toxicatedspirit · 1 year
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" It all comes alive at night, a shattered mirror looking for sunlight. Diary of a soul with a story, hide the blood, it's gory "
Just like many others, I have created my own Undertale-AU, let's call it Somnitale for now. I created Somni during my Highschool Phase were I had severe Somniphobia and tried to cope by creating a character similar to my situation back then. Long story short: Somni (Sans) has suffered through many Genocide-Runs, the thought of Chara and Frisk haunting his mind even while he's asleep. Being plagued by nightmares and sleep-paralysis', he started forcing himself to stay awake while also starting to take some advice to heart and start training as well to not only have 1 HP just to make sure that he'll survive even if he falls asleep by accident. Causes of sleep deprivations: Illusions, Delusions, Micro-Sleep and depersonalization. Somni starts hallutionating that the human hurt him, feeling the pain and horror while others around him can't seem to understand why he's in sudden pain. Due to his lack of sleep, he started loosing his bright blue color, it having turned into a deep purple. Papyrus is worrying of course, knowing that he's forcing himseld to stay awake - that's why he had crafted Somni two dreamcatchers, that Somni always carries around his neck just to give himself some spark of hope. If you're interested in learning more about him and the AU, please don't be shy and message me!
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toxicatedshitted · 6 years
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* What's a Skeleton gotta do to get some sleep?
I'm not dead, I promise!
Did a few drawings, and Somni happened to be the last! I changed him a lot, so I might as well do a new reference sheet soon jesus-
Please give him some love! If you want to know anything about him, make sure to ask ahead! I love it when people ask about my AUs ;u;
Reblogs are welcome!
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lovelivemerry · 6 years
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No se...simplemente lo hice (? SomniTale/somni!sans: Me Undertale:Toby fox
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sleepyquack2 · 1 year
is that if they are-
Small strawberry belongs to @rruarny
Somni he belongs to @xunshine-mary / @/dumb_forggy on Instagram !
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toxicatedshitted · 6 years
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Did some sketches about important details for Somni-
I'm too lazy to redo this digitally, so take it :')
Somni belongs to me
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lovelivemerry · 6 years
SomnisTale Capitulo 2 "¿Una nueva vida de ensueño?"
Encantado de conocerlo señor flowey....-
Tomo con delicadeza uno de sus hojas y la estrecho como un saludo dando una leve risa
-¿Que tanto te da risa niño?-
Dijo flowey estrañado de la actitud del sueño determinado el cual simplemente se dedico a volver a reir
-Nada, solo que e visto muchos tipos de sueños, pero jamas habia visto uno en forma de flor-
La flor algo ofendida saco de la tierra sus raizes las cuales se aferraron al brazo de frisk para luego salir esta de la tierra
-Wow no pense que sabrias hacer esto que conveniente-
Frisk con delicadeza acaricio los petalos de flowey el cual no pudo evitar sonrojarse, dándole con leve manotazo con una de sus raíces en la mano de
-¡No toques con tus manos sucias!, bien te llevare con alguien que nos puede
Con una de sus raizes señalo una de las tantas entradas que habia en la habitación llena de flores, frisk solo seguía las indicaciones de flowey
-Ten cuidado el lugar esta lleno de trampas de defensa-
Frisk solo asintió viendo donde pisaba con cuidado, en el camino sin querer pisaba activando unas cuantas trampas que hacían que el recorrido mas peligroso corriendo de lanzas pinchos etc para evitar ser destruidos por ellos.
Llegaron a una especie de entrada a una enorme casa
-Bien, aqui es-
De la entrada de la casa se asomo una cabra humanoide la cual vestia un gran vestido azul que en sus hombros dejaba caer listones de ojos rojos algo ¿perturbadores en cierta forma? Link de la imagen
-Bienvenido Flowey....veo que has traido a un nuevo amigo pa- -
La cabra se le quedo viendo un momento a frisk analizandolo de pies a cabeza para luego sonreir levemente
-Pasen pasen han de estar exahustos...tengo entendido que la pasaron un poco mal por mis trampas-
Rio levemente para dejar pasar a la flor y al chico determinado a su hogar para luego explicarle el como había llegado frisk al subsuelo
-Valla creo que tu curiosidad te llevo a un lugar equivocado pequeño-
Frisk asintio avergonzado sabia que toda la culpa la tenia su curiosidad pero no se arrepentía en cierto modo ya que de esta caída conoció a flowey no sabia por que pero aquella flor le parecía bastante agradable, pero la cabra llamada toriel no le daba buena espina es cierta forma, no bajaría su guardia con ella
-Bueno mi niño, como sabes no hay como escapar de aqui....solo con una manera y creo que esa manera no te gustaría-
El sueño determinado nego rapidamente, miro a la flor la cual no parecia tampoco tener mucha confianza de toriel al parecer algo andaba raro en ella
-Asi que si sales de aqui terminaras muerto...por el rey asgore entonces tendras que quedarte a vivir conmigo aquí, en las ruinas del antiguo reino-
Frisk se sorprendio por aquella orden de toriel pero preferia eso a ser asesinado
-Debes tener hambre despues de tan duro recorrido...¿gustan un plaro de pay de frutillas?-
Tanto la flor como frisk asintieron haciendo que toriel fuera a la cocina
-Flowey por favor lleva a frisk a su nueva habitacion mientras pueden descansar mientras esta el pay-
Flowey asintio y llevo a frisk a una habitacion donde podria descanzar
-E-esta rara toriel...-
Dijo la flor mientras se posaba en una maseta que habia en la ventana que
daba hacia las ruinas algo preocupado
-¿En cerio?...-
Dijo frisk sentandose en la cama algo cansado
-no se... algo en ella me perturba....tu descansa yo me quedare.... -
Volteo a ver a frisk el cual se había quedado dormido en la cama dando un leve suspiro al verlo para sacar 2 de sus raíces para tomar una sabana y taparlo
-Por favor que este presentimiento sea falso....mama...¿que pasa?-
- Nice to meet you Mr. Flowey ...-
I take one of its leaves delicately and the narrow one as a greeting giving a slight laughter
- How much does it make you laugh child? -
He said flowey estranged from the attitude of the determined dream which simply he dedicated himself to laugh again
-Nothing, just that I've seen many types of dreams, but I've never seen one in Flower shape-
The somewhat offended flower took from the earth its roots which clung to frisk arm to then leave this earth
-Wow I did not think you would know how to do this
Frisk delicately caressed the petals of flowey which he could not avoid blush, giving him a slight slap with one of his roots in the hand of
-Don't touch your dirty hands! I'll take you with someone who can help us
With one of its roots I point out one of the many entries that were in the room full of flowers, frisk just followed the directions of flowey
-Be careful the place is full of defensive traps-
Frisk just nodded watching where he stepped carefully, on the way inadvertently I stepped on activating a few traps that made the route more Dangerous running from spears to skewers etc to avoid being destroyed by them.
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They arrived at a kind of entrance to a huge house
-Well, here it is-
From the entrance of the house a humanoid goat appeared, which wore a great blue dress that dropped red-eyed ribbons on her shoulders something disturbing in a certain way?
-Welcome Flowey ... I see you've brought a new friend to-
The goat looked at Frisk for a moment analyzing it from head to toe to then smile slightly
-They happen to be exash ... I understand that they spent a little bad for my traps-
I rushed lightly to let the flower pass and the determined boy to his home to then explain how the frisk had come to the basement
-Valla I think your curiosity took you to a small wrong place-
Frisk nodded ashamed he knew that all the guilt was his curiosity but he did not regret in a certain way since from this fall he met flowey he did not know why but that flower seemed pretty nice, but the goat called toriel did not give him good thorn is certain form, would not lower his guard with her
-Well, my child, as you know there is no way to escape from here ... only with one way and I think that way you would not like-
The determined dream broke quickly, I look at the flower which did not seem not to have much trust of toriel apparently something was strange in her
- So if you leave here you will end up dead ... for the king asgore then you will have
to stay and live with me here, in the ruins of the old kingdom-
Frisk was surprised by that order of toriel but he preferred that to be killed
-You must be hungry after such a hard journey ... do you like a dish of pay of strawberries? -
Both the flower and the frisk nodded, making Toriel go to the kitchen
-Flowey please take frisk to his new room while they can rest while the pay-
Flowey nodded and took Frisk to a room where he could rest.
-E-this rare toriel ...-
He said the flower as he perched on a flower that was in the window that
I looked towards the ruins a little worried
- In Cerium? ...-
Said frisk sitting on the bed something tired
-I do not know ... something in her disturbs me ... you rest, I'll stay ... -
I turn to see Frisk who had fallen asleep in bed giving a slight sigh to see him to take 2 of their roots to take a sheet and cover it
-Please make this feeling false ... mom ... what's wrong? -
To be continue......
Undertale: Toby Fox SomnisTale: Me
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lovelivemerry · 6 years
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Glitch: Me (dog/perro) Salary:Me ( raccoon/mapache) Somní! Sans: Me (fox/ zorro) Zhu: me ( bunny/conejo ) Undertale: Toby fox
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