#sorry but I just couldn’t do my main fandom like that 🫡
lamentfulwarbler · 2 months
Bingo! (Parts 6 & 7 (Full House!))
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My final bingos from @feedthefandomfest ‘s original bingo card!
Links to Parts 1, 2, 3&4, and 5
Comment that is AT LEAST Half a keysmash was linked in Parts 3&4 (1)
Free Space! was linked in Part 2 (2)
Highlight and explain 3 favourite quotes: airplane honeymoon by setosdarkness
Unhinged liveblogging reactions: One thousand first times by the_most_happy
Revisit a fic you read in the past and leave a(nother) comment: Stray Dogs Are Not Hunted. They Hunt by YunaYamiMouto
Comment bargaining firstborn for more was linked in Part 1 (3)
Find a comment you agree with and reply explaining why was linked in Part 2 (4)
Comment on a fic with under 50 hits was linked in Parts 3&4 (5)
Explain why the fic is better than canon: Leo Inter Serpentis: First Year by Aeternum
Comment on EVERY chapter of a multichapter fic: O expectations, stale and dismal airs, leave this body of mine! by aptlydapper
(1) Comment that is AT LEAST half keysmash: He’s My Emotional Support Rescue Dog by avengersasssemble
(2) Free Space! - Leafing Through The Pages, I Found You by YunaYamiMouto
(3) Comment bargaining firstborn for more: Kitty Secrets by avengersasssemble
(4) Find a comment you agree with and reply explaining why: Half and Half by avengersasssemble
(5) Comment on a fic with under 50 hits: Words never to be said by GeegeeS
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mazzystar24 · 6 months
how would having buck/eddie be more powerful?? yeah i get that having a queer latino man would be awesome (and i support whatever direction they want to go in w eddie’s sexuality bc i think there’s a lot of options there) but it’s kind of embarrassing that people are making buck’s entire coming out about a ship. a bisexual man coming out in later life has his queer realisation with someone who also came out in later life, they’re both in a line of work that’s pretty “boys club”-esque (as shown by hen and chimney begins episodes, and it’s a shame that hen’s queer identity isn’t recognised enough in the fandom). Buck’s storyline is just as meaningful with or without an endgame of buddie. Tbh I hope they make eddie queer as well but don’t put buddie together because the only way they get together without violating workplace relationship rules is if one of them leaves, which is arguably less meaningful because we lose a main character. Sorry if this comes off as rude but y’all have had your shipping brains on for too long because you can’t recognise how much this means to bisexual fans and it’s honestly exhausting.
Okay gonna address that bottom part first just to clarify real quick that I am in fact a bisexual fan 🫡 so that assumption was 😐
As for the rest:
If you look on my page or my previous asks or anything you’d see that I’m over the moon ecstatic over finally getting bi buck
At no point did I make buck being bi just about his ships, in almost every ask about bucktommy or buddie me and most of the anons are constantly reiterating how much we value canon bi buck even if it wasn’t EXACTLY how we wanted it
At no point in any of my previous posts nor in the ask response that I’m assuming you sent this ask about did I imply that bucks coming out arc is of more value when connected to buddie
The post/ask was about bucktommy as endgame or buddie as endgame and my opinion on it and my opinion is that it would be more powerful and meaningful to have buddie
To answer your question on why- buddie yes have a lot of in common with bucktommy but the thing that makes it for me is that
1. Queer slowburns done right are practically unheard of in the media
2. As you’ve touched on yeah Eddie is a Latino man but also we got to see Eddie grow as a person get into therapy, deal with his issues with his father and being a man of the house, be a widow and raise a son
Can you name a single character who we see on screen go from this all American soldier perfect boy to seeing him breakdown, get therapy understand comp het, fall in love with his best friend and navigate how he balances coming out in his 30s while having very mixed and complicated feelings about his dead wife who I genuinely believe he loved in some way but also having to come out to his son who is bound to have his own complicated feelings about it?
3. We’ve had so much history and so many powerful scenes between these two that to me and many of the fandom nothing can measure up to, like if they do become canon like it would mean a lot because their story and scenes over the years have been so amazing and powerful
4. Theyd be listening to what the fans want/have wanted for years!! That’s huge because so many shows never make characters queer because the fans saw them as it or shipped them and when on those rare occasions they do they take the easy way out and make one half of them queer to get fans to shut up (cough cough a certain cw show)
Also I never trashed on bucktommy because I don’t ick someones yum all I said is i agree and I don’t get those who want them to be endgame and I do make jokes about my own shipping goggles but seriously I am self aware and I do keep being VERY conscious that some may misunderstand me as not valuing bi buck just because we didn’t get buddie when that couldn’t be further from the truth
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