sorceressofthenight · 2 years
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I'm back with doing a sample post. I'm taking a small break from doing asteroid meanings and will instead be doing some other post types related to asteroids I've covered in the past. I will still be working with the charts of Rebecca and Philip Bishop-Clairmont as I think it's fun to dig into the astrological lives of these two fictional characters. I hope you all enjoy some variation in my post. If you want to learn more about Panacea, check out my original post on the asteroid here.
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I use keywords to initially interpret a placement, which I will be doing here below. I will also be doing a more in depth interpretation of what Panacea means for each twin individually, but before I can do that I get all the keywords written down and a very basic initial interpretation formed, which yes, can mean somethings here might contradict other parts that I will rectify later.
The matters ruled by Panacea: medication, relationship with pharmaceuticals and alternative medicines, and usage of alleged cure-alls
Panacea in the sign of Scorpio means someone is passionate, intense, jealous, secretive, magnetic, vindictive, and forceful in matters ruled by Panacea.
Panacea in the Third House of Communication means that matters of Panacea's influence is most strongly felt in the areas of early education, siblings, neighbourhood, language, transportation, and technology.
Panacea making a semi-sexile with Saturn means obstacles causing an impact on development of matters ruled by Panacea due to the matters of Saturn's domain (discipline, limitation, duty, reality, excellence, endurance, caution). It also speaks to the completion of a family member's work - which is noteworthy due to the books.
Panacea making a sesquis-square with Uranus means conflict which is easier to suppress and ignore than confront and grow when it concerns matters ruled by Panacea because of the influences ruled by Uranus (independence, sudden disruption, unorthodoxy, experimentation, revolution, change).
PHILIP ONLY: Panacea making a sextile with the Ascendant means an easy realisation of goals and strong hidden talents in matters ruled by Panacea thanks to the help of the Ascendant's influence (appearance, motivation, others' perception)
Panacea is in the degree symbolised by a fox sitting on his haunches, which means selfishness and a good strategist in matters ruled by Panacea.
Now that I have some basic interpretations above for the sign, house, aspects, and degree of Panacea in the twins’ natal charts, I’m going to be expanding on the above in order to round out what Panacea represents for both twins, and yes, there will be similarities and differences, and also some copy pasting because I am not writing the same thing twice.
Panacea for Rebecca
Rebecca is a Scorpian Panacean, born when the asteroid of Panacea was in the sign of the scorpion and is located within her third house. This implies that she is passionate about the usage of medicines, though not necessarily for the most altruistic reasons. Rebecca's relationship with the concept of medicine is duplicitous and something she will prefer to keep hidden from others, covering up anything that could distract from her intentions. There is a strong connection between the concept of medicine and her siblings and her childhood years, which suggests that the former played an important role in her early experiences and may have left a noticeable impact on her, hence why she is now much more intense about it.
Rebecca's Panacea forms aspects with two different points within her chart: Saturn and Uranus, which means that the themes of these two points influences how Rebecca’s Panacea behaves with the other elements of her life. She is very cautious when it comes to medications, sometimes to the point of endangering herself, potentially due to negative experiences. There is a lot of conflict with medicine for her, though she chooses to bury it instead of confronting this issue. The issue in question likely stems from experimental medications, perhaps forced upon her by a family member, that she was told she had to endure for the benefit of others - likely siblings. Rebecca would want greater independence in medicine due to these negative experiences, though until she learns to deal with her past it will remain illusive.
Panacea for Philip
Philip is a Scorpian Panacean, born when the asteroid of Panacea was in the sign of the scorpion and is located within his third house. This implies that he is passionate about the usage of medicines, though not necessarily for the most altruistic reasons. Philip's relationship with the concept of medicine is duplicitous and something he will prefer to keep hidden from others, covering up anything that could distract from his intentions. There is a strong connection between the concept of medicine and his siblings and his childhood years, which suggests that the former played an important role in his early experiences and may have left a noticeable impact on him, hence why he is now much more intense about it.
Philip's Panacea forms aspects with three different points within his chart: Saturn, Uranus, and his Ascendant, which means that the themes of these three points influences how Philip’s Panacea behaves with the other elements of his life. He is very cautious when it comes to medications, sometimes to the point of endangering himself, potentially due to negative experiences. There is a lot of conflict with medicine for him, though he chooses to bury it instead of confronting this issue. The issue in question likely stems from experimental medications, perhaps forced upon him by a family member, that he was told he had to endure for the benefit of others - likely siblings. Philip would want greater independence in medicine due to these negative experiences, though until he learns to deal with his past it will remain illusive. Because of how others see him, he has the ability to be extremely influential in the fields of pharmaceuticals or alternative medicines and can appear to have a lot of talent in the field, almost like he is a success story.
I personally have a lot of feelings about Panacea and how it relates to the twins, especially from where I think their story will go if the author continues it, and these charts kind of confirm my fears. I don't want to get into it entirely, as we will be here for that essay for a while and this post is supposed to be just about the astrology, but I mention it because I do want to point out that my interpretation here is probably clouded by what I think their fictional future holds, and I just want to get that out of the way encase anyone else sees a similar placement to the twins' in their own chart and worries.
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sorceressofthenight · 2 years
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Hello, I'm back again with another sample post. Honestly though, I swear I didn't intend for these to be in a kind of astrological order, but it seems like that will be the case. If you want to learn more about Aesculapia, check out my original post on the asteroid here.
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I use keywords to initially interpret a placement, which I will be doing here below. I will also be doing a more in depth interpretation of what Aesculapia means for each twin individually, but before I can do that I get all the keywords written down and a very basic initial interpretation formed, which yes, can mean somethings here might contradict other parts that I will rectify later.
The matters ruled by Aesculapia: native’s holistic health, dealings with those in medical professions, and anything to do with the health system (if it is related to health, it has ties to Aesculapia).
Aesculapia in the sign of Sagittarius means someone is philosophical, explorative, optimistic, honest, lazy, careless, and moral in matters ruled by Aesculapia.
Aesculapia in the house of Fourth House of Home means that matters of Aesculapia’s influence is most strongly felt in the areas of domestic life, household, youth, origins, ancestry, and security.
Aesculapia making a semi-square with Venus means a great deal of friction and minor irritations in matters ruled by Aesculapia though there is very little awareness or concern of these issues due to matters within the domain of Venus (love, relationships, aesthetics, social nature, comforts, and femininity).
Aesculapia making a sextile with Saturn means an easy realisation of goals and strong hidden talents in matters ruled by Aesculapia thanks to the help of Saturn's influence (discipline, limitation, duty, reality, excellence, endurance, caution).
Aesculapia making a square with the Ascendant means heightened tensions that causes difficult problems and challenges to arise in matters ruled by Aesculapia due to the matters ruled by the Ascendant (appearance, motivation, others’ perception).
Aesculapia is in the degree symbolised by Death, which means a miser, sacrificing self for superficial gain, and a delight of slaughter and carnage if they gain something in matters ruled by Aesculapia.
There actually isn't really any difference in the twin's charts when it comes to Aesculapia, the only difference is the tightness of the aspect with the Ascendant (it slightly tighter with Philip than Rebecca, but the aspect is still there). However, I am going to keep their interpretations separate as I am more used to writing for one at a time rather than for two, but it will be essentially the exact same as Aesculapia in their charts in almost the exact same.
Aesculapia for Rebecca
Rebecca is a Sagittarian Aesculapian, born when the asteroid of Aesculapia was in the sign of the archer and is located within her fourth house. This means that she is someone who is explorative and honest when it comes to dealing with any health issues, willing to try a variety of methods and listen to ideas in order to see what works. Her dealings with medical professionals played a significant part of her younger years and she is optimistic in how she handles them. She can though be incredibly lazy in doing what she should in order to best take care of herself to the point of carelessness. There is also a tendency to destroy herself and others for the pursuit of what she believes is the ideal image of health.
Rebecca's Aesculapia forms aspects with three different points within her chart: Venus, Saturn, and her Ascendant, which means that the themes of these three points influences how Rebecca’s Aesculapia behaves with the other elements of her life. There is a sense of duty when it comes to how she views her health which allow her to maintain it with relative ease and has a strong endurance for dealing with any medical issues that may arise. However, she will have difficult challenges with medical professionals due to their initial presumptions about her, quite possibly impacting the type of care she can receive. There are also a lot of minor annoyances and irritations that will come about in her health, though she will have trouble recognising them for what they are due to the influence of her relationships - especially romantic ones.
Aesculapia for Philip
Philip is a Sagittarian Aesculapian, born when the asteroid of Aesculapia was in the sign of the archer and is located within his fourth house. This means that he is someone who is explorative and honest when it comes to dealing with any health issues, willing to try a variety of methods and listen to ideas in order to see what works. His dealings with medical professionals played a significant part of his younger years and he is optimistic in how he handles them. He can though be incredibly lazy in doing what he should in order to best take care of himself to the point of carelessness. There is also a tendency to destroy himself and others for the pursuit of what he believes is the ideal image of health.
Philip's Aesculapia forms aspects with three different points within his chart: Venus, Saturn, and his Ascendant, which means that the themes of these three points influences how Philip’s Aesculapia behaves with the other elements of his life. There is a sense of duty when it comes to how he views his health which allow him to maintain it with relative ease and has a strong endurance for dealing with any medical issues that may arise. However, he will have difficult challenges with medical professionals due to their initial presumptions about him, quite possibly impacting the type of care he can receive. There are also a lot of minor annoyances and irritations that will come about in his health, though he will have trouble recognising them for what they are due to the influence of his relationships - especially romantic ones.
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sorceressofthenight · 2 years
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Have I been gone for two months?
Did I just randomly edit a bunch of my old posts to add banners during this period?
Will I explain why to either of these facts?
Hi to everyone that is still here, I hope to have a new post up within a couple of hours.
See you there
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sorceressofthenight · 2 years
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Another day, another post about an asteroid named after mythology. Like I said in my last post, I am going to be covering the asteroids named after the Nine Muses in numerical order based on their minor planet designation (i.e. the name number combo I've been using at the top of all my posts on the asteroids). I hope you enjoy this post.
Calliope is a goddess in Greek (and later Roman) mythology, described as being one of the nine muses, regarded as the eldest. She is the daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne and the mother of Orpheus and Linus, by either Apollo or King Oeagrus of Thrace. Kalliope is commonly cited as the Muse of Epic Poetry, but was once also regarded as the Goddess of Eloquence. It was said that she defeated the daughters of Pierus in a singing contest and turned them into magpies. It is also said that, when Orpheus was dismembered by the Bakkhantes, she recovered his head and enshrined it on the island of Lesbos. Calliope is commonly portrayed as holding a writing tablet and stylus or a scroll in her hands, sometimes wearing a gold crown, though in older artwork she is portrayed as holding a lyre. She has a beach named after her in Antarctica (Calliope Beach) and the Calliope hummingbird that is found in North and Central America is as well.
The asteroid Kalliope was discovered by John Russell Hind on the 16th of November, 1852 in London, England. Kalliope has one known natural satellite, Linus (or (22) Kalliope I Linus), which was discovered on the 29th of August, 2001 by Jean-Luc Margot and Michael E. Brown and named after one of Calliope's sons. The asteroid takes roughly 1,814 days to travel around the zodiac, spending roughly 151 days in each sign.
Within my own research into the asteroid, Kalliope can be used to represent the native’s propensity for the awe-inspiring, epic writing ability, their grand tales, persuasiveness, fluency with language, and the greater-than-themselves elements of their life. Remember to check the sign, house, degree, and any aspects Kalliope makes when interpreting this placement. You can also have a look at Kalliope’s persona chart if you feel confident enough.
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sorceressofthenight · 2 years
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I'm going to be doing something a little bit different than my regular posting for today, I'm actually going to interpret one of the asteroids I have discussed earlier - Hygiea. In one of my first posts I mentioned that I would be using sample charts in order to discuss certain asteroids, specifically the charts of the fictional Rebecca and Philip Bishop-Clairmont from the All Souls Trilogy. While I originally intended to put everything in the same post - that format was WAY too big. so instead I am doing it in separate posts. If you want to learn more about Hygiea, check out my original post on the asteroid here.
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I use keywords to initially interpret a placement, which I will be doing here below. I will also be doing a more in depth interpretation of what Hygiea means for each twin individually, but before I can do that I get all the keywords written down and a very basic initial interpretation formed, which yes, can mean somethings here might contradict other parts that I will rectify later.
The matters ruled by Hygiea: prevention healthcare, cleaning habits, dealings with public health methods, blessings with good health, and personal hygiene.
Hygiea in the sign of Libra means someone is harmonious, hypocritical, charming, idealistic, diplomatic, gullible, and flirtatious when it comes to matters ruled by Hygiea.
Hygiea in the Second House of Money means that matters of Hygiea's influence is most strongly felt in the areas of finances, possessions, value, lending and borrowing, and material desires.
Hygiea making a conjunction with Venus means a blending of the influences of Hygiea and Venus, with matters ruled by Venus (love, relationships, aesthetics, social nature, comforts, and femininity) combining themselves to matters ruled by Hygiea, causing Hygiea to possess a strong Venusian influence.
Hygiea making a trine with Neptune means great luck in matters ruled by Hygiea thanks to the help of Neptune's domain (mysticism, creativity, intuition, delusion, escapism, and illusion).
Hygiea making a quincunx with Uranus means that efforts will go unrewarded and desires will go unmet when it comes to matters ruled by Hygiea due to influences ruled by Uranus (independence, sudden disruption, unorthodoxy, experimentation, revolution, and change).
REBECCA ONLY: Hygiea making a biquintile with the Medium Coeli means the potential for talent if the native is sensitive enough to them in matters ruled by Hygiea with assistance of elements ruled by the Medium Coeli (public life, reputation, societal perception, and social-economic standing).
Hygiea in the degree symbolised by a Heron, which means keen perception, sensitive and a potential for extremities when it comes to matters ruled by Hygiea.
Now that I have some basic interpretations above for the sign, house, aspects, and degree of Hygiea in the twins' natal charts, I'm going to be expanding on the above in order to round out what Hygiea represents for both twins, and yes, there will be similarities and differences, and also some copy pasting because I am not writing the same thing twice.
Hygiea for Rebecca
Rebecca is a Libran Hygiean, born when the asteroid of Hygiea was in the sign of the scales and is located within her second house. This makes her someone who participates in matters of public health not for her own health but for the benefit of others in an effort to keep the peace and places immense value on good public health being maintained. She has a keen perception of her own health and is sensitive to changes within her body in order to remain as healthy as she can be. However she can also be rather hypocritical in matters of preventive healthcare, easily telling others that they should be taking care of themselves but not always taking her own advice. Rebecca can be gullible in matters ruled by Hygiea, believing those around her without doing her research and trusting in more superficial things such as in wealth or material benefit. She can also take public health measures to the extremes, using her charm and material resources to convince others of these measures even if they are not backed up by the experts.
Rebecca's Hygiea forms aspects with four different points within her chart: Venus, Neptune, Uranus, and her Medium Coeli, which means that the themes of these four points influences how Rebecca's Hygiea behaves with the other elements of her life. She finds aesthetic value in cleanliness and maintaining good health and uses creative methods in order to maintain her health and ensure that these measures are beautiful to her. However, she can easily delude herself into thinking that her methods are working and especially due to the gullible Libran nature of Hygiea, she can be tricked easily into believing that certain things are beneficial when they aren't. She will most likely learn the truth of these methods though when it is too late and is forced to change how she perceives her health and how she maintains it. She will have some talent in convincing others to change how they themselves handle their health and is assisted by a positive reputation and societal perception in these endeavors if she is self-aware enough to try - brief second to talk about book canon, both Rebecca's father and older brother/godfather are in essentially medical fields (geneticists and doctor respectively), which is probably the good reputation this placement speaks of, just thought it was interesting.
Hygiea for Philip
Philip is a Libran Hygiean, born when the asteroid of Hygiea was in the sign of the scales and is located within his second house. This makes him someone who participates in matters of public health not for his own health but for the benefit of others in an effort to keep the peace and places immense value on good public health being maintained. He has a keen perception of his own health and is sensitive to changes within his body in order to remain as healthy as he can be. However he can also be rather hypocritical in matters of preventive healthcare, easily telling others that they should be taking care of themselves but not always taking his own advice. Philip can be gullible in matters ruled by Hygiea, believing those around him without doing his research and trusting in more superficial things such as in wealth or material benefit. He can also take public health measures to the extremes, using his charm and material resources to convince others of these measures even if they are not backed up by the experts.
Philip's Hygiea forms aspects with three different points within his chart: Venus, Neptune, and Uranus which means that the themes of these three points influences how Philip's Hygiea behaves with the other elements of his life. He finds aesthetic value in cleanliness and maintaining good health and uses creative methods in order to maintain his health and ensure that these measures are beautiful to him. However, he can easily delude himself into thinking that his methods are working and especially due to the gullible Libran nature of Hygiea, he can be tricked easily into believing that certain things are beneficial when they aren't. He will most likely learn the truth of these methods though when it is too late and is forced to change how he perceives his health and how he maintains it.
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sorceressofthenight · 2 years
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This is it, the final muse. I have now covered all nine of the asteroids that were named after the nine muses from Greek Mythology. I'm going to be taking a break over the weekend and when I come back I hope to dive into some sample posts and maybe other posts types as well. I will probably still be covering new asteroids though, as there are still quite a few that I use in my actual practice that I have yet to touch on. But for now, enjoy this post on the final muse.
Klio is a goddess in Greek (and later Roman) mythology, described as being one of the nine muses. She is the daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne and the mother Hyacinthus - yes, THAT Hyacinthus - by Pieros. According to some, Klio was forced by Aphrodite into falling in love with Pieros, because she had mocked the latter for her love affair with Adonis. Klio is regarded as the Muse of History or sometimes as the Muse of Lyre Playing. She is often portrayed as holding an open scroll, a book, or a set of tablets, or is sometimes seated next to a chest of books.
The asteroid Klio was discovered by Robert Luther on the 25th of August, 1865 in Dusseldorf, Germany. The name Klio had initially been suggested for the asteroid 12 Victoria due to the controversy around the name. It is also the parent asteroid of Klio asteroid family (413) which has around three hundred members. The asteroid takes roughly 1,326 days to travel around the zodiac, spending roughly 111 days in each sign.
Within my own research into the asteroid, Klio can be used to represent the native’s historical abilities, experiences with historical writing, propensity for history, experiences with string instruments, propensity for string instruments, and historical experiences of their life. Remember to check the sign, house, degree, and any aspects Klio makes when interpreting this placement. You can also have a look at Klio’s persona chart if you feel confident enough.
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sorceressofthenight · 2 years
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I'm almost at the end of this series, after which I will probably decide to do some more asteroid sample posts like the one I did a few days ago. For now though, enjoy this post about the second-last asteroid named after one of the muses.
Terpsichore is a goddess in Greek (and later Roman) mythology, described as being one of the nine muses. She is the daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne and is sometimes listed as an alternate mother to the Sirens (as opposed to Melpomone) and Linus (as opposed to Calliope). Terpsichore is regarded as the Muse of Choral Song and the Muse of Dance. She is commonly portrayed as sitting down, holding a lyre to accompany the dancers with music and a plectrum.
The asteroid Terpsichore was discovered by Wilhelm Tempel on the 30th of September, 1864 in Marseille, France. The main setting for the Sci-Fi story The Dark Colony is on a space station orbiting this asteroid. The asteroid takes roughly 1,762 days to travel around the zodiac, spending roughly 147 days in each sign.
Within my own research into the asteroid, Terpsichore can be used to represent the native’s dance ability, experiences with dancing, propensity for dance, choir ability, and and experiences with artistic groups. Remember to check the sign, house, degree, and any aspects Terpsichore makes when interpreting this placement. You can also have a look at Terpsichore’s persona chart if you feel confident enough.
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sorceressofthenight · 2 years
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I have got to say, I am enjoying the fact that I am able to post at a frequent pace. Saves me from all the panicking I inevitably do when I take "too long" to post. I'm back again with another one of the Muse sisters, this time the second-youngest - on whom there really isn't much. I hope you enjoy.
Thalia is the name of a few different beings in Greek Mythology, including the name of one of the Graces, but it is fair to assume that the asteroid was named for one of the nine muses. She is commonly referred to as the daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne and as the mother of the Corybantes by Apollo. Thalia is regarded as the Muse of Comedic Poetry (which were stories that had a happy ending) and the Muse of Pastoral Poetry (which were stories that romanticised country life and condemned city life as corrupt). She is most often portrayed as wielding a comedic mask and a shepherd's staff and wearing a wreath of ivory and boots. Bugles and trumpets are also seen on her statues as actors would use the two instruments in ancient comedies.
The asteroid Thalia was discovered by John Russell Hind on the 15th of December, 1852 in London, England. The asteroid takes roughly 1,556 days to travel around the zodiac, spending roughly 130 days in each sign. There isn't much else for me to say in regards to this asteroid, and that is likely going to become a more prominent theme as I continue these posts.
Within my own research into the asteroid, Thalia can be used to represent the native’s propensity for comedy, comedic writing ability, their happy stories, experience with the country and the city, and the fortunate elements of their life. Remember to check the sign, house, degree, and any aspects Thalia makes when interpreting this placement. You can also have a look at Thalia’s persona chart if you feel confident enough.
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sorceressofthenight · 2 years
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After yesterday's quick break to discuss something else, I am back with the asteroid meaning posts. While I do hope to talk about more than just the meanings of asteroids (and more than the asteroids period), I am too far into the muse posts to stop now. It's too late to back down now that I've already completed one third of them, so let's just see it through to the end. Hope you like this post.
Euterpe is a goddess in Greek (and later Roman) mythology, described as being one of the nine muses. She is the daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne and the mother of the Thracian King Rhesos by the river god Strymon. Euterpe is regarded as the Muse of Lyric Poetry, which in Ancient Greece was limited to song lyrics or chanted verses. She is believed to have invented the double flute along with other woodwind instruments. It is the double flute that has become her main attribute, helping distinguish her from her sisters.
The asteroid Euterpe was discovered by John Russell Hind on the 8th of November, 1853 in London, England. It is the parent asteroid of the the Euterpe asteroid family (410) which has almost five hundred members. It is also one of the brightest known asteroids in our night sky. The asteroid takes roughly 1,310 days to travel around the zodiac, spending roughly 109 days in each sign.
Within my own research into the asteroid, Euterpe can be used to represent the native’s lyrical music (i.e. songs that have lyrics), lyric writing ability, propensity for singing or wood instruments, and their experiences with musicals and operas. Remember to check the sign, house, degree, and any aspects Euterpe makes when interpreting this placement. You can also have a look at Euterpe’s persona chart if you feel confident enough.
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sorceressofthenight · 2 years
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I am finally in the recovery stage of my health issues and can slowly get back to normal, so here I am with the final in my three part series on some medical related asteroids. Again, same as the other two times, this is my disclaimer that this post is not intended to be medical advice and you should consult a doctor if you have any medical concerns.
Asclepius is a god in Greek (and later Roman) mythology, with most of his worship centering on the Cult of Asclepius. He is most commonly described as the son of Apollo and Coronis, though sometimes of Apollo and Arsinoe or just Apollo. According to most versions of the story, Coronis cheated on Apollo with the mortal Ischys and either Apollo or Artemis killed her and cut Asclepius out of the womb (cesarean baby). Apollo then gave baby Asclepius to the centaur Chiron who trained him in the art of medicine. Asclepius eventually surpassed his teacher and his father and was granted secret knowledge of medicine when a snake licked his ear. He was eventually killed by Zeus due to how good he was at healing or bringing people back from the dead - honestly this part has a lot of variations but the main thread is that because of Asclepius’ medicine the natural order is messed up so Zeus kills him. Apollo is enraged by this and kills the Cyclopes who made Zeus' lighting bolt which leads into a whole different story but Zeus eventually did resurrect Asclepius and made him a god. There are very few vase paintings of Asclepius that have been found, however there have been many statues - where his resemblance to his paternal grandfather Zeus is often noted - and unsurprisingly he does feature in the Hippocratic Oath.
The asteroid Aesculapia was discovered by George van Biesbroeck on the 11th of November, 1923 in Wisconsin, USA. At the time, astronomers were still using the traditional naming system that main-belt bodies were to have female names and those with less standard orbits male, hence why the asteroid is given a female name and asteroid 4581 is named Asclepius once the convention became was thrown out. The asteroid takes roughly 2,044 days to travel around the zodiac, spending roughly 170 days in each sign.
Within my own research into the asteroid, Aesculapia can be used to represent the native’s holistic health, dealings with those in medical professions, and anything to do with the health system (if it is related to health, it has ties to Aesculapia). Remember to check the sign, house, degree, and any aspects Aesculapia makes when interpreting this placement. You can also have a look at Aesculapia’s persona chart if you feel confident enough.
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sorceressofthenight · 2 years
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So, I am technically getting to this a little late, after an emergency here at the daycare. It's already early morning here, but I had this mostly finished so I just typed up the last bit and please forgive this being a few hours late. Anyway, I hope you enjoy.
Polyhymnia is a goddess in Greek (and later Roman) mythology, described as one of the nine muses. She is the daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne and the only one of her sisters to not have any recorded children, at least, any that I can find. Polyhymnia is regarded as the Muse of Sacred Hymns and Sacred Poetry and according to some modern sources she has an association with pantomime, which at best can only be traced back to Ancient Rome and actually helped form understanding of Roman myths and legends. Polyhymnia is usually portrayed in a meditative states, holding a finger to her mouth and wearing a long cloak and veil.
The asteroid Polyhymnia was discovered by Jean Chacornac on the 28th of October, 1854 in Paris, France. The asteroid takes roughly 1,774 days to travel around the zodiac, spending roughly 148 days in each sign. There isn't much else information on the asteroid.
Within my own research into the asteroid, Polyhymnia can be used to represent the native’s hymn or religious poetry writing ability, propensity for religious music or hymns, experiences with pantomimes, and religious elements of their life. Remember to check the sign, house, degree, and any aspects Polyhymnia makes when interpreting this placement. You can also have a look at Polyhymnia’s persona chart if you feel confident enough.
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sorceressofthenight · 2 years
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Here I am with another health related asteroid, still trying to slowly recover from some health issues (sorry for the delay in getting this complete). Just like last time, mandatory warning that this post is not intended to be medical advice and you should consult a doctor if you have any medical concerns.
Panacea is a goddess in Greek (and later Roman) mythology, with her worship closely tied to the Cult of Asclepius. She is most commonly described as one of the five(?) daughters of Asclepius and his wife Epione, all of whom represent a part of the healing process. Panacea’s role was the administration of healing medicine. She presided over all forms of curatives, carrying potion with which she cured all diseases and was included in the Hippocratic oath. While some artwork and hymns have survived, like her sister there aren’t any surviving myths. What does survive is a river named after her (Zlatna Panega, Bulgaria) and the medical concept of a Panacea, a medicine which could cure all diseases – obviously this does not exists, but some less than ethical doctors might still claim to have discovered it (for a hefty price tag). I do however recommend looking into the Cult of Asclepius if you want to learn more about Panacea.
The asteroid Pacacea was discovered by Edward L. G. Bowell on the 7th of September, 1980 in Arizona, USA. Due to its recent discovery, the asteroid doesn't have its own symbol nor much astrologically-based information, however it is note worthy as an asteroid named after mythology as that is something becoming less and less common. The asteroid takes around 1,941 days to travel around the zodiac, spending roughly 162 days in each sign.
Within my own research into the asteroid, Panacea can be used to represent the native’s medication, relationship with pharmaceuticals and alternative medicines, and usage of alleged cure-alls. Remember to check the sign, house, degree, and any aspects Panacea makes when interpreting this placement. You can also have a look at Panacea’s persona chart if you feel confident enough.
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sorceressofthenight · 2 years
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Well, I’ve been plagued with some health issues lately so I decided to take that as a sign to discuss some health related asteroids. This is also my mandatory warning that this post is not intended to be medical advice and you should consult a doctor if you have any medical concerns.
Hygieia is a goddess in Greek (and later Roman) mythology, with her worship most closely tied to the Cult of Asclepius. She is most commonly described as one of the five(?) daughters of Asclepius and his wife Epione, all of whom represented a part of the healing process. Hygieia’s role was the prevention of disease and remaining in good health (preventive healthcare instead of reactive healthcare). She presided over cleanliness and sanitation (hence the word “hygiene”) and was included in the Hippocratic oath. While some hymns and artwork have survived, no specific myths seem to (or perhaps never existed) so it’s difficult to know more about her seperate from her family. I do however recommend looking into the Cult of Asclepius if you want to learn more about Hygieia.
The asteroid (or potential dwarf planet) Hygiea was discovered by Annibale de Gasparis on the 12th of April, 1849, in Naples, Italy. It was originally named Igea Borbonica, with Borbonica representing the ruling family of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, but Borbonica was dropped in 1852 by John Russell Hind. Hygiea was originally symbolised by a zeta-shaped serpent crowned with a star but was later substituted with a rod of Asclepius, confusing her for her father. The asteroid takes roughly 2,033 days to travel around the zodiac, spending roughly 169 days in each sign.
Within my own research into the asteroid, Hygiea can be used to represent the native’s prevention healthcare (things such as disease screenings or vaccines), cleaning habits, dealings with public health methods, blessings with good health, and personal hygiene. Remember to check the sign, house, degree, and any aspects Hygiea makes when interpreting this placement. You can also have a look at Hygiea’s persona chart if you feel confident enough.
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sorceressofthenight · 2 years
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I'm back with another asteroid post. With school starting back up again, I've been busy focusing on the children – especially my Nursery ones – but now everyone has managed to adjust themselves to the new routine after a very difficult summer, I am able to finally write more frequently. I'm going to be talking about the asteroids named after the Nine Muses, going in numerical order, starting with Melpomene and ending with Klio, so I hope you enjoy my attempt at being more active now that things have finally settled down a bit.
Melpomene is a goddess in Greek (and later Roman) mythology, described as one of the nine muses. She is commonly referred to as the daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne and as the mother of the Sirens by Akheloios (a river god). Melpomene is usually regarded as the Muse of Tragedy, but was originally the Muse of Chorus, which is probably why her name means "to celebrate with dance and song". Melpomene was typically portrayed with a sword or a tragic mask (or both), sometimes wearing an ivy wreath and cothurnus boots. She didn't really appear in any of the myths - or at least, in the surviving myths - but it has been considered good fortune for playwrights and poets to invoke her and her sisters and it is from these playwrights and poets that most of our current knowledge of the myths come from. Melpomene shares her name with a genus of ferns that are native to the Neotropical realm in the Americas and Africa.
The asteroid Melpomene was discovered by John Russell Hind on the 24th of June, 1852 in London, England. The asteroid’s symbol is a cross above an eight pointed star – at least that’s what it looks like, I couldn’t find any actual description of what it is supposed to be. The asteroid takes roughly 1,271 days to travel around the zodiac, spending roughly 106 days in each sign.
Within my own research into the asteroid, Melpomene can be used to represent the native’s propensity for tragedy, tragic writing ability, their unhappy stories, and the unfortunate elements of their life. Remember to check the sign, house, degree, and any aspects Melpomene makes when interpreting this placement. You can also have a look at Melpomene’s persona chart if you feel confident enough.
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sorceressofthenight · 2 years
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After a nice relaxing weekend, I'm back with another muse post. This muse is probably the most relevant muse for anyone reading this blog though as I am slowly making my way through them. I am going to try to have the rest of the muses finished by the end of the week, before going on to talk about other topics next week. Hope you enjoy.
Urania is a goddess in Greek (and later Roman) mythology, described as one of the nine muses. She is the daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne and the mother of Hymenaios by most likely Apollo - if my research into these goddesses has taught me anything, it is usually Apollo. Urania is regarded as the Muse of Astrology (which also used to include Astronomy) and later on the Muse of Christian Poetry. Urania is mostly portrayed as wielding a globe and a rod in her hands. Many observatories across the world are named after her.
The asteroid Urania was discovered by John Russell Hind on the 22nd of July, 1854 in London, England and was Hind's last discovery. It's symbol is an upside-down V with a circular line between it, which has something to do with navigation if I remember correctly but I don't know what and for some reason no website can tell me what the symbol is supposed to be. The asteroid takes roughly 1,330 days to travel around the zodiac, spending roughly 111 days in each sign.
Within my own research into the asteroid, Urania can be used to represent the native’s experience with astrology or astronomy, astrological or astronomical ability, propensity for astrology or astronomy, and navigational sense. Remember to check the sign, house, degree, and any aspects Urania makes when interpreting this placement. You can also have a look at Urania’s persona chart if you feel confident enough.
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sorceressofthenight · 2 years
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Hello Again
Like I said in my previous post, I am an incredibly private person and I would rather not share my own chart details. Instead, you will find me using fictional charts – charts of characters from various media I like. Above are two charts I will reference frequently – the official birth charts of twins Rebecca and Philip Bishop-Clairmont from the All Souls trilogy. Why them? Because I love the books and they are the only ones with an exact birth time. Also this is my blog, and I can do whatever the hell I want.
I hope to talk more about astrology soon, it truly is one of my passions.
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