#sorry for complaining so much I just hate he doesn’t have the same expression or interactions like he use to
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ravenalla · 2 years ago
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Snarky Din how I miss you
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luveline · 10 months ago
Hi jadeeeee I have a request for coworker James! Another man whether it’s at work or somewhere else starts hitting on reader and James get jealous and realizes he hates seeing her with other guys
ty for requesting 💌 fem
It’s another sunny day at the office, but today is the day the vending machine men come in and fill them, so it’s not all bad. The doors and windows are wide open, the air is fresh and clean. 
“It’s too hot,” Remus complains without any real passion. 
“It’s not that bad,” Sirius says, though he raises his hand to begin fanning Remus anyhow. “It feels hotter than it is because of the humidity.” 
“I feel amazing,” James says. He gives you a nudge with his shoe, his hair tickling his neck as he leans back in his chair. “It’s not that hot, is it?” 
“It’s boiling,” you say. 
You were never going to agree with him. It could be sub zero and you’d tell him you were on fire. James rolls his eyes at you and continues a rather lavish existence of sun, breeze, and cold grapes, their crisp insides popping between his teeth. 
“Sorry,” you say. 
James lifts his head. 
“That’s okay,” Jordan says, to James’ immediate affront. There’s no need for the man in charge of maintaining the vending machine to be talking to you in that tone. It’s bordering too sweet. 
“I’m always in your way,” you laugh. 
“You? In my way? Never.” 
You turn to Remus with an obvious expression. Is he flirting with me? it says. 
Remus looks at James —what the fuck?— before he gives you a tentative back and forth of his head, weighing it up. He shrugs. 
James shakes his head resolutely. 
You give them both the silent version of I understand and settle down in your seat again. The vending machine guy (what’s his name again? James can’t remember) pops open the front cover of the machine and takes out the change box. Clearly, he doesn’t categorise you or the boys as a risk of burglary. 
“So,” Jordan says, “how was your weekend? Did you do much?” 
“In this weather?” you ask with light-humoured sarcasm. “I went on a couple of walks, nothing huge. How about you?” 
“Went to a couple of matches.” 
“Rugby or football?” 
“Rugby, always.” 
James feels the pressure of his teeth clenching at the back of his head. “Do you play, mate?” he asks. 
Jordan looks at him in surprise. “No, we just watch. It’s an excuse to have a pint before five.” 
You break two slices of your clementine away from each other. James doesn’t know why, but your gaze is on him, and that’s where he wants it. “Day drinker?” he asks sympathetically. 
“James,” Sirius says, laughing. “Grow up.” 
“Sometimes,” Jordan says. He finishes reinstalling the change holder and starts to push snacks and drinks onto the vending machine shelves. “Gotta have a little bit of fun every now and then, right?” 
He emphasises to you. 
You give a shy smile. “Right.” 
Jordan finishes his job and wishes everyone goodbye quickly after that. You chew your clementine, your finger looped under your bracelet, tugging slowly round and around. He fucked that up for you, didn’t he? You couldn’t get very far with him poking holes at poor Jordan, but… you’d been smiling at him nicely. You’re allowed to smile at whoever you want to, of course you are, so why did James act like that? 
“Sorry,” he says. 
You slide your thumb between slices of clementine. “To me?” you ask from the corner of your mouth. “For what?” 
Sirius and Remus laugh at the same time. 
James ignores them. “I was mean to him. How are you ever gonna get a date if I bully the vending machine guy?” 
“You think I can’t get a date?” you ask. 
“No.” He grimaces. “No, just, he’s a dickhead.” 
“As opposed to who? You?” you ask. 
James is pretty sure his vision goes white. He hates seeing you with other boys, but this isn’t where he wanted the conversation to go. He doesn’t wanna be your boyfriend. He just hates seeing you happy with other people. 
Oh, god, he thinks. That’s horrible. 
“I think you can do a whole lot better than Jacob the vending machine guy.” 
“Jordan,” you correct, laughing. You don’t bring him up on avoiding your real question, perhaps you don’t notice. You just laugh with Remus and pass James a piece of your clementine. “Vending machines are an honest living. Don’t be so classist.” 
“You’re classist,” he rebukes weakly. He ignores Sirius’ knowing gaze to offer you his punnet of grapes. “Horrible woman.” 
“Get it together, Potter.” 
James doesn’t know what to say to you after that, so he says nothing at all. Your clementine is sweet on his tongue. 
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moonstruckme · 1 year ago
can i request poly!marauders x female reader where she gets burnt out easily and most people don't know this cause she like leaves or hides before they can see. So one day they were hanging out all day and she gets burnt out but they don't know what happened so they get all worried when she all of a sudden just looks so drained and tired and can barely smile or anything. Sorry if this doesn't make sense. This happens to me a lot with new friends and because I get so burnt out I sometimes even need other people to explain for me cause talking is even too much. Thank you so much if you do it!! ♡♡♡♡♡I love your fics so much♡♡♡♡
Thanks for requesting gorgeous, love you :)
cw: social burnout
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 948 words
“I just don’t see why they would change them,” James complains, sipping dissatisfiedly at his butterbeer. 
“You’re such a creature of habit,” Sirius sighs heavily, but you all know his boredom is for show. He only wants to rile James. 
“The old quidditch uniforms were just fine,” James is practically monologuing now, staring into the middle distance with a furrow between his brows. His elbow bumps your arm as he gestures helplessly. “Red and gold—those are the Gryffindor colors, red and gold. So why are the new uniforms bright red and yellow?” 
“Maybe so you’re more visible,” you suggest, and Remus’ lips twist amusedly as he leans across the table to sip at your butterbeer. Neither of you had much appetite after your long day of snacking at the quidditch match, so you’d agreed to split one. You’ll admit, you find the two straws poking out of your mug embarrassingly romantic. 
“We look tacky,” James grumbles, slumping a bit in his seat. You see Remus’ arm reach under the table, and you know he’s straining to rub his boyfriend’s thigh consolingly. “The gold was so much better.” 
“At least you can pull off a yellow like that,” Sirius points out. “Can’t say the same for Callaghan. He looked totally washed out.” 
This would be your time to chip in with a comment about how Sirius’ pallid countenance wouldn’t fare so well in the new colors either, but you find you don’t want to. There’s a persistent pressure at your temples. Once you acknowledge it, the rest is impossible to stop. Exhaustion seeps into you like a poison, all the way down to your bones, and you’re done. You’ve been around people—mostly your boyfriends, who you love very much, but people nonetheless—since you woke up this morning, and had talked and laughed and participated all day long, and now you’re done. You want to be home. 
“True, but even he looked better than you would have, Pads,” James voices the zinger for you, he and Remus trading entertained looks when Sirius starts spluttering about how he looks good in every color, thank you very much. 
“Alright, I can’t have any more of this.” Remus pushes the butterbeer towards you decisively. “All yours, dove.” 
You know you haven’t had anywhere near your fair share, but the idea of reaching over, of going through the effort of bringing the straw to your lips, is too much. “Thanks,” you say to him, “I’m good.” 
Remus’ brow creases. You feel horribly dramatic. 
“I’ll take it,” James says merrily, reaching for the mug before Sirius slaps his hand away. 
“Oi, it’s hers.” Sirius gives him a mean look, nudging the butterbeer back towards you. “You’re like a fucking vulture, Prongs. Darling, are you sure you don’t want what’s left? You know he’ll down it in one gulp.” 
“I’m sure.” You try to give him a smile, but even you can feel what a flimsy attempt it is. “Thanks anyway.” 
Sirius’ expression clouds over with concern, and you look at the table. 
“Hey.” James reaches for your hand, squeezing your fingers lightly between his. “What’s up, lovely?” 
You sigh, leaning your head on his shoulder. “Just tired.”
Sirius makes an incredulous sound, and you know what he wants to say even though he doesn’t. Yeah, I can see that. “Did something happen?” he asks instead. 
You frown, hating that you don’t have a more satisfying answer. “No.”  
“Dove,” Remus tries to get your attention from across the table. “Are you feeling sick?” 
“No. I’m fine.” 
“You don’t seem fine, honey.” James’ voice is soft, but you can hear the unease in it. “Are you sure you’re not sick?” He touches the back of his hand to your forehead, then lets it slip down to your cheek. “Maybe it was the butterbeer. Rem, are you feeling alright?” 
“I feel normal,” Remus says, seeming at a loss. 
“Hey.” There’s a hand on your leg, and you look up to see Sirius leaning towards you, giving you one of his stern looks. “What’s going on with you, huh? Talk to us.” 
“I’m fine, seriously.” You do your best to look it, sitting up from James’ shoulder, though your dull voice belies your words. “I’m just drained.” 
“Drained how?” he presses. 
“Just…done.” You shrug helplessly. “I’m sorry, I think I want to go home. I just need to be by myself for a little bit, is that okay?” 
“Of course,” Remus says, standing and grabbing his coat. “You don’t have to be sorry, dove. It was just a long day, is that it?” 
You nod, relieved. 
He shrugs on his own coat before grabbing yours, helping you into it when you slide out of the booth. “I understand. It’s been a lot of socializing for one day. You should have told us you were feeling tired, I could have gone home with you after the game.” 
“I didn’t know until it just happened,” you say, but you don’t have the energy to really argue. 
Remus doesn’t want to, either. He kisses the top of your head as he zips your coat, taking your hand in his. 
“We’ll get you home and you can hole up as long as you need,” Sirius promises, pulling on his gloves. “You introverts, so weak.” 
“She’s probably drained because of you,” James teases back. He wraps a protective arm around your shoulders, tucking you against his side. 
“That’s not how it works,” you say quietly, but James shushes you, dipping down to kiss the side of your head. 
“I know, angel, but if you say it is, he’ll be buying your butterbeers for the next week. The month, if you play it right.”
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jumexju · 8 months ago
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Pairing !! : Senju Tobirama / Wife Reader
Fic Type !! : HCs / Slice of life
CW !! : none ^^
Summary !! : What being his wife would be like.
Notes !! : Naruto brainrot is so reall -_-
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Being married to Tobirama would include.. 
Soft mornings in which he usually wakes up earlier than you and watches your eyelashes flutter while you sleep. He likes to relish in the calm and domesticity of it all. Just hearing you breathe steadily in the mornings brings him peace of mind. 
Not too much PDA. He wouldn’t full on make out with you in public- but he will hold your hand and give you a peck on the cheek every once in a while !! 
Hearing his soft sighs of relief when you give his shoulders a massage after a long day of sitting in the Hokage’s office all day. (He’s old, give him a break) He’ll pretend that your massages weren’t that beneficial but when you threaten that you won’t give him any more massages, he’s a pouty mess of a man.
Having to deal with his stubbornness whenever you try to tell him that there are different ways to do things (he won’t listen) (he’s senile). On that note, the man probably gets into a lot of arguments with you over small things due to his stubbornness. 
“Doing it that way takes more time, if you just use hot water then the grease just melts right off.” You told him as you demonstrated how the leftover oil on the pan easily washed off due to the hot water. Tobirama looked down at you, unamused. “Just let me do it the way I want to do it, It gets the same end result anyway.” You sighed and shook your head, “Fine, do it your way then.” 
On that note, whenever you two have those lover’s spats, he’ll be the first to recognize he was wrong and apologize to you because he hates getting the silent treatment. 
You stirred the soup in the pot, getting dinner ready for night as you pretended not to see your husband walking up to you. “Do you know where my kunai went? It was on the table a second ago.” your husband stood next to you, his arms crossed as he waited for your answer. Unfortunately — it never came. “Hey.” he tried to get your attention, unable to bear the listless expression on your face. Tobirama stood there, hoping you’d at least turn to look at him, but you moved around the kitchen and didn’t acknowledge his presence once. “Fine then, be childish.” He felt a small pang of guilt but decided to just leave the kitchen. 
Later that night, he saw you taking your pillows over to the couch. ‘Are you serious?” He asked you in disbelief that you would go as far as to make him sleep alone. Again, you didn’t say a word and closed the door once you’d grabbed a spare blanket from the closet. The white-haired male got up and followed you to the couch, determined to get you to talk to him. “Okay, I yield. I’m sorry.” You raised a brow at him. “Sorry for what?” 
“I’m sorry for saying that you were too weak to go on that mission by yourself.” He avoided your piercing look, reluctant to even admit that he was wrong. Nonetheless, he was happy he have done it when you brought your pillow back and were sleeping by his side again that night. 
Despite his stubborn nature, he is willing to see things from other perspectives. Conversations with him usually end up with you learning about the way he thinks. Your deepest conversations with him usually happen when the both of you are in bed about to go to sleep for the night. 
Mans will also not let you vent in peace, if you have a problem then he’s giving you advice for it. You have to shush him multiple times just to complain to him about your day in peace. He doesn’t get the whole concept of telling him about a problem you have if you didn’t want a solution to it. 
“Why didn’t you just tell her you felt that way?” He lifted a brow at you. “That’s not the point.” you shot him an unamused look. “Well if you told her then maybe she wouldn’t have done what she did, am I wrong?” Tobirama just stood there as you stared at him with a bored look on your face. “Forget I said anything.” 
He’s secretly very clingy behind closed doors because he doesn’t want anyone else to see how vulnerable and soft you make him. I’m tellin’ you koala type grip whenever you two wake up, he will make you stay in bed with him all morning if he doesn’t wanna get up — Unless you have a job. He respects your schedule since he himself is someone who likes to stick to routines. 
Overall, he’s a very caring husband and does his best to both protect and be there for you. 
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olinblogin · 3 months ago
Nervously shuffling in (/silly)
Can I request Salo from Arcane x reader (gn or masc) where reader was basically like a right hand/assistant for him before the events of S2, and now they're by his side like 24/7? Basically just being the one to look after him the most and trying to get him to have a better attitude about life/himself following the accident that lead to him needing a wheelchair
˚✧༚ SELF LOVE ˚✧༚
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˗ˏˋ♡ ~SALO X GN/M!READER~ ♡´ˎ˗
contents: sorta fluff, POSSIBLE S2 SPOILERS, slight angst???, PROBABLY OOC IM SORRY, brief mentions of gory stuff
When you were accepted to work as an assistant for one of the Councilmen of the Piltover University, you were absolutely thrilled.
You were assigned to work for Salo, be by his side almost 24/7.
With the time you got to know him, you deduced that he was snippy, a bit arrogant… sort of stupid too— at least when he tried a bag of nuts to Torman Hoskei, to which he was allergic to…
Despite it all, he was kind to you… almost sweet.
But when you found him, legs mangled under rubble from an attack, it only seemed to go downhill from there. There was so much blood.
Salo was restrained to a wheelchair, needing your assistance to get around the Academy—with all the stairs and lack of disability aids, it’s was severely difficult.
He also grew colder, he’d snap at you easier… you’ve made progress on that and he doesn’t snap at you anymore. Cant say the same for the rest of the Councilmen.
Pushing Salo’s wheelchair through the crowded streets of Piltover, you found yourself giving dirty glares to people who only moved out of the way last second and tripped up on Salo’s wheelchair.
“Such incompetence for those without able-bodies…” he muttered with a sneer.
You frowned and looked at him while maneuvering him over a pothole. “Yes… that’s true. Perhaps we need to have a meeting to install mobility aids—“
“No,” Salo quickly snapped back. “It isn’t necessary. At least not for the likes of me. As long as you’re here with me, I can get by just fine.” He mumbled, jostling about a little bit when the terrain changed.
Your face only saddened at his words. Ever since in this wheelchair, he’s been so self deprecating. It’s painful to see.
Once at the building Salo had been visiting recently, you entered and dropped him off in the room he usually visits, waiting outside.
You watched as Lest walked by, smiling up at the tall, feline woman. “Evening, Lest.” You greeted with a kind smile.
“Good evening, [Y/N]… today’s appointment won’t take long. Only about 20 or so minutes.” Lest smiled and spoke kindly while opening the door, and leaving you in the hall.
You were so deathly curious as to why he came here so often. What he and Lest did… it made you realize how little you also knew of Lest. She was a kind, fair woman however… so you couldn’t complain.
Once Lest exited later on, you two shared your goodbyes.
Usually Salo would tell you to wait for a long time outside the room after Lest left and called you in… but… you needed to see.
As you opened the door you stiffened slightly at the sight before you: Salo lying on the couch in nothing but his briefs with a blissful expression, markings painted on his body in a faded purple hue.
“Salo?” You called out quietly and closed the door, locking it, so nobody could come in.
Salo lazily turned his head to you, his eyes clouded with bliss. “Mmh. Hey there, [Y/N]. I thought I told you to… stay out in the place-…” he mumbled and stumbled over his words, forgetting some.
“The hallway? Yeah, I know…” you hummed and crouched next to him by the couch. “Why are you doing this.” You glowered at him, eyebrows knitted with anger. “I thought you said you hated shimmer.”
Salo traced his finger along the linings of the couch seams. “I changed my mind… it helps—“
Salo’s head was suddenly snapped to the side, a slap echoing across the room as the back of your hand made contact with his cheek. That seemed to sober him up extremely fast.
You reeled back slightly with shock of what you had just done. “My apologies, sir…” you stepped back with a hint of timidness.
“No—“ Salo propped himself up on his elbow. “I..- you’re right.” His eyes lowered… before he quickly covered his lower body with the blanket draped across the top of the couch. “It makes me feel something for once. Especially in my legs.”
You frowned and hooked your arm around his legs and wrapped one around his waist too, pulling him into his wheelchair since he was still too inebriated to move on his own. “Let’s get you back home… and get you sobered up. We’ll talk when you’re in the right mind.” You sighed as he clumsily got into his clothes.
Once you finally got Salo home, he was pretty sobered up alright, but you could tell there were still lingering effects of the shimmer.
As he was sat at his desk, doing his paperwork, he kept looking at you, his expression a bit insecure.
“Salo… what’s with that face. You only have that face when somethings eating you up.” You scolded knowingly.
It made him shy away slightly before leaning back and looking up at you. “Thank you…- for earlier, I mean. You made me come to my senses…” he muttered that last part, fingers slightly gliding over his cheek as he felt the sting of your slap.
He never realized how strong of a hand you had.
You came up close to him, your face close to his… “You act smart… but you’re such a dimwit.” You huffed. “Don’t do that shit again, because I’ll snack you upside the head next time.” You poked his forehead playfully.
The space between you two closed as your lips met. Salo wrapped his arms around your neck, while you carded through his gracious blonde hair.
You pulled away, your noses were pressed together at the bridges. “I won’t… you have my promise.” Salo mused quietly, enjoying your embrace.
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sweetkpopmusings · 3 months ago
minghao best friend headcanons <3
a/n: given how SLAY minghao's comeback was, i needed to honor him by posting something. he is an absolute gem, so hopefully these hcs reflect the joy and appreciation minghao brings me :,-) pics not mine <3
content: fluff | wc: 0.9k | warnings: none! | pairing: bestfriend!minghao x gn!reader | requests:open
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where to even begin with the AMAZING best friend minghao??
as a best friend, he is ALL heart. super caring, kind, and warm <3
with plenty of sass to balance out all the sappiness
he’s like a wise but playful elder why do i feel like he’d hate me comparing him to an elder…sorry minghao
he simultaneously knows what’s best for you while constantly making things lighthearted through jokes, silly conversations, and nonstop giggling
you’ll always have the time of your LIFE with minghao by your side
he is equal parts joy and peace
friendship with him is the perfect balance of being uplifted and grounded
every time you comment on this aspect of him, he always says it is because of you 
usually you two playfully argue about who is the one making everything so calm and secure until you agree that it is thanks to both of you
minghao finds these little debates endearing because it’s a way for him to express his love and appreciation for you without the tone being too serious
he doesn’t shy away from serious conversations, though
communication is very important to him, and he is always willing to dedicate time and emotional space for you, whether that’s a check-in over the phone or a whole night discussing what’s going on in your lives/relationship
truly, no one could be more attuned to your needs and moods than minghao because he has spent your entire friendship observing you and learning everything there is to know
you, of course, have done the exact same, so you two basically have a special intuition about each other :,-) 
it is incredibly special, and everyone is EXTREMELY jealous of your bond
because you two are naturally a perfect fit AND you both put in the work to keep yourselves aligned with each other
minghao holds himself to high standards of friendship which means that, while he may require a lot of things to be closest friend, he 100% returns the favor and is always working to be his best self with you 
given how much effort he puts into loving and caring for you, he is not afraid to tell you if he thinks other people in your life are not treating you the way you deserve
whether it’s a partner, friend, coworker, etc., minghao will not stand any subpar behavior of those in your life
he knows how valuable you are and refuses to let that be diminished or ignored
he is always, always respectful when he discusses these things with you though
like he is stern sometimes very stubborn but he is so very kind
he loves and cherishes you more than anything, after all <3333
minghao also fully listens if you comment on how other people are treating him
in his eyes, your words should be 100% believed, even if he disagrees with them from time to time
because you of all people know his heart, so who is he to doubt your thoughts and feelings?
at the end of the day, it isn’t about which of you is right. it’s about you two being cared for and safe, and minghao always trusts that you will fight for his safety and wellbeing 
truly, you two are each other’s fiercest protectors
everyone, and i mean EVERYONE, knows that 
no one crosses you, not even to tease you lightly, because minghao will attack them like a guard dog
rip to chan that ONE time he made the mistake of teasing you too much
like he survived but minghao really terrified him to his core LOL
minghao regrets nothing though <3 he’ll do anything for you <3
his members are also jealous of the way he looks at you with such kindness and care
when they complain about it, minghao just glares at them so they give up quickly LMAO
of course, we cannot forget the style and fashion perks of having minghao as your best friend
he is never one to force a specific style on someone else. rather, he supports you in finding and expressing your own style
minghao wants you to feel beautiful and confident 25/8, and he knows that how you dress, do your hair, and adjust your appearance really contributes to a powerful sense of self 
he is down to go through your closet with you, find unique thrifted items, or even take you on shopping sprees for special occasions aka any time he wants to treat you to something special
he also LOVES to give you some of his accessories to borrow and/or keep :,-)
he gets a sense of pride when he sees his influence and personality in your style
to him, it is a reflection that he really is an important person to you
so he makes it a point to intentionally reflect parts of you and your style in how he expresses himself
minghao views it as an act of gratitude for your overall influence on his life
and, admittedly, he ADORES it when you two stand out together
nothing fills him with confidence quite like the way people turn their heads when you two walk by
he also never feels more grounded and energized than when you two are doing wellness activities or self-care together
the first time you two did facemasks together, minghao SWORE his skin had never been so bright
you thought he was being dramatic, but there is something to the happiness you two bring each other :,-)
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drleggman · 1 month ago
Otoya Eita x reader
summary: Otoya learns that you had sex with his best friend, and the envy he feels isn't towards who he expected
tags: bi/pan!gn!reader, no physical descriptions (character & reader), established relationship (fwb), vague descriptions of sex, 18+ minors don't look or I'm telling your parents
wc: 1.9k
a/n: this is mostly just a convo between Otoya and reader, and the horny bits don't even directly involve him rip. it's very silly and unserious! sorry if you were expecting more
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“Curve or no curve?”
Otoya’s question catches you off guard. You’d been sitting in relative silence until now—both reclining on his couch, legs intertwined between you with only the soft sounds of your respective video games filling the otherwise quiet room.
“You prefer your cocks with a curve? Or without one?” He asks again like it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
The music pouring lowly from the console in your hands stops abruptly, your game momentarily paused. “My bad for the confusion? I don’t always have dick on the mind, unlike you apparently.”
“Answer the question, will you?”
You take a moment to consider. And then another. Is one better than the other? This isn’t something you’d really put much thought to until now. “I… don’t think I have a preference.”
“Oh bullshit.” You can tell he's rolling his eyes without even seeing them.
“I don’t! You know what people say, it’s about how you use it or whatever. As long as your stroke game is good, it doesn’t really matter what your dick is like.” You shrug, and just as you’re about to return to your game, he pipes up again.
“Well Karasu said-“
“You talk about dick with Karasu?” You grin. This is more entertaining, you decide: fucking with him. You set your Switch on the coffee table beside you and give him your full attention.
“Will you shut the fuck- Ugh.” You hear a long exhale, and he sets his controller down. "Karasu said," he turns to you, eyes squinted and brows pinched together, “bottoms prefer it with a little curve. To hit all the good spots or whatever. I told him the same thing you told me, that it doesn’t matter.”
You blow air through your nose, grinning to yourself. Oh you know exactly why Karasu said that to him.
“He’s had a big head ever since I told him that,” you murmur.
Your brow furrows. “What?”
“Since you told him what?”
“That the way his cock curves feels good…?”
He makes a face at that, pained and something else that you can’t quite place, and you hide behind your hand so he can’t see you snickering.
“Hated that.” He says, but you can’t help but notice that he’s blushing, though just barely. Almost as if he’s flustered. “How do you know what his dick feels like?”
“We’ve… had sex?” What kind of question is that? Is he stupid? “How else would I know that?”
He straightens up, noticeably more invested in the conversation now that you’ve divulged this information to him. “ When did that happen?”
“Why are you interrogating m-“
“When??” His tone is by no means stern, but he’s insistent. You’ve always known this to be true. He’ll pester you til the end of time if you don’t tell him what he wants to hear.
“Like, five months ago?”
You’re not even sure exactly. It happened when you and Karasu were both a little tipsy at a birthday party. Whose it was, you can’t remember. You’d been complaining to him about being pent up, and Otoya had chosen to spend the night with another girl. Karasu offered himself up, cozying up to you and whispering low and raspy into your ear, “How about I take care of you tonight, then?” He’d had his eye on you since you were first introduced to him, seizing the opportunity to finally get a taste of you as Otoya usually doesn’t let you out of his sight when he’s around.
“We were fucking then.” He states plainly. His expression is unreadable, ever the face of indifference even as his words contradict that sentiment.
“Otoya. Since when do you care about the other people I sleep with?”
“I don’t care. I’m just… curious.” You don’t think he’s even trying to be convincing. He won’t even look at you.
“It seems like you care.”
He chews on the inside of his cheek, gathering his thoughts. “I’ve never cared less about anything, actually.”
He does care. Obviously. You’ve talked to him about all of the women you’ve slept with since the two of you had started your relationship, if you can even call it that, and never once has he been this weird about it. It’s something you bonded over, in fact, because of course he’s sleeping around too. Sharing the intimate details of your trysts with other girls is a favorite pastime of yours. At some point Otoya started to wonder if he’s the only guy you’re actively having sex with, so to hear that not only is he not the only guy you’ve fucked recently, but that the other guy was Karasu Tabito, of all people, has him feeling. Feeling what, exactly? He’s not sure.
You know full well about how he likes to fantasize about you with your other partners after you’ve recounted every last detail to him, just as you do with him and his. He’ll let his hand slip between his legs, lazily pleasuring himself as he imagines you with the pretty girl you’d shown him a picture of—sometimes in front of you as you tell him about her, sometimes when he’s alone and too lazy to find a video to jerk off to.
Is it okay for him to think about Karasu like that? What exactly would it mean if he does? God, he has so many questions.
Were you a bit more dominant with him like you are with those girls he hears about? Or did his friend have to put you in your place after you started acting bratty like you do when you're with him? Karasu is a charmer though, and a sweet talker too. Maybe you didn't want to be bratty at all. Karasu has always had that subtle air of dominance about him. He knows how to get his way with people. He’s more than capable of teasing and talking down to you in a way that would lull you into a sense of submission. Otoya has seen it before, both on the field and off, the way that Karasu commands obedience.
He lets his mind wander further. He pictures you with Karasu. You're sweaty and panting, your hips grinding together and hands groping and tongues down each other’s throats. He can hear you so clearly in his mind. Can see the way your face scrunches up in pleasure. If Karasu’s dick really does feel as good as you say it does, it must leave you a whining, overstimulated mess by the time he’s done with you.
The image of Karasu is just as vivid. He can see the cocky smirk he wears as he comes undone underneath him. He can see the sweat beading down his forehead, his neck, and his chest. How he’s glistening with it as he puts more and more force into each thrust. He can hear him too, his honey-slicked words spilling from his lips that are pressed against his neck. And his cock… the ease with which it hits all of the right spots inside of him.
It’s gotta feel so fucking good, Otoya thinks to himself. And I bet he’s hung-
He cuts the thought off immediately once he realizes the gravity of it. He crinkles his nose as he wills away the image of his best friend on top of him.
“What is this?” You say, and suddenly Otoya is reminded of your presence.
He can pretend not to care about Karasu all he wants, but that doesn’t change the fact that he’s visibly unsettled by what you’ve said. After knowing each other for as long as you have, you find him easy to read. The way he fidgets with the frayed fabric of his beanie, the way he refuses to meet your gaze. All easy tells. He’s lost in thought, and you think that whatever image he’s conjuring up in that pretty little head of his must be really good to get him to shut up for this long. “Are you… jealous?”
You’ve never seen him react like this to hearing about you fucking someone else. Otoya doesn’t care about exclusivity. He never has. You two sleep with whoever you want, whenever you want. You have a feeling it’s not the fact that it’s a man you slept with that’s getting to him, but rather because it was Karasu specifically.
“Why would I be jealous? I get to fuck you all the time.” You just barely catch the way his voice quivers.
Oh. He doesn’t even know. He’s got that look on his face, the one you’ve only seen a handful of times. It’s the face he makes when he wants something that he thinks is out of reach, and he doesn’t realize he’s doing it. His genuine confusion is almost endearing. He’s seemingly blissfully unaware of his own desires.
“I didn’t mean jealous of Karasu.”
He’s stone faced as he finally looks at you now. You can practically hear the gears turning in his head.
“You are, aren’t y-“
“Shut up.” He doesn’t let you finish. He doesn’t like what you’re implying, and he doesn’t want to unpack that.
You bark out a laugh. “Why were you even thinking about that conversation you two had anyway?”
“Shut. Up.”
You listen, though only for a moment. There’s a pregnant pause, and he’s daring you with his gaze to keep pressing.
“His cock does feel good-“
“Stop that.”
You raise an eyebrow, feigning confusion.
“Stop talking about my friend’s cock.”
Oh, but that wouldn’t be any fun, now would it? You have to push his buttons some more. “It’s not like it only feels good because it’s curved, though it does help.”
He says nothing, giving you one last opportunity to drop the topic before he turns his attention elsewhere.
“He just knows how to fuck, I think.”
Another sigh, then he turns back towards the tv and mutters, “I’m done with this conversation.”
He picks up his controller and unpauses his game, and the rhythmic sound of him tapping buttons fills the space between you. He’s getting his ass kicked, not that he doesn’t usually, but right now he seems to be particularly incapable of defending himself from the ai enemies on the screen. You can tell his focus is elsewhere, try as he might to pretend he’s more invested in the game than whatever thoughts are swirling around in his head.
Your lips are pursed as you hold in the words threatening to spill from you. He’s aware that you’re watching him, he can see you in his periphery. Your self restraint is running thin, and he’s started to squirm in anticipation, knowing full well you have some more bullshit to say.
“Have you ever played with your ass before?” You blurt it out before you’ve even realized it, hands clamping over your mouth as if you can’t believe you just said such a thing.
“Jesus fucking Christ.” Again, he sighs. The game pauses and he briefly tightens then releases his grip on his controller. He sits on his answer for a moment, not yet sure if he should indulge you further. Maybe if he imagines it hard enough, he can explode you with his mind and be done with this.
“Yes, I’ve played with my ass before.”
You beam, the part of you expecting him to just call you a freak and disregard your question entirely put at ease. “Did you like it??”
You're much too excited about this for his liking. “I- yeah… I did.” Head rolling back onto the couch and his whole body slackening, he looks utterly defeated. You, on the other hand, are basking in your victory. You’re peeling away at him, layer by layer. Unveiling his desires that he’s kept hidden so deep within him he may not even be sure they’re there. “It’s just usually too much of a hassle to do it most of the time...”
Your tongue pokes out to wet your lips, and he watches the movement with rapt attention. “I have this toy… It looks a lot like Karasu’s dick…”
His eyes snap back to yours in an instant, and you continue on as if he’s not silently pleading with you to have mercy on him. To stop implanting these images in his head.
“It’s not quite as thick, but it’s got the same subtle, upward curve~” Your bottom lip is pulled between your teeth. Otoya watches again, letting himself get lost in the visual to distract from what you’re saying to him.
You feel his leg shift between yours. His foot trails up, settling just shy of the apex of where your thigh meets your hip. “Okay… You’re telling me this why…?”
“We should try it.” You grin. His face goes flush. “On you, of course.”
“And why do you think we should do that?”
You sit up and push yourself towards him. He tries to back away, but there’s nowhere for him to escape to.
“So you know what to expect when you finally decide to ask Karasu to have his way with you.”
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divider by @/animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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ruby-winchester24 · 2 years ago
Kenny McCormick headcanons!
[sfw+nsfw] {fem reader}
very affectionate
PDA is his favorite, he wants everyone to know that your his
will make out with you in the hallways, he has no shame
always wants to hang out but not at his house he hates being at home
since he can’t pay for gifts he shows his love through physical touch aka his love language
he has always had the stereotype that he is a player, it’s far from the truth
body count is 2
will walk you to class he doesn’t care if he is late to his own class
texts you randomly in the middle of class
“shut up and put your phone away”
he is surprisingly a great student but some days he just doesn’t feel like doing work
always asks for notes
his lock screen and profile pictures are you ofc
once saved up money for 2 months to buy you a promise ring
loves cuddling, mostly the only thing you guys do when you hang out
has naked Polaroids of you in his room
always finds time to hang out with you it doesn’t matter what’s happening he’s there
he was so happy that you liked his family
his dad doesn’t really give a shit low key
his mom on the other hand thinks your an angel because you babysit Karen sometimes
you try your best to cook for his family whenever you can since they don’t really get meals
Karen literally adores you
she always wants to play or hang out with you and Kenny
you buy her Christmas presents!
Kenny usually comes over to your house to shower, but he will always hang out with you too
loved when you cook breakfast when he spends the night
he def listens to NBA young boy i’m sorry💀
only sports he plays are football and track, low key hates track but he gets out of school a lot for it
motherfucker is FAST he beat the school record for the 100m race
will always hug you after a game or meet🤭
he is always hurt, usually has a couple cuts of bruises on his body
his hands are really calloused from working all the time
shows you embarrassing photos or videos of they guys
will always listen to your drama
“No because Bebe was literally calling Nicole out but she has also done the same thing!”
“What a hypocritical bitch”🙄💅🏽
“I know!”
he hates his teeth because there crooked and is missing the front one
always slapping your ass, it doesn’t matter where you are
will hold hands or interlock pinkies when walking together
will always express how much he loves you
kisses you all the time
is your personal hype man!
you have seen him die before and you did remember
you were so distraught for the rest of the day, when you woke up to Kenny knocking on your door, it fucked your brain
tells you about him being immortal and that’s the first time you ever see him cry
“sometimes i feel like a freak, being able to die and come back the next day like nothing happened isn’t normal!”
“i just want to be normal..”
he is actually a very emotional person but since he didn’t get much attention when he was younger, and his father yelling at him for crying he usually doesn’t to it much
but when he does it’s heartbreaking
he has panic attacks when he does cry from all of the emotions he feels that’s he not used too
when you try to calm him down you ask him to tell you happy memories
tells you stories about the boys when they were younger
he is your bodyguard also if anyone try’s to start shit with you it’s on
always drags you along with him when he hangs out with the boys
the guys usually complain about it aka Eric
when he spends the night at your house he always asks if you guys can have a spa night, since he can’t take showers too often he always enjoys the days you pamper him and make him feel clean
his love languages are physical touch and quality time
will rub your back before you fall asleep
if you smoke, he is your new smoking buddy
when he is high he is overly touchy, he just wants to be with you
if you do any sports or activities, he will be there cheering the loudest for you
he posts you almost everyday on his snap story
you teach Karen to braid hair🥰
Kenny loves how you are so close to Karen
is always thinking about having kids with you
wants to get married one day
he is a very kinky person, even you bending over gives him a hard on
his main kinks are
orgasm conrol
a little bdsm
praise and degradation
wax play
always down to try something new
he LOVES bondage, the idea of you being tied up and helpless gets him worked up
remember when i said he has those naked polaroid pics of you? he def rubs one out looking at those when your away
mostly a dom but likes when you are in control every now and then
orgasm control is his favorite, to see you looking at him with begging eyes
8 inches….
he is definitely more experienced when it comes to sex so he knows how to make you feel great
very vocal, he usually grunts and moans
loves to mark you up wherever he can
in missionary he will hold onto you as he thrusts into you
“god, baby girl you’re so beautiful”
“such a good slut, taking all of me”
“i own you”
“look at me when i cum in you”
loves to eat you out
music if definitely playing on the background
loves cream pies so hopefully your on birth control
8/10 will cum in you during sex
he has many toys to use on you
if your sucking him off he will hold your hair and guide your head up and down
cock warming is very common, he love’s physical touch and being able to be inside you makes him really happy
loves when you moan it makes him even more horny when you do
lingerie is his favorite😮‍💨
when your in control he is very submissive like extremely
he will beg for you to touch him and for him to cum
when you ride him, he is a mess
aftercare is usually really sweet
will always ask if you need anything before he gets up to get water
he will always make you take a shower with him, which ends up as round two
but it’s okay after you actually get cleaned up he will hold you and whisper sweet nothings into you ear
“you did so great for be baby”
“i love you so so much”
“your so beautiful, my beautiful girl”
“i’m here i will not let you go”
also i forgot to add in my last posts, they are all aged up!! anyways i hope you like this
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reqxxyt · 2 years ago
the best man
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pairings: pierre g. x f!reader
warnings: pierre being a f*ck boy, past charles and charlotte relationship, cursing
masterlist requests are open!
[unedited] wc: 3.3k
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
When your best friend, Charlotte told you she was getting married you were excited for her, immediately asking if you were going to be the maid of honor. She only nodded eagerly with a bright smile and you got giddy already envisioning her dream wedding she had been talking about since she was 5. But then she told you who was going to be the best man at the wedding. 
Pierre Gasly. 
You really should’ve assumed that it would turn out to be him, considering he and Charles had always been so close, but you were upset nonetheless. You only gave Charlotte a small frown but she knew exactly what you were thinking, already knowing of you and Pierre's difficult relationship. 
You first met him at a party and even before you could properly introduce yourself, or rather be introduced to him by Charlotte he came up to you trying to flirt his way through and showing clear disinterest didn’t push him away. You grew tired of his inflamed ego, hating him since the beginning for how cocky he was, always bragging about the model he had gotten with the past week. 
“Please just get along with him for the next couple of months. For me?” Charlotte begged you as she was trying on some dresses. You weren’t the one who brought him into the conversation but rather her reporter friend who seemed to be interested in Pierre. You didn’t reply, shrugging at her request and making her frown which only made you feel guilty as you finally just nodded your head not trying to make her stressed anymore than she already was. 
“I won’t try anything as long as he doesn’t,” you said, pointing your finger at her before giving her a thumbs-up about the dress. You sat on the couch, watching her try on dresses for the next couple of hours giving comments every so often along with other bridesmaids that all held excited expressions. 
The bridesmaids decided for their dresses on a light pink, silky dress with spaghetti straps that had a long cut lapping over your thigh. You didn’t complain about it, it was cute, but far too tight on your upper body. You only nodded along to the other girls, feeling the most quiet out of all of them. 
It was almost exactly the same for the plan of the bachelorette party, the other girls deciding on practically everything as you leaned back against the couch barely listening to a word they said, just nodding along. Charlotte took notice of your quiet nature, trying to at first getting you engaged but your lack of attempting to, had her stop and letting you be quiet and alone at times when you needed to. 
Then came the rehearsal dinner, you got ready, wearing a comfortable light purple dress, complementing the tone of your skin as it sat right above your knees, barely showing much skin of your thighs. You arrived at the place, a small venue following everyone as they went inside. You noticed the lack of presence of Pierre as you sat closest to Charlotte where your name was placed knowing Pierre would have to sit in front of you. 
“Where is Pierre?” asked Charlotte instead of you, worry in her tone. Charles shrugged as he sat down, kissing her cheek, and rubbing her back as she pursed her lips before putting on her warm, welcoming smile. Without Pierre, you all started, explaining how the entrance would happen and when the practice session would begin. 
“Sorry for being so late” you heard in the middle of drinking your water. Familiar enough, you lifted your head at him, catching his eyes and immediately reciprocating his charming smile with a glare as he said hello to both the groom and bride, giving them both a kiss on the cheek. He finally sat down and you took a deep breath not sure what to expect but already annoyed with him just by being late. 
“Why are you so late?” your annoyed tone couldn’t be ignored and he took a bite of his food before replying, 
“Something came up” You only hummed and spotted Charlotte giving you a warning look causing you to avert your eyes back to your food not looking to make an argument about it over dinner. 
Then the doors opened to a bridesmaid, with slightly messed up hair, dress being terribly adjusted as she was apologizing profusely. You faced back to Pierre, seeing his smirk grow as the girl sat next to you making you roll your eyes at his expression trying to ignore how obvious the situation was. 
Both Charles and Charlotte tried to salvage the scene, seeing how awkward it had become but you didn’t speak a word the entire evening refusing to speak to Pierre. 
“Rather ignore me, princess?” his teasing smile behind you could be heard from a mile as he caught up to you before you could get to your car, blocking the entrance as you attempted to exit the place. 
“Then talk to you? Of course” sarcastically smiling, he mocked a hurt expression as your arms came to wrap around your waist, crossing them over your chest slowly getting more annoyed. 
“But you’ll have to deal with me for another month,” he said, leaning in to appear more intimidated but you didn’t dare back down. “I doubt you’ll be able to resist me by then”
“Not everyone is into you, Pierre” Your tongue rolled off his name and at that he looked down at your lips, wanting you to say it again. To repeat it over and over, for the way you pronounced it made his own heart leap. You leaned in closer, almost touching noses, leaning back after whispering “Now get off my car before you cause a dent in it”
He finally listened to you, leaning away before walking off, you tried to calm down your racing heart hating how your body reacted when near him but your mind and vocals wanted to shout at him for being a prick. 
The day of the bachelorette party, the girls went to a club and you only tagged along for the sight. Drank very little and sat on the booth as you observed the other girls having the time of their lives dancing to the rhythm of the music making an attempt to bring all the attention onto the future bride. 
“Not a party person?” you heard a voice sit in front of you. You looked at them, only being able to partically depict his face. You gave a small smile, shaking your head asking sarcastically “Is it that obvious?”
“A little” he chuckled before asking, “so why come?”
“It's my friend's bachelorette and as her maid of honor. I have to go everywhere but have a say in nothing” you said shrugging and he finally spotted Charlotte, standing out wearing a tiara that the other girls hated but only you and Charlotte understood the meaning behind it. 
“You have a date for this wedding?” he was shooting his shot having spotted you the second he walked in, already interested in your quiet nature. You thought about it for a moment, wondering if it would be worth the headache but it definitely (hopefully) would get Pierre off your back, so you shook your head, leaning in before asking
“Would you like to be my date?”  And he immediately smiled at your question, nodding his head. He offered his phone to you and you typed in your number handing it back to him with a small smile feeling your cheeks grow a light shade of pink. He left noticing the group of girls coming forward. 
“Who was that?” Charlotte asked as the other girls followed behind with a couple of drinks, she teased you with a smile and you only chuckled thinking to yourself how he might’ve been intimidated by the group.
“My date to the wedding,” you said barely audible with the music booming in the background, she smiled widely while some of the other girls looked confused but you brushed it off. 
The day of the wedding started off with Charlotte being the first up, having to drag you out of the hotel room that you two shared from the night before. She didn’t want to risk the chances of having Charles spot her on the wedding day and she dragged you along the idea of it. 
You were planned to be the first one to get ready, alongside Charlotte who was rambling about how nervous she was. 
“What if the flowers wither?” She asked, hand over her mouth as she gasped. The questions getting more ridiculous, and you laughed before reassuring her about it. 
“If anything bad happens, I’ll be the first to know” you comforted and she finally let out a deep sigh thankful that you were here. You suddenly heard a knock at the door a couple of minutes after the hairdresser finished your style. Thinking it was the other girls you got up to open it only to see Pierre leaning against the doorframe with a small smirk growing with the sight of you in a silked robe in front of him, looking you up and down. 
“What are you doing here?” you asked closing the door slightly so he wouldn’t be able to spot the bride getting her makeup ready. The corners of his lips lifting up, already starting to get you irritated,
“Charles wanted me to check up on you two,” he said and you narrowed your eyes wondering if he was telling you the truth before finally giving in. 
“She’s doing fine,” you said and he waited for you to continue but you only gave him a strange look. 
“How are you doing?” he seemed genuinely curious, standing up straight. 
“Fine as well” Your words slowed down waiting for him to leave now that he has received the information but instead he pulled you out of the room, pinning you against the wall. A sharp intake of breath entering you system, already feeling your heart stop at the minimal space Pierre provided, “What are you doing, Pierre?”
He closed his eyes for a moment, savoring the way you said his name. He fluttered his eyes open, asking in a soft tone “Why do you hate me so much?”
You stood shocked for a moment, that question not being on your expectations list. “What?” you asked, dumbfounded. 
“Why do you hate me so much?” he repeated, leaning in slightly, testing out the limits. 
“The first time we met, you tried getting with me like you do with every other girl,” you explained in a calm tone, having to look up because of the difference in height. You leaned in closer, being only a couple of inches away before whispering “I’m not one of your whores, Pierre”
He ignored the rapid pulse you sent him, again, say it again, he thought. “You’re right, you’re not,” he said, leaning into your ear as he whispered “But I don’t mind the chase” before leaning away, walking to Charles's hotel room. Meanwhile, you took in a deep breath finally feeling your heart pound against you. 
“You okay?” one of the bridesmaids asked who had barely arrived, looking over at you who held a pale expression. You shook your head trying to gather back your thoughts before you nodded assuring her you were fine. 
It was finally nearing. The wedding ceremony was only in half an hour and you tried your best to adjust everything, including having to reassure Charlotte that everything was going to be fine for the hundredth time. You stood behind the doors of the church, seeing Pierre right in front of you on the other side ready whenever the doors would open but now every time you made eye contact with him, you couldn’t help but your heart skip a beat before racing a mile. 
“5 minutes,” the wedding planner informed, a telling to get you all situated, everyone linked hands with their partner as you hesitated before having Pierre wrapped his arms around yours. Your senses had now somehow increased, you could smell the expensive cologne he almost never wore, your ears had to have been ringing, your mouth felt suddenly dry, and your sense of touch had heightened, getting goosebumps by the near touch of him. 
“You look pretty” he whispered, complementing you as he finally faced you but you couldn’t do the same only being able to say “You look- you cleaned yourself up well”. He only chuckled at your response liking the way you stumbled over your words, feeling your own cheeks heat up thanking your makeup designer for applying blush so it wouldn’t make much of a difference. The doors finally opened and you two started walking in sync, just like you had practiced. 
You spotted the guy you had invited, the name was Lucah you were half sure. He gave you a wave and you only smiled, feeling a bit more relaxed. Pierre had noticed as well, not sure how you two knew each other but ready to ask the moment he could. The two of you separated and stood at either side of the stage. Charlotte came out and immediate applause erupted as people stood up, you glanced at Charles seeing his eyes start to water and you could only feel happiness for your best friend as she walked up allowing the ceremony to begin.
The ceremony only lasted an hour and then came pictures. While the guests came to congratulate the couple, Pierre stood next to you, inching slowly closer before finally breaking the silence between you two, 
“You invited someone?” he let his curiosity get the better of him no longer being able to withstand the idea of you with someone else. 
“You noticed?” your lips broke out into a teasing smile taking a simple glance of him.
“How could I not? You were practically flirting with each other across the room” he faced you, making lingering eye contact before continuing, “Rather unprofessional, don’t you think?”
You scoffed at his comment, “You being late to the dinner rehearsal to fuck a bridesmaid was rather unprofessional, no?” bringing back the rehearsal dinner was a low but necessary blow, dropping Pierres smile before he picked it back up, a teasing one, mirroring yours. 
“Are you jealous?” this made your eyebrows furrow, glancing at the couple of the spotlight for a second before looking back, stepping a bit closer subconsciously.
“Of who? The girl or you?” you paused, mocking him as you said making sure not to be too loud, “yes, Pierre I wish for you to whisk me away only to leave me in the dust. Is that what you want to hear?”
“Something like that would be nice” his smile only growing and you scoffed, walking away to meet up with your date having already spotted him a while ago but too busy to walk forward. 
“You look gorgeous” he complimented you, you only smiled with a thank you. You were about to start a conversation when Charlotte called you for pictures, you gave him an apologetic look but he only brushed it off asking with hope “I’ll see you at the reception?”
You nodded, sending a final smile before you headed back to the group. You glanced at Pierre who stood glaring at the back of the guy, before turning to you softening his gaze but you only gave him a strange look before heading back to the couple with Pierre following close behind you. 
Taking the pictures didn’t take long but all throughout you noticed the lingering gazes and long touches by Pierre who made an effort to get your attention, 
For the party, the seating arrangements were different from rehearsal having Pierre be beside you instead of in front of you. The two of you were silent while eating, drinking some expensive wine the entire time. 
Music started playing, and all the couples got up and danced. You took a glance at the other side, spotting Lucah seeing him walk up to you but Pierre took notice of it as well, suddenly sitting up, grabbing your hand, getting ready to ask but instead came Lucah asking if you wanted to dance. With a smile, you said yes and removed your hand from Pierre's grasp and replaced it with Lucahs. 
The song was an upbeat one, sending your body excitement, slowly gathering looser while dancing with the man in front of you, giggles being let out. Pierre watched you before he grew annoyed and looked around hoping to find someone else, except this time it didn’t work. His usual plan of replacing you from his thoughts didn’t function as he tried to look for someone. 
Instead, he went up to the DJ and asked for a slow song after this one, he nodded and gave him time to walk up to you. 
“Is it alright if I steal her for a minute?” Pierre asked the guy who had stolen the attention of the one he longed for. Lucah looked at you for a second, you just nodded and he left thinking you two had just been friends. 
Pierre wrapped his arms around your waist the second the slow song started and you took it in for a second, realizing his plan as you wrapped your arms around his neck following along. 
“What are you planning, Pierre?” you still asked, he gave you a small smile as you analyzed his features.
“Want me to be honest?” he asked and you just glared at him for asking such a stupid question. “I plan on making you like me. To have you in my arms by the end of the night, as my own and me yours” 
His words sent shivers down your spine, not actually expecting him to say something like that. “And how exactly do you plan on doing that, Pierre?” taking to notice his reaction each time you would say his name. 
“You're catching onto me, aren’t you princess?” he leaned in, quick flicker at your lips before traveling back to your eyes. “How whenever you would say my name, I want you to repeat it, I want you to shout it a million times never growing tired of it” 
“Pierre” you repeated a slow uplift of your lips, making him smile. Foreheads beginning to touch. “Pierre” you whispered, almost feeling the music behind you start to decrease in volume. “I don’t think I ever hated you” 
“And I only wanted your attention” he confessed, noses starting to touch. “I never knew how to deal with someone I actually wanted to get to know. I tried the same way but you’re different from the others” 
“I’ll take that as a compliment but I pushed you farther,” you said, starting to lean away but his arms held you close. 
“Would you like for us to start over?” he suggested, hoping you would agree to the idea. 
“Hello, my name is Y/n. What is yours?” you asked a bit embarrassed, trying to hide your rosy cheeks. He only chuckled before saying 
“Hello, my name is Pierre and I am deeply enamored with you,”, leaning in closer. 
“Pierre, what an interesting name” you whispered against his lips, grazing yours with his own, before finally closing the gap. Feeling your lips against his sent sparks to either side, being able to taste the white wine against his tongue contrasting to your red one, and your thoughts flooded only of him in the moment, before you two pulled away. 
You two left not too long after, him whisking you to his hotel room, pushing you against the door the second you two entered, and sloppy drunk kisses as you made your way to the bed. He pushed for you to sit down on the edge, kissing you slowly wanting to savor the moments. 
“I’m not a fan of one-night stands,” you said against his lips, he only nodded saying in return
“For you, I am not either” 
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j2zara · 7 months ago
🖊🌝🧠💭and 💋for tell me more about j3's pov in stay/leave bc I remember you rewriting some snippets of it from his pov for another ask meme and it was so fun!
OOPS this ended up kinda long my bad! Sorry this took a while i was just kinda worn out yesterday ty for ur patience
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
I’m feeling generous so i let this go on way too long. I’m probably revealing too much but what the hell
J3 grins at Porter, ignoring her completely. It makes her feel strange and small. “‘Boyfriend’? Porter, what are you talking about?” “Just a joke, darling. Having fun?” “Loads. So are you, I can see.” J3’s eyebrows are raised, a hand on his hip. His eyes flit back and forth between the two of them. J4 tries to parse his expression, look for any sign of—what? Anger? Jealousy? Satisfaction? He remains impassable. J4’s heart is pounding, ready to leap into her throat. J3 takes J4 by the hand, intertwining their fingers as he pulls her toward him, and away from Porter—and she ignores the brief jolt of distress at that, of being away from Porter. “Come dance with me.”  “In these heels?” asks J4, watching her own feet so she doesn’t stumble. But she doesn’t protest, she follows until she’s in his arms, practically nose to nose with him. Up close, she can see his pupils are blown out. He’s going to be a pain later, and the next day, she just knows it, she can’t even bring herself to resent it. Right now, she doesn’t have it in her to be anything but happy—his touch like the relief of sunlight at dawn.  It may be the substances, but at least they’re talking. “You’re doing great!” he whispers, just as he steadies her, hand resting at her waist. The strange moment of kindness puts a lump in her throat. She doesn’t deserve this. “Whup! Hate to pull her away from you, Porter, but she’s so much fun. Don’t you agree?” J3 is nuzzled against her neck, and the gesture is so familiar, so comforting, they’re their old selves again—until he peaks just enough to flash a teasing smile over at Porter. “We talking about the same J4?” says Porter. J3 ignores him. He touches her face, their eyes meet, and J4 gets a Message from him. Kiss me. Her breath catches. You sure? He’ll like it. A sinking feeling in her stomach. Oh. It takes everything in her to remain impassive in front of Porter. And that’s a good thing? Trust me. (She’s getting what she wants, right? Surely—that’s what everyone wants when they run. To be chased?) A slow flutter of J3’s lashes, mouth parting. A J3 signature, used at the end of their movie nights, when the lights are dim and the credits are rolling.  Used it to get a kiss and a hit of gorgunfern from a burly dwarf who J3 said worked at the steel factory, too. She knows what he wants—even if she’s one of many. J4 cradles his face in her hands—hesitates. Watches him exhale and lean forward as her thumb brushes his cheek. Despite her wariness, her shyness, at being a spectacle for Him—she does as he says and pulls him in for a kiss. His soft fluttering gasp against her mouth is enchanting. J4 aches to disappear into this moment, will it to be nothing but quiet and peace and perfection—but she knows what this is to Porter. It’s him getting Jace, every part of Jace, all to himself, just as he’s always wanted. The unfairness of that hits her even while she’s sucking face. Even as she’s hyper aware of her God’s omnipresent gaze, she’s desperate to imbue this with as much meaning as possible—maybe if she’s eager enough, if she wants it enough, if she puts on a good enough show, then J3 will know, somehow understand, that this moment—that she—exists only for him. For a moment, she does exist only for him. J3 smiles as they part. “Like what you see?” he asks—a reminder that they’re not alone. “Can’t complain.” J4 doesn’t take her eyes off him. How can you stand this? she Messages. You know me. I’m shameless. Again, he’s unreadable. She forgets sometimes, how much J3 likes being Jace for Him. The thought makes her angry—how Porter doesn’t even see him, just his beloved Saint Stardiamond.
anyway I'm saying too much but oh well!
🌝 Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to?
I already answered this one earlier (in that I said it would be fun to write DurDawn or Mailee of ATLA fame. And yes, it is also ironic as zukkacore i have not written zvkka.) But thinking more on it…. My only real brush with Porter POV was the tiny tiny snippet in IYWD and tbh i think Porter POV is so fun b/c he’s so fucked. I also think writing anything in like a Bad Kids Pov would be fun but i have no idea what it would be for. Oh! Also maybe writing Jawbone????? I’d love to feature jawbone in something i write sometime. Whether its starbreaker related or clone related or whatever or something else.I think so many of you guys are so good at capturing his voice like he’s always so funny and warm and distinct and i laugh so much when you guys get an anecdote of his that just feels so RIGHT and i don’t have that. 
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
Someone else asked me this and i did spout off abt Jace Hireling AU and Clone Game Changer AU but. Beyond that… I think writing anything involving Jawbone would be fun im not sure what. Maybe that J2 gets knotted fic of my heart LMAO he deserves it. On a similar note! I’m a sucker for werewolf J4 and vampire J3 and i think writing something with one or both would be so goddamn fun but i have no idea what the specifics would look like.
I also think it would be fun to write something for Jace + the Jaces au aka bandverse. Not sure what tho
This is SUPER new as in only hours old in conception but i did state in another one of these ask things. my headcanon that is super self indulgent that the clones do Make It after ragenarok b/c don’t they deserve that? Like. I know i write so much clone tragedy and that’s kinda the point is that they’re all doomed but in my heart they get to make it out of the torment nexus. Anyway. My super indulgent headcanon is that the clones get granted True Life by Ankarna but its in the form of like. Reincarnation. (I also think a way to swing the reincarnation angle is to have it to do with like. Aguefort’s whole thing with Chronomancy and Phoenixes since Ayda is half phoenix and does reincarnate). So J4 gets her wish to not be Of Jace but the clones are separated and have to find their way back to each other. It’s very “anybody got a match” “and so we sing it again and again and again” coded to me. Anyway. I’m not typically that into reincarnation stuff (It just depends i think it can just be a contrived way to get characters to care abt each other but when its done right recognition through multiple lifetimes is so so so so so good) but like. A part of me wants to make it work but ugh.
💭 What is a headcanon you have about your own work?
Again I got asked this and I was like. I’m literally such an open book i blab so much abt my own stories and the headcanons that go with them i never ever ever ever shut up abt it. So finding something to talk about it so funny
Ok. So. I feel like i’ve kinda talked abt this but. I do think if Jace hadn’t gotten back with Porter, J2Porter… might’ve been able to work out?? For as long as that would even sustain itself considering we know ragenarok and also J2 is a clone and stuff. I know that’s crazy and. That’s very indulgent of me to say maybe due to my soft spot and like i haven’t even accounted for whether J3 would still be homewrecking in this scenario. Like it sounds crazy for me to say that b/c Porter looks past J2 constantly but also…. That was already happening with Jace. I’m not saying it would’ve been perfect but i do think it only would’ve been like. Marginally worse than Jaceporter already was. I don’t even think it would be marginally worse it might’ve honestly been the same level of screwed.
OH. I’ll talk about something else, too. This is so silly but I think in terms of weird differences in the clones. I’ve joked bc j2 having a tighter curl pattern than Jace. I actually think J4 has a looser curl pattern than jace, her hair is the closest to straight. I also think J4 is the only Jace that likes a middle part for her hair.
Um. Last thing I guess? I think J4 is the only clone that sincerely picked up the smoking habit for a substantial period of time, and she quit but she does cave when she’s stressed. People are free to do as they please with the clones but to me Bluejay does not smoke (I do love esme’s whole joke tho that J2 watching J4 quit cold turkey was so stressful that he starts tho i think thats pretty funny). Like. Idk bluejay is cringe i think he’s like the kind of person who is like “my body is a temple and a gift from god so i can’t destroy it!” even if Jace smokes and he is Very Very Curious. (I think gorgunfern would fix him but. He doesn’t know that). And J3 is like. A social smoker in the same way ppl are social drinkers, and maybe a stress smoker? He’s tried everything once out of curiosity obviously, he’s j3, and he prefers sex to get some sort of hit or like release when he’s stressed but like. Sometimes he’ll take this instead.
💋for tell me more about j3's pov in stay/leave bc I remember you rewriting some snippets of it from his pov for another ask meme and it was so fun!
OHHH this is such a fun question thank you!
Tbh those were fun to do!!!! bc like. I was struggling so goddamn much with stay / leave and I wanted to get it done ASAP so bad so I felt kinda bad I was distracting myself with these weird sidebars but like. They ended up being really helpful bc I made some significant edits to J4’s pov to match what I wrote for him. I give myself so many annoying self-imposed limitations for certain characters and I think j3 is the one who is hardest a for me to write bc he’s so so so so so so bad at expressing what he wants and so it only comes out in these weird flighty circular “well I want what you want” etc ways. It’s was such a self imposed barrier for Biggest Lie, and having a J3 voice already made it slightly easier but Biggest Lie is the reason i have these self imposed boundaries anyway lol. The J3 snippets were purely snippets I did for the ask, but like. Scanning the text and trying to reverse engineer something was fun because its like. I was playing with that concept of Homophrosyne, of two people who understand what the other is thinking. So there was a lot of mirroring in J3’s pov. 
To get more broadly into J3 POV and not just those snippets like. I mentioned so so so briefly as a half joke during the writing updates that the reason J3 was being so dramatic was because the story was Post IYWD, which means he’d essentially been ditched for Jace. So J3 is being a little bit of an asshole here, and that question J4 has of whether he misses her or misses someone felt very important b/c of that whole J3 Being Disposed Of thing. I liked it b/c it heightened the stakes. We get j3 at his most desperate to fill a void. J4 at her most angry, an d maybe even most righteous in her anger as well.
I just looked back at what I wrote (j3 pov):
“Alright.” He’s trying to keep his cool, but he can feel his face grow hot. J4 always sees him for who he is. “Well, I didn’t mean to upset you,” he says, a half-truth, because he’s picturing what might happen if he goads her, and he wants. “But… You could always tell me off.”  A smile curls on his lips. He feels the hand yanking at his hair before he can even process that J4 is kneeling beside him. His head is forced back, pressed into the couch cushion, and he hisses at the pain tugging at his scalp. It feels good. J4 leans in, mouth practically against his skin, and he can feel his breath catch as he waits for her to speak. Finally, she murmurs, “You’re being a pest.” Making warmth shoot through his entire body. Oh… He thinks it, but the sound escapes him before he can help himself, a thrill from being at her mercy. “Are you mad at me?” he asks—somewhere between a goad and a plea before devolving completely into a whimper. He’s played this game before, but something about this. This feels real. It frightens him.
Again this idea of. J4 at her most angry because her anger is usually spared for people who deserve it in her eyes, and she’s so soft on J3 in comparison. And J3 being a greedy little gremlin desperate for any kind of experience, any kind of sensation whether positive or negative. There’s mirroring with the scene as exists in text because j4’s getting off on the idea of punishing, he’s getting off on the idea of being punished. Lol. And J4 taking pleasure in her more sadistic impulses when she caves, as opposed to repressed. Being Portercoded. The part where she called him a pest was actually one of the easiest parts to write for me—idk it was so clear in my head.
Actually. My fav addition to j4pov that came from doing those little j3 detours was. The idea of her basically stealing one of his moves? That came from me writing the J3 pov. B/c i loved the idea of him “giving The Move to her” because she does it better, like that concept just seemed so funny and interesting. Like their approaches to charisma casting are so different and J3 is very rehearsed, so i’ve always found the idea of LJ3 like, borrowing from each other and taking each other on a bit to be a compelling idea. “I’ve built a you within me” etc etc.
 Plus, my self imposed guidelines for J3 are not… consistent but I do still try to maintain when possible J3’s role as a Jace Cypher, being more passive when he’s with people. In the original draft, J3 just kissed her, which is fine, but there’s something about the role reversal of J4 intentionally goading in this submissive, flirtatious way that i thought was more interesting.  Especially b/c J4 says its like. A move that works EVERY time. So when she tries it, it works. On him. He breaks his passivity for once and kisses her. And on the other end, for J4, i liked it because she’s trying to prompt him into taking action, which is a big thing for her, wanting him to articulate and take what he wants. And she gets what she wants, but she’s breaking her own principles for herself, now she’s the one playing coy. Something something he is more myself than i am ya know.
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 year ago
Strain switches Yata and Fushimi's personalities. They're aware of it and tries to act the same but can't. Like Yata can't help but be easily annoyed and pessimistic while Fushimi becomes kind of loud and has trouble keeping his feelings hidden or something. They hate it but it takes a while for the effect to go away. At the same time, they end up getting a bit better understanding of each other.
I like the idea that this doesn’t change who they fundamentally are it just changes the way they express themselves, like Yata suddenly has issues being honest and keeps seeing the bad side of things while Fushimi can’t control his emotions like he usually does and just keeps blurting out whatever he feels. Imagine this post-ROK, Yata and Fushimi have like just decided to start living together again. They think it’ll be easy, just like old times, but it’s actually kinda awkward and difficult because they’ve both changed as people. Fushimi can’t stop himself from thinking that somehow things are going to turn bad again while Yata keeps relapsing into assuming things and has to stop himself and be sure he asks Fushimi clearly instead.
Maybe they end up having a small fight while out chasing a Strain, both complaining that the other is exhausting. That’s when they get hit by the marriage counseling personality switch Strain. After the Strain flees Yata finds himself clicking his tongue in annoyance at being jumped while Fushimi is immediately like get back here you useless asshole and let us kick your ass. They both pause and exchange looks, Yata’s like ‘…you are Saruhiko, right?’ and Fushimi’s like ‘are you okay, Misaki?’. Fushimi ends up calling S4 and finds out about the personality switch thing. He hangs up all annoyed, complaining loudly about how this is going to be so inconvenient, while Yata just huffs and clicks his tongue again. 
So now they have to navigate this new personality swap and I like the idea that they’re both kinda surprised at how many emotions the other person has. Like Fushimi of course feels it most visibly, normally he keeps a tight hold on all his emotions and now he’s suddenly blurting out everything he thinks. I imagine he’d find this really annoying, like imagine Hidaka helps him with something and before he can stop himself Fushimi smiles and sincerely thanks him. Hidaka is over the moon while Fushimi is tripping over himself trying to walk back that sincere praise he just gave. Meanwhile Yata is struggling because he absolutely wants to express himself but the words won’t come out, like he just feels on edge thinking if he says things honestly there will be negative consequences. I could see him really having issues at his job too and he has to take some days off, because his boss isn’t happy that Yata’s gone from being this eager friendly employee to someone who doesn’t even seem to be enjoying it when he’s helping teach the kids. 
Eventually they both get home later in the day and they’re both exhausted. Fushimi says he doesn’t get how Yata just…says things, all the time, like it’s so tiring and strange to be able to just say what you feel. Yata’s quiet and then he leans into Fushimi and asks if this really is what it’s like to be Fushimi, always on a knife’s edge like this. Fushimi says it is and then looks annoyed, he didn’t want to say that out loud. Yata says he’s sorry he didn’t realize it and Fushimi says he didn’t know it was like this for Yata either, how it can be hard to be honest all the time with your heart on your sleeve. He says maybe it’s a good thing that they got to see things from the other person’s side for once and Yata smiles softly as he nods, it’s hard but at the same time he’s realized how much more relaxed he feels at Fushimi’s side and it occurs to him — this is how Fushimi feels around Yata, and once Yata can stop the voices in his head from yelling he’s going to make sure Fushimi knows it will always be safe by his side.
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golbrocklovely · 1 year ago
I’ll get a lot of hate for this but..colby seems like a player (fuck boy) to me..i don’t know..the things he do to shea (makes her feel some type of way) then he push her away..the same happened with stas, he was so touchy with her and then pushed her away..i know she was in love with him 100% but that’s not a reason to push every girl from him away when this happens and he wonders why he is always alone? and there’s alot of girls he did that to. Yeah i know, not everyone wants a relationship but that guy cry that he doesn’t have a gf or something like that but fucks around with others. I like sam better in this perspective..tbh.. sometimes i don’t really understand colby..also their content and everyone is only for money rn..that’s how i see it. I remember in like 2016-2019 they were responding to alot of fans on ig etc etc..i feel like everyone is about money right now..
Btw thanks for reading that. Also it doesn’t mean hate on anyone but yk..
you are not the only person to have sent in an ask like this to me over the years. so, you're not the only one that feels this way.
that being said, i do not agree with you.
now, did colby in the past maybe fuck around with some girls? sure. he definitely had a bit of a player history. but, you also then have to believe that every girl he was around was someone he was hooking up with/had a relationship with in some way. and that's just not true. reality is, we don't know reality. what we are going off of is our assumptions. not every girl he was around at one point or another was a girl he was hooking up with. it's honestly kinda strange to assume that this man can't have a friendship with a woman without there being some weird connotation of "oh he actually wants her" or "she wants to get with him" or "he clearly wants to fuck her". not saying you're implying that, i'm just stating generally.
shea and him have a complicated thing that i don't think we will ever know the real, full story to. but at the end of the day, regardless of what you believe, they are both grown adults. if they wanted to have a relationship, they would have had one by now. shea is almost 30. she's is too grown to blame colby (if she really does that at all) for stringing her along. if he's promising you the world, but going out with other girls, he's a liar. you should have left a long time ago. but clearly either a) that's not happening or b) you are forcing yourself to believe something that isn't real. and that's your own fault, not his. that doesn't excuse his possible stringing along-ness, but he can't do that to you if you already left 🤷🏻‍♀️
and as for stas… he never treated her more than in a friendly way. sorry if you disagree, but i saw not one single thing that pointed to them having anything more than maybe a slightly flirty/touchy friendship. the reason why she got so hurt over it was bc she had feelings for him, he didn't reciprocate, and bc she thought she could make him like her, she stuck around in her fantasy too long. that man literally brought along a date to hang out with her and other friends. what about that screams "oh he's into me, he just doesn't know how to express it"????? that man made it clear as day what his feelings were, she just didn't listen.
none of this even takes into account that both girls have used colby for YEARS to gain followers, clout, and to make money off of his fans that become theirs. like…. that's it's own can of worms.
and he has EVERY. RIGHT. to reject girls that love him too much bc if he's not into them, why should he pretend to be??? you literally are saying he's a fuckboy for stringing them along, but then complain that he shouldn't say he's lonely bc "he pushes them away". so… is he supposed to pretend to like them and string them along, or cut them loose but still get blamed for being lonely?? which one is it?
he's allowed to have standards or not just settle with the first girl that shows emotional attachment to him. that's not how love works. and on top of that, he's allowed to complain about wanting someone to love but not having someone even tho he has plenty of suitors. reality is, colby has outwardly said for a very long time that he hasn't met someone he wants to spend the rest of his life with. he has made that clear as day for YEARS now. and also for years he has said he hasn't been in a serious relationship since 2016. if this is what he says publicly to fans, i can only imagine he lays it out thicker privately. that would also mean that any girl he has been with was never serious in the first place. aka, there were no feelings attached. so when things ended, it's not a breakup. it's just two ppl who were casually seeing each other leaving and finding someone else. that doesn't negate that he probably had used a girl from time to time for emotional support or whatever. i'm not saying that's not true. but the fact of the matter is, there has been ONE GIRL that i can name that has outright had an issue with colby after "breaking up" with him. and collectively, out of the many everyone assumes he's been with, that kinda shows that maybe he is telling the truth to these girls about what he wants. bc if he was burning bridges left and right, he would have been up in flames by now.
and sam literally just got out of a relationship where he strung kat along for years, mentioning talks of getting married, how his last name sounds good with her first, only to turn around and get cold feet when the ultimatum came. not to mention the vampire situation (him purposefully keeping her out of the editing room while he was working and all she wanted to do was hang out), him not even giving her a key to his house in la even tho she was over every single day, him now currently mentioning how he didn't really hang out with her all that much the last year of their relationship and how he could have been better, him not sharing his calendar with her so she would never know when he was leaving or going, him literally telling fans in emails how so much better he's doing now that he's not in a relationship with her anymore, her literally getting death threats by HIS FANS and he says literally nothing about it…. need i go on? he's not exactly star bf of the year either.
and as for the whole thing of "they only do things for money now"…. that's kinda always been the case. this is their job. they need to do things for money to survive. not to mention, they have grown exponentially since that time period of 2016-19. just based on subs alone, and nothing else, they have the combined population of nyc and philly. that's how many eyes are on them at any given point. obviously there is some overlap between different social media sites, but they have 10 mil+ eyes on them, which means 10 mil+ ppl trying to get their attention at any given point. they can't talk to everyone like they used to. when they were at one mil or two, sure. talking to ppl wasn't too hard, but now it's basically impossible. and on top of that they are busy so they don't have time to interact like they once did. it sucks, but that's just the truth.
i get why you felt the need to say all of this, and even tho i don't agree with you, i'm not trying to be hateful or mean. i'm just stating how i feel to your ask. please don't take any of this personally. i don't think you're dumb for the opinion you have, even if it's different from mine. we are allowed to have differing opinions, and we can just agree to disagree.
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nebulacollege · 2 years ago
Idk if we can ask questions about your characters yet, if not feel free to ignore this ask!
I was wondering how your characters feel about physical touch, mostly because after reading the relationship chart I thought about Niall playing with Edmund's hair and grabbing his chin to make him look up at him, but I'm not sure how in character that would be
You can always try asking! I sometimes wouldn’t be able to answer all of it, probably, because of the whole spoiler thing + it’s still work in progress, so I might just not know the answer myself yet lol or I can tell you one thing and change my mind later.
But this question is nice and easy enough, and I thought about it myself, so we’re both lucky.
Niall is someone who would use physical touch to make a point rather than express his true feelings. His is flirty with other students, but keeps his distance both because of the school rules and his own desire to keep an appearance of a somewhat inapproachable idol. His touch should feel special to you (like petting your head because you’ve done such a great job), even if he never means it and it’s just a nice way to manipulate you later – an investment, so to speak. Being open about his emotions is kind of a weakness to him? And yet at the same time he doesn’t feel them all that much that he has to constantly suppress them or anything. So, to your question.
Niall and Edmund dislike each other, but Niall doesn’t show it to anyone openly, although there is a slight change in his attitude towards Edmund when they’re alone (or with Ned) – ironically, he’s a little bit more relaxed because Edmund doesn’t buy his bullshit anyway. He doesn’t have to touch him, as he cannot gain anything from it and can’t manipulate his heart in this one, like with others, so he doesn’t do it at all or does it in a more true way to himself – aggressively, less considerately, neglectfully of Edmund’s reaction. That means that he either wouldn’t touch Edmund’s hair at all, since this gesture is very cute, honest, and adorable, something that actual lovers should do, or he would use it to humiliate Edmund. As in “I don’t give a fuck that you hate me, I’m going to touch you as I want” type of way. It’s for private use only, as Niall wouldn’t want it to be misinterpreted by others in a “he has feelings for Edmund” kind of way. With lifting his chin it’s a little bit easier – it’s a dominant gesture that Edmund would absolutely hate, so it can even be elegantly done in public to piss him off more by making himself look like a prince from a fairytale in the eyes of all the other students and making Edmund look like a stupid guy with a crush who should be head over heels about this gift.
So you can use either of those gestures, but the amount of context needed for that is insane lol sorry about that.
We do have a sketch with a character playing with Edmund’s hair, but it’s actually Liam. He’s somewhat flirty by nature and is very good at it, so his hands are all over the place and his manner of presenting himself and interacting can be rather seductive at times lol but he doesn’t really let anyone near him as well, and he never follows up with his advances, so it can be frustrating because you never know if he means it romantically or not. Or even if he’s aware of that. Guess he’s just quirky!
 That being said, both Niall and Liam dislike being touched, especially affectionately. They tend to think less of someone so desperate for their attention.
Ned, on the other hand... also doesn’t like being touched all that much, unless he likes that person. Then he’s happy to get any attention from them, although if they don’t give it to him, he’d never complain or care. He’s much more honest with his body language than Niall, but it doesn’t include anything flirty or romantic – he grabs, manhandles, and throws you around a lot lol Not elegant and he doesn’t even try. He also doesn’t think much about how the person would feel about this treatment, but even if they complain, his body would still react faster than he would realise “oh yeah that hurts, i forgot”. He’s very rough overall, but he has a cute habit of grabbing his crush’s clothes and slightly pulling them when he’s shy or embarrassed or needs them to stay even before he realises he wants them to stay or something like that. I guess sometimes he can do cute romantic gestures, but unconsciously.
And now to Edmund, the guy who just receives all this treatment lmao I’ll most likely write him as someone who doesn’t express his feelings with touching others at all, and for everything he gets from the others it is more on the “I guess that’s how they feel about me” side of things. Doesn’t mean he can’t feel pain or get shy when Liam breathes into his ear, but touching isn’t something that he cares about or wants to do to others. At the same time, he doesn’t exactly oppose everything I’ve described about the other three and just accepts it. Even if he complains, no one is going to listen to him anyway...
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aeoki · 2 years ago
Toyland - Chapter 8
Location: 1-B Classroom Characters: Touri, Yuuta & Yuzuru
TL Note: 
Sumomo is a type of plum.
Coincidentally, Touri’s first name is made up of the characters for “peach” (桃 / momo) and the “sumomo plum” (李)
Tumblr media
Yuuta: Sorry for all the complaining. It looks like you’re worried about something too, so do you wanna talk about it with me, Hime-kun?
Touri: ...I mentioned it before, right? That Yuzuru’s been kinda distant ever since he came back from his school trip.
I made Yuzuru enrol into Yumenosaki. He didn’t enrol of his own choice.
He’s looking after me because my papa told him to, but I don’t know what he’s really thinking on the inside.
Yuzuru had his own path in life. I took that away from him so it’s only natural that he would hate me.
…He shouldn’t have paid any attention to me. I don’t like how I’m also burdened with Yuzuru’s life on my hands.
You could say I don’t have to care about that, but I can’t help but feel responsible.
I took the path he was supposed to walk in life away from him, you know?
I may be a noble and a supreme person where there’s only one of me in this world. But that doesn’t mean I can take someone’s path in life away from them.
No – no one should do that, no matter who they are.
Yuuta: Hime-kun… You can be pretty selfish sometimes but you’re kind at heart. You feel guilty for taking Fushimi-senpai’s path in life away from him…
And you’re worried about him because he’s also been acting strangely, right?
You guys are always together but you can end up running past one another too, huh.
From what I can see, Fushimi-senpai really treasures you, Hime-kun, and it doesn’t look like he’s just following you around because he was told to.
Hey, Hime-kun. You should talk to Fushimi-senpai about this directly.
You shouldn’t come to a conclusion on your own. It’s not too late to listen to what he has to say and then find your answer.
Come on, don’t be wasting about here. Off you go ♪
Touri: Uuu~... You’re shooing me like you would a cat or something.
But thanks. I feel a bit better thanks to you.
He’s a failure of a slave if he’s making his master feel jealous – I’ll find out what’s going on for sure~! ☆
Yuuta: Thank goodness. Hime-kun looks like he’ll be alright now ♪
…I should hurry and make up with Aniki too.
(In the past, I would know what’s going on in his head without having to think about it. I… still have a hunch now.)
(But he’s changing little by little. Even if I ask myself why he’s changing or when it all started, I wouldn’t find the answer.)
(I can’t see him even if I chase after him. He gets further and further from me to the point where I can’t even reach the hem of his clothes.)
(It scares me to think you’ll become someone distant, Aniki…)
[ Location: 2-B Classroom ]
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Yuzuru: ♪~♪~
(Things have been making good progress thanks to the help of Anzu-san, Vice President-sama and Kanzaki-sama.)
(The design was drawn based on everyone’s feedback and it has become a rather adorable teddy bear.)
(Words cannot express how grateful I am to them. I shall send them a gift as thanks.)
Fufu, I hope this will make the Young Master happy. It’s almost the same size as Momo-sama, so it shouldn’t get in the way when walking.
You’ll be doted on, “Sumomo[1]-sama” ♪
Touri: Yuzuru…!
Yuzuru: Oh, Young Master? Have you forgotten something…? Hmm, I’ve given you your lunch box and I’m sure I’ve also handed you your handkerchief and tissues then as well.
All your textbooks are the ones you need for your classes today, so rest assured.
Touri: Huh? You do that much for me? Thanks…?
Wait, no! I’m not here to say that~ Isn’t there something you need to tell me, Yuzuru!?
Yuzuru: Perhaps… I wouldn’t have imagined you to have noticed, Young Master.
Just as you’ve said, there is indeed something I must tell you.
Touri: I knew it…
(Uuu, why do I feel like crying? I knew this was gonna happen.)
(But, but… I feel like accusing him by saying he was the one who promised he would stay with me, but he ended up lying to me!)
(I don’t have the right to do that since I’ve already taken away his path in life. Yuzuru is just chasing after his own happiness.)
(Then, I’ve gotta send him off with a smile.)
(I’ve gotta smile even if I feel sad. I’m an idol and idols never stop smiling no matter what happens.)
(I can smile through my tears – I’ve gotta send Yuzuru off with a smile…!)
Yuzuru: Young Master, thank you for always allowing me to be by your side.
I would be most happy if you continue to keep me at your side and allow me to assist you in your growth.
It may be somewhat distorted, but I’ve created Sumomo-sama in hope that you’ll also shower it with love just like Momo-sama.
Will you receive this…?
Touri: …………
…You’re just a slave – how dare you toy with your master!
That was your one chance to get away from me and you wasted it.
I’m not letting you go even if you say you can’t deal with all of my selfish requests!
Yuzuru: Young Master…
The more of a handful a child is, the more lovable they are.
I was born into this world to serve you. If you were to leave my side, I would also lose the will to live.
I shall be with you to the ends of the earth. I shall support the path you walk. That is my path in life.
I look forward to the day you become a splendid leader.
I shall also not hold back and teach you everything you need, so I hope you’ll not run away ♪
Touri: O-Okay. Go easy on me…
Anyway, this is Sumomo, right? And you made this, Yuzuru? It’s not as cute as Momo but I guess it’s pretty cute ♪
Hmm~ Where should I attach it to? Momo’s on my phone… Ah, maybe my bag.
Ehehe, I’m the big master today ♪
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Touri: Momo, be good friends with Sumomo, okay? I named you “Momo” from my name[2], so you’re basically a part of me.
Isn’t that nice, Momo? You’ve got a new friend. It feels like I’ve got a new friend too so it makes me happy ♪
I’ll cherish you alongside Momo forever…♪
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transcendragon · 5 months ago
Here, in the daylight of high noon as we sit across from each other at a cafe, it’s safe to admit. He can only come out when the sun begins to set and will disappear when the sun finishes rising again. 
She stares at me blankly. “Okay, I think I get sneaking off in the middle of the night then, but why does being haunted make you hate pumpkins?” 
It’s an unfortunate time of year to have an intense reaction to pumpkins. October has started and every supermarket has a full display of the orange fruit outside: plump, ripe, and impossible to miss. My girlfriend had watched me destroy an entire display recently, using my full body weight to kick through the thick outer layers of the things. It was actually pretty hard, and I hadn’t gotten very far before a store employee caught me and made me pay for far more than the amount of pumpkins I’d actually destroyed in exchange for not calling the cops. 
My girlfriend had the same bewildered expression watching me then as she does now. I look down at my feet. 
“You remember that old neighbor who used to live across the hall from our apartment?” 
“Sure,” she says. “He’d be hard to forget, complaining about us all the time and pretending it wasn’t because we’re lesbians. Every single time we put up any decorations- wait.” 
“Yeah.” I can see the dawning look of understanding on her face. “He’s dead, but he’s not, well, gone. It turns out he had a heart attack reading that letter I taped to his door about how he needs to leave us alone and, well…” 
“He’s linked to you,” my girlfriend finishes. She has a small business on the same strip mall as a psychic who she often grabs lunch with, so she knows about this stuff. “Why not go to Madame Alanna?” 
Alanna is that very same psychic friend she so often gets lunch with. The psychic could probably solve my problems immediately, except… 
“He’s been paying me off,” I admit. “He’s buried a ton of silver caches around different parks nearby, and every time I do something ridiculous just to entertain him he tells me where one is. It seems like he didn’t tell anyone else. I’m not sure he had anyone else to tell, to be honest. He seems kind of lonely.” 
“You are not feeling sorry for this homophobic ghost.” She shakes her head. “Come on.” 
I give her an apologetic smile and she sighs. I can see the fondness under her frustrated words, the way a smile keeps pulling at her lips. She knows I’m ridiculous, but she loves me. 
“He’s probably going to run out of silver caches at some point!” I say. “Then we can go to Madam Alanna.” 
She pauses. “How much silver have you gotten from him so far?” 
“A thousand dollars worth,” I say. “I pawned it yesterday. But he didn’t want me to tell anyone, he’s here, so when he comes back at sunset you’ll have to pretend you don’t know about him.” 
She looks up at the sky, a long-suffering expression on her face. If she insists I go to Alanna right now, then I will for her peace of mind. But I hope she doesn’t. Rent is high and running a small business is hard, we need the cash. 
She knows that as well as I do. She finally sighs and gives in. 
“Okay, I’ll play along with your pumpkin-hating, homophobic ghost,” she says, “but you are going to buy me extra Halloween decorations. And go to that haunted house with me that you always chicken out on.” 
“But I’m already haunted,” I say. “I have a ghost, why do we need to see more fake ghosts?” 
“Because the fake ghosts aren’t bigots,” she replies. “Anyway, you’re already haunted! You’ll fit right in.” 
She gives me a wicked grin and I sigh. Between her and the ghost, this will be one October to remember. 
"Will you just tell me what your fucking problem is? You're acting crazy, you know that, but you think you can still pretend everything is fine? Spit it out!"
"I'm— I'm being haunted."
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pocket-pocket-rocket · 2 years ago
I’m sorry I’m useless. I’m sorry I’m stupid and I’m sorry I’m depressed and good for nothing. It’s not even a confidence thing at this point
Or maybe it is idk I can’t tell
I’m literally sucky at everything and people only tolerate me because I’m nice to everyone.
I guess I’ll keep trying to improve. I’m deeply flawed and am idiot.
I sort of hate myself.
I literally hate myself so much. Wow!
It’s 3am and I find myself in a similar spot that I was previously. I e been here at least twice before. I’ll just dive into my art. Making art doesn’t judge me. Making art allows me to express how I feel without having to hold back. I can speak freely with my art. I can show my art all the love I can give and it doesn’t complain.
I love my art. It’s an escape, it brings me to somewhere else. I wish I could become art, or just nothing at all and everything, but that’s what art is: everything and nothing at all.
I’m going crazy for real. I wasn’t before but I am now.
This is a low point for me. I’m not sure that moving to a new city will help me. I fucking suck but I have to pull through my schooling this summer. And for the next four years. I have to because like C said, what he used to do, I have to maintain this image. I have to push people away, or rather keep them at an arms lengths away. I cannot confide in anyone up there in the new state. I have to keep C&C close. They are my only hope.
I feel like what’s holding me back from una-living myself is so that my immediate doesn’t suffer/give them depression.
I cannot believe this is happening to me but I can’t think so passively
This is literally my fault face to face
Coming to terms with it I gotta clean up my own fucking mess
I gotta get the fuck up
I’m so pathetic. I’m so stupid. I think I will devote my life to improving my art and continuing to work out. My motivation for working out slightly remains to get them gains but at the same time, it’s to stay healthy in two ways: 1. So I actually maintain an appetite and 2. So that I don’t have to go to the hospital/medical centers/stay off medication/ spend time and energy dealing with bad health.
This is my internal monologue. I cannot burden my friends with this. Ive done that when I was at a low before, and it didn’t end well. I’m just gonna suffer in silence. I don’t believe I deserve romantic love right now. I cannot give the proper attention to someone else. I literally suck lmao. I guess I’ll just be alone for a really long time lmao.
I really wanna escape to that new state. Holy shit I can’t wait. I just wanna rot in peace. I’ll try not to tho lmao. Idk idk idk
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