#sorry anon this took so long to answer my ask box kept eating this ask ;_;
mikufigureoftheday · 1 month
some meeks dressed in red? :3
Hmmmmm....... I got some for you in varying levels of rouge-ness♥️
and the nendo of this design
and the nendo of this design
and this alt color of the Villain noodle stopper
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there's a few more I believe, but I hope this is a good amount to work with
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byulsgrease · 3 years
if you arent too busy, can you write a idol!hwasa x idol!reader, wherein they both have to practice with each other for a special stage. However on the first meeting they become starstruck and cant believe somethings are real, but soon warm up to each other?
i'm not terribly busy but this still took a while anyway oops - sorry this took so long anon! here you go :D
if anyone has requests for the other members hmu cuz I've got 2 more hyejin reqs after this one (not that I'm complaining)
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"who says we can't do something on our own?"
(hwasa x idol!reader, ~1.2k words)
cw: food + alcohol mention (y'all know how it is)
I named someone Minjeong - it's not Aespa's Winter, idk anything about 4th gen gg's - 민정 is my Korean name so it's just what came to mind
"Hey, wake up. You've gotta see this. GET UP," a voice piercing through the fog of your sleep.
What a rude awakening. Your shoulders being shaken vigorously by a pair of small hands meant they belonged to none other than Minjeong, your youngest group member. You rolled over to glare menacingly at her with one eye open, trying to pull your brain out of the slumber. All you could see was the bright light of her phone shining in your eyes - a video of some kind. But then you heard the audio:
"Have you seen the clip?" asked the interviewer.
"Yes, my members and many MooMoos made sure I saw it"— Moos? Oh, it's Hwasa. WAIT. Both your eyes flew open as you sat up and snatched Jeongie's phone out of her hand to stare at the video. Your mind immediately flashed back to the interview you did last week - they asked who you most wanted to collaborate with, if there were no limitations. Your ears started to heat up at the sheer thought of the flustered mess of an answer you gave - of course you said Hwasa. Both of you debuted relatively close to each other, within a year, but never interacted much over the years. Mamamoo as a group was a force to be reckoned with, but there was just something about Hwasa specifically. You mostly just admired her unique singing voice and undeniable stage presence, and her relentless drive to always be herself in an industry constantly trying to fit women into a box.
Finally snapping out of re-living that embarrassment, your attention turned back to the phone in your hand. The interviewer must've asked her to send a message in response to you, because you couldn't believe that she was waving and saying, "How haven't we gotten to know each other better over all these years? I'd love to work with you on something sometime," curtly dipping her head in a slight bow.
"SEE? You needed to see that," Minjeong rushed to say, full of energy. "And close your mouth, your jaw's on the floor," jokingly pointing.
You side-eyed her and shut your mouth. "Is this what Loco felt like when she called him during Hyena on the Keyboard?" you wondered aloud.
"At least she's not calling you while on camera," she commented, knowing full well that you'd probably embarrass yourself again if she did. "But hey, at least she noticed you! Can I have my phone back now?" It would be a dream come true to collaborate with her, but cross-company collabs... always a pain. that couldn't be helped. The fantasy abruptly ended with demands from your rumbling stomach. Done with your what-if's, you placed the phone back in your maknae's outstretched hand to get up and make breakfast.
With award show season rolling around, the crazy scramble of rehearsing for special live stages without leaking sets and collabs began. Checking your email that morning showed a schedule to record the backing track for a special live stage, but that was it. With who? You texted your members a screenshot, but they all told you that block of time in their schedule was empty. A solo stage? The solo mini-album you released this cycle did relatively well, the title track got a music show win, but not a multi-week chart-topper by any means. Possibilities turning over in your mind, you stepped out from your place to head to the company, totally in the dark about what was in store.
The recording studio always smelled the same along with the couches, a comfort for all the insanely long nights and crack-of-dawn early mornings over the years. With a bit of time to kill, you plopped down on one and gingerly patted the worn cushions as some kind of symbolic thank-you for supporting you (literally).
A hesitant but loud knock sent your gaze directly to the door. Watching it slowly open, you leaned forward to see who it was. Needless to say, your jaw fell to the floor again as you clapped a hand over your gaping mouth, eyes widening. Like a soldier obeying a command, you immediately stood up as straight as possible and bowed profusely at Hwasa, sporting a very similar expression on her face (which you failed to notice, your mind running a million miles a minute).
After a series of frantic bows and miscellaneous utterances to each other, she spoke. "It's nice to finally meet you," she said with calm, surveying your frenzied state. "I guess we're granting that collab wish from your interview, huh?"
The red-hot embarrassment leapt to your face. "I...I definitely made a fool of myself answering that question. And our maknae showed me your interview clip too, which was cool, but never did I think it would actually happen," you stammered. I should probably stop talking.
"Well, here I am," she half-smiled coolly. "Let's get started, I'm really looking forward to finally work with you on this," a gleam in her eye and a hint of excitement in her voice.
The studio suddenly felt a lot smaller with her in it, despite there only being your managers, the producer, and the both of you - less people than you and your members alone. Both of you remained relatively quiet the whole time, rather unsure of what to say or talk about. You watched enough MMMTV to know that all the members on their own were shyer than together, and Hwasa knew the same was true for you. But the work basically took care of itself, seamlessly taking turns in the recording booth, witnessing each other's work style and process. The both of you knew your way in front of a mic, seasoned professionals by now. Upon wrapping up, you bowed politely to each other after a quick exchange of KaTalk info, a short and sweet goodbye.
That was... anticlimactic. I mean, it's finally happening - I can't believe it. But maybe I was too idealistic about maybe creating a meaningful relationship with her outside of work... What does she think of me?
In the days leading up to the collab stage, you kept going back and forth on whether to reach out or not, despite now being in possession of her contact info. What would you even say? Thoughts of a witty one-liner or relatable meme came to mind, but maybe she'd assume the worst - that you were clout-chasing, or something. Anxieties abuzz, your phone vibrated in your pocket. The KaTalk notification sprawled across your screen. Speak of the devil, it's her.
"Hey, awards season has me stressed. I know you must pretty busy right now too, but I somehow get off early tomorrow if you wanna grab dinner after work?" You had to reread that one. Oh, what? She's inviting me?
Trying not to be weird about responding too quickly, you typed out, "Wow, yeah, that sounds great! ^^ wait, your company doesn't care about you going out to eat during award season?"
"nah, they stopped having that kind of control over us a while ago, we are the money-maker of the company, after all 😏"
"so I guess this means they don't check your phone either ㅋㅋㅋ"
"nope :)"
You proceeded to set a time and place to meet, someplace with meat.
In the process of feasting on an inordinate amount of gopchang imbued with a splash of beer, you learned a fair amount about each other. You talked career, professional aspirations, the weird habits of your members, and more. What surprised you most was the amount of things she already knew about you, having admitted to watching some of your behind-the-scenes content after seeing your interview clip.
"Ah... I'm sorry if I came across as distant during that first recording session," she confessed, pausing to sip her beer. "I honestly didn't know what to do with myself, I felt a little star-struck."
"Oh what?? I felt the exact same, so no worries - and sorry if I came off similarly distant," you rambled back. A bit of silence fell between you, acknowledging the mutual sentiment. You spoke up after a bit, "Thanks for inviting me out tonight, I didn't realize how much I needed this."
"Thank you for making the time, I had fun getting to know you better," she articulated with a smile. "Maybe it'll make the collab stage better," she added on jokingly. You responded with a nod and expression of mutual affirmation.
After that, messaging each other became a regular occurrence, that gopchang outing having broken the ice. Honestly, you tried your best to talk about anything besides work, but the baseline of shared understanding connected you in a way that came more naturally than it did with your non idol friends.
You stood across the way from her at the sound check for the final stage, dressed in joggers and slides. Funny to think that you'd be recording this for real in a couple hours, making eyes with the blinking red light on the cameras surrounding you. It sucks that fans wouldn't get to experience the energy and atmosphere of the performance - Hyejin alone is one thing, but adding someone else into her stage presence? Unmatched. There's nothing quite like a live performance - and while you knew everyone in the industry dealt with the consequences of the pandemic, it certainly took a toll to perform and not feel the energy from fans. But realistically, nothing you could do about it. The sound check went over smooth like butter. The stage chemistry came flowing naturally between you both, even when bare-faced and dressed in just sweats.
And when the time came for the actual filming, you both absolutely killed it, an upbeat mash-up of TWIT and your title track. At the very end came a sliver of hesitation before throwing your arms around each other with a big smile for the ending fairy, proud of the work you accomplished together, and a mental fist-pump to yourself for making friends with one of the industry's finest.
Once again walking to a restaurant that served mostly meat to celebrate, you playfully proposed, "We... should do that again sometime." A little puff of air came out her nose in amusement.
"Yeah, we should. Too bad we're gonna have to wait a whole cycle before we can release anything else together again," she sighed longingly.
"Who says we can't do something on our own?"
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lovemeleo · 4 years
I absolutely LOVE your Asher Pascal series, just makes me go🥺🥺 could you maybe do something along the lines of Asher receiving a pair of skates for his birthday and then them all going to the rink to try them out possibly? Just think it’d be so cute!
Your writings amazing, absolutely love reading it!!❤️❤️
Thank you so much, anon! I’m so glad you enjoy it. 
Sorry it took me so long to write this but, you guys!!! Our baby is turning one! Yes, this is the very much requested fic of Asher’s first birthday. I hope you all enjoy it as much I enjoy writing it. The SW world belongs to the forever fantastic @lumosinlove! 
If you haven’t caught up with the series yet, here is the masterlist!
365 days. 12 months. 1 year.
That’s how long their baby had been on this planet.
It was hard to believe that they were the parents of a one year old, but Asher was growing more and more every day. 
Remus knew it was impossible because Asher wasn’t biologically either of theirs but oh my god did he look like a mini Sirius. Sometimes they would be sitting at the kitchen table and Remus would just watch as Sirius tried to convince Ash to eat his breakfast, and they’d both just get this stubborn set to their jaw. It was crazy. Sirius said the same about Asher and Remus though. He could see it in dimples in their cheeks when they smiled, the crinkles by their eyes. It didn’t matter if Asher didn’t have any of their genetics, he was their child through and through.
They first started planning Asher’s birthday two months ago, deciding to have everyone at the rink. With all of the family and friends that were coming, it would’ve been too hard to fit everyone at their house.
Remus and Sirius had put on the invitations that people didn’t need to bring gifts as Asher was already very spoiled. But here they were, watching as Asher opened what had to have been his 200th present. Luckily it looked to have been the last one. Well almost the last one. Unsurprisingly it was a giant book of dinosaurs. 
Dinosaurs were Asher’s current favorite, so that was the theme of the party. It seemed like he received every dinosaur toy, figurine, and book on the planet.
“Alright, bub. One more from your daddy and I.” Remus said with a smile, setting it on the table in front of the one year old.
Asher’s eyes widened, as they had for every present, “For me?” He gasped, his hands on either side of his face. The small crowd of people watching him chuckled as Sirius rolled his eyes fondly.
“Yes, mon chou. It’s your birthday, so all the presents are going to be for you.” Sirius said, pressing a kiss to the messy curls that covered Asher’s head.
Wiggling happily in his chair, Asher began to tear off the wrapping paper. As soon as he could see the box, he quickly opened it and let out a happy squeal, “My skates!?”
After weeks of searching, they had finally been able to find a pair of ice skates for Asher. But not just any skates. They were dinosaur skates. Who knew it would be so hard to find a pair of kid skates that had dinosaurs on them? Not Sirius or Remus.
“There’s dinos!” Asher cheered, holding a dinosaur covered ice skate above his head. Everyone clapped, watching as he held it to his chest before moving to hug his dads. “Thank youuu!”
Remus smiled softly, pressing a kiss to the top of his head, “Anything for you, bub.” He said with a soft smile. 
Looking around the room, Sirius clapped his hands together with a smile, “Well now that presents are done, why don’t we get out on the ice?” As soon as he finished, the entire room was moving to get ready. 
Sirius felt a tug on his shirt and looked down to see Asher, clutching his skates to his chest, “Me too?” He asked, puppy dog eyes in full effect. 
Laughing to himself, Sirius lifted Asher onto the bench, “Of course you too, mon petit. We wouldn’t go without you.” He said as he began to help Asher get them on.
“Will you help me next, Cap?” Logan asked with a cheeky grin as he sat next to Asher with his own skates.
Asher shook his head as he watched Sirius tie up his skates, “No, you gotta ask your daddy.” He said, shaking his finger at Logan.
Logan grinned, “Alright, little man, you got it.” He said before turning to look around. “Dumo! Asher says you gotta help me tie my skates!” 
Raising an eyebrow, Dumo looked up from where he was helping Katie with her skates, “Mon fils, if you can’t tie your own skates, we’ve got a problem.”
“C’mon, sweetheart, I’ll help you with your skates. I’m done with mine.” Leo said with a laugh, kneeling in front of Logan.
Wiggling his eyebrows, Logan smirked, “Oh, so you were the daddy Asher said I had to ask.” Before he could finish his sentence, he was cuffed on the back of the head. Glancing back, he was met with a glare from Remus.
“Children, Tremz. There are children here. My child is right next to you.” 
Logan pouted, rubbing the back of his head, “Rude, Loops. And violent! You’re teaching Asher that violence is the answer.”
Happily oblivious to the entire conversation, Asher swung his feet after his dad had finished tying them on, “You like my skates, Le?” He asked.
“Very cool. I wish I had a pair of dinosaur skates.” Leo said with a smile, tying off Logan’s skates before sitting back on his heels.
If it was possible for Asher to smile any bigger, he would. “If you wanted, my daddies could prolly get you some too and then we could match!” He said as Remus lifted him down off the bench.
“I’m sure Leo would look very cool in some dino skates, bub,” Remus said, holding his hand as he wobbled his way to the ice. “You ready?”
Asher got a determined look on his face that reminded Remus so much of Sirius, he let out a laugh, “I got this. And Fish says it’s okay if I fall ‘cause if I get hurt, I’m still a pro.” Asher assured his dad before stepping onto the ice.
“Yeah but let’s not make that a goal, Ash.” Finn said as he came past.
Everyone started making their way onto the ice, some skate helpers in the middle just in case anyone needed them. Asher stayed in between his dads for awhile, getting used to the new skates as well as the big rink. 
Kuny skated by him for a bit with Nado, chatting happily with the little boy, “You skate so good, already better than Nado.” He said with a teasing smile.
Shoving the other man (carefully so neither of them bumped Asher), Nado stuck his tongue out before turning his attention back to the small boy between them, “He’s right though, Ash. Already crushing it in those dino skates. What position do you wanna play?”
Asher hummed softly, his eyes on the ice as he tried to go a bit faster, “Dunno. If I can go really fast, I can be a wing like Daddy. Or Goalie like my Le.” 
“I think you’d make a great goalie.” Leo said as he skated up, staying behind Asher as the three of them formed a kind of barrier around him. Asher grinned back at him, his eyes lighting up as he saw his favorite person.
The four of them chatted for a while before splitting off, everyone getting their chance to skate with the birthday boy. He even beat Pots in a very dramatic race around the rink, James sliding in seconds after him. Remus and Sirius kept an eye on him the whole time as they made their way around the rink.
After around an hour of skating, Sirius looked away from where he had been watching Remus to find Asher again. His eyebrows furrowed as he couldn’t see him skating and no one on the ice was holding him. 
“Re? Where’d he go?” Sirius asked as he caught up with his fiance who was skating with Leo. 
Leo laughed, “I’d check the bench, Cap.” He said as the two of them continued their way around the rink. 
Eyebrows furrowed, Sirius skated across the rink to the benches and couldn’t help the ‘Aw’ that left his lips at the sight. 
Sprawled across the home team bench was Asher, Logan and Kuny. Sirius remembered seeing him skating with the two boys, but Asher must’ve gotten tired at some point during their skate. It looked as though they had all sat just to take a quick break but ended up taking a nap instead. Logan was leaning against Kuny’s side, his head on the taller man’s shoulder and Asher’s legs in his lap. Kuny had a protective arm wrapped around Asher where he was sprawled over his lap.
After taking a few photos, Sirius skated off, letting the three sleep. He knew the boys would take care of Asher, just like they took care of him. He was so lucky to have this team, this family. Sirius wasn’t sure he would’ve gotten to this point in his life without the Lions. Now his son had the same supportive family behind him. Sirius may not have had the best support throughout his childhood, but he would make damn sure his son did. 
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babiesdreams · 4 years
Nct reaction  to their s.o giving them a silent treatment Part 2
Part 1 part 3
--Requests are open--
Warnings: ANGST, all of them. Mentions of pregnancy (Jaehyun)
Also, please don’t use silent treatment as a way of punishment, it can really be hurtful. Try to talk things out, because there’s always a way of working thigs out. This whole reaction is meant to explain how this situations can get better with some talking. That said, enjoy. 
♡Jaehyun: You don’t wanna ignore him this way, but you just don’t know how to tell him. It’s not something easy to go through and it could destroy his whole career but you don’t wanna go through this salone either. He’s being trying to talk to you all day long, but no answer has come out of you. “Babe, you know you can tell me anything right?” He says, holding your hand. Your eyes meet his and you can’t hold it anymore. You start crying uncontrollably, unable to speak a word. “I’m late” You say in between sobs. Jaehyun gasps at the sudden situation. He doen’t really know what to say or do to help you. “Have you done a test yet?” He asks while touching your back softly, in an attempt of calming you down. “I’m too afraid to do it” You say heavy breathing as you take out the box with the pregnancy test you bought earlier. He cups your face, making you look at him. “Let’s do it, whatever it is, I’m gonna support you okay?” He says calmly. “But what if...” “I’m gonna be there” he says, not letting you finish. You go to the bathroom, following the instructions of the box. You had to wait for a couple of minutes which made the whole thing a hundred times worse. Your hands were shaking, as the little squares of the test turned red. You thought for a split second, that meant you were pregnant, but the first square started getting white again, revealing one line. Now it was up for the second square, if it had a line, you were pregnant, if it didn’t, you weren’t pregnant. Your hand, start getting sweaty, which, added to how shaky they already were, made it really hard to keep holding the test. But finally you could see the empty square, meaning you weren’t pregnant. Tears of joy started forming on your eyes. “I’m not pregnant” You say running into Jaehyun’s arms. [Tmi: this actually happened to me]
*Disclaimer: I want to clear out that I have nothing against being pregnant, at an early age, this is just a perspective of the topic, not necessarily the most correct one, just one of them. I respect everyone’s choice on this kind of thing.
Winwin: He was confused as hell. Why weren’t you talking to him, did he hurt you in any ways? Did he do something wrong? He tries to recall his actions, wanting to know what to do, how to apologize, how to make everything come back to normal. “Y/N, I really don’t know what I did for you to act like this” He says in a tiny voice, too afraid of making things worse. “You said you liked the main character” You say, still ofended. He tries to process it, and understand the situation, but he just doesn’t understand. “You mean in the..” “Yeah in the k-drama” You answer before he can even finish. He still doesn’t understand why you are jealous over a fictional character. You sigh “I’m more like the friend of the main character. I am not similar at all to her” You say pointing at the Tv, that is now off. “But I didn’t mean it that way. There’s no other girl I rather be with” He says with a trembling voice. You suddenly feel bad about the situation, you didn’t mean it to be as serious. “I-I’m sorry Sicheng. I acted like a child” You say looking down, dissapointed at yourseld. “No, no it’s okay baby” He says kissing your forehead to make you feel better.
♡Jungwoo: This tiktok prank is getting out of hands, that’s what you think when Jungwoo slams the door and leaves the room. You didn’t mean to hurt him, but as you kept ignoring him, he probably felt how unfair it was. You come inside of the bedroom he locked himself in and start talking. “It was a prank” You start explaining, feeling uneasy. “A fucking prank, so fucking good, love it. Is that what I am to you?” He says in a ofended tone. “I didn’t mean it to be so serious. I thought you wouldn’t even notice” You explain yourself looking down. “How in the world wouldn’t I notice? Do you know just how much I care for you? Don’t ever do that again okay?” He says as he gets closer to you and hugs you tightly. “I thought I lost you” He whispers inside your ear, making you tear up.
♡Lucas: “I think we should break up” You finally say, breaking the silence. “You what?!” Lucas screams as he doesn’t understand anything of what you’re saying. “I said we should break up” You repeat, this time looking at him. You’ve been packing for a while now, getting ready to leave the apartment. “I don’t believe you” He says, crossing his arms. His figure is on the door frame, blocking the exit of the room. “Look at me, and tell me you don’t love me” He says, but you don’t look at him, your eyes are fixed on your clothes instead. “Say it” He says, grabbing your arm and forcing you to look at him. Your eyes get filled with tears almost instantly. “I knew it” He says letting go of your arm. “So what is it? Why did you say that?” He says looking more serious than you’ve ever seen him. “Someone took a photo of me coming to your house” You say while crying. “And they told me that they’ll publish it if I didn’t break up with you. I don’t want you to suffer because of me, and you know how your job is” You explain, getting the tears out of your face, as new tears appear to replace them. “I don’t care about that okay?” He says cupping your face. “We’ll figure something out, but you have to talk to me when this things happen” He says kissing your forehead. “I ain’t losing you like this” [So I cried, again. Am I a crybaby now?]
Mark: “Are you seriously ignoring me?” Mark says, not wanting to believe reality. “I-I’m sorry Mark” You burst into tears as you talk. “I was just. I’m not feeling good” You say, not looking at him. “What do you mean?” He says worriedly at your words. “ I don’t know what I’m doing anymore. I’ve been here for months, in this new job and I don’t think I like it. And I’m far away from everything. And yes, you’re here, but you’re also busy, and I don’t want you to worry about me like that” You say as you can, while crying. “Why didn’t you tell me baby?” He says getting closer to you. “We can figure things out. Maybe you need some time to get used to this. But whatever it is, we’re gonna get through this together okay?” He says and you simply nod, feeling supported by his words.
♡Xiaojun: “You don’t even notice it when I ignore you?” You say to him. Xiaojun looks at you confused. “You’ve ignored me?” He asks, swallowing the food he was munching. You sigh “Yes, because you didn’t clean the dishes, and it’s the 10th time this week” You say crossing your arms. “You realize, I woke up ten minutes ago right?” He says explaining why he didn’t notice your silence. “I just couldn’t keep it any longer” You say with a pout. He chuckles at your cute confession. “You still have to clean it though” You say pointing at the dishes. “I will, I promise” He says as he resumes eating his breakfast.
Hendery: “If you keep ignoring me, I’m gonna lose my fucking mind” He says, full of anger, wanting this whole thing to end. “You did the same to me yesterday” You say clearly mad at him. “I know you love spending time with the boys, but can’t you just talk to me as well if I’m next to you?” You let it all out. “I didn’t mean to ignore you, you just weren’t talking with us” He explains. “I’m shy, Hendery” You yell at him, not knowing how to talk to him anymore. “You could have tell me. I don’t understand this drama thing” He explains calmly. His tone, makes you calm down as well. “Can we just don’t argue anymore?” You say and he simply nods, getting you inside his arms in a comfy hug. 
Masterlist --requests open--
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Valentine’s Day
For the Anon who requested : hi lovey in time for valentines could you write a harry fic about it?? (-: maybe something that starts angsty and then ends in fluff
Not too too angsty in the beginning, I’m bad at writing angst, but I hope you enjoy it! 
Harry Potter x Reader
“Where’s Y/N?” Hermione asked, sitting beside Harry, who was sulking on the sofa. He shrugged slightly, playing with one of the pages of his 6th year potions book.
“I don’t know,” Harry answered drily, not looking at his friend. “I haven’t seen her.” 
“Is everything alright?” She prodded gently. Harry didn’t answer for a moment, still not looking at her. He didn’t partially want to talk about you at the moment. 
“We had a disagreement,” He finally admitted. He didn’t tell Hermione why or what it was about. He didn’t need her to confirm that it was his fault, he knew that already. 
“I’m sorry, Harry.” Hermione sighed, “It’ll be alright, I’m sure you two will work it out.” Harry frowned, setting the book aside, taking his glasses off to rub his face. 
“I’m not so sure this time,” He whispered, “She’s pissed, rightfully so.” Hermione nodded her head, patting his arm gently. 
“What happened?” Harry sighed again. He’d been a rotten boyfriend all year, and you had so much patience with him. He barely spoke to you, caught up in his own head- his own problems, he couldn’t even see you were struggling as well. He took your love and time for granted, and you had told him so, and even then he didn’t see how hurt you were. He had argued with you when you came to him, asking for him to consider your feelings and he felt like an idiot now. 
“She was upset, I reacted badly.” Harry admitted finally. All you wanted was for him to consider you. But he was so caught up in himself he couldn’t. Your last words before you stormed off still rang in his ear. ‘You spend all your time, every waking moment thinking about the bloody half-blood-prince, maybe he should be your girlfriend.’ and Harry knew you were right. But for some reason he simply couldn’t stop himself. 
“Harry, have you tried apologizing?” Hermione asked and he huffed. Of course he had. Sorta. Not really. He should have. But in the moment of your fight he couldn’t let go of his own righteousness to see the bigger issue. He should have told he was sorry, and that he loved you, and that he would try and spend some time being your boyfriend again. You were right. You used to study together, eat your meals together, even sometimes just wander the halls together, but so far, this year, every time you had asked that of him Harry had some excuse. Mostly that he was busy. 
“We just argued, then she stormed off, I didn’t get the chance.” He shrugged, waiting for Hermione’s I told you so. She patted his arm again, making him look at her. 
“I’m sure that’s all she wants.” Perhaps, but you deserve more than just words. “She loves you, Harry, one little fight hasn’t changed that.” Harry hoped she was right. He couldn’t lose you over something so stupid. Just then you entered the common room flanked by a few of your friends who you’d been spending more and more time with. Harry looked over at you, standing from the sofa. He needed to apologize. 
“YN!” He called, you glanced over at him, “Can we talk?” 
“I’m busy right now.” You answered simply as you kept walking with your friends, past him, and right up the girls staircase. Harry fell back into the sofa, covering his face with his hands as he groaned. 
“I’m screwed.” Hermione frowned, glancing at the stairs then to her friend. 
“I’m sorry, she needs time. Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, why don’t you try and do something nice for her?” Hermione offered helpfully. Valentines Day, Harry had almost forgotten, that would have really added fuel to the fire. He nodded, gears in his head beginning to turn as he tried to think of something worthy of you to give. 
“That’s a good idea,” He nodded again, getting up from the sofa, he grabbed his potions book and Hermione glanced at it from the corner of her eye. “Thanks Hermione!” And with that he turned, disappearing up the boys stairs in the same way you had a moment before. Harry was gonna make it up to you. 
  You woke up to a vase of flowers with a note on your nightstand, smiling slightly to yourself. You sat up, touching one of the flowers gently before grabbing the note to read it. 
/Happy Valentine’s Day, Y/N. I love you, and I have another surprise for you later tonight if you’re willing to see me. Meet me in the common room at midnight. 
Love, Harry/ 
You smiled gently at the note, placing it beside the flowers. You glanced at Hermione, knowing she probably placed them there for him, she made eye contact with you and you mouthed a small ‘thanks’ to which she nodded. You got out of bed, going to the loo to shower for the day. 
You got dressed in something cozy to combat the rainy weather outside and went down to the common room. Harry was sitting on the sofa in his Quidditch gear, Ron across from him in an armchair, when he saw you he stood up, his hands held nervously in front of him. 
“Y/N,” He greeted you, you smiled softly, coming to him. You reached him and stopped, hesitating for a moment before leaning up to kiss him on the cheek. 
“Thank you for the flowers.” You murmured, Harry relaxed and pulled you into a hug, dropping a kiss onto the top of your head. 
“Of course, Happy Valentine’s Day, love.” 
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Harry.” You smiled into his chest before pulling back, “Do you have Quidditch practice?” You asked, playing with the front of his uniform. 
“I do, it won’t be for long, promise. We can study for a bit afterwards, can you help me with charms?” He offered up and you smiled, looking down. You patted his chest and nodded your head. 
“Of course, that sounds nice. And at midnight?” You asked, glancing up at him, Harry grinned, pulling you into another hug. 
“That’s a surprise you’re going to have to wait for.” He spoke gently, glad to have you back in his arms- he couldn’t stand it when you were upset with him. You chuckled and pulled away from him. 
“I’m meeting some of the girls in the library, have fun at practice, I’ll see you later.” He held onto your hand a moment longer, squeezing it tightly. 
“Alright, have fun.” 
  Harry was true to his word, you spent the rest of the day, once he was done practicing, just sitting in the common room doing assignments together. It was nice to finally spend some time with him, you had missed him. When it was time for dinner you ate together alone, which you appreciated. Usually you just sat with him and Hermione and Ron, which you didn’t mind, but it was nice to get some well needed alone time with him. 
You ate, alternating between talking about your week and Harry making jokes so you’d smile. He missed your smile, more than he liked to admit. He took your hand in his as you sat and you smiled up at him. You could never stay mad at him for long. And it was obvious he was making an effort just for you. 
Later that night in the common room you sat with him and his friends, his arms around your shoulder. At around ten you said your goodnight, planning on spending some time getting ready before your surprise at midnight. Harry planted a small kiss on your lips before you went and Ron blessed you with an ‘ewww’. Everything felt like it was going back to normal. You were grateful. 
At midnight you snuck from your room and down to the common room, where it was empty. You looked around for a moment and suddenly Harry appeared, taking his cloak from him, you gasped, placing a hand over your chest. 
“Merlin don’t do that!” You whispered, and Harry grinned cheekily at you. He came over to you, throwing the cloak over you as well, “Where are we going?” You asked hopefully. 
“I don’t you, you can’t know yet.” You whined as Harry guided you from the common room. He placed his arm around your shoulder as you walked and you leaned into him, smiling. You reached a statue and Harry reached his arm out from under the invisibility cloak to touch it, when he did it moved. 
“Are we leaving the castle?” You questioned him and he shushed you as he helped you into the secret passage. Once the Statue moved back, you were plunged into darkness. 
“No, not quite,” He assured you, removing the cloak and lighting the end of his wand, you took his free hand, gripping it tightly. “Scared?” He teased and you shook your head. 
“No, it’s just... spooky.” You admitted softly, and Harry pulled you closer. “Are you just trying to make me scared so we can cuddle?” You asked, “You don’t need to take me to some dark and dingy corridor for that, you could have just asked. Harry laughed and shook his head as you walked along. 
“No that’s not my motive, I just wanted to bring you somewhere we could be alone.” You grumbled as you continued to walk, trying not to trip over rocks as you went. 
“Coulda be alone and warm in the common room,” Harry shook his head, nudging you. 
“It’s an adventure, Y/N.” You laughed at that. 
“Everything is an adventure with you, Harry.” You informed him and he shrugged innocently. In the distance you saw the soft glow of some light and you stopped walking, tugging on Harry. “Someone is there!” He kept walking, tugging you with him. 
“No they’re not, that’s your surprise.” He assured, but you were still worried as you walked towards the bend in the corridor. When you turned you stopped, gasping. 
“Oh Harry!” You gushed, looking at the scene, “When did you do this?” There was a blanket sitting on the floor and a million candles charmed to float around the area, basking it in a warm glow. There was a box of Honeydukes chocolates and a small wrapped present sitting on the blanket. Harry put his wand out and tugged you forward again, sitting and pulling you with him. 
“After you went upstairs, I came and set everything up.” He admitted and you smiled, leaning against him and looking around at all the candles. 
“It’s romantic, you didn’t have to go through all this trouble for me,” You assured him but he shook his head. 
“You deserve to know I love you, and I haven’t been doing a good job at it recently, I needed to show you how worth it you are.” You took his hand in yours and smiled softly at him, and he placed a small kiss on your lips. “I’m sorry I’ve been a shite boyfriend.” 
“You don’t need to be sorry, I may have overreacted.” 
“You didn’t,” He assured you seriously, “You were right to call me out, I got defense that’s why we fought. Not because of anything you did. Because I was a git.” You brushed some of his wild curls from his face and smirked. 
“Yes but you’re my git.” You promised him, and he leaned in for another kiss which you happily returned. When he pulled back he grabbed the box of chocolates, handing them to you. You happily opened them, grinning ear to ear. 
“They’re my favorite, thank you, love.” He nodded his head watching as you popped one in your mouth before offering to feed him one as well. He opened his mouth and you placed the chocolate there smirking as you chewed. 
“Delicious,” He laughed with his mouth full and you giggled, cuddling into his side again. When he swallowed he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer. “I really am sorry.” He reminded you, and you smiled again, resting your head on his shoulder. 
“I forgive you,” You promised him, “I just missed you. I was worried you didn’t.. Want to be around me anymore.” You admitted softly. Harry kissed your temple, shaking his head. 
“Of course not, I love you.” You smiled up at him.
“I love you too,” Harry reached past you and grabbed the small wrapped parcel before handing it to you. 
“I got you something.” 
“I didn’t get you anything,” You admitted sadly, “Who's the bad girlfriend now?” Harry shushed you, shaking his head. 
“Not you, just open it.” You sat up slightly, gently unwrapping the box, then you opened the box revealing a soft maroon colored material. You pulled the item from the box and unraveled it, it was a lovely silk scarf in Gryffindor red. 
“I love it!” You grinned, wrapping it around yourself. Harry grinned back, gently touching the material that was now around you. 
“I hoped you would. Hermione helped me pick it out last Hogsmeade trip.” He admitted, “You know I’m bad at gifts.” You chuckled, grabbing his face and kissing him deeply. 
“I love it,” You repeated. “I love you,” 
“I love you too, Happy Valentine’s Day, my girl.” You continued to grin happily, looking at the scarf then to your boyfriend. 
“How’d I get so lucky?” Harry flushed slightly and shrugged his shoulders. 
“I ask myself the same question every day.”
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pink-imagines · 4 years
request: Izuku proposing to reader but then his ex shows up saying she’s pregnant with his child but really she’s just a lying bitch
a/n: anon this sounded very personal, are you okay?
but like you know my pillow talk series?? i kind of imagine it being in the same timeline as this?? because it makes sense in my head but idk-
warnings: angst, but with a fluffy ending
requesting rules
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It had been a while since you had gotten to spend alone time with your long-time boyfriend Izuku. Finally you could just relax and not worry about the fact that your boyfriend could get hurt in a hero accident.  You were walking along the beach together, with the sun setting in the background. It was a cheesy scene, but it was beautiful. Izuku’s hand was gently intertwined with yours and you were slowly swinging back and forth as you were walking. When you felt Izuku squeeze your hand lightly you looked over at him, he usually only did that when he got nervous. “Are you okay?”, you asked softly as you stopped walking. You were in the middle of the beach, where there weren’t a lot of people around. The pink sky reflected in the glistening water. “Um... yeah...”, he nodded and rocked back and forth on the soles of his feet, “I just think that this is a good time to tell you something but I’m really nervous.” “You know you can tell me anything, right?”, you smiled and took both of his hands in your own. “Yeah I know, but this is... it’s pretty serious.”, he chuckled slightly. “Oh no, are you breaking up with me?”, you joked to try to lighten the mood. “No, no, no...”, he shook his head and let out a tiny nervous laugh, “I just want to say that I really love you.” “Okay..?”, you gave him a confused look, “Was that it? Because you’ve definitely told me that before.” He let go of your hands and fiddled with something in the pocket of his jacket. “I really love you... and I hope that I’m not alone in thinking that I want to keep living with you...” “You’re not.”, you shook your head, completely oblivious to what was happening. “... I want to stay with you, and love you, for the rest of my life.”, he proclaimed and got down on one knee, “So, would you marry me?” He pulled out a blue velvet box and opened it to show a ring, the one that you had looked at for a bit as you passed it while walking by a few stores. Of course he’d be the one to remember something small like that.  “Y-”, you were cut off before you could even answer. “Izuku Midoriya!”, someone shouted.
The both of you looked over to where the sound was coming from. It was a woman, dressed in blue, storming towards you. You didn’t recognize her at all but by the look on Izuku’s face you realized that he did. “Hina-”, he started but she shushed him almost immediately. “Ssch! I don’t want to hear it!”, she flailed her arms around as she was talking, making the sleeves of her dress flop, “Are you seriously promising yourself to another person when I’m carrying your child?” The question hit you like a brick in the gut. Child? Was she pregnant with Izuku’s child? How and when? You two had been dating for two years! “Hina that doesn’t-” “And you!”, she pointed at you with a perfectly manicured nail, “You’re stealing him away from me, that’s why he left! It’s your fault that I’m raising this child alone!” “Miss, I think there’s a misunderstanding-” “How dare you-” “Miss!”, you raised your voice at her, “I’m really sorry that you have to go through that alone, but this is not the place to have this kind of discussion. It would be impossible for you to be pregnant right now, since I’ve been dating Izuku for two years. If you can’t show me evidence that you-” “I have evidence!”, she interrupted you once again. “Then could you please show me that, because I refuse to believe that my boyfriend is a cheater.”, your tone got more stern over time. “Y/N...”, Izuku grabbed your hand, “... you don’t have to deal with this.” “She’s accusing you of cheating on me, I’m involved with this now.”, you told him. “Here!”, Hina showed you a picture of a pregnancy test on her phone. “Ma’am, I’m sorry but I can see the search bar. You should’ve cropped the picture if you wanted it to look more realisitc.”, you sighed, “Why are you trying to ruin this moment for us? Are you doing this for publicity?” You noticed the amount of people that had gathered around you. “Hina, I broke it off because we couldn’t manage our time schedules together.”, Izuku stepped in, “I don’t think ill of you but if you do this-” “How dare you say this is fake!? I’m with his child!”, at this point you felt like slapping her in the face but you restrained yourself. “We’re gonna leave now.”, Izuku sighed and pulled you away from the situation by your hand.  In the background you heard people shouting at each other, mostly Izuku’s ex shouting at people who accused her of ruining your proposal, and you felt a tear roll down your cheek. You had kept it together so well during this entire interaction but... the day that was supposed to be the most wonderful day of your life turned into the most embarrassing day of your life. “I called my driver, he’ll be here in a few minutes-”, Izuku looked over at you to see you crying, “Baby, don’t cry... you didn’t believe her, did you?”, his tone of voice changed from harsch to soft in a matter of seconds. “No...”, you shook your head and looked away from him, “... I... I just want to go home...”
When you got home you walked immediately in to the bathroom to take a long hot shower. You didn’t want Izuku to feel like it was his fault for you feeling like this but you just needed to be alone. Once your shower was finished you leaned yourself against the door, slowly sliding down and sitting with your knees pulled up to your chest... what were you going to do? There was a light knock on the door just then, startling you a little bit. “Hey, baby...”, Izuku said on the other side of the door, “... we don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to... but I ordered your favorite food and maybe we could spend the night watching that show you wanted to start watching with me?” You really didn’t deserve him. “... that sounds nice...”, you muttered. “Good. I’m taking another day off tomorrow, okay?”, he didn’t wait for your reply, “And I’ll bring you some clothes that you can change into.” “... can you get me the hoodie?”, you asked softly. The hoodie was a very oversized hoodie, even for Izuku, that he had bought you for when he was away for longer trips. “Of course.”, he said. When you heard him walk away you got up to the mirror over the sink and washed your face. You looked around for a face mask and eventually found one. The door opened as you took up the packaging. You looked at Izuku who was standing with the hoodie and a pair of sweatpants in his arms. You showed him the face mask packaging, asking if he wanted to do one with you with your eyes. He nodded and put the clothes down on the toilet. “I’ll be right back, sweetheart.”, he kissed your forehead, “Don’t start without me, I just gotta bring the food in.” Sometimes you really thought he had a sixth sense because right then the doorbell rang.
The apartment smelled of your favorite food and you absolutely loved it. You were sitting with Izuku on the couch with face masks on, eating. The hoodie still smelled a lot like him, despite having been in the wardrobe for so long. You suspected that Izuku had sprayed his cologne on it at some point. Neither of you had talked for a really long time, you were simply watching the show together. Usually you’d be all over each other but now you were sitting next to one another, with your knees barely touching. Izuku reached for the remote and paused the show, making you look over at him. “I feel like we should talk about it...”, he said, “... I really hope you know that what she was saying wasn’t true and-” “Izuku.”, you put your hand on his knee, “I would never think of you in that way, ever. I know she was lying, okay? I was just... it was supposed to be a perfect moment and you had picked the perfect place, then it was ruined.” You felt tears burning in your eyes and you quickly blinked to get rid of them. “We can have another moment, okay? I know the surprise of it is kind of ruined, but we can do something else... we’re not the most usual couple, so we should have an unusual proposal too.”, he gave you a soft smile. “I guess you’re right.”, you chuckled, “... we should go take these face masks off.”
The next morning you woke up to an empty bed and the smell of breakfast coming from the kitchen. Despite wanting to stay in bed for an extra “five minutes”, you got up and started walking towards the kitchen. The hoodie was still on, protecting you from the cold air outside of your covers. When you walked up to the kitchen table you saw your favorite dishes prepared for breakfast. There was everything from miso soup to kobachi and nori. On either side of the table, where the two chairs were placed, stood a bowl of steamed rice- one for you and one for Izuku. You looked over to the kitchen to see Izuku cleaning up the dishes. With sleep still in your eyes you smiled and walked up to him. Soft music was playing from a speaker, low enough so that it wouldn’t wake you up before, and he probably didn’t hear you walk up behind him. Izuku was always very alert unless he was deep in thought, and so you guessed that was why he didn’t immediately turn around to you. You wrapped your arms around his waist and leaned your forehead against his back. He jumped a bit at the sudden contact. “Good morning.”, you muttered and kissed his back lightly. “Oh, you scared me...”, Izuku took a deep breath, “I was just about to come wake you up.” “Thank you for making breakfast.”, you let go of him so that he could turn around. “I woke up early and couldn’t fall back asleep.”, he said softly, “I thought I could make myself useful.” He looked down at you with a smile that made your heart grow wings and fly to the heavens. All you wanted to do was hug the fuck out of him, you didn’t know how else you could react. “You don’t need to be useful for me to love you.”, you said and leaned yourself against his chest, “But I’m very thankful for the breakfast, it looks delicious.” “Let’s go eat then, hm?”
You ate mostly in silence, enjoying each others precense. There wasn’t much to talk about unless it was about yesterday’s drama, but that wasn’t a breakfast topic.  When you had finished most of the food Izuku took a familiar blue velvet box out of his pocket and slid it across the table to you. His hand stayed on it while looking you in the eyes. “I was thinking about doing it again when I take you out for dinner tonight... but a public setting isn’t the best place to do it appereantly.”, he said softly, “I know it’s not that nice of a proposal. If I could I would’ve done it with a hundered roses at the beach-” “It’s perfect...”, you put your hand on top of his, “... it’s perfect because you’re the one who’s saying it and there’s nothing more I could ask for.” Izuku sat up and walked up next to you, where he knealt down on one knee and took both of your hands in his. “I love you.”, he kissed your knuckles softly, “And I’ll love you forever, no matter what... do you want to marry me?” “Yes, I do.”, you gave him a warm smile. Izuku picked up the box and opened it before taking out the ring. You offered your left hand to him and let him slide the ring on your ringfinger. “I love you too.”, you said through a smile and leaned in to kiss him.
permanent taglist: @theoceanphoenixhasrisen | @raven-r0ses | @darkbeautyswife | @sondering-thoughts | @gowoneandonlyone | @bnhabadass | @queenblackcat | @jayetheanimefreek101 | @witchy-anna | @cutest-celestial-princess | @missymysa | @karebear5118 | @weebartistinc | @crystal-lilac |
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sylvie-writes · 4 years
Bad (3): Memories We Used to Share
First inspired by this song ➳ Bad by Lennon Stella
(Ransom Drysdale x wife reader)
Summary: It’s time to move out! 6 months of getting your life sorted, along with a few surprises, some pleasant, others not so much.
A/n: My search history is looking weird, due to this series haha. I’ve been reading multiple articles about uncontested divorce just to get an understanding for this series lmao. 
Disclaimer: Just so you know, I’m not a law school graduate, so I can’t say I really know what in the hell I am talking about. With that being said, if I screw up the divorce process in this chapter and/or the next, please don’t come at me. Our law system is confusing and I’m just here to write, no one said it would be accurate lol. 
Warnings: mild profanity & your typical cheesy, predictable fanfic by yours truly. 
As always, plz pardon any mistakes, the stories are always proofread but I tend to make many mistakes regardless.
Series Masterlist
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For six months, you worked to get your life back together. 
By the end of April, a week after you yelled at your (ex) husband, you had successfully packed up your stuff, without being bothered by the man. Ever since the night you had confronted him, the two of you never stood in the same room or even looked the other in the eye. So it worked in your favor today that he was busy with his new flame, probably entertaining her with a trip to Prada. Never once did you take a break, for eight straight hours, you spent one whole Saturday organizing and strategically packing your things away. Around eight o’clock, all of the boxes were stacked by the front door, ready to be moved into the U-haul trailer attached to your car. Lucky for you, Ransom could care less about what was his and what was yours. The dog, also going home with you. In truth, ever since that day you rightfully ripped the man for his mistakes, a black cloud has loomed over his head, no matter what he may be on the outside, he’s broken on the inside. 
One more box was left in the bedroom, and you quickly jogged up the stairs to get it. Unbeknownst to you, as you were upstairs, Ransom and Blair had come home, apparently mindless to your car in the driveway, because when you walked down the stair box in hand the two pulled away from each other’s lips, staring at you.
You had made an agreement with Ransom that he’d not show up while you packed your things. He had done a good job so far, up until now that is. “Oh, (y/n), I didn’t think you’d be here this late. You should get some rest.”
His “concern” disgusted you. Now he decides to care about you? I think not.
Filled with rage, you drop the cardboard box, letting the contents inside shatter. In most divorces, there wouldn’t be this much emotion, but it hurt you beyond words can describe, to see this man that you loved with every inch of your body, kissing another woman, in YOUR house. You could even see yourself in her shoes, because damn, once upon a time, you WERE her. 
“Are you okay!” Blair came rushing to your side, to try and move you out of the shattered glass. She seemed like a genuinely nice person, and had she not been a home-wrecker, you’d want to be her friend. But at this moment, all you could think about was that she wasn’t even bothered by the fact that she’d been seeing a married man. So, just as Blair tried to help you, you pushed away her hands and collapsed on the steps, lightly sitting in the glass, yet numb to the pain. The weight of the world had finally, physically pushed you to the ground. You were at wits end, and things were looking pretty dark. At this point, you couldn’t even see the light at the end of the tunnel. What had you done to deserve this and would there be a second chance for you? 
Just then, Ransom came to remove Blair, telling her to go get ready for bed, the two clearly coming from a night of clubbing. As she ran up the stairs, mindful of the glass, Ransom came to pick you up. Grabbing your arms, you laid limp against his chest, willingly letting him carry you down the stairs. Oh how you missed his caring touch, why couldn’t things be different? It should've been you out dancing with him, you lip locked with him. Instead, here you were, letting the man who single-handedly destroy your life, carrying you to the couch, laying a blanket and a long kiss on your cheek. Consumed with emotions, sleep soon took over your body before you could protest and leave the house. Had you only heard Ransom’s apology.
“I’m so sorry my precious (y/n), it shouldn’t have been this way, my love.” A few stray tears rolled down Ransom’s cheek as he sadly sauntered up the stairs. 
Ironic, how in a house that was once yours, a new woman took your spot in the bed, besides your once husband, while you slept on the couch like a toy banned to the isle of misfits. 
The next morning, you woke up to the smell of coffee and giggles. You were angry at yourself, no doubt, how could you be so vulnerable by staying at the house? Before you could think anymore, you walked to get your keys, finding that Blair was in the kitchen, cooking pancakes for Ransom, who sat at the kitchen table with coffee and the newspaper. You kinda screwed yourself, by leaving your car keys on the kitchen table. It was your only escape and unfortunately it meant interacting with dumb and dumber. 
The two once again forgot you were there, shocked to see your form walking through the doorway. With a fake smile, you grumbled out a few choice words.
“Don’t worry, I’m getting out of your house ya lovebirds!”
Victory at last. Your words stung Ransom, well, rather word. In another time, you’d say our house, but now, it was no longer the Drysdales’ Household, no, it was Drysdale’s Household, hence why you reminded Ransom that he was alone. Sure, Blair was there but you both knew it wouldn’t last. 
That day, when Ransom and Blair had once again left, going god knows where, Ransom texted you that you could pack your boxes into the u-haul trailer. Since you just wanted to haul ass out of the place this morning, you left the trailer and boxes behind, making a beeline to the nearest bar. So far you had handled yourself without alcohol, but now you needed some relief, specifically in a few whiskey sours. Around 3pm, Ransom then sent that text, and you sobered up, gracefully throwing up in the bathroom stall, then driving to the house to officially get out of his life. Even with a major headache, you managed to pack the trailer. It was then that you realized you were destined to function alone, you didn’t need Ransom. Screw him. 
In May, you went around town, scanning different apartments finally finding one. Unfortunately, there was a waitlist with three people in front of you, the estimated move in time being late July or August. With that being said, you moved all your things into a storage unit and continued to live in a hotel room. Thank the heavens you kept your job, despite Ransom’s pleas for you to stay home when you were married. Somehow, you were able to juggle working and functioning around others, coming home to be your true self, the night normally ending with takeout and tv. This divorce had truly ruined your life, and Ransom’s. The two of you constantly lived with the rain cloud, never once catching a break and seeing a rainbow overhead. For now, you were just separated and soon you’d file for divorce.
Around the last week of May, your life was turned upside down once again. This time, for a good reason. 
Currently, you were on lunch break, eating at a nearby diner with your closest work friend, Lorraine Bailey. She really has been your best friend, taking the title that used to belong to Ransom. At least she was loyal, understanding, and wasn’t a backstabbing bitch *ahem* your ex.
“How are you holding up, honey?”
You were too busy staring into the nothingness of your chicken sandwich, that when Lorainne gently shook your resting hand, you let out an incoherent “huh?”
“I was asking how you are doing? With everything that’s been going on in the past few months--”
Before she could answer, you just snapped, quickly yelling at the woman, who wasn’t trying to be nosy, she was genuinely concerned. 
“Could you just stop nosing around? It’s none of your business really!” 
At that, Lorraine leaned back in her seat, lowering her head like a scolded child. Honestly, you didn’t mean what you had just said and you had no clue where it came from. Lately, your mouth has been an unreliable thing, for you could barely control your answers without acting like a moody child.
Quickly, you excused yourself, lightly jogging to the bathroom to expel the few glasses of water you drank. As you washed your hands, upon looking in the mirror, you were met with a face you barely knew. Sure, you looked the same  on the outside, but on the inside you were a different person. No longer peppy or truly happy. Ransom had taken it all from you, but it was time to take that back. Walking out the bathroom door, you vowed to yourself from this point on you’d try to become your old self. 
Surprisingly, Lorraine still sat at the booth, allowing you to give her a real and sincere apology.
“Lorraine, I’m so sorry, I can’t even fathom the words to justify my actions. Lately, I haven’t been able to truly control my emotions and I took it out on you. That was wrong and I’m sorry. You didn’t deserve it, after all you’ve always been here for me.”
The woman smiled at you, despite the tears rolling down your face. Why were you crying and since when did you become such an emotional person? You weren’t cold hearted, but nor were you one to cry at a movie. 
“That’s fine, I know you are under a lot of pressure. What do you say we get out of here and spend the rest of break at the bakery across the street?”
“I’d say you know me very well!” 
Soon, you flagged down the waitress and paid the tab, ignoring Lorraine’s pleas to pay for lunch. It was the least you could do after yelling at the poor woman. As you left the restaurant, the guilt was still surfacing in your body and you felt the need to hug your best friend, who was happily surprised, hugging you back. 
Once in the bakery, you were met with the sight of homemade chocolates, like your dog at home, you were practically drooling. Let’s just say the baker was stunned when you bought two dozens of chocolate, and then proceeded to eat half on the way out. What was even more surprising, was that about a seventy-five percent of your order was chili dark chocolate. 
As you were walking down the street, and to work, Lorraine reached over, tasting one of your chocolates, a chili one to be exact. Her face twisted with disgust and her suspicions were confirmed. 
“Uh, (y/n), I think I might have an explanation for your constant mood swings, the amount of times you leave to the bathroom, and why you’d buy this absolute garbage!”
The minute she listed all the symptoms together, you immediately denied her. 
“Don’t even say it. I’m just moody because I’m mad, I pee a lot because, uh-”
“Exactly! Even you can’t explain all of it. Just do me a favor and buy a test. It won’t hurt anything to try.”
“Yeah, but I know you are wrong, Lorraine.”
“I mean c'mon, don’t you want to know too?”
At that moment, the two of you were halted in front of a CVS, Lorraine pointing at the store like she was Vanna White. 
Your conscience: Maybe you should listen to the woman, after all she has three kids!
And so you did.
Thank god your friend was there, because you were an absolute novice in this field. Sure, you wanted kids, but right now you were praying that you were just having an irregular cycle due to stress. Lorraine, the best, best friend anyone could ask for, bought the test to spare you the embarrassment. 
The minute you walked into work, Lorraine pulled you into the bathroom, giving you instructions, you following them, then waiting for the timer to beep.
Any minute now you’d find your results, and for some reason part of you wanted this test to be positive. It would be nice to have a little company.
Once the timer beeped, you looked at the plastic stick that held your future, immediately smiling when your answer was pregnant.
You were pregnant!
But the father...
Unlike Ransom, you weren’t unfaithful and unfortunately, the father was no doubt him. Of course, the one time that asshole sleeps with you, he got you pregnant. And to think at the time, he didn’t even really love you just enraged you even more. It was gonna be a while till you got over this. 
So the rest of the day you were thrilled, and it was a lot easier to stick to your vows from earlier. Your mood was noticeably different to many of your coworkers, smiles all around. The old (y/n) was slowly reappearing. 
June through July, you spent your days, working and when not working, taking advice on a baby from Lorraine, even visiting her doctor who she so highly recommended. Fortunately, the doctor didn’t prod around in your life and was absolutely judge-free about your situation. You couldn't have been more grateful. 
In early July, you reached the second trimester, where the slightest bump formed on your stomach. Now it wasn’t noticeable to everyone, but to you, just the slightest site made your lips turn upward into a smile. Motherhood was the best thing to happen to you. And to make matters even better, your baby was going to be a Christmas baby, making his or her appearance at the end of December! 
Telling Ransom was gonna be a whole other story.
Finally, August 3rd came around, and the apartment complex office called, an opening for you. Lease signed, you shelled out your first payment and soon moved in, once again alone. It had been months since you’d heard from Ransom and honestly it was nice. 
The month of August flew by, and soon September came. Time passed by with flying colors and your mood had improved a bit, the baby in your stomach making life worth living. On the last Friday of September, your work friends decided that they all needed to go out, inviting you the first weekend of October to go ice-skating and out for dinner! It was time you treated yourself to something nice, so you giddily agreed. What could go wrong? 
That Friday, after work, Lorraine came to pick you up, the two of you going to meet the rest at the ice skating rink. Being 26 weeks pregnant, your stomach had finally started showing, allowing your coworkers to start nagging you. Last they had all heard, you were divorced. So when they asked, you kept your lips shut, it really wasn’t any of their business. The only one who knew was Lorraine, but she wasn’t a gossiper.
Arriving at the ice rink, the cold Massachusetts air was blowing, making you zip up your trench coat ever the slightest. Unfortunately, the wind wasn’t the only thing making your blood run cold. 
Most of your coworkers were out on the ice, Lorraine going out too, you told her you’d be out soon. It was nice to watch the skaters enjoy their time on the ice till you saw him. 
The familiar tan suede coat made your face lose all warmth, your own jacket no longer keeping you warm. Beside the laughing man, was the one and only, Blair, except this time a new accessory on her finger. A diamond ring you could see all the way from your table along the side of the rink. His laughter made you sick, and at this point you wanted to throw up the hot cocoa you had been sipping on. 
At the moment, you and Ransom were in the middle of divorce, thank the heavens an uncontested one, having been able to work many things out with your ex. This meant, zero court hearings (hopefully), a thin expense, and overall a clean divorce. Then, you had hired a paralegal to work on the legal papers and currently the two of you were waiting to see the judge to finalize the divorce, the approximate date set around the second week of November. 
Feeling suddenly insecure, and definitely not ready to tell Ransom, you pulled the large trench coat across your chest and secured it with the belt around the waist. The minute you looked at them, all the memories came flooding back. One specifically hitting you at this moment.
“Ransom, I’m gonna fall! You know I’m a klutz.”
Your husband just persisted and instead slipped on your ice skates, tying them up and resting his warm hands on your knees.
“Honey, I will be right beside you the whole time, and by the end of this, you’ll be a pro!”
His reassuring smile was all you needed, nodding, you placed your gloved hands in Ransom’s bare ones, trying to waddle your way to the rink entrance. First, Ransom skated onto the ice, turning and holding his hand out for you. The minute your feet made contact with the icy ground beneath, you fell straight to the ground, Ransom reached out to grab you, although he ended up going down with you. You looked at Ransom who wore an entertained smile on his face, laughing. Playfully, you slapped the man on the shoulder. 
“My failure isn’t funny!”
Ransom tried his best to cease his laughter, getting off the ice to help you up, although he was still chuckling the slightest bit. 
“I’m sorry, I can’t help it!” 
Once on your feet, Ransom locked arms with you, trying his best to balance you both, while also coaching you. 
At some point through the night, the fake snow was fluttering in the air, along with tunes of piano and jazz. You had finally gotten the hang of things somewhat, yet still latched close to Ransom. The man on your side, leaned down and whispered in your ear.
“I give you my word that every year I’ll bring you to this exact rink, just to teach you how to skate, darling.”
If only that same Ransom was the one you were staring at right now. 
But overall, looking back, memories like those, with him, are the ones you miss.
Why did he have to change?
A tap on your shoulder, made you pop up from your seat to be met with the stare of that same man. He slowly gave you a once-over, making you slightly worry that he’d notice the baby bump.
He didn’t. 
“What are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same thing, Drysdale.” 
Clearly, Ransom was trying to give you an olive branch, but at the moment, you just weren’t accepting it.
“I asked you first, (y/l/n).”
Your voice was monotone and Ransom gave a slight hum of acknowledgment. 
“Nice. Well uh- it was nice seeing you.”
Nervously, Ransom waved you goodbye, heading back to Blair who was removing her ice skates. You took notice how she was struggling and Ransom wasn’t down on his knees helping her as he did you. It did your ego good to see that your husband hadn’t completely replaced you. There was a difference between you and Blair. Ransom actually loved you, like the “die for you” kind of love. While Blair, on the other hand, was honestly there to fill the whole in his heart. 
It did intrigue you though as to why Ransom wasn’t being an arrogant jerk to you, yet he was being humble? None of it added up, but before you could do any more mental acrobatics, Lorraine came over, asking you to come ice skate, to which you smiled and put on your skates. 
Tonight was about you, not him. 
Something you hadn’t said in a long time.
taglist (series and in general tags): @kiwihoee​ @buckybarnesthehotshot​ @memissbee​ @tricereads​ @tonystankschild​ @coffeebooksandfandom​ @ria132love​ @what-is-your-wish​ @maan24​ @bval-1​ @jemimah-b99​ @turtoix​ @just-one-ordinary-fangirl​
lemme know if you wanna join, be removed, or if i tagged the wrong person!
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thefanficmonster · 4 years
Quarantine On Crack
Until Dawn Gang + Reader (Female)
Warnings: Swearing, Some underage drinking, A LONG-ASS READ (sorry 😅)
Genre: Fluff, Crack, Humor
Summary: The Until Dawn kids (including Hannah and Beth) decide to go through literal hell - trying to survive each other while being stuck on a mountain, in a lodge together for an undetermined amount of time. It’s really a 50/50 chance of how their relationships will be affected by this much time spent together.
Requested by my dear Until Dawn Anon. This is the first time our babies aren’t suffering yay! Hope you enjoy! Know I had a ton of fun writing. The credit for some of these amazing quotes goes out to you (keep both the requests and quotes coming, I absolutely love them!) Love you, Vy ❤
Imagine what the aftermath of a human tornado would look like. You’ve got an image? Great. Now triple it as though three tornados had ripped through the place. Cause that’s what the lodge looks like right now.
Let me backtrack just for a second so I can give you a proper idea of what’s going on and how it came to be. I’d like to mention this ain’t my first rodeo. I’m not in Blackwood nor am I staying in this lodge with this group of people for the first time. I knew what I was getting myself into when I accepted Josh’s offer to go there now with this pandemic that’s eating away at the world. I knew certain members of the group would be hell to put up with but that quarantine beat staying at home alone with my thoughts, so I gave in. This plan had its perks: since we would be the only ones on the mountains and all of us are perfectly healthy, we’d be allowed to wander the woods and breathe some fresh air. On the other hand, however, I’d have to restrain myself from committing murder. The snowy wood outweighed the possibility of becoming a murderer and that’s how I ended up here with the ten people I’ve been friends with since high school freshmen year. 
We’re on day four so far. Yes DAY four, not WEEK four, and people are already scrapping with one another. Jess and Emily can barely tolerate each other. Mike and Matt likewise. I’ve been done with their shit since day two and am now watching a literal rom-com unfold in front of me. “Will They, Won’t They Squared” is the title in case you were wondering. Why squared? Well we have two pairs of love birds around here that are not official, BUT THEY SHOULD BE. Not naming any names or anything *ahem*.
I probably should’ve mentioned, while I was on the scrapping topic, that I have already managed to threaten Mike at least ten times. Emily and I are trying our hardest to remain civil with each other through passive aggression, and I must admit we’re doing well. 
Another thing that has been going on is A LOT OF FUCKING FLIRTING. I swear we run on hormones and caffeine. And I’m into it.
Jess and Emily were at each other’s throats just moments ago, the argument took so many turns and kept branching out so much I forgot what they were even fighting about. Sam and Josh are sitting in front of the unlit fireplace. Sam’s giving him a hard time about his inability to light a fire. She’s basically doing what I would’ve been doing if Matt hadn’t handed me a cup of homemade cider.
“Y/N.“ He says as he settles on the other end of the couch
“Matthew.“ I reply to his greeting, clinking our cups together
“GET A ROOM YOU TWO!“ Emily yells from somewhere behind us
“We have like three empty seats between us and exchanged two words.“ Matt shakes his head, looking at the staircase over the backrest.
“Oh, sureee.“ Emily replies sarcastically
I can tell she’s about to go on and I’ve already went off on Mike twice today so my argument energy levels are low and I’m not having it. Thankfully, a single look shuts her up real quick and she goes about her way.
Suddenly, a loud scream comes from the kitchen. Everyone turns to look in that direction, but I’m unfazed. It’s Ashley’s scream so I know exactly what’s up.
“Sit tight, guys. I’ve got this.“ I put my cider on the coffee table and walk into the kitchen, grabbing the can of deodorant that I purposely left on the counter for this exact scenario. I pull the lighter out of my pocket and step between Ashley and the source of her terror which is, as I guessed, one of those mutated ass Blackwood cockroaches. 
I waste no time torching it and picking it up with a paper towel before throwing it in the trash. We take the trash out every night at eleven PM as some unspoken ritual, so the corpse can chill there for now. I ain’t going out in the cold just to throw away the dead body of a cockroach.
“Sorry about that.“ Ashley says through a relieved sigh
“Don’t worry, Ash. Everyone’s afraid of something.“ I assure her, putting the can of deodorant where it previously was.
“Even you?“ she asks skeptically
“Nope.“ I respond with a smirk.
“I CAN CONFIRM!“ Josh calls out from his spot in front of the fireplace, “SHE ISN’T AFRAID OF ANYTHING!“
“And a pyromaniac on top of all.“ Chris mumbles under his breath
He’s not wrong. I did teach them the deodorant flamethrower trick.
I notice Jess has taken one of those three seats Matt mentioned were between him and I earlier. The one closest to him, to be specific. Instead of third wheeling, I grab my cup and plop myself in one of the armchairs.
“Is that another point for the ‘Y/N’s burnt cockroaches’ score board?“ Mr. Munroe struts his way into the room.
I hum affirmatively, “Piss me off some more and there will be another point on that score board.” I warn him nonchalantly, taking a sip of my now almost cold cider.
 Ashley, who has safely made it out of the kitchen and is now sitting on the floor by the couch looks up at me and Mike who is now standing behind my chair, looming over me like a street lamp. “Do you two even consider each other friends?”
I give Mike a debating glance, one he returns, before looking back at Ash, “We fuck occasionally.” Mike confirms from behind me.
“That doesn’t answer the question.“ Ashley’s disappointed sigh mixes with Jess’ shocked gasp.
I give Jess an unamused look, “What? Don’t act like I haven’t slept with you too.”
Poor Matt, who’s halfway through a sip of his drink nearly chokes at my words, “Wait, WHAT?”
“OK, show hands everyone who HASN’T slept with Y/N!“ Mike declares.
Chris, Ash, Sam, Josh and Matt raise their hands in the air.
“I’m honestly offended that I haven’t.“ Sam says while raising hers.
“Offended that you haven’t what?“ Hannah asks as her and Beth come downstairs a bunch of board games and puzzles in their arms. “And why are we raising our hands?”
“People who haven’t slept with Y/N.“ Jess quickly explains, grumpily folding her arms over her chest. I can’t help but laugh, nor can I restrain the urge to fluster her even further by winking at her.
“I would raise my hand but these boxes would go everywhere.“ Hannah shakes her head.
“I won’t raise mine because....well, I just won’t.“ Beth blushes, making me laugh.
Josh whips around to glare at me, “Seriously?”
I raise my hands in surrender, “Wasn’t my idea.”
Thankfully the topic is dropped by the time Emily walks in. She sits down on the other side of Jess on the couch, more than happy to interrupt her and Matt’s flirting.
“Oh, finally!“ Sam says as the fire that’s been in the making for a while now finally lights, “I knew you could do it, Josh!“
“We could’ve done it a lot quicker if you helped, you know?“ He narrows his eyes playfully at her, taking the hand she offered to him so she could help him up.
“True, but I was your moral support. You know I like focusing on one task rather than multitasking.“ She teases him, “And now I’ll be your cider supplier. Be right back.“
I give Josh that knowing smirk when I see his ears reddening. You know something’s up when your cheeks/ears are burning hot in a room that’s around freezing - you’re either burning with a fever or a crush. No other explanation.
Hannah and Beth have set the board games they’ve brought onto the coffee table so we can decide what we’d like to play.
“UNO?“ Beth offers while Jess, Josh and Matt look at the options.
War-like flashback ensue when I shake my head, “No! Nah hah, I’ll be tempted to strangle somebody.”
“Over UNO?“ Josh gives me this look that’s between disappointed and deeply concerned
“I’ve been tempted to kill over Rock, Paper and Scissors.“ That statement tells him enough that he turns back around with this stunned look on his face.
Eventually, after a lot of convincing, the whole gang is on board with playing a round or two of truth or dare until one of us decides something more original because we really don’t feel like playing board games.
“Truth or dare, Y/N?“ Emily asks, not giving anyone else a chance.
I smirk, kicking my feet up on the table, leaning back in the chair, “Truth for the first round.”
“Who here is the best in bed?“ she sneakily narrows her eyes at me, thinking she’s intimidating. How cute.
“Dare.“ Why don’t we make things interesting?
Em doesn’t complain, “We still have that cockroach’s corpse?”
“Enough said.“ I get up from my seat only to get grabbed by Mike and pulled back down.
“Easy there, caveman.“ He says, shaking his head, “Just answer the question. This doesn’t need to be gross.”
Chris, Ash, Matt and Jess look mortified. “You were gonna do it, weren’t you?” Matt gathers the guts to ask.
I give him a sweet smile and a nod. “And to answer your question: Me. My turn! Josh, truth or dare?” 
He glares at me intensely, “Dare.”
The fucker knows I’m not the type to give ‘kiss this person’ or ‘7 minutes in heaven with that person’ dares. But I do ask some risky questions. Well...the only way to get him into my trap is to use his hatred for bug against him.
“We do still have that cockroach. So...“ I give an innocent shrug of the shoulders, giving him the chance to put two and two together instead of breaking it to him.
You could pinpoint the exact moment the realization hits him, his face turning in disgust. “You know, Y/N, sometimes I really love you.” He says, very touching of him, “And sometimes I’d love to kill you.” He takes a moment, a moment filled with aggressive eye contact between us before finally giving in, growling: “Truth.”
I think I’m level with Mother Theresa for what I did next. “What’s your favorite video game?”
The relief that washes over him is priceless to see. His answer comes as a sigh that indicates that the whole world has been lifted off his chest, “Metal Gear Solid.”
“Cool.“ I say with a cheeky smile.
Being the college kids we are, we easily get bored after a few more rounds, but not before having to defuse an argument that’s basically name-calling between Jess and Emily. I’ve noticed a pattern: if one of them as much as breathes in the other’s direction - a cat fight takes place.
Thankfully, the group disperses into smaller groups or in pairs. Sam, Josh, Chris and Ash go to the theater. Mike and Jess head upstairs, and I think no one would like to go to that area of the lodge in the next two or so hours. Emily and Matt go on a stroll while Hannah and Beth somehow convince me to play Monopoly.
The round ends with Beth somehow gathering all of mine and Hannah’s territories. After a brief celebration they head on over to the theater to join the others. I turn down their offer to accompany them and go warm up the cider that’s now literally frozen.
“Grab whiskey if you want to speed up the process.“ I’m surprised to hear Munroe’s voice behind me but don’t show it as I refuse to even turn around to answer him.
“I’m saving the whiskey for when things get really fucked up.“
“Smart, I guess.“
I choose to be nice and fill up a cup for him as well. I hop up on the counter, taking a slow sip of my drink while looking Mike, who’s standing opposite me, leaning against the kitchen island, dead in the eyes.
“You know,“ he’s the one to break the tense silence that surged between us, “jealousy is a poisonous thing.“
Intriguing opening, Michael. “I’ve heard, yes.”
“Then why don’t you just drop it? You’ll be happier if you do, trust me.“ That smug look on his face makes me want to pour the hot liquid (Destery Smith, anyone?) directly onto his handsome features.
I hear a pair of footsteps approaching the kitchen. A side glance in the direction the noise is coming from confirms that there are indeed two people coming this way - Chris and Ashley.
“A bold thing to tell me while we’re around so many sharp objects.“ If the eyes are really windows to the soul, I would like to picture his with a bunch of stab-wounds from my glare-daggers. Though my gaze is intense, there is a calm smirk on my face. “I can kill you right now.“
Chris and Ashley walk into the kitchen and freeze - they clearly hadn’t noticed us until it was too late. They are looking at us like a pair of deer caught in headlights - mortified.
Mike jumps at the opportunity to ensure his safety, “You can’t! There’s witnesses.”
Unfazed, I turn to the pair who’s on the fence about what they should do, “Guys, could you please excuse us for a moment.”
They both nod hesitantly, slowly taking a step back. Mike is not about to let them go, however. He straightens up, setting the cup he’s holding aside. “No, no, no! Don’t move! Not another step!”
Their eyes land on me and I give them a reassuring and encouraging nod to exit the room. They both comply easily.
“Guys, come on!“ Mike pleads desperately, making me suppress a chuckle
“Sorry, Mike. But you won’t show up at my house in the middle of the night....“ Chris trails off with his apology when Ashley takes hold of his hand so she can lead him away from the kitchen.
“She will.” Ash finishes his sentence, giving me a subtle wink to which I reply by blowing her a kiss.
“Checkmate“ I say triumphally, turning to look at a somewhat scared and disappointed Mike.
“A FIRE IN THE THEATRE!“ Hannah’s scream startles all of us.
I look at the where I left the deodorant earlier, finding the spot vacant. Oh boy...
“Damn it, Josh! I told you not to use the flamethrower without my supervision!“ 
As Mike and I run out of the kitchen I hear Chris say: “I’m afraid this is the only time this getaway will be lit.”
I hope Ashley gently smacked him upside the head in response to that.
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petersasteria · 4 years
What If - Tom Holland
Pairing: Tom x Reader, Harry x Reader
Requested? Yes! I combined the requests of @rubberducky-jrr​ and anon
Hamilrequest #6
This is inspired by ‘Perfidy’ by @peeterparkr​ !! Chapter 10 to be specific. If you haven’t read that yet, what’re you doing here- you should check that out first and then come back here HAHAHAHA! If you’ve read it already, go ahead and read this.
And don’t worry I asked permission from her and she said it was okay. Nancy, thank you so much for giving me your blessing and I will forever cherish it. I hope I didn’t disappoint you in this one.
“At least my dear Eliza’s his wife. At least I keep his eyes in my life.”
Summary: In which Tom thinks about what could’ve been
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The music was getting loud and you walked away from your little group to get a drink for yourself. On your way back, you saw Tom making out with some girl. Suddenly you felt dizzy and you felt your heart stop upon seeing the scene. You felt your heart break then and there. You had something special with him you know?
You drank the drink in your hand all in one go and put it on some table next to where you were standing. You walked to Sam and told him you were going home. Sam had a feeling that he knew why you were going home, so he didn’t stop you from leaving.
Harry saw you leaving and he frowned at the state you were in. He stood up from his seat and followed you, but Sam stopped him when you were already out of the place.
“Sam, let me go!” Harry sighed and slightly pushed him away. Sam shook his head and grabbed his arm instead, “Harry, just leave her alone for a bit. She needs her time alone.”
“Surely she needs someone!” Harry said, annoyance present in his tone.
“You think I don’t know that?!” Sam raised his voice. “In case you’re forgetting, I’m her best friend too. But let’s give her some space to think and she’ll tell us what’s wrong when she’s ready.”
Harry sighed and shook his head, “Fine. Let’s give her a week or so.”
Since that night, you spent the week cooped up in your house and not leaving. You basically felt worthless. Tom didn’t even apologize for what he did. Not even a half-assed apology through text. Nothing.
However, you did miss everyone around you. You completely fell off the grid. You didn't answer calls and messages and when your phone died, you didn't bother charging it. You didn't go out of your house unless it was to throw the trash or get the mail.
You missed going out without the fear of seeing Tom making out with some chick. You missed meeting up with your friends from work. Heck, you missed your work and that says a lot. You missed your best friends: Sam and Harry.
You wondered how they were doing and if they were okay. You figured that maybe, just maybe, they gave you some space; already having a feeling that something bad had happened. You missed Sam and his cooking. You missed Harry. You were closer with him than you are with Sam. 
'I wonder what he's up to right now…' you thought.
You were eating pizza on your kitchen island when you heard a knock on the door. You groaned, not wanting to leave your seat. So you did just that. You didn’t care who was knocking on the door. But whoever was knocking must have cared, because they were violently knocking at the door at this point.
You huffed and took one more bite of pizza before putting it in the box and walking to open the door. You didn’t check the peephole before you opened the door so you said everything you had in mind, “I was having such a peaceful day and-,” you looked up and saw Harry, “Oh, hi Harry.”
“Hey!” he smiled at you as he adjusted the strap of his bag. “And you got a little something on your chin.”
Your hand immediately flew to your chin and wiped pizza sauce and a few crumbs off. You gave Harry a tight-lipped smile and nodded at him to enter. “Sorry, it’s a mess. I haven’t been cleaning up.”
Harry looked around and scrunched his face when he saw a sock on top of the backrest of the couch, “Yeah, I can tell.”
You closed the door and motioned for him to follow you to the kitchen island, “I didn’t feel like cooking anything for myself so I ordered pizza. Feel free to get one.”
You sat on your previous seat and he sat across from you as he watched you eat the rest of the pizza that you ate before he knocked. He put his bag on the table and both of you sat there in silence and somehow it was comforting. Maybe because you have someone with you.
“So, you completely went off the grid for a week. What’s up?” Harry questioned, breaking the silence. You looked at him, “Nothing.”
“Don’t lie to me, Y/N. I know you. You’re my best friend.” Harry sighed.
As much as it pained him to say that, it was the truth. You grew up together and dealt with everything together. He’s had feelings for you for such a long time and you didn’t know that. He always wanted to be more, but he was too shy to ask you out.
“It’s Tom, isn’t it?” Harry asked in a soft voice. You only nodded.
This broke his heart even more. Harry loves you with everything in him, but you loved his brother. Harry knew that Tom was aware of his feelings for Y/N and it made Harry angry that Tom would hurt the girl he’s in love with.
Harry didn’t push you to say anything more, because it was clear that you didn't want to talk about it. Instead, he nodded to himself and distracted you. “Let’s go out and have fun, yeah? I brought my camera with me, I figured we could do a little photo shoot too.” Harry suggested. “Plus, you need sunlight, you need to change your clothes and you probably need a shower.”
“Fuck you.” you joked, but you stood up anyway.
Harry smiled and stood up too, “You get ready while I clean around here. It’ll be quicker.”
“Okay, thanks.” You went up the stairs but stopped halfway to glance at Harry who was finding a Tupperware for your leftover pizzas, “Where are we going?”
Harry looked at you and shrugged before grabbing a Tupperware big enough to fit the pizzas in it, “Anywhere you want and we can do whatever you want. You’re the boss today.”
You blushed, “Okay.” You continued your way up the stairs and went to your room.
For your whole day with Harry, you felt like yourself again. You were really in a dark  place for what Tom did to you, but Harry made your troubles disappear. He was like a breath of fresh air in your lungs that used to be polluted by Tom.
It was indeed refreshing.
It made you realize that Harry has always been there for you. You also realized that he’s always looking at you and he drops everything to be with you. It took you awhile to realize it, but it's better late than never.
So you told him that same day when he brought you home.
"Thanks for today, Harry. You made me feel a lot better." You smiled at him as he walked you to your door that night.
He shrugged and gave you a boyish smile, "That's what I'm here for."
"I need to tell you something that I literally just realized, like, a few hours ago." You told him and cleared your throat. Harry stared at you and you took his silence as a signal to continue, “Harry, I realized that you’ve always been here for me and I also realized that you drop everything to just be with me.”
“What’s your point?” Harry asked nervously.
“Do you, maybe, have feelings for me?” you asked in a small voice. You felt stupid for asking, but you just wanted to make sure especially after Tom fucked you over.
“W-Well, I, I like-” Harry stuttered as he looked away from you and focused elsewhere. You just looked at him with confusion written on your face. He glanced at you and sighed, “Yes. I have feelings for you. For a long time now, actually. I understand if this is awkward and-”
You cut him off with a kiss. He looked surprised but it didn’t take long for him to close his eyes and kiss back. Both of you melted into the kiss and it felt right. You pulled away first and you looked at each other with shy smiles on your faces.
“I take it, you feel the same?” Harry said with a chuckle. You nodded, “I wouldn’t kiss you if I didn’t feel the same way.”
That was three years ago. Harry told everyone that you were dating a week after that kiss. Everyone was happy for both of you, especially Sam. Sam was glad that you’re dating his twin. He thought you deserved each other and as much as he loved Tom, he was a dick to you.
Tom was extremely bitter that you were dating his brother, but at the same time, he was happy. Unbeknownst to everyone, Tom really felt the same for you and he couldn’t help but think of what could’ve happened if he wasn’t an ass and if he just told you that he felt the same.
But if he told you that, Harry would get hurt and he didn’t want that. Tom may love you, but Harry’s his brother. Tom knew he had to put Harry first. He honestly didn’t expect Harry to actually date you. It sounded selfish, but Tom always thought that Harry would be too shy to ask you out and Tom was kind of confident that he had a chance with you.
Well, thinking that was a big mistake. It was an even bigger mistake for Tom to think that you wouldn’t last. But here he was three years later, at a party that Harry threw, across the room from where you and Harry are. Tom bitterly scoffed at the sight and downed the rest of his beer.
“Throwing yourself a pity party, eh?” 
Tom turned away from you and Harry and looked at his left only to find Harrison with a smirk on his face. Tom rolled his eyes and told Harrison to fuck off.
“You could’ve had her, Tom.” Harrison shook his head at his best friend.
“You think I didn’t know that already?” Tom retorted. “Mind your own business.”
Harrison pursed his lips and slightly nodded. He stayed at his spot next to Tom and looked at you and Harry. A smile crept up Harrison’s face when he heard both of you laughing at something Sam said. Harrison looked back at Tom who was miserable, “What’s going on in your head? Talk to me.”
“I just thought she’d be mine, you know? Yeah, okay we had our differences but doesn’t everyone have those?” Tom said. “I know it’s selfish and mean of me, but I kept thinking that they wouldn’t last. Joke’s on me, because they’ve been together for three years now and I don’t think Y/N would be leaving him soon. I like to think that maybe one day she’ll get tired of him or they’ll get into a huge fight and lead them to break up and I’ll be there to hold her.”
Harrison opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by the music stopping and Harry speaking.
“Hello everyone! Y/N and I have an announcement to make.” Harry said excitedly as he looked at you with so much love in his eyes. Everyone looked at both of you intently. You nodded at Harry and he cleared his throat and looked at everyone, “We’re engaged!!”
Everyone cheered and Sam quickly hugged both of you. He was also tearing up. “If I’m not the best man, I’m suing both of you.” Sam joked as he pulled away from the hug.
“Sam, you ARE our best man.” you giggled.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the room, Harrison got over his shock and decided to congratulate you and Harry later. He had to deal with Tom. Upon hearing the announcement, Tom’s heart shattered and his world stopped as he realized that you’ll never be his anymore.
Tom was at a private room in a strip club getting ready for the bachelor party that Harry didn’t want nor ask for. Tom insisted that Harry should definitely have a bachelor party, because once he’s married, he wouldn’t have the freedom to look at other girls anymore.
“This is an excuse to look at other girls, Harry! It’s an exception. Besides, I heard that Y/N’s having a bachelorette party.” Tom persuaded. 
“And that’s totally fine with me, but I personally don’t want a bachelor party, Tom. I’d rather stay in and wait for Y/N to come home from the said bachelorette party.” Harry said, exasperated.
“This is the only time you’ll ever have a bachelor party! I’m sure Sam will have one when he gets married and I’m sure Paddy will have one too someday. Your future son would have one too and he’ll ask you what it’d be like, but you wouldn’t have an answer, because you didn’t have one.” Tom crossed his arms.
Harry laughed, “I’ll still have an answer, because I’d be present in yours, Sam’s and Paddy’s bachelor parties. I appreciate the suggestion, Tom, but it’s just not for me. Sorry.”
With that being said, Harry went back to what he was doing and Tom formulated a plan in his head.
This explains why he’s getting everything ready, because any minute now, Harry’s coming with Sam. Harrison entered the private room and looked around, “Everything’s ready, then?”
Tom turned around and grinned, “Yup! All we need is the groom.”
Thirty minutes later, Harry arrived with a blindfold covered in his eyes. Sam and Tuwaine were helping Harry in the room. Sam took off Harry’s blindfold and Tom grinned, “Welcome to your bachelor party, Harry!”
Harry groaned, “I said I didn’t want a bachelor party!” He turned to leave but Tom quickly went after him and pulled him back in the private room.
“Harry, I swear it’ll be fun! Let loose a bit!” Tom nudged him as Harrison handed Harry a beer and Tom cheered as he watched Harry drink, “Let’s get this party started!”
Hours later and Harry was kind of enjoying himself. He didn’t care about the strippers; he only had eyes for you. But he liked partying with his friends and family.
Harry was also very very drunk.
Harrison noticed that Tom kept giving him drinks and shook his head. He pulled Tom aside and harshly asked, “What the fuck are you doing to your brother?”
“Giving him drinks. What does it look like I’m doing?”
“Don’t act smart with me. I know you have a fucking plan. Why the fuck are you making your brother drunk?” Harrison asked with arms crossed.
The others didn’t hear their conversation and Harrison was thankful for that. He didn’t want to create a big scene at Harry’s bachelor party.
“Fine.” Tom huffed. “I was getting him drunk so that he can make a mistake and Y/N would leave him for it.”
“What the fuck, Tom?! That’s way out of line!” Harrison hissed at his best friend. “I understand that you’re not happy, but why can’t you get it through your thick head?? SHE’S NOT YOURS ANYMORE AND SHE NEVER WAS.”
The truth came out of Harrison’s mouth with venom. Tom knew it was the truth, but he wasn’t ready to accept it yet.
“That’s so fucking low, Thomas.” Harrison shook his head in disappointment. “If she finds out that you were behind it, do you honestly think she’ll come back to you?”
“I-I never thought of that.” Tom sighed.
“Of fucking course you bloody didn’t!” Harrison rubbed a hand on his face and tried to calm himself down. As soon as Harrison was okay, he glanced at Harry and looked back at Tom, “I’ll sober him up. That party’s over. I’ll bring him home to Y/N and everyone can rest. I expect you to behave at the wedding next week. Good night, Tom.”
Harrison made his way to Harry and helped him sober up a bit before leaving with him.
You’re officially a Holland now. As much as Tom loved the idea of you becoming a Holland, he wasn’t delighted that’d you’d be his sister-in-law and not his wife like he wanted. But hey, we don’t always get what we want in life.
Sam was the best man and he was giving a speech. Tom and Paddy were next to him, because they wanted to give a speech too. Tom wanted the ground to eat him alive, because you looked so beautiful and he was really frustrated that you weren’t his. Tom allowed Paddy to go first, so Tom had the time to think about what he wanted to say. Paddy quickly finished and gave the mic to Tom, who was sweating profusely.
“Congratulations to both of you!” Tom smiled. “Both of you are so lucky to have each other. I just want to tell Y/N that I’m glad you picked Harry instead of some bloke out there. Harry’s so kind and trusting and you’ll never find anyone else like him.”
“Harry, I’m genuinely happy for you.” Tom teared up. “You got the girl that you’ve been in love with for years! It’s amazing how you used to dream about being with her and now, you get to spend the rest of your life with her.”
At this point, Tom was already crying. You were crying too.
“Y/N, Harry, I don’t want to tell you to treat each other well, because I know you will. All I’m going to say is; have fun. Marriage is a roller coaster and you’ll enjoy it, because you have each other. You deserve each other, you really do. I love you both so much and words cannot express that. Again, congrats. I propose a toast to Harry and Y/N.”
Everyone lifts their glasses and Tom sniffed, “May they have a healthy marriage and a happy life. Cheers!”
Everyone clapped as you and Harry shared a short and sweet kiss. Tom gave the mic to the host and walked back to his seat next to Harrison. Harrison patted him on the back, “Are you okay?”
Tom nodded, “I meant what I said. Especially the part when I said that I’m glad Y/N picked Harry.”
Harrison waited for his explanation as he nodded along.
“She didn’t end up with me, but she ended up with Harry. That’s okay.”
Harrison raised an eyebrow, “It sounded sarcastic.”
“I meant it all, Haz.” Tom said. “I still fantasize about Y/N and I think about the things that could’ve been. I may not be with her, but at least Harry’s her husband. In that way, I still get to keep her in my life.”
Harrison nodded impressively, “I’m proud of you, mate.”
“I’m not ready to let go yet, though. It’ll take a while.” Tom sighed as he looked at you and Harry.
“I know. You’ll get better soon.” Harrison smiled sadly.
* * * *
I hope you liked it sksks
And I apologize if u think it isn’t good 
𝐓𝐎𝐌 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @abrielleholland @peachmaybnx​ @superheroesaremytea​
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @marvelousell​ @justasmisunderstoodasloki​ @rubberducky-jrr​ @petersholland​ @osterfieldnholland​
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herglowinggirl · 3 years
can you see an ending to SOK where yun lives / yun redemption? i've been thinking a lot about the trend of abused kids never getting over their abuse and dying instead, and i feel like FCYee does a good job of writing yun and i don't want to say he's guilty of this trend, but sometimes i wonder if there could've been another ending. sorry if this ask is weird/uncomfy, you don't have to answer. have a nice day!
ok so...I am writing a meta about this (familiar anon i see you) but I feel like it’s worth answering here, too. this is less of a meta and more my personal thoughts so there’s no graphic descriptions of anything but I’ll put it under a cut because it got long, tw for canon typical violence/death.
short answer: yeah, there were workarounds but nothing that wouldn’t change the motifs, themes, plot points of the novels. I think the novels set out to make a different point on abuse than atla (think “it was wrong and it was cruel” as opposed to avatar “the obligation to be more than the sum of her grievances with the world” kyoshi) which isn’t a bad thing, necessarily. also, like, atla was a kids show and the kyoshi novels are ya and they very successfully make points on moral ambiguity and who gets to live and who gets to die. I agree and think f.c. yee handled it pretty well and yun was “meant” to die based on his backstory and evidence discussed below + the fact that he’s emulating the cycle of abuse by the end of the book. could it have been done differently? absolutely. was this story meant to? not really. you already said that it doesn’t feel like yun was killed off instead of writing about him dealing with the impacts of abuse, because the impacts were dealt with and explored just...he died at the end anyway, because of the places dealing with that stuff lead him. quoting a line from below the cut but yes, yun apologism on main. but I very much prefer to do it within canon, I think. 
but would I want to see a version where yun lived? a little, yeah, because I wanted, well, justice for him. I wanted him to reunite with rangi and kyoshi and meet team avatar and live out the rest of his life happy and free from jianzhu because I love yun’s characterization, but as a character he has a bigger part of the narrative than being someone I’m attached to. I think that also begs the question should he have been used in those narratives of abuse the way that he was if someone like me (whose relationships could be classified under “complicated” at the very least) could relate and love him, especially for a YA novel? also not sure. maybe it’s not that deep, especially because what’s already been written and published is all but set in stone (and I am not very interested in writing fix-it fanfiction, just building on canon). 
so those are my personal thoughts summed up (there’s extra rambling on why he was supposed to die + a plot workaround below). when all is said and done, this is a storyline I turn to in order to cope, but if there’s anything similar that perhaps ends with the survivor alive...any recs would be appreciated, from anyone! thank you for asking and making sure I’d feel ok ruminating on it <3 I hope you have a nice day too!
contextual evidence...zoryu going “some people will always change you back to who you were,” rangi asking kyoshi why she didn’t stop yun and kyoshi’s only answer being that seeing him had turned her back to her unsure state, yun trying to rid kyoshi of her fans and all her character growth during the final Boss Battle™...these things are a theme. you can’t strip the books of this touch of some are always meant to end, esp b/c that stuff was set up in trok (I always seem to come back to kyoshi asserting her only duty was to protect her loved ones in yokoya and then her duty becoming something much larger) so I feel like you couldn’t get rid of yun death without significant workarounds in the motifs and plot points in the novels.
that being said, I’m sure there are and were plot workarounds to killing yun. there’s an alternate universe out there where the novels ended with yun being a parallel to lao ge (I’ve talked about how they parallel each other before I think it’s very spicy; here and here), where he becomes jianzhu’s successor and just like lao ge kept kyoshi accountable on the other side of things, this time to the bureaucracy of the earth kingdom instead of lao ge’s agenda. this would also tie up when lao ge said something along the lines of “jianzhu does good work.” the novels are in no way perfect and the ending and pacing in the last third of the book do feel rushed to me (although the last kyoshi pov chapter ends sooo sentimental, enough for me to call f.c. yee a sap) but I feel they do establish the ways that kyoshi is going to cope with being a political figure, but I’ll have to elaborate on that somewhere else, so I digress.
the truth of it is this, and it is very harsh—yun was always supposed to be dead. we see it in how he and kyoshi have very similar backstories and the ways that jianzhu and kelsang are also pitted against each other their kids (well, kelsang’s kid, jianzhu’s pupil) end up dealing with the reasons why they were brought in. kelsang saved kyoshi from the goodness of his heart, he took her in and raised her like his own child (this makes me very emotional...) whereas yun was taken in because he was thought to be the avatar. then it turns out that kyoshi might be the avatar, but she is still kelsang’s daughter first, with kelsang honoring her wishes to keep it secret and letting her comfort him on the iceberg, and then when he believed kyoshi over jianzhu. establishing kyoshi’s humanity is really important in the novels so we can give kelsang a big thank you to him and then later to rangi to make sure kyoshi loves and treats herself well. 
what i’m getting at here is that if yun hadn’t been taken in for being the avatar, he would’ve been dead and it’s a form of uh...narrative checkov’s gun in a way? there’s only so long you can make something of yourself by beating tourists at pai sho. kyoshi and yun both had expiration dates and only by the grace of jianzhu and kelsang did they survive. yun reassures himself that life is a game and “he will survive a turn longer.” his story is always about doing the next thing to survive, to prove he’s worthy of the survival and salvation given to him by jianzhu. kyoshi’s story is not about deserving avatarhood, it’s about becoming the avatar. it’s a key difference in the way the narrative treats them. if he’s hadn’t been mistaken for the avatar, he would literally be nothing. he’d be dead. 
and there’s only so far you can go playing the person who deserved avatarhood if you’re not the avatar, and I think that mainly accounts for discrepancies in the idea of justice and how yun and kyoshi get to act on it because believe me, I would’ve loved to see yun tear the whole thing down. like, to see kyoshi have to kill yun for destroying the system (this is an oversimplification*) and then have her declared the “breakdown of negotiations?” like alright...sure, jan. let the boy kill a few people!! eat the rich!! murder isn’t even that bad anyway (/joking).
*yun is literally declared the residue of kuruk’s generation’s sins by hei-ran. this theme of legacy and cycles of abuse is emulated to him which brings me to acknowledge that yeah, it’s really shitty to see him killed when that theme lives in both him and kyoshi. it is a symbolic ending to the cycle of abuse when kyoshi “puts him away” (did she have to say that!!!) but that shit hurts, man. however the line “I’m sorry I said you would have to live with your pain. Because you won’t,” serves to acknowledge that by the end of the duology, yun himself has become an abuser. he’s shoving kyoshi into boxes, tries to kill rangi (to be fair rangi tried to kill him minutes/seconds earlier but he did try to kill her mom for allowing a man to try to kill him. it’s almost like...a cycle), he holds people hostage, terrorizes and murders several people in his pov chapters...at least lao ge was subtle about his work. 
so yes, yun apologism on main. but I very much prefer to do it within canon, I think. 
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cherrysweather · 4 years
Omg if u wanna do a black quill one shot 😳... ill request one of a date pre UR1.. BUT IF YOU DONT DO HIM its ok
Of course I’m going to write for Blackquill!! I missed writing for him uwu I tried to write something the least boring possible but I need to thank you for giving me an opportunity to write for pre-UR1 Simon because I found interesting how he matured, he changed from how we imagine him pre-prison to how he is after it and I really enjoyed writing about it So thank you so much again and I hope you’ll like this >-< (I’m so sorry for the long wait, I hope you’re reading this even after all these days Anon, I’m sorry :( --------------------------------------
Laugh with me [Simon Blackquill x Reader]
"He’s coming!" as they heard an acute voice coming towards them, they turned their head and saw an orange ponytail moving as a little girl approached them
"Hey sweet orange" they knelt down to meet Athena’s height "How are you?" they hugged her as soon as she was enough close
"I’m feeling good today!" she moved the hair from their face to place a kiss on their cheek
"I’m happy to hear it" they passed a hand on Athena’s thin back
"Where are you and Simon going today?" she asked curiously as she dragged them to sit to a table
"I found two tickets for a traditional show at the theater near the seafront and then he offered to choose where to dine" they smiled while speaking "Don’t worry, tomorrow I’ll completely leave him to you" they softly patted her hair, laughing at her face
"It’s ok if you spend time with him too! The hearts of you both sing songs of happiness whenever you two are together; even now I can hear that you’re happy!" Athena smiled in such a pure way that the blush on their cheeks could only increase
"Don’t say these things loudly!" they tried to keep Athena’s mouth closed
"Why? Did I say something bad?"
"Just don’t" they looked around to be sure that no one heard Athena, and luckily no one was close enough "…H-His heart too- He’s happy when he’s with me?" they asked after a moment of silence that seemed endless, not looking Athena in the eyes for the embarrassment
"Yes! Every time he speaks about you to my mom or me he seems like he drunk two liters of energy drinks" she kept that smile on her lips as she spoke
"Thanks" they poked her nose and sighed softly, thinking about what that meant, sensing a feeling of satisfaction, happiness, knowing that Simon was happy with them; not that they doubted it, but hearing it so directly, has its effect. They began to tap their fingers on the table, waiting for “His Holiness” to come down from heaven. And, he actually arrived!  
"Did I kept you waiting too long?" when that deep and calm voice came to their ear and a heavy hand rested on their shoulder, they turned towards him and pulled his body toward them from his wrist into a hug
"Oh no no, it just seemed that I was waiting for you to finish an interrogation" they smiled and kissed his cheek
"At least appreciate that I asked Athena to warn you"
"You’re always overworking this poor girl" they pushed him to get up, sticking their nose to his but moving the moment he leaned over to kiss them "Say sorry to Athena first" they looked in his eyes, teasing him but receiving a sigh as an answer.
"See you tomorrow Athena, go to your mother and eat something" he caressed her cheek with his finger and giving her a smile before turning toward the exit. "Where are you going!" they stopped before going after him, kissing Athena’s forehead and waving at her while running to reach Simon. "Stop right here!" She jumped on his back, holding him tight
"Do you want to arrest me?" he grabbed their thighs and took them on his back
"I’ll probably lose against you, so I won’t even try" they hugged his neck and kissed the back of his head
"A good choice indeed" once they were out the space center, he let them down his back, wrapping their shoulders with his arm to hold them close
"How were your lessons today?" they took his hand and looked up at him
"Pretty good, I always manage to learn something new"
"I’ll wait for this samurai to master the emotions and psyche of others patiently" they leaned on him on purpose with all the weight
"Do you want me to become a psychological manipulator?" he held their weight, amused by their childish behavior
"I’m saying it for you too! It could be useful for you as a prosecutor; like when they put you in charge of questioning suspects and you take ages to finish" they tried to convince him of what they were saying
"You have a point on that but, my teacher isn’t a manipulator herself"
"You’ll learn from yourself, you’re intelligent so you can do it" when he didn’t reply for nearly a minute, they turned to his face and laughed softly seeing the contrasting blush on his pale face, hugging his arm but avoiding teasing him.
"You still haven’t told me where we’re going" he said as they stopped to check the shortest way to get to the theater
"I’ll tell you once we’ll be there" they looked up from the phone and smiled at him "You also have to tell me where are we going tonight" they returned to search on the phone
"You’ll see" he answered with their own coin, accepting their challenge when they placed their gaze on his eyes, staring into theirs and nearly into their soul, forcing them to look away
"Stop it"
"You started" he smirked and looked around them, getting closer to them when too many people started to walk near
"There’s no need to protect me" they smiled seeing a shadow in front of them, resting their head on his chest
"Too many people" he wrapped their hips with his arms and tried to see something on the screen of the phone
"Don’t worry, I found it" they tried to reach his lips "You still have to give me a kiss"
"You’re the one who walked away when I tried to give you one"
"Stop being a douchebag" they tried to pull him down by his jacket
"But that’s how I am" He stayed where he was, not giving them victory even when they tried with all their strength
"I’ll climb on you if you don’t bend over" they pouted at him sighing but when they pulled one last time, he “softened” and his forehead slammed against theirs, and when they bent on their knees holding their forehead, it seemed that they were stuck to the ground
"I’m sorry" he reached down to help, trying to contain his laughter
"You could have just told me you didn’t want to instead of head-butting me" they tried to hit his arm with the same strength as his head, not being able to hold their laughter too as she looked at him
"I didn’t want to" he pulled them up, pressing his lips on their head "Do you need some ice?" he passed softly his hand on their head
"I need new neurons, and perhaps a new skull" they squeezed their jacket to avoid beating him, waiting for the pain to pass
"Oh? Did you have any neurons in there?" he pretended to be shocked, putting a finger under their chin when she looked up
"I think I had at least two healthy" they punched his shoulder and looked in his eyes, offended
"They’re still there, don’t worry" he pinched their nose with that amused smirk still on his lips, leaning towards them to try to make amends by resting his lips on theirs "Will you forgive me?"
"I’ll see" they didn’t even give him time to finish the question, pulling him to walk again.
He took that one gesture as an answer that only strengthened the provocative smile on his face.
"Ok, are we going to the park, that bar, or do you want to make a new building appear from the ground?" he asked when they sat on the edge of a fountain
"You called them all except the one where we’re going" they patted the spot beside them, taking the two tickets from their pocket as he sat down "Guess what’s this" they covered the name of the show, leaving uncovered only the Japanese print that was on them
"That’s a print of Meguro since there’s the Fuji in the background, so probably it’s a show set in Meguro? Or?"
"Better, a Rakugo show of which one of the many stories is set in Meguro" they handed him one of the two tickets to show him "I remembered you once said that a friend of yours knew a Rakugo crew and that you would like to go see one, so I searched for the first show that would be held nearby; happy?" they slipped under his arm and looked up at him, seeing an expression full of surprise and happiness
"You don’t forget anything uh? I think I told you that thing at least one year ago" he pulled them to him, kissing their head repeatedly, suddenly moving his lips to theirs "Thank you" he held their hand in his, cuddling it with his finger
"It’s nothiing" they laughed at his reaction, squeezing his hand and getting closer to him "But we have to wait about fifteen minutes before we can enter" they took their small bag, searching something in it
"We can talk or do something in the meanwhile"
"Yeah, about that; did you have lunch?" they pulled out of the bag a box covered with a colorful cloth "I brought you something to eat if you haven’t yet"
"You didn’t have to" "Knowing that someone uses the excuse of working until night to eat nothing all day, I definitely had to" they hit his arm weakly "So eat, I did it with all my love".
He sighed and opened the box, finding in it three onigiri, some vegetables, and other side dishes
"There are both the chopsticks and a fork in the box" they waited for him to taste something and get his opinion "How’s that?"
"Mh, it’s edible, nothing special" he waited to see their sad face before laughing "I’m joking, this is delicious" he hit them with his shoulder "Thanks again" he passed them something with his chopsticks, taking his hand away when they tried to bite his finger too "Beast"
"Rude. And evil".
When the minutes passed, the two of them entered the theater and they gave the two tickets to the staff to certify them before entering the hall "Wait wait! I know how these kinds of stages are called!" They sat down in their seats as they thought about it "They’re called yose, right? Or koza?"
"The yose is the traditional rakugo theater, the koza is the stage" he corrected them "Study better next time" he laughed softly at their face
"At least I try"
"And I couldn’t be happier, I’m glad you try to share my interests" If Athena were here, she would only jump all over the place from how Simon’s heart is full of happiness and relief from all the busy days before this, grateful to be able to spend it with them.
Since they were seeing a Rakugo show, some Japanese Rakugo-ka took turns to tell a different story both in English and in Japanese, that then an interpreter translated, sometimes interrupted by the laughter of the audience.
- “When the Lord saw the dish in front of him he was very surprised As far as he knows fish is supposed to be red and flat like sea breeze, he's never seen anything like sanma before. At first, he can't believe that these long black things are really fish; what's more, they're still covered with smoking cinders, which make a sizzling sound "They're crying" "No Master, they're not. Please try some" - "Delicious! Sanma is the best. Farmers are lucky, they eat better food than I do! From now on I'm going to eat sanma at every meal" - - One day, the lord is invited to the home of his cousin "Thank you for coming to my home, I'd like to serve your favorite dish so, what can I ask my cook to prepare for you?" "I'd like the sanma" "Huh? Sanma? You want Anma?" "No no, you can't eat Anma, I said Sanma; it's long and black, and smokes and sizzles. You can't stop eating it, I'm dying for Sanma!" "Oh okay, I'll go talk to the cook" "Huh? A cheap common fish?" - "Oh okay, I'll rush out to the nearest market and get some" "Wait wait wait! Don't go to our usual place, buying it there will give us a bad name, you better go to Nihombashi" "Ok, I'll go" - - After he buys the fish, he thinks how to prepare it in the best way for the Lord; he knows the best way to cook the Sanma is to grill it and serve it with grated radish and soy sauce but, he thinks he'd better remove the fat by steaming the fish so that the lord doesn't get indigestion and that he'd better remove the bones so they don't scratch the lord's throat. So the freshest Sanma in all of Edo is served to the lord as soup; without fat and bones and in a very fancy bowl with a lid on it. - "What's this? Sanma should be long and black; are you sure this is Sanma?" "Yes yes, it's Sanma" The Rakugo-ka mimed the moment to eat that soup, spitting it out immediately afterwards "Yuck! Where did you get this- this Sanma?" "My cook went to the fish market in Nihombashi that has the best Sanma in all of Edo" "Huh? This isn't the best Sanma, everyone know that the best Sanma comes from Meguro!"” - "This was my first time at a Rakugo show, but I’m already waiting to go to another one"
"I'm happy you liked it" he took their arm and walked away with them.                                                                       He took them toward one of the great streets of the city, keeping them close as they walked
"So? So? Where are we going?" they asked, pulling his shirt like a child
"You’ll see" he didn’t even look down the face they were making for him to change his mind "I'll say just that a friend of mine runs it, so you'll eat well"
"So you're bringing me at a romantic dinner"
"Not in a super fancy and expensive restaurant, so I hope you'll like it anyway"
"If you like it so much you want to take me, I’m sure it will be one of the best I’ve ever tried; today I understood that your tastes are very reliable" they followed him, arriving at some point on a road near the river that was empty "This place is pretty isolated" they looked around them, noticing also that the sky darkened as the sun went down
"That’s one of the things that makes me love this place" he stopped for a second, looking up to the sky and moving away from them for a moment "What time is it?" he looked at them"
"Um, it’s almost eight o’clock; why?"
"Someone has to eat too, you know" he then whistled into the air, making as much noise as possible to be sure of an answer "We can go in the meantime"
"What did you do?" they asked looking back
"Wait some seconds and you’ll see" they pouted at him, tired of always being kept on the edge, understanding what-, or better, who Simon called when she heard a scream, a screech, approaching them but stopped once that two sharp “paws” landed on Simon’s shoulder
"Taka!" they smiled but took a few steps away from him as they know he still doesn’t really like them "You gave him a new bandana! He’s so cute" they greeted him with her hand
"I thought he deserved a change of style" he scratched the back of his head and under his beak, taking then a packet of pieces of dried meat from his jacket’s pocket
"Can I try to feed him?" they said hesitantly
"If you want to try it’s ok, he’s still a chick, so he should stay calm" he patted his head with his finger, passing the packet to them and stopping from walking
"If he bites me, I’ll cry" they said laughing, taking a piece of meat and bringing it close to him, trembling with their hand, breathing a sigh of relief when he took the dried meat and not their skin.
"See? It’s easy" he let him fly free again moving his shoulder suddenly, noting that the sky was now only a single cloud
"You do it every day, easy to say that" fortunately they arrived shortly after it started to rain. They remained behind his back, looking around and waiting for him to lead the way
"Heyo Simey!" a short boy approached them and Simon walked to greet him
"Hey pillock" he patted him on the back as a greeting
"Stop calling me like that" he punched his arm and his eyes fell on the other person with him "Oh, you're that friend of his? Nice to meet you! I’m Bucky!" he took their hand and shook it
"It’s nice to meet you too" they approached as if pulled by him
"Every time Simey comes here to eat, he always talks about you. He’s completely in l- Ouch!" he stopped when Simon’s hand hit his head
"Silence, that’s enough." He sighed and didn’t even look at them
"You can use your words instead of your hands; they’re harsher but lighter" Bucky looked at him badly and passed before him "Take a seat and let him eat so maybe he calms down" he said in a low voice, looking at them
"I can hear you, you know"  he made Bucky run straight into the kitchen as he spoke
"You’re unbearable" they pinched his hand looking at him
"He’s used to it" he laughed softly at their face, moving his eyes to the window after a thunder
"Shouldn’t you call Taka back? It’s dangerous for him to fly around with thunders"
"I was thinking about it" he got up and went out, whistling immediately after a thunder to prevent Taka from not hearing him, coming back inside with a soaked chick in his arms
"Aww wait a second" they took a jacket from their bag, opening it and wrapping Taka in it
"Is he alright?" Bucky returned with two menus and some water, looking at Taka
"He’s just wet, nothing hurt him" Simon answered, patting Taka’s wing
"He’s strong" they adjusted her jacket like a nest to keep Taka warm as soon as the orders, kindly advised by Simon, arrived "Anyway, thank you for bringing me here" they smiled at him, separating the two chopsticks
"If it hadn’t started raining, it would have been a perfect day, but we have to settle" he moved the soba in the broth, adding some soy sauce to it
"But I enjoyed it and I’m still doing it! Hearing you laugh at the theatre was the best part of course" they smiled and imitated him in mixing the soba
"That’s why you chose a Rakugo show instead of any other kind of show?"
"I chose it because you wanted to go see one, and because it was comic, so I could hear you laugh" they blew on the soba to cool it and make it edible before tasting it.
He just smiled as an answer, having some blush in his cheeks, trying to hide it eating. When Taka recovered, he started to hop around their table, searching for food "He can eat this meat right?" they took a piece of meat from their bowl, blowing on it so as not to burn Taka’s mouth
"He prefers it raw, but even if boiled it shouldn’t disgust him" they gave it to him with the chopsticks once it was cool, happy that Taka ate it willingly, like the rest of their leftover
"And with that, he dined too" Simon said as he stretched himself, hitting his belly "Did you enjoy?" he looked for a second outside the window, seeing the rain still falling
"Yes! We should come here more often now that I know how good this food is" they stood up to stretch too "Now we need a good run in the rain to digest" they took Taka and put him back in their jacket, going then to pay with Simon
"I can’t pay for myself right?"
"You paid for both the theatre tickets, so no, you can’t" he patted Taka’s head, thinking about how to go back home without drowning in the rain "This rain isn’t going to stop soon, so we’ll have to get wet" he took off his jacket and covered them when they approached him
"And you?" they looked at him, trying to cover at least his head too
"Don’t worry about me, think about Taka" he patted their head laughing, saying goodbye to Bucky before going out.
After nearly half an hour, they found repair at Simon’s house, running inside at the speed of light "Go take a hot shower or you’ll get a cold"
"Can you please stop worrying about me as if I’m a kid?" they released Taka from their chest, placing their jacket on a chair
"Because you are a kid to me; or at least, a kid definitely dressed lighter than me and who might freeze faster than me" he touched their forehead, sighing and going toward his bedroom
"Go in the shower, I’ll bring you some clothes". He returned then in the bathroom with some of his clothes "These clothes should fit you, tell me if you want something else"
"They're ok, thanks" they smiled, but in the meantime, they pushed him out of the bathroom
"As if there’s a problem with seeing you undress" he rested his back on a wall next to the door "I already seen everything there’s to see; you thin back and every detail of your thighs. Oh and, I already saw also your-" he was interrupted when they suddenly opened the door, red like a tomato "-Embarrassed face as I admired it all" they were so close to punching him, but all they could do was lock themself into the bathroom to ignore him. When they came out, they kept their gaze away from him, still embarrassed by his words
"A tiny lion entered the room" he passed a hand on their still warm hair, kissing them quickly before taking his turn in the shower.
They just sat on the carpet, sighing and trying to get Taka’s attention from where he was. They patted him slowly, still scared, since they knew they weren’t too appreciated by the raptor, but strangely he was accepting their attention; he started it. They were interrupted by the sound of the entrance door opening, and Aura entering "Hello Ms. Aura!"
"Now I’m a miss? What are you doing here? And where’s that weeb?" she threw her stuff on the table, hugging them as if they were her younger sibiling
"I’m here because we were out together and since it started raining I took refuge here; he’s under the shower now"
"Oh great, I hope he made you eat" she went to her room, slamming her hand on the bathroom door in the meantime "Don’t even think about letting them sleep with you tonight, I forbid it; and hurry up in there!" He actually came out minutes after, still drying his hair with a towel "Aura came back?" he sat on the sofa, keeping a hand on his head
"Oh yes, you heard her?" they laughed, showing in the meanwhile Taka to Simon
"W-What have you done to him?" he laughed as soon as he saw him
"He trusted me so I made him beautiful! I dried all of his feathers, I combed them and I changed his bandana with a dried one; you like him?" they laughed too when Taka flew on Simon’s leg
"He’s handsome, like his owner"
"Oh please" they took a pillow from the sofa and threw it to him
"You’re saying I’m not handsome?" he threw it back to them
"Probably" they approached him and rested their chin on his knee, smiling innocently, managing to receive a kiss from him like that, a gentle and slow one, which was however interrupted when he hit their forehead with his finger
"Me?! You’re the one who just hit me!"
"Revenge" he was so calm, but deep inside he was laughing like a devil
"Treat them well you emo weeb!" Aura’s voice thundered from the hallway, scaring both of them that then ended up laughing like two idiots.
  "Choose; Samurai or Ninja?" he looked at them, taking the remote control in hand
"Choose." They saw the remote in his hand, so they understood
"Samurai I guess"
"And samurai it is" he grabbed their arm and pulled her on the sofa with him, putting an episode of the Steel Samurai "We can do the entire rewatch of it if you want"
"I already like the theme, so I’m completely ok!" they nestled in his arms and after a while, Taka joined them, as if he too, was interested
"Don’t turn them in a weeb too, please" Aura sighed before that scene, shaking her head
"At least they try to look into what I like, ignorant’ Simon looked into her eyes as if to challenge her, but it took Aura less than a second to turn her heels and walk away, surrendered. 
------------------------------- Just here for a useless thought but, the UR-1 Incident will take place on the 7th of October this year! Probably someone at Nasa will be killed or something OwO In doubt, I’ll mark it on the calendar XD Maybe an irl Simon will appear, who knows ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯
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dudeandduchess · 5 years
We Can’t Be [Rengoku Kyōjurō x F!Reader]
Rating: SFW Characters: Rengoku Kyōjurō x F!Reader (who is Kagaya’s Little Sister) Summary: Kyō and (Y/n) are childhood friends, they eventually fall in love with each other— only for (Y/n) to get engaged to someone else; someone who was truly meant to be with her. Sadly, that person wasn’t Kyōjurō. Word Count: 3,448 Warnings: Angst, Arranged Marriage, Pregnancy, SO. MUCH. ANGST.
Note: Hello, bbys! Sorry this took so long. I had some issues to settle. Oof. But this was inspired by most of the asks that I got earlier. Most notably the Angsty Fucker Anon ahaha. I hope you guys like it!
Also, this was written while listening to ‘Til My Heartaches End, 12:51, and We Can’t Be.
Between her and her older brother, (Y/n) knew that she was the brattier one. It had been a long-standing fact within their family, that their own father had given up trying to discipline her into behaving. The Ubuyashiki patriarch had figured that it was easier to wait for his youngest child to acquiesce to his will, instead of forcing her beneath it.
Hence, why she had been set free to roam around the house without supervision; unlike her older brother— Kagaya— whom had to have an attendant with him at all times.
“Nii-chan,” A young (Y/n) whispered through the slightly opened shoji, as she peeked at her brother who was engrossed in his own lessons for the day. “Pssst.Nii-chan.”
She should have been in the same predicament, but she had tricked her tutor into leaving the room, so she managed to escape without much trouble.
Abruptly, the older Ubuyashiki child’s head snapped up to the source of the voice. Then slowly, a warm smile crept onto his face at the sight of his younger sister. “You know father’s going to come here soon.”
“I know, so we have to leave now,” The young lady whispered in an urgent tone, as she slid the door open a bit more. She slipped a hand through the gap, then beckoned her brother over— much like amaneki-neko. “Let’s see if Katsuis still in the garden.”
(Y/n) snickered at the nickname she’d bestowed upon the piglet she had seen wandering about in their garden, then slapped her tiny hands over her mouth to silence herself. She thought she had been so hilarious in naming a pig Tonkatsu, while her brother could only look on and shake his head.
Whether in amusement, or in disappointment, (Y/n) didn’t know; nor did she care.
“Yes, Oyakata-sama, I’ll be sure to check on the situation there.” A jovial voice reverberated off the walls in the corridor, which had the Ubuyashiki heiress tensing up where she stood.
She didn’t turn, nor did she dare to look away from her brother— whom was looking at her with worried eyes. Because she knew, even without checking, that her father had already seen her; as evidenced by the sudden silence, and the irked gaze she could feel boring holes into the back of her head.
However, instead of getting mad— like he’d wanted to— her father merely sighed and rubbed his temples to ease his oncoming headache. “(Y/n), what are you doing out of your lessons?”
And, as if he just realized what a stupid question that was, the Ubuyashiki patriarch sighed once more. “Shinjurō, you brought Kyōjurō with you, yes?’
“Yes, Oyakata-sama. He’s in the garden right now,” Shinjurō answered, clearly unsure as to where his master was headed with his query. “Do you want me to call him?”
“No, no,” (Y/n)’s father answered softly, before setting a gentle hand on top of his daughter’s head. “Go, (Y/n). You can play outside with Kyōjurō, but make sure to attend your lessons tomorrow.”
At that, (Y/n) beamed before turning to hug her father around the waist. “Thank you, otou-san! I promise I’ll go to my lessons tomorrow!”
And without further ado, she skipped down the hall— before her father could change his mind about letting her play instead of study.
That was the day that inevitably changed her life— for better, or for worse, she wasn’t exactly sure.
The moment she saw a boy her age— with the same flaming hair as Shinjurō-san’s— crouched down on the ground and trying to reach for something beneath the cluster of hydrangea shrubs, she immediately got down next to him to check on what had him so interested.
When she saw that he was trying to get Katsuout from beneath the shrub, she grinned and poked his cheek. Her action, of course, made Kyōjurō jump and hit his head on a low hanging stem. “If you want him to come out, you have to give him some food. Katsu likes to eat— otou-sansaid so.”
“Really? Do you have any snacks we could give him?” Kyōjurō asked enthusiastically, as his eyes brightened at the concept of actually seeing the boar in broad daylight. He had never had a pet of his own, as his father never let him keep one, so to see an actual boar up close was quite a treat for him. “Is he your pet?”
(Y/n) wasn’t quite sure how to answer that question, as she had never asked her parents if she could actually keep Katsu, but she still found herself nodding. “Yes. I guess he is. Come on, let’s ask Akio-sanfor some snacks.”
She didn’t think much of it back then, but she moved to grab her newfound friend’s hand and proceeded to drag him out from under the shrub. Then, she led both of them around the house; making sure to take the routes that would least likely make her bump into her frantic tutor; since she was sure that her senseiwould drag her back to her room and force her to study— even if her father gave her a free pass for the day.
“Akio-san?” (Y/n) called out in the seemingly-empty kitchen, as she readjusted her grip on Kyōjurō’s hand. “Akio-san? Can I please have some food for Katsu?”
When no one answered her, she went up to one of the shelves— still hand-in-hand with Kyōjurō— and reached up to get one of the boxes which she knew had Castella cake in it. She then tucked the box beneath her arm, then cried out, “I’ll be taking the Castella. Thank you!”
And with their scavenging mission a success, both children went back to the hydrangea shrub where Katsuwas laying under, and sat down next to each other.
The moment that (Y/n) let go of his hand, Kyōjurō felt a sense of loss envelop his young heart. He wanted to reach out again and entwine their fingers— much like earlier— but he resisted the urge to do so; as it would be very ungentlemanly of him.
“You never told me your name,” He began with a quirk of his eyebrows, as he watched the girl in front of him unwrap the Castella they had pilfered from the kitchen. “My name’s Rengoku Kyōjurō. I’m going to be the next Flame Hashira!”
“Oh, really?” (Y/n) exclaimed, while she took a piece of the cake and popped it in her mouth. The sweet treat practically melted on her tongue, and she resisted the urge to gush over how delicious it was. When she swallowed what was in her mouth, she answered, “I’m Ubuyashiki (Y/n). Nice to meet you, Kyō-chan.”
“U… Ubuyashiki?” The young Rengoku’s eyes widened, and he immediately righted his posture into one that denoted his deep respect for (Y/n). “The pleasure is all mine, ojou-sama.”
“What are you doing?” (Y/n) questioned with a slight tilt of her head, as her new friend’s polite vocabulary reached her ears. “We’re friends now, so you can just call me (Y/n).”
She didn’t even wait for him to answer, as she took a piece of the Castella between her thumb and index finger, then popped it into his agape mouth.
“It’s good, right? I don’t think I want to share with Katsu anymore.” The Ubuyashiki heiress giggled heartily, and that was the moment that Kyōjurō knew… he’d found the girl he wanted to marry.
Time seemed to fly by after that, and from snot-nosed five year-olds, both (Y/n) and Kyōjurō grew up to be drastically opposite ten year-olds.
While (Y/n) was so engrossed in reading her books and playing her kotoout in the garden, Kyōjurō was busy training to be a Hashira. He would often accompany his father to the Ubuyashiki mansion, if only to catch a glimpse of (Y/n)— but he never told her that.
As far as his young mind was concerned, girls were disgusting. They were to be respected and admired, but they were gross with their need to hug and kiss their significant others all the time.
Still, there was a part of him that never wavered; and that part wanted to marry (Y/n) when they were older.
What he didn’t know was that— when he was too busy training in the expansive garden, while he waited for his father— she would also sneak covert, admiring glances at his form.
(Y/n) couldn’t deny the fact that Kyōjurō was handsome, so she mostly told herself that wanting to look at him was inevitable. Because humans loved to look at pretty things; and he was a mighty fine specimen.
However, after the year when they turned eleven, she never saw him visit her home again. Her father said that it was because Shinjurō had already retired, which meant that Kyōjurō wouldn’t be visiting anymore.
She had never told anyone back then— not even her brother— but she had cried herself to sleep so many times after the first month that he didn’t show himself to her. He never even replied to her letters, which hurt her more than anything.
Because not only had she lost a potential love interest, but she had also lost a friend— her only friend, at that.
There were so many times when she had wanted to confide in her brother, but with the death of their father— as well as his impending marriage to Amane— she couldn’t find it in herself to add to his burden.
So, to ease her loneliness, she would often visit their parents’ graves and pour her heart out to them— if only to ease the pain and loneliness that she felt.
However, the year of her thirteenth birthday, Kagaya had sent her to serve as the host for the Final Selection, she was in for a huge— and very positive— surprise. She couldn’t even stay focused on her spiel, as her gaze always kept gravitating over to the enigmatic Kyōjurō.
And, as if her stuttered spiel wasn’t enough to embarrass her, she had to turn her back towards the Slayers because— as Kyōjurō passed by her— he whispered a quiet, ‘I’ll see you later, (Y/n).’
Her heart felt like it was going to jump out of her chest at that. She was torn between screaming her head off at him, and gathering him in her arms while confessing her feelings; yet she did neither, as she had to keep up her unbiased façade.
During the entire week he was up on Mt. Natagumo, she barely slept a wink. She felt like she was going half-crazy with worry and, it might have been unfair of her to do so, but she sent a crow to follow his movements and report his status to her.
She knew that she couldn’t exactly pull him out of there, as it would be against Demon Corps rules, but she had to know; she couldn’t risk losing him.
Yet it appeared that there was no need for her to worry; because not only was Kyōjurō eliminating demons like they meant nothing, but he was doing so without sustaining any injuries whatsoever.
The seventh day couldn’t arrive sooner for (Y/n) and, while she busied herself with her mundane hobbies, Kyōjurō was always on the back of her mind. It was apparent to everyone who saw her that her heart really wasn’t in whatever she was doing; and her absentmindedness was even more evident to her brother.
As much as Kagaya didn’t want to crush his sister’s heart, however, he knew that he had to tell her early on about her own fate. They weren’t meant to be with people who weren’t given to them by their family’s priests, as it would spell their untimely end.
“(Y/n),” The older Ubuyashiki began softly, as he sat down beside his sister on her picnic blanket.
She slowly closed the book she had been reading, and turned to look up at Kagaya. His curse mark was slowly starting to appear along his left temple, which greatly worried (Y/n); yet she knew that she could do nothing, as it was their family’s fate.
Unless they killed Muzan, all the people within their line were fated to die at a young age.
“What has you so troubled?” Kagaya asked with a comforting smile.
However, it did nothing but make (Y/n)’s heart feel like it had seized in her chest. She knew full well that her brother knew what was on her mind, but he was merely being polite about it— to give her some semblance of privacy. “You know what’s troubling me. Don’t even pretend that you don’t, nii-chan.”
“I know, but it would make me feel better if it actually came from you, instead of from a premonition.” Just like him, she had the gift of foresight, which made for pretty interesting conversations between them, and this… it was the most awkward of them all.
Because she didn’t want to tell her older brother about her emotional woes.
And when her silence persisted, Kagaya sighed— much like their father used to when he didn’t know what to do with (Y/n). “You know as well as I do that it won’t end well if you pursue a relationship with Kyōjurō.”
“I know that, but… it’s him. I’ve loved him for so long; would it be wrong to follow my own heart?”
“It won’t… but only to a certain extent. (Y/n), there’s a thin line between real love and self-sacrifice. You’re old enough to know which lines don’t need to be crossed.”
After that, the young woman remained quiet— as tears pooled in the corners of her eyes. Her brother’s words rang nothing but the truth, yet her heart wanted something entirely different.
(Y/n) wanted to go against all traditions and safety precautions, if it meant that she would experience something real and spontaneous. She wanted something that she had been longing for ever since she was young; not something that was handed to her to save her family’s lineage.
Besides, the Demon Slaying Corps didn’t need her offspring; not when she was a mere replacement for her brother— whom already had a wife, and a child on the way.
If she were to die the very next day, she wanted to— at the very least— experience what life with Kyōjurō would be like.
So she did; despite her brother’s gentle reminders to not let things get out of hand.
Because he knew, as much as she did, that staying with the young Rengoku would mean certain death for her; especially if she were to have his child, as his soul was not the one meant for hers.
Yet, she paid no heed to Kagaya’s words. She, selfishly, followed her own heart.
Much to her brother’s dismay.
“I always want to stay this way with you,” (Y/n) whispered softly, as she laid her head on her lover’s bare chest. They had just finished with a round of lovemaking, which rendered both of them pleasantly sore, and a tad sleepy.
“Then we will.” Kyōjurō smiled, while he pulled her body flush against his side. “Always. I promise you.”
It had been seven years since they had started being a couple, and those five years spent together were filled with nothing but bliss.
Of course, Kagaya didn’t fully approve of their relationship, but he didn’t meddle in their affairs. He wanted his sister to be happy, no matter the consequences, so he left them alone.
A giggle bubbled from (Y/n)’s lips at that, and she leaned down to press a kiss to the newly appointed Flame Hashira’s chest. “I love you, Kyō. So, so much.”
“And I love you more, my Sweet Flame,” Rengoku answered softly, before brushing his lips against the crown of her head. He was truly, and utterly smitten with the woman in his arms.
So smitten, in fact, that he was already considering asking for her hand in marriage.
The words always wanted to escape from his lips, that he had to bite down on his tongue to keep himself from just blurting it out. He wanted so badly to marry the love of his life, yet he wanted to wait until it was the perfect moment to ask her.
“I promise you, we’ll stay like this forever. I’ll always be yours… as you are mine.”
However, he had waited too long, as the priests assigned to the Ubuyashiki family had managed to step in— despite Kagaya’s wishes to leave them alone.
Their motivations weren’t selfless; as they were insisting to marry (Y/n) off to her real betrothed in fear of the Ubuyashiki clan’s curse consuming them as well; at least, the ones who weren’t already consumed by the curse.
No one had ever dared to go against the priests’ spousal recommendations, so no one knew the real consequences of defying such a long-standing ritual. Not until (Y/n) came along.
And so, with heavy hearts, (Y/n) and Kyōjurō let go of their relationship; for the sake of other peoples’ lives.
Their separation was quiet; tear-filled, but filled with so many parting kisses and words of love. Every press of their lips against the other’s skin was committed to memory; and each fleeting caress to their lover’s naked body was tucked away in an untouchable corner of their own hearts. Because they might have been forced to stay apart, but their love for each other still burned brightly.
And life in the Ubuyashiki Manor had become quieter— morose— after that.
(Y/n) no longer played her kotoout in the garden, nor did she go out to enjoy the feel of the sun against her skin. She never laughed or smiled, nor did her eyes hold the same brightness that they used to.
Slowly, she withered away inside her room— just waiting for her family’s curse to fully consume her; as a life without Kyōjurō was a life that wasn’t worth living.
Then, as if the world further wanted to make her suffer, the priests finally named her betrothed to be none other than the Wind Hashira: Shinazugawa Sanemi.
When Kagaya had made the announcement to the all the Hashira, as he had invited them to the celebratory feast, he couldn’t help but feel guilty at the brief flash of pain that crossed the Flame Hashira’s expression.
However, he could do nothing but adhere to his family’s traditions; for (Y/n)’s own good, as well as the good of all the priests assigned to be their clairvoyants.
Two months after (Y/n) had wed Sanemi, they all received the news that she was pregnant.
There was a small part of Kyōjurō that wanted to believe that it was his child, yet he knew that it was impossible— as it had been months since the last time he and (Y/n) had made love. To find out only then meant that it was Sanemi’s child; and that fact felt like a dagger to his heart.
However, with a shaky smile, he still went up to his fellow Hashira and congratulated the other man.
And after that, he had taken to finding a secluded space for himself to cry his heart out. His tears seemed like they would never cease falling, while his heart felt like it was slowly crumbling inside his chest. His fingers had already gone numb, while his knees gave out from beneath him— so he was rendered to unceremoniously plop down on the hard ground.
In his pain though, loud, breathless sobs escaped from his lips— ones which he didn’t bother silencing as he gripped his head in his hands. His pain was so all-consuming, that he didn’t even realize that (Y/n) was watching him from her bedroom window.
She wanted to run out there and wrap him up in her arms, yet she knew that doing so would only hurt him more; as it would remind of what he could never fully have again.
(Y/n) was still in love with him, and she always would be, but she could never— for the life of her— muster up the courage to tell him that the child she was carrying was his; not Sanemi’s, as they had never consummated their marriage.
They slept in the same room, on the same futon, yet they always felt like they were miles away from each other. It was not a match made in heaven, as it was torture for (Y/n) to pretend each and every day that she wasn’t slowly dying on the inside.
There was nothing more that she wanted than to tell Kyōjurō, but she couldn’t give him that kind of hope. Not when she would only have to take it away from him once more.
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wakaoujisenhime · 4 years
Hello! I have a birthday on 20th of July. Can I ask scenario about GoM, Kuroko and Kagami congratulate me on my birthday? If possible, send it on 20th of July, please.
A/N: First of all: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DEAR ANON! I hope you have a pleasant day and thank you for trusting me with such a personal request! Also, I’d like to apologize if this reached you later/earlier than expected, but I didn’t know in which timezone you’re at so I decided to post this at 12AM on the 20th of July (my time)! Have fun reading it and enjoy your birthday!! (●´□`)♡
Tags: GoM and Kagami x reader ✅  SFW ✅  fluff ✅ friendship ✅
image/art source: zerochan [this artist apparently had a pixiv (ID 4452434), but no matter how hard I look for them on any other social platform, I remain unsuccessful ;-; so if you know anything about them make sure to tell me!]
━━━━☆ ━━━━☆ ━━━━☆
Birthday surprise - GoM and Kagami x reader
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“I can’t believe I signed up for this...”
“Oh come on Midorima-cchi! I know it’s going to be a complete success, you have my word!”
“Kise-chin I think you’re the last person he wants to hear that from...”
“Kagami what the hell man? Step aside would you?”
“Shut up Ahomine! Last time I checked, this was my house so you’ll do what I say, got that?!”
“I’m starting to think that this might not have been such a good idea...what do you think Kuroko?”
“It’s true that this wasn’t the best idea you’ve had, but I’m sure (Y/N) will like it nonetheless.”
The countless murmurs immediately quieted down, the moment they heard the front door being unlocked.
“It’s time..”
“Is everyone ready?”
“Where are the confetti??”
“Watch out you idiot, I almost dropped the cake!”
“At this rate, even the neighbors will find out what we’ve planned...”
As you slowly opened the front door and peeked through it, all you could see was pure darkness.
“Kagami? Are you there?”
I thought I heard someone talking...must’ve been my imagination.
With careful steps, you entered and looked for the light switch in your best friend’s apartment and the moment you flipped it, seven men appeared before you, all as colorful as the rainbow. Six of them were holding a party popper in their hand, while the dearest one to you held a big birthday cake in his hands.
“Happy birthday (Y/N)!”, they all cried out in unison while the colorful thin papers of the confetti flew around and onto you.
While you just stood there in surprise, some of the boys helped you out of your jacket, took your bag, and brought you to the living room where an enormous buffet had been organized. There was one table on your left that was exclusively decorated with nothing but desserts. By the sloppy way the frosting was covering some of the cupcakes you immediately recognized that they must’ve been handmade by one of them (Murasakibara most likely).
You shifted your gaze to the bigger table in front. This one was beautifully arranged with several different dishes and upon further inspection, you noticed that the majority of them were your favorite foods.
“D-Did you guys prepare all of this...for m-me?”
Saying it out loud sounded as unbelievable to you as the fact that all of them had gathered together in order to celebrate your birthday, but seeing is believing.
Kuroko placed his hand on your back and gently patted it with a smile as he answered: “But of course, I mean today’s your birthday after all, so that’s a given.”
Just as you were about the embrace the young man next to you, Kise hooked his arm around your neck and pressed his cheek to yours.
“That aside, (Y/N)-cchi needs to open her presents!”
“P-Presents? Don’t tell me, you guys-“
Instead of answering you, the yellow-haired man looked to the side. With wide eyes, you followed his gaze to the small but wide end table and on top, there were eight presents, all in different colors and sizes.
This surprise was overwhelming you to such an extent that small tears were forming at the corner of your eyes and if it were not for Akashi and Aomine to separate you from Kise’s ‘cuddle attack’ you probably would’ve started crying.
“Kise, it might be for the best to wait until we’ve eaten and then move onto the unboxing.”
“Yeah what he said and on top of that the food is going to get cold if we don’t hurry up and eat!”, the man enthusiastically said as he was already in the process of sitting down and starting to eat.
While the others began holding him back and lecturing him, Midorima sighed next to you and slightly shook his head in disappointment.
“I’m sorry (Y/N) if this isn’t the party you were expecting, but the moment Akashi suggested this, we all thought that it might be a good idea to surprise you in Kagami’s house by using the pretense of him needing some help with his homework. Looking at it now, it might not have been such a good idea.”
He squinted his eyes as his long finger adjusted the black glasses he rarely took off his face while you looked back and forth between the scene that played out at the table and the man next to you.
After observing it all for a short while you laughed delightfully, reassuring the green head next to you that this was the best party you could’ve wished for.
With a small smile, he guided you to your chair and helped you sit down in a gentlemanly fashion. The others joined you not long after and the dinner party started, every single one of them raised a toast to you, and since you had a different relationship with each boy they all had their fair share of stories or experiences they enjoyed alongside you.
When you guys finished eating, the presents were the next in line.
“I was wondering about this, but why are there eight presents?”, you asked the moment they sat you down in the middle part of Kagami’s couch. They all grinned and Kuroko took it upon himself to answer your question: “We thought it might be a good idea for you to not only receive personal presents from everyone but a group present as well...so we decided to make you something with everyone’s combined efforts.”
Your smile couldn’t get wider at this point...or at least that’s what you thought.
When you began opening each beautifully wrapped box, your state of happiness kept on increasing until you reached the final present.
With slightly trembling fingers you opened it and found a group photo you guys took after Vorpal swords won the game, that’s when all the tears you kept in started flowing down your cheeks.
The boys that were surrounding you had to calm you down first, before moving on to the final part of your birthday party.
Still sniffling you rubbed your eyes and looked at the colorful display of sweets in front of you, but what brought a smile to your face was the way Murasakibara explained how he’d baked all of them by himself. His purple eyes were shining so brightly that you couldn’t help but giggle to yourself.
Just as you were about to reach for a small macaron, the giant gently slapped your hand away and pouted in such a cute way that you couldn’t really get mad at him for stopping you.
“(Y/N)-chin...these are for later. Now comes the cake.”
And once again you came face to face with the beautiful birthday cake you were firstly greeted with. The purple-haired man carefully handed you a knife and instructed you on how to perfectly cut out the first piece after you had successfully blown out all the candles.
While you guys ate and enjoyed its sweet taste, you took a trip down memory lane, remembering all the hard yet fun times the seven of you had experienced. You were glad to have gotten to know these guys and being able to spend your days with them like that, filled your heart with immense happiness.
This was the best birthday you’ve ever had.
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randomfandomimagine · 4 years
No Valentine’s Day (Mr Love Scenario)
Requested by anon:
So could you do a scenario with the MLQC guys (whichever one you are most comfortable writing) finding out that the fem!reader doesn't like the holiday and how they would react when they find out (especially if they ended up getting them a gift beforehand)? Thank you for sharing your writing and have a great day~!
A/N: Although it was requested after Valentine’s Day, this is ridiculously late, I know (sorry!! writing scenarios is hard for me...), but I figured I would still post it since it was requested and it also has some cute fluff that I hope you all enjoy :D
Gavin subtly reached out for your hand. You smiled and intertwined your fingers with his. When you looked up at him, he was blushing a little, which only made your smile grow. 
All day, you had been together walking the streets and doing cute romantic things. None of you had said anything about what day it was, but you knew nonetheless. In Gavin’s case, you also thought he had kept it quiet out of embarrassment.
As you thought about this, he suddenly stopped walking. Halting with him and turning to face him, you saw him shoving his hand on his pocket.
“I... got you something” He muttered, fidgeting a bit as he hid his hands behind his back. “It’s not much, but I hope you like it”
“Gavin, that’s so sweet!” Despite the fact that his amber eyes were set on you, the faint red shade in his cheeks made your heart flutter. “But you didn’t have to, I don’t like celebrating Valentine’s Day”
He frowned, staring at you and tilting his head.
“Then what are we doing right now?”
“Looking for an excuse to be together”
He suddenly coughed and cleared his throat, his blush intensifying. Gavin shook his head, discovering what he hid behind his back and offering you a little box.
“You don’t need an excuse to be with me” He told you, sweetly smiling.
You returned the gesture, gently taking the box from him. 
“And you don’t need an excuse to give me a present if you really want to, especially not Valentine’s Day”
Gavin paused for a moment, watching you fondly. In the end, he nodded his head and motioned over to the small box in your hands.
“Open it” He reminded you, and you did as he said. The lid opened to reveal a beautiful silver necklace with tiny gingko leaves adorning it. It went along with the bracelet you were already wearing on your wrist.
“Gavin, I love it!” You exclaimed, throwing your arms around his neck and hugging him tight. He chuckled and returned the embrace. However, he froze when you pulled away and kissed him in the cheek.
“Uh...” His fingers shook silghtly as they took the necklace from you. “I’ll put it on” 
Gladly, you turned around and gathered your hair to the side, allowing him to rest the trinket on your collarbone and fasten it behind your nape. 
You grinned, thinking that maybe you could change your mind about Valentine’s Day if Gavin was always involved in it.
You smiled when two hands suddenly covered your eyes, since you had been expecting this moment. It was obvious that he would come looking for you on that oh so especial occasion.
“Guess who?” A cheerful singing voice softly said in your ear.
“Hello, Kiro” You laughed, taking his hands and pulling them away from your eyes. You turned to be face to face with him and his grinning expression.
“Hi, Miss Chips! I got you a little something!” His warning was confirmed when you noticed his hands were now behind his back. An empty bag hung from his arm.
“Nooo, Kiro!” You whined, fed up with the whole world making a big deal out of this day. “Not you too, I hate Valentine’s Day!” 
“What?!” He uttered in outrage. “But it’s such a lovely day! Besides, it’s a reason to celebrate how much I love you!”
Unable to be annoyed at him, you smiled a little. Seeing that you had no complaints to his excitement, he grinned as well.
“Does that mean you don’t want this?” Kiro showed you a giant teddy bear that hugged a plushie heart. “I can just return it, you know? If you don’t want it then I-”
“Fine...” Resigned to your fate, you took it from him. Even if the physical object wasn’t as important for you as the thoughtfulness behind it. “But only because you bought it” 
Kiro kept smiling, even awing when you took the teddy bear and found yourself hugging it tight against your chest. It was soft and warm. And it smelled like him.
Lucien had called you to his office, insisting that he wanted to see you. As you arrived at his door and knocked, you hoped it wasn’t because of what you thought. Today was Valentine’s Day, a holiday you disliked. You had asked him not to buy you anything, refusing to make him feel obligated to. 
“Come in” His voice called from inside. As soon as you walked in, you saw him standing leaned against the desk, waiting for you.
“Hello! I’m here, what did you want to see me for?” You smiled a little. “I hope it’s not for what I think...”
“Do I truly need a reason for wanting to see you?” Separating the distance between you, he approached to take your hand in his.
You blushed a little when he kissed your knuckles in quite a gentlemanly way.
“So you don’t want to give me anything?” You insisted, hoping the answer was no.
“Actually, there’s this little thing” He shoved a hand in the pocket of his white lab coat. “I wanted you to have it...”
You observed the envelope and carefully took it from him, squinting at it in curiosity to its contents.
“Lucien... I thought we said...”
“Well, I didn’t buy it” He interrupted you. “So technically, I didn’t disobey”
You laughed a bit, opening the letter inside the envelope and reading the first line that said ‘my dearest Y/N’. Before you could carry on reading, his hands covered the letter and gently shoved it against your chest.
“Read it when you’re alone, please” He sweetly smiled. “It may not be the best, but it came from the heart”
“Thank you...” You replied, quite moved by the gesture. “But now I don’t have anything to give back to you”
“You don’t need to, it’s enough with just having you here”
You nodded your head, taking mental note of Victor’s advice. Thinking the brief meeting was done, you turned around. He, however, called you as your hand hovered over the door handle.
“Before you go...” He mumbled, making a pause that was quite long and hesitant, especially for him. “What do you want for Valentine’s Day?” 
“What?” You quickly faced him, astonished by the sudden question.
He rolled his eyes as though it bothered him that you made him repeat himself. 
“Valentine’s Day, what do you want?” 
“Oh, I don’t want anything” You shrugged a little. “I don’t really like the holiday that much”
“Really? I’m surprised” He watched you  attentively, smiling a little. “But I did make some pudding, it’s a shame if it were to go to waste”
You gawked at him, observing his every move as he went to retrieve something from under the desk. When he held it in his hands, you saw that it was a small tupperware and inside it was some delicious looking pudding. 
“You did that for me?” You asked him, smiling at the endearing gesture.
Victor rolled his eyes once more. As he offered it to you, his entire body language screamed exasperation. But you did notice the way the corners of his lips were struggling not to curve up.
“Do you want it or not?” He insisted, averting his gaze at your staring. “Stop gawking and make up your mind”
“Thank you” You reached out, and your fingers brushed together. Suddenly, you were relieved that he wasn’t looking. “I will eat it”
“Wonderful...” He sarcastically said, feigning disinterest.
“But!” You held one finger up, gathering his attention. “Only if you eat it with me”
Victor stared at you, examining your expression. In the end, he rolled his eyes yet again and obliged.
“Fine...” He went to pick up two spoons from the small hidden box under the desk. “We can afford to take a break, I suppose”
You cheered, grinning from ear to ear as you took the spoon from him. You immediately started eating the pudding, humming in delight at its tastiness. Victor took his time digging in the dessert himself, too busy with admiring how your face radiated with happiness.
Tag list: @xionroxas / @lupanaoflaminar / @hottchocolatte / @bubblyblossomx / @freya-lynn / @hana-owen / @x-joie-x / @i-wanna-be-a-cookie / @ikemencrossedmyth / @legallyblindgamer727 / @thegrandduckmaster / @n3verending16 / @ginkgo-dreams  // If you want to be added or taken off the tag list for these fandoms or characters, let me know!! // Reblogs and comments are appreciated!
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1heartfanfics · 4 years
Nauseous Nathan and Hazel on a date?
Okay I’ve been avoiding this prompt for a while now, sorry about that anon, I’m not sure why I usually love writing some sick Nath! Anyway, here it is, it ended up getting really emotional...
TW: mentions of abuse
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“Is something wrong with your food?” Hazel asked, trying to catch Nathan’s eye. He wouldn’t look at her for some reason, and he wouldn’t eat any of his dinner either.
“I’m just not that hungry,” he shrugged. ‘Not hungry’ was an understatement. He felt like if he put anything into his stomach he would throw up right there in that restaurant. 
“Yeah, I’ve heard that before,” Hazel laughed, “Is this kind of not hungry where you end up eating three pieces of pizza after or the real kind of not hungry?” she asked.
“I had lunch really late at work today so I’m just not hungry yet I guess,” he explained, shrugging his shoulders again.
“Okay, what did you have for lunch?” Hazel asked. There was clearly something else going on here, but she was waiting to see if he would just tell her himself. 
“Uh, they brought in sandwiches from that place in the mall,” he said, still looking down at the plate of pasta that he was just stirring around. Looking at it was making him feel even more nauseous than he already did, but he knew he couldn’t look at Hazel without giving himself away. 
“Oh, I love that place! That’s cool that they brought in food,” Hazel smiled, watching him sadly. He obviously didn’t feel well, she didn’t understand why he couldn’t just tell her. 
“Mhmm,” he hummed in agreement, stabbing at a piece of chicken on his plate. Hazel sighed, rolling her eyes and flagging down their waitress. 
“You guys doing alright?” the waitress asked.
“Could we get the check please? And two to-go boxes,” Hazel asked her.
“Of course, I’ll be right back,” she said, heading back towards the kitchen. 
“We’re leaving?” Nathan asked, looking up at her for the first time since they’d sat down. He tried not to sound too relieved, but he honestly wanted nothing more than to go home, lay down, and hopefully rub his belly into submission. 
“Yeah babe,” she sighed. 
“Here you go,” their waitress came back, setting down the two boxes and their ticket.
“Thanks,” Hazel smiled, already pulling out her wallet. She placed a $20 on top of their bill and scooted it towards the edge of the table. 
“Are you mad at me?” Nathan asked, “I’m sorry I know I haven’t been super fun tonight, I’m just really tired I guess.”
“You’re not just tired, I know you aren’t feeling well. And yeah, Nath, I am kinda mad. Because after all this time we’ve been together you still don’t trust me enough to just tell me when something’s wrong, and that kinda pisses me off,” she snapped.
Nathan was quiet, staring down at his food again. Hazel moved her food into the styrofoam box, then reached over and pulled Nathan’s plate towards her to put it in the other box. He continued to just stare down at the table though, blinking back tears. He wished he could tell her, he really did, but it just wasn’t that easy. She didn’t understand. 
“Ready?” Hazel asked, standing up with both of their boxes of food. 
“Yeah,” he mumbled, standing up as well and following her out of the restaurant. Once they’d gotten in her car she handed him the boxes, setting them in his lap. The smell of the food wafting up towards him was too much though, and he gagged. 
“Nath?” Hazel asked, looking over at him. He had a fist pressed to his mouth, eyes closed, breathing shallowly. His face had gone a deathly shade of pale.
“My stomach is really messed up right now Haz, I might throw up,” he was finally able to answer, breathing through his nose. After a few more deep breaths he was able to get his stomach under control, enough to stay in place for now at least. 
“Alright, okay let’s put these in the back seat,” she took the boxes from him, having realized what had set him off. She twisted around to put them in the backseat, then turned back to face him. 
“I’m sorry,” he said, his voice breaking. He felt tears welling in his eyes again, spilling over down his cheeks this time. 
“It’s okay, I probably shouldn’t have snapped at you anyway, you’re not feeling good,” she shrugged, feeling guilty for making her sick boyfriend cry, even if he was being a stubborn idiot. 
“It’s not that I don’t want to tell you...” he said, trailing off. Tears continued to fall, dripping down his face and making spots on his jeans.
“Then why don’t you? I mean you know that I’ll always take care of you, so I just don’t understand why,” Hazel sighed, feeling exasperated. 
“At home,” Nathan sighed, sniffling and wiping a sleeve across his eyes to dry the tears, “At home we didn’t g-get to be sick. It’s a weakness. We’d get y-yelled at o-or hit or...” he cut himself off with a sob.
“Oh, god sweetie,” Hazel cried, tears welling in her own eyes. She pushed the middle console up and slid over next to Nathan, pulling him into her arms. He pressed his face against her shoulder, sobbing into her shirt as he clutched onto her. 
“I’m s-sorry,” he grabbed a fist full of her shirt in his hand. His other arm was wrapped around his tummy, rubbing it over his button up. 
“It’s okay baby, you’re okay, I’ve got you,” she said, rocking back and forth slightly and trailing her fingers up and down his back, running her fingers through his hair with her other hand.
“Haz I’m so n-nauseous,” he cried, biting back a gag.
“I know, I know, just try to calm down okay? You’re getting yourself all worked up here. Just take some deep breaths Nath,” she said, feeling like a terrible person. Here she was yelling at him for not telling her when he was sick, when he’d grown up getting beat for it. 
“Hngg,” he moaned, squirming against her. She felt his body go stiff, stomach contracting with a heave that thankfully didn’t bring anything up. 
“Here, let me help okay? Just keep breathing,” she instructed. Then she reached between them, unbuttoning his shirt so she could rest her hand on his bare tummy. It was a little bloated, but still soft. She started to rub his upset belly, gently at first, in circles, then slowly adding more pressure. She mostly focused on the area over his belly button, but occasionally circled closer to his belt or up towards his ribs. 
He sighed in relief, letting out a string of burps, turning limp in her arms. He nuzzled against her neck, having finally calmed, stopped crying. Must’ve just been all that trapped gas making him feel nauseous.
“Better?” she asked, still kneading the soft mound of his tummy.
“Yeah,” he sniffled, “I’m sorry for ruining our date.”
“You didn’t ruin our date love, it’s alright. I’m the one who’s sorry. I am so sorry I got mad at you, I had no idea,” Hazel shook her head.
“You had no way of knowing,” Nathan shrugged, sitting up to lean back in his own seat. He buttoned his shirt back up, but kept a hand resting over his tummy. “I should’ve told you about that a long time ago, it’s just hard to talk about I guess,” he continued.
“Yeah, I know. And I’m so sorry you had to deal with all that. Just know that I will never be upset at you or judge you for being sick. And that you can talk to me about anything, whenever you’re ready,” she told him, leaning over to press a kiss to his cheek. Then she scooted back over into the drivers seat and started the car. 
“Okay,” he sniffed, “I love you Hazel,”
“I love you too. Now let’s get you home,” she said.
“My tummy’s still a little upset,” he agreed. 
Hazel smiled. At least he was being open about it now. Progress. 
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darknessisafriend · 4 years
Joe is just too adorable
Anon asked:  Can we get a super fluffly fic with Joe?
YES Joe must be protected!!!
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There were just days where Joe was so adorable...
There were days where Joe seemed cuter than usual and you couldn’t get over with it, you would spend your whole day looking at him with a big lovesick smile on your lips. And today was one of those days. You took a deep breath, rolling in your bed, you were not ready to get up just yet, you were feeling incredibly warm and comfortable. Then, you slowly opened your eyes, Joe was still sleeping, curved into a ball, facing you, one hand under his head as an extra pillow and the other flatly laying on his stomach, a few long locks were on his face; he looked so peaceful, you won’t wake him up today, you were enjoying this sight too much.
Then, a few minutes later, he started to awake, burying his face into his pillow, trying to fall back asleep; you grinned, the little pout he had on his face was adorable. Shortly after, he gave up and opened his eyes, instantly relaxing at your presence by his side.
“Mornin’” Joe said, his voice slightly muffled by the pillow.
“Good morning sweetheart!” you said joyfully, almost jumping on him to kiss him, he chuckled and wrapped his arms around your waist as your tongue went to tease his lips, hungrily begging access.
You kissed and giggled in bed for a few more minutes before heading downstairs for breakfast. You settled at the table sipping your cup of coffee as you watched your boyfriend prepare breakfast. He truly enjoyed cooking and always insisted on making you breakfast. He was just so attentive with you! He was shirtless, which enabled you to watch his body move, you watched as his chest peacefully rose and fell as he cooked, how his muscles contracted as he lifted his arm to get the flour in the cupboard. Your eyes traveled down to his love handles, gosh you really loved those. Joe put a loose strand of hair behind his ear which was obstructing his view. He looked so disheveled but at the same time he just looked so comfy and fluffy, it made you feel so many things that you felt like your heart could explode. You rest your head in your hands, sighting in happiness, a silly smile on your lips; until you couldn’t resist anymore, he was like a magnet, you couldn’t stay away from him today.
So, you got up, Joe briefly looked at you, throwing you a tender smile before focusing back on his cooking. You arrived behind him, wrapping your arms around his body, your hands distractingly caressing his soft tummy as you laid your cheek against his back, you were too small to see over his shoulder anyway; you smiled, enjoying the feeling of his warm skin against yours, his scent…
“A little clingy koala today aren’t you…” he grinned, briefly stroking your hand with his thumb. You hummed in response, placing a soft kiss on the scar of his shoulder. When he finished the pancakes, Joe turned, still in your embrace holding the plate right below your nose, the delicious smell made you let go of him so that you could steal a piece of pancake, Joe smirked playfully and lifted the plate out of your reach.
“That’s not fair!” you complained with a cute desperate pout, your boyfriend chuckled, amused.
“You’ll get one when I get a kiss first…” he teased you with a knowing glint in his eyes.
“Well, that can be arranged.” You grinned, you stood on tiptoe and captured his lips, giving him a slow and tender kiss. As you pulled back, he smiled pleased and handed you the plate to share it with you.
In the afternoon, you tried to work a bit on some task for your job but after barely an hour you gave up. You couldn’t focus, all you could think of was Joe, you already missed him.
“I’ll take a short break, and then I’ll be getting back to work!” you said to yourself, trying to find a bit more conviction, but in the back of your mind, you already knew you wouldn’t get back to it so soon. You went downstairs, and searched for Joe; you found him lying on the sofa, his legs crossed, reading a book, you smiled, he had this concentrated frown, he was so adorable…you wanted nothing but hold him as he read.
So, you quickly went to the kitchen to pick up a box of chocolate to eat and slowly approached Joe. He lifted his eyes from his book, he arched an eyebrow curious about your careful behavior and noticed the desperate and needy face you made.
“Alright, come here.” He sighed, falsely annoyed. Inside, your way of seeking his touch made his heart flutter. When you heard his answer, you couldn’t stop the happy squeal that escaped your lips, you joyfully trotted to him, putting down the box of chocolate on the floor, close to your reach. Then, you gently laid down on him, resting your head on his chest so that you could listen to his heartbeat. You sighed in pleasure; all you needed was to feel his warmth. You stayed silent, letting him enjoy his book; after a few seconds laying on him, Joe’s left hand came to rest on your head, distractingly caressing your hair; he never stopped except when he had to turn a page.
However, he couldn’t resist for long to the chocolate you had brought nearby. Between kisses and laughs, you started feeding him some, you loved the face he made at the taste of the sweet treat, how he closed his eyes in delight, taking a deep breath as he savored every bite; so you kept feeding him, enjoying the pleasure he felt.
“Hey, I’m gonna get fat if you keep feeding me like this.”  Objected Joe on a soft tone, still chewing the chocolate praline you had gave him.
“But you love it…” you replied mischievously, giving him a quick peck on the lips.
“I do but your father is gonna point it out to me again.” He sighed; Joe wanted to be well seen by his family in law.
“Well I like your tummy and your chubby cheeks, my beautiful teddy bear” you cooed, placing kisses on his mouth then his cheek “ And we have to feed those big muscles of yours.” You added, yeah this was good point you thought; your boyfriend laughed taking the chocolate from your hands to place it between your lips, when the tip of your tongue tasted the chocolate, you took it full in your mouth, and hummed, closing your eyes at the wonderful taste. Then, you felt Joe’s lips land on yours, his tongue teased your mouth to transform into a deep kiss until you broke apart to catch your breath.
“You taste good.” he purred Joe with a handsome smile, you bite your lower lip, he was just so adorable when he teased you like this, the twinkle in his eyes, that smile…
In the end you were right; you weren’t productive that day, you had once again succumbed to your love for Joe, you knew how cheesy it sounded but it was the truth. You had the spend the rest on the day on the sofa with him, cuddling and eating the whole box of chocolates.
That night, you were early in bed, Joe was in the shower and while waiting for him you worked on your laptop, you had no distraction and you had no choice but work. Until, he came out, entering the bedroom, shirtless, a towel on his head, his long locks, wavy when damp, drops of water running on his skin, his cheeks flushed by the heat of the water. He went to the mirror, and started to dry his hair with the towel, and you didn’t even know why but you found this so adorable, and it wasn’t even the first time you saw him do that, maybe it was the way he tried untangle his hair or the way he looked at himself in the mirror. Your brows knitted together in a softened face, you pinched your lips together, this man was too cute for this world. Joe saw your face through the mirror and turned to you, arching an eyebrow.
“Are you alright, you made this face the whole day.” He asked, intrigued by how you looked at him.
“Has anyone ever told you just how adorable you are? Because you really are.” You let out, you instantly put your hand on your mouth; you had realized it might make him uncomfortable, he had a bit of trouble with open compliments like these “Sorry, couldn’t help it.” You apologized, feeling you might have upset him but in reality, he was surprised, he knew you loved him and found him handsome but cute…is something he had never heard before.
“Really?” he asked in disbelief, a tender smile slowly forming on his lips.
“Yes?” you answered with a guilty tone, no, you won’t deny it, he was the cutest!
“Now, you’re the one who’s adorable.” He chuckled at your cute face. Still smiling softly, Joe approached you,  taking away your laptop from your lap and setting it aside, his smile transformed into a smirk as he made you fully lie down on the mattress, his arms by each side of your face, blocking any way out for you, he detailed your face, the tenderness slowly being replaced by desire.
“Am I still being cute now?” he insinuated, looking at you in the eyes, leaning closer to your lips, you swallowed down, arousal growing in your whole being. Gosh, he was really hot like that, half naked, dripping wet, lust in his eyes, so raw, so wild…
“Now you’re just being so freakin’ sexy.” You purred jumping on his lips.
Tag list: @lyoongx​ @weirdflecksbutok​ @skaravile​ @niniita-ah @stardancerluv​ @sgtsavoytruffle​ @charlie-sisters​ @thedamchii​ @arthurismybby​ @radio-hoo-ha​ @ninathefandomcollector​ @kiddastle @lovesickforjoaqvin @joaquins-angel​
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