#sonata x aria
dazzlingss1mper · 1 year
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brights-place · 8 months
Hii!! I’ve seen your tbt works and I absolutely love them! I was wondering if you could write brozone x reader that acts like the dazzlings from mlp? I’m obsessed with them and tbt currently so I would appreciate it if you could write this! ^_^
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Brozone with an Dazzling! S/O
Pairing: Brozone X F! Dazzling S/O (Seperate)
Warnings: Angst, Manipulation, slight fluff
A/N: I LOVE THE DAZZLINGS FROM MLP! THEY ARE SO COOL AND ARE SO HOT! I MEAN UHM- UHHHHH ENJOY! FORGET WHAT I SAID! this will take place in their brozone days in the past eaech character is the same age the character is so for example you are the same age as branch if your interacting him and your the same age of floyd if you interact with him yadda yadda! it's 4:00am and I've worked on this since like 10pm
The Brozone band stared at each other when seeing an f/c troll with f/c hair on an stage with three other Trolls singing behind her. They were told by their grandmother to go to other concerts and get inspiration from other bands since they where on an slump so they went to an concert. Brozone stood at the front confused as they heard people scream before going silent when lights flashed down to the stage at an group of four that wore an black gem necklace with an shining ruby as they sang together with you stepping forward from behind your friend Adaigo who smirked as you all sang together perfectly in harmony. Brozone was in awe how easily it was for you four to be in harmony which caught john dorys attention as he muttered "What is that?" He muttered confused pointing towards the four of you glowing abit as an green mist rised up from the crowd flowing towards your groups glowing red gem choker as you danced around.
John Dory/JD
- He walked backstage with his brothers and noticed your F/C frame as he walked over "hello!" he said waving hello as you turned around before dropping your drink and jaw to the floor - "OMG!!! Your THE! brozone!" you squealed eyes sparkling as John dory smiled at your face - You motioned them to follow you "I'd like to apolgize by the way" john and his brothers looked at eachother confused "why?" "You'll see" you uttered shivering as you walked to your dressing room as Aria and Sonata were at eachothers throats about what to eat as Adiago was filing her nails lifting her head up to teh door to see You and the rest of brozone - John dory stared at you the whole time as you made Adiago come over to talk to them as John dory asked her questions about maintaining Balance since they both were the leaders of their bands - The other brozone boys would talk to you three as Adiago smirked when John dory asked her about how they were in harmony so easily "Its cause we are perfect" Adiago said as You, Aria, and Sonata perked up when Adiago snapped her fingers to get your attentions as you three walked over to give an example - You smiled towards John dory and the other brozone boys who took an seat as they heard you four sing in harmony together easily "Why pretend we're all the same? When some of us shine brighter" Adiago sang as your gems glowed brightly as Aria, You, and Sonata sang "shining brighter" "Here's a chance to find your flame! Are you a loser or a fighter?" Adiago said smiling as your gems glowed slightly as you guys walked around the brozone boys who focused on you guys as you an small green mist surronded the group of five as they furrowed their eyebrows thinking to themselves glancing at eachother but baby branch looked around confused - You four smirked checking your gems before stopping as John dory stood up "What do you call that?" "We call it the perfect family harmony" you said quickly as your three friends behind you smirked - John stared at you "How ?" "be perfecrt! perfect choreo! perfect apperance, Perfect singing just be PERFECT!" You said eyes sparkling as John dory nodded glancing at his brothers
- John dory turned back to you as you left to go offer some of the brozone males some sweets as Aria sighed knowing what was gonna happen when seeing sonata drool - "You'll have to excuse them. They're idiots." Adiago said crossing her arms witnessing you chase Sonata around cause she took your favourite sweet from you John dory smiled softly "I dont mind..." Adiago noticed John dorys stare towards you as she smirked slowly something clicking in her mind
- When brozone left john dory looked at you "Hey... Uhm your amazing at singing you ever want to... I dunno practice together?" you smiled at him nodding as he left with his brothers
- Adiago walked over with Sonata and Aria following behind staring down at you "I'm tired of fast food. I need a meal..." Aria said groaning "The energy in this world isn't the same as in Equestria. We can only gain so much power here." Adiago said checking her gem "I wish we'd never been banished to this awful place." Aria frowned as you nodded in agreement "Really I love it here!" Adiago said arvastically as Sonata stared confused "For realsies? Because I think this place is the worst." Sonata said confused as Aria scoffed crossing her arms "I think your the worst sonata" "oh yeah well I think your-" Adiago groaned shaking her head in annoyance "Ergh! I'll tell you one thing, being stuck here with you two isn't making this world any more bearable." Sonata stared confused "Two? but theres three?" "thats cause (Name) is my favourite" She said patting your head as you looked up smiling abit at the older girl while Aria and Sonata glanced at eachother before nodding in agrement
- You would come over to brozone's place to see john dory to help make him and his brothers sound perfect since Adiago told you to get near him and stir some trouble
- You smiled at him as he tried to sing but had an voice crack as you giggled handing him some water and giving him so voice exercises to do which he did and hit an note that he couldn't hit
- The fact you smiled at him as he finished singing and clapping your hands made him notice your jewel on your neck before speaking "You know I see your outfits for all your shows now and the thing is you guys dont ever take of that necklace-" He reached his hand out to touch your necklace as you grabbed his wrist quickly staring up at him "DON'T TOUCH!" you shouted before chuckling nervously and leaning back "It's- it's just! Just don't touch!" You said quickly as he pulled back nodding
- John stared at you confused at your gem and back "Was it from someone important?" you paused nodding quickly "yeah" you said looking away as John Dory was confused but sat back abit
- John dory smiled "You should come to our next concert! we promised our fans we will do the perfect family harmony! like you you and the other dazzlings do!" John dory said proudly as he felt his ego boost as you smiled "Oh were counting on it" You said looking away with an smug smirk
- the day of the concert you and your fellow dazzlings were allowed backstage to just give them an 'Pep' talk
- You were told to go speak to John dory to make him vulnerable since you were close to him yet you were having second thoughts about this - "John... You know you don't have to do the perfect family harmony" you whispered as John dory furrowed his eyebrows "we have to be perfect! and if were not we are nothing!" John dory said - John dory couldn't help but notice how your fellow dazzlings were singing quietly "Why are the singing?" John dory muttered confused glancing towards you "Oh! they are just uhmmm" you paused "Five minutes!" an staff said as you turned back to John "Hey... Do you wanna go on an date with me after this?" John asked nervously as you giggled nodding "I'd like that" - You went to the crowd and sat at the back to not be seen well as you four made sure not to be seen
- John was getting annoyed on how his brothers were imperfect but when he saw you in the crowd staring up at him he needed this to be perfect just for you... all that practice had to be worth it
- The fact he sang towards you most of the time on stage you noticed how he got slightly frustrated that his brothers weren't following him properly
- Adiago, Aria, and Sonata smirked singing quietly as people stared up at brozone who had some... setbacks and crumpled on stage embarrassing themself as the dazzlings smirked as an green mist flowed towards their gems
- You frowned "Oh John..." you muttered looking down to your gem as it glowed an bright ruby red as your fellow sirens giggled "It's not enough of an meal though...." Aria grumbled
- When you followed them back to their house with them not realizing you noticed how they all started fighting as you four stood outside smirking - "Oh, no! No one's mingling! It's like there's some kind of underlying tension that could bubble to the surface at any minute!" Adiago said giggling while Sonata and Aria smirked yet you couldn't help but look at John dory with slight sadness Sonata placed an hand your shoulder "Whats with you face?" "I feel bad..." "what!" sonata exclaimed in shock
- Sonata stared at you with confusion as Aria furrowed her brows "You feel bad? What the hell" You stared over at John dory and his brothers who were fighting - You couldn't help but stare at them as they went backstage while you frowned and looked down to your necklace thinking to yourself "Was it worth it?" You muttered to yourself as you glanced back at John dory once more before leaving with your fellow dazzlings
-Spruce followed behind his brothers before stopping when seeing you at the food table picking up some sweets. - He noticed that his favorite sweet was there so he ran off towards the table and smiled seeing his favorite sweet and checking if john dory wasn't looking which he wasn't as he picked up his favorite sweet which was also your favorite sweet
- You couldn't help but smile "you like those too? I like the (Favorite flavor) one better" Spruce smiled "Oh! I like the strawberry" Spruce chuckled lifting up the sweet
- You couldn't help but giggle putting your hand out "(name)" "Spruce" he said you two shaking hands "I saw you on stage your amazing" "Aww thank you so much!" You said blushing "Your from brozone right?" Spruce smile faded slightly before nodding "you an fan?" "Well I've heard of you but your songs aren't really my thing no offense" "All good" Spruce said chuckling
- You and him walked towrads you dressing room conversing to eachother before seeing John dory talking to Adiago about some 'perfect family harmony' while Clay and Floyd talking to Aria and sonata while Bitty B was being picked up by sonata as she giggled excietdly
- Adiago looked over at you giggling and chatting away with bruce Adiago glanced towards Sonata and Aria who noticed Adiago is look
- Adiago smirked when John dory asked her about how they were in harmony so easily "Its cause we are perfect" Adiago said as You, Aria, and Sonata perked up when Adiago snapped her fingers to get your attentions as you three walked over to give an example - You glanced towards spruce "Sorry Spruce I gotta-" Spruce smiled "It's fine don't worry!" - You smiled towards Spruce as he smiled back as the other brozone boys who took an seat as they heard you four sing in harmony together easily "Why pretend we're all the same? When some of us shine brighter" Adiago sang as your gems glowed brightly as Aria, You, and Sonata sang "shining brighter" "Here's a chance to find your flame! Are you a loser or a fighter?" Adiago said smiling as your gems glowed slightly as you guys walked around the brozone boys who focused on you guys as you an small green mist surronded the group of five as they furrowed their eyebrows thinking to themselves glancing at eachother but baby branch looked around confused - You four smirked checking your gems before stopping as John dory stood up "What do you call that?" he questioned as you looked around confused "We call it the perfect family harmony" you said quickly as your fellow sirens behind you smirked "Nice" Spruce muttered eyes focusing on you as you looked away giggling slightly
- Spruce smiled at you and you smiled back softly towards him
- You two have been hanging out ever since you met sometimes coming over to your pod with your fellow dazzlings or at his pod with his brothers but he knew he would get teased
- Whenever he comes by he feels like he doesn't have to be the heart throb he could just relax. He didn't need to show off his abs he didn't need to be an heart throb he could just be himself
- When you two where doing skincare at your place since he was flabbergasted you didn't have one he smiled at how your face scrunched up when he put an moisturizer on your nose
- He watched as you giggled happily as he cupped your face while you smiled at him before he looked down to your necklace "You know I never see you take of your necklace..." Spruce muttered as he slowly slide his hand down from your cheek to reach out to your necklace as you grabbed his hand stopping him holding it "Stop!" you shouted as you looked up at fear as he froze "Sorry... Sorry just it's important I can't let you touch it"
- Spruce paused "Sorry dude" you sighed "It's fine..." you looked away as he looked back at your face before speaking it "you look dumb with that moisturizer just staying on your nose" spruce said as you chuckled "Seriously?" Spruce smiled back "Seriously" - the day of the concert you and your fellow dazzlings were allowed backstage to just give them an 'Pep' talk. you rushed towards spruce tackling him into an hug as he was doing abs crunches he looked up to see you running towards him as he stood up quickly catching you (You know when Terry from B99 catches Jake when he says 'when i jump and leap at terry he'd catch me' its like that ) - He smiled at you as he talked to you while he was getting ready for the show as he told you to sit on his back which you did as you heard John dory tell Spruce to continue working out before raising an eyebrow at you as you were painting your nails mindlessly - When they were heading to the entry spruce couldn't help but look towards you "(Name)... you think we can do it?" You looked away shaking your head "It takes practice..." Spruce nodded "Yeah I know John is taking this into an whole thing" You nodded "You got this" - When they went on stage you couldn't help but notice Adiago place an hand on your shoulder "Your getting close to him... this is good we can use it"
- You went to the crowd and sat at the back to not be seen well as you four made sure not to be seen. _-You could see spruce was getting annoyed on how john dory wasn't doing the choreo that clay made and were making it ore difficult for him to relax - Adiago, Aria, and Sonata smirked singing quietly as people stared up at brozone who had some... setbacks and crumpled on stage embarrassing themself as the dazzlings smirked as an green mist flowed towards their gems
- You frowned looking down to your gem as it glowed an bright ruby red as your fellow sirens giggled "It's not enough of an meal though...." Aria grumbled crossing her arms - "Oh, no! No one's mingling! It's like there's some kind of underlying tension that could bubble to the surface at any minute!" Adiago said giggling while Sonata and Aria smirked yet you couldn't help but look at spruce with slight sadness Sonata placed an hand your shoulder "Whats with you face?" "I feel bad..." "what!" sonata exclaimed in shock
- Sonata stared at you with confusion as Aria furrowed her brows "You feel bad? What the hell" You stared over at John dory and his brothers who were fighting - You couldn't help but stare at them as they went walked away while your three friends left before Adiago raised an brow "(name) come" She called out as you paused "Uhm- I'll catch up with you guys later!" you called out before rushing to catch up with Spruce/Bruce
- "Spruce! Spruce" You called out when seeing him leave his pod he looked towards you "(name)" he said quickly rushing towards you as you hugged him as he held you close - "where are you going?" "our band split up Brozones over im so sick of JD! and his stupid rules and how he wants us to be perfect it's annoying and controlling" Spruce said annoyed as he couldn't help but notice how when he continued to let out his frustration as you sang softly and quietly as he paused and stared up at you before looking down to an green mist flowing towards your necklace - He furrowed his brows raising an hand to touch your face "(name)" You couldn't help but start an musical number with him as you went to calm him down but also feast on his negative energy as Spruce grew tired slightly while he sang with you - When you finished singing with him he noticed how your gem glowed slightly "(Name) thanks for singing with me" Spruce paused before speaking up once more "Why do you wear that necklace though you never told me" Spruce stared at you "I'll tell you some day but right now you need to go find yourself... I'm sorry I can't come with you but I wish you goodluck" Spruce couldn't help but nod before kissing your knuckles "Goodbye (Name)" "Bye Spruce..." - As you watched him leave you raised your hand smiling when remembering him kissing your knuckles
- Clay was following John dory before noticing you being scolded by Adiago "You messed up on your own choreography! Your lucky that you fixed it quickly! just get back to practicing the next choreo for our next song were gonna send out next week!" You couldn't help but look away sadly - Adiago sighed "God I hate it here" Adiago said walking away as Aria and sonata nodded in agreement with you nodding slowly after "I hate we got sent into this world aswell" you muttered as the three left to the dressing room as clay walked over "You good?" you couldn't help but flinch and smile "oh hey! oh! your clay from brozone right? I saw you guys on stage" you said smiling happily
- Clay couldn't help but put on his fun persona "Oh yeah! I'm the fun one" Clay said in an energetic tone as you raised an eyebrow confused as you noticed his mood shift
- “Do you read?” You asked clay with an soft smile on your face as he paused "I do" "you should join my sad bookclub" You offered as clay paused "Sad book club?" You couldn't help but nod "yeah we just sit around and hug and stuff... and cry... but we also read!" Clay smiled "Oh... I would like that!"
- As you to walked back to your dressing room you continued to tell more about the book club he couldn't help but smile as you went back into the dressing room waving hello to the other brozone boys as Aria and Sonata nodded towards you as you went to an book shelf - You couldn't help but smiled when finding an book handing it to him "here this book is called the outsiders it's by S. E. Hinton" You grinned as he took it as you patted his shoulder "it's an tear jerker" - You, Aria, and Sonata perked up when Adiago snapped her fingers to get your attentions as you three walked over to give an example of your singing as you apologized to clay "here borrow this book I'll be right back" you said hurriedly as Clay nodded before staring down at the book in his hands reading the blurb with an soft smile - The other brozone boys took an seat as they heard you four sing in harmony together easily "Why pretend we're all the same? When some of us shine brighter" Adiago sang as your gems glowed brightly as Aria, You, and Sonata sang "shining brighter" "Here's a chance to find your flame! Are you a loser or a fighter?" Adiago said smiling as your gems glowed slightly as you guys walked around the brozone boys who focused on you guys as you an small green mist surronded the group of five as they furrowed their eyebrows thinking to themselves glancing at eachother but baby branch looked around confused
- Clay stared at you the whole time as he gripped to the book as you smiled softly towards him
- You would invite him over to your sad book club and it would always end it with you crying together while cuddling
- When you two were talking about your book he couldn't help but pause when telling you about how in an story he read had these four sirens with these necklaces with an red jewel that would suck up peoples energy making them negative as they feasted on it... You realized then and there you realized you gave him an book about you and the Villans in equsteria
- Clay paused "Where you inspired by them?" you paused before nodding quickly "yeahhh!" Clay smiled "Well thats cool... whats even cooler is your necklace and how you acutally make it glow" Clay muttered reaching an hand towards it before pausing when noticing you shuffle back quickly
- He smiled "You know I like your role in your band... you fit well with my favorite siren who has the same name as you!" Clay said as you blushed lightly and smile towards him "Awww thanks Clay... I like you just as yourself instead of the fun one in your band" you said as clay blushed an deeply as he looked away "thanks... I wish they took me seriously like you do" "Do your brothers not take you seriously? you questioned as he looked away as you smiled "well they should cause this version of you is the one I like the most cause it's you" you said placing an hand on his forearm as he looked up to you
- Clay and you were pressing each others foreheads together smiling up at each other "(name) would you-" Sonata soon bursted into the room "(NAME) WE GOT AN PROBLEM ARIA IS TRYING TO KILL ME!" Sonata screamed running to you as you pulled away from clay quickly as Sonata used you as an meat shield while you screamed in fear as Aria ran inside the room with an Pan
- The day of the concert for Brozone to preform the perfect family harmony you and clay quickly hugged as clay sneakily kissed your cheek before pulling away you two giggling at eachother as clay smiled at you - Aria raised an eyebrow at you as you looked away awkwardly to avoid eye contact with her fellow dazzlings who soon focused on you and clay "It's good your here I can't deal with-" "Clay get back to doing your choreo!" John dory shouted as you deadpanned at John before looking at clay "It's nice to know that you missed me" Clay looked away "I didn't say-" "What the hell are you wearing!" You said cackling pointing down at Clays funderdrawers as Clay rolled his eyes smiling - Clay spoke "I have to get back to doing our choreo but I'll talk to you after okay? after we can talk about our recent book" Clay said as you grinned nodding at him as he left as Adiago placed an hand on your shoulder - "This is it, girls. The moment we've been waiting for." Adiago said as Aria rolled her eyes "So we're just gonna do what we always do? Stir up some trouble and then feed off the negative energy? Some plan, Adagio." you stared at Adiago confused "You've been getting close to that yellow headed troll we can use that" Adiago stated as the color drained from your face quickly - When brozone started preforming you smiled at Clay as he grinned at you when he was introduced and he did an peace sign sticking his tongue out he motioned towards you as you smirked doing the peace sign towards him
- Adiago, Aria, and Sonata smirked singing quietly as people stared up at brozone who had some... setbacks and crumpled on stage embarrassing themself as the dazzlings smirked as an green mist flowed towards their gems
- You frowned looking down to your gem as it glowed an bright ruby red as your fellow sirens giggled happily before Aria groaned "It's not enough of an meal though...." Aria grumbled crossing her arms as you sigh nodding "Adiago if we don't get enough we can't-" Adiago stared over at you with an deadpanned look as you sweatdropped - "Oh, no! No one's mingling! It's like there's some kind of underlying tension that could bubble to the surface at any minute!" Adiago said giggling while Sonata and Aria smirked yet you couldn't help but look at Clay with slight sadness Sonata placed an hand your shoulder "Whats with you face?" "I feel bad..." "what!" sonata exclaimed in shock
- Sonata stared at you with confusion as Aria furrowed her brows "You feel bad? What the hell" You stared over at Clay and his brothers who were fighting as Clay looked pissed off - You couldn't help but stare at them as they went walked away while your three friends left before Adiago raised an brow "(name) come" She called out as you paused before you rushed over to go to clay - You cupped his face as he stared up at you "Where are you going?" clay scoffed "far away from here I'm so sick of JD and his stupid" he sighed annoyed before staring at your face "(Name)" "Clay No I can't" You said as Clay groaned "please?" "no" you spoke softly as Clay sighed "Have you thought where your going... what about bitty b?" clay paused "I-" clay sighed "I dont know..."
- Floyd followed behind his brothers before stopping when seeing you happily bouncing up and down beside Sonata in the dressing room - He felt comfy with your bouncy and happy aura with Sonata he felt... relaxed and happy. Yet he couldn't shaek fo the feeling about how your necklace shined
- The other brozone boys would talk to you three as Adiago smirked when John dory asked her about how they were in harmony so easily "Its cause we are perfect" Adiago said as You, Aria, and Sonata perked up when Adiago snapped her fingers to get your attentions as you three walked over to give an example - You smiled towards Floyd and the other brozone boys who took an seat as they heard you four sing in harmony together easily "Why pretend we're all the same? When some of us shine brighter" Adiago sang as your gems glowed brightly as Aria, You, and Sonata sang "shining brighter" "Here's a chance to find your flame! Are you a loser or a fighter?" Adiago said smiling as your gems glowed slightly as you guys walked around the brozone boys who focused on you guys as you an small green mist surronded the group of five as they furrowed their eyebrows thinking to themselves glancing at eachother but baby branch looked around confused - You four smirked checking your gems before stopping as Floyd stood up eyes sparkling "What do you call that?" "We call it the perfect family harmony" you said quickly as your three friends behind you smirked as you went off and started eating an sweet happily and playing with bitty B's tiny hands - "You'll have to excuse them. They're idiots." Adiago said crossing her arms witnessing you chase Sonata around cause she took your favourite sweet from you as you shouted at her bumping into floyd before apolgizing and rushing to Sonata as floyd smiled softly - Adiago noticed Floyd stare towards you as she smirked slowly something clicking in her mind... the sensitive one in brozone was interested in their (name)
- When brozone left floyd looked at you "Hey (name) right? your amazing at singing you ever want to... I dunno practice together? I wanted to get some tipss" you smiled at him nodding as he left with his brothers
- Adiago walked over with Sonata and Aria following behind staring down at you "I'm tired of fast food. I need a meal..." Aria said groaning "The energy in this world isn't the same as in Equestria. We can only gain so much power here." Adiago said checking her gem "I wish we'd never been banished to this awful place." Aria frowned as you nodded in agreement "Really I love it here!" Adiago said arvastically as Sonata stared confused "For realsies? Because I think this place is the worst." Sonata said confused as Aria scoffed crossing her arms "I think your the worst sonata" "oh yeah well I think your-" Adiago groaned shaking her head in annoyance "Ergh! I'll tell you one thing, being stuck here with you two isn't making this world any more bearable." Sonata stared confused "Two? but theres three?" "thats cause (Name) is my favourite" She said patting your head as you looked up smiling abit at the older girl while Aria and Sonata glanced at eachother before nodding in agrement
- You would come over to brozone's place to see floyd and share your own songs
- You smiled at him as you both shared vocal exercises
- The fact you smiled at him as he finished playing his guitar and singing to eachother as he smiled looking at your red jewel on your neck before reaching his hand out "DON'T!" you said aggressively as he pulled back abit as you sighed "Sorry sorry... I just-" you said looking away as floyd smiled softly holding your face before kissing your cheek "you alright?" he muttered as you grinned at him "How do you always know how to relax me?" you said chuckling
- Floyd couldn't help but smile "You should come to our next concert well john invited you gusy but I wanted to ask you yourself.." Floyd said proudly as he blushed as you smiled "Oh were counting on it" You said looking away with an sly smirk as floyd tilted his head confused
- the day of the concert you and your fellow dazzlings were allowed backstage to just give them an 'Pep' talk - Floyd couldn't help but notice how your fellow dazzlings were singing quietly "Why are the singing?" floyd muttered confused glancing towards you "Oh! they are just uhmmm they are setting an example...?" you said confused as floyd was gonna question your more "Five minutes!" an staff said as you turned back to floyd kissing his cheek and leaving - You went to the crowd and sat at the back to not be seen well as you four made sure not to be seen
- John was getting annoyed on how his brothers were imperfect but when he saw you in the crowd staring up at him he needed this to be perfect just for you... all that practice had to be worth it
- The fact he sang towards you most of the time on stage you noticed how he woud;d smile brighter when you made an heart motion towards him as he chuckled
- Adiago, Aria, and Sonata smirked singing quietly as people stared up at brozone who had some... setbacks and crumpled on stage embarrassing themself as the dazzlings smirked as an green mist flowed towards their gems
- You frowned looking down to your gem as it glowed an bright ruby red as your fellow sirens giggled "It's not enough of an meal though...." Aria grumbled crossing her arms - "Oh, no! No one's mingling! It's like there's some kind of underlying tension that could bubble to the surface at any minute!" Adiago said giggling while Sonata and Aria smirked yet you couldn't help but look at floyd with slight sadness Sonata placed an hand your shoulder "Whats with you face?" "I feel bad..." "what!" sonata exclaimed in shock
- Sonata stared at you with confusion as Aria furrowed her brows "You feel bad? What the hell" You stared over at Clay and his brothers who were fighting as Clay looked pissed off "And you can have these!" Clay shouted chucking his funderdrawers at John dory's face as you giggled slightly finding it funny yet confused how he got rid of them so fast - You couldn't help but stare at them as they went walked away while your three friends left yet you couldn't help but run towards floyd
- You hugged floyd tightly "floyd..." Floyd looked down to the floor sighing gripping onto you aswell "(Name) I'm worried... that I-" floyd sighed as he just held onto your waist tightly before looking towards you as you tilted your head "I'll miss you" "I'll miss you too Floyd" - He kissed your forehead before pulling you away "Can we sing together once more?" Floyd asked as you nodded the two of you dancing together singing together with an smile on each others faces before leaning in before you pulled away quickly... it was wrong and you couldn't do it
- you snuggled into Sonata is arms giggling as she poked your chubby face as you giggled
- brozone soon came into the room all of them separating as Sonata eyes sparkled towards floyd who was holding bitty b
- Sonata and Floyd placed you both down on the fluffy rug as you grinned happily branch doing the same "branch!" "(name)! I am (Name) your cool!" you two quickly became bestfriends on that spot
- You, Aria, and Sonata perked up when Adiago snapped her fingers to get your attentions as you three walked over to give an example while you jumped up and down excitedly - Sonata soon picked you up since Adiago wanted all of you to sing together to show an example - You smiled towards Branch and the other brozone boys who took an seat as they heard you four sing in harmony together easily "Why pretend we're all the same? When some of us shine brighter" Adiago sang as your gems glowed brightly as Aria, You, and Sonata sang "shining brighter" "Here's a chance to find your flame! Are you a loser or a fighter?" Adiago said smiling as your gems glowed slightly as you guys walked around the brozone boys who focused on you guys as you an small green mist surrounded the group of five as they furrowed their eyebrows thinking to themselves glancing at eachother but baby branch looked around confused before giggling when you did an silly face
- brozone and the dazzlings quickly planned on having you two have an play date you waved goodbye to branch happily as he did the same - Adiago walked over with Sonata and Aria following behind staring down at you "I'm tired of fast food. I need a meal..." Aria said groaning "The energy in this world isn't the same as in Equestria. We can only gain so much power here." Adiago said checking her gem "I wish we'd never been banished to this awful place." Aria frowned as you nodded in agreement "Really I love it here!" Adiago said arvastically as Sonata stared confused "For realsies? Because I think this place is the worst." Sonata said confused as Aria scoffed crossing her arms "I think your the worst sonata" "oh yeah well I think your-" Adiago groaned shaking her head in annoyance "Ergh! I'll tell you one thing, being stuck here with you two isn't making this world any more bearable." Sonata stared confused "Two? but theres three?" "thats cause (Name) is my favourite" She said patting your head as you looked up smiling abit at the older girl while Aria and Sonata glanced at eachother before nodding in agrement
- You would come over to brozone's place or Branch come overs to yours and you two would play together but on that though was that the dazzlings had to make sure you understood to NEVER! let Branch or anybody touch your necklace as you nodded happily as you went of to Branch is place
- you two where currently holding stuffed animals as branch eyes sparkled "You have an cool necklace!" "right! it's so cool!"
- The day of the concert you were in the crowd and sat at the back to not be seen well as you four made sure not to be seen well you couldn't see at all since you were small af since you were an baby
- Bitty B aka branch was singing towards you as you giggled waving excitedly from the back - You frowned slightly looking down to your gem as it glowed an bright ruby red as your fellow sirens giggled "It's not enough of an meal though...." Aria grumbled crossing her arms
- Adiago, Aria, and Sonata smirked singing quietly as people stared up at brozone who had some... setbacks and crumpled on stage embarrassing themself as the dazzlings smirked as an green mist flowed towards their gems - You watched brozone go backstage you couldn't help but stare at them as they went walked away while your three friends left before Adiago raised an brow "(name) come" She called out as you looked at her with your baby doe eyes
- Adiago paused realizing that famillar doe eyed look "(name) no!" you were already gone and were now inside the pod hearing floyd say his goodbye to Branch before pausing when seeing you
- You rushed over to bitty b quickly snuggling up to him and looking up to floyd who smiled softly "You two look out for eachother" branch nodded quickly hugging you as you giggled "I will make sure (Name) is safe!" "yeah! I make sure branchy is safe!" you said
- You stood beside branch the two of you staring confused as you hugged baby branch as he hugged you back as you two went to his grandmother as your fellow dazzlings walked into the pod to get you before seeing you playing cards with branch and his grandmother
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2023 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact
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dapper-lil-arts · 1 month
This are some of the characters i ship the sirens with and some reasons why
Adagio x sunset (sundagio) enemys to lovers do i need to say more?
Aria x twilight (sparkleblaze) i dont know why my brain is rotted ny this ship i read a fanfic called "my chemical reaction" and this ship has lived rent free in brain ever since, tbh i use this ship mostly beacuse aria is a pretty bland character i use this to give her some character, the best way to describe this ship it would be two peopole with zero social skills and even less skills in romance make it work in their own weird way
Sonata and flash (i dont have a ship name for this one) i dont have much reason for this one i just think they would be cute together
The hate sex between adagio and sunset would be LEGENDARY I like that the sirens are a trio but sadly its rare to see them explored beyond the surface level, even though they're fun af villans heheh
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yourdarlingness · 1 year
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✦ Classical Musical ~ themed NPT
╰ DAY 2 of @rumblepumm ' s event !
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NAMES ︙ adagio . adriane . adria . adrian . aria . ariane . ariette . ari . sonata . sonia . sonnet / sonette . crescenne . crescenette . cresciene . dolce . dolciene . dolc(i)ette . ensemblette / enslette . chordelle . chordiene . chordette . cadence . cade . melody . melodie . meliene . melodiette . harmony . harmonie . harmonette . symphonia . symponiette . orchestraine . orchestrae(tte) . cadentia . lyric . note . notesy . notesie . doremi . viola . violette . violiene . harp . songbird
PRNS ︙ mu / music . la / lala . mu / muse . soe / song . pia / piano . tu / tune . noe / note . soe / sonnet . doe / dor / doremi . sol / sola . ke / key . vi / vio / violin . har / harp . 🎹 . 🎧 . 🎵 . 🎶 . 🎼 . 🎻
TITLES ︙ the conductor of music . the orchestrator . the lover of music . prn who appreciates the classics . the classical beauty . the mastermind behind the lyrics . prn who orchestrated masterpieces . the greatest musician . prns timeless pieces/music . the maestro of the orchestra . the songbird . the song of the [x] . the [x]'s melody . prns beautiful symphony . the maiden of melody/harmony/symphony . the composer of masterpieces . prn who sings lullabies . the [x]'s sweet songs
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dolce — Italian musical term ; to play softly or with a light touch
[x] can be replaced with any nouns or terms you prefer
The angel's melody
The song of the zombie
The vampire's sweet songs
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mwalani · 6 months
Can I request dating headcanons for aria blaze x fem!reader who likes taking risks and putting themselves in danger for fun ?
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Aria Blaze X Fem!Reader
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☆notes - Hello! THANK YOU FOR THE REQUEST FOR ONE OF THE DAZZLINGS 🙏 and yes, I hope you like it!
☆content - headcanons of aria blaze x female reader who likes to put herself in danger for fun
☆warnings - none
☆characters - aria blaze
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[♡] Aria Blaze
Aria is really confused at why would you do this. There are plenty other ways for you to have fun, and with her even! But you choose to go with the danger.
She's going to be paying a lot of attention to you, just like you do with a child, because Aria is scared that you might come back to her without a limb or two.
Everytime Aria notices you're about to do something stupid she's going to pull you aside and just not let you do it.
You're her girlfriend! You can't just keep doing this stuff and let her almost die from worry. She's not sure who is going to pass away first, her from heart attack or you.
Aria has to question you a lot of times about what were you doing before talking to her, because she knows most of the time you were doing something you're not supposed to.
Probably learned how to treat wounds just so she could help you doing so.
She's going to get you to be friends with Sonata, you know, to try to make you do something more safe with her. Aria wasn't expecting you to make Sonata do dangerous things too!
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equestriaqueerz2024 · 2 years
for the shipping thing: sonaria (sonata x aria), sundagio (sunset x adagio) and suntrix (sunset x trixie)
some of my underrated faves ;p
Oooo! I’ll do SonAria!
Gives nose/forehead kisses - Sonata (when she feels affectionate), Aria (when she feels flirty)
Gets jealous the most - Aria, not doubt lol
Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive - Sonata
Takes care of on sick days - Sonata
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day - Sonata
Gives unprompted massages - I imagine both of them, but mostly Aria
Drives/rides shotgun - Aria
Brings the other lunch at work - Mostly Sonata
Has the better parental relationship - Neither, since we don’t even know if they have “parents”.
Tries to start role-playing in bed - Mostly Aria
Embarrassingly drunk dancer - Mostly Sonata
Still cries watching Titanic - I don’t really imagine either of them doing so
Firmly believes in couples costumes - Sonata
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas - Sonata
Makes the other eat breakfast - Sonata
Remembers anniversaries - Sonata
Brings up having kids - Both of them are ok with it
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trio-of-all-time · 1 year
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ROUND 1A (05/02)
1. Sora, Kairi, and Riku (Kingdom Hearts) VS Carter, Sadie, and Zia (The Kane Chronicles)
2. Hunter, Willow, and Gus (The Owl House) VS Josie, Valerie, and Melody (Riverdale)
3. Wonder Woman, Superman, Batman (DC Comics) VS Mike, Stan, Bill (IT)
4. Axel, Roxas, and Xion (Kingdom Hearts) VS Kotori, Honoka, and Umi (Love Live! School Idol Festival)
5. Professor Layton, Luke, and Emmy (Professor Layton) VS Marc, Steven, and Jake (Moon Knight)
6. Draculaura, Clawdeen, and Frankie (Monster High) VS Platinum, Diamond, and Pearl (Pokemon)
7.  Kazuki, Rei, and Miri (Buddy Daddies) VS  Starscream, Soundwave, and  Megatron (Transformers)
8.  Buffy, Willow, and Xander (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) VS Adagio, Aria, and Sonata (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls)
ROUND 1B (05/05)
1.  Kirk, Spock, and McCoy (Star Trek) VS Adora, Glimmer, and Bow (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
2.  Yor, Loid, and Anya (Spy x Family) VS  Mio, Yuuko, and Mai (Nichijou)
3. Joker, Crow, and Violet (Persona 5 Royal) VS Josuke, Okuyasu, and Koichi (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure)
4. Yuji, Nobara, and Megumi (Jujutsu Kaisen) VS Yu, Chie, and Yosuke (Persona 4)
5. Percy, Annabeth, and Grover (Percy Jackson and the Olympians) VS Huey, Dewey, and Louie (DuckTales) 
6. Nancy, Jonathan, and Steve (Stranger Things) VS Sugimoto, Asirpa, and Shiraishi (Golden Kamuy)
7. Ayaka, Ayato, and Thoma (Genshin Impact) VS Wirt, Greg, and Beatrice (Over The Garden Wall)
8. Daichi, Sugawara, and Asahi (Haikyuu!!) VS Eren, Mikasa, and Armin (Attack on Titan)
ROUND 1C (05/08)
1.  Shadow, Rouge, and Omega (Sonic the Hedgehog) VS Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Cadence (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
2.  Henry, Charles, and Ellie (The Henry Stickmin Collection) VS Minho, Thomas, and Newt (The Maze Runner)
3.  Anne, Sasha, and Marcy (Amphibia) VS  Tighnari, Cyno, and Collei (Genshin Impact) 
4. Terra, Ventus, and Aqua (Kingdom Hearts) VS  Yukimura, Sanada, and Yanagi (Prince of Tennis)
5.  Hiyori, Yato, Yukine (Noragami) VS  Izzy, Noah, and Eva (Total Drama)
6.  Sam, Dean, and Castiel (Supernatural) VS  M.K., Mei, and Red Son (LEGO Monkie Kid)
7. Rey, Poe, and Finn (Star Wars) VS Trailblazer, March 7th, and Dan Heng (Honkai Star Rail)
8.  Xie Lian, Mu Qing, and Feng Xin (Heaven Official’s Blessing) VS  Sweet, Cap'n, and K_K (Deltarune)
ROUND 1D (05/11)
1.  Denji, Aki, and Power (Chainsaw Man) VS Martin, Tim, and Sasha (The Magnus Archives) 
2.  Narancia, Mista, and Fugo (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure) VS  Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
3.  Shiver, Frye, and Big Man (Splatoon 3) VS Jolyne, Ermes, and Foo Fighters (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure)
4. Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles (Sonic the Hedgehog) VS  Kaz, Inej, and Jesper (Six of Crows)
5.  Jessie, James, and Meowth (Pokemon) VS Amy, Cream, and Big (Sonic the Hedgehog)
6.  Yukari, Ran, and Chen (Touhou Project) VS  Danny, Sam, and Tucker (Danny Phantom)
7.  Josuke, Yasuho, and Rai (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure) VS Cecil, Kain, and Rosa (Final Fantasy IV)
8.  Manny, Sid, and Diego (Ice Age) VS Rindo, Fret, and Nagi (The World Ends With You)
have fun voting! propaganda post submissions and reblogs are welcome and encouraged, and may the best group win >:)
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coldgoldlazarus · 1 year
It's kinda funny how my (main) MLP OTPs fall under three distinct categories:
Immortal Alicorn x Villain; Barely Romantic But Still A Ship To Me:
Celestia x Discord (but only in the context of legit bitter exes who could never function well together but also can't entirely lose the sexual tension either)
Luna x Chrysalis? (But only in the context of my one unfinished Chrysalis redemption fic, nobody else writes it like I want it; IE an ongoing extremely passive-aggressive battle of wit and will, with just the slightest undercurrent of sweetness and caring)
Monogamous... Because Nopony Else Could Stand Them:
Starlight Glimmer x Trixie (Too unhinged!)
Rainbow Dash x Pinkie Pie (Too annoying!)
Sonata Dusk x Aria Blaze (Literally arguing henchgirls making out sloppily behind the bleachers, while professing their deep undying genuine hatred of each other, would you wanna go anywhere near that?)
Excessively Decadent And Hyperspecific Polyamory Combos:
Rarity x Applejack... x Coloratura x Coco (I shipped an actually popular ship! And then had to ruin that for myself by turning it into a rarequartet lmao)
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silvers-smuttery · 11 months
Open RP Starter: A Siren's Song on Halloween (Male/Futa x Female; canon muses preferred)
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Artist: cigusaover18
The bar was chock full of people dressed in all sorts of colorful clothes, but Adagio sat alone on a table, observing everyone else. She didn't have a performance scheduled here tonight, but was simply there to relax and enjoy the atmosphere. Although her magic did spread throughout the lounge with the humming of her majestic voice. With Aria going to a rave and Sonata out trick or treating, the head-siren herself preferred the more laid back approach on this night so full of lust and desire, letting her prey come to her. "Happy Halloween. Are you here to buy me a drink?"
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sundove88 · 1 year
Starflight (Ferdinand Parody Casting)
Starflight is a young dragon who escapes from a training camp in rural Spain after his father never returns from a showdown with a matador. Adopted by a girl who lives on a farm, Starflight’s peaceful existence comes crashing down when the authorities return him to his former captors. With help from a wisecracking Chinese dragon and four hedgehogs, the giant but gentle Drake must find a way to break free before he squares off against Shen, the famous peacock dragon-fighter who never loses.
Starflight as Ferdinand (Wings of Fire)
Mastermind as Raf (Wings of Fire)
Fierceteeth as Herself/Ferdinand’s Sister (Wings of Fire)
Amanda as Nina (Amanda The Adventuerer)
Jose Gallard as Juan (Balan Wonderworld)
Barktholomew as Paco (Balan Wonderworld)
Various Characters as the Villagers
Mushu as Lupe (Mulan)
Pitaya Dragon Cookie as Bones (Cookie Run)
Ananas Dragon Cookie as Guapo (Cookie Run)
Lychee Dragon Cookie as Angus (Cookie Run)
Lotus Dragon Cookie as Maquina (Cookie Run)
Longan Dragon Cookie as Valiente (Cookie Run)
Tiamat as Valiente's Father (Dungeons and Dragons)
Lord Shen as El Primero (King Fu Panda)
Sigma as Moreno (Mega Man X)
Chrono Bunny as Bunny (Balan Wonderworld)
Amy Rose as Una (Sonic The Hedgehog)
Sonic The Hedgehog as Dos (Sonic The Hedgehog)
Shadow The Hedgehog as Tres (Sonic The Hedgehog)
Silver The Hedgehog as Cuatro (Sonic The Hedgehog)
Adagio Dazzle as Klaus (Equestria Girls)
Sonata Dusk as Hans (Equestria Girls)
Aria Blaze as Greta (Equestria Girls)
Cuckoo as Maria (Balan Wonderworld)
Zeta as Isabella (The Angry Birds Movie)
Here’s your hint for the next Casting (It’s a remake):
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queersrus · 1 year
Hi, Fukase anon here! Sorry, It never occurred to me that people may have a hard time coming up with things for characters they don't know a lot about. Sorry :( /gen
Anyways, I really love the clown and red theme ideas! Also, since Vocaloid is technically a music software, I was thinking some music-themed names as well! Also, as long as this isn't too specific, could you maybe do some X-themed things since there's a lot of Xs in his design?
I also like the idea of the darker, edgier themes, but I'd rather not have anything explicitly horror/slasher/demon related... as someone who kins Fukase, being associated with that stuff brings back some rough memories :( /nm
I'm sorry if I'm being too specific or picky or anything like that, and I hope everything I've said makes sense! Once again, thank you in advance :)
no worries!!
heres some names and pronouns based of red, clown, dark/edgy themes and the letter x!
Music names:
muse, musa, musica, musette harmony melody, mic, major, minor clef, capelle, capella, cord, chorus note key tone, tempo, timbre bar, beat, bridge, bass, blue, blues sheet, strum, song, singer, sang, string, sonata, soul acoust, adagio, allegro, andante, arpeggio, amp, alto, aria instro, instra, instrumenta rythm/rhythm, ryme/rhyme, rock, rocker orchest, orchestra pitch, pop funk
list here, here
red names:
Altemur, altan, autumn, apple, amaranth, alhambra, alroy danla, desire, desiree parichat, phoenix, pepper, poppy/poppie cher, cherry/cherrie/cherri, crimson, clifford, copper, candy/candie, currant, carmine, carmin, chili, coral, corsen, clancy maroon, merlot, mahogany, mohagan blood, brick, berry/berrie, blush, burgundy, barn, burn, blaze ruby, rust, rusty, rose, raspberry, redd, rede, redde, reder, redi/redie/redy, reddet/redet/reddett/reddette/redett/redette, redeta/reddeta/reddetta/reddeta, redin/redine, redina, redino, roso/rosso, rufus/rufous, rowan, rosa, rosie, roisin, rory, radley, rudyard, radcliff, redmond, redman, rumo, russel/russell, rohan, redford, rufina, reeding/reading, reed, rogan, roone, roth garnet, ginger, gough scarlet, sangria, strawberry, sienna, sorrel/sorrell jam wine, watermelon fire, flame, ferrari, flan/flann, flannel, flanner, flannery, flyn/flynn, flanna vermilion, venetia imperia tart, torch hazel, harkin
clown names:
Joseph, john, joey grock oleg emmett/emet/emmet/emett bozo, barry ronald krusty penny, pogo, pinto charles sunshine weary, willie albert, antonio, arthur daniel, david, demitri/dimitri, Demetrius/demitrius tinsel
actually found a whole wiki here
Dark/Edgy names:
dusk, dagger, draven, drake, draco, damon/daemon, damion/damien/damian grey/gray, gunner/gunnar, greer keir, khaos, knox, kestrel umbra, umbro poison, pain/payne asteroth/astaroth, asher, ammo, astrid chaos, crow, coen, chase, casper, caspian, cassian, carter, cage, colton hades, hemlock, hex, hunter, hawk, harper somber, sombre, sombra, serpent, snake, saber, stone, storm, slade/slayde, sparrow, salem, snow, smoke, slayer necro, natrix, nox, nix, nyx, nero, nash branwen, briar, blackwell, blade/blaid, blair, blase/blaze/blaise raven, reven, requiem, rhapsody/rapsody, rogue, ryder, ryker, raze, razer eris, elysium, ebony jinx, jett/jet, jack, jason lucien, lucius, lock/locke viper, venom, vlad, vane/vain/vein, veil, vee/v wolf/wolfe trix/tryx, trixie, thorn, tyren/tyrin, tirent, torrent, tyranny, toxin, tank, tempest, tanner zeke, zena fox, flask, falkner, falkon/falcon onyx/onix, obsidian xena
X names:
xen/xene, xavier, xena, xeno, xenon, xeon, xero, xerox, xyx, xyr/xyre, xyra, xray, xeny/xenny/xenie, xenia, xander/xzander, xyla, xyler/xylar, xia, xavi, xylia, xylitol, xioa, xu, xan, xanth/xanthe, xanthus, xavia, Xinjiang, xinia, xenophon/xenophone, xayvion/xavion, xochitl, xio, xion, xiona, xiomara, ximena, xanthia
many here
red 3rd p pronouns:
list here and here
clown 3rd p pronouns:
list here and here
edgy/dark 3rd p pronouns:
list here, here
x 3rd p pronouns:
xe/xem, xy/xem, xy/xyr, xe/xyr, xy/lo, xylo/phone xyi/lotl, x/x's, ex/ex's, ex/exes, xay/xem, xay/xyr, xie/xem, xie/xyr xe/no, xeno/xenos, xeno/morph, cross/crossed, cross/crosses, x'ed/out, exed/out, ex/amble
hope these help!
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astrogation · 13 years
tags: video games: #~I
part 1: #~E
7th Dragon
7th Dragon DS
7th Dragon 2020
7th Dragon III Code: VFD
Alice mare
Animal Crossing
Baldur's Gate 3
Bravely Default
Breath of Fire
Breath of Fire III
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia
Cave Story
Child of Light
Chrono Trigger
Dark Souls
Darkest Dungeon
Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories
Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten
Dissidia: Final Fantasy
Divinity: Original Sin II
Don’t Starve
Dragon Quest
Dragon Quest II: Luminaries of the Legendary Line
Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation
Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen
Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation
Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past
Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King
Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age
Dragon Quest Monsters
The Dragon Trials
Dreaming Mary
part 2: E~K
Elden Ring
Eternal Sonata
Etrian Odyssey
Etrian Odyssey IV
Etrian Odyssey - Untold
Etrian Odyssey - Untold 2
Fantasy Maiden’s Odd Hideout
Fear & Hunger
Fear & Hunger 2: Termina
Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy I
Final Fantasy II
Final Fantasy III
Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy X | X-2
Final Fantasy XII
Final Fantasy XIII | XIII-2
Final Fantasy XIV
Final Fantasy XV
Final Fantasy Tactics
Final Fantasy Tactics: A2
Final Fantasy Type-0
Fire Emblem
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light
Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword
Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Fire Emblem: Awakening
Fire Emblem: Fates
Fire Emblem: Heroes
Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Fire Emblem: Engage
Forest of Drizzling Rain
Golden Sun
Golden Sun: Dark Dawn
Grandia II
Guild Wars 2
Hate Plus
Hexyz Force
Hollow Knight
Hollow Knight: Silksong
Hyrule Warriors
Illusion of Gaia
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rileyav · 2 years
What exactly made Sonata Dusk your favorite of the Dazzlings in Eqg?
well initially I had watched Rainbow Rocks without focusing much on the Dazzlings themselves, but one day I ended up getting a commission for Aria x Adagio, and I was like, "you know what, I'm gonna pay attention to them in the movie."
so i did, and then since it's literally such a good movie i re-watched it a few times and eventually :
"What she said I meant to say. That's what I meant. To say."
that line was like an epiphany and i fell in love with her.
also her appearance, I think I like her appearance and personality the most of the three.
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samrosemodblog · 2 years
Adagio x Sombra and Twilight x Sunset x Aria, huh? That sounds great! Thank you for at least giving us some closure to AA’s ending! Do you mind me asking though? What about Sonata? Was she going to get a new love interest? Did she ever become a better mother? Did her and Dolly’s relationship ever approved?
I never did have a new love interest planned for Sonata, the closest she got was Neighsay and that doesn't really count. Maybe if things had gone on for long enough I might have figured something out but she was planned to be a single pringle for a long time.
As for if she became a better mother, kinda? Like she would be BETTER, though she still wouldn't be like, perfect Mother material. Carousel put it best recently that her and Dolly would probably form a better Older Sister/Younger Sister relationship more than Mother/Daughter.
At the very least it would be something people would be happy for Sonata to have as far as growth as a person is concerned as well as for Dolly's happiness.
That being said there was a long theorized story arc where Sonata would get kicked out for her bad behavior and basically the way she would prove herself worthy coming back (probably after a time skip) was by adopting a kid and showing she changed! With that kid ending up being Pharynx lol
The main appeal was that she would have to show patience with a grumpy kid that always gave her attitude and would repeatedly kick her in the shin but she couldn't retaliate and would put on a lot of forced smiles and restrain herself, with the long plan being her genuinely becoming a better person by seeing herself in the angry child and raising him better.
Though obviously a LOT of things/plans changed over time and I feel like this plot point was slowly changed and morphed into something else completely. Maybe she would still have eventually adopted Pharynx but I don't think its as likely as it used to be.
A lot of hypotheticals when it comes to Sonata, she was always the character that just kind of went with the flow of things and her personality changed as it was needed heh
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aribarilol · 3 months
I just published "13 - Not so bad" of my story "Frostfire Sonata | Bucky Barnes X OC". https://www.wattpad.com/1457861406?utm_source=android&utm_medium=com.tumblr&utm_content=share_published&wp_page=create_on_publish&wp_uname=aribarilmao
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equestriaqueerz2024 · 2 years
My Top 5 Favourite EQG/MLP Askblogs (in no particular order)
1). @ariasarchives (Indefinite Hiatus)
I know I said that I don’t have a particular favorite, but I think AA takes the cake to be honest. This blog centers around Aria Blaze and the other two Dazzlings. Here, it basically follows thier everyday lives since they are not evil anymore, thier struggles and relationships with other people, platonic and romantic. Not to mention that they have kids and their trees are explored thoughout the story. It takes place 7 years after the battle of the bands.
The creator has stated that he’s uncertain if he will continue with the series, but for what it’s worth, it was a great run 👍 
2). @sunsets-serenade (Still active)
What started off as a blog about Sunset and her everyday life is now a Sunata (Sunset x Sonata) themed story ^^ I’m a late follower to this blog, but from what I’ve seen from it so far, it’s a pretty interesting read. I’m neutral on the pair, but I’m also interested in the story. Unlike many EQG ask blogs these days, this one is still active, so that’s good in my opinion. And I hope to see more stories along the line. 
3). @dusk-oceanos (Indefinite Hiatus)
For what very little it was, it was an interesting read and I wish there was more. The story basically starts with Sonata and her life without the other two dazzlings. Then suddenly, Aria comes back into her life. From there, the story basically focuses on Sonata and Aria mending things and talking about their kids and their pasts.
Like AA, this series is also on a indefinite hiatus. I wish I’ve seen more before it ended, but again for what it’s worth it was a good series while lasted.
4). @scisetdiary (Story is on a indefinite hiatus, but still active for art sometimes)
A Sciset story, in which it follows Sci Twi and Sunset’s relationship, lives and thier struggles. It also follows the life of their daughter, Sapphire Sparkle. This story also crosses over with AA.
This series had a good run, but unfortunately the creator ended it due to losing interest. It does saddens me, because it didn’t have a proper conclusion, but I understand completely. I’m just happy that it lasted as long as it did.
5). @ask-twigset (Status Unknown, most likely indefinite hiatus)
A SciSet themed blog that wasn’t active for too long, but had a lot of promise and potential. It basically takes place in college, where the two start dating.
Honorable Mentions
6). @ask-sunpie (Canceled)
A sunpie (sunset x pinkie pie) blog. From what I read,  it takes place a few weeks after Sunset’s Backstage Pass. Sunset and Pinkie are dating and basically the series planned to have a couple of stories along the way. Unfortunately though, it was canceled and the mod plans to delete the blog. For what it’s worth, the blog really was interesting and was looking forward to more. I’m grateful for what they did do though 👍
7). @honeycrisp-tales (Still Active, but very slow)
A fun little blog about Cadence and Big Mac’s daughter in the EQG world, Honeycrisp. She also has a group of friends who are related to some of EQG’s characters, including Adagio being like another mother figure to her. It’s a fun little read ^^
I want to thank all of these mods for making my time in the EQG fandom rememberable with all of their creative stories with my favorite characters 🥲
Oh, one more thing! I also have a EQG blog about the adventures of Sonata Dusk, but it’s very inactive and I only post every once in a while when I have inspiration again 😅 However, if you want to check it out anyway, feel free to go to @ask-sonata-dusk !
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