#sorry for the belated reply!
are you allowed to invite someone outside of the academy as your escort or partner to the spring event? also, would you be expected to find an escort/partner? what if a guy brings another guy as theit escort, or vice versa with the ladies as well?
this is so fun omg
Only couples who are already engaged or courting can attend together. The families in charge of throwing the ball rotate year by year between the greater nobles. They're the ones who send out invites. You'd have to ask them to invite someone, and they'll send it for you. (Well, whether they do or not depends on your relationship with them + what you can exchange for the favor.)
You wouldn't be expected to escort anyone. You'd probably attend with your family and then spend a good amount of time mingling with the other nobles debuting. People would only begin to talk if you hadn't settled on a regular partner by the time you graduate.
You can invite someone without escorting them, but word would get out. It would be an announcement of your intentions to pursue that person. It's not a choice you make lightly. Imagine if they rejected the invite? Or attended only to court someone else? 😳 Usually you hammer those things out beforehand or try to woo them while there.
On the other hand, if single, you can invite people to almost any other ball without quite so many connotations, especially your own or that of your close friends'.
As for gender, same sex couples aren't necessarily a problem, but those inheriting must produce an heir. Neither surrogacy nor something like invitro feritlization are an option, so they must also marry someone capable of giving birth for them, thereby tying them to the family. In Wresthaven, titles are inherited by birth order - i.e. the eldest inherits rehardless of gender - but the issue of children is non-negotiable (esp. for the royal family.) To avoid the hassle, people interested in relationships where neither can give birth either give up on inheriting or stick with a partner capable of giving them children. Marriage is essentially a business contract which ties two families together and ensures mutual benefits. Your spouse and their family might not be cool with splitting assets with another spouse and their family. It's all very complicated!
All that is to say, you could escort anyone of any gender - you just have to be prepared for all it entails.
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 29 days
I must ask- will we ever see any of the HoMies siblings?
Because the amount of Chaos I can coming from Cesar and the Tweebs ALONE is sending me into fits, with Hayley and RayRay easily stirring the pot, not to mention Jazz psycho analyzing ALL of them (good god these kids need therapy)
Yeah! Some siblings will make an appearance, though probably in Arc 3 or 4, so it's not gonna be anytime soon. xD
But I can assure you that almost all of them know each other (or about each other), and perhaps even have their own adventures/problems like their hero siblings. Though its nothing too concrete, since its all WIP and I only had a few interesting ideas for some of them for now. ;D
Also, a little bit of technical difficulty with Caesar, since he is, ya know, in another universe, but im working on fixing that lol.
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shadow-yato · 7 months
Jasper's friendship with Jackson and Holt is a really cute image
They could also provide some tips for Jasper, as they are used to werewolves.
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The thought was so cute I couldn’t help but draw it myself!
Holt and Jasper bonding over being monsters, telling him wacky stories of his own werewolf friends and giving some tips
Jasper enthusiastically sharing his cryptozoology research with someone who cares, with Jackson knowing a little too much for just some human
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bitterclan · 1 year
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big day for pathetic guy enjoyers
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marshmallowgoop · 9 months
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Thank you so much!!!
I meant to post something for the last day of Repostober, but things got so hectic that it obviously didn't happen.
Though it's months later now, I hope it's not too late to say that Detective Conan Redraw got me to seriously think about drawing—and to actually seriously draw!—for the first time in years. My participation in the project is probably the main reason I attempted Repostober at all, and suddenly I was watching art tutorials again, wanting to try different styles....
While I can't say how much I see myself really drawing in the future, it was nice to get back into it, even if it winds up being only for a moment. I never did post a preview for my part, so here's a progress GIF of my page that I put together!
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It's a sentiment I've expressed before, but I'm truly honored that I got to be a part of such a beautiful labor of love. If anyone hasn't seen it yet, I can't recommend the checking out the full volume—on Tumblr here!—enough! It's absolutely stunning!
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 2 months
I just reread the entirety of Four Walls and it's insane how consistent you are with the extended metaphors, themes and characters in your writing, how everything seems like a natural progression and slowly builds tension and shows us just how meaningful, layered and deep their connection is 💗
this is... god, this is so unbelievably lovely 🥺
it's actually one of my biggest fears with writing something so long - that the themes/metaphors/characterisation will become inconsistent and disjointed the further into the story i get. so to hear that it feels like it builds naturally and retains that sense of itself throughout is just... you don't even know how much that means to me 💖 truly such a huge, huge compliment - and one which is so very reassuring to hear. reading this honestly lifted my heart ✨
thank you so much for your kind words, it's an absolute dream to hear these things about my fic! you've honestly made my whole day 🥺💗
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kevinsdsy · 2 months
I can and will, if you ask me to, write a whole analysis with detailed explanation on how WILDFLOWER by Billie Eilish is Jean Moreau's song. HIS song. I will be sobbing this from the rooftops, rolling in my grave begging to be let out.
PLEASE DO 🙏🏼 billie eilish has literally been one of my favourite artists since like 2016 and jean moreau is one of my fave characters SO PLSS SPEAK YOUR TRUTH ‼️
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ur prob not gonna see this but i just wanna thank u, ur blog introduced me to tumblr and helped me in a bad time in my life
u have inspired me a lot too, so i just wanted to say thanks :]
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I hope the bad times in your life skitter back into the dark places they came from, and wish you best of luck!
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dayseternal-blog · 4 months
Days which anbu!naruto fic were you thinking of???
ahhhh I meant to reply to this right away!!
uhmmmm....If I remember the context of this ask correctly, I think I was thinking of
“I Fell In Love With You Two Days Ago” by NotosK - Rated G, Canon-Divergent AU, One-shot. Hinata is recovering from an injury in Sunagakure, her father summons her back to Konoha after six months so she can finally meet her fiance, a foreign ninja that is thrice her age. the fourth Hokage assigns two elite ANBU to escort her back. Why is the one in the fox mask so familiar to her?
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teacup-captor · 3 months
I don't have any memory space to save pictures to my device but I wanted to send you guys some serotonin
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The Venus flytrap loves you I hope you guys are having a good day I love you too
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ljubimaya · 3 months
hi my sweet marena !!! sending u a lot of good vibes tonight and i am smooching ur cheeks real hard btw <3333
My baby Yueeee 🌙🤍 thank you so much! I hope you're having a great timezone as well
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anghraine · 2 years
if you had totally free reign for one movie, how would you adapt p&p? total authenticity or any updates? some kind of combination?
A combination, for sure.
Honestly, there are two concepts in my head—one a period piece and one modern. But if I had total control over just one, I would have to go with the period version. My adaptation would be pretty close to this wish-fulfillment P&P I laid out a year and a half ago, except in my Dream P&P Adaptation of Ultimate Destiny, Darcy is a lesbian, Elizabeth is bi, and the casting is ... not carelessly color-blind, but very much more diverse than is usual for Austen adaptations without existing in a Bridgerton la-la-land.
Some highlights of stuff from the link, for those who don't want to read through it all:
It's set in the mid- to late-1790s, when P&P was first drafted.
The actors are age-appropriate: 20-somethings playing 20-something characters, 30-somethings for the Gardiners, etc.
Elizabeth is slender and dark-eyed, Jane is noticeably more beautiful and plump.
Miss Darcy smiles! Repeatedly, and not tight, faint smiles, but something Elizabeth could credibly recognize in a portrait painted five years earlier.
The scene where Elizabeth gets annoyed at people for interrupting her Darcy angst by wanting coffee is definitely included.
Mrs Bennet is neither a shrieking caricature nor actually reasonable; we feel Mr Bennet's charm without shrinking from his fundamental failure(s).
Lady Catherine is also not a total caricature, but has a lot of force of personality and is somewhere between 50 and 60.
Pemberley should be grand and idyllic but not ornate—a very clear step up from Longbourn and Netherfield, but not a palace.
We’d get some of the moments when Miss Darcy talks affectionately of Georgiana, as Elizabeth remembers in the book.
Justice for Elizabeth’s parasol and watch!
Miss Darcy is often ill at ease, but neither shy nor brooding. She is fully dressed at all times.
We feel the pathos of Charlotte's situation without downplaying what agency she has.
As you might guess, the plot would be as close to the novel as the basic premise allows.
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shadow-yato · 7 months
Don't worry! My knowledge of gothic literature also has limits that I only know about because of the fandom
In addition to the invisible man, there is Opertta's father (the Phantom of the Opera) before he actually became a ghost.
The others are either ancestors, they already exist for a long time but the brothers don't want to risk it, or they only have an indirect contact/connection (Moreau)
What drew me into monster high again, aside from childhood, was its connection to gothic literature really! My name, like my actual name Henry, comes from Henry Jekyll lol
Connecting TGS and MH with their gothic lit roots is so fun
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thegoldenshi-shi · 1 year
Hey! Just wanted to ask, are you comfortable with minors being on here and interacting with you? Because I saw that you’re an adult and sometimes some blogs that are run by adults aren’t comfortable with minors on their page or sending in asks, so just wanted to make sure it’s okay!!
Oh, I'm fine with minors on my page anon.
I don't post nsfw or any other adult content, so as long as they're cool people I'm cool~
I'll only refuse to interact if someone is weird and/or rude and even then I still don't care how old they are. A troll is a troll regardless of age
Thank you for asking though. I appreciate you taking the time to be so considerate~
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satocidal · 11 months
👾 satoru and I are so ready to argue with anyone for the sake of each other for the smallest thing like- tf you talking about bitch? you ain't talking to me and my husband like that sorry
also this thing kinda happened at the family gathering today ft. my mom and da lmaooooo and for once did I think that father was right
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Ps: After you both are done threatening people off Satoru re-enacts all the stupid comments from the other party with exaggerated expressions until you’re dying with laughter
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Send me a 👾+a self ship headcanon and I’ll give you a moodboard<3
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smol-stardust · 11 months
trick or treat!!
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Treat!! Enjoy :)
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