#sorry for spelling mistakes it already has a couple hundred reblogs i just have to make peace with them.
vhsdruid · 2 years
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something i get asked about a lot, i hope i did alright explaining my thought process and that its helpful to people. i am opening to answering further questions if you have any. thanks!
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saigonharrington · 4 years
Wish you were sober // g.w
I am sorry but I had another idea in my mind so I wrote it.
It’s angsty and fluffy at the same time. I don’t know, I feel like I am writing down all that stuff just to make myself feel better since I can’t shift 🤧
Also I have a lot of ideas and I thought about doing a songlist? Where you can request something with certain character (I mean I already have ideas so if no one will be requesting I just write it as I created it) and I think I would be able to write for Cedric Diggory, Oliver Wood and Stiles Stilinski from teen wolf. If someone asks for another character I might have reject it if I do not like that character or do not know it so well. I don’t really like ( or can) writing smuts, about death or pregnancy sorry. But I’ll tell more in songlist post. Just tell me if at least one person is interested in this please?
Now back to the one shot
George Weasley x fem!reader
Word count: 2,2k I guess
Y/F/N - your friend’s name
No specific year, I also didn’t want to make specific house but Y/N is not from gryffindor because of the long walk to dorms.
I don’t want to write summary because I feel like I will spoil everything. Just read it.
Warning: drinking, people being drunk and telling things, Y/N issues about low self-esteem and things like that oh and mistakes & mix of American and British English probably
Also it means a lot to me if you reblog and/or comment my work 🥺🥺 so please do it I love to integrate with you guys
Hogwarts has always been a magical place. And I do not mean literal magic. Just the atmosphere that this place held. So now imagine how parties at common rooms looked like. Especially when it was the birthday party of famous quidditch commentator - Lee Jordan. He had friends in all the houses, so Gryffindor’s common room was overcrowded that day.
The whole room was decorated with funny and random stuff found at the last minute. Fred and George organized everything, so even though decorations looked a bit odd, there was a lot of food and alcohol. I didn’t really like the feeling of being drunk, so I only drank a little champagne while we sang happy birthday. Unfortunately, not a lot of people thought the same. Seems like I am the only one person who is sober.
I came to the party with my one and only friend, since I wasn’t so talkative, and I considered myself an introvert, but now I regretted that I do not have more people to talk to. Y/F/N’s liked partying. Even if she swore she’ll be by my side for the whole night, I lost her after like ten minutes. There I was, sitting here all alone, observing everyone closely. Frankly speaking, I was looking for one specific person, the party maker - George Weasley. I fancied him for almost a year now, since he sat next to me at potions, and snapped back at Snape that one time when he wanted to humiliate me for the mistake that I made then. We talked from time to time, but it wasn’t that deep, just random things like “How was your day?” or complaining about teachers. Then why did I feel butterflies every freaking time he looked and smiled at me? I’d like to know. He sat behind me and Y/F/N at some lessons and I think sometimes he was eavesdropping, but maybe I’m just going insane to prove that maybe somehow he likes me back.
And then I saw him. Dancing with his friends’ group and being really close to some girl, I think her name was Katie. I immediately felt something in my stomach, but definitely not butterflies. It was jealousy. Why I was like that? We weren’t even friends, he would not look at me like that, who could want to have a crush on a girl that isn’t beautiful and open to people? Who’s afraid of commitment and physical contact. Probably, or should I say, for sure - no one.
“I think I’m gonna go back to our dorm.” I said to Y/F/N when I finally found her.
“Okay. Do what you want. Just do not cry, please. Take care of yourself, we’ll talk tomorrow.” She replied, turning back to her dance partner. I exited the common room, wanting to walk back to my dorm, but something held me back.
“Wait.” Said someone with a familiar voice, so I stopped. “I want to talk.”
“Why?” I asked, wandering slowly through the corridor.
“Just wanted to make sure that you’ll get back safe to your dorm.” He explained, which made me blush.
“That’s sweet, but maybe you should worry about yourself. You’re drunk as a skunk”
“I feel perfectly fine. I can walk straight by your side, so I don’t see the problem.” George laughed hiding hands in the pockets.
“Get to the point, I do not want to argue at the moment.” I said, yawning.
“Why did you walk out of the party? I feel offended. You know, I half-organized that, so it’s also half-my-fault.”
“I came there with my friend, but she definitely does not need me anymore. And I am not the greatest friend of Lee, so why would I like to stay?”
“Well, you could talk with me. And drink with me, it would be fun since I never really saw you relaxed.”
“I’d feel relaxed if I wouldn’t have to take care of someone drunk.”
“You talk about me?”
“I’m not drunk so answer yourself. Maybe you should go back to your common room. I bet your girlfriend waits for you.”
“Which one?” He asked playfully, but I wasn’t in the mood for joking.
“I think her name is Katie.”
“That’s not my girlfriend. Why did you think so?”
“You were pretty close tonight…”
“Oh, so you were watching me?”
“I’m just quite observant. I wasn’t stalking you.” I lied. As soon as I saw him in the crowd I couldn’t take my eyes off him. And he didn’t notice but only because of alcohol.
“That’s a shame. Because if I saw you earlier, I’d stare at you for the whole night. You dressed nicely.”
“Thank you. Can I go to my dorm now? I want to sleep.”
“Yeah let’s go.” George said, opening the door.
“You’re not going with me. Please go back to the party. They are probably looking for you.”
“I don’t want to go because it’s you I want to spend the time with. Don’t you get it Y/N?” He asked. “I fancy you.”
“I wish you were sober if you plan to exclaim things like that. Please don’t make fun of me, it’s not funny.” I said calmly, becoming extremely sad.
“I’m not joking.”
“You will not remember this tomorrow, please let me go.”
“Y/N now you’re joking. Can’t you see it? I really like you. A lot. But you never let me talk to you for long. Your friend is always by your side, and she terrifies me. I never got the time to admit my feelings.”
I wanted to feel happy. I really did. But how could I? He won’t remember it tomorrow, and I am gonna be the one who’s heartbroken because I won’t have the courage to speak to him about it. What if he denies what he said? What am I supposed to do?
“You’re drunk, and you don’t know what are you talking about. You have probably mistaken me for someone else.
“Gosh, you’re so oblivious. Why can’t you understand that I love you.” He shouted, starting to get angry.
“Maybe I don’t want to! I don’t want to. Okay? Why would you love me? Look at yourself, you’re so funny and outgoing and generous... We don’t belong together. You don’t desire to be with a person like me, trust me. Now please go away. Please.” I said with tears in my eyes, then I walked to the dorm, trying to cover my face. I made sure that George won’t follow me by putting a spell on the door. Y/F/N will know how to break it if she comes late.
I didn’t have the energy to change clothes, so I stayed like that, crying myself to sleep.
The next day I woke up looking like a monster. I had messy hair and my clothes were crumpled.
“Seems like I wasn’t the one having a rough night.” My friend started, after looking at me. “But you weren’t drinking, what happened? I saw you and George walking…”
“He said that he loves me.” I explained with no emotions.
“It’s good, right? You have a crush on him, then what’s the problem?”
“He was drunk, he probably didn’t mean it. And he doesn’t remember it today for sure.”
“That’s not true, I heard that people are actually honest after drinking.” She added.
“How could he love me? I’m unlovable. He probably joked.”
“Hey, I love you, so I’m pretty sure he is able to too. Let’s go for breakfast. Maybe we’ll see him, and he’ll be kind enough to talk to you and explain what he had in his mind.”
But he wasn’t. Y/F/N and I were staring at him for the whole thirty minutes, but he wasn’t able to even look up. He looked sad, but maybe it’s because of not remembering a thing. Or he feels embarrassed.
Y/F/N tried to cheer me up through the day, but nothing was working. The fact that we crossed paths with George a couple of times made me feel even worse. Why did I expect him to talk to me? If he doesn’t remember anything, then he doesn’t know that we talked. Maybe I should make the first move.
“Do it.” Y/F/N encouraged me. “Otherwise you will not know what he has in mind. Sometimes you gotta help the man to open up. And don’t run away. Just explain to him why you’re afraid of commitment and stuff like that. He’ll understand.”
“Do you think so? I doubted. “I need to be like three hundred percent sure.”
‘Yes, go to him! He’s now only with his brother, you have a chance.”
I wasn’t so sure and confident as Y/F/N expected me to be. But I didn’t want to disappoint her and cause more problems, so I decided to at least try to talk to him. The worst he can do is make me cry, it’s nothing new since it happened last night, so no need to be afraid.
“Hey, um, can I talk with George?” I asked, therefore Fred nodded and walked away to their friends. “Do you have something to tell me?” I asked another question directly to him.
“You came to me. Don’t you have something to tell?”
“Actually I wanted to ask if you remember anything from last night.”
“Merlin, have I done something stupid? I knew I shouldn’t drink that much.” He tried to break the tension.
“Yeah you said a lot of stupid things. You kind of confessed to me that you… you know.” I couldn’t even say the word ‘love’.
“Oh I remember this. But it wasn’t dumb since it’s true.” He said trying to make eye contact.
“So why do I feel like you were avoiding me?”
“I was. Because I also remember your reaction.”
“I’m sorry. Maybe I overreacted a bit…” I started explaining.
“It’s fine, you don’t have to make excuses. I get it.”
“No George, it’s not like that. I do want to be with you. I like you. I just don’t think I’m able to. I don’t feel ready for these kinds of things. It’s new.”
“You shouldn’t have to worry. And don’t be afraid of something new. How can you know what it will look like if you don’t want to try? I don’t like you just because you’re pretty. It is one of the reasons, but not the main one. I like you because you’re you. Because you’re making cute, funny faces when Snape says something to you, because of your little dance when you get a good grade. I noticed many things you do. And we don’t even have to rush, I want you to open to me, talk a little more and spend some time alone. I want to help you.”
“Well, maybe you’re right. So what does that make us?”
“What do you want us to be? I’ve just said that I can wait. You know how I feel about you, so now it’s your turn. It won’t hurt me if you want to be friends. I know I have to gain your trust. We have to get to know each other.”
“I’m ready to do it.” The courage appeared sudeenly and I don’t know why, but I liked it.
“Right now?”
“Yes, right now, do you have something else to do?”
“No, I would love to spend time with you.”
We went to the library, where we sat in the corner and talk quietly about random things. It turned out that we have a lot in common, and I feel pretty comfortable around him. I managed to speak about all of my issues and I didn’t cry. Maybe building a healthy relationship wasn’t that hard?
“You know George?” I changed the subject. “You said that you remember what I did yesterday. I admitted that I fancy you. And you fancy me back. What can possibly go wrong? If two people like each other in that way, they can be friends and lovers at once. I guess it is like that. I base my knowledge on the muggle movies so correct me if I’m wrong. What I’m trying to say is…” I panicked and turned my face to the other side.
“Y/N.” George called my name and gently put his hands on my cheeks to make me see him. “Can I kiss you then?” He asked for permission so I nodded slowly.
“I’m sorry if I’m a bad kisser. You’ll be my first.” I spoke the truth.
“Don’t worry, you’re gonna learn since I’m planning to kiss you every two minutes.” He leaned to me and kissed me slowly, wiping the tears from my cheeks.
It was amazing, I opened up to him and for once I cried happy tears. My friend would be so proud.
“Does that make me your girlfriend?”
“See, you’re getting cocky. I like that.”
“Answer the question, Weasley.”
“Godric, why the surname? I didn’t do anything bad. But yes. You can be my girlfriend.”
“Well, thank you for your kind acceptance.”
“I didn’t know that I signed up for that much sassiness.”
“You can always break up with me, I won’t stop you.”
“No can do. You won’t get rid of me so easily. Now let’s go, we have to tell Freddie and your friend.”
And with that we left the library, smiling so wide that we looked like psychopaths.
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just-gay-thingz · 4 years
So I decided to write a text about homophobia at midnight and i decided to publish it here. Feel free to add your own thoughts in the notes or reblog it :) 
also im in no way homophobic. im gay myself and those are jsut the way i think about this topic.
I’m sorry for eventual grammar mistakes or spelling errors. English isnt my first language
There are a lot of people out there who are homophobic. Their reasons are it’s not normal or not natural, the bible says its wrong or just because they don’t like it when people don’t condone to the heteronormativity of society.
 Let’s start of with the argument, that homosexuality is not normal or natural. Homosexuality is common in in over 1.500 species and homosexual animals are very important in their communities. For example, if a straight couple isn’t able to take care of their child anymore because let’s say they died. No other straight couple will be able to take care of that child because they are to busy caring for their own children. This is where the gay animals come in. As it is not possible for them to get their own children, they are able to take in the orphaned child and take care of it. When it comes to homophobia though, it only exists in one species. In the Homosapiens. Humans have been oppressing homosexual people for hundreds of years. In most countries “conversion therapy” is still legal. “Conversion therapy” is when you send homosexual people, mostly teens who were sent by their parents, to camps where people, so called “therapists” even though they are many things but a therapist, torture them into being straight. Some methods for that are: making them watch straight porn, hit them/make them feel pain while they have to watch gay porn, so that they will associate that kind of porn with the trauma in the future. Another method is to give them medicine that makes them feel aroused (e.g. Viagra) and force them into having sex with someone from the opposite gender. They also try to pray away the gay, which I think gets explained by itself.
You often hear homophobic people say, “the bible says Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve” or “the bible says homosexuality is wrong” or “Homosexuality is a sin and you will go to hell for it.”. But I don’t think those people always act as it is written in the bible, because if you can’t just take one part of the bible and ignore the rest. As Jesus said: “the one without sin throw the first stone”. I don’t think those people even commit to the ten commandments. They probably already used “Jesus fu****g Christ” or “Jesus no” or other slurs including the name of God, when the second commandment is “you should not miss use the name of God”. Another example would be “You should keep the day of God holy” but I’m pretty sure not all of those Christians who use the bible as an excuse for homophobia go to church every Sunday or do nothing all Sunday long. “You should honor your mother and father” is another one of the commandments but I don’t think none of those people spent their whole live without ever speaking ill of their parents. The sixth commandment says “You should not break your marriage” but still 50% of the marriages end in divorce. Only about 77% of the world population are not Christian and obviously not all of them are married but it’s still unlikely that all those divorces are all from non-Christian people. “You shall not lie” or “You shall not steal” are commandments too and I don’t think there is a person out there who has never lied or stole something even if it was just a pen from a classmate or something like that. “You shall not desire someone else’s wife” but people still cheat and just because you are Christian doesn’t automatically make you a faithful person. “You shall not desire someone else’s stuff” but people still are jealous of others for having a better phone/car/house/etc. You have to remember those statements are only the ten commandments but if you say homosexuality is wrong because it is written in the bible. Then this means you support everything in the bible. This means you support that Babies are getting killed and women are getting raped. "See, the day of the Lord is coming — a cruel day, with wrath and fierce anger. . . . I will put an end to the arrogance of the haughty. . . . Their infants will be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses will be looted and their wives violated." (Isaiah 13:9–16 NIV). This means you think it’s okay, that daughters are burned as an acceptable sacrifice for God, "And Jephthah made a vow to the Lord: 'If you give the Ammonites into my hands, whatever comes out of the door of my house to meet me when I return in triumph from the Ammonites will be the Lord's, and I will sacrifice it as a burnt offering.' . . . When Jephthah returned to his home in Mizpah, who should come out to meet him but his daughter, dancing to the sound of timbrels! . . . After the two months, she returned to her father, and he did to her as he had vowed." (Judges 11:30–39 NIV). This means you share everything you have with the people who don’t have that much, Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same. Luke 3:11 NIV. As you can see Christians often just pick the verses of the bible if they help them back up an inappropriate or offensive argument.
Good responses to homophobic sayings by Christians:
“Its Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve”-“It’s Homosapiens not Heterosapiens”
For the Bisexuals: If they tell you to just pick a side, tell them, Its Adam AND Eve not Adam OR Eve
“You will turn my children gay”-“No, I don’t think so. I Mean your Heterosexuality didn’t make me straight either”
Feel free to add your own statement in the comments.
 So I think that was enough with the Christians. Let’s get to Heteronormativity!
We all grow up thinking we are straight because society tells us there isn’t something else. That’s because of the almost nonexistent representation of LGBTQ+ people in the media and because it’s “normal” for a man and a woman to be together. It’s “normal” for a child to have a mum or dad. But if you don’t stick to these stereotypes, people will see you as a rebel and we always get told rebels aren’t good people and that we should always listen to our parents. But sometimes rebels are just what we need. Sometimes we just need to see that it’s okay to be different. That it’s okay for a boy to dress feminine. That it’s okay for someone to not want have sex. That it’s okay for someone to not feel comfortable with their Cis gender. That it’s okay for girls to like girls or for boys to like boys. And nobody should be able to tell you otherwise
  hope you enjoyed reading this and im sorry if it was shit, these are just my late night thoughts
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