#sophia x morgana
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kwoomochi · 7 months
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What if I was insane
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bluestrawberrybunny · 9 months
A collection of doodles of my OCs Simon Evans, Andras Exubus, and the Bentleys
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Text: Casper, white pit bull
Sophia Bentley Age: 20
Morgana Bentley Age: 14
David Bentley Age: 24
Laura Bentley Age: 22
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Text: Half-brotherly love
Used to it by now
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Text: My mom disowned me cuz I’m trans and a demon
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Text: Andras Age: 19
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Text: I destroy everything I touch. LITERALLY
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Text: Trans swag
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Currant: Evans? You’ve got a little something in your… uh…
Evans: He’s my half-brother, it’s fine.
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extinct-fish · 1 month
Splatoon x Persona Weapon assignments for the various teams:
Note: These are approximations based on weapon choice. I tried to pick weapons that were similar to their actual weapons. I've also colorcoded it for convenience. weapons all range from every splatoon game, though a good chunk from Splat3
Makoto/Minato - Octobrush
Kotone - Splatana Stamper
Junpei - Splat Roller
Mitsuru - Kensha Splatana (Alt. Order Splatana, since the Kensha weapon isn't here... sadge)
Akihiko - Dark Tetra Dualies
Yukari - Wellstring V
Shinjiro - GOLD DYNAMO Roller (heavy-af weapon)
Ken - Snipewrite 5B (long range, can hold 5 shots)
Fuuka - Splatterscope
Aigis is technically a walking Nautilus 47
Koromaru can't participate directly, but if he could, he'd have a small fry buddy
STREGA - Order dualies (Jin), Order Slosher (Chidori), Jet Squelcher (Takaya)
Nyx/Nyx Avatar - DYNAMO ROLLER too, mainly because massive fuck
Ryoji - E-Liter
Ikutsuki - Undercover Brella
Investigation Team:
Yu - Charcoal Decavitator (very OP)
Yosuke - Order Dualies, Nouveau Dapple Dualies
Chie - Glooga dualies (slow shots, but powerful hits)
Yukiko - Reef LUX 450
Kanji - Dynamo Roller
Rise - Eliter Scope
Teddie - Splatana Wiper
Naoto - .52 Gal.
Nanako - too young, but she would wield a Trislosher
Dojima - N-Zap '85
Adachi - .96 Gal
Phantom Thieves of Hearts: (Parentheses = based on gun)
Akiren/Joker - Kensha Dualies (Can also use Dread Wringer for shits n' giggles)
Morgana/Mona - Order Octobrush (Alt. Order Blaster)
Ryuji/Skull - Painbrush (Alt. Range Blaster)
Ann/Panther - Bloblobber (Alt. Aerospray)
Yusuke/Fox - Mint Decavitator (Alt. Recycled Brella 24Mk I)
Makoto/Queen - Dreadwringer (Alt. L-3 Nozzlenose)
Futaba/Oracle - Z+F Splatterscope
Haru/Noir - Dynamo Roller (Alternatively, Nautilus 47)
Goro Akechi/Crow - Charcoal Decavitator (Alt. Jet Squelcher)
Sumire/Violet - Squiffer
Sophia/Sophie - Dualies (alt. S-Blast '92)
Zenkichi/Wolf - Hero Roller Replica (alt. Squelcher Dualies)
Sojiro - Undercover Brella
Iwai - Hydra Splatling. Though, he's the weapons dealer, so he can do whatever he wants. He would deffo use a Hydra Splatling tho
If you think these weapons aren't right, gimme suggestions! I'm open to them!
Wall of tags incoming.
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kougaonn · 1 year
i finally got my p5 x tma assignments down. PLEASE talk to me about these i guarantee some of them don't fit- i didn't have anyone to use as a sounding board. here you go
Akira Kurusu: a Hunter and a servant of the Desolation
obviously for this au i needed him to be a Hunter. but he fits the desolation so well too... I say if robert montauk can double up with the Hunt and the Dark so can akira.
Morgana: Entity of the Hunt
he kickstarts akira's Hunt abilities! i was imagining him to be like the eldritch cat from guardians of the galaxy
Ryuji Sakamoto: The Flesh
ryuji gave me a really hard time mostly because i don't know his character as well as i might have liked. waffled between the Buried and the Desolation as well.
Ann Takamaki: The Corruption
i gave her the Corruption mostly because i don't think she's the kind of person to succumb to the lonely. what with her confidant and the conditions she lives with at home it reminded me of the more emotional side of the Corruption.
Yusuke Kitagawa: The Lonely
Okay this one i really don't know about. other deliberations included the vast, but i am really just not sure. i picked the Lonely because i can imagine yusuke feels alienated (even in some part among the thieves) because of his mannerisms and personality.
Makoto Niijima: The Dark
she is scared of the dark and i think we forget that. i like to think she becomes a servant of the Dark in a similar way to callum brodie
Futaba Sakura: The Eye
so the Lonely might be the obvious choice here. sure if you want to it works. i think the Eye fits into social anxiety much better than the Lonely does.
Haru Okumura: The Slaughter
i think she is sooo melanie king core. it might have always been in some part of her psyche but she gets attacked by the slaughter somehow and that's what really brings it to light.
Goro Akechi: The Web
Do i even need to explain
Sumire Yoshizawa: The Spiral
the spiral being known by the name It Is Lies. that's really all i need to say.
BONUS ROUND: Sophia: The Stranger
ohh robots are more fitting for the extinction whatever. not this one. She tries so so hard to understand humanity and is terrified by the suggestion she might not be who she is. she is so Stranger core.
these aren't all i have- these are just the phantom thieves. i have a list of "monsters" that akira has hunted, if anyone would like to see that as well :3
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ruckis-vandalizes · 2 years
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On this episode of Persona 5 x Mario & Luigi RPG: I used literal dice for this battle to calculate status condition odds.  I also got the OK from @6clawdy6 to share the rp between us, cuz I think it was cool :> She's the one in control of any Persona characters (And Grimm), I'm the one in control of M&L characters.  Check out my last M&L X Persona post for visual reference!
Nachtmarim: "Stand down, Dreambert. We didn't come for fighting of any kind. In fact, I offer you sound proof that we are here with no ill will. Haru? Hand me Clawdy." 
Haru, curious, hands the sleeping Claudia over to Nachtmarim. 
 Nachtmarim: "If we were really here to do harm, then would a recognized hero of this world be sleeping oh so soundly around any of us, and in her most vulnerable state?" 
She holds Claudia up to Dreambert, and sure enough, she's snoring peacefully, even uttering a bit of sleep-talk... 
Clawdy:"I'll pretend I didn't see you if I wanna, you half-cooked pepperoni snausage...zzz..."
Nachtmarim: "...and dreaming of pepperoni, no less."
Dreambert arches an eyebrow and looks up at Mari. 
Dreambert:"..Then what do you want from me...?" 
Antasma:"For the fighting to end, Dreambert.  For you to stop demonizing my people, so zat zey von't continue to struggle for food."
Grimm: "In other words, we are here to discuss the creation of a peace treaty between both sides of the Subconscious Spectrum here on Pi'illo Island. Your Dark and Dream Stones will not be enough to restore balance. Nightmarekin citizenship on Pi'illo Island needs to be reestablished so that work can be done in ensuring both dream and nightmare energies can be properly evened out..." 
Nachtmarim: "Please consider it, Dreambert. When I said that the fate of the balance between both energies depends greatly on this...I meant it. Too much of a good thing is just as harmful as too much of a bad thing." 
Akechi: "And besides, what good is there having a dream if you can't have a nightmare to even out the odds, and give your mind a challenge?"
Dreambert's gaze trails down to the floor.  He waves his hand and shakes his head, quietly murmuring "I will think about it".  Antasma's eye twitches a little, folding his arms to drum his claws impatiently against one side of him.
Grimm pats Antasma's back as if to try and calm him down. 
Nachtmarim: "There isn't much time to think on it, Dreambert, this is a matter than needs to be dealt with immediately. Pi'illo Island is in serious danger of dying out again, way close to drowning, even, in the excess Dream energy that has built up over the course of four years, and the Dark Stone alone cannot bring back enough Nightmare energy to counter it. We need that Nightmarekin citizenship reinstated sooner as opposed to later."
Dreambert grimaces, not saying anything.  Having gone completely silent now, the air grows incredibly tense and still, almost suffocating... and for those of them who can sense the presences of palaces...
Morgana's ears perk up immediately, with Sophia saying what everyone was thinking. 
 Sophia: "Palace Detected."
Antasma's ears perk up hearing this, and so do the top corners of Dreambert's pillow case which seem to be very animated.  Even he's taken by surprise. 
 Antasma looks around, and then stares at Clawdy... he then snatches her and looks at Dreambert. 
Antasma:"If it is not too much to ask, zis may give you ze chance to sink about it in comfort...  Vould you mind keeping an eye on Claudia's dreamscape?  Ve vill vait for however long you need." 
Dreambert looks up at Antasma, conflicted, but it got him to lose focus on what was said about a palace.
Antasma also takes his leave quietly to follow them.  Dreambert sighs gently, clutching Clawdy's core close.  In before in a puff of smoke with an audible pop, he turns into a pillow that her core sits neatly atop of.
Grimm and Nachtmarim follow after as, presumably, Dreambert is finding his way into my dreamscape.
Meanwhile the Phantom Thieves make their way out of the building and to a quiet area outside where eyes don't typically pry, for presumably safety's sake as Ren consults Sophia. 
Ren: "There's a Palace here, Sophia?" 
Sophia: "Mm-hm! It appeared on the map for our accessibility." Morgana: "I could sense it too. Looks like our Dreamy Prince has more than just a few skeletons in his closet...or should I say, in the Metaverse." 
Futaba: "The prince of throw pillows has a Palace? Not gonna lie, I am a little shocked. But, if he has one, then that means..." 
Akechi: "The chances of Dreambert complying with the peace treaty idea is slim, to say the least." 
Makoto: "It will effectively put this place in danger if we don't do something about it." 
Zenkichi: "All the more reason to infiltrate his Palace and get to work." 
Morgana: "More than that, getting his Treasure may even have to be on the same day, given how severe the damage to the Dreamscape is. We can't just charge in, though. We don't know what kind of dangers lie in Dreambert's Palace." 
Makoto: "We need to play it safe, I agree. Dreambert is definitely aware of us now, so once we go in, he's bound to see us as a threat..."
Antasma:"I haff no doubt about zat..."
Grimm: "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's head into the Cognitive Plane and start formulating our plans. I would imagine once we have a good layout of the place..." 
Morgana: "Then we can secure a fast route to his treasure, as well as a swift way out of the place! Good thinking, Grimm. We also need to be prepared, too, however. I doubt that whatever his treasure is, he will not give it up so willingly...be ready for a fight at any given moment." 
Nachtmarim: "Right. Let's get to it, shall we?" 
Ren: "Right...Scordy?" 
Scordy then appears with a grin. 
Scordy: "Yo! Need a way into the Cognitive Plane?" 
Ren: "Yep. We have a new heart in our sights." 
Scordy: "Got it! Anyone got a calling card ready to go so this treasure can manifest?" 
Futaba: "Working on it, aaaaand...done!" 
She holds up her laptop to Scordy, who grins...her eyes glow, and it brings itself to reality. 
Scordy: "Anywhere this needs ta go?" 
Nachtmarim: "Clawdy's Dreamscape."
Antasma:"Von at a time Mari.  First comes ze palace."
Makoto: "Actually, Antasma...given that's where Dreambert is right now and how much less willing he is to take help at the moment, the Treasure won't manifest on its own without this calling card. If not in Clawdy's Dreamscape, then at least somewhere he'll immediately see it when Claudia chooses to wake up. The only reason we didn't need one last time for the Mario Bros is that they were more willing to work with us in obtaining the source of the distortion." 
Scordy: "I can send you guys in there first before joinin' up wit you once I get the callin' card in his room, if that works wit yous." 
Akechi: "That would work nicely, actually. We'll be waiting in the Cognitive Plane for you, then." 
Scordy: "Ready to send you in wheneva!"
Antasma:"Zat's not information he vill give any of us und  you are fools to sink he vould comply so easily.  If not from ze dream vorld zan ve vill need to make him comply via cognitive plane.  You can go to ze Dreamvorld, I vill follow to ze cognitive plane.  I haff a feeling zis is not somesing zat can be resolved by just talking to ze real Dreambert."
Ren: "It's not a matter of making him tell us what's troubling him...he just needs to read the calling card for the Treasure to manifest in the Cognitive Plane so we can help him have a change of heart on the inside." 
Nachtmarim: "Oh, so we just drop the thing off at his room where he can see it? That's...a lot easier than I thought." 
Morgana: "Yeah, we mainly do the rest of the hard work! If anything, this is the easy part!"
Antasma:"...Zis means I do not haff to go to ze dreamvorld, correct?" 
Of course that's the only thing he's worried about.
Scordy: "Not unless you were specifically asked, so no...that bein' said, you headin' into the Cognitive Plane with the others or not, Taz? Need to know what you're planning to do." 
Makoto: "I'm honestly not fully sure if he's going to be okay for this one. This Palace does belong to an old enemy of his. We can't force Antasma to enter Dreambert's Palace if he isn't comfortable with it..."
Antasma:"I am literally asking to go to ze cognitive plane to avoid going to ze dreamscape, as I feel more equipped to help in zis endeavor."
Nachtmarim: "I hope you won't feel inclined to shirk any of your duties later with that thinking. Alright, let's hop to, then." 
Scordy waves a hand to open a portal into the Cognitive Plane and moves her head back a bit. 
Scordy: "Phew! Yep, that's the stink of Palace there...alright, you guys head on in, I'll join you once I got the calling card in Dreambert's home. Hopefully Zeek won't try and peck at it and ruin the thing in his ill-placed pissiness over a well-deserved punishment." 
Nachtmarim: "He can be mad all he likes, doesn't make him any less wrong for being so irresponsible, encouraging xenophobic behaviors, and treating us like the villains even though we're literally just doing our fucking jobs and making sure balance is maintained in the Subconscious Spectrum just like the Dreamfolk-" 
She's getting quite heated, there. Granted, she has every reason to be mad, but still...
Antasma:"Save it for combat, Mari.  You vill haff plenty of time to vent later." 
Antasma floats on through the portal nonchalantly.
She marches through, not calming down at all...does she seem taller? Her teeth seem sharper again, too. Someone's feeling REAL strongly.
Antasma:"It is going to be hilarious if it turns out you haff ze wrong idea about all of zis and you're getting riled up for nothing."
Nachtmarim: "You act like I'm getting mad at Dreambert for this." 
Ryuji(Skull): "Whoa, is it just me, or did her voice go deep too? Freaky." 
Zenkichi(Wolf): "That's definitely new. You, uh...you gonna be okay there, Mari?" 
Nachtmarim: "On top of being peeved at the Zeekeeper for several reasons, I haven't fed in a while, the only thing I've had is a nightmare from Mario and absolutely no blood. That's literally it..." 
Grimm: "Ah, so your aggression is amplified by the hunger, which effects your body after a certain length of time! That's an interesting new factoid...perhaps we can use this state of hers to our advantage?" 
Nachtmarim: "I sincerely hope, Grimm, that you don't hope to use me as a weapon here...pretty sure Shadow blood tastes awful, anyways..."
Antasma:"I vasn't talking about Dreambert...  I vould offer you my blood but you vould just be getting more nightmare fuel, and zat is nightmare fuel zat I need."
Nachtmarim: "We'll worry about it after, though I can't promise I'll be in full control of my mind the longer I go without proper feeding..." 
Ryuji(Skull): "Is that right, ahahah...please don't eat me." 
Nachtmarim: "I'm not going to eat you, boy."
Nachtmarim shoots the mother of all skinwalker stares at him. 
Akechi(Crow): "I hope whatever you're about to say is beneficial, Antasma..."
Antasma:"I don't haff to say anything.  Mari already knows vere I am going vith zis."
Nachtmarim: "I am not feeding on the Phantom Thieves." 
Grimm: "Why not? They're humans. Most of them, at least." 
Nachtmarim growls a bit...does she seem a little fluffier? Her hair's also gotten a bit longer. Either way, she doesn't seem to enjoy the idea of feeding on friends. Makes sense, they're her friends.
Antasma:"Vell I don't very vell know if you are going to be able to find anything to feed on here."
Nachtmarim: "I'll have to worry about it when I get out of here later." 
Scordy(Beldam): "I'm baHAAACK? Damn, Mari, lookin' good." 
Nachtmarim: "...I'm shocked that this is anywhere near attractive...then again, your standards are incredibly low." 
Scordy(Beldam): "Guilty as charged~ You look good as a giant bat-like beastie, to be honest." 
Nachtmarim: "Bat-like, wh...wait." 
She feels about the sides of her head, moving her hair...they're pointed and look much more bat-like than before. 
Nachtmarim: "Oh joy."
Antasma:"How did you not notice zat you vere changing?"
Nachtmarim: "I was too focused on being upset about Zeekeeper being a fucking idiot." 
Scordy(Beldam): "Valid, he had it comin'...I feel like you'd have the face of a flyin' fox." 
Nachtmarim: "Do I look like a goddamn fruit-muncher? I am half vampire, I have sanguinivorous behaviors!" 
Scordy(Beldam): "Just fuckin' with ya. So what, ya got a weird nose?" 
Nachtmarim, now fully confused: "WHY MY NOSE????"
Antasma has to put a hand over his mouth to stifle a laugh. 
Antasma:"...Vhile I am not denying ze fact zat Zeke is an imbecile...  Ve do not know vhat vas going on through his head." 
Nachtmarim: "If anything even was going through his head at the time."
Antasma:"Doubtful, but zat is vhy I haff a feeling zere maybe a chance zat zere maybe a misunderstanding somevere along ze lines.  At least, I vould like to thing so..." 
Antasma appears a little sad for a moment before shaking his head.  He looks at his surroundings... and then at the monotone palace the group stands right in front of.
Nachtmarim: "Interesting. There's not a speck of color on this castle..." 
Akechi(Crow): "It's certainly unexpected...I wonder what regularly goes through Dreambert's head for his Palace to be so...lacking in hue."
Antasma:"Zat is... very uncharacteristic for a prince of dreams..." 
He looks at the entrance, slowly floating closer to the castle.
The Phantom Thieves accompany him, Grimm being more casual in his step with Nachtmarim having to be more ginger about her step due to being bigger now.
Antasma phases his head through the door to look, turning invisible as he does. A few moments later and the doors open with Antasma behind them.
Antasma:"Ze coast is clear... in fact it is very quiet."
Futaba(Oracle): "Wow, that's totally not a red flag at all. I'm gonna do a scan to see if anything is hiding around. Don't branch off from the group, everybody." 
Nachtmarim: "Especially you, Grimm." 
Grimm just shrugs and makes his way in, nonchalant. Nachtmarim makes a soft growl noise as her ears twitch, now having become a bit more articulated.
Antasma, despite the warning, begins to head a little further in.
Mari tries to tell Antasma not to go too far, but what ends up coming out of her mouth is a strange shriek noise which translates to the same thing...she covers her mouth in shock, ears flattening back. 
Ryuji(Skull): "...dude???" 
Ann(Panther): "What...was that?" 
Sophia(Sophie): "I believe that was a bat shriek."
Antasma looks back with pin prick pupils and wide eyes.  He didn't look very pleased by that noise.
Nachtmarim, slightly muffled by the hands over her mouth: "Iamsosorry." 
Grimm stifles his snickering laughter, trying to regain his composure. 
Grimm: "I'm sorry, but that was hilarious. I see we're not accustomed to our own bat noises?" 
Nachtmarim: "I don't usually take on this look because I can't control when it happens, so of course not!" 
She moves her hand away from her mouth, and...she has a very animal-like face right now. Grimm snickers a little more. 
Grimm: "I like how you're getting worse, this is amusing."
Antasma:"Und zis vould be vhat I meant by my earlier statement.  Are you sure you don't need to sit zis von out."
Nachtmarim: "It's a rare instance because usually I keep up on feeding myself, but that doesn't make me useless. There's got to be some benefit to my body's current state...oh, that is so much fur..." 
Ren(Joker): "I agree, maybe we can use this to our advantage?" 
Futaba(Oracle), having an idea: "Double Nightmare Sonar." 
Nachtmarim: "Double Nightmare wh...oh! That's actually not a bad idea, assuming he recalls how to use his echolocation...please tell me you know how to use echolocation, Antasma."
Antasma, with a shrug:"I just do  I keep quiet and flick my ears around."
Nachtmarim: "Okay, good." 
If Antasma's listening well enough, her heart was beginning to operate on a batty heartrate so...it was going insanely fast.
Antasma:"making noises also tends to help, but given zis is supposed to be a sneak mission..." 
He doesn't seem to be paying attention.  However, if the two batties and Futaba search, they find... that the first few floors are completely empty. No shadows to speak of.
Futaba(Oracle): "That's weird...there's no Shadows at all on the first few floors." 
Nachtmarim: "...did you try checking below? There is an area beneath the castle."
Antasma:"I vould but I cannot physically hear anything below us." 
And if Futaba tried the image would be very foggy.  Heavy interference is making it impossible to know whats down there, but one thing is for sure.  something is down there.
Futaba(Oracle): "Oh, there's something below, alright. There's too much interference to tell exactly what it is, though, but..." 
Grimm: "If there's one thing that staying in Hallownest has taught me, it's that there's always a whole new world lurking beneath one's feet. Shall we traverse below?"
Antasma gives two thumbs up and sinks through the floor.
Nachtmarim: "...did he just..." 
Zenkichi(Wolf): "Guess we're going to have to find a way in below." 
Nachtmarim: "I know a fast way down, but it might be sealed off here, so we may have to go the long-"
Antasma pops out of the floor seconds later with wide eyes, looking frazzled.
Nachtmarim: "Way..." 
Ryuji(Skull): "You holdin' up there, Taz?"
Antasma:"Zere is something down zere."
Ren(Joker): "How bad, Antasma? What did you see down there?"
Antasma:"I saw zat ve're in for a fight.  Or twelve... dozen."
Yusuke(Fox): "Well, we certainly won't be bored." 
Morgana(Mona): "We still need to be careful not to overexert ourselves. If there comes a moment we need to regroup and recover, take it while it's available." 
Nachtmarim: "In any case, we need to hurry. We'll take the long way in. If my prior experiences in reality from 20 years ago are true and apply here, the closer to the surface the long way's entry is, the lower the monster amount..."
Antasma  nods and takes the lead, navigating as if he's been in the castle before.
Nachtmarim also follows after, side-by-side with Antasma while the others trail behind. Nachtmarim: "...you've lived here before, haven't you?"
Antasma glances over at Mari, silently thinking over his answer. 
Antasma:"...I merely learned ze layout of ze castle in preparation for my takeover.  Not much has changed."
Nachtmarim knew this behavior well from Claudia. 
Nachtmarim: "...you know, Antasma, if you have to think about the answer, then it's not the truth."
Antasma:"Ze truth is not important right now Mari.  Vhat is ensuring zat Dreambert's mind is in ze right place vhen he signs zat peace treaty.
Nachtmarim: "Don't fault me for passing the time with conversation and wanting to get to know you better, Antasma...though with your traumas, it's not hard to see why your trust issues are so strong...let me ask you something, if I may be so bold."
Antasma:"It depends on vhat you are asking me."
Nachtmarim: "Are you aware of the mental illness known as Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder?"
Antasma stares at Mari for a moment before shaking his head no.
Nachtmarim: "It is considered the most common of neurodevelopmental disorders, seen as early as childhood and lasting into adulthood. Someone with ADHD in youth may daydream often, forget things or lose objects often, be extremely fidgety, talk quite a lot, make careless mistakes or take unnecessary risks, have trouble with resisting temptations or getting along with others, and even get ahead of themselves often. Overtime, the symptoms change, either weakening or strengthen in severity. Some become more fidgety, some less. One thing I've noticed that never changes with someone in ADHD is the tendency to hyperfixate..."
Antasma:"And zis is being brought up because...?"
Nachtmarim: "I think you might be ADHD."
Antasma:"...No I don't think so." 
Is the only thing he says, not even taking a second to mull it over, basically making his way toward the entrance to the lower levels.  He gets a chill and stops, looking around alertedly.
Nachtmarim pauses, ears moving around, pupils pinpricks. The others all pause, the Phantom Thieves standing alert and ready to fight if needed.
Antasma sees a bright flash next to the door that leads to the stairwell down, flinching before looking.  There stands a follower that looks like a being with a similar build to a Pi'illo completely engulfed by purple flames, wearing a mask.  Antasma gears up for a fight, but this Shadow doesn't appear to be very aggressive.  It's merely floating in place close to the door, watching carefully.
Morgana(Mona): "...huh. It's not attacking...usually a Shadow attacks the second they see us." 
Ann(Panther): "Maybe it's friendly?" 
Makoto(Queen): "I don't think so. It may just be waiting to see if we attack or not." 
Akechi(Crow): "It's that or the Palace Ruler is already expecting an audience from us." 
Ren(Joker): " Only one way to find out..." 
He takes a step closer, next to Antasma as he gazes into the eyes of the Shadow before him. 
Ren(Joker): "Does your ruler know we're here?"
Shadow Smoltergiest looks between the group, looks at Antasma for an awfully long time, before answering. 
Sh. Smoltergiest:"You should not be here.  Only one of you is allowed here and even then, he is to stay on the upper floors out of harms way.  Do you plan on proceeding?"
Ren(Joker): "For the sake of the Subconscious Spectrum, backing down isn't an option. If you plan to get in our way..." 
There is a fire in Joker's eyes, his presence...much like that of a firm leader as he now stands a bit more in front of Antasma...no. Not a leader... 
Ren(Joker): "Then we might just have to steal your heart...wouldn't you agree?"
A rebel.
Sh. Smoltergiest:"I do not share the same sentiment nor do I wish to fight you.  I am merely warning you and protecting you from the many horrors that lurk below.  Should you choose to continue I cannot promise that you will not be apprehended, and felled.  Knowing this, do you still wish to proceed?"
Ryuji(Skull): "We can't save everyone's dreams if we don't go down anyways." 
Sumire(Violet): "The life of your ruler is at stake if we do not seek him out." 
Zenkichi(Wolf): "If anything? We are here to save Dreambert from a prison of his own making." 
Morgana(Mona): "The Phantom Thieves are here to save Dreamfolk and Nightmarekin alike from certain doom, by stealing away the heart of the Prince of Dreams!" 
Ren(Joker): "Knowing what's at stake, do you still wish to hold us back from doing the right thing?"
Sh. Smoltergiest:"Should you get too far, then yes.  It is by his request that we keep him down there.  My time is not here.  Continue at your own risk.  None shall touch the feared one." 
 Before anything more can be said Sh. Smoltergiest disappears into thin air like a whisp. 
Antasma:"ze feared one...?"
Nachtmarim: "That Shadow looked like that of a Smoldergeist...the ones in the real world referred to Dreambert as "the revered one", given his stature as a great leader...but here, instead, he's "the feared one"?" 
Yusuke(Fox): "Shadows in a Palace often reflect the views of the Palace Ruler. The Shadow mentioned that horrors await us below, and he's seen as feared here...tell me, Antasma, aren't horror and fear reoccurring emotions incurred by nightmares?"
Antasma:"Yes, actually... yes it is... Oh, Dreambert, vhat haven't you been telling anybody?"
Grimm: "He has quite the poor opinion of himself, is my guess." 
Futaba(Oracle): "I get that, I was like that for a long time too, and apparently, so has Claudia...we better get going down there, and fast!"
Antasma doesn't hesitate in going down despite the warnings.  Honestly it's the fastest he's moved yet.
Futaba(Oracle): "Whoa, not that fast! Wait up!!" 
The rest follow down quick as they can. 
Nachtmarim: "If I didn't know any better, I'd say Antasma and Dreambert actually did use to be close!" 
Grimm: "We're thinking alike today! I was about to say the same."
Antasma halts when he comes across a room with a few shadows, this time all taking the appearance of masked Pi'illo with orange garbs holding torches.
Nachtmarim pauses seeing them, as do the others. She's got a bad feeling about these Pi'illo. These are bound to be Shadows intent on halting their progress.
Antasma:"Vhat do ve do about zem...?  Zere is no vay zat zey vill let us pass peacefully..."
Morgana(Mona): "We were already forewarned of the danger. We'll have to fight them. If we can, we need to take them by surprise." 
Nachtmarim: "And how do you imagine we do that?" 
Ren(Joker): "By revealing the truth behind the masks." 
He begins to sneak towards the Shadows, silent as he grows closer.
Antasma stays behind.  It's harder for someone as big as him to sneak around and he has no idea what he's doing anyway.  So he watches as these two Shadow's pace around on the lookout.
It's just then, at the exact moment, that Ren manages to get ahold of one of them, grabbing it's mask... 
Ren(Joker): "Reveal yourself to me!" 
The sound of what can only be described as flesh tearing can be heard as Joker rips the mask from off the Shadow's face in order to force it to take on its true form.
There's a loud screech from that shadow in before turning into a large, round spider that's orange-red in coloration.  It's commerad turns around in startle.  This Maretula doesn't look happy and neither does the other shadow.
By the time the fellow turned around and the spider had changed, the Phantom Thieves had surrounded the two Shadows, ready to attack.
The other shadow rips it's own mask off revealing it to is a Maretula, to join its friend in the fray.  Antasma turns into a bat and attaches himself to Ren like a bat cape.  The two start off with a combined Mapsi.
Out of everyone, Queen is the one that staggers, while Noir and Nachtmarim and Antasma are left unharmed. Everyone else takes a normal amount of damage. 
Haru(Noir): "Queen!" 
Makoto(Queen): "I'll be fine!" 
Nachtmarim slashes at one of the Maretulas, grabbing it and throwing it against the wall with an angry roar.
Maretula 1 hisses as it hits the wall, before scampering up onto it and then onto the ceiling.  Maretula 2 then proceeds to try and use Psio on Mari much to no avail.
Queen recovers from the stagger just in time for Nachtmarim to turn around and snarl at Maretula 2. Queen uses her Persona to cast Freila on Maretula 1, Grimm's cloak stabs into the ground, before skewering Maretula 2 from below. Yeowch. 
Ryuji(Skull): "JEEZ!!"
Maretula 1 taggers and shakes before inevitably falling.  Despite being Maretula 2 being skewered it's still very much writhing in pain and squeaking.  It contorts its neck just enough to bite at the tendril that has it and clamp down, before it effectively dies.
Unfortunately for Maretula 2, what it bit was a cloak hardened into a spike, so it didn't do damage to Grimm at all. Grimm makes the Cloak Spikes go away when he brings his cloak back to him as the Shadow disappears. Only question is, did Maretula 1 survive the fall?
Unfortunately for it no, it didn't survive, leaving the way into the next room clear.
Morgana(Mona): "That was...shockingly easy." 
Akechi(Crow): "For creatures intended to defend the Prince of Dreams, they're quite pathetic." 
Nachtmarim: "They were like that when I first came down here too in the real world, honestly. I didn't expect them to put up too bad of a fight... didn't expect to lose my control so fast though..."
Antasma has a look of suspicion, as if something were wrong and he could sense it.  That was easy... a little too easy.  He silently floats towards the entrance to the next room. 
Antasma:"...Futaba...  I need you to scan ze next room."
Futaba(Oracle): "Checking now...I don't know about everybody else, but that seemed a little too easy." 
Oracle does so to see what exactly she can pick up as she gets the entrance of the next area, and...
...they're everywhere.  The whole room is chalk full of Shadows just waiting to leap.  There's no doubt that they know the thieves are here already from their companions dying cries.  But they stay within that room.
Futaba(Oracle): "Hoooh! Yep, that's a lot of Shadows." 
Morgana(Mona): "Just sneaking past them is going to be impossible to pull off, especially given that there's so many..." 
Ann(Panther): "At least we know they aren't too tough to beat..." 
Makoto(Queen): "They're still quite a lot of them, however, and that's what makes them threatening..." 
Ryuji(Skull): "They are weak against your Nuke skills. Maybe you could ride in there and use the strongest skill you got on them all." 
Makoto(Queen), done with Ryuji's shit already: "I am not doing that. The strongest spell I have only deals with enemies at close range. Even if I wanted to, there's no way I'd be able to get them all." 
Ren(Joker): "I have Cosmic Flare as a skill for two of my Personas, and Alice has Megidolaon. Maybe I could clear the room with that?" 
Ryuji(Skull): "Dude, are you looking to clear the room or blow up the entire building?" 
Grimm: "I could set the whole room on fire." 
Nachtmarim: "That would just give us a whole new problem, Grimm, given your flames exude nightmare energy on top of being vampiric..."
Antsma feels the tension in the air grows.  Its as if the area and the enemies within are being empowered, growing a little stronger.
Nachtmarim: "Oh, I don't like that tension...something's going on with Dreambert and Claudia on their end." 
Futaba(Oracle): "We might have to fight. I'm not seeing any other ways to Dreambert's Shadow and there's no way we can sneak past these guys. At the same time, though, let's try and play this smart. Don't waste too much energy, everybody!"
Antasma murmurs "Use my energy wisely, Joker".
Joker nods as everyone starts making their way in, ready to attack if necessary.
It seems eerily quiet at first, the only two orange Shadows being seen on platforms just above the exit door.  They watch carefully, fully aware of the others entry, but do not move.  Then, once the group enters, there's an incredibly loud thud from behind them.
Everyone looks back, having a bad feeling that getting out the way they came was no longer an option...
That tense feeling grows stronger, almost suffocating, as the two orange shadows above rip off their mask and jump down, a giant stack of enemies acting as a brick wall to block off the exit.  Seconds later, several glowing red eyes appear on the walls and skittering noises are heard getting closer.  They're trapped in a room with dozens of giant enemy spiders.
Zenkichi(Wolf): "Something is tell me if Dreambert wasn't a prince, he'd probably be an arachnologist!" 
Nachtmarim: "TALK LATER, KILL NOW!"
Better make it fast, because every single one of those spiders uses a Mapsi with combined force to start.
Before the attacks land, Noir uses Makarakarn to protect Queen from getting hit by the combined Mapsi, which, in terms of power with up to 24 Maretulas at once, is comparable to Psycho Blast. Good thing it wasn't an Almighty attack. It still did damage to everyone else, however, dealing a decent number of damage on all but Oracle and those naturally immune to Psychokinesis attacks. 
Futaba(Oracle): "CRAP! I didn't get a chance to bring up a shield! Is everyone okay?!" 
Nachtmarim: "PEACHY!!!" 
She snarls, diving for the nearest Maretulas and slashing at them with her claws, while Grimm flies up... 
 It's then that Grimm unleashes his Pufferfish attack, sending fireballs at the spiders to try and whittle them down a notch. Panther and Nachtmarim seem unaffected, at least, and others are nimble enough to dodge.
Any fireballs of Grimm's that nearly miss Antasma uses his influence to redirect them so that they do hit.  Several spiders fall to the floor and rock on their backs struggling to get up.  Several more leap down on their own accord to attack.
From there, Crow goes in for a Megidolaon on those Maretulas that are stuck on their backs to deal heavy Almighty damage that they couldn't protect themselves from, while Wolf starts blasting with Riot Gun, Queen working on healing the party. 
Ren(Joker): "Anything you think I should do, Antasma?"
All antasma says is "open your mouth and try not to gag".
Joker does so, confused until...
Feels like something is filling his lungs and trying to come up through his throat, which it does in the form of purple and black smoke that forms into dozens of antasbats.  The swarm of bat's start attacking and flying around the spiders keeping them distracted.
Joker coughs a bit, rubbing at his mouth. 
Ryuji(Skull): "...did you just puke up a bunch of bats, bro?" 
Beldam staggers a bit, her eyes glowing. 
Sophia(Sophie): "Beldam? Are you alright?" 
Scordy(Beldam): "Haha...looks like Dreambert got the message." 
Morgana(Mona): "Then there's no time to waste! Let's take them all down and get to that Treasure!" 
With a swing of his sword, Mona finishes off one of the Maretulas as Queen unleashes Mafreila on the Maretulas, which ends up leaving the Antasbats unharmed due to them emerging from Joker...speaking of these Antasbats, they had been infused with some of his Trickster energy on the way out, making them stronger...Joker's mask begins to glow with blue flame as he removes it, summoning one of his Personas... 
Ren(Joker): "Come, Titania!" 
For a moment, when that mask vanishes, what looks like a beautiful blonde faerie woman in an elegant green dress, wreathed in those blue flames, appears, ready to use Mafreidyne...
Those bats start going for the Gromblocks, which are still standing relatively strong in front of the doorway.  Antasma only imbues the power of that Persona, making her attack stronger...
The flames take on an indigo hue, the chains almost glowing with nightmare energy as the Nightmare-inbued Mafreidyne strikes any enemies for extra damage, teetering on severe due to Antasma.
More like only the Gromblocks are teetering, as all of the spiders are slain in an instant.  The bats are left clawing at the eyes and tilting these things over like an unstable Jenga tower.
Scordy(Beldam): "Hey, Joker, can you make the Antasbats do what you ask them to??" 
Ren(Joker): "I don't think so, they're not Personas..." 
It would be a shock if they shared some bit of Joker's cheeky personality, to say the least...
The bats get into a formation around the Gromblocks, surrounding them the best they can. 
Antasma:"I vould recommend covering your ears."
Everyone does so, waiting to see what happens...
They all let out a supersonic screech that makes the Gromblocks tremble before shattering, removing the blockade.  It's only then do they reunite with Ren and act as a shield, fluttrring around him.
Ryuji(Skull): "Huh! That's some cool shit, though!" 
Ren(Joker): "Let's keep moving! Oracle?" 
Futaba(Oracle): "Already on it! Navigation for the next area starting now!" 
The group makes their way to the doorway that leads to the next area as Queen gets to work on healing anyone that needs it, Oracle scanning to see what's up next...
The next room is very strange with its layout.  Its a long hall with shadows lined up in a very linear fashion, as well as two in front of the exit.  The ones that are lined up stand on either side of the hall.
Futaba(Oracle): "Well, that's a weird layout. It's real...linear." 
Nachtmarim: "That's way too ominous. Keep your guard up, all of you!" 
Grimm: "No need to tell us twice."
Antasma:"Shall ve continue onvard...?"
Morgana(Mona): "We've got no time to be idle. If Dreambert's seen that calling card, then that puts us on a time crunch. We won't get the chance to get ahold of his Treasure again if we don't make the deadline." 
The Phantom Thieves, along with the other two Nightmare Kings, remain on the move.
Good thing too, because the very next room would require a lot of movement.  It's all just one long concrete bridge with shadows floating above platforms right next to it.  Looking to the side leads into a seemingly endless drop.  The shadows look at the group and shout in Unison, "NONE SHALL TOUCH THE FEARED ONE".  They rip off their masks and turn into Zeekeeper-esque statues that ground themselves with a heavy slam.  Mechanical parts click as their bat-like wings turn and click into place.  Before they start spinning.  If someone got clothes lined with one of those it would be game over and thry would either be blended, skewered, or flung into the abyss.  It would be no problem for those who could fly, but for those who can't... Really hope they're good at parkour.  And it doesn't help that there's a loud screeching noise from behind now.
Coincidentally, parkour movements were a regular part of Phantom Thief life. Nachtmarim takes on a bat form and takes to the sky as Grimm seems to turn into a shade-like form to follow suit as Oracle boards Necronomicon and takes to the air. As for everyone else? 
Futaba(Oracle): "EVERYBODY RUN!" 
The group bolts down this concrete bridge, running and balancing and avoiding field hazards like their lives depended on it...which, in this case, did.
Antasma holds on for dear life to Ren.  If he had a working heart it would be pumping out of his chest practically having a front row seat watching the group dodge and weave through these razor sharp wings swinging at them as they pass through. Through trying not to hurl or pass out, Antasma keeps an eye out for the end of the hall which he can't see yet.  He could hear the skittering and clicking joints following quickly behind.  Some of the antasbats leave to start attacking the massive Maretula that gives chase, trying to stall it.  It only works to an extent but ignores them for the most part.
Grimm and Nachtmarim aim to attack the giant Maretula with their own power as they keep to the air, hoping to whittle it down as the Phantom Thieves continue what they're doing as they make haste for the end of the hall. 
Ryuji(Skull): "THIS IS EFFIN' INSANE!!" 
Antasma sends more Antasbats after the spider fiend, having it attack the eyes and bite its back legs to throw off it's movement.  This ends up being far more effective, stunting it's movement greatly.   It screeches angrily and swipes at the bats.
At least it keeps the Maretula occupied long enough for the Phantom Thieves to get further, and hopefully, closer to the end of the hall.
The end of the hall is coming into view but that poses a new problem.  There's another pair of Gromblocking the exit.
Ryuji(Skull): "OH COME ON!" 
Haru(Noir): "Don't fret, Skull! We've got this!" 
Ryuji(Skull): "Right!" 
Noir casts Snap at these Gromblocks dealing medium Gun damage to them before Skull uses God's Hand, and given it deals Colossal damage to a narrow range of targets...it would be a wonder of these Gromblocks withstood that after getting hit with Snap...all while the two were narrowly dodging spinning blades like the rest of the party, save for those in the air.
Sure enough the Gromblocks go down tumbling right off the edge.  The giant Maretula speeds up seeing this, screeching madly making the walls shake.  More Antasmbats aid the others, attacking its legs.
The Phantom Thieves scramble to get through the exit, with Oracle dispelling Necronomicon so she can fit through the exit, Nachtmarim and Grimm flying through the door as Grimm changes back, Grimm himself sending Fire Bats at the giant Maretula's eyes as Panther pitches in with Agidyne at the same target. Having one's eyeballs melt within their skull isn't a pleasant feeling, to say the least.
It slows and writhes before losing strenght and letting go of the ceiling, causing it to fall against the ground hard.  It's hooked into one of those wings from the statue and torn in half, each half hitting into a wall so hard that it causes the place to shake.  Those other statues wobble and fall right into the abyss with the Gromblocks.
Futaba(Oracle): "That takes care of that little miniboss...I'm going to go ahead and scan for whatever's ahead, catch your breath, everybody!" 
Nachtmarim changes back when she's on solid ground...only to have grown much bigger, a couple feet bigger than how Antasma is normally, and covered in brown fur. 
Ryuji(Skull): "Hhhhoooooly shit!!" 
Nachtmarim tries to speak, but it's in mere clicks...which startles her. Given Antasma was the only bat, what he hears next is... 
Nachtmarim: "(Oh no...nononono! This is bad...if I use my power again, I may lose control of myself!)" 
Her stomach also starts to growl, grabbing her attention. She whimpers. 
Grimm: "Seems time is running out for Nachtmarim as well."
The next room isn't as complicated it seems.  There's only about 9 shadows in there and its a plain square room. 
Antasma:"No offense Mari, but I think you may need to sit out for ze remainder of zis.  Zere is food for you in ze vaking vorld, but not here."
Futaba(Oracle): "If there was a safe room, she could wait out in there until the battle with Dreambert's Shadow, but there isn't one as far as I'm picking up. This next room isn't as complicated, at least. Just nine Shadows in a plain square room...just to be on the safe side though, I'm scanning it for traps. Don't want to go in guns blazing yet."
Akechi(Crow): "In that same vein, do we really want to leave her behind when we're already pretty far in? If there's nine Shadows left, it may be likely that these nine are a bit tougher than what we've noticed so far. We may need whatever strength this look has given her. We can't afford to not make use of any chance at victory."
Antasma:"But vhat happens if she turns on us and loses control as a result?  Ve vill haff something far bigger than just Dreambert's Shadow and zat is not a risk I am villing to take until she gets control over herself."
Akechi(Crow): "Which may not be for a while until we can escape the Palace with the Treasure in hand. The least we can do is make sure she doesn't interfere in the fights while sticking close so that she doesn't have to use her powers." 
Nachtmarim: "(I hope this works. I can keep control of myself for quite some time after my mind turns less human, but all bets may be off once we're out of the Cognitive Plane. The strange properties of this dimension with how cognition functions here seem to be prolonging my humanity...I can stay out of the fights, at least, so that I may be able to focus on taking advantage of said properties. This does mean I will need protection for as long as possible.)" 
Grimm: "You could also stay in your smaller bat form so that you'll pose less of a threat should you lose your mind." 
Nachtmarim: "(I could shift back, but it will mean I'll be hell to control that way, so I can't afford to do so now. Better that I stay like this for now.)"
Antasma:"I still think it's a bad idea to let you continue forward instead of vaiting outside...  But I don't think I can stop you from making such a stupid decision either.  You can follow, but ze first sign zat you are losing control I'll be ze von to pacify you."
Nachtmarim: "(Given you may be the only one capable of doing so, I trust you will not accidentally slaughter me...)" 
She chirrups at Oracle, as if trying to ask her if she had detected any traps in that room...and then pauses upon recalling that Oracle doesn't speak bat. She growls to herself as she facepalms at her own stupidity. 
Nachtmarim, embarrassed: "(...Antasma, can you translate for me.)"
Antasma:"She asked if you had sensed any traps." 
Surprisingly no but the Shadows are placed in a very specific way making it look like some sort of bizarrely set up ambush.
Futaba(Oracle): "No traps, but they are placed kinda weird, almost like an attempt at an ambush." 
Ryuji(Skull): "Seriously?" 
Akechi(Crow): "They're either confident this setup will work or desperate. Either way, better to clear the room before moving ahead. Nachtmarim, try to stay out of their line of sight. Given your dark coloration, you should be just fine." 
Nachtmarim: "...mmr." 
It had no real meaning, though she does look at her outfit, the boots of which seem tattered, revealing her...very curious-looking bat feet. She sulks lightly. 
Nachtmarim: "(Awww! I really liked those shoes. They were custom-made...)" 
Ryuji(Skull): "What's she whining about? I don't speak bat. Mona, you're an animal. Can you..." 
Morgana(Mona): "I am NOT an animal, Skull! I can't understand her anymore than you can." 
Sophia(Sophie): "Based on where she is looking, I can assume she is lamenting the destruction of her shoes due to her transformation." 
Ann(Panther): "To be honest, I'd be upset too if my shoes got ruined like that! I hear you, girl..." 
Even monster girls are still girls...either way, everyone gets moving to the next room.
The slightest smirk crosses Antasma's face as he murmurs "No, she vas lamenting ze fact zat her feet are now bigger zan Wolf's in zis form."
Zenkichi(Wolf): "Wha-" 
Everybody else snickers at this comment, even Nachtmarim, who's beginning to feel better about the loss of her footwear. 
Zenkichi(Wolf), admittedly a little amused that the comment came from Antasma of all people: "Well, I'm starting to think that the longer you stick to Joker there, the more of his cheeky attitude you get!" 
Ryuji(Skull): "Damn, Gramps, he sure as hell called you out!" 
Grimm: "I feel like if my dearly beloved had feet, they'd probably look no different than Nachtmarim's either, what with him being a bat." 
Ryuji(Skull): "Can the dude even give himself feet?" 
Ren(Joker): "Maybe? He can turn into a small bat, a cloud, and if what I heard right from Garth is true, a pillow...who's to say he can't turn into anything with feet?" 
Sumire(Violet): "Hold on. Antasma-san...can turn into a pillow?" 
Makoto(Queen): "It makes sense. He had to have picked up some tricks from the Pi'illos while living among them." 
Grimm: "That, I'd like to see."
Antasma:"Ugh, do not remind me zat I can do zat.  The numerous times I got compared to a ca...  Also who said I lived among zem at some point?
Ann(Panther): "Well, you did know exactly where Dreambert's room was, for some reason. It took Nachtmarim guiding us to find it, given she'd been here before..." 
He did fly straight to Dreambert's room, in fairness. Out of that entire group, only Nachtmarim and I knew where in the castle it was. Conquering was certainly not an excuse, the only way he would be exonerated is if he didn't know all the details of his room... 
Futaba(Oracle): "Hold onto that thought, guys. We're almost at the room."
Antasma keeps his eyes and ears peeled as they approach the next room.
The group gets closer to the room, Nachtmarim's ears twitching often as she listens for these Shadows.
The room's dead quiet and unmoving, as if they're just waiting.  Quite a few Antasbats flutter around Ren.  Antasma sends a few in to scout things out, his eyes glowing.  He jolts when they get tossed back out by a laser that makes quick work of it.
Futaba(Oracle): "Oh, that explains their placements. They ARE the booby traps!" 
Ren(Joker): "Let's see if we can't daze them long enough to get in...come, Thoth!" 
A white baboon appears by Ren's side momentarily, seated with a book, adorned in Egyptian headgear, wreathed in those same blue flames as he readies to use Mafreila on the nine Shadows within the room to daze them...
But only three of the 9 can be seen in the form of statues that sit atop platforms.  The others are hidden. 
He would have to deal with the three first, hopefully fucking with their systems. He casts Mafreila on those three...
They take the hit and make a few alarm sounds while spazzing out.  They try to shoot lasers from their eyes at the group but the Antasbats form a wall and take the hit.
From there, Queen makes her way in to cast Mafreidyne on the three to damage them further, hopefully ruining their systems further as Violet and Sophie each aim at a statue and blast Kougaon at them, whilst Skull aims to over load the third with Ziodyne.
The three squabble and jerk around before falling inactive, being downed.
Grimm uses Cloak Spikes again, this time to finish them off by stabbing them through the platforms.
Those three are definitely down and out for the count but the others are nowhere in sight.
The others step in more, but those steps are trepidatious ones. 
Ryuji(Skull): "Hey, chucklenuts! We know you're all in here somewhere! Your asswhoopin' might be painless with how quick it'll be if you come out now and give up!" 
Ann(Panther): "Like they'll come out for that..."
... well one of them does, sort of.  Rather, spider webs launch out at Ryuji and drag him into the room quickly dragging him upwards.
Ann(Panther): "Shoot, they've got Skull!" 
The group makes their way in, ready to strike if needed. 
Ryuji(Skull): "BASTARD!!" 
Skull aims a Ziodyne at his attacker, the lightning attack breaking the webs in the process, causing him to drop. Thankfully, Grimm acts quick and catches him, shielding them with nightmare flame that would melt any web that got too close. 
Ryuji(Skull): "Thanks for the save!" 
Grimm: "Save it for later!"
Another large Martula hangs from the ceiling, hissing wildly.  A whirring sound is heard from behind the group, that being above the door they just entered.  Antasma's ears flick back and he pries himself off of Ren just in time to save him from getting hit.  Just as a statue and shot laser beams out of its eyes, Antasma did the same to counter it.  He flutters in place, playing a game of endurance with this statue as it continues to shoot.
Oracle uses her power to give everyone a temporary boost that would last about as long as the battle, including that of Antasma, who would certainly be needing it. Queen uses Freidyne on the large Maretula while Joker switches Personas from Thoth to Bishamonten, which appears like a red-skinned man with golden armor, using Atomic Flare on the statue to weaken it.
It gives Antasma the boost he needs to overpower the statue as well, making it tip over and collapse onto the floor which makes it crumble.  The Maretula cries out and scuttles about, throw up webs to protect itself.  From above drop four Gromblocks that surround each side of the party, stomping closer.
Beldam snarls as she casts Maeigaon on the Gromblocks, where Noir uses Riot Gun. Panther casts Agidyne on the Maretula where Grimm casts Fire Bats upon the Maretula if the Agidyne doesn't knock it down from the ceiling.
Instead of attacking the Gromblock barrel through and tank the attacks, getting closer to the group to the point where Antasma has to back up toward the center of the room, where above him the Maretula is desperately trying to protect itself with webs of its own making and only somewhat succeeding.  It looks like it's tiring out quickly, even going as far as to sling webs at our other teammates and also drag them toward the center of the room...
Given Grimm is defending them with his nightmare flames and destroying the webs, it's not quite working. It's then that Crow casts Megidolaon on the Gromblocks in the hopes of sending them flying away from the group.
It only sends them staggering backwards for a moment, skidding their feet against the ground before charging.  It's odd that they aren't really attacking, rather they're just herding the group towards the center and forcing them back into the center.
Futaba(Oracle): "They're trying to force us into the middle to trap us! SCATTER!!" 
To the best of their ability, the group scatters, Violet and Sophie using Makouga on the Gromblocks where Beldam follows up with Maeigaon, Noir and Wolf using Riot Gun as Grimm aims for the Maretula and uses more Fire Bats.
The Maretula is looking severely hurt, while the Gromblocks are getting there.  They look more upset at the fact that they caught on and give chase after throwing a short stomping tantrum.  As a last ditch effort to fell at least one enemy the Maretula spits a web at Antasma and slowly brings him up closer.  He screeches and writhes around in the webs, before growling and sending shockwaves through the webbing.  It hits the Maretula and does it in, it falling from the ceiling.  Antasma breaks free of the fried webs and dodges the falling spider.
The Shadow, now that it's dead, dissipates before it even hits the ground. The assault continues with Skull using Megaton Raid on one of the Gromblocks as Noir backs him up with One Shot Kill for further severe damage. All the Gromblocks get hit with Blazing Hell from Panther, with Wolf following up with Megidola.
They're quickly reduced to not much more than rubble as they charge at their attackers, falling apart in the process and sacrificing themselves in a last ditch effort.
From there, the remains dissipate as normal while Queen and Oracle get to work on healing and recovery. 
Futaba(Oracle): "Those last four Shadows were definitely the last of them in here! How's everyone doing?" 
Ann(Panther): "Honestly? Not too bad, considering all the hell we went through with those spiders and statues and moving blocks of stone." 
Ren(Joker): "What matters is we're okay, and should be good to go once we've caught our breath here. Oracle, can you scan the next room?" 
Futaba(Oracle): "Working on it!"
Antasma returns to his normal form, running a claw through his fur.  He looks over at Grimm and approaches.  He doesn't say anything but he's clearly eyeing him to see if he's okay.
Grimm seems to be unharmed, for the most part. He took no hits during the fight due to how fast he was moving in avoiding getting caught in webbing. Needless to say, the Troupe Master noticed the giant bat eyeballing him. He narrows an eye a bit, as if questioning what Antasma is doing. 
Grimm: "Can I help you with something, dearest?"
Antasma:"ah... you did great out zere...  how are you doing so far?"
Grimm smirks a bit. 
Grimm: "You'll get better at the compliments with time, Antasma, dear...I'm a little messy from all the webbing flung here and there, but I won't let a little Weaver silk ruin my day when it's perfectly amenable."
Antasma looks relieved, nodding in approval.  He looks over at Oracle to see how she's handling getting a read on the next room.  As for the next room... it's completely unreadable.  That same blockage from before is preventing anything from being read clearly.
Futaba(Oracle): "I'm not getting a read on this next room guys. I have a feeling Dreambert's Shadow is just through here." 
Nachtmarim: "(Tell them to be be prepared for anything, Antasma. You probably know more than the rest of us how Dreambert likes to fight.)"
Antasma:"Be prepared for anything.  If Dreambert's Shadow is in zere just know zat Dreambert can be unpredictable in a fight.  He is also very sharp und can catch on quickly."
Morgana(Mona): "It may be useless to attempt strategy if he can find away to turn our strategies against us. Don't let your guard down until we figure out what he's capable of." 
Makoto(Queen): "That being said, is everyone ready?" 
Ryuji(Skull): "Ready whenever! Let's knock some sense into the talking plush toy!" 
Ann(Panther): "Not a plush toy, Skull...but yeah, I'm ready." 
Yusuke(Fox): "Let's hope he takes defeat with grace, as a prince of his stature should." 
Futaba(Oracle): "All charged up and ready to go!" 
Haru(Noir): "I'm ready!" 
Akechi(Crow): "More than ready to get this over with." 
Sumire(Violet), Sophia(Sophie), and Zenkichi(Wolf): "Ready." 
Grimm: "I look forward to a dance with the dark side of the Prince of Dreams." 
Nachtmarim: "(Ready to support from the sidelines!)" 
Ren(Joker): "Antasma?"
Antasma"...I'm ready as I'll ever be.  Let's get zis over vith."
Ren(Joker): "Alright...let's take his heart." 
With that, Joker leads the way, followed by the other Phantom Thieves, and the Nightmare Kings. 
Scordy(Beldam): "Knowing dis Dreambert fellow...I don't expect him to go down easy." 
Grimm: "Can't say I'm surprised. He's bound to be very powerful on his own, if what I hear of him is true."
Antasma's ears flick back, keeping his head lowered.  His gaze trails the floor the entire time the group is walking to th next room.  The next room....in which isn't inhabited by Dreambert's Shadow.  Rather it's that Shadow smoltergiest from before, who's watching closely but not attacking.
Ryuji(Skull): "Well, that's a letdown. We thought you were Dreambert!" 
Makoto(Queen): "But if you're here, that can only mean that Dreambert may not be too far off, if not in the area past you...am I correct?"
Sh. Smoltergiest completely disregards the question. 
Sh. Smoltergiest:"persistent bunch, aren't you?  You fill the prince with sorrow with your insistence.  And yet, you still wish to continue." 
Antasma:"We haff to.  Ze lives of Dreams and Nightmares depend on it." 
Sh. Smoltergiest looks at the others to await their responses.
Morgana(Mona): "He's got a point. He'll meet his own demise as long as he turns a blind eye to the damage caused by the imbalance of Dream and Nightmare energies. If Nightmarekin aren't reintroduced to Pi'illo Island soon, the Subconscious Spectrum will fall, and without the Dream and Nightmare energies to sustain all life on the island, the Kingdom will follow shortly after. No doubt this place will be next once the Pi'illo Island of reality has fallen victim." 
Scordy(Beldam): "What's it gonna be, Smoldergeist? Are you so willin' to keep us out that you'll let your master die with his kingdom, and you to follow suit? Or do you wanna do something about it and change your fate?
Sh. Smoltergiest:"...Very well.  It is unfortunate, really.  Your adventure ends here." 
several more Sh. Smoltergiest appear, about twenty of them pop up.  All of them tear off there masks, 10 being a creature that looks a lot like a follower of Antasma's or Antasma when he was a bit younger back when Grimm first saw him at that meeting, or what Mari would have otherwise recognized as his out of battle look.  They look like him, but with some of Dreambert's plush looks.  Dreamare Mages.  The other ten turn into Smoltergiest like orbs with both dreamy and nightmare attributes.  They hold a stone within them that look like both the Dream and Dark stone combined.  They also have tiny bat wings. 
DM. Mage 1:"Die." 
 Before anyone really has any chance to react, every single one of the enemies in that room unless an absolute  hellfire of Psychoblast effectively downing everyone who isn't immune.  Antasma looks around in a panic, his pupils pinpricks, his frills spiking up. 
DM. Mage 1:"This is your last chance to flee with your friends Antasma." 
Antasma:"Vhat haff you DONE...?!" 
DM. Mage:"What is necessary.  None shall touch the feared one.  Not even you."
Futaba(Oracle): "Oh no! Guys, hang in there!!" 
Ryuji(Skull): "Bastard...that was a dirty trick!" 
Grimm: "More than a dirty trick, that was foul play...how uncouth of you." 
Grimm's cloak and horns take on a scarlet red hue, his horns growing sharper. 
NK Grimm: "Do not expect us to take your offense lightly...?" 
Nachtmarim's eyes glow a vivid pinkish-purple before she lets out a loud roar, sending out a damaging shockwave of her own that seems to only effect enemies. 
NK Grimm: "Nachtmarim!" 
Oracle gets to work immediately to bring everyone back to full strength as there is a fire in Noir's eyes, the others staggering onto their feet from Oracle's healing as NK Grimm infuses some of his own power into Noir, scarlet flame mixing with the blue. 
NK Grimm: "Change of plans, borrow my power for the time being, dear girl, and avenge your friends!" Noir's mask vanishes off her face as she cries out... 
Haru(Noir): "PERSONA!!" 
Her Persona manifests, scarlet nightmare flames intermixing with the blue of her rebellious spirit...unleashing a Nightmare-infused Riot Gun that was doubled in strength to the point of dealing nearly Colossal damage to all foes. It may not be enough to take out all of them, but it would definitely ruin their day just long enough for the others to get back on their feet and recover.
he Amalgiests have a harder time taking the hit than the DM. Mages do, but it does daze them for a bit.  Antasma's pupils damn near disappear, the tip of his tail flicking madly.  He bares his teeth and let's out a supersonic screech at the Amalgiest that causes its stone to break and makes it flutter around discombobulated.  Afterwards he pretty much zaps it into ashes with laser eyes.  Amalgiests 2, 3, and 4 flutter after him and surround him, blasting him with a combined Kouga.  Antasma let's out an angered and agonizing yell before summoning up three Antasmunchies that spin in a circle around him smacking the Amalgiests away from him.  Two explode in a burst of nightmare magic while he takes the third and eats it.
Once the rest of the Phantom Thieves are back up, they get to work using their strongest available spells, with NK Grimm unleashing a much stronger Pufferfish attack, and a Nightmare-powered Noir using another Riot Gun. With Maragidyne and Maziodyne, Skull and Panther start blasting the DM. Mages, while Mona uses Magarudyne to put the flames of the Amalgiests out before Fox hits them with Mabufudyne. With a Riot Gun of his own, Wolf starts blasting.
With out their flames the Amalgiests are pretty much rendered paralyzed unable to move as they collapse to the ground.  All they can do is roll around and lunge, and they all go straight for Mona.  all nine of them. And as for the mages 1 and 2 branch our after Antasma, 3 and 4 after Mari, 5 and 6 after Grim, 7 and 8 after Akechi and 9 and 10 after Queen.  1-8 end up using Kougaon on their respective targets while 9 and 10 use Psio. Antasma takes the hit, careening for a moment.  He shakes it off and bares his teeth, raising his hands to the air.  His hands are surrounded by nightmare energies that he then throws down and blasts his attackers giving them quite the shock that sends them flying back.
Mona yowls at the sight and starts to run from these rolling balls while Skull follows, smacking at these Amalgeists with his spiked club, along with casting Megaton Raid in the hopes of smashing all nine of them. Nachtmarim withstands the hit well enough, staggering a little, but not enough to be brought down as she sends out a Vampiric Nightmare Pulse of her own as she roars that starts to sapping 3 and 4 of their strength, sending it to her. Grimm is able to take the hit well enough, grinning as he spins around, sending out an onslaught of his Fire Bats at 5 and 6. Hope y'all are fireproof. Luckily for Crow and Queen, they're able to guard against potential attacks, keeping themselves from getting knocked prone. Queen hits 9 and 10 with Mafreidyne, her stare intense as she rides upon her Persona Johanna, staying on the move as she rides around giving healing to anyone in need of it. Crow lets out a growl as he unleashes Megidolaon on 7 and 8... 
Akechi(Crow): "DIE, YOU PIECES OF SHIT!!"
All the Amalgiests go down but the DM mages stand strong.  1 and 2 having been knocked back combine a Maeigaon on the general group. 3 and 4 struggle and writhe, quickly finding a way to use it to their advantage by sending blessed energies into her as well while being sapped.  It's like if a vampire were to drink holy water. Unfortunately they do appear to be able to withstand fire pretty well, it's just a matter of actually swatting the bat's off of them which they struggle to do. 7-10 take the hits, not looking too good.
Sophie and Violet are unable to counter it fully, falling to their knees as Joker switches to Titania to use Mafreidyne on 1 and 2. Nachtmarim screeches in pain when she senses the Bless energies, calling off the spell, grabbing 3 by the throat and ripping the poor bastard in half, about to do the same to 4. While 5 and 6 are struggling, NK Grimm charges at 6, part of his cloak hardened and wrapped around one limb into a spike, impaling them and setting fire to the insides. From there, Crow strikes at 7 and 8, shooting them both in the head while cackling, where Fox and Mona take advantage of 9 and 10's stagger and behead them.
2 ends up going down but one still remains, just barely  he ends up falling to the ground on hands and "knees". 4, as a last ditch effort, casts one last Kougaon before its enevitable fall. 5 and 6 squirm and screech clawing at the spike inside of them.  Being able to endure quite a bit more before slowly falling limp. 7-10 fall shortly after, leaving only the first who's currently too weak to do anything.
All but that first DM Mage disappear, the guns of the Phantom Thieves aimed at him. 
Ren(Joker): "Last chance to reconsider helping us out. You don't have to end up like the rest. You have a chance to help change Dreambert's heart."
That DM Mage chuckles softly shaking his head. 
DM Mage:"I have already served my purpose here.  If not to fell you, then to watch from the shadows." 
He looks up, those eyes glowing brighter. 
DM Mage:"He knows what you are capable of.  you have made a grave mistake pressing onward.  Now face the repercussions of your... wh... i..  eh..." 
The DM Mage stares past the group looking quite befuddled.  The sound of odd chirping grows closer.
Nachtmarim: "(That's...that's not me, who...)" Ryuji(Skull): "The hell is that?"
All of the sudden a rainbow kiwi bird rushes past the group pounces onto the DM Mage who squirms in shock. 
And is promptly skewered by that birds beak a few times until it dissipates.
Nachtmarim: "(Z...Zeekeeper?!)" 
NK Grimm: "How curious. He came to help us?" 
Futaba(Oracle): "Noir, hang in there!!" 
Noir seems to have collapsed, breathing heavily. Her face is flushed, trembling. 
Makoto(Queen): "She's burning up..." 
Morgana(Mona): "Haru, stay with us!" 
NK Grimm: "Uh oh. I think my power was too much." 
Nachtmarim: "(...allow me. Antasma, have them move. I can siphon Grimm's energy from her.)"
Antasma:"Clear ze vay, Mari can take care of it.  She can siphon ze nightmare energy out of her." 
Zeke casually runs past the group again and runs out of the room.
Ryuji(Skull): "Uh...tthanks, Zeke!" 
Everyone moves out of the way so that Nachtmarim can get closer to Noir, her eyes glowing as she keeps the girl close, siphoning the energy from her and absorbing it, buying her much more time and control. When she's finished, Noir slowly rises to her feet. 
Makoto(Queen): "Easy, Noir, we've got you." 
Haru(Noir): "Thank you, everyone...especially you, Grimm-san. If not for you lending your power to me, I wouldn't have been able to give us some advantage." 
NK Grimm: "It was a risky move on my part. You are lucky to have survived that. Truly, you and your friends are unique in your capabilities. I have no doubt that you will be challenging for Dreambert." 
Akechi(Crow): "We appreciate the kind words, Grimm. Aside from that, everyone, keep your guard up. We still don't know what all Dreambert is capable of."
Antasma:"If it comes down to it... let me take ze lead.  I haff fought him before on several accounts, und even von..."
Ren(Joker): "We're counting on you to steer us in the right direction, Antasma."
Antasma:"I hope you like steering like a Capnap behind the wheel." 
There's no visible open door to where the group needs to go yet, just a large seal with a Pi'illo symbol on it and two torches lined up next to it.
Futaba(Oracle): "He's through here. He's gotta be...be ready for if he fights right away, everyone!"
Antasma lights the torches.  The eyes on the symbol glow and slowly move out of the way like something out of an Indiana Jones film.  It leads to a large room, much like the one that Mari saw Dreambert trapped in before.   And there he is... sitting on the very platform he was seen in before, on his knees.  Arms out to the side and chained up, his head hung low as he stares at the golden framed mirror in front of him.  He's facing the wall, his back turned to everyone.  He flinches when the light shines in through the doorway, balling his cuffed up hands into fists.
Scordy(Beldam): "Ah, geez...I'd say it's good to see ya, Dreambert...but I don't think you'd say the same for us."
Shadow Dreambert:"...Are you happy with yourselves?  To see what I have been hiding down here all along?" 
Antasma, looking at him through his reflection, lowers his ears. 
Antasma:"...No... No I'm not happy to see you like zis..." 
Dreambert:"I tried to warn you.  They tried to stop you and yet here you are.  Look at me, Antasma, I am a monster." 
Antasma:"You're not-" 
Dreambert:"I cannot allow anyone to see.  I have to make sure none of my people see me like this.  Even if it is at your expense... I am sorry, Antasma, everything I have done it has been for my people or else I would have never allowed this to happen.  Please... you need to leave me here.  There is nothing worth saving."
Ren(Joker): "You're wrong. Even if we knew that this is what you were hiding, do you think we would have turned a blind eye to you?" 
Nachtmarim"(I know you probably can't understand a wink of what I'm saying, Dreambert, but you are no monster. It is not your appearance that defines evil, but your actions. Whatever choices you have made...I am confident they are easily amenable.)"
Shadow Dreambert:"What I have done cannot be undone, lest it throw my people into a fit of hysterics and fear.  It's better off this way..." 
Antasma:"Dreambert zat is not..." As much as he wants to say it's not true, he knows how the Pi'illo folk might react to the sudden peace decree. 
Shadow Dreambert:"I am only doing what is best for them...  what would they think of me if they knew about how things used to be?" 
Antasma, against his better judgement, gets closer. 
Antasma:"Zat is something ve vill have to figure out together... ve can still go back to how it vas vhen ve vere kids." 
Shadow Dreambert:"NO, Antasma it is not like that now.  There is too much at stake.  Is that really something you wish to risk?" 
Antasma:"If it means ze fighting between us stops, no price is too high.  I vant me and my people to be able to live without struggle.  Are you really willing to deny at least zat to your old best friend...?" 
Shadow Dreambert:"..." 
Antasma grows ever closer, staring at Dreambert.  His eyes locked onto the Shadow's throw the reflection. 
Antasma:"Zere is still time..." 
Shadow Dreambert stares at Antasma for a moment before looking away, shaking his head.
NK Grimm: "Are you really willing to pit one high stake against a fate that's so much worse? I've already seen one kingdom fall no thanks to the follies and misunderstandings Dreamfolk have been so prone to falling to...I don't think my friend Claudia would appreciate you following the footsteps of the late Radiance by allowing this imbalance to doom everyone else along with you."
Shadow Dreambert:"Well Claudia doesn't know what it's like having to prevent an entire kingdom from panicking and turning on you or declaring war now does she?  ...What would you rather me do?  Slow the tide of destruction just as I have been doing or risk making it all collapse faster in attempts to create peace between us?  I am no better than my own kin when it comes to fearing what poses a threat to us." 
Antasma:"Is zat how you see me now?  Is zat all I am to you anymore, Dreambert?  A threat?" 
Shadow Dreambert:"N.. No that is not what I...  please just... leave... you've already seen too much.  I don't want to hurt you." 
Antasma grabs one of Dreambert's wrists, narrowing his eyes. 
Shadow Dreambert:"W-What are you doing...!?  Get off!" 
Shadow Dreambert squirms to no avail.  Antasma raises a hand and slashes the chain that bound that hand. 
 Shadow Dreambert:"STOP!!!" 
Antasma, grabbing his other wrist:"I'm doing zis for your own good Dreambert." 
He slashes the other chain and breaks it, freeing Dreambert.  Dreambert strikes at Antasma making him back off.  He slowly turns around, breathing heavily. 
Shadow Dreambert:"Why... why would you do this to yourselves... have you no sense of self preservation...?"
NK Grimm: "Have you any pride in your power as a leader? What leader does not protect all of his people, including the Nightmarekin who looked up to him and held him in good faith, believing that he would be a beacon of hope?" 
Nachtmarim: "(And for the record, actually, she has. She also knows what's it's like to watch an entire world die in spite of her efforts to change fate. She was lucky that she had very good friends who didn't give up hope in ushering in a brand new world where happiness could flourish. You can do the same. Have faith in that Pi'illo Island will be stronger than ever with the return of the Nightmarekin. We were never a threat, Dreambert. You were poisoned with lies, not just about us, but apparently about yourself. You know the truth, and the truth is that you are Prince Dreambert. You are above such doubt. You have what it takes to control yourself. You always have.)"
Antasma:"Mari, he can't understand you..." 
Less than halfway through Mari's bat noises Dreambert answers Grimm's in a rather hostile tone. 
Shadow Dreambert:"What POWER?  Do you SEE me?  The real me is not a fighter, the real me is not big or strong.  I AM NOT STRONG LIKE ANTASMA IS... I have to use wits and tricks to get by even then, Pi'illos were never built for fighting.  I am doing what is necessary for all of us.  I have to keep face.  It is the public that drives the government's decisions and what makes them run." 
Antasma:"Vhile I do understand zat is it really vorth putting down another race to do so..?!" 
Antasma's ears flick up when he hears the sound of stone sliding against stone. The light in the room dims until the door is sealed shut, leaving the group in darkness.   Antasma is quick to cast a purple flame that he holds in his hand.
Nachtmarim: "(I guess it's a fight after all...can't fault me for trying.)" 
Akechi(Crow): "He doesn't realize that what he's trying to do for his country is wrong...he's almost no better than Shido." 
Ren(Joker): "Then we'll stop him, just as we did Shido." 
NK Grimm: "If I didn't know any better, this feels a lot like Superstar Earth's longest suicide note!"
Antasma:"Stop talking and get more flames up to light ze room!"
NK Grimm, eyes glowing: "Like you had to ask?" Scarlet flames scatter all throughout the room to illuminate it...
Antasma looks around the room frantically, ears twitching.  Shadow Dreambert isn't anywhere in the room.  Or so it seemed for a second.  Antasma's ears twitch up and he backs away just before Shadow Dreambert could get the drop on him, quite literally.  Taking on a form just as big and gnarly as Antasma himself, twitching erratically.  Antasma, being taken off guard, is then promptly slapped by Dreambert, who gives him a twitchy hysterical grin.  Antasma growls in irritation, eye twitching.
Ryuji(Skull): "WHOA! That's a gnarly guy right there!" 
Haru(Noir): "This is how Dreambert sees himself?? No..." 
Makoto(Queen): "Worry about that later! Pacify him with everything you've got!!"
Dreambert tilts his neck until a snapping noise is heard in before he rushes toward the others at a scary speed, striking everyone in the heads with Memory Blow, rushing behind the group.  Mari, Grimm, Skull, and Scordy are inflicted with the Forget status.
Grimm's flames flicker as he struggles with the ailment and Nachtmarim whimpers as she struggles to recall her spells. Skull and Beldam? Especially screwed given that, momentarily, they couldn't recall how to use their Personas. 
Futaba(Oracle): "That was a nasty hit from Dreambert, guys! Nachtmarim and Grimm can't remember most of their spells!" 
Akechi(Crow): "That's not even going without mentioning that Skull and Beldam can't seem to recall their Personas!" 
Ryuji(Skull): "Damn you...!" 
Scordy(Beldam): "Dreambert, don't fuckin' DO THIS TO US!! RRRAAAGGH!!" 
Skull and Beldam open fire with their weapons, a shotgun and a Mini Plunder-Busta specifically, at Dreambert. Mona has to make a run for his companions in order to be able to do anything for them.
Sh. Dreambert takes the hit. He staggers a bit before drawing the sewing needle from his chest and leaping at Antasma again.  Antasma is quick to act, sending an orb of nightmare energy his way but Dreambert dodges past it taking a crack at Antasma with Dream Needle.  He hits, stabbing Antasma right through the chest. Antasma, feeling very drowsy.  When Sh. Dreambert yanks the needle out Antasma flops onto the ground sound asleep. Dreambert turns his head with another audible crack, giving the group an Evil Smile...  Seeing Antasma felled in such a way, even if not dead but put to sleep...  It fills Grimm with a horrid sense of Fear.  Violet, as well, feels that paralyzing fear.
The Fear ailment overrode the Forget ailment, thankfully, but Grimm was unable to move, and Violet couldn't move either, out of terror. It gave Mona, thankfully, enough time to use Me Patra on Skull and Beldam, giving them back their access to their Personas before he makes his way to Violet. Queen, riding on Johanna, casts Atomic Flare on Sh. Dreambert, while Joker switches Personas, his mask vanishing before... 
Joker: "Come, Asterius!" 
A massive Minotaur with blackened skin with a bull's skull for a face appears, wreathed in those blue flames and occasional chains, appears, roaring before unleashing its attack, tridents wreathed in flames stabbing at the corrupted Prince, inflicting upon him a strong sense of Fear in the process... 
Sh. Dreambert staggers with a horrified expression as if he's having flashbacks, finding himself unable to move.  Antasma also can't move simply from being asleep.
Mona, once he's cast Patra on Violet and Grimm to free them from Fear, makes his way to Antasma in order to cast Patra one more to rouse Antasma from slumber. 
Morgana(Mona): "Come on, Antasma, wake up!" 
While still using Asterius, he uses Gigantomachia on Sh. Dreambert for colossal Physical damage while Beldam casts Sukunda to decrease Sh. Dreambert's speed for a while, as Queen casts another Atomic Flare for more severe Nuclear damage. Violet and Fox strike with Sword Dance and Skull with God's Hand, all for colossal Physical damage. From there, Wolf uses Debilitate to knock Sh. Dreambert's attack and defense down a notch, as well as slowing the corrupt prince down more for longer, and Sophie uses Rakunda to further weaken Sh. Dreambert's attack for longer.
Antasma groans awake and shakes his head, floating upwards.  Seeing this Sh. Dreambert pushes past his fear long enough to open his mouth and let put an almost haunting Lullaby that sound mostly incoherent.  Antasma manages to cover his ears to ensure that he's not put to sleep again, but it ends up hitting Mari, Wolf, Mona, and Queen hard.  To them this disorienting noise sounds like the most beautiful thing they've ever heard. Gathering courage Sh. Dreambert then goes after the attacker that caused him such fear in the first place, assaulting Ren with a Headbutt.
Nachtmarim, already struggling with Forget, finds herself conking out, with Wolf, Mona and Queen following after, Queen being flung a few feet from her Persona, given she was riding on it due to it taking the form of a motorbike by default...she was lucky not to have been flung into the abyss below thanks to the walls about the platform. 
Futaba(Oracle): "Oh no! Get up, you guys!" 
Akechi(Crow): "Focus on getting them awake, Oracle! Everyone else, get back to fighting!!" 
Joker withstands the attack well, taking advantage of Sh. Dreambert's decreased speed to slash at him with his knife, backing off before Panther unleashes Blazing Hell upon Sh. Dreambert for severe Fire damage. Sophie takes the time to cast Mediarahan on everyone to bring them all back up to full health. Violet goes for Sh. Dreambert with Vorpal Blade for severe Physical damage.
Antasma keeps his hands on his ears not realizing that him thinking that Sh. Dreambert was still singing accidentally saved him some trouble. Sh. Dreambert let's out a nightmarish screech that shakes the very walls and is seen jumping upwards before using Nocturnal Flash, which ends up putting out the lit torches in the room.  Mari, Grimm, Joker, Panther, Fox, Noir, Sophie, and Beldam are left reeling with Dizzy.  Anyone who was asleep that was affected is given a rude awakening and a headache. While he makes a brief recovery he uses Energy Drop to overcome his Fear.
Nachtmarim yelps awake before growling, the glow of her eyes visible. 
Futaba(Oracle): "Hey! Ooooh, dangit, Dreambert's way too good at this! Everyone, hang in there!" 
Akechi(Crow): "Dreambert's hit the lights while using Nocturnal Flash! Watch where you step!" 
Haru(Noir): "No...you...DON'T!" 
Noir, while Dizzy, mustered just enough of her focus to cast Amrita Shower to both wake up Wolf, Mona, and Queen and reverse the Dizziness of those affected, including herself. 
Ryuji(Skull): "You're just making this harder on yourself, Dreambert!" 
Grimm sets the torches alight again with his power, understandably miffed. 
NK Grimm: "This is getting ridiculous."
Antasma uncovers his ears and looks around.  Sh. Dreambert tried to get the drop on him again, this time extending his claws out in Desperation to lash out at him with Terror Claw but Antasma counters him.  And he couters him hard  he ends up throwing him back onto the platform Sh. Dreambert was on prior and into the mirror that had been placed in front of him.  The harsh sound of glass shattering is heard by everybody as Sh. Dreambert slumps to the floor, stunned for a moment.  He slowly lifts himself up, groaning groggily as his head hangs low.  As he comes to he looks over at the shattered mirror.  Angry at first, but that anger on his face quickly contorts into horror at his own visage.
Ryuji(Skull): "Shit, is he alright? That glass can't feel good..."
Morgana(Mona): "Hold that thought, Skull..."
Sh. Dreambert:"'N-No... no no this isn't... this isn't right, I-I shouldn't be..." 
Dreambert perks up noticing something behind the mirror framing.  Lifting the golden frame up and digging some of the stattered shards out, he discovers a picture.  A polaroid of what looks like a younger him and Antasma playing and having a good time.  Antasma actually looks happy for once.  Not just happy, but absolutely blissful.  Dreambert looks over at Antasma now.  The Antasma that grew accustomed to wearing a stone cold face probably believing that he had no reason to smile or had been hurt one too many times to afford the energy to smile.  His expression softens into that of sorrow and morning as he looks back at himself in some of the shattered glass. 
Sh. Dreambert:"You looked so happy back then...  What have I been doing this whole time...?" 
He shakes his head, the corner of his pillow case and his frills drooping. 
Sh. Dreambert:"I let my fear as well as the fear of others around me control me.  I let my servitude and emotions bind me down and the price I had to pay for it was not only a war, but a war against someone I considered close enough to be family.  You were only doing the same in waging that war.  Shattering the stone and imprisoning my people.  You were doing it because you were angry and scared. I... I really am... no better than you...  I've become the very thing I feared... " 
Sh. Dreambert looks back at the picture, blackened tears falling onto the cracked glass. 
Sh. Dreambert:"I'm no better..."
Beldam approaches, holstering the Mini Plunder-Busta. 
Scordy(Beldam): "That just means you don't get to give Antasma shit for stuff he can't help. But it also means that you're just like the rest of us, too, with all that worryin' and overthinkin' about the effects your actions have on others. It's okay to be afraid, Dreambert, we all get scared sometimes. It's a matter of overcoming that fear, but it's even better when you let your friends guide you in that endeavuh."
Sh. Dreambert:"...I hear what you are saying... Something... Something needs to change... I need to stop letting fear control both me AND my people.... I will however still give Antasma, er... Excrement, as a friendly gesture." 
Antasma:"Please do not give me someone's business zat is disgusting and unsanitary." 
Sh. Dreambert smiles a tiny bit, taking the photo out of its frame, looking at it.  His frills and Antasma's stick up when they notice a bright light coming from the large statue the mirror was once hung up in.  Sh. Dreambert, taking the picture, backs off quickly as the light surrounds the statue.
Scordy(Beldam): "Taz, it's a figure of speeeEEEEEAAAAAH, MOTHAFUCK-" 
The others shield their eyes, as to not be blinded. 
Antasma and Sh. Dreambert close their eyes and look away just long enough for the light to subside just enough to be bearable.  By the time they look back , the statue has been replaced by the Zeekeeper, who looks divine as all fuck.  His colors have been altered into something much more nightmare aligned, his third eye open and his other two closed, and he dons six iridescent wings. 
Sh. Dreambert:"Z-Zeekeeper???" 
Antasma:"Again vith zis bird, how do you keep getting here?"
Nachtmarim: "(Something's off with this version of the Zeekeeper. I can't place why, but knowing how he's only helped in screwing over Pi'illo Island, I don't think he's here for good reasons.)"
Zeekeeper looks directly at Mari, squinting his third eye. 
Zeekeeper:"How rude.  I came here to apologize because there was a huge misunderstanding, but if you're planning on being like that I can take my apology AND my explanation as to what happened back to the waking world."
Scordy(Beldam): "Apologize? Wait, what did Mari say? Wait...Zee..." 
Scordy looks up at Zeekeeper in horror. 
Ryuji(Skull): "Dudes, chill! I think if he came here to fry us, he would have done it already!" 
Makoto(Queen): "And why is Claudia's death your immediate thought, Beldam?" 
Scordy(Beldam): "...so I may be ready for an end-of-the-universe scenario..."
Zeekeeper:"Yes... so if you could let me explain myself instead of immediately assuming the worst, preferably before I lose the energy to keep this form." 
Antasma grabs Sh. Dreambert's needle and points it up at Zeke. 
Antasma:"Talk, bird." 
Zeke looks at the needle and gently tilts it away from his neck with his wings. 
Zeekeeper:"Classy.  No, I'm here to explain why the fear mongering started in the first place because while YES!  It is technically my fault, what was said was blown so drastically out of proportion that not even I knew what had happened.  I complain a few times here and there and when I look back everyone's suddenly going to war." 
Antasma looks over at Sh. Dreambert. 
Antasma:"Is zis true?" 
Sh. Dreambert, with a deep sigh:"Unfortunately, yes..." 
Zeekeeper:"I might have been griping about how nightmares, and no offense, are no fun.  Let's be real they're real stress inducers and mood killers sometimes.  And because I started moaning and groaning about all that junk, I guess someone took it the wrong way.  One long game of telephone later and the very next thing I know dream folk are scared of the nightmare folk.  Dreambert included, especially when his people started to retaliate against him and demand he do something about them.  I got a little selfish and told him to chase them off for a few years because it would give us the chance to relax and flourish and maybe things will settle.  I was wrong.  I was horribly wrong.  War broke out, a lot of nightmares weren't able to feed and I got stuck spending most of my time in the dream world making sure it didn't collapse.  So if I put on a few pounds it was because I was busy eating my just deserts in the form of sleeping and making sure the world didn't fall apart."
Zenkichi(Wolf): "So in other words, this all ended up the way it did because of you..." 
Morgana(Mona): "It's never too late to change fate, you know. Now that we know the truth of the matter, it's all a matter of making sure the misunderstanding is cleared up for good so that the Nightmarekin can return and do what they were meant to do in devouring nightmares so that people don't suffer in their sleep..." 
Nachtmarim: "(Though, that doesn't tell us if Claudia is alright, we did leave her with Dreambert in the real world along with you...)" 
Scordy(Beldam): "Well...I'm trying to check and I am sensing a lot of anger."
Zeekeeper:"Yes this happened because of me but it got way out of hand so it wasn't entirely my fault!  Besides I said I came here to apologize did I not?  If I didn't want things to go back to to way they were why the heck would I be here?" 
Antasma:"...He has a point." 
Antasma sticks the needle back into Sh. Dreambert.  Sh. Dreambert let's out a soft "oowwh". And narrows his eyes at Antasma.
Makoto(Queen): "We can't exactly hold a misunderstanding against you when we're not without fault ourselves for reasons regarding our individual pasts but nonetheless, we do highly appreciate that you're willing to apologize for what's happened, Zeekeeper." 
Morgana(Mona): "I couldn't agree more, Queen. The Phantom Thieves are willing to forgive you." 
Grimm: "I'm with the Phantom Thieves on this one. At least you're willing to take responsibility for the misunderstanding that was started, Zeekeeper...unlike a certain higher Being who died unwilling to see the error of her ways and killed an entire kingdom in the process." 
He lets out a small fake cough, Nachtmarim being able to catch "damned Radiance" through it. Beldam seems...fidgety.
Zeekeeper:"Thank you for understanding...  as for-" 
In a puff of smoke he turns back into that rainbow kiwi bird.  He looks at his feathers.  He looks very unamused. 
Antasma:"Does someone vant to carry ze bird on ze vay out?"
Scordy(Beldam): "Nachtmarim, grab him. Where's the Treasure, we need to go NOW." 
Ryuji(Skull): "Dude, slow down, Mari can probably understand him since he understood her and Dreambert's Shadow is still here. We got time."
Sh.  Dreambert grabs Antasma's hand and puts the picture in it.  Antasma looks at it, getting this warm feeling from it.  He looks back up at Sh. Dreambert. 
Antasma:"Zis is..." 
Sh.  Dreambert:"They'll figure it out eventually... see you in the waking world, Tazzy." 
He smiles gently before disappearing in a puff of smoke and light particles.  
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ghost-king-kai · 10 months
The Requesting Hall Guidelines
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Welcome to the request guidelines! Here you can be informed of my dos & don'ts, characters & fandoms available, and rules in The Requesting Hall.
Please review (or at least skim through) these rules prior to sending a request to the hall.
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Request Rules
Be sure to keep asks and requests respectful.
Make sure the request is detailed enough for me to write for.
Anons are welcome! (if you'd like a specific designation, feel free to ask)
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The Dos & Don'ts
These are the types of requests I do and don't do.
I Do...
x Male!Reader
x GN!Reader
x Transmasc!Reader
x NB!Reader
Fluff Fics
Angst Fics (Heavily dependent on the topics)
Platonic Fics (Familial, Teammates, Colleagues, Crewmates, Etc.)
Character Concepts for Reader (As long as the idea is feasible)
Oc Requests & Asks
I Don't Do...
x Fem!Reader
x Transfem!Reader
NSFW/Smut (Besides implications)
Triggering Topics (Sexual Assault, Rape, Abuse, Self Harm, etc.)
Fetish Requests
Character Ships
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Characters Available For Requests
The listed characters and fandoms are the ones I am usually inspired to write on the regular or as of right now but that doesn't mean you can't ask if I write for a specific fandom or character that isn't on this list, especially if it's from the list in the Kingdom Directory.
Specify Timeframe
Available for Romantic Requests: Peter Parker (Only Tom & Andrew Portrayals)
Platonic Only: The Avengers (Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, Thor Odinson, Clint Barton, Sam Wilson, Wanda Maximoff, Peter Parker, The Vision) [All Together & Individually] The Marvels (Carol Danvers, Monica Rambeau, Kamala Khan) [All Together & Individually] Etc. (there are literally so many characters-)
Specify Adaptation & Timeframe (I mostly do DCAU & Young Justice, though)
Platonic Only: The Bat Family (Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown) [All Together & Individually] Jon Kent (Supersons Comics Series Version) The Team (Dick Grayson, Wally West, Kaldur'ahm, Artemis Crock, M'gann M'orzz, Connor Kent) (Young Justice TV Series) [All Together & Individually]
Persona 5
Specify Timeframe
Available for Romantic Requests: Ren Amamiya
Platonic Only: The Phantom Thieves (Ren Amamiya, Morgana, Ryuji Sakamoto, Ann Takamaki, Yusuke Kitagawa, Makoto Nijima, Futaba Sakura, Haru Okumura) [All Together] Futaba Sakura Zenkichi Hasegawa Goro Akechi Sophia
Criminal Minds
Specify Timeframe
Platonic Only: The B.AU. Team (Aaron Hotchner, Jason Gideon, David Rossi, Emily Prentiss, Derek Morgan, Jennifer Jareau, Spencer Reid, Penelope Garcia, Alex Blake, Luke Alves, Tara Lewis) [All Together & Individually]
Star Trek
Specify Timeframe
Strange New Worlds
Platonic Only: The Crew (Christopher Pike, Una Chin-Riley, Hemmer/Pelia, Joseph M'Benga, Christine Chapel, Erica Ortegas, Nyota Uhura, Jenna Mitchell, Spock, La'an Noonien-Singh, George Samuel Kirk) [All Together & Individually] James T. Kirk
Platonic Only: The Crew (Michael Burnham, Saru, Sylvia Tilly, Adira Tal, Keyla Detmer, R. A. Bryce, Joann Owosekun, Hugh Culber, Gen Rhys, Paul Stamets, Jett Reno) [All Together & Individually] Cleveland Booker
Kelvin Timeline
Platonic Only: The Crew (James T. Kirk, Spock, Montgomery Scott, Keenser, Pavel Chekov, Hikaru Sulu, Leonard McCoy, Nyota Uhura) [All Together & Individually]
Resident Evil
Specify Timeframe & Version
Available for Romantic Requests: Leon S. Kennedy
Fair Warning: Fandoms and characters will be added and removed a lot over time. Apologies in advance if a character or fandom you would like to request disappears overnight. Inspiration comes and goes and this section just reflects what and who I am gladly willing to write for at the time.
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gwaine-lover · 2 years
Not sure if you know much about the side characters since I don't, but thought I'd try anyway so I'm clueless:
Who would you ship out of the following:
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Any suggestions are helpful. Writing a reincarnation merlin fic is harder than I thought it would be, lol. Also love your blog.
Okay so I actually didn’t rememberd much about Vivian not under the spell so i went to watch this episode (as you can see from post i rebloged before answering xD). And i’m responding from my laptop now bc i’m still scrolling through ‘merlin 2x10′ tag at my phone.
First and most important: leave my boy Lancelot be. #gayrights Only straight ship i see him in is Gwencelot (which i love with my whole heart).
LADY VIVIAN AND LEON. LADY VIVIAN AND LEON! Oh yeah this one. Definitely this one. With how she is annoying at the beginning of the episode he could be annoyed not only with knights at the daily basic but with her too. Absolutely amazing. I know he deserves a break from what he already has at his plate but we don’t have this in this fandom, oh we so don’t have it. And I’m so suprised by this ship and by how well they fit in my head.
But. We hear more than once in this episode that she is too young. For love and for knowing antyhing about it. So yeah, few years older Vivian, more mature, not so rude but still annoying. Perfect paring with Leon. You know hate-love relationship.
With Morgana this will work too. But this one from before she got evil not after.
Morgana and Leon? No, noooo, absolutely no.
Morgana and Lancelot? Which Morgana? Good one? Evil one? That’s hot. Not like Evil Gwen x Evil Lancelot hot, but hot too. They didin’t actually have any relation before 4x09 so i think exploring that with any of the combination could be interesting. (It’s still #gayrights for my boy at the top of the podium, with Gwencelot (any combination) at second, but yeah he and Morgana - they can have and definitley are 3rd place).
Vivian and Sophia. Well Sophia was charming and putting away her manipulating her father i really liked the girl. This could work good too. Ya know by now #gayrights :D
Vivian and Morgause? More like Morgause and Cenred. Thank you, goodnight.
Damn you’re really doing job with this fic! All that research, all that posts and asks. It’s really impressive right now for my lazy ass with writer’s block. I’m really curious what finally you will make from all of this. I have feeling that i will definitely come across this fic here on tumblr but if you could remember about me (send me a link or tag me under some post) when you publish i would be very thankful and happy to read that! And of course a lot of time, inspirations and ideas and good luck with all that!
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dragondemoness · 2 years
And will have a part 4 then the phantom and Jack arrives in Okinawa Jack got full of wonder and curiosity then he saw the sea for the very first time then arrived in the beach Jack get a floater and just relax in the water and also accidentally turn a fish into a huge popsicle then discover in Okinawa have a jail Jack got scared because that jail was really scary then that voice say Sophia was worthless he got angry and yell together with mona ryuji during that time Jack was friends with Sophia
This got so long holy crap-
Our Little Buddy- Ryuji Sakamato x Reader Part Four
After clearing Hyodo's Jail, the Phantom Thieves took off to Okinawa.
Hearing how excited everyone was to go made Jack Sakamato (Last Name) curious and excited. After all, he hadn't seen much of the world beyond Sapporo, and he couldn't wait to see it.
Upon arriving in Okinawa, Jack was practically bouncing off the walls.
He couldn't wait to see the wonderful city you guys had raved so much about.
Though he was pretty sad that he couldn't be seen with other people around, but you made sure to keep his mask with you.
You and Ryuji bought him some gifts from the gift shops, and he loved them.
And you and Ryuji brought him to the beach, where he had the time of his life.
He made sand castles with Yusuke, sat and watched the ocean with Morgana, and hung out in the ocean with you and Ryuji.
Although, while he was floating in the ocean, he accidentally froze a fish and turned it into a popsicle.
"Hee! Whoops, ho! I didn't mean to, hee!"
But you and Ryuji laughed it off.
"It's okay, little buddy. We know."
He also had a nice laugh when Yusuke buried Zenkichi in the sand, and ran away when he got pissed off.
Then, he joined the Phantom Thieves and had a nice meal with everyone.
That was the best day of Jack Sakamato (Last Name)'s life.
Unfortunately, it all came to an end when the zombified townspeople began to hunt them all down.
The Phantom Thieves escaped to the lab you found earlier, and Sophia discovered there was a Jail there.
So you entered the Jail, and it was horrifying.
Everything was in ruins, and the whole place had this scary vibe.
Jack was hiding behind you and Ryuji similar to how Makoto was hiding behind Joker.
So you and Ryuji made sure to hold his hands as you explored the Jail.
So together, you explored the creepy Jail
You listened to the tapes, and tried to figure out what was up with this Jail just like the others
When Sophie took off running out of nowhere, Jack got worried and followed her, prompting you, Ryuji and the Phantom Thieves to go after them
When you finally caught up to them, they were in a dark, empty room
Then you heard a voice, eerily similar to Sophie's
Jack watched her reactions as the disembodied voice called her worthless
Seeing her so sad made him sad as well, and furious at whatever meanie decided to put her down
And without thinking, he exploded
"Hee, the only worthless person I see here is you, ho!"
You, Ryuji, Sophie and the Phantom Thieves watched him in shock
"Hee, nobody talks about my friends like that, ho! What's your problem, hee?!"
And Ryuji joined him as well
Listening to his outburst shocked you, but you knew why he reacted that way, considering his past
And Mona joined in, and so did you
"Yeah, where do you get off on talking to Sophie like that?! She's the farthest possible thing from worthless! She's smart, she's kind, and she's loyal. That's more than you'll ever be!"
Sophie watched you all in surprise
She hadn't expected you all to get so angry
Jack took her hand and gave her a comforting smile
Sophie smiled back at him, and you and Ryuji exchanged a proud smile
So together, you fought the Lockkeeper and exited the Jail
After the whole ordeal, you and the Phantom Thieves went through all the stuff in the lab, trying to look for clues.
You didn't find much, but Futaba did find a  USB with a list of names. 
Jack asked Joker to see his phone so he could talk to Sophia, so Joker handed him his phone while he looked around.
"Hey there, Jack Sakamato (Last Name). Did you need something?"
"Hee, are you feeling okay, ho?"
Sophia let out a questioning hum.
"What do you mean?"
"Hee, after yesterday, when that awful voice said all those things to you, ho. Jack wanted to make sure you were okay."
Sophia smiled at him.
"Yes, I'm feeling much better now. And thank you for standing up for me. You are a great friend, Jack."
Jack smiled widely and handed the phone back to Joker. 
After that was over, the Phantom Thieves made plans to head off to Kyushu while Zenkichi headed back to Kyoto.
While the Phantom Thieves were talking, Jack wandered off a little.
As he walked around, he noticed Zenkichi by the docks.
And he heard a very interesting conversation between Zenkichi and his commissioner.
As it turns out, the man only made the deal with the Phantom Thieves to turn them in to the police.
Jack felt betrayed. This whole time, he thought of Zenkichi as a friend, and even though he gave him a hard time and called him "Gramps" like everyone else, he was still fond of the old man.
But knowing he was planning to harm his family, his dads, made the old man lose the little guy's trust completely.
Enraged, Jack stomped up to him.
As Zenkichi was putting his phone away, he noticed him.
"Oh! Hey, little guy. You startled me."
"Hee... Jack overheard everything, ho."
Zenkichi's eyes widened.
"Y-You did?"
"Hee, yeah! Jack knows what you're planning, ho!"
Zenkichi nervously held up his hands.
"Look, little guy, you don't understand. I just-"
"Hee, save it! You're a liar and a traitor, ho! Jack doesn't want your excuses, ho! And you'd best believe that if you do anything to hurt Jack's dads, hee, he'll freeze you into an ice statue, ho!"
Zenkichi stared at him in shock. Jack shot him an icy haha glare before leaving to join back with the Phantom Thieves.
Jack didn't mention anything about Zenkichi, and just talked casually with you and Ryuji.
He hoped the old man wouldn't go through with his original idea, but working under Mariko Hyodo had taught him not to trust someone too much.
Well, unless it was his dads.
So, he decided to mention it later.
For now, he would go along with the plan and stick with his dads.
They protected him, and he'll protect them from anyone, even the old man.
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narrators-journal · 3 months
The no-smut characters
To an extent, the name is just that, a name. This list is pretty flexible on some points. My opinions are likely to change as I grow more, so if you're favorite character is here, there's a bit of hope lol.
But for now, take this list as the collection of characters you should at least ASK about before you go requesting smut including them. In fact, feel free to ask any questions in general! Some of these guys are here more because I simply don't like writing for them, so you get some wiggle room on negotiating it lol.
Created: 6/30/24
Updated: 9/5/24
Bungo stray dogs
Ougai Mori
Teruko Okura
Ochi Fukuchi
Hunter x hunter
Killua Zoldyck
Gon Freecs
Biscuit krueger
Dr. Stone
Mirai Shishio
Persona 2
Persona 3
Ken Amada
Emiri Kanou
Isako Toriumi
Persona 4
Nanako Dojima
Tohru Adachi
Persona 5
Futaba Sakura
Caroline and justine
Sadayo Kawakami
Masayoshi Shido
Suguru Kamoshida
Cat/biped cat Morgana
Food wars
Momo Akanegakubo
Jack frost
Black frost
King frost
0 notes
ghost-chi · 9 months
guyssssss i'm thinking. about a persona 5 swap au that only exists in my head.....
I did not just make this au bc i wanted to see akechi in hacker clothes and be good at hacking
Akechi > futaba's role | Akira > black mask
Futaba > protagonist role | Yusuke > Ann's role
Ann > ryuji's role | Makoto > haru's role
Ryuji > yusuke's role | Haru > sumire's role
Sumire > Makoto's role | Morgana > the same (I FORGOT HE EXISTED)
Zenkichi > the same | Sophia > the same
There will be akechi X akira and probably makoto X haru and ann X shiho Feel free to send me asks about this btw
anyways here's the rough draft for the plot
futaba and akechi are half siblings (fathers side), after akechi's mom dies he gets adopted by wakaba and sojiro > wakaba dies and akechi becomes a hermit (og futaba's story) > futaba becomes the leader of the phantom thieves > they change akechi's heart > akechi and akira meet > cue the gay meetings > black mask akira moment > uhhhhhh akira redemption > maruki's fake reality arc™ featuring haru in sumire's role > Strikers ? maybe?
i really want to write this so like it may take a while bc i have horrible motivation and adhd
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winterscaptain · 2 years
tali!!! between you and qvo i'm being blessed. feeling like i should open up requests now
perhaps something with my fave ajf babies?
(omg do it if it sparks joy!! we're having fun this week!!)
Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader AJF!Caroline Hotchner x AJF!Graham MacGowan AJF!Becca Alvez x AJF!Hank Morgana joyful future fic
a/n: here's a lil thing i had in my drafts! we haven't officially met graham yet, but we might recognize him from the ajf family tree! he's our Scottish king and the winner of our caroline's heart. i hope you enjoy this little thing!!
words: 452 content advisories:  language, alcohol use, alcohol mention
summary: i've seen you in blue and i've seen you in yellow, but only you, red, will do for this fellow!
masterlist | a joyful future masterlist | ajf faq | taglist | what do you want to see next?
“Uncle Sean!” Caroline throws a piece of popcorn at Sean. It bounces off the body of his guitar. “We gotta teach Graham a proper American drinking song.” 
“Which one?” He asks. 
“The right one.” 
Alice scoffs, knowing exactly what she’s talking about. “Toby Keith was a jingoist fuck.” 
“But,” Hank says, tipping the neck of his beer bottle toward her. “Red Solo Cup hits different.” 
She relents. “Alright, fair.” 
Sean starts picking out the lead guitar part and Hank puts his beer aside, picking up his own acoustic to back him up. Becca tips back, avoiding the neck of his guitar, before settling against his shoulder once more. 
“You’re gonna love this,” Caro says, close to Graham’s ear. “You might have heard it before, but we’ll teach you for real.” 
Graham nods, the light from the fire lighting up the gentle joy and curiosity in his eyes. 
“Now a red solo cup is the best receptacle / For barbecues, tailgates, fairs, and festivals,” Sean starts, passing it off to Hank. They both settle into a comfortable drawl.
“And you, sir, do not have a pair of testicles if you prefer drinking from glass.” 
Sophia scampers up the back stairs as best she can from the yard, her cane thumping dramatically against the deck as she flops down next to Alice. She smells of pine and dogwood, likely rooting around with Grayson in the yard before the sun gets too far past the horizon. Bella’s still down there, crouched amongst the pine needles while her son builds fairy houses. 
“Now,” Soph says, picking it up, “a red solo cup is cheap and disposable and in fourteen years they are -” 
Alice joins for a brief, “Decomposable” 
“And unlike my home, they are not foreclosable…” 
Graham picks it up on the second chorus, giving his wretched American accent his best effort. Caroline’s hands wrap tightly around his bicep and he rocks side to side with Alice and Sophia, laughing his way through the chorus. 
You watch from the safety of the sunroom, Aaron beside you. 
“I like this one,” you tell him. 
He hums. “Me too. Helps that he flew her out from Scotland for the holiday. Scores points, there.” 
“It’s nice to have her home.” You huff a laugh. “Our little lawyer.” 
Aaron shakes his head. “I can believe it but at the same time…” 
“She’s your daughter, baby. I dunno what to tell you on that one.” There’s silence for a second. “It figures she’d also live out an enemies-to-lovers trope from one of her books. And he’s Scottish.”  
“That,” Aaron replies, “I think she gets from you.” 
You scoff. “Oh, please.” 
Aaron simply shakes his head, pulling you close to kiss your temple.
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bellamyblakru · 3 years
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here’s to never growing up by @kandi-pendragon​ (wip) (insp. x)
Ever since Arthur woke up to a throbbing headache and Gaius and Merlin at his bedside, he's been... remembering things. Kind of. When he dreams, he sees familiar faces. Like Sophia, her father, his own father, and Merlin. But they certainly don't feel like his usual dreams.
Still. None of what he sees lines up with Merlin's story, or Gaius's, so it can't have been what actually happened. Right?
His life gets even more out of hand when a druid boy comes to Camelot and Arthur catches Morgana hiding him in her chambers, with Merlin's aid, of course.
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My Merthur and Merlin sexuality headcanons
Merlin: bisexual and genderfluid. You can’t give me him dressing up as a woman and be caught holding so many dresses in canon and not have him be genderfluid. Also I hate how his canon relationship with Freya and his crushes on Sefa, Morgana, the disguised Nimueh, the troll pretending to be Catrina, and Gwen are erased and he’s just seen as gay. Especially with his raised eyebrows reaction whenever Mithian arrives at Camelot or when he sees Isolde with a sword. He even thought Vivian was beautiful till he learned how rude she was. Just because he didn’t fall under the Lamia’s spell (it’s literally because of his magic not because he’s not attracted to women, he didn’t fall asleep during the sleeping spell in the pilot either, that’s how his magic works!) and just because he got so obsessed with one man (Arthur) doesn’t mean he’s only interested in men. He’s immortal so why would he limit himself to only having relations with one gender for eternity? Or care about his own gender? 
Arthur: gay or bisexual. This one is harder for me because he’s so repressed that I can see him just being gay and also every relationship he’s had with a woman in canon has either been the result of an enchantment (ex: Sophia and Vivian) or there was just no chemistry and it seemed like it would be a friendly platonic marriage for the good of Camelot (ex: Gwen, Elena, and Mithian). But him being bisexual makes sense to me too. Maybe he’s demisexual and just can’t feel that way about anyone till he’s emotionally connected with them and that’s why it seems like he only has romantic and sexual chemistry with Merlin. 
Morgana: I headcanon her as aromantic and asexual most of the time. I can accept and read fics where Morgana is Arthur’s straight sister though because I know she had crushes on men in canon and because Katie McGrath had chemistry with Colin and Bradley and Eoin. However I can only read fics where Morgana is Arthur’s straight sister when she is shipped with certain men who I think she would actually respect and find attractive (Merlin, Gwaine, and Will if he survived). Most of the time I just can’t see her being interested in a relationship with anyone and only finds people attractive aesthetically. I feel like she probably went through a phase thinking she was a lesbian because she wasn’t interested in marrying a man but then she was like wait I’m not interested in being with a woman either... what am I?
Lancelot and Gwen: the straight couple in the group. I just didn’t get the vibe that Lancelot had a thing for Merlin, I feel like he just saw him as a little brother and I didn’t really get Morgana x Gwen either. 
Percival: straight. I didn’t really see the chemistry between Percival and Gwaine.
Gwaine: bisexual.
Leon: the longsuffering asexual friend waiting for Merthur to happen. 
Elyan: ace.
Mordred: gay. I ship him with Daegal.
Princess Elena and Lady Vivian: lesbians. 
Morgause: aroace. 
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merlin-gifs · 4 years
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Hello Merlin fans, today we bring you The Merlin-gifs Alphabet Challenge! What is this challenge!? Well, for starters, it has no starting date and no deadline... which means your contribution to the challenge has no expiration date. You may start today, tomorrow or in three months and you're free to choose WHEN to post! For each letter of the alphabet, you are given a prompt (a character, a place, an episode, a colour or a technique) and "officially" you are required to make ONE post per letter, but if you're feeling creative and inspired, feel free to pick more than one option. This challenge is open to any kind of creative content (gifs, graphics, fanarts, photo edits, picspams e.t.c.). We are a gif blog so we can only reblog gifs but don’t let this halt your creativity. The only rule is that you can't skip any letter!
A: Arthur Pendragon / Aithusa (4.04) / Alora (#cc9966) B: Balinor / Beginning of the End (1.08) / Black & White C: Cenred / Camelot / Capes D: Dragoon / Dragonlord / Daegal E: Elyan / Ealdor / Excalibur F: Freya /Fyrien (Castle of) /Faceless G: Gwaine / Guinevere / Gaius H: Hunith / High Priestesses / Horseplay I: Isolde / Isle of the Blessed / Ismere J: Jewels / Jade (#00A86B) / Juggling K: Knights of Camelot / Kara / Kilgharrah L: Lancelot Du Lac / Lady Morgana / Leon M: Merlin / Mordred / Morgause N: Nimueh / Nemeth / Navy Blue (#000080) O: Old Religion / OT4 / Orchid (#da70d6) P: Princess Mithian / Percival / Pale Colours Q: Queen of Hearts (3.10) / Queen Annis / Quick Silver (#A6A6A6) R: Royal family / Red (#FF0000) / Rising Sun (Tavern) S: Sophia / Sorcerers / Sins of the father (2.08) T: The Thomas / Tristan / The Crystal Cave (3.05) U: Uther Pendragon / Uther’s Ward / Unicorn (#9f90d0) V: Vivian / Valiant / Vibrant Colours W: Will / White (#ffffff) / Wicked Day (4.03)  X: Ships (ex: Merlin x Arthur) / Xotic (#863336) / Xoxo (romantic of platonic kisses) Y: Ygraine / Young Warlock / Yellow (#ffff00) Z: Zenchua (#d23c77) / Zonk / Zzzz Don't forget to include this hashtag: #merlinedit (and/or #merlinalphabetchallenge) to share your graphic content! Have fun!
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queen-ofsunflowers · 3 years
Shujin Assassins AU: Confidants
Because he's in 3-E, Ren's Confidants change somewhat or are established earlier (they will be in bold if they are). The crossover was bound to change some things, but I did keep the Phantom Thieves'’ Confidants as well as some story-relevant ones in place.
0. The Fool - Class 3-E
I. The Magician - Morgana
II. The Priestess - Makoto Niijima
III. Empress - Haru Okumura
IV. Emperor - Yusuke Kitagawa
V. Hierophant - Sojiro Sakura
VI. Lovers - Ann Takamaki
VII. Chariot - Ryuji Sakamoto
VIII. Justice - Goro Akechi
IX. Hermit - Futaba Sakura
X. Wheel of Fortune -  Nagisa Shiota
XI. Strength - Justine and Caroline
XII. Hanged Man - Tadaomi Karasuma
XIII. Death - Ken Amada
XIV. Temperance - Mitsuru Kirijo
XV. Devil - Karma Akabane
XVI. Tower - Gakashu Asano
XVII. Star - Yu Narukami
XVIII. Moon - Itona Horibe
XIX. Sun - Korosensei
XX. Judgement - Sae Niijima
# Faith - Kasumi/Sumire Yoshizawa
I. Counciller - Takuto Maruki
V. Apostle - Zenkichi Hasegawa
# Hope - Sophia
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