#sorry about the minimal whump but yall get plenty of that in literally any other post I make
whumpyourenemy · 3 years
Enemies to Lovers dialogues that are pure tension
'We all have our vices. You're mine'
[While pointing two fingers] 'Bang'
'Have you ever considered that you're just lucky?'
'Does it hurt? Just kidding, I don't care'
'Skip the speech, Churchill. Just shoot me'
'I know you, better than anyone else.'
'Help yourself'
'Who are you without me? You're nobody.'
'Princess, I could do this all day'
'Get up. Fight me the way I deserve'
'What do you want from me?'
'Oh you thought you could go die by someone else's hand and I wouldn't know? Well darling, you'll die when I decide'
'Who gave you those bruises? Only a coward would hit like that'
'You're distracted. Go pick a fight with the person you really have a problem with. I'm not your punching bag'
'How can I show you that I'm being serious?'
'I had nowhere else to go'
'Why are you helping me?'/'Shut up. I'm already regretting this'
'You're not the only one that's allowed to change'
'I thought you had no weaknesses'/ 'I've recently developed one inconvenient one'
'You're a fool'
'I haven't stopped thinking about you'
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