#sonic male matchup
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sonicmalematchup · 2 years ago
Round 1
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loveletterworm · 2 years ago
Lately i keep being driven to vote for options i have no strong feelings about in character polls just because in the matchup they’re given i feel that the other character literally does not apply to the category they’re fighting for. the cat from night in the woods in a visual novel character poll? night in the woods is not a visual novel, so obviously i won’t vote for her and will instead vote for the character i don’t know much about but know is from an actual visual novel. sonic the hedgehog in a christ figure poll? sonic isn’t even the most christ figure-y sonic character (that would be knuckles in early archie sonic), so i guess i’ll have to vote for this guy from homestuck who the notes of this post can back up as being literally textually supposed to be alien jesus. The End from Sonic Frontiers in a...“fuckable old man” poll? The End literally appears as The Actual Moon and i don’t think can accurately have a gender put on it as it speaks in both male and female voices (the female one is even the one used more), so it is not a man in either the gender or “mankind” sense. Which I guess means I have to say that guy from resident evil 8 is sexy even though I don’t especially want to. These are just my crosses to bear in life as a professional Guy Who Is Really Annoying About Semantics
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steeltwigz · 2 years ago
If there's a sonic girl smackdown and a sonic male matchup, is there also a sonic enby swagger tournament? Idk what it'd b called
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rhenuvee · 2 years ago
Hey! Congrats on 400 followers and tysm in advance for reading this btw !! I hope all is well and nothing is overwhelming ^^
This is meant for a Genshin matchup with either male or female so here it goes:
- I’m currently a psychology major in college with a hyperfixation on the whole subject, specifically abnormal psych.
-I actually take care of lab rats :> and they’re very cute and I love them.
- I love the research aspect of psychology however I am terrible at math and contemplate my existence whenever any form of math is brought up.
-I tend to info dump about psych as well as my other interests (Edo period of Japan, Sonic the Hedgehog, etc.) Which I try to not just dump on people but who knows :/
- I’m an INTP with a Sag Rising, Leo Moon, and Cancer Sun
-I’m most likely autistic (I’m working on getting screened) so you can imagine how I interact with people, to be honest I think I come off harsher/more uninterested than I mean to. I’ve been told that I’m blunt and not someone who sugarcoats things which I honestly have to agree with.
-I was class clown for my senior year so I guess you could say I’m funny. I’ve been told my sense of humor is dry and I have good timing. Tbh I just say random shit and people laugh so I just go with it.
- People say I’m good at drawing but ehhhh
- Same with choir, people say they think I have a good voice but again ehhhh I just do it cause I like it
- Half of my personality is an amalgamation of characters I enjoy
That’s all I can really think of ^^^ Again tysm and again I hope nothing is overwhelming you !! Hope you have a nice day or night or any other relative time ^^^
Thank you! (ngl I am pretty overwhelmed these days but thanks for asking <;3)
⊱ ━━━━ Matchup! Genshin Impact ━━━━ ⊰
You're matched up with...
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Shikanoin Heizou!
Being a detective, he's excited that you're studying psychology. It's a subject he can definitely understand by being a detective.
He enjoys listening to what you've learned, finding it interesting and maybe even using it when he's working on a case.
Heizou likes that you can make him laugh since it's real boring at the police station
Heizou is known to go out and do his own thing, so sometimes he visits you or takes a walk with you while you both hum a tune together
And the lab rats are so cute! I think he'd like taking a break to pet them and watch them run around with you.
⊱ ━━━━━━━━ ⊰
Rhen’s 400 Follower Event: This event is now closed!
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ukiyo-vibes · 4 years ago
Mod Rhythm Intro!
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Hello everyone! You may know me from my edit blog, @dangan-nebula-edits or my writing blog @atelier-of-daydreams~ I’m so excited to be a part of this group blog and to bring your lovely ideas to life!
I use they/them pronouns, and you can call me Rhythm, Neb, Ignis, or any other fun names you come up with! I look forward to meeting you all~
Now without further ado, here’s what I can offer you!
Danganronpa (all canon games, except V3 for writing)
Rhythm Heaven Fever
Haikyuu (anime and manga)
Mario (including mariokart)
Sonic (including olympic series)
Animal Crossing
The Owl House
Most Disney/Pixar Movies
Icons (Square/Circle)
Headers (Tumblr/Twitter)
Wallpapers (Please specify size!)
Minor Sprite Edits
Doodles/Art (less availability)
Short One-Shots
Kin Assessments
Kin Matchups
Haiji Towa
Mikan Tsumiki
Junko x Anyone, WoH x Anyone, Chihiro x Anyone
Tenko x Males, Nagito x Females
Non-Syo 'Genocider' Characters
Horror Aesthetics
Violent/Harm Aesthetics
Highly Saturated Colors
Flashing Colors
Pedo Ships, Incest Ships, Toxic Ships, Beastiality Ships
Medical Needles/IVs/Syringes
Requests I Genuinely Don't Feel Comfortable Completing
Toko Fukawa
Genocider Syo
Komaru Naegi
Makoto Naegi
Tokomaru, Syomaru
Rhythm Heaven Fever:
Tall Tappers
Any of the Monkey Characters
The Seals/Flippers
The Cheer Readers
Vacation Dadcore
Any Style of Academia
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ameliyaahn3 · 4 years ago
Sorry for the formatting, I’m on mobile.
🖇 Hi, can I please request male matchups for One Punch Man and My Hero Academia? Thank you!
I’m a grey/demisexual, panromantic girl. I’m over 18, I’ m an ENFP though I feel like I’m 50/50 extroverted and introverted. I’m 5’5, full of snark and sass. I like to wear clothes ai can move in, though my usual wear is sneakers, jeans, a tank top and a jacket if it’s cold. I’m assertive and until people get to know me, I can come off as aggressive and angry/grumpy. I’m extremely opinionated and get outspoken about my beliefs. I’m very smart but I will need a while to process new information and see how that new information interacts and intersects with what I already know. I have a strong sense of right and wrong, and not afraid of conflict. Am ready to throw down at the drop of a hat and even though I’m on the smaller side I *will* kick someone’s ass. I have very few friends, but the ones I do have are especially close to me.
My major fear in life is that I won’t live up to my full potential. A word that I like, if it doesn’t have to be in English, is the Japanese word/name ‘mamoru’ which means to defend/to protect.
My favorite color is red, and I like silver and cool colors secondly. I love action and super hero movies, and I hate most romance movies/love triangles in shows. I love sci-fi too. I can be pretty insightful and observant despite what most people think, as I do come off as a loner or oblivious on occasion. I hate corruption, double standards and fake people. The most important quality I value in myself, and others is loyalty.
I’m an Aries sun with an Aquarius moon. I like savory foods and my favorite is steak. My favorite time of day is evening, and my love languages are physical touch and quality time. Fun facts are I’m very good at playing the Imposter in Among us, I’ve played piano, clarinet, and baritone and I’d like to learn a string instrument at some point. If there’s a I’ve been told by two separate people that my aura color is creamsicle/bright orange. My favorite bands are the emo-trinity, and one of my favorite songs is Trouble by Neon Jungle. My favorite anime of all time is Kill la Kill. Hope this enough info ❤️
A/n : Don't worry for formating i'm on mobile too ! AND I'M SORRY TO ANSWER YOUR ASK SO LATE LIKE YOU HAD TO WAIT A MONTH ?!
One punch man >>>
I match you with...
Speed o Sound Sonic
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Less than five min to match you two lol.
Like I think you're pretty much his type in a matter of style or personality.
The first time you met it was chaos, like you two probably argued about something as you are very opiniated. But at least you didn't scared each other by being agressive like it would usually with more sensitive people.
Sonic is pretty impulsive when it comes to takes decision but that doesn't mean he's not smart, I think he's pretty decent in his reflexion when he's not attending to kill Saitame at all it cost... When comes new information he process to treat them faster, what makes him pretty resourceful and so your two methods complete each others and gives you a little bit of intellectual challenge when they're confronted.
Likes that you aren't a people pleaser that goes to befriend everyone and capable to kick his ass when he's being an idiot.
You're not even that small beside him, like the height difference is 9cm. Sonic feel tall but not enough to mess with you about it.
"Mamoru" is a word that he would like too and don't worry about live your life to your fullest with him cause he would never let that happen ! If you want something he would push you for it !
Actions movies are is favorite so far since he integrated a "normal" japanese society, doesn't like romance ones too but sci-fi doesn't takes that much his interest, I likely see him sleep during them.
The tsundere he is founded recomfort in your oblivious facade but once he knew about your hiden obsvervative nature it became his worst nightmare : When he would believe that he can let his guard down and that you won't see if he let somes evidence about if he's doing something subtly romantic or that he admit again slightly have feelings for you, you would caught him out off guard and point out with a lot of sass how he is such a tsundere.
Sonic is very loyal, but you will have to proove him first that you are to him.
He doesn't have an official birthday but I'm pretty sure his chart is strongly influenced by either Aries or Sagittarius. He got strong vibes in my opinion.
Your touch makes him flustered but I do think he's into physical touch as a love language and act of services even if he whines and act as a tsundere before doing something for you.
Sonic probably sucks at playing Among Us so he takes it even worse than he would notmally do that you're a good impo' and just rage whenever you are one.
Is in love with your aura brighter than his.
Also is secretely admirative of your musicals skills, likes when you play clarinet or piano except that he's not a fan or baritone.
Kill la Kill is definitely an anime that I could see him enjoy so you can rewatch with him without any problem.
Nothing is forced in your relationship so you two goes at the rythm that you want. No pressure.
A lot of laugh and fun, even if Sonic lives as a bandit, I can see two as partner in crime or you as the one that bring him kn the right path, your choice !
Try to doesn't involve you in his problem and makes some times for both of you.
Sonic never let you in his home as he changes often and literaly live in an abandonned area, a dirty place really that you don't deserve to live in and him neither but he don't care about himself.
So always it's at your place if you want to being at home with him.
He's researched so you two can't date often but you does watch the town together on the rooftop of higher buildings.
Others potential matchs :
My hero Academia >>>
I match you with...
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Oh God. Here we have a pretty explosive combination.
Honestly, he won't like you and likes you at the same time the first time you will met.
He likes your style and doesn't mind the way you can come as agressive at first but does dislike how opiniated you can be, like it's a bit too much for him. It's a pros and your cons at the same time but the worst I think is if you impose your opinion to him, like girl... he would literaly eject you.
But as you're opiniated you're aren't afraid to speak for yourself and you're able to debate at least to defend your opinion. I definitely can't see him with someone that doesn't bother to think about the our society at least a little bit.
Dabi probably makes fun of how slow it can be for you taking decision and analyzing situatuon but does respect it as sometimes things can't always be resolved in the second and that usually your reflexions are pretty accurate and goes more further than his. He's not dumb but definitely a man of action.
I know you're against corruption im sorry but I likely see Dabi try to corrupt your beliefs of right and wrong in a playful way, he doesn't force you to anything but jokes about how you're idealistic and so innocent. This isn't the same type of corruption but yeah...
Besides that he's admirative of your strong sense of justice, unlike others heroes you're sincere about it.
And don't hesit to kick some ass, even his. You're not afraid to makes enemies or disagree and that does makes you an honest person in Dabi eyes.
Doesn't understand how you can be afraid to live your life to your fullest and would likely tell you to do what you want to do and don't care about others.
He's very protective of you so he doesn't like to meet you outside and like Sonic is loyal whenever you are. You need to gain his trust.
You're so much brighter than him it hurts, you're his dose of light in his darker world.
He would notice your secret obsvervative nature quicker than anybody else and wouldn't even be surprised if you notice a lot of things about him that he didn't know himself. Actually I even think that in your relationship you would think of him as the careless one when he is for real but a lot less with you.
I'm pretty sure that the fact that you're not someone into romance is something is glad about like... this isn't is thing at all and so it's isn't yours too you don't except him to be very romantic what he's totally not.
This man would understand his feelings toward you after a while like you two can wait more than 8 months like this if nothing confront him to realize his strong attachement to you.
So you know know how he is please let him breathe and do not takes initiative of physical affection in public if it's not a very slight one or that he's not in a playful mood.
Can always dream of a proper date.
Others potential matchs :
Himiko Toga, Kyoka Jirou.
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sonicmalematchup · 2 years ago
Its a 3-Way Showdown!
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32 entered, and it came down to . . . three?!
Given how close the last round was for Knuckles and Tails, I have decided to make the final round a 3-Way Free-For-All of the original crew!
The man himself, Sonic the Hedgehog.
The boy genius Mile ‘Tails’ Prower.
The guardian Knuckles the Echidna.
What a fitting finally!
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So, who’s it going to be!? There are three, but only one can take the crow! So get out there and VOTE!
Make sure to reblog and get the word out any way you can! We need as many people as possible, a tie will not be accepted!
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icysab · 3 years ago
Well hello there! First off love the music match up idea which is what I’m requesting here. It’s unique and pretty cool so kudos to you.
So as an intro I use she/her pronouns and I would prefer a male matchup (which is strange cuz I’m bi but like male fictional characters are just ugh *chef’s kiss*) and preferable a romantic matchup.
Anywho my music taste is a little chaotic. So my top band rn is called Palaye Royale. Love the more alt/emo rock tone lately so I’ve also been vibing with Yungblud but I stand clear of anything with MGK. Also Sueco is pretty dope.
On the other hand Oliver Tree plays a lot cuz I saw him live and well the songs are catchy. It’s my guilty pleasure. Lately I’ve also been vibing to some SZA and a lot of Doja Cat cuz we love them.
Ooh i was also like raised on Christina Aguilera tunes so I come back to that, especially the Bionic era cuz c’mon I’m iconic. Greta Van Fleet allows me to transcend so we loving those vibes lately as well.
A top song of mine would be Cult Leader by King Mala. 10/10 would recommend, also literally just recently a song called Engravings came out by this guy Ethan Bortnick and that goes hard. Bleach by Isaac Dunbar is my go to feel good song rn. Like I said it’s pretty chaotic in my brain. I could go from listening to something chill like a song called I Think I Like When It Rains to some Silk Sonic to a song called Masochist by Palaye Royale. It’s a lot but it’s a good vibe.
If you’re able to make something out of that, I would love it but I know my brain is just everywhere and nowhere all at once. Thank you for reading through my chaos.
Have a good day and week cuz why not.
Also stream Get You by Daniel Caesar. Oof if that isn’t an amazing song.
i had a ton of fun with this matchup!! also, i TOTALLY get the male fictional characters thing. im lesbian and in real life i simply wouldn’t ever date a man, but male fictional characters r so mmmmmyummy HAH. anywayyy
i match you up with…
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denki kaminari!!
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thesinglesjukebox · 7 years ago
CARDI B FT. 21 SAVAGE - BARTIER CARDI [6.18] This one's for Offset, obviously. (I don't think he reads The Singles Jukebox, but he should.)
Crystal Leww: Cardi B and Offset's endless relationship drama is stuff of Bossip headline legend at this point, but "Bartier Cardi" -- presumably recorded before the endless round of leaked videos -- makes Offset a central figure front and center in Cardi's life. Cardi B's obviously very talented, but it'd be naive to pretend that her relationship with 1/3 of the "Bad and Boujee" superstars didn't significantly help raise her profile. It's the endlessly upsetting tale of women in hip-hop in the last ten years: that male cosign is so important to getting that label attention, which ends up getting you that placement on radio and streaming. "Bartier Cardi" is all right; it serves the means of continuing to raise the Cardi / Offset profile higher. But as Cardi's proven with her megahits "Bodak Yellow" and "Motorsport," she always just sounds more energized and like herself when she's bragging. [5]
Alfred Soto: "Bodak Yellow" got by on charisma and billing. "Bartier Cardi" shows a Cardi who doesn't sweat the technique, giving 21 Savage the side eye as she eyes the Spotify streams. [7]
Maxwell Cavaseno: One-note trap exhaustion as far as beats go, and performances from both rappers where I can't decide if everyone's just dealing with a lot of redundant flows and bars or if they're not particularly trying, since they don't have to. The issue with Cardi long-term isn't even that she's bad at rapping; she's more than adequate and actually has started to feel a lot less clunky than she was on "Bodak Yellow." But at the same time, her records are some of the safest and most conservative rap records besides the fact that Cardi's success means a lot to people for reasons folks can't clearly explain these days. It's a shame to have as prominent a female rapper in the industry as her feel so musically uninteresting. [4]
Ryo Miyauchi: "Bartier Cardi" is very dependent upon your familiarity with "Bodak Yellow" and more so the success it garnered. Even the beat seems to faintly reference that hit's synth riff. Cardi B doesn't feel much need to explain her place in pop, but there lies the song's downfall. This is better as an update of her shopping habits than a rightful sequel to the year's most ubiquitous hit. [5]
Leah Isobel: Cardi's evolution as a rapper is the main attraction here -- she once barreled through beats with sheer force of personality, but on "Bartier Cardi" she handles triple-time flows with ease and ably moves from her usual yelp into a throatier, growlier register and back. (For his part, 21 Savage's verse starts strong and devolves after about four lines, but the beat has enough momentum to carry him anyway.) She tosses rhymes on each other like she's piling on furs before stepping out on a cold night, and the haughty grandeur of it all is a lot of fun, even if dropping Offset's name in the hook is a little much. [7]
Austin Brown: 21 is the best matchup Cardi's had yet. The problem with "Motorsport" was that Cardi's relationship to flow isn't nearly as formalist as Nicki and Offset's -- she thrives in environments where she can highlight the idiosyncrasies of her delivery and tone, using her voice as an instrument not melodically, but theatrically. 21 gets that -- his monotone and the lifestyle it communicates (and renders memetic) is the flipside to Cardi's brash jubilance. This is where I'd insert some requisite line about it being too bad New York rap's greatest new hope is opting for the brooding sonics of the ATL, but honestly who cares? A pleasurable victory lap for Cardi, and better composed instrumentally (if not as much of a head-turner overall) than "Bodak Yellow" to boot. [6]
Stephen Eisermann: When someone comes as hard as Cardi came with "Bodak Yellow," it's hard not to worry about a sophomore slump. I was really nervous coming in to this song, but I've gotta say Cardi once again knocks it out of the park. Self-aggrandizing lyrics are nothing new for Cardi, but when delivered as aggressively as she delivers the lines combined with the natural swag she's got -- it's a winning formula. The beat knocks, too, which gives Cardi an open canvas to work with. We're seeing the rise of a superstar and as long as she keeps releasing bops like these, there's no telling how big she'll become. [8]
Joshua Minsoo Kim: Cardi B's verses here are simultaneously better and worse than before. She has a lot of energy, sure, but it constantly wavers between exciting and tediously forced. Even worse, there's less consideration for how her flows can progress over time. This makes the technically impressive rapping toothless despite being better than on "Bodak Yellow." 21 Savage suffers from a similar problem, consequently making him a perfect companion to Cardi. He uses the same tired flow that has been consistently been either appropriately cold or insufferably boring. It's often his lyrics and production that shape how people read what he's doing, and both of those elements make him feel superfluous here. His adlibs are especially meaningless, dimishing the commandeering presence that Cardi is fully capable of projecting. Still, "Bartier Cardi" gets enough right to serve its purpose as a follow-up single that prolongs her stay on the charts and in people's minds. [5]
Edward Okulicz: Cardi's bragging is imperious and impressive, but weirdly not that much fun because there's only so many ways you can brag about dating Offset. Still, she's relishing her time in the spotlight, and selling herself on her own terms rather than doing something dumb like releasing something slight. It's nice to hear someone ooze confidence and give zero fucks about anything else, though I wish she had a fuck or two to give about 21 Savage's terrible and gross line about valuable sperm. [5]
Thomas Inskeep: Cardi spits fire, 21 is trash, the beat works. She ain't goin' nowhere except up, folks. [8]
Ashley John: Cardi doesn't take her foot off the pedal for this one. Even with the unrelentingly force moving it ever forward "Bartier Cardi" still talks like she's conversing with fans on her Instagram story, which is a credit to her natural understanding of language and just her innate likability. If this is her building a sustainable path, she's even smarter than we all thought. [8]
[Read, comment and vote on The Singles Jukebox ]
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sonicmalematchup · 2 years ago
Round 4
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sonicmalematchup · 2 years ago
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The Guardian of the Master Emerald himself, Congratulations to Knuckles the Echidna for winner the Sonic Male Matchup!
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After 5 rounds, Knuckles won each with:
Round 1: 82.2% against Storm the Albatross
Round 2: 74.8% against Eclipse the Darkling
Round 3: 1% against Shadow the Hedgehog
Round 4: Was declared a tie, but technically had a 1% against Miles 'Tails' Prower
Round 5: 1.9% against Miles 'Tails' Prower and a 17.8% against Sonic the Hedgehog.
 With a total of 1520 votes!
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Once again, congratulations to Knuckles the Echidna!
And with that, this concludes the Sonic Male Matchup!
A huge thank you to everyone who voted or made propaganda posts. Sorry if I missed any and never reposted it.
But this isn’t over yet! Go support @sonicgirlsmackdown, and when there done, Knuckles the Echidna will go up against the victor of their bracket!
But until then, thanks for voting!
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(Now I’m tired, I’ve been watching this for the past hour. I’m going to bed, goodnight everybody.)
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sonicmalematchup · 2 years ago
Round 3
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sonicmalematchup · 2 years ago
Round 1
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sonicmalematchup · 2 years ago
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Inspired by @bestsonicshowdown, @tailsshowdown, @knucklesshowdown, @shadowsmackdown, @amyroseshowdown and as a mirror to @sonicgirlsmackdown, we will be putting the best of the male Sonic crew through the wringer to see who is the top dog! (Maybe even literally!)
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sonicmalematchup · 2 years ago
Round 1
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sonicmalematchup · 2 years ago
Round 1
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