hbhtrainees · 4 years
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SUMMARY: Songgye makes friends with someone he never thought he’d talk to: Hoyong.  SERIES: NEW DECADE [HBHT20] GENRE: Blooming friendship, some emotional stuff too. PAIRING: Platonic!Songgye + Hoyong WORD COUNT: 1.5k WARNINGS: none? if you can spot anything that might be triggering, let me know!
A/N: this one’s a long one. I just really wanted to build up Songgye and Hoyong’s characters & got carried away. Enjoy!
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Songgye wondered if his patience had melted as he gained years or if these kids were extra annoying. 
“If you angle your head like that, I’m not going to be able to get a clear shot!” Kyungchul, who was supposed to be the leader of their practice, whined to his friend Hoyong. 
“Dude, what do you wanna do? Hold my cheeks?” Hoyong rolled his eyes. “You can make it, just use your lungs to propel the air.” 
“Alright... You can’t yell at me if I get water on your shirt though.” Kyungchul prefaced before bringing his water bottle up to his mouth, tipping his head back. Once his cheeks were filled with water, Hoyong opened his mouth wide, squatting a little bit. Then Kyungchul did the grossest thing Songgye has ever witnessed. Kyungchul spit the water out from his mouth in a fountain-like curve, the water splattering into Hoyong’s mouth. 
Daisuke let out a low ‘ooh’ of amazement, his cellphone recording the whole thing. Longwei chuckled and stopped stretching to watch the horrific act. Was Songgye the only one deeply disturbed right now? 
Jaehwa cleared his throat, causing Kyungchul to stop abruptly, spilling some water down his chin.  “Kyungchul, maybe we should resume practice.” Jaehwa advised. Kyungchul wiped the water from his chin and swallowed whatever water was left over.  “Right.” Kyungchul clapped his hands together and rubbed them anxiously, just now realizing that the attention on him carried a different weight now that the show was over. “Let’s uh... Let’s do Mirotic again.”  “Good idea.” Jaehwa smiled. Jaehwa moved towards his position and everyone else followed in suit. 
After running through the routine for Mirotic several more times, putting emphasis on the parts they struggled with the most, Jaehwa finally suggested to Kyungchul that they end for the night. Kyungchul then dismissed everyone. 
Songgye, on the other hand, was not going to go back to the dorms with everyone else. He wasn’t able to focus when all of them were practicing together. There was just too much going on. He wanted some alone time to really get the moves down.
When the other boys left, Songgye started the music up again, breaking down one step at a time. He was about an hour into practice when the door opened. Surprised, Songgye jumped back, halting his movements. In the doorway was a messy-haired Hoyong. 
“Jesus,” Songgye placed a hand over his heart. “You scared me.”  “Sorry! I’ll practice next door! Sorry!” Hoyong bowed several times as he backed out of the practice room, closing the door behind him. Songgye shook his head, but resumed his practice.
Only thirty minutes had passed when Hoyong stuck his head into the practice room again, a sheepish smile on his face.
“Hey, hyung...?” Hoyong called out from the doorway. Songgye sighed, stopping his movements again.  “Yes?” “Can I practice in here with you?” Hoyong asked, his voice a little higher pitched than normal. “What’s wrong with the other room?” Songgye asked, only realizing how rude his tone was after the words left his mouth.  “Nothing! I just... It’s late and being alone in that big practice room... The lights sometimes get a little wonky, you know?” Hoyong hesitated. Songgye let out another huff of air. Unfortunately he knows exactly what Hoyong was talking about. The practice room next door was lit a little dimmer and always seemed a little gloomy at night. 
“Yeah, I know.” Songgye nodded. “Come on in.”  Hoyong exhaled deeply, like he was holding his breath this whole time. The younger boy scurried in, closing the door behind him. He placed his stuff on the opposite end of the wall from Songgye’s belongings. Then he took over the other side of the dance room, focusing on his own routine.
Another hour or so passed. Songgye had practiced not only the HBHT20B routine, but the two other routines he had to know for HBHT936 and HBHT1314. Exhausted and sweaty, Songgye waved goodnight to Hoyong, who was still practicing, before heading to the showers. 
Songgye sighed contently as the warm water hit his sore muscles. He started humming the tune to Mirotic, having it be stuck in his head after listening to it all day.  “Jogeum dachyeodo neon, kwaenchanha Oh,” Songgye sang, lathering shampoo into his hair. “Neon nareul wonhae, neon naege ppajyeo,” Another voice sang along with his own. Songgye froze, his blood turning cold with shock. He slowly peeled back the curtain. Sitting on the sink, kicking his feet and still singing along, was Hoyong.
“Hoyong.” Songgye frowned, arching an eyebrow. Hoyong stopped singing, his legs still swinging back and forth. “Yes, hyung?” “What are you doing?” “Waiting for you...” Hoyong gave a weak smile. “Why?” Songgye asked bluntly. Hoyong sighed, looking up at the ceiling. “I’m hungry and I want to go get something to eat at a convince store, but I’m afraid of the dark. And it’s not like there’s anything good at the dorm because Taehyung went shopping this week and he only buys whole grain things. If I wasn’t afraid of the dark I would already be at the convince store by now but I’m terrified and you’re like, six feet tall and strong so you feel safe to walk with at night because I don’t think anyone would mess with you. Me on the other hand...” Hoyong finally looked back at Songgye. “I have a perm.”
Songgye bit his lip. After a speech like that, he couldn’t turn the kid down.  “Fine. Give me five seconds to wash my hair.” Songgye offered. “Sure. I’ll wait here.” Hoyong resumed his leg kicking, humming TVXQ under his breath.
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Songgye has never seen anyone inhale tteokbokki so fast in his life. He was convinced he was going to have to reach across the picnic table and give Hoyong the Heimlich maneuver any second now. But Hoyong seemed to be very skilled in shoveling rice cakes into his mouth. He didn’t even cough once. In about five minutes, the empty cup of tteokbokki was placed down on the table with a dull thud.
“Woo!” Hoyong grinned. “That was so good. You should have gotten some, hyung.”  “Nah, I’m fine.” Songgye pursed his lips. In all honesty, he just wanted to go home so he could get some shut eye before practice in six hours. “Whatever you say.” Hoyong shrugged, standing up from the picnic bench. “I know I’ve been really annoying tonight. You were really nice to me though. Thank you.”  “Yeah, it’s nothing.” Songgye shook his head, standing up as well. Hoyong tilted his head at the older trainee, his eyes scanning over the facial features that were illuminated by the street lights above them. “What?” Songgye asked. “You seem sad.”  “Just tired.” Songgye insisted. “No, like... You have that look on your face all the time.” Hoyong frowned. “Like, even when you’re hanging around Jaehwa and Saito.” Songgye hesitated. Suddenly the younger boy seemed a little bit more intimidating now that he was analyzing him. He shifted his weight, debating on whether he should just start walking home or not.
Then Hoyong exhaled. “Sometimes I feel like that too. Like, grey.”  “Grey.” Songgye repeated the word. He had a hard time believing that this little ball of light ever felt dulled, especially compared to his previous actions of the day. “Yeah. Like you feel like you sink into the background, like no one sees you, or cares, or understands.” Hoyong shrugged, looking at the ground. “You just gotta remember that loneliness is a choice. Someone��s always going to listen. You just have to, like, find them.” Songgye let the sudden dump of emotion sit there for a moment, unsure what to do with it. He’s never been good at comforting or conversing about ones emotions. Hoyong snapped himself out of it, straightening up instantly. “We should head back. I’m getting sleepy. I’m sure you’re even more tired than I am.” 
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The two finally made it home safe and sound. Hoyong was right, no one did mess with Songgye, except for maybe Hoyong himself. Besides the jumbled mess the younger had left Songgye’s brain in after psycho analyzing him outside the convince store, Hoyong had tried to make Songgye laugh the whole way home. 
When they reached the dorms, it was almost four in the morning. They had to wake up for practice in about four hours.  “Do you want me to walk with you to your room or can you handle going down the dark hallway?” Songgye asked, not intending for the question to come out as condescending as it did. Thankfully, Hoyong didn’t notice. “I can do it. Thanks though.” Hoyong whispered with a grin. “I’ll see you in the morning, or uh, in a few hours.”  “Good night, Hoyong.” Songgye whispered. Just as he turned on his heel, he heard Hoyong hiss his name again.  “Hyung?” “Yeah, Hoyong?”  “I may be younger and act childish, but I can handle a lot.” Hoyong spoke into the darkness. “I’m good at being a friend.” Songgye’s eyes widened and he was once again at a loss of words. He swallowed thickly and nodded his head before realizing that Hoyong couldn’t see him in the dark. “Thank you, Hoyong. I’ll keep that in mind. Goodnight.”  “Goodnight.”  
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hbhtrainees · 5 years
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SUMMARY: Jaehwa gets back into the swing of things. HBHT1314 is formed.
GENRE: fluff PAIRING: platonic!hbht14 WORD COUNT: 0.8k WARNINGS: none
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Jaehwa’s fingers found the light switch like it was muscle memory. He flicked the plastic tab upwards. With a soft hum, the overhead lights turned on, revealing the practice room in all it’s glory.
He was thirty minutes early. He wanted some time before he met with his former project-mates. The last time they had all been in a room together was the second time that Jaehwa had lead them down the wrong path. Now, he was going to ask them if they wanted to trust him one more time. 
HBH Trainees has changed policy since he was apart of HBHT16. Now, trainees were allowed to create their own project subunits, as long as they got permission from the company. Jaehwa had just talked to Hak Bonghwa last night, and even the supportive founder seemed a little hesitant to trust Jaehwa with a leadership position, especially with this group of trainees. 
“Jaehwa, I don’t mean to be impolite, but I’ve noticed that second guessing and drop outs are common when you are all together.” Hak Bonghwa had told him when he showed the list of trainees he wanted to work with. Jaehwa swallowed hard. “I know sir. But third time is the charm.” Hak Bonghwa gave a grimace. “It better be, Jaehwa. It better be.” 
“Yo, yo, yo!” Rushi’s loud entrance shocked Jaehwa back to the present. Rushi dropped off her dance bag and strode across the practice room. Their bodies collided in a bear hug. Jaehwa looked up from Rushi, sure enough seeing Haeun, Rushi’s little shadow. 
“C’mere.” Jaehwa grinned, wiggling one arm free so he could hug both of his younger friends at once. Haeun smiled and hurried over, hugging Jaehwa. The two girls were like little sisters to Jaehwa. He missed seeing these two buggers every day.
“Wait, hold up, I’m mad at you.” Rushi broke away suddenly, a frown on her face. “What, why?” Jaehwa asked, his smile falling. “I was made leader of HBH20G and you never congratulated me.” Rushi huffed. Jaehwa ruffled Rushi’s hair. “Congrats, kid. I remember when you were in my maknae line, and now you’re top dog.”  “We’ve always been top dog.” Haeun smirked. “True that.” Jaehwa laughed.
“Now is this HBHT14 or HBHT16? I can’t really tell the difference.” Saito yelled, bringing attention to himself. Next to him stood Songgye and Yeetai. The group exchanged hugs and greetings. Jaehwa looked around him, getting a weird sense of deja vu. 
“It’s so trippy seeing all of us in one space again.” Yeetai marveled, looking between everyone with wide eyes. “Well,” Jaehwa clapped his hands together, figuring that it’s best just to rip the bandaid off. “You might want to get used to it, because I have something to ask you all.”
He went on to explain to his old friends how Hak Bonghwa would allow him to form a trainee subunit with these members, so long as they didn’t prematurely leave the trainee program like the last two tries.
The trainees all looked between each other.  “Would you be our leader?” Songgye asked, arching an eyebrow. Jaehwa shifted the weight on his feet. “I mean, we can vote for it.” 
“Okay. I vote Jaehwa.” Rushi raised her hand in the air.  “Ditto.” Haeun raised her hand as well. The boys all nodded and raised their hands, unanimously voting for Jaehwa.
“Really?” Jaehwa asked in surprise. “Third time’s the charm, isn’t it?” Yeetai grinned. “Plus, there’s no one else I’d trust to keep the six of us under control.”  “Wow. Okay. Great!” Jaehwa blinked, a smile stretching across his face. “If you guys are in, I already have a performance in mind for the showcase.” 
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The group spent the next four hours rearranging a mashup of the two singles that were released during the trainee program of 2014,  “Like Fire” and “Power”. With lyrics and composition notes swimming in their vision, Jaehwa finally ended their first practice when they had a mostly-completed arrangement of the two songs.
While they were packing up, Yeetai paused and stood up straight. “Wait, we don’t have a unit name yet!” He remembered. All subgroups could be named by trainees with the catch that each group had to have ‘HBH’ in front of it. “What about HBH14? To represent that we all trained during 2014?” Saito posed.  “Eh, too obvious. Plus it makes us sound like we haven’t moved on and we’re bitter.” Haeun observed. “Thats... oddly accurate.” Saito agreed. “What about HBH1314?” Rushi offered. “Why 1314?” Jaehwa asked. “In Chinese, 1314 means ‘forever’. Not only have we been at HBH forever, but we also stuck by each other the whole time, so our connection is forever.” Rushi shrugged. Songgye arched his eyebrows and widened his eyes. “I think that might be the nicest thing you’ve ever said.” “Shut up.” Rushi rolled her eyes. “I like it.” Jaehwa grinned. “HBH1314 it is.” 
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hbhtrainees · 5 years
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