#somewhere I'd like to see this man arse up face down taking it from behind
thefisherqueen · 9 months
Seeing Jeremy Brett scrubbed clean and damp and wrapped in towels at the start of Granada's The illustrious client episode is doing something to me, and I can't for the life of me figure out what. This is the most frustrating part about being asexual. A certain intrigue is there and it does not feel entirely innocent, but it's like it's coming over a barely-there, distorted connection and leads nowhere
I just know that if Jeremy Brett would be alive and in my bedroom right now, looking exactly like he did there, I'd just offer him tea and cookies and tell him what an amazing actor he is. And then we'd talk about our Sherlock Holmes headcanons
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regalityandcoffee · 2 years
Flesh For Fantasy (18+) (Incubus Finn Bálor x Reader)
(I told y'all I'd write for other wrestlers eventually)
You awake from a restless sleep in your room to find you're not alone.
Warning: Dirty talk, praise kink. Also, uh, I've never written anything for Finn before so I have no clue if this is good or not.
To put it simply, you were fucking exhausted. Your shift at work had kicked your ass more than usual. You had just wanted to feed your cat, take a shower, and go to sleep.
And you did.
The problem was you couldn't stay asleep. You found yourself waking up twice, once around one and again around three. It didn't really matter, since it was the next day which means it was your day off (unless you got called in). You could sleep all day if you wish.
Still, it was irritating. Even with your A/C on auto, you woke up sweating. All you had gone to bed in was a t-shirt and underwear and brought out your thinnest blanket for the night. Still, this sultry Florida night had you up, groggy and flustered. You sat up and tossed your blanket on the floor. Barely awake, you swore you heard hissing coming from somewhere on the floor.
"Sorry Sami," you grumbled, thinking you had dropped your blanket on your cat. You turned your pillow over and laid back down. Still, the hissing didn't stop.
"Sami?" you swung your legs off the bed and got up. Dropping down, you go to your knees to look under it. Streetlight showing through your room, you could see two small eyes staring back at you wildly from under the bed, the small creature on edge. "What's wrong, baby?"
"I don't think he likes me very much, dear. "
You jumped, quickly standing up. There was someone sitting at your desk behind you. They turned the light on. "My, you're even more breathtaking in the light. Those panties look cute on you, by the way. Really makes your arse just... wow."
Your breath hitched. You were too scared to turn around as you heard him get up and walk towards you on the soft carpet. Soon he was behind you, his breath on your neck. "Who-who are you?"
"Calm down, pet, you're shaking like a leaf. I mean you no harm," he whispered against your ear. His voice was soft but deep, and he spoke with a distinctively Irish accent. "Unless you want me to."
"Please. Please don't kill me-"
"Kill you?!" The stranger sounded genuinely surprised. You shrieked as he appeared in front of you. You now stood face to face with probably the most handsome man you had ever seen in your life. "Why would I kill you?"
He had short, brown hair shaved around the sides of his head and a short, thick beard on a face that looked chiseled by the gods themselves. Pale blue eyes with seemingly red pupils stared back at you as your eyes raked his body. Clothed in nothing but an open black leather jacket, and a pair of tight leather pants that left nothing to the imagination. He tilted his head, his beautiful lips parted and a long, red tongue slipped out to lick them. "I would never kill you y/n. My kind does not kill."
Whoever, whatever this man was, you had no reason to believe him. He broke into your house and your room. But words escaped you at the moment. You couldn't even force out another scream if you tried.
"I'll make this quick and simple. You may call me Finn. I'm an incubus, a demon who feeds on energy through sex. I passed you on the street tonight on your way home from work. I felt your energy from ten feet away, your spirit. You need release, don't you, lass? You can't go on with a knot in your stomach like that, stress can kill, you know. I want to offer you relief, a night free from stress. I'll take your negative energy and free you from it. But I need you to give me the word." He stared, waiting for a response. Almost like magic, you felt able to speak.
"Get out," you choked. "Please get out."
He nodded. " I'm a simple creature. I do not do anything to anyone without permission. Explicit permission. Still, if you need me, my card is on the desk. Whisper my name to it three times and I'll be back. Please don't leave me waiting long, y/n."
With that, he dissipated into a black mist. It soon cleared. You were left alone in your bedroom. Sami ran out from under the bed as you fell to your knees, his fur standing on end, tail straight up.
That couldn't have happened. This was a dream, it had to be. You jumped as the A/C groaned to life again, filling the room with a whirring noise. Sami padded to you, purring as he rubbed himself against you. Absentmindedly, you scratched his head. "It's okay baby, it was just a dream. It was-"
It couldn't have been a dream. The lamp was still on. You hadn't turned it on. The orange tabby by your side couldn't have turned it on.
You stumbled to your feet and went to your desk. Sure enough, placed neatly in the middle was a business card. You picked it up in inspected it. Thin and plain white, except for a simple message written in red cursive on both sides:
Finn Bálor, Incubus. Well, that was blunt. You sat on the edge of your bed, still staring at the card. You were wide awake now. This was weird, even for you. You had heard stories and seen articles about people claiming to have encountered and danced with devils but always thought of them as click bait and nothing more.
But here you were, with a chance to fuck one.
How did any of this work? If you said yes would you go to hell, or would it be excused? Did you even believe in things like that? How could you be sure this wasn't a dream?
He also said he wouldn't hurt you, let alone kill you. He didn't even touch you. But if what he said was true and you weren't still sleeping, then he was a demon. Why should you listen to a demon? Why even entertain the thought? The sensible thing to do was to tear the card apart and burn any evidence of it.
Yes, that was the sensible thing to do. Instead, you sat the card back on the desk and grabbed your phone.
You had research to do.
It had been a week since the incident with Finn Bálor, and the card he had given you still sat on your desk. You had tried getting rid of it, you really did. First, you threw it away, then it reappeared on the desk the next day. Then you tore it up and burned it, then it reappeared just like the first time. Garbage disposal, drowning it driving over it, burning it again. The only thing you hadn't tried yet was pouring salt on the card and then burning it, a tactic you had seen in many a TV show. You didn't know why you couldn't bring yourself to try the salt method. Maybe it was a fear it would actually disappear, but you kept telling yourself you were too scared you'd get burned.
Yeah, that was it. But other than that... you just couldn't get rid of it.
And while you couldn't get rid of the card, you also couldn't escape your thoughts of the demon. He haunted your every waking thought from then on. Eyes like opals, tan skin taut over hard, defined abs. Muscular thighs straining against tight leather. He was perfect. He was the definition of perfect. Every night after work you sat hunkered over your laptop doing as much research on the creature as you could.
And every night you laid in bed thinking of him. On top of you, in you. His tongue down your throat, his hands on your hips. Your thighs wrapped around his head as he ate you out. It was certainly an interesting offer. Especially because he was right: you were stressed. 24/7, if you were being honest. Between family problems, trying to find time for your friends, and your job you were starting to loathe, you were tired. It also didn't help you genuinely couldn't remember the last time you had sex. You wanted to. And ever since you encountered the demon, you found yourself playing with yourself more than usual, letting Sami wander around the house and closing your door to be alone.
Tonight you found yourself laying in bed on your stomach, your favorite toy pushing your panties aside as you imagined the demon between your legs, driving you mad. Tonight's fantasy found you on the floor with him inside you, face pushed into the carpet as that low voice of his voice coached you through it.
"You're doing good for me, pretty thing. Such a pretty thing when you cum. You're gonna come for me, love? You're gonna sound so good when you do," he would pant as his hips pounded against you. All you would be able to do is moan as his hand intertwined with yours as you moaned his name.
"Finn, Finn..."
You were close, so close....
"Finn, Finn, Finn, Fi-"
And then you heard it. "My, took longer for you to decide than I expected. I see you already started without me. " someone laughed in the dark.
"Wh-wha-?"You lifted your head from your pillow to look for the source, vision cloudy at first. Standing next to your bed, leaning over with his hands in his pockets was the demon. He tilted his head, his red pupils glowing dim in the dark "Ain't you pretty, even in the dark."
You struggled to get up, rolling over and then sitting up quickly, legs dangling off the edge of the bed. Your toy slipped out of your hand and fell to the floor, landing on the carpet below. The high was dying down, quickly replaced by panic so strong you felt it in your ribcage. "What are you-"
"The card, dear. Don't you remember? Although it's weird you're not holding it, that's usually how people get me places. "He looks over at the desk, the card still sitting on it. "You must've been saying my name pre' loud to activate it from bed. That's cute. " He sat next to you, in the dark you could see bright white teeth as he grinned. "So, you've decided, pet? Gonna let me please you tonight?"
You just stared back at him, embarrassed, fearful, frustrated, and confused.
You shouldn't. There's no fucking way that you should. He was literally a demon. But if the stories were true, the relief he could bring you would be beyond euphoric. Especially since he interrupted you doing it on your own.
"I... you'll do as I ask?" You whispered.
"Of course, love. I'm here for you. You get the shag of your life, I get your negative energy. Issa win-win if you ask me."
You gulped. "I don't have condoms though."
"No need," he flicked his wrist and a box appeared in his hand. "I come prepared, sweetheart. Wanna put it on me?" He leaned back, his shoulder brushed against yours as he and spread his legs.
You looked away. "Uh-"
"Hey, are you a virgin? Nothing wrong with that, I'll go slow. Nothing wrong with taking it slow, pet, " He crooked his fingers in front of your face, motioning you to look at him. He sounded more sincere than any human you'd been with. With a shaking hand, you took the box and opened it up.
"I'm not a virgin, this is just weird. "
"Only if ya think about it too much. How do you want me? On the bed? on the floor? At your desk? I can do anything, love. "He was straight to the point. Very straight to the point. You appreciated that.
"The bed is fine. Can I- can I ride you?"
"Whatever you want. "
"Will you touch me while I ride you?"
"Touch you how?" Finn asked, curiosity in his voice.
"You know, tou- rub my..."
"Ah, c'mon now. Speak up. Big girl voice."
You paused, then leaned to whisper in his ears "Please, I didn't finish."
"Oh, I scared you that bad? Shit, I should of waited," he muttered. You watched the motion in the dark as he brought his hand through his short hair. The sound of it rustling made you want to feel it for yourself.
He got off the bed and stood in front of you, unzipping his pants. "Give me your hand, love."
Reached out for him in the dark, and he took your hand into one of his. It felt softer than you thought it would for a demon, but it felt hot. Your hand was moved and you jumped at the feeling of skin, expecting him to be wearing underwear. The pads of your fingers trailed across his hip bone, down until he brought your hand around his hardening, thick shaft. You almost pulled away the feeling of a vein pulsating against your palm.
"You think you can handle this? Don't forget I can shape-shift before or during it."
You moved your hand up and down it, suprised to hear a small groan slip from his lips. You would think an incubus had more control of himself than this to show how turned on he was. "No, this is perfect."
"Perfect? You think it's perfect?" His eyes widened in the dark. You swore his irises seemed to get brighter.
"Yeah?" You tilted your head. You leaned forward, still stroking him, taking your other hand and bringing it to his chest. You spread your legs a bit, your panties rubbing against your (unsatisfied) clit. "You have a nice body. Um, is that your natural form?"
"Technically no, but it's the one I'm in almost as often. It's the one I-" He shuddered as you rubbed one of his nipples. "-use the most."
"I like your voice, its very soothing."
"Pet, what are you doing?"
"Do people touch you back often, Finn?"
"I mean, yeah, not very often. I usually just let them jerk me around the way they need and I leave."
You pouted. "That doesn't sound very satisfying for you."
"Ain't about me, love. It's about the thrall, issa 'bout who-"
"You said I can do whatever, right? Can I give you head?"
"You want to give me head?" he asked in disbelief. Then he seemed to understand, letting out a low whistle. "You can't go feeling bad for creatures like me, pet. I get my rocks off, you don't need to think of me."
"Are you sure? I don't mind, I."
"Just take off your panties for me, love. Let me finish what you started." You let go of his dick and pulled your panties off, dropping them onto the floor. You were left in just your t-shirt, the same you were wearing the night you met. 
"What now?" 
"Want me to finger you? Or just play with your sweet little clit? What do you need tonight, huh?"
"Everything," you whispered. You watched the movement in the dark as he stripped himself of his jacket, then kicked off matching riding boots and slipped off his leather pants.
"Can you see me in the dark?"
"K-kind of."
"Wanna do it with the lights on or off?"
"On, please." you had to see him. You had to see what he looked like undressed. You heard as he walked across the carpet and turned your lamp on. 
"As you wish." Flick.
Good gods did he have an ass on him. You struggled to get a full picture, you wanted to take in every bit of him slowly, individually. From his muscular back right down to his thick thighs and lean calves. How could a creature of hell look so divine?
"So do I lay down, or do you want to ride me while sitting?" His voice broke you free of your trance. He turned to face you, staring intently, shaft at attention.
"Uh, laying down is fun. We can do that."
"Laying down is fun. You're a real card, aren't you pet?" Finn chuckled as he hopped into your bed, resting his head against your pillows. Why did he have such a nice smile? He was literally a demon. That shouldn't be allowed.
You climbed on top of him, straddling his lap. Picking up the box of condoms next to his thigh, opened it and took one out. "What happens if this tears?"
"Nothing. I can't knock you up or give you an STI or anything. All that would happen is I cum in you like a firehose." said Finn, nonchalantly. "Do you want me to fuck you raw, sweetheart?"
You shook your head and made quick work of putting the condom on him, dragging it down inch by inch. Tempting though it was,  something told you if he got the chance to fuck you the way you dreamt you'd get addicted to it. "Are- is this good?"
"That's fantastic. Now come on, pet. Let me take care of you."
You nodded. You placed your hands against his chest, and he grabbed your arms to help steady yourself as you hovered over him. You steadied your legs and lowered yourself, letting his cock sink into you slowly. You shut your eyes,  whimper escaped as it stretched and filled you. 
"There you go, pet. Fuck, your so wet already, huh?" Finn whispered. "You needed this, haven't you?"
You didn't want to lose a bit of this feeling, of him, but how on earth were you supposed to move or do anything with this inside of you?
"G-good girl, don't hurt yourself. You're doing good. Just wait a minute, get used to it." he let go of one of your arms, his hand making its way between the lips of your sex. Two fingers found your clit with ease and began to gently rub circles against it. 
"Finn," you gasped. 
"This feel good, y/n?"
"Yes, please don't stop. " You were begging already and he hadn't even moved in you yet. His fingers applied more pressure, your hips bucked against them, crying out as you felt his dick slide between your walls.
"Open your eyes, y/n."
You complied. He was so beautiful."Look at me, love, you want me to shapeshift? You need lube? I've got you. Don't hurt yourself trying to impress me."
"I can take it, I can take it, please just move, please," you couldn't take him just laying there. You need help, anything at this point would be good."
"I'm going to go slow, join me when you can, alright?" You were crying already as his fingers still moved against you, his other hand letting go of your arm to grip your hip. Slowly, his hips rocked into you. You felt his chest cave and your hands as his breath hitched. "Oh, you feel good, y/n. You're so good."
The motion against your fingers quickened, the pressure and speed grew to be too much. "Finn, I'm coming, I'm coming oh fuck-" You throbbed against his hand, panting. 
"I know pet. You're doing great. That's it. That's it, you're taking me so good," he bit his lip, hand moving from between your thighs to grip your other hip.
"Finn, please, Finn-"
"My name sounds so good coming out that pretty mouth. Ah, fuck. C'mon, bounce a little for me," he grunted as his hips rolled against you.
"I'm trying," you moved your hands from his chest to above his shoulders. They sunk into the mattress on either side of his head. "Oh, Ohhhh!" you moaned as you finally raised your hips, moving back and forth on his dick. His girth moved in and out, his paste quickened. Your begging soon turned incomprehensible as he hit your g-spot. And kept hitting it. 
"Such a cute little thing and now you're- look at me, y/n."
Your vision was growing foggy as your mouth hung open, nonsense dripping from your drooling tongue. The motion aside you matched perfectly with the friction against your jewel, you didn't know how much longer you could take it. You vaguely registered his blue eyes looking at you, expression unreadable through the haze of lust putting you over the edge. It hit you hard, up your spine, through your entire body. You quickly lost your strength, falling hard against his chest, still thrusting into you, just not as fast.'
"Fuck, oh fuck, y/n." His back arched for what felt like a decade, then he fell against the mattress, panting hard.
Still, inside of you, you laid in silence, hearing nothing but the sound of the A/C and your breathing. He pulled out, a hand raking through your hand, scratching at your scalp. "You alright, love?"
You were too exhausted to speak, all you could do was nod against him. You tried to move but found his arm around your waist pulling you close against him. Euphoria had seeped into your brain. You felt both light and heavy as stone.
"Hold on there, pet. I'm not done with you yet. You may be the first human in a long while to pique my interest." A kiss both cold as ice and hot as the fire was laid against your temple. 
"I don- I don't..." you were beyond confused as you buried your face in the crook of his neck. 
"I want more of you. I want more of you. Say yes. I need more of you. " His hand found yourself between your legs again, this time his fingers sliding into your soft and soaked entrance. "Give yourself to me, and I'll make sure you never feel an ounce of sorrow again."
"Wh- why-"
"You don't have to do anything. I'll let you calm down right now. But in five to ten minutes my head is gonna be between your legs, understand?"
You nodded, holding him close as his fingers moved inside you. Whatever kept him here. Whatever kept you feeling this good. You no longer care about the consequences.
"We'll be seeing a lot more of each other, y/n. A lot more of each other."
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helloalycia · 3 years
The Wrong Lifetime – Nine // Wanda Maximoff
chapter eight | story masterlist | main masterlist | wattpad | chapter ten
author’s note: a bit late with the update today, my bad. I’m just very exhausted lol. Hope you like it though! bit beefy, just how i like it 😂
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I should have realised Wanda would be a handful after literally grabbing my arse less than a metre away from her fiancé.
The final straw came when we were sat together at a table, talking to a guest who wanted to know more about the wedding plans. Y/B/N had left Wanda alone for the remainder of the evening for God knows what reason, so I was left to babysit her and make sure she didn't do anything stupid. Of course, drunk Wanda was also disobedient as well as truthful and clingy.
As the woman we were sat opposite was talking about her own wedding – the first of three, apparently – Wanda's hand kept playing with mine under the table. I shot her a serious look before slapping it away gently. That wasn't enough though, as several times after, she continued to play with my fingers and intertwine hers in mine.
Not wanting to draw attention, I pushed Wanda's hand under her thigh with hopes she'd keep it there and stop fussing. I didn't think she was even listening to the woman and the story of her wedding dress debacle, as she was leaning on the palm of her hand and watching with boredom.
At one point, just when I thought Wanda was finally behaving, I felt her hand rest on my thigh, creeping up dangerously higher. Clenching my jaw to contain both the arousal and frustration I was feeling, I flicked my foot against hers before stuffing her hand under her thigh again. Glancing at her, she was smiling innocently in my direction.
"I'm sorry, are you okay?" the woman stopped mid-talk, looking to Wanda.
Wanda straightened up in her seat, flashing the woman a bright smile. "Yes. But if I may ask–"
"Oh, no..." I mumbled, already internally facepalming.
"–don't you think my almost sister-in-law is very pretty?"
My head snapped to hers as I attempted to disguise my panic with a nervous smile. The woman looked between us, waiting patiently for Wanda to continue.
"Good looks runs in the family it seems," Wanda said, stretching her hand out to caress my cheek, but I immediately caught it before she could, chuckling awkwardly.
The woman found Wanda's behaviour funny as she nodded in agreement. "The Y/L/Ns are a very good looking family indeed. Especially your fiancé, dear. What a handsome man he is."
Wanda hummed in agreement, but her eyes were only focused on me. Under any other circumstances, I would have appreciated how cute she was and been touched at her words, but now wasn't that time.
"My lovely almost sister-in-law is particularly drunk tonight I'm afraid," I spoke truthfully to the woman, offering an apologetic smile. "I should make sure she's okay."
"Of course," the woman said, nodding. "It was nice speaking to you both."
I smiled in response for both of us before leading Wanda away from the table and to an emptier-looking part of the room. Spinning around, I gave her a disapproving look.
"You can't say that," I said quietly, shaking my head. "Not here. Not now."
She licked her lips, wearing an enchanting smile, unbothered by our surroundings. "I can't help it. I'm so in love with you and you look irresistible tonight, milaya (darling)."
I sighed, my neck growing warm as she watched me with adoration. "Okay, I think it's time to call it a night."
"No, I want to stay," she whined, but I ignored her and turned around to think about how we could leave.
Once again, I felt her hand squeeze my butt and when I turned around to scold her, I saw my brother over her shoulder, approaching us. I forced a smile on my lips and glanced at her with a glare. She grinned in response before joining my side and facing my brother with me.
"Hey, how are you?" he asked when he stopped by us.
"Good," I answered for us both, afraid Wanda would say something suspicious.
He nodded, smiling a little. "Thanks for keeping Wanda company tonight."
Using that as my opportunity, I said, "Yeah, about that. She's kind of drunk, so I think I'm going to take her home."
"Oh," he said with realisation. "I don't mind taking it from here."
I pursed my lips, desperately trying to think of a reason to stay with her. Thankfully, I didn't have to.
"How scandalous of you to want to me somewhere after hours with nobody else around," Wanda poked fun, attempting to make him feel uncomfortable. It worked.
"Oh, no– I didn't mean it like that," he said quickly, flushing at her insinuation. "Never mind." Looking to me, he added, "You should take her home and make sure she's okay. Maybe stay with her until her family gets home so you don't have to head home yourself."
I nodded, ignoring the proud smile on Wanda's lips. "Okay, see you later."
As I led Wanda outside the house and towards the carriages parked outside, I gave her a grateful look.
"Good thinking back there."
She chuckled. "He's so easy to manipulate."
"Not nice," I said, but couldn't stop the amused smile from playing on my lips.
The two of us got in the back of the carriage after I gave the driver her address and settled in. Wanda was quick to tilt my head towards her and connect our lips, but I pulled back quickly, making her frown.
"You've been very frustrating this evening," I said with a warning tone. "We get home and you get to bed. That's it."
"Well, that hardly seems fair," she said with a shake of her head. "I believe I behaved."
I tried not to laugh. "In what world, love?"
She smiled widely, eyes darting to my lips. "Some alternate universe."
"Smooth," I played along, before facing forward. "Sober up, dear. The ride isn't long."
When we reached her house, it was a struggle getting her to her bedroom, but it was an even bigger struggle getting her dressed. I managed to get her dress off, but she kept trying to kiss me as I tried to put her nightgown on. Between fits of laughter, she pushed my hands away and made me step back.
Hands on my hips, I stared down at her with a ghost of a smile on my lips. "Are you done? You can't just sleep in your bra and knickers."
She laughed, sat on the edge of her bed and looking up at me with tired eyes. "One kiss and I'll let you dress me."
"Definitely no." I shook my head. "We both know what happens after one kiss."
"When will there ever be an opportunity where we're alone together in my home?" she tried to make a point, but her accent was especially heavy, entwined with her drunkenness and making it harder to believe her logic.
I rested my hands on her shoulders and leaned my forehead on hers, staring into her eyes with amusement. "My beautiful love, you are drunk. We will not have sex when you're drunk."
Her hands tugged me closer by the waist as she smiled up at me. "But I know what I want. And I'm certain it's you."
"Not now," I repeated, removing her hands from my waist.
She pouted and I chuckled before kissing it away. Her tantrum seemed to tire her out as I was able to get her dressed after that, managing to tuck her under the covers.
"Stay with me," she mumbled, fingers clawing the air as a gesture for me to join her.
Nobody would be back for a while, I realised, and nobody was home.
"Fine," I gave in quickly, before kicking off my shoes and jumping into the bed beside her.
She grinned, snuggling into my side and breathing out contently. "Ya tak sil'no tebya lyublyu (I love you so much)."
I kissed the top of her head, holding her close and hoping she couldn't hear the rate of my heartbeat pick up. "I love you, too, Wanda."
We stayed like that, in each other's arms, until I sadly had to get up and leave her. She was asleep by the time her family returned, her face relaxed and without the constraints of reality. I smiled to myself, feeling overwhelmed with how much I was in love with her. I was lucky to have met her, I knew that much, but I was also unlucky to have met her under our circumstances.
As usual, I couldn't help but wonder what could have happened if we weren't in the wrong lifetime...
I kissed her once more, whispering an 'I love you' to her, before leaving the room and wondering if one day I might be able to stay under the covers with her, cuddling until I fell asleep, too.
"It won't take long, I just need to give him this," Wanda said nonchalantly, referring to the notebooks in her hand. "Then we can grab lunch."
I nodded and the two of us walked down the street until we located the Maximoff Publishing House. I'd been here a few times when visiting my brother and it always gave me a fuzzy warm feeling, my brain formulating daydreams where I could be published, too. But that's all they were – daydreams.
Wanda held the door open for me as I walked in and I gave her an appreciative smile before she followed after. She led the way to her brother's office at the back of the building and we passed several desks – editors, authors and other employees alike – before reaching it. Through the window, Wanda and I could see Pietro sat behind his desk, pen working away at some papers.
"Piet," Wanda called, knocking on the door.
He looked up and grinned, instantly motioning for us to come inside. I followed after Wanda and closed the door behind us before stopping in front of his desk.
"Y/N, I'm so glad you came!" he exclaimed, standing up and stretching out his hands ecstatically. "I didn't think you would if I'm being honest."
I tilted my head, bemused. "Er... pardon?"
"Piet, she doesn't–" Wanda started, making me look to her. She cut herself off with a sigh, massaging the bridge of her nose and shaking her head. "Oh, God."
"I'm not sure what's happening here," I said with an awkward chuckle, before taking the notebooks from Wanda's hand and dropping them on Pietro's desk, "but these are for you. Wanda said you left them at home."
He chuckled, pushing the notebooks to the side, before reaching into his top drawer and throwing some pages before me. "These are genius, Y/N."
My brows creased together with confusion as I lifted the pages, looking through them to see what had got him all happy. As my eyes skimmed the writing, my heart dropped. This was my writing.
"H-how did you get this?" I stammered, looking up at him.
His eyes flickered to Wanda and I immediately put the pieces together, my gaze falling to her. She smiled bashfully before avoiding my eyes. She'd given him my work without telling me? And she'd tricked me into coming here for this?
"I want to sign you," he stated, clasping his hands together. "Your work is amazing, arguably better than you brother's. You really undersold! And the fact that these are just excerpts means your actual completed work is even better. And I want it here at Maximoff Publishing."
My palms were sweaty as I opened my mouth to say something, but I didn't know what. He wanted to sign me? Like, properly sign me?
"Y/N?" Wanda prompted, making me look her way. She watched with encouraging eyes, nodding to her brother.
I swallowed hard and looked to Pietro. "I'll have to think about it."
My family's reaction would not be kind, I knew that now. All my life I'd been hearing about how it was unladylike and unattractive for a woman to be a writer, how I should just leave the writing to Y/B/N. He was the writer and I needed to get over it because nobody would want to publish me. Yet, here we were.
"Y/N, what are you saying?" Wanda asked, resting a hand on my forearm to get my attention. "You've talked about being published for ages."
I was beginning to regret mentioning that silly fantasy to Wanda. If I'd known she was going to give my work to her brother, I never would have said anything.
"It's fine, Wan, she just needs time to mull it over," Pietro said dismissively, before smiling at me. "I do hope you'll decide soon though."
I forced a small smile his way before turning to leave. When I reached the empty hallway, Wanda was quick to run after me, tugging me backwards so I would face her.
"Why did you do that?" I asked instantly, frowning, feeling betrayed. "What made you think I wanted this?"
Her fingers touched mine gently as she looked between my eyes. "You've told me you wanted this. I know you want this."
I shook my head, letting go of her hand and stepping back. "I can't believe you took my work and gave it to him without asking. You shouldn't have done this, Wanda. You're making waves and–"
"You deserve this," she proclaimed sternly, silencing me. Her eyes were fiery as she stared hard. "You deserve to get the credit, too. Not just your brother. It's about damn time, Y/N."
My lips pressed together firmly as I held her stare, though she was winning as she told me everything I'd wanted to hear. Just once, somebody believed in me, but I was so used to hearing otherwise that it felt foreign.
"Pietro wants to help," she said, expression softening. "He recognises talent and you have it. Maybe I should have asked before giving him your work, maybe I shouldn't have. But I know that it was the only way to push you. You're so content accepting what other people want that you don't chase what you deserve."
Her passion and belief for my work warmed my heart to the core and I was certain that I'd never been more in love with her than I was now. She didn't have to care, but she did. For once, somebody did.
"Nobody will like this," I muttered, half-convinced but still worried about the drawbacks. "It could destroy your brother's career. It could backfire."
Wanda shook her head, stepping forward and resting a hand on my neck, thumb stroking the skin comfortingly. "He wouldn't take the risk if he didn't believe in you."
I placed my hand over hers, taking it between mine as I squeezed it gently, gratefully. I didn't know what else to say, since she'd countered all of my arguments. Everything apart from my family's reaction, which she couldn't control.
"I did this for you," she murmured, before wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me in for a hug. "For you to finally get what you deserve. So that you can make your own money and nobody can take it from you."
She paused as I returned her hug, though I was pondering her words, not knowing she felt that way. It sounded like she'd given this some thought. More than she was letting on.
"Especially if you get married," she added after consideration, and I pulled away, ready to say otherwise, but she closed her eyes and shook her head. "No, I know you don't like talking about it, but it needs to be said." She opened her eyes and I realised they were glassy with unshed tears. "I need you to be okay when it happens. I don't–" She sucked up a breath, smiling to relieve the tension, though it was full of pain. "I don't want some man owning you."
"Any money I make will belong to him anyway," I said, knowing she knew the world we lived in.
A downhearted chuckle escaped her lips. "You wouldn't allow that, Y/N, we both know that."
She wasn't wrong. But the thought of even being married to somebody that wasn't her made my heart crumble in my chest.
"Just think about it, okay?" she asked pleadingly. "Promise me you'll think about it? Properly?"
I nodded, reassuring her with a sad smile. "I will. I promise." She sighed with relief, tense shoulders relaxing. I continued quietly, "Thank you, Wanda. For all of this. For everything."
She nodded, before laughing to distract from the tear that slipped from her eye. I felt bad, but there was nothing I could do. She was so concerned about my future without her and it pained me to see. We never talked about it – an unspoken agreement – because it was too difficult to accept.
"Come on," she said, changing the subject. "Let's go get that lunch we came here for."
I hadn't made up my mind about the publishing deal, but I was starting to veer towards a 'yes'.
A few days passed since Pietro made the offer and I hadn't told anybody of it. Only Wanda knew and she hadn't brought it up since, clearly not wanting to pressure me into a decision which I appreciated. It made me realise that I really wanted this for myself. I deserved this for myself, even if I'd been taught otherwise.
It was those few days later when the Maximoffs came over for dinner and it was the first time I'd seen Pietro since he made me the offer. When he greeted me at the door, he smiled brightly.
"I assume you haven't made a decision," he noted.
"You assumed correctly," I said with amusement, though I could tell he really wanted to know.
"Very well," he said with a shrug. "I guess I'll just have to change your mind."
I quirked a brow, wondering what he meant by that, but he simply walked past me and into the living room. Wanda smiled at me next, squeezing my hand and greeting me with a hug.
"You okay?" she asked lowly, a hint of concern in her eyes.
"I'm good," I promised. "Are you?"
"Yes," she said with a small smile. Just like her brother, I could tell she wanted to know what I was thinking.
After our two families conversed in the living room for a while, dinner was served by our servants and we all took to the table to continue our chatter.
"So, Pietro," my father started, looking across the table to him. "How is business going at the publishing house?"
I should have known what he would do when he glanced at me with mischievous eyes.
"It's going great," he answered my father respectfully. "We've actually sought out a new author to add to the list of names we represent."
My eyes widened when I realised what he was doing.
"Oh, really?" my dad asked with surprise. "Who is he?"
Pietro looked in my direction and I forgot how to breathe. "It's actually your daughter, sir."
All eyes fell to me as I locked my gaze on the cutlery beside my plate.
"Y/N? You want to sign Y/N?" asked my dad for clarification.
"I do," he said with a grin, and my face was heating up the longer this conversation went on. "Wanda saw her work and thought I'd be interested. I am. I think she'd make a great fit at our publishing house. And if she has a manuscript to show us, then I'd love to publish it."
"You did this?" Y/B/N asked Wanda with raised brows, jealousy intertwined in his voice.
"Yes, I did," she answered, unaffected by his irritation. "She's really talented."
I risked glancing up, smiling at Wanda appreciatively. She nodded in response, the corner of her mouth lifting adorably, making my heart flutter.
"She really is," Pietro agreed, before looking to my dad who still seemed taken aback. "She probably got that from you. Writing seems to run in the family."
My dad looked at me across the table, his eyes softening. All of our conversations flashed to mind where he claimed he was discouraging me for my own benefit. But now, everything he'd thought wouldn't happen was. Would he still be against the idea?
"D'you really think she'd sell?" he finally spoke, looking to Pietro, and I couldn't contain the smile from my lips.
"Yeah, don't women struggle with their first book?" my brother asked, and when I examined his expression, I saw the distaste.
"I actually think she'd do really well...," Pietro began to explain, before going into a long rant about numbers and sales and past examples.
As he spoke, my brother got progressively more frustrated and I frowned, wondering why he couldn't be supportive like our parents were being. Did he want to be the only author in our family that bad? Or was he just afraid that I wouldn't help him with his own books anymore?
"Thank you for explaining all of that," my dad said once he was done. He smiled, impressed, looking to me. "I actually love the idea."
I felt lightweight when he said that. Things were actually starting to look up for me. My dad was actually supporting my passion and it was all I'd wanted to hear since I was a kid. Trying to hide my elation behind a smile, I took a sip of water. 
"Maybe Pietro is just trying to sweeten Y/N up so he can propose," Y/B/N suddenly said, making me choke on my water.
Looking to him with disbelief, he had a friendly smile on his lips, but I saw right through it.
"Y/B/N," Wanda scolded beside him. "Don't joke about that."
"Yeah, I can assure you that's not the case," Pietro added with a chuckle, unfazed by my brother's bitterness.
"I know that," I said reassuringly, before glaring at my brother. "You don't need to dignify him with a response, Pietro."
Changing the subject, my mother spoke up with a laugh. "Well, I think this is delightful. Y/N has always loved to write and I used to think it wasn't an appropriate future for a young woman, but if you are saying it could be, then I'm fully supportive of the idea."
I smiled at her, unable to believe she'd actually said that. She was the last person I thought would approve.
"Pietro has a good eye with these things," Oleg pointed out. "If he thinks it'll be successful, it will be."
My parents began to talk about how writing was something I'd loved for a long time, but I wasn't really listening because I felt overwhelmed with happiness. Pietro caught my eye, winking playfully, and I hoped he knew how grateful I was at what he'd done. Under the table, Wanda's fingers laced through mine and I didn't let go. Giving her a sideways glance, I thanked her with my eyes. She smiled widely and I tried very hard not to kiss her.
"...it's not the conventional route, but Y/N deserves it," my dad said, and I perked up with realisation.
"Maybe Wanda could break the conventional, too," I said, wanting to repay the brunette beside me.
"What do you mean?" she asked with furrowed brows.
I gave her a smile of disbelief. "Wanda, your art. It's stunning. Everything you create could easily sell for hundreds of pounds."
Her lips parted with surprise as she struggled to find words.
"That's not a bad idea, you know," Iryna said with thought. "Especially if Y/N's signing goes to plan."
Oleg groaned playfully, looking to my father. "This is happening so quickly... our girls are growing up, Y/D/N."
My dad chuckled alongside him as I stroked the top of Wanda's hand with my thumb. She squeezed it gently and I smiled to myself.
"You'll make tons of money," I said with certainty. "Your work is incredible, Wanda."
"I'll make enough money to support the both of us," Y/B/N said, doing a terrible job at hiding his frustration.
I looked over Wanda and to him with a hard stare and fake smile. "It's not even about the money to be honest. Maybe it's just about Wanda doing something she loves."
He nodded in agreement, though his eyes glared daggers at me. "I agree. And I won't stop her. But there's no need to sell her work. She can still practice her craft as usual. Heck, I'll even get her a studio."
I quirked a brow challengingly. "And what if she wants to sell it?"
Y/B/N clenched his jaw behind a forced smile. I ignored the warning look Wanda gave me in my peripheral and didn't dare look away from my brother's gaze. This was a side to him that I definitely didn't like.
My mum suddenly laughed to clear the air, but it was nervous and concerned. "Ah, sibling rivalry. Such playful nonsense."
"I believe the dessert is coming out now," my dad added, stealing the Maximoffs' attention away from my brother and I. "We're having soufflé."
With a final glare to my brother, I returned to eating. Any chatter of Wanda and I's potential careers ceased and my parents attempted to make the rest of the meal worthwhile.
As much as I wanted to be excited at the possibility of accepting Pietro's deal, especially since I had my parents' support, I couldn't help but think about what just happened with my brother. What was his problem?
When the meal ended, we all had some tea in the living room before bringing the evening to a close. At the door, we said our goodbyes to the Maximoffs and I was sure to thank Pietro.
"You didn't have to do that back there," I said as we shook hands, "but thank you. I think I know my answer now."
"Anything for my sister's best friend," he said with his signature charming smile. "And I hope it's what I think it is. Though, I suppose you won't tell me now."
I chuckled, shaking my head. "Not now."
"Soon, I hope." He nodded conclusively. "Have a good evening, Y/N."
Wanda shoved him out the way before I could respond before pulling me in for a hug. Pietro didn't seem offended as he gave me a knowing look over her shoulder. I stared back inquisitively, but got distracted when Wanda broke the hug, finding my eyes.
"You okay after what happened?" she asked gently, eyes subtly gesturing to my brother who was bidding her parents a goodbye.
"I'm okay," I reassured her with a smile. "Thanks for tonight."
She returned my smile. "Thank you. I think my parents actually took me seriously for a change."
"It's the least I could do," I told her, fully aware of everything she'd done for me.
Her smile widened, eyes flickering to my lips conspicuously. I shoved her gently, knowing what she was thinking and reminding her that we were in front of both of our families right now. She rolled her eyes playfully before stepping back.
"Such a handful," I mumbled jokingly.
When they left, the first thing Y/B/N did was storm off to his study. My parents exchanged glances before looking to me.
"Be nice," my mum warned.
"We'll see," I muttered under my breath, looking in the direction he'd gone.
Oh, was he about to get a piece of my mind.
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Chapter Three: If We Have Each Other.
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~When the world's not perfect When the world's not kind If we have each other then we'll both be fine. I will be your brother and I'll hold your hand. You should know I'll be there for you. I will always be there for you~
"Dude, we are in some serious jelly," I proclaimed as I paced around the small perimeter of the tree house.
"And that jam!" Isaac added from where he remained sitting at the table.
"Tight spot."
"Up a tree!" I supplied.
"Lost in the grass!" He offered. I swung around, shaking my finger at him.
"I'll tell ya what's grass, our- AAH FRACKLES!"  I had stepped on a stray nail in one of the floorboards. Hobbling my way back into my chair, I thunked my head against the table.
"But look at the bright side." Isaac leaned back in his chair. "Seeing as how our grand-theft-hairbrush is going viral and all, there is still a chance that me flipping the camera off could become a meme!" He pointed out. Slowly, I raised my head to stare at him.
"Are you kidding me right now?" I asked, narrowing my eyes.
"Consider it, Marty! All it took was five years being dead and now I'm finally fulfilling my life-long dream! If I'd known it was this easy, I would have killed myself a long time ago and spared me all that drama and emotional damage," Isaac smirked. I shook my head, my gaze drifted back to the Vader figure and snow globe sitting side-by-side on the shelf.
"Please don't talk like that Isaac," I sighed. Isaac's face fell.
"Sorry, I-I wasn't thinking," He apologized. I nodded.
"It's okay." It wasn't, but what more could be said when you didn't want to speak?
"Hey," Isaac spoke softly, ducking his head to get me to look at him, "Even if things go sour, I'm gonna be here for you. Just like I promised. Through thick and thin, remember?"
"Through thick and thin."
Smiling weakly, I repeated our life long mantra. I took a deep breath and focused back in on the problem.
"Alright, man. We gotta figure out a game plan. That video is gonna bring every hunter and their mom up here to ice our, or my, gluteus maximus. And if they know about the minimart then they know about the hospital. So, what's our play?"
"Well, I say you use your Sweet-Talkin' thing and talk any o'those alcoholic weirdos out of it," Isaac suggested. I shook my head.
"Isaac, you know how much I hate doing that."
Although it was a tempting idea, that wasn't something I wanted to mess with. If you start playing with the dark things, the dark things start playing with you. That wasn't a concept I liked, but Isaac would never understand that.
"I'm just saying it’s an option! And an easy one at that," Isaac pushed. I glared at him.
"I'm not doing that."
"It might come to it, Marty. I'm just saying as a plan C it-"
"The answer is no! Moving on." My tone killed and buried the subject. Isaac raised his hands in surrender.
"Fine. But misinformation is still our strongest tool. We should use it. Tell anybody who asks that it was all done on a computer," He conceded.
"Alright, that's plan A. What's plan B?"  Isaac's face twisted in thought. I let him do any and all planning when it came to telling a lie because he was so much better at making it convincing than I was. Isaac was the king of spouting believable bull crap. In fact, he would have made and excellent demon. That guy could probably get an angel to sell its soul for a box of holy doughnuts. When the idea hit Isaac's brain, I could almost see a light bulb light up above his head. He leaned forward, exited.
"Okay, I got it. We make up some BS story about a gay black dude who got chopped up by the ferry or something and the hospital wouldn't help him because all the doctors were racist homophobes, and it was the 50's." He nodded at me very seriously. Like I said, Isaac was king.
"That's is the worst, most ridiculous and stupid story I have ever heard," I told him. Isaac's nodding grew more excited. "It's perfect. They'll buy every word. Just one thing though, what about the mini-mart?" I pointed out.
Isaac opened his mouth before closing it again. Then he opened it. Then he closed it. Open. Closed. Open. Closed. This happened several more times before he finally came up with something good.
"So, our gay black guy was also a nice hobo dude and after he died he started stealing crap to give to his hobo buddies." Isaac gave me a thumbs up. I nodded.
"Okay, sounds good, sounds good. How do we explain me?" I splayed my hands. Isaac huffed and rolled his eyes, leaning back again and tucking his hands behind his head.
"Well, that’s easy. The camera never even caught a glimpse of your face, so you're his anonymous theft buddy slash item distributer!" He explained. I grinned at my fantastic phantasmal co-conspirator.
"Excellent, and of course nobody knows who the thief is. Especially not, innocent little me!" I chuckled at his brilliance.
"Exactly!" Isaac smirked.
"It's perfect! Except one last thing. We're gonna need some eyes and ears in on this. Someone to alert us when someone fishy comes lurking about," I said. Isaac nodded seriously.
"You're right. But who can we trust around here?" He asked. I could feel the smile split across my face.
"I can think of only one man for this job. A man as trustworthy as he is slimy. A man scrubbed clean by his own filth. A man so wonderful, words do him no justice!" I declared dramatically. Isaac was confused for a moment before realization dawned. His face fell.
"Please tell me you're not thinking what I think you're thinking."
"I think I am." I grinned. Isaac just sighed.
"Marty, no."
"Marty, yes!"
- 45 minutes later-
"Yo! Danny, my man! How's life?" I called out. Dan-the-Dope-Man looked up from...whatever it was he was doing outside Copper Harbor's one and only pharmacy. The pharmacy which he, in fact, owned. Honestly, I didn't want to know exactly what he had been doing behind the pile of cardboard boxes that were stacked up against the moldy brick. I figured it was better if I didn't. Dan smiled a grin that was missing two teeth.
"Marty! My worst customer and only friend! Life's good!" He greeted me, kicking a few of the boxes over to hide whatever suspicious activity it was that he had been up to. He winked and walked over to me, pushing his absolutely disgusting blond hair out of his face. "But, you know, business is betta'," He concluded.
I could never tell how tall Dan was, in this form especially. See, Dan-the-Dope-Man was a shapeshifter, though of course, no one else in the town knew that. That's how he was the owner of the pharmacy as well as a drug dealer. His other form, Jonathan De’ Santos, was the tall, 40-year-old, honest-looking Hawaiian man that ran the pharmacy. In this form, however, Dan was a somewhere-in-the-upper-five-foot-range Caucasian guy from Brooklyn with a thing against bathing. He said that the grungy, sewer-rat look was better for his side business. I wasn't sure how much of that I bought, but then again, who's gonna buy drugs from the guy who's supposed to make sure you don't destroy yourself with them.
"I bet it is!" I said, taking a step back when he reached me because, like I said, the guy had a thing against hygiene.
"This is a terrible, terrible idea," Isaac muttered, leaning on the wall to my left. I couldn't reply to him because although Dan knew what I was he didn't know about Isaac. So all I could do was give him a rude gesture behind my back. He saw it and stuck his tongue out at me.
"What can I do fo' ya, Marty?" Dan always pronounced my name as 'Mawty' at least in this form as it had a Brooklyn accent.
"Well, o' Danny boy, I have some rather bad news to deliver," I continued, "There might be some hunters coming to town soon."
Dan frowned; his eyes narrowed at me as he folded his arms over his chest.
"Well, that ain't good. Whatt'id ya do, Marty?" He asked. Sometimes Dan could be like my older brother, even if he didn't realize it.
"Woah, woah, woah! Who said I did anything?!" I defended. Dan just raised an eyebrow.
"You're always showin' off and ya know it," He said simply.
"He's right, you know," Isaac interjected. I wished I could tell him to shut his eidolic cake hole. It wouldn't have made much of a difference if I could, as he would still have continued talking, but the principle remained the same. Isaac was annoying. He needed to shut his mouth now and again. But I couldn't say that right now because he was a flipping ghost and ghosts are invisible. Mostly.
Ignoring Isaac, I opened my mouth to try to argue with Dan but quickly closed it again when found that I couldn't, because he was absolutely right. Now, I couldn’t admit that to him because Isaac was right here and that would be saying that he was right about something, and that was a thing I would never hear the end of.
"In regards," I started again.
"You'd just say 'regardless'," Isaac chimed in. I had to physically bite my tongue to keep from screaming at him to shut up.
"Regardless," I corrected. Isaac chuckled. I really needed to get myself some iron gauntlets or something so I could give his apparitional arse an involuntary appendectomy. Or just an iron ring so I could punch him in the face.
"Regardless, it wasn't me. This time. It was some attention seeking moron with a computer. That combined with my little hospital trips and you get something fishy looking." I finally managed to finish my sentence without Isaac chiming in.
"Well then ya betta' keep ya head down, Marty. I don' wan' ya gettin hurt." A dark look crossed over Dan's usually upbeat face. "Or worse," He finished.
"I know Danny, which is why I need you to do something for me," I said. Isaac sighed and face palmed but I ignored it.
"What?" Dan asked.
"I need you to watch out for any newcomers asking weird questions. I've got a plan if any hunters get too close to us, I just need to know who and where they are," I told him.
See, the pharmacy, the mini-mart, the bar, and the barber shop all sat across from each other at a four way intersection. Thus, Dan would have an excellent view of any hunter's first two targets. The origin of the supernatural activity, in this case the mini-mart, and the bar. He would be the perfect spy. Dan looked at me strangely.
"Say, Marty, you ain't plannin' on gankin' any a' dose' suckas' now are ya?" He asked, caution evident in his voice. I sighed, shaking my head internally. This was just another downside of being what I was. Everybody thinks you're a murderer. Though I knew I was far from innocent, I had never killed anyone. At least, anyone who didn't deserve it.
"Come on, Danny. In all the time you've known me, have I ever, er, ganked anyone?" I asked him, spreading my hands as if to catch the obvious answer.
"Well, no. But people can change," Dan pointed out. I rolled my eyes.
"Dan, I'm not gonna kill anyone. There, ya happy?" I said, only mildly aggravated. Isaac decided it was time to speak up again.
"You may not. But I will. If it comes to that. I won't let anybody hurt you, Marty. Not again. Not when I can do something about it."
I knew he was saying this now so I wouldn't be able to argue with him. Then I would forget and if he did kill someone Isaac would say he'd said he would. I ground my teeth together and reminded myself that it wasn't going to come to that. I wouldn't let it.
Meanwhile, Dan thought about what I'd spoken aloud.
"Yeah okay, but if anybody comes sniffin' I'm skippin', kay?" He agreed. I nodded.
"Okay, take care of yourself, Danny."
"You too, Marty." I smiled at him and began to walk away. Isaac pushed himself off the wall and trudged behind me, complaining loudly.
"Make sure you take care of yourself too, Issac! I'd hate myself if anything happened to you, Isaac! I wouldn't be able to survive without you, Isaac! Thanks Marty, your friendship means everything to me!" He said, sarcasm dripping from his voice. "Ugh! Why do I even bother?"
I smirked giving him the sign for 'I love you' behind my back.
"Aw shut up!"
But I knew he was smiling.
~So, I'm thankful for my sister even though sometimes we fight When high school wasn't easy, she's the reason I survived. I know she'd never leave me and I hate to see her cry. I just wanna tell her that I'm always by her side. I just wanna tell her that...
The worlds not perfect, but it’s not that bad. If we've got each other and that’s all we have I will be your brother and I'll hold your hand You should know I'll be there for you When the world's not perfect When the world's not kind If we have each other then we'll both be fine I will be your brother and I'll hold your hand You should know I'll be there for you.
I will always be there for you.~
Lyrics from: If We Have Each Other by Alec Benjamin
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bowieemeddow · 5 years
TRINITY. (Queen Fanfiction)
Part 2 // PJ’s.
Summary: Margaret McCullugh comes to the realisation that her life is a total mess. After an argument she realises she’s had enough; she grabs her bags and runs away.
If you missed part 1 click here
Sunday // May 1970
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I've been driving for hours now.
I don't know the time.
I don't even know where the fuck I am?!
I don't know where I'm going but I like that, I can go anywhere, anything can happen that can lead me into any direction, any place in the world.
While thinking this in my head I think god got the wrong idea about "anything happening" and deciding that a deer should show up out of no where leading me to crash into a fucking tree.
A shooting pain ran up my neck as I saw stars all over the place as I opened my eyes. I tried to move my leg but I groaned in pain, I must've broke it or something.
Glass was stuck in my hair and had left cuts down my arm and in my cheek, I didn't want to touch it incase it went too deep but my arm was covered in little drops of blood.
I clicked my seatbelt off and got out the car limping my way to the back of the car.
The back of the car was a little flame slowly but surely getting bigger, I smelled gas from the from of the car.
"SHIT!" I shouted as I quickly got my suitcase out the car and dragged it away from the car. Groaning every time I put weight on my foot.
I wasn't able to get far enough away from the car when it exploded.
The blow making me fall onto the ground, I luckily fell onto my back with my suitcase covering my face so no flying bits of glass could hit my face or upper body.
Thank god I'm in the middle of nowhere or else I'd be in deep trouble.
I just stayed there for several minutes, on the cold ground; I didn't know if I had energy to get myself up. But one good thing out of it; the rain put the car fire out.
I took it slowly, I firstly moved my suitcase from my face and onto the ground next to me. I then sat up and looked at my mum's cat burning away.
Just as I thought things couldn't get worse; it starts to rain, and I mean rain like I've never seen before.
I crawled over to where a newspaper was sitting; sure it was soaking wet but maybe it would give me a hint of where the fuck I am. I bent down to pick up the news paper which was in the middle of this random isolated street.
It was a London Newspaper. I'm in London.
Fuck fuck I'm in London. I'm in the middle of nowhere, in London, in the pouring rain.
Eventually, I decided enough was enough and that I had to get some shelter before I died of pneumonia or some shit.
It took another good hour and half of walking, before I found shelter.
A small bar in the city of Kensington called PJ's.
By the time I made it near the entrance of the bar I was close to complete exhaustion, I was sore from all the cuts and the rain water wasn't helping, my foot was in complete agony. I couldn't walk another step without collapsing.
Roger P.O.V
"Freddie that was amazing!" Mary cheered as she made her way over to Freddie.
"Well thank you darling." Freddie smiled gathering her up in a tight hug and kissing her.
"Well done love." heard Veronica say quietly to John as she sat down at the opened back of the van next to him.
"I still feel like we're missing something though?" Freddie added; nothing was ever good enough for Fred.
"I think I'm missing something too." I mumbled as I watched a hot girl walk by.
"Hey?" She stopped and looked at me with blushed cheeks, I winked at her before she walked away giggling to herself.
"Get your head out the gutter eh?" Brian suggested nudging my shoulder with his.
I wasn't listening to their conversation after that but instead lit a cigarette while watching a lady appear from the darkness completely soaking form the rain. She  limped along towards the building before throwing her suitcase down almost falling in top of it.
She was mostly in shadow so I couldn't see her properly; but from her cut legs I could tell she was in need of some help.
"What the bloody hell are you looking at now darling?" Freddie asked.
"The girl." Mary said as she looked in the direction I was.
"is it just me or does she look injured?"
"Oh shit she does?" Freddie gasped.
I put down my beer and walked over to her.
Margaret P.O.V
"I will not cry. I refuse to cry. Don't be such a weakling Margaret." I kept saying in my head to myself so maybe my watery eyes would calm down before I caused even more of a scene than what I've already done.
At least I looked calm keeping a straight face looking ahead. Maybe if I was by myself then I'd have a breakdown but we are near people so I keep quiet.
My head was splitting and my neck felt locked, glass started falling from my hair as I scratched my head.
"Hello?" I heard a voice say. I looked up to see 4 boys and 2 girls looking down at me.
I probably looked a mess. My mascara has likely ran down my cheeks due to a mix of rain and tears. I look like I went for a swim due to how bad the rain was; it's stopped now luckily enough.
"Honey what happened?" One of the girls said as she kneeled down next to me.
She was quite tall yet petite looking with a soft smile and a soft reassuring voice.
I clung onto her wrist just to make sure she was  real; that this was all real and I wasn't dreaming back a couple miles in my mothers car.
Realising that this was all real was enough for me to burst out in a mix of anger, frustration and fear.
"M-my car crashed into a tree. A-a deer c-came out of nowhere. I don't know where i am. I don't know anyone in Kensington."i could barely speak due to my shakiness from the shock of crashing into a tree and the fact that it's fucking freezing and I'm soaking wet.
"Hey, hey calm down love." Another boy said; another soft and reassuring voice.
He kneeled down beside me and put his hand on my knee; something Greg would do under the dining table.
"No don't do that!" I snapped at him trying to pull my skirt down as low as I could.
"Darling I know what it's like arriving to a scary place without knowing anyone. But you can trust us because we won't hurt you we want to help you and take you somewhere safe." Another man said as he came down and sat in front of me with a respectable distance between me and him. None of our limbs were touching. This boy looked different from the rest, had weird looking teeth and a weird fashion sense; like flamboyant.
I like it.
I was too caught up in admiring the boys jewellery that I never noticed that one of the boys must've ran to his van to grab a fur coat.
"Can I put this around you?” The boy asked, this boy had brown hair but lighter than any of the rest of them, he had some sort of attitude to him like he was stuck up his own arse.
"I'm Freddie Darling. This is Mary, my love. And these 3 boys are John, Brian and Roger. This is Veronica who's Johns girlfriend. Now that we're not strangers how about we go into the bar into the heat and try to warm you up huh?"
We've been in the bar for about an hour now. No one here but us; the bartender wasn't even there surely it should be closed by now.
"Roger I don't need crutches. It's just a little bump I'll be fine if I keep walking on it." I argued  as I hopped back to the booth everyone was currently sitting at.
Except John, Mary and Veronica; they were away finding crutches for me; Mary said she saw a pair in storage at the back of the Pub.
"You May have broke your foot Margaret. We might need to take a trip to the hospital-"
"No! No hospitals I don't do hospitals." I snapped cutting off Brian's suggestions.
"Right okay. I'm just gonna drop the subject because I have a slight feeling that you will take a swing for me if I mutter the word hospital again." Brian's sitting back down with his hands raised slightly in defeat.
"I think that's a good idea Brian." I said back as I finally gave up and crawled back down on the floor to sit.
What the fuck am I doing? I've fucked everything up like usual; jumping into situations before looking at the whole picture.
I have to get my mums toasted car to Fisk before anyone finds it and contacts her. That's the first thing to do.
"Right I've got them." John said as he came back into the main hall holding a pair of crutches. Veronica and Mary following closely behind following closely behind.
"Can you help me up?" I asked Mary and Veronica took each hand and pulled me up.
"I do not need crutches John I am completely fine." I smiled with my head held high, both my feet on the ground.
"Margaret take the bloody crutches for god sake!" Roger complained as he snatched the crutches from John and held them out to me.
"Make me." I sassed back.
"For fuck sake you'll make your foot worse. Then we'll have no choice but to take you to the hospital."
"Please stop acting like my carer. I only met you an hour ago." I snapped as started to attempt to walk on my foot.
It hurt like an absolute bitch but I'm too arrogant to admit it; to admit he's right.
"Right now we are since we found you so I suggest you quit with this arrogance and just listen to me. Marg- MARGARET STOP FUCKING WALKING ON YOUR FOOT AND TAKE THE FUCKING CRUTCHES." Roger shouted over at me as I slowly but surely made my way around the hall. I ignored him and continued walking.
"Then since I'm so arrogant I guess I'll just leave then huh."
"Darling you go outside we'll carry you back in and tie you to a chair." Freddie Warner as he saw me limping towards the long corridor that lead to the main door.
"Ha, I like the sound of that!" I laughed, the long stretch of corridor made my voice echo around the empty bar.
The walls of the corridor was completely covered with thousands of band posters that date all the way back to 1955.
I stop and admire the biggest poster out of the lot.
"Smile?" I breathe to myself; why does that ring a bell?
My thoughts left my head the minute I felt myself get lifted up and thrown over someone's shoulder.
I got the fright of my life until i caught a whiff of tobacco and cheap perfume; it's Roger.
"Roger! Put me down I swear to god I'll start kicking and screaming!" I warned as I found myself back in the main hall again.
"He won't let you down until you promise to listen to us. You are using they crutches even if I have to sew your bloody hands onto them dear." Freddie warned. He came over to me  with a big grin on his face, he was amused by all this.
"But I have to find somewhere to stay-"
"You're staying with us dear."
"But I have to get rid of the car before someone finds it. I'll get skinned alive if my parents find out where I am." I complained.
"We'll get rid of it in the morning. I know I guy who can do it cheap." Roger said. I felt my anger levels raise from a concerning 70% to 100% as I felt Rogers head move slightly; his breath ticking the back of my thigh.
That's when I realised what I was wearing; I skirt, a short skirt.
"I swear to GOD ROGER IF YOUR LOOKING UP MY SKIRT IM GONNA FUCKING KICK YOUR ARSE." I shouted kicking him hard in the chest frantically.
"Hm you're a feisty one." Roger chuckled to mask his groans of paints I continued to kick.
Roger let me down from his shoulder and stood back up with a smirk on his face.
"It's taking all my strength not to rip Your balls sack off." I said surprisingly calmly.
"What's stopping your sweetheart-"
"Right enough you two! Please Margaret just take them please." Veronica pleaded as she passed both the crutches over. To which I rolled my eyes and placed them under neath my armpit.
I made my way over to my suitcase that was currently lying on the stage on top of a raggedy old discoloured towel. Luckily my suitcase ( or more my mums stolen suitcase) is waterproof so everything inside should be completely dry; although it's probably not nice and folded the way I done it when I was packing since a little over an hour ago I was lying on top of it taking a mental breakdown.
I opened it up and grabbed my camera from its case and put its strap around neck before slowly but surely making my way back to the entrance.
"Where are you going?" John asked as he caught up to me almost instantly; damn him and his long legs.
"I wanna look at the posters near the entrance. I'm not gonna run away I swear!" I snapped at him; this was all too claustrophobic I couldn't move an inch without people asking if I was okay or asking where I was going.
"I was just going to ask if you if you wanted to take my bed tonight, you need your sleep since you've been through a lot today and you're gone going to get it on the couch. I'm gonna stay at Veronica's." He said sweetly, it made my eyes water slightly; a lovely boy just gave up his bed to make sure i get a good nights sleep and I just nearly snapped his head off.
I stayed silent deciding I've done enough bitching and simply nodded my head.
"Come with me." I pleaded to him grabbing onto his arm before he had the chance to walk away from me.
He stayed silent too and nodded.
Stayed behind me making sure I didn't fall as I made my way back to the long stretch of corridor. I wasn't great on these things.
"So are you a photographer?" Johns asked as he watched me looking around intently for a good cluster of posters to take a picture of.
"Not professionally no."
"Are you a murderer that's going to kill my friends tonight as they sleep?" He asked surprisingly calmly.
"Because if you are. Take Rog first cause he can be a right bastard sometime." I burst out laughing at his comment; sometime I've not done for quite a while to be honest.
Just simply laugh without the worry of being sarcastic, without it being fake. Just a genuine, carefree laugh; it felt good.
"See I got you to smile." He said pointing at me.
"Right right you got me there. I'm not a Killer John. Just a runaway."
"What exactly are you running away from Margaret?"
"You'll find out soon."
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mclennunf · 7 years
Me, me, me please! I'd like to see a Paul and John in an argument and are giving each other the silent treatment, except Paul had actually gone busy making a meal for them both (John doesn't know Paul's making him one too). So John proceeds to indirectly throw shots at Paul and inadvertently hurt Paul's feelings. So Paul leaves (only to buy some bread / additional food) and John feels furious thinking Macca just up and left. So he paces all aggressively and starts cursing and what have you. (1/2
(2/2) But then Paul comes back all saddened and John just ruts him out. And ends up impatiently waiting for Paul to explain himself and Paul just says he bought John some bread to go with Paul’s cooking because he feels shite for upsetting John and John feels like such a turd for hurting poor Paul and proceeds to pepper him with love ;—-; By love I mean, trying to be cute and sorry at the same time to Paul McPouty lips
so specific! i like it. its not very long because im actually at work (oops should be working and im writing mclennon) i hope i did a good enough job for you, mate! xo
“I just don’t understand why you thought that was a good idea!” John was angry. He had been pacing around the sitting room as Paul sat on his chair. “I didn’t do anything wrong, John.” Paul argued in a much calmer tone than his boyfriend’s. “You’re so daft sometimes, McCartney. What if she hadn’t come back?” He held onto his beloved cat for dear life as he paced in front of the younger man. “She came back!” Paul pointed at Pyramus. Paul was always more of a dog person, and having one meant letting them outside. He didn’t realize cats would just run away and never come back.
“She’s a cat, Paul. Not a dog. She’s not trained to just come back!” John yelled and carried on some more. Paul just rolled his eyes as he stood up. “Right, Macca. Just ignore me then.” John sat down on the couch, stroking the cat protectively. “I’m done talking to you today anyroad.” John said with a growl in his voice that even made Pyramus look up at him with a bit of fear in her eyes. Paul rolled his big eyes once again and went into the kitchen. He knew John was rightfully pissed off at him, but that didn’t mean John needed to be so cruel with his words. Paul decided he would fix them dinner as an apology, perhaps that would make John forgive him for his nonsensical act.
Paul got right to work, busy as a bee as he started preparing their dinner. It would be a simple spaghetti dinner with Paul’s famous homemade vegetarian tomato sauce. He was chopping away at the vegetables, when he decided to put the knife down and peak his head out at John to see if he was still boiling with anger. “John?” He called his boyfriend in a soft voice. “Bugger off, Paul. I don’t even want to look at you right now.” He snapped back without looking up from the cat, still happily perched in his owner’s arms. “Don’t be like that..” Paul sighed, hoping  John would look up and see his large sad eyes. Unfortunately, he didn’t. “I’ll be however I want to be, considering you just do whatever the hell you want anyway, right? Act like a bloody git sometimes, you do.” John growled back. Paul sighed deeply again before deciding perhaps John just needed a bit more space from him for now. He went into the kitchen and turned off the stove, not wanting to burn their flat down.
He headed down the street to the local bakery that Paul admired so much. It was always so fresh and the employees were always extremely kind. John on the other hand, put the cat down on the couch and stood up when he heard the front door of their flat open and close. Paul’s shoes were gone. John was even more upset now. Maybe he had been too harsh on Paul.. After all, he was just trying to help take care of poor Pyramus. “Such an idiot, Lennon.” He cursed at himself as he paced back and forth in front of the small cat now. “Makin’ him fuckin’ sad,  now he’s gone off somewhere to pout.” John crossed his arms and looked out the window. “Oh.” He sighed in relief when he saw his boyfriend approaching the front door with a bag from the bakery.
When the front door opened, John stood across the room to welcome him. Paul did look sad. His bottom lip looked even more pouty and plump than usual. “Paul,” John tried to say. “I’m sorry I made you leave.. I’m sorry I got so upset.. You were only tryin’ t'help..” He walked closer to the younger man as he set the bakery bag down on the table.“I just went t'get some bread, John.” He didn’t look up at his boyfriend as he spoke the words though. His voice sounded soft and tired. “Talk to me, baby.” John put his hands on Paul’s hips. “I just feel terrible, y'know? Ye love that cat. I’m making dinner, y'know. Tryin’ t'make it up t'you.” Paul said, his lip still out and pouting. “Yer so sweet t'me, ‘n I’m a right arse.” John kisses Paul’s cheek softly.
As he presses his lips to Paul’s cheek, he felt a small smile spread across the bassist’s face. John smiled too, and began kissing him all over his face, muttering “I’m sorry, baby” and “Forgive me, princess” between the kisses. Paul finally started giggling and pushed him off slightly. “I forgive you, Lennon. Now shove off, I’ve got t'finish making dinner.” He said with a smile before placing a single kiss on John’s lips and pushing passed him and back over to the kitchen counter to finish chopping the vegetables. John grinned and walked up behind him, wrapping his arms around Paul’s slim waist and resting his chin on Paul’s shoulder. “If ye make me cut me finger off, we’re goin’ t'have a whole other problem, baby.” Paul told him as he rested his head on top of John’s.
“I’m hungry.” John whined a bit. “That’s why I’m makin’ dinner.” Paul rolled his eyes and let out a small chuckle. “I’m hungry for Paul McCartney!” John began kissing the younger man’s neck again. “Paul McCartney is up for dessert, Lennon.”
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