#sorry did you think ELYSS was going to say something first????
blujayonthewing · 4 years
*my reticent, ruthlessly pragmatic ranger taking point as the party tries to sneak up on the BBEG, hoping to attack by surprise*
DM: you open the door, and you see the beholder at the other end of a large chamber. he’s looking at you, he knows you’re there, it looks like he was waiting for you
my ranger:
the beholder:
the party:
DM: what do you do
the party:
the beholder:
me: ............... uh. I... shoot him
DM, repeatedly afterwards for the next two years: I can’t believe you didn’t let him monologue
#sorry did you think ELYSS was going to say something first????#he's not mean about it it always comes up in like a teasing way but the fact that he keeps.... bringing it up......#oh YOU'RE bitter?? don't throw ME under the bus for this Elyss is the VERY LAST PERSON IN THAT ROOM anyone should have expected to say stuff#*I* would have LOVED to get that monologue which is WHY Elyss didn't shoot as soon as the door was open#and to be clear when I say 'taking point' the whole rest of the party was right with her it's not like she was the only one there#I've thought about this moment so many times because I genuinely can't think of a single thing I could have done differently#that wouldn't have been wildly out of character and felt extremely forced and weird#'we're here to kill you' ? 'you'll never get away with it' ?? walking into the chamber to a more exposed position? as an archer???#it REALLY felt like a moment for the BBEG to be like 'SO here we all are-- I've been waiting for you >:)' or SOMETHING#why was the ball in MY court??? why was this MY fault?????#as the DM it was your job to usher us into a cutscene if you wanted us to have one#not the intensely focused and deeply pragmatic hunter with a strong personal desire to kill this thing and zero interest in panache???#it stresses me out that he keeps bringing it up because it feels like I'm being told I fucked it up and ruined the encounter#I waited for literally anyone else to say or do anything because it DID feel so INTENSELY WEIRD to go into the fight with no preamble#it would have been The Most in character thing for Elyss to just shoot as soon as it was clear there was no element of surprise but I waited#I wanted there to be a cutscene! it was the end of a three year arc! but NO ONE ELSE said or did anything til it got AWKWARD#I feel like I've yelled about this before but I'm thinking about it again and it makes me wanna cry lol it fucking sucks dude#about me#irl frens#elyss insp
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