#sorry for rambling this might notve even helped 🤣
adamarks · 2 years
Hi, I would like to write a monsterfuck fic in another fandom, but it's really not a thing there. I tried before and it's probably my least popular fic, but I really want to do it again (I want to write something about loving someone else despite and because of their monster parts). I'm just a little worried about people's reactions, I guess.
Do you have any advice?
I am a big fan of your fics!
Thank you sweetheart!!! What a lovely ask to get 🥰
I mean, if you’re a reader of my disasters you’ve probably noticed that, like, a lot of my super monstery stuff also goes unread even tho it’s a more monster-friendly fandom. I’ve been where you’re sitting; I get it. Is it worth writing? Is it worth posting if you know no one will give it even a passing glance? Will all the comments, if you get any, just be “ew, why?”
WELL LET ME TELL U. IVE GOTTEN MY FAIR SHARE OF IFFY COMMENTS “uh that was… something.” “Tf did I just read” “no.” (I’m not including the oven fic’s comments that was designed to elicit those comments lmao) and boy, is that shit disheartening! I get where you’re coming from; it makes you genuinely not want to write.
So then you’re left holding your bag of “no one will like this. No one will click on this, but I wanna write it.” Which is an absolute fucking garbage place to be. So here’s what I’m gonna tell you, anon. Look me in the eyes.
The fact is they don’t have to like it. It’s a PRIVILEGE that they’re getting to read it!!! Look at me, you are putting something so personal and so lovingly crafted into the world. Even if it goes under the radar, it has an intrinsic value. You have intrinsic value. And what’s more, you are writing about a way of loving another being that is so pure, so raw, and so personal. That’s a part of your very heart that you’re putting into the world. That’s a privilege for other people to read. Writing about love is one of the most beautiful and naked experiences in the world. You are showing a vulnerable, soft part of yourself to strangers. That’s amazing. You are amazing for doing that.
In conclusion, I guess what I’m saying is: it doesn’t matter. Yes, maybe you get a disheartening comment, but what matters is that YOU enjoyed writing it, and that YOU like it. It’s about feeling accomplished, proud of yourself. This is your hobby for YOU. always remember that your writing is for you and you alone at the end of the day. And maybe you occasionally get really wonderful comments, like what I just got from you, anon, and that adds even more to the joy of having bared you soul. Regardless, though, you gave yourself that joy first and foremost. You expressed yourself in a wonderful way, and that’s what made it worth it.
Also, maybe that fandom needs to stop being boring cowards and fuck a werewolf. Be the change u wanna see in the world. My 2 cents
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