,” I groaned, blindsided by the tightness, wetness and warmness that now surrounded me. “I knew your cunt would be fucking delicious.” I watched her as I pulled out until just my tip was inside of her, only to push it back in as forcefully as I could.
Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, her hands flew up to hold my shoulders, almost as if she wanted to push me away or tell me to take it easy, but as her legs continued to pull me even deeper inside, I knew what she really needed was to be properly fucked.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
Tom was not exaggerating; he really did pound me against my mattress, immediately setting up the most brutal of paces. It hurt, especially with how much he was stretching me, but it felt too fucking good to complain about it.
The only thing I could do was to relax and accept this invasion, this possession of my body by my next-door neighbor. I knew I must have been quite a vision, my arms thrown up in search of something to hold on to, spit escaping the corner of my lips by the intensity of the thrusts, my breasts shaking as he pulled me back to meet his thrusts by my hips. I hoped I’d have some bruises on the shape of his fingertips to remember this night.
Not like I would ever be able to forget, anyway. Only a lunatic would expel the visions of Tom looking like this while fucking them, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration, the sweat gathering over his eyebrows. I wanted to kiss it away. I wanted to taste its saltiness. 
Just as my head began to twirl in time with the growth of arousal in my lower belly, Tom’s eyes travelled upwards from the point where his cock was buried inside of me to find my breasts, one of his hands immediately following suit. When his pull on my nipple was accompanied by the feeling of his warm mouth engulfing the other one, I screamed as I came all around him, my head thrown back and eyes closed as I relished in the feeling of being so perfectly filled, so perfectly touched.
“Fuckin’ tight.” Tom fucked me through my orgasm, but at the sight of my eyes blinking back open, he pulled out, easily manhandling me into turning around and rising on all fours. “This fucking ass… Do you have any idea how long I dreamt about fucking you like this?”
I didn’t know how, but his words and the way his huge hands sprawled over the cheeks of my butt reignited the flames that had just been fed, and I found myself pushing back against him, offering myself up to him. Anything to get his cock inside of me again.
“Please…” I all but begged, and I heard his breath hitching behind me. “Just… please keep fucking me.” Perhaps that was all that he needed, because in a second his cock was tearing me open again, so fucking deep that I could feel it in my stomach. 
“Fuck… If I had known how it would look to have my little perfect neighbor begging for my cock, I would have fucked you ages ago.” Every single thing that came out of that man’s mouth was like sin. He wrapped my hair around his fist, suddenly using it to pull me back to him as he raised one of his legs to the mattress, the new angle making each of his thrusts hit that spot inside of me that made everything just a little more satisfying. 
I could feel tears running down my cheeks, falling on my spread out hands as I struggled to keep breathing through his assault on my senses. “Are you gonna cum again, love?” I could hear him asking, and I wanted to answer, I really did, but every time I opened my mouth, only sobs came out. “Are you? Here, let me help you out.”
The feeling of his rough fingers softly caressing my clit was such a stark contrast to the way he was still brutally pounding into me that instead of trying to push him away from my much too sensitive lower region, I opened my eyes in surprise as another orgasm took over me, somehow even stronger than the previous ones.
“Yeah, that’s it… Fuck. Come for me, sweetheart. Wanna feel your cunt milking my fucking cock.” His words did nothing to help ease my arousal, and just when my arms started to give out, I felt him spilling inside of me. “FUCK!” He shouted, following my body’s motions until he was covering me with his own torso, still very much inside of me.
His thrusts finally coming to a stop after he had slowly fucked his cum inside of me, I felt his thumbs caressing my hips as I remained face planted on my mattress. “Well, this isn’t how I expected this night to go, but I can’t say I’m not satisfied.”
A snort was all I could give him as he finally pulled out and allowed his body to fall by my side, giving me a quick kiss on the shoulder that was closer to him. “You ok?” He asked, and I snorted again.
“More than okay. You still haven’t eaten though.” It was the truth. After all of this… incredible distraction from my cooking plans, he still hadn’t gotten around to eat dinner. I heard him take a deep breath next to me as he pondered his answer. 
“Really? ‘Cause I remember eating some very delicious pussy a few minutes ago.” It took me a few minutes to process what he had said, but when I did, I turned around to playfully hit his chest while feeling my face warm up from the reality of what we had just done.
“You’re impossible.”
“And you’re hot.” And when he put it in such simple terms, as he pulled me in his arms so that I could cuddle his chest, how could I feel embarrassed?
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smutkuna · 3 years
Paralyzed in Lust | Sukuna x F-Reader
Part 1
Urban legends always seemed to intrigue you, but that’s all they were. Just legends. You’ve seen enough horror movies to know that practicing those rituals never ended well. Your college friends seemed to have the opposite idea, however.
 They loved to go to abandoned areas and attempt some of the rituals posted online. Safely, of course, but how safe is it? They talked about salt circles, protection wards, sigils, and protection amulets or crystals but is that enough?
 They would mention that attempting to summon a demon is dangerous, but here they are in your studio apartment, talking about calling forth a demon from an urban legend that seemed to pop out of nowhere.
 The urban legend about Ryomen Sukuna, a four-armed demon that no one could seem to invite. You didn’t understand why anyone would want to summon a demon, but you guess curiosity killed that cat.
 You sat on your twin-sized bed lined up against the wall while your friends sat on a two-seater bench situated in front of your bed, underneath the long window. Your studio apartment held all the essentials for a financially struggling college student.
 Entering the apartment, you would be met with a small hallway. On your immediate left is the door to the bathroom, while on your immediate right is a small storage space. Farther in, you’re met with the small space for your bed on the left with a walk-in closet that shares the wall with the bathroom.
 Facing the entrance is the bench underneath a horizontal window with a view of the busy street, covered by some window shutters to give you some privacy. These shutters were currently open, letting in the remaining light from the sunset, but were slightly blocked by your friends.
 To the right of the hallway entrance behind the storage, is your kitchen. It had enough space to fit a bit of counter space, fridge, sink, and dishwasher. Adjacent to your kitchen, across your bed, and near the bench was an L-shaped divider hiding a portable washer and dryer.
 “[Y/n]!” your friend, Nobara, exclaimed. “Will you finally join us for this ritual? I know you’re not really into these things, but it’s safe, I swear. We even have our protection spells and everything.”
 You hummed in apprehension. “I’m not sure I’m ready to do those yet.”
 Megumi, your other friend, nodded his head. “Okay, but just let us know whenever you want to join us or if you end up doing it on your own...” he grabbed some of Nobara’s amulets and his salt bags. “Here, I’ll lend some to you in case you change your mind.”
 He placed the items in your bag.
 “Thank you. When are you both planning on doing the ritual?” you asked them.
 “Ah, maybe tonight? We have nothing else planned, and we’ve been itching to try this ritual out ever since we saw it on a forum.” Nobara replied. She pulled out her phone and scrolled for a while before handing it to you. “Everyone’s been talking about it, but no one’s been able to pull it off.”
 Megumi then spoke. “Yeah and no one’s sure about where this urban legend came from anyway so we don’t know if it’s real or not. That’s why we want to see for ourselves.”
 You took a peek at Nobara’s phone and read parts of the forum out loud.
 “Ryomen Sukuna... Four-armed demon… To begin the ritual, cut the pads of all your fingers until blood oozes out. Bro what?” You looked at your friends in confusion. They simply shrugged and told you to continue reading.
 “Soak your bloody fingers in a large bowl of water until the water is stained dark red. Remove your hands from the bowl and do this hand sign by connecting your thumb, middle, and ring finger pads while your index and pinky fingers are bent towards your palms. What in the summoning-jutsu is this?”
 You attempted the hand signs after you had placed her phone on your bed. Megumi lightly laughed and showed you how to do it properly.
 “Girl, you watch too much Naruto.” Nobara snickered.
 You rolled your eyes and smirked. “I’m not the only one simping over Kakashi and Itachi. You’re just as guilty.”
 “Here [y/n], continue reading the rules.’ Megumi said, handing you the phone.
 “Say ‘Domain Expansion: Malevolent Shrine’ after performing the hand sign and dunk your face into the bowl of water and blood. After this, Sukuna will appear. To properly end the ritual, thank him for his time and say ‘Cleave.’ This is critical. Failure to do so will leave you with cursed energy around you. **For extra protection, perform an exorcism.”
 You sighed after reading the rules of the forum. It seemed easy enough but you weren’t sure whether it was worth the risk to have cursed energy if it failed and did you need to perform an exorcism?? Wasn’t that a bit too much? Plus, you wanted all the luck you could get since you just applied for an internship for the fall quarter.
 “Well, if you both decide to do this, please be safe,” you told your friends.
 Nobara smiled and grabbed her small backpack. “Don’t worry, we’ll text you what happens. We were thinking of recording it anyway, so we’ll send that to you later tonight after we try it.”
 She hugged you and started walking to the door followed by Megumi.
 “You can keep the rest of the pizza. It’s not easy for me to digest,” he said, as he double-checked to make sure you had the amulets and salt bags. You smiled at him, eyes showing appreciation because you had very little food left in your fridge.
 “Thank you, Megumi. Good night, you two. I’ll see you both tomorrow after work.” you said, waving to them as they left your apartment complex. Once they were out of your sight, you closed and locked your entrance door.
 You grabbed your laptop and made your way toward the kitchen, putting it on top of the small counter space you had. You sighed as you put away the leftover pizza in the fridge. Being an avid horror fan, you enjoyed the paranormal, but partaking in anything of the sort in real life made you nervous.
 The urban legend of Sukuna intrigued you, even if the ritual was slightly strange. Wouldn’t you faint from losing so much blood? Plus, who the fuck is Sukuna anyway? What made him so special for people to want to do this sort of thing?
 Facepalming, you opened a web browser on your laptop and did a simple search. Who is Ryomen Sukuna?
 You scrolled through countless forums, talking about the ritual and how it didn’t work. No one seemed to be able to conjure Ryomen Sukuna. The problem was that no one knew who he was. Only that he was a strong demonic entity that holds a lot of cursed energy and has two faces and two sets of arms.
 Two sets, huh? What, does he have two dicks too? You laughed to yourself, but then rolled your eyes and groaned. You needed to get laid.
 Further throughout your research, you decided to take a break and looked over to the clock on the wall above your washer and dryer. It was 11:56 PM, indicating that your friends left three hours ago.
 You took a glance at your phone that was charging next to your laptop and noticed that Megumi and Nobara had sent an attachment to your group chat. Unplugging your phone from the charger, you unlocked it and strode over to the bathroom.
 Your group chat read:
 “Hey [y/n], we finished the ritual but nothing happened. Bummer, I was looking forward to summoning one of the most difficult demons to conjure up.” Nobara sent at midnight.
 “Oi, here’s the video,” Megumi replied, with a black screen video attached after his message.
 Oh wow, they actually recorded it. You thought, adding some toothpaste to your toothbrush. You pressed on the video and let it play while you brushed your teeth.
 You watched as both your friends performed the finger-bleeding step and you couldn’t help but gag a little. That’s a shit ton of blood. It took a while considering each of their fingers had a small cut, and the bowls were large. After a couple of minutes, Megumi and Nobara removed their hands from the bowl and performed the hand sign.
 “Domain Expansion: Malevolent Shrine.” You heard them chant once and then watched them dunk their head into the bloody water as you spit out your toothpaste and rinse your mouth.
Standing in front of the mirror and sink, you stared at the video, watching your friends and waiting for something to happen.
 In the video, you saw Nobara and Megumi look at each other and shrug. You fast-forwarded the video a bit, looking for any sign that the ritual worked but the video ended with them thanking Sukuna and saying “Cleave” before anything appeared.
 Exiting out of the video, you sent a response to the group chat.
 “I’m sorry nothing happened, guys. I know you were excited for something to happen.”
 “It’ll make us feel better if you tried it yourself hehe” Nobara replied with a smirk emoji.
 You stared at her message for a while, contemplating what you should do. Preparing for your night routine, you stripped and stepped into the shower, letting the hot water run down your back, massaging your aching muscles.
 You had a long day at work, and now you were stuck on whether you should do this ritual or not. Nothing has been happening to anyone anyway, so most likely nothing will happen to you. This ritual was probably a hoax, just a trend since people were bored. Right?
 Please conscience, what do I do? AH FUCK IT.
 After you had finished your shower, you hastily applied your lotions and pajamas which consisted of a tank top and lace underwear. You grabbed your phone from the bathroom and reread the forum on what to do, sending another reply to Nobara saying that you’ll do the ritual.
 You grabbed the essential items you needed: salt, amulet, a large basin of water, and a pocket knife. You released a large breath you seemed to be holding and read the text you just received from the group chat.
 “AYE, that’s my girl!!” Nobara sent with a grinning gif.
 “Be safe [y/n]. Text us if anything happens and don’t forget to use the salt and amulets.” Megumi responded.
 “I’ll record myself and send it to both of you once I finish” 
 You balanced your phone on the foot of your bed, pressed record, and placed the ritual items on the floor beside you, grabbing the amulet first and placing the tie around your neck. 
 Please protect me. You thought as you gripped the amulet and placed some salt in a circle, trapping yourself within it. 
 You steadied your breathing and positioned the bowl in front of you. 
 All right. Let’s get this over with.
 Slicing the pads of your fingertips with the pocket knife, you held your fingers over the large basin, watching the blood drip into the water. 
 God, I should’ve played some music in the background. The silence is killing me. I swear to God if that fucking Tip Toe Through the Meadow song from Insidious plays on a radio, I’m going to burn this building down.
 The water rippled as each blood drop collided with it. Your nerves were on high alert, but you were too scared to glance around your room. What if there was a shadow at your doorway or a ghost in the mirror? WHAT IF it was right behind you?!
 You cried internally and tried to rid your thoughts of anything horrific. After what seemed to be forever, waiting in agony, the bowl was painted crimson. You released another breath and tried to remember the next step of the ritual.
 Ah right, the jutsu sign.
 You formed the hand sign and said out loud, “DOMAIN EXPANSION: MALEVOLENT SHRINE.” 
 Cringing, you dipped your head into the bowl and stayed there until you needed a gulp of air. 
 This is disgusting, why am I doing this again?
 Your face was tinted with blood and you carefully looked around your room without the blood dripping onto your laminated floors. Your hearing was heightened due to the lack of light in the room, but you heard nothing. You felt nothing. 
 It probably didn’t work. Thank you, God. I can live to see another day.
 “Ryomen Sukuna, if you’re there, thank you for your time. Let’s not do this again, please and thank youuu.” you sang. “CLEAVE.”
 You grabbed your phone from the footrest of your bed, ended the recording, and texted the group chat.
 “I just finished. Nothing happened to me either. I guess it is just a hoax.”
 “Damn. What if we did something wrong? Let’s try it again.” Nobara said.
 “My face has my blood dripping from it, no thank you.” 
 “You said ‘Cleave,’ right [y/n]?” Megumi questioned.
 “Yup. I’m gonna go clean up and try to sleep. I’ll see you both tomorrow. Good night!” 
 Bidding each other good night, you swept the salt circle and drained the bloody water into the bathroom sink. You rinsed your face of any remnants of the ritual and reapplied your moisturizer. 
 Plopping onto your bed and hiding under the covers, you glanced once more at the clock. It read 2 AM. 
 Damn, I have class in 6 hours. Note to self: stop registering for 8 AM classes in case you decide to do rituals late into the night.
 You closed your eyes and attempted to sleep, but you couldn’t stop tossing and turning. Something didn’t feel right. You felt suffocated like something was watching you. You were too scared to open your eyes and hid further into your covers.
 Sure, [y/n]. They’ll never know I’m under here.
 You kept tossing and turning for thirty minutes because you just couldn’t find that comfortable spot. Suddenly, you felt a sensation on your limbs. 
 What the fuck?
 You froze. You felt like each of your limbs were grabbed by one… two… FOUR HANDS?! You didn’t want to believe it. You couldn’t believe it. No fucking way the ritual worked. Counting to three, you screamed and punched into the air. 
 Nothing was there. No one was there. You were alone.
Part 2: https://smutkuna.tumblr.com/post/655579886704017408/paralyzed-in-lust-sukuna-x-f-reader
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eyitsroseau · 4 years
Across the World Part 3 (Dr. Xeno dad! x Reader) Dr. Stone fanfic | A mini-series
In which you found out you were pregnant pre-petrification to your long time boyfriend NASA scientist, Xeno. However, when you told him the news, he wanted nothing to do with it because his top priority is his research. Hurt, you decided to find refuge and start anew in the country you have always wanted to live in, Japan. Post-petrification and Senku announced they'll be traveling to America. As you have lived there before, they took you and your one-year-old daughter along. Now, thousands of years later, you'll find yourself face to face with the man who had hurt you the most across the world.
Part 1
Part 2
Two years have passed ever since your family has reunited. To say that things are finally in peace is a long stretch. What with your daughter trying to outsmart her father and your husband not backing down.
You sighed as you caught- once again- the now almost four-years-old Xenka arguing with Xeno who has a grin on his face.
"I'm telling you, kid. It has to be 0.80% of NaCl otherwise, it won't react," he tells his daughter who is already sporting a scowl.
"No, papa. My calculations say 0.85%," she insisted.
Xeno stepped back and laughed at his daughter's stubbornness, "Alright, princess. Why don't you try it then?"
And without hesitations, she poured the chemical just as she said and stepped back. It was silent for a few seconds until a loud explosion rang through the air.
Xeno's laughter soon followed which made Xenka glare at him, "whatever, papa," she says stubbornly.
"You may have outsmarted Senku but you can never be more intelligent than me." He further aggravated his child.
Before Xenka can retort and start an unnecessary fight, you stepped into the laboratory. Upon seeing you, the two acted in synch together towards you. The two of them are already pulling you out.
"Mama! We told you not to enter, right?" you sighed as your daughter scolded you.
"Xenka's right babe. Some fumes are harmful to you," he says then reached his hand to your protruding abdomen, "especially our little one."
You instantly feel guilty, "I'm so sorry, Xeno, Xenka-chan. My pregnancy brain makes me the dumbest human on earth," you shyly muttered not looking at them.
You felt someone hug your knees as well as hands snaking in your waist. You revel in the warmth your family gave you. Ah, I am home.
You stayed in that position until you heard Xenka scream.
"Ew! Ew! What is that?"
Alarmed, Xeno crouched down to check on his daughter. Only to find out that your water broke. In an instant, he had you in his arms and the three of you are marching to the medical wing.
You laughed as your husband looks panicked no matter how hard he tried to look calm and collected. After all, this is the first time he'll be present in your child's birth. You squeezed his shoulder and nuzzle his neck as a means of providing some comfort.
You have been feeling the contractions since the break of dawn earlier. You have kept quiet because you know that you're still in the latent phase of labor. You don't want to torture your two scientists on waiting for the new member of your family.
Now that you suspect that you're in the transition phase of labor and your bag is broken, it is now a matter of time before you'll be able to push this baby out of you.
When you arrived at the wing, the doctor who has acted as your ob-gyn moved quickly to prepare the room for your birth. Sterile instruments were put in the makeshift mayo table. He also scrubbed his hands and don the sterile gloves that your husband has made just for this occasion.
While all of those are happening, the contractions became stronger and unbearably painful. You performed breathing techniques to calm yourself and make it through the pain. Your husband, however, has been gripping your hand tightly and is sweating bullets. Who the heck is giving birth now?
"Okay, Mrs. I'll just check your cervix real qui- Oh! Nevermind, I can see the head," the doctor announced which makes Xeno's head snap to the doctor.
"That's quick. Is it normal? Is everything okay?" your husband asked, nervousness evident on his face.
"Don't worry, it's supposed to be faster since this is her second baby," the doctor reassures your husband.
The conversation hasn't even reached your ears as you focused on the feeling of your contraction. When the contraction hit its most painful part, you pushed without making a sound.
"That's good, mrs! Give me one more," the doctor put his hands on your perineum to prevent tearing.
"Good?! She's not even screaming or gripping my hand! How is that good?! Is she okay?!" Xeno has been feeling useless ever since they entered the medical wing. For the first time in his life, he doesn't know what to do. All he did was hold your hand and compliment you when the doctor does.
"She's reserving her energy for the birth. Nothing to worry about," the medical professional reassured him once again.
A few minutes later and the shill cry of your baby covered the entire wing. Shouts of victory are heard from the outside of the room. You exhaled from exhaustion as you relaxed and feel the contractions that still wracked your body.
The doctor held your baby up so the two of you can see the new member of your family.
Tears pricked both you and Xeno's eyes when the two of you gazed at the wailing baby in front of you. A big grin broke out on Xeno's face as he stared at his baby. He's finally able to witness the birth of his child. He couldn't feel more proud and in love with you to have gifted him two precious children.
"Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Wingfield! It's another girl,"
The doctor carried the baby to your awaiting naked chest for the first skin to skin contact with your daughter.
A daughter, once again, Xeno thought. He is suddenly filled with a sense of overprotectiveness and intense love for this little human being.
You caressed your little girl's cheek as the doctor worked on clamping your baby's cord and removing your placenta. The little girl sighed into your chest as Xeno covered the two of you with a blanket and putting his hand above yours. The two of you marveled at your perfect little baby- vernix and all.
"Mama! Papa! Lemme see!" the demanding voice of your daughter made you snap your attention to your firstborn. She has been dragged by Stanley when you were prepped in the delivery room.
Xeno immediately held up Xenka and crouched for the girl to see her little sister.
"Greet your sister, Xenka," your husband said.
The girl frowned and looked at the both of you, "bummer. I wanted a little brother," she said lifelessly.
This alarmed Xeno but you only smiled when the baby reached out to grasp the thumb of Xenka. The latter's eyes lit up and a grin has finally plastered on her face.
"Well, I guess you're not that bad Shina," her hand went to pat her sister's head gently followed by whispering the formula of the revival fluid.
You and your husband only laughed at the scene. Not even minding that she just named her sister. Xeno looked at your eyes.
"Shina, huh? It has a nice ring to it," he says as he put Xenka on the bed. The girl immediately lay beside you to play with her sister more comfortably.
"Shina Wingfield," you nodded, liking the sound of her name, "even her name sounds beautiful,"
"You're beautiful," Xeno breathed out without thinking.
"I love you, Xeno," you expressed.
"I love you too, love," he took your hand and kissed it which made you feel giddy. Gosh, you just gave birth!
"I love you three, and four for Shina," Xenka added which made you and your husband burst out in laughter.
You smiled at your husband reaching a hand to his cheek. Xeno on the other hand feels his heart squeeze in elation as he gazed at his family.
The emotions that he feels are overflowing and he doesn't mind if it hurts his image. All that matters is his family in front of him.
I'm such a lucky bastard, he thought.
Finally, he is complete with the three women in his life.
Annnd done! Thank you to those who liked and reblogged this mini-series. I actually love Xeno even if he tried to kill Senku. The next one-shot will be about Senku. Kukuku, see you there!
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thedarkestcrew · 4 years
Nico and Ruby being pals because why not part 1
For all their wonderful ideas; @east-river-burned and @thedarkestminds  i love them and didn't realize there were so many active TDM accounts! go follow them, amazing
part 2
Ruby's main drive for the Thurmond attack was she felt like she left a bunch of kids behind when the league took her out in TDM. I believe that Nico has the same guilt and feels like the other kids would have benefited a lot more from being "outside" and maybe he deserves to be in camp rather than being a useless green. 
One night Ruby is talking about this to him and he starts sobbing because he's so relived that he's not alone and that he has someone he can talk to. Ruby and her new found need to help everyone instantly starts comforting him and stops pushing him away
Ruby tells Nico that its okay. that nothing is his fault either with Jude.  he absolutely breaks down because yes they're family but some times its good to hear it after being abandoned by everyone that loved him - Jude, parents, Clancy, Cate left, Vida didn't make a real effort to be his friend. it just feels nice to know he matters to someone after his only friends died (Jude and Blake)
have you seen how Ruby and Nico are just comfy being (Low key) depressed together in ITA when the finally talked about Jude. That's the supportive energy I need in my life
also they've been through so much together
1. They were both manipulated by the same person that they thought loved them 
2.Both Thurmond freak kiddies 
3. Loved Jude and had to loose him and both thought of it as their fault
the way they'll just get a night mare about Clancy, camp, Jude, you name it and just call each other to deal is great
you know those two nerds just hang out listening to music and full out sobbing but also dancing around like maniacs( just flailing their arms around bc these two gawky teens cant dance to save their lives)or they'll be regular sobbing on the floor and Vida will throw blankets at them to “muffle the sound”
Ruby’s parents or Cate calling Liam and is like " uh hey Ruby and Nico and singing along to " Drivers License" and crying... are you and Ruby good?" que Liam freaking out thinking Ruby is going to break up with him
omg Cate she’ll come home too many times to them crying on the floor or something and feels obligated to get water so they don't dehydrate themselves 
No one can convince me Nico doesn't go into 3 am depression bakes till cate wakes up to 90 brownies and drags him back to bed and then he ships a bunch to Ruby in the morning
She gets so exited when she hears the mailman come because it's either Liam sending letters to be cute, or Nico's famous shortcake
Ruby being frustrated with the government sometimes and Nico is like " you know what, pardon my French but SCEW them. I'm going to hack into that politician's computer and make the WIFI connection really bad! That'll show them!"
she knows it wont do anything major but she appreciates that someone she considers family wound do something like that for her even if it risks him getting in trouble
like the saddest movie marathons
need to have water bottles on stand by or they'll get light headed
Vida walking in and saying they look like miserable slugs whos mother died, but getting them popcorn none the less
Zu comes in with chubs and they join in because government people know how to drain the life out of you
poor cate has to come home to 5 of her kids sobbing on the floor throwing popcorn at her tv... she slowly backs out
sometimes after a nightmare about Clancy or Camp or Jude they'll call the other and become quite support for the other because ya, Liam and Vida are amazing friends but sometimes the “we can talk about it and ill try to make you happy “ and “lets go hit the gym for relief” attitude isn't what they need
also their sleep schedules are so messed up Nico will be fully awake at 3 am coding and Ruby will just decide to rearrange her room because the bed is not in the command position and it makes her nervous so great times to call the other
Maybe they'd both talk about Clancy and get some closure about being used. Like I know Ruby took the high road at the end of ita but before than she'd start shaking when she heard his name after he verbally (and sexually) abused her. He's the main reason she can't trust anyone. (before coming to east river she was beginning to get close with lee but than CLANCY got in the way and made her take like 3 steps back.) Maybe she has some doubts about taking the high road but Nico talks to her and shares some good memories of him so she feels like she DID do the right thing and didn't just give a monster a perfect life and allowed him to be happy when he was the reason that Cole died
also ruby feeling horrible and blaming herself for Cole like “I should have known Clancy was in my head. I could have been better. I Should have been better instead of allowed my self to be manipulated and now Cole … Cole is dead because I was too weak..” Nico will take absolutely none of that because he’s seen Clancy use his abilities and understands that no one can over come something like that and that she should stop sulking and instead get better control of her powers so it never happens again
maybe they are in this odd middle space that is being in a camp (seeing all those horrible things and all agreeing not to talk about it hoping those memories will go away) as well as seeing the outside world and discovering it's not much better. Like even just at the league avoided them because they were freaks and also because they were broken/depressed/bummers from camp; like I'm sorry, YOU try going through years of torture, not trusting, not talking, not being able to sleeping safely, not touch anyone and see how YOU turn out! YA Not very cuddly huh?!!
Ruby telling him things like “you are incredible” or “you’re the best” like she did with Zu and him at Walmart and the ranch. He will blush like crazy because you know she means it \
(side not but her doing this with the haven kids because their bio parents never said it to them AHH)
Days where Ruby needs to drag Nico away from the computer and just chill are a must. Probably a beach or a park or ice skating and just know that the other is with them and that everything is going to be okay. It also gives them some closure to know that the world CAN be calm, they just need to know where to look, and sometimes that's in each other.
(I’ll do a part two of them just being pals that's less depressing but i love their duo and I've never heard anyone talk about Nico like.., ever)
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Day 5: Quarantine
- You can't come over tomorrow.
~ what do you mean? "Can't"?
- Gotham is on quarantine. Mandatory. Only medical personel allowed out. Hell, even the JL grounded us.
• I'm seeing can't, but hearing "help me please"
- guys. This is serious.
• for you, maybe. Timmie, we can't get sick from Covid. Kon is alien, and my metabolism is just too fast for it.
- Bart..
~ he's right, Tim.
- Do not encourage him, Kon.
- you two are not allowed to come.
Tim sighed, staring at his laptop monitor. He’d been stuck in quarantine for several days now. Alone in his apartment. He could probably suit up and hightail it across town to get to the manor if he wanted, but being quarantined alone sounded far more appealing then bring quarantined in the manor with his siblings. Dick would probably drag him into nightly board (read: bored) games, Bruce would be constantly trying to bond, Damian would probably never stop insulting him. Duke and Cass would probably be fine, but Duke was easily roped into Dick's shenanigans, and Cass had that habit of creeping up on you.
No. Tim would survive being stuck alone, working on case files and reading news headlines. Today's news was singing the praises of Wayne Enterprises for their massive donations to research centers, the city, and for them paying for housing and healthcare for homeless. They were also praising Bruce for personally paying for the Covid testing and for paying for food and housing costs for those who couldn't afford it. Bruce had enough money to do so, so he might as well, right?
Amusingly, Tim had seen a headline from Star City about Red Hood and Arsenal highjacking a supply truck full of toilet paper and medical supplies and redistributing it among the poor and homeless, as well as stealing from some stores and making care packages for the homeless.
But now, his idiot boyfriends, severely upsetted by the fact that their Thursday date night had been cancelled, were texting and calling him non-stop, trying to convince him to let them come, finding out if he needed anything ("do you have food?" "Yes, Kon." "I'm talking real food, Tim. Not some Rice Krispies and a few boxes of cereal." "Conner."), and constantly fretting over him. Did he mention they kept whining about missing date night? Well they did. Even the suggestion that they could still hang out with each other didn't appease them. ("But we need our Robin! Our birdie!")
Tim Drake was a smart man. He was a good detective. If he had been at the manor, he'd probably be working with Bruce to develop faster testing, or figure out cures. But what Tim forgot, is how truly, truly, dumb his boyfriends are.
So he really shouldn't have been surprised to hear his door open on Thursday evening.
But yet, he was.
He shot up off his sofa, spinning towards the door. He hadn't changed in a day, and probably hadn't showered in three. His apartment was a mess and honestly he didn't remember what he had for breakfast that day. But yet he grabbed the nearest thing to him, an empty metal waterbottle, and brandished it as a weapon.
"Oh, I'm so scared," a chipper voice said, with a laugh.
"Bart?!" Tim exclaimed, half in shock and anger.
Standing in the entry way of his apartment was Bart Allen and Conner Kent. Conner was carrying several bags of groceries, and Bart had a couple jugs of milk and juice.
"What are you two doing?!" Tim hissed, glaring.
"Uh, visiting, duh?"
Bart zipped to the fridge, putting up his jugs, and then dumping a backpack that Tim hadn't noticed earlier onto the floor.
"Bart," Tim said, his tone dropping to his more commanding, Robin voice.
He noted Kon was also carrying a duffel bag. The man just smiled and then turned to walk into the kitchen.
"Nonono, I know what's going on here, you two aren't staying."
"Why not? We can't get it, and you're just gonna . . ." Bart motioned at the messy living room. "Besides, what if we quarantine ourselves with you."
"Well, because! Because. . . " Tim scowled at him.
He was starting to lose his energy to argue. And he was getting pretty lonely. And this . . . He wasn't wrong either. They could just quarantine together. . . 
"And also, now if you need something, one of us can just zip over to metropolis and pick it up, or go do laundry at Clark and Lo's," Kon called from the kitchen.
"And if you do get sick! You'll have us to look after you!" Bart exclaimed, zipping over and kissing Tim before he could protest.
Tim glared at him from just a few inches away, then at Conner, who had moved to the doorway. They both just grinned at him.
"Fine. Fine! You can stay!" He exclaimed, defeated.
Bart whooped and kissed Tim again.
"Okay, first things first. You need to take a shower, man," Bart told him, wrinkling his nose. "Or else no cuddles."
Tim, touch starved as always, found himself immediately hating that idea.
"Also, we need to clean this place up. So, you go shower and brush your teeth and shave and stuff - or don't shave - and Kon and I will clean up and start supper!"
Tim huffed at him, but obeyed, heading towards the bathroom, stopping by Conner first to give him a quick kiss. Kon just grinned and pulled him in close, tweaking Tim's nose before kissing him. Then he shoved Tim towards the bathroom.
He went through the bedroom first, snagging some clean clothes, and then went into the bathroom. He quickly stripped and showered, making sure to clean his hair thoroughly, he shaved when he got out, and quickly brushed his teeth as instructed, because frankly, he didn't remember the last time he had done that and didn't want to make his boyfriends deal with that. 
When he got back out, admittedly feeling a little better, he noted Bart and Kon's bags on his bed. He just sighed and shook his head, walking back to the main room. He could already smell the tomatoey scents of Italian food, and wondered what all those two had actually brought with them. There was some form of pop music playing, and he could hear Bart happily singing along to it, Kon chiming in occasionally with the choruses. Tim chuckled and looked around the living room. 
They had cleaned up trash and dishes and fixed the pillows on the sofa. The curtains had been opened, and a candle was burning on the coffee table and all the glasses and mugs and plates had been removed. Tim walked over and leaned against the kitchen doorway, watching Bart dart around and cook, while Kon washed dishes.
"This that hot girl bummer anthem. Turn it up and throw a tantrum~" Bart sang, doing a little dance as he darted from the fridge back to the stove, throwing a few things into a sauce.
"What are you making?" Tim asked softly, but they both heard him.
"Hey! He's clean!" Bart announced cheerfully. "And I am making lasagna! Max's special recipe."
Tim hummed in response, grinning back at the speedster.
"So are you two going to eat me out of house and home by the end of tomorrow, or?"
Kon shot Tim a smirk. "Depends."
"Ugh, Kent! I meant food!"
Conner laughed, rinsing one last dish before drying his hands, walking over and pulling Tim up against his front.
"I never said that wasn't what I meant, did I?"
"No. . . But with you there's always some kind of innuendo."
Kon huffed in mock annoyance, before ducking his head and gently kissing Tim a few times. Tim tilted his face up and obliged, wrapping his arms around Kon's neck.
"I missed you," Kon mumbled lightly, his hands sneaking up Tim's soft cotton shirt that may or may not have belonged to Kon at some point.
"I missed you too," Tim responded instinctually, not really realizing exactly how true that was.
"Then why didn't you let us come sooner?" Bart's voice asked and then he was slipping between their arms, sandwiching himself between them.
Tim laughed, giving the pouting Bart a few kisses, turning him from pouty Bart to smiley Bart.
"Because I didn't want you guys getting sick."
"Tim we literally can't."
"Did you confirm that?"
"Yeah. I called Lex and asked. And you know as well as I do that Bart can't get sick from these things."
Tim sighed, looking down at Bart, then up at Kon. "Well either way, it's too late now."
Once the lasagna was in the oven, Bart made Tim help him finish cleaning, sweeping floors and dusting things, meanwhile Kon just sat by and gave unhelpful commentary and got occasionally whacked with cleaning supplies. Once the apartment was properly cleaned, and feeling much better, they decided to properly move Bart and Kon into Tim's room, even though they had stated they'd probably be leaving to get more clothes and such. And probably their dogs. 
Tim sat on his bed and watched them unpack bathroom supplies and clothes and other various personal items. Phone chargers got plugged in his few remaining wall outlets and things got shoved into previously neat areas.
"Were you really gonna stay here all by your lonesome?" Bart asked, flopping down onto the bed next to Tim and idly bumping his thigh with his knee.
"It wouldn't have been forever, Bart. I was probably gonna go to the manor eventually."
"Ew, and be around your brothers?"
"They are my family, Bart."
"I know but still. . . "
Tim chuckled and shook his head fondly, moving to lay partially over Bart and softly kiss him.
"Wait, is Keystone even in quarantine yet?"
"Uhhh." Bart grinned sheepishly.
Bart just giggled a little. "I'm sorry, but I wanted to come too!"
Tim just shook his head and then dropped it to Bart's chest, laying on him and listening to his breathing.
"Hey, this looks like a cuddle pile in the making."
Both of them groaned when Kon flopped - gently - on top of Tim. 
"Kon you big lug! Get off!" Tim whined, pushing up on his hands and knees, trying to dislodge Kon, who didn't move.
"Why, I thought you liked cuddle piles?" Kon giggled out, nuzzling at Tim's neck and causing him to squeak.
"Not when I'm being squished!"
Kon gave an over dramatic groan, but moved, rolling and pulling them both on top of him. It took a bit of squirming before they were comfortable, one on either side of Kon, heads on his shoulder, hands clasped on top of his stomach. They laid there and chatted idly, with no concern for anything that might interrupt their lives.
"Bart the oven is going off."
And just like that, Bart was gone. A couple seconds passed, then he was back, snuggling right up against Kon again.
"Where were we?"
Both Kon and Tim just started laughing.
Once dinner was ready, they sat on the sofa and binged a couple episodes of Broadchurch before settling into another cuddle pile. Their default form was cuddle pile. Then eventually Bart got bored with sitting still, so they turned on Mario Kart, played a few normal rounds to watch Kon and Bart suffer, then Tim turned on the mod he had made to make the game go super fast. 
He had learned not to watch the screen while this was happening. That's how you got eye damage.
"I'm gonna go do a little patrolling," Kon said, standing after Bart had beat him, again.
"Oh. Okay. Be careful, give a call if you need any help," Tim said, looking up from his laptop.
"Yeah, if I need anything, I'll call Bart."
"Hey, you're grounded, remember?"
Tim sighed, stretching up so Kon could kiss him. Kon chuckled and did so, then bent over the back of the sofa to kiss Bart, before disappearing into the bedroom to change. Then he called a goodbye on the way out the window. Tim and Bart looked at each other.
"So what are we doing then?"
Tim shrugged vaguely and looked back at his laptop.
"Well I'm gonna keep playing my game then."
Bart left him alone for a solid twenty minutes, which was a bit of a record for him, then he was tugging on Tim's laptop, trying to steal it.
"Yes, Bart?"
"I wanna cuddle."
Bart's silence cause Tim to look over, and found he was pouting. Tim chuckled and saved his files, setting the laptop on the floor, then moving so his back was on an armrest, and opened his arms for Bart. Bart practically dove forwards, laying between Tim's legs, head on his chest, arms around his stomach. Tim chuckled and adjusted a bit for his own comfort, then let himself relax with Bart.
Eventually they turned on a movie and just laid together, idly chatting. There would be plenty of time for work later, Tim decided. But for now, he'd spend time with Bart. He may be stuck with these two for months before restrictions laxed, but he would take every moment he could, just to spend time with them while he could.
Kon got back after a few hours, stumbling back through the window, and giving them a grin, but he didn't come over, just walked away into the bathroom, leaving the scent of soot and acid in his wake.
"He's stinky," Bart remarked, still laying on Tim's chest.
"Hmmn, stinky boy."
Bart sniggered. Tim had, at some point, set his laptop on Bart's ass and was still working. Was it the most effective or romantic? No. But Bart didn't mind and it was keeping Tim from getting bored. 
Then his phone started ringing.
"Bart, grab that for me please?"
Bart quickly grabbed the phone from the coffee table before immediately settling back into place.
"Hey, Timmy."
"Hi Dick, what's up?"
"Nothing, just wanted to check in and see how things were going with you."
Tim glanced down at Bart.
"I'm okay."
"Yeah? Just hanging out and working on cases, I assume?"
"Yeah, I'm working on that March case."
Dick hummed from across the line.
"Well, are you sure you don't want to come to the manor?"
"Yeah, I'm sure. Honestly I'm surprised you're there. I thought you'd be with Wally?"
There was a pause. 
"I was going to, but he got directly exposed the day before he was supposed to come down, and he didn't want to risk it until he discovered if speedsters could actually catch it."
"Hmmn, I have it on good authority they can't."
"Is that so?"
"They're there with you, aren't they?"
Tim just grinned, even though Dick couldn't see it. His brother laughed.
"Tim, you scoundrel."
"Listen, I told them no, they wouldn't listen to me, and then when they showed up, it was too late because Bart like, immediately kissed me."
"Hell yeah I did."
Dick just laughed again. Tim could envision him fondly shaking his head.
"So, I'll let you go then, I'm sure you guys have some catching up to do, if you know what I mean."
"Oh my god, shut up," Tim laughed out, even as he started playing with Bart's hair.
"Just speaking the truth!"
"Goodbye, Dick."
"Bye, Timmy! Love you, stay safe!"
"You too!"
Tim hung up the phone and let it fall to the ground beside the sofa.
"Oh good, you're off. I didn't want to come do this with your brother still on the phone."
Tim tilted his head back to see a shirtless Kon standing over him, grinning, hair still dripping slightly from his shower. He bent down and deeply kissed Tim. Tim gave a surprised noise and reached a hand up, resting it on Kon's jaw. When he pulled away, leaving Tim breathless, he just grinned mischievously, then moved so he was closer to Bart.
"Hmmn?" When the ginger picked his head up, Kon kissed him the same.
Bart just grinned at him after, and put his head back on Tim's chest.
"Do you guys want a snack, because I'm starving."
Tim watched Kon walk away, and just had to laugh.
It was lucky the three of them were huge cuddlers, because otherwise they would not have fit in Tim's queen sized bed. Not with Kon's huge shoulders. After their snacks, Bart had to literally steal Tim's laptop, and then Kon decided to carry him to the bathroom to get ready for bed, instead of just letting him walk.
As the three of them laid in bed, a few minutes later, more focused on lazily kissing then actually sleeping, Tim decided that if he was going to be quarantined anywhere, being in his apartment with his amazing, dumb, loving boyfriends couldn't be the worst solution. And it was, by far, preferable over going to the manor. So he would happily keep his mouth shut and let them fret over him. Because he loved them. And they loved him.
@core-disaster-week-2020 originally written for @unknownunseenunheard !!
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albatris · 4 years
ik this is probably an inappropriate question to ask but i deal with stpd and just recently discovered this. Previously thought it was just depression/anxiety but ive been on like 7 antidepressants/2 of which were more geared towards anxiety. I was wondering if you take any meds or have any advice you might recommend. Id really appreciate it. Im running out of ideas lol.( Sorry to bother and thank you)
nah you’re all good, I don’t have any problem with questions like this n I’m happy to share any experiences of mine that people might find useful!! though in this case idk how much help I’ll be, sorry D:
mostly about meds but my bad for goin on a whole ramble in the middle about therapy?? I talk a lot and have trouble staying on topic
'cause meds n therapy both have been useful to me but both probably would've been pretty useless without the other
under cut for personal rambles
so I was in the same boat as you for several years, I was in treatment for depression and anxiety and then borderline later on, way way way before anyone landed on schizotypal
as such I’ve been obviously dealing with stpd symptoms for basically my whole life but I only got diagnosed early last year n it’s the first time I’ve been. like. actually in any sort of therapy that addresses it properly and I’m still getting a feel for it
in terms of meds, I’ve been on a whole slew of different antidepressants, didn’t find one that worked until I was maybe 18 or 19? so I’ve been on the highest dose mirtazapine since then....... helps with that kinda baseline anxiety background hum, helps with obsessions and guilt spirals..... I didn’t think it did much for depression until I tried coming off it??
like, it gave me a slight boost in terms of energy and motivation, not a huge one, but definitely noticeable once it was gone
but yeah, it was kinda..... yeah, this med is about as helpful as I’m gonna get, so I decided to stick with it. I recently have considered coming off it ‘cause the sedation was a nightmare, but that’s on hold for the time being
I’ve been on two different antipsychotics, first quetiapine, which did absolutely nothing and was even more sedating on top of the mirtazapine, and currently I’m starting on aripiprazole. still on a super low dose, but working up to something that will hopefully ease some psychotic symptoms. side effects of insomnia and nausea but eased off mostly after the first week
but yeah, I haven’t really had much experience with antipsychotics or how helpful they are yet, atm I’m gonna wait and see whether there’s any real positive effects
but meds are super hard to give advice about, ‘cause different ones work for different folks, what works for me might not for you, what works for you might be something I tried and hated, etc etc etc, y’know
honestly the most helpful thing for me has been therapy, I’ve pretty much been in therapy since I was like 5 and I’ve done a lot of it
meds might be helpful to some people on their own but for me I think they would have been mainly useless without some form of therapy
meds kinda helped with some of the “edges” ie, the resulting depression and anxiety of the personality disorder, hopefully will help with some psychotic symptoms too, therapy has also helped with some of these issues on the edges, and I’m currently addressing some of the more specifically schizotypal core issues, although I will likely have to continue doing the work on those issues for most of my life
if you have a good doctor who listens to you, if you want to continue trying out meds then you might still find one that helps you out! I don’t really have a lot of advice here, because the effects can be so different from person to person. but I’ve found that meds only help on a really small scale, they kind of take a little bit of the weight off but it’s still a whole lot of heavy lifting on my own
so therapy was real good for some of that stuff too, skills for easing some of the load. therapy for me involved Other People, but for others it could involve other resources, such as online workbooks n that kind of thing....... ‘cause I know personally for me I fuckin HATE meeting new people and having to bare my soul for them, so therapy gets. interesting
and I know therapy is not realistic for some folks (and also not what this question was about but I’m just rambling now)
n I know especially that that shit gets fucking HARD when any sort of psychosis and paranoia is involved, in terms of stpd, I flat out refused to speak about certain symptoms with professionals due to paranoia and fear, and had a lot of issues trying to come into a therapy environment and immediately having complete strangers be like “ok tell me about what’s up”
like, no???? fuck off?? I don’t even know you??
n until recently all my therapies where only tangentially useful as a schizotypal, like, I did a bunch of social anxiety stuff which helped with some of the surface level day-to-day social anxiety (not so much the more deep-seated stpd social anxiety, that whole “it gets worse the closer you get to people” type, very fun), I did a lot of work around depression and suicidal urges and goals and meaningful living and whatnot, I did DBT which also encompassed a lot of work on interpersonal skills and handling dissociation and paranoia
n like. some of it was helpful? none of it got to the core of the issue or addressed what I really needed to address
I got super lucky with my current psychiatrist in that she was someone I already knew for around a year and a half beforehand ‘cause she helped out in my DBT group therapy. so I was able to get a feel for what kind of person she was beforehand and got to find my feet in trusting her in a more distanced context before entering one on one therapy. she also specialises in personality disorders and was the one who actually diagnosed me so it wasn’t like she was like “oh you’re definitely schizotypal, I’m gonna just pan you off to someone more experienced now” which was nice
she’s also the one who’s helping me out with meds currently
but ya, therapy can be A Lot, ‘specially for schizotypals who tend to isolate and get uncomfy in those vulnerable scenarios. in order to make the most out of it I have to practice an extremely uncomfortable sort of “radical openness” which is like..... well, I’ve spent most of my life being miserable and unhappy and feeling trapped and stuck in these patterns, and this has gotten me nowhere, in order for something to change I need to be radically open about my experiences
which gets HARD because the knee-jerk reaction to paranoia and delusions is often to pull back and isolate, and often I’ve struggled with the idea that it’s not “safe” to speak about certain things or that something bad will happen if I do
so it’s difficult, but I have to continually commit myself to being open and placing myself in intensely uncomfortable scenarios, getting used to the idea of trust being An Action, and practicing trust even when I don’t necessarily Feel It
that’s been a really helpful outlook for me and the only thing that’s kept me involved with therapy and meds and treatment. idk if it’ll be useful to others. I also know that some therapists and psychiatrists are shit and being radically open with the wrong people can be a nightmare
but it’s something that applies in my other relationships too and with my relationship to myself, so. *shrug emoji*
but yeah. that’s been what’s helpful for me
meds do a little bit of the work, but honestly I still have to pull a fuckload of the weight on my own, I kinda got to the point with meds where I was just like “ok this is obviously as good as it’s gonna get” and just stuck with it......... which is kind of a bummer of an answer
ik that kinda turned into a whole unrelated ramble in the middle there but I hope this kinda answers a bit of your question maybe or maybe not ‘cause I don’t really know what I’m doing
but also
I hope you have a nice day
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deamstellarus · 5 years
In Viata Asta (2)
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Pairing: Stucky x Reader
Word Count: 4.7k
Warnings: Uhm…language and hurt/pain?
Series Masterlist | Part 1 | Part 2
“-ue! Damnit.”
Everything hurt. That much you were certain. The burning, throbbing pain all over gave you the heads up you weren’t dead. At least you hoped you weren’t dead. Your body felt strained and tight, a distinct pressure in your head. You could feel how your body twisted in a weird position, but trying to move your limbs was futile. As far as you were concerned, they were made of lead and took too much energy to even think about moving. It felt as if your head was underwater. Captain America’s voice cut through it all, followed by… a car horn?
“Blue, open your eyes!”
It took everything in you to obey. You blinked rapidly against the sudden brightness. When your vision cleared, distressed blue eyes met yours. He breathed a sigh of relief when you obeyed.
“Fuck, thank you.”
“That’s a helluva mouth you’ve got, Captain,” you croaked. Your throat hurt.
“Don’t believe everything you see on TV,” he sassed. “We gotta get you out of there. They’ll be after us in a minute.”
You nodded, or tried to. The seatbelt cut into your stiff neck. You were upside down hanging from the seatbelt that probably kept you from flying through the decimated windshield. You looked back at Steve, realized he was outside the car, kneeling at your window. Slowly, you unhooked your seatbelt and slumped to the ceiling of the car, his hands softening your impact. You tried to reach out to take his hands to pull you, but your left arm wasn’t responding as normal and you realized your shoulder must have been knocked out of place in the crash. 
“It’s dislocated. I can’t pull myself.” You took in a sharp breath. It hurt, but you didn’t have time to waste.
“Hold still and brace yourself. I’ll get you out.” 
You locked your arms the most you could before Steve’s strong grip pulled you out of your destroyed Jeep swiftly. The rain was full force now, the trees doing little to shelter you as raindrops pelted your skin. You heard shouting a ways behind you. You groaned and got to your feet with the help of Steve. 
“You have to push it back in,” you yelled to Steve over all the noise. Fuck, this was going to suck. But you were out of options, and realistically you couldn’t do much if you didn’t have full motion in all of your limbs. You slowly pulled your soaking wet hoodie over your head, gingerly guiding it down your injured arm, leaving you in your t-shirt. Which wasn’t the best move considering the weather but it was necessary to give him access.
“Right now?” Steve looked hesitant.
“Yes!” You leaned impatiently on your flipped car. You didn’t have time for second-guessing. “You have done this before right? Just brace your arm on the- FUCK!”
Steve’s execution was swift, taking advantage of your running mouth as a distraction. The breath was knocked out of you. With your arm in place, however painful, you started forward, stumbling on slightly wobbly legs. Steve caught you by your waist.
“Thanks,” you muttered. The rain came down hard, visibility was shit now. You would be surprised with the sudden change in weather from the morning but with the events of the day so far, it seemed fitting. Mother nature's cruel joke.
“I would say anytime but…”
“Yeah yeah.” You weaved between trees, putting distance between you and guns that were thankfully doing more damage to the trees than you. “There’s a river up ahead. We can probably lose them at the bridge that goes over it. Maybe even ambush them? Wish I still had my gun...”
“Sorry! I wasn’t planning on losing it.” His apologetic expression morphed into a smirk. “Just like I wasn’t planning on being attacked in a small town general store.”
“Pfft,” you scoffed. “You probably drag the trouble with you everywhere you go.”
“Now you really do sound like Bucky.”
“I’m going to have to meet Mr. Barnes then. Apparently we have so much in common.” The river was directly in front of you at this point, the wooden bridge a little ways north. The rapids were in full-force now though. It would be a real bummer to fall in, so you made sure to keep a decent distance away from the edge of the ravine, where it was usually pretty slippery with mud.
Steve was not as lucky.
You heard a yelp, then were immediately yanked down with him as he tumbled down the muddy slope. You saw his hand jut out to try and slow your descent but the effort was futile. Soon enough, you hit water and the current dragged you under.
You were knocked around, your feet trying desperately to find purchase on something, anything, to possibly slow down. Your lungs burned at the effort to hold your breath but you were going to have to get some air soon. For your first time back in a body of water since the incident, it could be better. The only thing that kept you mildly sane and slightly out of panic was how Steve was still holding your hand. His strong grip tricked you into feeling marginally safer. Because he was Captain America. You normally prided yourself in knowing what to do in emergency situations, but you were only human. If anyone knew how to get out of a sticky situation, it would be him. Your head broke the surface for a brief moment. You gasped, inhaling water and air simultaneously. Your lungs burned and you started coughing.
“Try to get to an edge!” Steve’s voice was almost swallowed by the roar of the water. “We need to get to shallow water if we even have a chance of getting out!”
You agreed, but you didn’t want to open your mouth for how much water was sure to flood your body if you did. So you squeezed his hand tighter, hoping he would understand its meaning. You felt a tug and then his grip loosened. Too much. You gripped as tight as you could as you fought your way above the rapids. You could barely make out Steve’s face. His eyes were closed, and there was red on the side of his head. Fuck. His head must have hit a rock. 
You moved without thinking. You struggled but eventually got the majority of your body under his, barely able to keep his head above the water, your body struggling under his weight. You wrapped your legs around his torso best that you could, and kept an arm around his chest from behind, lifting a bit under his armpits. His massive form blocked you from seeing anything besides the cloudy sky above you and the water whipping past your face. 
You felt a shift in the current, the water seeming to speed up. Against your will, you were rushed over a series of cascades. The thing nobody really thinks about with rivers is how many sharp rocks are involved. You let go of Steve with one arm to wrap it around the back of your head, trying to protect it, lest you too get knocked out and you both drown to your deaths. Natasha would be pissed. For every bump you went over, your back and arm were scraped and slashed by the daggers under the water. At one point, you almost let Steve go, the continuous sharp pain becoming too much. But you didn’t. You couldn’t. 
One final rough scrape over an edge and your bodies went airborne briefly. 
Then you were in smooth waters. You poked your head above the surface, finding you were in a natural pool of sorts. You unlocked your legs from around Steve’s body. You kicked toward the edge of the water where you could see a natural entrance to the pool. Your foot grazed the rocky bottom and you've never been happier to have touched something even remotely solid. You dug your heels in and dragged Steve to the edge but you realized your problem when the water only came up to your waist and you almost collapsed under his weight. He was over six-foot-three and very much all muscle, and very wet. And you hadn't worked out consistently in… years. Without the water to help float and carry his body, you struggled to pull him to land.
You got out and gripped him under his shoulders, dragging him across rocks, albeit smoother than the ones under the river. It was like pulling a truck across sand. Maybe you were a bit dramatic, but his body was that heavy. Your muscles screamed at you, your injured shoulder felt like it was on fire, until you made it far enough up the bank so his feet were barely touching water, laying him down as gently as you could before dropping in exhaustion beside him. But you couldn't rest yet. You panted as you crawled to hover over Steve's body. Two trembling fingers to his pulse relieved you to know he was alive, but his light breath in your ear confirmed it. 
You gingerly laid next to him on your side. The slight brush of the stones to your back made you wince. As an afterthought, your hand flew to your neck, fingers searching for your necklace. You found the thin chain easily enough, but you didn’t relax until your fingers grazed the oddly shaped pendant. Your thumb smoothed over the center gem a few times. 
As the adrenaline faded, the reality of your situation set in. You gulped the air, your body shivering as it went into shock. Just like all those years before, you were practically paralyzed in fear. So you did what you could at the moment. 
You closed your eyes and waited for it to pass.
It was warm. That was your first thought. It felt like a decade had passed since you were warm or dry, but now you were both. The rain had stopped; the sky was still overcast, but now it was definitely less threatening. A few feet away, Steve poked at his watch, now off his wrist and in his hand. His brows were furrowed, his lips formed a grim line. You rubbed your eyes, the motion catching his attention.
"Hey, glad to see you're awake." His eyes softened as they landed on you. You went to sit up but the action was immediately shot down.
"No hey, you probably shouldn't do that." You tried to anyway. Your back felt on fire from the effort, the pain so bad you were sure you looked like a fish with your mouth gaping open and shut. "Or at least let me help." 
His firm but gentle grip on your shoulders guided you into a sitting position. Your vision spun at the motion and you pressed a hand to your forehead, a hood falling from your head. You realized you had his hoodie on, which probably kept you from freezing out here except…
"Aren't you going to catch a cold like that?" He was down to the borrowed t-shirt and sweatpants. While the rain had stopped, March in Washington state in the mountains wasn't exactly t-shirt weather.
"I run a bit warm. I'll be alright." He smiled, sitting down beside you.
"Stupid super soldier serum." His arm went around your shoulder, pulling you into the warmth of his body. Maybe not so stupid after all. You savored the warmth, curling into him a bit more. He stared at his watch again, looking thoroughly annoyed. And you… you were in pain, but stubbornly ignoring it, before you'd have to inevitably move again.
“Got somewhere to be, Cap?” You broke the silence. He looked at you confused, so you nodded to the device in his hand. “You’ve been glaring at that thing for a while.”
"Stupid watch,” he grumbled. “It’s Stark-tech I was hoping it would either show us our location or at least let me get in contact with someone. But it got messed up on the way down here.” Sure enough, the screen is cracked and dark. “I'm not gonna lie, not quite sure where we are. Nor do I have the desire to come back the way we came."
"Yeah, our best bet is to head downstream from here," you said. A creak forked off to the side of the natural pool; you bet you'd find at least some trail signs to get you back on track to somewhere. You’re sure you’d find a road to a town eventually. Either way would take too long. At the very least, those men weren't following you anymore. A bright side to a rather cold and dim reality.
Abruptly, Steve's arm left your shoulder and he got to his feet, taking the warmth with him. 
"We should get moving. I realize we're just sitting ducks here. Who knows who could be watching us, or what animals we might run into," he said, glancing around. "This seems like a prime drinking spot for wildlife, and I'd rather not be eaten by a bear."
You rolled your eyes. "A bear is not going to eat you. There are hardly any more bears in this area at least; they've become an endangered species. There's a crazy low population that still reside here." It was true, though you had seen a lone bear on the farthest point across the lake behind your cabin just before the winter hit. Not that you were going to mention it to him. “Besides, it's the moose that you need to look out for." 
Steve's eyes were wide when he answered. "Moose eat people?"
"What? No!” you snorted. “But they're huge, and you'll be scared shitless if you come across one unexpectedly.”
“I’ll take your word for it.” He held out a hand for you. “Need a hand getting up?”
“Sure, thanks.” You held on as he hauled you to your feet, the power behind is pull stronger than necessary, as the momentum kept your body going and your hands flew up to brace yourself for impact and stumbled into his chest. His very big, broad, warm chest. This close up you could see the flecks of green in his eyes. 
Pretty. He was much too pretty.
You tried to take a step back and almost fell on your ass but the hand to your waist kept you from falling. There was a pain in your ankle you hadn’t noticed when you first woke up. It was going to be a struggle to climb over the rough terrain with a bad ankle. 
“Are you okay?” Steve’s gaze was intense on yours.
“I’m, uh, well my ankle is messed up. I don’t think it’s broken though?” It came out more as a question.
Steve dropped down on a knee getting a closer look at your leg. You leaned on his shoulder for support.
“It’s probably just a sprain, but definitely not something you should be walking on in this area.” You figured as much. “I’ll just carry you down.”
You nodded. “Wait, what?” He turned in front of you, still crouched, but now his back was to you. “You want to give me a piggyback ride? Am I five?”
“Not with that mouth of yours.” He smirked. “This is the best option. If we get going now, we have a better chance of making it to any location with a phone before it starts getting dark.”
You sighed. He was right.
“Are you sure? I won’t be too heavy?”
“Okay, okay.” You slowly positioned yourself over his back, your arms over his shoulders. As he stood, he gripped your thighs on either side of his waist, keeping you securely attached to him. “Thank you.”
“No problem, doll.”
You were glad he couldn’t see your face or you were sure he’d notice the redness forming on your cheeks from the nickname. 
Steve set off down the rocky side of the river, stepping over stones until he reached more level ground to set a steady pace. You were thankful he suggested carrying you, as much as you hate to admit it out loud. Not only were you exhausted, but even just the slightly jostling of your body from your current hike rubbed your back the wrong way. It was ridiculously sore, and if you thought about it too hard, you were sure your entire body would just be pain. You glanced at your injured hand over Steve’s shoulder, the large gash gory and reminiscent of B-list horror movies now covered by a strip of the material from Steve’s t-shirt. You wondered if it was going to get infected before you could get some help.
“Hey,” Steve gently squeezed your thigh, grabbing your attention. His head turned a bit toward yours. “What’s on your mind?”
“Just wondering if my whole body looks as bad as my hand. Or at least as bad as it feels.”
He grimaced. “I’m sorry you’re in so much pain, Blue.”
“It is what it is. I suppose it’s better than the alternative.”
“True.” He was quiet for a few paces. “I never thanked you for saving me back there.”
“Eh, it was nothing you wouldn’t have done. Besides, I couldn’t very well let you drown back there.”
“But still, I feel bad. I’m sure you could have avoided all the injuries if you hadn’t been stuck with me.” His eyes were downcast.
“Don’t know if you’ve realized this yet, but I don’t consider myself stuck with you. Up until those dipshits at the general store, I was having a lovely time with my new friend.” You poked his cheek. The corner of his mouth lifted into a small smile.
“Same here, Blue.” 
You continued through the forest, keeping an eye on the river to your left. Your body felt stiff, but you had to deal with it until you could find help. You leaned more into Steve’s back, soaking in as much warmth as his body had to offer.
“So, ah...” Steve started, sounding conflicted.
“What’s your real name? Feels kinda odd to only call you by a nickname when I don’t know your given one.”
“Ah, well… that’s the thing, Cap. I don’t really have one.”
“What do you mean?” His pace slowed.
“I mean, I’m sure I have one, but I don’t remember what it is. I haven’t since I woke up in a warehouse in Russia in 2011. That’s where Nat and Clint found me.” You sighed, closing your eyes. The scene played out in your mind. “I was sixteen or seventeen I think, at least that’s about the age the doctors at S.H.I.E.L.D. came up with. It was February, and so, so cold. I remember waking up to voices, quiet bickering that echoed in the space. When I finally opened my eyes, they were standing above me, wide-eyed. Which is fair, looking at it from their point of view, I would’ve thought I was dead too. 
“Lying on the concrete in an abandoned warehouse, with the bare minimum of clothing and a necklace… I remember my fingers were so cold, they were purple and I couldn’t move anything. When they,” you paused, your voice wavered. You hated thinking about this. “When they asked for my name, I couldn’t remember it. I couldn’t remember anything. Not how I got there, or where I was from. Nothing.” You sniffled, glad you couldn’t see his face.
“Oh, doll.” His thumbs rubbed circles on your thighs. 
“I think Clint felt bad for upsetting me. He gave me a nickname, Blue Moon. Said I could have a new name now, that my memory loss was probably temporary and just from the shock, and would most likely come back once I was warmed up and had calmed down.” You sighed. “It didn’t come back. Obviously, but I’ve accepted it. It’s been seven years and I turned out okay. Even pretended I was a badass with S.H.I.E.L.D. for a few years, so you know, could’ve been worse.” You chuckled,  sounding weak even to your own ears.
“Well, you seem pretty great to me, Blue.” It sounded so sincere coming from his lips, even after only knowing him for a few hours.
“Thanks, Steve.” 
“Hey look at that.” Steve pointed up. “The sun finally decided to show itself.”
Sure enough, soft pale yellow rays were peaked through the leaves of the canopy. The light reflected off the water droplets that clung to the trees and leaves, making the whole forest glisten. 
It was beautiful.
“So jelly beans or gummy worms?” You asked at random. You were bored. As beautiful as nature was, this wasn’t a normal hike where you were mentally prepared to let your mind wander and keep everything peaceful. You needed to keep your mind from thinking too much on your situation.
“What’s your preference: jelly beans or gummy worms?” Because even though you knew he was a national icon, the image of the Captain America doing anything besides punching Nazis still seemed a little surreal to you. Even if that meant eating snacks meant for kids.
“Hm, I guess jelly beans?”
“Eh. I guess I can’t hold that against you. You probably ate them as a kid.”
“Oh is that how’s it’s going to be?” He chuckled, the rumbling feel the rumbling in your chest.
“Yup.” You popped the ‘p’, grinning when he glanced back at you. 
“Well in that case, pretzels or popcorn?”
“Popcorn, duh. Pretzels are okay, I guess. But I prefer the giant soft ones to the crunchy snack-sized ones.”
“That’s fair.” He nodded.
“What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever done for a mission?”
He thought it over.
“I went undercover with Nat and Barton once as Renaissance reenactors.” It was said so casually you almost missed his answer. 
“Really?!” You’d pay to see pictures of Natasha dressed in medieval clothing. 
“Oh yeah. Barton really made the whole ‘Robin Hood’ thing come to life.” You bet he did. “The clothes weren’t all that uncomfortable, but chainmail is awful.”
“With your broad chest and big arms, not to mention all that blonde hair, I bet you looked like a true knight and had all the maidens falling at your feet.”
“Yeah, well Romanoff got enough blackmail to last for years.” He shook his head, a smirk on his lips. 
“I’d love to see those.” And then a thought occurred to you. “Did Natasha wear a dress?”
“Leather pants and one of those corset vests.” 
“Of course she did.” She probably also carried around a sword and dueled anyone who belittled her. 
“It wasn’t the worst undercover mission I’ve been on.”
“What was?”
“Have you ever been stuck in a single room with Clint after a night of Mexican food and cheap tequila?”
You grimaced, because you had, and you wouldn’t wish that on anyone. __________
Steve was quiet for a long time after that. There was clearly something on his mind but he had yet to say anything. You weren’t going to push him. The sun was directly above you now, warming your back, and with Steve’s heat on your front, a nap was starting to look a good option.
“Why a cabin?” Steve asked suddenly.
“Well, it wasn’t my first choice, but it’s nice out here. Quiet. Peaceful.” Not a lot to keep you looking over your shoulder.
“Haven’t you ever wanted to live in the city?” 
“I did the city life, for a couple years after I left S.H.I.E.L.D. A few months in the U.S., a few in Europe. London was nice, L.A. was too warm. I settled in Bucharest the longest though. I usually never stayed longer than a few months in a new place, but I spent six months there.” 
“What was different about Romania?” He was curious. You couldn’t blame him; you didn’t think you were going to stay there for long either.
“I met a friend.” More like a neighbor that you annoyed into companionship. “I met him at a little farmer’s market. My bag of plums broke, and he helped me with them. Looking back on it now, that was probably so out of his comfort zone. He always kept to himself and didn’t speak too much at first. He was perpetually grumpy.” That was an understatement.
“Yeah, I know someone like that.” He chuckled softly to himself.
“I called him “Sunshine” because of that. I think that was the first time I got more that a grimace out of him.” You missed your grumpy cat, but it’s been so long if you even saw him again, he probably wouldn’t even recognize you.
“Sounds like a decent enough guy. Why’d you leave?”
“One day I went by his apartment and he was gone. Disappeared without saying goodbye.” Not that you were super close, but it still hurt a bit. You laid your head on his shoulder. “After that, I was too paranoid to stay in the city by myself. I felt like someone was always watching me. Too many people, too many faces. So I called Clint and he said he had a place for me with a low population count and a beautiful view. And the rest is history.”
“You’ve been alone all this time?” He sounded shocked.
“Almost two years.” 
“Don’t you ever get lonely?”
Yes. You were notorious for spending too much time in your head and with no one to break up that isolation, it’s taken a toll on you. You longed for some company.
“Yeah, I suppose so. I miss hanging out with Clint and Tasha, but with as busy as your schedules get, it’s hard for them to get downtime to visit me for very long.” You missed cozy movie nights with an endless amount of pizza, and archery lessons even though you knew a bow and arrows weren’t your thing. You would deny it, but even sparring with Natasha was something you found yourself missing, even if she still knocked you on your ass more than half the time.
“Well, it’s settled then. You’re coming back with us officially, once we get out of here.” His tone was so confident, you couldn’t tell him no if you wanted.
“Sounds like a plan, Cap.”
“On one condition.”
“You’ve gotta start calling me Steve, doll.”
“Will do… Steve.” 
He stopped abruptly. 
“What’s wrong?” You mumbled, your eyes droopy where you rested your head.
“You weren’t lying…” he whispered. “That thing’s huge!” 
Your head popped up to look over his shoulder. Sure enough maybe two hundred feet in front of you, standing in the middle of a ray of sunlight, was a moose. Majestic as all hell, like he knew he owned the forest, with massive shoulders and wide, bold antlers.
"Should we… do we need to find a different way around?" Nervousness clear in his voice. 
"Nah, just give him a wide berth and go around. They're gentle if you stay clear of them." It wasn't your first encounter with a moose, several have stumbled upon your cabin, but most of the time they don’t want to be bothered. 
“You don’t see something like that in the city.” A childlike wonder graced his face.
“No, I suppose you don’t.”
It felt like it’d been days since you’d seen a road or trail of any kind, when in actuality it had probably only been a few hours. You were starving, but ignoring your discomfort was becoming your new normal. With Steve's metabolism from the serum, you couldn't imagine how much worse off he was, so you couldn't complain. When you finally saw a trail sign directing you back to the nearest town, Steve picked up his pace. 
“Shouldn’t be too long now,” Steve said. You were sure he was tired of carrying you all this time, but he never mentioned it. He was too kind for that.
"Do you think Nat found a way to track us?”
"Did you doubt me, zvezdochka?" Natasha's silky voice may have spooked you, but Steve almost dropped you from how high he jumped. Natasha's gaze scanned your forms, taking stock of your injuries. She smirked. "You look terrible."
"It's good to see you too, Tash." You stuck your tongue out. "Tell me, does he always attract this much attention everywhere he goes?"
"Unfortunately, it isn't an uncommon occurrence." Natasha glanced at her watch, pressing a button before she spoke. "I found them. Heading to the clearing now. ETA twenty minutes. Medical assistance needed." 
Her voice was tight but she kept her cool demeanor in place, a facade of nonchalance. However, her small relieved smile said what she didn't. [Part 3]
In Viata Asta Taglist: @rvgrsbrns​
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packsbeforesnacks · 4 years
Talk Too Much || Blanche & Winn
TIMING: Saturday, May 30th, 2020, Late Night LOCATION: Dell’s Tavern PARTIES: @harlowhaunted & @packsbeforesnacks SUMMARY: Winn comes clean. Blanche wants to drink. WARNINGS: Extremely brief mention of assisted-suicide-by-hunter.
Blanche was still irritated with the whole Winn situation, but if she were being truly honest with herself, she just didn’t have enough energy to be truly angry. No one had died, and at the end of the day, none of it mattered. It was a string of unfortunate events that were, for the most part, corrected by Winn coming back. If anything, the bigger headache was going to be with Ariana and Noah and any of his other possible-wolf friends that he left behind and not with her. She pulled into Dell’s parking lot, parked her Jeep and asked for a booth to settle in. Winn wanted to talk, and she didn’t know how responsive she’d be, but she would at least try to not lose her shit like she had with Theo before… She had just been browsing the cocktail menu she saw Winn. Leaning out of the booth, she waved. “Hey! Winn. Over here.” She gave him a strained smile. “I hope you know I’m getting the biggest burger there is.”
Winn could be honest: He was frustrated with the chain of events that had unfolded in his absence. Noah had clued him in, and the pack’s general sentiments had solidified that Noah hadn’t been in the minority. But, really, aside from Noah’s special case, Winn could handle the pack’s anger. It had been a stupid miscommunication, but it was his stupid miscommunication. He could fix it. What he couldn’t fix, what ate at him, was Blanche’s trust in him. Winn slid into the booth, across from Blanche, and smiled tentatively. “B, you could buy out Dell’s and I’d pay for every cocktail, every inch of grease to make you a burger of your dreams.” Winn sighed, rolling his neck. He needed to be drunk for this; he couldn’t possibly be drunk for this. “I slept through half the day, the entire pack doesn’t trust me, my father I guess lives with me now? But, Blanche, I’ll be honest. I don’t give a shit about any of that because I am so scared you hate me now. I know it’s selfish. But I—” Winn glanced down at his hands, hesitant to meet Blanche’s eyes. “If you don’t want to… be around me. I understand. That’s one answer I don’t have for you tonight. I don’t… I don’t know what happened, after you threw me. But,” Winn looked up, “I am going to find out. It will never happen again.”
Blanche opened her mouth to start talking, but Winn started in on the serious things before she could even start with some mild small talk. She faltered, unsure what to say for a moment as she rubbed the back of her neck with a low sigh. She supposed she was supposed to feel bad, but all things considered, her emotions were a little fried. “Winn, I wouldn’t have met you here if I didn’t want to be around you,” she said pointedly. “I like free food, but not that much. Come on.” Tucking a strand of pink hair behind her ear, she considered her next words carefully. “I heard the words ‘loss of control’ being thrown around a lot,” she said finally, with a shrug. She remembered, vaguely, Winn’s wolfish form coming at her with some sort of bloodthirsty look on his face. That was the only reason Blanche was able to differentiate the first attack from the second, though she was still a little peeved he hadn’t told her he couldn’t understand human words. Noah was right, they were both morons. “And no, it won’t happen again, because we’re not doing that again. You want to spar with me? I get to punch you in your big, dumb human face and hopefully no one will scare me so bad that my brain thinks I have to chuck you across a clearing and into a tree. Which— Sorry. Again. Truly. I didn’t mean to.” And even if they did that, it would preferably be around the New Moon. She frowned slightly, and ran a hand down her face. “I’m sorry that the pack is angry with you, too.”
Winn couldn’t help a small smile from forming on his face. Not quite dopey, but not subtle either. They could work through this. “Naw, B. I can take being thrown into a tree. Uh, or… Physically, anyway?” He laughed, weakly, as the server came over to take their orders. And, Jesus, was everyone in this town brutally attractive? The guy could be a Pine’s brother. Winn leaned on his hand, scratching at his chin. “Well, not… all of the pack? Just mostly. And I prolly deserve it. I should’ve left the note somewhere smarter. I should’ve replaced my phone before leaving town. I should’ve checked my account or my email to make sure weird shit wasn’t happenin’. It was… I don’t want to make excuses. But a lot of shit went down, and me freakin’ out and comin’ at you was not the weirdest — or worst — part of my week. And given that it was extremely bad… Anyway, I’ll get to that, but: You’ve got nothin’ to be sorry for, far as I’m concerned.” Winn scratched at the wood of the table, nervous. “But, uh— Sorry. I don’t mean to be a bummer, just didn’t want… I know shit’s not great, with you, so maybe this is a dumb question, but: How’re you checkin’ in?” He’d explained the concept to her before, a while back, but this was the first time it felt… right to use it, instead of just chattin’. This felt more… not formal, per se, but different. A boundary that he needed to respect.
“I’m trying to not make it a habit. Throwing people, I mean,” Blanche said, running a hand through her hair. The server came and went and she let out a low sigh as she settled back into the booth as she listened to Winn. They could go over should haves and could haves for hours, though she didn’t particularly want too. It was a waste of time, especially when they could easily move on from mistakes and do better. Especially when no one had died. Even the feud between herself and Adrien seemed so small in the wake of Bea’s death. Adrien and Blanche could hurl cruel words at each other all day, every day, but at least they were both still alive. At least they were there so they could do that. The thought made her want to call him, but she knew he still needed space from the explosion that happened with Regan. She looked at Winn and just gave him a shrug. “Things are shitty,” she said. Checking in was harder and harder — she just wanted to forget and be numb to it. She had told Adam that it was easier that way. “Possession sucked. I’ve been staying with Nell because I can’t stand feeling a ghost near me for too long. It’s been a thing.” She gave another shrug, not willing to go into it. “Are you going to tell me where you went that made your week so weird and shitty? And, uh, for the record, I’d also like to address the killswitch thing as well, if you don’t mind.”
Oh, right. Honesty. That pesky thing that Winn had committed to, with Blanche and Noah especially. “This is going to be… a long story,” Winn warned, hand around his water for when he inevitably needed to pause. “So, uh. You don’t know… a fuckton about my past. That’s… by design, or was.” He stopped himself. Okay, he could be less confusing. “I was born Winthrop Linton Zhou, don’t say a fuckin’ word, and grew up in Falls Church. My dad, Daniel Zhou, taught at Georgetown for years, and my mom is, uh, Congresswoman-then-Speaker-of-the-House? Elaine Delacour. We like Dad. We have… extremely mixed feelings on Mom, to say the least. I, um, went to college, went through some shit, got the Bite, and then a couple years later… killed a Hunter, in self-defense.” He sighed, remembering that both his dad and his former partner didn’t blame him, and they thought he’d been in the right — that Winn didn’t need to carry that guilt quite so heavily. “Shit got… weird, from there. I was in a pretty dark place. And, uh, I… actually don’t remember a lot. I’m pretty sure that I was a wolf for, like… a lot of the time for the next year. But then there’s a whole other year, and… Anyway, more on that later. I ended up in Europe in early 2018, took on Winn Woods as an assumed name, falsified some documents, and eventually applied to school here. Couldn’t tell you why, to be honest. I’m— uh, well, okay, so that answered exactly none of your questions, but I’m gonna pause here, ‘cause I can see you steamin’ like a tea kettle.”
Blanche sat there in silence for a long time, staring at Winn with a mixture of… Well, actually, she didn’t know. Disbelief? Not quite right. And she wasn’t sure she was angry either. Blanche didn’t come in swinging with her “#TRAGIQUE” backstory either because as much as they all liked to make fun of their personal shit it was still personal and there were things that hurt. Things that couldn’t be glossed over in a joke. If Winn didn’t want to discuss his background that was his prerogative. She sat there digesting the information. At some point, the waiter came and went with their drinks. Blanche had a water and a lemonade because she always wanted both and it was easier for a second to watch the little lemon slice floating at the top of her drink than think about the information that was just dumped onto her. Blanche took a big drink of water. And then a big drink of lemonade. …. And then a big drink of water. And then a big drink of lemonade. And then she rounded off with a - guess what - big drink of water. And then, she folded her hands in front of her, and looked at him. “... Asdmgph.” Oh, good going, Blanche. Real intelligent answer. Sure using that college experience to help you out there. So, she tried again. “.... Winthrop?” Oh, that was an easy one to start with. “You have a problem with me calling you Winnifred when your name is Winthrop?”
Admittedly, Winn thought this conversation was going to go worse than it had. He expected anger, or yelling. But no. Blanche just stared at him, well, blankly. And drank a truly gargantuan amount of liquid, taking in water, and lemonade, like a fish in Georgia. And then short-circuiting, like a fish in Georgia when you dropped a toaster in the water. Okay, jokes. Winn could do jokes. Blanche and his entire relationship was built on a cornerstone of gentle ribbing, because both of them were ridiculous. That said, “I said don’t say a fuckin’ word about the Winthrop thing. I haven’t gone by that since I was, like, five.” Winn remembered cryin’ on the first day of kindergarten to his dad, beggin’ him to not make him go by Winthrop ‘cause all the other kids had such cool names, and they thought he was gonna be mean ‘cause his name sounded like an oil baron. (Granted, it was his grandfather’s, so… not far off.) “And I didn’t say I had a problem with you callin’ me Winnifred, I just thought it was lazy, Blanche.” He pointedly didn’t make a joke of Blanche’s name, needing her to realize this conversation was still, like, fairly serious. “Uh, also my dad’s a fox?” he tried, eager to move on from his name or what had led him to White Crest. “Like, um, not a literal. Like, a supernatural fox? Huxian-called-by-the-Japanese-kitsune kinda fox? He has tails. It’s kinda rad.” Winn, no.
“Okay, Winthrop,” Blanche answered immediately, grimacing slightly. Apparently, she had two settings at this moment, and one was watering herself like a plant and the other was, well, being a dick. “Sorry.” Blanche frowned slightly  at the mention of his dad being a … fox. Furry genes. She had to swallow the word whole, before her eyes widened as she looked up at Winn in horror. “I’m turning into Adam,” she groaned quietly, running her hands down her face as she leaned over the table. God. Okay. Reroute, Blanche. Be serious a moment. She took a few deep breaths, and then looked back at him. “Huxian?” Blanche repeated. “Fox. Right. Okay. Cool cool cool cool cool cool. Cool. That’s cool. Like a werefox? … Don’t answer that.” Blanche shook her head. “Keep going. I’m assuming there’s more?”
“Um,” Winn started, and then stopped. “I— Yes. There is. So, I should… backtrack a little. My week itself was, like, fine. It was… getting back, that made it weird and shitty. Noah was mad. I think we’re okay, but he was mad. Everyone thought I abandoned them, ran away, or, shit, was dead. I’m… I don’t have a right to be mad about it, but I am, a little bit, and it’s not your fault, ‘cause I didn’t know and I should have been clearer and I— I’m doing it again.” He took a deep breath. “Adam is my killswitch. Which means, like, if I ever… hurt someone, during the Full Moon, then I trust him to make it painless when he takes me out. I don’t— The pack would try to protect me, but that’s not who I am, not who I want to be. I became a werewolf by choice, but I won’t become a killer. Accidents happen, I get that, and I don’t— I’d protect any of them who did something, but, for me, I just… If Adam didn’t do it, the guilt would kill me. I— Um, I know I said I’d answer questions about that, but, I’ll be honest, I really don’t want to talk about it. It won’t happen. If it does, you can’t stop me.” His voice had gone hard, taken on an uncharacteristically cold tone, almost emotionless. “Blanche, I really need you to bear with me here.” It was his first time saying it aloud, first time admitting to, well… admitting to the truth. What was probably the truth. “I don’t have all of my memories.”
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dakotacrisis · 5 years
Transferred (5)
Miraculous Whine and Cheese Club
After a couple days Marinette was finding herself well accommodated to her new school. She kinda knew where she was going from class to class, and had some nice new friends. Nanette and Quinn had basically adopted her and Kagami was always there with an open seat in classes. She had a routine which made everything easier to digest.
Wake up, go to school, hang out with friends, go home, have dinner, do homework, text Adrien, go to sleep.
That was another thing. Adrien and Marinette hadn’t seen one another since she transferred schools but they texted every night now. Usually about how their day had been. Small talk and dumb jokes. It was nice. Talking to him before she fell asleep was a perfect way to end her night.
This night was no exception. Marinette’s phone pinged with a new message from Adrien.
Do you wanna grab lunch tomorrow?
Her heart sped a little at the thought of seeing him again after so long apart.
Sounds great!
Marinette responded.
Great! Where do you wanna go?
My friend Nanette’s parents own a cute little cafe halfway between the schools. The Winking Violet. Sound good?
Sounds perfect! See you there!
Goodnight, Adrien
Goodnight, Marinette
Marinette let herself a small squee of joy before plugging her phone in to charge and going to sleep.
The next day Marinette headed over to the cafe. Nanette’s moms, whom Marinette had gotten to see a lot of these past couple days, saved a nice table inside. It was raining so the outdoor seating was closed which was a shame since it was great for people watching.
“Marinette?” Marinette looked up to see Aurore. “Hi, I thought that was you.”
“Hi, Aurore, what are you doing here?” she asked.
“Looking for a part-time job. No one is hiring weather girls so I thought I’d try my hand at waitressing.” Aurore shrugged, “What are you doing here?”
“Getting lunch with Adrien. Did you want to join us?” Marinette offered.
“I don’t want to intrude on your date.”
“It’s not a date. We’re just catching up.” Marinette’s face lit up with the mention of the word ‘date’. “I haven’t seen him since I transferred. I haven’t really talked to you either so I’d rather like it if you stayed.”
“Well…” Aurore looked out at the downpour before pulling up a chair at the little glass table. “I have missed you.”
The girls got to talking and were sipping some warm tea when Adrien finally showed up. “Sorry I’m late. It took me forever to convince father to let me come out for lunch.”
“No problem, Aurore’s been keeping me company.” Marientte nodded to their companion.
“Hey Adrien, I know I wasn’t invited--”
“You’re fine. It’s nice to see you outside of school.” Adrien assured her before sitting down and ordering a hot chocolate. This was turning out to be a better afternoon than Marinette pictured. Good company and a warm drink to sip while the rain pattered outside. It was so cozy.
After they exchanged the usual pleasantries and ordered their food they started to get into the real meat of the afternoon.
“How is your new school?” Aurore asked Marinette.
“Great. The people I’ve met are really nice and the teachers are first rate. Also, no Lila. It’s probably one of the best things to ever happen to me.” Marinette responded through bites of her sandwich.
“UUUUUGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!” Adrien threw his head back as he let out a long groan. It would have been funny if not for the multiple heads that swiveled their way.
“What’s going on with him?” Marinette whispered to Aurore.
“Oh, Lila has been dogging his heels ever since you left.” Aurore frowned, “He’s not too happy about it.”
“Oof.” Marinette looked back at Adrien, “How bad has it been?”
“I am trying to be the better person but I cannot keep it up.” Adrien grumbled. “It’s like since you left she thinks she has free reins to do as she pleases. She has practically taken over the school with her lies. She got the seating chart rearranged in class and now I’m stuck next to her in the front row because she convinced Nino to sit behind me with Alya.”
“I am so sorry for you.” Marinette couldn’t imagine the horror going on back at Dupont if Lila was uninhibited. “What else has she done?”
The next half hour was a well needed venting session from Adrien about all the crap Lila had been getting up to since Marinette’s departure. Her lies had somehow gotten even more ludicrous but everyone was stilling buying into them. With some help from Alya, and a lie about being Prince Ali’s go to for second opinions on political decisions, she had taken Marinette’s former position as class president. Not only was she gluing herself to Adrien’s side at every chance she was also furthering her efforts to paint Marinette as a monster. Even after she left she wasn’t done. She wanted to make sure that absolutely no one at Francoise Dupont had any sympathy for Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
First it was that Marinette was using subtle cheats and glitches to make herself a better gamer and not playing fairly in the school gaming tournament months prior. Then it was that she had stolen her derby hat design from a sketch of Lila’s. None of which Lila would even be able to justify because she hadn’t even joined the school at that point! She was just looking for documented cases of Marinette’s accomplishments and trying to debunk them. And the class apparently will just take her word for it because who else would be a good judge of those accomplishments? People who were actually there? Ha!
“Wow.” Marinette sat back and stared at the boy across from her, “You really needed that didn’t you?”
“It has been a long week, Marinette,” Adrien laid his head down on the table, “I am so tired.”
“There there,” Aurore gave his head a pat, “Rest easy sweet prince.”
“It sounds like Lila is on cloud nine.” Marinette muttered into her tea.
“She’s the only one,” Adrien said, his head still on the table, “The rest of the school has been really subdued lately.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’ve noticed it too.” Aurore said, “Everyone looks like they’re running on auto-pilot. There’s no life or excitement in anything they do anymore. Even when they’re talking about something fun.”
“I don’t get it.”
“Neither do I,” Aurore pushed her salad around in her bowl, “It’s kinda sad really.”
“It’s because Lila drove out our purveyor of optimism and happiness.” Adrien flashed Marinette his big, sad, green eyes. “You can really feel your absence at school.”
“You’re saying that to make me feel better.” Marinette told him.
“I’m serious. Ever since you left everyone has been either on edge or too tired to care about anything. Just the other day Kim and Max got into a yelling match in the main hall. Ivan and Mylene have practically turned into the couple that stand next to one another but never speak. Marc stopped coming to art class and hasn’t said a word to Nathaneal either. It is the saddest kind of surrealism.”
“You can’t blame all of that on me leaving. It’s getting colder, weather is getting worse, people fall into seasonal funks.” Marinette tried to explain it away.
“Really? You think it is a coincidence that everyone suddenly got worse when you weren’t there? I always said you were our everyday Ladybug and now I’m sure of it. You bring happiness and luck wherever you go. We were lucky to have you in our class. Now that you’re gone it’s like a year’s worth of karma is coming back to haunt us.” Adrien shuddered. “I think it can only get worse.”
“Aurore, tell him he’s being overdramatic.” Marinette rolled her eyes but she was secretly pleased the with the praise.
“No can do. The boy is right.” Aurore said, “You left and you took the class’ morale with you.”
“What about Chloe?” Marinette asked.
“What about her?”
“Chloe knows that Lila is a liar and we all know Chloe isn’t one to take things lying down. I refuse to believe Lila has gotten complete control over the school with Chloe there to butt heads with. What has she been doing?” Adrien and Aurore looked at one another. They hadn’t thought about this. Chloe fought everyone at pretty much every opportunity. Now that she had a new opponent, and Marinette’s blessing to be ruthless with said opponent, why had things gotten so out of control?
“She’s your friend, Agreste.” Aurore leaned back in her chair, “What’s Queen Bee been up to?”
“Chloe…” Adrien sat back and thought about it, “She’s been quiet, actually.”
“I mean she’s just been going about the day like everyone else. Not challenging Lila or getting into petty fights with the others. It’s really weird now that I think about it.” Adrien pulled out his phone and scrolled through his messages. “The last time she messaged me was three days ago. I get texts from her everyday. That’s not right.”
“Do you think she’s fallen into that depression you say the rest of the class is in?” Marinette couldn’t believe her ears. Chloe ‘I’m-the-daughter-of-the-mayor-so-you-must-obey-me’ Bourgeois, was being an amicable classmate?
“No, I think she’s the only one that looks like she’s there for a reason. Everyone else has that aura of, have to be there, surrounding them. Chloe...has energy in her deference. I can’t explain it. It’s like she’s flying under the radar for no reason.”
“Huh,” The three teenagers decided to stop moping about Lila and how much of a bummer Francois Dupont had become and moved onto happier conversation. Mainly it centered around Marinette regaling them with her time at her new school and funny moments from her new friends.
All in all it was a pretty good afternoon.
“I gotta get going,” Aurore stood up, “it was great seeing you again, Marinette.”
“You too, we should find a day to get together again.” Marinette smiled.
“Totally. See you at school, Adrien.” With that Aurore was gone.
“I should be heading back too. I have some catch up work I need to get done.” Marinette pushed her chair in.
“I’ll walk you home.” Adrien opened the door for her.
Thankfully the rain had stopped. The streets had that fresh rain smell and little puddles dotting the pavement that Marinette had to resist the urge to jump in.
"We should do this again." Adrien said, "I miss seeing you every day."
"Yeah?" Marinette felt herself blush once more.
"Yeah," was she delusional or was Adrien blushing too? "I--"
The next moment a blur of bright pink had tackled her to the ground.
"Oof," Marinette wheezed, "Nanette, I can't breathe."
"Sorry." Nanette stood up, "My mom told me you were in the cafe but I was in the middle of a painting and by the time I found a stopping point you were gone and--holy crap Adrien Agreste!"
"Are you okay?" Adrien helped Marinette up.
"Yep. I've taken harder falls than that." She brushed herself off, "Adrien this is Nanette. Nanette this Adrien."
"Nice to meet you." Adrien smiled at Nanette. 
"You too. Marinette wasn't kidding when she said she knew you."
"Um, Nani," Marinette poked her, "You have paint all over you."
Marinette pointed to her blouse now stained with green and blue streaks. "It's still wet."
"Oh no! I'm so sorry!" Nanette blanched, “I didn’t even think of that!”
“It’s okay. It’s just a little paint.” Marinette assured her. “Actually, I think this is a good excuse to try my hand at hand painting clothing. Maybe give it a water flower design.”
“I’ve done that before.” Nanette said, “I made Quinn a scarf for their birthday once and they loved it. If you want you can come back to my place and work there. I have every color of the rainbow in paint and a killer sound system we can jam to while working.”
“I would love to but I really do need to get home. Tomorrow maybe?” Marinette hated to disappoint her.
“No problem.” She shrugged, “I should let you two continue on your way. It was nice meeting you, Adrien. Marinette talks a lot about you.”
“Nanette!” shrieked through clenched teeth.
“She likes you a lot.”
“That’s good to hear. It would be awkward if she didn’t.” Adrien said placing a hand on Marinette’s shoulder.
Marinette didn’t hold out too much hope for his words to mean anything more than liking her as a friend. She loves Adrien but if she was being honest the boy is either too infatuated with Kagami to consider anyone else an option or he’s is really that dense about picking up hints. The only way she could be more blatant about her crush was if she told him she dreamed about marrying him one day.
“AWE!” Nanette gushed, “You two are so cute. Okay, I’ll let you go. Sorry for tackling your girlfriend, Adrien.”
“NANETTE!” Marinette was going to collapse into a puddle of anxiety, “He’s not my--”
“I’ll text you later!” Nanette shouted over her shoulder as she hustled back down the street.
“One of your new friends?” Adrien chuckled unperturbed by Nanette’s comment.
“Yeah, she’s...eccentric.”
“I like her hair. If I was a braver sort I would dye my hair something crazy like that.” Adrien ruffled his golden locks, “You think I could pull off pink hair?”
“I think you could pull off anything.” Marinette answered honestly.
“Even crocs?” he raised an eyebrow at her.
She imagined a pink haired Adrien wearing matching bright pink crocs. Amusing but not great. She shook her head. “Hair? Yes. Crocs? No. No one can. Nope.”
“You said--”
“I don’t care if you are Aphrodite incarnate, no one can pull off crocs! It is a comfort shoe meant to not see the light of day!”
“I’m getting you a pair for Christmas now.”
“I think if you were to spend those big boy model checks on something as abhorrent as crocs your dad would disown you on behalf of the fashion world.”
“Still failing to see a downside.”
“You little,” Marinette smacked his arm and they continued on their way to her house. “At the very least Lila may stop bothering you if you wore them to school.”
“Now I have to get a pair and test that theory.”
“She’s really gotten that bad?”
“You are super lucky that you got out when you did. Homeschooling is looking like the better option nowadays.”
“It’ll get better. For your sake I hope it does.”
“Thanks. I hope so too.” they made it to Marinette’s house and said their goodbyes. Marinette said hello to her parents before shutting herself in her room and changing out of her stained shirt. She set it aside to work on later and went to check her instagram. She scrolled through some pictures of her old friends hanging out. She hadn’t the heart to unfollow any of them yet.
Curious about Adrien’s past statement she went to Chloe’s page. Wow. Adrien wasn’t kidding. Chloe hasn’t posted anything on her social media in days. As someone who flooded her timeline with selfies and designer endorsements this was really weird. The last selfie she posted was her wearing a trilby and holding a magnifying glass up to her eye. The caption read: Detective Bourgeois and the case of Dolos and Aletheia.
What is up with her?
(1) (2) (3) (4) (6)
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Chapter 6 - (totally uninterested.)
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When Harry had ignored my text messages for three days straight and missed his shifts with no explanation, I figured now was as good of a time as ever to stage the break up. I was headed to his apartment (I knew he didn’t have class until 4pm) to discuss how to just get things into motion when I ran into Ethan.
“Nora, hey,” he saw me first, falling into step with me as we passed the student center on campus. He wore his signature backwards hat, his sunglasses shielded his eyes from the fall sun.
“Hey, what’s up?” I tried (as always) to play it cool. I slowed my speed, acting as if I weren’t kind of freaked out about staging a break up with the guy who I didn’t even like but had maybe kissed because I was stupid and got caught up in the fake dating thing.
“Nothing, are you headed over to Harry’s? Real bummer what happened.”
“What? What do you mean?” Did Ethan know? Had Harry told all of them that we’d been faking it and that I kissed him and now he was terribly upset that I had maybe developed some stupid lustful feelings?
He shoved his hands in his pockets and tilted his head. “His cousin, you know, in New York?”
“No--what cousin? What happened?” I stopped walking now, not bothered by the fact that we were in the middle of a crowded walkway, certainly in the way of other students as they headed to lecture.
Frankly, I had no clue that Harry had a cousin in New York, and I certainly didn’t know what was going on with whoever they were.
“He overdosed, was in a coma for a few days, but he passed away this morning.”
“Oh my god,” I said, my chest suddenly feeling heavy as my mouth opened in shock. “I had no idea.”
“He didn’t tell you?”
“No--he--we’re kind of fighting, I think.”
“Oh, sorry to hear that.”
“It’s fine,” I shrugged, feeling strange about the fact that this is what I’d wanted. I wanted Ethan to know the intricacies of my fake relationship with his friend and to feel sorry that things between us--ultimately--wouldn’t work out.
But in this moment, I simply wanted to hear from Harry what was going on and why he’d ignored me and what the hell he was going to do about his cousin. “I guess I should go though, I’ll see you later?”
He waved me off and circled in my thoughts until I was knocking on Harry’s door on the 8th floor of the Westlake Views building. When he opened it, he looked angry.
“What’s up?” he asked.
“What’s up?” I laughed, stepping forward to force entry into his apartment. It was quiet inside--I didn’t see any sign of Alex, Ryan, or Niall. I figured I was in the clear. “What’s up is that you ignore me for three days and then I have to find out from Ethan that your cousin died!”
“Yeah,” he nodded, the emotion gone from his face as he stared down at me.
I didn’t know if I was angry at him or angry for him. I was mad that he hadn’t texted me back, I was mad that he didn’t tell me he wasn’t coming to work, and now I had no idea why he’d done any of it. At first I had thought that he’d done it because he was upset with me--weirded out, grossed out, annoyed that I’d been stupid enough to kiss him. But now, now I wondered if he’d known about this and didn’t have the energy to respond or even let me know what had happened.
When I looked up at him and saw the water in his eyes, I wrapped my arms around his waist. “I’m so sorry, Harry.”
He hugged me back, and for a second, we stayed like that. His chin rested on my head and my ear was against his chest. I could hear the beating of his heart that aligned with his slow, sad breathing. “I saw him over the summer for a bit--I knew he was messing around with some stuff, but I didn’t know he was doing heroin.”
I pulled away, looking up at him, but keeping my arms around him. “When did it happen?”
He let out another sigh. “Monday afternoon. He was in a coma all day Tuesday. M’mum called to tell me he died this morning. Funeral’s Monday morning.”
His tone was flat and I couldn’t tell if he was angry with me or angry with life. I figured it could be both, but I hoped it was just the latter.
“I’ll go with you,” I said, sure of the fact that he’d need support. We could both take a few shifts off from the library, get a car and be there for Monday.
“No, Nora, you won’t,” he said through gritted teeth, his expression suddenly cold and distant as he stared at the TV on mute. His fists were clenched at his sides as he took a step back from me.
“What? Harry, you shouldn’t go alone, I mean, that’d be shitty. We can rent a car and go--”
“You’re not actually my girlfriend, remember?” he bit out, his tone raised to the point that I flinched. I couldn’t tell if he was about to scream or break down in tears.
My mouth hung open a bit--his words stung more than they should have. I wasn’t trying to be nosey or rude or invasive--I was just trying to be a friend. I didn’t know what to say or how to handle all of this, because, like he’d said so clearly: I wasn’t actually his girlfriend.
How do you console someone who isn't your boyfriend, maybe a friend, definitely a coworker, but also definitely a prominent person in your life? How did you console someone when you had the urge to crawl onto his lap and hold his head in your chest--but when the entirety of your relationship was based around rules of what you could and couldn’t do?
“You’re not my girlfriend and you’re not my mate--you’re Nora. Alright? You’re just Nora.”
I licked my lips--now dry from the tension and the high rate at which my heart was beating behind my ribs. “I--I know that,” I stammered the words out, willing my eyes not become any more wet than they already were.
He looked at me for a second, his expression softened when I blinked and a tear fell onto my cheek. But before I could say anything, he turned around and walked away. He walked over to the door of his bedroom and shut it behind him with a thud.
I walked to the couch and sat, frozen as the refrigerator hummed in the kitchen. The empty living room felt like a place I’d never been, though it’d been the scene of many moments between me and the boy who was not my boyfriend.
I’d clearly ruined whatever friendship I thought we had--I clearly crossed a line by kissing him and letting the fake emotion fog my vision. We were pretending. Of course Harry would be sweet and nice and make me feel like I was important to him. I guess--much to my surprise--Harry was an incredible actor.
The door to Niall’s bedroom opened slowly--he stuck his head out and seemed to scan the room before speaking. “Everyt’ing alright out here?”
I nodded slowly, keeping my eyes on the floor. Had he heard everything? Did he know now that we’d faked the whole thing--and now, clearly, it was over?
He stepped out of the door a little, still hesitant to leave the safety of his bedroom. “Nora, y’sure?”
I looked up at him now, offered a small smile, and stood from the couch. I figured that keeping the charade up until Harry and I were on the same page was the least I could do. “Yeah--he’s just, upset, obviously.”
“Yeah,” Niall said. “He told me the other day. S’terrible, really. Are you gonna go with him to the funeral?”
The irony of his comment was something Harry would have found comical, if he weren’t mad and angry and heartbroken. His words, however, told me that he hadn’t heard our the specifics of our fight from his bedroom--just the yelling. “I don’t know.”
Niall nodded. “Well, y’let me know if y’need anything.”
Sorry I missed another shift. Been in a shit mood.
It’s okay, I totally get it.
Sorry I yelled at you, too.
All good.
Would you actually be willing to come?
To the funeral?
No to Thanksgiving at the White House.
Yes the funeral.
Of course. If you want me to.
I can look into cars.
I should have known that four hours in a car with Harry would be a bit much. Four hours of him singing along to the radio and four hours of constant chatter about the weather and his family and seeing his mum would have been heartwarming, if it weren’t for the fact that I felt incredibly unsure about being his date to his cousin’s funeral.
Sure, it had been my idea, but then I let go of the idea and convinced myself that it was a stupid thing to offer--it was my lame attempt at being supportive and being nice, but it was too wrapped up in the illusion that Harry and I actually had a relationship aside from our agreement.
He’d rented a car and drove the entire way (though I offered at each rest stop to switch). I think staring at the road and listening to the music we played was a good distraction. He didn’t address our fight in his living room. Instead, he pushed past it like it’d never happened and like he didn’t so clearly draw the line between who we were and what we weren’t.
We made decent time, and on Sunday evening when we pulled up to the hotel he’d rented, he carried both of our bags up to the room on the 8th floor.
I’d offered to split it with him--and at least give gas money--but he insisted that I shouldn’t have to pay the price because his cousin decided to kick the bucket. His words, not mine.
He opened the door to reveal one bed, nice windows overlooked the downtown area of the small city in Westchester County. He’d told me his mum and sister were in town as well, we’d see them the following morning.
“I’ll take the floor,” he said quietly, walking in to set our bags down on the desk. I trailed in behind him, the guilt setting over me before he could even turn around.
“No, no, I’ll take it. You can have the bed.”
“Nora,” he narrowed his eyes a bit at me, taking his wallet out of his pocket and placing it beside my duffle. “Just take the bed, will you? Y’don’t need to be nice to me because Patrick is an idiot.”
“Patrick?” The word left my mouth before I could process. His cousin.
He didn’t reply as he walked over to the bathroom and reached for a cup to fill with water. He drank it, avoiding my eyes in the mirror, but then finally turned around. “Want to order take out?”
“Sure, yeah, what do you want?”
“Chinese sounds good,” he shrugged his shoulders, reaching for his phone in his pocket and opening snapchat. It felt weird, really, to be with him in a place that wasn’t the library and wasn’t his apartment or my dorm or somewhere inextricably linked to the AU campus.
He laid down on the bed, scrolled through different options he’d found on google, and read pieces of the menu to me as I stared at the ceiling. With only inches between us on top of the clean sheets, he placed an order on the phone and then kicked his shoes off.
“Do you think people will ask why you brought me?”
The question might have been selfish--worrying about myself instead of Harry in him time of mourning--but it’d been on my mind all day. How did I introduce myself to his mom and sister? How did I apologize to his aunt for her loss without giving some sort of explanation as to who I was and why I was there?
Harry, who’s eyes were still on his phone as mine focused in on the side of his face, shrugged. “We’ll just say you’re my girlfriend.”
His girlfriend? Playing this whole game with Ethan and his friends was one thing--but involving his family seemed like we were taking it to a whole new level. I also couldn’t really believe that Harry was alright with going on with the act as if he hadn’t just thrown it in my face that his girlfriend was the last thing I was.
“Y’look like you’ve seen a ghost,” he laughed a little, clicking his phone shut before resting his head on his arms on top of the duvet.
With my eyes on the ceiling now, I tried to articulate carefully. “I just didn’t think you wanted to keep doing it after I--y’know--fucked it up.”
He let out a quiet laugh as he shifted onto his side, propping his head up on the palm of his hand. “You didn’t fuck it up, Nora.”
I nodded, trying to believe his words as they floated in the air between us. “I just got caught up in the pretending and took it overboard. I shouldn’t have done it, I regret it, really.”
He bit at his lower lip, eyes scanning my face for a second before clearing his throat to respond. “Yeah--see? S’all good. Let’s just act like it never even happened.” He pushed himself up and moved to reach for the remote.
My thoughts tangled inside my head as he searched for a channel--a wave of heat in my chest was telling me that I didn’t regret it, especially based on the way he kissed me back. But that wave of heat--the naivety of fake dating someone--was outweighed by the logic in me that knew what was really going on: Harry was a good actor, I was desperate for male attention apparently, and I needed to keep my sights on the metaphorical prize: Ethan.
I tried to change the subject when he settled against the headboard. “How are you feeling?”
“About the kiss?”
I let out a snort--thankful that things felt mostly normal between us. “No, you twat, about your cousin.”
“Oh, yeah,” he crossed his arms on his chest and let out a sigh. “Pretty fucking terrible.”
We were quiet for a minute as I listened to his steady breathing and watched the episode of Friends that he’d muted. “Do you want to tell me about him?”
He shrugged his shoulders but kept his eyelids clamped together. Eventually, he shook his head but spoke anyway. “He was two years older than me--always lived here with his family. Saw him a lot over the summers growing up. I thought he was wicked cool.”
A smile crept onto his face, and I wondered if he was picturing their childhood summers behind his closed eyes. “You said you saw him last summer?”
He nodded, his lips now in a straight line. “I told him the first night that he was fucking around with some intense shit. I mean--I’d known he’d done coke and tried acid a few times. But some kid we hung out with made a comment about some other drug, I didn’t even know what it was, and I told him to be fucking careful.”
I licked my lips, comfortable just listening to him talk and process and comb over his last interactions.
“I told him I couldn’t do anything because of my career--I mean, do you know what a fucking mess that would be?” He opened his eyes now, waiting for some type of affirmation from me. I nodded, and when I did, he continued. “It freaked me out to the point that I told my sister who told my bloody mum--which was fucking stupid. And then his mom found out and I guess he had talked about getting sober in the beginning of the semester.
“But he didn’t?” I asked, my eyes still on the redness of his cheeks and the way his lips seemed to pout when he thought.
“Apparently not.”
He was quiet for a moment, and I think my eyes on his face became too much, because he eventually stood and let out a scoff that was so loud it almost made me jump. “S’fucking stupid, you know? He was so smart as a kid, I always thought he’d do amazing things because he lived in the States. And now that fucking wanker had to go and fuck it all up because he liked getting high? Congrats, mate. Real fucking smart.”
I kept my eyes trained on him, wondering if he’d eventually crumple to the floor in a heap of emotion. “And everything sucks--y’know? How am I supposed to face everyone tomorrow and act like my life doesn’t suck?”
“Why does your life suck?” I asked quickly, unsure of what type of answer I’d get. He didn’t even blink--he answered me so quickly like he was about to explain it anyway.
“My semester sucks so far and my classes are shit and things with you and me are--” he cut himself off and just shook his head, very much fitting the moody attitude he was clearly going for.
“Things between us are what?” I asked, alarmed by the sudden quickening of my pulse when he turned to look at me.
“Nothing--okay? Jesus,” he stopped walking altogether, his feet suddenly stuck in one spot on the ground like they were in cement.
“Clearly not nothing,” I said under my breath, annoyed by his monologue and his penchant for poor communication.
“Oh fuck you, Nora. Fuck you for acting like I owe you an explanation when--” he cut himself off, trying to temper his emotions.
I’d never seen him so angry--I’d never seen him pace a room and rub at his hair as if he wanted to pull it out. He must have realized this, as he turned to look at me and with tears in his eyes, he whispered, “I’m sorry, Nora. I’m sorry--I’m just--”
I climbed to my knees on top of the bed, walking to the edge with open arms to try to pull him into me. He hesitated at first, but eventually, with his arms around my neck, he buried his face into my hair and let out a sob.
“It’s okay,” I said, my voice just as shaky as his--completely unsure of how to handle his outburst. “It’s fine, you’re okay.” I pulled away from him, reaching for his hands to bring him down to the bed. He sat for a second, but then he decided that staring at the ceiling would do him more good.
I moved out of his way, allowing him to bring his feet up to the duvet and watching as he opened his left arm wide.
“What?” I asked, thinking his gaze couldn’t possibly mean what I thought it did (and maybe, what I wanted it to).
“C’mere,” he said softly, his eyes on my face as if my decision held the power to shatter him all over again. He blinked twice, and when I made the slightest of movements towards him, he pulled me into his side.
I wondered, as his hand wove it’s way into my hair, how the boy from the information desk--the one who usually put me in a mood sour enough to ruin my night--had become someone I could count on. How had the obnoxious kid with the accent and the tattoos and the rings (god, the rings), become someone who felt like a safe place to land?
But the ringing of his phone--the untimely signal that our food had arrived--gave me the answer. Harry pulled his arm from around me, stood from the bed, and slipped his shoes on before disappearing from the hotel room without a single word.
We were pretending. The pet names and the forehead kisses and the hand holding was all fake. And Harry deserved an Academy Award.
The morning of the funeral was bright and sunny--which felt incredibly ironic based on Harry’s terrible mood. We hugged his mother and sister in the lobby of the hotel before 8am while I introduced myself in a quiet voice. I offered condolences for their unexpected and devastating loss. We ordered coffees from the small starbucks inside and drove to the church. He tried his best to be sweet and nice to me despite the emotions that ran high throughout his veins. I walked beside him into the church and sat next to him in the third pew.
I held Harry’s hand throughout the entire service--it seemed he was thankful for the travel pack of tissues I brought in my pocket. I rubbed a hand on his knee when his uncle eulogized his son--and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel out of place.
I was scrunched together on a wooden bench with people I didn’t really know--aunts and uncles and cousins and friends and coworkers and elementary school classmates. Harry had plenty of people to hug and greet and mourn with while I stayed a safe three steps behind him, only slipping into conversations when he placed a hand on my back and introduced me as Nora, his girlfriend.
I figured I should say something about it, right? I figured it wouldn’t hurt to bring up the break up--pick his brain (like I’d intended to in his apartment at the end of last week) and come up with some sort of game plan. I mean--we’d never really had one and the warmth in my chest when he pressed a kiss to my forehead at the lunch his family held afterward seemed to convince me right then and there.
“Want any of this?” He held a platter of chicken marsala in his hands, the tongs rested against the blue and white china as he hovered it above his plate.
“Yeah--sure,”  I said, watching as he chose a piece for himself and then one for me as well.
He kept doing that. He kept plating things for me and offering to get me another drink or a cup of coffee and he kept talking me up to his family members who sat around us. Eventually, I felt like I was going to explode with some sort of lust--so I headed to the bathroom and prayed that the blisters on my feet weren’t getting any worse with every high-heeled step.
As I washed my hands and fixed my hair, the door swung open, revealing his sister. Her eyes--which had been bloodshot this morning and swollen by lunch--seemed to be in better shape.
“Hi,” she said quietly, her eyes following my hands as I reached for a paper towel from the dispenser.
“Hey--how ya doin’?”
She shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly, but let out the same half-laugh that Harry used so often. “Good enough, I guess. Could use another glass or four of wine, but it’s a bit early.”
I smiled at her, feeling sorry for the fact that they’d been doing something all day that they never should have had to do. Harry was adamant about that--you’re not supposed to bury someone  your own age--someone who taught you what sex was when you were 9-years-old and on a playground.
“Harry seems to be quite smitten with you, though. Nice to finally put a face with the name,” she reached into her purse and pulled out a tube of lipstick, gliding another shade of a deep purple over her lips as she eyed me in the mirror.
I didn’t mean to ask the question aloud, the words escaped my mouth before I could force them back down my throat. “He talks about me?”
She let out a laugh, a knowing smile on her lips as she turned to face me once more. “I mean--hasn’t given us nearly enough information, but said you were quite his type back in September when I saw some photo of you at mini golf.”
I couldn’t tell if the feeling in my stomach was butterflies or nervousness or complete shock--but either way, I decided the feeling wasn’t good and the happiness I felt wasn’t good and the fact that Harry had been talking about me was not good. This wasn’t what we’d talked about--this wasn’t what we’d agreed upon.
“Is that when you started dating?”
I shrugged, trying to play the entire situation down enough that Gemma wouldn’t ask me anything else. I might have been a creative enough human--but pulling things out of my ass on the spot wasn’t necessarily a Nora Hanson specialty.
“Yeah, sometime around then.”
She seemed pleased enough with that answer--pleased enough to offer me a hug before walking back to the table by my side.
I pushed Gemma’s words to the back of my mind when Harry decided it’d be best to buy a bottle of wine and watch a movie in the hotel that night. I pushed them down, beneath my ribs and beneath my heart when he poured us the cheap pinot noir in plastic cups that had sat atop the mini bar. I ignored the thud in my chest when he thanked me for being his funeral date, and I especially ignored the butterflies when he leaned over to place a kiss on my forehead before heading to the bathroom.
It was the silence--the paused movie, the plastic cup in my hand--that gave me the courage to say it when he came back, breaking the silence of the toilet flushing from the small bathroom behind him.
“We should probably break up soon.”
His eyebrows raised a bit as he fell back onto the bed, letting out a sigh as he bit his lower lip. “You think?”
I nodded, sipping at the wine, hoping another gulp would help me find the words.
“Sure--yeah, okay. How do you want to do it?”
He got himself repositioned where he’d been--against the headboard and with his feet crossed at the end of the bed. Now, though, he had his arms behind his head to prop himself up.
“I mean, right in front of Ethan, I guess, right? That will probably be the best bet.”
“We could do it at a party, in our flat, if you want.” He brought his gaze to me at the end of the sentence, his eyes searched my face like he was waiting for me to object.
Maybe a part of me wanted to. Maybe a part of me felt comfortable with the way things were. I tugged at the hem of my shirt and smirked. “Should you cheat on me? Should I pour a drink over your head?”
“M’not that much of a dickhead,” he defended, lowering his brows as he watched me.
“Oh please,” I readjusted, turning my body away from his on the plush bed and towards the TV. “I just think it should be big--you know, really set me up for some comforting.”
“You’re disgusting,” he let out a laugh, tilting his cup back to finish off the wine inside. “Comfort sex isn’t a thing.”
I shrugged my shoulders. “Maybe not in this relationship it’s not.”
“Well, yeah, Nora, because there’s no sex in this relationship.”
I turned to look at him quickly, ready to toss an insult his way. “Don’t act as if you’re not sneaking around on the side. I see you snapchatting those dumb girls who have their boobs hanging out half the time.”
He rolled his eyes, closing them for a second as a smirk overtook his face. “You’re just jealous.”
“I’m not jealous. Who knows what you could catch from those freshman floozies.”
“How do you know they’re freshman? Do you even know who they are?” He opened his eyes and peered at me with suspicion.
I crossed my arms, completely unashamed to admit my snooping. “I looked them up on the internet and they’re practically children.”
“Everything you’re saying is reeking of jealousy, just so you know.” He got up from the bed to fetch the wine, pouring more in his own cup before bringing it over to me.
I watched as he poured the last of the bottle into my cup. “Or friendship, you know. Just looking out for you, make sure it’s not statutory. Make sure you don’t catch something. You should thank me, really.”
He was quiet for a minute, setting the bottle back on the desk at the end of the bed. He rounded the corner and joined me on top of the duvet again, less space between us this time.
“Thanks for coming with me, Nora.”
Instead of responding with something heartfelt (like a normal person), I sipped my wine and wiggled my eyebrows at him over the rim. “Nothing like a funeral to get excited for midterms.”
He laughed but rolled his eyes. “I’m serious, Nora. I appreciate you.”
I let out a sigh, bummed that he wasn’t going to let me avoid the gravity of the situation. “I appreciate you too,” I said reluctantly, a tone of mocking laced my words.
“Yeah?” he laughed. “What do you appreciate about me?”
I sighed, knowing full well that he wasn’t going to let it go. “You’re kind of funny,  I guess. You’re less of an asshole than I thought you were.”
He nodded slowly (and smugly), seemingly surprised by my words. “You’re less annoying than I thought you were.”
I laughed, swirling the wine in my glass as I wished--for a second--that we could stay like this. “Can I tell you something?”
He nodded.
“I hate when people call me annoying.” I looked up at him--met by his searching eyes. When he didn’t say anything, I explained. “That was one of those insults I got as a kid, you know? People would call me annoying at school or shit, and I don’t really care as much now, but I’m just sick of being called obnoxious and loud and annoying.”
He plucked at his lower lip for a second--thoughtfully crafting his response. “Why do you think people would say that about you as a kid?”
“Well,” I laughed a bit, my eyes back on the red wine in my hands. “Besides actually being loud and obnoxious and annoying--I think I’ve always just been outspoken and funny and a big personality. I think people don’t like that.”
“You certainly have a big personality,” he said. “Too big, sometimes. Massive, really.”
I leaned forward to smack his arm, retreating instantly when the wine in his cup sloshed a bit too much. He brought it up to his lips, took a sip, and then cleared this throat with a smile. “Is that why you’re so moody when anyone calls you annoying?”
“You’re one of the only people who calls me annoying, asshole.”
He smiled, almost as if I was telling him that he was the only one to use an endearing nickname. “I don’t think you’re annoying.”
“You used to say it all the time,” I challenged him, my eyes on his face as he looked around the room.
“I used to think a lot of things about you.”
“Yeah? Like what?”
“I thought you were bossy and moody and difficult to work with,” he said matter-of-factly.
“I thought you were entitled and stuck up and miserable to work with.”
“Then we’re even,” he laughed.
“What do you mean?”
“We were both wrong.”
I avoided his eyes at this--hesitant to admit that Harry was a lot of things, most of which were surprising and exciting and lovely. I looked back to the TV, ready to unpause the movie when he spoke.
“I haven’t slept with any of those girls, just so you know. Our relationship might be fake, but my respect for you isn’t.”
I stared at him, eyebrows raised at his line. “That’s got to be the cheesiest thing anyone has ever said. Like, really. That deserved a spot in the Cheesy Hall of Fame.”
Harry shrugged, a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. “I’m alright with cheesy.”
I scrunched my face in disgust. “That only makes one of us.”
AN: I just want to THANK Y’ALL so much for all the love for this story. It’s seriously so exciting to get asks and questions about it, and if you’d like to be tagged in the chapters to get the updates immediately, drop me an ask and I’ll tag ya!! much love my pals!!
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