#sorry for spelling mistakes im sleepdeprivedddddd
justins-1-justan · 10 months
Yo could I request a fem!reader x Dakota hcs?
Like at first they didn’t like each other type deal.
Sorry if I’m not making much sense 😭 I’m not the best went it comes to requesting stuff.
I got you anon, one Dakota x fem!reader w/ a touch of civillain enemies to lovers coming right up!
Dakota X FemReader
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Contents: not proofread written while half asleep, I'll fix spelling errors later, sorry anon for taking5ever, got consumption for all of November.
So I hc Dakota as a former child star but not like in the famous ten year old sense but in the, she was famous as like a newborn to five and ever since she's been compared to her former popularity, hence the obsession with fame.
And what's one way of making a celebrity trying to make a comeback mad? Inadvertently calling them a nobody.
It was an early fall morning, a crisp yet chilly wind in the air, the leaves of the trees various colors but haven't quite fallen yet. On this day, a girl dressed in pink made her way into the coffee shop you work part time at. "Can I get a pumpkin spice latte with almond milk?" She states, not looking up from her cellphone in hand. Not fully clocking what she just told you, you autonomously wrote down the order but still stared at her, well more so her choice in jewelry, her earrings were gold meanwhile her necklace was a particularly pink rose-gold. Clearly she picked up on your silent judging gaze, she smirked and asks with a sweet gasp. "Do you recognize me? I adore meeting fans so-" you cut her off. "Sorry, I don't, but, you do know your necklace and earrings don't match." You say bluntly.
^that was that exact thirty seconds which followed of you two staring at each other blankly. Before your manager started reprimanding you for being rude to customers.
After that least than stellar encounter, you both strangely started to see more of each other. At the movies, on the street, even at school (which you didn't even know she went there!)
I imagine you would insult each other like 'wow Dakota! You match my orange.' Objectively not the most hurtful insults but also it's about quantity not quality.
From the day you met on, the two of you started silently one upping each other motivated by the 'rage' that fills your chest that almost feels like your so angry your heart forgets to beat.
You side eye the blonde girl as the paparazzi she called ON HERSELF, swarm her, she poses in various ways and multitasks by bragging about some reality show she's gonna be on. Your judgemental stare is only interrupted by a ball coming full speed towards your head, knocking you dead on the ground.
You lie still on the ground for a few moments before someone wraps their arms around your chest and begins dragging you some where across the grassy field you were having P.E. in. Opening your eyes, you look up see her. Dakota. Stupid shiny blonde hair shimmering in the sun, green eyes looking elsewhere as you finally clock what she's saying. "OH! Oh yeah! Look at me, being considerate and taking my classmate to the nurse's office!" She said to her entourage which now swarmed you too, cameras clicking away.
After the shock wore off you wiggled out of her arms claiming to be fine and went on with the day as usual, although...
You couldn't ignore the fact that when she looked at you with that concerned look in her eye, for that briefest of moment. your opinion of her changed ever so slightly.
In fact, it seemed every day that opinion of her changed daily and nightly in the tiniest of ways.
From one day, her picking up your pencil to another having a back and forth over her selfishness.
Little did you know, she felt the same. A strange pain in her chest on the last day before summer break when she would be going off to film Total Drama, she was supposed to be excited right? Happy to not see your face again for certain till she comes home a superstar? Right?... Right?
She watched from afar as you made some of your senior friends sign your yearbook, you smiled that ugly stupidly cute smile as your friend turned to leave, waving at them a goodbye. It could've been entitlement, it could've been vanity, it could've been the desire to have you not forget her that drove her to rush towards you holding a pen and quickly shoving her signature onto one of the pages as you stared in awe, maybe of her audacity, maybe of something else. "Make sure to keep this! It'll be worth loads when I'm famous!" She said confidently, adjusting her now messier hair. You simply roll your eyes in response.
Throughout the summer you were always on the lookout for where you might run into the blonde, 'because you DON'T want to see her' was your justification.
Sometimes you'd wonder how she was spending her vacation.
Meanwhile, Dakota's mind would also wonder to you. What you were doing, if you were watching the season at home, what you would do in the competitions. In fact, she thought of you SO MUCH that she was on the brink of a discovery.
Dakota laid in the med tent, after cursing out Chris she had one of those thoughts, you know the ones where it's like your ears start ringing and your not even sure what you just thought until you play it back a few times, and that thought was...
'What if Y/n thinks I'm ugly now?'
Objectively it was a vain thought, she didn't even know of you found her pretty before all this. But she still thought it. And it made her, feel conflicted.
Meanwhile you in fact were not watching, and The next time you technically saw her was on a promo poster for a show called 'total drama' you had watched season one with a friend but never really kept up so little did you expect the surprise in store for when you next saw the fated blonde.
It was the cusp of fall and summer, only a month off from when you first ran into Dakota. It's the first day of school back from summer vacation. Unlike the previous year you had not ran into Dakota yet in any of your morning classes and now it was time for lunch. Although strangely enough you kept on hearing whispers about a... 'Dakotazoid'? Weird.
You unpacked your usual lunch and began to eat a sandwhich when a loud noise caught your attention. The lunchroom stilled in silence, half a lunch table was practically horizontal and someone who was roughly seven ft, orange, and had green hair, sat on one side. With all the stares she ran out of the lunchroom crying while the lunch table fell with a tud.
Putting two and two together you realize 'Dakotazoid' is Dakota. An idea popping into your head as you grabbed your lunch bag and followed the girl into a garden like area of the school.
She cried curled up on the grass against a wall, you stood in front of her and said. "You really are the same color as an orange." You said holding up an orange. She looked crying and stared at you, regret slowly filling your chest.
"...thank you.." She said, now wiping away her tears slightly and smiling softly. "Everyone has been treating me so different today, since well.. I'm sure you've heard... But it's nice to know your still you." She spoke gently. "Actually, I haven't heard, you could tell me about it, if you want." You replied and sat next to her and she began telling you all about her summer.
It's kinda strange you know, how the one person you dislike the most, who always makes your stomach feel weird when she's around, is the one person to stay when your life falls apart.
Tbh I've wrote this for like a month now so I'm just gonna wrap it up real quick and not proofread so ye.
After that day, you began a 'it's complicated phase'
More so complicated for YOU. Because when you asked Dakota on your first date together and to go out with you, she thought you two were already dating.
Good luck figuring out your anniversary.
Mall dates 100%
Every time Dakota goes away for filming/shoots you make build a bears for each other.
Cheesy couples jewelry.
And finally song that reminds me for your relationship: wonderland by Taylor Swift.
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