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keepfronting · 2 years ago
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#tekken6 #tekken #mokujin #sonyplaystation3 #playstation3 #ps3 #keepfronting https://www.instagram.com/p/CpyhCZgIm7t/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lusin333 · 2 years ago
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I, @Lusin333, have a PS-triple.
I plan to play Neopets and Runescape with this powerful computer.
Thanks to @playstation, @chadwarden & @sony for giving this legendary computer to me FOR FREE.
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drasgondigger · 10 months ago
Jogo PS3 n°631 - Tales of Xillia 2 (Lacrado / Sealed)
#talesofxillia2 #talesofxillia2ps3 #talesofxillia #talesofxilliaps3 #talesofseries #blus31397 #namcobandai #namcobandaigames #namco #bandai #ps3 #playstation #sonyentertainmentsystem #playstation3 #sonyplaystation3 #colecaops3 #ps3collection #game #gamer #retrogame #retrogamer #videogame #videogames #drasgondigger #rpgdrasgondigger #ps3drasgondigger #talesofxillia2drasgondigger #ps3brasil #playstation3brasil #playstationbrasil
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oldnintendonerd · 6 years ago
Season 3 in full swing - But first... the Pre-Season
Alright, I’ll admit it, I’ve been slacking here. It takes time to write these up, and time is something I have not had as much of as I’d like. We made it to the very end of 2018 in the last blog post, and we had a whopping $103.68 in the game hunting money stash. I’ll tell you what too, it gets even better. One of my first finds of 2019 was at the Goodwill, and it wasn’t even a game, but boy did it help the game hunting money.
A decent condition TU-2 Tuner pedal from Boss. I actually have one of my own and didn’t need one at all, but at TWO BUCKS? I couldn’t pass it up, knowing it’d have to be easily $40 at minimum, without even looking it up. It was a little dusty, and had a few dings and scrapes, but man, these things are tanks. Anyone familiar with this will recognize it as really good condition. I’ve seen them with massive amounts of rust and nearly no paint left and they still work like a charm.
Little before and after for you here:
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Sold that son of a bitch for a cool $58.99 on eBay. After listing fee, PayPal fee, and shipping we add $44.06 to the game hunting money, totaling $147.74. A new record high!
That was in early February. Deep winter is terrible for finds, and it wasn’t until late March, on the 22nd, until I found even SOMETHING. A Wii sensor bar for $0.99 at Goodwill. No pics of that, it’s a sensor bar. It’s... yeah. A sensor bar. I needed them though, I have like 6 extra Wiis. Been waiting to get a couple complete systems so I can sell, or mod and sell each one. In any case, totaled $1.06 out the door. We drop to $146.68. Moving on.
March 26th, once again, at the Goodwill. Knocking on Spring cleaning’s door and I spot a blue Dual Shock 2 controller. Sitting in the toys section, not electronics. Not by the video games. In the toys section. This is not the first time this has happened, finding something game related in the toys section. Last time I think it was a few actual PS2 games.
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Tiny bit of dust in some of the nooks and crannies, but man is it in good condition. Sticks are 9/10 easy, and buttons are nice and crispy. My new favorite PS2 controller right now. This one set us back $3.99. Or, $4.29 out the door. This takes us to $142.39.
Great find, I only had one DualShock 2 controller when I found this, so really couldn’t have been better timing. Having two again makes the system feel whole again somehow.
Moving into April, we ran across an unusually valuable title. Now I don’t mean it is worth $100 or anything, I just mean it is one that you would liken to be being something along the lines of maybe $5 complete.
Wheel of Fortune for PS3 - Found at Goodwill 04.12.2019
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Again, not a hundred dollars but it was still worth $13.95 on Pricecharting. Usually that tells me it is a least worth a play. So I snagged it. This was Goodwill again, so $2.99, and $3.21 out the door. Takes the hunting money down to $139.18.
on 04.15.2019 I hit a flea market. Really not much there, one guy had a completely obliterated Sega Dreamcast I didn’t even look twice at. That was it, other than a guy with a small bag of DS and GBA games. He wanted $30 for the whole bag, and I’d never heard of any title other than this one...
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Snagged it for $4 just by itself. It looks like its going for about $12 loose, so I thought that was acceptable. I don’t have a DS to test it on (yet), but cartridges almost never fail really. So fingers crossed this one is fine. Takes us to $135.18.
A couple weeks later, it is still not yet really Yard Sale season. There has been a sprinkling, and by this time I have visited a handful, but with no luck finding anything. The next find is still a thrift store find. I’ll admit I probably paid more for this than I should have, Pricecharting has this one at $5.69 complete. I paid $3.92, which brought it to $4.20 after tax.
Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception - Found 04.28.2019 at VoA
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I don’t mind paying a little more for games when they have been tough to find, or if they are going to my collection. This one is both. The Uncharted series, ever since I found out about it, and that it was generally well received and liked, I’ve been looking for copies. I knew they were cheap and the only time I’ve run across any copies was at GameStop, and they were $4.99, and disc only. I’m like I am not paying $5 plus tax, for a disc only game that is worth pretty much exactly that CIB. I want the box to put on the shelf! So when I saw this in the thrift I grabbed it anyway. Still under retail price, or at least what I’d pay on eBay to have one shipped. Most were around $10, give or take a dollar. So half price? Not bad, and in decent condition.
The $4.20 takes us to $130.98.
Now, we are at least into the current month. I walked into The Salvation Army store on May 9th and spotted this...
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A Sega CD. Not easy to find or come by, especially in the box. However, not being a Sega guy (obviously), and because of that, not having looked at prices for Sega CD really ever, let alone recently, I guessed at it being worth about $100 to $120. I thought the condition of the box was a little rough to be asking $69.99, so I left with only the photo on my phone.
Later that evening I looked on eBay sold listings and was a little surprised. Ones without the box were going for what I thought the CIB one would be worth. I posted the shot I snapped above on my Instagram and asked my followers their opinion: Would they have picked it up?
Overwhelmingly... yes, they would have!
So I stopped in the next morning after they opened and asked to look at it. It was indeed CIB, though the box had seen better days. Even the carton inside had a few rips. but it was all there, and still held everything securely. I asked if it had been tested. The guy at the front said yes they test everything they get. I said oh, you guys have a Genesis to hook to this? Could I see it work?
That was met with a blank stare. Another guy that does the testing actually admitted that it was not tested. So I said how about $40 then, since I’m taking a risk here. They said they can’t adjust the price, only the manager can do that. I asked if the manager was in and after a little chasing, they found her and she came up to the front to talk to me. I explained that this is an add-on system, not a stand alone console and it is not tested, I’d like to get it for a little cheaper to account for the risk I’m taking if I buy it. She lowered the price to $49.99.
I bought it.
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Everything is there, the extension piece, the adapter, the manual, both RF shields, and the plate used to attach the extension. There was even a game in it!
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The disc is VERY rough on Ecco, but it does play. I know this because a co-worker helped me out, gave me his Genesis and it fired right up on the first try, and booted the game with no problems. I tried a few more times just to make sure it wasn’t a fluke, even let it run for a while, and played a bit of it. It did struggle here and there because of the scratches, but otherwise played fine!
Could not be happier. I plan to clean it up a bit, as you can see it does have some dust and grime on it.
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But once that’s taken care of I think it will be a great looking Sega CD. I will probably offer it up to Instagram first before trying it on the ‘bay. if anyone is interested please let me know on Instagram, I’m just @oldnintendonerd.
The price isn’t set yet, I am thinking somewhere between about $175 and $200. The last one that sold on ebay went for $300 shipped. better condition box though, so that’s why i’m thinking somewhere in the neighborhood of $200 to $230 shipped. I’m open to opinions if you have them, comment here or DM on IG.
This purchase, after tax was $53.74, taking us down to $77.24. however, this was bought SOLELY to flip. I do not collect for Sega, so this is entirely for profit to help buy more Nintendo stuff. I have no problem with Sega, I do not view it as trash or anything, I just didn’t grow up with it, and my heart belongs to Nintendo. There is only so much room in my home, and in my budget, so it must go.
We’ll call it there for this one, hopefully I’ll have another post up much sooner than every three months or so. Summer months should yield higher finds so I can detail stuff here more often. I hope.
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8-bitpickle-gaming · 3 years ago
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laberalarm · 3 years ago
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My Platinum-Trophies: Metal Gear Solid 2 #metalgearsolid2#metalgearsolid#solidsnakestory#ps2#ps2games#ps3#ps3games#ps3trophy#ps3trophies#psnplatinumtrophy#psntrophies#psntrophy#playstation#sony#sonyplaystation#sonyplaystation3 (hier: Bargteheide) https://www.instagram.com/limited_skills/p/CXSfQzOorq5/?utm_medium=tumblr
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anacrogames · 6 years ago
HOY en las Efemérides Anacrónicas de Anacrogames: ¡Felices 7 años Dark Souls! • ダークソウル, la obra maestra de Hidetaka Miyazaki llegó a las tiendas japonesas, para PlayStation 3, el 22 de Septiembre de 2011. Un titulo desarrollado por From Software y distribuido por Namco Bandai, que ha marcado un camino muy grande en la industria de este entretenimiento que tanto nos apasiona • #sonyplaystation3 #ps3 #darksouls #ダークソウル #FromSoftware #NamcoBandai #HidetakaMiyazaki #efeméridesanacrónicas #anacrogames #retrogames #videojuegos #pendodelespacio https://www.instagram.com/p/BoCfnnzFWHX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=joyix8wsbg4n
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10lineworx · 5 years ago
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Sony PlayStation PS5 Dualsense #sony #playstation #dualsense #ps5 #ps4 #ps3 #ps2 #ps #10lineworx #sonyplaystation #sonyplaystation5 #sonyplaystation4 #sonyplaystation3 #sonyplaystation2 #besttiktokertv #ps4pro #dualshock #playstation5 #playstation4 #playstation3 #playstation3 #playstation2 #game https://www.instagram.com/p/B-saVXxDES_/?igshid=1xf2olb03licp
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keepfronting · 2 years ago
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#tekken6 #tekken #ganryu #sonyplaystation3 #playstation3 #ps3 #keepfronting https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp01JQuoqco/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gotmemez4 · 5 years ago
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#teenagers🙄 #teenagerposts #ehhitssomething #daybyday #nightbynight #lgbtq🌈 #singlelesbian #relationshipquotes #longdistancerelationships #gamersunite #gamingsetups #datingagamer #apexlegends #respawnentertainment #sonyplaystation4 #sonyplaystation3 #hitman2 #tiktok #fameandfortune #workaholic #instagram #gamingeveryday #beingagamer #vloggerlife #youtubecouples https://www.instagram.com/p/B9cYBMlFf9_/?igshid=1v5fqmdk40av0
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drasgondigger · 10 months ago
Jogo PS3 n°629 - Oddworld Stranger's Wrath HD (Lacrado / Sealed)
#oddworldstrangerswrathhd #oddworldstrangerswrathhdps3 #oddworldstrangerswrath #oddworldstrangerswrathps3 #oddworldstrangerswrathhdlimitedrun #oddworld #oddworldps3 #oddworldinhabitants #limitedrun #justaddwater #blus31620 #ps3 #playstation #playstation3 #sonyplaystation3 #sony #colecaops3 #ps3collection #game #gamer #retrogame #retrogamer #videogame #drasgondigger #acaodrasgondigger #ps3drasgondigger #oddworldstrangerswrathdrasgondigger #ps3brasil #playstation3brasil #playstationbrasil
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nakedbob · 5 years ago
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Everybody get their, uh, big settlement check from Sony? Heh. #sonyplaystation3 #linux https://www.instagram.com/p/B2r_14CHrhd/?igshid=1ttehg4sldcfj
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gamersboxsa · 6 years ago
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. لا يفوتكم! تم الآن فتح باب الاشتراك في صندوق اللاعبين لشهر يوليو! اشترك الآن واحصل شهريًا على أغراض رائعة تتعلق بعالمك المفضل - عالم ألعاب الفيديو! بإمكانكم معرفة المزيد والاطّلاع على صناديق الشهور الماضية عن طريق الرابط في البايو. - - #بليستيشن #بلايستيشن #قيمرات #صندوق_اللاعبين #gamers_box #playstation3 #sonyplaystation3 #classicgamingألعاب https://www.instagram.com/p/BzdGZQDFUQC/?igshid=1fdi7iflujx9b
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capotodeski · 6 years ago
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Зацепил сегодня а 5элементе замечательную сборку Uncharted, бонусные баллы сбили цену с 39,99 до 10,99 рублей (около 5$). #uncharted #uncharte #uncharted2 #uncharted3 #unchartedсудьбадрейка #unchartedсредиворов #unchartedиллюзиидрейка #ps #ps4 #ps3 #playstation #playstation4 #sony #sonyplaystation #sonyplaystation3 #sonyplaystation4 #натандрейк #psn #хитыplaystation #хитыplaystation4 #game #games #игры #игра #5elemen #5элемент https://www.instagram.com/p/BwhOjk6nl9D/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1l0nhkp900cwk
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tech2guides · 6 years ago
PS3 Emulator for PC, Android, iOS Download 2019
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PS3 Emulator is used for all the iOS, Android, PC, and Almost All the Platforms. ESX is also used to play all the PlayStation 3 games and Experience the PS3 Gaming Experience with you cannot buying anything which means you no need to pay for it. you will get completely free of Cost Which is a Nice thing.   Sony PlayStation 3 is the Popular Console Maker that you can play on your Android and iOS even you can play on the PC too.  You will definitely fell awesome once you started playing using Sony PS3 because there are the Much and more features that make you feel awesome. PS3 is the Game console which Only tries to Give the Best that it can, The Reason that's what I am Saying this is am the person who actually Plays lot and fan of the PS3 Games.   This Year PlayStation 5 was released but this is the Game that you can play to enjoy the Game experience but the Problem About this gameplay is this is Very expensive for a normal Consumer and they always wanted to play but they cannot effort it. So that's the Reason The developers have created PS3 Emulator, or also known as Sony PlayStation 3 to enjoy the Playing games to Enjoy the PlayStation Games.     
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Sony PS3 Emulator Features:
Check out all the Best Features which will be most useful when you start using the PS3 Emulator. These are the features that Made Sony PS3 Emulator is just awesome and you will not Be Going to be Skip this Features after you have got to know because all are the features which you have seen are just helpful in all the way.  PS3 emulator gives you the best Game Experience on Android, iOS, and PC without getting compromising any Best Game Experience. You can Enjoy the PS3 Games on your PC with High-Quality Graphics. it is very important when it comes to playing the Games to experience the whole game with intensively. The best PS3 Title You can Enjoy on This Emulator to play the Game that you will Enjoy. The Best part of this Game is that you will enjoy the Multiplayer game online when there is Good internet Connection ( High Speed) So that you can Enjoy the Game Experience without Buffering the Game.   System Requirements to Install PS3 Emulator: The Following Requirements are must for the all Platforms that you have. I have explained in the Below for all the Different Platforms, You can go down and Check what your current Devices will match or not. These are the minimum requirements if you have purchased your Computer or the smartphone then you no need to much worry because nowadays all are the devices coming with better Internal storage and RAM and so on.   When it comes to the System Requirements It's Complete Depends on the Devices that you are going to be Installed. If You are Using the Android mobile then It should be Require the minimum OS version Even if there is an older version of Android is also fine but you will able to See the Game with lower Graphics Quality or else if it's the New smartphone and latest Android version is installed on it then you will be Enjoy the Game on your Android mobile with full high-Quality Games with on Android with help of PS3 Emulator.   This Same Goes to your PC and Mac You will be Enjoy the Playstation high Graphics PS3 Games on your System with the Help of PS3 Emulator The below list you can Check it out What actually your System Needs to be.   Also, You may Like: How to find someone’s cell phone number   Mac Requirements: When you want to use this Emulator on your Mac then Check all the Below Requirements you should have on your Mac then only you can easily able to install it and use it without having any trouble. OS: Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard or later PC System Requirements Operating system: Windows 7 or later RAM: 2GB or higher GPU: 512 MB memory or higher CPU: Dual Core 3GHz or better ANDROID Requirements Version: 4.1 Or more   Once you have Fixed with all the Above requirements you can easily Download PS3 Emulator on your Android mobile and Enjoy playing the Games without having any other Problem. You should always check the specifications of your Android mobile then Download from the below.   Also other Interesting and Popular from the site: AOL.com mail login sign  
Download Sony PS3 Emulator for Android:
Now let's Check How to Download PS3 Emulator for Andriod mobile with all guide below. as I said above when you wanted to Download the PS3 on android you will definitely get all these Good and best Gaming experience which you may have got or not. There is the huge number of People who actually download PS3 Emulator For Ps3 and there is a Big Improvement will keep Coming for the Android Emulator every time that you have and you will definitely see the best Development on Android because there is the Huge number of people who always love to use the Android. So if you wanted to Plans to Download this PS3 Emulator For Android or other Platform you will not be going to Disappoint in any which way because of the Experience that you will See on this is awesome.   Step #1: Download  APK File. Step #2: Once you have Downloaded the File You Go to File Manager and Locate the File PS3 Emulator APK that you have Downloaded. Step #3: Click on that APK file to start installation on android mobile. Step #4: You just need to Give the Permission to allows that PS3 Emulator APK Install by Going to Settings > Additional Settings > Privacy > Unknown Sources. Step #5: When it's Successfully Installed on your Android Mobile just Open the PS3 Emulator, Now you will be Enjoy the All Games that provided here for Free of Cost.    
PS3 Emulator for PC Download Sony:
This is the Best way and the Guide to Download Ps3 Emulator for PC and You have to Follow the Guide below in the Step by step Format. Once you have done with Download then you can start to Enjoy Playing the Games on PS3 Emulator. If you face Any issue while Downloading this PS3 Emulator then simply Do let me know in the Comment section below.   Step 1: Download ESX_PS3_EMU_2.1.1_x64.zip on your PC. Step 2: Once you have Downloaded on your PC Just Extract the Zip File and Open the Extracted Folders. Step 3: You need to Install the Bios and Follow the Instructions That has been given. Step 4: Make sure that you have PS3 Emulator and Bios on your PC then you can Install the Game and Open it then you have to Navigate the PS3 ROM To lunch the Game on your PC and Enjoy All the Games for Free. Step 5: Done.  
Download Sony PS3 Emulator for iOS:
When Sony PS3 Emulator comes to iOS Device they Not Developed An Emulator yet because As all we Know Apple Is very Secure, More Protected and also it's very Confidential. So it taking time But when they Developed it We will update on this Page As fast as we can. If you need PS3 Emulator for iOS just keep visiting this page.   If you also want to know more About iOS Emulator them Follow this iOS Emulator Guide. I have explained what is truth are iOS emulators are there. Because you will Find there are the Guides about the iOS on the internet that has not had the full information.   Conclusion: There are also many other emulators like Xbox 360 Emulator, 3DS Emulator,  we will be going to let you know in the upcoming Article but If you are Fan of Sony Play Station then you need to try this "PS3 Emulator For PC, Android APK Download" to enjoy the Best and High-Quality Games on your Smartphone.   Read the full article
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gamerologizm · 7 years ago
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#howDoYouKnow? #Sony #PlayStation #sonyPlaystation #ps3 #playstation3 #SonyPlaystation3 #gamer #gaming #gamerLife #Gamerologizm.com #gamerMode #gamering #LeaveMeAloneImGamering #ConsoleGaming
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