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theivorybilledwoodpecker · 2 years ago
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ulkaralakbarova · 7 months ago
Utøya: July 22
The movie tells the story about a girl who has to hide and survive from a right wing terrorist while looking for her little sister during the terrorist attacks in Norway on the island Utøya, July 22nd. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Kaja: Andrea Berntzen Magnus: Aleksander Holmen Petter: Brede Fristad Emilie: Elli Rhiannon Müller Osborne Oda: Jenny Svennevig Kristine: Ingeborg Enes Issa: Sorosh…
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coochiequeens · 2 years ago
JALALABAD, Afghanistan (AP) — A women-run radio station in Afghanistan’s northeast has been shut down for playing music during the holy month of Ramadan, a Taliban official said Saturday.
Sadai Banowan, which means women’s voice in Dari, is Afghanistan’s only women-run station and started 10 years ago. It has eight staff, six of them female.
Moezuddin Ahmadi, the director for Information and Culture in Badakhshan province, said the station violated the “laws and regulations of the Islamic Emirate” several times by broadcasting songs and music during Ramadan and was shuttered because of the breach.
“If this radio station accepts the policy of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and gives a guarantee that it will not repeat such a thing again, we will allow it to operate again,” said Ahmadi.
Station head Najia Sorosh denied there was any violation, saying there was no need for the closure and called it a conspiracy. The Taliban “told us that you have broadcast music. We have not broadcast any kind of music,” she said.
Sorosh said at 11:40 a.m. on Thursday representatives from the Ministry of Information and Culture and the Vice and Virtue Directorate arrived at the station and shut it down. She said station staff have contacted Vice and Virtue but officials there said they do not have any additional information about the closing.
Many journalists lost their jobs after the Taliban takeover in August 2021. Media outlets closed over lack of funds or because staff left the country, according to the Afghan Independent Journalists Association.
The Taliban have barred women from most forms of employment and education beyond the sixth grade, including university. There is no official ban on music. During their previous rule in the late 1990s, the Taliban barred most television, radio and newspapers in the country.
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asharenabir · 5 years ago
... Flw @Asharenabir . #هوس_باز . عاشق نبودی تو من عاشقت بودم در قبله گاه عشق بودی تو معبودم آرام و آسوده در خواب خوش بودی یک لحظه من بی تو هرگز نیاسودم من با نفسهایت نام تو را خواندم کاش ای هوس بازم با تو نمی ماندم من با نفسهایت نام تو را خواندم کاش ای هوس بازم با تو نمی ماندم . . خواننده : #سروش #Sorosh @Asharenabir @Asharenabir #موزیک_ایرانی #اشعارناب #ترانه #عشق #ترانه #نفس #عاشقانه #اشعار_ناب #تو #هوس #شعر_عاشقانه #عکسپروفایل #عاشقانه #persian #آهنگ_غمگین #دکلمه_غمگین #آهنگ_عاشقانه #persian_music #بی_تو . . ممنون از اینکه همراه ما هستید، حامی ما باشید ⁦❤️⁩💙 https://www.instagram.com/p/B7YqnkxpcAt/?igshid=maqtdvdmm5s2
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johnryanjjstudios · 2 years ago
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Orchid + Tyler. . . Venue coordinator: Jeffrey Gallo Photography/Videography: J&J Studios, LLC John Ryan @jjstudiosphiladelphia 714-215-2179 Officiant: Dr. Sorosh Roshan (bride’s godmother) Florist: Jardiniere Fine Flowers Bedminster @jfineflowers.com Hair & Makeup Artist: Melissa D'Aloia & Co. Luxury Hair & Makeup Entertainment/DJ/Lighting: Eclipse Entertainment. Anthony Battista lead event host + master DJ + Trio musicians Brides’ Ring: Robert Lance Jewelers Groom’s Ring: Robert Lance Jewelers Wedding Signs, Invitations: Zola Wedding Dress Store: Jaehee Bridal Atelier Designer: Martina Liana Veil: Homa Bridal Tux: Ralph Lauren Cake: Calandra's Bakery Acoustic Guitarist during Reception Dave Grossman via Eclipse Entertainment (at Park Avenue Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnaONompu-G/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hejaframtiden · 3 years ago
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Sorosh Tavakoli är grundare av Stockeld Dreamery, som planerar att ta ett rejält grepp kring marknaden för växtbaserad ost. Vi träffar honom under Nordic Future Food-mässan, där han just kommunicerat att bolaget lägger sin första produkt, salladsosten Chunk, på is. Men...
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christianvonessen · 3 years ago
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Sorosh Tavakoli är grundare av Stockeld Dreamery, som planerar att ta ett rejält grepp kring marknaden för växtbaserad ost. Vi träffar honom under Nordic Future Food-mässan, där han just kommunicerat att bolaget lägger sin första produkt, salladsosten Chunk, på is. Men...
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popmusic1 · 3 years ago
دانلود آهنگ تری ای و زد پی و سروش ایکس به نام سیانور Download Music: Three A, ZP & Sorosh X | In The Name Of ♪ Siyanor 🎶 In The | VoiceMusic.IR به ویس موزیک بپیوندید با سوپرایز ویژه این ساعت / دانلود آهنگ جدید عاشقانه و غمگین “ سیانور ” با صدای محبوب تری ای و زد پی و سروش ایکس با بهترین کیفیت و متن ترانه 320 و 128 mp3
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afghannewswire · 4 years ago
Sorosh Moheb ft Sultan Masood - New Afghan Music
Sorosh Moheb ft Sultan Masood – New Afghan Music
Email Address: Subscribe Check out our Flying Carpets NOW ! https://afghan-carpets.com/shop AFGHAN-CARPETS.COM GIVES WINGS – THE ONLY CARPETS THAT CAN FLY HANDMADE COLLECTABLE CARPETS DIRECTLY FROM PRODUCERS  Get your Bonus and Commission of 15% here https://afghancarpets.goaffpro.com/ THE ONLY GLOBAL WEBSHOP WITH FINEST ORIGINAL HANDMADE AFGHAN CARPETS DIRECTLY FROM AFGHANISTAN…
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thehappydramallama · 5 years ago
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Título original: Utøya 22. juli
Director: Erik Poppe
Año: 2018
País: Noruega
Duración: 93 minutos
Género: Thriller (basado en la masacre de la isla de Utøya)
Intérpretes: Andrea Berntzen, Aleksander Holmen, Brede Fristad, Ada Eide, Sorosh Sadat, Elli Rhiannon Müller Osbourne.
Una adolescente lucha por sobrevivir y localizar a su hermana menor durante el ataque terrorista de 2011 en un campamento político de verano en Utøya.
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mantaypeli · 6 years ago
Utoya. 22 de julio
Utoya. 22 de julio
Ejercicio de catarsis cinematográfica en torno a la matanza de la isla de Utoya, en julio de 2011 rodada cámara en mano y en un único plano secuencia. Siete años después de la tragedia, el cineasta noruego Erik Poppe se apoya en una realización espartana y un reducido grupo de actores no profesionales para reconstruir el infierno que atravesaron los jóvenes integrantes de un campamento veraniego…
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urbanidesnicar · 4 years ago
Feta kruva i pašteta
Upravo svjedočimo najokrutnijem obliku vladavine u povijesti. U pitanju je MEDICINSKI TERORIZAM. Vodili su se ratovi, padala su carstva, nestajale civilizacije... Ali nikada nitko nije u istome trenutku, napao cijeli svijet.
Koliko je samo filmova snimljeno, o vanzemaljcima i kojekakvim stvorenjima iz svemira. Koji uz pomoć napredne tehnologije razaraju našu planetu. Svi takvi uradci su svrstani u kategoriju "znanstvene fantastike". A danas je običan pokušaj normalnog života, postao upravo to. Čista fantazija...
Opet se pokazalo da je čovjek čovjeku najveći neprijatelj. Ako vladajuću "sotonističku sektu", uopće možemo nazvati ljudima. Želja za vlasti je jedno, ali ovo ćemu svjedočimo je nešto sasvim drugo. Fale mi riječi za opisati ovu piramidu zla, koja gazi sve Božje zakone.
I dan danas nas plaše stanovitim Austrijskim slikarom, iz prve polovine prošloga stoljeća. Mislim na naočitog gospodina s brčićima i supruga Eve Braun. Danas su tu: Rockefeller, Rothschild, Swabs, Sorosh, Gates, Bezos.... U poređenju s njima, gospon Ado izgleda kao totalni amater i početnik. A i humanista, dodao bih.
Kada sam se prvi put susreo sa pojmom "depopulacija", bio sam skeptičan. Vrlo. Smatrao sam da tako nešto nije moguće. Nema teorije. Ali razvoj situacije (pogotovo u zadnjih godinu i pol), me natjerao da iz korijena promjenim mišljenje. 
Plan za cijepljenje djece je bio točka na i. Kako drugačije objasniti činjenicu da su mladi a pogotovo djeca imuni na kinesku gripu. I da među njima nije zabilježen NITI JEDAN smrtni slučaj. A oni bi ih cijepili. Na silu. Protiv čega? Protiv života, po svoj prilici...
Imam dvoje djece, i NEMA TE SILE koja će ih natjerati da se cijepe. Ako to bude uvjet za školovanje, ispisat ću ih iz škole. Neka uče doma. Živi i zdravi.
Jasno mi je da će pritisak biti sve veći, ali smo se moja obitelj i ja spremni odreći svega. Preživjeli smo rat, preživit ćemo i ovo. Nadam se? Ali netko će za ovo platiti glavom. Garantiram. Jebe me se za vaše "povlastice". Ne trebaju mi. I nisam jedini koji tako misli. Ima nas puno diljem svijeta, ali je u "medijima" stvorena slika kako svi jedva čekamo jebeno cjepivo. Nije točno. Jer da je stvarno tako, ne bi im trebala ova ubitačna medijska propaganda. 
Pa su tako počeli dijeliti i nagrade. Još jedan dokaz da im "dobro" ide. Tko primi prvu dozu dobit će fetu kruva. A nakon druge slijedi pašteta. I to ona Gavrilovićeva, u narančastoj konzervi. Jer jebo život bez paštete. Službeno se cijepilo 40% pučanstva RH. Pošto lažu čim zinu, ovu brojku slobodno možemo prepoloviti. Što nam ona govori? Da su i marginalci počeli misliti svojom glavom. Mali Vili nam prijeti sankcijama? Da se nije malo zajebo? Plačen je da laže, a za prijetnje su zaduženi organi reda. Lakše malo momčino, da ne bi došlo do nepotrebnih "ekscesa". Velike si gaće sinko obuko. Za discipliniranje masa se prvo koristila mrkva, pa tek onda batina. Izgleda da su zalihe "šargarepe" drastično pale, pa je baseball palica sve traženiji artikl. Ali kome će se odbiti od glavu, pitanje je sad? Jer svaka akcija - izaziva reakciju. Tako me je u školi učilo.
Ako bi već dozvolio da me bockaju, u obzir dolazi samo injekcija heroina. Volio bi se "overdozirat" na koncertu AC/DC (predgrupa: rahmetli Šaban Šaulić). Da barem skiknem sretan, i za DOM & rock'n roll SPREMAN!
Dete s posebnim potrebama - Ella Dvornik, pokazuje medijima unutrašnjost svoga novog doma. A ćaćin joj je grob u katastrofalnom stanju. Zarastao, šporak, i vidi se da ga godinama nitko ne održava. Mater Daniela ide na fitness, pa biće nema vremena. E moj dobri Dino, nije ni tebi bilo lako i sad razumijem sve tvoje poroke.
I prije ove katastrofe smo imali pun k. problema. A ovo s koronom nam je leglo ko' budali šamar. Bojim se da nam je danas to prioritet broj 1. I da je kontraproduktivno trošiti energiju na druge stvari. I pitati se: "Što bi bilo, kad bi bilo?" Da sam se rodio ko' žensko, danas bi bio mater a ne ćaća. Ali nema poante o tome razmišljati...
Tako je i sa lustracijom. Trebali smo je napraviti, a nismo. I nema smisla to stalno ponavljati. Imamo li još šanse? Nemamo. Već odavno je kasno. Zašto? Kada bi ih kojim čudom sutra sve lustrirali, opet ne bi ništa napravili. Jer je u međuvremenu stasala nova generacija partizana i četnika.
Što ti je život. Neki dan čitam kako je preminuo vojni analitičar Jan Ivanjek. Mlad momak, tek mu je 30 ljeta bilo. Poslije saznam da smo već godinama bili prijatelji na Twitteru. Tamo je bio pod nadimkom "Neovisni analitičar". Svaka mu je bila na mjestu i nikada nikoga nije uvrijedio. A o svojoj bolesti nije ni riječ rekao, niti se žalio. Bio je jedan od onih tihih ljudi, koji puno toga znaju ali se ne nameću. Počivaj u miru kume moj, i neka ti je laka Hrvatska zemlja.
Pisanje "pro forme" nema smisla. To je jasno ko' dan. Ali i kritičko pisanje o nekim stvarima, sve manje ima efekta. Jer oni kojima je poruka upućena, u njoj redovito pronalaze druge a nikada sebe. Vazda im je netko drugi kriv.
Održan je sastanak sedam nerazvijenijih zemalja svijeta (G7). Glavne teme: PLANdemija i "klimatske promjene". Pošto ni jedno ni drugo ne postoji, koje su k. pričali? Kako nas što više poslati u "gulage", a da se previše ne bunimo? Svijet srlja u totalnu propast, i prioritet je spasiti živu glavu. Ali ostati SVOJ! 
U SAD je stanje gore nego kod nas. Dočekali smo i taj dan. Ali ne našom zaslugom. Poznato je da skupina luđaka stvara Novi Svjetski Poredak. Odabrali su američku varijantu "Možemo", da uništi nekada najmoćniju svjetsku silu. Za sad im dobro ide. Ali... Sreća pa Guverneri imaju jake ovlasti. Pa tako u 20-ak saveznih država, Bidenovi zakoni uopće ne vrijede. Posebno se ističe prvi čovjek Floride, De Santis. Po meni najbolji izbor za slijedeće Predsjedničke izbore. Trumpova potpora se podrazumijeva. U novom izvješću Vijeća Europe stoji, da su srbi i romi diskriminirani u Hrvatskoj!? Tko je ovdje lud? MI, tko će drugi? Odavno je jasno tko stoji iza ovakvih "objektivnih izvješća", pa se u skladu s njima treba i ponašati. Sad ih treba stvarno diskriminirati, da imaju razloga za kmečanje.
Onomad je stajao natpis, da je "nebeskima" i čukenju ulaz u neke objekte zabranjen. Pričam o slavnoj povijesti. Što se u međuvremenu promijenilo? Postali su fini, kulturni i nisu više agresivni? Ne "atakuju" više na naš teritorij i vole Hrvatsku kao zjenicu oka svoga? Nemojte me ljudi više zajebavat...
Nogomet? Imamo razloga za ponos. Naime ovih dana je godišnjica, naše prve utakmice pod okriljem FIFE. U Beču se na današnji dan (15.6.1941), prvi put službeno čula naša himna. Igrali smo protiv tada "vrlo neugodne i jake" Njemačke a rezultat je bio 1:1. Kolega Amor Patriae sa Twittera kaže, da je naš najbolji napadač bio Jure Francetić. Pokazao se daleko najučinkovitiji u napadu na Drinu, povijesnu Hrvatsku granicu.
Kratak osvrt na Euro. Danac Eriksen dobije infarkt, u sred utakmice sa Finskom. Bogu hvala, pa su ga uspjeli reanimirati. Mlad čovjek, sportaš u naponu snage, zdrav, testiran svaki tjedan... Što je razlog? Cijepio se protiv Kineske gripe 31.5. ove godine. Ovo je službena informacija njegovog klupskog liječnika (Inter). Ista je u roku nekoliko sati, "čudesno" nestala sa svih društvenih mreža. Slučajnost? Taj izraz već odavno ne postoji...
Dok su Englezi klečali, naši su stajali. Očekivao sam da padne oralni seks, međutim ništa se nije dogodilo. Trebalo bi "anglosaksonske đabalebaroše" tužiti. Podhitno. I uzeti im tri boda za zelenim stolom. DokleN više diskriminejšn nad 82 spola + pederi? Na kraju smo izgubili. Jebaji ga. Idemo dalje i još ništa nije gotovo. 
Ja nogomet previše emotivno shvaćam, pa sam se išao objesit poslije utakmice. Izađem na balkon, uzmem 4 štipalice i zakačim se za onaj konop gdje se suši roba. I tako sam visio cijeli dan.
Ostao bi ja još, da navečer nisu navalili komarci... 
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whittlebaggett8 · 6 years ago
Coping With War, Afghans Turns to Art and Books
Rubaba Mohammadi, 19, hardly ever appeared to suffer immediately from the long war in Afghanistan. Mohammadi may perhaps have born and lifted all through the war, but she never ever crossed an improvised explosive unit. She has under no circumstances been caught in the crossfire or an airstrike. But she utilised to stay home all working day lengthy on her individual. She’d look at her siblings going to faculty, graduating, attending weddings, and heading on vacations. Mohammadi was confined to her dwelling, not simply because she was wounded by a suicide bombing but simply because she was born partially paralyzed.
Mohammadi endured from neglect under the bodyweight of her disability, amid a turbulent and troubled Afghan society, until she wiped off her tears to decide up a colored pencil. In 2013, she developed her initially at any time painting applying her mouth.  
“I utilised to sense helpless and weak ahead of portray,” suggests Mohammadi, adding a smile. “That aged Rubaba is no extended here… I in no way believed I could rock the world with my art.”
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Rubaba Mohammadi, 19, paints at Rubaba Heart for Arts and Tradition in Kabul. Image Credit score Ezzatullah Mehrdad
In Afghanistan, chronic violence not only statements many life but also weighs major on the shoulders of the country’s youths. Disabled people are quite usually left driving. The war shatters everyday everyday living, and Afghanistan’s youths, disabled or not, have confined options.
To cope with the side outcomes of the war, educated folks, specifically youths, turn to arts and books to emotionally endure. In inventive performs, they look for to thrive in a place that has sunk into violence and misery over 4 a long time of relentless  violence.
“I started portray 5 several years in the past due to remaining left on my personal at home all the time,” Mohammadi, states, describing the journey of developing a vocation and a occupation in painting. “I couldn’t go anyplace, I couldn’t go college.”
Mohammadi gathered her braveness and dared to draw a vase complete of fruit, a portray that took her a year and a 50 % making use of her mouth. She threw absent her first drawing.
“I made use of to continue to be up late nights crying and wailing at God and asking Him why me,” she remembers. “Everyone seemed at my physical visual appearance, but no 1 saw what I have been going via at the corner of my household.”
But Mohammadi begun having fun with painting. Remaining house turned into a privilege, instead than a jail. She could concentrated on painting. “I really don’t know whether my father preferred me or not, but I am guaranteed my mother hardly ever appreciated me,” she claimed of the time just before she commenced drawing. Right after she commenced painting, Mohammadi became the pride of her family members. “My painting gained me the heart of my mother.”  
Mohammadi arrived out of the shadows and has held exhibitions in important art centers in Kabul. In Oct 2018, she held an exhibition at a present in Turkey for disabled artists, symbolizing an Afghanistan on a planet stage that offers her nothing in return. Mohammadi developed a job, track record, and profession out of a everyday living that usually seemed unfair to her.
She opened social media accounts and has connected with thousand of fans. Mohammadi is a celebrity. “I want to convey my desires, my feelings, and my planet by means of my portray,” says Mohammadi.
After 5 decades of painting, she marketed her functions and saved money to open a centre, named the Rubaba Center for Artwork and Lifestyle (RCAC), where by quite a few learners occur to study portray, general public talking, audio, and other handicrafts.
Learners along with Rubaba Mohammadi, in a blue headscarf, pose for a image at the Rubaba Middle for Arts and Tradition in Kabul. Image Credit score Ezzatullah Mehrdad
Mohammadi printed out organization cards: “President and founder of RCAC,” they study. She has a secretary who enrolls new college students and sets up her meetings. Each individual day, she wakes up in the heart that she operates, is effective and paints for two to eight hours, experiments English, and performs music.   
“It disappoints me that the governing administration does not support disabled people,” states Mohammadi, who wears a blue headscarf. “I want to establish a university and university for my fellow disabled men and women.”
Artwork is not the only device Afghan youths use to offer with the war and, extra, to thrive. In the past ten years of reconstruction, nevertheless the war carries on on, a new generation of guide addicts has grown up. Despite the fact that Afghanistan’s literacy price is as reduced as 38.2 %, educated Afghans examine regularly to emotionally survive.
“Book viewers have high self-self confidence,” says Dr. Jafar Ahmadi, an unbiased psychologist in Kabul. “The extra people today read through textbooks, the improved they are performing and primary their day-to-day life.”
Sohrab Sorosh, a author in Kabul, under no circumstances went to fight on the front lines for the army or the police, or the Taliban. Sorosh’s luck has not run out he’s prevented being caught in bomb blasts. But he suffers from the psychological toll of the war: “In the burdensome moments, e-book looking through is the best pastime.”
Born and lifted throughout the war, Sorosh had usually had a deep passion for guides. Back when he was young, curling up with guides was his hobby. “My uncle experienced two bins comprehensive of publications,” Sorosh recollects. “I study couple of of the publications, and I noticed primarily the photos in the publications. Properly, my siblings did not even see the photos.”
Sorosh graduated from sixth grade but could not proceed his schooling. Even so, he by no means stopped looking through. In late 2000s, Sorosh immersed himself in textbooks and commenced often borrowing from a library in Mazar-e-Sharif.
“[My writing] is the result of e book reading through,” says Sorosh, who landed a profession in journalism and crafting. Sorosh has become just one of the best narrative writers in the region. He functions with a properly-regarded newspaper and has drafted a small tale collection completely ready for publication.
Abdullah, 38, dropped out of university after eighth quality. He sells textbooks in the heart of Kabul. “Every evening, I read 10 web pages just before heading to bed,” suggests Abdullah, who goes without having a surname. “I experience interior peace by looking at guides immediately after a lengthy day in fast paced avenue selling guides.”
Abdullah sells books of every style, from novels to get-prosperous self-enable textbooks. His table shows translated edition of the ideal sellers, together with Michelle Obama’s Starting to be and John Kerry’s Each Day is Further.  
These Afghans who have tasted the sweetness of studying hope to transfer the practice to Afghanistan’s long run generations. A facet influence of the extended war has been the neglect of kids so lots of go without good education and learning and lots of absence the possibility to read fairy tales before heading to bed.
Abul Ali Payk, 65-yr-previous co-founder of Shirin Library, sits powering desk of Shirin Library in the outskirts of Kabul, Afghanistan. Impression Credit history Ezzatullah Mehrdad.
When, in the west outskirts of Kabul city, schoolboys chased a dog close to the neighborhood and caught him in a ruined house’s garden. The boys tied a rope all over neck of the pet dog and hung him up. Abdul Ali Payk, a 65-calendar year-aged resident of the neighborhood, noticed the boys hanging the puppy. He rushed more than to help you save the puppy. 
“I definitely endure from the social inadequacy,” states Payk, who was a guide addict and employed to run a shadow month to month named Payk Melat in remote locations of Ghazni province through the war against the Soviets in 1980s.
Coronary heart broken and upset, Payk returned household, where by his daughter, Rabia Salihi, greeted him. Payk informed his daughter the tale and they made the decision to build a mini library for the neighborhood boys, named Shirin Library. Perhaps books could save Afghan youth from the cruelty and war all over them. The father built the library and his daughter campaigned to obtain publications to stock it.  
“The library is my lifestyle,” suggests Payk, laying down in the library. “If the library was not established, I would have a coronary heart attack.”
Ezzatullah Mehrdad is a freelance journalist based mostly in Kabul.
The post Coping With War, Afghans Turns to Art and Books appeared first on Defence Online.
from WordPress https://defenceonline.com/2019/05/24/coping-with-war-afghans-turns-to-art-and-books/
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saazewatan · 6 years ago
SAAZE WATAN presents Sorosh Moheb "Move your Body" Afghan Songs, live Music Videos your favorite Afghan Star and muche more Music & Entertainment from Afghanistan on our Social Networks. Subscribe now to our Channel by pressing the Link below: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8Vs6MbCofVs0RP6LjWeQmw?sub_confirmation=1 Please find infos like Lyrics, Composer, Music, Director and Producer in the Video self. Hashtags: #saazewatan #afghansongs #Sorosh_Moheb #Music #Sorosh_Moheb_songs © by SAAZE WATAN and our Media Partner | All rights reserved - do not reupload this Video! by Saaze Watan
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filmindirclub · 6 years ago
Utoya 22 Temmuz İndir 2018 Türkçe Altyazılı 1080p
New Post has been published on https://indir.cafe/utoya-22-temmuz-indir/
Utoya 22 Temmuz İndir 2018 Türkçe Altyazılı 1080p
Utoya 22 Temmuz İndir 2018 Türkçe Altyazılı 1080p
Utoya 22 Temmuz İndir, filmi türkçe altyazılı tek parça olarak ve 1080p kalitesinde ücretsiz full indirebilirsiniz. 22 Haziran 2011 yılında, yaklaşık 500 gencin bulunduğu Utoya adasındaki yaz kampına ağır silahlarla bir saldırı düzenlenir. Utoya adası bombalanmadan önce Oslo Hükümet binası da bombalanmıştır. Adada ki bu saldırı sonucunda 69 insan hayatını kaybeder. Filmin konusu da Utoya adasındaki yaşanan bu katliamları anlatıyor. Aralarında 19 yaşındaki Kaja ve kardeşi de bu saldırıların içinde bulunuyor. Filmin yönetmenliğini Eric Poppe üstleniyor. Oyuncu kadrosu arasında Andrea Berntzen, Elli Rhiannon Müller Asborne, Jenny Svennevig, Aleksander Holmen, Sorosh Sadat, Brede Fristad gibi isimler yer alıyor.
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