#sonny gilstrap
Watched The Cowboy Way (1994) last night and I can’t get this scene out of my head…the smut possibilities are endless 😩😍🥵❤️
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Never wrote smut fanfiction before but might have to make an exception…don’t know if I will be any good at it but will give it ago 😅😍
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duckingwriting · 11 months
And with the reveal of the Launch the ship! I submitted
Understood - a The Cowboy Way(1194) fic
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: M/M Fandom: The Cowboy Way(1994) Relationships: Pepper Lewis/Sonny Gilstrap, Pepper Lewis/Margarette - Mentioned, Pepper Lewis/Sonny Gilstrap/Margarette - Implied Characters: Pepper Lewis, Sonny Gilstrap, Margarette, Teresa Salazar Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Pepper, omega sonny, heat - Freeform, Post-Canon, Omega Verse Summary: Pepper was sure that he and Sonny had worked out their problems after New York, but then Teresa shows up and tells him that Sonny doesn't want him to know what's wrong. That simply is not going to fly.
The AO3 link here, and you can read it here on tumbler below the cut.
Pepper blinked in surprise when Sonny's truck pulled up and the feisty omega was not in the truck. He tipped his head curiously as Teresa stepped out of the truck instead. She had adapted and settled in well with the Omega as her guardian. But still, seeing her without Sonny, unexpectedly, sent chills of fear down Pepper's spine. It was not a feeling he was used to and one he very much disliked. He trusted that the omega could take care of himself. That there was very little he could not handle. Sonny had been more than capable of holding his own as they had rescued Teresa in New York City. He also had not been talked into posing in his underwear on a giant billboard. Not that Pepper would really mind seeing that. Though that would also mean that others could see his omega and how well he filled out a pair of briefs.
"What's wrong?" Pepper stepped forward and Teresa rubbed her arm looking away. Pulling her hat down low over her eyes and cold dread climbed up his spine to settle around his throat.
"I'm not supposed to tell you, Pepper." Teresa spoke softly. And the cold dread choking him became a cold rush of water drenching him.
Pepper's shoulders slumped and he blinked slowly. It was just like after the Rodeo again. When he let his omega down and nearly destroyed a life of friendship. Of love. There was never any doubt in Pepper's mind that he was Sonny's alpha and Sonny was his omega. They didn't need to be mated or married for that to be true. Margarette understood that. Even when the beta accepted Pepper as her husband, she had known that he had an omega he would move the world for. It had always been Pepper and Sonny. Sonny and Pepper. From the time they were in diapers. They had been there for each other. Until Pepper had let fear overrule his instincts to be there for his omega. When his omega had needed him the most, Pepper had abandoned Sonny. Destroyed his omega's hope of getting his own ranch. Because Sonny had been right, there was not a pair at the rodeo who could have beat them. And Pepper knew it. Had always known it.
Pepper had been so sure that after their trip to New York City, with its too many people, too big of buildings, lights that blocked out the stars, their relationship was fixed. Or at least on the way to being something like it was. Where Sonny knew he could depend on his alpha to be there and help him. Pepper made a soft low sound in his throat. His omega still wanted nothing to do with him. Despite talking about team roping again. Sonny did not want him.
"Jesus, Pepper." Margarette huffed shoving his shoulder so he was no longer blocking the stairs up to their house. "Let the poor girl in. Sonny will be fine."
Pepper looked over at his shoulder at the beta woman who had been his rock when he had lost his omega. Who shared his memories and did not fault him for the love he could not deny even when he loved her too.
"I'm going to talk to him." Pepper stormed into the house behind the two women. If he had just talked to Sonny instead of abandoning him when his omega needed him the most, then Sonny would have his omega in his bed with his wife. He would not have missed any time with his omega Pepper was not going to make the same mistake again.
"Maybe you shouldn't." There was something in her voice that had Pepper's nerves on end as he held his keys and looked to Margarette. "He would have asked you if-"
"You know what's wrong. He told you." Pepper growled a bit despite himself. When his wife only looked away from him Pepper snarled and left. He was not going to let this slide.
Pepper pounded his fist against the door as he had been doing for the past three minutes. And still Sonny was not answering. Snarling he finally stepped back and kicked the door open. He inhaled the heavy scent coming out of the house, it was muted a bit more than he remembered Sonny's heat ever being. But he had also always been in the same room as Sonny when his heat flashed through him. Until the mistake. Until Pepper had fucked it up. He knew Margarette had helped Sonny with a few heats. The scent of her mingling with Sonny had always brought him a bit of comfort. Knowing his mate was safe with his wife. It was missing his scent mixed in but it was better than nothing.
And then his mind caught up with what he was scenting as he walked forward into the house searching for his omega. Sonny was in heat. Sonny was in heat and did not want Pepper there. Pepper knew he should turn away, walk away. But he had never been the best at doing what he should do when it came to Sonny. So he found himself coming into the bedroom where the scent was heaviest. He licked his lips and swore he could feel the heavy scent of his mate coating his mouth.
"Pepper?" Sonny was naked in the middle of his bed. Blankets, clothes, pillows, even some towels piled and arranged to form his nest. "Is Teresa okay?"
Pepper stared down at the omega, coated in a layer of sweat. Panting lightly. His scent calling out to him, begging his alpha to take care of him. Pepper was walking towards the bed before he realized he had stepped through the door. He dropped his hat on the nightstand before starting to crawl into the bed.
"She's with Margarette." Pepper reached out and his fingers traced down his omega's arm. Sonny made a soft whining sound as Pepper moved closer to him. Then Pepper was kicked away. He yelped as his omega snarled and kicked him off the nest onto the floor.
"You're not getting into my nest with dirty fucking boots." Sonny snarled.
Pepper grinned. His omega had always been far more interested in keeping his place clean. And his nest was the cleanest. His omega had only refused to spend one heat with him when Pepper had jumped into the nest with muddy boots.
Pepper had never undressed so fast in his memory. Then he was in the bed with his mate, pinning him beneath him and capturing his mouth. Sonny was growling back at him and Pepper ran his fingers over his omega's body. Sonny was not telling him to leave and if Pepper was honest, he was not sure he would have been able to leave his mate. Not after all this time. He had done his best to forget what his mate smelled like in heat. But it had still haunted him in every rut he had spent without his omega's scent comforting him. So when all Sonny did was spread his legs in invitation, Pepper was not going to be fool enough to walk away from it. Instead he fumbled with his pants, the rodeo buckle slapping against Sonny’s thigh.
Sonny laughed as Pepper struggled to remain balanced on his knees, pushing his jeans down his thighs. Pepper's mouth slid down his throat but the alpha was clearly not going to let his mouth leave the omega's willing body. At least not willingly. Sonny reached up and gripped Pepper's dark short hair and forced his alpha to lift his head. Sonny smiled, pressing his thigh against the panting alpha's side to give him support.
"Easy, Cowboy." Sonny's voice was rougher than normal and Pepper moaned and pressed into his head into Sonny's hands. "We're not teenagers no more. I'm here. You've got me. No hurry."
Pepper twisted his head to press his mouth against Sonny's wrist. His eyes were still desperate as he lightly nipped at the other's skin, but when he started pushing his pants off again it was not nearly as desperate or fumbling.
"Don't wanna discover I fucked up and you're runnin' form me again." Pepper went to throw his pants aside but calloused hands grabbed them and jerked them from him again. His omega squirmed to his stomach. Pepper rocked back on his knees to watch his omega as he wove the denim into his nest, all but presenting for Pepper. Pepper licked his lips and pulled his shirt off over his head, leaning forward and offering it to his omega.
Sonny eyed the offered clothing for a moment before snatching it and turning to press it into a different part of the nest. Pepper reached out and grabbed his omega's ass, moaning when the smaller man moaned and pressed back into his touch. Sonny pressed his face into the pillow currently covered by Pepper's shirt, spreading his legs slightly wider. He let a soft whimper he would never normally allow to escape his throat.
Pepper leaned over Sonny, letting his leaking cock rub against his mate's ass with soft gentle rolls. Sonny squirmed and whimpered, biting back the soft pleas and begging that tried to leave his throat. Pepper pressed a kiss against his omega's shoulders, holding his hips firmly before tracing his tongue over Sonny's ear so his omega shuddered beneath him.
"Going to fuck you." Pepper growled and nipped at the dusty blonde's nape. "Going to leave no doubt who you belong to again."
"I never-" Sonny's words were cut off as Pepper thrust his cock fully into Sonny. Sonny arched beneath him, pressing his ass back and clenching on the hard length that began pumping in and out of his body without giving him any time to adjust.
Pepper held Sonny down even as the omega snarled at him. Sonny had never been an easy omega. Too bull headed and stubborn to fully give into his instincts unless he was given no other choice. And Pepper had never minded walking him straight to that point. Pinning him down and pounding into his ass while slick dripped down their thighs.
"Never what Sonny?" Pepper slid one arm around Sonny's waist, keeping him from trying to pull away. His other hand reaching up and wrapping around Sonny's throat to tip his head back so he could press his mouth teasingly against his. Pepper flexed his arm when Sonny's cock brushed against him. "You never what?"
"Never ran from you." Sonny's eyes were starting to glaze and Pepper nuzzled against his temple in encouragement. "Chased you away. Never ran."
Pepper growled and moved his mouth down to the side of Sonny's throat and started worrying it between his teeth. "Aint gonna happen again. Gonna remind you which alpha you belong with."
"Always been you." Sonny gasped arching into Pepper's thrust.
Pepper froze.
Sonny started whining at the lack of movement. His alpha fully sheathed in his body but no knot to push him over the edge, he could feel it at his rim beginning to form. But it wasn't there yet and Sonny wanted to feel his alpha locked into him at the moment, driven by heat as he was, more than he wanted to breathe. Sonny released a broken tortured sound and pressed back against his alpha.
Pepper began moving again and Sonny released another pressurized sound that ripped form his chest as relief washed over his body. Pepper was growling and his mouth was on Sonny's neck, over his scent gland, threatening to break the skin. Sonny could have arched his shoulder up and pushed the alpha away, it was something he had always done before, and instead he tipped his head more, offering the alpha room to mark him. Pepper snarled, dropping his hand to grip Sonny's cock and began jerking him off with firm strong strokes in time with his aggressive thrusts.
Sonny's eyes rolled as Pepper's knot filled him. His own body tensing and pulsing around his alpha's cock and his own cum splatting onto the bed beneath them. Pepper's growl vibrated against Sonny's neck, where his teeth were still sunk into his scent gland. But Sonny could feel his breathing starting to even out.
Pepper slowly laid them down on their sides, careful not to lay them in the puddles of body fluid. Even though slick still coated their thighs. Pepper licked carefully at Sonny's new mark, feeling the other man tighten up around his knot with every pass of his tongue. Pepper opened one eye and watched as Sonny pulled Pepper's cigarette's and lighter from his jeans pocket, lighting one up and bringing it to his lips.
"Hey now, that ain't fair." Pepper pulled his omega closer into his embrace. "You always said I couldn't smoke after sex in bed."
"I don't want my house burned down." Sonny answered raising an eyebrow at Pepper over his shoulder and blowing out a puff of smoke.
"ONE time." Pepper growled. "I lit a single blanket on fire one time."
Sonny smirked and slid his hand down Pepper's flank to where there was a small round burn scar. "Once?"
"Twice." Pepper amended. "Gonna need you to stop teasing me or we're gonna be stuck here longer."
Sonny made a humming sound, snuffing out the remainder of the the cigarette into the ashtray on the nightstand. But his hands continued lightly stroking Pepper's flank and tightening around the cock throbbing in his ass.
Pepper moaned and thrust his hips against his omega who moaned back at him. Pepper reached around Sonny's waist and started teasing his cock with his hand and his new mating mark with his mouth. He kept his thrust short and shallow into his mate's body. Sonny was whining by the time Pepper added enough pressure to make his omega cum all over his hand. He brought it up to his mouth and made sure the green and blue eyes of his omega were staring back at him as he licked the omega's cum from his fingers.
Sonny moaned when Pepper leaned over him and captured his mouth in a desperate kiss. He closed his eyes when his alpha rested his head on his shoulder and slowly caught his breathing while milking his alpha's knot.
"Hey, Sonny?" Pepper whispered against the omega's shoulder, his omega gave a soft hum. "Why didn't ya tell me you were goin' into heat?"
Sonny was silent so long Pepper wondered if he had fallen asleep.
"Didn't know where we stood." Sonny whispered. "Not after New York. Been nearly two years of heats alone. Knew I'd be okay. Figured if I sent Teresa over though, told her she's not supposed to tell you, you'd come barreling over here. If I told ya straight you could have said no. Could have rejected me. Could have abandoned me. Know what I'm sayin'?"
"Think I do. Think you're tryin' ta say that deep down you're chicken shit." Pepper ran his tongue over his mate's new mark.
Sonny chuckled. "Knew you'd understand."
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filmes-online-facil · 2 years
Assistir Filme Jeito de Cowboy Online fácil
Assistir Filme Jeito de Cowboy Online Fácil é só aqui: https://filmesonlinefacil.com/filme/jeito-de-cowboy/
Jeito de Cowboy - Filmes Online Fácil
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Pepper Lewis e Sonny Gilstrap são duas estrelas de rodeios e amigos de infância, que viajam do Novo México até Nova Iorque para procurar o amigo e mentor, Nacho Salazar. Ao longo do caminho, eles conhecem muitos aspectos que a big apple oferece de maneira única: os crimes de rua, a indústria da moda, a alta sociedade, etc.
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movievillaindeaths · 7 years
John Stark - The Cowboy Way (1994)
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Stark is lassoed by Sonny Gilstrap as he stands on a subway platform, just before Pepper Lewis attaches the other end of the lasso to a passing subway train. As a result, Stark is yanked off the platform at high speed and dragged along the railway line behind the train, killing him.
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rodeiobruto · 5 years
The Cowboy Way – Jeito De Cowboy
The Cowboy Way – Jeito De Cowboy
Dois cowboys na cidade grande passam perigos em busca de um amigo desaparecido
Apesar de conter apenas algumas poucas cenas de rodeio no início, os dois protagonistas de The Cowboy Way são cowboys profissionais. A trama toda se desenrola com a participação deles em uma aventura cômica em Nova York.
Sonny Gilstrap (Kiefer Sutherland) e Pepper Lewis (Woody Harrelson) são dois competidores de…
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bamboomusiclist · 8 years
2/11 Gary Bartz / Harlem Bush Music - Uhuru- など更新しました。
Sonny Rollins / Tenor Madness prst7657(7047)
Kenny Burrell / Out of This World 7578
Bill Smith / Folk Jazz m3591
Frank Wess / Opus in Swing Mg12085
Lars Werner / Werner Rosengren Swedish Jazz Quartet Bombastica jlp26
Mangione Brothers Sextet / Jazz Brothers Rlp336
Eddie Kedricks / the Hit Man
Freddie Hubbard / Keep Your Soul Together
Gary Burton / The New Quartet
Gary Bartz / Harlem Bush Music - Uhuru-
T Life / That's Life
Chanson / st sw50039
Stylistics / st av11023-598
Smoke / st cclp2001
James Gilstrap / Love Talk
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Watched ANOTHER Kiefer film: The Cowboy Way (1994)…so funny, loved it!
Sonny Gilstrap 😍🥰❤️ (Love me some Cowboy Kiefer)
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