#sonsuvamachine / sonsuvabios
sonsuvabios · 3 years
Wyatt William Randall - Bio
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FULL NAME. Wyatt William Randall
NICKNAME. Wy; Cowboy; Try-Hard
GENDER. cis male
HEIGHT. 6 ft
AGE. 34 yrs
LANGUAGES. American { The boy doesn’t know much else. }
Physical characteristics
HAIR COLOR. Brunette
EYE COLOR. Hazel Green
SKIN TONE. Pale/Tan depending on time of year
BODY TYPE. Muscular/Swimmer’s Build
ACCENT. Southern-esque. Leans more towards Oregonian, but with some twang.
VOICE. Slight bass & carries well. Easy to holler so everyone hears him.
POSTURE. Good. Comes from weight-lifting and football.
SCARS. A slight scar on his chin from a barfight back when he was in his 20’s.
BIRTHMARKS. Just a couple moles on his chest, but no defined birthmarks.
MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S). High forehead; wide palms & thick fingers from playing football; full lips.
PLACE OF BIRTH. Laurel, Mississippi
HOMETOWN. Eugene, Oregon
BIRTH WEIGHT. 9 lbs even
BIRTH HEIGHT. Doesn’t know
MANNER OF BIRTH. Natural, but with complications
SIBLINGS. William Gage Randall
PARENTS. Father – William Ogden Randall; Mother - Jasmine Louise Randall
PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT. Both deceased. Wyatt’s mother passed away when he was 8-years-old, leaving his father to take care of both boys. Will then moved his sons over to Oregon after getting a job at a lumber yard that paid almost double what he made back home. Wyatt’s older brother started working odd jobs at age 13 to help out, like delivering papers and mowing lawns. Wy’s dad started to drink a lot when he was little, but then checked himself into AA when Wyatt was twelve, and started to focus on his kids more. Sadly, Wyatt inherited the alcoholism and began drinking as soon as he began diving into the life of a football player. He became captain and the star fullback in high school, which only furthered his drinking and partying. Eventually, it caused a fight between him and his father at the crack of dawn. This disruption caused his father to lose sleep and go to work angry. That day, he passed away from an accident. Wyatt (and his brother) both blamed him for his father’s passing, causing a rift in their family and making Randall spiral downward after his brother bailed to move to New York.
OCCUPATION. Restaurant & Lounge Owner; does volunteer work on the side. { verse dependent }
CLOSE FRIENDS. Wyatt’s a homebody. He doesn’t socialize outside of work much and has lost a lot of connections, but will always put on a good show at the karaoke stage or behind the bar. However, his various employees at his restaurant tend to become decent friends of his. { verse dependent }
RELATIONSHIP STATUS. Single { verse dependent }
FINANCIAL STATUS. Upper-middle class after inheriting the restaurant and lounge from the assistant to his old football coach. He had become a close friend and looked at Wyatt like the son he never had.
DRIVER’S LICENSE. ODL License, but he is certified for CDL, too.
CRIMINAL RECORD. Yup… Reckless Endangerment; DUI; DUII; Assault & Battery; Drunken Disorderly; …and in one verse, warrants for his arrest for Murder; Theft; Grand Theft Auto; Evading Arrest and is considered armed and dangerous. Lol! Only in that verse, though. 😉
VICES. { verse dependent } Mostly beer, but whiskey, too. That, and coffee, if you can call it a vice. Lol!
PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE. Switch { Depends partner. Wyatt’s a people pleaser. }
PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE. Switch, Sub, Masochist. { Depends on partner. With women, he tends to be more atypical dom and suppresses the other sides, but with a strong female, he would absolutely be the sub masochist. }
TURN ON’S. Devotion. Dedication. Honesty. Good smile; good heart; beautiful eyes; beautiful ass. Lol!
TURN OFF’S. Lying. Selfishness. Hypocrisy. Mainly those three.
LOVE LANGUAGE. Anything sentimental or small gestures, such as opening doors, getting a chair, cooking for someone. Also, physical touch. He’s very cuddly and doesn’t like space. Kinda gets clingy if he’s happy with someone, but it takes him awhile to trust.
RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES. Poor Wy. He self-sabotage’s his relationships outta fear and self-loathing. He doesn’t mean to, but he’s been abandoned so many times (and blames himself for it) that he always expects they’re gonna leave or that he’ll mess things up. It’ll take a strong person to get through to him and push past all his insecurities. But man, once they get there, he’s forever. Completely devoted and will go out of his way for his partner at every turn.
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG. “Sing It Out” by Switchfoot
HOBBIES TO PASS TIME. Working on his truck; doing volunteer work at a barn close to home; spending time with his dog, Jasmine. { verse dependent } He also does construction/renovations for random customers and goes fishing, rides horses, and likes to hike through the woods.
MENTAL DISORDERS. Anger management issues and agoraphobia; alcoholism; masochism. He loves to do karaoke and talk to people when he’s behind the bar. He can be the life of the party, but intimate stuff scares the Hell outta him. Wyatt never believes it’s real and when he thinks he’s messed things up, he’ll actively go find someone else to get into a fight with, just so they can beat him up. Or, he finds partners who will do it in the bedroom. Not necessarily “beating him” but bein’ dom and using him like a tool. Anything to make himself feel like he’s being useful to their needs so he feels as though he’s doing something right. Also to punish himself for not bein’ good enough to have anyone who will give him more than that.
LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED. More right than left.
PHOBIAS. { See Mental Disorders }
SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL. Wyatt acts confident around people he doesn’t know and can put on quite a show. He doesn’t get embarrassed easily, but is really very insecure with personal relationships. People who don’t know him very well will think that he’s a typical jock and is probably quite conceded. The reality, however, is that he never thinks he’s good enough for anything other than show. Or to be used, but he’s happy being the giver and never getting anything in return, simply because he doesn’t think he deserves it.
VULNERABILITIES. Once he opens up, he wears his heart on his sleeve. He will always be the hopeless romantic, deep down, which can make him vulnerable to abuse. He’s also not the kind of person to tell people when he’s hurting. He’ll go quiet and wallow in silence just so he doesn’t feel like a burden or make others feel that he’s too complicated by speaking up and bringing drama. Wyatt loves a little too hard and breaks even harder, but he rarely shows it. Again, it will take a rare, strong person to get him to open up and cry in front of someone or show that vulnerable side of himself.
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sonsuvabios · 3 years
Matthew Wade Rogers - Bio
*Sidenote: There are two main verses listed, but he has others and is flexible in adjusting details. Can be SOA-AU, Cold Case Files, or not tied to Sons of Anarchy or the Detective verse. The beginning of his backstory w/ prison and getting in trouble while on the streets can go into any variety of verses.
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Main Verse (SOA-AU): His biological mother is Violet “V” Rose-Wade, the mother of Christian Wade. When V had a random one-night stand, it led to her being pregnant with Matt. She couldn’t risk her first born, Christian, losing the throne of SAMCRO to her bastard son, nor could she risk losing her place as the Matriarch of SOA. There was too much at stake, so she arranged to go stay with her sister and brother-in-law in Baton Rouge to take a “year off” from the chaos of her tumultuous marriage and the club to “think things over”.
During this time, she attempted to hide her pregnancy from anyone inside SAMCRO, but had worked things out with her sister to take her newborn child and make it look as though they adopted him. They had been having troubles conceiving and took the opportunity without question.
Raising Matt as their adopted son, he believed that he was like a cousin to Christian and would frequently feel pulled to California, asking to go visit on a regular basis. This was fine with V, as long as he never found out the truth or became a problem for her son or the club.
Over time, Matt began to idolize Wade, wanting to be just like him. However, at age 16, something changed. While he’d been over in California, a lot of craziness took place with the Feds showing up and multiple people getting arrested after the DEA had done some sort of recon. Not knowing what was going on, Matt was shipped back to his home in Baton Rouge on a Greyhound. When he got there, his parents were gone and an agent working with the DEA was there. Matt didn’t know who this man was, but he handed the boy an envelope. Standing in the middle of an empty home with no furniture or sign of his family, the man told him that his parents were Confidential Informants who were now under witness protection. They could not risk taking him with them, but he had been emancipated from their guardianship and was left a trust fund. Upon his emancipation, he was now able to receive said funds and “take care of himself.” The agent told him that it would be in his best interest to leave Baton Rouge, but not to go too far. Various people in California may be out to get him, believing that he had something to do with the raid.
Terrified and left alone, he attempted to call Wade for help, having no clue where to go. Violet answered Wade’s cellphone while her son was in his first club meeting, not saying a word as Matt panicked, asking Christian to help him. Finally realizing that Wade wasn’t replying, Matt began asking, “Hello? Hello, Wade? Can you hear-,” before getting hung up on by his mother. At this point, Matthew believed that Wade wanted nothing to do with him and simply discarded him like scum.
For 4 years, Matt was able to stay somewhat afloat by using his cash and good looks to worm his way into the motel rooms of wealthy women and men. Being a high-end escort suited him, but eventually, he caught in a sting operation. His stay behind bars was short, thanks to his family being informants, However, as soon as he was released, he was back to the streets of New Orleans.
Matt began running low on money overtime and couldn’t go back to his regular hot spots. Gambling, playing in street bands, and hustling on street corners had become his new avenues for cash. This lasted for another few years. He would do pretty much anything to escape the number of dire situations he found himself in, and there ended up being quite a few. Eventually, he found his way into the drug ring, selling dime bags of cocaine or meth, as well as various forms of pharmaceuticals.
After getting caught hustling, he switched to simply drugs and gambling, which eventually got landed himself on the run from the cops and eventually earning his ass the three strike rule. Louisiana was firm in the zero tolerance policy when it came to possession of drugs with intent to distribute, leaving Matthew Wade Rogers to get sentenced to 5 years in max at what they called “The Farm.”
Inside, he managed to run into a handful of Sons of Anarchy members who had been keeping tabs on the now 25-year-old. It was here that he learned the truth. His mother was actually Violet Rose-Wade and his adopted parents had hid the truth from him. The fellow inmates had their own agendas to remove Wade’s father from the club, informing Matt that his brother had never known just how far their biological mother would go, until it was too late. Wade ended up leaving the club, moving to Oregon, and had no idea that Matt had ever been in trouble. *His story behind bars changes, depending on the verse. As does his reason for ending up behind bars.
After 3 and a half years, he was released on parole for good behavior, staying out of harms’ way with SAMCRO’s help. After managing to stay clean and continue meeting with his parole officer for the remainder of his sentence, Matt was finally free and clear to leave the state and seek out his half-brother, as well as attempt to reclaim his place in the SOA.
*From here, he can be done with his vendetta and looking to start over; wanting to keep in contact with his half-brother or deciding it’s best to go their separate ways. He could also have joined the Sons of Anarchy and has moved (or is moving back to) Cali with/without his brother to take back what’s rightfully theirs after discovering what happened with Christian. Lots of options.
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Second Verse (Cold Case Files): Matt has again, been the child of informants, however in that circumstance, they were gunned down. Matthew had no clue as to what they did in secret or whom they were working to help capture. He was only 19 years old and living off on his own at college, right out of high school with the hope of becoming a potter who taught ceramics for a living.
Matt came over to visit for Thanksgiving when he was 21, spending time with family and friends during the holidays. Trotting down into the cellar to get the wine and grab the turkey from the meat locker, a barrage of bullets rained down on the upper part of the home before the mystery vehicles sped away. Running back upstairs, he discovered his entire family (parents, cousins, and his closest friends) all dead or dying, with no answers as to who did this or why anyone would want them dead. Their passing left Matt desperately searching for the truth, and thus, he switched his focus on school to become an expert in forensics and investigative work.
Over time, he worked his way up to detective, but found constant resistance from his peers and lieutenant where it came to his own family’s murder. Deciding that they were withholding information and new more than they let on, he became angry and began to drink while off the clock. Upon making various attempts with other other departments, door after door would shut in his face. Eventually, a judge who was a friend of a friend sat him down and told him, “Son, you don’t know how far up this goes. If you keep poking around, you are going to get yourself killed.”
The next day, he went into his job and asked to be transferred to another department in another state so that he could begin working on cold case files. He told his lieutenant, “I get that I may never get answers as to what happened with my family and friends, but at least I can help other people find some damn peace for theirs. So if you won’t let me look into things here, then send me where I can be of use.”
It was the only thing he could think of in order to feel that his life had some sort of purpose. His lieutenant was more than happy to get Matt out of the state, sending him anywhere that had unresolved, cold case files with little to no resources for helping to solve them. Matt didn’t care if his own department would help aide him in solving said crimes. He had a mission and if no one else would step up, then he would.
*From here, he can be traveling to his next location, or have found himself in a new town, looking to get information and solve a new case. Could be that Muse B is a person of interest, someone he meets while on the job, or even the victim of something that never got solved. All kinds of possibilities with this one.
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