#sorry for any grammar mistakes and sorry for being a bit late
c0rrupted-mov · 1 month
hi gretaaaaa ^_^ what r ur chiaki hcs if i may ask...... i would love to hear em :3
HAII hello!!!! ^^ so nice to get this ask from u omg I have so many… lets start. idk if i should hide this under the cut or not
• first of all: bisexual and demisexual. pretty self explanatory and also quite a projection lol • I have this au(??) where she survives the dr3 execution and its pretty much canon for me so. yeah when I talk ab her she is alive and well. TO ME!!!! and about that: she has a lot of scars on her body because of her dr3 execution and has worsened eyesight in her right eye because of the injury it suffered • a very basic one but she is chubby • has severe depression (even before the tragedy) and ptsd. I think lot of her behaviors make more sense if you put depression in mind. also autistic • her depression is also kinda the reason why she sleeps all the time. uses sleep to cope • a lot headcanons about her upbringing I kind of borrowed from sorren. hi sorren. some of them are that she’s chihros’s sister and that she had an abusive mother • this is kinda canon I just feel like it’s not explored enough in canon and fanon. views everything through the lens of a video games. hungry? time to start The cooking mini game (she’s quite bad at it). sleepy? she’ll close her eyes until the sleep bar is full. need to socialize? remember all previous experiences and books she has read about communicating w people and try to choose the best dialogue options so that their relationship bar stays full. after bonding and becoming closer w someone she gets the “new relationship level” achievement. etc etc I think its very funny • about socialization. I kind of borrowed it from a fanfic but also it’s a bit of projection. as a child she read books about the "right way" to interact with people. it wasn’t super useful but she still sometimes references it in her mind. • has insane amount of gaming related shirts. • really loves puzzle games. although has grown to dislike tetris post game for obvious reasons. this is probably the only game she doesn’t like atp • despite being very sleepy and easily tired she has some tendencies to overwork herself • also a quite obvious one but she has a lot of troubles with self care • has sooo much minecraft merch and minecraft related things… the type of person to diy her windows to look like minecraft ones
im pretty sure i have many more but this is all i can remember rn
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HCs of AvM Characters' Typing Styles
(Alan not included despite the misleading photo used lmao)
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Oh, MOST DEFINITELY uses emoticons the most. He's the type to use the most insane ones like╭( ๐_๐)╮and is not above using OwO unironically. Uses all-caps the most, overall VERY expressive in text.
Definitely the one to have the most typos and uses shorthand a lot, but WILL correct when someone else makes a typing error.
Example - "HEYY GUYS hru?? :D" and "NOOO rEuebn in MCSM DIEDDD (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞"
They're a ghoster in chat/J
Types pretty normally, but also uses shorthand a lot. Only uses punctuation and caps when it REALLY counts. Rarely uses emoticons, and uses tone indicators more. Lazy at typing, lmao
Example - "hey what's up?" and "oh dang, rlly? that sucks/gen"
Everything he types is in perfect grammar, punctuation, and spelling. This, of course, leads to him being a bit of a slow typer.
He almost-never uses shorthand, same goes for emoticons. He uses tone indicators, though! And not above using multiple letters like "Helloooo!"
When he makes a single typo, everyone goes crazy and is quick to joke about it. Always quick to correct any typing mistakes.
Example - "I think you mean *Reuben, @/Red, and wasn't there an option to save him? /genq"
Green, Mr. Everything-must-be-perfect Green? He tries to NEVER make a typo, and is quite fast at typing. Manages to maintain perfect typing even in a fast pace.
(The same outcome from Yellow happens to him if he makes a typing mistake, but gets clowned on a lot less since he'd definitely make more typos than Yellow ever would)
Similar to Yellow, he tries to maintain perfect everything for typing, but he DOES use emoticons and shorthands! Also drags on some words with extra letters, of course.
Example - "Yeaah, I think so?? But the scene where he turns into a porkchop is hilarious lmaooo" and "Oh heyy @/Blue and @/Purple are both online! Hey, guys <3"
Has a typing style similar to Orange’s, but uses caps and emoticons a lot more! Doesn't quite care about typing errors unless it's something important. Nothing much to add to this, to be honest.
Example - "Heyyy! ^^" and "The cutsecene was actually pretty funny ngl, it made teh sad moment less sad tho :P"
Their typing style used to be extremely perfect, but as time went on, they stopped caring too much. Of course, they use proper spelling and doesn't use shorthand too often, but they do allow themselves to be imperfect!
They use tone indicators more than shorthand, but they do use stuff like "lmaoo" and "wtf" sometimes!
Example - "Wait tf who's Reuben? /genq" and "@/Red I am so sorry for your loss.."
King Orange/King Mango:
Perfect typing, doesn't even try. Doesn't use emoticons, doesn't use shorthand, doesn't use tone indicators. Uses emojis.
Doesn't understand what "lol" means. His typing style reflects his speaking style.
Example - "@/Purple, I do believe that @/Red is referring to the show he's been watching." and "You all must go to sleep, it's late! You kids need more time to grow."
Purple: "Dad we're all young adults-"
KM: "Oh, that's right 🫢. Indeed, you are.."
Red: "o l d XD"
KM: "What does 'XD' mean?"
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dizzyjelly · 1 year
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Word Count: 4.2k
Summary: ellie hated everyone, except you. You go out to the bar one night and some guy bothers you, she punched his ass ofc. You get into a small fight but then you guys go back to her place and things get freaky;)
Cw: fighting, drinking, smut, strap-on sucking, strap-on sex, scissoring, rough sex, degrading, praising, spanking, the tiniest bit of overstimulation
A/n: ooh this is seriously dirtyyy! 😭 sorry if I missed any content warnings but I really think that's all. Also, I've been going back to my previous fics and rereading and I just now realize I misspell so much and like forget words, so I'm sorry for all my grammar fuck ups lmao
Ellie Williams was many things, but nice was not one of them. People usually tried to steer clear of her, knowing her mood was negative more often than not. But of course, there was the occasional time when somebody made the mistake of trying to be friendly with her. It typically ended with Ellie cursing them out, or insulting them somehow. And then you'd come around, always calming her down and putting a smile on her face.
Everybody found it odd, from the minute you'd been welcomed to Jackson, Ellie was always so sweet to you. It honestly had jaw dropping, everyone was shocked to say the least. On top of that, it made no sense. I mean, some random girl comes into town and she just happened to be Ellie Williams kryptonite? Absolutely zero sense.
Nobody dared to question it though, and anytime they did Ellie had a lot to say. The main point she'd give was that it was simply 'none of their fucking business', among other things. You, yourself, found it a bit odd. You'd heard stories about Ellie from various people around town, and it was hard to believe she could be so harsh and mean. Was she really as cruel as they'd said? You'd never know, because she was nothing but kind to you.
After deciding to get ballsy on patrol, Ellie was sentenced to the unbearable punishment of laundry duty for a week. The only good part of it being that she got to see you, you had been a clothing designer before all this apocalypse shit happened so you knew a lot about clothing. This being the reason for your permanent work assignment staying laundry duty, you'd requested that it be permanent. Maria had no issue doing thst for you, and you were beyond thankful. You and no interest in getting yourself into any kind of danger, doing patrol or something else.
Currently, Ellie was trying to figure out what the hell she was supposed to do with the laundry detergent. She looked at the various bottles, grabbing then to read the instructions on the back. After a minute of trying to comprehend what she was meant to do, she let out a frustrated sigh before slamming the yellow bottle back in its place on the shelf.
"I could help you out, you know?" A brunette boy suggested with a sweet smile, he was younger and very clearly meant no harm.
"Fuck off" She scoffed harshly, "I don't need your help." Her tone was aggressive as she walked back over to the baskets of clothing.
She decided to sort them by color instead, that was something she was capable of. Five minutes or so passed and you came in, late. Very unusual for you, you were one of those people who was either early or on time. But late, you were never late. Ellie's face immediately lit up when she saw you, she smiled from ear to ear as she ran over to pull you in for a hug.
"Oh, hi" You laughed, wrapping your own arms around the girl, "somebody missed me." You joked.
"Shut up" She smirked at you, rolling her eyes, "why are you late? You're never late." She asked, a hint of worry in her tone.
"Um, I was just talking to Gavin, guess I got caught up." Your cheeks flushed red, Gavin was the guy you had a crush on for weeks now.
Ellie couldn't wrap her head around why, he was such a dick. Not that you'd be able to figure that out by the way he acted. He pretended to be a nice, caring guy. But he wasn't either of those things. And since he had you in a chokehold, for some unknown reason, you'd have to find that out the hard way. Ellie tried to tell you, relaying stories she'd heard from friends who'd been with him. But you were just lovesick.
"Oh, k." Her smile dropped now, and she spoke monotonly as she had no interest in why you were so busy talking with Gavin.
You furrowed your brows slightly at her sudden change in demeanor, but ultimately you ignored it. Smiling, you walked over to greet Samuel, the brunette boy who'd usually help you out with laundry.
"Good afternoon, Samuel! How are you today?" You asked, but he seemed kinda down.
He hadn't given you an answer, just shrugged, so you walked over to him and asked what was up. He motioned for you to lean in, so that he could whisper in your ear. Samuel told you about how Ellie had told him to 'fuck off.' And you let out a dramatic gasp.
"Ellie Williams! Did you tell my sweet bo Samuel to fuck off?" You asked sternly, hands on you hips as you made your way over to the girl.
She bit her lip, her cheeks flushed red as she knew she'd been caught.
"Maybe... I'm sorry!" She apologized with a frown, looking at you with pleading eyes.
"Do not talk to my sweet little helper that way, he's my friend." You scolded her just a bit more, and she nodded in understanding.
"Oh, hey could you help me with the detergent? I'm not really sure what to use." She asked you, pointing her thumb in the direction of the shelf filled with various laundry detergents.
"Yes, if you promise to be nicer to my dear friend Samuel." You raised your brows.
"Promise..." She smiled with a playful eye roll.
You proceeded to help her with the detergent, making sure she'd remember for next time. Ellie would continue her work duties, bored out of her mind as she prayed to be let back onto patrol early for good behavior. At a certain point in the day, she'd just be eyeing the clock, counting down the hours until she could finally be free from this torture. You, however, didn't mind the job one bit. It actually brought you joy, helped you to relax even. It reminded you of the days before.. everything.
Once it did fall time to clock out, Ellie was quick to rush out of the laundry area, waiting for you outside. You'd chuckle to yourself and shake your head, she was so dramatic. On your way out, you waved a goodbye to Samuel then smiled as you found Ellie leaning against the wall with her arms crossed.
"Hey, wanna go to the bar?" She asked with a cheeky smile.
You sighed through your nose, hesitant as Ellie was a terrible drunk.
"Fine. But Ellie, please don't get too drunk." You asked, taking her hands in your own.
"Ok... come on." She smiled as she held your hand and walked the two of you to the bar.
Once you got there, you took seats at the bar and Ellie ordered for the both of you. Alcohol wasn't really your thing, but she seemed to know her way around it pretty well. And you trusted her, which was a good choice because when you took a sip of your drink it was absolutely delicious. After another drink and the passing of some time, Gavin had made an appearance.
You saw him and a smile spread across your face, your eyes lit up and your knees felt weak. Ellie took notice to your mood change, following your eyes to see the man himself. She rolled her eyes and let out a small groan as she rested her head in her hand. You turned back around, sipping from your drink and trying to act cool. Then, Gavin had come to sit beside you.
"Hey Y/n, how you doing?" He greeted, the sound of his voice had you giggling.
"Hi, I'm good. How are you?" You asked in return, playing with your hair a bit.
"Oh I'm doing just great. Who's your friend?" He asked, gesturing to Ellie who was now on her third drink.
You sucked in a breath through clenched teeth.
"Oh, this is-" Ellie had cut you off.
"I'm Ellie." She answered him with a harsh tone.
"Well, nice to meet ya Ellie" Gavins voice trailed off as he looked at the door, "I've gotta go." He sent a little wave your way.
You waved back with furrowed brows, then frowned as he was meeting a girl who just walked in. She was pretty, long blonde hair and a striking figure. You sighed, dropping your head down on the bar with a groan. Ellie sighed.
"What's wrong?" She asked in a soft tone, bringing a hand to rub up and down your back soothingly.
"I'm a fucking idiot." Was all you muttered, not picking your head up until a minute later.
You turned around and honestly felt like you could cry when you saw the two of then dancing together, he had his hands on her waist and pulled her unbelievably closer. She laughed as her hands wrapped around the back of his neck. You turned back to look at Ellie, the pout on your face more evident than anything.
"Oh, come on, he's an asshole anyways" Ellie rolled her eyes, glancing over at the dancing pair, then she stood and reached out a hand, "come on baby, dance with me."
You smiled, placing your hand in hers and letting out a small laugh as she pulled you to stand with her. At first, you just held hands and bounced around to some faster songs. But then about two songs later, a slower song came on. Your cheeks flushed red and you took a step back, only for Ellie to snake a hand around your waist and pull you closer.
"Ellie.. what are you doing?" You whispered as she held your waist and pulled you in tight, so that you were practically hugging.
"Dancing." She whispered in return.
You giggled and brought your arms around her shoulders, leaning in so your head rested on one of them. Ellie smiled as her eyes fell shut, your perfume greeting her kindly. You sighed as you relaxed under her touch, nobody could make you feel the way she did. Her hands found their way to your lower back, rubbing small circles onto it. You'd nuzzle your face in her neck, smiling as you brought your hands to play with her hair.
"Fuck Y/n.." Ellie groaned under her breath.
You giggled, lifting your head to meet her eyes. She looked at you like you were the only girl in the world. You looked down at your feet, then back at her. Your breath hitched as your eyes couldn't seem to focus on hers anymore, but rather on her slightly chapped lips. She had to have noticed because a smirk slowly formed on her face. Before you'd do anything you would regret, you stepped back from her. The loss of her touch left you feeling empty, but you would ignore it and just smile as you excused yourself.
"I have to use the bathroom." You simply said, and she took a seat at the bar once again as you made your way to the restroom.
You didn't actually have to go, so instead you washed your hands underneath cold water. And you splashed some on your face for good measure, you'd been getting unbelievably hot during your dance with Ellie. Once you could no longer feel your heart beating in your ears, you left the bathroom to return to Ellie. Unfortunately, there had been someone waiting for you outside.
"Hey, you know you look really good tonight." Gavin spoke smugly as he leaned against the wall.
"Yeah? Thanks." You scoffed, "shouldn't you be getting back to your date?" You spoke matter of factly, trying to push past him.
Your efforts didn't get you much of anywhere, his hand now finding a tight grip on your forearm while the other went to hold your face. You rolled your eyes with a frustrated sigh.
"Ok, come on Gavin I'm really not in the mood." You spoke coldly, willing him to just take the hint and leave you alone.
He tsked, leaning down to whisper in your ear,
"Come on angel, just let me show you a good time." You shuddered at his words, disgusted.
That was your last straw and you found the energy to shove him off of you and into the wall with a hard thud. Then, you saw Ellie turning the corner, her fists balled at her sides as her brows knitted together with anger.
"The fucks going on here?" She asked gruffly.
"Ellie, it's nothing. I'm fine." You placed a hand on her chest, trying to convince her.
Of course it didn't work because the next thing you knew you were watching as she punched Gavin so hard he'd fallen over. Her knuckles were red, and his face began to bruise.
"Ellie!" You screamed as your hands went over your mouth in shock.
Before she could get any other hits in, you'd held her by her shoulders as you dragged her outside. She yelled at the poor guy the entire time. Sending a good amount of threats his way.
"What is wrong with you!" You shouted at the girl as the two of you now stood outside in the chilly night.
"Me? He deserved it and you know it!" She'd shouted back, gesturing with her hands, something she did often when she was angry.
"Yeah maybe, but still! You can't just go around punching every guy that bothers me, I can take care of myself you know?" Your hands were on your hips.
"Oh god, this again? I can't keep having this fucking conversation with you, Y/n!" She gritted her teeth.
"What conversation? The one where I have to constantly remind you that I'm a full grown adult, and I am entirely capable of taking care of and defening myself? I mean seriously Ellie, what's the problem? Do you think that I can't take care of myself?" You asked with a frustrated sigh.
"What, no! Of course I know you can, but I just- I care about you a lot and you shouldn't have to take care of yourself. It makes me feel good to defend you, I don't know why it just does. And I'm... sorry." Sge struggled to get the apology out.
"It's ok. Let's just go home, sleep it off." Your suggestion sounded good, but Ellie stopped you with a hand on your wrist.
"Wait." You looked at her with questioning eyes, wondering what else she had to say.
Turns out, she didn't have anything to say. Instead, she had brought one hand to your waist and the other to the back of your neck. She bit her lip, her eyes flickering between your own and your lips. After a minute or so had passed, she just couldn't resist. She pulled you in and connected her lips with yours, kissing you like it was the end of the world.
"Ellie~" You whined as you parted from the kiss for a moment, immediately diving back in.
This time, you pressed your tongue to her bottom lip. And she gladly let you in, opening her mouth wide so she could taste your tongue on hers. It was something from another world, you'd felt dizzy and giddy, and there was something else too. There was this heat between your legs, it almost hurt. You whimpered into her mouth at the unfamiliar feeling.
"What's wrong baby?" She asked, her forehead resting against yours.
"I don't know, 's all achy down there." You admitted, embarrassed as you'd only dare to stare down at her shoes.
Ellie let out a sinful chuckle,
"Well, I think I could help with that." She gave you one last kiss before taking you to her house.
You stood in her living room, your hand coming to scratch the back of your neck awkwardly as she rushed upstairs to grab 'a little something special' from her room. You'd wondered what she could be grabbing, but not for long as she returned swiftly without her bottoms now and a large black strap tightened around her hips. Your eyes widened at the sight of it, and you knew you wanted it inside of you. Your mouth watered at just the thought of her fucking your brains out.
She walked over to you with a smirk, pulling you in for yet another kiss. You smiled into it, letting out small moans here and there as the taste of her tongue felt so good against your own. You'd sighed as she pulled your top off, now placing kisses along your jaw and neck. It wasn't long before she was placing feather light kisses to the top of your boobs, then palming them roughly as she watched your face contort with pleasure.
"Get on your knees." She ordered after a minute, and you were quick to oblige.
Getting down on the floor, you looked up at Ellie with lustful eyes. She grabbed a fistful of your hair, taking a step closer to you as she held her strap in the other hand. You licked your lips before chewing slightly at your bottom one.
"Open that pretty little mouth of yours for me baby." She cooed, her hand tightening in your hair as you'd opened wide.
She chuckled as she pushed her cock into your mouth, watching with nothing but joy as she shoved it as far as it could go. You'd gagged, unable to help it, then you let out a small whimper which was muffled by her large cock. She groaned at this, tugging your hair a bit, which brought a lengthy moan from your lips.
"Fuck baby, look at you being a good little slut. Taking my cock down your throat so well. Good girl." The praise she'd given you had gotten you even wetter, if that was even possible.
Ellie would continue to move your head up and down for a bit longer until she was satisfied, carefully she removed her hand from your hair and let you pull back. Your lips left her cock with a satisfying pop sound and she smiled sinfully as she pulled you to stand. She brought a hand to your chin, wiping your saliva that had dripped down your chin while you were kept busy deep-throating her.
She'd snaked her hands around you now, gripping at your ass before giving it a harsh smack that made your body jolt with pleasure and excitement. Another kiss was brought to your lips by her, but not for long as you'd pulled away quickly.
"Ellie, please." You whimpered, she only let out a small chuckle.
"Please what? Use your words baby." She kept a finger under your chin.
"Please," another moan, "fuck me. Fuck me good and hard, please I need you." You were begging shamelessly now, and she loved it.
"Well, aren't you cute. Your wish is my command, princess." She smiled as she backed you up to the couch, lying down before pulling you on top of her.
You sat straddling her for a minute, she rubbed your thighs with her hands soothingly before ridding you of both your jeans and panties in just one motion. You bit your lip as she held your hips, lifting you so the head of her strap just grazed your dripping hole. She'd continue to tease you for what felt like ages, before you just couldn't take it anymore so you'd taken it upon yourself to lower down onto her cock. You threw your head back with a loud, pornagraphic moan as you felt the burning stretch inside of you.
Ellie scoffed,
"Did I say you could do that? Eager little slut, you're gonna regret that." She groaned as you continued making the sweetest sounds as she gripped your hips harder.
She'd waste no time, immediately thrusting into you roughly and at a fast pace that had your head spinning. Occasionally, she'd bring a hand up from your hip to place a firm smack against your ass, in the same spot every time. You were sure there'd be a mark, but you didn't care because it felt so fucking good. Then, she'd angled herself just ever so slightly differently and began to hit a spot that you didn't even know existed.
"Oh, oh god! Fuck yes, right there Ellie. Fuckk." You moaned as you called out her name, your hands finding their way to her chest as you began to grind your hips down against her.
"Oh yeah, you like that slut?" She asked, using the rather vulgar name that only got you hotter.
You nodded, feeling as if your vision went hot white at the pleasure you were feeling. It was so phenomenal, you almost thought you mightve been dreaming. But then, she stopped and held your hips tightly so you couldn't move an inch.
"Fucking answer me." She commanded.
"Yes yes. Yes I love it. Please keep going. Please." You whimpered, tears welling in your eyes.
"That's my girl." She smiled as she resumed her rough thrusts, loosening her grip on your hips so you could rut against her as well.
She bit back a moan as the strap had been hitting against her clit just right, that and the sight of you was more than enough to make her cum. The way your tits bounced underneath your scarlet red lace bra, and how beautiful your face looked as you moaned loudly. And oh the way you said her name was just so fucking sexy.
"Ellie- I'm gonna" your breath hitched with a gasp, "fuck 'm gonna cum." your moans got even louder somehow.
"Me too baby, come on cum with me. Come on baby." She'd finally let out a small moan and that sent you over the edge.
However you didn't just cum, you were gushing all over her beautifully long strap as well as her thighs. Ellie moaned louder at the sight of you squirting all over her cock, and then got her own release. She didn't stop pounding into you as she rode out her own high, and it didn't take long before you were feeling overstimulated. But you'd do anything to watch as her eyes squeezed shut with the pleasure of her orgasm.
"Mmn- fuck." She let out a small groan as she removed her cock from your hole, a small string of your slick connecting it still.
You let out a small sigh of exhaustion as you layed against her chest, smiling as her hands came to rub up and down your back. You lied there together for a minute or so before she finally spoke.
"Let's go to my room." She whispered, and you didn't say anything in return.
You'd just followed her upstairs and watched as she removed her strap, sitting on the bed and patting the spot next to her. You joined her and sat with your back against the headboard, leaning forward as she came to kiss you. You'd pulled at her shirt and giggled a bit as she ripped it off, revealing her black sports bra. Then, she'd used one hand to spread your legs before getting into position.
One of her legs straddled your hip, a hand on your shoulder and the other on your waist. Her eyes fell shut as she let out an airy moan when she'd ground her throbbing clit against your own, and you'd let out a similar sound.
"Fuck, baby. Your pussy feels so good against mine." She bit her lip, letting out more moans as she thrusted against you.
Sure, the way Ellie had pounded into you earlier was amazing and beyond pleasurable. But there was just something so euphoric about her sopping wet pussy gliding against your own. The feeling of your slicks mixing together just drove you insane. Apparently it had the same effect on Ellie because she was louder than ever, moaning and whimpering with great pleasure.
Your breath quickened as you felt yourself getting close again, and began to move your own hips against her as well. This made Ellie let out a guttural groan.
"Oh yeah, just like that baby." She said in an almost whisper, her eyes falling shut with pleasure.
And with a few more thrusts, the both of you reached yet another release. Now you weren't the only one making noise, Ellie was moaning while also letting out "thank you's and 'fuck's. After fully riding out your highs, Ellie lied down next to you. She brought a hand to wipe her forehead, it dribbled with sweat and her hair stuck to it a bit.
You felt your eyes vetting heavy, snuggling against Ellies side as you let them fall shut. She'd hold you for a minute before standing up.
"Don't fall asleep yet, baby. I wanna get you cleaned up first." She placed a kiss to your forehead, going to the bathroom then returning with a wet rag.
She wiped you down gently, placing soft kisses along your body on the way. Once she finished that, she'd given you a t-shirt of hers to wear to sleep. She climbed back into bed, pulling you to lay on her chest. You snuggled your head into the crook of her neck, bringing your hands to wrap around her shoulders.
"Goodnight Els." You said sleepily.
"Goodnight baby." She responded with a kiss on top of your head.
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On the wrong foot
Matt Rempe x Reader
Summary: Maybe starting off on the wrong foot wasn't as bad as everyone thought…
Warnings: A little angsty but nothing to bad, enemies to lovers.
A/N: Due to the lack of Matt Rempe´s fics, here you have one, hope you guys like it. Sorry for any grammar mistakes, english is not my first language :) Let me know what you thought about this little fic
2.8k words
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Being an intern for the New York Rangers has its ups and downs. Some positive aspects are that you get to do what you like (having fun on social media and forcing the players to make TikToks) and having free access to all the games in the season. All of that makes you grateful for this amazing opportunity, but there is one thing that makes this job unbearable..
And that is Matt Rempe, a cocky, 6'7" rookie who acts like he has the entire world in the palm of his hand. His arrogance and overconfidence make every interaction with him a challenge. He struts around the locker room, flaunting his height and abilities, often disregarding the efforts of those around him. His constant need for attention and validation only adds to the frustration, making what could be an amazing experience a bit of a nightmare.
Y/N and Matt started off on the wrong foot, meeting under the worst possible circumstances. It was the worst day of Y/N´s entire life. She had woken up late, throwing off her entire morning routine, and had to rush out the door without even grabbing a quick breakfast. Her day only got worse as she hurried to catch the train, only to miss it by mere seconds. By the time Y/N finally made it to the rink, she was frazzled, starving, and running on empty. That’s when she ran into Matt Rempe for the first time. Their initial encounter was less than pleasant, setting the tone for our strained relationship from the very start.
“You know this is a private practice, right?” Matt asked the poor frazzled girl.
“Yes, I am very aware of that,” she answered, chuckling. “You must be Matt, right? The new rookie?” Y/N asked, looking up at the lanky, very tall boy standing in front of her.
“Yeah, I mean, hard for you not to know, I guess... And you are?” Matt trailed off.
Y/N was taken aback, mainly because the team directors always made sure to let the new guys know who worked in what, especially in the media and marketing department.
“Oh, umm… I’m Y/N, one of the media interns,” she replied with a tight-lipped smile.
Matt raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed. “Media intern, huh? So, what do you do? Take pictures and post tweets?”
“Actually, I manage the team's social media accounts, coordinate player interviews, and create content for our marketing campaigns,” Y/N replied, trying to keep her voice steady despite her irritation. “It’s a lot of work and responsibility.”
“Right, sure,” Matt said dismissively. “Well, try not to get in the way.”
Y/N felt a surge of frustration but forced herself to stay calm. “I’ll do my best,” she said, her tone tinged with sarcasm. “And maybe you can try to remember who’s on your team next time.”
Matt smirked. “We’ll see about that.”
As he walked away, Y/N couldn’t help but feel a mixture of anger and determination. She knew she had to prove herself, not just to Matt, but to everyone. This internship was too important to let one arrogant rookie ruin it for her.
She brushed it off, but it still annoyed her the audacity of that boy.
A few weeks had passed since their first encounter and it has been a constant fight between Y/N and Matt, mainly because of Matt’s attitude towards her. December rolled around and the team´s marketing director told the staff that they needed to do a promotional photoshoot to use during summer break.
It was a chilly Tuesday morning, and the team was gathered for the photoshoot at an outdoor rink. The bright sunlight reflected off the ice, creating a beautiful backdrop for the shoot. Y/N had been working tirelessly to ensure everything was set up perfectly: the lighting, the props, and the shoot schedule. 
Matt Rempe, on the other hand, seemed determined to test Y/N’s patience today. As the players gathered for their turn in front of the camera, Y/N called Matt over for his individual shots.
“Alright, Matt, let’s get started,” Y/N said, holding up a clipboard and checking the list. “We need you to do a few action poses first, then we’ll get some close-ups.”
Matt strolled over with a cocky and sarcastic grin. “Sure thing, but can I ask, why do we have to do this out in the freezing cold? Couldn’t you find a warmer spot?” Making his grin disappear and tuning his face into an annoyed frown
Y/N kept her professional demeanor. “It’s about the look we’re going for. The outdoor rink adds a unique touch to the photos. Plus, it’s only for a short while.”
Matt sighed heavily but positioned himself on the ice. As Y/N instructed him to perform a few drills and poses, Matt’s resistance became evident. He was slow to follow instructions, often taking a few extra seconds to reposition himself, and his expressions were lackluster at best.
Y/N tried to stay patient as she gave him clear directions. “Matt, please try to focus on the details of the poses. We need these shots to look sharp and engaging.”
Matt responded with a distracted nod but continued to make minimal effort. When Y/N asked him to adjust his stance, he grumbled, “I’m doing my best here, but this isn’t exactly my favorite way to spend an afternoon.”
Y/N took a deep breath, keeping her frustration in check. “Matt, I understand it’s not the most exciting part of the job, but it’s important for the team’s image. We need to get this right.”
Matt didn’t seem to take her seriously. He continued to make things difficult for everyone, giving half-hearted poses, shooting dirty looks at the camera, and maintaining his scowl. The photographer was visibly annoyed, and Y/N could feel the tension rising.
“Matt, if you can’t cooperate, we’re going to have to reschedule,” Y/N said, her voice firm.
Matt stopped his antics and looked at Y/N, realizing she was serious. “Alright, alright. I’ll play along. But can we make this quick? I’m freezing out here.”
With a reluctant nod, Y/N directed Matt through the remaining poses, this time with a bit more cooperation. Though his attitude was far from perfect, he made an effort to follow directions and get the shots done. Y/N was relieved to finish the session and hoped that Matt’s cooperation would improve with time.
Matt’s POV:
A few days after my awkward encounter with Y/N at the photoshoot, I was at the rink, trying to shake off the frustration of another rough practice. As I was heading to the locker room, Trouba stopped me in the hallway, looking a bit more serious than usual.
“Dude, you should leave poor Y/N alone,” he said, shaking his head. “You’re driving her crazy, and not in the right way.”
I raised an eyebrow, confused. “What are you talking about? I haven’t done anything that bad.”
“Really?” Jacob replied, his tone indicating he was unimpressed. “I’ve seen you giving her a hard time. She’s not just some intern; she’s part of the team’s media and marketing department. You’re making it difficult for her to do her job.”
I shrugged, trying to downplay it. “I didn’t realize it was such a big deal. I thought I was just being straightforward.”
“It’s not about being straightforward,” Jacob explained. “It’s about showing some respect. She’s working hard behind the scenes, and she’s under enough pressure already. You don’t want to be the guy who makes things worse for her.”
I sighed, realizing he had a point. I hadn’t thought about how my behavior might be affecting Y/N. “Alright, I get it. I’ll try to be more considerate.”
Trouba nodded, seeming satisfied. “Good. Trust me, it’ll make things easier in the long run.” He started walking back toward the locker room but stopped and turned around to face me again. “And if you have a crush on her, that second-grade bullshit needs to stop.” He winked at me before finally leaving.
As Trouba walked away, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I needed to make things right with Y/N. It was clear that my attitude needed to change, and I had to start finding a way to work with her, not against her.
And maybe Jacob’s right; I might have a little—just the tiniest—crush on Y/N. She’s a gorgeous, smart, and driven girl, and because of my little game, she probably won’t give me the time of day. But first things first, I need to turn around the relationship we currently have, or rather, the lack thereof.
The next day, Matt found himself lingering outside the media office, trying to figure out how to approach Y/N. Apologizing wasn't something he was used to, especially when he wasn’t sure how she’d react. But he knew he had to start somewhere.
Y/N was at her desk, headphones on, focused on editing a video from the previous game. She hadn’t noticed Matt standing in the doorway until he cleared his throat, causing her to look up in surprise.
“Oh, hey,” Y/N said, pulling off her headphones and sitting up straighter. “What’s up?”
Matt rubbed the back of his neck, feeling a bit awkward. “Hey, I just wanted to talk to you about the other day. You know, at the photoshoot.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow, clearly curious where this was going. “Okay…”
“I realize I’ve been a bit of a jerk,” Matt admitted, his voice slightly strained. “I didn’t mean to make things harder for you, and I’m sorry for being difficult.”
Y/N blinked, taken aback by his sudden apology. It was the last thing she expected from him. “Well, that’s… unexpected,” she said, not quite sure how to respond. “But I appreciate it.”
Matt nodded, feeling a small weight lift off his shoulders. “I know I’ve been giving you a hard time, but I want to make it up to you. Maybe we can start over?”
Y/N studied him for a moment, searching for any signs of insincerity. To her surprise, Matt seemed genuinely contrite. “Alright,” she said finally, offering a small smile. “I’m willing to give it a shot.”
Relief washed over Matt, and he smiled back. “Great. Maybe I can help out with some of the social media stuff, or anything else you need?”
Y/N chuckled, the idea of Matt willingly helping with TikToks and Instagram posts was amusing. “We’ll see about that,” she said teasingly. “But I’ll definitely let you know if there’s anything you can do.”
Matt grinned, feeling a strange sense of satisfaction. “Deal.”
As he left the office, Matt couldn’t help but feel a bit more relieved. Maybe he’d been too quick to judge Y/N, and maybe, just maybe, there was a chance to turn things around.
Over the next few weeks, Matt made a conscious effort to be more cooperative and approachable, especially when it came to Y/N’s work. It wasn’t always easy—old habits die hard—but he was determined to keep his word. Slowly but surely, the tension between them started to ease.
Y/N, for her part, noticed the change in Matt’s behavior. He was still cocky and sarcastic, but there was a noticeable shift in his attitude. He wasn’t as dismissive or difficult as before, and he even started to show some interest in the work she was doing. It was a refreshing change, and it made her job a little less stressful.
One day, as they were wrapping up a content planning meeting, Y/N decided to take a chance. “You know, Matt, we’re shooting a new series of TikToks next week,” she said casually. “We could use a player who’s good on camera… Interested?”
Matt smirked, recognizing the playful challenge in her voice. “Oh, so now you need my help?”
Y/N rolled her eyes but smiled. “Only if you’re up for it.”
Matt pretended to think it over, then nodded. “Alright, I’m in. But only if you promise to make me look good.”
Y/N laughed. “Deal. But you’ll have to take direction without any complaints this time.”
“Fine,” Matt agreed, holding out his hand. “Shake on it?”
Y/N shook his hand, feeling a sense of accomplishment. It was a small victory, but it felt like a step in the right direction. Maybe, just maybe, this internship wouldn’t be so unbearable after all.
And as for Matt? Well, he found himself looking forward to working with Y/N a lot more than he’d expected.
As the weeks passed, the collaboration between Y/N and Matt grew smoother, and so did their relationship. They began to banter more playfully, their exchanges losing the tension they once had. Y/N started to see a different side of Matt, the side that wasn’t all arrogance and bravado, but someone who was actually fun to be around. 
Matt, too, couldn’t help but notice how much he enjoyed spending time with Y/N. Her sharpness, her determination, and the way she handled everything with grace under pressure all intrigued him. The more he got to know her, the more he found himself wanting to be around her.
One evening, after a long day of content creation and practice, Y/N was finishing up some last-minute edits in the media room. The office was quiet, with most of the staff having gone home. She was so engrossed in her work that she didn’t notice Matt walk in.
“Hey,” Matt’s voice broke the silence, startling Y/N slightly.
“Oh, fuck!” Y/N yelped, “ Matt, you scared me!” she exclaimed, laughing as she turned to face him. “What are you doing here so late?”
Matt leaned against the doorframe, a small smile playing on his lips. “I was just wondering if you wanted to grab a bite to eat. It’s been a long day, and I figured you could use a break.”
Y/N blinked in surprise. This was the first time Matt had ever suggested something like this. “Are you asking me out on a dinner date?” she teased, raising an eyebrow.
Matt chuckled, his expression softening. “Yeah, I guess I am. What do you say?”
Y/N hesitated for a moment, then smiled warmly. “Sure, I’d like that.”
They ended up at a cozy little diner not too far from the arena, the kind of place that felt welcoming and unpretentious. As they settled into a booth, the conversation flowed easily. They talked about everything, from their families and childhood memories to their hopes and dreams for the future.
For the first time, Y/N saw the genuine person behind the cocky exterior. Matt was funny, thoughtful, and surprisingly down-to-earth. The more they talked, the more she found herself drawn to him. 
And Matt? He couldn’t stop thinking about how beautiful Y/N looked when she laughed, or how her eyes lit up when she talked about something she was passionate about. He realized that this wasn’t just a crush anymore, he was falling for her, and hard.
As they walked out of the diner, the night air cool and crisp, Matt felt a wave of nervous anticipation. He knew he didn’t want this night to end just yet.
“Y/N,” Matt began, stopping in front of her. “I know we didn’t exactly start off on the right foot, but… I really like you. And I want to see where this could go.”
Y/N looked up at him, her heart skipping a beat. She could see the sincerity in his eyes, and it made her heart swell. “Matt, I like you too,” she admitted, a soft smile spreading across her face. “I wasn’t sure at first, but… you’ve shown me that there’s more to you than I thought.”
Matt took a step closer, his hand reaching out to gently tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. “So… what now?” he asked, his voice low and hopeful.
Y/N’s smile widened as she closed the distance between them. “Now,” she said softly, “we see where this goes.”
With that, Matt leaned in, his lips brushing against hers in a tender, sweet kiss. It was soft at first, almost hesitant, as if both of them were testing the waters. But as Y/N responded, the kiss deepened, filled with a warmth and affection that had been building between them for weeks.
When they finally pulled apart, both of them were breathless, but smiling. Matt rested his forehead against hers, his arms wrapped around her waist.
“I’m really glad you didn’t let me mess this up,” Matt whispered, his voice filled with emotion.
“Me too,” Y/N replied, her eyes shining with happiness. “I think we make a pretty good team, don’t you?”
Matt grinned, leaning in to kiss her again. “Yeah, we really do.”
As they stood there, wrapped in each other’s arms under the soft glow of the streetlights, it was clear that this was the beginning of something special—something neither of them had expected, but both of them were more than ready to embrace.
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sturniqlo · 4 days
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SYMBOLS: smut * | fluff 𐙚 | angst 𖤐 | authors favorites $ | social media fics/includes ꩜
REMINDERS: pls dm, comment, or inbox me if any of my links do not work!
DISCLAIMERS: i rarely proofread my works so, sorry about any grammar mistakes or misspelling. i do not consent for my work to be copied or republished! please give credit for any inspiration.
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WASTED TIME𖤐 | PT2𖤐𐙚 : chris and y/n have been arguing. however one fight triggers her final straw and she breaks up with him.
WAIT FOR YOU𖤐$: chris leads y/n on and things don't end well between them. what happens when they cross paths again but she's not ready anymore?
LAUNCH𐙚$꩜: chris and influencer!y/n try to keep their relationship private as much as they can, but eventually they soft launch their relationship on social media. BLURB
SOMETHING YOU ARENT𖤐: y/n wants something serious with chris, but he only likes the thought of having someone next to him.
PIERCINGS*: y/n has a surprise for chris which leads to something... more. BLURB
GRAMMYS𐙚$꩜: chris is singer!y/n plus one to the grammys, he can't help but be proud of her and her accomplishments.
HERE TO STAY FOREVER𖤐𐙚: when chris starts to turn cold towards his best friend, y/n, she thinks the worst. what happens when she starts to back off and chris is desperate to hangout with her and confesses something?
YOURE YOU*: after finding out that they're both twenty year old virgins, both bff!chris and bff!y/n decide to take each others virginity.
ROAD TRIP𐙚꩜: the triplets and chris' gf go on a roadtrip, shown through instagram BLURB
HER OVER ME𖤐𐙚: after chris, y/n's best friend, gets a girlfriend she gets left behind almost like a distant memory. his girlfriend is probably the definition of perfect, however, she couldn't be that perfect, her and nick had noticed something unusual about her. when y/n confronts him about it, he lashes out on her. once he realizes that she was right, he goes to her house but is it to late to ask for forgiveness?
FORGIVE ME𖤐: chris cannot go to sleep without apologizing to his girlfriend BLURB
PAYMENT IN KISSES𐙚: where y/n has trouble painting her left hand and chris comes to the rescue. BLURB
A HELPING HAND*: the triplets are staying over at y/n's house and chris over hears something he shouldn't and decides to give her a helping hand. BLURB.
DRUNKEN MISTAKE𖤐: frat boy!chris and nerd!y/n have been dating for over a year and thier relationship has had many bumps and he does something unforgivable.
TALK ABOUT HARD LAUNCH꩜𐙚: chris hard launching his relationship on instagram, y/n following shortly. BLURB
IS THAT OKAY? 𐙚: y/n and chris have been on a couple of dates and have yet to do anything- even hold hands however, he had a question for her. BLURB
LET HER GO𖤐: seeing her across the room with someone else makes chris realize he needs to let her go. BLURB
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POSITIVE: collections of soon to be dad!chris and pregnant!y/n. (on going, on hold)
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WANT YOU𐙚$: bff!chris who is in love with bff!y/n but they're both to afraid to say anything so they just flirt and do couple things without being official.
LOVE YOU FROM THE START𐙚*: more bff!chris and bff!y/n and a bit of bf!chris and gf!y/n
WE'RE IN LOVE𐙚*: things bf!chris does/has done
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BF!CHRIS TEXTS𐙚 (suggestive)
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hyunniesgirl · 11 months
oooh Slytherin!hyunjin gives amortentia to reader after she rejects him so many timesss and after the effect gone she found out and mad oooh angst angst idk happy ending hahahahhahahaa (sorry for my bad grammar)
So this ask got me super excited!!! I love writing fantasy so count me in, babes! Please ignore any mistakes since I stopped reading Harry Potter in the forth book and just settled for the movies lmao
Here are some spells used in the story that may be confusing for my sweeties that are not into harry potter:
¹Amortentia: it's the most powerful love potion, it can't reproduce real love and it comes with dangerous side effects like a powerful infatuation or obsession. It smells differently to each person, like the things(or people) the person who's feeling the scent likes.
²Cruciatus: a spell(curse) used to torture people.
I'm using this post to celebrate reaching 200 followers 🥳, thank you for those who like what I write and keep supporting me, I'll keep working hard to bring more nice stories for you!!
I wish you would
Pairing: Slytherin!Hyunjin x fem!reader
Genre: angst, fluff
Warnings: cursing
Word count: 5,120(I'm sorry about that not really I just got very inspired)
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Hyunjin is obsessed with you, everyone with eyes and ears knows that. He runs after you like a dog runs after its tail and you always try being nice, try rejecting him in a way to not hurt him but he doesn't seem to take a hint.
Your class just ended, you collect your books and walk to the corridor, feeling his eyes on you.
"What's it?" You ask, turning around to look at him. His green and black uniform matching perfectly with his blond hair. He seems taken aback with the sudden attention, since he's used to you ignoring him.
"I just wanted to give you this", he smiles, holding a paper bag to you, "Felix made brownies and I just thought you'd like a snack, I know you're studying a lot for exams"
You smile, you love brownies but you're not sure if you should accept it. It's been a day since you rejected Hyunjin… again. He doesn't seem bothered by it anymore, he just keeps coming on strong and at this point you already know it's just a trait of his personality to not give up easily. But it would seem inconsiderate to not accept, since he brought it just for you.
"Don't think too much", he shake the bag a little, "I'm just trying to look out for you"
You sigh, accepting the gift and thanking him. It's not going to kill you to be nice this one time.
After saying goodbye you head to the library, you're going to meet Seungmin to study. Your classes are not that difficult this semester, so you're just using your extra time to study for the bigger exams.
It's already past dinner time when you finish your studies, your friend gave up a few hours back and went to the dorms while you stayed to study a bit more.
You're hungry so you look at the paper bag Hyunjin gave you and look inside. The brownies have a nice scent of mint? Maybe Felix added some to the recipe.
One it's not enough, it's so good you end up eating the whole lot. Maybe you shouldn't have, you feel sick instantly after finishing it and the librarian comes running as soon as she looks at your face.
"Are you alright, darling? You look pale", she asks and you nod, maybe the exhaustion is finally hitting you.
You grab your things and walk towards the dormitories of your house, you feel your mouth dry and an empty feeling on your chest. What's going on? You look around, there's very little people in the hall since it's almost curfew time.
When you're crossing the courtyard, you see a shadow of someone hovering over and you stop in your tracks trying to discern who it is.
You tighten the hold on your wand while they get closer, only to breathe relieved seeing it's just Hyunjin.
"It's already late, you shouldn't be wandering around by yourself", he says.
"Oh, I-", you feel your cheeks warm suddenly, do you have a fever? Your hands are sweating too. "Can you help me?" You ask him, stretching your hand for him to hold, your heart beating fast to the thought of touching him. "I'm not feeling very well"
"Yeah?" He raises an eyebrow, surprised, but still takes a step closer to you, grabbing your arm with a hand and sliding his other to your waist, giving you support by embracing you entirely.
"Thanks, I don't know what came on to me", you mumble and you're not sure if he heard, until you feel him tightening the hold he has on you.
"It's okay, it's my pleasure", he whispers close to your ear and you shiver.
It's strange for you to have this kind of reaction, especially to Hyunjin. It's not that you don't like him perse, you just don't think about dating in general. You want to focus on your studies, do well on your exams and have a good career, it's your parents dream that became your dream.
His pursuit over you got boring after the fourth time you rejected him. It was fun in the beginning, he's Hwang Hyunjin after all: handsome, smart and rich, you felt special when he didn't care about all those people that would crawl after him, but would beg for just a single glance of yours. With time it started bothering you, though. It seemed like the more you rejected him, the more interested he would get.
Why did it bother you, though? It feels nice having him holding you right now, he smells like mint, his warmth is shielding you from the cold air and you think it's okay to have him by your side just for a moment.
You can't stop thinking about him, Hyunjin is the first thing in your mind when you open your eyes in the morning and the whole breakfast you spend looking for him around the great hall, thinking about what he'd like to eat and maybe if he would like to walk with you to your classes.
"Are you alright?" Seungmin's voice takes you out of your thoughts, you realize you're just staring at your food for some time now.
"Nothing", you smile slightly, "I just… do you know where Hyunjin is?"
Seungmin frowns, tilting his head to the side while analyzing you.
"Why would I know that? But most importantly, why do you want to know that?"
You sigh, going back to play with your food.
"I just miss him", you mumble, earning a gasp from your friend.
"Did you finally lose it?" He's staring at you with narrowed eyes, disgusted.
You sigh, looking around one more time and finally seeing Hyunjin entering the hall, he's talking to a girl. Who is she? Why is she smiling so much to him? Why is he smiling back at her?
Your body moves by itself, getting up and walking with heavy steps towards the entrance where Hyunjin is talking to that girl, he seems excited.
You don't like it.
"Excuse me?" You say, waiting for him to turn around. You have your arms crossed in front of your chest and a foot tapping impatiently on the floor.
He looks at you with a smile that almost makes you melt, almost. You get even angrier, did he smile like that to her too?
"Oh, y/n, what can I do for you?"
"Who is she?" You ask without even thinking, why does that matter?
"We have divination together", he answers simply, just like that, as if that was a good enough answer. He frowns in confusion when you don't say anything and keep just staring at him. "Hm, we were just talking about some crazy prophecy Trelawney came up with in the middle of our class yesterday", he finishes, hoping you're satisfied with his answer.
You take your eyes out of him, looking at the girl and lifting one eyebrow, she smiles sheepishly at you and say goodbye to Hyunjin, walking to her house's table.
"Why did you take so long?" You step closer to him, grabbing his hand and holding it with yours.
"I didn't know you were waiting", he answers, leaning closer to you with a smirk in his lips.
"Well, I'll be waiting from now on so you better get here quickly"
You turn around, facing the tables. People are staring and whispering, of course, you never gave the time of day to him, it's something unpredictable to see you being cozy.
You slide his arms over your shoulder, a message to every other person that he's yours now. You're not sure where this possessiveness is coming from but it's there and you have to make it clear.
Hyunjin didn't think the potion would actually work, he's not that good at potions. He's been trying to catch your attention for a very long time but you rejected him over and over. He could have anyone he wanted, just not you and that made him crazy in the beginning, he just wanted you more and more, he's very ambitious after all.
However, after some time, he realized his feelings were deeper than what you thought, even more than he thought.
He started noticing every little thing about you, how you frown when you concentrate too hard, how you make every little feeling of yours show in your face. How you always have to be right.
And how you didn't want anything to do with him.
He was in love with you. That made him desperate, he needed you and you kept turning him down.
So he took drastic measures, he's not sure it's the most ethical thing to do, but he's unquestionably cunning, so he would do anything to achieve his goal.
A week before he gave you the brownies, your potion's class learned how to brew amortentia and he knew he had to give it a try. He spent nights awake trying to make the perfect potion, strong enough for it to work instantly and last long enough for you to not fall out of love easily.
"Are you really going to use a love potion?" Felix asks while watching Hyunjin mix the liquid with the brownies batter.
"I need to", he answers.
"She's going to be pissed if she finds out, you know that, right?" Felix tries again, it's not easy to make Hyunjin give up when he sets his mind to something.
"At least she'll be looking at me", his answer takes Felix by surprise, he knows Hyunjin is in love with you but maybe he can't grasp the depth of his feelings.
Hyunjin decides to wait, he'll try one more time before using the charmed brownies. He sees you in the courtyard, reading. You look beautiful with your hair messed by the wind and your lips moving, pronouncing the words in the book.
"So", he starts, he always tries to be confident around you, even though every time you turn him down his self esteem takes a blow. "When are we going on that date?", he asks, sitting by your side and watching you lift your eyes out of the book to look at him.
"Hm, I don't know about that", you smile kindly. He thinks you're cute being so considerate and trying not to hurt his feelings. Maybe if you weren't so nice to him, he'd already have gotten over you.
"What do I have to do for your answer to be yes?" He asks, bending his upper body to look at your face since you're looking at the book on your lap now.
"Let's not, Hyunjin", you sigh, "you know it's always going to be no"
He swallows hard, he did wish you were harsher in your rejection but he didn't think it would hurt so much.
"I'm not going to give up", he gets up, winking at you, he's too proud to show how hurt he is. "I know you don't dislike me, so that's a win for me", he smiles at you, even though he feels like he's suffocating.
He knows your personality, if you hated the idea of him hitting on you so much, you would already have threatened to crucio him but you don't and it's not because you're too polite for that, he has seen you fight people for much less.
He goes back to the Slytherin's common room and sits in front of the fireplace. It's getting cold lately, you shouldn't stay outside so much and for so long.
He just wants you to look at him, he's sure if you just get to know him better you'll want to be with him, he'll make sure of it.
So he gives you the brownies even though he feels a bit guilty about it, it's to late to back down when he sees you already turning around the corner, heading to the library.
He's restless, not sure when you're going to eat the brownies or if you are going to actually do it, he tries playing a bit of quidditch with his friends and studying but he's too anxious to concentrate on anything other than you. So he stays close to the library, waiting for you to finish your things.
As soon as you walk by the courtyard he can tell you're sick, so he gets closer and helps you get to your common room. Did you actually ask for his help? That sounds like a dream to him, just the thought of being next to you is enough to make him the happiest person alive, feeling your warmth against his body was enough to make him melt. If you didn't need his support, he'd be laying on the floor.
After giving him a peek on the cheek and leaving him behind in the great hall, after breakfast he can feel a burning gaze and he knows exactly who it is from. Seungmin, your best friend.
You might be enchanted but he's not, and if Hyunjin doesn't give you more of the love potion, Seungmin is going to make you fall out of love, he's sure of it.
He brews more of the potion, putting it on another batch of brownies to give to you. And you love the gift, eating all of it while studying with Hyunjin in the library. You're not studying much actually, you're just looking at him and asking questions about him, what he likes to do, about his family and his friends. It's an entirely new world to have all your attention to himself, he loves it, loves to spend time with you. The longer he stays in your presence the more he's sure that he does love you, all of you.
You're feeling tired lately, you lost all the deadlines to your projects in the last two weeks and now you're having to pull all nighters to try and get them all ready before the end of the semester. You have been spending a lot of time with Hyunjin, all the time you're not in class revolves around him.
He has been giving you lots of brownies lately and you're actually getting sick of it but you don't want to be a killjoy and end up accepting it anyway, eating it when you're bored.
This was the last time you accepted it though, you're going to say that you don't want it from now on and maybe Seungmin can help you eat these ones. Your best friend is at the library, waiting for you. He's going to help you finish some details of your project.
"I brought this for you", you shake the paper bag, holding it out for him.
He opens it and looks inside.
"Why does it smells like wood?" He scowls.
"What are you talking about?" You laugh awkwardly, "it smells like mint"
He stares at you for a few seconds before gasping, his hand palming his mouth.
"That's what's wrong with you!" He gets up, throwing the paper bag in the trash and ignoring your 'hey!' in protest. "Did Hyunjin give this to you?" He asks.
"Yes, why?"
"For how long have you been eating these brownies? Did they smell like that since the first time?" He ignores your questions, he looks absolutely out of it.
"Yeah, he gave me the first one's like two weeks ago", you frown, trying to understand what he's trying to say.
"He's been giving you amortentia", he tells you, running his hand through his hair, "how did I not realize that sooner, you've been acting weird for a reason!"
You feel your heart sink, he's been doing what?
That's not possible, he would never do something like that. Right?
You gasp, looking back to the way you have been acting lately, did he really charm you? So none of the things you're feeling are really real?
You managed to stay away from him for so long and suddenly you couldn't think about anything but him, the reason was right under your nose, you can't believe you didn't notice the signs.
"How much time does it take for it to wear out?" You ask, not really remembering what the professor taught you.
"A few hours minimum, a day or two if it's strong enough", Seungmin answers, whatching you seat and look at your fingers. Your chest hurts.
"Can I stay with you tonight? The last batch he gave me was yesterday, I may be fine tomorrow morning", you want to cry, Seungmin recognizes that face. You're looking around trying to prevent the tears from falling and he wants to kill Hyunjin for that.
Seungmin has been your best friend since first year, he didn't think he would have so much in common with someone from your house, but you two just clicked. He knows you like Hyunjin but you're too focused on your future to actually see that. Every time he makes a move on you, you'll turn him down, but your friend can see your eyes lingering on his figure while he walks away, you keep looking until he disappears and then you sigh. Sometimes Seungmin even sees you giggling from something Hyunjin says and your eyes shine brighter in those moments, he's not sure how you didn't realize it yet.
After the hurt eases a bit, you start getting mad. You wake up in the morning and all you can think about is a way to murder Hwang Hyunjin. You can't believe he used you like that, like a fucking toy for him to play house with.
You see him in the corridor, he smiles looking at you and opens his arms, waiting for a hug with a big smile on his face. Disgusting, that's all you can think.
"My love"
You walk confidently to him, taking him by surprise by hitting him in the face with a mixture of punch and slap, doing the movement of a slap but hitting him with your closed fist. He bends down, touching his cheek and looking at you, betrayal in his eyes.
"You fucking asshole!" You're seeing red, you didn't think you'd feel so livid seeing him, you're so hurt, so angry.
"Babe?" He looks at you like you're the one in the wrong.
"Don't", you take a deep breath, looking around to try and ease your anger, "don't call me that. You used a fucking love potion on me? What kind of loser does that?"
He gasps, he didn't think you'd find out about it, not so soon. He was sure he could make you fall in love with him and later on he would tell you about what he did.
Hyunjin could have anyone, there are dozens of people falling on their knees for him, you just can't understand why it has to be you.
"Let me explain, yeah?" He tries, taking a step closer and trying to hold your hands but you step back, glaring even harder at him.
"Don't touch me" you say, gritting your teeth, "you're disgusting"
You turn around, seeing the amount of people looking at your fight with shocked expressions in their faces. Of course no one's going to believe he gave you a love potion, he doesn't need that, he's Hwang Hyunjin.
That makes you even angrier.
You walk fast away from there, you can't believe you have to go through this kind of thing and the worst part is, why does it hurt so much? The effects of the potion must have ended by now, then why do you feel like you can't breath? The tears run out of your eyes without your permission and the hiccups come naturally with the painful cries.
You feel tired, frustrated, overwhelmed but most of all you feel heartbroken. There's no more potion tempering with your feelings but you still feel a lot of different emotions you shouldn't be feeling. It's not possible that you really like him.
The right reaction is for you to curse him, feel mad about all he's done and hate him with all your being. But you're feeling hurt and you want to curse at him, obviously you're angry about what he's done, but you're worried about him too, maybe you were too harsh.
You'll not let any feelings you have let him get away with manipulating you. If you really do like him you're just going to have to stop.
Hyunjin can't eat, can't sleep, can't study, in other words, he can't function properly. You don't speak to him, you don't look at him, you don't even aknowledge his existence.
You don't eat when he's in the great hall, you will sit in the fartest seat from him when you're in the same class and everytime he tries talking to you, your personal bodyguard, Seungmin, prevents him from doing it.
He can't live like this, Hyunjin feels like he's about to die at any moment and he just doesn't know what to do.
Felix is too nice to actually say it but he looks at Hyunjin with that 'I told you so' look and just watches again as his friend sits in his bed and spends minutes staring at nothing.
"Was it that bad?" He asks but he already knows the answer. The whole school is in uproar after you punched him in the middle of the corridor before classes started, so to say everyone knows about what happened it's an understatement.
"She's not even looking at me", Hyunjin says finally and Felix sighs, sitting by his side and patting his back.
"I think you should give her some time", Hyunjin scowls after hearing that, even though he knows his friend is probably right.
It hurts so much, even more than when you just ignored him. Because now that he felt your warmth, he can't live without it.
Since Seungmin met you, this is the first time he has to worry about you. Even when you pulled all-nighters studying or joined too many extracurricular activities, you always took care of yourself. This time though, you're not.
Your grades are back to normal and your projects are all ready a week before the deadline but at what cost? You are not sleeping properly, there are huge eyebags under your eyes and you lost weight, your hair is always a mess and your clothes are far from your usual tidy style. He knows you realized your feelings for Hyunjin and you're just trying to bury them without actually trying to understand them and he just doesn't know what to do to help you. Every time he tries talking about it, you'll brush it aside and tell him you're not in the mood for that.
The winter holidays come to you like a gift and a curse, you don't have lots of work to take care of so you can rest but you don't have lots of work to take care of so you don't have anything to distract yourself from your wandering thoughts, those ones that always end up on the same person.
You never thought it would be so hard to get over someone, in some way your brain probably knew that the moment you let someone walk past your walls it wouldn't be easy to undo the damage made. That's why you always run from Hyunjin, because it would be torturous to stay away from him after you let your feelings be known.
As the weeks go by, your anger subside a bit. You still can't forgive what he did but you miss him too much to still be mad. You were pretty confident in the first few weeks, concentrating all your energy in your classes and projects, trying to forget about him. However, the more time passed, the more you thought you actually liked him… way before the amortentia happened.
You two met each other in your first year, but you were children that didn't care about the opposite sex and it went like that till fifth year, when you two turned fifthteen and puberty just hit him like a truck over summer break. He came back taller, his voice changed a bit too and his facial expressions as a whole were sharper, more eye-catching than ever.
It wasn't different for Hyunjin, however you always caught his eye. When he was younger he thought you were cute for a girl and he has never been easy to impress. When you grew up you became so pretty he couldn't take his eyes out of you. That was the first time he ever asked someone out and the first time he was rejected, it really hurt his pride. And now, finishing your seventh year, it's the first time you're realizing that maybe he fell first but you fell harder.
The classes come back in the blink of an eye, you're not sure you're happy or sad about it since you don't know what to do with the whole Hyunjin situation.
It all gets worse when you see him in the corridor, he's looking around, fidgeting and you just know he's waiting for you.
You try walking past him, but he lifts his eyes as if he felt your presence and you see the corner of his mouth going downwards and his lips quivering.
"Can- can we talk?" He pleads, his voice shaking, it's too much for him to finally see you again, finally have you looking at him again.
You look down, trying to decide what to do and end up nodding, turning around and leading him to an empty classroom. He closes the door and watches as you wander around the class, brushing your fingers on the table's surface, avoiding looking at him.
"How are you?" He asks finally, after a few minutes of torturous, awkward silence.
"Just fine", you answer, looking at every piece of the room but not at him. You're afraid that if you look him in the eyes you're going to cave in and you just can't give in so easily.
"I'm having a really hard time", he tells you.
"Didn't ask", you stop in your tracks, annoyed with yourself because it hurts to be mean to him. "Let's get this over with", you manage to say, even though the ache in your chest is making it difficult to breathe.
He sighs, running his hands through his hair.
"I- I'm really sorry about what I did, y/n, can you please forgive me?" He begs and you finally turn around, trying to keep your cool, the anger is coming again and you feel your face hot.
"Are you asking me to forgive you for tampering with my feelings? Or for pulling this shit just because you're obsessed with something you can't have?"
He frowns, it's not like that, he knows that but clearly you don't.
"Y/N, I have wanted you all the same since the beginning. I can't have anyone else, not because I'm obsessed but because I'm in love with you", he takes a step towards you, "you make me feel alive, that's why I keep trying over and over again"
You're taken aback by the confession, so shocked you don't even notice how close he got to you in a few moments but you can't let him get away from this, not when your pride is involved.
"Do you think it's fair to make someone like you just because you like them? Would you ever have told me about what you did or would you keep me like a fucking toy until you were tired of playing with me?"
He stares at you for a moment, a desperate look on his face. He wasn't trying to hurt you. He was selfish, he knows that and you have the right to not want anything to do with him anymore, but he has to try earning you back.
"I know I shouldn't have gave you a love potion, I know it's wrong and I did know you wouldn't like having your feelings messed with", he takes one of your hands and puts it in his chest, right above his heart and for the first time since you found out about what he did, you don't want to pull your hand away from his touch. "I was going to tell you, I swear, I just wanted to make you really look at me and see it was worth giving me a chance", he smiles sadly, "you are right to hate me after what I did but if you do forgive me I swear that I'll make up for it every day of our lives and I'll make you happier than you ever thought could be possible. It's going to be my goal, my mission, the biggest of my ambitions"
You sigh, it hurts. Logically, you shouldn't forgive him. But love is not logical and you want to accept his proposal. You know it's dumb and you know it's risky but never in your life did you really make a choice that you wanted to. You had to be a good student so your teachers would like you, you had to behave so your family would be proud of you, you had to have good grades so your parents would be satisfied, because they told you you needed to have the greatest career and that became your dream, but you never stopped to think about what you really wanted.
"If you didn't use the potion, would you keep trying to win me over?" You whisper, trying to decide what answer to give him.
"Yes, probably forever. Until you threatened to kill me or married someone else", he smiles, "not going to assure you I wouldn't try stealing you from your partner, but that would hold me back a little", he chuckles.
You sigh, why must you like him so much?
"I swear I'll make you regret it if you ever use any magic on me again", you say through gritted teeth, glaring at him, "and I like the thing you said about making up for it our whole lives"
A big smile grows on his lips and you feel your cheeks getting hot, how can someone be this beautiful?
"Then, will you give me another chance?" He asks in a breath.
"I'll let you take me on a date and I'll decide after that"
He smiles widely, throwing his arms around you and kissing the top of your head.
"I'll make it be a yes", he whispers, squeezing you more in his embrace.
You know you'll forgive him completely soon, Hyunjin can't hide his emotions from you so you know he's telling the truth but you sure as hell are not going to make it easy for him.
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hispg · 1 year
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Pairings: ID Leon x Fem! Reader
Summary: Another day as being a spy, this time working for the United States president. Was just another work until you met the agent Leon Kennedy. And well, things may get a bit heated between you two.
Wc: 14k(I'm sorry)
Warnings: Reader is a spy/mercenary, violent behaviors (both sides), enemies to lovers(I tried), smut, choking, descriptions of violence, unprotected sex, injuries, violence,mutual pining.
Notes: This one took so long, but it's here. I hope that you guys like it. Also, I was thinking about the music 'her' from Chase atlantic while writing this, hence the title. Also, sorry for any grammar mistakes, English is not my first language.
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It was already very late at the White House, and all that was left was a few poor employees overloading themselves with tasks here and there. Despite the hustle and bustle, there was a certain kind of calm. After all, it was late, and the night itself helped to bring a certain silence with it.
Leon had stayed a little longer, drinking a cup of coffee while reading some documents. About a new virus that was circulating, it wasn't as if it was news to him. To be honest, he felt more exhausted than upset by the situation. These things just didn't seem to stop happening. No matter how hard he tried, there was always some crazy bio-terrorist out there.
And again, the job fell to him. At least he hoped this mission would be easier, quicker, and not too time-consuming, like the last ones he'd been on.
After a weary sigh, he closed the folder with the documents. Taking the last sip of coffee and getting up, he would finish reading this at the hotel where he was staying, he felt too tired to continue at the white house, and he would most likely end up falling asleep there.
So he left where he was, walking through the empty corridors of that place. He even felt relieved that there was no one he knew there. He was too drained for any kind of conversation.
As he walked down the corridors, he couldn't help but notice the approaching female figure. He meant it, but it was impossible not to hear the sounds of high heels colliding with the floor.
Despite this, it wasn't someone he knew. Or had even seen walking through the white house, which was already a strange sign, it wasn't hard to guess that everyone who entered that place had to be authorized to do so, a basic security measure.
And as soon as you got closer, he could see your figure. Leather pants, a burgundy blouse with a jacket. And he couldn't say why, but you exuded an elegance he had never seen before. It was surreal the way you floated in those heels.
Just like him, you were carrying some documents in your hands and cautiously reading them.
He blinked a few times as he saw the moonlight illuminate your face, allowing him to admire your beauty more clearly.
He stood still where he was, just staring at you from head to toe. He didn't know what had gotten into him, but your aura caught his attention in such a magnetic way.
When he least expected it, you bumped into him, both of you too inattentive to avoid the situation. Leon instinctively grabbed you by both arms to help you keep your balance.
You acted quickly, taking your gun out of its holster and pointing it at him. It was a defensive reaction. After all, for your own good, you always had to be on your guard, no matter what the situation.
"Woah, easy there," Leon muttered, looking at you a little startled.
You looked at him a little crookedly, lowering your gun and putting it back in its holster. Your eyes expressed the purest coldness, just as your expression was quite sullen.
"Are you?" It was your first question. After all, he must have been someone important to be walking around the White House late at night.
He hesitated a little, looking suspicious of you, "Leon... Leon Kennedy." He says it in a friendly way.
At once, the name made sense. He was one of the president's acquaintances. One of the most renowned agents, probably the best at the moment.
You nodded, your distrust of him ceasing for a moment. At least he was someone you could trust.
"And you? What's your name?" He asked in a low, calm voice, waiting for you to answer him directly.
"Jane Williams." You lie, a spy you couldn't give out personal information that easily. Even if he was someone you could trust, he was still someone you had only just met.
He didn't seem to believe you very much, as he narrowed his gaze at you. His expression turned into a wrinkle in a matter of seconds.
"Would you mind showing your ID?" The friendly tone was almost imperceptible. He sounded incredibly serious now.
You scoff, shaking your head and crossing your arms. Putting your hand in one of your pockets, you pulled out the fake ID, which was made specifically for you.
He took the ID, held it up, and evaluated it. Every little detail flashed in his eyes, and he didn't seem to believe that ID at all.
"The shade of your hair is different here. Not only that, but your haircut is also very different. This document was issued last month. How have you changed so much?" He raised his eyebrows, waiting for a plausible explanation.
It was undeniable that he was a good observer. Surely, these details would not go unnoticed.
"You're using a fake ID, aren't you?" He didn't even give you time to answer, and he already asked you another question.
And this time, he could almost say that this was the case. The photo was so different. There was no way you were the same person. There simply had to have been too much going on in the meantime for you to have changed in such a way.
"I'm not someone you should worry about." You said sulkily, crossing your arms in annoyance.
And this seemed to irritate him deeply, as he sighed heavily.
"Well, it's alarming, to say the least, that someone should sneak into the White House at this hour. Even more so, by hiding their real identity." He said angrily, yet he sounded calm somehow.
He certainly had a point.
"Just don't bother me, and we'll be fine. I'm not a dangerous person, not in this situation." You even try to sound calm, but that clearly wasn't a good excuse for him.
"You pointed a gun at me a few seconds ago, and you say I shouldn't worry?" At this point, you could see his wrists clenching slightly.
You even shake your head in denial but realize that he's not going to give in. So, to avoid any confusion, you show him your real identity.
He looks at it again and again. He needs to be sure.
"Why are you using false documents?" He asks bluntly, his eyes piercing yours.
You pull the ID out of his hand and put it back in your pocket.
"In that case, you're already asking too much." You mutter cynically, moving down the corridor.
You had only come to the White House to speak to the president in person, and you expected him to welcome you properly.
A tug on your arm was enough to make you stop walking, not too strong to leave a mark, but firm enough to leave you standing where you were.
"Don't make me ask you again." He growled low, his tone cold and threatening. A clear contrast to his previous tones.
"Confidential." You just say, letting go of him and walking back down the corridor.
You heard a heavy sigh, soon followed by the sound of someone cocking their gun.
Looking back quickly, Leon had his gun aimed at you, waiting for you to answer him or even stop for a minute and pay attention to him.
"Confidential? Cut the crap." Again, the voice was low and cold. There was no denying that there was a chill in your stomach.
You rolled your eyes, not very excited about having to disarm him in such a way. But as a spy and mercenary, you couldn't take any chances.
It was your specialty to act without giving much time to react, and he certainly wasn't expecting you to be so precise.
With one swift kick, his gun ended up in the corner of the corridor, and it didn't take long for you to pin him to the wall. Pressing your forearm into his neck, your other hand pushing his body backward.
He seemed out of action for a few moments, wondering how you managed to be so assertive. He was disarmed in the blink of an eye, as easy as taking candy from a child.
The realization came, you were more dangerous than he had imagined. He could bet on it.
"What the hell are you doing?" He hissed at you, his face clearly bearing an angry expression.
You just kept staring at him, eyes cold and expressionless. You'd have no trouble killing him here if you had to.
"Don't make funny things, I'm not here for that." A low, calm voice that sent a chill down his spine.
After a few more seconds you let him go, walking towards his gun, which was lying in the corner.
"Confiscated." You say in a whisper, and while it was a soothing voice, there was a certain tone of threat. That was a fact.
Leon kept analyzing you for a while, for some stupid reason, he felt interested in knowing what the hell you were. After all, if you wanted to kill him, you would have done so a few moments ago.
But you still didn't, so what were you? Someone who was dangerous indeed, but because you had only immobilized him and nothing more?
Thoughts raced through his head, he didn't even try to protest once more. His eyes followed your every move, and they widened as soon as you moved towards the President's office.
The only noise now was your heels bumping against the floor, such light and incredibly sophisticated steps. And he thought once again, what were you?
To his surprise, as soon as you knocked on the door of the President's office, he opened it and simply let you in, just like that.
So was that a sign or what? Or should he worry and call in some kind of reinforcement? But what would he say? He didn't even know where you'd come from.
A few minutes of pondering later, he found himself pacing back and forth in the corridors. He had already tried to listen through the crack in the door, but nothing worked. Because he certainly wouldn't give up talking to you, not even if he wanted to.
Your cold, inexpressive manner was something of a chill, he'd met people like that before. But there was something more intriguing about you that even he couldn't explain.
After what seemed like an eternity, you finally came out of the President's office, and to Leon's astonishment, there was the President himself standing next to you, talking quietly to you. Just like that.
You can't help it, and you gave Leon a cynical little smile as you walked through the White House with the president.
Again, what was that supposed to mean? Were you good or bad? What was the point of this discussion?
A million options ran through his head, he simply couldn't rule out any hypothesis. The only option was to talk to you since the president wouldn't say anything to him, not even if he asked politely.
You didn't seem to be someone he knew either, so even if he tried to look for information, he might not find the right answers.
After a good fifteen minutes, you appeared in the corridor, this time alone. It was the perfect opportunity for him to try and approach you. Although he already knew that he should expect some aggression from you.
Hell, he had to admit, you had an incomparable elegance. Every step felt like you were floating.
Hastening his steps, he managed to reach your side, once again looking you over from head to toe.
"Here, take this." You say, handing him back his gun.
Without much ceremony, he takes the gun and puts it back in its holster, and once again, confusion takes over his face.
Why were you showing a certain cordiality out of the blue?
"Thanks, I guess." He answers awkwardly, looking at you sideways, hoping you'd at least try to say something.
To his surprise, you remained silent. And so did he. He just kept following you at a certain distance. It's funny that he acted as if you weren't watching him, but you could see and hear him.
Once you arrived at the parking lot, you quickly went to your car and got in, carrying a folder with documents. It was soon placed in the trunk of the car.
"So, do you mind at least giving a few more details about yourself?" As soon as he sees you start the car, he hurries to ask you something.
"I told you, it's Confidential." Again the same answer, which seemed to irritate him a little.
"Come on, can't you even give me a clue? You know who I am, I can find something on you in the blink of an eye." It wasn't a threat. It was just him telling you what he would do if you didn't cooperate.
Not that you'd be intimidated by that kind of threat since you heard it all the time. Hence, the false identities and all the precautions to avoid being caught or identified. After all, there would be no point in a spy simply throwing her information into the air, right?
"Over time, you can try to find out. You know, just as I appeared out of nowhere, I'll suddenly disappear too." You could even hear a certain amusement in your voice, but in the end, it was your words that portrayed reality.
You'd disappear as soon as everything had settled down around here.
"I seem to have heard that conversation before," Leon murmured, sounding more like he was talking to himself than to you.
You just nodded, started the car, and drove off. Which left him speechless since he hadn't expected you to leave so suddenly. At least a word, no?
He sighs, watching your car disappear across the parking lot, then nothing but the sound of the engine. Then nothing, just him with his thoughts.
Why the hell did you have to show up? Now all his sleep had gone, all he was going to do was look for all the information he could, to at least have a guide as to what to do.
And he would search to the bottom, it wasn't possible that he wouldn't find anything about you, impossible.
"So she's a spy and a mercenary?" Leon asked, reading some papers in his hand. There was a certain annoyance in his voice.
"Yes, that's what it looks like. I still don't understand what she wants with the president. There's some small piece of data that proves her alliance with the Russian government last month. What is she doing here now?" The female voice was Rosa's, one of the other agents who had decided to help Leon look for this information.
Leon nodded silently, reading and re-reading the papers. Trying to find any and all useful information, at least a little direction to guide him. He needed to know what a person like you was doing there, especially being as close to the president as you seemed to be.
Normally, the government didn't work with this kind of person, let alone with such a close connection. People like you are highly dangerous and treacherous, so what was your motivation? Why would you be here now?
And he could only think of the mess that was to come, of that he was sure.
Later that day, you visited the president again, this time to iron out the details of the mission. Possibly a good few more hours of conversation, after all, this was the most important part of the process. One little mistake and it was all over.
At that moment, you sat comfortably in one of the armchairs, while the President talked and talked, and frankly, it seemed like it would never end.
All the instructions, locations, objectives, everything was explicitly spoken about. And you didn't have much doubt about what to do, another one of those jobs.
Eliminate all the people who posed a threat, no matter who they were, and take whatever else was precious. A new sample of a virus that was circulating, and all the other important documents related to it.
The mission was highly secretive, until then you and the president were the only ones who knew. And by his orders, that's how it should be.
It was those kinds of veiled threats, several countries were after this virus, which appeared to be an incredibly powerful and resistant biological weapon. An incomparable risk to society.
But at this point, nobody cares, the important thing is to have a weapon to threaten other countries with, to demonstrate 'power'. Even if it means sacrificing thousands to do so.
But you weren't here to discuss moral values, you're simply a spy, in most cases driven purely by greed. So despite your regrets, you weren't going to go into too much detail about what would be done with this sample, at least not yet.
"I need you to infiltrate a Chinese organization, I want to know more about what they're up to. You have no problem posing as one of them, do you?" The president asked, but he knew perfectly well that this was your greatest specialty.
You could team up with the bad guys and the 'good guys', whatever it took to carry out this mission.
"You mentioned something about the south coast of China, is that group there?" You ask calmly, taking a sip of tea.
"Exactly, I need you to get some documents from them. As well as a sample of the new virus." He said calmly, willing to explain again if you needed him to.
You nodded, affirming that you understood what you needed to do.
Before you could leave the room, he added, "I want you to keep an eye on Agent Kennedy, he's going on this mission. Unlike you, he'll be on the front line. Dealing with threats on the way, be prepared to meet some infected."
You looked at him sideways, visibly sulkier than usual. Not that you were going to take care of Leon, since he could manage very well on his own, but you didn't like doing missions with other people. Sometimes it got in the way more than anything else.
"Why is that? Who else is involved in this mission?" You were quick to ask, the infected weren't exactly what put you on alert.
But other people could have been involved.
It was quite clear that he wanted Leon to have extra security, which in itself was cause for suspicion, we're talking about an incredibly competent agent. He should be able to handle himself calmly, shouldn't he?
"Precautionary measures are never too much, don't you agree? I know how competent you can be, so I just assumed that you two would make a good pair together." Certainly a compliment, but you didn't know whether to like it or be at least a little wary about it.
You gave a slight sigh, basically inaudible, "I just need to keep an eye on him, right? I don't want to babysit anyone."
The president laughed with a certain amusement, although he kept his expression serious, "Exactly, Leon can manage on his own, don't worry about that. I just think an extra pair of eyes wouldn't hurt."
With a small smile, he opens the door for you, signaling you to leave. After all, the conversation was over.
All you did was pick up a few more documents and left the President's office, with a little wave and that was it. You still needed to think of precise strategies for everything to go smoothly, so you decided to go to the restaurant, a place that was quieter and you could have more time to think properly.
With quick steps you reached the small restaurant, taking a table in the corner, as you didn't want anyone bothering you.
What you did first was take a look at the information the President had given you, some extra details about this mission. You hoped they would be minimally useful, it would be a shame to read all that for nothing.
You spent so much time immersed in those documents that you didn't even notice that it was late at night and that there weren't many people around. Which was a good thing, it meant a little more peace. As you glanced at one of the last pages of the documents, you couldn't ignore the feeling that someone was watching you.
For a brief moment, you raised your head and looked around, only seeing a few employees at first glance. Paying a little more attention, you saw the familiar silhouette, Leon, who was sitting at a table a little close to yours.
He had his arms crossed and a half-closed expression, and seemed to be squinting at you, which was to be expected, after all, you hadn't had a friendly meeting.
For a few moments you stared at each other, but you realized that it wouldn't do much, so you just turned your attention back to the papers in your hands. All you had to do was tolerate him, because whether you wanted to or not, you were going on a mission with him, although you wouldn't be acting as a team. At least not in an official way, since he could certainly manage on his own, and so could you.
Light footsteps echoed around the room, it didn't take long for you to see someone sitting down next to you, you didn't have to be a genius to know it was Leon, no matter how hard he fought it, there was a growing urge in his chest, he needed to know more about you. Certainly for his own sake, his own safety, but there was something inside that made him incredibly curious.
For yet another time, he found himself admiring your figure, the cologne you wore, which by the way, just by the smell of it, he could tell how expensive it was. The shiny necklace you wore around your neck, which adorned your collarbone.
Without a shadow of a doubt, you exuded such grace that anyone who looked at you like that wouldn't be able to tell how dangerous you were. Or maybe that was the intention, the noble, cold image that didn't show much emotion.
"Looking too much." Your voice brings him out of his trance, and he quickly focuses his gaze on your face.
Clearing his throat a little awkwardly, he says something like, "Sorry...What are you doing here?"
Repeated the question, but he still hadn't gotten an answer, so it was only fair to ask one more time.
"Business. And you?" For the first time, you try to bring up something, to divert attention a little.
He sighed slightly, already understanding what you wanted to do, "You know who I am. However, I wonder what a spy like you is doing here."
Sure enough, he already knew about you, and he would make that clear. Which was a surprise, since he had been very efficient at finding some of your tracks.
Your eyes protruded into his, and your lips curved slightly into a dangerous smile.
"Quick, I admit you did well on that one." Despite the quasi-expression you showed, your face became serious again.
With another sigh, he realized that it wouldn't be easy to get some information out of you.
Once again he sighs, arms crossed and the same closed expression. What could he do to get information about you?
For a brief moment, he moved his head a little, just enough to take a peek at what you were reading.
"South coast of China? How did you get access to that? As far as I know, only hand-picked people know about it, why do you know?" It was an inquisition, he even had his eyebrows raised.
"Agent, don't ask questions you know I won't answer. Let's be practical. You already know my identity, I suppose it's not difficult to put the pieces together and understand all this." A certain debauchery was visible in your voice, although the seriousness in your tone was much more apparent.
"You're incredibly complicated, aren't you?" He said in a sullen grunt.
Leaning back a little more in your chair, you stop to look at him better for a few seconds. With dark hair, blue eyes, and a black suit with a white dress shirt inside, he looked incredibly polished.
He was handsome, you couldn't say otherwise. Apart from his perfume that entered your nostrils, that kind of smell that you could tell how high the price of the cologne was just by smelling it.
After a few minutes of silence, he decided to continue, "What are you going to do on this mission? Go undercover? But what's the point?"
For a moment you laughed discreetly, his persistence was admirable.
"If I tell you, will you leave me alone?" Your voice was calmer now, despite the colder expression.
He wasted no time nodding hastily. He needed to know more, with the excuse that you were a dangerous person, but in truth, maybe he was a little more interested in you than he should have been, just maybe.
"I need to do the dirty work, you know, just make sure no one gets in the way of the other members of the mission." That was partly true, but you were basically hiding everything else.
He raised his eyebrows once more, looking at the papers on the table, his hand slowly reaching for the folder.
"Oh sure, a mercenary is going to be in charge of security? Honestly, can't you think of a more convincing lie?"
You scoffed, seeing that he wanted to take a look at the folder, so you pulled him by the wrist. In a quick second, he was right next to you.
"Sweetie, I wouldn't move a muscle if I were you." An almost inaudible whisper, but he would definitely hear it. He was so close to you.
For a moment, his eyes widened a little, just as his lips threatened to quirk into a sideways smile.
"Why should I listen to you?" He teased back, his low voice sending vibrations throughout your body.
You chuckled, squeezing his fist a little harder.
"I wouldn't try my luck if I were you." You hissed.
Despite your velvety tone, he could already imagine that you wouldn't hesitate to do something to prevent Leon from finding out more about you.
Raising his head a little more, he brought his face closer to yours, to the point where you could both feel each other's breathing.
You closed your eyes, a veiled smile appearing on your lips.
'So that's how he plays it,' you think to yourself.
With your free hand, you hold him by the chin without breaking eye contact.
"Agent Kennedy, don't start something you can't finish." The tone of your voice was incredibly seductive, and it wasn't intentional.
It was enough to elicit a chuckle from him as he leaned his chin a little more on your hand.
"Should I consider this a flirtation? Or an early warning of your hostility?" As crazy as it sounded, there was an explicit tone of amusement in his voice.
He was dying to know what you meant, his curiosity only growing by the minute. It was so wrong, you were a morally wrong person, and he knew it, so why the hell did he want to know more about you? Why the hell did you have to be so beautiful?
"Take it any way you like, Agent Kennedy." You say with a furtive smile, followed by a wink.
Maybe it was just a distraction since you got up and left right away. But you couldn't deny that you were swayed by the man, not only was he handsome, he seemed interesting.
And you can bet that he felt the same way because he stared at you like a puppy on the street. As soon as you stood up, his eyes followed you until you left the restaurant, controlling his desire to simply chase after you.
He would look pathetic if he did that, but God, it was so tempting. But he wouldn't, not so easily. He knew the game you were playing, and he wouldn't just give in. At least, that's what he thought.
What he forced himself to believe.
A few more details settled, and the mission began. It only took a few days. After all, it was a mission that had a certain urgency. With a good few hours of flying, you were on the south coast of China, not that you were very excited to begin with.
Leon had arrived first, at which point he was probably already doing his job. And you had to find the faction that contained the inside information, just as you had to find the sample of the new virus, which certainly wouldn't be easy.
You could say that with certainty, since you saw how big the place was. A small village, it appeared to be very humble, even if it was eerily silent. That in itself was a reason to cock an ear.
This made you wonder why a faction would choose a place like this to carry out their operations. Perhaps because they wanted a quieter place, without attracting anyone's attention. It's not like it was the smartest idea in the world, since it ended up being discovered anyway.
By sneaking around here and there you managed to get deeper into that village, nothing special, if you were being honest. The only alarming thing about the place was the deafening silence, incredible that you couldn't even hear the sounds of the surroundings, such as birds or other animals.
It was macabre, you couldn't deny that. The only sound was your footsteps, which were almost inaudible as you tried your best not to make a sound. Since attracting unwanted attention was not your focus.
A few steps later, you spotted Leon, who was a little further on. He was dealing with some infected, and had everything under control, no wonder he was considered an incredibly competent agent, seeing him like this, you could tell why.
Even though you were approaching discreetly, without giving him a chance to see you, you kept glancing at him from time to time, just to make sure he was getting the job done.
The sound of gunfire soon ceased, and you realized that Leon had already cleared his side, now just making sure everything was all right. And so you decided to make your way, moving towards an abandoned balcony, exactly the location you wanted to get to. Before entering, you examined everything outside, making sure there were no ambushes or anything that could be an imminent risk.
After a few minutes of inspection, you entered the old counter, steps awkward, gun in hand, and a thoughtful expression on your face. Any mistake could mean the end, and you knew it perfectly well. However, once again you were surprised: there was no one there, not a single person, not even a sign of an infected person passing by.
What did that mean?
Footsteps and more footsteps, and you still hadn't found anyone, only for your confirmation that it was an abandoned place. You didn't even dare to touch anything that was there, it was all very ordinary, and of course, that should be a good thing, but frankly, it wasn't.
However, literally out of nowhere, you felt a weight on your body, knocking you to the ground almost instantly. Your first reaction was to let out a slight grunt, but you certainly fought back as soon as you realized you were being pressed to the floor.
The dark surroundings made it difficult to see, but you managed to press your heels into the back of the person's knee, or whatever was pressing you to the floor.
The response you got was a grunt of pain, the pressure you put on was enough to loosen the grip you were being held in, from the voice, it was a person. You managed to push the person off you, rolling on the floor and looking for your gun.
But before you could reach for the gun, the same person pressed you against the wall, a strong hand on your stomach pushing you hard into the wall, while its forearm was glued to your throat. The person was so strong that you already felt dizzy from the slightest contact.
Even though it took some effort, you grabbed the knife you were carrying, which was attached in a holster on your thighs, and quickly pressed it against the person's neck.
And in the most idiotic way possible, you only just stopped to look at who it was, and the person did the same.
The two said in unison, looking at each other with inexplicable surprise, given the unusual situation. Even so, neither of you surrendered. On the contrary, both stares continued.
In the end, one was waiting for the other to surrender, but the question was, which one was going to take the initiative? It seemed that neither had this question in mind, nor were you even willing to give in.
"You're kind of sweet." You tease him, a mischievous smile starting to appear on your lips.
The answer was a heavy, annoyed sigh, his forearm pushing even harder against your throat.
"Don't tease me. What kind of trouble are you up to?" He asks in a hiss, blue eyes staring at you intensely.
You smiled wickedly, your eyes meeting his gaze. And to be honest, you didn't seem to be scared at all.
"My my, you're insistent, aren't you?" Your voice was a low and provocative one, just to play with his strings a bit more.
You could hear him cursing under his breath, he was piercing you with his gaze now.
"I'm warning you, if you do some kind of shit-" You stopped him mid-sentence.
Your fingers pressed against his lips, in a way to make him hush.
"So grumpy, relax a bit. You know, I could easily kill you if I wanted to." Although the low and charming voice, this was a threat, no doubt of that.
He seemed to be mesmerized by you, those plump lips, which are stained with that dammed red lipstick. It looked so damn sexy on you.
Seeing that, your lips curl into a smirk. You both know so well this attraction that was starting to grow between you two.
It was so wrong. Why in hell does Leon feel attracted towards you? Why did you make him feel in some type of way? He barely knows you.
His breath hitched as soon as he felt your thumb brushing his lower lip. The way you looked at him was so tempting. Sure, it was only some trick to make him distracted, and well, it's working perfectly fine. He wasn't even trying to push you back.
"You're obnoxious.." He whispered, loosening his grip on you. Yet, holding you in place firmly enough.
You scoffed, pressing your thumb even more on his lip. There was a small smile playing along your lips.
You could tell by the way that his hand slipped from your stomach to your waist, he wanted to take this further.
Some part of you wanted to keep teasing him, even if wasn't the best place for it.
With a quick motion, you moved your face closer to his, making his eyes hover exactly on your lips.
"Such a tease.." He hums, grip tightening around your waist.
Slowly, you take off his forearm from your throat, putting it down gently. You even feel bold enough to let a small kiss on his forearm.
Even if he tried not to, he couldn't hide the small smirk forming on the corner of his lips. He's enjoying this a little bit too much, and he doesn't want to stop if he's being honest.
"You know damn well that I can just kill you, don't you?" He even tried to sound imposing and all, but that's not what he wanted to do now. And you both know it.
You chuckled, dragging your fingers over his face,"I could kill you too. My knife is right here." In a quiet and simple whisper, you remind him that you still are in a position to warm him if you want to.
At this rate, none of you are taking each other threats seriously, and it seemed more like some kind of veiled flirting.
His free hand roamed to your neck again, the gentle touch that soon enough became a grasp. Not strong enough to leave marks or leave you breathless.
It was more like some kind of teasing, by the way that he moved his face even more closer to yours.
"A bold move, must say." You scoff, pressing your knife even more on his neck.
His face was so close now that his nose was touching yours, his mouth dangerously closer to you. Surely, that was not how this mission should be going, but you're not in the place to complain about anything, and he could say the same.
There you are, looking at him with the most cynical look, while he kept that dumb smirk on his lips.
What a situation.
His hold tightened around your neck, making you gasp slightly. The little sound that made his blue eyes sparkle, he didn't even try to hide it.
"You're playing a dangerous game, Agent." Your voice was barely a whisper at this point.
He smiled sideways, his thumb wandering over your lips in a subtle way of touching you.
"What are you doing here?" Surely the question he'd been wanting an answer to for ages.
You gave a low chuckle, pressing your knife further into his neck.
"I'm not telling, not even to you." As soon as you said that, he hung you a little tighter.
It was enough to make you choke. He took the opportunity to move even closer, his lips gently caressing yours.
You understood what he was getting at, and you wouldn't give in. You bet.
"I'm not in the mood for this. You should start talking." Despite his authoritative tone, you could sense that he was enjoying himself, even though he was trying to keep a serious expression.
You slid your tongue out of your mouth, tracing his lower lip in an incredibly provocative way.
He drew in his breath sharply, his eyes slowly closing. He'd be lying if he said he didn't like it.
"Don't make things complicated, we can solve this so easily." You whisper sensually, you could have ended it already, but that wasn't your plan.
His eyes meet yours, in the most impure of looks. God, what a hell of a situation.
It would cause quite a delay to the mission, but at that point, neither of you cared. It was more like the world around you had stopped.
But like any good moment, you were interrupted by the sound of footsteps and voices. Which made you stop your teasing and look for a place to hide. Leon was quick to take you by the arm and lead you behind some debris, the two of you crouching down and listening intently to the conversation.
In the end, it was just some of the faction's plans that you needed to neutralize, which was very helpful. You just needed to neutralize everything, and with the little bit of information you had received, it would be possible. Although it was quite risky.
You could feel Leon's gaze on you from time to time, he was staring at you. As if he knew exactly what you were thinking.
"The person they're referring to is you, isn't it?" Leon asks, his voice completely stoic. His blue eyes scan you wildly.
"Wanting to know too much. You go on your way, and I'll go on mine." You say sharply, returning to a more centered posture.
Leon knew he couldn't push you any further, at least not now. But he would certainly stick to you until he found out what you were up to.
As soon as the noises stopped, you took the opportunity to look for more clues.
But before you moved any further along the abandoned balcony, you approached Leon once more, kissing him on the cheek.
"Take care, I don't want to find you dead out there." You said it jokingly, but he could sense your seriousness.
He let out a puffy smile, watching as you walked away. He couldn't help himself, his eyes glazed over your curves.
What the fuck was he feeling? This shouldn't be happening.
It took a few hours, but you managed to infiltrate, even though it cost you some valuable information. Closely classified.
This would probably give you a headache, and you can bet that the President wouldn't be too happy about the information being shared.
You already had a certain amount of trust from one of the faction members, even though they were people of dubious character. But you knew how to play this game, and you wouldn't lose.
At that moment you were walking through the underground part of the counter, which was incredibly large and complex. It was so big, you didn't expect to find a place like this.
A few times during these hours, you ran into Leon, and did your best to make him go unnoticed. You didn't know why you were acting like this, but you couldn't let him get in your way. You couldn't even let him get hurt and become an imminent problem.
It was undeniable that you also wanted to protect him, not that he needed you. But you knew that things wouldn't end well if any of the members of that faction knew that Leon was there too.
If they didn't already know.
In that silence, you could feel that you and yours were being followed or watched. And that wasn't just your feeling.
You could feel the tension building there, like a storm brewing in the distance. Now you were with a group of three men, four people in total counting you.
That walk was just an introduction to the underground site, since that was the exchange you had made. Classified information in exchange for a tour of the site. There was nothing unusual so far, although it was incredibly bizarre. No doubt about it.
And the place began to get darker and darker, with only a few dim lights from the lamps. Even if you were used to this kind of situation, you couldn't ignore the chill in your stomach that sneaked up on you.
What's more, your thoughts sometimes turned to Leon, whom you had already met a few times in this place. It would be so much more practical if the mission consisted of just you and him, two competent people who would get things done quickly. Because what you least wanted was to be trapped in that place, which was too disgusting for that.
The further you walked, the more an uncomfortable feeling grew in you; your body was completely tense by this point. You were in a state of alert, any movement was enough to alarm you.
At a certain distance, you could see Leon sneaking around the old place. That was more than enough to make your eyes widen and you try to warn him somehow to get out of there.
It didn't do much good, as he completely ignored you. He was just as focused on the mission as you were.
You tried to keep the attention off him, but the other people with you noticed the strange movement.
You already knew that the people in this faction were dangerous, and you certainly knew how to deal with them. However, you felt apprehensive in case Leon was taken by surprise. It certainly wouldn't end well.
For a few moments, you arranged a distraction for the group, causing them to dissipate for a few brief minutes. Enough for you to catch up with Leon and pull him into a quieter room.
"Are you going crazy? Get out of here. They're exactly looking for you." You hissed at him, pressing him against the wall.
To your surprise, his reaction was to pull you by the waist, so close that you could almost rest your forehead on his.
"Don't forget that I'm here for my reasons too. Just like you." He whispers, his fingers tracing your back.
You stare in disbelief at his action, it wasn't possible that he was thinking about this. Not in this situation.
"Agent Kennedy, this isn't the time for that." You whisper back, your gaze penetrating his.
He just smiled, looking around. He knew you wouldn't do anything against him, just as he wouldn't do anything against you.
Veiled words that you both knew deep down you wouldn't cross those boundaries.
"You're the one who left those guns and ammunition here for me, aren't you?" he asked quietly, even looking at you with a certain amount of apprehension.
You nodded, it was no big deal. Just a simple gesture to make sure everything went smoothly.
All for the mission. That's all.
He pulled you a little further into the corner, so that the two of you went unnoticed by anyone. But that closeness, the way the two of you were glued together.
Incredibly tempting, that was undeniable.
But you needed to focus, but it didn't help that he was being very protective, the way he simply shielded your body with his. Although you didn't have the friendliest encounters, this affection was only growing.
Who knows why? It shouldn't even be happening after all.
"You know they're looking for you, don't you?" You ask, staring at him once again.
"I'm well aware of that, just as I'm aware that you're with them. Yet you keep helping me." He knew the answer, but he wanted to hear it from you.
You could tell by the way his lips curved into a sideways smile that he wanted to hear it.
"Don't ask questions. Look, if you get out of here alive. I'll treat you to dinner as soon as we get back." You proposed it, you couldn't risk him getting in the way of the mission.
Of course, that would be it.
"I hope you're a person of your word because I'm going to charge you for this dinner." His smile was wide, he didn't even make a point of hiding it.
You nodded hastily, signaling him to move away. And fortunately, that's what he did.
But just as he turned to disappear down the corridor, you heard some voices behind you. Shouting almost frantically.
"Here, he's here." It was the same group you were with before, and now they had found their target. Leon.
You didn't have a very precise reaction, you just told Leon to keep moving away.
It was more than obvious that bargaining was not an option, they had an objective. And you couldn't let that happen.
Just as you needed Leon alive for mission-related reasons. And you would certainly break it to him.
You didn't hesitate to fire on the group, you didn't hesitate to have to kill them one by one, just to ensure that the mission was completed correctly.
A few good shots and blows later, all you had around you was blood, as well as the bodies of the poor unfortunates who thought they had a chance against you.
A few more deaths for your account. And you didn't feel a twinge of regret.
You look back, only to see Leon's astonished face. He almost couldn't believe the scene in front of him.
You were cold, and the way you didn't even tremble after everything you'd done was the clearest proof he could have.
It also gave him one more certainty: you wouldn't hurt him. Not after having let him live even though you could have ended him, and having helped him a few times.
And this was another of your bits of help. And he was in no position to complain. Not now.
Before you could exchange a single word, the sound of gunfire echoed around the room. It made you and Leon look at each other nervously.
If one of the people you had seriously wounded still had the strength to pull the trigger, the bullet would have hit you straight on. However, without you expecting it, Leon stepped in front of you, taking the bullet for you.
That was enough for him to fall to the ground, and for a brief moment you rushed forward, your first move being to kill the bastard who had fired. This time you made sure he was dead.
Then you bent down and looked at Leon's wound, he was bleeding profusely.
His pained expression made your heart squeeze, you had to help him somehow.
The option was to get him to a safer place, and you would do it. No matter what the cost.
You wouldn't leave him out in the open like that, you wouldn't let him down.
You couldn't do that.
For the mission.
"Damn you, why the hell did you take a bullet for me?" You hissed, dabbing some antiseptic on his bruise.
For some divine reason, the bullet hadn't lodged. It had only damaged the wound. Which, despite everything, was a relief.
He grunted a little, still trying to keep his cool attitude, "It was nothing, just a bullet for a pretty lady."
Despite the joking tone, you hold him by the chin, looking at him with fervor.
"Regardless, I don't want you getting hurt for me, understand?"' Your voice was completely serious, but it was impossible to deny the worry you carried in your chest.
It wasn't fair of him to do that. It could have cost him his life. And you couldn't allow a person like him to risk himself for someone like you.
"Oh, come on. Just one bullet, it's not like I'm going to die -" You didn't let him finish. You just pushed your lips against his, in a way, to keep him quiet.
For a brief moment, he hesitated but kissed you back soon after. In a calmer, more affectionate way, one of his hands stroked your hair while your lips moved in pure synchronicity.
His hand, which had been in your hair, now went down, grasping the back of your neck, pushing you even closer to him.
You simply didn't hold back. You surrendered to his touches. Letting your tongue slide into his mouth, making the kiss more intense and wild, possibly that was his intention.
And of course, you should have pushed him away, at least not let it get so deep, but your body betrayed you, and you just let yourself go.
What seemed like an eternity ended after a good few minutes, when your lips parted painfully.
He had a faint look on his face despite the pain of his bruise. And you didn't do much to avoid the silly smile that was drawn on your lips, either.
And well, he was more than satisfied with that, since it was quite an effort to get you to smile, but it was something. At least you were more comfortable next to him. That's what he was thinking now.
You closed your eyelids, savoring his kiss, the taste of his lips on yours. Which only took a few seconds, as you forced yourself to focus on tending to his wound. Which was still oozing blood.
Despite the great desire to repeat the scene, you restrained yourself and went back to applying antiseptic to his wound
You started to get some bandages to wrap the wound properly.
He let out a few grunts of pain but quickly muffled them with his bare hands. Even with his attempts to hide the pain, you were completely aware that it was bothering him.
"When I've finished, you can stay here a while longer. At least until you feel better." You say softly, tying a bandage around his arm, gently to prevent it from hurting him more.
"No need." He says in a hoarse voice, trying his best to remain serious.
"That's not a question. It's an order, Kennedy." You say even more seriously, looking at him deeply.
Even after the kiss, the atmosphere was still somehow romantic because he knew you weren't being rude to him. You were just worrying. Even though you had a harsh way of showing it.
He sighed in defeat, knowing that you weren't going to let him leave so soon, but if he was sincere, from the kiss you exchanged, anything after that was a win-win situation.
"It won't take long, I can recover quickly." He said quietly, but from the pained look on his face, you could tell that it would be some time before he recovered.
"There's no need to rush, I'll take a look outside. I'll make sure everything's clean before we leave." That was enough to make him look at you a little puzzled.
"But we haven't found anything here yet. We can't go back."
"I'll take care of it, I'll escort you back. At least I'll get you out of here. You don't have to worry about the rest. I'll do what's necessary." You say calmly and coolly, completely confident in yourself.
Unlike Leon, who looks at you as if he's just heard the most absurd thing in the world. And then he deliberately denies it with his head.
"No way, I'm not letting you go alone. It's my mission, too." He protested, looking at you a little annoyed.
You sighed, rolling your eyes at his stubbornness, "You stay, I won't risk you going off like that. One ass to look after is enough."
Another annoyed grunt, yet he knew it was pointless fighting you because you'd go all the way. But it was Leon, so he'd pull out all the stops to try and help in some way.
"Stay here, I'll take a look outside." It was an order, and you'll not accept his no as an answer.
Now things have changed, and all that mattered to you was to take him away from this place safely. He had done more than enough in this mission. Despite you knowing so well that he'll not stay still as you said. But even so, you'll make sure that he was safe, at least.
As you rushed back to the helicopter that was waiting for you, your mind was only thinking about how Leon was feeling. You couldn't help but feel guilty somehow regards what happened. At this rate, you already managed to finish all the missions, and as a result, you were all bruised and untidy. But that was what the last you're caring for right now.
The faction has ended properly. You exuded any kind of plans that they might be doing. Just like the new virus sample was safe in your hands, at least for now.
You can feel your cold demeanor fade once you lay your eyes on Leon, who is leaning back in one of the helicopter's seats, with closed eyes, and a tired expression. You can't blame him. He'd been through so much in this mission. It was more than fair that he was like this.But the way his face was still pale was worrying. But you couldn't show too much, not in public.
It wouldn't be good for his reputation, and that's what you wanted the least.
You only agreed to go on the same helicopter as him because the other one would take a few hours, and you couldn't stand the atmosphere there any longer. You'd already faced enough problems there.
Leon seemed so fated that he didn't even bother to open his eyes, he just continued resting there. His free hand held his injured arm, while his breathing was a little faint. But it was there.
He'd probably need a few stitches when he got back, and that would certainly leave a scar.
You sat a little away from him, but watched him from time to time. In a more discreet way, just to make sure he was still okay. Since it would probably be a few hours before you got back to the White House.
So all that remained was to wait patiently and keep an eye on Leon's condition.
After all, you felt more than obliged to do this, he had been shot for you, after all.
It took a while, quite a while if you were being honest. But the two of you finally reached the white house. It was very late, probably late at night.
You still stayed awake a lot, you had to report on what had happened. And it would take a long time, even hours to tell the details.
You and Leon didn't talk much, you just greeted each other briefly before entering the President's office. Which, frankly, was a total bore, just a lot of boring work talk. Which you couldn't stand hearing about any more.
Time seemed to pass so slowly, you could have sworn that hours had passed, and that had probably already happened.
After settling everything once again, you received your paycheck along with your bonus, and it was time to get out of there. Your mission was over, and that was certainly what you were going to do.
At least, that was your plan.
Which were interrupted as soon as Leon pulled you into an empty corridor, pushed you against the wall and kissed you out of the blue.
It was a desperate, thirsty kiss, as if he needed it to live. And you kissed him back with the same intensity.
"You're going to keep your word, aren't you? I'm not giving up on this dinner." He whispers, resting his forehead on yours. Looking at you tensely.
Despite being tired and sore, and clearly looking like he hadn't slept in the last few days, he didn't stop being handsome for a single second.
"I certainly have to make my word count, don't I?" You say softly, giving him a light kiss.
You'd exchanged the necessary information, everything had already been arranged. All you had to do was wait for the day to arrive.
You just had to wait a little longer, just a little longer.
The waited night finally came. Now was the day for that dinner. One that you're quite eager for. It was almost night now, and even if still sometime before that dinner, you wanted to get ready calmly, so you just started early.
Or maybe because you're so anxious about that? It's an option, too.
Lucky for you the time passed quickly, a couple of hours, and was already time to go. And even so, you looked yourself in the mirror once again, paying attention to every detail. Honestly, even you can't say why you're being this perfectionist on this night.
But well, all of your thoughts vanished once you heard someone knocking on your door. You can bet that was him, who seemed to be the kind of man that would politely go to your home and take you to this dinner. And no, you're not complaining about that.
As soon as you open the door, you immediately see Leon, with a sly smile on his face. His eyes look attentively at your body, your dress, everything about you seems to be dumbfounded.
"Looking pretty." He said in a charming voice, pulling you by your waist and giving a small kiss on your cheek.
You can't help but chuckle at his bold action. He was just as eager as you. This was just undeniable.
"You look nice, too." You said with a small wink, taking a better view of him.
Leather jacket, along with also leather pants. A blue shirt, his hair perfectly in place, and you couldn't let pass that delicious cologne that fills your nostrils.
He chuckled, leaning in and giving your cheek another kiss.
Certainly, this should be another one of your dates, but it felt so special for some strange reason. Something about Leon seemed to be so endearing.
With another smile exchange, he quickly guides you to his motorbike, ready to take you to the nice restaurant that he reserved. He was more than willing to pamper you all night long. You can tell by the way that he chose the most expensive restaurant, only to make sure to treat you properly.
And everything went so well, you both talked all the dinner. As if you two have known each other for so long, all of this with good wine and good food. Looking at this situation now, it doesn't even look like you both are just like a cat and mouse. Far from it.
But you managed one thing, the euphoric looks in Leon's eyes, once you accepted to go to his apartment and spend the night with him.
Oh my, you drove him crazy only by agreeing with such a thing.
He would be lying if he said that his mind wasn't going wild right now. Yet, he's trying his best not to lose his cool because he wants you so much.
A couple of talks after, you both decided that it was time to go back to his apartment, to let the night go. The night was pleasant so far, but being quite honest, the part you two went back to his apartment and spent the rest of the evening together was so exciting.
After some twenty minutes of driving, you finally arrived at his apartment. Luxurious and expensive, you couldn't wait any less from him.
Once you stepped inside his apartment, he didn't waste time and pushed you against the closed door, kissing you with fervor, as if his life depended on it.
His hands roamed in your body, squeezing and caressing every inch of it. He can't control himself anymore. He needs this, and he'll have it.
Your tongue gets entangled with his, dancing non-stop. You both wanted this so badly, this desire that had been building up since you met him, and you can be sure as hell that he has this feeling, too.
"God damn you." He managed to mumble during the kiss. He hated the way that he lost his cool so easily with you.
The way that you make his heart beat so fast every fucking time. He shouldn't, you shouldn't even be there, in his apartment.
But who said that he cares? Sure, you're someone who he should despise, but then again, who said that he care?
"You can be as mad as you want. You can't deny what you feel for me." You teased in a cocky tone, biting his lower lip in response.
This was more than enough to drag out a groan from him, his hands cupping your ass tightly.
"You're a damn tease, and I fucking can't control myself." He grumbled, smashing his lips against yours another time.
His hands find the waistband of your panties, pushing it down with force, making your underwear fall into your feet.
Not that you cared at this point, quite the opposite.
After another heated kiss, he takes his mouth away from yours, hovering over your neck. Kissing and nipping, his big and warm hands cupping and squeezing your ass. Your hands find a way in his hair, caressing it while his mouth travels in your neck.
"I never expected you to be this eager, Leon." You coo, your mischievous tone that makes his mind go wild.
In response, he bit your neck, strong enough to leave a small mark on it. You moan softly at his act, and this made him even more aroused. Knowing damn well what he's doing to you.
"Yeah? Because this lady here," He pointed at you dramatically, "is getting me all head over heels."
You let out a soft chuckle, clearly amused by his bluntness. In fact, you like this pretty much.
With one hand, he dragged his fingers over your exposed thigh, feeling the soft skin. The skin that he craved so much to touch, and now was everything under the tip of his fingers.
But also, he can't help it, the way your breath hitches with each touch, your hands gripping his hair and pulling him closer. He was more than sure that you wanted this to go further. You wanted to be his for this night.
"You're so damn hot, I swear to God. I've never felt this way in a long time." He whispered in your neck, rubbing his mouth on it. Leaving a trail of wet kisses.
"Oh no, don't tell me that you'd fallen for me?" You asked in a teasing way, only to mess with him.
But his silence, his silence followed by the hard gulp. This was enough to leave you speechless for a couple of seconds. Even so, he managed to keep kissing and nibbling your neck, in a way to make this matter aside.
You also pulled his jacket aside, leaving him only with his shirt with sleeves, his muscles flexing with each movement. You can feel your mouth watering at the sight.
Your hands slide into his shirt, exploring underneath. Feeling each one of the muscles on his abdomen, your own arousal, grows more and more. You can tell by the way you are soaking wet.
"I'm not the only one being eager here, do I?" He purrs, his skilled fingers hovering on the wet surface of your cunt. Teasing you just enough to draw a sweet moan from you.
With one finger he strokes your clit, sliding his index on your needy hole. And he felt that you were so wet and warm for him, so inviting.
His free hand grabbed your chin, making you look directly at him. Your face had a smirk and a red shade, you were enjoying this a lot.
"Those damn lips of yours." He growled, brushing his thumb on your lower lip, pushing down to make you open your mouth for him.
Quickly enough, he slides another finger inside you, thrusting into you at a fast pace. Making you gasp and whine for him.
He didn't wait for a second and pressed his lips on yours, kissing you in such a way as to drive you insane only by that.
"I'll kiss you until your lips are all puffy, you understand? I'll do it." He stated, letting his tongue roam free in your mouth. He can't wait any longer.
His fingers kept moving in and out, curling and hitting your sweet spots again and again. His mouth didn't leave yours for a moment, he'll do it. Kiss you until that plump lips of yours are all puffy.
He smirked once he looked down, seeing his hand all messed with your juices, pussy dripping and clenching around him, he knew that you were close. And he'll push you to the edge, you can be sure.
"You'll come for me, won't you? I'll make you squirt all over." In a small and quiet purr, he said, adding a third finger. His skilled movements make you see stars, and you're just loving it.
"I'm close." You mewl, clasping his shoulders tightly, your lips parted, and heavy breathing coming out.
"What a cute little thing." Another smirk appears on his face because he wants to see you breaking apart in front of him so badly. He was just craving for it.
He pulled you by your waist, his fingers working like magic in your needy cunt, making you cry and moan his name. His lips started to leave another trail of kisses, going down to your neck, soon enough arriving on your collarbone.
And with that, your body trembled, your tight and warm walls collapsing in his fingers, making a big mess of it. At this rate, you're breathless, your hair disheveled, and your eyes closed. You are just seeing stars right now, a sensation so good that you don't even remember the last time that you felt this way.
"You're so fucking hot." Leon growled in your ear, making a shiver run down your spine.
He was claiming you, worshiping you, doing everything to show you that he wanted you so much. Right now, he just wants to make you his, and nothing else.
The world outside doesn't matter. All he cares about now is this moment, you and him.
With a quick motion, he lifts you, holding you by your ass. He was taking you to his bed, to his room. And he'll make you his there, just like it should.
Unconsciously, your legs wrapped around him, kissing him over and over, his lips fit so perfectly with yours. As if this was meant to be. His grip on your ass gets tight as he squeezes it with force, pushing you down just a little. Enough to make you feel his bulge, which was more than evident at this point.
"This hard for me, cutie?" You said in a provocative voice, kissing and nibbling his jaw.
More than enough to take a groan from him, as he smacked your ass with a loud noise.
You let out a little noise, along with a small chuckle, as you kept dragging your mouth on his face.
Once in his room, he sat down with you on his lap, making you sit exactly on his growing erection. He wanted you to feel it. He needs you to feel it.
"I guess that someone needs a little help, isn't?" You hum, giving him the most mischievous smile that you could give.
"You little.." He grunts, stopping when he feels your hands roaming on his chest as you kiss the sides of his face.
He was so turned on that it hurt somehow. He doesn't even know how he got in such a state, but he did.
Your hands quickly find his belt, and you are fast to take it off, slipping your hands on the big volume in his boxers. Caressing through the thin fabric, getting an audible groan from him.
In a way to push his buttons even further, you started to give him only pecks on his lips, refusing to give him full kisses. At first, he didn't mind, but he got incredibly impatient when he noticed that you were just teasing him.
And good job, because was working. As you slide your hand on his underwear, you can feel the wet spot, the man was already leaking pre-cum, you can feel how stick his crotch was, and once you touched it, he seemed to fall apart on your fingers. His cock twitched under your fingertips, begging for any kind of attention, for anything that you could give.
"Do you mind giving me a full kiss or -" Leon grumbled but got interrupted by you when you crashed your lips on his. Making out with him shameless.
He bucks his hips, only enough to drag his pants and underwear down, making his throbbing cock jumps out of its cage. Almost in a relieving way.
Both of you were so eager that any minute longer could be an agony. You needed this to feel him fully, to feel that he's yours. Even if it is just for one night.
Didn't take long for to you feel his red tip rubbing on your entrance, wet folds inviting this moment so badly.
Man was already a mess, panting and moaning softly under you, he didn't even bother to hide it. You made him feel so lustful that he lost the capacity to think straight.
His sticky precum flowed down in his thighs, and he made sure to mess you with his liquids too, after all, was all your fault.
Soon, you put his length in, letting his thick cock stretch you out. Your velvety and tight walls sucking him inside, in a vicious way.
"So fucking tight." He growled, spreading your ass cheeks and moving his hips.
He doesn't even want to wait. He just wants to pound you over and over again.
You can't help but feel even more aroused by this, seeing Leon under you, his hair disheveled, his breath was a mess, and he can't even control the noises that he makes.
Such a beautiful sight, you can't deny that.
"You're filling me so well." You hum, your voice soft as silk.
"A pretty girl like you deserves." He said back, biting your lower lip and sharply bucking his hips. Taking a loud whine from you.
Your nails dig into his shoulders as you find your pace with him. Moving in the most pure and unholy sync. The room was only filled with the sounds of your bodies crashing, the moans that seemed to be louder at each thrust.
The bottled sexual tension is being relieved in the most alluring way, one that neither of you will forget.
His hand finds its way to the back of your neck, pulling you for a heated and wild kiss, tongues dancing and intertwining. His other free hand grabs your waist, squeezing and grasping your soft skin.
Suddenly, you stopped moving, only kissing him back and caressing his chest. You can already feel the devilish smile curling on your lips.
"What's that?" Leon grunts, leaning his forehead on yours, looking at you with those piercing blue eyes.
You can feel him starting to rut under you, but you don't bulge. Instead, you just kept staring at him with that cocky smile of yours.
"I don't want to move. What's the matter?" You whispered, tracing the line of his cheekbones.
His eyes narrowed, and you could swear that you heard a small whimper come out from his lips.
"Don't make me beg.." He groaned, his hands gripping your waist tightly, almost forcing you to move.
Your lips brushed on his, as you slowly moved your hips, it was torturous. He knew that you were just teasing, but it turned him on even more. Every single act of yours is capable of turning him on in such a way.
How this is even possible? He thought for himself.
Your hands hovered on the scar in his biceps, the bullet that he took for you. As you gently caressed the scar, you could see the tender look on his face, and to make him look even more aroused, you kissed it. Giving a few pecks on his scar to show him how grateful you were.
"Thank you, sweetie." You whispered in his ear, dragging your fingers over the scar again, to show that you mean it. And such a simple act, turned him on even further.
He couldn't control himself. It was too much. He needs to fuck you so badly, he can't wait for that. It's like his body is begging for it, he can't think properly, and he just has this urge to fuck you.
He was fast, rolling you over, so you were lying on his bed, your legs being spread widely, and he was pushing your knees into the bed.
He needs this view. He is craving for it.
And honestly? For the dumb look on your face was all worth it.
"What do you think you're doing?" You whispered, your nails digging in his forearms.
He scoffed, pushing his length all over you again, taking out a loud moan from your pretty lips. Pussy so wet and tight, nestling him in so easily.
"It's my turn to fuck you, yeah?" He groaned, hips moving at an unholy pace. His heavy balls slapping against you.
He was so deep, hitting that spongy spot over and over. Making you see stars again, making your body arch in such a way.
He can't help, seeing your little face all twisted while he pumps you fool, your chest rising and falling, the way that you moan his name as if was a new religion.
"You're going to be the death of me." He cooed, leaning his weight over you.
Only to hear you closely, he needs to see the whimpering mess that you're in right now.
Now, you can barely think straight, just humming some nonsense things. Because you can't focus, all you can do right now is whine and whimper, grasp his forearms tightly. Letting the mark of your nails on it.
He was so close, just like you. He can feel your delicate walls tightening around him, the way your body quirver and squirm under him.
He knows that so well.
"C'mon, doll. Come for me, will you? Make a mess on my cock." He stops, only to moan and bit your ear, "Fuck, you're so sweet for me. Taking me so well, look at this." He whispered, looking down.
You let out a soft whine, feeling the way that his cock disappeared on your cunt, the way that it slides so easily. In and out, in the most perfect ritm.
"I'm close, fuck I'm close." You whimper, eyes closing and rolling to the back of your head.
Was too much, his fat cock hitting all of your spots. His violent thrusts make you go into heaven and hell at the same time. Too much.
And he doesn't help you, his finger pressing against your clit aggressively, taking out a loud gasp from you. The cherry on top was when he decided to choke you, not to hurt you, but only to hold you and see you dumb face while he does so. The small tears that formed in the corner of your eyes, so pretty. Such a pretty girl for him. This was enough to send you over the edge.
There you were, squirting all over him. Your juices wetting his crouch and thighs.
He let out a satisfied groan, claiming your lips in a sloppy kiss. Whispering sweet nothings, only to disguise the way that he was fucking you mercilessly. And he wouldn't stop until he came all over you, he needs to fill you up with his cum.
"A pretty girl like you deserves it, no? My cum all over that sweet pussy, I'm sure you want that, don't you?" He teased, looking at your pretty face. You're so damn hot right now, so good for him.
"Just.. fuck.. do it.." You breathe out, feeling so sensitive that your pussy tightened around him again. Your walls clenching around his cock.
This magic worked so well, he can feel the first spurts of cum coming out, painting your insides. He let out a moan, his eyes closed and his head leaning back. You can tell by the look on his face that he was in complete bliss.
Was a big load. You can feel by the way that a part of it was falling all over you, making a mess. Not that none of you cared anyway. That was his way to show you how much he loved this.
How you make him go wild. Is the only proper way to show you, and he proudly did.
Once again, he takes your lips, kissing you with passion, letting his tongue slide into your mouth another time. Your arms wrap around his neck, pulling him in.
He pulled you in his embrace, holding you like this for a while. Waiting for both of you to calm down for the high.
After a couple of minutes, he decided to speak,"Will you stay for tonight?" His voice was a tiny whisper, and he was almost begging you to stay.
You let out a soft chuckle, caressing his hair,"If that's what you want. I can stay." You hum, kissing his cheeks in a tender way.
That was more than enough to take a smile from him, as he gently lay you down properly in the bed. Pulling some covers on both of you, and soon enough cuddling with you.
You'll not deny this for him, knowing so well that you'll leave in the middle of the night. Even if you would love to wake up in his side, you knew too well that this couldn't happen. This is supposed to be just a fling, nothing more.
Even if there's a glimmer of hope on your heart that still wants more. But your work can't let you do that, almost impossible, to say at least.
But the way that he cuddled with you, holding you tightly. Only to make sure that you'll stay, just until he falls asleep. To have your presence to make his sleep a bit better.
Your heart melted once he showered you with kisses, trailing all over your face. Whispering little praises while doing so.
It was a simple act, but so lovely.
"You're adorable, Leon." You hum softly, caressing his cheeks.
The way he looked at you, fuck, more than enough to make you smile like a child. He wanted to hold you, to keep you in his arms that night. If only for one night.
He felt he needed it, even though he didn't know why. He had this affection for you that he couldn't even explain.
And you were more than happy to be in that situation, even if only for one night. That you wouldn't soon forget.
At that moment, he didn't care who you were or what you did. For him, you were just you. The beautiful woman who was there, in his arms.
Oh heavens, why was this feeling taking over his chest? How could it happen so quickly?
He didn't want to spend too much time thinking about it. He just wanted to enjoy the time he still had with you.
"Despite everything, you're great company." He murmurs softly, full of affection.
You smile softly, snuggling into his chest. While his fingers run through your hair.
You let yourself go, eyelids slowly closing, as you enjoy the warmth that emanates from his body. Just for one night.
Just this once.
After a comfortable night of sleep, the sun's gentle rays began to filter in through the window. Slowly illuminating Leon's room, it was enough to make him lazily open his eyes.
He hugs one of the pillows, swearing it was you. Only to have the disappointment of looking at the pillow and seeing that you had already gone.
He lets out a sigh, rubbing his eyes to get a better look around. His eyes stop on a letter on the bedside table. It was yours, and it was with your lingerie.
His hand reaches for the letter, reading it carefully. And once he's finished reading, he feels a slight pang in his heart.
He realizes that he probably won't see you any time soon, quite possibly you'll be out and about and he won't see you ever again.
Why the hell did that bother him?
Another sigh, he shakes his head in denial. Reaching for your panties and sniffing them shamelessly.
Letting your scent fill his nostrils, as if it were the oxygen he needed.
For a moment, he lets himself sink into the bed, remembering everything about you. All the brief moments and the wonderful night you gave him.
The bed still smelled like you, the blankets impregnated with the scent of your cologne.
And you impregnated his soul.
"Fuck..." He murmurs, closing his eyes and imagining that it was you there. Not just a pillow.
But you wouldn't come back, given the nature of your work.
You wouldn't come back, he thinks again. He felt melancholy, that was undeniable.
He could make this pain better, he just needed one more day with you.
Just one more day.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
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Don’t be a stranger, stranger.
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synopsis: after being all closed up in the mole hole you call home for weeks, you decided, even though you declined your best friends’ (Choi San, Song Mingi) invitation some hours ago, to go out all by yourself for a drink. You in fact did not stay alone that night, as Jung Wooyoung, a complete stranger caught you in his eye. Two weeks after you still thought about the man that kissed you so nastily in the bar’s bathroom stalls and ,unluckily for you ,you did not have his number to repurchase anything. Unfortunately though, people are people and people know people so nobody’s a complete stranger in the end.
genre: romance (strangers to lovers?), fluff, smut, a bit of angst*
pairing: Jung Wooyoung (non idol) x Fem Reader
word count: 7,7k
content/warnings: *mentions of reader going through a tough period, pet names (dove,darling,beautiful,baby,lovebug...), alcohol consumption, switch!wooyoung/reader, oral sex (face riding-f receiving), bondage, sort of love confession?
author’s note: HELLO THERE! God this took me longer than I first expected, sorry about that! I had covid while writing most of it and I had to take a better look at it once I felt better :P I still am not sure if I like it, my friend made me post it as I kept ranting about it lol. Sorry again if there are any grammar mistakes as eng is not my first language! ALSO, as I posted some days ago already, I have many fic ideas that I haven't even started preparing yet. Truth is, I'm trying to get myself in uni, so it's exam season for me and I don't have the time nor the mental capacity to process anything. In addition, I won't be that active! Requests are still open and will probably stay open as it's a new challenge for me. Hope you enjoy this one, bye bye <3
“Oh come on Y/N! Stop fooling yourself by thinking that you’re having fun doing nothing all day and end up rotting in bed. You’re too pretty and young for that anyway. Come out with us instead! We’re best friends us three and we haven’t hang out for two full weeks for fuck’s sake ”
“Thanks Mingi but I’d rather rot in my own bed than be around anyone right now. Or at least around anyone I know and anyone that knows me. I get your frustration and I’m sorry. I promise I’ll make up for it to both you and San.”
“Okay, I won’t push you. I just hope this method you’re using is actually useful to you and that you don’t end up choking on your own misery again”
“I’ll be fine, don’t worry about me. Have fun and drive carefully okay?”
“Okay. See you around, hopefully” Mingi commented and you couldn’t help it but laugh at his temper.
“Okay, bye then”
“Bye!” he said in a charming voice and you hung up
You’ve been going through it all lately, absorbing pressure from everything. Work’s been shitty and you keep grieving for your unaccomplished goals in life. Your parents still making a fuss about you not being a responsible adult, which you of course are, at the age of twenty two! If you weren’t you wouldn’t have been able to survive alone in this reality.
It is what it is and that’s been your motto for the past… Wait, how long has it been since you last went out? You don’t have a single clue. Did Mingi say two full weeks? Shit. You really do need to charge your social battery.
But what will it be? Charging your social battery or relaxing in the comforts your beloved bed provides you with? ‘Why’s life so hard?’, you thought and then you felt stupid that you felt that way over a stupid dilemma.
You’ve always been like that though. Always the dramatic one. Even in your friendship with Song Mingi and Choi San all these years. You’re like their little mature baby, as they’re both two years older than you. But you being mature generally doesn’t mean that you won’t make your own life feel like a kdrama series and ,like Mingi said, choke on your own misery to feel something.
You really do need to feel something though. Something other than tiredness from overworking yourself, other than empathy for the wrong people and to top it off, something definitely other than this big bulge in your heart caused by loneliness.
Mingi was right. You do need to go out and clear your head a bit. Maybe you should give him a call, they’re probably still out at your usual spot.
It’s been two hours since you thought about going out and you’re still clenching on the possibility of you doing it, instead of actually doing it. Why’s it so hard for you anyway?! You used to be every party’s favourite party animal, along with the other two of course. But why’s it so hard now? Is it because it’s late or because you’re just too bored to even get up?
And then, right when you thought that you’d never get up, you started missing it’s taste on your tongue. All you need right now is a very serious and dirty Martini. It’s just what will do the job perfectly and hopefully help you get yourself off.
So, now looking like a 90s elegant goddess with your plump lips, your slightly curly hair and your silky black dress, you called a cab and decided to be a bit extra with everything.
The bar you wanted to sit at is a bit too wild today but you won’t let that ruin your night as you already made too many compromises with yourself to get here. So, what you did was wander around in Seoul's streets for some time, searching for a new promising spot. The music was what led you to this specific one that you decided to enter right away.
After doing so, everyone started checking you out immediately. That didn’t annoy you one bit ,as it would normally, even though you absolutely hate those horndogs living around you. That’s probably because all your remaining mind space is covered with images of your order ready to be swallowed right in front of you.
Isn’t your lust for alcohol kind of sexual? Is our little dove horny other than lonely, or is it that your horniness was beclouded by the banner of ‘loneliness’ from the start? Damn, you really want to get dicked down, don’t you?
“Move! Let the lady sit!” a drunk man shouted and emptied a barstool for you to sit on, even though the one beside it was already unoccupied.
You thanked him with a smile and turned over to the barman that was already checking you out by the moment your eyes met his.
“What can I get you sunshine?”
“I’m not sure about the sunshine part, but I’d really like a Martini.”
“What kind?” he tried to specify as there are indeed many ways to enjoy a Martini.
“Well, there’s only one option to meet up with such hour’s demands, right?”
“Dirty it is then” he understood your statement and began the process of preparing it for you.
During that one minute that made up your order’s preparation time, you took your chance and started browsing the place. You never thought you’d ever visit a place like this in Seoul. It’s classy and really close to your taste in hang-out spots. It’s a nice jazz bar, filled with people your age and older dancing around, laughing, cheering and making toasts on their future which is something you and your two best friends always do.
You’ve missed them but you know they totally understand that where you stand now is only temporary. They both really respect and trust you and that’s two things that you can feel for certain when you’re with them.
But now is the time to relax and enjoy your time alone without having to rot in bed, exactly like Mingi said on the phone earlier. It’s your time to shine like the brightest color in this bar, just you and the company of your tasty dirty little friend.
“Here you go beautiful. Your beloved Martini’s on the guy over- Where’d he-“ the barman claimed and started looking for the man that spent money on your drink
Not even five seconds later, the barstool next to you got occupied by this stunning man and his sexy eyebrow piercing. He fixed his leather jacket and smiled at the barman before turning to look at you.
“Your drink and all the possible following are on me. Hope I didn’t scare ya”
“You didn't scare me at all. Thanks for the offer, I’m having this one today and no other.”
“Whatever pleases you” he said and took a delicate sip from his glass, what looks like to contain plain whiskey. Hot. “I liked the choice you made with it” he said and gave your glass a look-over.
“Really? I think it’s pretty ordinary”
“You can never go wrong with ordinary, right?”
“That’s right!...”
“You’re making it seem rare though cause I haven’t seen the combination of a good dirty martini and a pretty girl like you here before”
He does have a way with words, you can give him that. And he’s gorgeous too. His features are elegant and precise, just how you like it. He might even be the prettiest guy you’ve ever talked to, objectively speaking.
Maybe that's because of the bar’s lighting choice that seems to expose the uniqueness of his nose and the brightness of the sparkle in his cute button eyes. Or maybe it’s his charming smile that makes everything else feel blurry in this tight space you’re sitting and enjoying your night out.
“Well, you’re right. I haven’t been here before and dare I say I’ll surely come again.”
“How come? Your aura fits this place perfectly”
“My what? Can’t hear you well sorry!” you said and made him chuckle softly
Your heart almost skipped a beat by how close to you he got so that he made sure you heard him the second time.
“Your aura darling.”
“Oh! What about it?”
“It’s catchy” he said and made a cute little shake with his hands
“Catchy?” you wondered almost bursting in laughter after repeating his exact movement
“Yeah, you caught my eye from all the way back there and I can't even see that well without my glasses. You're glowing” he bluntly confessed and increased the tension in your eye contact.
''Do you say this to every girl you meet?''
''Almost, yeah. But the aura thing is the new adaptation I made just now on my usual script'' he affirmed your point and readjusted his sunglasses to hold back his front hair strands better
''Tell me about the next victim's reaction to it when you have it proposed for the first time, yeah?''
''So, you want to meet again?'' he asked and made you laugh while you were swallowing the slightly bitter sip you took from your drink
''I can’t say that that confidently but it depends.”
''On what?'' he asked and leaned closer to you, his elbow flat on the counter and his hand balancing the weight of his head.
''On how quickly you get me on my last nerve''
''And what if I manage not to?''
''Then we'll both enjoy our time together. Perhaps.''
''Sounds good to me! So, tell me more about you.''
''What is it that you want to know, Mr.-''
''It's Wooyoung''
''Fine.'' you said with a sigh, '' What is it that you want to know Mr. Wooyoung?''
''Just Wooyoung is fine. You didn't tell me your name though''
''I'll think about telling you when I assure your business with me, is that okay?''
''Sure thing, whatever has you feeling more comfortable''
''Right... So what'd you wanna know? If you don't answer this time either, I'm going to assume it was about getting my name on your list''
''That was one part of it but there is also another. Are you waiting for somebody?''
''No, luckily for you and unluckily for me that just wanted to enjoy my Martini alone, I'm not waiting and don't need to wait for anybody''
''Okay, I shall leave you alone then-'' he said confidently and stood up, ready to actually respect your solo night out, an action which made you see your interest in him clearer.
''Shouldn't you test my patience first since you took your chance already? Unless you want to give up on me that easily'' you suggested like you were pitying him but instead you were pitying your desperately horny self.
He smiled and sat back down before removing his jacket, all left with a plain black t-shirt covering his muscular torso. Once he carefully hang it on the side rail of his chair, you noticed the exposed and veiny skin on his arms. Shit, who is this man and how is he so good looking? Are you seriously thirsting over a stranger? Since when could you not resist your touch deprivation nor your imagination?
You closed your eyes and shook your head negatively, trying to control your hormones and hopefully shake them off too. You must not fuck with someone that you met just this night, you know that's not you! But you can't help but want to, I mean, who would judge you? Mingi and San would probably agree with you on the matter of Wooyoung being the most fuckable man you've ever held a conversation with. But holding just a convo with him isn't enough for you right now. You want him to hold you against the wall and ruin you like the little slut you are. You don't want to know about him nor him to know anything about you. Fuck actual words, you just want to speak in body language. What you also don't want on the other hand, is him getting your comfirmation to 'hit it' right away. You want to test him.
''Am I getting to you?''
''I wouldn't say that. I'm a hard person to please'' you said and you did not lie. You are a very hard person to please. Mingi and San have arranged several dates for you these past two weeks just to get you off your mind and finally out of your house. Numerous guys are head over heels for you but you always refuse the deal or never show up. And now? What the heck is happening to you now? Why's this random guy, Wooyoung, and his pretty little mole under his left eye so irresistible?
''Then guide me through it''
Oh he definetly knows what he's doing and you're letting him. Girl get your shit together and go play bunnies already. Besides from letting him, you're also making it clear that you're enjoying his boldness, even if that boldness has a taste of indirection in it, making the whole situation ironic. You're both dirty talking at this point but choose to go sideways. Maybe you like the tease and the slowburn, what can one say!?
''Why? Aren't you confident in your own skills?''
''You think I have skills?''
''I never said that but I don't doubt it either. I'm a physical learner''
''I thought so''
''So glad we're both making assumptions about each other in these fifteen minutes of talking.'' you said and took another sip of your martini
''Mhm, glad we're mutually glad about the thing you said you're glad about. Moreover, I have an interesting ,I'd say, proposal to make.''
''What could that be?'' you asked while staring at the ceilling, mocking Wooyoung that way. The familiar sound of his laughter followed your mockery and made you look at him, somewhat invested.
''It involves us two, voicing our assumptions out loud''
''Where?'' you clearly misunderstood what he had just said, lost in your own dirty thoughts.
A devilish smile was formed on his face, along with an eyebrow raise and a slight head tilt.
''Wow sugar, I thought you being hard to please would make this take longer but if you insist-''
''I didn't insist pfff- what was it again? Your name?''
''Oh right that's the one! You think you have a way of getting things go your way but you're not the only brat in this bar, there's another one sitting right in front of you''
''Hm, someone will have to back down sooner or later though, won't he?''
''You're right on the male pronoun. I'm not familiar with backing down''
''What about bending down? Are you familiar with that?''
''Let's not go down that path right away. You haven't even finished your whiskey yet'' you teased and in just a blink of an eye, the remaining whiskey in his glass was consumed. He drank it all at once with a big swallow making his eyes tear a bit. Cute, you thought. He's as desperate for some pussy as you are for him to fuck you. That makes the situation more ideal and fair than it was before.
''Okay. What's the first assumption you made about me?'' he asked with a grin on his face, still wanting to give you the message that he's the one in charge of the wheel
''Hm, let's see. If I consider the fact that you're confident, a natural entertainer and that you value freedom and can’t stand being tied down, I'd assume and I think I'm rather correct, that you're a Sagittarius'' you said and ate the olive that had been soaking in your drink for so long without breaking eye contact
He got shy and scrached his nape in shock.
''You're right about all of it. Almost all of it”
''Oh my! Are you a Taurus?''
''No, you made no mistake in the zodiac part.''
''Then where was I in error?''
''Your error was found in the false fact considering me not enjoying being tied down''
''Oh c'mon! Do you really have to make everything sexual?''
''What can I say sweetheart, it's in my nature! And I think that's another thing we share''
''Maybe we do, I guess we won't be finding out soon as it's your turn to bring your first assumption about me to the table''
''I knew you'd like this game! Kinky. Mine was not as clever as yours was, I guess it was filled with more realism than cleverness. You see, what I assumed of you when I first saw your pretty figure from all the way back there, was that you surely had a partner. I still can't get my head wrapped around the fact that you're single''
''Single by choice!'' you exclaimed, surprising yourself
''I don't want to push you into saying something really personal. I'm sure you have your reasons to have acted this way. I'm also sure that there's also a reason behind you not wanting to get to know me personally, cause you haven't asked me a single question about myself yet. Again, there's no pressure, I'm really enjoying your company and our time together, we don't need to have it continue if you don't want to''
Damn. Did this man really figure your emotions out after knowing you for so little and with no content of you and your life at all? And that's when you realised... This is all you've been searching for since the night started! Someone to make the effort to understand you and actually do. What a miracle he is, truly. Is he majoring in psychology maybe? Are you suddently into getting to know more about him and his personal life or is one tripping?
''Another assumption I had about you was that you are a player and that you enjoy wilding out with random girls at bars. I don't think that's true anymore. What are you actually like Woo?'' you finally decided to be open about your interest in him and ask him a direct and personal question. You acting bratty-like isn't fit for all circumstances anyway.
His face lit up and he let out a big sigh that turned out forming into a loud chuckle.
''I'm honored by your question, really. I'm a simple guy, I enjoy making people laugh and I also love dancing''
''Do you make people laugh with your dance moves?'' you joked and he teased you by touching your nose gently
''You'd be surprised by my moves. Everyone loves Jung Wooyoung, the sexy performer.''
''I'll have to assess that myself, can't trust other people's opinions''
''Agreed, I'd also like to know about your opinion on 'em''
''Then what are you waiting for? Show me”
''Right now? I too had a question to ask y’know!''
''Save it for later then'' you said, implying that you're down for a 'get together' after today's night is over.
He smirked in understandment, got up, looked at you like he was about to devour you any moment and grabbed your hand. You laughed as he made you run your way to the bathroom stalls, making it easy for you to comprehend how badly he wanted you.
Once you reached the bathroom's doorstep and crossed it's border, he placed his hands directly on your hips and pushed a door open before attacking your lips.
Oh my! He's nasty! He surely know his ways around a woman and you're not God's strongest soldier. Of course you're mad he's stolen the wheel right from your claim, but his kisses have you so weak that you might as well let him keep it. You want him to keep it.
Another thing about him that you're now experiencing for the first time, is that him being bold is also shown in his sexual interactions. He's not shy to envelop the whole room with his filthy sounds and you absolutely love the melody they produce in conjunction with yours.
His embrace on your hips started to tighten before he reached his left hand behind and to lock the door. You broke the kiss to catch your breaths and both smiled while having your foreheads connected.
''May I?'' he asked while holding onto both your dress' shoulder straps. You nodded in agreement and he pushed them down right away, exposing your bare tits and having your dress fall on the ground, leaving you just with your pretty panties.
''Love the no bra look'' he joked and started to squeeze them, bringing your own beautiful moans on stage for him to welcome
''Slow down they'll hear us''
''Is there anyone you know out there?''
''Anyone you care about perhaps?''
''Then let's give them the concert of their lives baby, what do you say?'' he said and pinched your nipple, causing your volume to rise a couple of scales.
He pushed you further into the stall so that you were all helplessly stuck in it's corner, pressing onto you even more while sucking hard on your already aroused nipples. He got all the assurance he wanted by the way you told him how good it was in between your vocal escapisms. He then reached for your lower pleasure-seeking parts, therefore you felt his fingers trace your wet cunt above your soaked panties.
''I knew I got you good'' he said making you roll your eyes in disbelief of his still increasing confidence.
The worst part is that he has every right being confident, even on such a level. Nobody's ever made you that sexually frustrated before. It might just be that you possibly are under the Martini's spell ,but c’mon now, lying to yourself won’t work again.
You’re under Wooyoung's spell and you know it without minding at all, nor wanting him to stop. You're actually glad it's him and not some dude San and Mingi tried to hook you up with. And why is that? Because even though you trust them, you know that there's no other better judge of people than you. You were hesitant at first but now here you are not wanting to hesitate no more and wanting him to totally unravel you.
He rubbed steady circles on your clit, making it hard for you to hold still on your own. You wrapped one arm around his nape, pulling on his hair a bit, while the other slipped under his black t-shirt wanting to finally feel his muscles.
You both moaned, you on the feeling of his soft skin and his fingers pressing you harder down there and him with the way your pretty hands traced down his torso and went over to his waistline, ready to unbuckle his belt single handedly.
With a quick motion, he stopped everything he was doing and trapped both your hands momentarily in order to stop your incoming action. You looked at him full of confusion and his face got serious. He began to unbuckle his belt on his own, wrapped it around his hands and tightened it with his teeth. Finally, he sat down on the floor, head falling back on the toilet's closed seat.
He looks so pretty and slutty that you want to take a picture and keep it among your most precious jewelry. You smiled and put your hair behind your ears before bursting into laughter.
''What a good boy you are all tied up and sweeping the floor with your clothed ass! What for?''
''Sit on my face baby. Please''
Hold on. Have the tables turned already? Anyone would think that that's the case, he's begging for you to choke him with your pussy lips after all, how can it not be that?
''Please baby I need to taste you. Sit on it'' he repeated, looking absolutely stunning with his hands tied up like this and with the veins on his neck and arms becoming even more visible.
How could you say no to that nose? You absolutely adore that nose. You might as well have fallen deeply in love with it and the way it hits your clit while he sucks all your wetness off before reproducing it.
''Oh my god Wooyoung! Don't stop! So good-'' you managed to make up your sentence in between your loud moans and trying not to crush him under you, even though that's what he wants most.
His erection cannot be denied any longer if it ever could have been to begin with. His dick's so hard that it's now noticable ,not just on it's own but also by the way Woo's making slow and passionate thrusts in plain air.
It doesn't seem to cause a problem though, as his main goal is for you to cum on his face, tremble around him and choke him with your wet thighs that he so desperately wants to lay slaps on. Too bad he didn't think about it when he was tying himself up like the poor rope bunny he is.
Once he stopped tongue fucking you for a moment to catch his breath, you wrapped your fingers tightly on his hair and repositioned him, causing his glasses to fall from his head.
You're grinding on him, completely out of this world. His high pitched moans, his warm breath beneath you and his kitten licks while you're getting yourself off on him by rocking your hips in a slow and passionate rhythm, sends shivers down your spine and makes Wooyoung see stars. He's about to cum in his pants, untouched, just completely pussy drunk.
He didn't want to cum alone though, he wanted to share the experience, so he sped up the pace of his tongue on your clit. Your grip on his hair tightened, giving him the confirmation he needed that you were so close to finally letting go and reaching your highest with the stranger that paid for your Martini.
And that confirmation became a happening, an explosive one to be more precise. He twitched in his pants as you painted his ethereal face with your sweet liquids he so enjoyed devouring these past few minutes. You were both so high on pleasure that you didn't even notice the barman knocking on your bathroom stall's door.
''Hey there lovebirds, sorry to interrupt but the cops are to arrive soon due to the music being too loud apparently. I'll have to call it a night before they get here so-'' he said and placed Wooyoung's jacket on the door handle from outside ''Goodnight''
And on that note, he left and went back to his post. You looked at each other, both breathless, fucked up and dizzy.
Once you almost stabilized your system, you helped him up and freed him from his own enslavement. In return, he slapped your ass instinctively as you bent down to pick your dress.
''Holy fuck, I wanted to do that for some time now''
''Too bad you tied yourself, even though it was a pretty good sight''
''Glad you enjoyed it'' he said and smiled while helping you put your dress on.
When you crossed the bathroom's border for the second and last time this night, the barman blinked at the sight of you two and started applauding before waving goodbye. You bowed in reply and left the bar with Wooyoung accompanying you, contrary to how you first got there.
''So, I still got those questions I have to get answers out of you.''
''Yeah, I want to think of some questions to ask you too''
''I'll treat you to dinner, what do you say?'' he proposed, eyes focused on your lips again.
''I'd rather we prepared it together at my place. I'll send you the address''
''Yeah that sounds more convenient. See you around then beautiful'' he added his final line of the night and pecked your lips goodbye. “WAIT” he shouted abruptly breaking the street’s silence which almost made you piss yourself.
“What’s your name?”
“Oh. You’re right. It’s Y/N!”
“Okay! Goodnight Y/N”
“Goodnight Wooyoung.''
When you reached your appartment, it was like reality struck you down again. When you were accompanied by Wooyoung, all your problems seemed to have had drifted away.
“But now, looking back on the mountain of cigarette butts on my ashtray, I’m reminded that I can’t just keep avoiding all my problems. Instead, I have to take action and face them somehow. That’s what I’ll do starting from tomorrow!” you proudly announced and placed yet another such butt on that mountain.
“Good for you! But now that you’ve got all that figured out, will you finally let me, your favorite mountain, take some rest? It’s 5 a.m, how are you that energetic?” San let out his frustration in between sighs, since you woke him up just to state your philosophical thoughts on how life basically works.
“I’ll tell you another time. Goodnight sleepyhead, see you tomorrow?”
“Yeah, that might happen if you stop clenching on your door handle”
“I will dummy, don’t worry. Sleep well” you said and he hung up without saying anything. You’re happy he even did you the favor and answered so you don’t mind at all. You need to get some sleep as well. It’s not an easy trip visiting and returning back from your highest point, heaven, anyway.
“Did your hair get longer?” Mingi looked at you surprised before sitting back down on his chair and handed your coffees over to you and San.
“Oh stop it you! Just because you haven’t seen me for a month doesn’t mean I changed that much!- Did I though? Is it bad?!”
“No, you’re the same small baby we love and cherish” San said and squeezed your cheek
“The same small SHITTY baby you mean” Mingi added in between coughs and received a death stare by San
“So… Any news?” San broke the ice and both you and Mingi laughed. For different reasons but you still laughed.
“How could she have any news to present when she was rotting in bed all day, going out only to empty her trashcan?”
“Actually… I’d like to talk about a certain topic…”
“Does it have to do with what you told me that night on the phone?” San remembered the conversation you had held two weeks ago, the night you last saw him.
It pains you and it’s been fucking your mood up for the past two weeks that you’ve had no contact at all. How could you have had any though, he didn’t even ask for your number! You really fooled yourself thinking you had saved it somewhere, that’s why you proposed dinner at your place that day. But he never tried sneaking it in your purse nor simply giving it to you directly.
You’ve been devastated and you couldn’t search for him as you don’t even know his last name. There were zero possibilities of you finding him and you thought that talking it through with your two favourite people would help you develop your new coping mechanism.
“Sort of”
“Are you going to fill me in? I have no idea what you’re talking about” Mingi said and took a disguising sip from his coffee cup, sharing a very loud noise with everyone sitting at the coffeeshop.
“Alright, remember that night you wanted to fuck that red head and then you found out that she was a lesbian?” San explained the timeline to Mingi based on their side of the story and Mingi nodded so that San would continue “Well, Y/N called me in the middle of that same night and woke me up to tell me about her remarkable life philosophies!”
“Wow! Y/N, I hate to break it to you but that that philosophical outburst wasn’t your ‘mc moment’. We all have those from time to time”
“Guys, my life philosophies are not what I want to talk to you about! Something else happened that night! Someone, to be completely honest”
“DID YOU CALL YOUR EX AGAIN?” they both shouted and stood up, forgetting about the fact that you’re having this conversation in public.
“Calm down! I did not call anyone. That’s the problem. I didn’t get his number”
“Whose number?! Do you have an imaginary boyfriend again? Are you in need of a prescription? Did loneliness turn you completely mad?!” Mingi asked angry and worried to the core but he didn’t even let you explain!
“Gosh Mingi, will you shut up and let me tell you about it?! If you want to be angry then go be angry by yourself, San will listen”
“San always listens” San said with a complaint hiding behind his wide smile
“Okay, go on. I will zip it”
“So, after I cancelled on you guys, I decided to go out by myself and I fucked this guy-“
“She’s not a lesbian San, not everyone’s a lesbian. Only the girls I like apparently. Go on little one, I’m invested in your gossip”
You let a small sigh and got caught off guard by the waitress picking up your ashtray and emptying it in the plastic bag she was holding. You gave her a soft smile and when you turned back to look at your friends to continue your speech, you were greeted by a so greatly-missed choice of styling.
Fuck, you missed that eyebrow piercing so much as if it is your alleged husband coming back home from the military. He was already hugging San when you caught your eye on him. Thus, he had exceeded your notice on him right away, wasting no time to stare at you with that beautiful smile you rode like a total slut two weeks ago.
He was wearing the shop’s uniform and had his long hair tied in a small low ponytail, his strands falling in front of his face causing a problem for him again. Too bad he doesn’t have his glasses to hold them behind this time.You laughed at the plot line of your thoughts, catching all three’s attention. You two broke contact only to just reconnect it even stronger than it was before. The other two took turns in towards who to look at.
With a deep shy and some steps to get closer to you, he decided to speak up.
“How’s the coffee?”
“Tasty” you affirmed his currently questioning disposition “Did you make it?”
“That’s right. I would’ve been more artistic in it’s making if I knew that you’d be the one having it.”
“That’s okay, just the fact that you took the energy to make it does the job for me”
“Glad you’re enjoying it” he teasingly said, repeating his own words that had you stunned that night, right after his face riding session. On that note, he turned around and went back inside as his duties as a humanised coffee machine are calling him.
San and Mingi’s jaws were dropped on the floor because they could feel you two’s tension, without being updated on the context yet.
“Y/N honey, can you explain one thing to me?” Mingi’s face got all serious as he placed both hands on the table “How do you and my beloved mate Jung Wooyoung know each other?”
That's it! That’s His full name!
“Well… I kinda sat on his face two weeks ago in that bar’s bathroom stall...” you said bluntly and San’s laugh could probably be heard from really far away
“Of course you did” Mingi said trying to cope with this amusing new information he just received
“Well, I would too. Never had the chance to” San supported your horniness’ random spike, receiving wide stares from you and your other bestie because of it “What? I’m just being honest, he’s always been hot. So what now? What are you thinking of doing now?”
“Well, I don’t know.”
“Go ask him to fuck during his break time. He’ll be more than pleased to”
“What? Why’d you think I’d want to fuck him again Mr. Song? And why now of all times?”
“Well, I talked about both of you, not just about you Y/N. You two seemed like you were ready to ruin each other right in front of us, right San?”
“That’s right” San added and crossed his legs “You have to get his number this time”
“I can’t just go and disturb him while he’s working to ask for his number! Besides, I’m sure you two can just give it to me. He’s your friend, isn’t he?”
“No. You’re not having it that easy! I’m sure he’ll give it to you without question. Just go and take it!”
“San, I haven’t seen him in two weeks and we were both drunk that night. We had just met too! It’ll look weird if I just go and ask for his number”
“So you riding his face with the view of a fucking bathroom stall isn’t weird? You passed through that phase I’m sure you can pass this one too and go fuck somewhere. Moreover, it’ll be a chance to get you out of your dump again” Mingi played dirty with that one
“Fuck stop getting me unnumbered guys!”
“What can I say, it’s duty calling us to help you get your shit together. Go claim your man before anyone else does” Mingi said and put his jacket on
You looked at San but he just gave you a little supportive push towards the door. You can’t go back now and lose this opportunity right? It’s the moment you’ve been looking forward to happening. He’s right here and you can use it to your advantage! What could possibly go wrong?
You’re just stressing over the possibility of him not have given you his number on purpose that day. Cause, how could he forget? How could he forget after leading you on so well? Were his intentions simply for a ‘one night stand’? Why’d he ensure you continuity though?
Nah, he’s not having it. You deserve an explanation, a really good one. He can’t just go and hit on you on a random Saturday, grab his portion and then not pay the deserved way.
With that on your mind, you walked towards him, watching his every move carefully as you approached his aspect.
“Missed me?” he said without even looking at you. He just so gently wiped a cup dry, your eyes focused on his grip.
Unbelievable. You’re unbelievable, so desperate for his attention that it’s making you angry. ‘He’s just another man, get your shit together Y/N’, you thought to yourself. But is he just ‘another man’ to you?
“Won’t you say anything? Not gonna ask me how I’ve been?”
“There’d be no reason to do that If you’d given me your number!” you mumbled
“What was that?” he said and finally did you the favour to look into your eyes
He completely melted in those five seconds of eye contact. He was ready to leave everything behind, grab your hand and go spend time with you, anywhere you told him to. But you, you were taken over by anger. You could feel the frustration caused by his absence drive you insane. You wanted to slap him for being so unbothered but you knew that’d turn both of you on. So what can you do?
“Huh?” he asked again as you seemed distracted and forgot to reply to his question or rather chose not to.
“Oh forget it Wooyoung. Good day” you said and sprang out of the cafeteria
Right when the air hit your hair, Mingi and San knew by the look on your face that something didn’t go according to plan. They ran after you only to be greeted goodbye as all you wanted then was to be alone and try to ‘fix yourself’ as you said.
You’re disappointed. Totally disappointed. Why? Oh, the answer’s simple. It’s that you should’ve accepted the fact that the acting in a movie is still acting, no matter how real it comes out. It’s not really life. So, what felt like a movie to you that night was fake from the start.
Hypocrisy was what bonded you and Jung Wooyoung together in your little head. What you do want is was felt real but isn’t. He was never really interested in getting to know you, he didn’t even look at you until you seemed frustrated! He just asked all these questions that day to light up the mood, that’s why he was sexualising everything. Wouldn’t he want to look at you if he’d truly missed you? You were the one who couldn’t take your eyes off of him, how could he not put the slightest effort after declaring his statement that time, that including him being so into you?
‘It’s just another man, you’ll be fine’, you thought to yourself again. On the other hand, there’s still this other part of you in your little head that keeps telling you to go back and ask him straight away, ‘Did you just want to have it served to you once and never again?’ but you won’t be doing that. Your ego’s too high to go this low with your actions.
You began to walk faster than before as you slapped yourself hard enough with your thoughts to want to have them erased.
You can’t believe it. How could he? No, the true question is ‘How could you Y/N?’. How could you let yet another man play with your feelings when you knew his intentions from the start? This one’s different. No, all he wanted was to get his portion and leave the rest to the table to rot. Fuck, how could I’ve been so stupid?
Footsteps and footsteps and footsteps and footsteps and-
“Fuck, why’d you run off like that? Do you not care about my lungs nor our situation at all??” he asked with his hand on your shoulder, breathless and with sweat dripping down his forehead.
You removed his hand from your shoulder and you turned around to do what you’ve been doing for the past five minutes, walking and avoiding your feelings.
“Oh c’mon Y/N! Are you really that apathetic?”
“Sorry? I was right there, you didn’t even look at me once and I’m the one called out for being apathetic? Please-“ you said and tried to walk away again before he sprang in front of you, stoping your motion “Will you please stop whatever you’re doing? Stop acting like you care so much to the point that you’ll get yourself in trouble, cause you don’t “
“How’d you come to that conclusion?”
“You’ve made it very clear Woo. You didn’t try to keep in touch, you just wanted your dose and that’s where you put your period when you got it.“
“I didn’t get my dose though”
“Oh, I see. Let’s blame the neighbours for calling the cops and interruptinh our private session now, that’s all we have left to blame and do anyway”
“No, we haven’t done everything yet. I haven’t asked you what I meant to ask you. That’s why I ran all this way, putting myself in trouble for doing so. I might lose my job for this but I don’t care. But for you, I do care. So, why’d you not give me your number since I didn’t? That’s the real question”
He’s got a great point there. Not once did you think about it, why’d you not do it? Were you scared? Were you humiliated? Were you anxious? Were you-
“I simply thought we’d exchanged it already”
“So how could you have the right to forget about it and forget about me so easily? I went mad all these days, waiting for you, at the bar. You never showed up. Why’d you not show up?”
You then could recognise the purity in his eyes that you fell in love with that night. That excessive desperation that made your insides tangle. You know you fell hard for him, that’s why you let it slide, that’s why he’s not in fact ‘just another man’ to you. How could one be mad at him?
“I don’t know… After thinking I’d never see you again, I got closed up in my house once more. I didn’t want to go out and meet someone else. I didn’t want to meet anyone to be completely honest.”
“You shouldn’t do that! You’re too pretty to be hiding yourself in there. It’s also unhealthy.“ he said and made you smile, finally. He looks so proud and relaxed, like he was waiting for this moment. Just seeing you smile felt like the sun finally showing up after being hidden in the clouds. In other words, you’re that small sparkle that brightened his shitty day. It worked as a confirmation for him, your smile, as he understood how much you actually lovestruck him.
“So it wasn’t just a ‘one time thing’ for you?”
“Do you think I’d sweat that much If it was just a ‘one time thing’ for me? My legs don’t work well, fuck, I have to exercise more frequently” and yet came another laugh that sounded like melody to his ears “Oh, by the way- This is for you” he said and put a small and cutely folded paper in your back pocket.
What a tease he truly is and how you love it.
“Was that our receipt?” you teased back while approaching him closer than you already were.
“It’s a surprise. I’ll tell you about it when we have that cooking session we talked about yeah?”
“Okay, I’ll call you. I promise.” you said as you knew exactly what that little billet doux contained.
“Okay lovebug, I’ll be waiting” he said and let himself completely loose once he felt your touch on his cheek, before your lips met in a tender kiss.
He really can’t control himself around you. Same problem as on your first encounter. He wrapped his arms around you and held you close, not seeming like he wanted to let go.
“I’m so glad I found you again Y/N. Would you have came to the bar to find me? Did you think about it?”
“I did but didn’t have the courage to. I’d probably meet you through Mingi and San though someday. I wish I knew sooner so that I’d keep in touch”
“Yeah, but we will now!”
“That’s right but for now, you need to go back. You’ll lose your job”
“Shit, I totally forgot about that.” he said and panicked. You smiled as he kissed your hand after hugging you. “So… I’ll be going now okay?”
“Of course.” you replied and waved him goodbye, him too.
You got lost in your own thoughts again, which this time were formed with his not probable urges. Your mindset is now set in a new theme, under the name ‘Jung Wooyoung’. Wow, you really are a lucky girl.
“Don’t be a stranger, stranger!” he shouted, blowed you kisses from afar and began to run towards the cafeteria’s direction.
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mintsv · 1 year
cherry blossom - k. gyuvin
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pairing ➷ gyuvin x gn!reader
synopsis : you and gyuvin were in your last years of high school and lived beside each other. at school, he's captain of the basketball team, gyuvin is friendly and easygoing, not to mention he's extremely popular. on the other hand, you're the class president and have been for many years, you very studious, making you not have many friends. nevertheless, your fateful friendship bloomed under the cherry blossoms of april.
genre : romance . fluff . slight angst . high school au
word count : 3.5k
warnings : swearing (only once tho)
notes : hii i posted again finally!! sorry bcs english isnt my first language there might be some grammar errors 😅, it's also my first time writing a gn!reader so i'm sorry if i make some mistakes ;D
➷ the first encounter
it was the month of april, the start of spring, and your favorite month of the year mostly because you enjoy gazing at the cherry blossoms on your way back from school. you wore a mid-length puffer jacket since the weather was a bit chilly, holding your hands up to your face to see your fingertips have become slightly reddish. you sigh as you bury your hands back in the pockets of your puffer as you tried distracting yourself from the cold by talking to your classmate beside you.
"soo.. about the cherry blossom festival, i was thinking we could do something involving our basketball team since you know, the captain is in our class of course.." she giggled, acting giddyly similar to a child.
"well, I've had 5 people telling me the same thing and i'll repeat my answer one last time, I'll think about it okay? but there's a big chance it's not going to happen." you exasperatingly sigh as the girl beside you inevitably left after realizing you wouldn't agree to her request.
as the class president, your duty is to arrange class activities, one of them being the cherry blossom festival happening in a few weeks time. there wasn't a particular reason why you denied all the requests, you just weren't very fond of the boy. he was always late to class, sometimes even skipping entirely to play basketball. his behaviour took a toll on your status as class president, teachers who couldn't get through the boy would often scold you instead.
you thought this calming walk back home couldn't get any worse until you were met face to face with the devil himself.
he wasn't walking home with his friends like he normally would, he looked back when he felt someone's stare burning holes on his back, his eyes with yours almost immediately.
as if on cue, a 10 thousand won bill (around 7 usd) fell from one of the swaying cherry trees, landing perfectly in between you and him. both of your eyes followed the bill as it glides down to the concrete floor, your eyes going back and forth from the bill to the boy in front of you.
feeling a head collide with yours, you let out a painful hiss while holding your head with one arm. slowly you look up to see the boy in front of you mirroring your movements. you were both knelt down, one hand on the dollar bill with the other clutching your heads.
"Aha! my hand is under yours, that means the 10k is mine." his words woke you up from the trance you were in, widening your eyes when you realized your hands were on top of his own. you quickly pulled away but that didn't mean you were backing up.
"yeah but that's because you hit my hand!" you retorted back, showing him the red mark on the back of your hand.
"it was just an act of self defense i'm sorry, um.. what if we just split it, I'll buy you something from the cafeteria?" the boy rubbed the back of his neck nervously, stretching out his hand that held the dollar bill.
you thought to yourself for a moment before replying,
"fine, i'll forgive you under three conditions." you stood up with your arms crossed. the boy in front of you following as he nodded erratically.
"one, you can never be late nor skip classes from tomorrow onward and explain to mr lee why you've been late this entire time. two, your basketball team has to participate in this year's cherry blossom festival as the representative of our class. and three, you owe me a carton of strawberry milk." you smirk proudly, seeing the color drain from the boy's face.
"okay okay, what if we skip number one and two and i'll buy you TWO cartons of strawberry milk? how does that sound?" he pleaded.
"fine then, i'm telling the counselor you hurt a fellow student." you started to walk back to school but before you could take another step, a hand held your wrist to prevent you from walking further, just as you expected.
"okay, fine. jeez i didn't know the class president was this stern." he smirked almost flirtingly even though you didn't get the hint.
"i have a name you know, it's y/n." you turn to face him again, annoyed because in the school almost no one calls you by your real name and for some reason it made you think no one actually knew your name.
"alright y/n, i'm kim gyuvin and it's nice to meet you too." he grinned similar to a puppy, extending his hand waiting to be shook by yours.
you looked at his hand, back to his face, and to his hand again. after a few seconds of contemplation, you lightly extended your cold hand which was quickly greeted by the warmth of gyuvin's.
just for a moment there, you felt a foreign feeling of butterflies swarming your stomach.
➷ a few months later
"KIM GYUVIN!" you bang on his apartment door, looking at the time on your phone before stepping away from the door.
"I'M UP! I'M UP!" like usual, the door slammed open, revealing a disheveled gyuvin in his school uniform that was horribly crinkled. his eyes were barely open and his hair was stood up, obvious that he had just gotten up from bed.
"did you sleep in your school uniform?" you tilt your head, looking at him from head to toe with a concerned look. it was your daily task to wake up gyuvin every morning ever since you found out that the both of you lived beside each other, obviously neither of you ever noticed considering gyuvin's 'always late' agenda and your 'always early' one.
"no.." you roll your eyes as he sheepishly smiles.
"there's still 30 minutes, go take a shower, you stink." you forcefully push the boy back into his apartment, shutting the door behind him. you could make out a bunch of whines coming from the opposite side, meanwhile you couldn't help the small grin from forming on your face.
after 10 minutes, the door opened for the second time, unveiling a less disheveled gyuvin. his hair fluffed up giving him a boyish look, the tiredness in his eyes was now replaced with a glint of excitement, his clothes seemingly less crinkled and his puppy-like smile on full display.
god you thought you had just fallen in love for the millionth time.
gyuvin slung his arms around your shoulder almost putting you in a headlock, "I know i'm terribly handsome but we might be late if you can't stop staring." he gave you a smug look in which you returned with a disgusted one.
you both walked to school as usual, his arms weren't slung around you anymore since there were other students around and gyuvin didn't want them 'getting the wrong idea'.
arriving at school on time was something gyuvin wasn't used to but he didn't mind if it meant he could spend more time with his best friend, you (of course).
"you're coming to my match this afternoon right, class prez?"
'class prez' that was the nickname gyuvin gave you ever since you both met, he would rarely call you by your real name, only if things were serious which barely ever happens anyways.
"yeah, if i can." you respond nonchalantly.
"you always say that, but at the end of the day you always come." he gave you a small grin which made your cheeks turn a pinkish hue.
"whatever, whatever, whatever, do you ever say anything else?" as the both of you continued bickering, the boy's contagious smile made you break out into a grin as well. to other people, both of you looked like two kids madly in love with each other. as cliché as it sounds, it was painfully obvious to everyone except you and gyuvin.
school had just officially ended for the day. Your classmates bid you goodbye, everyone in a hurry to see the upcoming basketball match between your school and the neighboring school. of course, gyuvin had left earlier in order to fulfill his duties as team captain. currently, you were fulfilling your own duties as class president with your assistant, park gunwook.
"y/n why do we have to do this? can't we just do this tomorrow, pleaasee i really wanna see the match!" the boy beside you pleaded, having his head ontop of his folded arms, looking at the window where you could see students holding banners hurrying inside the school gym where the match was held.
"if you stop whining we might be able to sort these in time so we can see the match, gunwook." you reply sternly, quickly going over the files the teacher assigned you.
"don't lie y/n, i know you wanna skip and watch your loverboy too." gunwook looks to you with a teasing glint in his eyes that you didn't take notice of.
"my what? stop fooling around and help me sort these!" though your voice was a bit shaky, it seemed to convince gunwook enough for him to start helping you.
as time went by, you skimmed over the endless stack of files, eyes growing visibly tired and red. on the other hand, the 'assistant' beside you had already fallen deep into dreamland after helping you with one or two files. you couldn't help but listen to the ongoing match inside the gym and the faint sound of cheering, praying you'd finish these soon enough to join in the bleachers.
after a while, you finally finished sorting the needed files, rubbing your eyes tiredly. you dropped the files in front of gunwook with a loud thud.
"AHH YOU SCARED ME!" he woke up in a cold sweat, holding his hand to his heart.
"take these to mr choi, i'm leaving now." you quickly pack your bags, leaving the boy alone in the classroom still recovering from the shock you gave him.
inside the gym, it was break time for both teams and gyuvin's eyes couldn't help but scan through the crowd of people on the bleachers, not seeing the face he was looking for, he sighed in defeat as his mind went back to the conversation he had with you in the morning.
"i'm serious gyuvin, i might not be able to make it today, i have a lot of things to do, so i apologize beforehand."
"it's okay, don't apologize, it's not your fault. just..come by if you can."
his mood was somewhat down since the start of the match, leading his team to worry about the boy.
"hey man you ok? a little bit more and we can catch up, don't give up now!" his teammate, ricky spoke up while slinging his arms around the brunette's shoulder.
"no it's not that, ricky." gyuvin removed the arm around his shoulder, slumping down onto his seat, head hung low.
"ohhh i know, it's because his 'class prez' isn't here yet." his other teammate, yujin chirped in an attempt to ease the tension, earning a nudge from ricky.
"dude don't say that!"
"what? say what?!" yujin held his lower stomach where ricky had nudged him as they both continued to bicker.
gyuvin wasn't paying attention to the two boys in front of him, more focused on his phone which he unconciously keeps checking. he had hoped for a text message from you, confirming if you were coming by or not. but no matter how long he waited, the text never came. eventually, the horns had blasted, signalling the start of the final round to decide the winner of the match.
meanwhile, arriving at the basketball court, you ran to the bleachers, taking up the last remaining spot on the railing as your eyes scan the court in front of you. you were out of breath from all the running you did to get here, chest heaving up and down as your eyes frantically searched for the brunette.
as gyuvin was getting into position, his eyes trailed to the bleachers one last time. to his surprise, the first pair of eyes he had met was yours. the frown on his face was suddenly nowhere to be seen, his eyes lit up and he felt a warm feeling engulf in his heart.
hurriedly, you scribble down 'kim gyuvin!' on a page of your sketchbook, holding it up for the boy to see. gyuvin's smile got impossibly bigger upon seeing his written name, his eyes lit up as he shamelessly waved to you which made his teammates look at him, dumbfounded and also slightly relieved to know their captain was back.
"see, i told you if y/n comes he'll be back to normal." yujin smirked as he nudged ricky, who seems to be unbothered by the younger male, his focus mainly on the pair before he eventually drags gyuvin to his designated position as the referee signalled the start of the game.
throughout the final game, you were incredibly stressed out while your eyes moved back and forth from the score board and to the brown haired boy. both teams were already incredibly tired except for gyuvin who looked like he was playing in the first round.
"pass! pass!"
the brunette yelled from across the court, after obtaining the ball, he took a risky move which made you and a few others jump from their seats. the scores were exceptionally close and time was limited, meaning if he managed to score this 3-point, the team is guaranteed a victory.
for a split second, the crowd went silent as gyuvin shot the ball. just as the timer ticked zero, the crowd erupted with cheers and the alarm went off signalling the end of the match. gyuvin had succesfully scored a point, making his team the ultimate winner.
the boy felt like he was on cloud 9 with so many people calling on his name and his teammates hurdling around him with smiles on their faces. but most importantly, there you were on the bleachers, smiling at him and giving him a thumbs up which he found utterly adorable. after the cheers had slowed down, gyuvin excused himself from his teammates, running to the locker and changing his clothes as fast as he could.
when he got out, he was met by your presence almost immediately.
"congratulations! sorry i couldn't come earlier." your smile wasn't as big since you tried to keep your cool in front of hin.
gyuvin didn't respond for a while which worried you, but you were surprised to feel your feet up in the air as two arms lifted you up and spun you around. you held onto his shoulder for balance basically hugging him as you could smell his faint cologne making you blush provusely. the red on your cheeks didn't go unnoticed by the boy but he only shrugged it off thinking you were just excited for him.
after many complaints from you, gyuvin put you back down. he smiled ear to ear as he rubbed his nape nervously.
"sorry, i'm just happy you came." you couldnt bear the eye contact with him, your eyes searched for anything other than the boy.
"by the way you look really tired, was there a lot of work?" he continued, cupping your cheeks with both of his hands, forcing you to look at him. it was something he often did and it made you feel butterflies as his two hands felt warm on your cold cheeks.
"y-yeah i had to do everything by myself since gunwook fell asleep halfway, it's fine though i'm not that tired." you tried to reassure him, circling your hands around his wrists to pull him away but it only made him squish your face harder which made you let out a whine.
"but your eyes are so red! hurry, i'll take you home so you can get some rest." finally letting go of your face, he takes one of your wrists and lead you to the gym where all his friends are waiting for him.
"gyuvin i feel fine, i wanna stay here longer please?"
"why do you want to stay here-" his words were cut short by an unfamiliar voice.
"kim gyuvin!"
from behind the boy appeared a girl who looks to be one of your underclassmen. it's no doubt gyuvin is popular among seniors, but classes below you weren't an exception either.
gyuvin turned around to face the younger girl and you followed suit, leaning in a bit to listen to their conversation.
"can i help you?" gyuvin spoke in a polite manner.
"gyuvin oppa, can we talk outside i have something to tell you." the girl fiddled with the hem of her skirt nervously, you already knew where this was going and gyuvin did too.
"i'm sorry i-"
"please? it's really important it wont take long.." the girl pleaded, holding on to the hem of his shirt and the sight almost making you puke.
despite gyuvin's hesitation, he looked back to you and mouthed a 'sorry' before being rushed off by the girl.
after gyuvin left you let out the biggest sigh, having such a popular best friend was hard and not to mention your enormous crush on him made it even worse.
essentially you wanted to stay at school longer to spend time with the best friend who just left you, but since he's no longer here you find a spot to sit on the bleachers. you remember the two cans of soda in your backpack, now having no one to share them with.
as you pop open one of the cans, before you could take a sip, you felt a presence beside you.
"hey, can i sit here?" a familiar voice caught your attention, shen quanrui aka ricky who is your classmate and one of gyuvin's friends.
"oh, um sure." you took your backpack from the seat, putting it on your lap and taking a sip of your soda.
"soo.. y/n right? i heard a lot about you from gyuvin."
"haha yeah.. you're ricky right? i also hear about you from gyuvin."
an awkward silence flew in the air for a solid 10 seconds.
"do you know what he's doing right now? i've been looking all over and i can't find him." his question reminded you again why you were talking to him in the first place, he left cause some girl is gonna confess to him, should you really say that?
"well, a girl pulled him outside, said she has something important to tell him and you can guess the rest." you chuckle bitterly.
"it's hard to be friends with someone so popular isn't it?" somehow his statement brightened your mood a little.
"yeah, that's exactly what i was just thinking." you finally had the courage to lift your head and look at the blonde beside you.
ricky was also semi-popular, his looks are well known to everyone in the school and his personality wasn't so bad either.
"so he really left you alone here? what an asshole, maybe i should beat him later." he put his hands into fists and started punching the air like a boxer.
"oh please don't, i think the girl he's talking to right now has tortured him enough." ricky laughed and you followed suit, feeling more comfortable as time went by.
"do you like soda?"
"well it depends, i only like it when it's a 1+1 deal." you chuckle, handing him the can of soda in your backpack since yours was almost finished and you wanted to have a soda buddy to drink with.
"thanks, i like it even better when it's free."
"oh please, you owe me lunch tomorrow."
meanwhile outside of the gym,
"oppa, i really like you- no! i love you please go out with me!" the girl stretched out her hands, holding a thick envelope which could only mean one thing.
"i'm really sorry, but i'm not interested in relationships right now. and i don't want your money." the boy politely bowed, pushing the girl's hands back.
"please! i'll double the money if you want to, just go out with me once, i really like you please give me one chance!" gyuvin has had a series of confessions to him, but this was his first one that seemed a bit extreme.
"i can't, i'm sorry but i-"
"oppa, do you like someone already?"
"what?" the question made gyuvin stop in his tracks.
"you do don't you? is that why you don't want to accept my love? who is it just be honest!" the younger girl was now sobbing uncontrollably which fueled panic in gyuvin who didn't know how to properly comfort the girl, especially being the reason shes crying in the first place.
"no i don't like anyone, but i'm sorry i can't go out with you please stop crying.." he nervously patted her back in an attempt to soothe her but it had only made her cry louder, hence he stood and did nothing at all.
"oppa, you like y/n don't you?"
"what? no.." gyuvin felt a lump in his throat, his head suddenly flooded with thoughts of you, his best friend.
"so you do.. lucky them." the girl wiped the last of her tears before cowardly running away, leaving gyuvin dumbfounded with a new thought clouding his brain.
'do i like y/n?"
read chapter 2 here!
-> extra note : this is also gonna be two or three parts SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG but i hope you enjoy it because this was really cringe when i wrote it 😅 (fyi the opening was based on a recent film i watched on netflix called omg (oh my girl) its really good highly recommended!)
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builtbybrokenbells · 1 year
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after months of silent pining over the boy across the hall, y/n finds herself face to face with the one person she can’t seem to get off her mind. a friendly dinner and a night spent in the art studio leads to more truth being revealed than either bargained for. a profession of attraction leads to an opportunity for an unconventional hookup, where Sam gets to make her first time unforgettable.
Read aftermath here
Pairing: Sam Kiszka x f!reader
Word Count: 15.5k
Warnings: SMUT 18+, fingering (f!receiving), oral (f!receiving), unprotected sex (wrap it, folks), virgin/virginity talk, losing virginity (sam the v card thief 🫣), praise kink, pet names, sexual anxiety/performance anxiety, soft gentle sex (fuck me up fr), fluff, swearing, anxiety, embarrassing crushes, sorry if I miss any!
😮‍💨 sorry this took so long folks. it’s a lengthy one, so prepare yourself. i got a bit carried away. soft Sam fucks me up real bad. hope you enjoy this as much as i loved writing it!! as always, be kind, enjoy, and don’t mind any grammar mistakes!!
You weren’t sure who he was. You had no idea where he was from, what he was studying, or if he even knew you existed. Still, that didn’t seem to stop the awkward staring, or the blushing cheeks, or even the speeding heart rate every time he came into your line of vision. You hated yourself for the uncontrollable longing you felt for the boy across the hall, knowing that you would forever be too nervous to approach first. The first few months of your university experience were relatively normal; meeting friends, studying relentlessly, and trying to navigate a brand new life that was so foreign from the last. Then, after the novelty of freshman year wore off, and the hallways were routinely more empty than you’d grown used to, you started to run into him.
The first time you saw him, you almost missed him. You only noticed the back of his head as he disappeared around the corner. But, almost as if fate was playing a sick trick on you, he happened to forget something in his room. When he came back around the corner, giving you the opportunity to see his face, it felt as though you’d received a punch to the stomach. Thankfully, he was in too much of a rush to notice your staring. His long, brown hair looked messy, yet perfectly styled around his slender face. His jawline was sharp, angled gracefully into a perfect chin. The space just above held his lips, a permanent upturn in the corner adorned on them, although barely noticeable in passing. His brown eyes looked inviting, a colour you could spend all day lost in. Once he passed you, you knew it was too late; you’d already fallen for him, and there was no escape.
Perhaps it was because you came from a small town, one where all of the boys looked like the same person, just in a different font. You’d never met a boy who caught your eye quite like he did. He had a charming aura without even speaking, which was impossible to attain, according to your standards. You never really wasted time on dating, more or less finding it pointless. You were well aware there was no person to find in your town that would work out long-term. You were never a date for heartbreak type, understanding that there was no need of having a relationship if you start it with a pre-existing condition that it will inevitably end. You had a few bad experiences with the boys you’d given a chance, and never tried again. It wasn’t worth the hurt, or the trouble, so you kept to yourself. But, whatever it was about the boy across the hall, you were certain if you ever got the chance, you’d want it to last a lifetime.
After the initial shock of seeing him, you seemed to notice him everywhere. Every time you left your room, his door was open, or he was in the hallway talking to his friends. He was always running into you at meal hall, taking post in your favourite spots in the library, and even in some of your classes. You had no idea how you’d gone so long without noticing him, because now, he never ceased to exist in your mind and your life. You’d never managed to get the nerve to speak with him, or even muster a wave when he passed by. The most the two of you shared was a smile each morning; which admittedly, made your day a whole lot better every time. As unfortunate as it was, the two of you had mastered the art of remaining strangers despite the constant desire to be more.
You never verbalized your feelings to anyone, not your friends, or even yourself. You thought it was a bit ridiculous to be infatuated with someone solely based on looks. Yet, you found yourself creating a fabricated version of him, one that you deducted based on what you noticed over the passing weeks. One where he was funny, in a sarcastic or a goofy type of way. One where he was very laid back, but very involved in the lives of the people he loved. And the worst one of all; one where he was fantastic in bed. You thought it was alright to daydream, even if you would never know for certain in this lifetime.
Despite your mostly quiet pining, everybody around you was well aware of how you felt about mystery boy. Your friends seemed to take extra measures to point him out in a public setting, or ‘unintentionally’ cross paths with him. They never admitted it, but you knew what they were doing. Instead of fighting about it, which would only give them the answer they so desperately wanted from you, you laughed alongside them at the ‘strange coincidences’. Although, one thing inherently positive that came from the whole ordeal, was that you’d made acquaintance’s with his best friend, Danny. You’d found out that he was also in a few of your classes, and lived on the floor above you.
He occasionally stopped by your room for a quick chat, or some help with projects. He was friendly, and tall, and quite attractive, too. You never mentioned his friend that lived across the hall, and he didn’t, either. As far as you were concerned, your friendship with Danny would remain just as such, with no hidden implications about the beautiful boy he spent most his time with. Never once would you ever want to make him feel like you’d become friends with him just to get closer to his best friend, because you didn’t. Any hello, or how are you, or any of the conversations you’d shared had always been because you wanted to talk to him. You liked him, and just so happened to find it much easier to strike conversations with him, too.
You walked down the hallway, pushing your way through the swarms of people preparing to leave for spring break. That Friday marked the end of classes for a week, meaning that lots of people were either packing up to return home for a few days, or headed somewhere much warmer to drink themselves into oblivion. You had opted to stay for the week, finding no real desire to visit your family, and having no available funds to travel the world. All of your friends were leaving, presenting a fantastic opportunity for you to catch up on some schoolwork. You keyed into your room, dropping your bag on your bed and kicking your shoes off. You threw on your slippers and took your hair down from its clip.
You walked into your bathroom, seeing a note stuck on the mirror. You pulled it off, reading over the scribbled words. Your suite mate had left for the week, wishing you a good time and telling you she’d see you soon. You smiled, slipping it into your pocket to add to your collection of first-year memorabilia. You had an elaborate final project planned for your introductory art class, and you were collecting as many pieces to add to it as possible, wanting nothing more than to make a showstopper. You fixed your makeup in the mirror and combed through your hair with your fingers, trying to sharpen yourself up after a long day of classes. As you returned to your room, you heard a knock on your door.
When you opened it, you saw a familiar, smiling face. “Well hello.” You said, pulling the door open fully.
“Hey, Picasso.” Danny greeted. “What are you up to?”
“Just got back, actually. I stayed late at the studio. Trying to get my practical piece done for my painting class.”
“I see. Have you started the essay for poetry?” You shook your head, stomach sinking at the thought.
“I was going to start that this weekend. I just picked my topic. I’ve got a couple years worth of Shakespeare sonnets to read.” Danny was an English major, and you were an arts major, but your classes seemed to cross due to your minor in writing.
“That’s such a cop out topic,” He teased, leaning against the door frame. “And it’s spring break, aren’t you supposed to be having fun?”
“Fuck you.” You laughed, waving your hand to invite him inside. “Spring break is only fun for rich kids taking business majors.” You joked.
“Us arts kids know how to have fun, too, you know. We don’t have to get on a plane to do that.” He reminded you, walking inside and taking a seat on your bed.
“Well, what about you, then? Any big plans?”
“Frankenmuth.” He said, trying to make it sound more exciting than it was. You raised an eyebrow at him, expecting something more to the statement, but that was all he said.
“Enthralling.” You laughed, taking a seat in your desk chair. You watched the people pass by in the hallway, no real thoughts in your head. “Just you going?” You asked, eyes falling on the door closed just across from yours.
“Yeah, my friends are gonna stay here. Just thought I’d go back and visit the parents for a few days. Don’t think I’m staying the whole week.”
“Nothing wrong with that, Danny boy.” You said, flipping your laptop open that was sitting on your desk. “When are you leaving?”
“Tonight, probably. I like driving at night.” You were okay with that, completely agreeing with his statement. There was something very peaceful about driving in the dark, especially when the roads are mostly barren. It was almost like time stood still. You knew the drive wasn’t too long for him, so you had faith he would be alright. “That’s why I came to see you.”
“You’re so sweet,” you grinned, opening Netflix and throwing on the most recently watched show. “Gonna miss me?”
“Of course, Picasso.” He said as if it were obvious. “Come with me, if you want.” He offered.
“You wouldn’t want me to tag along, your parents might like me too much.” He laughed at your words.
“And that’s a problem?”
“You wanna listen to them ask about me for the rest of your life?” You teased.
“Doesn’t sound like the worst thing in the world.” He shrugged.
“You’re too nice for your own good.” You chuckled. “As much as I would love to spend reading week with you, I very much need access to an art studio and shitty, free coffee refills from the library.”
“I know,” he assured you. “If you change your mind, offers there.”
“Thanks, Danny.” You said, more sincerity in your tone than before.
“The reason I came down here though, was to see if you wanted to grab dinner with us before I leave.”
“Us?” You questioned, cocking your head to the side.
“Yeah, me and Sam. I know you told me your friends already left, so I thought maybe you’d like some company.”
“Oh, so it’s a pity invite?” You smirked. He rolled his eyes.
“No, I want you to come. Thought that was kind of obvious.”
“Just pulling your leg.” You assured him. “Uh, who’s Sam?” You laughed, feeling a little ridiculous for not knowing. He watched you with confusion, waiting to see if you were joking.
“Sam? Kiszka? Like, the guy who lives across the hall?” He asked, completely baffled. “You don’t know Sam?”
“Oh!” Your cheeks turned crimson. “Yeah, I know who he is. That’s your best friend, right?” Danny nodded. “Yeah, I know him. Just didn’t know his name. Never really spoke to the guy.” You laughed, trying to pass off the awkwardness.
“Fuck, y/n, I thought you guys knew each other! I’m sorry I didn’t introduce him to you.”
“No! Don’t be sorry, Danny.” You waved it off. “I never brought it up, either.”
“That’s weird though, cause he definitely knows you. He knew who you were when I mentioned we were working together on that last poetry assignment. I was under the impression that you guys were neighbourly.” He shrugged, confusion still lingering in his features.
“Oh, uh… I guess my names on my whiteboard. Maybe that’s why. He’s definitely seen me around. We smile at each other and stuff in the halls, but that’s about it.” Danny eyed you almost as if he didn’t believe you.
“Well, he seems pretty fond of you for someone he only smiles at in the hallway.” You felt the blush rise to your cheeks again, embarrassed even at the thought of him mentioning your name. “You do know him, don’t you?”
“No, I swear I’m telling you the truth.” You raised your hands in defence. He watched you, scanning your face for a hint of a lie. After a second, his expression lit up.
“You have a crush on him!” He bellowed, feeling accomplished for finally solving the mystery. Your head whipped to the open door, making sure nobody was in the hallway.
“Shut up!” You hissed, making a move to shut the door. “I do not!” You said once you protected the privacy.
“That’s a lie, Picasso.” He let out a disapproving tsk.
“I don’t even know the guy.” You rolled your eyes. “Yeah, he’s attractive, but I can’t exactly like someone I don’t know.”
“Sure you can, and you do.” He grinned. “And you’ll like him even more after dinner tonight.” He decided.
“So now I don’t have a choice if I go or not?”
“No, not at all. I’ll leave you to get ready. He should be back around 6.” Danny stood, not willing to hear any protests.
“Danny, if you say anything to him, I swear to god I will kill-“
“Lips are sealed, Picasso. See you at six.” He sent you a wink before disappearing out the door. You felt your stomach twist in knots, nervous that Danny was going to mention something to him.
You distracted yourself by scouring your closet for something acceptable to wear. You cursed him for leaving so soon; he didn’t even tell you where you were going. You had no idea if you should dress nice, or casual. As you checked the time, you decided that somewhere in the middle would be suitable. A nice shirt and a pair of black jeans, just to dress it down a bit. You went to the bathroom and quickly ran your curling iron through your hair with no real effort, just to give it a bit of volume. You brushed your teeth and touched up your makeup again, spritzing on some perfume before you walked back to your room. You threw on some jewelry, deciding if you were going to properly meet mystery boy, or Sam, rather, you were going to make a good first impression.
When the clock struck six, there was an insistent knock on your door. When you opened it, Danny was beaming down at you once more. “You clean up good, Picasso.” He complimented. Rarely did he ever see you out of your studio clothes; you were always covered in paint, or plaster, or some other sort of artistic expression. You spent more time in the studio than you did anywhere else. Of course, the workload was heavy even for first year, but you spent a lot of free time there, too. It was great for your mental health, and aside from your projects, you made smaller pieces to sell on the side. Unlimited access to art tools was a huge benefit to going to the university you chose, and your talent allowed you to make some extra money. Making a living off something you loved to do made your university experience a million times better.
“Thanks, Daniel.” You laughed. “Ready to go?” You asked.
“Yeah, you?” You nodded. You threw on a denim jacket, finishing off the outfit. You joined Danny in the hall, looking around to spot Sam. When you didn’t see him, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of disappointment.
“Where are we going?” You asked, distracting yourself from the feeling.
“There’s this little Italian restaurant downtown. I’ve been meaning to try it, but never got around to it. Figured tonight was as good as any other night. Is that cool with you?”
“Oh, yeah. I’m not picky.” You assured him.
“Awesome.” He breathed, making a move to the other side of the hallway. He stood before Sam’s door, sending a knock echoing through the air. Within a few seconds, the door swung open to reveal the boy you couldn’t seem to get out of your head. His hair was slightly damp, and the smell of his shampoo hit you almost instantly. He pointed at you without a word, causing you to shoot him a nervous look. He got a small laugh at your reaction.
“You copied my outfit.” He accused, a goofy smile etched onto his expression. You looked down at what you were wearing, then back to him. You were both wearing Jean jackets with a black base layer. After a second, you laughed, too.
“Guess so.” You shrugged, trying to ignore the incessant butterflies running rampant in your stomach. “I’m y/n,” you held a hand out to shake.
“Sam.” He said, reciprocating the gesture. “I guess we’ve never properly introduced ourselves.” He noted.
“Not very neighbourly of us, was it?” You chuckled. His eyes lingered over you, taking in the whole sight before humming an agreement. You desperately tried to fight away the blush rising to your cheeks, but failed miserably. You hoped he didn’t notice.
“I hear from Daniel that you’re quite the artist.” He said, the smile never leaving his face. At his words, the redness on your cheeks completely took over, leaving no doubt that he could see it.
“Modern day Picasso, actually.” Danny corrected.
“You’ll have to show me, sometime.” Sam’s tone was soft, no tone of sarcasm present.
“Maybe I can sneak you into the studio someday.” You offered.
“It’s a date, then.” He said it so effortlessly, like the words meant nothing, but it set every nerve in your body on fire.
“G-guess so,” you tried to cover up your stutter, but they certainly noticed. You were thankful they didn’t comment on it. Sam stepped into the hallway, closing his door behind him. The three of you ventured towards the exit of the building without another word.
The evening was cool, but not unbearable. By the time you’d walked to the restaurant, you had managed to shake some of the nervousness off. The small chatter and jokes eased the tension by miles, allowing you to enjoy the company rather than fear embarrassment. Danny went inside first, Sam holding the door open for both of you. You muttered a small thank you, disappearing inside of the building. The smell of the food was fantastic, and the decoration and atmosphere was incredibly inviting. Danny noticed a ‘seat yourself’ sign, taking it open himself to lead the group to a booth. He slid in one side and you sat across from him. Sam looked between the two seats, ultimately deciding to sit next to you. The booth was tiny, and as he settled and got comfortable, his leg was gently resting against yours. You felt your heart speed, trying not to focus on the constant contact.
You all ordered after taking a good look over the menu. As you were waiting, Sam turned to you to speak. “So, Picasso,” he started. You turned your head to look at him, strangely pleased at the way the nickname sounded on his tongue. “Any travel plans for the week?”
“Oh, no.” You shook your head. “Love them, but my family drives me crazy, and I have too much work to get done to go anywhere else.” You admitted. “You?”
“No, I thought it was best to stay, too. I get what you mean about the family thing. Love them to death, but peace and quiet is nice, sometimes.” He chuckled. “Daniel will have to go on the journey alone.”
“So you guys are from the same town?” You looked between the two. They both nodded.
“Yeah, best friends since, what, middle school?” Danny laughed.
“Pretty much.” Sam agreed.
“That’s cool, actually. Nice that you guys have a piece of home here with you.”
“What about you? Any piece of home here?” You shook your head.
“No, and thank god there isn’t. Wanted to get the hell out of my hometown and start over. It’s worked so far.” You explained.
“Where are you from?” Sam asked, now intrigued.
“Arizona. Small town in the middle of nowhere, where everybody looks and acts the same and you get chastised if you’re any different.”
“Mind-numbing.” He replied. You nodded, unable to agree more. “Everybody needs originality.”
“Not them, apparently. I couldn’t wait to leave, and I never want to go back.” You almost shuddered at the thought.
“So where after this?” Sam never let his eyes leave you, as if he wanted to engrave every detail of your face in his mind.
“Uh, wherever, I guess. I haven’t really thought about it. I may travel for a while if I can before I commit to anywhere.”
“Smart woman,” he gave a small smile. “Know your options before you settle down.”
“Yeah, I suppose you could look at it that way.” Your conversation was interrupted by the waitress bringing drinks and setting them in front of you. You sipped from your straw, pondering what to speak about, next. “What are you taking, Sam?” You suddenly remembered you hadn’t asked him, yet.
“Oh, music theory.” He said. You eyed him in shock, not expecting that answer.
“What instrument?”
“Piano, on the paper at least.” He laughed. “I like playing bass and guitar more, but I figured they’d be more likely to accept me with piano as my focus.”
“Smart move.” You pondered the information for a moment. “Listen to this one,” you caught both of their attention. “So, Picasso, Shakespeare and Billy Joel walk into an Italian restaurant,” you started, causing a chorus of laughter from both boys.
“You play a piano once and you can never escape the Billy Joel jokes.” Sam shook his head, ghost of a laugh still lingering on his lips. You couldn’t help but admire him, feeling the overwhelming curiosity of wondering what it would be like to kiss him.
“You’ll be alright, piano man.” Danny assured him.
“Yeah, you can even sing us a song, if you want. That might make you feel better.” He shot you a look of warning, but there was visible humour laced in it. The both of you were feeling the nervous tension melt away more by the second.
The time passed too quickly for your liking; the meal was fantastic and the company was even better. When the time to leave came around, you were begging the clock just for another minute. You had spent the whole night beating yourself up for not getting over your fear and speaking with Sam sooner. Aside from him being incredibly attractive, he was funny, and charming, and quite sweet, too. You felt like you’d missed out on a lot. Even if nothing romantic happened, you’d could consider yourself content just being his friend. When the waitress brought the bills over, Sam took it upon himself to ensure you couldn’t get your hands on the debit machine. As you all filtered back outside into the cool night air, your feeling of nervousness returned. Looking at Sam, how the glow from the street lights casted over his face, how his hair flowed in solidarity, messy but perfect all in one, made you realize that knowing him only made the desire so much stronger.
Somewhere deep down you hoped he was an asshole, so you could finally shake the hopeless feeling of need for him. The more you talked to him, the more you fell for the goofiness of his aura, the humour he wore so proudly, or the kindness permanently anchored behind his words. He was more than just a pretty face, and to you, it was devastating. The last thing you wanted was to fall for someone, but you were well aware that it had happened long before your night of pasta critique. “You headed back to dorm?” Sam asked, his hand on your upper arm breaking you from your thoughts. You swallowed hard, trying to shake off your brains’ incessant reminders of what it felt like to be touched by him.
“Yeah,” you nodded.
“I’m headed out, now, I think.” Danny said, looking between the two of you. “Packed the car earlier, so I should hit the road.”
“Oh,” you breathed, trying to keep your eyes on him, and him only. “Which lot are you parked in?”
“The one by our building. I’ll walk back with you guys.” You nodded at his words, feeling a sudden rush of relief knowing you wouldn’t have to walk alone with Sam. Not that you would mind being alone with him, more of a fear of embarrassing yourself somehow. The three of you started the short walk with few words exchanged in the process. When you reached the entrance to the parking lot, you all stopped to bid a farewell.
Danny pulled you into a quick hug, thanking you for going to dinner. He hugged Sam, letting him know he’d text him when he was back home. “Might text for poetry help.” You smiled at him.
“You could text me just to say hi, too, you know.” Danny reminded.
“That is my way of saying hi.” You laughed. “Too nervous to be upfront.”
“No need for that, Picasso. I’ll see you guys soon.” He promised. You and Sam waved goodbye as he parted from the trio, leaving the two of you to yourselves. You kept your eyes glued to the ground, wanting to look anywhere other than his beautiful face.
“You have anywhere to be?” Sam eventually spoke. You found the courage to meet his eyes, feeling the butterflies erupt in your stomach once more.
“I was thinking about heading to the studio, actually.” You very much enjoyed your 24/7 access to the art building. It made your usually boring weekends a bit more enjoyable.
“Care for some company?” He smiled.
“You trying to get me in trouble, piano man?” You smirked.
“Nobody will ever know I was there.” He promised. You pondered the idea, realizing that it was more than likely nobody would be there, anyway. It was usually quite barren in the evenings, even more so considering the week-long holiday.
“Okay.” You nodded, holding your hand out for him to grab. “Come on.” He wasted no time slipping his hand into yours. You took off in a run back to the dorm with him following closely behind. You both made it to the front entrance of the building, keying in and immediately running to your rooms. “I just have to change.” You told him before disappearing into your room. You quickly changed into your work clothes, realizing how embarrassing the new outfit was. There was old paint stains on the t-shirt and jeans, years worth of artistic memories begging to be washed away. You didn’t waste too much time dwelling, too eager to be back in Sam’s company.
You were nervous to be alone with him, but the thrill of seclusion with him was overshadowing anything else. You thought maybe you’d be able to unravel some of the mystery, to get a chance to hear about his stories and memories that were hidden away. When you went back into the hallway, Sam was waiting for you. He had also changed into different clothes, a pair of sweatpants and a tattered old band shirt with the logo worn down to just a shadow. He had a sly smile graced his lips. “Ready?” You breathed. He gave a nod, silently hoping you’d reach out for his hand again. When you started walking down the hall, he followed after you, only momentary disappointment taking over.
You walked side by side to the art building, buzzing with unspoken excitement. When you reached the doorway, you scanned your access card on the reader and the lock clicked open. As you pulled on the handle, you looked back at him and pressed a finger to your lips, signalling for him to stay quiet, just in case anyone else was around. Regular students were allowed in the art building during office hours, but art students were the only ones granted access outside of normal school times. You were sure you’d only get a slap on the wrist if someone realized he wasn’t an art student, but you still didn’t want to take the chance. He nodded, ensuring he wouldn’t make a peep. You took his hand again, leading him inside and directly to the stairwell to the basement.
You took a sigh of relief when you let the studio door close behind you. You went right to your small locker where you stored your paint supplies and brushes. You unlocked it with a tiny key you kept around your neck. You pulled out your belongings, nodding Sam in the direction of the main room. The bright fluorescent lights were nothing new to you, but it seemed like it almost caught him off guard. You set your stuff down on a desk and grabbed an easel, carrying it over to where you were planning to sit. “I’ll be right back.” You told him, walking off to a side room. You opened the door, flicking the light on in the small storage space. You grabbed your large canvas, careful not to bump the front of it, worried it still may not have completely dried. You took it back out to the main room and propped it up on the easel, pulling a stool in front of it.
Sam moved a second chair over, sitting beside you. His eyes drifted over the artwork, scanning it intently and drinking up every detail like he needed it to survive. “I see why Danny calls you Picasso, now.” He mumbled, still looking over all of the details. You felt the redness creep up on your cheeks again, flattered at his compliment. “This place anything special to you, or just a stock photo?” There was a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.
“Well, the cabin is. It’s my family’s. We spent a lot of time up there when I was a kid. The background is pretty dramatized, cause my inspiration pictures were a little bland.” You chuckled. “We’ve been working on landscapes, so I figured I would paint something meaningful.” The large oil painting had the image of the aforementioned cabin nestled in a plot of trees. The leaves were radiating the colours of autumn, and the neutral mountains in the background made the colours stand out. A small stream flowed through the mountain valley, and birds floated through the air. There were patches of flowery grass and bushes covering the ground. The outline was finished, and you’d been working on the intimate details of the piece. You were estimating only a few more hours of work, eager to have this finished so you could move on to the next project.
“It’s stunning.” He said, moving back to look at you again.
“Thanks,” your voice was soft, full of gratitude.
“Have you always wanted to be an artist?” He asked. You thought about the question, pondering the appropriate answer.
“I always loved art, but don’t think I actually decided to study it until late into high school. I never thought I’d be able to make it, but then I entered a few contests and won, and I guess it kind of kick started the process of getting here. At first, my parents weren’t super supportive of the idea. I think they’d rather me be a doctor or a lawyer, but they knew it would only make me miserable. Now that they see what I’m doing, and how happy it makes me, they’re a bit more on board. Their encouragement really helped me feel like I was supposed to be here.” You explained. “Deep down, I probably always knew I would do art for a living, but I fought it for a long time. It’s not really regarded as a ‘profession’, and I think that discouraged me for a long time.”
“Don’t ever feel that way again.” He shook his head, looking back towards the canvas. “Someone with talent like this should never second guess themselves.” You swallowed hard, having a difficult time digesting such a compliment. “This is the type of stuff to end up in galleries.”
“You’ll have to let me design your album art when you release your EP, then.” You smiled.
“You haven’t even heard me play yet.” He brushed the comment off, a small laugh lingering in his words.
“Don’t have to, I just know.” You said, pulling out your glass palate. You sifted through your bag of paints, choosing the colours carefully. You squeezed small amounts on the surface, looking back towards the large painting. You started to work, unsure of where the conversation would lead to next.
“What music do you like?” He asked, watching your hands as you painted.
“Everything.” You said, never losing your focus. “Not picky.”
“You have to have a favourite.” He inquired. A smile tugged at your lips.
“Well, yeah.” You rolled your eyes.
“What is it, then?” He laughed, eyes moving to your face.
“Guess.” You thought if he wanted to get to know you, he could work for it, first. At least a little bit.
“You’re a classical person, aren’t you?” You looked at him through the corner of your eyes, furrowing your eyebrows slightly.
“Insulting,” you replied. “You think I’m that boring?” You teased.
“Worth a shot.” He shrugged. “Rock?”
“Yeah,” you nodded. “I like metal, too, but I mostly stick with rock.”
“Never would have guessed the metal part.” His surprise was showing in his expression.
“Yeah, well, I have lots of tricks up my sleeve.” You chuckled, wiping your brush on your apron.
“Can’t wait to figure them out.” His words were smooth, concise, even, as if he was waiting to deliver the line the whole night. Your stomach fluttered with the thought of him wanting to know more about you. You both fell into a silence, eventually playing music off your phone to fill the stale air. You were fine without words exchanged; you enjoyed him sitting with you while you worked. He didn’t seem to mind either, enthralled in your technique. “What’s your favourite thing to paint?” He eventually disturbed the quiet.
“I like nature. It’s always so calming to recreate. So many different options, and imperfections don’t cause an issue, because nature isn’t perfect. I think that’s what makes it beautiful.” You explained. He nodded along, hoping you would keep talking. You noticed, feeling less reserved about your ramblings, realizing you wanted to share them with him. “Nature is the only constant. It was here from the beginning, and it will be here long after we die, even if it’s changed million times. It carries infinite memories from every era, and it’s our only consistency in this lifetime, and the ones previous. I like the idea of a timeless art piece. If someone looks at this a hundred years from now, they’ll be able to appreciate it the same way we can. Nobody will have to wonder about the origins of the picture. People die, animals pass, but the earth always outlives us. When the day comes and it dies, too, we go with it.” He nodded again, studying your face. He had been for a while, although you hadn’t really noticed. He was watching the way your eyes focused when you were doing delicate work, or how your lips pursed when your brush wasn’t doing exactly what you wanted it to. He also noticed every time you let out a minuscule sigh, content with the flow of the paint, or when you smiled when a familiar song came on the shuffle. He’d been studying you just as much as you did, him, admiring you just the same. He was enthralled in your presence, also never expecting to have you this close to him.
The art of your silent admiration had left little room for belief of a chance for it to happen so intimately. He was basking in the moment, in you. The smell of the paint and your perfume was embedding the memory in his brain forever. The beauty in your passion was electrifying, and he was certain he could watch it all day. He also felt the same when he passed you in the hallways, and caught himself peeking into your room when you had the door open. He felt the same fluster when you smiled at him, and awaited the conversations when Danny spoke your name. He also struggled with the idea of talking to you first, worried about rejection or embarrassment. From what he’d seen, you never showed an inkling of interest, and he didn’t want to come off in the wrong way. When Danny brought the idea of inviting you to dinner, he nearly jumped at the opportunity. Sam’s feelings had also remained quite silent, although his childhood best friend was quick to catch on to the situation. Now with a promise to both of you that your emotions would be kept a secret, it was up to both of you to figure things out. All Danny could do was cheer you on from both sides. “You’ve got a beautiful way of seeing the world.” He noted.
“If you don’t love the earth, you can’t expect it to love you back.” You said, finally turning to look over at him. You were caught off guard at his proximity, noticing he had definitely moved closer since you’d started working. He was sitting a little ahead of you, but his body was turned to be angled towards you. When he caught your surprised look, he gave a small smile.
“I thought you wanted to come and see the art, Sam.” You teased, finding the confidence to make a quick pass about his position.
“I’m looking at it.” He quipped back without a moment of hesitation. You opened your mouth to reply, but couldn’t find any words, flustered at the proclamation. Without another word, he turned to look back at the canvas, leaving you to wonder if his words were satire, or if they had meaning. You took a few seconds to recover, but ultimately pushed the statement to the back of your mind. You continued on, dabbing blots of paint onto the picture and blending it gently. “You know, if you’re looking for a customer, I’d be happy to take this off your hands when you’re finished.”
“You couldn’t afford me, Kiszka.” You joked, using the tip of your finger to get a better blend on a saturated area. You fixed it up with a brush afterwards.
“You think so?” He hummed, not bothering to turn and face you.
“I know so.” You told him, wiping your hand on the apron. You weren’t sure if it was the months of tension catching up to you, or the exhaustion, or the smell of his cologne, but you were desperate for him to turn and face you again. “If you want it, it’s yours.” You breathed, deciding to drop the facade. “Once it’s graded, I have nowhere to put it.”
“How much do you want for it?” He asked, still facing away from you.
“Free, for you.” You said softly, a smile creeping up on you.
“Absolutely not.” He turned now, finally meeting your eyes. “You worked hard on it, you used your own materials. I’m giving you something for it.” He said, finality dripping in his tone. You couldn’t help but shift under his gaze, the authority sending a pleasant jolt of electricity through you.
“Think of it as a token of friendship.” You whispered, unable to stop yourself from looking over his features. The admiration in your eyes was impossible to overlook.
“Friendship?” He questioned after a moment of silence, a new sense of confidence washing over him. “Ouch,” he said, the same cocky smirk playing on the corner of his mouth. You bit the inside of your lip, feeling your breath catch in your throat. You weren’t so willing to fall for the idea that he may have felt the same way. Instead of turning away, he watched you, hoping you’d make a notion of reciprocation. After the shock wore off, you started to understand that he was being serious.
“Courtship?” You corrected yourself, feeling your heart drumming against your chest.
“I think I like that better,” he whispered, eyes falling down to your lips for a second before correcting himself. “Do you?”
“I certainly don’t have an issue with it.” You admitted. He watched you carefully, almost as if he was nervous to advance the situation any further. After a moment of deliberation, he reached his hand up and cupped your cheek, using his thumb to wipe off a smudge of paint.
“Some paint,” he informed you.
“Oh,” you breathed, eyes never leaving him. “Did you get it all?” He inspected further, tucking some hair behind your ear as he did so.
“Mm, I think I missed a spot.” He deducted. You set your palate and brush on the table, not wanting to miss a moment of him. He advanced further, but only slightly, pretending to look harder. You couldn’t fight back a smile. “Want me to get it?” He looked back up at your eyes, hand never moving from your cheek.
“Okay,” you nodded, playing into his act.
“You sure?” He asked again, mostly to tease, but he also wanted to ensure you were comfortable.
“Positive.” You promised. Without wasting any more time, he leaned in and pressed his lips against yours.
It was soft, but his lips felt like they were burning into your skin. You reached your own hand out, letting it fall to the back of his neck. You pulled him closer, careful not to get any paint on his clothes in the process. He ran his tongue across your bottom lip, practically begging for more. You were quick to respond, parting your lips and allowing him to deepen the kiss. His other hand slipped to your hip, letting his fingers gently sink into the skin. When he pulled away, you were both breathless and craving more. He let his forehead rest on yours, dreading putting any more distance between your bodies. You gave a smile, unsure of what else you could do to express how you felt. It was like months of torture finally derived into pleasure. No more watching him as he walked past, wondering about his name or what it would be like to say it, or hear him say yours. No more wondering what it felt like to be kissed by him, because now, you knew, and it was way better than you ever imagined. “I’m not sure if I got it.” He admitted, causing a giggle from you. He pulled you in for another kiss, this one shorter and more lighthearted.
“Is it gone?” You asked, intoxicated from the feeling of his lips.
“If I said no, would you believe me?” You could hear his smile in his words.
“Yeah, just because I’d like to kiss you again, though.” His thumb trailed over your cheek as he rested his hand on your jaw. He placed a small peck on your lips, causing you to hum in satisfaction. “I wanted to do that for a really long time.” You said. He pulled back a bit, taking in your expression.
“Me, too.” He chuckled.
“Really?” He gave a nod.
“Since the first time I saw you.”
“Me, too.” You copied his earlier statement. “It’s been a long couple months of admiring you from a distance.”
“Why’d you never say anything?” He questioned, hand still keeping a delicate hold on your face.
“I was scared. Thought maybe you’d think I was weird, or you’d be an asshole. You’re too pretty to be nice, too. It’s not fair.” You laughed. “I didn’t even think you knew I existed.”
“How could I not?” He was almost offended at the thought. You shrugged your shoulders. “You’re the only person I’ve been looking at.” You felt your cheeks heat up again, angry that you couldn’t hide your emotion. “Danny’s been begging me to talk to you for weeks, but I guess I was scared, too.” It clicked in your brain, suddenly making sense why he was so excited when you told him you thought Sam was cute.
“Doesn’t matter,” You told him “We know now.” He nodded, agreeing silently. “Did you want to go back to my room, maybe?” You realized your statement was a bit forward only after you’d said it, but you didn’t really care. You were too caught up in the moment to worry about moving too fast, or any what-if’s. Your small amount of worry was subsided when he immediately stood, holding his hand out to you. You took it, letting him help you stand.
Both of you made quick work at cleaning up the mess you made, buzzing with excitement at the idea of being alone together. Within a few minutes, you had his hand in yours, and you were guiding him back through the unfamiliar building. You checked the main floor before you emerged, making sure there was no security checking out the place. You knew they could be assholes, and almost always asked for an access pass. When you deducted the coast was clear, you pulled him through the lobby and out the front door. You were both in a fit of giggles by the time you reached the dorm building, fumbling with keycards to let yourselves in. The hallways were barren, almost all of the students already gone for their spring trips. It made your journey all the faster, allowing you to make it to your room in record time without any interruption.
You opened the door for him, motioning got him to go inside first. He did so, eyes immediately taking in the sight. He’d caught glimpses of your room, but never got the chance to really see it. There was artwork plastered over the walls, some yours and some from your friends, or even reprints of famous artists. There were ambient lights bordering the ceilings, set to a constant colour. There were paintbrushes and textbooks littering your desk, along with a few empty coffee cups. There were a plethora of Polaroids hung on your bulletin board, a receipt book of memories from the lifetime he wanted to so badly know about. The smell of your perfume lingered in the air and your bed, although messy, looked extraordinarily inviting.
You gave him a small smile, nervous about what he was thinking. “I love it in here.” He said, almost like he could read your mind. You let out a small sigh of relief. His eyes drifted towards the small clay sculptures you’d been messing around with. He leaned closer, smiling at the intricate detail.
“You should come over more often, then.” You smiled.
“I think you’re gonna have a hard time getting rid of me, now.” He laughed. The sound was more beautiful than any you’d heard before.
“Fine by me.” You admitted. “I’m gonna change out of these. Just give me a minute.” He nodded, watching you as you picked some clothes from your closet. You brought them to the bathroom, changing into the shorts and t-shirt. You looked at yourself in the mirror, nearly wincing at the sight. You quickly fixed your makeup with your fingers and brushed your teeth. You sprayed a bit more perfume on the new clothes, and rejoined him. He was still standing awkwardly by your desk, unsure of where to sit. “You can sit on the bed.” You smiled, finding the timidity cute.
“Oh, okay.” He said, looking towards the mattress and sitting down.
“Did you want to watch a movie?” You asked.
“Sure.” He grinned. You went to your laptop, quickly logging in and pulling up Netflix. “I don’t care what we watch.” He admitted. You put on one of the first recommended movies, turning the volume up slightly. You climbed into bed next to him, propping a pillow against the wall and leaning back. He did the same, settling next to you, much closer than anyone else would normally sit.
The intro credits rolled for the movie, giving you a moment to relax from the close proximity. You leaned into him slightly, but not enough to make it obvious. You pulled your comforter over your legs, snuggling into the warmth. You let your hand rest on top of the blanket as you eyed his sitting in his lap. You’d been on dates, but not once since you moved away from your hometown had you felt so adolescent in romance. It felt like you were going through the motions for the first time, completely blind in knowledge. You had no idea how to approach him, how to initiate any of the intimacy you’d been yearning for. You hadn’t noticed you were staring at him, but he certainly did. He looked over to you, giving you a small, soft smile. In response, it made your heart skip a beat.
He took the opportunity to reach over and slip his hand into yours, giving it a gentle, reassuring squeeze. The contact immediately subsided your anxiety, and you finally felt the ability to focus on the screen. After a few moments, you even found the courage to rest your head on his shoulder. The both of you watched the movie in silence, his thumb rubbing small circles over the back of your hand while you did so. As the film progressed, so did your comfortability. By the middle of it, you both had shifted dramatically. He was laying down, and you were resting atop of him, head nestled in his chest. His palm was firmly planted on your lower back, and his other gently tracing shapes into your arm. If you weren’t so energized from being so close to him, you were certain you could fall asleep in that position.
His hand that was on your arm moved to your face, fingers gently pushing your hair away. You closed your eyes, revelling in the feeling. He gently combed through the knots before settling his hand back on your cheek. He guided you to look up at him, sending a smile your way. You returned it, thinking that you would be fine if his face was the only one you could ever see again. “Thanks for inviting me over.” He said, admiring every feature. He knew that you were beautiful from every time he’d seen you before that night, but he realized that he’d been missing out on the best part. Having you laying with him, sleepiness laced in your eyes, made him realize that there was never a time where you were more beautiful. The innocent intimacy was overwhelming in the best possible way, leaving him to believe he could die happy as long as he got to hold you.
“It’s crazy, you know.” You sighed, propping yourself up on your elbow to get a better look at him.
“Hmm?” He replied, fingers dancing in the ends of your hair.
“I spent so long with this stupid little crush. I think because of it, I kind of put you on a pedestal. I forgot you were a person, too. I never believed that I could ever be with you like this. It always felt impossible.”
“I did the same thing.” He admitted, feeling better about it knowing you felt that way, too. “It’s weird. Dating in college is so much different than high school.” He chuckled. You nodded, agreeing wholeheartedly.
“It feels more… adult. In high school, I had to ask my parents permission to go on a date. Now, I can just invite you over whenever I want.” You thought aloud. “But I don’t feel any different. I still feel the same as I did a year ago.”
“Yeah,” he breathed. “It’s strange, knowing that we’re supposed to be adults, now. Especially when I still feel like a kid.”
“I think it’s a good buffer period,” you shrugged. “Pretend to be adults, get the experience, but still be able to make mistakes and learn from them. We get to practice living alone and being responsible, but still get to do stupid shit.” He laughed at your comment, but understood your point.
“I like you, Picasso.” He said, his hand landing on the back of your neck. You smiled at the words.
“I like you, too.” You admitted, eyes trailing over his face in admiration.
“I think it would be cool if we could do stupid shit and learn from our mistakes… together.” He mumbled, gaze focused only on you.
“What are you saying, Billy Joel?” You smirked as he rolled his eyes at the nickname.
“I’m saying,” he paused, eyes flickering down to your lips for a moment. “I would like to do this…. more often.” He articulated his words carefully, a bit nervous to say them.
“I think that would be quite alright.” You deducted. He visibly relaxed at your confirmation. “I… uh, I’m not good at this stuff.” You admitted.
“That’s okay.” He said, tangling his fingers in the hair at the base of your skull. He gently massaged his fingers over your scalp, causing a slight hum of pleasure from you. “That’s part of the making mistakes and learning from them, right?”
“Yeah,” you whispered, entranced in the feeling of him touching you. “I’ve never really had a boyfriend, or anything like that. Been on a few dates, but they ended pretty terribly.” You admitted. He cocked his head to the side, studying you as you spoke. “Like I said before, all of the boys from my hometown are all the same. I learned my lesson, and I realized nothing meaningful would ever come from it, so I just… didn’t.”
“You can talk about it, if you want.” He offered.
“There’s really not much to talk about.” You told him, remembering back to your high school years. “I don’t know if it was just the type of people that lived in the town, or if it was a teenage boy thing, but they just cared about getting laid and nothing more. It was unbearable, and I fell for it a few times, but nobody ever cared about me past the surface. I’ve never met a boy who wanted to know me like you do, or would even admit that they liked me out loud, for that matter. Nobody has ever asked me questions about myself, or my art. It was nice being seen as a person rather than a body.” You muttered the last part, hating saying it aloud.
“They have no idea what they missed out on, then.” He said, bringing you closer and placing a kiss on your forehead. “I’ve only known you, well, really known you, for a day. I already know that I’d be more than lucky to have a chance with you.” Your cheeks turned red, luckily covered by the darkness of the room this time. “They didn’t deserve you. Nobody should make you feel like you can only be loved in privacy. You’re worth more than that.” Your eyes fluttered up to meet his as your brain wondered if the interaction was real, or a grandly fabricated dream. You leaned forward, unable to satiate the need to kiss him again.
He accepted the gesture enthusiastically, using his hands to pull you impossibly closer. You brought your hand to his face, cupping his cheek. After a moment, you couldn’t help but want more. You shifted, trying your best not to break the kiss, placing both of your legs on either side of him. He broke away for a second, just long enough to prop himself up against the wall so you wouldn’t be uncomfortable. He wasted no time, capturing you in another kiss. His hands found your hips, fingers holding you firmly but delicately all at once. You snaked your hand to the back of his neck, holding him like you were scared he would get away from you. When you pulled back, you were both breathless with stars dancing in your eyes.
“We don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to.” He said quickly, mind still occupied with the thought of kissing you. “I’m okay if we just lay here and talk.”
“I want to if you do.” You assured him, finally feeling the months of tension reach the breaking point.
“Are you sure?” He asked, searching your face for an honest answer.
“Positive.” You promised, making sure he saw you were being genuine. “I just… I’ve never…yeah.” You trailed off, suddenly a bit embarrassed. He watched you, trying to piece together what you were saying. “I’ve never had sex.” You blurted out, realizing he wasn’t fully understanding you. “I mean, I’ve done some stuff, but never…” you breathed, your face burning for a whole new reason.
“Hey, it’s okay.” He reached his hand to your face, keeping your head straight so you would look at him. You were a virgin in all technical terms, only having awkward sexual experiences and moments with failed flings in high school. It wasn’t a virtue thing, more of a feeling of never finding the right person. With him, you felt comfortable, and were certain that it would be enjoyable. You didn’t have to have experience to assume that. You could tell just by looking at him, by how he spoke to you. He cared about your comfortability, and that was a major green flag. “We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.” His tone was firm.
“No, I want to.” You said quickly, making sure he knew. “I just… I want you to have a good time, and I’m just nervous, I think. I don’t want to… disappoint.” He let out a chuckle, shaking his head at the blasphemous idea.
“Yeah, that’s not even a possibility.” He shut the fear down almost as soon as it sprouted. “I’m gonna have a good time because I’m with you.” He promised. “I don’t expect anything, or anything like that. I’m more concerned with you having a good time.” He said, bringing your face down to place a soft kiss on your lips. “We’ll take it slow, okay? Make sure you enjoy yourself.” He mumbled, his mouth only millimetres away from your own. “That sound okay?”
“Yeah,” you breathed, giving a small nod. You could feel his smile from as he kissed you again.
“You can tell me to stop, or slow down, or whatever you need at any point, okay?” He explained when he pulled back. You nodded. “You can tell me what you like, too. Don’t be shy.” You nodded again. “I need to hear the words, baby.”
“Okay.” You verbally confirmed. He tapped your thigh, silently letting you know he wanted you to get up. You did so, allowing him to move over to the side.
“Lay down for me,” he said, his tone had authority but it was incredibly soft, not wanting to make you feel uncomfortable. You laid back, eyes locked on his face. You were still anxious, but he was easing it more by the second. He turned onto his side to face you, guiding your face to his once more and connecting your mouths. You kissed him back with more neediness than before, excited by the idea of his hands on you. He slipped his fingers under the hem of your shirt, letting them dance over your skin so you could grow accustom to the feeling.
As he became familiar with the feeling of your body, he took his chance to deepen the kiss. You couldn’t help but let a few small moans of delight out, only fuelling him further. He went slow, working you up to speed. He didn’t want to rush you, or push you too far. He let you take the lead with progressing any further, waiting until you made a move to take an article of clothing away. When you tugged at the hem of his shirt, he moved back from you so he could pull it over his head. You let your eyes fall over his exposed torso, feeling your stomach flutter at the sight. He smiled at your expression, but didn’t say a word in fear of you feeling embarrassed. He made a move towards your waistband, watching your eyes intently as he did so. You gave him a nod of encouragement, letting him know you were okay. He hooked his fingers through the sides and slowly pulled the shorts from your body. You sat up and removed your shirt, too.
His breath caught in his throat at the sight of you in just your undergarments, having to do for a moment just to appreciate the view. “Gorgeous,” he hummed, lowering his head to you once more. He left a trail of gentle kisses across you collarbones, letting his hands trail over your exposed thighs. The minuscule touches were driving you crazy; you had no idea it could feel so good to be admired by someone. His lips moved downward, skipping over your chest and landing on your sternum. He started to get sloppier the further he progressed downwards. By the time he reached your navel, you were practically a mess. He looked up at you, eyelids heavy, taking in every detail of you. The way your chest rose and fell while you breathed, the way your lips stayed slightly parted, the way your hand felt tangled in his hair. It was driving him crazy.
He moved up again, motioning for you to lift your back from the bed. You did as he wanted, allowing him to snake his arms around you and unclasp your bra. He pulled it from your body, discarding it carelessly on the floor. He sucked a sharp breath through his teeth when he finally saw the full view. He was nestled between your legs, one hand planted beside you on the mattress, holding him up upright. His other hand returned to you, resting on your rib cage as light as a feather. He looked to you for permission before doing anything else. “I’m okay, I promise. I’ll tell you if I’m not.” You appreciated his consideration, but you were beginning to feel a bit desperate for more. He didn’t say anything, just brought his hand to your breast and brushed his thumb lightly over your hardened nipple.
The feeling was new, but very welcomed. The small touch sent a jolt of emotion through you. You watched him intently, anticipating his next movement. He brought his mouth to your nipple and pulled it into his mouth. You let out a shaky exhale at the sensation. He flicked his tongue over it a few times, really becoming familiar with you. When he pulled away, you couldn’t help but feel a bit disappointed at the loss of contact. He smiled at your sigh of discontent. “Feel good?” He hummed.
“Yeah,” you breathed. He sat upright on his knees, bringing both of his hands to your hips and hooking his fingers through your underwear. You bit the inside of your lip, enthusiastic but still a bit nervous. You lifted your hips from the bed, allowing him to pull them off with ease. He tossed them to the floor, not caring where they landed. He was only concerned with you, now fully naked and laying beneath him. He caught sight of your face, noticing that your eyes were looking away from him.
“Hey,” he whispered. You finally found the courage to look up at him. “You okay, beautiful?” You were glad he disregarded your earlier statement, finding it much easier to communicate with him if he initiated it.
“Yeah, just nervous. It’s nothing you’re doing.” You promised.
“You want to stop?” You shook your head, unable to think of a worse idea. He didn’t immediately jump back to action at the expression, but spoke again after a few moments. “We’ll go slow, okay? This is for you. I wanna give you a good time.” You felt a smile growing on your lips at his words.
“Okay,” you affirmed. He leaned down, placing a soft kiss on your lips. You felt like you could live in that moment forever.
“Don’t have to be shy, or nervous. Promise I’m gonna take care of you.” He said as he pulled away. “Just tell me to stop, or slow down if you need to. You’re in charge.” You managed another nod as he sunk back between your legs. He laid on his stomach, head inches from your heat. You felt the anxiety lingering, but it was rapidly overtaken by excitement. He placed a few kisses on the inside of your thighs, one arm snaked under one of your legs and gently caressing the outside of your thigh. He brought his free hand to your cunt, fingers ghosting over the area. He looked up to you as if to ask permission. You gave him another nod, assuring him it was okay.
He slowly advanced, wanting to give you ample time to change your mind if you needed to. When you stayed quiet, eyes watching him with anticipation, he took it as a good sign. He ran his fingers through your folds, letting you get used to the feeling before doing anything else. You bit into the inside of your lip, trying to wrap your head around the unfamiliar sensation. It was definitely different when someone else was touching you, you noted. He gathered some of your arousal on his fingers. He spread the wetness to your clit, bringing his thumb to the sensitive area and slowly rubbing light circles into it. Your breath caught in your throat, the feeling taking you by surprise. His eyes flickered to your face, feeling a bit of satisfaction at the sound. You looked down at him, meeting his gaze and feeling a different type of pleasure at the sight.
“How’s that?” His voice was quiet, barely noticeable if not for your intent focus on his every action. “Does that feel okay?”
“Yeah,” you said, less enthralled in the movement of his hands than you were at the look on his face. He had a small smile playing on his lips, but the admiration for you he held in his eyes was worth more than words. He didn’t speak again, but kept his focus on the pattern of his thumb. He applied a bit more pressure, watching your face for a reaction. You let in a sharp intake of breath, feeling the sensation change from unfamiliar to pleasurable. His jaw clenched slightly, the sound running straight through him and settling in his bones. It was small, barely there, but it was blissful to his ears.
He worked at you for a few moments, gentle and loving with every move. It felt good, the nervousness almost completely gone, but there was enough there for you to hold yourself back. Your noises were limited, mostly from fear of embarrassment. You were so caught up in the worry of looking dumb that you were almost overlooking the scene before you. It didn’t deter him, though. If anything, it only drove him further. He was aching too hear the beautiful sounds begging to be let out, and he’d be damned if he couldn’t get them out of you. You watched him closely, not wanting to miss a moment of his presence. He leaned forward, letting a line of spit fall from his lips onto his fingers. You swallowed hard, the small action sending a rush of pleasure through you.
He ran his fingers through your cunt again, making sure the lubrication didn’t go to waste. His middle finger slowed and eventually stopped just before your entrance. “Tell me if you’re uncomfortable, okay?” He asked, but his tone was more of a demand. You nodded, too caught up in the idea of his fingers almost inside of you to worry about anything else. After a second, he slowly sunk his finger into you, studying you for any sign of discomfort. When you went without protest, he fully pushed his finger in, letting his thumb fall back on your clit. He continued his circles, now adding the stimulation of pumping his finger into you. You let a breathy moan out, unable to hold it back anymore. “That’s it baby,” he practically groaned, ecstatic to hear the noise. “You’re doing s’good.” The praise, although unexpected, was very well received. Knowing that he was enjoying himself solely by pleasuring you was a fantastic feeling. Knowing that he was only concerned with you feeling good was enough to satiate the anxiety.
He continued his pace for a while, eventually adding another finger when you felt you were ready. You were a mess, caught up in the pleasure but worried, too, because you hadn’t felt the creep of an impending orgasm. His hand was steady, never wavering, and his eyes were locked on you. Every so often, he pressed his lips into the skin on your thighs or your hipbones, just as a small act of affection. “Sam, I-I don’t know if I’m gonna cum.” You admitted, voice shaky and a bit defeated.
“You will,” he promised, unfazed by the statement. “Don’t be nervous.”
“I just…” you let out a sigh, frustrated with yourself. “It’s not you, it’s me.” He pulled back, halting his movements.
“I can stop if that’s what you want, baby.” His words were coated with sincerity. “Or are you just worried you can’t cum?” He inquired.
“I don’t want you to stop, I’m having a good time. I just don’t know if I can.” You explained, feeling embarrassment settle in your chest.
“I’ve got all night.” He said, shrugging off the worry. “Can’t think of anything I’d rather be doing.” He gave you a smile.
“I want you to have a good time, too, though.”
“Oh, I am.” His tone changed from gentle to firm. “Don’t worry about that.” You watched him with uncertainty, but the look in his eye was nothing but affirmative of his statement. “Don’t worry about anything. Just lay there and focus on how it feels, okay?” You nodded. “No worries about if you’re gonna cum or not, no worrying about me having a good time, just relax and enjoy the feeling. If you don’t cum, we’ll try again next time.” Your heard sped at the realization that he was planning on this being more than a one-time thing. It was comforting, knowing that he was learning about you so intimately, but wasn’t planning on running. He didn’t want to get your clothes off and never speak to you again like the majority of boys you’d ever known.
“Y-yeah, okay.” You replied. He cocked his head to the side, wondering why the hesitation was so present. “You, uh… next time?” He couldn’t help but grin at your question.
“I mean, yeah, if you want that, of course.”
“Yeah, I do.” You rushed out, hoping you hadn’t made him feel otherwise.
“Then it’s settled.” He hummed. “Not just the sex part, though. The dinner and the hanging out was great, and I’d very much like to do that, too.” You let out a small giggle at his words, finding the explanation cute.
“Me, too.” You assured him.
“Breakfast tomorrow?” He asked, a smirk on the corner of his lips. He started to move his fingers again, taking you by surprise. You let out a gasp at the suddenness, immediately feeling the pleasure return.
“S-sure,” you breathed, giving him a nod. He decided to stop messing with you, wanting to ensure you were as comfortable as you could be. He worked himself back up to his earlier pace, making it nearly impossible for you to think of anything else. He let another trail of spit fall onto his fingers, making sure it wasn’t too dry for you.
After a few moments, you did start to feel a little less insecure. His eyes were watching you, studying every minute detail. He noticed the rise and fall of your chest speed as he continued pumping his fingers in and out of you, the way you occasionally pulled your bottom lip between your teeth in attempt to silence yourself. He watched how your eyebrows furrowed slightly when he brushed over your clit just right, and how your eyes stayed almost permanently shut. He thought you were the most beautiful sight he’d ever seen. Eventually, a blissful moan slipped from your mouth as his fingers hit the perfect spot. His eyes rolled back slightly, soaking up the sound. “That’s it, baby.” He encouraged you, fingers never stopping.
The words of motivation helped ease your tension. Your stiffness dissipated, your shoulders relaxing back on the pillows a bit. Your neck let your head fall back, leaving you completely at ease for the time being. A few more short-lived moans fell from your lips, all hitting him with a stronger force each time. “Doing so good, princess.” He said, noticing the effect his words had on you last time. “Cum for me, baby. You can do it.” He whispered. The demand went straight to your core, and you started to feel a sensation grow in the pit of your stomach. It was a feeling you’d only ever given yourself; it was way more intense when produced by another person.
“Fuck, Sam.” You whimpered, a gentle warning that you were getting closer. His heart drummed against his chest, clearly excited at the obscene proclamation. He took a risk, removing his thumb from your clit and lowering his head until his lips were touching you. You didn’t realize what he was doing until his tongue darted over the sensitive nerves, causing an involuntarily buck of your hips. He used his hand that was hooked under your leg to hold you down on the mattress.
Your fear of not being able to cum was quickly diminished with the new, even more unfamiliar feeling. It was heavenly. You let a low groan out, feeling the knot in your belly tighten. You slipped your hand down and tangling your fingers in the roots of his hair. He pulled his mouth off you only for a second, just to get one more praise in. “Taste so good, princess.” He said, slipping his thumb back in place of his mouth. You could only whimper in response, already missing the feeling of his tongue. “That’s it, baby. Look at you,” he whispered the last part more to himself than anything else. He only let his eyes hover over your expression for a moment longer, returning his tongue to you.
It didn’t take long to get to where he wanted you to be. Within a few minutes, you were gripping at his hair, panting and moaning, your orgasm begging you to let go. His tongue was moving at a steady pace, and his fingers curled with every re-entry, hitting a spot inside you that nothing ever had before. You let your head fall back, feeling the pressure reach its peak. A wave of pleasure overtook you, setting every nerve in your body on fire. You managed his name through the slur of moans, clenching around his fingers as you came. He only tapered his speed when the intensity began to die down. He removed his mouth first, then slowly pulled his fingers from you. His eyes flickered towards your face, lust clouding his eyes as he did so.
He slowly moved upwards, placing a few kisses over your collarbones and up onto your neck. You finally found the strength to open your eyes and look to him. He caught your gaze and gave you a dopey smile, eyelids heavy and your arousal glistening on his lips. “That’s my beautiful girl,” he hummed, wiping his chin with the back of his hand before leaning in for a kiss. “I’m so proud of you.” He whispered as he parted from you. He placed another kiss on your lips, sweet and full of emotion. The anxiety that had been plaguing you on and off was now gone, replaced solely by a desire for him that you’d never felt for another person before. “Did that feel good?”
“So good, Sammy.” You said, your lips still ghosting over his. You could feel his erection straining against his sweatpants, pressing into your leg.
“My name sounds so good when you say it like that.” He sighed, one hand roaming your exposed torso. His touch was light, tickling the sensitive skin over your rib cage as he did so.
“Thank you,” you whispered, resting your cheek against his, basking in the affection.
“Don’t have to thank me, princess.” He replied. “If anything, I should be thanking you.” You let out a small laugh at his words, finding his gratefulness charming. You reached up and cupped his cheek in your hand, lifting your head to pull him into another kiss. He was hesitant to let you go when you pulled away.
“Do you wanna…?” You trailed off, feeling a bit too embarrassed to finish the sentence.
“Do you?” He asked.
“Yeah,” you breathed, never more sure of yourself in your whole life. He gave you a smile, making a move to stand. He undid the drawstring on his pants, then pulled them down, ridding himself of them and leaving himself clad in only his boxers. You couldn’t help but stare at him, eyes wandering but eventually settling on the bulge barely contained by the fabric. He noticed your stare, a smirk making its way back onto his lips.
“Condoms?” He asked, catching your attention. Your eyes widened, realizing that you didn’t have any.
“Oh, I uh- I didn’t really expect… I don’t..”
“That’s okay,” he chuckled. “I have some in my room. I can go get them.” You couldn’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy, realizing that he’d been keeping them for a reason. You pushed the thought away, not wanting to focus on the idea of him being with someone else. He was here with you, and that’s what mattered.
“I, uh, I am on birth control, if you’re clean.” You squeaked, slightly embarrassed at the statement.
“Are you sure? I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.” He said, his tone firm.
“Yeah, I am.” You assured him. “Like I said, as long as you’re clean.” You repeated the earlier comment, just wanting to be sure.
“I am,” he promised. “It’s been a long time since… yeah.” He let out a small laugh. You couldn’t help but feel better knowing he hadn’t been sleeping around, either.
“Then yeah, I’m okay with it.” He gave a nod, making a move to take off his boxers. You watched in admiration, excited to finally see him the same as he was seeing you. He kicked the fabric with the rest of the growing pile of clothes. He stepped back towards the bed, noticing your eyes never leaving him. “You’re… very pretty.” You whispered, unable to find any better words to describe him.
“I think you’re very pretty, too.” He smiled, nestling back between your legs as he grabbed a pillow from beside you. “Lift your hips up, princess.” You did as he said and he slipped the cushion underneath you. “Should make it a bit more comfortable.”
He guided your legs up slightly, not enough to bend you in an awkward position, but enough to make it easier for both of you. “Will it hurt?” You finally blurted out, the question begging to be spoken all night.
“May be a bit uncomfortable at first, but I’m gonna try my best to make sure it doesn’t.” He said, catching your gaze. “We can take it as slow as you want. If you want me to stop, just tell me.”
“Okay.” You replied, voice quiet. You were nervous, but very aware that you were in good hands. It was his only intention to make sure you enjoyed yourself. You watched as he spit on his hand, rubbing himself for a moment.
“You okay?” He asked, wanting to be sure.
“Don’t be scared to talk to me, baby.” He reminded. You nodded, eyes only focused on his hand that was he was stroking himself with. He moved a bit closer, letting the tip of his dick rest against your entrance. He let you get used to the feeling before going any further. “You tell me when you’re ready.”
“I am.” You weren’t lying; the anxiety and nervousness was fully expected, but you were more than ready to have sex with him. You were sure of that before you’d even spoken with him, and it was only solidified further when you saw how accommodating he was being with you. He waited for any hesitation, but when none was given, he slowly pushed his hips forward.
You closed your eyes, trying your best to stay relaxed. He only pushed in a few inches, wanting you to adjust before continuing. “That okay?” He asked. You nodded, reaching out for his hand. He took his own from your leg and accepted the offer, intertwining his fingers with yours. He thrusted forward a bit more, studying your expression for a hint of discomfort. When he bottomed out, you let out a small sigh of relief.
“Not as bad as I thought it would be.” You noted. He laughed quietly, happy you thought so.
“You’re doing so good.” He whispered. “You feel so good.” His words sent a jolt of arousal through you, enjoying the praise more than you imagined you would. He slowly built up a pace, moving his hips with caution. Once you’d fully realized the sensation was less than uncomfortable, you relaxed against him. After a few more moments, you began to enjoy the feeling.
“You can go faster,” you sighed, a ghost of a moan in your words. He was hesitant to do so, but he gradually sped his thrusts, admiring your expression. When he clued in to the fact you were enjoying yourself, he couldn’t help but let a groan escape his lips. Your eyes snapped to his face, thinking that was the most beautiful sound you’d ever heard. His pleasure ridden expression was enough to induce an orgasm on its own, you deducted.
He reached his hand between your legs, letting his thumb find your clit again. He continued his pace, now applying light pressure onto the sensitive bundle of nerves as he circled his thumb. The combined sensations caused a moan from you. Your fingers tightened against his hand, a silent expression of pleasure. “Fuck, Sam.” You sighed, letting your head fall back onto the pillows.
“Look so pretty like this, baby.” He mumbled, trying to keep the speed of his hips and his hand the same. The pet names were unexpected, but you loved hearing them come from his mouth, especially when they sounded like that. “Wish I could have you like this forever.” He sighed, losing himself to the feeling a bit. It didn’t take long for another knot to form in your belly. With the consistency of his movements, it was much easier to get there than it was the first time. Sam noticed the slight change in your demeanour, the increase in the noises you were making. He focused on your face, wanting to watch you this time, feeling a bit cheated out of the moment the first time. “You think you can cum again, princess?” He asked, eyes burning into you.
“Y-yeah,” you stuttered, looking up at him. “Feels so good, Sammy.”
“Come on, baby.” He sounded as if he were begging you. “Doing so good for me.” With his encouragement, you felt your orgasm creep up again. You tried your best to keep your eyes on him, wanting to appreciate him as much as possible. He sped his thumb slightly, causing your breath to catch in your throat. His gaze never wavered, an unspoken plea for you to let go. It only took a moment before you came the second time. Your head fell back again, eyes screwed shut and mouth permanently agape. His jaw was clenched, holding himself back from his own release at the sound of you crying his name. “That’s it,” he moaned, wishing he could engrave the picture in his mind forever. As much as he wanted to cum, too, he was hoping to get one more out of you before the night came to an end.
The pressure from his thumb lightened, but his thrusts sped. You didn’t have time to recover, unlike the first time. The sensitivity was overtaken by the pleasure of him inside you, making it the only thing you could focus on. You looked back at him, realizing your mistake as soon as you did. He was still staring at you, eyes now a bit feral. The muscles in his jaw were taut, and he was quite unfamiliar to you, now. Although different, not in a bad way. It was intense, but far from menacing. You were captivated in the details of his stare, finding yourself unable to look away. He was breathtaking, and you couldn’t believe you were lucky enough to have him in such a way. You couldn’t believe that you had the power to drive him to such a feeling.
“You can give me one more, baby, I know you can.” His motivation was clouded with a bit of dominance, giving you the impression that he wouldn’t be pleased with himself if he couldn’t give you another orgasm.
“I don’t know, Sammy.” You groaned, unsure of yourself but still fully immersed in the feeling of him inside you.
“You can, princess. You can do it.” His chest was heaving with every breath, partially due to his movement, but more to do with desire. There was a glisten of sweat on his forehead, illuminated by the dim light flooding through the window. You didn’t think you’d be able to cum for the first time, let alone a second, or a third. The only anxiety you had left in your body was one fearing you’d leave him disappointed. Rationally, you knew he’d be content with whatever happened, but the louder part of your brain craved to give him exactly what he wanted. It wasn’t out of fear, but solely because you wanted to. From the minute he’d given you that first stupid smile all those months ago, you knew you wanted to be exactly where you were at that moment, and you’d be damned if you didn’t give it your all.
His patience and gentleness with you the whole night was endearing, but for you, the novelty of it being your first time had worn off, and the months of sexual tension was reaching its peak. You were both completely starved for each other in the best way possible, neither of you wanting to disappoint. Sam kept his pace steady, his thumb pressing into your clit again. To both of you, the idea of another orgasm not being reached was out of the question. “I can, but you have to cum with me.” You begged.
“That’s what I like to hear,” he grunted, letting out a long exhale. He knew that wouldn’t be an issue, he’d been holding himself back from the minute you’d started fucking. He rationed with himself as another string of moans left your lips, forcing himself to believe that waiting would be far more satisfactory than finishing before you. “Cum for me, angel.” The new term of endearment was unlike the others; this one hit you violently, such a graceful term for such a filthy display. You let out a cry of pleasure, your third climax hitting you without warning. It washed over you with necessity, as if you needed it to survive. He finally let go of your hand, fingers finding your hips to hold you on him as he came, too.
The room echoed with sounds of pleasure and obscene words, the essence of the moment settling into the walls and solidifying its place. The memory would never leave, and you wouldn’t want it any other way. He let out a sigh, finally losing his composure and resting gently atop of you. He placed tender kisses along your collarbones, small gestures of affection and appreciation to let you know he still meant everything he said to you. After you both came back to reality, he slowly withdrew from you. He tried to keep the mess minimal as he did so, wanting to keep the cleanup simple so he had more time to hold you before the night was through. “You should go pee, don’t want you to get a UTI.” He mumbled. You managed a nod, sleep calling to you like never before. Your mind and body were beyond exhausted, unable to keep up with the whirlwind of events.
He helped you up and to the bathroom, leaving you to your business. You cleaned yourself up and removed what was left of your makeup before returning to him. He gave you a dopey smile and a kiss on the head before going to do the same. You took a seat on the bed, mind still buzzing with excitement at the thought of what happened. When he came back out, he pulled his boxers back on and picked up his t-shirt from the ground. He handed it to you, almost nervous of rejection. You took the piece of clothing and slipped it over your head, more than happy to be wearing his clothes. “Did… did you maybe want to stay with me tonight?” You asked, nervous he’d say no. He took a seat beside you, pulling you into his arms and laying you both down on the mattress.
“Was hoping you’d ask.” He mumbled, pulling your back to his chest. He nuzzled his head into your neck, not caring about the tickle of your hair on his face.
“Thank you,” you finally said after a few long moments of silence.
“What are you thanking me for?”
“I don’t know,” you laughed. “That was… fantastic. You were fantastic.”
“I’m just happy you had a good time. That’s all I wanted.” He hummed, hand snaking under your shirt to rest on your stomach.
“I really did. I.. uh, wanted to do that for a while.” You said, rolling your eyes at your own awkwardness.
“Oh, yeah, me too.” He said, as if it were obvious. “All year I felt like I was in middle school again, crushing on the prettiest girl who didn’t know I existed.”
“I knew you existed.” You whispered, calmed at the knowledge you’d both been feeling the same way. “I thought the same about you.”
“Seems like we were both a bit dumb, then, Picasso.” You could hear his smile in his words.
“Guess so, piano man.” You both fell into a silence again, but like all the other ones, it was nothing short of comfortable. You felt yourself melt into his touch, sleep begging you to close your eyes.
“You’re okay, though? You’re not sore, or anything? You’d tell me if you were, right?”
“Yeah, I am, Sammy. Promise.” You reassured him. He’d done an excellent job at taking care of you and ensuring you were comfortable. It was the best possible scenario you could have imagined for your first time.
“That’s good, I just want to make sure.” He whispered. You settled into the mattress, prepared to go to bed. “So, if we’re talking experience wise, like a three star review?” He broke the quiet once more, causing both of you to fall into a fit of laughter.
“Mmm, I was thinking more of a five star, actually.” You pretended to ponder.
“Don’t stroke my ego, Picasso.” He dismissed the compliment.
“Maybe we’ll have to try it again sometime, then I can give a proper review.” You moved your hand under your shirt, too, resting it on top of his. He laced your fingers together, more than accepting of the contact.
“I think that would be quite alright.” He placed a kiss to your neck, just below your ear. It sent a shiver down your spine. “So it was good enough to make you want to do it again,” he noted. “I’ll have to put that one on my resume.” You laughed, shaking your head at his antics.
“Goodnight, piano man.” You said, finality in your voice. He propped himself up, trying his best to lean over you for another kiss. You turned your head back to meet his lips, much more confident in the action, now.
“Goodnight, Picasso.” He settled back in behind you, closing his eyes, too. “I can’t wait to take you to breakfast in the morning.” No more words were exchanged, but you both fell into a slumber with a permanent smile stuck on your lips.
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mangochii · 2 months
The Crow and The Butterfly 🦋
(Holm Kranom x Half-foot!reader)
Fine then, I'll make one myself 🥹 Sorry for any grammar mistakes and misspellings in advance, I'm writing this during a flood and blackout. Might as well write while our 1st floor is flooded LOL.
Also some art too in the end.
I stared intently at his hands, the way it moved and swayed as he spoke. Marillier floated blissfully, seeming to enjoy her time being fed with mana, the sweet undine dripped little droplets on the ground as she ate.
"Spirit care is quite simple, really..."
His voice tickled my ear, he had always been a bit soft-spoken. Every syllable that fell out of his mouth I consume with much fervor, I nod every now and then. The small tug at the corners of his lips did not go unnoticed by me, his face always lights up ever so slightly as he talks about spirits.
"Though, gnomes like me usually have an easier time to gain a spirit's trust. Being more attuned to nature, of course."
"I see..." I mumbled, as if I could even befriend a spirit like Marillier, I'm not attuned to anything but probably myself. My eyes met with his, and I can't help but get lost in it. It's like he carved his initials onto every gemstone in existence, and made it his eyes. It glints as he opened his mouth, a beautiful melody filled my ears with every word he spoke.
I am a crow, and intrigued I was with a sparkling treasure, his eyes, a pretty shiny.
"Hm? What was that?"
I closed my eyes, hopefully not noticing my expressions. "Pretty interesting, I said. Can you tell me more?" I want to hear more of you, more of your voice.
I am a crow.
"Of course."
And I am smart enough to know that you're out of my reach. The shimmering gem fell into a hole, too deep for my beak to reach.
Why he keeps on indulging me is beyond me, but I fell into the same trap every time. Hoping he'd feel the same.
"Teach me more, Prof." My lips tugged upwards, my eyes closed. "I'd like to know more of the things you love."
I saw him smile softly, a smile softer than the moonlight in the winter. "You never fail to amuse me." With a chuckle he turned to fully face me, Marillier by his side.
"What do you want to know?"
"Everything." I breathed, voice barely heard. I saw his eyes widened slightly, I hear his heartbeat racing, his breathing hitched, and muscles tensed.
"Okay." He whispered back, pink lightly dusted the apples of his cheeks and to the tips of his ears.
For once, I felt like that shiny gemstone is within reach. It's so wrong, so selfish of me. But I can't help it.
Holm stared at the fire, he felt the eyes of his party members bore through him. "So Holm, you never really opened up about your love life to us." Daya hummed, her finger pointed at him.
"Well, I don't think Holm's the type to have a partner, y'know?" Mouth filled with meat, Mickbell shrugged, with Kuro nodding in agreement. "I've crashed by his place few times already, it's maidenless."
"No..." Kabru, the ever so perceptive man, spoke. His hand covered his mouth as he began to mutter. "I've seen him talk with a half-foot lady everytime we go back up from the dungeon, she looks like an adventurer too... Maybe a newbie? No, she looks a bit experienced... Hmm..."
Holm's breath hitched, he dare not to look away from the fire. A futile attempt to delay the inevitable, in the back of his weary mind, he thinks that it's already a bit too late.
"A half-foot lady with Holm? Oh!" Mickbell eyes lightened in recognition, "I know her, she bought me and Kuro free food when she accidentally spilled grape punch on me."
"Meat yummy."
"You're so right, Kuro! Gods, I wish I can eat there again... Anyway, I heard that she's with that dwarf, Namari, for a bit... I didn't think she'd be into gnomes though, most half-foot ladies nowadays prefer to be with dwarves, because they look muscular than us half-foot men."
"They're right, you look like a noodle." Rin added, eyeing Mickbell's form up and down, with Daya giggling in tow.
"A good noodle in our eyes, Mick." Kabru sneaked in.
"That doesn't make it any better!"
Holm flinched as Mickbell stood and pointed at him, "This is about Holm's love life! Not my physique!" He huffed and sat back down, arms crossed. His brows were furrowed together so hard that it might leave a crease in-between.
"There wasn't anything really... She was just curious about Marillier and gnomish magic." Lies. The way she tries to listen intently to his explaination was adorable, her smile every time she met his eyes filled his heart with such a comforting warmth, the way she asks questions to clarify some of his points, the way she bites her lip when he talks a bit too fast, everything.
She was Holm's everything, but they're just... Nothing. There's nothing between them at all, despite the two of them knowing they both want to be something, anything but what they both currently have. There was nothing.
A series of groans came from the rest of the party, disappointed. But Holm couldn't help but sweat at the way Kabru looked at him, sapphire eyes stare at him knowingly. He swallowed hard and looked away.
To love her was selfish, and cruel for himself. She could've fallen for any other half-foot, but chose him. What happens to him once you pass? Look for another? Or spend every waking moment of his life grieving til' he too, passes away? Surely she had thought the same, settling for ghostly touches and lingering smiles.
He knows and feels her hesitance, how her fingers twitched when she tried reaching out. But they both feel too far from each other.
No, she knows this is unfair to him. Unfair to the both of them.
But gods, why does she look at him so fondly like that? Why? Her eyes shine brighter than any jewel in the world every time he spoke. Why?
"I love you, Holm." With a sad smile, my voice hushed and sung a broken melody, I finally spoke my heart out. I've mulled it over day and night, and I've concluded that my happiness is worth less than his.
"But I can't. I can't have you. It's too cruel for you."
His eyes widened, mouth opening and closing. Words failed to get past his throat, so he stood there, frozen. As he'd always do.
"I'll spare you the decades worth of pain. The years worth of you grieving my inevitable death." I said as softly as I could, reaching for his cheek. "Thank you... For indulging me." I rubbed tender circles on his skin, before pressing my lips on his own, his lips were dry and a bit chapped, he tasted like sweet fruit. For mere seconds, that's how long the kiss lasted, but I was for sure thought it lasted for minutes.
I am a greedy, greedy crow. And you are a butterfly.
As I pulled away, his hands crept up to the back of my neck. Slowly, delicately pulling me back closer to him. "No." He breathed, shakily. I hear his heart hammer on his chest, his eyes glimmer amidst the tears that began to pool.
"I want to love you, I want to hold you more like this. I want... I want to love you in every library, by the fountain when we first met, on the sidewalk, at that one restaurant that you said you liked, at the storage room that I found you stuck in,
Under the, the tree by the hill,
In the dungeon,
Let me love you."
Little butterfly placed delicate kisses on my beak, your wings were more beautiful than any shiny that a crow like me could ever find.
His kisses was chaste, delicate, and thorough. Tenderly engraving his name in my soul. "I don't care if I have a decade or two or whatever years left to be with you."
His fingers guided themselves to my waist, he held me so desperately, as if I'd disappear had he let go of his tight hold. "I'll cherish those years like a family heirloom."
In his eyes, I'm neither crow nor butterfly. But a little flower, your crystalline jewels stare at my petals, as I guard the spinning nectar that you can't help but consume.
I guess you're no better than me. You drink and drink, an endless parchment of my love.
My body relaxed as he kissed me once more, the sweet honey of my soul pours fresh unto his heart and tongue. His heartbeat is my beautiful orchestra, and his eyes is the forest that I don't mind getting lost in.
"I love you." He whispered to my ear like a silent prayer.
I couldn't help but smile, red flooding my face. "I love you too." Your voice is the sweetest symphony.
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callhermyname · 3 months
you're not going | e.m. x reader - prologue
summary: you and Eddie meet for the first time (a few weeks before the start of s1);
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
word count: 2.6k
warnings: MDNI!! mostly fluff, just a tiny bit of angst, reader is Dustin's cousin, mentions of absent father, postpartum depression, parents death, self-esteem issues, bullying (let me know if I missed anything).
a/n: HEY so this is my first fic ever so even if it's absolute garbage pls be nice to me😭 also sorry for any grammar mistakes english is not my first language. this is supposed to be the start of a s4 rewrite series, so if you want more please like this post, reblog and let me know what you think. hope u enjoy it!
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You've been living at aunt Claudia's since you were 14. After your mom died, you had nowhere else to go — you can't even remember the last time your dad was in the picture, so when your aunt took you in, you kinda felt thankful that you got to start over, have a fresh start in another town, away from your old life (that you hated). You were still grieving, but aunt Claudia was always very sweet and caring, and soon after you moved in you started to see Dustin as the little brother you never had. It felt a little weird at first — even though your mother did her best, she never really liked the situation you were both in. She never planned to have kids, at least not before graduating from college, especially if it meant being a single mom at such a young age, so you couldn't really blame her for drowning in postpartum depression after you were born until she passed away. So, when her older sister took you in, you didn't expect for her to be so different from your mom, so caring, so gentle, so loving, such a good mom for Dustin and now to you too. 
When you first got to Hawkins, you didn't really have any friends besides your 11 year old cousin. One of his friends had a sister about your age — Mike's sister, Nancy — but, although she was always nice to you, you never really quite hit it off. She was sweet, but you didn't have a lot in common and her friends could be really mean. Will's brother, Jonathan, was always very shy and quiet, never really made conversation and you were definitely not the kind of person to force social interaction with someone that obviously didn't care for it, so you just kept it to yourself for most of the first year you spent at Hawkins.
A couple of weeks before Will went missing, Nancy was picking Mike up at your place and invited you to a party at her boyfriend's house. Your aunt overheard the conversation and was very excited to see you were making friends, so you decided to go just so she wouldn't worry about you being an absolute loser. You were always quite self-conscious of your appearance so it took some time to pick out an outfit, but you finally settled for something comfy and not that flashy, but flattering: your best Queen shirt under your favorite jeans overalls and a flannel and your only pair of shoes — basic black chuck taylors.
It was late October and the air was chilly, wind blowing through your hair and cutting your face like tiny little blades as you rode your bike to Steve Harrington's house, hoping to god Nancy was already there so you wouldn't be alone and awkward. You could already hear the music from two blocks away, and when you got to the front door, Nancy was waiting for you with her friend Barb. You knew Barb from school, you took English together, but didn't really talk about anything not school related, but she seemed nice. 
"You made it! I was already getting worried you wouldn't show up" Nancy greeted you. "You know Barb, right?"
"Yeah, hey Barb" you agreed and Barb nodded. "Sorry it took me so long to get here, my bike has seen better days…"
"It's fine, don't worry. Let's get in, I'll show you around. You can leave your bike at the back of the garage, outside of the backyard fence."
You left your bike where Nancy told you to and followed her into the house as she showed you where the bathroom was, stumbling over people coming in and out of the house, up and down the stairs. The house was so crowded, it felt like people were coming out of the walls. When she led you to the back of the house, she sat down by the pool and introduced you to her boyfriend and his friends, who were around the pool. 
From the start, you felt out of place. Steve and his friends didn't know you, but you already knew them. It was ridiculous to you how those people had made fun of you more than once at school but did not remember your face when Nancy introduced you as her friend. Maybe because you weren't wearing your big squared glasses, or because you tried something different with your hair? It didn't really matter anyways. At least they were not making fun of you. Poor Barb wasn't so lucky — they gave her a really hard time, and Nancy was just completely powerless over the situation, too afraid to say anything to try and defend her friend. After an hour, Barb got fed up and left, leaving you alone with Nancy and those assholes who were absolutely wasted and wouldn't shut up about playing spin the bottle or truth or dare.
"Come on, what are you, twelve?" Steve protested, "We're not kids man, that's just boring."
"You're absolutely right Harrington. But, we could spice it up, ya know?" Tommy offered, trying to convince Steve to play the game "For every truth or dare you refuse to tell or do, you have to take a shot of tequila. What do you say, Harrington? Wanna get absolutely wasted?"
Next thing you know, you were excusing yourself to go to the bathroom while at least 10 people were gathering around forming a circle on the floor of Steve's backyard. You didn't really need to use the bathroom, you just needed to cool off a little before getting hammered — you were NOT about to tell any truths or do any dares around these people you barely knew. Before you could go back outside, you got yourself a glass of water in the kitchen. As you threw away the red plastic cup, now empty, you heard a conversation through the kitchen window that headed to the backyard.
"So, can we start the game already?"
"Wait, where's Wheeler's  friend?"
"Barb left like, half an hour ago, Carol" you heard Nancy reply.
"No, not the chubby one, the other one, the weird one with the ugly hair."
"I think she needed to use the bathroom…?"
"Oh my god do you think she's like, brushing her teeth or something? Thinking someone's gonna want to kiss her?" Carol laughed.
"We better not wait for her then, I do NOT want to spin the bottle and end up having to kiss that weird ass bitch!" Tommy said, getting a good laugh out of everyone.
Your eyes teared up as you backed away from the window, thinking about what to do. You thought you could just sneak out and go home, cry yourself to sleep, but then you remembered you had left your bike chained up by the backyard fence. There was no way you could get your bike without anyone noticing you sneaking out. Fuck, you knew you should've stayed home reading something or watching TV.
Since you couldn't go home without your bike, you decided to wait until everyone was back inside. It couldn't take that long, you thought, it was freezing out there. But you couldn't stay inside either. Not by yourself. So, you walked over to the front door and opened it, feeling the cold air hit your cheeks. You walked out of the house and into the woods beside the house, where you could still see the backyard, but would be out of sight, a little further from the backyard fence and hidden in the dark shadow of the trees that surrounded the Harrington's property. Once you were settled, seated on the ground, you bursted into tears. Hot, salty tears running through your face as you sobbed, hating everything about yourself, hating the fact that, no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't escape the fact that you were always different. Not in an obvious way — you didn't have that much of a fashion sense that was bold enough to earn dirty looks from old ladies —, but sometimes you felt like you didn't feel things the same way other people did. You felt fragile, small, vulnerable, like you were exposed all the time. It made you feel like shit.
You were so quiet, you couldn't help but to jump out when you heard footsteps behind you and then something snapping, like someone had stepped on a branch or something. You turned around wide eyed, heart pounding, just to see a silhouette standing behind you, holding a little metal lunchbox. It was a boy, shaggy curly hair down to right below his earlobes, Iron Maiden shirt, leather jacket and denim vest, dark loose jeans and heavy black boots.
"Dude, what the fuck" you panted, trying to not look as spooked and jumpy as you were "where did you came from?"
"Shit, sorry" he said, trying to hold back his laughter "didn't mean to scare ya, normally i don't run by anyone when i take this shortcut, though it has been a while since i actually used this shortcut — see, i usually drive mostly everywhere, but i ran out of gas money for the month and i thought 'hey, i could actually use a little walk through the woods to cool my head off a little' so i just decided to- whoa, wait, are you crying? I'm so sorry I didn't mean to scare you like that!" he stopped his rambling when he noticed you were drying your tears with the sleeve of your jacket.
"No, it's not- really, i'm fine" you panicked, noticing he seemed a little hurt by your reaction "i was already crying before you- sorry, it wasn't you, i'm fine don't worry"
He walked over to you and sat down beside you, a concerned look on his face.
"I don't wanna be nosy or anything, I know you don't really know me" he started, you now realizing you did recognise him from school, how could you not? He's always drawing attention to himself "but you can talk to me if you want. I'm guessing you were at Harrington's party? Everyone down there sitting at that circle in the backyard is kinda known for being a pain in the ass"
"What gave it away?" you brushed off your tears, slightly smiling at his comment "Just didn't wanna play truth or dare with… you know, those guys. But it seems they were glad I didn't join them, so they wouldn't have to kiss me if someone decided to play spin the bottle" 
"Wait, what?" he seemed surprised "They told you that?"
"Not exactly" you explained "I was at the kitchen and overheard someone saying that outside, so i bailed"
"What are you still doing here then?- Oh, I'm Eddie, by the way." he introduced himself, shaking your hand as you introduced yourself.
You explained the whole situation to him and he offered to keep you company until you could get your bike back and go home. After an hour of nonsense conversation filled with Eddie's dramatic sense of humor, you actually got to know each other a little bit. He told you about his band and how he really liked Lord of the Rings and fantasy RPG.
"I'm not really a huge fan of fantasy books" you shared, causing him to gasp, as he was offended by your comment.
"How dare you? Are you not a huge fan of happiness too? Or maybe you hate puppies and ice cream?" he said, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "How can you not like the only way to escape this boring non-fictional world we are FORCED to live in?"
"Hey, don't get me wrong, I do like fiction. Just not... fantasy fiction."
"So what do you like then?"
"I really enjoy science fiction."
"What, like androids and shit?"
"No, not that kind of science fiction. I mean science fiction like... Clockwork Orange, or Flowers for Algernon."
"Oh so you're a nerd too!" he teased "I was almost buying all that 'not a nerd' act, but you're into Kubrick? That's so nerdy!"
"You do know Stanley Kubrick didn't write the book right?"
"Shut up, you know what I mean."
Once he started to talk about music, he just couldn't stop talking for a second. He told you about his band, and you felt as if he was the first person to ever understand your passion for music. After another 30 minutes or so of energetic conversation about how much you both liked 70s rock, he ended up telling you he only attended this kind of party to sell some weed and make a quick buck.
"Don't get me wrong, i fucking hate these people" he explained himself "but they ARE in fact my biggest costumers. Guess daddy's money might not be enough for them to feel loved, but it does buy whatever else they need to feel better about themselves. So, they always make sure I'm 'invited' to every party they want me to bring my little lunchbox to."
"Yeah, that makes sense i guess" you agreed, turning your head over to the backyard, people already heading inside due to the cold. You felt your heart sink, even though all you've been wanting was to take your bike and leave. You were actually really enjoying getting to talk to Eddie.
"Well, i guess this is it" he said, noticing as you watched everyone getting into the house "now you can go home and not listen to me and my rambling about whatever it is i was talking about. Hell, even i can't remember what the hell i was talking about most of the time" he laughed. 
"To be honest, it wasn't that bad" you laughed back "it was definitely better than spin the bottle!"
He chuckled, helping you get up and unchain your bike from the fence, giving you a dorky smile as you hopped up on your bike. 
"Well, I better get back to work huh? Got a lot of customers waiting on me" he gestured to the house as you secured your helmet under your chin.
"Yeah, I better get back home too. My aunt refuses to go to sleep until i get home safe, don't wanna keep her waiting"
"So, I guess I'll see you at school, huh?" he shifted at his feet and kicked the ground, stuffing his hands inside the pockets of his vest.
"Yeah, if there's any seats left for another nerd at your table for lunch" you chuckled awkwardly, looking at your feet.
"For a pretty one like you? Always."
You exchanged an awkward look and smiled at each other again, and with that you followed your way back home, feeling hopeful about how the next few weeks would play out. You thought you had finally found someone you could trust and spend time with, someone who got you — a friend.
For the next week or so, you and Eddie hung out a lot. Finally, you had someone you could call a friend, and things seemed to be going not so bad for the first time in months. He would always save you a seat at the table at lunch and walk you to your classes, he would even give you a ride every once in a while, when his van was not running out of gas. It was something you could get used to — at least until a couple of weeks later, when you, Nancy, Jonathan and Steve ended up trauma bonding over setting a demogorgon on fire. After that, your life had (literally) turned upside down and you didn't hang out with Eddie that much anymore. As the years went by, you would hang out more with Steve and Robin once Nancy and Jonathan started dating. You would still talk to Eddie though, just... not like you talked to your other friends. They were the only ones who actually understood what you were going through, and — even though you missed his company — it would be selfish to tell Eddie everything and drag him into that nightmare. Until of course, the nightmare caught up to him.
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wonbons · 11 months
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genre: probably angst!
summary: wonbin likes you, but anton is bored so he takes the wrong turn and decides to compete with wonbin for fun.
pairings: wonbin x reader, anton x reader
warnings: reader being played, miscommunication
posted on ao3!
note: villain!anton because why not??? btw might make a part 2 for anton's pov but idk! MY FIRST FIC sorry if i made any grammar mistake or typo. enjoyyyy!
Wonbin is such an ideal guy. Well, people have preferences, but at least you think he’s one hell of a deal.
I mean, who could blame you? Magnetism looks, cool demeanor, reserved. That's his usual suit, he's different with you. He’s all warm and soft, maybe if you tell him to jump off a cliff, he would do it without any question.
It’s like he has no flaw at all!
Well, maybe one…
People are so obsessed with him. You realized how the girls went crazy over him. One thing that you fail to realize is he’s actually in a very toxic environment. Wonbin couldn’t tell you about it, he doesn’t want to worry you.
He always dislikes Anton, but nobody will believe him if he says Anton is actually evil.
Anton, with his friendly and soft voice, who would actually believe it if Wonbin told them about Anton being a copycat and never leaving Wonbin alone?
You actually would believe him.
Only if he tells you.
Now, he is very bothered.
Anton is acting friendly towards you, it’s making Wonbin activate his alert mode. This is weird. There must be a plan behind that friendliness.
“Wonbin! You’re here!” You smile brightly when you see your soon-to-be boyfriend.
“Hey, sorry I took so long.”
“It’s okay! You didn’t tell me Anton is your friend!” You chuckled.
Wonbin faked a smile, you could tell… but you chose to brush it away.
At least for now.
“Yes, our parents are best friends.” Wonbin puts his arm around you. “Let’s go.”
“Goodbye, Anton!” You waved at Anton.
“See you guys tomorrow.” Anton smiles warmly toward you.
Wonbin waves at Anton and then walks you to his car. He turns his head one more time to check if Anton is still there.
Well, he is.
With a sly smirk that makes Wonbin want to commit murder.
What is wrong with that guy?
Wonbin is definitely panicking inside.
“Hey, are you alright?” You asked him. “What’s wrong?”
“No, nothing…” His smile reassured you that he’s fine. “Let’s go.”
Well, those were a few months ago.
Now, Wonbin is sitting on the floor. Back leaning against his bed. His eyes are still swollen due to the crying sessions he had today. He kept looking at your picture. He really misses your smile. How he wished he could go back in time and tell you exactly why he hates Anton to his bone.
Wonbin decided to send you a few voice notes. He added a note to open it when you’re all alone.
He throws his phone to the coffee table across from him. Luckily, it doesn’t break. He sips his nth glass of whiskey today. Lord knows he hates to touch alcoholic drinks, but the pain is just too much to bear in sober mode.
Wonbin wished the star so you could come back to him, that this is not too late and Anton screw something up.
“Anton, I’m gonna take a shower.” You said while tying your hair into a bun.
“Okay, just call my name if you need anything.”
“Yessir!” You happily walk into the bathroom. A relaxing shower is our favorite thing after an amazing date, right?
You turn on the shower. The warm water is a stress relief for sure! You rethink your day. Today is incredibly great. You spent a full day with Anton at the amusement park. Closing it with a kiss on the Ferris wheel while watching the sunset too… feels like a movie!
You’re so happy! The relationship felt a bit rushed though… or maybe it’s just an effect from Wonbin. Since he left you hanging for so long. It’s alright now! You have Anton.
You palm your forehead when you realize you forgot to bring your favorite soap with you. Well, the happiness makes you kind of forgetful. It happens.
You don’t turn off the shower, because you put your body care pouch near the bathroom door, if you remember well…
You open the door slowly and then close it again. You search your body care pouch and grab your favorite body wash. When you stand up, you realize that Anton is nowhere to be seen.
You heard a voice coming from the balcony. The door is open, Anton must be there. At first, you’re not really curious about what is he doing there.
But, then… you heard him mentioning your name. You thought he was calling for you, so you walk toward the balcony.
However, you immediately pause when you heard his next sentence.
“Well, yes, I only care about her because I want to beat Wonbin. What else?”
You froze.
He’s on his phone with lord knows who.
“I mean, it’s not my fault if she chose me. That’s on her AND Wonbin.” He laughed.
“Well, I am winning. I’m always winning.”
You hold your tears. You couldn’t believe this.
Is it all fake? His affection? His efforts? His smiles?
The kiss? It’s all just… a game?
You go back to the bathroom to finish your shower. After you’re done with your quick shower, you get ready and pack your things. You hurriedly put on your shoes with tears streaming down your face.
“Y/N? You’re done—wait, where are you going?” Anton asked with a warm smile. A smile that you no longer trust anymore.
“Anywhere but here.” You give him a cold shoulder.
“Y/N, what’s wrong?”
“What’s wrong? I’m wrong. It is a wrong choice to choose you over Wonbin.” You snapped. “Gosh, why am I so stupid?” You laughed at yourself.
“No, Y/N you must hear the full call. Here, I always record my calls—”
“No, Anton. We’re done.” You rush to the door. “Thank you for the lies.”
“Y/N, no! I can explain, please!” You slammed your door behind you while wiping your tears away. You take a taxi and get into the cab just in time before Anton can chase you.
“Where to, Miss?” The driver asked.
“I don’t know, just drive first.”
“Alright, I have a tissue right there if you need it.” The driver is so understanding. You are so thankful for that.
You open your phone and see some notifications from Wonbin. You deleted his number, but you remember it.
You open the chat and see some voice notes. With a note at the end, ‘listen to this when you’re alone please’.
Well, your intuition tells you to play all the voice notes now.
“Y/N… I’m sorry I didn’t make a fast move… sorry I took too much time…”
“Y/N, there’s one thing that I haven’t told you about Anton. Well… he is a hater of mine… he’s not actually my friend… I really wanted to tell you that he never leaves me alone, he always copies the stuff I did and all… I’m actually so irritated by him, but no one would believe me… I don’t know what he’s telling you. He’s really good at brainwashing, he ruined a few of my friendships too…”
“I have a feeling that he’s only chasing you so he could beat me… he loves to win at this non-existent competition… I really hope his feelings toward you are genuine, Y/N…”
“You know where to come back if he does you wrong, though…”
“I love you, Y/N… I’m sorry.”
You hold your sob now. All that you can feel is regret. Pain. Guilty. You did him wrong. Why are you so stupid? Why would you choose Anton over Wonbin?
“Emerald Tower, please.” You try your best to contain yourself.
“Well, we’re here then.” The driver pulls over to the right.
“Thank you.” You give him 50 bucks and get out of the car when one of the employees opens the door for you.
“Miss, this is too much.”
“That’s for your kindness. Thank you.” You try to form a smile and hurriedly rush to the elevator.
“Miss!” You could hear the driver call you when you entered the lobby.
“What floor, Miss?”
“28.” You smiled and wiped your tears away.
You wait in silence. Waiting for the elevator door to open. When it reaches the 28th floor, you smile at the employee and walk out to the left.
You are now in front of Wonbin’s apartment door. You call him and to your surprise, he immediately answers.
“I’m outside.” You said softly.
Wonbin immediately hangs up. After a few seconds, you heard a thumping sound walking closer to the door.
Wonbin opened the door and let you in without any hesitation.
You drop your bag and hug him after he closes the door behind him.
You finally let out your sobs in his embrace. “I’m sorry-I’m sorry-I’m sorry, Wonbin. I’m sorry.”
He hugs you tightly and sobs with you.
“Wonbin, I’m so stupid. I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s not your fault.”
“Wonbin, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize.” Wonbin breaks the hug to stare at your face. It hurts seeing you crying like this, he cups your face and wipes your tears with his thumb. “I’m sorry I was indecisive.”
“Wonbin, I’m so—” He pulls you in for a kiss before you could say any apologies again.
“Please be mine, I know I’m so late. I’m so dumb for wasting your time. But, please be mine. Give me a chance to fix it.”
“Wonbin…” You collect yourself together. “You’re all that I need.”
Wonbin smiles at you warmly. He gives your forehead a long peck. His favorite form of showing affection to you.
“I love you, Y/N.” Wonbin caress your cheek. “I will always do.”
© wonbons, 231022
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smuttysunny · 11 months
[ADA]AFAB!Reader x Osamu Dazai
Genre: Smut
Synopsis: Dazai was made to stay behind after work to complete paperwork! Which was boring! Luckily for him you forgott your wallet so now he's getting to have a bit of fun during (and after) he finishes his paperwork <3
Contains: GN reader despite having fem anatomy(2nd person pronouns used), unprotected sex, cockwarming, praise kink, p in v, workplace/office sex(implied semi-public sex?), pet names, off-hand mention of Kunikida, no pre established relationship! Just Dazai being a whore with his colleague <3
Warnings: Absolutely not proofread‼️ may be a little ooc? Tbh the cockwarming bit was short lmfao, this fic seems a little short to me in general 💀 also English is NOT my first language so I'm sorry for any grammar errors and anything of the such! I may speak fluently but I still make mistakes often soo whoops
Thank you to my irl friend for giving me the scenerio/prompt to work with btw! Absolute life-saver 🙏
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It was dark outside, so fucking dark, and DEFINITELY after work hours but you were rushing back to the Agency because you realized you left your wallet back in the office.
As you reached the agency you rushed up to the office and turned on the light just to be met with the sight of a miserable Osamu sat at his desk doing.... Paperwork? Well that's a first, but...wait. Why the fuck was he doing paperwork in the dark? Why was he doing paperwork at all?!
Osamu groans at the sudden light and shuts his eyes tightly, rubbing them before getting adjusted to the bright lights
"What the fuck... Oh, and what are *you* doing back here at this hour?" He says as he looks in your direction, with that irresistible charm of his
You told him you forgot your wallet and you're here to get it back, he just lets out an "ohhh" before pointing at your desk. "By the way... Why are you still here so late at night, anyways? Doing paperwork in the dark, no less" you ask as you pick up your wallet and put it back in the pocket of your trousers. Osamu stretches a little before leaning on his desk with his arms and responding with a huge sigh, "Kunikida is holding me back until I finish at least a folder's worth of papers." You just chuckle a bit before making your way to the door, that is before Osamu stops you.
"By the way... Now that you're here, well... I've been a little bored while scribbling on all these papers, mind helping me out?" And little did you not know it was a request you should not have accepted.
So how the hell did you manage to get from getting your wallet back to your trousers down to your knees, panties pushed aside and his cock buried deep in your cunt? Only the devil may know. But luckily for you what you did know is you were near tears as you waited for him to finish his paperwork! When you agreed to helping him out you thought he meant his papers but oh...how wrong you were... At least he wasn't bored anymore! Far from it actually! He was getting a kick out of you squirming and whinning as you sat all pretty on his hardening dick! Which is why he put an arm on your hip, to stop your squirming.
Your pathetic whines were truly music to his ears as you started begging him to let you move, raising a chuckle out of him. "Just a bit more, belladonna~ only got a bit left~" You let out a shaky sigh, leaning back and resting your head against his shoulder, wondering how long "only a bit" really is.
To be fair it wasn't even that much time, but those 10 minutes felt like 10 hours instead. His dick throbbing inside your tight, warm hole was really getting to you and honestly it felt like he slowed down writing just to drag it out a bit more just to tease you. As he finished writing, you let out a sigh of relief. He put all of his papers back in the folder with a satisfied hum before turning his attention on you, a smirk played up on his lips as he looked at you with those mesmerizing brown eyes of his, intent and desire behind them. He put his lips closely to your ear, his breath fanning over it as he spoke, causing you to shiver.
"You did well, bella. Why don't I give you a reward, hmm?~"
And before you could process anything, you were bent over his desk, his cock now drilled even deeper into your pussy. You let out a soft moan and he chuckles, one hand pressing on your back and the other tightly holding your waist; a bruise or two were definitely going to be left behind.
He slowly starts thrusting into you, whimpers and moans escaping your precious lips as he leaned in close to your ear and moaned, all while wearing that smile on his face that made you fold oh so much.
"Ah~ oh bella~ never thought you'd be this tight... Ngh~ feels so good, baby. This was definitely worth the wait, yes?~" he asks you, not really expecting an answer as he picks up his pace, getting slightly rougher with you aswell, his grip tightening and his thrusts growing more harsh.
"Yeah? Oh yeah?~ yeeeaaaahh~ knew you'd agree"
As much as you'd want not to, you can't help but let out a loud moan as he hits that specific spot that your back arching and your eyesight full of stars. "Osamu..." Is all you can manage to babble out, causing him to let out a loud grunt as his pace becomes feral
"Ah fuck, the way you call my name like that~ mmm~ keep doing it, love~ I love it~" His voice drops with that last part, making you unable to keep holding on as you end up squirting all over his dick. Osamu's eyes widen slightly as he feels your walls suddenly clamp down on him as you pant and try to recover from your orgasm before you, out of nowhere, feel a pair of warm lips licking and suckling on your neck, leaving behind various hickeys.
"Hmm?~ sweet thing couldn't hold on just a bit more till I came?~ My... How needy~" he groans in your ear. He grunts as he feels your slick drip down his dick, getting closer to his own climax.
"Fuck...you're gonna take everything I give you like the good thing you are, right?~ Alright~..."
He doesn't even spare you a moment before a few final thrust is all it takes for him to dump his warm load into your aching cunt, soft whimpers and whines escaping your lips as you feel him filling you up as if you're a custard donut.
Both you and him take a couple of minutes to recover, panting heavily as you feel his cum drip out of your pussy before he leans back and looks down at you with a smile
"So how about round two, yeah? Wonder if we'll manage to see the sun rise!"
Maybe you should've just forgotten about your wallet...
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xhoneygirlxx · 1 year
Training Wheels
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Eddie Munson x plus sized fem!reader
summary: two roommates in love never seem to work. or do they?
warnings: slight angst, mentions of insecurity and people being mean to reader. fluff. jealous eddie. possessive eddie. roommate au. modern au. idiots in love. friends to lovers. reader and eddie are 21+. y/n is not used (babe, baby, princess, sweetheart used). smut, 18+ only, minors DNI. slight dom/sub dynamic. unprotected p in v, reader is described to be on birth control. oral receiving (f). fingering. cream pie. sexual innuendos. swearing. mentions of alcohol consumption, reader is sober!! shitty writing and grammar mistakes.
*if I miss anything please let me know*
a/n: hey loves! I decided to make this post into a little series, this being the first of many to come. as you all know I’m not good at writing smut so please be kind to me! I hope you guys enjoy this little self indulgence piece!! I love you guys <3
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I love everything you do,
When you call me fuckin' dumb for the stupid shit I do.
I wanna ride my bike with you,
Fully undressed, no trainin' wheels left for you,
I'll pull them off for you.
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Walking out of the sanctuary of your room, you make your way over to the hallway mirror for one last makeup check. Running the tip of your tongue over your teeth, you check for any remnants of the red lipstick that sits on your lips. You check over the tips of your black eyeline to make sure they're still in place and not smudged.
With one last look you run your fingers through your hair, you head towards the door. Walking past the living room you see Eddie laying on the couch with his phone in his hand, more than likely scrolling on tik tok to pass the time.
"Hey Eds, I'm going out with the girls tonight. I'll probably be home late." You call over your shoulder as you collect your keys and purse from the kitchen island.
The sound of shuffling comes from behind you, the motions of your best friend pushing himself up from his slumped position. The nonresponse from the man behind you throws you off just a bit, quietly questioning why he hasn't said anything.
Turning around to face him, you have a hand back and forth to pull him out of his apparent stare. "Hellooo, earth to Eddie."
"S-sorry, what did you say?" Eddie stutters out as his eyes trace down the outline of your figure.
Rolling your eyes, you shake your head in faux annoyance. "I said, I'm going out for drinks with the girls. I'll be home a little late."
Big brown pools snap up to your gaze and for once the intensity of his stare holds something you can't understand.
"Whatever." He snaps at you pushing himself up from the couch, brushing past you to head to the kitchen where he grabs a beer.
The complete attitude change from your best friend rattles you completely, especially when he has never raised his voice at you over the many years of friendship.
Not wanting to let the little hiccup ruin the rest of your night, you grab your things and head towards the door.
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From the moment the front door shuts, Eddie feels like his whole world has shattered. He wanted to smack himself for his icy demeanor towards you, for snapping at you for no reason at all. Actually he did have a reason but that wasn't the point. The point was you were his best friend and you didn't deserve the passive aggressiveness from him.
It's not like he could control his emotions when you were wearing that sexy outfit. Your breasts sat so nicely in that red corset crop top and the little pudge of your tummy peaking out at the bottom was something close to an early Christmas present.
The sinful fishnets that wrapped around your plush thighs were just mocking him, laughing at his hardening cock. Then that tight little skirt, God did he hate it. He hated the way that it called out to him, begging him to rip it right off of your body.
Those plump lips he wished to kiss for years, were masked in a red tint from your lipstick. It disgusted him how he imagined ruining it, smudging it on your chin with the tip of his cock.
Eddie was angry with himself for thinking these things about his best friend, the girl that's been there with him through think and thin, the girl that's owned his heart from the moment he met her, and how he so badly wanted to fuck the ever living shit out of her.
To make matters worse, you were going to a bar. A bar that was probably filled with gross pricks that would try to get in your panties. He had to sit with the thought of you letting them take you home, how you'd giggle at their dumb jokes and how you'd moan so pretty as they slipped the tip in.
The whole time you were gone that's all he could think about, jealousy rushing through his veins and the green eyed monster rearing it's ugly head out of him. He sat on the couch all night, staring at the wall as he let all the thoughts get to him.
He needed to tell you how he felt and he needed to tell you now. So he waited and waited until you'd eventually stumble through the front door.
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Creeping into the front door as quietly as you can, you kick your shoes off by the front door and set your purse and keys down on the kitchen island. Walking over to the fridge you grab a water bottle, putting the plastic rim to your lips and swallowing the cold crisp liquid hit your dehydrated tongue.
"You're home early." Eddie says quietly. Jumping slightly, you turn your attention to the living room where he sits on the couch, not bothering to look at you.
Swallowing the last of the water that sits in your mouth, you release a small breath. "Yeah, we didn't really feel like getting blacked out." You laugh slightly and clear your throat when you realize he still seems to be in his mood.
"Plus all the guys at the bar were busted, so." You shrug closing the cap on your bottle.
Rounding the counter, you make your way to your room not wanting to piss Eddie off anymore. To your surprise Eddie follows you, heavy footsteps hot on your trail as you open the door to your room.
"So you didn't talk to anyone?" His voice holds a certain kind of heat, like he's waiting for you to say the wrong answer.
Walking over to your dresser, you bend over to open the pajama drawer and grab the first oversized shirt you could find. "What if I did? You gonna punish me, dad?"
When you turn to face Eddie you see that his jaw is clenching and nostrils flaring with anger. Although you should ask him what his issue is and match his energy for being rude to you, you simply play into it. If he was going to be pissy with you, why not have fun with it?
"I mean there was this one guy, said I had the nicest lips he's ever seen." Your voice holds so much seduction you could work for a sex hotline, you think.
Walking over to him your stare is alluring, pulling him right into your whirlpool just to spit him back out a dazed man.
"Wanna know what else he said, Eds?" You ask with a pout, "He said that he couldn't wait to see how good they'd feel wrapped around him." You dance your fingers up his tee shirt teasingly.
Of course this wasn't true but he didn't need to know that. The thing was you wouldn't touch anyone with a ten foot pole, not when your heart belonged to your best friend. With that being said, you often had to resort to your own hand to take care of yourself while picturing the beautiful man in front of you. It's not like you could do it often when he just happened to be your roommate but it happened enough that you felt guilty for thinking about your best friend that way.
You watch as Eddie balls his hands into fists, knuckles turning white with how much force he does so. You know for a fact that he isn't jealous, he's probably mad about your lack of stranger danger and wants to lecture you about how it could be dangerous to you. To postpone that boring ten minute ramble, you add more fuel to the fire just for the hell of it.
You bat your lashes up at him, biting your lip as a giggle seeps out. "Want to know what else he said?"
When he doesn't answer you, you giggle at his pissed off expression before continuing your little performance.
"That's okay, I'll tell you anyway," Lifting on your tip toes, you place your lips right by his ear, "he said he couldn't wait to see how tight my pussy felt."
You slowly let yourself fall back onto your feet, staring up at him with a wide smirk. Before you can enjoy your victory of pissing him off Eddie's ringed hands grip the fat of your cheeks.
"You're real funny, princess, but I'll let you on a little secret," Bending slightly to be eye level with you, he grins widely at you like a hungry wolf. "That won't be happening any time soon, wanna know why?"
He uses the same tone on you and it makes your legs clench together in need, the thin fabric of your panties soaking from the gush of arousal he's making you feel.
Nodding the best you can, you mumble a yes through your squished lips.
"It's not gonna happen because you and I know that cunt is mine."
The way he says it makes your heart stop. There's not one ounce of question, no hint of laughter or a joke, just pure seriousness. You furrow your eyebrows complete befuddlement.
Eddie chuckles loudly, chest vibrating from the volume all while you still try to understand what he's implying.
"See, this is why I was so upset earlier," One of his fingers finds the low neckline of your top, lightly tracing right where it sits over your breasts, "You put on this sexy little outfit. Made me s'hard, sweetheart, and then you left me all by myself. S'not nice, is it?"
You shake your head and his lips spread to show his pretty white teeth. "That's right, baby. S'not nice but you did it anyway." He pouts, feigning sadness.
"Then you come home and mock me. I should punish you for being such a bad girl, what do you think?"
The threat and the ache between your thighs makes you whimper and he laughs sadistically at you.
"What's wrong, sweetheart?" Releasing his fingers just a bit, he gives you just enough room to move your lips to answer.
"Don’t wanna be punished, m’sorry." Your eyes begin to mist over with tears, the overwhelming emotions running through you ready to spill out right.
Jutting his lip out, he runs his thumb over your bottom lip smearing the pretty red onto your chin.
"Hmm I don't know if I believe you." Cocking his head to the side, he trails his eyes over misery that comes from your own.
"I swear I won't be bad anymore, j-just please." You beg as tears start to fall from your eyes.
To prove your point, you rack your nails over the growing bulge in his jeans. When a small moan rattles in the back of his throat and his eyes shut in pleasure, you take that as a sign to lightly squeeze it. The moment you do he hisses through gritted teeth, snapping his eyes back open.
"Get on the bed, baby." Not wanting to make him ask twice, you all but run over to your bed laying down at the head of the bed and let your head fall back on the pillows.
As he stalks over to you, he palms himself through his pants. The sight itself makes you wetter, causing you to clench your legs together tightly to quell the pulsing of your sex.
"Be a good girl and take your top of."
Leaning up, you scramble to get the article over your head just as he asked. Your breasts bounce from their confines, sitting a tad bit lower due to their size.
Embarrassment burns through you, anxiety rising the longer he stares at your bare chest and tummy. Snapping out of the moment just for a second, you pull your arms over your chest.
"I um, I'm sorry about all the stretch marks and stuff. I know it's not so appealing to have to look at all this so if you want me to put a shirt back on we can."
Your too ashamed to look at him, finding solace in the design on your bed's comforter. Out of the peripheral of your eyes you can see him moving towards you. Hesitantly he taps your legs, a silent ask of permission to have a seat. Shuffling your legs back just a bit, you give him enough room to sit.
The bed dips with his weight and the beat of your heart begins to go faster. His hand reaches out to you, his thumb and forefinger lightly grasping at your chin. Turning your head to look at him, you slowly move your eyes to where your head has been pulled to.
Eddie looks at you with kind eyes, the same ones you're so used to seeing. Brown eyes sparkling brightly under the low light of your bedside lamp.
"Baby, I promise you I love every single part of you."
"Everyone says that until it's all over and then they act like they don't know me because they're repulsed by the thought of their friends finding out they fucked the fat girl."
His face turns into a serious one, like he wants to jump up and fight whoever has made you feel self conscious.
"Well guess what, I love the shape of your body. Baby, I think you're the sexiest woman to have walked the face of the earth. You do realize you left me here with blue balls for over three hours right? Like I couldn't get rid of them no matter what I did."
You snort loudly and quickly slap a hand over your lips to hide the laughter that continues to spill from your mouth. Eddie raises his eyebrows in shock, grasping at his chest in mock hurt.
"What, you don't believe me? Well I will have you know that I have been blue balled by you over one thousand times in our friendship."
He promptly crosses his arms over his chest with a harrumph. You let the hand covering your mouth fall, now using it to swat at his chest with a bright smile.
"Shut the hell up, no I haven't" You laugh and he gapes at you.
"Um excuse you, yes you have," He swats back at you, "Why do you think Steve's mom's expensive hand towel went, huh?"
"That was you? Steve had a whole pity party over that thing, took him like sixth months to get over it." You gasp and he only shrugs.
"Not my fault I had to jerk off because you decided to wear that bathing suit. Besides I was doin' them a favor, imagine the horror on that woman's face when she found it dry from my cu-"
His sentence is cut off by your palm. You grimace lightly at the image he's painted for you in his words and it makes him chuckle under the weight of your hand. Then he starts licking all over your palm making you flinch back with a disgusted noise.
A belly laugh comes from him when he sees you wipe your hand on the clean comforter that covers your bed. When you look up at him with an unamused look, he only beams brightly at you with the hint of his dimples.
"As I was saying, I'd love nothing more than making the woman that own's my heart feel good. Will you let me?" He looks at you adoringly and you can't help but slip right into the comforting warmth of his eyes.
When you say yes, Eddie jumps from his sitting position with a fist in the sky. He pulls childish laugher from you as he continues to victory dance over your answer. After a moment he collects himself, clearing his throat before making a "very serious" face that only makes you laugh even harder.
Pulling his shirt over his head and letting his pants fall down to his ankles, he's only left in blue checkered boxers. Laying back down on your bed, you let your hands fall to the wayside so he can see all of you.
Tapping your knee once more, he doesn't have to ask you to part them for him since you're quick to do so. Settling himself between your thighs, he lets his eyes wander over the expanse of your body, the same one he'd dreamed of for years.
You do the same, using your eyes to trace over the ink that covers his chest, the same ones you prayed for all these years to touch. Your hand finds it's way to his face, cupping his cheek softly.
"You're so beautiful, Eddie." You want to tell him that he's so pretty you could cry but instead to decide to keep it to yourself, just for now.
He wraps his fingers around your wrist, bringing it to his lips and placing a delicate kiss on the same palm he'd licked only moments before.
"Thank you baby, but I think you're prettier." The sincerity in his voice makes butterflies appear in your tummy, all of them flapping about in joy.
The two of you stare at one another for a moment, letting all the words you never got to say come out with just your eyes. The unwavering love that the two of you have for one another spills into this moment and fills both of your heats with the love they yearned for.
You're not sure who makes the first move but it doesn't matter, not when his lips fit so perfectly with yours. It's soft and loving at first, the two of you trying to memorize the way your lips feel together. Then you let your tongue sneak out just a little, asking for permission to enter his mouth and he quickly obliges.
With all the love and unspoken feelings out, the two of you go at it like hungry wolves. The desire, lust, and want mixing itself into the moment after years of waiting. Tongues dance in sync with each other, mapping out the one place it's always wanted to.
Then he grinds into you and you push your hips up to meet his motions, whining into his mouth loudly. Using your teeth you bite down on his lower lip, lightly pulling it back making him groan.
"Fuck, you're so hot." He pants using one of his hands to snake up to the harden bud of your nipple, pinching it roughly before groping the doughy flesh in his big palm.
You mewl at his touch, pushing your hips up once more to find any sort of friction to help with ache of your untouched clit. Eddie pulls away suddenly causing you to whine and pout. Chuckling and shaking his head, he uses his hands to shimmy your skirt over your hips.
"Relax, princess, I just wanna get a taste of this pretty cunt. I promise I'll give you what you want."
You try to close your legs but his hips stop you from doing so. Leaning up on your elbow quickly, you look at him with wide eyes.
"You don't um-, you can skip this part." It's frantic and it makes Eddie pull his hands off of you.
"Are you okay? Did I do something-" He can't finish his sentence before your cutting him off.
"No you didn't do anything wrong, it's just guys usually skip this part." You chew on the inside of your cheek.
Eddie's eyes also go wide, comically so. "You're telling me, all those pricks you've been with never ate you out?"
You shake your head instead of answering knowing your voice would ultimately fail you. He kisses his teeth and blows out a loud breath. "What a shame, those assholes didn't know what they had."
You roll your eyes even though a shy smile begins to show on your face. Still hesitant in his actions, Eddie looks at you for reassurance that you're comfortable.
"Listen, I don't have to do this if you don't want to, but just know if you think you're doing me a favor by saying I don't need to go down on you is nothing but a crime. You'd seriously be depriving me of the one thing on my bucket list."
The apples of your cheeks round even more with how hard your cheesing. Leaning up, you pull him into a soft kiss before laying back. Letting your thighs back open, you look up at him challenging.
"Show me what you got, big boy."
Smiling ecstatically, he shimmies himself down onto his stomach right between your legs. Using both hands he grabs at your fishnets, right where they sit over your center, and rips them making a large hole for himself.
Before you can chastise him for ruining your favorite tights, he peaks up over the hill of your belly, "I'll buy you another pair."
Going back down to his place, he runs his finger tip over your thong covered slit. You jolt from the small amount of pressure of his finger making him stifle a laugh.
"Jesus, you're soaking." He says quietly while still running back and forth over your dampened panties.
Pulling them to the side, he pulls the fat of your lips apart to get a good look at your glistening sex. When he runs the tip of his tongue from your hole to your clit, you lift your hips once more.
Wrapping his arms around your thighs, he keeps you in your place against the best. He does the same thing again but this time he uses his whole tongue.
"You taste s'good, s'my new favorite meal." It's muffled due to the cushion of your thighs but you still hear it.
Sobbing in need, you try to shimmy yourself into his touch. Getting the message, he dives back in shoving the warm muscle right into your tight hole.
Flicking his tongue in and out of you, he removes one of his hands from your thighs and pulls it back down to your cunt, using his thumb to swirl around your aching clit.
"S-shit, just like that." You encourage him, moaning even louder when he switches his tongue and fingers.
With two of his fingers now filling you up, crooked just right and his tongue circling around your clit, you feel the burn in your belly. When he hits the sponge spot you can't reach yourself, you all but scream out in euphoria.
Pulling off your bundle of nerves with a pop, he looks up at you with a Cheshire Cat grin.
"Is that the spot, baby? S'it feel good when I hit right there?"
You can't answer him, too lost in the feeling of his fingers. You toss your head back and forth, babbling and moaning from the feeling.
"Awe, I haven't even fucked you yet and I got you all dumb. Isn't that right, honey? I got you stupid just from my two fingers?" His voice is cocky and it makes you clench around him harder than before.
"Y-yes, don't s-stop. Please don't stop." Your voice trembles and cracks but you don't care.
Doing as you asked, Eddie pulls your clit back into his mouth and pumps his fingers even faster into you. Your getting closer and closer to the edge, toeing right at the finish line of your orgasm.
Your hand finds it's way to the back of Eddie's head, pulling the curly hair at the roots. A loud moan comes rips right out of his chest, vibrating your clit that's he sucks on.
That's all it takes for your toes to curl and your back arch off the bed. Eddie's name falls off your lips like a sacred prayer until you can't speak anymore. You're completely catapulted into cloud nine, floating high up above in pure bliss.
Eddie's voice pulls you back into reality, helping you come back into your body where your bones have completely melted into your bed.
Now leaning over you, Eddie pushes your sweat soaked hair out of your face and places delicate kisses on your wet skin.
"You did so good for me, honey. Such a good girl for me." He's gentle when he speaks and it calms the erratic beat of your heart.
"Kiss?" You rasp out and he gives in with a small snort at the mess you've become.
Pulling away quicker than you'd like, he looks down at you with a dopey smile.
"You feelin alright?" Nodding you push your hips back up to meet his covered shaft, and he laughs breathlessly. "Alright, alright, I'm gettin' there."
You giggle up at him and he's quick to peck your lips once more.
"You're so fuckin' pretty when you laugh." It's so soft, like he's letting you in on a secret no one else knows and in that moment you melt completely.
When he leans back on his haunches, he begins to look around your room and you realize what he must be searching for.
"I'm clean and I have the iud, so if you're comfortable you don't have to use a condom." The moment you finish your statement Eddie closes his eyes tightly, scrunching his face up like he's pained.
"Sweetheart, you can't say things like that unless you want me to blow my load right now." Opening his eyes, he looks at you with a straightest face.
You clap your hands over your cheeks as you burst with laughter. "I didn't even say anything!" You exclaim.
Rolling his eyes with a scoff, he begins to shimmy his boxers down his legs. "I didn't even say anything, shut up." He mocks throwing his boxers to the floor.
Leaning over you once again, he uses on arm that's he's bracing himself with to line himself up to your hole. Guiding the tip of his cock through your folds, he swirls your wetness around before nudging the entrance.
"Once we do this, we can't go back to being just friends." He gazes at you trying to catch any hint of hesitation from you.
Instead you smile fondly at him, "I don't want to go back to being just friends."
His lips stretch into a smile and his eyes sparkle with warmth. "Good because I don't think I'd be able to after this."
Going ever so slowly, he pushes himself into you causing you to gasp at the intrusion. You've had sex before but Eddie is bigger than anyone you've ever had, the stretch from him is unlike anything you've ever felt.
Using his free hand, he swirls your clit to help with any uncomforting feelings you feel. "I know, baby, you can take it." The reassurance causes a spark to run through your veins.
Pushing himself all the way in, he waits to start moving so you can get accustom to him. When you give him a nod, he begins to pump into you at a faster pace than before. Looking down at you, he watches as your mouth falls open into the perfect O shape.
"Fuck, you feel so good. Better than I could have imagined." His words make you clench around him and he whimpers loudly from the feeling.
Eddie pushes your thighs up to your tummy causing him to go even deeper, hitting that sweet spot only he can find.
"Oh my God." You cry out loudly and Eddie lets a breathless laugh fall from his lips.
"M'not God, baby, but I'll shit-, I'll take it as a compliment."
"F-faster Eds, please. Wanna cum, wanna cum s'bad." Your eyes begin to prick with tears with how good you feel.
Eddie obliges, thrusting faster than before. The slapping of skin and the squelch of your wet cunt fill your room. The pretty moans and whimpers that fall from the man on top of you ring out in your ears and in this moment you wish you could record them.
"You take me so well, s'like you're made for me."
You can't say anything, too wrapped up in the live wire that you've become. The rubber band in the pit of your stomach is pulling tighter and tighter with every pump of his cock, pushing you closer and closer to your release.
"This pretty cunt is mine. Say it sweetheart, say it's- fuck, say it's mine." Eddie demands.
"S'yours, it's yours, Eds." You cry.
Removing one of his arms that sit next to your head, he goes back to thumbing at your clit causing you to grip onto him harder.
"This body, those lips, your heart, they're mine. Say you're mine, baby. I'm all yours, have been from the beginning, now say I'm yours." It's not a demand but more of a plea.
Your mind is reeling, the feeling of Eddie is everywhere and your heart has finally found it's rightful place with it's rightful owner.
"It's all yours, s'all yours. Always has been." You shout as tears begin to roll down your face. "I'm gonna cum, m'gonna cum. Want you to cum too, Eds, want it inside me."
"Yeah, want me to fill you up? Want my cum to drip out of you so everyone knows who you belong to?" He grits out and that's all it takes for you to wail.
You release around him, gripping his cock tightly as you gush around him. Eddie isn't too far behind you, spilling his warm seed inside of you.
With one final grunt and thrust, Eddie collapses on top of you. The two of you sit for a moment, allowing yourselves to catch your breathing. Pushing himself up on his knees, he slowly pulls out of you causing the two of you to hiss out at the same time.
He sits for a moment watching his spend fall from your still clenching hole before pushing it back in with his fingers. When he's done with that, he leans over the side of your bed and picks of his shirt and wipes off the mess between your legs.
"Please do not tell me you're using your shirt to clean cum off of me." You deadpan as you stare at the ceiling.
Eddie snorts using the now soiled shirt to wipe himself off. "I mean I could use Mrs. Harrington's-"
"Absolutely not." You shout, pushing yourself up balancing on the palms of your hands.
The two of you fall into a fit of giggles, the fuzziness of your afterglows clearly in effect. After they die down, the two of you sit in silence unsure of what comes next.
Moving your legs to the side of your bed, you push yourself up from the bed. "I'm going to go shower but if you'd like, you're more than welcome to join, lover boy." You announce over your shoulder, picking up the discarded sleep shirt from before.
"Oh no, it's- I'll just stay." He stutters nervously and a part of you wants to tease about where his confident side went.
"Suit yourself," You shrug, "but just know you'll be missing this." Picking up the back part of your skirt, you show him your fishnet and thong covered ass.
When you look back over your shoulder you see him with a fresh coat of pink colored flush coating his cheeks, staring unbashful wide eyed at your behind.
Feeling like you haven't teased him enough, you shimmy your backside causing it to ripple in movement. "Well, I guess I'll be on my way." You say as you walk towards the door.
Springing from the bed, Eddie wraps you in a bearlike hug from behind. "Nuh uh, I have to come with you now."
Pushing back on him with your rear, you continue to shake your ass against his hardening length. His hand cracks down hard on the doughy flesh making you squeal in shock.
"Fuck I love this ass. Can't wait to see you do that under the water." He teases biting his tongue.
Rolling your eyes affectionately, you place a kiss to his lips. "Whatever my baby wants, my baby gets."
Turning back on your heel, you pull him by the arm guiding you to the bathroom with you.
"Hell yeah I'm your baby," He pumps his fist in the air then clears his throat quickly to play off his dorky celebration. "I mean you might have to let everyone know cause if I do it, it won’t be pretty.”
"Alright Rocky Balboa, lets get in this shower so I can so you what it looks like from the back."
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Thank you all for reading! love you all <3
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rojacatmisa · 5 months
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Starting over In Madrid
Misa Rodriguez x Reader (Nicky/first person)
After moving to Madrid as the new Real Madrid photographer, Nicky's eyes can't look away from the pretty face of Misa Rodriguez. But how is she going to handle her growing desire for the Canarian goalkeeper when her working contract's strictly forbidding her to date players?
Chapter 1 ➺  A harder job than I thought
1K words
Hey, I'm going for it ! This is the start of my Misa fic. I planned it to be quite long in several short chapters. Also, I'm not personally feeling the Y/N + you kind of writing, so I've written the story at the first personne and chosen a nickname that you can pretend to be yours if you like. No warning at the moment, but there'll be sex in the further episodes. I'll put the warning when needed. Sorry again for any grammar and voc mistakes, english is not my mother tongue.
I was never really interested in football before getting employed at Real Madrid. Of course, I used to watch a few games on TV during the main championships. But I have never intended to work for a football club, least of all, in Spain. But here I was, late twenty, speaking a few words of Spanish, entering the Cuidad Real Madrid for day one of my new job as the new official photographer.
Introductions went well. Staff was nice. Work seemed interesting, with quite a lot to do on the creative side. I felt great. My office was located on the second floor on the west side of the building, a bit appart from the training grounds. I took time to settle a few minutes in my chair, gazed through the window at the Alfredo di Stephano stadium and saw the tiny silhouettes of the footballers training. My manager, Ana, came back to have me introduced to the girls. I quickly grabbed my camera and followed her to the pitch. 
The sun blinded me as I came out. My eyes took a moment to ajuste. Shouts of trainers and players echoed all around. They were many. Ana spoke with some guys and training slowly stopped. The Real Madrid players came toward us and gathered, some of them still panting. Ana spoke again. 
"Hello everyone, let me introduce you our new photographer Y/N. But you can call her Nicky as she likes it better." 
"Hi, I never liked my name" I said nervously. 
The girls stared at me, smiling. I couldn’t help to notice their muscular arms and thighs. Strength oozed from their bodies. There were pretty faces too. Ana spoked the name of each players. One very tanned girl was looking away, looking slightly bored. 
"And finally, this is Misa" She said pointing at her. Misa looked at me, her eyes rested on my face just a moment while quickly waving her hand in a welcoming gesture and then looked away again. I felt my face grew hot. I was a professional photographer. It was explicitly written in my employment contract that dating the team members was prohibited. I shook of my inappropriate feelings as the introducing part ended. 
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A few days passed as I settled in my new life. I had found in a tiny appartement in Lavapies. Got everything I needed. I was rather happy to start over. I had quitted my toxic ex girlfriend a few months ago and my very boring previous job. Each day, I went to the pitch to film the team arriving and to take pictures of the footballers training in order to post on the social networks. They all seemed nice, thought some of them looked bothered to be photographed all the time. Linda, Naomi, Sofie and Hayley clearly enjoyed being in front of the camera while Ivana, Olga and Misa tried to avoid it most of the time. We had chatted very little, everyone focused on their respective work. 
Then, arrived the day of the brand new kits big photoshoot. It was a very busy day. Adidas had designed a specific set with a moss background and real plants around. It was a bit to much for my tastes but I didn’t had my word to say as the campagne was managed by the brand. I was assisting the Adidas photographer by giving pose instructions to the girls. I took some shoots too. We were shooting for nearly five hours when came Misa’s turn. I couldn’t say I didn’t noticed how pretty she was in her new pale purple kit. Her tan skin contrasted frankly with the fabric. She had a piercing on her left nostril I’d never seen before. Her long hair was taken down, falling on her broad shoulders. She took her place, clearly used to being a model.
"Misa, face the camera" I said. Her dark eyes crossed mine before she looked straight at the camera and composed a smile. I could tell she was feeling confident, but I wasn’t sure she really was enjoying it. "Switch to profile, please". "Strike a pose". "Now put your gloves on". Misa obediently took all the poses shots after shots. 
"Are we done ?" She asked, looking at me patiently. 
"I think we are thank you. Thanks god you’re the last one !"
"I find it long already, so I can’t imagine how it must be for you." She said, her brows frowning. She walked aside from the set. I started to put away the equipment next to her. "It’s okay, I like my job. Today is just a bit repetitive"
"Are we cool models ?" I looked up at her. Her face was relaxing since the photoshoot ended. A shy smile appeared on her lips as she suddenly seemed to think her question was embarrassing. "In fact yes, indeed. Like, as a photographer, they’re is everything to ajuste. When you’re training, you’re moving fast so I have to increase shutter speed. When you’re posing like today, shutter can be slower but you have to have good exposure…" My voice trailed off as I took a glimpse of her perplex expression. "Sorry I have never known how to talk about my job. You see, technic plays a huge part in photography." 
"Don’t worry, I haven’t a clue of what you are taking about but it actually got me interested." She was smiling frankly now and that made her ever more beautiful. I tried to focus one folding the spotlights back in there bags. "Those lights make you very warm and sweaty" she said. "I’m sorry I’ll go and change. See you Nicky." 
"Bye Misa."
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I was feeling both disappointed by her departure and relieved to be able to finish tidying thinks up more serenely when I heard Misa’s embarrassed voice rise from the backroom. "Hum… please can someone help me?"
I dropped the camera I was packing and went there thinking that fucking day would never end. I suppressed a laugh when I saw Misa struggling with her jersey up her head. The collar was picked up somewhere around her nose. I forced myself to look away from her well shaped abs and the low-cut of her sports bra.
"Misa, I’m there, what’s happening ?" 
"the jersey… in my nosering. I can’t take it off !"
"hold still, I’do it."
I slowly came close to Misa and delicately hold the jersey’s collar while looking for where her piercing had gotten stuck. A fabric fiber had indeed been taken inside the small golden ring. I tried hard to concentrate. Her mouth was twitching nervously. I was so close to her face I could feel her breath. She pursed her luscious lips as I finally removed the string, let out a sight and took off the jersey. Her eyes met mine again while I took a step back. "Thanks, I thought I’d lose my nose on this one…" 
"You did well to ask for help, you could have hurt yourself." 
"I’m glad it was you and not some random Adidas guy, all my friends are gone by now." 
"anytime !" I shrugged, feeling hot again. She gathered her clothes and started taking off her shorts. Footballers really weren’t modest. I turned around, ready to leave. I felt I was unable to take anymore glances at Misa’s body parts. "Bye then" I said softy.
"Bye, and Nicky, you definitely have to teach me some photo stuff ! I’m serious." I slowly turned back to her. She had already put her trousers and T shirt on. "Yes, sure… after tomorrow’s training if you’d like." 
"Yeah, count on me". She gathered her stuff, gestured goodbye and left.
My job was turning out to be harder than I expected.
That's it for chapter 1, hope you enjoyed it. Drop a like if you're hyped !
Chapter 2 ➺ Clearly on a bad slope
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