#soonchunhyang university
dailyexo · 1 year
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Suho - 230801 Soonchunhyang University HyFlex Education Innovation promotional images - [1, 2, 3]
Credit: Soonchunhyang University.
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k-star-holic · 1 year
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Girls' Generation Sooyoung "With Retinal Disease Dad" ... 300 million Donations to Develop Blindness Disease Antipsychotic
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ohsehun-exo · 23 days
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230227 EXO Sehun at Soonchunhyang University 2023 Hyflex Entrance Ceremony‬ © innocence do not edit, crop, or remove the watermark
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fy-sehunoh · 2 years
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230227 | adela_kaon Instagram Update with Sehun, Suho and Chanyeol at Soonchunhyang University HyFlex Entrance Ceremony ✨
cr: adela_kaon
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exoluxionlove · 1 year
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230801 sch_univ Instagram Update
"Soonchunhyang University Hyflex Education Innovation Break down the walls of major, aptitude, time, and space with Hyflex that allows you to listen to lectures anytime, anywhere! We are with EXO Suho, the ambassador for Hyflex educational innovation 🐰💙"
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fyexo · 1 year
(ENG SUB) 230802 EXO SUHO X Soonchunhyang University HyFlex AD making film🐰💙
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fuckyeahjoonmyun · 2 years
230227 순천향대TV 2023 SCHU 하이플렉스 입학식 (Soonchunhyang University 2023 HyFlex Admission Ceremony)
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republic-world · 10 months
Renowned Korean Musician Oh Chang Hoon Passes Away at 47
Oh Chang Hoon's funeral service will take place on November 16 in the Soonchunhyang University Hospital Funeral Hall, Seoul, South Korea.
Seoul, South Korea - Oh Chang Hoon, a member of the popular K-pop duo OneTwo, sadly passed away at 47 after a courageous battle with cancer. The news of his passing has left the Korean entertainment industry and his fans worldwide in deep mourning.
Oh Chang Hoon, born on June 28, 1976, rose to prominence in the early 2000s as part of OneTwo, a duo he formed alongside Song Ho Bum. The group gained immense popularity for their energetic performances and catchy tunes, captivating audiences with their unique blend of hip-hop and pop.
Despite facing immense challenges with his health, Oh Chang Hoon remained a dedicated musician, releasing music and performing until the very end. His unwavering passion and determination were an inspiration to many, and his legacy will undoubtedly live on through his music.
Funeral Arrangements Announced
Oh Chang Hoon's funeral service will be held on November 16 at the Soonchunhyang University Hospital Funeral Hall in Seoul. The burial will take place at Seongnam Crematorium following the service.
Outpouring of Grief and Support
The news of Oh Chang Hoon's passing has been met with an outpouring of grief and support from fans, fellow musicians, and the entertainment industry at large. Social media has been flooded with tributes and messages of condolence, expressing the deep sadness and admiration for the talented musician.
Oh Chang Hoon's passing is a significant loss for the Korean music industry. His contributions to K-pop will be remembered for years to come, and his legacy will continue to inspire aspiring musicians.
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yongsanhq · 2 years
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Nome: Kang Haeri. Data de Nascimento: 16/11/2000. Idade: 22 anos. Nacionalidade/Etnia: Coréia do Sul, coreana. Ocupação: Estudante e estagiária no Soonchunhyang University Hospital Seoul. Tag warning: Menção à violência doméstica, abuso psicológico e físico e suicídio. Bairro: Dongsan.
Faceclaim: Hyewon - ex-IZONE. Triggers: Coulrofobia, morte maternal.
OOC: +18.
Personalidade: Dedicada, leal, compreensível. Reservada, dissimulada, inconstante.
Biografia: Os primeiros dez anos de sua vida não foram tão ruins assim. Na verdade, do pouco que consegue se lembrar, sabia que considerava tal época feliz somente pelo fato de sua mãe, Lee Miyoung, ainda estar por perto. A mulher exalava pureza e amor, totalmente genuinamente, por onde quer que passava e, mesmo trabalhando muito como chef de cozinha em um restaurante muito famoso em Busan, ela ainda arrumava tempo para cuidar e ser a melhor mãe que alguém poderia pedir, para Haeri. O total oposto de seu pai, Jongsuk, um político extremamente influente e poderoso na cidade, que na frente das câmeras – principalmente nas épocas de campanha eleitoral – era o exemplo de pai e marido perfeito, porém dentro de casa a situação era outra: extremamente autoritário, abusivo e agressivo. O homem passava mais tempo fora do que dentro de casa e, para falar a verdade, era melhor assim, já que quando estava ali tudo o que sabia fazer era gritar e agredir Miyoung, sem nenhum motivo aparente. E o que já estava ruim, poderia piorar ainda mais. Poucos meses depois do aniversário de onze anos de Haeri, tudo mudou. O divórcio dos pais foi repentino e nada fácil. Jongsuk praticamente expulsou Miyoung de casa em um certo dia, fazendo questão de ir publicamente dizer que o motivo de tal ato fora por conta de uma traição da mulher – o que era, claramente, mentira – somente para estragar a imagem dela. E se isso não bastasse, ele ainda conseguiu a guarda da pequena Haeri ao alegar que sua mãe era instável psicologicamente e um perigo para a criança. Cerca de duas semanas após o divórcio de seus pais, Jongsuk colocou dentro da casa Jung Hara, uma mulher bem mais nova que ele, com aproximadamente vinte e pouco anos, dizendo a Haeri que ela era “sua nova mãe”. Mas aquela mulher nunca chegaria aos pés de Miyoung, nunca. Na realidade, Hara sequer gostava da garota. E conforme o tempo passava, cada vez isso ia ficando mais explícito, já que de alguma forma tudo o que acontecia de errado com a mulher, era culpa de Haeri. Os castigos começaram leves, um dia sem televisão ou brincar do lado de fora, porém as proporções foram aumentando e ficando cada vez mais complicadas. Desde xingamentos constantes e muito pesados até sutis agressões, como o apertar forte do braço, tudo isso contra uma criança de apenas doze anos. E o primeiro tapa na cara de Haeri aconteceu quando em uma tarde a garota teve o azar de estar brincando no jardim de casa quando Hara chegou estressada porque sua unha não estava bem feita como gostaria, e descontou tal frustração na pequena. Desde então, as coisas só pioraram mais e mais. A coreana esforçava-se ao máximo para andar sempre na linha e fazer tudo certo, com medo de apanhar da madrasta ou acabar tendo que ir para a cama sem jantar – o que acontecia, ao menos, uma vez na semana –, porém parecia impossível escapar de tal destino, porque sempre existia algo capaz de irritar Hara. Quanto a Jongsuk, seu pai, não fez nada ao descobrir os abusos cometidos contra a filha, de certa forma parecia até incentivá-los, uma vez que em certos momentos era ele mesmo a castigá-la a troco de nada. Assim, conforme crescia, Haeri se isolava socialmente cada vez mais, evitando perguntas que ela sabia que não poderia responder. Sentia-se triste a maior parte do tempo, exceto quando estava com a cara enfiada atrás dos livros estudando e, é claro, quando finalmente via sua mãe aos finais de semana. Todos os sábados eram muito alegres, já que às oito em ponto, Miyoung sempre estava ali no portão do grande casarão para buscá-la para que passassem dois dias inteirinhos juntas, aproveitando a companhia uma da outra da melhor forma que podiam; Iam à passeios no parque, aquário, shoppings, comiam comidas gostosas e riam de tudo que era possível rir. E é claro que a mulher sempre notava os hematomas que pareciam aparecer todo final de semana de uma forma diferente no corpo de sua filha e, por mais que quisesse e tentasse fazer algo, sabia que era em vão porque Miyoung não tinha um terço do dinheiro que Jongsuk tinha, mas ela sempre prometia a Haeri que as coisas melhorariam e elas iriam embora dali para sempre, para algum lugar seguro, que a garota só tinha que ser forte ao máximo. E era nisso que a coreana, com seus catorze anos, se apegava sempre que um pensamento ruim lhe passava em sua cabeça e pensava que seria melhor só desistir da própria vida de uma vez. Demorou cerca de um ano até que a reviravolta de tudo acontecesse, mas finalmente aconteceu. Com todo um plano arquitetado junto de sua mãe, Haeri conseguiu esconder o celular e gravar ao longo de uma semana inteira todos os abusos psicológicos e físicos de Hara e Jongsuk consigo, entregando as gravações na mão de Miyoung no sábado, que sequer esperou o dia terminar para agir. Com tudo documentado e o depoimento dos empregados da casa – que pararam de sentir medo do que poderia acontecer com eles –, nem todo dinheiro do mundo seria capaz de fazer com que o casal saísse impune. O processo demorou um ano até finalmente sair, saindo em todos os tabloides de revistas e jornais. Então finalmente com seus dezesseis anos, a guarda da coreana foi para a única pessoa que teria o direito de tê-la, sua mãe. Além de tudo, receberam uma boa indenização por conta de toda difamação e calúnia feita contra a mulher, e juntando esse dinheiro com todas as suas economias era mais que suficiente para que fossem embora e recomeçarem a vida em outro lugar. Sair só da cidade não seria suficiente, Miyoung decidiu que iriam para a a grande capital sul-coreana, Seul. Todas as medidas de segurança foram tomadas para isso, inclusive o fato da mudança de sobrenome legal de Haeri, adotando o sobrenome de solteira de Miyoung e passando a chamar-se Kang Haeri. A readaptação em na nova cidade foi difícil no começo, ainda mais por ter que dar continuidade aos estudos no meio do ensino médio em um lugar novo. Viveram em uma casa normal, bem menor do que a que vivia antes, porém com certeza ter o amor da mãe e todo aquele carinho, não fazia diferença. Miyoung conseguiu um emprego como chef em um restaurante local e próximo de casa, que foi onde conheceu Park Seungmin, o homem que viria a tornar-se padrasto de Haeri futuramente. Diferentemente da experiência anterior, Seungmin era um exemplo de boa pessoa, tratando-as com respeito, carinho e amor. Hoje, quase seis anos após o que aconteceu e a mudança, pode-se dizer que Haeri vive uma vida que nunca pensou que seria capaz de viver um dia. Apesar dos traumas estarem ali ainda e a afetarem mais do que deveria, os remédios tem a ajudado bastante e ela está no último ano do curso de Psicologia na SNU e trabalha meio período como estagiária no Soonchunhyang University Hospital Seoul.
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silverlab101 · 2 years
Silver Is The Key To Lowering Pneumonia Related To Breathing Tubes Washington University In St Louis
The AgNPs have been fabricated via base-catalysed reduction of silver nitrate onto a monodisperse 7nm gold seed. The citrate-coated AgNPs have been supplied in a 2mM citrate buffer, while the PVP-coated materials had been suspended in water, and all had been saved from light at 2–8°C. The NPs have been characterised by Nanotechnology Characterisation Laboratory , National Cancer Institute, Frederick MD, USA . We additionally colloidal silver for respiratory disease characterised the solubility, stability, aggregate dimension and floor cost in water (pH 7, 37°C) and in the presence of the principle constituent of lung surfactant, dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine , to replicate lung lining fluid. DPPC (100 μg/mL) was prepared by sonication for 10 minutes, adjusting to pH of 7 utilizing both NaClO4 or HClO4.
They discovered that silver — in colloidal kind - attacked bacterial cells by making the cell membrane extra permeable, and interfering with the cell’s metabolism . Repurposing antiviral medication or drugs used for different forms of therapy to provide therapeutic help to SARS-CoV-2 patients is a brief lived answer. Targeted therapeutic therapies will take some time to develop and test.
This work was additionally supported by the Soonchunhyang University Research Fund. There are three consultant methods used to develop medicine as therapies in opposition to coronaviruses. We offer real benefits to our authors, including fast-track processing of papers. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the unique work is correctly cited. T. F. Meiller, A. Silva, S. M. Ferreira, M. A. Jabra-Rizk, J. I. Kelley, and L.
In the case of colloidal silver, microscopic silver particles are distributed evenly all through purified water. The electro-chemical course of of creating colloidal sliver, when carried out correctly, assures that the silver particles will never settle to the bottom of the container, but rather stay suspended evenly always within the water. Outside the body, the quantity of silver you may come into contact with via jewellery or household objects is perfectly secure. But making use of colloidal silver to your pores and skin has no proven well being benefits, and tons of recognized harmful unwanted effects. While the antimicrobial properties of silver are well-studied, the suggested advantages of colloidal silver as a dietary supplement haven't been scientifically proven.
A long lifespan of nano-silver particles in floor and natural water sources makes it more likely due to this fact that nano-silver particles will reach ingesting water therapy techniques within the near future. From the identical examine, nano-silver seems to be stable in chlorinated drinking water and in chloramine-treated ingesting water for greater than per week. That raises the likelihood that nano-silver, launched into completed ingesting water obtained from a surface water source, may be steady enough to also attain finish shoppers. Silver Immune Support is a wonderful alternative if your cat or dog has persistent infections.
Personal respiratory samples showed air silver concentrations of zero.11–0.17 mg/m3. An ophthalmologist diagnosed this individual with corneal and conjunctival argyrosis, but normal vision. This particular person was followed for a further 5 years as he continued working within the silver refinery.
In order to reduce toxicity, floor modifications of the nanoparticles have to be made in order that the metallic surfaces don't immediately connect to cells. Also, their focus in the inside of a cell shouldn't be excessive inside a specific cell compartment. Although the progression of nanoparticle analysis is presently ongoing, the detailed mechanisms of nanomaterial actions usually colloidal silver for respiratory disease are not clear yet, which requires improvements with respect to their security so as to optimize medical advancements. Colloidal silver is a liquid suspension of tiny silver particles. Silver is an efficient germicide against some disease-causing bacteria, but many of the claims for colloidal silver are completely unfounded.
On March three, New York Attorney General Letitia James’s workplace sent acease and desist letterto Bakker for deceptive the public in regards to the effectiveness of the silver resolution as a treatment for the novel disease. We reached out to Sellman to see what really was in this silver substance, however by no means obtained a response. These silver salt ions bind easily with the sulfur present in blood protein and end colloidal silver for respiratory disease up deposited in the pores and skin. When exposed to daylight, it turns the salt back into silver, creating the bluish-gray colour to the skin seen in argyria. Researchers from Browns University showed that a series of difficult chemical reactions trigger argyria. Essentially, when ingested, silver is broken down in the stomach, forming positively charged silver salt ions after which absorbed into the bloodstream.
Two commonly-used coating brokers are sodium citrate and polyvinylpyrrolidone , which impart a unfavorable charge, giving them a wide enchantment for manufacturing and consumer use. Colloidal Silver tastes almost like pure water with only a slight mineral style, so it's easily administered orally to rabbits, goats, canine, cats, horses, birds, ferrets, individuals, and other beings. Colloidal silver can be administered orally, in the eyes (for eye allergic reactions, conjunctivitis, keratitis, and so forth.), within the nose , sprayed on wounds, it doesn’t sting or burn, through IV, Subcue, within the ears, and nebulized into the lungs. There is not any natural antibiotic different like it for ease of administration and effectiveness.
After Ag-NP and AgNO3 publicity the cell morphology was studied by laser scanning microscopy . The publicity of cells to Ag-NPs at each concentrations didn't affect cell morphology if in comparability with untreated control. However, DNA condensation (Figure2; yellow arrows) and alterations in the actin cytoskeleton had been observed in cells exposed to 22 mM but not for zero.22 and a pair of.2 mM AgNO3 concentrations.
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dailyexo · 1 year
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Suho - 230705 Soonchunhyang University promotional image
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tumsozluk · 2 years
Your World Today Commentary: Flying Solo
Your World Today Commentary: Flying Solo
I have been waiting to study abroad since I was in middle school, and next semester I am finally going. While my destination of choice has changed a lot in the past eight years, I have been saving my pennies and can finally say I will be leaving the United States for the first time. This coming February, I will be traveling to Asan, South Korea, as a part of the Soonchunhyang University exchange…
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ohsehun-exo · 16 days
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230227 EXO Sehun at Soonchunhyang University 2023 Hyflex Entrance Ceremony‬‬ © dear my spring do not edit, crop, or remove the watermark
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fy-sehunoh · 2 years
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230227 | Sehun - Soonchunhyang University HyFlex Entrance Ceremony ✨
( cr: dearmyspring_sh )
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exoluxionlove · 1 year
230802 EXO SUHO X Soonchunhyang University HyFlex AD making film 🐰💙
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veworsteam · 2 years
Carl zeiss zen lite software co-localization intensity
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Carl zeiss zen lite software co localization intensity free#
Carl zeiss zen lite software co localization intensity free#
This is an open-access article, free of all copyright, and may be freely reproduced, distributed, transmitted, modified, built upon, or otherwise used by anyone for any lawful purpose. Received: JanuAccepted: MaPublished: May 7, 2013 PLoS ONE 8(5):Įditor: Sung-Hwan Yun, Soonchunhyang University, Republic of Korea Metabolic pathways of primary and secondary metabolism thus may be coordinated and co-localized under conditions when trichothecene biosynthesis occurs.Ĭitation: Menke J, Weber J, Broz K, Kistler HC (2013) Cellular Development Associated with Induced Mycotoxin Synthesis in the Filamentous Fungus Fusarium graminearum. Initially localized in the cellular endomembrane system, HMG CoA reductase, upon induction of trichothecene biosynthesis, increasingly is targeted to toxisomes. Changes occur in the cellular localization of the isoprenoid biosynthetic enzyme HMG CoA reductase when cultures non-induced for trichothecene biosynthesis are transferred to trichothecene biosynthesis inducing medium. The immediate isoprenoid precursor of trichothecenes is the primary metabolite farnesyl pyrophosphate. Two cytochrome P-450 oxygenases (Tri4p and Tri1p) involved in early and late steps in trichothecene biosynthesis were tagged with fluorescent proteins and shown to co-localize to vesicles we provisionally call “toxisomes.” Toxisomes, the inferred site of trichothecene biosynthesis, dynamically interact with motile vesicles containing a predicted major facilitator superfamily protein (Tri12p) previously implicated in trichothecene export and tolerance. Our results show that trichothecene biosynthesis involves a complex developmental process that includes dynamic changes in cell morphology and the biogenesis of novel subcellular structures. Synthesis of these secondary metabolites is induced during plant infection or in culture in response to chemical signals. graminearum, which causes disease in wheat and barley and often infests the grain with harmful trichothecene mycotoxins. Among the most destructive of these species is F. Benefiting from the capability of the gatekeepers to induce pH-/temperature-sensitive release, along with the photothermal ability of AuNRs, the can exhibit a satisfactory anticancer performance without undesired drug leakage.Several species of the filamentous fungus Fusarium colonize plants and produce toxic small molecules that contaminate agricultural products, rendering them unsuitable for consumption. Moreover, the reversibility of the gatekeepers can make an on–off mannered drug release. The interplay between these dual gatekeepers allows the release of pre-loaded drug from the (i.e., incorporating LA and TA) only at acidic conditions under NIR light irradiation, without premature drug leakage under inactive conditions (neutral pH or no NIR light). The protonation–deprotonation of the TA layers according to change in pH can result in their swelling–deswelling to induce pH-sensitive drug release, while the solid–liquid phase transition of LA by NIR light-induced heat generation in AuNRs enables the NIR light-controlled release of preloaded drug molecules. The fabrication involves the incorporation of lauric acid (LA) as a thermosensitive gatekeeper, followed by the coating of tannic acid (TA) layers as a pH-sensitive gatekeeper. This work reports the fabrication of with independent sensitivities to pH and near-infrared (NIR) light for reversible on–off switching of drug release without premature drug leakage.
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