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Hate to ask out of the blue like this but,
is Sonatie really just diet-Sonudis?
I know I shouldn't compare the two, but I just do, okay. I just don't think it's nearly as charming or deep past the 'cute' surface, is all. Or if Katie herself is a good, functioning character without being dependant on her relationship with Sonic.
I guess I just want a reminder on how or why my efforts were good at all. Maybe that's selfish on my part, but I simply can't stand the silence and insecurity anymore.
Well I mean, I really like the way you characterize Sonic, and his dynamic with Katie is unique in that her issues can't be solved with a smile and a one-liner.
In that regard, I think Sonic's unwillingness to give up on her despite his confusion and inability to "get" it as someone who's never experienced the corrosive effects of self-loathing is endearing.
Tbh it's been a while since I last read your fic (apologies), but from what I recall, Katie offered a unique perspective as someone who is, for all intents and purposes, "normal," and yet attracts all manner of trouble due to her emotional issues. Not in a victim-blaming way but in a self-perpetuating loop kind of way. Her previous traumas lead her into deeper trouble as she seeks respite from her pain, and she needs to be shown that life is worth it despite any suffering it may bring. It's a message worth imparting imo.
Idk it's like. The cast are normally so "superpower of friendship" that it throws a wrench in the works when they can't immediately solve these problems they should be able to solve. I like that added dimension of realism, how you balance that aspect of it while also keeping the cast IC.
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brain is in sonati mode and i think she deserves the world, actually
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It just occurred to me, but... Do the Escapees actually know Sonati, the Queen of Tears? Do they even know about her?
Because from all of their perspectives, they lived their lives, encountered at least one Wayvren, got wrecked, got preserved and teleported by a magical tear... They suffered endless nightmares for who knows how long, and when they awoke, Wayvren the Fallen had already 'killed' Sonati and destroyed the Tower of Tears. And I'm pretty sure the Escapees only awoke elsewhere, because Wayvren the Fallen didn't free them from their icy prisons until after they rounded up the Escapees and left the edge of the world.
This means that none of them would have any recollection or even really any context for Sonati, or even the dreaded tower they were trapped in for so long! They'd only hear about it from Wayvren the Fallen, who might gloat and explain what happened... But otherwise, there isn't really that same experience of actually being there and seeing Sonati in-person, to them they only know of her posthumously.
There is ONE Escapee who might be an exception to the rule, but I don't see them taking the time to sit down and explain at length to everyone else; And even if they had, my previous point still stands. So it's not just that the Escapees think Sonati is dead and that's why they aren't bothering to go on a revenge quest for her; It's also because they never really interacted with her, never had the lived experience of Sonati defeating and imprisoning them.
All they've actually seen was just the Wayvrens themselves, they're the only people whom they remember, and weren't simply told about (and had to believe). So it feels like it's only the Wayvrens who are responsible and that's why they, or more specifically Midas' group, focuses so hard on them... Though I imagine there are one or two who know Sonati is alive, and are possibly planning around this revelation as well.
But yeah; The Escapees don't even know the Tower of Tears. They probably don't even remember it. They just remember their frozen bubble prisons and that's it. It's a very surreal realization for me, given how intertwined they are with the Tower of Tears; How do they feel about this place, do any of them visit its ruins, and have subconscious memories? Or do they feel nothing, do they try to feel something, is there something but it's not as much as they expected, informed purely by what they were essentially told to feel and not that what they actually felt?
#Btw Sonati is the name of the Queen of Tears now i should probably re-tag#the escapees#tower of tears#queen of tears#GEverse#oc#ocs#my ocs
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Just realized all three people Tuuya has canonically chewed on have forgiven them which is absolutely mind boggling
Granted one of them is Amdzah, who’s mine, and he forgave them because he’s an idiot and because he thinks getting bitten by a vampire is exciting (and hot)
Vallis has because he’s a lunatic and because admittedly they have not done him any permanent harm, also they stopped on their own before he even knew about it
And the third is Kamala, who is entirely too forgiving and understanding for her own good. Also fucking weird.
#they’ve technically also drunk Maidel’s blood but he doesn’t even know they did#and Sonati forced them to drink her blood so I’m not counting her lmao#why does everyone give Tuuya so much license. it’s a goddamn good thing they wring their hands over having enough self control#this is why they find Platar refreshing in a weird way
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I'd like to suggest AKB0048!
Added to the queue, thank you!
#HELL YEAH#now i have an excuse to make sonati gifs!#akb0048 really a crucial shard of my past#i didn't (and still don't) know much about AKB48 but i ate that show up#akb0048#text
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Sonatie? >;P
With or without the fairy magic. :P
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- Motore!
- Partito!
ANATOMIA DI UN AMORE PERDUTO - Scena 110, primo piano, interni…
Tenendole le mani strette - non andartene lo sai che ti amo…
- NOOO, STOP! STOP! maledizione, non è questa la battuta… é la centodecima che giriamo e me la sbagli ancora? E che cazzo sei de coccio? Le devi dire “Si ho sbagliato tutto… vai per la tua strada, me ne farò una ragione” questo le devi di’
- Ma io la amo!!!
- “Ma io la amo! Ma io la amo!” Ma che c’hai tre anni?…
- cinquantano…
- e non mi interrompere, coglione! Lo so che c’hai cinquantanovanni sonati. E che non lo so? E proprio per questo che la tua battuta non va bene, sa de vecchio, de romantico stantio. Devi da esse’ moderno, emancipato, anche un po’ sboccato, tipo “ma si fai quello che cazzo ti pare, sei adulta e vaccinata e…”
- e non sai che te perdi…
- e daje! Ma sei coglione forte? Innanzi tutto sei tu che l’hai mollata, che l’hai tenuta sulla corda come uno stronzo per due anni, con un “non è cosa, ci siamo fatti troppo male e bla bla…”
- ma lei ha…
- “ma lei” un cazzo! E statte zitto quando ti dico una cosa importante! Te dicevo, l’hai tenuta sulla corda, tutte le pippe dell’orgoglio ferito, del sentirsi tradito, morto! E c’hai rotto bello mio. Lo vedi che t’ha detto ciao, s’é trovato n’antro e se lo scopa pure? (Scusa ma se non parlo così sto stronzo non capisce)
- e che non ce lo so che sta con un altro? Ma mica me sento de morì per questo? É andata!…
- E dimmi perché te senti di morire? Non perché se la scopa un altro? (Scusami ma se non glielo sbatto ‘nfaccia lo stronzone non capisce)
- É che mi sento un coglione…
- ecco bravo: l’hai detta una buona…
- che mi sento il cuore in gola, che mi sembra di vederla ad ogni angolo, che mi vengono i vuoti al cuore, che c’ho una tristezza infinita… Ma che non lo sai?
- e si che lo so. Stai tutto inciancicato, e che non lo vedo? Ma allora perché non gliel’hai detto prima che l’amavi? Che era la ragione della tua vita? Perché non le hai ammollato un bacio quando potevi e pure qualche altra cosa (e d’occasioni sto stronzo in due anni ne ha avute che ne avute, vero?)
- si le ho avute, vero. Ma lei non se ne può venire, dopo manco 15 giorni che c’eravamo lasciati (Lasciati poi... almeno per me non lo era, cercavo di mantenere il punto. Nella incazzatura del momento, si, lo abbiamo detto e ripetuto. Incazzati violentemente, so volate parole grosse, troppo grosse, come sempre, abbiamo scantonato di brutto) dopo che stavamo per fare davvero, almeno così ci eravamo detti quella maledetta sera, e se ne viene con “sto con un altro, sento che è una cosa importante…” e allora la nostra che era? m'ha preso per il culo? Che c’avevo da pensare se nell’arco di un mese (maledettissimo agosto di ogni stramaledetto anno) é cambiata come il giorno e la notte e mi porta all’esasperazione (coglione che ci casco sempre e poi sempre), evidentemente cercando il pretesto per fanculizzarmi e farsi fanculizzare… e poi la storia importante… che c’avevo da pensa’? Che c’avevi il serpe nel manicone? Che ti stavi già guardando attorno? Che la cosa per te non era così seria? Mi so’ sentito ferito a morte.
- ma quando la fai tragica. Ma se sei stato il primo a cacarti addosso? Che temevi che la cosa diventasse così seria da perdere il controllo e non riuscire a risolvere tutte le cose rimaste appese cinque anni prima? (tua figlia, sua figlia, le incomprensioni? Le INSODDISFAZIONI! la parte economica e tutto il cazzo che vi fotte!) Che è? Mo' ti brucia? Non parli più? St'orgoglio del cazzo! Te lo ficchi adesso lì l’orgoglio… mo te lo tieni tutto e ti stai zitto.
- ma io…
- muto! Concentrati, ripeti la battuta e non diciamo cazzate.
Forza ragazzi, attivate le macchine che giriamo
- Motore!
- Partito!
- CIAK: ANATOMIA DI UN AMORE PERDUTO - Scena 111, primo piano, interni… Azione!
Tenendole le mani strette - ti auguro tutta la fortuna possibile. Vivi la tua vita. Ti voglio bene...
- BUONA QUESTA! C’è un "ti voglio bene" di troppo ma va bene così. Tu non sei Redford ed io non sono Neil Simon.
Pausa di dieci minuti e poi giriamo in esterni.
E tu coglione, ricomponiti, asciugati quelle lacrime del cazzo. Lei è andata, fattene una ragione una volta per tutte. Hai una vita davanti e tanti film ancora da girare.
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Steve Headcanons
He is actually Zoroastrian religiously and hes ethnically Persian
He speaks it fluently since his parents were born there
He has to keep his and Soda’s relationship a secret bc his parents are homophobic
Doesn’t like american ice cream, but he will GOBBLE UP Bastani Sonati
He has a older sister named Zaynab, but she goes by Sasha.
Hes most likely to be in mechanics in school, but if not he would be in band with Soda.
But Sasha found out about their relationship, and kept it a secret from her parents.
Dont tell me he doesnt use Brain-Rot language
Apparently, Soda really loves when steve speaks Farsi, So when Steve gets a call from his relatives, he’ll bring Soda in and answer the call 😭
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Z listów niewysłanych, bo nie ma takiej potrzeby - fałszujące finale tej symfonii
Zastanawiałam się, czy zasługujesz jeszcze na moje słowa. Dwanaście listów do Ciebie, których nigdy nie przeczytasz, ten trzynasty - pechowy, tak jak wszystko, co się jakoś wydarzyło. A może nie wszystko, może to tylko zbieg okoliczności, nic nie znacząca liczba i tym razem już zdecydowanie finalna.
Co to się działo przez te ostatnie kilka miesięcy. Była uwertura na usta i palce, sonaty o pięknych słowach, łóżkowe scherzo, wariacje długich nocy i krótkich dni i na koniec, cichsze niż by wypadało, ale szybkie jak przystało na tego typu sytuacje - allegro. I tak oto zakończyła się nasza symfonia, zeszłam ze sceny, rzuciłam batutą, którą na koniec, raz jedyny w moim życiu trzymałam w ręku, a może wykradłam ci ją z kieszeni, kiedy zauważyłam, że ty już nie chcesz dyrygować tym ambarasem.
Nie mam pretensji, naprawdę. Nic sobie nie obiecywaliśmy, na nic się nie umawialiśmy i przyjmuję to, akceptuję. Tym bardziej nie mogę pojąć czemu tak się stało, czemu nie mogłeś być ze mną szczery. Mam żal za to jedno (przynajmniej jedno, o którym wiem, ale nie chcę drążyć, to i tak nie ma znaczenia) kłamstwo, bo można było inaczej, można było wprost, ja naprawdę potrafię sobie radzić z trudnymi rzeczami, z trudnymi komunikatami, jestem ze skały, z jadeitu, jak to sam powiedziałeś na początku naszych rozmów. Życie przyjmuję na klatę, nic mnie nie załamie, nawet jeśli zaboli. Szczerość cenię ponad wszystko. Wystarczyło powiedzieć, że nie jesteś już zainteresowany utrzymywaniem intensywnego kontaktu albo kontaktu w ogóle. Wystarczyło poinformować mnie - wiesz, to chyba nie to, będę szukał dalej, tak żebyś wiedziała. Ściemnianie na temat zdrowia psychicznego, wymawianie się nim, mówienie, że nie ma się przestrzeni, podczas gdy w tym samym czasie uderza się do... mojej koleżanki. Jezu, takich fikołów nie widzieli chyba nawet w Cirque du Soleil. Nawet mnie to śmieszy. Absurdalna sytuacja, jakaś zupełnie niewytłumaczalna, nowy poziom pajacowania, który do tej pory był mi obcy.
Pewnie nic dla ciebie nie znaczyłam albo znaczyłam na krótką chwilę. Emocje są emocjami, na uczucia nie ma się wpływu, wypada je zaakceptować i ruszyć dalej. Ale jakaś odrobina przyzwoitości, cokolwiek...
A wiesz, wydawało mi się, że to coś wyjątkowego, to wszystko. Dlatego opowiedziałam ci o Nim, tę trudną historię, która nieraz doprowadza mnie do łez. Dlatego otworzyłam przed sobą swoje ciało, tak szybko, bo jakoś niesamowicie ci zaufałam, czułam się przy tobie bardzo bezpieczna. Liczyłam, że tego nie wykorzystasz. Podziwiałam Twoje ciało, coś tam wykwitło pod sercem, jakaś mała sadzonka, nowe pąki. Myślałam sobie, że może mógłbyś zagościć w moim kraterze po zranieniu, że może ciebie akurat chciałabym wpuścić jak najgłębiej, żebyś się tam rozgościł, żebyś mógł tam leżeć w trawie i dzikich kwiatach, żebyś sadził nowe nasiona wspólnie przeżywanych emocji, doświadczeń, planów wcielanych w życie. Miałam poczucie, że mimo przeszłych związków, miłości i zauroczeń, w końcu zaczynam czuć coś, czego nie czułam od długich dziesięciu lat. I pomyślałam, że to łaska może, że po dekadzie od tamtej śmierci, może jestem znów gotowa. Pomyliłam się tylko w osądzie. Nie przewidziałam, że słowa mogą być tylko grą, żetonami rzucanymi na stół, gdy ma się ochotę trochę pograć, poudawać. Wydawałeś się wyjątkowy ze swoim podejściem do życia, z czułością, troską, zainteresowaniem, a ja to kupiłam. Z resztą może taki jesteś - kiedy ci zależy.
I naprawdę chciałam, żeby było wszystko z tobą dobrze. Nieśmiało jakoś, żeby może ukoić twój ból, to wszystko co piecze w środku. Ale wiem, że ty byś tego nie chciał, to w ogóle nie jest ci potrzebne, nie ode mnie. No więc, cóż, mówiłam - jestem naiwna, naiwnie czuła. Nie żałuję tego, ale zadra jest.
Mam w sobie ogrom miłości i czułości. Nie tylko tej romantycznej. Jak myślisz, dlaczego przyjechałam do ciebie tylko na kilka godzin właściwie po to, by obejrzeć z tobą serial i umyć ci włosy? Zrobiłabym to dla każdej bliskiej mi osoby, która potrzebowałaby takiej pomocy, bo tak okazuję swoje uczucia. Intymność tej czynności, dotykania twojej głowy, twoich pięknych włosów, trochę śmiechu i mokre ciuchy pod ciasnym prysznicem. Nie było w tym nic erotycznego, chociaż stałeś nagi, ale było w tym coś intymnego i czułego. Tak na to patrzyłam. Może ty się z tego śmiejesz, z mojej głupoty, naiwności. Myślisz, że zrobiłabym coś takiego dla osoby, która nic dla mnie nie znaczy? Nie znaczy głębiej niż tylko powierzchowna znajomość?
Ale rzeczywistość zweryfikowała moje romantyczne uniesienia. Sprowadziła na ziemię serce z łoskotem. Wiesz, nawet tak bardzo nie bolało. Rozczarowanie, owszem, kłucie tam w środku, lęk - bo taki mam już mózg, ale są na to leki.
Teraz nic już nie szukam, choć i ciebie w sumie nie szukałam. Lekcją byłeś, a jednak, no i w sumie dużo się nauczyłam. Nauczyłam się jak odchodzić, zanim dostanie się naprawdę po dupie. Nauczyłam się otwierać serce, ale też i je chronić. Niczego nie żałuję co się wydarzyło, z resztą napisałam ci o tym. Miej dobre życie. Ja takie mieć na pewno zamierzam.
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A❤ , 9♣, K♦, 7♠
A♥️ - Who was the first person your muse ever fell in love with?
"I doubt she'd appreciate her name coming from my mouth, since last time I checked she was on some moral high-horse about how she's soooo much of a better person than me."
"Sonati Yxlisi."
9♣️ - What is your muse’s proudest accomplishment?
"Being free of the carnival? Being able to maintain relationships for sweeps? Managing to stay sane despite my own brain constantly fighting against me? I don't know, take your pick."
K♦️ - If your muse were to start their own business, what would it be?
"I mean, probably something to do with my sewing? I make all of my own clothes, and I'm pretty good at it at this point. Although I honestly don't want to worry about trying to run a business, it seems like a lot of work I don't really have the thought for."
7♠️ - What’s a hard truth that your muse has to learn/has learned?
"...No matter how peaceful things get, how much it seems like everything is over and nothing can go wrong... It still can. But I'll take the good times while I can."
#long post#no border on these sprites because i'm still testing dimensions and stuff#but thaNK YOU THANK YOU FOR SENDING THESE!!!#Aelynn Replies
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Sonatie for the ship ask? *twiddles fingers*
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying /i will ship them in hell
It's really cute, besides I can see you're having fun with it, which is nice
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For my red ships:
Srevni got Sifrek some fancy lotion for her fins so they can feel extra moisturized and soft, and sang for him about how strong and brave and funny he is, with humor but in a very heartfelt way. They also got him a plush of his lusus.
Maidel is getting Dismas some cushioning for the fingers on his cybernetic arm! Light enough that he can still manipulate things, but sufficient that he’s less liable to poke holes in something or crush it. A very practical gift…and a card that says “I wrote my own romance route” because Maidel is still a nerd.
Tuuya made Jaskir a new winter-themed dress and some nice socks to keep her warm (both ‘frost fairy’ themed) and got her a beautiful set of quality colored pencils that can blend together well for her drawings. They also bought her some nice, comfortable fuzzy slippers with a heart design.
Jikiro is getting Viltau what seems to be an ordinary if fancy box of chocolates…that upon being opened has the chocolates inside make themselves into a chocolate reproduction of the pool from the Great Gatsby, because Ji loves his movie nerd boyfriend.
Svalla got Sonati a whole family of chocolate cats, in different flavors. She also got her some soft red and black yarn to knit with and decided to be bold and kiss her on the cheek with a wink. What a flirt. (They’re not official, Svalla is being Herself).
Chiloa got Pietri a gorgeous bouquet of flowers (with a couple that have hidden streamers and clown horns in them) and signed a love poem he wrote to her that was suitably Dramatic and about their everlasting love under the moons and how no one makes him smile so deeply as she, etc.
Zanzul got Portec a vibrant, flame-like bouquet of flowers. She also thoughtfully brought him more gasoline. She’s new to this but she’s doing her best.
@raitrolling @mycrappyrpsideblog @uprising-trolls @terribletrollstbh @rhysing-oc @trolloled
#I think that’s all my flush ships#all seven of ‘em#technical difficulties does not count#actias is slowly developing feelings for Sihvek but he’s not quite there yet
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BEETHOVEN & MOONLİGHT SONATA (AY IŞIĞI SONATI) HİKAYESİ Klasik müzik denince Chopin ‘den sonra, en çok Beethoven’ ı severim. Beethoven gerek özel yaşamıyla gerekse geride bıraktığı eşsiz eserleriyle, kendisini takip eden geniş hayran kitlesine, her zaman umut aşılamayı başarmıştır. Bu bağlamda, Beethoven ‘ın “Ay Işığı Sonatı” buna çok güzel bir örnektir. Bunalımda olduğu birgün, Beethoven…
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BEETHOVEN & MOONLİGHT SONATA (AY IŞIĞI SONATI) HİKAYESİ Klasik müzik denince Chopin ‘den sonra, en çok Beethoven’ ı severim. Beethoven gerek özel yaşamıyla gerekse geride bıraktığı eşsiz eserleriyle, kendisini takip eden geniş hayran kitlesine, her zaman umut aşılamayı başarmıştır. Bu bağlamda, Beethoven ‘ın “Ay Işığı Sonatı” buna çok güzel bir örnektir. Bunalımda olduğu birgün, Beethoven…
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Sonatie per chance?
The dynamic has clearly had a lot of thought put into it, and the chemistry's build up is authentic. :D
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