#sooz is lovely to work with
authorjoydragon · 1 year
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Look! It me!
Absolutely in love with this, thank you so much @it-is-sooz-again for this lovely commission of me as a mermaid! Happy MerMay!
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bearsandbeansart · 1 year
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I reread @orangepanic's brilliant fic Kemurikage recently, and was inspired to create yet another Jet/Agni drawing.
Highly recommend the fic, please support Orange and give it a read! Very interesting take on Agni and the idea of spirits each having a balance to them.
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firstpersonnarrator · 4 months
More positive reviews come rolling in: The Arts Desk (X)
Withnail and I, Birmingham Rep review - Bruce Robinson’s 1987 film makes for a theatrical hit
“Robert Sheehan’s portrayal of Withnail was an absolute scream – and certainly no shallow imitation of Richard E Grant’s performance.”
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Rehearsal image: @therepbirmingham IG
“All-in-all, this production of Withnail and I was a triumph and the standing ovation that the cast received was certainly well deserved. Indeed, the show proved to be far from the mistake that it could have been but a real celebration of British theatre in front of a packed audience.”
Full review (X)
Let’s put our cards firmly on the table here. I am a big fan of Bruce Robinson’s cinematic masterpiece about two out-of-work actors who live in Camden Town in 1969 and escape to the countryside for some rejuvenation, and must have seen it multiple times since it was released onto the big screen 37 years or so ago. Clearly, I’m not the only one, for Withnail and I has since achieved serious cult status – to the extent that it’s something of a surprise that it’s never been the focus of a dodgy Hollywood make-over or even been turned into a rock opera by the likes of Ben Elton.
Therefore, it was with some trepidation that I approached the initial run of a live theatre version of this classic comedy at Birmingham’s Rep. However, the fact that it had been adapted for the stage by Robinson himself and was to be directed by the great Sean Foley did offer significant hope. That said, there were still two major aspects about the production that gave a degree of concern: who was going to be cast as the self-absorbed and over-confident, yet cowardly Withnail and how was the predatory Uncle Monty and his unwanted sexual fixation on Adonis Siddique’s Marwood going to be portrayed? After all, mainstream attitudes towards the LGBT+ community have shifted considerably since the film first appeared in the late 1980s, when the Thatcher Government was still doing its damnedest to demonise gay men and lesbians with their Section 28 legislation.
I need not have worried. As Robert Sheehan’s portrayal of Withnail was an absolute scream – and certainly no shallow imitation of Richard E Grant’s performance that launched his film career and created an enduring source of comedy banter, if not a minor character-focused cult. Malcolm Sinclair’s Uncle Monty was similarly a fresh creation and considerably less flamboyant than Richard Griffith’s cinematic portrayal of the part. If anything, Sheehan was significantly more camp than Sinclair in this version.
Of course, the eminently quotable lines from the film’s script were all in order, with many fan boys and girls in the audience mouthing them as they were spoken by the actors. The infamous “We want the finest wines available to humanity. We want them here and we want them now!” even got its own cheer from a good proportion of those in the house.
While the original film has quite a small cast and all the characters, including Danny the Dealer and the imposing Presuming Ed, were represented without having to amalgamate any roles, reproducing various scenes – such as strolling or staggering over the bleak Northern countryside to and from the Crow pub – just wasn’t possible on the Rep’s stage. However, Alice Power’s excellent set – which often consisted of translucent screens and projections – more than made up for the limitations posed by an indoor theatre. Similarly, punctuating the show with a live band covering “A Whiter Shade of Pale”, “Sunshine of your Love” and other tunes of the time, resplendent in hippy garb and fronted by the energetic Sooz Kempner, was a genius move.
All-in-all, this production of Withnail and I was a triumph and the standing ovation that the cast received was certainly well deserved. Indeed, the show proved to be far from the mistake that it could have been but a real celebration of British theatre in front of a packed audience.
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orangepanic · 2 years
"You know what I want. Tell me it's yes."
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"Yes," she said.
Hiroshi and the future Mrs. Sato from my backstory fic, "How I Always Loved You," which lives rent-free in my mind 24/7.
Expertly brought to life soaking wet by the ever-talented @its-sooz-again, whose ability to take my vague ideas and make them real never ceases to amaze me.
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krastbannert · 2 years
I commissioned @its-sooz-again to draw what I'm fairly sure is the first-ever Soryx (Soren/Nyx) fanart, and it is beautiful!
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This a scene from a fic idea we'd talked about where a farmer hired Nyx to pick apples from his orchard (lie, she's stealing them cause she just wants the apples), and she asked Soren to come along and be the muscle (also a lie, she has a crush and wants an excuse to be around him).
10/10 recommend commissioning her, Sooz is an incredibly fantastic artist and person, and very easy to work with on commissions. Absolutely love this art and everything she draws.
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Day 22: Killer Queen from Sheer Heart Attack
Okay, I’m not lying when I say this has been my anthem far before I was a self-proclaimed “Queen Fan”. I swear, I used to rock out to this song: sassy, tongue-in-cheek, and (before I even knew what it was) queer! 
This song is quintessential Queen, but moreover, quintessential *Freddie Mercury*. I think this is the moment when Freddie really lets that part of himself shine through. And I think there’s no way I can look at this song without noticing the queer undertones, but in such a genius way, Freddie can pull it off in 1974!
This iconic song starts with snapping, and that one sound will always conjure this song… in a way that makes you think it was always there, always in the zeitgeist of the early 70s. That’s the beauty of a particularly good song: it feels as though it is simultaneously the most innovative new thing in existence and also that it has always existed and could have never *not* existed. 
Killer Queen, says Freddie, is about a “high class call girl” and he wanted to show that classy people can be whores too. I think any interviewer asking Freddie what his songs were about were going to get whatever came to the top of his head at that moment. I don’t think he was a Bono type who sat around poring over the minutiae of his lyrics and dwelling over their impact. That’s not to say that Freddie didn’t put his heart and soul and emotions into his lyrics. But in this case, I think this song is fun and—while it may very well be about a “high class call girl” or a critique on class itself—we should all create our own unique interpretations of what it means. Interestingly enough, Freddie wrote the lyrics to this song before the melody, which was the opposite of how he normally worked.
For me, it’s about a bad-ass person (I don’t think the word queen, nor the use of the pronoun ‘she’ necessarily indicates this is a woman…) who does what they want and is both posh and trashy in equal measure, both sweet and polite and also dynamite. I happen to think this Killer Queen could be Freddie himself. Fancy clothing, perfumes, champagne, “guaranteed to blow your mind…” Well, again, we shouldn’t think too much about it. I think we all have a Killer Queen in us, anyway.
As for the music—well, on the surface, this is a catchy little single that climbed to the charts (all the way to #2 in the UK and #12 in the US) and got Queen their first stint on Top of the Pops. Interestingly, Brian May was ill during the recording of this song, so the other band members assembled the song while leaving gaps for Brian to fill in later. 
This song is hugely important for the legacy of Queen. It differentiated Queen from the other progressive rock bands of the time and launched them into a new sector, putting Freddie Mercury’s rock-theatre antics on center stage. It was a new sound, like nothing the general public had heard before. And I can only imagine that Freddie was like nothing they’d ever seen either. 
This song is very much a pop-rock song. It’s smoother than the big heavy numbers that dominated rock and roll at the time. Of course, we still have the multi-tracking harmonies in full swing, and the panning of the music from left to right, and—even though he wasn’t there for all the recording—some really wonderful and imaginative sounds from Brian’s guitar. He used his wah pedal in this song, which creates a lovely glide. 
Freddie’s voice is perfect in this because he can change it to fit the tone of the music and tell the story through the sound. The very first lines are so intriguing: “She keeps her Moet et Chandon in a pretty cabinet.” Wow, how many rock songs start like that? It’s soooo Freddie, and it captivates you entirely. “Let them eat cake, she says, just like Marie Antoinette…” Sooz Kempner, from the Queenpod podcast says “this song has a grubby decadence.” 
The little “bell” sound is so iconic after “she never kept the same address”. I will always do my fingers like Freddie did in the video. Always. And, I always have a little cheeky smile when Freddie says “if you’re that way inclliiiined.” He adds so many cute, quirky, tongue-in-cheek additions, and the backing vocals pump it up. 
I could go on and on and on about the lyrics, because they’re fucking amazing. But I do have to comment on the music. Even though I am not super knowledgeable about all the terminology of why this song just *hits*, I know it does. One thing I do notice is how Freddie’s voice goes into falsetto then back during one single line. Caviar and cigarettes– (goes into falsetto) well versed in etiquette (then he glides back to a deeper note) extraordinarily nice. Okay that was my novice interpretation of that, but I happen to know it’s beautifully and seamlessly done.
“Queen were very good at making complicated things sound simple and simple things sound complicated.” - Derek Shulman (from the band Gentle Giants)
It’s a perfect song and it will always be in my top five. Yes, I said it! My one critique is that I won’t ever be able to listen to Killer Queen for the first time ever again. 
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matan4il · 2 years
It's me again!! Hope you're having a wonderful week lovely and more importantly...looking after yourself? How is your hiatus going so far? I am still working my way through every meta post you've created and I spotted something interesting in your 518 Buddie Meta when it comes to Buck or Eddie asking each other if they're hungry after big saves. It made me think of Buffy (I'm def showing my age now!) and when we were introduced to Faith in S3. Whilst talking about slaying to the Scooby Gang, she says "isn't is crazy how slaying just always makes you hungry and horny?" I'm probably reaching here... but it made me think of our boys and how they can't give us the "this makes us horny..." so we get the "are you hungry?" alternative.... That's my two cents worth for a Sunday afternoon! :D xoxo
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Awww, Sooz, my darling! *hugs you tons* Thank you for asking, I'm okay, I'm trying to balance work and medical appointments. How are you doing, gorgeous? I hope you're having a great hiatus so far!
Aaaaah, I'm so happy you're still going strong with the meta posts! XD Sincerely, nothing makes me as happy as getting likes or reblogs from old posts, and knowing that they live on.
OMG, I did not expect the horny connection, I may or may not have spit water all over my computer screen. ;p I don't think you're reaching that far! The thing is, I do think food in the world of 911 represents home, family and love, like when Bobby cooks for his team as a way of showing them his love. And while that's all very fluffy, but not necessarily horny, that 'food as a part of sexy playfulness' aspect exists on the show as well. Again, to take an example from Bobby as a way of showing it's a more universal thing, I can point out his and Athena's sexy times includes him draped in nothing but an apron... So absolutely, food is also connected to that. And as the 518 meta points out, there are numerous times that connect Buck, Eddie and food on both the domesticity level and the sexy one. We have Eddie wanting to go grab some food with Buck in 201 and 313 after a call, very much like "we survived this, all of my senses are aroused, let's go do something about it" as well as the 309 flirty scene happening in the kitchen, of all places...
Thank you again, sending you endless love, hon! And of course, here's my ask tag. xoxox
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ennaku-sirri-da · 1 year
Habit Talks To Kamal On An Intercity Bus [ AU ]
(Plaintext: Habit Talks To Kamal On A Public Bus [ AU ] )
Note: The Habitspeak translation without his speaking quirk is present below for those who have difficulty reading his style. And described the emote expressions as well.
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[ ID: Photo of a Greyhound bus from the USA out on the road in a clear day. Its dark blue and has a symbol of silver running Greyhound dog as it's logo. End ID]
Ooo..phooo.. phoo.. FWOOO-- HEE HEE!! Haw haw haw OK don't gooo- I will stop :-3 Yourm ears and ur prettie earsring r Safe - but I am jost a funny guy!! Genius-es are so unerrrated now u_u 
So wHAT I really wanna say is ..
I think u r the "knees of bees" ..the 6 of them
I wonder y that's a quote...there's nuthin much speshul abt those..u deserve better..like..hmMMMMMMmmmm
Bee bee bee ba-bee?? Ur my bb?? Yes U r!! U hav heard that b4 buthough... bees...they sting me sometims nd die... im forgetting to bury them :-( B4 Tunia makes "CPR"...between u n me dear, I think she likes slurpin em up...anyway its TOO sad! it happens when I take care of my Garden, where bees r of gr8 importance. They rub-a-dub themselfs on the flowers to get the gold dust for polly-nation..in skool I learnt that Bombus terrestris and Antirrhinum majus hav what's called a "co-evolveution"-- they're friends with bee-nefits!
I dream I also listened 2 the lesson's rest.. o, wish, acksually. AFAIK was thinking abt making a PokéMans card for u.. 
--What? Oh, I see. No it's not embrassing. U can ask me anytime, am happy 2 claritify.  Sooz, the common names areee bumble bee and ..the flower..um.. crapdragon. I do'nt know whats wrong with whoever diss-covered that 1. Habit Tip! They shuld keep all their windows locked tight and seal the crawl space.
Is the other thingie clear? U already know? Ok. Eye...lost my thoughts-train. What was I chuggin on about? Helppp a guy out dahling? 
HEY I HEARD THAT.. " Seeeni khhaaai aaaase "?? Don'tnot understand whole mumble but ime NOTTT putting butter on U PROMISS!! It's you're fault your so ez to love. Work on it. 
( Note to any readers who wouldn't already know: " Seeni khai aase" is an Assamese slang expression. Seeni means sugar and the whole phrase means someone being too sweet to you, butter-coating things. )
I can see ur smile u know. Ur already in-operative.
LAFFING NOW REALLY REALLY--Ugh just PLZZ tell me what I was talking b4 it poofs FOREVER!! 
Mmm..mhmm ..uh huh..O alright. Yes!! Thatse it!! Such a good listen-er. <:-)
B4 u asked me that, I said "friends"..u r my very bestest friend...
..am I yours?
Thx for reminding me. Am trying. Not to keep asking those things. Let It Flow, like u said. I remmeber. 
U counted??? I-- 
its only been the 3rd tyme this week??? Huh that's good proggerss-But why did u-- how--I don't-- *Leaf it. I'll lose what I was saying Again. All these years and u still manage 2 SirPrize Me. Lolol, I guess it goes both ways !! 
Oh, HA ha, the lucksy '3', U say! Uncle back in Moscow used to ballyho-- 
This iz a bit of a Tang-Ent acksually. U want to hear? 
K. Just tell me "fri-end" after i-end. I'll continue. 
-- b-ally-ho if the sum of the 3 odd-place dijits on a busket-- I mean bus ticket-- = to the sum of 3 even-place digits, it is a luck charm!! A Real (una)Live Leningrad ticket. 
Of coarse...we can't never get 1 on this cramped lil Greyhound. Pffffft. 
(Yawnnn) Were'nt u spposed to tell me some-thing...
Uh...I can't hear youuuu....
Sorry..? Again?
What was--
WOa, woa there...Dearie me! I get it! Try to clam down..str-eee-ss isn't helpthy for the body ha.. I heard ur "FRIEND!!!" VERY loud n clear
--They can't. Bc everyones ears are BUSted from the early-ier parkinh "Phhsst". Get it? Ha ha?
Eeeeeeee...!! Goodness me I lurve ur laugh…looks like i maked u feel better after the noize… :\\-)
Oh! Ha ha! What, me? No-Thinggg,, I didn't "mutter" anyth-ing,,,
Aha. try nawt’ta do-it again, OK, man? I accept your apollogee about the interccept…
Anyway uh!! Ur one o' those 2 me obvs( a FRIEND)!! Even if we r feeling a lil awkward rite now!!! 
andso.. no also..what's more..the, flowers! r my friends too... 
Hrmm..Ain't nothin better than when stuffs we cherryish come to-gather huh? Transalating 2 Nerd Language heeehee..call it...you..."I'm writing a Cross Over, "! 
Heer me out- ‘’Cross Over’’- of…of…m-ie dear FRIEND~~ Mhmm. You-you!!
Flowers…and m-ie dear FLORRRAAAA~~ Mhmm. You-you!!
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( GIF description: A white lotus blooms in water. GIF is watermarked with 'Zadenkai' end GIF Description )
--To be continued, maybe! If you have any questions you can ask. I'd usually give a HCs explained section but I'm kinda tired right now.
-- Translation below
Ooo..phooo.. phoo.. FWOOO-- HEE HEE!! Haw haw haw OK don't gooo- I will stop :-3 ( catlike smile emote ) Your ears and your pretty earring are Safe - but I am just a funny guy!! Geniuses are so underrated now u_u ( mock-resignation closed eye emote )
So wHAT I really wanna say is ..
I think you are the "knees of bees" ..the 6 of them
I wonder why that's a quote...there's nothin' much special abt those..you deserve better..like..hmMMMMMMmmmm
Bee bee bee ba-bee?? Your my baby?? Yes you are!! You have heard that before but, though... bees...they sting me sometimes and die... I'm forgetting to bury them :-( (frowning emote ) Before Tunia makes "CPR"...between you and me dear, I think she likes slurpin' 'em up...anyway its TOO sad! It happens when I take care of my Garden, where bees are of great importance. They rub-a-dub themselves on the flowers to get the gold dust for pollination..in school I learnt that Bombus terrestris and Antirrhinum majus have what's called a "co-evolution"-- they're friends with bee-nefits!
I dream I also listened to the lesson's rest.. oh, wish, actually. AFAIK was thinking about making a Pokémans card for you.. 
--What? Oh, I see. No it's not embarassing. You can ask me anytime, am happy to clarify.  Soz, the common names areee bumble bee and ..the flower..um.. crapdragon. I don't know whats wrong with whoever discovered that 1. Habit Tip! They should keep all their windows locked tight and seal the crawl space.
Is the other thingie clear? You already know? Ok. I...lost my thought-train. What was I chuggin' on about? Helppp a guy out dahling?
HEY I HEARD THAT.. " Seeeni khhaaai aaaase "?? Don't understand whole mumble but I'm NOTTT putting butter on YOU, PROMISE!! It's your fault you're so easy to love. Work on it. 
I can see your smile you know. You're already inoperative.
LAUGHING NOW REALLY, REALLY--Ugh just PLEASEE tell me what I was talking before it poofs FOREVER!! 
Mmm..mhmm ..uh huh..O alright. Yes!! That's it!! Such a good listener. <:-) ( smile emote )
Before you asked me that, I said "friends"..you are my very bestest friend...
..am I yours?
Thanks for reminding me. Am trying. Not to keep asking those things. Let It Flow, like you said. I remember. 
U counted??? I-- 
its only been the 3rd time this week??? Huh that's good progress-But why did you-- how--I don't-- *Leave it. I'll lose what I was saying Again. All these years and you still manage to surprise Me. Lolol, I guess it goes both ways !! 
Oh, HA ha, the lucky '3', U say! Uncle back in Moscow used to ballyho-- 
This a bit of a Tangent actually. You want to hear? 
K. Just tell me "friend" after I end. I'll continue. 
-- ballyho if the sum of the 3 odd-place digits on a busket-- I mean bus ticket-- is equal to the sum of 3 even-place digits, it is a luck charm!! A Real (una)Live Leningrad ticket. 
Of course...we can't never get one on this cramped lil Greyhound. Pffffft. 
(Yawnnn) Weren't you s'pposed to tell me something...
Uh...I can't hear youuuu....
Sorry..? Again?
What was--
WOah, woah there...Dearie me! I get it! Try to calm down..streeess isn't healthy for the body ha.. I heard your "FRIEND!!!" VERY loud n' clear
--They can't. Because everyone's ears are BUSted from the earlier parking "Phhsst". Get it? Ha ha?
( Eeeeeeee...!! Goodness me I love your laugh…looks like i made you feel better after the noise… :\\-) ( blushing smile emote ) )
Oh! Ha ha! What, me? Nothinggg,, I didn't "mutter" anything,,,
Aha. try nawt’ta do it again, OK, man? I accept your apology about the intercept…
Anyway uh!! You're one o' those to me obviously( a FRIEND)!! Even if we are feeling a lil awkward right now!!! 
andso.. no, also..what's more..the, flowers! Are my friends too... 
Hrmm..Ain't nothin better than when stuffs we cherish come together huh? Translating to Nerd Language heeehee..call it...you..."I'm writing a Cross Over, "! 
Hear me out- ‘’Cross Over’’- of…of…my dear FRIEND~~ (singsong) Mhmm. You-you!!
Flowers…and my dear FLORRRAAAA~~ Mhmm. You-you!!
(Plaintext: Flowers…and my dear FLORRRAAAA~~ Mhmm. You-you!!)
--To be continued, maybe! If you have any questions you can ask. I'd usually give a HCs explained section but I'm kinda tired right now.
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thatoneguy56fanfic · 1 year
Get To Know Me Tag
Thanks for the tag @yellowsalt3
Last Song: Just A Dream By Nelly
Last Show: She-ra and the Princesses of Power (Season 5)
Currently Watching: Warrior Nun, Arcane, The Resident
Currently Reading: The Rise Of Kyoshi by F. C. Yee
Current Obsession: That’s a hard one, lol. But recently I’ve been doing a deep dive into Mass Effect lore both because I’m working on a fanfic for it, and because I just love that universe so much.
No pressure tagging: @orangepanic @simplykorra @ig-korrasamishipper @it-is-sooz-again
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benswillbond · 2 years
Show #2: Sooz Kempner: PlayStation
There is so much free stuff on at the Fringe every year. But as a good gesture I always pay at least £5 because performing at the Fringe is a huge commitment, mentally, physically and financially. I love Sooz whenever she’s on The Now Show so naturally I had to go see her do a full hour about herself. Many of the PBS Fringe shows are on in the Cowgate area. This venue, The Banshee Labyrinth, is probably the spookiest bar in the city. Because it’s not enough that it is ancient, underground, and situated on one of the dodgiest sloped streets (although if you want to walk past comedians, this is it).
Sooz began her show by bringing us back to her childhood, growing up with her brother (Luke Kempner, the best Trump impressionist out there imho) in a room the size of a big cupboard. She reminisced about her favourite games on PlayStation (she mentioned the title!! Always cool when it happens.) But really it was a way for us to get to know her working-class family. Getting a PlayStation was a big deal for them. (Side note: she showed us the graphics of video games back then. Can never unsee Tomb Raider’s ridiculous pointy boobs.)
Sooz loves performing ever since she was a kid, and it shows. She had to move back in with her mum during the pandemic, and the fact she had the most embarrassing moment of her career broadcast on Sky News on election night didn’t help her to secure more gigs. Of course her state of shock when finding out Boris Johnson’s government winning with a landslide was completely justified, now even more so. (Also it was hilarious, obviously.) It’s refreshing to see someone unapologetically supporting Labour and being openly obsessed with UK politics, despite the fact that it might not always be good for your career.
Still don’t really understand how her show was FREE, so please go follow her on Twitter. She’s fighting TERFs and trolls every day. They even submit hate on her website, those fucking creeps.
p.s. yes, I’m not a great writer…. Hey, wait a minute, why are YOU reading this?
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badlucksav · 2 years
I'm fashionably late (as always) but today is Fanfic Writers Appreciation Day, so I need to gush about some very incredible, talented people, some of whom I'm very lucky to consider friends. This is probably going to be very lengthy, so if you don't want to see me scream about how amazing these lovely people are, I suggest you keep scrolling.
I've been in fandom for just over 2 years, and I've met some incredible people along the way. Here's what I love about them:
@neurologicaldamage as one of my oldest fandom friends, I have long enjoyed screaming excitedly at each other over new ideas or plot developments in existing fics. It was a thrilling ride waiting for each update of "These Scars of Ours". Your angst is the most exquisite type of pain I will gladly subject myself to over and over again.
@authorjoydragon JOY! My beloved multishipper. You are one of, if not the, biggest reason I have blossomed into the fully fledged multishipping trash that I am today. Your fics are like the sweetest, fluffiest piece of cake I can enjoy. I can't even remember the first fic I ever read from you. I definitely remember "Accidental Rendezvous" though, and I am forever honored you commissioned me for it! @orangepanic you took someone who wasn't even that into the LoK fandom and gave her a whole new OTP while she was on hiatus from Zutara. You are the captain of Irosami, and I am humbled to have become your first mate on this wonderful little ship. I have adored everything that I've read from you so far, but I am deeply enjoying "Hotman" and "Starvation Paradise", as well as your new gift for me, "There Was Only One Bed".
@homeagainrose Not only are you a talented writer, you are also an endless well of knowledge that has become invaluable to me (and many others, I'm sure). "Summer At the Swimming Dragon" is everything, and my excitement is palpable every time you update it. But of course, everything you write is superb (also a big fan of "Hello Sailor").
@asajjvxntress You were one of the first Zutara writers I stumbled across. It was "I've Got A Dark Alley" if memory serves, and definitely contributed to my love of modern AUs. I fell in love with "New Girl" and then watched the show, which is now one of my favorites and it's all because of you! Your output feeds our ship so well, and we are honored to have you.
@myargalargan O Captain, Our Captain of the lovely Sukka ship. Your writing is so darling. Sukka is so wholesome, but somehow it feels even more like that when you write them. You take a side pairing and make them a main pairing. "Our Little Remedy" was much anticipated, and I must thank you for introducing all of us to...you know *wink wink*.
@krastbannert My dude, the way you write is so...hauntingly captivating. Even on your happiest fics, there's always this slight air of melancholy that I just adore. The way you get into a character's head is so amazing, too. It feels like you've cracked them wide open and studied them to understand them as well as you do. "Brave Soldier Girl" captured my attention with just one chapter. @heavensenthearty you give 100% to everything you do with your writing. You have such a poetic way with words. It doesn't feel like first person works often with fanfic, but you always make it work perfectly. @its-sooz-again Where do I begin? The pairings, the topics, the characters you explore are sometimes things I never would have thought of, but when I read you writing (or look at your art) I think, wow, this just makes sense. I've always loved Jet, but you've given him such a profound sense of humanity for me that has deepened my love for our favorite traumatized orphan of war. "The Break in the Bend" lives rent free in my head.
@lone-star-ranger you write some of the best fluff! The way you seamlessly weave canon into AUs, AtLA with LoK, Azula with Star Wars, is incredible. You've gifted me so many wonderful fics and have truly become my first mate on the S.S. Yuten, for which I am always deeply indebted to you. "Perks of Matchmaking" is short and sweet, and I'm forever honored that my gift for you inspired a fic that you gifted to me. I've rambled on long enough, and thank you if you've made it this far. Here are some honorable mentions who deserve all of the praise, but I'll be here all night if I try: @siambre, @marijayne-writing, @barelyaware, @mycomfortblanket, @boomerangguy, @thatoneguy56fanfic, and so many others! Thank you for all that you do.
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alduade-art · 2 years
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@its-sooz Art of Ty Lee and Longshot, requested by Sooz! Based on this fic, please give the author some love!: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36790561 (Please reblog the art)
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friskibitz · 3 years
here comes another red soul frisk fic! this one's the longest thing i've really written, i think. if you wanna see kris and susie being besties and red being a bit of a precocious lil friend, then this is for you. hope you enjoy!
In the dead of night, in a quiet town, in a bedroom littered with scribbled notes, crumpled project plans, and a couple of overly-dense textbooks, two teenagers lie on the floor, feeling dead and getting nowhere with their social studies project.
"I'm telling you, Sooz. Roller coaster," Kris says, idly tossing paper wads into the air, with some of them hitting Susie in the face.
"No," Susie shoots back, swatting away the next incoming projectile. "It's stupid. You know Alphys is gonna wanna see us after class if we present that." She attempts to swat away another wad, but it hits her right on her snout. "And cut that shit out."
"No," Kris replies, continuing their tosses. "And what, you got a better idea?"
Susie groans. "I'm... thinking."
"Don't say concert."
Susie sits up, chucking a paper wad right at Kris's face. "It's goddamn better than your stupid roller coaster idea! God, why did I ever partner up with you?"
Kris rolls over onto their front and props their head up with their hands, flashing one of their bright red eyes at Susie and giving her a smarmy grin. "Because you love me and you enjoy my company and you wanna do this project with me 'cause it gives you an excuse to hang out."
Immediately after Kris gets their last word out, Susie grabs them, trapping them in a light headlock and giving them an aggressive noogie.
"A-And besides," they say between giggles, "Berdly already pulled Noelle into being his partner."
"Ugh, yeah," Susie says, loosening up and crossing her arms over Kris. "That fuckin' asshole... by the way, I can feel that you're about to say something dumb, so save it."
Kris pokes Susie's snout. "Aww, you know me so well. But seriously though, the project..." They wiggle out of Susie's arms, moving to sit across from her. "Do you know what Noelle's going with?"
"Culture festival," Susie replies. "Texted her about it earlier. But you know birdass is gonna accuse us of cheating if we do something like that."
Both of them sit in silence, trying to figure out what to do.
... Then Kris speaks, but not to Susie.
"Oh hey, did we wake you?"
Susie looks at Kris incredulously. "Dude, who the hell are you...?" she starts, but then she sees that Kris is looking down.
"You were up this whole time?" Kris asks an unseen person, ignoring Susie for the moment. "No, I can't-" ... "You can?" ... "I mean, I'm pretty frickin tired right now, so if you say so..."
Susie squints. "Kris, what the hell are you talking about right now?"
Kris grins at her. "I got some help."
It takes a moment for Susie to get what they mean, but by the time she does, Kris is already closing their eyes, and a red heart is glowing on their chest.
"Oh no no no you don't," Susie snarls, "Get back here you-"
"Hi, Susie," says someone who isn't Kris.
"ARGH!" Susie presses her face into her hands. "Red, get outta here, I need that little bastard Kris right now."
"They told me to take over, though," Red calmly replies, straightening up and sitting Kris-cross applesauce. "And, um, I told them I could help."
Susie's just at a loss at this point. "Dude... ok, I think you're alright and all, but how in the WORLD are you gonna help right now?"
Red scratches their head (or rather, Kris's head). "I was reading along with Kris."
"... And?"
"I... think I can help. I think I know something. Just tell me what you're working on."
Susie squints for a while, then sighs in resignation. "Ok, fine. School project, proposal's due tomorrow. Kris and I need to come up with some public thing that could promote monster culture to humans. Like an event, building, whatever."
Red giggles. "And you two came up with... a concert and a roller coaster."
"Sue me, alright?" Susie grumbles. "But sue Kris first. So what's your big idea?"
Susie blinks. "What?"
"Museum," Red repeats with the same lack of hesitation.
Susie stares dumbfounded at Red. Even Kris, from their mental backseat, feels surprised at their lack of hesitation.
"Ok, Ok," Susie finally gets replies, shaking her head. "First of all, boring. Se-"
"Not really," Red interrupts, still nonchalant. "... Well, maybe a little, but you know Doc- um, Ms. Alphys would like it."
Susie huffs. "Yeah, I guess. What does Kris think?"
"They said it's lame," Red sighs. "But still, I want you two to hear me out. Just... one more time."
"Fine," Susie relents, leaning back on a bedframe. "Lay it on us."
Red pulls Kris's textbook onto their lap and quickly flips through the pages. "Think about it. There isn't a lot of historical stuff about monsters in our area." They stop on a chapter about the Great Human-Monster Treaty. "And I saw here, that big war way back then... well, it didn't happen, it was stopped before it could begin because of a bunch of negotiations and peace treaties, so like, there's not a whole bunch of cultural loss, if that makes sense? I-I mean, it's not like the monsters would've lost, um... but still, stuff would get lost in a war."
Susie stares at Red with her eyebrows furrowed as they grab Kris's notebook and a pen?
"So, um, go with that!" Red continues. "Do some old history like that, humans LOVE that kinda stuff, only kingdoms and dynasties and all that. But! this time you're talking about the monster side of things. And yeah, you can showcase a bunch of culture from back then, because that ties in really well to how culture developed now! The whole theme of it can be how stuff has changed to where it is in the present. Then you can go ahead and show cool culture stuff, that's the fun end of the museum tour!"
They hold up the notebook, showing off a page full of scrawled notes and scribbled museum plans. "Um... you guys can probably come up with something better and cleaner from this, but I hope it's something..."
Susie takes the notebook and looks it over, her expression stoic. Red nervously wrings their hands.
"Red," Susie finally says.
"Yeah, I-I know it's kinda expensive but... y-you can make a case for it by talking about raising money with the tickets and gift shop and whatever."
"And you, um, wanted something different from a festival, anyway."
"Red!" Susie excitedly shouts. "This is pretty goddamn great! Like you said, we'll have to clean it up and all that crap, but this is pretty solid stuff to go off of. Not bad!"
"Thanks..." Red sheepishly chuckles. "It's the least I could do, you know, with all this going on," they say apologetically, gesturing towards Kris's body.
With a quick blink, Kris takes back control. "Yeah, not bad at all. We'll take things from here."
Kris get up to their computer to begin typing up the proposal. "How'd you know this stuff anyway?" they ask the SOUL. "War and treaties culture planning and all that. Aren't you a little kid?"
Susie looks up from Kris's notebook, puzzled. "Th-They are?"
"They sound like one," Kris replies, typing away. "I think. Either way, uh... thanks for the help this time, Red."
The red heart glows in Kris's chest, and a warm chuckle rings out through Kris's mind.
"You sure you wanna sleep on the couch, Sooz?" Kris asks, getting up to stretch. "I don't think Azzy would mind you using his bed. Either way, I won't tell him."
Susie lets out a great yawn. "Don't worry about it, 's all good. Don't wanna bother y'all too much more than I have already."
"I mean, if you really say so." Kris holds out their hand for a fistbump, and Susie obliges. "Good work today, man."
"Not bad yourself. G'night, buddy." Susie starts down the hall. "And g'night to the smart lil' heart too."
Kris chuckles, closing their door and flopping onto their bed. "Smart lil' heart. You hear that, Red?"
"Quit it... I already said, it's the least I could do."
"Yeah..." Kris silently lies there for a moment. "Maybe, whenever we finally get us apart, you can go to school or something. You could get into monster-human relations and all that. Maybe even be an ambassador." They chuckle. "Imagine that... Little Ambassador Red..."
"Hehe, yeah..."
"(Ambassador... Why does that feel... familiar?)"
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orangepanic · 2 years
Finished Fic: How I Always Loved You
Well, I sure poured my heart into this one. Given my obvious undying love for Asami Sato, if you'd have told me I'd fall head over heels for her parents a few months ago I'd have laughed you out of the room. Her mother is a picture. Her father tries to kill her and nearly succeeds. What could possibly make me... oh.
Because goddammit they are so in love.
Anyway I made myself ship this with the fire of a thousand suns and so should you.
Title: How I Always Loved You Relationships: Hiroshi Sato/Yasuko Sato, Yasuko Sato/Lightning Bolt Zolt, Lin Beifong/Lightning Bolt Zolt if you squint Summary: Lei is a low-level thief for the Agni Kai triad. When she picks the wrong mark and lies about her name, it kicks off a chain of events that transforms her life in ways she never imagined. The only question is, how long can "Yasuko" keep up the ruse?
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Art by @its-sooz-again
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krastbannert · 2 years
top 5 painters
Vincent Van Gogh. My all time favorite artist, ever. His landscapes, especially, are what does it for me. He's just...yeah. He's a brilliant artist, and I love his work.
My little sister. I don't have any of her art on-hand to show (I don't know that she has any kind of online presence), but she's been painting for...probably just under 8 years, whenever she can get canvases, and she's gotten really good. A few years back, she freehand painted a Mickey Mouse for our grandma - who loves Disney and Disney movies - that literally looked like it could have been made by Walt Disney himself. I was amazed, and I haven't given her nearly as much credit or as many compliments on her art abilities as she deserves.
Alan Bean. Aeronautical engineer turned naval aviator turned astronaut turned painter. There doesn't seem to be a better life story than that, and his art has that sort of 50s/60s retro science fiction look to it that I absolutely adore.
Anna Coleman Ladd. Technically a sculptor, but I don't care. It's close enough. Working with British sculptor Francis Derwent Wood, she did something apparently very rare: create hope. During the First World War, facial injuries were fairly common; over 20,000 were recorded. Anna and Francis created facial prosthetics for veterans by the hundred, and while the number they helped may have just been a drop in the bucket, for those they did help, they changed the world. It's hard to think of a higher calling than that.
@its-sooz. You're a phenomenal artist, definitely one of my favorites, and have been for a long while now. Everything I've seen you make has just...it's blown me away, really, from the random art I saw you make to the 52 pieces in a year thing to the tarot cards, it's all just been...yeah. I don't have words right now. Your art is just absolutely outstanding, and I love it, quite a lot. (And the fact that you do that while writing mind-blowing fanfics just...well, it blows my mind😂.)
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tipsydipsydo · 4 years
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Headcanon: “I think Namjoon could have kind of a size kink when he has a short S/O ;)”
Requested: Nope, but I think @lustfuldevils​ would be very interested in this here~
Pairing: Dom! Namjoon x Sub! + Short! Reader
Gender of the Reader: female
Word Count: 1.2k
Genre: Smut!
Warnings: filthy Language; Dom-/Sub-Themes; filthy Dirty-Talk; Petnames; Degradation (degrading Names); Daddy-Kink; Teasing, Edging; Punishments; Pussy-Slapping; Size-Kink (Height-Kink?); slightly an Innocence-Kink; Mentions of Creampies and Gaping; that means unprotected Sex (that's Fiction. Stay safe in Reality!)
A/N: ...well I just know the soft spots of my dear Squishy~ ♡ I love to tease the shit out of her 😈💦
Synopsis: Namjoon loves that you're shorter than him. A lot shorter. At first he was worried to hurt you, because we all can guess... everything is huge on this tall man! But you can take care of him very well. And he just loves it!
 Masterlist for your requests! 
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「© tipsydipsydo」
This following story is my intellectual property and belongs only to my blog tipsydipsydo.tumblr.com!
I’ll not accept any kind of reposting, stealing or using/editing my work!
That includes reposting my content on other social media platforms too, even when you link me as the original author.
Thank you.
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"Hm Baby? Do you like it, lying in front of me in such an exposing way, spreading yourself open and shamelessly giving me a delicious look at your tiny pussyhole? Are you just getting even wetter by the thought that I'll stretching this sweet little pussy with my thick long cock and filling you up? Hm, you like the thought, don't you? I see your hole impatiently clenching around nothing... My little babygirl loves the thought of getting fucked by a tall man with a thick cock like mine, right?", Namjoon purrs seductively.
The way, how you placing your hands at the underside of your knees and keeping your legs open makes Namjoon crazy. Spread yourself open just for him. You start to whimper when you see how he’s rubbing his cock a few times with a cocky smirk on his lips and then starts to let his tip sliding gently between your pussy lips.
"Hm? What do you want Baby?
"Please... please Joon! Give it to me, I-I need it so badly!"
"What do you need, little Girl? Use your words for Daddy~"
You start to whine even more and you feel, how your cheeks are getting hot and and how you start to blush furiously.
"I-I want your dick, Daddy! P-Please Daddy, I need you so bad in me!"
"And you are sure that you're able to take my fat cock in that tiny pussy of yours? I'm worried that I’m gonna tear my little princess hole apart... Hm, I don't think so. I don’t think that you're already ready for me. Let's wait a week longer and we'll train a little bit more. What do you think, my little Doll?"
Your lips begins to tremble in a dangerous way, like you're about to start crying now. Even when you know, that he's just teasing you, but the thought alone of teasing you more, brings tears into the corners of your eyes.
Namjoon and you are aware of it, that you're able to take his cock pretty well into your tiny pussyhole. He already fucked you countless times onto cloud nine.
Filling you up to your brim with this monster of a dick and his creamy cum. Watching, how it's slowly dripping down out of your gaping hole, seeing it twitching and clenching. Seeing you laying in front of him, completely messed up and wrecked, absolutely fucked out to the maximum. But still wearing this cute, kinda shy and innocent smile on your lips.
Like an inexperienced sixteen year old girl, that mastubated just a few minutes ago and made herself feeling really good. God, he just loves it. This dirty innocence of yours makes him crazy, every new day again and again.
"N-No no no, Daddy! Please not! I-I'm ready, I'm so ready for your cock, I trained my pussy for you-"
"What Darling? How did you train yourself for me, hm? I thought, I was clear enough to you last week. That I'll not accept any kind of touching yourself between these pretty thighs, except from washing and cleaning your sweet pussy lips, right?"
"I-I just prepared myself for-"
"What did I say? Such a bad Girl you are... I'm so disappointed. You knew I would be, when you do that."
"B-But Daddy-"
"No buts, Y/N. You'll take your punishment without any single murmur, is that clear?", Namjoon says in a steel hard voice and gives you a reprimand slap on your bare, open pussy.
It would be too laborious to turn your so wonderful exposed body around to spank your ass properly for your bad behaviour. And to be honest, it's kinda satisfying to see you flinch and to hear you whine when his hand places careful, but still a little bit hurtful slaps on your clit. Holding you hold yourself open for him, at least taking his punishment like a good girl.
After the 15th hit Namjoon thinks it's enough for this evening. Your whimpering has become too seductive for him and seeing this red swollen clit and your juices overflowing cunt... God fuck, now he doesn't wants anything more than to bury his cock into the tiny pussy of your small body.
His cock stands proudly and with an angry red tip up, waiting impatiently in front of his abdomen for his turn. Smeared all of that precum over his muscular stomach while punishing you.
When you realize, that no more slaps seems to follow and look up to Namjoon, how he enjoys the view you give him, you look at him in pleading eyes and just spread your legs for him even more.
"You're such a greedy, desperate Size-Queen, don't you? Begging and waiting to get stuffed by a big cock. You wouldn't admit it, but you are so proud that you can take my dick without any problem, right? Looking so petite and innocent but in reality such a little cock slut. My precious, petite cock slut...", wispers Namjoon in his deep rapper voice, causing little goosebumps on your delicate skin.
"Yes, yes, yes! Everything you said is true, I'm your needy and desperate cock slut, just for you!", comes in a whiny tone over your trembling lips. Namjoon loves when you start talking in a filthy language about yourself.
Without realizing by yourself, tears starts streaming down your face. Let Namjoon guess, how freaking bad you need his cock in your dripping cunt.
Namjoon hard and arrogant gaze turns into a softer one. It seems like, you'll finally get that what you need the most now.
"Hm Baby? Did you learn your lesson to behave and not to touch yourself, even when you just wanted to train yourself for me?", he asks you in a calm, almost gentle voice when he teases your entrance with the thick crown of his erection.
"Y-Yes, Daddy... I'll behave for now on! I'll listen carefully to your commands."
Finally. Finally he let himself slips into your sweet, warm hole and stretch your tight walls to the maximum, fill you up until he reach your cerfix.
Because, like you already said, that you trained yourself for him, he didn't gives you any time to get used to his enormous length and just starts pounding into you like he's a wolf in his rut. But you love every bit of the animalistic way he fucks you.
After a few powerful thrusts that elicts high pitched screams out of your throat, he lays his right Hand over your abdomen. Namjoon groans in satisfaction and a smug smirk spreads over his lips when he feel himself moving in you. Yeah, maybe you don't have a belly bulge because of his cock, but he can definitely feel himself pounding into you and how he’s stretching all of your amazing little cunt.
"I going to fuck you so hard and so long until your pretty tiny pussyhole is gaping because of my cock. Until I can see my cum soozing out of you, my sweet little Size-Queen~", promises you Namjoon with a devilish smile.
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