#sorority noise edit
notreallyaroad · 6 months
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rory shield - sorority noise
tag list, lmk if you wanna be added or removed <3
@disabled-dean @butch--dean @shineforthee @ladymalchav @bloodydeanwinchester @denimshortsdean @nostalgicbones @matxhstixkers
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penny00dreadful · 9 months
Okay, okay, okay listen.
Remember when we were all obsessed with Steddie Legally Blonde a while back? Yes, I’m still thinking about it, leave me alone. And I adore everything I’ve read. It’s all so fantastic.
But I had a thought because what if we switched it up a little? I’m going mainly off of the musical here, so bear with. 
So what if instead of having Steddie as Elle and Emmett, we instead have them as Paulette and UPS Guy/Kyle??? Like??? It fits, right???
But then, but THEN who do we have as Elle/Emmett?
No, but just think of it! 
Or I guess you don’t really need to because I’ve thought of it enough for all of us and it goes like this:
(OMG you guys I blacked out and when I woke up this thing was 3.1k long written over a few hours. I haven't edited this at all so please be gentle about typos/tense changes etc. The fever just took me.)
Chrissy is your quintessential girly girl. She is Elle Woods. She’s blonde, pretty, cheerleader, very feminine and happy where she is in life, President of her Sorority with her besties by her side and her guy who is… well he’s as good as any guy could be, right?
Jason is handsome, rich, well connected, he treats her with affection and he humours her when she has some pretty wild, out there ideas. 
But then it happens and they break up because apparently having a girly girl for a wife just wouldn’t look good if he’s gonna live his life the way he wants to. Lawyer, his own practice, running for office. 
Apparently her blonde hair and boobs would hold him back which, what the fuck??? 
What does that have to do with anything?
They love each other, right? That surface stuff isn’t supposed to matter. At all! They’re supposed to be together no matter what because they… they love each other?
Well fuck that noise, no one tells Chrissy Cunningham she’s too fucking blonde to do anything which is a hypocritical ass thing to say because has Jason looked in the fucking mirror recently?
Different fucking rules, apaprently. 
Well, no more.
She’s gonna fuck up law school right along side him and she’s gonna wear fucking pink while doing it too!
And like, everything is going fine. 
Chrissy’s not stupid, she knows how she’s perceived by people before they get to know her. 
Vapid, bimbo, perky, blonde.
Like that’s an insult.
It’s just harder now that she’s away from her girls, gays and theys back home. And everyone here seems to think that the best way to live their lives is to look boring as shit while doing it along with tearing each other down.
She fucking hates it, but she’s determined to see it through. 
It helps that she seems to have found the one person on the whole of the fucking east coast who actually listens to what’s coming out of her mouth rather than just paying attention to the hair on her head or staring at her tits.
Robin is so strange.
She’s different in such a refreshing way, it’s like being able to breathe clean air for the first time in years.
And she’s fucking sharp. And sweet. And so, so comforting. 
Chrissy would have never managed to survive the depression of those first few weeks without her.
And like, she’s not ignorant to the fact that Robin sometimes does look at her boobs but at the same time it just feels different coming from a woman than it does a man. It doesn’t feel so objectifying.
Instead of putting Chrissy on edge it makes her feel a little smug. A little proud of herself, it makes her feel attractive and desired in a way she hasn’t felt in a very long time. 
Is that sexist? To prefer the attentions of a woman over a man when both do it just fine for her?
Chrissy’s not exactly sure, but she knows she enjoys it when it’s coming from Robin.
So maybe it’s a Robin thing. 
Chrissy honestly thinks things are looking up for her. 
Until Jason introduces Nicole. 
His fucking fiancee???
It’s been, like, four months since they broke up.
Nicole hates her guts, she can tell. She thinks she’s some two braincelled idiot who got into Harvard on daddy’s dime and needs to be babied through the simplest of tasks while not understanding how condescending everyone’s been the whole time.
Chrissy fucking understands. She’s been through it all before, but back then she had people by her side. It’s all so fucking childish. The world already hates women enough, Chrissy desperately doesn’t want to be at another womans throat, over a man no less, but Nicole doesn’t seem to feel the same way.
She’s ambitious and cut-throat and dedicated and a little bit terrifying. 
Apart from Robin, she’s on her fucking own out here.
And she needs something. 
Something of home to bring some light back into her life.
So she gets in her car and just drives around the streets hoping something will catch her eye. 
And it does. 
Some tiny little hole in the wall salon with a pride flag out the front that she’s immediately drawn to because god damn it she misses her friends. The girls, the gays, the theys.
As soon as she pulls over she feels both simultaneously like she’s come home and she definitely won’t fit in here, but she’s so emotionally raw at this stage it all kinda ends up converging on her and now she’s standing in front of a mostly empty salon and there’s a guy looking at her and she’s just fucking crying.
Through her blurry vision she can see the guy approaching and she really fucking hopes this isn’t gonna turn into a thing because she just does not have any spoons left to deal with some creep right now. 
But he seems to sense how he’s coming off because he becomes a little more effeminate from one step to the next.
“You okay, honey?” He asks, big brown eyes wide with concern and a hand covered in rings hovering over her shoulder, not touching. He has a cigarette in the other hand, held away to keep the smoke from reaching her, his arms covered in ink but Chrissy wants nothing more than a cigarette right now.
Or, that’s kind of a lie, but she’d love one in all honesty. She hasn’t smoked in so long. 
The guy spots her eyeing it, sticking the cigarette back between his plush lips and needing to use both hands to pull his carton from his pants considering they’re so tight.
“Bad day?” He hands her one and Chrissy ends up breaking down all over again.
She tells him that it hasn’t just been a bad day, but a bad half a year, really. She tells him all about Harvard and Jason and her professors and Robin and by the end of her ranting they’re sitting back in the breakroom of the salon. They guy’s name is Eddie, she learns and despite his mean and scary exterior Chrissy thinks he might be the gentles person she’s met in this whole god forsaken city.
He holds her hands between his and listens to her. Actually hears her talk and pays attention and is concerned and attentive and she loves him for it. 
He helps her find her confidence again, at least for the rest of the day. They commiserate about how they both stick out like sore thumbs in their communities and how people need to just kinda get over it.
He encourages her not to let the normies win, do go hang out with Robin, to go kick ass and she’s just wondering how on earth she can ever repay the favour when they hear
“Knock, knock.” 
Coming from the front of the salon.
Eddie’s whole face drains of colour before immediately turning red and he bolts up from his chair, stumbling out of the staffroom and moving back behind the receptionists desk.
Chrissy gets to watch in real time as all of Eddie’s incredible confidence and easy lightheartedness disappears into a vat of nerves mostly hidden by cheeky flirtation as he twirls a lock of hair around his finger and bats his eyelashes at the Hot UPS Guy who looks equally as charmed. 
When the guy, Steve, has to get back to his route, Eddie practically melts against the desk as soon as he’s out of sight. 
“Looks like I’m not the only one who needs help.”
Eddie rolls his eyes at her but smiles anyway. “I had that handled just fine.”
Over the next few months, she and Eddie get closer, Eddie and Steve stay exactly where they were that first day and she and Robin are quickly approaching best friends level.
But Chrissy is starting to come to terms with the fact that maybe she wants a little more than to be best girly-girl friends with Robin and maybe she wants to stick her tongue down her throat about it. 
The two of them are practically attached at the hip, spending all day at classes together, alternating between their respective rooms to study late into the night, ending up in the same bed together and waking up together in the morning. 
Chrissy is almost, completely, entirely sure that this is all very not platonic but it’s so difficult to tell.
She’d be constantly sleeping over with her friends back home, hugging, kisses on cheeks, cuddling in bed or when watching movies, just girly things.
But this feels different. Is it different?? Or is this just how Robin is with all her female friends, the same way it’s always been how Chrissy was with her friends back home. How can she tell if it’s going from platonic to romantic??
And all of that needs to go on the backburner anyway because they’re being put on a real life, for realsies you guys case. And if they fuck up this case they could be at fault for someone spending the rest of their fucking life in prison for something they didn’t do??
And after Chrissy finds out their client used to be on the same cheer team as her? It was all over. No way was she gonna let her go to prison just because everyone thinks a pretty young woman couldn’t possibly love someone a little older than her. 
Not on Chrissy’s watch. 
But first she has to deal with Robin’s wardrobe because they professor is insistent that all the women wear skirts and tights and Robin is not having it.
Neither is Chrissy to be fair, so she takes Robin out to the most lavish place she can, decks them both out in the fiercest looking pantsuits they can get their hands on, refusing to back down.
It comes as a surprise to both of them when Nicole stands with them in solidarity as well and now their professor is both outnumbered and losing his arguments with only Jason on his side about this and they fucking win.
It’s only a small win but it still feels fantastic. 
Riding her high of winning that small fight, she bursts into the salon and informs Eddie that he is going to either kiss or ask out Steve the next time he sees him and when Eddie reacts like she just said she was going to shave all of his hair off she refuses to hear it. 
Because the thing is Eddie is pretty, really pretty and she knows that Steve knows it, but she doesn’t think that Eddie himself is really aware of it. And despite his prettiness, he’s all awkward elbows and knees. 
So she gives him some tips and shows him how to highlight certain things about himself, the long legs, the tattooed arms, the hip bones. Even his cute little bum. She teaches him how to subtly pull at his clothes in conversation so some skin is exposed or his tiny little waist is highlighted. She teaches him how to use his eyes to go in for the kill.
He doesn’t seem to think it’ll work but she is almost certain it will. 
And it’s confirmed for her when she gets a call later that night from Eddie who sounds fucking over the moon and completely bewildered by the fact that Steve likes him back??? Has done for months?? And they had some incredible dirty nasty sex in the salon after it closed for the night and how they’re going to the movies tomorrow??
Eddie swears he’s gonna send her the biggest fuck off fruit basket he can find. 
Everything is looking up for her, especially after she has such a major win in court, figuring out one of the prosecutors witnesses had perjured himself on the stand (without outing him to the whole damn court, thankfully).
Or at least everything was looking up for her until she found herself alone in a room with her professor and she felt the energy in the room shift before it happened. 
His hands were on her before she could do anything about it and she cracked him across the face for it before she could even think about what this could do to her legal career going forward. 
Because that was the reality of it, wasn’t it? 
Either allow herself to get assaulted or destroy her career before it even started. 
She didn’t know when her priority had shifted from getting Jason back to actually pursuing this as a future career. But she had found to her own surprise she loved it. She adored it actually. 
And now…
Now it would all be gone. 
Jason had seen, of course he had and he was less than kind about it because apparently it made more sense that she had fucked her way into Harvard than had actually been smart enough to get there on her own. 
She couldn’t stomach anything Nicole could possibly have to say to her but if the way she was glaring at Jason with barely concealed rage after that comment was anything to go by, Chrissy didn’t need to worry too much about that.
She just wanted to go. To get out. She needed to get out. And she would have gotten away scott free if Robin hadn’t been hanging around waiting for her.
Robin’s face broke into a bright smile but that quickly slipped away when she saw the state Chrissy was in. She was all sweet concern and care and affection but Chrissy couldn’t fucking deal with it at that moment, she couldn’t face her.
She couldn’t face Robin who would find out what a fool of herself she’d made believing in Chrissy, when Chrissy had thrown all of their hard work away.
Because no one would ever fucking see her as a person. She was just a piece of ass.
So she ran.
She didn’t even realise where she was running to until she was standing outside the salon doors again. 
It was late, they were closed, of course they were, why was she here?
She was standing outside the door crying again like she had been the first time and it was all just so fucking stupid-
She was enveloped in Eddie’s arms before she could even blink, being ushered inside and steered back to the staffroom, same as that first time. 
There were beer bottles and take out containers over the table and Steve sitting at the table and oh, she’d interrupted something hadn’t she? 
What a fucking way to officially meet one of her best friends new boyfriend right?
But they were so sweet. 
They sat and listened while she spilled the whole thing, offering at different points to hunt down her professor for her or slash his tires or lose all of his mail or whatever and she was forced to giggle through the tears.
But she shook her head in the end. She was tired. She was sick of having to defend herself constantly. 
She needed… she needed to go back to where she belonged. 
And she was about to. 
She was about to leave the salon, swear to keep in contact with Eddie because god damn it she loved him now and she was ready to run.
But then there was a hammering at the door and Chrissy poked her head out to see Nicole standing there looking like she was on a fucking crusade. 
And… was that…?
Robin was standing behind her, looking like she was just trying not to get in Nicole’s way.
Eddie grumbled to himself about changing the damn salons opening hours if this was to continue but he unlocked the door anyway.
Nicole burst in all fire and determination, shoving her finger directly in Chrissy’s face.
“I hated you. But god fucking damn it if you didn’t prove to me that this is the career you belong in. And I refuse to stand by and see an admirable woman of your smarts and calibre get run over by some small dicked professor with a receding hairline. You’re so much more than that. So c’mon. We’re breaking through that fucking glass ceiling if it kills us.”
Holy shit.
Robin pulled her into a tight hug, warm and comforting and a little too long to be platonic, running a hand through her hair. 
“We’ll do whatever you’re comfortable with Chris, but… you deserve to be in that courtroom.” She muttered into her ear and Chrissy could do nothing but nod into Robin’s neck.
She heard Eddie sigh behind her. “Okay if we’re doing this then… I need to make a few calls.”
A few days later Chrissy made her triumphant return to the courtroom. Everyone was there to support her. Eddie, Steve, her besties from back home that Eddie had called, telling them it was a friend emergency and so of course they all came right away along with Robin and Nicole bracketing her on each side. 
And while she could tell the court wasn’t taking her rants on hair care very seriously, when she finally came out with the verbal crackdown, proving the witness was actually the murderer, the gasps from the gallery were enough to feed her for years to come. 
When all was said and done at the celebration later that night, she found herself being approached by Jason.
He told her it was a mistake to let her go, to discard her the way he had and she agreed that yes it was. But his mistakes weren’t her problem anymore. And from the look of it they weren’t Nicole’s problem either. 
Jason surprisingly took it well enough, mentioning that he never really felt the same passion for law that she so clearly possessed. 
She wished him luck with finding what he wanted to do.
But now.
Now she needed to find Robin. 
Chrissy couldn’t take it anymore.
So weaving through the people around her, she grabbed at Robin’s hand, dragging her away from Steve who she had become inseparable with and pushing her into the hallway.
Robin didn’t even have a chance to ask what was happening before Chrissy was on her, pressing her into a wall, holding her close with her hands on either side of her face, kissing her with so much longing and elation and joy and happiness that when she pulled away Robin looked completely dazed. 
Robin blinked slowly a few times before her face broke into a wide grin. 
“Me too.”
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airshipvalentine · 2 months
hi guys. it’s me, your favorite guy who you love or tolerate. i can’t sleep again. time to fremont county post
should they be at the club/club equivalent, fcmh edition
mila: girl lived in a sorority house for most of her first semester. she has BEEN at the club(/house parties). now this may be controversial but i think mila has the potential to thrive at the club. i think drunk people are at least 70% more willing to listen to her conspiracy tirades. i think she’s mastered the art of weaseling out the weird stories that the football players would be too embarrassed to admit sober. she is a CHEERLEADER i think she’s busting it down sexual style on the dance floor!!! quirked up wasian girl with a little bit of swag!! yes she should be at the club
levi: ok i think levi’s whole vibe and image is Bitch Who Is At The Club. he is Already at the club. but the question is… should he be? is it fulfilling and fun for him or does he just do it because that’s what’s expected of his social role? these are questions that maybe even levi himself cannot answer.
i can, though. do NOT let this man in the club. if nothing else than for the good of the rest of the clubgoers. this bitch will run a nail down your cheek and call you babygirl in your ear and who wants THAT??? no one…. obviously. zero… people……. anyway
claire: claire is so hard for me to get a read on. she strikes me as the type of girl who was a super nose-to-the-grindstone i’ll-party-when-i’m-in-college type. but falling in with lorraine hall has probably stifled that a little bit. i feel like there’s a world in which she goes to a party (at like the cheerleader sorority) and feels so deeply out of place and insecure that she hides in a bathroom trying not to cry. But as we all know, crying in a bathroom can lead to some really touching cathartic conversations with weird strangers (FF May 2024). so like, yeah, she should be at the club, i guess? she should really be at the lesbian bar but that might have to wait a few more months
anna: i think anna tries to be responsible all the time. i think she would go, but be designated sober person, and maybe get into a fistfight when don or mila tries to start shit with someone. i think she would be trying to make sure everyone else is having a good time and pay too little attention to if SHE was having a good time. i just don’t know if she would really enjoy herself. i think she would have more fun having an evening with nin. she should be at the club if she has someone looking out for her
nin: i think nin would either love or hate the club with no inbetween. pre-Fuckening i would say absolutely not. exhaustion + nightmares + short fuse means it probably wouldn’t be super enjoyable. post-Fuckening, i could see them being more open to it. tbh i think the ideal club scenario for nin is sipping a drink at the sidelines and making fun of their friends who are drunker than them. sure, they should be at the club, if they’re feelin it
shay: jesus christ this man needs to unwind. now the club might not exactly be his scene (i think he would do well getting tipsy at a house show) but i think in general he would benefit from just chilling out for a night. go do a jell-o shot and make out with someone stupid bro the world will probably still be there in the morning. put him in the club EXPEDITIOUSLY!!!
shamsiel: ok i really really don’t know. I feel like being at the club could send her into a bit of a tailspin. lots going on. sounds noises people to keep track of. but also, in a crowd like that, no one really gives a shit about you?? i think she could freak it sensitive style and have a good time if given the chance. does alcohol work on angels. Does weed work on angels. I think shamsiel could be helped by smoking some weed. shamsiel should go to the club as an anthropological humanities study and then we can go from there
kelsie: i want go say yes, but the club is also where her situationship/on-off girlfriend is bartending, so maybe it would be best if she avoids that? i’m still rooting for her and arisha 😔 kelsie we can help you we just need to put arisha in a stressful enough situation where she has no choice but to see through the glare 😊 and then you can swoop in and save her 😊 this will have minimal traumatic consequences for her im sure 🥰
ok i got off track. she should be at the club
alder: i feel so confident that she should be at the club. their gnc swag. his cool tattoos. her mysterious past. his remarkably friendly attitude. she is the coolest person in this club you will try to talk to her and FAIL but she will laugh and be nice and give you a friendly shoulder pat that you’ll think about for the rest of the evening. also they deserve it
don: ok i feel like this guy is barely holding it together. he is a business major and not even a bro-y one. he wears sweater vests. he’s a little too mean to the bartender for no reason and doesn’t tip because the bartender had a shitty attitude at him. he snaps at someone for bumping into him. i think much like shay dude needs to unwind BAD but i don’t know if the club is for him. only if alder is there
lightning round
samara: yes
mary: no
ryan: yes
kyle: no
rhys: no
like an subscribe for more unintelligible insomnia posting. please argue with me i’m not 100% convinced of any of these
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alexcharmsyou · 6 months
Lip edit with Art School Wannabe by Sorority Noise playing please please please please
OOO ofc ofc ofc!! that is HIS song for sure. ill try to get it out by tonight or tomorrow 💕
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robel-prize · 8 months
Soul Eater Tsubaki Edit - Blissth - Sorority Noise
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wilchur · 2 years
Saw a few other people do it so here's my take on an
✨Arthur Morgan playlist ✨
feat. my terribly inconsistent taste in music.
It's gonna be a long one because I'm about to ramble about each and every song, so I'm adding a cut.
If you just want to listen to it, HERE is the link :)
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Behind Blue Eyes by Limp Bizkit
"No one knows what its like; To be the bad man; To be the sad man; Behind blue eyes" Come on.
She Burns by Fov Vance
This is the obligatory Mary song. Like the entirety of it. Just listen.
Their Truth by Tyto Grey
Not only is it the ultimate wanderlust song, but also "They’ll pull the shade over your eyes; And convince you to sacrifice; All of your life" Lord have mercy.
Colors by Halsey
Listen, I know this is a love song. But the theme of betrayal and abandonment feels very appropriate for Arthur's relationship with Dutch and the way it progresses throughout the game. Just keep that in mind when listening and you'll understand what I mean.
Youth by Daughter
The whole song. Literally. I have no idea why this is not considered The Arthur Morgan Song™ "And if you're still breathing, you're the lucky ones; 'Cause most of us are heaving through corrupted lungs" Or the entire "We are the reckless, we are the wild youth; Chasing visions of our futures; One day, we'll reveal the truth; That one will die before he gets there" verse. Bro.
Blonde Hair, Black Lungs by Sorority Noise
I'll admit I mainly put this one in because of the title lmao, but also works nicely as another Mary song? Just a way more sad and less lovesick one.
I'll Be Good by James Young
I'd have to paste the entire song here. It fits that well.
It's Alright by Mother Mother
The whole song again. I really wish he could listen to this one on repeat.
Little Dark Age by MGMT
"Forgiving who you are for what you stand to gain; Just know that if you hide, it doesn't go away" :)
Wires by The Neighborhood
This one is probably more Dutch than Arthur in parts, but fits them both as a duo just as well. I'm not gonna paste the entire second verse, but it's very Arthur at the end of it all there.
Art School Wannabe by Sorority Noise
"Maybe I'm my own greatest fear Maybe I'm just scared to admit that I might not be as dark as I think Maybe I am not the person That I never wanted to be" Yeah.
Well I'd say "I am a human being capable of doing terrible things" works well and the song is fire so.
Me and My Friends Are Lonely by Matt Maeson
"I was looking for a purpose, what a chance, you had some with you" gave me baby Arthur vibes. Idk what more to tell ya. ("I always figured that I'd be the one to die alone" hurts good too so...)
Oh My God by Ida Maria
"Arthur's inability to leave the gang" the song, basically.
No Roots by Alice Merton
"I build a home and wait for someone to tear it down Then pack it up in boxes, head for the next town running" no more thoughts than that. Song works well for an outlaw.
Renegades by X Ambassadors
Same thing. Outlaw song :)
Born To Die by Lana Del Rey
I saw a John & Arthur edit on TikTok so good I couldn't not add this one. Lyrics work for them so well.
Trouble by Cage The Elephant
"Trouble on my left, trouble on my right I've been facing trouble almost all my life My sweet love, won't you pull me through? Everywhere I look, I catch a glimpse of you I said it was love and I did it for life, didn't do it for you" *shrugs*
And here's a few last ones that I've added purely because The Vibes felt right:
We Might Be Dead By Tomorrow by Soko
Scar Tissue by Red Hot Chili Peppers
Alien Blues by Vundabar
Father by The Front Bottoms
East by Sleeping At Last
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lyrics-and-music · 5 years
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Your Soft Blood // Sorority Noise
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stcktoyourgunsx · 6 years
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Sorority Noise // Leave the Fan On
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demolitonlover · 2 years
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Sorority Noise // A Better Sun
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glassrunner · 4 years
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Make Me Choose:
anonymous asked: Josh Washington or Sam Giddings?
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the-kiw-kid · 3 years
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no thats not 'on halo' :/
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notreallyaroad · 6 months
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nick kwas christmas party / sorority noise
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adrowningwhale · 4 years
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Foxing - The Medic
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purplepalmdelight · 4 years
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Stranger Teens + Using [Sorority Noise] (1/4) - Nancy Wheeler
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niceaf · 5 years
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Art school wannabe // Sorority Noise
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nobodys-nothing · 5 years
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(Where are you?)
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