#song xieren
myeongchokrp · 5 years
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dreamingsushi · 5 years
Eternal Love of Dream - Episode 19
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There were no plays about a king and a beauty in town, so Xuanren wonders why is she lying to him. Outside, Qingti has waited for a while, but he won’t see him. Qingti says he has something really important to discuss that cannot wait, but the eunuch tells him he probably knows in his heart why the king won’t see him and some things are better left unsaid. He asks him to leave.
Song Xieren gives to Nie Chuyin the map of the royal tomb. As soon as they get their hands on the jade, they will help him to get the throne he wants so much.
The empress dowager goes to see Xuanren in his palace. Seems like he fell asleep on his desk. He was drinking and only totally wakes when he realizes that it’s the empress that’s sitting next to him. She scolds him for being such a mess. She tells him he can’t be like that only because of a woman. He’s not up to the people expectations. Also she has something else to discuss with him. He should chose a woman to become his empress. She won’t bother him too much about it, but she warns him that the empress has to come from a good family and cannot be from unknown origins, otherwise it is going to be a failure for sure.
Mu Yun tells Xiaojiu that the king is going to chose his queen (I’m sorry I keep mixing up king and queen) and it’s a good opportunity for her to win. But Xiaojiu isn’t intending to participate in that fight. She doesn’t think that it’s a position that you win. Later at night, she’s rather  depressed so Chengyu comes to see her. She should be happy that he’s about to chose his consort queen, but she actually can’t. She managed to pass the love trial, but she’s really unhappy. She wonders who he’s going to chose and Chengyu says as long as it’s not her, whoever it is good.
So it’s time for Xuanren to announce which of his wife will become his Queen. Please. Not Fengjiu. I mean, he can’t be that stupid. Yep. He chose Xiaojiu. Qingti looks so sad. Poor him. The ministers all oppose to that idea. The only person who doesn’t say anything is Qingti. Xuanren asks him what does he think about it and Qingti says he doesn’t have anything to say. He looks so hurt.
Queen dowager is really mad that Xuanren chose Xiaojiu as his Queen. He asks for forgiveness and tells her that he had to chose her. First, because in his heart there’s only her. Second, because she saw the jade and it reacted to her presence, which means she was sent by the heavens to help them. After he told her that, she sends him back.
Xiaojiu is really surprised that she has been chosen to be the Queen. While Mu Yun is extremely happy for her, Xiaojiu is getting depressed. This means all of her efforts went to nothing. Donghua’s love trial is a failure so far...
The next day, Xiaojiu is walking in the palace and realizes that Qingti is following. YES! TAKE HER AWAY! And steal her heart <3 I would love that. Xiaojiu sends away all of her maids so he could come out. He asks her if he should congratulate her and if she’s happy. She says that the future is so unsure that there’s nothing to congratulate her for. And that she should be happy. But her face tells him she’s not. He tells her again, if she’s unhappy, to tell him. But she tells to not be a fool, it’s not like he has a way to help her in getting away. Well... yes, you ride his horse together and you go back to Qingqiu. If you run away with another man, the trial is a success. Let that man be Qingti, bring him to Qingqiu to thank him for his bravery and offer him a new life. Together. Qingqiu is a good place for the two of you and your parents are looking for a husband for you. You will never find someone like that again. He gives her a letter in which he wrote some things he always wanted to tell her. Then leaves.
Siming comes right when she’s reading Qingti’s letter and says the turning point finally came. She aks him what to do, because so far, he’s still so very nice to her and there’s no way to end the love trial. Siming tells her to use Qingti genuine heart towards her to get away from this. She doesn’t really want to imply him into this, he wasn’t supposed to be related to Donghua’s love trial, but Siming tells her that ever since she changed the game at the battle, everyone’s fate has changed. But before they can finish they talk, the king comes to see her.
Xiaojiu ordered that everybody in the barracks should have new clothes. Qingti isn’t really eager to try his on. But when he looks at it, he finds something curious. It’s a note giving him a meeting point.
I love Xiaojiu’s dress, the black suits her so well. She doesn’t like it very much, it’s too... luxurious. She likes things much more simple. But Xuanren says that’s the dress she’s going to wear for the ceremony, which is much more than just appointing her as his Queen, but their wedding. She looks so depressed. She’s even crying and he tells her not to cry. She hugs him, thinking sorry.
When Mu Yun comes the next day, Xiaojiu is no where to be found. Xuanren is so eager he can’t keep in place and the dowager queen tells him to calm down. Then the eunuch comes in a hurry to tell them that Xiaojiu disappeared. Then the dowager queen tells him to send Ye Qingti to find her, but he disappeared too. They go to search Xiaojiu palace and they found the letters Qingti wrote to her. She probably left them on purpose to hurt Xuanren.
Oh it was not her idea. She wanted to burn them. But Siming comes in and won’t let her do so. Only if he knows she ran away can he completely give up on her. She then asks, won’t it hurt Qingti? But Siming tells her that since he chose to follow her, alive or dead, it’s the same result. TAKE HIM BACK WITH YOU. I don’t want Qingti to die TT It’s basically, so far, the only interesting character that we got to see in this drama.
Xuanren is super angry and orders that they chase them and bring them back.
Wow. So the episodes with my beloved Qingti are soon to be over ): I am so sad though about it. Depending on the ending, maybe I will write something to make my heart at ease. It’s not my type, I don’t write fictions but for this character... If I don’t like his ending, I have to write back something for him. He deserves better.
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