taegularities · 1 year
So excited for D-Day! When the tracklist dropped I gasped when I saw there's a collab song with Woosung of The Rose. I've listened to some of The Rose's songs and they're so incredible! And Yoongi saying Woosung is his friend is just 💗.
i think i listened to a the rose song a while ago, and back then i definitely didn't expect them to be anyhow associated with bangtan and here we are 🥹 i am so mf excited for d-day, like i've actually been emotionally preparing myself lol bc i know we'll be a mess that day 🥹🤍
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Good morning to you too.
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ugh-yoongi · 7 months
hii! thanks for answering my ask about your favorite namjoon fics 🥰 could you recommend your favorite yoongi fics if you haven't done it yet? thank you soo much! 💗
you got it 🫡
most of these works contain mature themes/content. please heed tags and do not engage with any explicit work if you are a minor!
i know there are a bunch i’ve forgotten, so please reblog and share your own work and your faves!
also, please note: there are a lot of fics on these lists that are posted to ao3. it has recently come out that a volunteer was removed from their position for being pro-palestine (you can find the twt thread here). i am in the process of looking for a better alternative, but until then, it is unfortunately probably the best way to share these stories. while i personally won’t be posting to or reading on ao3 for the time being, how you choose to engage going forward is completely up to you! i just wanted to make sure i was being transparent.
yoongi x reader
love language by @gukslut
please be naked and first and last and always by @floralseokjin
the dinner party by @anotherbtswriter
straight shooter by @snackhobi
winter: you're the one that bloomed me by @hot-soop
moonlit throne by @hobidreams
miss dial by @versigny
a love that endures by @cinnaminsvga
want a taste? by @suga-kookiemonster
cyberslut by @kimnjss
tip of the iceberg by @fortunexkookie
greedy by @xjoonchildx
boseong breakfast by @honeymoonjin
vogue by @gukyi
tell me what you want by @wwilloww
wine & budapest by @junghelioseok
the second time & stop thinking about me by @yoongiphoria
drip by @here2bbtstrash
cybersex by @gimmethatagustd
vows (and all the associated drabbles) by @hamsterclaw
darksided by @eoieopda
the pink pill by @dollfaceksj
as always, mxm recs under the cut!
member x member
namgi: see namjoon recs here
sope: see hoseok recs here
yoonjin: see seokjin recs here
yoonkook: see jk recs here + fang fucker by @sailoryooons
atoms and empty space (yoonmin)
love maze (yoonmin)
there's a piece of you in how i dress (yoonmin)
cute, baby (yoonmin)
inevitabilities (yoonmin)
our beginnings never know our ends (yoonmin)
since feeling is first (yoonmin)
it's bad enough we get along so well (yoonmin)
he's what you want (i'm what you need) [yoonmin]
maybe i hate you can be our always (yoonmin)
smooth strip (yoonmin)
map of the sounds (taegi)
the romance of old clothes (taegi)
inside and out (taegi)
siren of the interstate (taegi)
espresso marmalade (taegi)
after all, all this time (taegi)
what happens in uni series (taegi)
return to baseline (taegi)
vanilla sweetheart (taegi)
nothing lasts forever (taegi)
wassily kandinsky improvisation 31 sea battle (taegi)
shots fired (taegi)
yachtgi series (taegi)
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fallenangel-s-thot · 7 months
your wife | yoonseok + you
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summary: your husband want to try something new and yoongi didn't mind to help.
pairing: min yoongi x f! reader x jung hoseok
warnings: eighteen+ content, porn with plot, dark, fingering, threesome, (m) masterbating, slight degradation, undertones of manipulation.
author note: it's not proof read and the grammar is not great nether ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ i wrote it when I was simping over sope and thought i should publish it . Btw we have a little bit of sub yoongi here.
i do not give anyone permission to translate or repost my work, please be respectful - if you enjoyed please comment or reblog!
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yoongi is disgusted with his behavior.
he hates that every interaction with you, his best friend’s wife, results in his cock straining against the fabric of his pants. all alone in his bedroom, he slips his hand underneath his boxers to do everything he can to relieve himself, and he whimpers pathetically from the slightest contact.
the walls of his shared apartment with Hoseok are way too thin.
he can hear your muffled moans, the sound of your whines feeding his heated state as he pumps even faster.
when he closes his eyes he thinks about how Hoseok fucks you, pictures how pliable you look underneath his large frame, and tries to imagine the squelching sound your pussy makes as Hoseok pounds into your cunt. 
he cums all over himself, sinking his teeth into his pillowcase as a single tear trickles down his blushing face. 
he swears he’s going to stop, that he would finally get a grip on these urges but he’s caught in a vicious circle.
it’s a dirty little secret he conceals - but the guilt wraps around his neck like a noose whenever you or hobi smile in his direction.
you love how much you’ve integrated yourself into Hoseok’s life, especially when it came to his cherished friendship with yoongi.
he always spoke so fondly of yoongi - and sometimes you wonder just how close they were before you were married to Hoseok.
you only recently began noticing a slight shift in Yoongi’s behavior.
you tried not to dwell on it at first and merely assumed that he was just going through something but one night, when you snuck away from Hoseok’s bed to use the bathroom, you approached the door and noticed a strip of light peeking out from underneath the frame.
you could hear low grunts coming from the other side, and your stomach coiled because you immediately picked up on what was happening. yoongi was moaning softly to himself, cursing under his breath until your name left him like a broken plea.
you quickly turned on your heel, marching straight back to your husband’s bedroom in utter shock. hook laughs when you tell him the story.
you were anxious and worried, but your boyfriend merely chuckled to himself with indifference. 
“poor guy. he hates being alone. he must be getting frustrated, and it looks like he isn’t getting any action,” he explained with genuine sympathy, before proceeding to point out that he was the only reason why yoongi managed to get laid in the first place. 
“I've been neglecting my duties since we got serious,” he pointed out with a shrug. you were surprised that he wasn’t more alarmed about the situation, but Hoseok reassures you that yoongi wouldn’t cross any lines.
at this point, you wanted to satisfy your curiosities and you boldly asked Hoseok if he’s ever helped out yoongi when he was this desperate. 
“it’s happened a few times,” your husband honestly replies, “But Hyung and I know it doesn’t mean anything...” 
the heavy silence is only broken when you shock Hoseok with a suggestion, by stating that maybe the two of you can assist yoongi in his current predicament.
your pretty hobi’s eyes glimmer with excitement and he can’t help but think what this could mean for the three of you in the future. 
“Is this better, yoongi?” hobi murmurs, his thumb tracing over Yoongi’s throat as he looks down at him. 
he’s standing next to the edge of the bed, while yoongi ays out flat across the mattress. his best friend nods his head, panting heavily as his slender fingers press into the meat of your thighs. he’s watching you grind your hips back and forth with hooded eyes.
his abdominals sink when you drag your nails across his torso, and you can’t help but smile over how pretty he looks melting beneath you.
“fuck, she f-feels...she feels amazing...ugh, you’re so perfect...” he cries, choking out a sob as you slowly raise your hips before dropping your weight back down over his length. 
hoseok raises his brow with approval and tucks his bottom lip between his teeth as he eyes you hungrily before flashing you a tender smile.
“she is...” 
his fingers curl underneath Yoongi’s minty locks, and he lightly massages his scalp.
“you act like such a needy brat when you don’t get what you want...” he huffs, bringing the tip of his leaky cock against Yoongi’s lips.
“now be a good boy and show me how thankful you are.”
fuck this is gonna be intense. 
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Do you have a video for the bv4 instance that you guys mentioned where jk had to collect himself?
Hello my dear. Mizgator our queen of analysis talks about it here starting from the 14:12 minute mark. She explains the sexual tension though but doesn't bring up the footsie. So it will be my pleasure 😁😁😁
First of all. Here is JK shamelessly turning on his man. Before we continue there's a few things you have to understand. BTS were on break and Jimin went to Paris and Hawaii while JK stayed in SK. (Yes they saw eo for a few hours for JK's surprise bday but I'm sure it wasn't enough. No way) So they didn't see eo much. And BV 4 started like as soon as Jimin landed. Like he came home the day before and then the next day they were shooting BV4 ep 1. So my guess is, Jikook had not...... well. They had not. Alright? Not for a while anyway. So a simple footsie like that, would have driven anyone crazy. Especially if your sex life is usually off the chain. Which by some of the things we have accidentally witnessed, I think its safe to say Jikook know how to have fun.
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JK said yes. He enjoyed having his hands tied during ON 😏😏
Now I'm not saying these motherfuckers are kinky, but that's exactly what I'm saying 🙈
Okay. So anon this is the sequence. JK's toes are proper digging into his boyfriend's leg. And Jimin can pretend he is not paying attention because he's busy talking, but that man can feel every, single, press of what JK is doing
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If you watch the video I linked above JK was proper pressing in on Jimin's leg. There is no way to ignore that.
Then suddenly Jhope asks Jimin;
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And that's when JK gets up to leave. He was like; babe, you're on your own 🤣 And Jimin answers while looking at JK who is leaving;
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Jhope for some reason keeps probing. 😂😂Note RM has his eyes on JK. This man knows Jikook and knows them very well. He was sus of JK and that's why he's watching him.
Lets keep in mind that indeed this room was actually very hot. SOPE switched seats because it was too hot. So keep in mind that this room is HOT. Okay? It's important.
So after getting the 3rd degree from Hobi as to why he was hot or if he was embarassed, Jimin gives the game away by looking at the Jimcock. Now this, is what let me know the dude was in hornyland.
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What are u looking at Jimin? 🧐 what did JK do to you? 🤭🤭 So anyway, the culprit comes back with a whole ass coat on. Remember how we said the room was hot? Yeah.... why does JK have a coat on??
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So anon like u mentioned, here is where Jikookers think JK went to the bathroom or outside to cool off/collect himself because he was hard. But I, think JK went to grab this coat so he could cover the Jungkonda. He didn't leave for long and when he came back he worked real hard to keep that place covered. So mans was still h.a.r.d
Moving on swiftly, Jimin pulls a Suga, and refuses to look up during the group toast.
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Gee, I wonder why 🤔
So I know Jikook were sharing a room. Now while I believe they cuddled and then went back to their respective beds in the morning for shooting, I dont believe that's where the love making took place. I believe it was in the RV outside. No one was was using it and everyone was inside and they could be as loud as they wanted get all the privacy they needed. It had been a while. Privacy was required 😉
Damn. See why I said this blog aint for underage peeps? Anyway. Jikook is real.
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myprincejinnie · 10 months
bts tumblr fic recs!!
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-separated by member and then genre-
if it has more than one genre like mafia and soulmate au then i will put it in the section that i think it leans more towards, but most will have summaries and warnings as well so it will be easy to figure out (hopefully lol). the genre is more au based and not like friends to lovers and stuff bc most aus have those genres as well and it is hard to separate. if it doesn't have an au it is prob in others. this list looks kind of scuffed bare w it pls. i really just made this to keep track of my fav fics so i can reread them. + some of them i haven't read in a while. and others i didn't add bc they are either on hold or it is pretty obvious that they are never going to be finished )); i really like hybrid, a/b/o, and soulmate aus so lots of those !! i go to tumblr after finishing my manhwas and when i get tired of trying to find fics on ao3, so i prob have more on the ao3 list. find other group and fandom lists here. >>the mentioned ao3 list<<
📕 - one shot/head cannon/short
📚 - series
🔃 - ongoing
✅️ - completed
🔞 - smut + not going to put all warnings for the type of smut going on in each so make sure to read warnings on the og post jic
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OT7 (poly w all or just some)
___soulmate au___
love poem by minniepetals (OT7)📕
Summary: for years you’ve suffered for the longest time and for years they’ve hurt without understanding the true meaning behind it all. soulmates connected through the hearts, soulmates connected through the slightest touches, and when they finally meet their last soulmate, the seven gods vowed to themselves that they will love and protect you for the rest of their immortal lives. >> Warnings & Tags: mentions of death, mentions of war, minor character deaths, fluff, angst, soulmates au, poly, gods au, god of knowledge namjoon, god of stars seokjin, god of music yoongi, god of sun hoseok, god of spring jimin, god of ocean taehyung, and god of hearth jungkook. Notes: SO CUTE !!
baby (you complete us) by purpleyoonn (OT7)📚🔃🔞
Summary: Soulmates were a common occurrence, so common, in fact, that the world sought an easier way to find your other half: A bracelet that would scan your mark and match you with those who shared your mark. Within recent years, soul groups were becoming normal, and your own bracelet said you have seven matches. Or where you wear your bracelet for ten years, and finally give up the hope you would find your soul group, only for BTS to put theirs on and see what they were missing. >> Warnings & Tags: angst, mentions of depression, disabled mc (Ehlers Danlos syndrome), eventual smut, fluff, lots of fluff, idol bts x disabled mc, and mentions of disability Notes: read the warnings on each individual part. will end up having smut !!!
Summary: A soul's bond's archives is a shared space between soulmates, a safe space that allows the fated ones to share memories between themselves, a method commonly used to find each other without having to wait endlessly for luck to play its part. But when your own archives get tainted with pain due to bullies with too much time on their hands... Needless to say that despite you not knowing if you have soulmates, you begin to believe that maybe it's a good thing if you don't have any. >> Warnings & Tags: bts x reader, soulmate au, m/f, multi, rated m, mentions of abuse, and there will at times be gruesome details of bullying shown in the form of flashbacks and dreams.
___a/b/o au___
Lone Wolf by sopebubbles (OT7, SOPE FOCUSED)📚🔃
Summary: in a world where alphas, betas, and omegas live along side modern humans as second class citizens, you've fallen through the cracks of a society that wants to take everything wonderful from you. Luckily a timely encounter with the boys just might save your life. >> Warnings & Tags: bigotry, including internalized bigotry, negative self-talk, neglect, childhood trauma, mentions of SA, a/b/o, omegaverse, angst, poly ot7 x reader, sope focused, and hurt/comfort. Notes: read the warnings on each individual part. might end up having smut !!!
Snow Angel by daichiduskdrop (OT7) 📚🔃(🔞?)
Summary: After Yoongi and Jimin find a distressed omega in the mall they take her home in an attempt to settle her. Quickly getting attached, the whole all-alpha pack starts to wish to keep the girl around, going completely soft for her. >> Warnings & Tags: a/b/o, strangers to lovers, and fluff Notes: read the warnings on each individual part. might end up having smut !!! the following chapter is listed at the end of each chapter, the mlist isn't being updated at the moment.
Best of Us by bts-trash-blog (RAP LINE x READER)📚🔃🔞
Summary: Being an Omega is hard, it could be so lonely. The hardships that you would sometimes feel seemed to much, always expected of things you could never fully reach. Always seen as a piece of meat to some, seen as weak and stupid. So you worked your ass off to finally work your dream job. And the world all changed when you met one of the bosses. And couldn’t help but end up falling. >> Warnings & Tags: a/b/o, rap line x chubby omega reader, mentions of sexual harassment, heats, ruts, SMUT, angst, and possessive behavior. Notes: read the warnings on each individual part. the next chapter is listed at the beginning of each chapter.
Before I Leave You by hollyhomburg 📚🔃🔞
Summary: Someone always has to leave first; They just didn’t expect Yoongi to come back with a new omega (who’s clearly been through some shit). >> Warnings & Tags: a/b/o au, mafia au, poly, SMUT, heat, praise kink, emotional abuse, physical abuse, forced mating marks, graphic murder scenes, negative self-talk, self-esteem issues, non-verbal characters, abandonment, PTSD, hurt/comfort, gluttonous fluff, agoraphobia, implied/referenced self-harm, suicidal thoughts and brief desperate suicide attempt, unreliable narrators, gender dysphoria, transgender characters, internalized transphobia, internalized misogyny, epilepsy, slowish-burn, beta yoongi, omega reader, omega jungkook, omega seokjin, alpha namjoon, alpha hoseok, alpha taehyung, and alpha jimin. Notes: read the warnings on each individual part.
___fantasy au (werewolf/vampire/etc.)___
Right Here, Right Now by hobidreams (RAP LINE x READER) 🔞📕
Summary: what if little red wants to get eaten by the big bad wolves? >> Warnings & Tags: werewolf au, college au, SMUT, pwp, humor, they’re still kinda sweet, not actually a fairytale au Notes: filthy and hot, but oh so good.
___hybrid au___
heartbeat by minniepetals (OT7)📕
Summary: running away from your master is never easy so you deem yourself this will be the last time if you are fatefully brought back to his hold again. so what happens when you stumble upon seven men who says they won’t bring you back? what happens when they promise you their love and care instead? >> Warnings & Tags: mentions of abuse, running away from an abusive household, hybrid cruelty, hurt and comfort, angst, fluff, hybrid reader, and rich bts. Notes: this is so cute, gentle, and heartwarming ugh SO SO GOOD.
core pride by pasteljeon (OT7)📕🔞
Summary: ot7 where you’re rich and lonely so you adopt 7 hybrids. chaos ensues. >> Warnings & Tags: brief description of assault/violence, panty sniffing, sub jimin, sub jungkook, ur once again the meat in the jikook sammich, bathtub sex, lotta angst, some fluff, hybrid au, wolf namjoon, tuxedo cat yoongi, golden retriever hoseok, tiger taehyung, calico cat jimin, bunny jungkook, and honey bear jin.
Dance To This by hollyhomburg (JIN x JOON x READER)📕(🔞?)
Summary: none. >> Warnings & Tags: eventual polyamory, blindness, service hybrid au, non-explicit sex, non-physical intimacy, mentions of anxiety and depression, hybrid jin, hybrid joonie, blind reader. Notes: idk if part 2 is going to come out so ...
Wait, Little Rabbit! by bangtanflirt 📚✅️🔞
Summary: You, a meek little bunny hybrid, find family amongst six predator hybrids and their lovely human caretaker. >> Warnings & Tags: bruises and a cut, joon is prejudiced against prey hybrids(at the beginning), fear, loss of consciousness, mentions of abandonment and minor character dying of old age, mentions of bullying, SMUT, hybrid au, bunny hybrid reader x human seokjin x dog hybrids jimin and hoseok x cat hybrid yoongi x wolf hybrids namjoon, taehyung, and jungkook. Notes: read the warnings on each individual part. the next chapter is listed at the beginning of each chapter.
___other (idk)___
The Little Things by xxdaengx 📕
Summary: You've never been more glade to have seven men by your side to help with your recovery. Even when times get tough you know they have your back. >> Warnings & Tags: fluffy, romance, polyamory, recovery au, idol bts, sfw, domestic bts au, established relationship, mentions of heart condition, mentions of surgery, reader is in recovery from a surgery, and bts just being sweet.
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i swear i have read a ton of jinnie ones i just cant find them ):::
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___soulmate au___
Maybe I'm a little Dangerous (Maybe Love is Too) - hollyhomburg 📕
Summary: Rare Soulmate marks don't guarantee that you find your soulmate easily, and when your soulmate is the head of a mafia, being together will never be easy either... >> Warnings & Tags: torture, gore, mafia yoongi, killer yoongi hurt/comfort, fluff, insecure reader, self-hate, soulmate au, fluff, and a happy ending. Notes: ALL OF HER FICS ARE GOOD nihyuybnjkyff
The Sugar Wars by hollyhomburg 📕
Summary: Maybe tasting everything his soulmate eats wouldn’t be so bad if Yoongi’s soulmate didn’t have the largest sweet tooth Ever. Maybe you wouldn’t need to sweeten everything if he didn’t drink his coffee so bitter.  >> Warnings & Tags: blood, fluff, intern reader, and brief angst. Notes: I LOVE HOLLY
Just Be Cool by goldensugarywaffles📕
Summary: You’re the newest producer at HYBE Entertainment and it’s your first day. Everything is going to be perfect as long as you keep your cool. >> Warnings & Tags: just fluff and an awkward reader, and soulmate au.
___college au___
Honey Bear by v-hope📕
Summary: Based off a request + “Could I request a one shot Yoongi? Yoongi has been having a really hard time sleeping recently, and so has reader so they make an agreement to be each other’s teddy bears so they can go to bed. They’re pretty good friends, so it shouldn’t be awkward, but it is until they get used to it and one of them realizes they like the other (you can choose who) and claims that they can sleep again, but they’ve gotten worse because they’re used to sleeping by the other and it hurts to be this far away now??” >> Warnings & Tags: fluff, a lil bit of angst, college au, mentions of pianist yoongi but that’s not the main plot. Notes: cute and fluffy
___a/b/o au___
The Mark of Yun-Ki by ladyartemesia 📕🔞
Summary: For a thousand years the tiger god Yun-Ki has marked the heirs of the Min Empire and thus only a marked heir can inherit the throne. When the beautiful daughter of the Min Emperor’s loyal warlord rescues a mysterious tiger hybrid from the imperial prison, she unleashes a secret that the throne would kill to protect. The young emperor claims to be the chosen heir... but who really bears the Mark of Yun-Ki? >> Warnings & Tags: a/b/o sexual dynamics and mating, claiming/marking/biting, explicit sexual content, impreg, a brief mention of slavery, rut/heat, SMUT, hybrid/a/b/o au, Royalty au, Fantasy au , and daechwita au.
___other (idk)___
straight shooter by snackhobi 📕🔞
Summary: min yoongi is the best in the business. you're the best gunsmith int he city and the only person he trusts to program his tech; to make his gear. he likes your work. it's a shame, then, that he doesn't like you. >> Warnings & Tags: cyberpunk au, SMUT, frenemies (?) to lovers, hitman yoongi, black market dealer/gunsmith reader. cursing & explicit language, whole lotta tension, sexual and otherwise, mentions of injury/violence, minor character death (no one important, don’t worry, this isn’t an angst fic), brief hurt/comfort, reader has tattoos, sexually explicit content, and brief mention of aftercare.
Blind Love by yoonlattesworld 📕
Summary: yoongi feels his whole world crashing down at the thought of losing you. >> Warnings & Tags: teeny weeny angst in the beginning. Fluff fluff fluff!! happy ending too! husband mafia yoongi x blind wife reader, all mafia warnings included in this as well prob.
And SCORE! by feelthemadnessinside 📕
Summary: just a silly little Drabble I came up with while watching Yoongi attend all the NBA games >> Warnings & Tags: none and fluff.
care for you by archivedkookie 📕
Summary: Yoongi will always care for you, no matter what. >> Warnings & Tags: fluff, doctor au, curse words, yoongi is way too grumpy, yoongi thinks oc has gotten into a bad car accident, anxiety, small panic attack (yoongi thinks oc is in a coma, dead, etc), mention of car accidents, bruises, hospitals & ERs, yoongi being a secret cinnamon roll, and this is honestly just pure fluff.
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___soulmate au___
Namjoon Soulmate AU - Wings and Thorns by hollyhomburg 📕
Summary: Your soulmate tattoo is suppose to somehow lead you to your soulmate- but you have no idea why your soulmate is obsessed with birds and he has no idea how the plethora of blooms on his chest is supposed to help him find you at all. or Sometimes soulmate marks just make it more difficult and sometimes: this makes you want to give up looking for them all together. >> Warnings & Tags: none. Notes: I LOVE THEM SM
ambidextrous by softlyjiminie 📕
Summary: soulmates were a common thing in this world, yours could hear the thoughts in your head. the only way to know when you’ve met him, is to hear that one keyword. >> Warnings & Tags: nothing major, probably swearing, fluff, friends to lovers au, college au, and soulmate au. Notes: really cute ahhhhhhhhh
___other (idk)___
The Passport by alpacaparkaseok
Summary: You embark on a memorable journey in an attempt to return Kim Namjoon’s passport. What lengths will you go to in order to return his passport on time? >> Warnings & Tags: none.
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lol I think he shines the best when in a relationship w another member and w me HAHAHAHAHAH but pls rec some if you have any good ones. he just doesnt feel like him in most of the writing i have read idk.
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___social media au___
kinda hot by kimnjss 📚✅️🔞
Summary: you’ve always been cute, soft, tiny in taehyung’s eyes. but that’s changing one night when you’re accidentally sending him a naughty picture. forcing him to realize, maybe his best friend is kinda... hot? >> Warnings & Tags: reader is that girl best friend... and taehyung is not the best boyfriend, hobi’s lowkey a fboi... but there’s always room for growth! campus flirt taehyung x sweet girl reader, social media au, jikook, (semi-established) namjin, best friends to lovers. college au. SMUT, fluff and the tiniest dash of angst.
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___soulmate au___
melted by drowsymochi (deactivated acct ?) 📕
Summary: You believed the color your eyes registered was the default, unaware that you knew your soulmate long before you began searching. >> Warnings & Tags: soulmate au, see in black and white until you touch your soulmate, best friend’s brother au, and university au.
Hiraeth (M) by thedefinitionofbts 📕🔞
Summary: We are always yearning for someone, even if that person may not exist in this tangible realm.  >> Warnings & Tags: soulmate au, college au, light angst, fluff, and mildly explicit sexual content.
The Lucky Ones by today-we-will-survive 📕
Summary: none. >> Warnings & Tags: university au, soulmate au, romance, angst, and fluff.
Two Bodies, One Soul by Morgan Squared📕
Summary: none. >> Warnings & Tags: none. Notes: this one is just really cute. does have a sequel but i haven't read it.
tangled webs by ughseoks 📕
Summary: Soulmates are tricky thing. Not everyone is lucky enough to have their destinies intertwined with their missing piece. Signs come in dreams for those fortunate souls; short bursts that are barely memorable when the sun rises. As for you? Flashes of red and blue are your only indicators to the identity of your other half. >> Warnings & Tags: soulmate au, spiderman au, angst, fluff, mutual pining, swearing, non-graphic violence, threats, knives, attempted mugging, angst, near mcd, guns, kidnapping, fainting, explosions/bombs, weapons in general, fighting, injury, taegikook are little shits, idiots being idiots Notes: i just really love spidey, jk, and soulmate au so this was really a dream i wish was real life.
___fantasy au (werewolf/vampire/etc.)___
Ember Burning by kpopfanfictrash 📕🔞
Summary: The dragon riders of Duret Ghal are known across the continent; fierce warriors who take to the skies on their leashed, winged beasts. You are the last Dragon Queen of Ashya, ruler of a dying species who can transform from human to Dragon at will. When a new foe emerges which threatens both Dragon and rider alike, you find yourself forced to broker peace with your former enemy. The King of Duret Ghal, and a dragon rider himself: Jeon Jungkook. >> Warnings & Tags: SMUT, dirty talk, tattooed, man-bun jungkook who has a big sword, fantasy, dragon, enemies to lovers. Notes: i just love fantasy smut fics, don't judge me.
___hybrid au___
The Milkmaid by iimaginebts📚✅️🔞
Summary: Having milk in your breast ever since you were born got you outcast from the human world but accepted in another. When you met Jungkook, your life was completely flipped over, would you choose to stay with Jungkook or part ways with him.....? >> Warnings & Tags: SMUT, wolf jungkook x reader, fluff, and romance. Notes: lolololololololol ha ha ha. i loved it. link to the next part is at the end of each one.
___other (idk)___
are you my soulmate? by csanflower 📕
Summary: You offered to do some part time work for a Calvin Klein shoot to earn some quick cash. The job was simple. Do whatever the higher ranked people told you to do. You expected a simple job like making coffee or ordering lunch for the staff. You definitely did not expect the biggest star in the world following you around like a puppy, thinking you're his soulmate just because a bell rang when you crossed paths with him... * inspired by jungkooks comment abt hearing bells ring when he meets his soulmate ^^ BUT NOTE THAT THIS IS NOT A SOULMATE AU >> Warnings & Tags: idol/model jungkook x part time staff reader
OFF-SCREEN by thvhoe 📕🔞
Summary: Being a woman in gaming industry is challenging, especially when all eyes are on you. What happens, though, when your biggest rival finds out that the well-known streamer who consistently wins games is not who people believe they are? or You've spent your entire life pretending to be a guy online, so when on of the biggest streamers finds out, things get even more tricky. >> Warnings & Tags: streamer au, gamer au, social media au, strangers to lovers au, fluff, SMUT, angst, pro streamer jungkook x faceless Reader
game over by ressjeon📕🔞
Summary: you might not be a gamer but that won't stop your competitive side from wanting to defeat your boyfriend in this new game that you're both currently obsessing with. it's just a matter of time until one of you gives up but Jungkook can’t help wondering if it will be you or him. >> Warnings & Tags: streamer/gamer au, established relationship, fluff, smut (pwp?), praise kink, hair pulling, voyeurism (through hearing), and switch dynamics 
JK AND YOONGI JUST HIT DIFFERENT lol, they seem to have the most fics that are not just all cringe lol. maybe its a smut thing, bc jk and yoongi smut HOT . . . ALSO when they are all together they seem more them them as well idk idk okay send me recs as well if u want bye.
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bangtansmauyeondan · 1 year
PIANO CRUMBS: SETTLING IN (Midnight’s Minuet Drabble 1)
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This is a Midnight’s Minuet drabble, but can be read alone. However, I highly suggest you read the whole series to have a better understanding on how two people who hated each other ended up here!
This drabble is inspired by Suchwita E03 where Yoongi shyly insinuated how special it would make him feel if someone cooked him kimchi jjigae.
Pairing: Yoongi x Fem Reader
Genre: established relationship, fluff, smut
Summary: During a two-week trip to Spain, Yoongi kept on whining about missing Korean food, so you made it your mission to prepare a Korean dinner spread for him on the day that he returns. However, he was craving for an entirely different thing…
SERIES TAGLIST: @sugakookies0613 @pinkseokchim @superrmins @belladaises @potatoandfries @cherrybubblesandvodka @sope-and-shine @juju-227592
PERMANENT TAGLIST: @jinsquishes @persphonesorchid @thatbangtanjagiya @taestefully-in-luv @pamzn @wrmnssoul @ygbubs @halesandy @jayhope88 @bnagtanx1306 @busanbby-jjk @babycandy111
It was early Saturday morning, just a few minutes past six o’clock, when you were woken up by the sound of children shrieking, racing each other off down the hall and slamming doors on the other side of your walls. It took you a moment to get accustomed to the bright and warm glow coming from the little gap between your blackout curtains, and you had to rub your eyes just a little bit more. Frankly, you were so tempted to go back to sleep, but with the summer break rolling in, you just knew that it would be impossible to sleep in on the weekends because your new neighbors have two energetic children screaming and playing around all day. You really don’t mind the noise though, it’s a far cry from the quiet that you were used to when Yoongi lived next door, but it’s not like they’re too disruptive. They’re just your typical happy and healthy kids, excited to go on a walk with their parents on early weekend mornings.
Your thoughts were interrupted when your phone pinged signaling a message from your boyfriend.
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It has been a year since Yoongi asked you to be his girlfriend, and a lot of things have changed since then, both in your personal and professional lives. His sister-in-law Nara’s second pregnancy has been complicated, which prompted his older brother Seokjin to focus more on his family, temporarily leaving the hotel management in his hands. His contract of lease in the nextdoor apartment also ended and instead of renewing it, Seokjin convinced him to move to his Black Swan penthouse. Both of you agreed that it would be best for him to be living in the hotel while assisting Seokjin, instead of having to drive back to the apartment every night.
Falling into a routine with Yoongi has been too easy, it sometimes makes you wonder if it’s just you two making up for all the tension when you first met, or you’re just connected that way. After all, coworkers you used to have a very different relationship from the then-neighbors you. As your relationship as a couple and as coworkers progressed, he would pick you up from your apartment everyday and drop you back off after work, like a true gentleman that he is. Sometimes, when big orders come in and you have to stay behind baking and decorating, you crash at Yoongi’s penthouse, and both of you would find yourselves all tangled up with each other, making it hard to get out of bed the next morning. You have gotten used to having each other around so when the hotel’s Barcelona branch ran into some issues with the city permits renewal and Seokjin had to stay home with his seven-month pregnant wife, Yoongi had to step in. That means two weeks without seeing each other except for Facetime.
Towards the end of his trip, he has been whining a lot about missing Korean food and how inauthentic the specialty restaurants nearby were. So you made a mental note to cook him a surprise dinner when he returns. You’ve never really made anything for him apart from desserts, especially when you’re testing new recipes. He’s always in charge of the main dishes. Whenever he asks you to make him something, it’s always the same Citrus Galette, which you really can’t say no to because of two things: one, he rarely asks for it, and two, the smell of oranges and grapefruits mixed with vanilla wafts through the penthouse for days. Who doesn’t want that?
You kicked your blanket off and hopped like a giddy teenager to the bathroom to start getting ready for your busy day ahead. You don’t really need to go to work on the weekends, given that Taehyung and you agreed to expand your staff and hired more bakers and decorators, so you both only need to deal with the business side of things. But today, you’re driving to the farmer’s market to pick up the ingredients for your Korean dinner spread, and pick up more groceries to replenish the stocks in Yoongi’s fridge and pantry with.
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“Honey, I’m home!”
You chuckled and shook your head in disbelief with the way Yoongi called out the moment he entered the penthouse. You could hear the lilt of mischief in his voice and knew that he found the cliché hilarious himself.
“In the kitchen!” You answered in a cheery sing-song voice, hearing the clatter of his suitcase that was obviously left carelessly by the entryway.
“I could smell the food the moment I opened the door,” Yoongi said as he rounded the hallway to the kitchen, and stopped in his tracks when he saw you standing in front of the stove, looking comfortable, barefoot in your flowy strappy summer dress. “You’re cooking?” The glint of surprise in his eyes was quick to be replaced by fondness when he made his way over to you. He snaked one arm around your hips to pull you closer, and used his other hand to guide your face as he leaned in, planting a soft kiss on your lips. You turned your body fully facing him, resting your palms against his firm chest as he tightened his embrace and kissed you more purposefully, nibbling on your lower lip before pulling away. “Hi,” his greeting almost whispered, eyes roaming across your face as if seeing you for the first time. “I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you too,” you smiled up at him. “Do you wanna go freshen up first? I’m almost done with dinner,” you wiggled out of his grip and checked on the fire level of the stove.
“I thought you’re gonna grab something for dinner?” he leaned both hands on the counter next to the stove, peeking at the bubbling stew.
“I did, I grabbed some ingredients,” you replied with a hint of pride.
“Ahh, thank you, honey,” he wrapped an arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer, planting a kiss on your temple. “No one has ever made me kimchi jjigae before.” He’s genuinely touched by your thoughtfulness.
“I wanted to make you dinner because you miss Korean food; I also made those egg rolls and seasoned spinach and bean sprouts from scratch.” You smiled at the way Yoongi eyed the side dishes you prepared on the kitchen island. “Besides, I have never made you a proper meal before.”
“You haven’t made me a proper meal before?” Yoongi furrowed his brows trying to recall your numerous at-home dates.
“No, you wouldn’t let me,” you scoffed. “I know I’m a pastry chef, but I do know how to make meals, you know.”
“But in bed, when you have me between your lmmgfhfhm—-”
“YOONGI!” You were quick to scold him and cover his mouth, muffling his next words. “Stop,” you giggled, face and neck turning a bright shade of red. Yoongi clutched the hand you held up over his mouth and kissed your palm before breaking into his signature gummy smile.
“What?” He asked innocently. “Don’t act like it doesn’t satiate your hunger too,” he challenged, voice dropping down a few octaves. He pulled you by the waist again and started stepping forward, causing you to hold onto his shoulders and step backwards towards the wall. Your heart started hammering loudly against your chest as you felt him grow hard against your lower belly. Before you realize it, Yoongi has already reached out to turn off the stove, and has you pinned up against the wall before leaning in to kiss you. The kiss started off gentle and languid that you couldn’t help but sigh into it. Yoongi swallowed the breathy moan you let out, but the sound fuelled him to deepen the kiss. He ran his hand gently from your clavicle up to your jaw, until his thumb reached your chin, applying featherlight pressure, just enough to pry your mouth open. He wasted no time slipping his tongue into your mouth, swirling it against yours in a sensual dance. You were both panting when you pulled apart from each other, but he recovered quickly as he leaned in again, kissing your jaw, down to your neck. Your mouth slightly gaped open drawing in a gasp when Yoongi raked his fingers through your hair with a gentle pull to lick a stripe on the sweet spot just beneath your earlobe.
You felt your body grow warm with your boyfriend’s every touch, fingertips searing against your skin. Like clockwork, your hands started moving down his torso, pulling his shirt out of the confines of his belted jeans. You needed to feel him. You needed to touch him. “Fuck,” he cursed under his breath when he felt your palms against the ridges of his stomach. He stepped back a mere inches away from you to completely get rid of his shirt, pulling it over his head. You took those few seconds as an opportunity to swiftly switch positions, pushing his back against the wall this time. “Whoa,” Yoongi smirked at you after recovering from his slight surprise. “Easy there, tiger…”
You kissed him fervently for what seemed like forever, before you trailed wet kisses down his neck, his chest, and his shoulders, without neglecting that little scar he got from a major shoulder surgery a few years back.
“Yn…” Yoongi called out your name with a groan when you started pulling down the straps of your dress, as you went further down his body. His eyes almost fell out of their sockets when your full breasts spilled out of your dress, realizing you decided to forgo wearing a bra. Yoongi grabbed your hands when you attempted to unbuckle his belt. “Not yet,” he pulled you up, swiftly turning you around and pulling you flushed against him, your back against his chest. Your head fell back on his shoulder when he cupped your breasts, expertly kneading them while grazing both nubs with his forefingers. Your position allowed him to drop his head and suck bruises on your neck. All the heightened sensation he’s giving you, causing warmth and wetness to pool between your legs.
“Yoongi, please…” you whined, begging with your eyes closed.
"I got you…" he whispered against your neck. "I got you…" he ran his hands down your body, tugging the hem of your dress up and pulling your soaked panties to the side. "You're so wet, fuck…" he ran his middle finger up and down your slit, causing the base of his palm to rub against your engorged nub, drawing out a needy moan from your lips. Yoongi took his hand away leaving you keening for more. "Lean back on the counter, Yn…" he ordered in a shaky voice. "Now…"
You followed your boyfriend's instruction and leaned back on the counter, elbows bent against it to support your weight while Yoongi kneeled in front of you, bunching up your dress on your waist and pulling your soaked panties down your legs. Yoongi looked up at you, admiration shining in his eyes with how beautiful you look, lower lip between your teeth, hair disheveled and chest rising and falling at your most fucked out state. He wasted no time and dove in, swirling his tongue against your glistening clit, moaning at the taste. The sound you made was like music to his ears, and he almost felt your knees weaken at his ministrations.
Yoongi raised one of your legs over his shoulder, gripping your thighs firmly, giving him more access and a better angle in lapping you up with his expert tongue. He licked, up and down, left and right, and he sucked, nibbled and moaned into your core sending vibrations that made you lose yourself and almost blackout. It was a few minutes after Yoongi aided his tongue with two fingers pumping in and out of your hole that he's able to send you to the peak of your pleasure and over the edge. You gripped the edge of the counter while shaking uncontrollably as you came all over his tongue and his fingers, and he didn't let a single drop of your essence go to waste.
He was still panting when he stood up and kissed you on the mouth again, letting you taste yourself on him. "Are you okay?" He asked you lovingly. You nodded, smiling up at him and pushing the strand of hair away from his face, still out of breath and unable to speak.
"I love you…" he whispered before nuzzling your nose and resting his forehead against yours, a playful smile gracing his lips. "Thanks for dinner, you were delicious."
- End -
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honeybeezgobzzzzz · 1 year
𓃮 Even the Sun Influences the Tide: Chapter One
Even the Sun Influences the Tide: After the death of your foster brother, King T’Challa, you had spent much of your year of mourning in isolation. When your mother gathers you and your sister to end your mourning period, you encounter the newest threat to Wakanda: Namor. You don’t know what to think of Namor, but you do know one thing: he probably shouldn’t be making trips to see you at your beach hut.
Warnings: None.
To Note: Namor/K’uk’ulkan x Fem!Reader, I Tried To Make The Yucatec Maya & Xhosa Translations/Traditions As Accurate As I Can Get.
Word Count: ~2.0k
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Standing in a circle of white around the black carved casket of your brother, you clenched your fists tightly in an effort not to let your emotions get the best of you. You didn’t need to lift your head to see the silent tears of those gathered, everyone was mourning the death of your brother. Why did you have to continually lose those who you cared the most for? First it was your birth parents, then the man whom adopted you, and now your foster brother. Hadn’t you lost enough already? Why did the ancestors continually take from you?
Sope continued to speak words of Xhosa as the Dora Milaje picked up the casket and began walking. You followed, taking numb steps through the city and only faintly hearing the singing throughout the city. Besides you, Shuri held T’Challa’s helmet. She had refused to put it down for so long, her fingers clutching it tight, almost as if she held it long enough, he would come back.
T’Challa’s casket was placed down in front of Bashenga’s hut, where Zawavari, the newest shaman for Wakanda stood. The Dora Milaje fanned out, allowing, you, Shuri, and Ramonda to approach. Shuri silently placed T’Challa’s helmet down next to his casket and Zawavari began the prayer in the native tongue.
Here in front of the home of King
of Bashenga, may we honor King
T’Challa. Who united the five
tribes of Wakanda. And may Bast
watch over him as he travels to his
resting place.
The royal talon fighter flew directly over the casket, prepared to take it to T’Challa’s final resting resting place. That’s when Shuri finally broke down and rushed forwards, giving T’Challa one last good bye. Your nails broke through skin and blood welled, dripping from your palms and staining the ground with your pain. Shuri was pulled back and the casket was raised into the air by the talon fighter. The moment it tilted vertical, the entire kingdom gave T’Challa one last salute.
Long after the dancers and people began quietly returning home, Shuri remained, staring at the sky. Out of everyone, she was hurting the most, if hurt was quantifiable. You knew it wasn’t, but Shuri was suffering, consumed by the failure of helping treat T’Challa’s illness.
“Y/N,” Your mother softly spoke, taking one of your hands and unclenching your fingers. Her eyes washed over the crimson staining your flesh, and the wounds that still oozed your viscous life force.
“How many must I lose before I break entirely?” You asked, emotion leeched from your words as you stared at her. “How can I possibly have enough heart to feel this ache and agony?”
“Ayo,” Your mother spoke, her eyes never once leaving yours. “Please see that Y/N has her wounds tended to.” You pursed your lips as Ayo approached and gave your mother a firm bow.
“Queen mother,” You look to your mother one last time.
“I would be more worried about Shuri, mama,” You told her before slowly walking back towards the citadel. Ayo took you straight to the medical bay, not allowing you to wander or deviate from the queen’s order. Sitting down on a gurney, you obediently held out your hands and let one of the nurses tend to your cut palms. They don’t have to do much, only clean the blood and bind your palms. You were left with Ayo staring at you. Your eyes flittered to hers. “They are flesh wounds, must you stare so intently?”
“Forgive me, princess, but your ‘flesh wounds’ are a reflection of the mind.”
“You are worrying about the wrong princess, Ayo.” You stated, thinking about Shuri. Ayo thought differently.
“If your words were true, you wouldn’t be here.” 
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“Why do you wish to separate yourself from your family after such a loss?” Zawavari asked as the council members stared at you in shock. “Why do you wish to push us away?”
“Because I need time, time to think, time to be alone,” You answered, your eyes tired, fatigued. You needed to find peace. You needed to find a way to rid yourself of the pain and hurt you felt within your body. Deep within your heart, you felt that you would only find it by distancing yourself and immersing your mind in silence. “I need to find myself again, and I feel that I can’t do that here, not in these walls, not surrounded by people.”
“You are safe here in these walls, princess,” M’Kathu pointed out. “Surely the peace you seek can be found where you are most safe.”
“I am within Wakanda, where else am I safest?” You pointed out, your eyes flickering to your mother who had remained silent throughout the discussion. You could see the pain in her eyes from your wish, she had lost her husband and her son, and now one of her daughters wished to leave her side to be alone? She most likely felt like you were abandoning her. “I do not feel that I am ready to heal until I find my place within Wakanda. Please allow me this one wish, queen mother. It is all that I will ever ask of you.”
Ramonda was understanding of your wish, your wish to be alone, to find yourself. But deep within your words she knew that you were indicating that you still felt lost and without purpose. Even after all of these years living within Wakanda, you still felt an outsider.
“Where do you wish to go, my daughter,” She questioned you, as much as it pained her to let you go, she knew that you were doing this to get better. “Where will you find your peace?”
“If the river tribe does not mind,” You answered, you mind set. “I would like to take residence in the Wakandan bush, upon a remote beach where I can find myself, find the ancestors. I do not wish to be consumed by my pain but I feel that each passing day I spend here I only grow closer to insanity.”
“As much as it pains me, daughter, I will grant you your wish, so long as the river tribe elder is accommodating.” Ramonda decreed, looking to the elder for confirmation or denial. He bowed his head.
“The river tribe would be honored to house Princess Y/N, and will do so for as long as she so wishes.” He spoke, his blue lip plate flashing beneath the light.
“Then it is decided.” Ramonda spoke solemnly, gazing at you and hoping to the ancestors that she hadn’t just lost another one of her children.
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10 Months Later
Carrying the buckets of water on your shoulders, you made your way down the path you had walked thousands of times before in the direction of your hut. Living by yourself on a beach with only the bare minimum necessities was a hard, and drastic change from life within the citadel. You couldn’t say it was helping you find your purpose, but it kept you far too busy to be consumed by your thoughts. The path curved to the left and the brush opened up to the beach. You let out a sigh and continued walking.
“Molo, Okoye,” You spoke while walking over to your water bin and slowly easing the wooden buckets from your shoulders. “What brings you by my humble beach?” The warrior huffed at your words and moved closer to you, raising an eyebrow.
“It is concerning that you have made no notion of finding purpose out here in the bush, princess. Is it not time for you to return to the city?” You dumped one of the buckets into the water bin before overturning it and sitting down.
“Have you come here for any other reason than to request that I return?” You asked her, resting your arms on your knees and feeling a trickle of sweat travel down your neck. “I am at peace here,” You said, looking out over the water, in the distance elephants where splashing themselves, cooling down from the heat. “Is that not enough?”
“This is not about it being enough, princess, this is about a mother wishing to see her child.” Okoye corrected you. “You have not once visited since you came to live here, one might think that you aren’t just punishing yourself but your family as well.”
“This isn’t about punishing me or my mother or Shuri.” You sighed, reaching for the remaining bucket and hefting it up. You poured it into the bin and covered your collected water.
“Then what is this about?” Okoye asked, nodding her chin at the hut. “You love your family, why do you stay away? Why do you seek a purpose? You are the daughter of Queen Ramonda and that is all you need to be, Y/N.”
“Have you ever considered that perhaps I need to feel useful? Need to have a purpose to fit in? Everyone in Wakanda has their place but then there is me, the orphan taken in by the king and queen, with no ancestral blood, and entirely useless.” You heaved out a breath and pushed your sweaty hair from your eyes. “I need a purpose to find peace, Okoye, and until I find it, I do not want to return.”
Okoye’s face soured at your words and she took a deep breath.
“I will leave you, princess, to find your purpose,” She said, eyeing your home once more. “But I will be returning. Make sure you are keeping up with your knife skills.” You watched as she strode away, entirely displeased by the conversation. Watching her until she faded into the underbrush, you then looked over at the water and sighed. You seemed to bring nothing but conflict as of of late, it really was for the best that you stayed away.
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Your dinner of dried meat and rice was stale in your stomach as the moon rose high into the sky. Normally on nights like this you went for a swim, cleansing the days sweat from your body and drying by your campfire. You would watch the stars overhead and enjoy the crystal clear skies, breathing in the air and let your mind go blank. But not this night. No, this night your mind was spoiled by the words of Okoye, riddled with guilt and ire that clawed at your desperation for peace and purpose.
She didn’t usually get to you, your stubbornness protecting you from falling back into a spiraling mind dive. But something in the back of your mind was begging you to go back to your family. Wasn’t that the reason why you had left? Because you couldn’t bare the hurt you were feeling? You sighed out and rubbed your forehead as the fire next to you crackled and popped. You really needed to get out of your head.
So you stood up and dusted the sand from your simple clothes, eyeing the dark water lapping at your beach. Walking forwards, you stepped into the cool water and let it surround you, hoping that it would wash away the darkened thoughts currently plaguing your mind.
“Please ancestors, for once can you relieve me of my pain and give me my purpose.” You whispered out, bowing your head and clasping your hands together in front of you tightly. “I just want a place to belong, please.” You were answered with silence and the subtle sound of wind through grass. Crickets. The occasional call of an elephant. Nothing. You sighed heavily and lifted your eyes to the stars. A dark figure, hovering over the water in front of you caught your gaze instead.
For a brief moment you thought that is might be the ancestors answering your prayer. But behind you came an eruption of calls from the elephant herd that had been peacefully moving about, and your head twisted to see what had disturbed them so. You couldn’t see anything, and there was no evidence of what had disturbed them, so you turned back around. The hovering figure was gone and you sighed to yourself, disappointed that you were so desperate for a purpose that your mind was playing tricks on you.
Sloshing your way back to shore, you approached your dying fire and sat back down with the intention to watch the night sky in hopes of distracting yourself once more. You laid on your back and settled your hands on your stomach, wondering if anyone was listening to you.
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Date Published: 3/5/23
Last Edit: 4/2/23
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beautifulpersonpeach · 9 months
What do you think about Namjoon not being nominated in even one category for MAMAs?
I wasn't expecting him to get nominated in any category, so nothing's changed for me between yesterday and today. The only people who I suppose are disappointed are those who were unaware what his streams, views, and sales look like relative to other members. The same goes for Seokjin.
I understand the disappointment though. Many Namjoon biases note how he's often the target and subject of hate more than other members (I've noted Jimin gets more graphic forms of hate but Joon as the face of the group deals with more), how he serves as the sonic/lyrical foundation of BTS, replicated and improved on all of that in Indigo; and yet the fandom gravitates towards supporting the more conventionally attractive members in the group which are the maknae-line (and who also happen to have the most competitive akgaes), or compared to members who have diversified their appeal outside the fandom through dancing and producing for other people the way SOPE have done. It's just the reality of how most fandoms work in general.
But at the same time, I don't feel bad for him. Lol. Maybe it's just me, but I'm not trying to gas him up when I say I recognize he has a reputation that's solid beyond k-pop awards and that outpaces k-pop trends. The people asking to borrow his personal art collection for national exhibitions aren't keeping up with how many MAMA awards he (or any BTS member) has, neither are the artists the world over who are eager to work with him as equals. I've talked about this on my blog before, but during the pandemic I managed a music blog with my friends who are musicians (as their day job). A couple months ago they joined me for a listening session of all BTS solo albums. They loved Namjoon's Indigo the most and went on to share his music within their circle of musicians. Whether or not he gets k-pop awards, his reputation and artistic merit is rock solid.
The reasons I love and respect Namjoon aren't unique to me.
One could say the point is not about his reputation but about how the fandom supports him, but I don't expect equal treatment from the fandom because no fandom works like that. As unpopular an opinion as this is, I think ARMYs actually show more equitable treatment between the members than any other fandom, and this is seen by the achievements, streams, and sales Namjoon does have compared to other k-pop solo artists and even Western rappers. People forget that the 'worst' performers in BTS are still extremely and objectively successful by every single metric. I'm looking forward to his next project and will support it if I like it, regardless of what the fandom does or doesn't do.
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yoonjinsgirl · 9 months
Heyaaaa guys!!! I'm here with chapter - 3 to my series, I'm so sorry for the delay but my eye infection wasn't getting better so i couldn't do anything, i was advised not to use mobile phones or laptop, once again I'm really sorry for delay!🥲💜
checkout series previous chapters: 1💌 & 2💌
Yoongi x fem!Reader
Summary: you wake up one day only to realize it's 2026 already & to your biggest shock you are not in your bedroom, not in your house! You try to wake yourself up from the dream! But is it really a dream or the truth of your life?
Genre: idol au, mirror world au, fluff, suggestive.
Taglist: Open
Updates: after every 4 days.
Warnings: not something that could make sense irl, an au concept, it could be dangerously delulu and fluff ofcourse! Could be a little bit suggestive. please note all my writings are fictional and has nothing irl to do with any idol/person.
A/N: this fic also feature hobi and his girl "I'm naming hobi's girl as my hobii biased bestie*. We obviously do have bangtan featuring and also a cameo of jihoon aka woozi 💜
I'm just an amateur, I apologize in advance for any mistakes. Please give your precious feedbacks, It would mean alot to me!!
Request are open & also highly welcomed and appreciated! check my other works until now here❤️‍🩹 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♡^·ᴗ·^♡~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I've imagined this all night and every day!💕
Before you could move out of yoongi's lap or anything, his phone buzzes and you both are taken out of your little dreaming world, as soon as he answers, he puts it on speaker, and you immediately recognize the owner of the voice, it's hobi, the man whom you've always considered your sunshine and yoongi's actual soulmate tbh, and who wouldn't afterall everybody loves SoPe.
"Oooo hyungg what took you so long to pick up the phone? Where are you rightnow? Why is y/n also not picking her calls?? Hyung? Are you there?" Hobiii showered dozens of questions as soon call was answered. You chuckled a little while yoongi made his usual annoyed but i love you so it's okay face, "yahhhh hobahhh have some patience! If you've reached the venue early i want to tell you honestly it will still take us 30mins to reach! And why were you calling y/n? Her phone is in the car anyways!".
You can hear hobi's typical laugh over phone and your face instantly brightens up hearing him laughing, and forms into a big smile, "mwooyaa" you hear yoongi asking him dramatically to what is it? Why did he laugh so much?
"Jajajaja hyung i can't believe you would get so jealous over such a little thing, but for your mental peace let me tell you that wasn't me calling your her, it was my love! her bestfriend calling her, i hope you aren't jealous of my lovely girlfriend ", he replied a now flustered yoongi, only if hobi could see yoongi's face, he had gone crazy laughing looking at how cuteee he looked right now.
"Aishhh yaaahh you guys are too much! I'm not jealous okay! I just asked!" yoongi replied "Only if you say so hyung!" Hobii said still laughing a little, while you just enjoyed listening to their conversation and hobi continued, "so hyung we were calling you guys to ask if can I bring my girl along with me to lunch.. actually i was quite hesitant as i couldn't confirm with any of you, actually i couldn't ask you guys since it's almost first time I'm officially bringing her along with me to meet everyone. But at the same time it's your 1 year anniversary too, and we all will officially meet y/n properly for the first time, because all this time it has only been on voice calls and video calls or short hi! hello! in person. so, jagi and i both were kind of hesitant, so i.."
"I don't get it hobaah why are we acting as if we aren't friends and family, since what more than 13 years now! Ofcourse you can bring her, you should know you both are friends to us, i didn't expect you going so formal over this, like c'mon so because now we have partners so, are we no more soulmates hobahhh?".
Before anyone could say anything you end up laughing at how yoongi could he dramatic AF! And you say "aishh so dramatic you guys! Cut this out hobii please bring hobisrii with you, I'll be more than happy"
"y/niee thank you so much because i wasn't liking to leave her alone and she would keep budging me to not let me ask any of you, since the day you invited members!"
"hobi my friend is definitely someone who cares about everyone's feeling a little too much over her happiness so don't mind her, she's too sweet! we will get going now or else we will get late for sure, you guys too join us soon" you look at yoongi who is looking at you lovingly and he nods at you agreeing with you and you continue "we will see you guys soon! See you hobii, ask hobisrii to give me a call if she has anything in her mind, I'll keep my phone in my reach"
"thank you y/nssi, you two drive safely, bye hyung bye both of you!".
With this the call ends and you look up to yoongi, you are still in his lap, you suddenly feel embarrassed and try to get up and yoongi immediately tightens his grip around you and you catch his collar to balance yourself, "yoonieee you will get tired and get leg cramp yoon let me get u.." "shushhhhh bby you think too much, your man is strong enough to carry his love forever hmnn, besides i love the idea of being close to you all the time" with that he instantly pulls you into a kiss, soft and slow, showing how much he loves you and how much he longs for you to always be close to him. You are taken back my his sudden action but eventually melt into his touch and slowly respond to his kiss, you could feel him smiling throughout kiss, he slowly pulls out attaching your both heads together "y/niee always know no matter even if i had to stay away from you because of my schedules my heart was truly longing for you!...to have one day with my girl! with my love! with you! So no sooner I'm in any plan to let go any chance of being close with you". All you do is nod a little while looking down shyly hiding you flushed cheeks.
After few mins he finally pulls off, "so y/nieeee i swear we can still go home and cancel this plan you know"
"aishhh yoons noo c'mon get up, we are going now, imagine how much they all will tease you if we will reach late there, or do you actually want them to tease you, maybe you lowkey enjoy tha.." before you could even complete your sentence he gets up holding your hands and before you know you are already getting out of his studio, "only if I had got reminded of how much they would tease me i swear y/n i would have hurried up" he says as you both walk out of hybe's building walking towards the parking, all you do is giggle at yoongi's reaction to the idea of his members teasing him. Not that you don't know that everyone in bangtan is more then family and they love teasing each other at every chance they could grab and that his maknae's are gonna enjoy annoying him by teasing him a little too much.
You both get in his car and he starts driving towards the restaurant you both are supposed to meet the members, although you're slightly terrified and don't know how the members would react to you or how would your bestfriend react to you, but only thing you know right now is that you can't anyone doubt you for your own safety reasons also you definitely don't want to hurt any of them by any means, what if they are not the one's from your world but that's not fair to act biased against them. Also you would never be able to bear watching them getting hurt! You should maybe ask your heart to get it's act together and to not go crazy around yoongi or most importantly hold itself while you meet the bangtan.
Before you know you are already infront a huge glass building. And you immediately recognize it as it looked similar to 'josun palace', to what you thought you had been going to have lunch at a restaurant but boy you were wrong! this is fuking expensive and fancy! you immediately look at yoongi expecting him to say something, but he simply smiles and gets out of car and walks to your side and stretches his hands towards you to come out.
"So bby did you liked the place! I hope it's your style"
"Yoonieee i love it but trust me i don't have a expensive taste nor i love spending too much! I love sweet and cozy restaurants, For me only your love and your feelings matters, but I'm flattered yoongs!"
"I knew you had say so but it's good to sometimes go over the top and pamper ourselves besides.. you, my queen deserve all the royalty!". He says as he laces his hands around your waist and you both walk in, where the hotel staff welcomes you both and guides you towards the booked place in the grand hotel. You smile thinking how this all is too good to be true! How this is all you had imagined all day and everyday to happen, even if its all just for one day! Looks like god is kind of fulfilling your wish, maybe you shouldn't act awkward or overthink because no matter what you can't escape from what you've got yourself into. All you need to do is act what you had always imagined you would do in any of situations you would face and nothing will go wrong! Atleast that is what woozi had told you to do.
A gentle squeeze from yoongi brings you back to reality, "what are you thinking y/nieee, I'm sure boys are gonna love you! You have been in touch with them via video calls and calls so they know you, relax hmn!" You nod to him while giving him a reassuring smile, thinking how lovable yoongi could be. As you enter the booked area you suddenly feel a warm hug and yoongi gently lets you slide, and you hear others screaming "yahhh aishh jjungkookah, you brat! don't scare her away like that!"
"Y/nieeee I was so excited to meet you! Hehe i didn't mean to scare you" that's when he pulls you out from hug and you realize it was jungkook! omggg is this for real you think! You've always took ggukie as your bestfriend and you always got those bestfriend broo vibes from him and how you had always find relatable to you.
"Aniya don't worry ggukie this is how i had thought you had greet me" you said smiling widely hoping he feels the same vibe, "yahhhh jinjja! you both! how could forget to include me in your hug! You both betrayers'' you see taehyung approaching you both with his tata mic face and you chuckle, and then three of you share a short yet a sweet hug! Although you felt it awkward in the beginning but as expected they all are loving angels, who always made you feel loved.. the way you are, small tears slide away your cheeks "y/nieee why are you crying" yoongi and rest of members immediately coming towards you to check on you, "you immediately wipe the tears away and smile towards them, "guys calm down! I'm alright and fine, I'm just overwhelmed with the amount of loved and welcomed I felt!".
"Yahh aishh you two i had told you not to be over dramatic! And look at this hyung the speed he ran towards y/nieeee was faster then his rap!"
"Yahhh jiminaahh I'm offended"
"Look at this unromantic guy, if it was me i had took it as a compliment! Especially if my gf was as pretty as cute and as sensible as y/nieee!" Jimin replied all sassy to yoongi, as he came towards you giving a sweet side hug and tissue to wipe off your tears. "Mimi you love yoongs so much don't you! That's why you always keep bickering with him" you said while controlling you laugh.
"that's my girl" yoongi immediately screamed while mouthing a little 'i love you', but you being you decided to get playful, "thank you yoongs! but i know that just like jiminiee loves you! You too love him back because ain't jimin your favorite bickering partner" you reply him, gaining laugh from Jin who had just entered the place, and he pats your back and his gives you his cutest signature wink at which you totally melt and your heart goes all awww!
"This one here, she truly is my friend!" Jin said while pointing towards you. "You guys just made fool of yourself! Especially you yoongichii" he says while still laughing with you.
You see yoongi freezed in his place and namjoon giving you a what the heck look and you automatically feel guilty and rush towards him "yoongi..i..i.. i.. trust me i didn't mean to hurt you yoon I was just being playfu.." before you complete your sentence joon immediately starts laughing uncontrollably,
"yahhh namjoonahhh i trusted you"
"I'm sorry hyung but look at you making that sulky face, besides poor y/n she totally feel for your act! I tell you y/n never underestimate this hyung! he can be extremly playful and dramatic" he said.
Only then you understood yoongi was just acting, "I'm sorry bby i didn't thought you had get serious, don't worry love, you know i love it so much when you mix in with all of them and be playful all laughing and giggling."
"It's okay yoons not like you did mean to make it all serious, and i love you too! You say.
"Omg did you notice that?"
"obviously i did yoongs lol, even in a room full of people, my eyes are always stuck on you yoongles".
"AWWW look at our sweet sugary lovebirds" all of the members say together.
"Okay! Okay! guys lets get settled first" yoongi says while changing the topic, "wait ! wait !wait ! guys'' joon says as he counts all of them, "where is he? I mean where is he?"
"Namjoonahh still the same question, refresh and rephrase your question and try once again, okayyy so gooo now" jin says laughing, "jinniee" you say as you playful hit him while laughing a little yourself. "Yahh jinn hyung don't spoil my dongsaeng, look at namjooniee hyung he is serious!" Jungkook said.
"Yes and I'm seriously allergic to serious people" and once again you both laugh as members try to suppress their laugh.
"Hyung I mean where is Hobahh? He was supposed to reach earlier than us, atleast that is what he claimed to me yesterday!" Joon said only to be greeted with hobii's laugh, "my brooo I'm sorry for my fault, but we got late!" He said.
"WE? WHO WE?" everyone in the room leaving you and yoongi screamed, as you already knew he was bringing your bestfriend.. his girl along with him.
"Bababababaaaabaa.. Tadaaaaa..." hobiii said and moved away from the spot he was standing. And as soon as he moved everyone including you saw your bestfriend, who looked looked absolutely gorgeous and a little bit shy and awkward meeting everyone on short notice.
Soon you made a move and went forward greeting her.
"OMO OMO OMONAA! OMFL bae you look drop dead gorgeous!" "Omgggg Stoppppp hun! look at you looking all pretty and stunning" she replied smiling and blushing to your compliment. Meanwhile hobi went towards yoongi and gave him quick hug "yooo yoongi hyung! You look so handsome! Happy anniversary my brooo" "thank you hobahh! You look cool too" yoongi said, you were watching them in awe of how even here hobi had a certain effect on yoongi.
"Jweehope don't you think we need some introduction here!" Jin asked hobi to introduce everyone with harshitha.
"Oh ye ye hyung ofcourse" Hobi replied walking towards you both and yoongi pulling you gently towards him, his hand laced on your waist as if you were his handbag and you were supposed to be next to him. You blushed slightly.
"Everyone this is my girl! My love! Harshitha!" And jagi these are my brothers, my family, my friends." Hobi said as he lovingly introduced her while holding her hand and never leaving her not even for a second.
"So you guys have always heard about her from me and sometimes even meet her via video calls, whenever you all came in between of our video calls" hobi said chuckling slightly.
Everyone greeted her & she happily greeted them back. And soon after all of you settled down the table, laughing and smiling and chattering on something or other.
A cake was specially brought in to celebrate the 1 one year of love, and you and yoongi feed cake to eachother, while everyone cheered and congratulated you both and everyone clicked some happy photos.
And in middle of all yoongi took your hand in his palm and looked into your eyes and softly murmured "I love you y/n and i promise to cherish you always"
"I love you too yoongi, i promise to love you no matter what" you said replying him, you could feel your heart beating loud and you were pretty sure that yoongi could hear it. Deep down you were cursing your heart for not listening to your pleadings and going crazy whenever yoongi was near you. It was like you heart won't listen to you anymore.
Soon food arrived and everyone again settled down on their seats as food was getting served, everyone noticed how you were served separately and those dishes looked different, before you yourself could understand any of that, jungkook who was sitting next to you, couldn't control his curiosity and asked, "yahhh y/niee is it really important to diet today as well c'mon" jungkook said while whining cutely, you could exactly see why everyone calls him baby star candy.
"Anieyo jjungkookah she isn't dieting silly, she's is vegetarian! That's why I've ordered dishes separately for her and according to her taste" yoongi corrected the younger one even before you could say anything. You smiled widely at yoongi who was sitting next to you on your right as you absolutely loved how he took care of you even without your knowledge. No matter how hard you tried you kept falling for this man.
"See and you claim her as you dongsaeng but I knew it before had, that's why I should've get to sit with her and not you" taehyung teased jungkook, "then why didn't you answered before hyung huhhh, don't act cool hyung" and they kept bickering while everyone else laughed, watching their maknae still being the same and not changing a bit.
Meanwhile you wonder how this all you could've asked for and right now you are living it all in the moment, everything looks perfect and everything feels right, next thing you know you fear what's going to come next because this is not permanent after all!
To be continued...
I know guys this time it took so long for me to upload the next chapter, and I made you all wait so long but trust me guys, I'm still recovering and I'm really sorry everyone!💝
stay tuned and please look forward to next part, as I'd promise I'll update next chapter within 3/4 days and this time on time guys.💕
also if anyone wants to get tagged, in my taglist for this series along with my other work is open guys, please comment down and I'll make sure to tag you.💜
As I always say, REQUEST ARE OPEN!!!💌
Categories I write for are: imagines/reaction, scenarios, thoughts, text post, drabbles and timestamps.
So if you've requests pls go on and submit it! I'll be happy to write one.💜
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harrowreads · 1 year
❣ Most of the content that I share is intended for folks 18+ only! Minors, do not interact!
❥ This is a side blog! I follow from my main blog @theharrowing.
❥ This is a safe space, meaning I will not discriminate based on sexual preferences, gender identities, race or ethnicity, accessibilities, interests, or any other trait and preference. Because of this, I expect the people that interact with me to be of the same mind. I will not hesitate to block folks who may seem like a safety hazard to myself and my readers.
❥ I read and share all kinds of content, including dead dove, yandere and mafia, and stories containing dubcon/noncon, gore, graphic violence, recreational hard drug use, etc. I want to make sure my readers are safe and comfortable at all times, but I need you to meet me halfway and only interact with content that you feel safe interacting with. Please read individual warnings before proceeding!
❥ I also read and share all kinds of relationships and dynamics, including member x reader, member x member, poly, etc. (If you read what I write, then you should know what to expect with what kind of content I will share.)
❥ I do not take recommendations, and I read for pleasure only. With a busy school schedule, I already do not have a lot of time as is, so my reading and reviewing might be really sporadic at times. Please do not ask me to read your fic or badger me about reading something unless I ask.
❣ If you find any links that are broken or lead to the wrong place, please feel free to let me know! This is a lot of shit to link and I am bound to make some mistakes.
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❥ View Master Lists with my favorites, by Member:
Namjoon | Seokjin | Yoongi | Hoseok | Jimin | Taehyung | Jungkook
Poly, group, threesome, etc. fics will be cross-posted to each member's individual list.
These lists are not extensive; they only feature current favorites and may be swapped out from time to time. To access everything I have written, use the member tags below!
❥ View reblogs of everything, based on tags:
↳ Search by Author
Here you will find an extensive list of every author I have shared content from
↳ Member Tags:
Namjoon x Reader, NamJin, NamGi, NamSeok, NamKook
Seokjin x Reader, 2seok, JinMin, JinKook
Yoongi x Reader, Yoongi x Original Character, Sope, YoonMin, YoonKook
Hoseok x Reader, HopeKook
Jimin x Reader, MinJoon (aka MiniMoni), JiHope, JiKook
Taehyung x Reader, Vmin, Vmon, TaeJin, TaeGi, Vhope, TaeKook
Jungkook x Reader
OT7 x Reader, Rap Line x Reader, Maknae Line x Reader
Ship Info: Ship tags are listed in fanchant order under the name of the member that is first in the ship. All two-person ships have been listed but if one is not yet a link, then there is nothing that I have to link to (yet.)
↳ Special Content Tags:
Queer | SFW | Dark Themes | Threesome | Group | Poly
↳ Status Tags:
Read | Currently Reading
↳ Fics from External Sites:
ao3 | Twitter
Note: A bunch of the reviews were originally done on my main page, @theharrowing.
Some of my older reviews are a little scarce and short, while others are more long-winded with in-depth praise. My goal is to start leaving longer reviews moving forward, but if you see something that is nothing more than a keyboard smash and 5 words, know that I was literally just living my best life.
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❥ Non-BTS Content:
↳ Stray Kids Member Tags:
Bang Chan
↳ Stray Kids Status Tags:
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ugh-yoongi · 7 months
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so sorry it took me a few days to get this together for you, but i hope you enjoy some of these!
most of these works contain mature themes/content. please heed tags and do not engage with any explicit work if you are a minor!
i'm sure there are a bunch i've forgotten, so please feel free to reblog and share your own work and your faves!
also, please note: there are a lot of fics on these lists that are posted to ao3. it has recently come out that a volunteer was removed from their position for being pro-palestine (you can find the twt thread here). i am in the process of looking for a better alternative, but until then, it is unfortunately probably the best way to share these stories. while i personally won't be posting to or reading on ao3 for the time being, how you choose to engage going forward is completely up to you! i just wanted to make sure i was being transparent.
hobi x reader
guarded & kanalia by @xjoonchildx — basically anything by ana lbr
just practice & we float by @anotherbtswriter
gone wild by @johobi
liar, liar by @eoieopda
party on you by @here2bbtstrash
do i wanna know? by @yoongiphoria
started with a spark, now we're on fire by @the-boy-meets-evil
renegade by @junghelioseok
midnight confessions by @snackhobi
cry to my room by @kithtaehyung
matters of the heart by @hobidreams
plant boy by @gukyi
sunlit affair by @ubemango
the art of war by @wwilloww
not today, satan by @gimmethatagustd
the wood by @sailoryooons
virtuoso by @hamsterclaw
even though by @moni-logues
anything by @dilfhoseokie
for the first time (what's past is past)
same old mistakes
tip 143 (for ∞ seconds of love)
as always, mxm fics (aka me being embarrassing sope trash) under the cut!
member x member
little miracles by @here2bbtstrash (jihope)
you're not mine, but you're the best (jihope) ⭐
i only always think (jihope)
you made me dream when i couldn't sleep (jihope)
walk the walk (jihope)
polaroid (jihope)
a midnight clear (jihope) ⭐
got an offer you might refuse (jihope feat. jin)
i don't want it at all (jihope feat. jin)
please be my finale (sope) ⭐
i've been calling your name (in this whole universe) (sope)
nothing without sunlight (sope)
same damn hunger (sope) ⭐
hot fuss (sope)
i'd love it if we made it (sope) ⭐
rub your feelings down my spine (sope)
kiss me hard before you go (sope) ⭐
how easy this should be (sope)
all my days (i'll know your face) (sope)
those ocean eyes (sope)
leave you drowning (until you reach for my hand) (sope)
reputation (sope)
snapshots from the breakdown (sope) ⭐
the best is yet to come (sope)
my hands down your pants (no homo) (sope)
first times and stuff & an experiment in threesomes (sope feat. jk)
at least i got you in my head (hopekook)
10/10, would do again (hopekook)
bone + tissue (hopekook)
telepathy (rapline)
delta (rapline)
i get those goosebumps every time (rapline)
i'm on fire (rapline)
when the moon rises (namseok)
how i'm imagining you (namseok)
in your atmosphere (namseok)
why don't you figure (my heart) out (namseok)
the universe needs more you (namseok)
bated breath (2seok)
smile like you mean it (2seok)
gingerbread (2seok)
cowboys love horses (2seok)
natural gnosis and the chaos therein (2seok) ⭐
telepathy for virgins (2seok)
⭐ = personal mxm favorite. please read any of these and return to scream over them with me.
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teatrtenei · 9 months
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In Egyptian mythology, Chensit (also spelled Khensit), which means placenta, was the patron goddess of the twentieth nome of Lower Egypt. Chensit was the wife of Sopdu and the daughter of Ra, and was depicted as an uraeus.
(Khensyt, Khensit) Khensut is prominent in the ancient city of Per-Soped (Saft el-Henneh) as the consort of its primary God, Soped. She is apparently mentioned in utterance 301 of the Pyramid Texts, an address to the rising sun, in which it is said, “You [the sun] shall raise up the king’s ka [vitality, spirit-double] for him at his side, even as this khensut-wig of yours mounted up to you.” Some have disputed a reference to the Goddess in this reference to a type of hairstyle or wig, but it would accord with other existing references to Khensut in which she is associated with the royal diadem: “Khensut who is upon the head of Re, great of decisions as Judge,” (Barguet 1950, 3). At Saft el-Henneh she is similarly “Khensut who is upon the head of Soped,” (ibid.). In an inscription from the temple of Horus at Edfu, it appears that Khensut is associated with the two plumes on Soped’s headdress, for in a passage concerning the “consecration of the double-plume” it states, “O Horus, your two eyes are given to you so that you are provided with them, O Soped, provided with your Khensut,” (ibid., 4). A reference to Khensut has also been alleged in CT spells 137 and 142 (again disputed), in which she is responsible for a decree reuniting the deceased with his/her family; in the similar CT spell 134, which does not mention her by name, she is perhaps referred to as “mistress of the crowns/ornaments” (nebet khâu; alternately, “lady of appearances,” i.e., when the king appears on the throne or in procession, from the verb khâi, ‘to rise [like the sun]’, in which regard note Soped’s identification with the east and the rising sun). In her apparent association with the executive acts, so to speak, which give order to the cosmos and secure justice for mortals, Khensut may be said to battle Seth: “Khensut the Great seizes you [Seth], her flame has power over your body,” (Barguet 1950, 5). Khensut is depicted anthropomorphically, usually in the manner of Hathor, with the headdress of a solar disk between bovine horns, or sometimes wearing the plume of Ma’et.
Barguet, Paul. 1950. “La Déesse Khensout.” Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale 49: 1-7. Faulkner, R. O. 1969. The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [PT] Faulkner, R. O. 1973-8. The Ancient Egyptian Coffin Texts. 3 vols. Warminster: Aris & Phillips Ltd. [CT]
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strawberrycub · 2 months
I’m 22 so I’d only feel comfortable with 18 over!!
🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓~~ WRITING~~🍓🍓🍓🍓
I’m Semi-lit.
I try to match my RP partner's response!
No one-liners, please.
I know sometimes responses are shorter but at least give me something to work with!!
One of my rp responses :D This is only a small snippet of a much LONGER response
(it’s from a 5 nitro message on Discord)
“........."Yes, you are! even your Name min is princely! I don't think I've ever met another Min before, " Taehyung pointed out. "Your entire being reminds me of a prince." He stated, "soft and pale...just how princes should be. It shows how you've spent days inside, lounging and spoiled -" He touched his cheeks with just his fingertips."Even your hands are soft...shows they haven't had a hard day in their life..."He brings his boyfriend's hand up to his lips to kiss each finger and then the center of his palm. "You even got a nice round face, too. it means a prince well-fed. Princes should always get their full. " He looks at him, waiting for him to respond." Isn't that right, Prince Min?" He asks him with a sly smile…….”
🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓AUS I ENJOY🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓
Idol verse
Coffee shop
fake dating
single parent
Friends with benefits
Royal au
Fantasy(vampire/werewolf/witches, etc.)
I love all ships!!
I would happily rp ot7 !!
Please I’m kind of desperate for all seven of them in love.
OTP - Taegi
But I am open to every ship but these are the ones I’d be the most excited about!
🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓MEMBERS I PLAY🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓
I will also do Seokjin and Jimin too! but I’m not the best about being Namjoon.
🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓smut dynamics🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓
I really enjoy it when the couples switch! It’s always more fun when it’s that way but if you lean one way more than the other I can work that!
I ONLY rp on Discord. Please just send me a friend request on Discord because this site is terrible about letting me know I got it!!!
also, side note: whenever you see this. doesn't matter if it's been months, you can message me !! as long as my discord handle is here, I'm open for it!!
Discord: strawberrycub
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
why do people ignore how much yoongi loves jk? he adores him like a little bro. no way he would do anything to piss him off esp. about jimin…
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Skinship is normal over there. It happens, its a part of life. JK knows this, heck, he does it too. Y'all have seen some Hopekook moments 👀
So how JK reacts boils down to 3 things.
1) Again, he sees the way Suga be looking at his man sometimes. And not just that, he sees how Suga favours Jimin. SOPE is cool. I enjoy SOPE moments alot, but there are still things Suga will do with Jimin that he can't do with Jhope.
2) Yoonmin is the biggest Jimin ship. (Or atleast used to be. Pretty sure Jikook is bigger now)
3) And most importantly, Jikook are in the closet.
I can guran-damn-tee you right now if Jikook were out JK wouldn't have any issues with anybody. Not just Suga. Because dont get it twisted we talk about Suga and Minimoni the most but JK has an issue with everyone. Man, woman, cow, tree. It doesn't matter. At the end of the day, Jimin is "his" and nobody knows. That shit has got to hurt. It has to. And worse, certain people think Jimin is dating other members. And other strange female idols. (I just saw the other say Rosé from BP and Jimin have 2 kids, a girl and a boy 🤦🏽‍♀️) You've seen it, I've seen it, JK's seen it and he hates that shit.
Here is a great thread explaining how JK did his best to debunk the rumors that Jimin was dating this lady. Note that he has never cared when any other member was in a dating scandal. Not even V and Jennie and we all know how big that got. And yet, JK just had to make sure we knew he was the one at the beach with Jimin. Not her. He's only ever done this with Jimin and Jimin alone.
He hates that people don't know, can't know. And yes, they use Fan service as a shield, but he also hates that people won't listen to him and what he's been trying to tell us for years.
I digress. Anon, yes, Suga loves Jimin and JK and would never do anything to hurt them. Not like that. What Suga does is standard skinship. JK just needs to chill. Needed to chill. Past tense. Coz to his credit he has gotten way better. He even worked on his staring, he worked on satellite Jeon (that one is still a bit difficult) but he is working on it, bless him.
I love JK man. I love his love for Jimin. (Sidebar Jimin does have his annoyed moments too, he's just too freaking subtle) I love their love. It's beautiful... they're beautiful
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queerhawkeyes · 3 months
had sopes for lunch. great use for the random amount of masa I have leftover from tamales and also great vehicle for homemade guacamole. also side note I refused to eat guacamole until like 3 weeks ago because I thought I didn't like it but turns out I was extremely wrong and I've had it four times since.
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