#song is miss miseryguts by r.i.p! and it fucks
hershelchocolateart · 5 months
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al-w0onder · 9 months
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This song is fucking incredible, I had to make a fanart and I swear I haven't felt uncomfortable in front of this kind of lyric in a long time. Hard work MISS MISERYGUTS ft. Tsuina-chan AI by R.I.P
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ena-526 · 9 months
ive been listening to RIPRODUCER’s Miss Miseryguts NONSTOP for the past few days. it’s so addicting and good rahhhh.
also whenever i listen to fics i loop a song to go along with it, and honestly ??? a song with cannibalism as a metaphor alongside a fic about cannibalism (What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Ugly) is phenomenal.
check out both of these by the way
Riproducer has been an amazing vocaloid artist for years and they’ve really outdone themself with this song
and i just finished reading What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Ugly by Moonlight_Mist and holy shit i don’t think i’ve felt so….visceral??? while reading a fic??? the utter horror and genuine pain i felt is something i rarely get while reading fics but holy shit.
the writing is phenomenal, the story is captivating , the characters are written in a way that balances their core traits while still giving them a distinct feel??? it’s late at night rn and i can’t word it well but you need to take my word for this it’s so fucking good AAAAHHHH.
go check out their their tumblr @mistymoorlight
and i can’t find riproducer’s tumblr (don’t think they have one ) so go check out their youtube!!
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theo-grayson · 7 months
2, 21, 23, 30!
Thank you so much for the ask aaah!! I am now going to go into far more detail than is necessary because I love to talk HAHA
2. three last songs you listened to
A: Miss Miseryguts (by R.I.P)
This song slaps so hard. I have been listening to it on repeat for like a week. The lyrics are so good and I have been imagining amvs with my oc to it (his name is Chamomile, he is a strawberry cow-boy, and this song is a little more toxic than he usually is, but I'm imagining that it's like an evil au or something LOL)
B: The soundtrack from Animation VS Minecraft: The King (by Scott Buckley)
Listen. Listen for just one second. Imagine theres an animated series. It's about this guy who draws some stick figures on his computer, and they come to life. Hijinks ensue, and they have all sorts of wacky adventures on his desktop, and eventually in Minecraft as well.
Look me in the eyes. This thing has lore. And character arcs. And morally grey characters with tragic backstories.
And it also has crazy good music (WITH LEITMOTIFS). The link above is the soundtrack for The King, aka the season 3 finale and an episode that literally made me cry actual tears. But I also reccomend listening to the Pigstep Remix (PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE LISTEN TO IT it's an absolute banger, it starts with the og minecraft music disc music, then transitions into this crazy good orchestral arrangement PLEASE listen I am BEGGING you), and watching the epsiodes Note Block Battle (silly nonsense, no lore or understanding of the series needed, but funky tunes) and Note Block Universe (the first half is silly nonsense with funky tunes, the second half features one of the aformentioned Morally Grey Characters and their tragic backstory. Lots of it won't make sense unless you know the series, but I can't talk about the AVM series or it's music without talking about it) (both Note Block episodes use music as a main plot point) (also, there is almost never any dialogue, which makes the music absolutely shine when conveying emotions, in addition to the animation [which is so expressive despite the characters literally not having faces. They can emote SO much with JUST body language]) (I am getting SO off track I'm sorry I just love AVM so much) (one day im going to write a 10,000 word rant about how good AVM is I swear)
C: HYACINTHUS (by Aidoneus)
Man, it's just so beautiful, and considering it's about the story of Apollo and Hyacinthus, I love it from a story AND religious viewpoint 🪻🌻
21. three songs of your childhood
Last of Me by CircusP, Echo (Nightcore) (by Jason Walker), and Pika Girl (Nightcore) (by S3RL) were PEAK music to my extremely depressed 12 year old self, I was DEEP into vocaloid/nightcore/etc and honestly I still am GRHWHAHE
23. three songs that never fail to get you pumped up
The entire Omori OST is absolutely amazing, and has such a good range of different emotions, but the boss themes especially are SO good. This one is SUCH a banger AGHHH
B: Voices (by Derivakat)
One of my favourite Technoblade tributes. It is absolutely incredible. Also listen to the version by The Jukeblockers, it features lyrics in like 12 languages and it has a sick guitar solo bit
C: World's End Valentine (by OMOCAT)
It's another Omori one but I literally cannot help it. It's SO GOOD AAAGGHHHHHHHH
30. three songs you really want your followers to know (for reasons other than all those above)
A: Innocence (by Nathan Wagner) Holy fuck. One of the most beautiful and haunting songs I've ever heard in my whole life. If you only listen to one of these songs, make this one of them. Please. Also, it is VERY good for imagining amvs in your head.
B: Sealed Vessel (by Christopher Larkin) and OMORI + ALTER (by OMOCAT)
Technically this is 2 songs (technically 3 but OMORI and ALTER are like a part 1 and 2 of the same song), but they both fall into "video game final boss themes that make me want to cry", even though they are quite different. Sealed Vessel is more haunting and heart-sinkingly sad, especially near the end. OMORI + ALTER is sad, but more in a chest-tightening anxious way. If you know the stories of Hollow Knight and Omori, you know that the lore for both of them is heartbreaking, and these songs fit that perfectly.
C: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Theme
God. This song just makes me feel so much. The main bit makes my heart race and gives me goosebumps every time I listen to it. I don't even know why, or how to describe it. And it means so much to me emotionally as well. BOTW was a huge part of my life, and it always will be. This game gave me escapism when I was going through a really traumatic part of my life, Link was a big part of figuring out my gender identity, and I would spend time with my mom by playing while she watched. It's so important to me, and this song makes me feel so many feelings. Man.
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