#son errorcore
sirius-night09 · 4 years
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Age: 17 years old
Gender: Male
Sexual preference: Heterosexual
✧ Annoy your father ✧ Visit the Omega Line ✧ Eat ✧ Strategy games ✧ Train with Murder
✧ Ink ✧ The talkative ✧ Let their parents argue ✧ That they break with your personal space without your permission
Curiosities: ✧ His threads come from his soul ✧ You can travel to different universes without the need for a portal ✧ It has the power of reconstruction, however, it can only rebuild objects that were broken by accident, which seeks to perfect that until it is able to rebuild an entire universe.
❁ Yes, I know that many were expecting an ErrorCore daughter, but then I remembered that Killer and Murder have girls, so ... why not give one of the ships a boy? I had planned to draw it as a child, however I was a teenager 😅
Edad: 17 años Genero: Masculino Preferencia sexual: Heterosexual Gustos: ✧ Molestar a su padre ✧ Visitar la Linea Omega ✧ Comer ✧ Juegos de estrategia ✧ Entrenar con Murder
Disgustos: ✧ Ink ✧ Los parlanchines ✧ Que sus padres discutan ✧ Que rompan con su espacio personal sin su permiso
Curiosidades: ✧ Sus hilos provienen de su alma ✧ Puede viajar a distintos universos sin necesidad de un portal ✧ Tiene el poder de reconstruir, sin embargo, solo puede reconstruir objetos que se rompieron por accidente, lo cual busca perfeccionar eso hasta ser capaz de reconstruir un universo entero.
❁ Si, se que muchos esperaban una hija ErrorCore, pero luego recordé que Killer y Murder tienen niñas, así que...¿por qué no darle un niño a una de las ships? Tenia planeado dibujarlo de niño, sin embargo me salio adolescente 😅
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