#soo yeon x ban ryu x soo ho
alcorian-cycle · 5 years
Fuck, I want more fanfictions about Ban Ryu and Su Ho that aren’t just hatesex. I want to see fanfictions about how they’ve grown and helped each other grow since becoming Hwarang. I want to read about how they both realized that they don’t really hate each other. They really just like competing, but they don’t hate each other. I want to read about how Su Ho’s family asked him to do something, and when he was uncharacteristically quiet that day, Ban Ryu was the one who noticed. How he immediately recognized the conflict swirling in Su Ho’s eyes, because it’s the exact same conflict that he felt every time his father asked him to sabotage his friends. How he almost called out and asked him what was wrong. How he bit his tongue because he was the last person who ought to give a lecture about this. I want to read about Ban Ryu realizing that both Kim siblings have loved him in their own ways- Su Yeon loving gently but passionately, Su Ho being his balance and other half. Ban Ryu healing from the loveless childhood that Park Young Sil gave him, finding comfort in Su Yeon and letting Su Ho push him uncomfortably onto self-discovery, and finally letting them give him the compassion and acceptance that he needs so badly. Eventually letting them forgive him. I want to read about how Su Ho brings out the things he’d rather not think about- when he did those awful things that Park Young Sil asked of him, in secrecy, he buried his one values deep in his heart, and the person who challenged his apparent heartlessness was none other than Su Ho. Su Ho made a mess of him and forced him to think about the friends he was hurting. Su Ho forced him to follow his own heart.
Ugh I just want to hear more about how much Su Ho and Ban Ryu’s character development hinges on each other, a push-and-pull motion.
I know this mostly became me ranting about Ban Ryu but he’s my favorite character and I have feels.
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alviolaudable · 8 years
Their Relationship: Deep or Shallow?
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Okay. So I read a blog regarding Ban Ryu and Soo Yeon’s relationship saying that their love story is shallow. Obviously, my eyebrow was raised the whole time I was reading that. However, I wouldn’t judge anyone just because they are thinking that way to my ultimate OTP since we are entitled on our own opinions.
If you’re only watching the drama, you can really say that, yes, their relationship is not that deep knowing that they only have four encounter including Ban Ryu reading her letter. But there’s actually a back story wherein Soo Ho and Soo Yeon had befriended Ban Ryu in their teenage years.
And that my friend is another loophole of Hwarang. It’s actually the official webtoon of the series under Kakao Talk so it’s legit.
It shows there that Ban Ryu is a guy who loves reading, who prefers being alone rather than being with lots of people, and the circumstance that changed him as a person.
I don’t know exactly the reason why he stopped seeing Soo Ho and Soo Yeon since I still can’t read Hangul, but base on the illustration it’s because of one of his father’s doing that traumatized him so much.
Even though Ban Ryu ignored Soo Ho and Soo Yeon, they still waited for him. And being the Soo Yeon that she is went and grabbed him by the arm (maybe to ask Ban Ryu to be with them) only to be pushed by him. Of course, that naturally angered Soo Ho and the friendship band or something like that; that Soo Yeon gave to Ban Ryu also broke. 
Then Ban Ryu said something bad that made Soo Ho punched him so hard. It’s also really obvious that Ban Ryu didn’t actually meant what he said as he was seen crying at night while searching for the friendship band that Soo Ho had thrown in the river. So basically that’s the reason why Ban Ryu and Soo Ho ended up as enemies, and that explains as well the soft look on Ban Ryu’s face when his friends mentioned that the girl on the crowd was Master Kim Seub’s daughter and the sister of Soo Ho.
Anyway, annyeong to those who are saying that it’s only Soo Yeon who is investing too much in their relationship. I would really like to prove you wrong since it was shown here that Ban Ryu is the sweetest “boyfriend” you can have when he gave Soo Yeon a ring made of flowers which he really put much effort in making.
He can actually give something else aside from that but why gave her the ring? Simple! It’s because he wants to reassure her that he loves her and that he wants to be with her forever. Haha! That’s only my theory since you know, most guys (but not all) are afraid of commitment. And that’s base as well on Ban Ryu’s personality as he is not the type of guy who can be persuaded to tie the knot down that easily. Beep! Yes, another loophole of Hwarang.
Moving on, I also like the fact that Ban Ryu is fighting the Demons (which are both his Fathers) that plagued him all his life just by thinking of Soo Yeon. It must be a really tough fight but obviously it’s always her welfare that prevails. See? Ban Ryu is really trying his best to be a better person. *Sigh* If only this was shown in the drama then everything would be perfect.
I was also annoyed that during the famous scene in episode 10 where Soo Yeon had knock her brother out, not a single interaction was shown between the two of them where in fact after that incident it was shown in the webtoon that they go out and it seems that they enjoyed each other’s company well. Like seriously, I was asking for more Ban Ryu and Soo Yeon moments people!
As a conclusion, let’s go back to the title of this blog. Is their relationship deep or shallow?
Ban Ryu and Soo Yeon’s relationship has roots that if you dig further you can really go deeper. Their love story didn’t start just because of a mere butt grabbing incident, neither because Soo Ho is Ban Ryu’s enemy, or because of that more or less two minutes screen time that they shared together in the drama.
It really has a beginning which the PD of Hwarang failed to realize. I’m not an expert but it would be much appreciated if they make a “five-minute” flashback about their relationship so that the viewers can’t have this so called misconception about them. And I really hope that there will be an improvement between Ban Ryu and Soo Yeon’s screentime after their kissing scene, since I’m only watching Hwarang right now because of them.
Here’s the link of the webtoon in case you want to read it. If you have a kind heart, please translate it for me. Kidding!
PS: When I wrote this up, episode 16 has not yet aired. Gaaaawd! I didn’t expect that Ban Ryu will “reject” Soo Yeon. A proof that their relationship is really blossoming. What Ah Ro said is right though that, “When it comes to man-woman relationship, there are good times and bad times. Sometimes the sun shines, and sometimes it rains.” That’s how it is. However, I am somehow a bit disappointed. Yes, I want them to have more screen time but I wasn’t asking for that to happen.
I’m waiting for the day that Ban Ryu will stand for himself and not for what his father is telling him to do just to gain his approval. I also have faith that Soo Yeon will not give up on Ban Ryu because that’s who she is and that is something we can never question. 
So, let’s cross our fingers and believe that they will have a happy ending since they both deserve to be happy together so much.
I know Ban Ryu is being such a jerk again about everything, but let’s not talk about that. *cries in the corner*
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Inner Duchess’ Thought of: 9 K-Dramas Premiere’s Week
Last week felt like a very busy week since we had 9 K-dramas’ premiere episodes along the week. I repeat, NINE K-DRAMAS! I feel proud of myself for watching (or at least peeking) 6 out of that 9 dramas and I will share my thoughts about them. I’m not ranking them but order it by alphabetical instead.
Because This Is My First Life / 이번 생은 처음이라
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Our leads: Lee Min-ki and Jung So-min.
Such a refreshing drama! The story is about Nam Se-hee and Yoon Ji-ho, who end up live together in one house where Se-hee is the landlord and Ji-ho is the tenant. Se-hee needs to pay the house’s mortgage so he rent one of his room in his house and Ji-ho needs a place to live in Seoul. Many things happen, Se-hee and Ji-ho decide to tying the knot, even though they know each other not long ago and yeah, no love between them (yet).
This drama gets my attention because of its slice-of-life genre and all the characters’ problems feel so close to me: things about getting a good job, things about survive in a big city, things about married a perfect man, things about live separately from parents, etc. Because the characters are 30-ish years old, I feel like their problems are (or could be) my problems since age 30 is just a few years away from me :’D This drama also like questioning me what would I prioritize for my future: good career or having marriage (or maybe both?)
Black / 블랙
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Our leads: Song Seung-heon and Go A-ra.
Honestly I didn’t plan to watch this drama since I kinda bored with the theme. But well, later I found this drama quite interesting. The story is about Kang Ha-ram who has an ability to see the shadow of death, the “thing” that will appear on someone’s back when their death is around them. She and people around her thought her ability is a curse and Ha-ram herself afraid of that thing decide to wear sunglasses everywhere she goes. Then she meet Han Moo-gang, a detective whose actually her childhood friend. Things happen and suddenly Moo-gang possessed by a grim reaper.
One thing I wait from this drama is Ha-ram and the possessed Moo-gang hand-in-hand help people from their death. Episode 1 is more interesting that episode 2 but this the point: the ending scene of each episode is such a tease and make me want to watch the next episode so bad! 
Go Back Couple /  고백부부
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Our leads: Son Ho-joon and Jang Na-ra.
Just like Black, I didn’t plan to watch this drama. The story is about an unhappy married couple, although they've married for a long time. Choi Ban-do and Ma JIn-joo used to love each other but then they regret married in young age. They decide to separate and divorce, wishing they could turn back time when they were a stranger for one another. One morning, their wishes fulfilled and they back to the time when they still a 20 years old university student.
Jang Na-ra is really no aging at all. She’s almost 40 years old but this role of 20 years old university student still suit her. I only get peeking on first episode but I will try watch the second episode this week. It’s not like I don’t like the drama, but I still have no interest in the drama. Hope will like it because the story is kinda light and no need to thinking hard XD
Mad Dog /  매드독
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Our leads: Yoo Ji-tae, Woo Do-hwan, Ryu Hwa-young, Jo Jae-hyun, Kim Hye-seong, and Hong Soo-hyun.
The main idea of this drama is about a team leads by Choi Kang-woo, a former detective, which have a role to investigate insurance fraud’s cases privately. BUT YEAH THERE’S WOO DO-HWAN EVERYBODY! My current crush after watch him in Save Me :x
But not only Woo Do-hwan, I found Ryu Hwa-young is so great in this drama and I didn’t expect I’ll love her! Anyway, I feel a little Lookout’s vibe as they work as a team, just like in the Lookout drama (but I hope Yoo Ji-tae has a different fate with Kim Young-kwang in that drama XD). I’m such a trash about this genre and definitely add this drama to my Wed-Thu schedule!
The Package /  더 패키지
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Our leads: Jung Yong-hwa and Lee Yeon-hee.
Another drama that I didn’t plan to watch to. The story is about a small tour group from South Korea travels to France and lead by a Korean tour leader in France, Yoon So-so. The travelers themselves have their own stories and how they end up taking the tour, including Yoon So-so herself.
I grew up as a tourism high school’s student and at first I only want to check the drama since I never found a drama with this theme before. And actually, I love the drama! I usually love travelling show since I could feel like I join the journey and no wonder I love this drama. And add Jung Yong-hwa, he’s such a cutie pie hereeee! :3 Oh yeah, there’s Yoon Park here too, he appears as a mysterious man and I kinda sure he’s So-so’s ex fiance, but we’ll see. Oh by the way, I found out that Air France sponsored (what is the correct way to say it?) this drama and no wonder it sets in France. OH I’M SO EXCITED OF THIS DRAMA and definitely will add to my Fri-Sat schedule ^^
Witch’s Court /  마녀의 법정
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Our leads: Yoon Hyun-min and Jung Ryeo-won.
MY FAVORITE ON-GOING DRAMA! Honestly this is another drama I didn’t plan to watch to BUT IT TURNS OUT TO BE MY FAVORITE! Ma Yi-deum is not like another heroine we had in legal drama: she’s more like an anti-heroine, acted perfectly like a witch, and kinda annoying. She uses many drastic methods to make sure she always win all her cases. After got an incident with her senior, she is transferred to a special division that handle any kind of sex crimes. She teams up with Yeo Jin-wook, an older-rookie prosecutor who used to be a psychiatrist. 
Ma Yi-deum is soooo annoying yet so refreshing for me and Jung Ryeo-won nailed it. She’s the reason why I hooked up with this drama. She is so fragile since her mother left her when she was a teenager but she won’t show it to the world. She acted so tough and sometimes so witch-y and that’s why I love her. On the other hand, we have a calm, gentle, and good-looking rookie prosecutor, Yeo Jin-wook who could balance Yi-deum. And yeah, they really have a good chemistry! I don’t know will Yi-deum and Jin-wook end up together or not but I really love them as a partner at court. This drama topped my on-going drama list and yeah definitely add it to my Mon-Tue schedule.
As you could guess, I didn’t watch another 3 yet: 20th Century Boys and Girls, Revolutionary Love, and Avengers Social Club but I think I will try to watch the first 2 episodes. Avengers Social Club most likely to be the first I will check out since I kinda like the synopsis. For Revolutionary Love, I think I will check it out for Gong Myung (ah he’s such a cutie with his spectacles ;D) and for the 20th Century Boys and Girls, I didn’t think it will suit me but we’ll see.
So, wishing you have a busy week till November! :D
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whispersatdawn · 8 years
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GIF Credit to: @ygo-gx
Pairing: Yeo Wool (Jo Yoon Woo) X Reader
Genre: Angst/Fluff
Word Count: 2,615
Request: Hey! About the hwarang requests, could you write about yeo wool? So the plot could be about him, and (y/n) worrying about him being killed while sparring with the other hwarangs(anyone really). He's trying to reassure y/n everything is going to be ok. It could either be fluffy or smuty - angst really whatever is easier and more enjoyable for you to write ✌ thank u again!!  - @allaboutthespn
Sutabaksu was usually loud and full of people, but today, the popular teahouse erupted with immense chatters. Because it was also a day that the Hwarangs were able to leave the Hwarang House and return home, most of the beautiful knights decided to stop by for some tea, doubling the number of customers. Unsurprisingly, women flocked and surrounded the elite males to question the gossip that spread like wildfire in the capital city of Silla. “I heard that Princess Sook Myung ordered a fight in a few days,” one gisaeng cried, distressed. “Is it true that you all will be sparring against each other?”
The Hwarang who sat across from the equally beautiful gisaeng let out a scoff as if he also could not believe it himself. He looked over next to him where sat his other elite friend who released a long sigh. “It’s true. This isn’t like any other training we’ve done so far. We could definitely lose our lives this time.”
“Oh no!” the gisaeng said, anguish in her voice. Tears began to well up in her eyes, and she let out such loud sobs that everyone else in the teahouse could hear. Though she was the one showing her sorrow in the open, for sure, everyone else was feeling the same way.
At another table, across the room, you could hear the conversations going on around, but that couldn’t stop the unpleasant thoughts in your mind that blocked out everything but one Hwarang that you were particularly worried about. You needed to see him. Anxiousness filled you. You couldn’t help but lick your slightly chapped lips as your eyes darted at the entrance door every few minutes, impatiently waiting. Why isn’t he here yet? Did something happen to him? He said we would meet at this time... Your heart felt like it would burst soon. It was not until you noticed a cup placed in front of you that you snapped out of your thoughts. Steam rose, and the scent of ginger filled your nose. You looked up to find your two closest friends looking at you with empathy. “Thank you,” you said, picking up the warm cup to take a sip.
“Ginger tea helps with nausea,” Ah Ro explained as she and Soo Yeon took a seat across from you. “I know how worried you are, (Y/N). I’m also worried about them, especially my older brother, but you should take care of yourself so that you don’t fall ill.”
Soo Yeon nodded her head in agreement. “I’m also worried about my older brother, but he’s a great fighter. I can’t help but be more worried about Ban Ryu.”
“What was the princess thinking?” you muttered. “Ah Ro, since you also stay in the Hwarang House, you must know. What’s been happening?”
“I’m not really sure. I just usually take care of the sick and injured knights. Some of them just mentioned about how their training was going to change. It became more intense recently. They even brought another group of males who are really great at martial arts to act as the Hwarangs’ servants and helpers. It’s as if they really are preparing to go to war.”
“No one’s allowed to watch the sparring, are they?” you asked your friend, quietly. Fear slowly found its way back to you.
Ah Ro shook her head. “I’ll be there as a physician in case something does go wrong. Other than Her Majesty, no one can enter.”
The three of you grew silent. Soon, you were aware of the shift of topic from the talks around you. “Yeo Wool’s here!”
Even with the uneasiness of the upcoming fight, with one glance at the stunning man who walked through the door, all of the women in the room dropped their conversation and had their attention stolen by the elegant Hwarang. No matter how many times you’ve seen Yeo Wool, you also couldn’t help but become quite speechless by his aura. Ah Ro looked at you and smiled. “I’ll take my leave now. I should probably return home and check on my older brother.”
“Me too. Hopefully, I’ll be able to run into Ban Ryu as well,” Soo Yeon said.
Both of your best friends stood up and said goodbye to you before exiting Sutabaksu together to find their own loved ones. Not sure what to do you next, you just picked up your cup of ginger tea, taking another sip of the spicy yet slightly sweet drink as you waited. Once Yeo Wool spotted you, a smile instantly appeared on his face. He read your expression and was able to see your nervousness right away. Returning after staying in the Hwarang House for a while, he realized how much he missed you. How was it that you looked prettier each time he came to see you? Yeo Wool approached your table. “I apologize for my lateness. I do hope you didn’t wait long, (Y/N).”
You watched Yeo Wool as he took a seat. A server came by to take his order, but once the server left, your Hwarang turned his attention fully to you. “You’ve been well?” he asked you with a playful smile.
“Please don’t act like nothing’s wrong right now...” you said.
Yeo Wool chuckled. “How can anything be wrong when I get to spend time with the most amazing person in Seorabol right now?”
“Yeo Wool...”
“How about it, (Y/N)? What do you say about going to Okta tonight?”
His eyes twinkled in anticipation as he took his fan and waved it up and down, cooling his face. Few strands of his long hair that even women envied flew back. You did not respond and continue to stare at him. You knew he wanted to break the tension, but you did not want the serious situation to be avoided.
“Alright then...” he replied, his eyes flickering elsewhere for a second when he found your stare and silence overwhelming. “It’s okay. Ban Ryu and Soo Ho also rejected my offer to go. Pity, but I guess we can just stay here.”
You slammed one of your palms down on the wooden table, the loud sound echoing. Customers around you whipped their head over to you to witness the action. Yeo Wool continued to sit with a calm posture, but he didn’t dare to move an inch as he sensed your seriousness. “You could lose your life...” you whispered to him. Your voice was soft, yet stern.
Yeo Wool softened. Before he met you, he had always acted nonchalant towards other people and their businesses. Though quite nosy about what was going on around him, he never genuinely cared about another’s problem. He usually just stood on the sidelines and quietly watched. As soon as you came into his life, with your vibrancy and little side of sarcasm, going up against his sharp personality but at the same time matching well with it, he found someone he could really be sincere with. You were the last person he wanted to upset.
Yeo Wool’s soft hand reached for yours, the one that you used to slam down at the table. He lifted your hand up and rubbed it smoothly, relieving the pain that you felt on your palm. “I know,” he replied, knowing that there’s nothing else he could say to really put your heart at ease.
“Isn’t there a way to prevent this from happening?” you asked.
“I’m sure if there was, it would’ve been done,” Yeo Wool admitted. “I don’t think the chief instructor wants us to spar either. The princess probably thinks that we’re not strong enough to protect the king. In a way, she’s not wrong. When it comes to protecting the Royal Family, we’ll have to put our lives on the line for them. I guess... if we can’t handle taking a life, ours will be taken.”
“It’s still not right. You all can still train hard without putting each other at risk. If the princess all of sudden have the Hwarangs kill each other, there will barely be enough to fight and defend the Royal Family later.”
You shook your head, unable to comprehend the princess’ decision. Tears began to blur your vision, but you tried your best to hold them back by blinking them away. “I’m not judging your sword skills at all, Yeo Wool, but I’ve never seen you in a fight. How can I be so sure that you’ll be fine? What if you have to go up against someone like Soo Yeon’s older brother?”
“Do not worry about me, (Y/N). I’ll be fine,” Yeo Wool promised. He squeezed your hand gently in assurance.
At the same time, the server returned with Yeo Wool’s tea, setting it in front of the flawless male. Yeo Wool softly blew the steam away and took a sip of his own ginger tea. You looked down at your own cup of tea to see your own reflection. There was no steam left as your once warm drink had cooled. You appreciated Yeo Wool’s effort to console you, but it was not enough to help your appetite. “Do you know who you’ll be going up against?” you asked, looking at him again.
Yeo Wool placed his tea back down. “Though the selection of opponents could change at any time, as of now, it’s Han Sung.”
“Han Sung...” you repeated. “Is he the grandson of Suk Hyuk Jae? The one with the half-breed brother?”
Yeo Wool nodded his head.
“Ah Ro told me about him,” you continued, “and that he has such a cute personality. Interesting how he chose to be a part of Hwarang when his grandfather is against the Silla Imperial family. I heard that he doesn’t really like to fight.”
“Han Sung used to be in another group, but for some reason, he was kicked out. He’s been staying in our room instead. I agree with Ah Ro that he is cute.”
You watched Yeo Wool’s face. He sported a dry smile, and you slowly caught onto his thoughts. “You don’t want him to get hurt, right?” you asked, heart aching. You have never met Han Sung, but maybe you were glad not to. If you had gotten used to his supposedly innocent face and personality, you too would have gotten your feelings in a tangle and sympathized for him like you did for Yeo Wool. As much you favored an occasion where no had to die, the princess already mentioned that it was a possible some could, and you desperately did not want Yeo Wool to be among that possibility.
Silence hung over the both of you. You wondered if things could have turned out differently if the king showed his face. Maybe, if he was as trustworthy and kind as you wanted to assume, he would not have left his warriors to be left in the hands of his sister. The sparring was inevitable at this point.
Once Yeo Wool regained composure, he looked at you, studying your tight brows and frown. He squeezed your hand, causing you to leave your train of thoughts and look up at him. A real smile appeared. “Let’s take a walk.”
You were not the type to display your affection in public. Your Hwarang was the opposite; Yeo Wool did not mind one bit if anyone watched or not, but since today was different, you also decided to make it an exception. Your hand intertwined with his, and he held onto it tightly as the two of you walked through the crowds in the capital. “I know you’re very worried about me, (Y/N)...” Yeo Wool said, continuing to look straight ahead. “I promise you that you don’t have to be at all.”
“I should trust you,” you replied, shaking your head to yourself. “I should trust that you’ll be able to make it through this unnecessary fight, that you can win it... but I also can’t help feeling the way I do. You’re really important to me, Yeo Wool. I hate thinking about how I can lose you because of this. What am I supposed to do?”
“Hm. For right now, it would just be great strength to me if you could stay by my side before I have to return to the Hwarang House. Can you do that?”
You simply nodded your head. “Yes, I won’t ever leave your side.”
Yeo Wool lifted his other hand to pet your hair as he chuckled. “Good.” You felt your cheeks start to heat from his touch but laughed in return. Soon enough, you reached your own house. You walked to the huge low table in front and sat down. Yeo Wool took a seat next to you. He placed an arm around your shoulders, pulling you into him, and you leaned into his arms. His body was so warm, and it felt so safe. “So... why did Soo Ho and Ban Ryu reject your offer to go to Okta?” you asked.
Flustered by your sudden question, Yeo Wool’s eyes widened. Then he smiled at how you tried to change the subject. He didn’t want to talk anymore about the sparring either. He would deal it with it when the time came. Until then, he only wants to leave with good memories of you. “Just between you and me,” Yeo Wool said in a low voice, “I think more than not wanting to go with me, they didn’t want to be there with each other. Last time all of us went out to go drink with each other, Soo Ho and Ban Ryu found themselves in each other’s embrace the next morning. What a sight.”
You couldn’t help but laugh. “They don’t look like weak drinkers.”
“I think among us, Ji Dwi is the best at taking alcohol. I’d say I’m next. And then probably Soo Ho, but he really did drink a lot that time. He could barely remember what had happened the next morning.”
“Why didn’t you ask Han Sung to go to with you? He seems like the person you’re closest to.”
Yeo Wool shrugged. “Han Sung had to go with his brother to their grandfather’s place right away. Maybe we’ll see him before I have to go back, and I can introduce the both of you. He’s so innocent that you can’t help but like him.”
“Is there a possibility that I’ll like him more than you?” you said, teasingly.
“Nevermind. You don’t need to meet Han Sung.”
“Why not?!?!” you exclaimed. “Now I really want to meet him.”
Yeo Wool pouted, feigning hurt. To comfort him, you wrapped your arms around his waist and pressed yourself against him in a hug. Feeling as if he was going to melt in your arms, Yeo Wool couldn’t control his face and grinned at your touch. When you looked up to gaze at him with eyes like cute doe, he took the chance to lean down quickly press his lips against yours. You smiled into the sweet kiss, accepting the small peck.
One wasn’t enough for Yeo Wool, so as soon as he pulled away, he leaned back down to give you a second kiss. Many people who didn’t know Yeo Wool always saw him as someone with a more mysterious, sensual aura. He actually had pleasant side to him. “How about this,” Yeo Wool suggested, “after my sparring assignment, when I come back successful and healthy, we can go to Okta together. I will let you see exactly how these other boys act when they have their guards down.”
“Only if you swear to return safely.”
“I can assure you that I will, (Y/N). I will protect myself. Once I do that, I can show them that I can protect our king. And that I can protect you.”
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sakuari · 7 years
White Chrysanthemums
(Bawn Bawn x Yolo/Ban Ryu x Yeol Woo) A Hwarang fanfiction
Yeol Woo loves poking into people’s love lives. He just as equally loves matchmaking like the devilish cupid he is. He’s helped, flirted, and destroyed relationships in all of Silla like the heartbreaker he is. He’s mended a few too - but only the ones he found worthy of surviving to entertain him. He’s seen it all: the dramatic confessions, the mouth-gagging public displays of affection, and the trembling breakups. But he never truly experienced it all. He wonders every once in a while, but he rather watch from a distance.
He loves watching the other soldiers. Hansung is a fluffy fanboy of Seon Woo’s and the latter is an awkward dog-bird who doesn’t understand how life works but tries anyways. Ji Dwi is an obsessive mysterious weirdo looking for Ah Ro’s love, but Yeol Woo got tried of watching that real quick. Soo Ho and Ban Ryu are funny to watch; they bicker and beat each other up every fucking day and he loves it. Very entertaining, eh? Soo Ho’s too playboy for WooWoo’s taste however. Adds drama and tension, but is hella predictable after repeating continuously with like twelve women. Ban Ryu was an interesting case: stereotypical tough-outside, soft-inside man. His sixth sense could tell. And he wanted to test out his sixth sense.
One fine day, Yeol Woo stal-followed, I mean, Ban Ryu to see how this open-shut case would go about his daily life. At first, Ban Ryu woke up at exactly 6 A.M, one hour before people should actually wake up, and went off to take a morning shower, summoning a VERY intrigued Yeol Woo to the showers.
“Hellooo~ Let’s see what you bring to the table.” He whispered seductively to himself before pulling never-before-seen ninja skills.
He wasn’t sure what to expect, but he knew he liked it. Maybe too much. He melted and thirsted for more after watching through a secret hole he carved beforehand, somehow not being arrested as a peeping tom. He watched the man’s muscles with eagle eyes, seeing them ripple and the water drops streaming down jaggedly on his back. His soaked hair bun gave way to a subtle contrast to his tanned skin and his stark, dark brown eyes. The drops covered up the sound of the beautiful man’s thumping heartbeats, synchronizing together into rhythm. Wait. Why is he looking here? “FUCK.” Mission abort, mission abort!
After scrambling into the thorny ass bushes and desperately trying to cover up his “following,” Yeol Woo tried to make up for lost time and move onto the next event in the main course: training. It took WooWoo five minutes to realize that it was a day off and that most of the Hwarang were off into Silla to visit family and friends. Soo Ho went into town to tease his sister, Soo Yeon, and Ah Ro went to the markets to buy medical supplies and protect Soo Yeon. Seon Woo followed close behind, lost - and Ji Dwi not far from him to study his opponent. Finally, Han Sung skipped behind to follow Seon Woo. Damn was he lucky to have an opportunity like this.
He moved to the fields (which have very little bushes) and silently watched Ban Ryu with those same silent hawk eyes. Yeol Woo chuckles to himself and finds himself blushing all shades of pink and red he’s never felt before. Weird. He’s not even his type. They haven’t even reached the juiciest parts of the day yet. Feelings of confusion poked his heart constantly as he watched from afar. All was silent, until a little butterfly crossed paths with the bushes…
“Tsk! Damn!” He exclaimed through gritted teeth. He knew of two things that bothered him. One was that the arrow missed the bull’s eye by millimeters. The other was he was being stalked by Yeol Woo. He knew. He always and already knew. His guess was between Soo Ho and that guy; it didn’t take much to figure it out after that shower moment. He scoffs and remembers how easy it was to catch him:
Yeol Woo wasn’t the greatest in stealth, so he left a trail of suspicious noises that no one would normally hear at 4 in the morning (dude can’t even tell time, Gods.) He poked his eye through a conspicuous hole that was large enough to fit a fist through; all Ban Ryu had to do was to play along to spook him and catch his peep. And he did. Then he heard the yelp and the trail of hiccups shooting out of ear shot. Easy. All he needed was some back-up evidence to firm up the case: gossip. He listened in on conversations, hearing how odd Yeol Woo was acting to everyone today. The last thing he remember doing was smirking and grabbing his weapons for training.
Back to the present, Ryu. Earth to Ban Ryu. He steadied his bowstring, calmly readying his arrow. His eyebrows furrowed, his demeanor tense. Eyes targeting the bull’s eye, he was about to release the arrow into take-off when…
“ACCCCHHOOOOO!” Yeol Woo sneezed and the butterfly fluttered away with the wind. Ban Ryu, startled, had let go of the arrow, it throttling no more than seven feet into the grass. Pissed as all hell? Check. Fuming with murderous rage? Check! Prepared with a weapon of choice? Check and check!
Shit went down. LET’S LEAVE IT AT FUCKING THAT. Punches were thrown, squeals from divas were made, things happened, okay?
Both were caught fighting in the fields by Hwi Hwa and were summoned into his office. One came in pouty and with a couple bruises. The other moody and fuming with anger. Both knew they weren’t gonna get a chance to explain. The headmaster circled around them once to add some fear to set in before taking his seat at his cluttered desk filled with liquors of all sorts.
“What are two idiots punching each other in a field for?” Hwi Hwa said in a taunting yet calm manner. “Well, one of you.” He eyed Ban Ryu and the latter broke away from contact. The older man chuckles.
“No matter. We have to keep our image and reputation as a respectful place of education and training. We wouldn’t want news to get out to your families of your release, I presume?” Both boys stiffened. Ban Ryu knew what would happen if he disobeyed his fathers’* orders; it definitely wasn’t gonna be pretty. Yeol Woo wasn’t gonna have a source of entertainment anymore, and he lamented over that. Hwi Hwa knew he hit a spot, ensnaring them into his trap.
“It won’t happen again, sir.” Ban Ryu curtly replied.
“I concur for this side as well.” Yeol Woo quietly murmured.
“Good. I digress. Would you like some tea? Imported it from a province nearby.” The headmaster pours out some into simply-decorated, porcelain cups. Both deny it, with WooWoo getting even more red and Ban Ryu itching to leave to vent out his anger. The former stands up and leaves swiftly, the broad doors opening up and soon closing, engulfing the sun out a few moments later. It’s the other’s turn to leave, but is frozen in place when he hears the headmaster’s voice.
“Why don’t you keep me company a little longer?”
Ban Ryu gulped. His eyes went wide and his body trembled. He knew this could not end well. He turned around silently and sat back down on the wicker chair.
“Good. You can be obedient sometimes.” He pushed the cup in the direction of the boy with his fingertip. “You’ll need it after I’m done talking to you.”
Meanwhile, right outside the door, Yeol Woo convinced (a.k.a. flirted with) the guards to let him linger around. He (and the guards) listened in, holding their breath to hear every single biting word.
They hear through the door an exchange of sorts.
“I know you. I know your family. And you know me. I’m not afraid to pull out my cards and flush you out. I can pull tricks unimaginable to torment you in this school. It hasn’t been a day since your last brawl. Tired with Soo Ho, I guess? Switching punching bags? I can use all these little incidents against you and kick you out. Daddy wouldn’t like that, would he?” Hwi Hwa cackles with ferocity and heartiness then continues. “This is power. The strong will tame and defeat the weak. The weak will comply. The son of a high-ranking dragon has let the fear spread over his face and has been quashed by a mere man. Where’s the power left in you now? Oh wait; you never had any. Remember that, kid.” He slams his hands on the table as he stands up, making Ban Ryu and the alcohol bottles shook.
The guards exclaim, “Damn, he’s pouring it on!” “That kid isn’t gonna survive in Hwi Hwa’s world!” “Whoo! ROAST!”
Yeol Woo knew his mistake. He had to rectify it but how? He learned tidbits of things he shouldn’t have known. He sparked something that shouldn’t have been ignited.
The door was being opened. Yeol Woo ran off, thinking on his plan of action. The guards reverted to their poker faces and demeanor.
“After you, weakling,” the headmaster snarled with a smirk, pulling a courtesy to open the doors himself. A defeated Ban Ryu was paler than the moon, his red lips highlighted even more than usual and his ebony eyes were wide with fright. He walked slowly and carefully, trying not to give in to his weak knees. He breathed gravelly and heavily, almost as if his lungs were weighed down by an elephant. His anger disappeared almost instantly; fear replaced it.
He somehow stumbled back to his room and slumped himself onto his bed. He wasn’t in the mood to do anything. He felt small and useless, like a puppet. Casted away when he’s no longer needed or trampled upon when it’s his turn to perform lies. He truly was scared; he felt fear like never before and didn’t know how to handle it. He had no one to confide it, no one to turn to. His head was dizzy from all this new pressure and events he can’t wrap his head around so he closed his eyes to rest. Just a quick little rest is all he needs now…
Yeol Woo knew what he was about to get into. He knew he wouldn’t interfere with this nut case, but his little heart took control over his mind. Yeol Woo poked his head up to the upper bunk, watching Ban Ryu quietly sleep. He squealed inside and watched the man’s long eyelashes flutter or twitch. He smiled in his sleep (but his body knew what it was doing and unconsciously reverted back to a scowl.) Sleep-talking came in every once in a while. Phrases like “FIGHT ME, SCRUB SOO HO!” or “I’ll take some chapchae and mandu, please” were muttered in his sleep. It was cute, and WooWoo embraced the urge to kiss him. A little peck on the cheek, Ban Ryu smiled but was still stuck in his dreams. Yeol Woo left a little gift in his hands and dashed off somewhere. He wanted to see if he could make a true, successful match with Ban Ryu.
Ban Ryu woke up eventually, noticing the letter and some flowers. He was at first shocked at how bold this person was to give a little bouquet of white chrysanthemums and what looked like a love letter, until he read it.
“My dearest Ban Ryu, I’m sorry for the complications I caused you today. I want to make it up to you. No drama, no traps, just a talk between us. I…heard some things that I shouldn’t have but I want to talk to you about it. I know I shouldn’t pry, and you don’t have to say anything. Just stay with me for a minute, get some air to loosen up that stuffy attitude of yours! I won’t set you up with anyone! I promise! And I won’t stalk you for a little while. Everyone is still roaming around; no one’s gonna care if two dudes hang out at a bar for a little bit! So what do you say? Come meet me at 9. -Your Amazing Friend, Yeol Woo”
“What the fuck is this? Leverage? Entertainment? Threats?” Ban Ryu, puzzled, tried to decode the underlying message. But he gave up quickly after that. At first, he decided not to go. But he changed it after wanting to give this man bitch a piece of his mind and seeing how this plays out. He changes and stomps out to the bar, white chrysanthemums in hand to sort out this nonsense.
Yeol Woo, dolled up and catching the eyes of all the peasants, strolled to the bar with a look of confidence. But underneath was a feeling of dread and uncertainty: what’s gonna happen? Will he figure out how to solve this if it goes south? He shook his head to banish these dubious thoughts and continued in. He sees Ban Ryu, poker-faced as usual. He noticed the flowers in hand and hesitated for a moment.
“What is he doing?” Both thought. They met up at a table in a private room. Loud and sassy music filled the air, infecting almost everyone with its rhythm in the main hall. Men and women were dancing, singing, mingling, letting loose. Yeol Woo gingerly took his seat opposite Ban Ryu’s. For once, he wad at a loss for words. He just carried a conversation with a bullied Soo Ho and an energetic Hansung about Ji Dwi’s sleeping abs seven minutes ago. Now he can’t even utter a sound.
“What do you want with me? Spit it out.” Ryu wasn’t interested in this games. He wanted the truth and only the truth; he was tired as is and has his hands full, literally and metaphorically.
“Why’d you bring those flowers?”
“I want to know what these mean. Is this some form of mockery? Some joke as my title of a Hwarang*?”
Yeol Woo was appalled. “No! They have a special meaning! And I wanted to tal-”
“WHAT MEANING? WHAT IS THERE TO TALK ABOUT?” Ban Ryu roared. His nerves were already triggered when he talked to his headmaster; it was time that he snapped. The music covered up the muffled roar, and everyone ignorant to the events unfolding.
“There’s nothing for you to stick your ass in! Mind your own damn business!” Ryu threw the bouquet at the frightened WooWoo. He was done with everything. He didn’t need another nuisance on his plate. He moved towards the door, but stopped once heard a whisper barely audible in competition with the music.
“L-lo-oyalt-ty and-d de-devotion-n.” He stuttered. His voiced gradually strengthened and recovered. “Lov-ving support-t and pl-latonic affection. Pure love.”
Ban Ryu turned around, stunned by Yeol Woo’s words. He didn’t know how to take it. An almost complete stranger is asking, son of one of the mightiest and cutthroat advisors to royalty, to trust him and depend on him. Yeol Woo was on the verge of tears; he was overemotional considering all that happened. The two felt the tension and uncertainty, the two afraid to do a single thing except breathe.
Breaking the silence, Ryu walked towards Yeol Woo and knelt down. He took the latter’s hand and took it, saying [insert Eucharist shit], “I apologize for my actions. I didn’t mean to-”
“It’s fine. I understand. Everything is just rushing. Maybe we should just slow all this shit down.” He wiped his dramatic diva tears and fanned his face to dry non-waterproof makeup.
Of course, Ryu knew he wasn’t ready to share anything of substance or significance to him. But it was a start to have someone support him on his path. That thought calmed him and enlightened him “A friend.” He thought. “A friend.” He quietly smiled inwardly and decided to give this a shot.He took the dishelved flowers and tried to fix them, being the second-most awkward man alive (Seon Woo obviously holds the title for first.)
Yeol Woo laughed a little, still slightly shaken from the emotional roller coaster of a day. Hormones probably got to them and the atmosphere too because who knows? He sat on the floor and laid his head down on his crush’s shoulder when Ryu sat down, and together they talked. They laughed, awkwardly smiled, and hummed off-key to the tune of the music. They had some emotional moments, some comedic ones. Everything was heavenly, seeing Ban Ryu’s nose crinkle and his eyes smile brightly like the stars above them. To Ban Ryu, he was content with the mood and it was pleasing watching his new ‘friend’ be happy too. He felt his heartbeat lurch a little faster and likewise to the other too.
The two found what they needed the most. For Ban Ryu, a companion to be his anchor, even if it was sudden. For Yeol Woo, an honest chance at love. They held the bouquet together, their hands touching by accident. Both blush, maybe one a little too red. They spent the rest of the night revealing a little bit on themselves and getting a little closer before going home to the bunks before they get beat up by the guards for staying out late. Who knew that this pair would get along? And who knew that they weren’t really alone…?
A.k.a. Soo Ho, Ji Dwi, and Seon Woo saw everything at the bar that night. EVERYTHING.
“Shut up you fucking idiot. You’ll give our position away. I ship it. Kinda. To be honest, I wanna see where this goes.”
“What’s a ‘ship’? Who does Ban Ryu belong to? What do you mean by position?” Seon Woo asked.
“SHUT UP SEON WOO. NO ONE ASKED YOU.” Both of them said in unison.
Hey, this is a really long fic (it’s my first time going this long.) I mean, I might do something similar and make a chronicles of it like Delley/Shavey (which is coming back soon.) Kudos if you finished it and survived through the cringy clichés and tropes. I’m doing this for a friend, who’s my partner in motivating me to make this and a really close friend in real life. There’s probably grammar mistakes but I’m too lazy to send to my editor to check. I meant to cut it, but I’m too invested in it. If you like my work, cool. If you don’t think it’s your cup of tea, I suggest finding better writers than me. They have some good work.
*Yes, Ban Ryu despises being a Hwarang. Yes, he technically has two fathers. But this is an AU fanfic I suppose. There’s a few details that are different too, but whatever.
So thanks for reading.
To The Beautiful You,
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withasideofeggsy · 8 years
Hwarang :: Ban Ryu x reader :: Part 3
Part 3! Sorry for the wait! Starting from today I will work on a fic for our lovely King! (Don’t worry I will also update this fic since so many of you have enjoyed reading this series!) So please look forward to that as well! Thank you for reading and I sincerely hope that you enjoy this chapter! Sorry for any inaccuracies that doesn’t match up to the real plot of the story. :)
Ps. Please tell me if I’m the only person that cackles like no tomorrow when Ban Ryu is in the shower. Like his little messy bun got my rolling. It’s so funny and cute LOLOL.
Part 1 Part 2
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My head hurts.
 I roll over in my mattress groaning in pain, my head really hurts. Pressing my cold hands against my forehead I sigh at the little relief provided. What even happened yesterday night? Forcing my heavy eyes open just a crack the blinding light made them shut immediately. “God…” I hiss under my breath while turning over onto my side. I scrunch up my face at the unfamiliar material enveloping me, it felt so smooth almost as if I was wrapped up in silk. I rub at the material between my thumb and index finger…wait this is silk. I shot up from bed to look down at expensive material that draped around my body. “What happened yesterday?!?” I whine untying the robe quickly, “I wouldn’t do that, you are naked under.” I freeze in my actions holding the fabric closed around my chest, “You jerk what happened?” He sighs, “So early in the morning and you are already picking a fight that you can’t possibly win.” It’s too early to deal with his attitude I thought visibly rolling my eyes at him, “I suggest you change and give back my clothes before the others wake up,” he indifferently says before getting up himself. I raise my brows standing up as well, “Wait your clothes? T-This silk…” “Is mine, so hurry and change before you dirty it. God knows you can never repay me back for it if you get it stained.” I open and close my mouth in confusion and ultimately at a loss of words, how many drinks did I have yesterday? After quickly changing I bundle up the expensive silk robe and whipped it at Ban Ryu’s face, “Whoops, sorry my hand slipped.”
 With a smug grin I turned to open the sliding door, but someone beat me to it from the other side. “WAKE UP YOU LAZY RATS!” A large man yelled directly at my face causing me to stumble backwards in shock while wiping away his spit that splattered all over my face. I quickly dodge out of the way and into the hallway as I watch from a distance as my roommates got aggressively man handled out of bed. I let out a snicker at Soo Ho’s high-pitched scream paired with excessive arm flailing when he thought that they were under attack. Once everyone was cramped in the hallway I bite my lip, daring to look up at Ban Ryu, before I could reflect on what happened yesterday night we were herded like cows into the practice grounds. Squinting at the bright sun it took awhile before my eyes could focus on a very angry Wi Hwa standing in front of us. The elder clears his throat before lecturing us with a booming voice, “Going out to Okta and returning late and tired the next day, fighting among each other when you are supposed to be working as a team! I have had enough of your behaviour! From today onwards no one leaves the grounds without permission. And if I catch any one of you failing to follow that rule you will be kicked out of Hwarang, understood? Dismissed!”
 Today’s schedule was fully packed with back-to-back physical training and house chores. The morning wasn’t too bad as simple tasks like laundry and cleaning was done, however the dull throb in the back of my head made simple tasks like that hard to focus on. It was funny to watch the amount of difficulty that was expressed among the majority of the Hwarang from just doing simple housework. Never in my life have I heard so much whining coming from grown men.
 After all the chores were done the real training began. Placed in front of me were nine cups of alcohol, very strong alcohol, I thought as I smelt its pungent aroma. The orders were to drink all nine cups and to practice sword fighting while under influence. The logic behind it was to “Prepare us for any situation” although it really seemed like an excuse to see us embarrass ourselves or get seriously injured. With shaking hands I reach for the first cup, here it goes, I thought knocking it back into my throat. I instantly gagged at the strong substance, it burned exponentially compared to the ones I drank yesterday. Wait, drank yesterday? The alcohol triggered my thoughts from the previous night that I couldn’t for the life of me remember what happened. While sipping on the fifth cup I recalled my coziness with Ban Ryu, oh my goodness…I cuddled with… “JERK FACE!!!” I splutter causing all the liquid to spray out of my mouth and onto the lucky person in front of me. With the cup still in hand I look up with widened eyes to only meet with the said man’s stoic face. Loud drunken laughter was erupted among the men who witnessed me accidently insulting Ban Ryu in front of all the Hwarang and elders and to top it off, spitting on him for good measure after it. It was a mess. A huge pulsing vein was prominent on his forehead, I swear I could hear its throbbing as I stared at him. He squeezes his eyes shut while the corner of his lips twitch in annoyance. “Please don’t kill me!” I scream throwing my ceramic cup at him out of fear. Before the cup could hit the floor and shatter he roughly grabs the front of my hanbok, pulling me towards him. “You will pay for this,” he lowly growls before letting go and turning back to finish his drinks, never failing to slam down each cup with increasing force. “I’m dead…” I chant chugging down the last few cups before collapsing onto the floor, “I’m dead.”
 I started crying on the floor before sword fighting was even started. A seemingly sober Ji Dwi slips a sheathed sword into my hands and I hug the object close to my body before resuming to crying and rocking back and forth. I don’t know how long I stayed like that but fighting already started among the Hwarang. There was only one rule, no unsheathing your sword, other than that you can basically smash your opponent’s face in with the dull object. No matter how much I enjoyed sword fighting the alcohol didn’t allow me to move, with a swimming vision and heavy eyes I continued to snooze until some brave or very dumb person tries to attack me in my sleep. My nap didn’t last very long to my dismay, being awoken by someone kicking my feet. With closed eyes I roll onto my side and mumble a quick, “go away” but it wasn’t very effective. Wi Hwa pulls me up by the back of my hanbok and practically throws me into the war zone, aka the field filled with drunkards waving their swords in the air before tripping over their own two feet and wiping themselves out. I whine, extremely upset from being woken up for this mess. Using my sword as a walking stick I made my way across the chaotic field, hoping to find a further place to sleep away from Wi Hwa’s hawk like vision. Luckily majority of the Hwarang ignored me walking in the middle of their fights, even though I was extremely tipsy I could probably beat their heads in still. I found a shaded spot not too far and I continued to make my way towards it, only stopping when a dull object smacked into my chest with a hollow thud noise. “Whoa,” I stumble backwards, finally getting my footing steady I follow the sword back to its welder, the notorious grumpy man. “You have a price to pay,” he states with a straight face and I nod up at him, “Okay, I’ll beat you up as payment.” Despite Ban Ryu’s roll eye he lets out a soft chuckle and taps his sword under my chin teasingly, “I’ve seen you hold your alcohol I highly doubt you can.” I pout childishly, even though I’m tipsy I can still be stubborn as ever, I’m not going to be shoved around by him today. Gripping the sword in my left hand I lunge towards the tall jerk before faking a swing and catching the sword with my right hand. I grin catching him off guard before delivering a hard blow into his ribs with the blunt of my sheathed sword, “Tadahh!”
 What I didn’t expect next was the hard throb I felt in my cheekbone as Ban Ryu accidently threw a fist into my face as he fell forwards from my attack. “Oof,” I yelp falling along with him. His heavy weight pins me beneath him as I struggle to push him off. I could feel the heightened emotions I got from the alcohol as I struggled to keep my tears in. I sniffle holding my throbbing cheek, “You were nicer yesterday.” He looks deeply into my eyes, I couldn’t tell what he was feeling at the moment. “You were drunk out of your mind yesterday. I had to watch over you like some baby because I promised to help you keep your secret.” I nod at his words and it made perfect sense, I didn’t realize I spoke what I thought in my head, “I thought you liked me…” Oh I said it out loud. I look up to see his reaction but it wasn’t what I expected, “Yesterday didn’t mean anything, nor will my help come without a price.” He says flatly before getting me up and retrieving his sword. I didn’t bother to get up as I lay there thinking about his confession, I really didn’t expect that or maybe that wasn’t something I wanted to hear. I nod at nothing in particular before closing my eyes trying my hardest to keep the stinging hot tears at bay. “Don’t cry you baby,” I quietly scold myself while clenching my eyes and jaw.
 I don’t know how much time has passed but the sun was setting by the time everyone started to sober up from the hectic drunk sword fighting “training”. From the ground I didn’t realize that Ah Ro and her friend, Soo Yeon entered the Hwarang home. I guess practice got a little too rough with some of the other members that they needed medical attention. I really hope the elders would learn from this and don’t plan anymore of these ridiculous training practices ever again. A familiar warm hand was placed on top of my forehead causing my eyes to flutter open, “Hey Ah Ro.” She looks down at me with a pout, “Don’t ‘hey’ me! Can’t you try a little bit harder to not get hurt!” I shrug at her lecturing before touching my tender cheek causing me to flinch, “Ow he got me good.” Ah Ro tut and clicks her tongue a few times before she pulls me up onto my feet. I cry out in pain from my added headache as she quickly pulls me along, each step causing a throb to shoot up to my brain. “We need to put some ointment on that now before it swells up more,” she explains seating me beside her medical kit. I nod in agreement as she rummages through her kit while I observe the other Hwarang. It seems like most of them sobered up and were walking around aching, or they were knocked out on the ground sound asleep like a giant baby. “Okay stay still,” Ah Ro orders leaning in to apply some really pungent smelling ointment. Before I could comply I spot Ban Ryu with Soo Yeon, Soo Ho’s younger sister. What really irritated me was that he was smiling sweetly at her, no attitude or sarcasm included. He really did mean it when he said he didn’t have any feelings towards me, how naïve of me. Clenching my fist and jaw I couldn’t stay still, I was angry. Maybe I was so upset that the only way I could cope with it was to turn it into anger, at least I wouldn’t cry and embarrass myself further more. Before the ointment could be spread on my face I got up and headed back to my room despite Ah Ro shouting for me to come back.
 “Dumb, idiot, stupid…” I chant through clenched teeth. I’m so mad, I thought throwing a punch into the wooden frame of Ban Ryu and Soo Ho’s shared bunk bed. I kept on throwing punches at the poor innocent wood with increasing strength until the skin on my knuckles split open. Taking a deep breath I watch as the blood dribbles down my fingers and onto the ground, it was calming, almost therapeutic. I felt better getting out my pent up rage but now with the fire gone I felt incredibly defeated. I wanted nothing but to take a long hot relaxing bath however that wasn’t possible, being paranoid that someone would walk in when I’m mid bathing so I quickly cleaned by myself up which helped clear my mind dramatically. Now in a better state of mind I was ready to join the Hwarang back outside. I sat on the stairs in a more secluded area of the palace, watching Ban Ryu and Soo Yeon from afar. I surprised myself at my new reaction to their interaction. As I watched him from here I could see how happy he genuinely was around her, I could never have that effect on him. I could feel my cheeks flush when I heard his laugh at something she said, finally understanding my feelings I nod and get up to tend to the horses. Might as well be productive and get my mind off things, even if it meant doing chores. I finally understood now, I really liked him. Even if he is grumpy, rude, and stuck up he managed to burrow himself deep into my heart for some damned reason. But after seeing him so happy with the company of Soo Yeon I couldn’t possibly be mad anymore. When you like someone you just want to see them smile and if Soo Yeon is the one to put that smile on his face then I won’t intrude. No matter how much the sinking feeling I felt in my heart was uncomfortable and hard to bear I would do it, that’s what you do when you like someone right? You put them first regardless of your own selfish feelings. Even though I knew what the right thing to do was I couldn’t help the hot tears that spilled over. “Ah dumb girl,” I chided myself with a smile. I rub my eyes with the sleeve of my hanbok trying very hard to stifle my sobbing but it was difficult, it hurt so bad. I walked to the corner of the horse stable where a large stack of hay was sat. I’ll just cry pathetically here where no one can hear or see me. Curling up into a ball I cry into the prickly straw, thinking about all the possible reasons why my favourite grumpy flowering knight didn’t reciprocate my feelings towards him. “Maybe because I’m ugly, or stupid. He always calls me stupid. I’m of no class, basically a lowly peasant who worked day and night jobs to get by. I chose a life as a Hwarang so I would have a place to call home. I have no manners, no family, and too stubborn for my own good picking fights that I know I would lose. Wow I really am a poor excuse of a human,” rolling over onto my back I look up to the wooden ceiling, “UGHHHH!” I sit up tapping my index finger on my chin, “If only brother Gun Chul was here he could give me advice. Or beat up stupid Ban Ryu. But he had to go die and leave me here all by myself!” I scream ripping at the stack of hay aggressively. I couldn’t help but smile remembering his passing, even though it was the worst day of my life his last words to me were something, “I hate it here so I’m glad I’m finally leaving, just a bit sad that I’ll have to leave your side though. We haven’t been separated since you were born but know that I will always be watching you, so don’t do anything stupid or you’ll give me a headache even when I’m in heaven…or burning in the depths of hell hahaha.” I laugh shaking my head remembering his stupid parting words. Maybe it was time I paid him a visit, I could probably sneak out tonight seeing that everyone would be exhausted from training today. Even though rules were implemented today I could careless, as long as I didn’t get caught I wouldn’t get in any trouble.
 It was nightfall everyone was sound asleep in the shared bedroom. I look around counting each member in their rightful beds before quickly stripping out of my clothes and putting on a simple dark long sleeve robe. I quickly grabbed the flats I hid under my mattress and slipped them onto my feet. Making my way towards the door I peep my head into the halls, making sure it was empty before readying myself to bound down towards the palace exit with as much stealth as I could possibly muster up. Taking in a large breath I lunged forward, with great difficultly as something or someone yanked me back by the belt around my waist. I stifle I scream by holding a hand to my mouth before slowly looking up. “Where do you think you’re going?” Ban Ryu whispers lowly near my ears, “You’re going to get us all in trouble.” I clench my jaw, great this is what I really needed now, “I’m not going to get caught, I’ll be fast.” It was dark in the room so I couldn’t really make out much but I saw the shine in his dark eyes from the moonlight that managed to seep through the paper walls. “I asked, where are you going?” I push him off of me before turning to face him properly, “It’s nothing for you to worry about.” “I didn’t ask for you to assure me. I’m asking where you are going,” he flatly states with crossed arms. “Why do you even care so much?” I ask visibly getting irritated for my now soiled plan. Ban Ryu sighs, “I don’t care.” I sarcastically let out a laugh, “You have a funny way of showing that you don’t care. Just…leave me alone alright?” “You know I can’t do that.” “Ban Ryu can you just-” I didn’t realize I started raising my voice until he places a calloused hand over my mouth, “Come,” he orders pulling me into the halls and into the bathhouse.
 I shake my head pacing in a small circle, “I don’t understand you!” He grabs my wrist successfully stopping me in my tracks, “W-What?” I ask quietly looking into his gentle gaze extinguishing the fire in my body. “What’s wrong?” he asks still holding my wrist tightly in his large hand as his thumb rubbed soothing circles into the back of my hand. “What do you mean what’s wrong?” I ask squinting up at him. “You aren’t acting like yourself,” he simply states. Watching him carefully I could see the concern he had in his eyes even though it was obvious that he tried really hard to conceal it. “Maybe you just don’t know me,” I say quietly looking down at his warm hand that held me in place. He didn’t say anything to my surprise, I felt bad for saying what I did considering how much it affected him for some reason. “I’m sorry,” I apologize reaching up with my free hand to place on top of his, “I didn’t mean for it to come out so rude. I guess I’m in a bad mood.” He nods pulling both of his hands back to his sides. I fiddle with the knot on my robe before looking up at the tall man before me, “I just…wanted to go see my brother that’s all.” He nods, “Let’s go then.” I raise an eyebrow at him, “What?” He rolls his eyes, “Can’t you listen for once instead of making me repeat myself every time.” I giggle at his irritation, “I can’t help it if you surprise me each time you open your mouth. Are you going to yell at me? Call me mean names? Or be uncharacteristically sweet?” Ban Ryu closes his eyes with a sigh as if he’s regretting the offer he made seconds ago, “Come on let’s go before we both get caught.” We walk back into the halls and before he could slip back into our room to get quickly changed I grabbed onto his sleeve, “Um can you get me the hairpin I hid under my pillow?” He raised a questioning brow looking down at me, “I-I need it,” I explained which he nodded without further questioning.
 I held onto the sleeve of his hanbok as I pulled him along the quiet streets of Silla. I wanted to hold his hand but I didn’t have the nerve to and if I did it would make holding my feelings for him even harder. Just thinking about holding his warm hand made blood rush to my cheeks, “Almost there,” I smile back at him. He followed me into the outskirts of the capital but he didn’t question it even though with his wandering eyes I could tell that he was curious of where I was taking him. I drag him into the cemetery and raised by arms up gesturing to the dark open field, “Tadah!” He raised a brow and continued to follow me as I walked towards the spot that was marked with a few small stones, “Here’s the real Gun Chul.” I present pointing at the stones. Ban Ryu watches me carefully with a questioning look, “I didn’t expect this,” he bluntly states and I smile. “He got sick a few months ago,” I explained with a nod taking a seat in the grass. Ban Ryu lowers himself and sits closely beside me, “I’m sorry for your loss.” I laugh ducking my head to look up at his face, “That’s strange, I didn’t expect to hear you apologize ever.” He softly smiles taking out my hairpin from his bosom and twirling it between his index finger and thumb. “He gave me that,” I explained reaching out and touching the intricate carves on the wood, “We were really poor but…before he passed he got me this to remember him.” Ban Ryu nods keeping silent as if gesturing me to continue about my life’s story, “Um…he didn’t really need to though. I would never forget about him.” I look up at Ban Ryu as his fingers glided over mine, “How could you be so positive about all this? You’re still smiling.” I hum pulling my hand back, somewhat reluctantly, “He hated it here, and I guess he was happy to leave so if he’s happy then I’m happy.” Ban Ryu raises his hand and I was prepared for a smack on the forehead for having such dumb logic but instead he placed his hand on the back of my head and combed his fingers through my hair. I stayed silent as he pulled my long hair into a bun, gently threading the wooden hairpin into it. “Your logic is dumb,” he says flatly causing me to laugh. “What was your reason for joining the Hwarang?” he asks softly as his fingers trailed down my neck before he places his hand back into his lap. “Haha…this is even more dumb,” I confess scratching my cheek embarrassed, “Well…the thing is…we were broke. We worked day and night to make enough to get by. He overworked and his body finally decided to give up. And by myself I couldn’t make enough to keep our home and get medical treatment done for him. So we became homeless but Ah Ro’s family was very nice and allowed us stay with them. However when my brother didn’t get better and passed I didn’t want to burden them any longer… So I looked for a new home and the Hwarang gave me that.” I didn’t even realize that tears were running down my face by the time I finished telling him my story, “Sorry I didn’t mean to cry,” I sniffle as he wiped at my cheeks with his sleeve. “What’s your name?” He inquires next causing me to smile, “I like how you ask for my deep back story before asking for my name.” Ban Ryu softly laughs, “I didn’t know if your name was worth remembering until now.” I puff out my cheeks in mock offense shoving him with my shoulder, “My name is (Y/n).” He nods with a gentle smile, “Thanks for telling me that (Y/n).” I scrunch up my nose at his reply, “Oh geez, you’re scaring me with your kindness please stop!” He scoffs making a 360 back to himself. There was a comfortable silence that enveloped us, “Ban Ryu?” Hearing his name he looks at me giving his full undivided attention before I continued, “I feel the same about my brother to you.” The man raises his eyebrow not following my words, so I continued, “If you’re happy then so am I.” The confusion stayed on his features, “What do you mean?” I smile with a soft laugh, “I like you, a lot. But you are happiest beside Soo Yeon so I will be happy for you both.”    
 Ban Ryu’s point of view
I didn’t comprehend what she was getting at. I liked (Y/n) more than any girl I’ve ever met, I even showed her how comfortable I was around her by being myself. I should tell her that I didn’t like Soo Yeon as anything more than a friend with mutual interests like giving Soo Ho a hard time, but I couldn’t bring myself to confess my feelings to her. She looks up at me with tear brimmed eyes but her smile never quivered on her perfect face, “I just…ask one thing of you Ban Ryu…we need to stop having these interactions. When you are like this…being so nice to me I can’t handle it knowing that our feelings aren’t mutual. It’s selfish of me to ask you that but it hurts too much knowing that you aren’t someone that I can call mine.” My chest tightens as I watch her smile waver with tears streaming down her face uncontrollably, it was worse than that time she got drunk. “You talk too much.” (Y/n) laughs with tears still streaming down her cheeks, “It’s okay though. I enjoy listening to you talking about nonsense.” She looks up with pouty lips and I couldn’t help but reach out and pinch her cheeks. “You are dumb aren’t you?” Before she could protest like she usually did I slide my hand from her cheek to the back of her head before gently pulling her forwards. “Just kiss me (Y/n).” My eyes flutter closed as her soft warm lips met mine, we barely made contact before she pulls back and buries her extremely hot flushed face into my neck. I chuckle at her shyness after her whole confident love confession. She snuggles closely to me as I wrap my arms tightly around her body, pulling her into my lap. (Y/n) timidly lets go of the front of my hanbok and slides her arms around my neck, holding me tightly. “I messed up can I try again?” “Do whatever you want,” I mumble feeling the heat radiating across my cheeks. “Okay I will!” She exclaims excitedly squishing my cheeks with both hands. (Y/n) stops amidst leaning in to flash me the brightest grin I’ve ever seen, “You’re cute,” she giggles before continuing to press her lips firmly against mine. Unlike our first kiss it was much more confident, filled with passion as her soft lips moulded with mine. She smiles into the kiss before pulling away, I hear a soft “wow” leave her plump lips as she throws her arms around me giving me the tightest hug she could muster up. “I’m happiest with you,” I quietly confess but nonetheless she heard as she tightened her hold around me.
 We walk hand in hand back to the Hwarang house. The night had gotten more chilly but it was bearable since any slight contact I had with the (c/h) made my heart beat as if I ran for miles. I couldn’t help the small smile that tugged on my lips when I catch her in my peripheral vision with the beaming smile on her face that appeared when she sneaked glances at me. She yawns while rubbing at her swollen eyes from all her previous crying. I couldn’t believe this idiot thought that I liked someone else other than her, and wasted her tears on me too. Even though I hate unnecessary crying I admit she was adorable that she cared about me enough to shed her tears for me. Although I hope in the future she would only cry out of happiness. “You must be tired from all that crying you big baby,” I tease treading my fingers through her soft silky locks. She looks up with lidded eyes with a genuine pout, “I’m too sleepy to come up with something witty to say.” I chuckle at her forwardness and squatted, gesturing for her to get on my back. Her usual self would be too stubborn to take my offer in carrying her but she was too tired to care as she obediently jumped onto my back. (Y/n) wrapped her arms around my neck as she buried her face into my shoulder and quickly drifted to sleep.
 I was surprised that we made it back into our rooms without being caught. Then again, we would know in the morning for sure if extra chores were given to us for sneaking out. I gently lower her into her bed and she loudly groans, a brief moment of panic floods through me hoping none of our roommates would stir at the sound.
 Normal point of view
I groan as I lost all warmth from my soft cushion when it became cold and stiff. My eyes flutter open, it took a while for them to adjust in the dark but I made out the figure before me to be Ban Ryu thanks to the small sliver of moonlight that seeped through the walls. “Stay…” I mumble as my hands reached out to grab his. He sighs but he slips into my bed nonetheless, holding me close into his chest. “I’ll stay until you fall sleep,” he says as his lips brush against my forehead. “Then I won’t ever fall asleep,” I simply state cuddling into his body, feeling his warmth spread through me once again my eyes started to feel heavy. I feel the rumble in his chest as he chuckles quietly, “Don’t be silly.” Ban Ryu combs his long fingers though my hair and removes the wooden hairpin from my bun creating loose ringlets to fall around my face. He slides the hairpin back underneath my pillow before resuming to brush the hair away from my face, soothing me into a peaceful sleep. “Good night…my princess.”
 “I’m a peasant,” I correct half unconscious. “And you are annoying, shut up and sleep (Y/n).”
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universetwo · 8 years
It took approximately sixteen hours of our lives to see Sam Maekjong finally stepping up in the game and getting closer to get what should have been his for a long time now. Let’s not mention that he also talked to like ten dozen people before he finally decided he will go all ninja/Assassin’s Creed mode on the old evil man. By the way, Ah Ro had a good and fair point. When she called out Sam Maekjong that he only wants to use her as an excuse to run away was pretty damn right. We know he has sort of a love thing going on for her, but it’s probably not as strong that he would actually give up on everything and go farming with her... Anyway, I hope starting today we will get closer to him becoming the actual king and settling down into a good conclusion, because it’s just getting too much. 
Though I have to say I really liked the scene between Sam Maekjong and Princess Sookmyung. I wish they wouldn’t be “destined” to marry each other because it just makes everything weird, but I do think they would have a good dynamic and they should help each other out. Also, looking at the preview, that kiss is going to kill me. I guess it runs in the family that they threat the people that they love and also kiss them with force. Amazing... 
Isn’t it funny though how previews can trick people? We all thought something terrible will happen to Hansung but it’s just the typical family drama. I learnt to not trust previews anymore. I wish there would be a Hwarang continuation where they only focus on the real couples, Yeo Wool x Hansung and Ah Ro x Sun Woo (okay maybe Ban Ryu x Soo Ho and Sun Woo x Sam Maekjong can get some special episodes as well). I would even buy a DVD of that. 
Talking about Ah Ro, I’m not sure what Wonhwa really means because this is only the second time I’m watching a historical drama and I’m not so familiar with the term. But reading about it and seeing some responses here on Tumblr, I have high hopes for something good or at least something very interesting happening. I mean it does sound dangerous as Sun Woo was freaking out because of it, but I think that would suit Ah Ro’s character because she has gone through some pretty harsh situations already and every time she showed how caring and smart she is. I mean the fact that even the Queen realizes that way before many of the people in this fandom... 
Ban Ryu though... just because your step-family is made up of snakes, why do you have to act like one? Yes, we can look deeply into why is he acting like this and we can say all sorts of supporting and hopeful things, but let’s be honest, he acted pretty crappy in the past two episodes. His character development is not going on a positive slope anymore. It’s more like a negative slope of a quadratic equation because he is going downhill now. Soo Yeon deserves better. 
What still makes me happy while watching this drama is the developing brotherhood and friendship of the Hwarangs. How they step up for each other (well except for some) and protect each other when time calls it. I also love it so much whenever Ah Ro and Sun Woo have cute scenes together, like when they were by the water and Sun Woo gave a quick kiss to her. I don’t even understand those who say they don’t have a good chemistry and feel she should be with Sam Maekjong... I mean their love is so cute and fuzzy, I literally melt in front of the screen. I also do believe that their love is strong enough to survive that inconvenient kiss from the princess. At least I really hope it, because if their love gets ruined few episodes before the final, I’m not going to survive that.
And now we get to the point where we only have four episodes left. I complain a lot about this drama’s writing in general, but I’m definitely going to miss it. I got too invested in the characters and their love lives that it will be hard not seeing them every week. The cast is just wonderful and I wish they would come together like this in some other dramas. Hwarang may not be perfect, but it definitely did a good job with making people fall for characters or be upset at some, and think about the story even long after the episode was done. But I just hope that the following final four episodes will do more good to the characters and to the plot in general than bad. Because they all deserve a happy ending and I want to see a final cute yet meaningful kiss between Ah Ro and Sun Woo without tearing my heart out. And I really want to see Sam Maekjong getting the throne and every other character finding their own happy endings. 
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beautifully-hwarang · 8 years
Of Kisses and Crushes
Pairing: Ban Ryu x Soo Yeon
Rating: G
Word Count: 1063
He couldn’t stop thinking about her. He knew he must have hurt her feelings with the way he had brushed her off, Soo Ho’s livid roars in his direction after he had walked away indicating he had done that and much more. The memory of Soo Yeon crying after her brother, telling him to stop was enough to cause his heart to clench.
‘Why didn’t you speak to her then, you fool? Why are you letting Young Shil ruin this for you too?’ A part of him snarled and Ban Ryu sighed, pressing his fists into his eyes so hard he saw pops of colour.
‘It doesn’t matter,’ another side piped up, ‘if you can’t even stand up to Young Shil, what could you ever do for Soo Yeon?’
His heart sank when he realized the truth in the words. He was trapped, he couldn’t so much as breathe without Young Shil’s permission and he had fooled himself into believing he could love? And someone like Soo Yeon at that? She was light and happiness and everything that was good in the world. Could he really marr her light with his inescapable darkness?
That girl -- Ah-Ro had asked him if his feelings for Soo Yeon were genuine. As if the very mention of her name wasn’t enough to cause his heart to thunder erratically. As if the sight of her familiar handwriting etched into a page wasn’t something he could stare at for hours on end, imagining her gentle hands curved around a brush, painstakingly tracing out her words to him. The words she had thought out for only him. His hand brushed over his heart, where he kept her letter to him tucked away in the folds of his clothing. It would most likely be the last she would ever send him, considering how he had treated her.
“Master Ban Ryu?”
And now he was even hearing her voice.
“...Are you going to ignore me again?”
He almost tripped over his own feet in his haste to turn and face her when he realized that she was really here and not a figment of his imagination.
She was glowing. The sky blue of her clothing catching the light in a way that made her look ethereal. There was a pregnant silence as they stared at each other. Her, seeking answers to questions her tongue dared not ask, and him drinking in the sight of her, beautiful and in that moment, all his.
“I’m sorry.”
He spoke the words softly, averting his gaze to the dirt, afraid that if he said them any louder she would realize just how foolish she was to be standing here with him. When he glanced up, he found her watching him, an odd softness in her gaze, half a smile playing about her lips.
“For what?”
They fell back into silence again, with him wondering why she wasn’t upset with him and her staring at him with a fond look on her face. She seemed to realize that he wouldn’t be speaking again and heaved a great sigh before she opened her mouth to continue a conversation.
“Consider us even now. I… did that to you and now you brushed me off. The score has been settled?”
Ban Ryu nodded, clasping his hands behind his back in an effort to hide how clammy they were suddenly. Part of him wondered why she was here, why she had come to speak to him. He scuffed at the ground in front of his feet errantly. He could feel his heartbeat in his throat, feel her eyes on him.
“Did you need something?” He asked finally, and Soo Yeon’s head snapped up to look at him, a smile breaking out over her face when she realized he had spoken to her. It began to fade quickly though when she processed what he had said.
“I just meant - you came all this way, was there something you needed from me?” Ban Ryu clarified quickly, his hands clenching behind his back when he realized that he could have ended this entire thing by letting her live with her misconception, but the idea of her thinking he didn’t cherish every second she was in front of him was unacceptable to him.
“Not so much something I wanted from you,” she began softly, a light pink flush covering her cheeks as she wrung her hands in front of her, “as much as something I wanted to give to you.”
The letter tucked against his chest was suddenly burning hot, searing her mark into his flesh. He watched her expectantly, a warm feeling building within his chest as she fumbled about with the voluminous fabric of her sleeves, peeking up at him through her lashes.
“Miss Soo Yeon?” He asked, hoping his voice didn’t squeak on her name or betray his heart’s galloping pace at the way she looked directly at him when he said her name, something flashing through her eyes. Something that he was sure was echoed in his own.
It felt like life was moving in slow motion as he watched her take a step closer to him, and then another, and another until she was pressed up against him and he could feel her breath on his cheek. He was sure he must look like a slack-jawed fool, frozen in time, afraid that one move of his would make her realize what she was doing.
And then her lips were pressed against his cheek, soft and warm, and a jolt of electricity surged through his entire being. In that moment he could have taken on the entire Hwarang house and emerged victorious.
She pulled away from him a few moments later, although he could have sworn they had spent hours in such close proximity, and smiled down at the ground, blushing madly. He would have smiled, but he wasn’t entirely sure he had control of his body yet.
He was staring down at her with an indescribable tempest brewing in his chest, a desire to protect her, keep her close to him, and he made a decision right then that he prayed he would always be able to follow through on that he would do just that.
He didn’t know whether what they felt for each other was love, but he knew that he was only too eager to find out.
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