#sometimes you get a little drunk from kissing the cavalry captain
uncrownedglazelily · 2 years
Diluc: kissing Kaeya is dangerous
Diluc: sometimes I can't taste the alcohol in there
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tartglias · 4 years
General relationship headcanons with genshin boys
“Since it's open, what about general headcanons for the boys? ;0 like what's it like to be with them for a headstart :D”
i was originally going to make six characters, then five, but then i accidentally deleted th draft and had to start all over again. i already feel bad for posting late so i’m sorry it’s just four and not five :( i’ll probably make a part 2 of these soon!!
characters: diluc, kaeya, scaramouche and xiao
The beginning of the relationship was slow, painfully slow. So slow that a certain bard and the one and only Cavalry Captain had to step up, since neither of you would make the first step. Both of you were too scared of rejection, so you decided to swallow your feelings and “face” reality.
A few pick up lines over here, a jealousy scene over there, and the result was a very angry and flustered Diluc taking your hand and leading you upstairs for some privacy. It was then and there when he confessed his feelings for you, a sigh of relief leaving him when you reciprocated.
Both of you are private people, so you decided that keeping the relationship away from the public eye would be the best option. Sure, affection was reduced to an extent but that doesn’t mean that the relationship lacks love!
Affection in public meant exchanging soft glances and shy smiles from across the room, interlocking of pinkies and stealing kisses when nobody was looking. Very rarely, when he was feeling wild and desperate, he would drag you to somewhere secluded and push you (gently) to the nearest wall, caging you in between his arms as you wrapped your hands around his waist. Then, he kissed you slow and passionately.
Behind closed doors, the story was different. There wasn’t a single moment in which his hands weren’t touching your skin, or your hands weren’t playing with his hair as you kissed him passionately to compensate for the lost time. A kiss here, a kiss there. Again and again. A kiss for every hour you couldn’t spend together.
You found out about Diluc’s nightly activities rather quickly. It happened on a night in which he came back home slightly injured and breathless. When you questioned him, he simply said that some treasure hoarders ambushed him, but you knew he was lying. You could tell. Diluc soon realized there was no point in lying to you, so he told you his identity as the Darknight Hero.
Overall, your relationship may have started in a messy way, Diluc sometimes wishes he could have confessed in a different and more appropiate way. Your relationship may also be quiet, but quiet doesn’t mean that it lacks love. You both spend late nights and mornings in each others arms whispering sweet nothings. And your relationship may be scary at times, you often feared that he wont come back home one day. But you also know he always does, and you trust him every moment of the day. And he feels the same way. He doesn’t trust people easily, he rarely lets people in. But you are different, you make him feel different. He trusts you more than anything in the world.
It was no secret that Kaeya was a flirt. A few compliments over here, a charming smile over there and that was basically the formula to have most people in Mondstadt wrapped around his finger. Most people... except you. With a shy smile and an evident blush on your cheeks you were always fast to dismiss it and laugh it off. “You shouldn’t go saying those things” you used to say.
It started with a desire to make you swoon, it was like a goal for him. But eventually, he caught feelings and you were the one who made him swoon. So one day, he had enough. He wanted to confess and tell you how he actually feels.
And so he did, yet somehow you still thought it was a joke. “Kaeya you can’t say those things as a joke... someone will actually fall for it” you said, looking down at your feet as your heart started beating faster and faster by second. “I’m not joking, y/n. That’s how I truly and deeply feel about you” he said, taking your hand and placing it on his chest so you could feel how fast his heart was beating as well.
The closest word to describe your relationship with Kaeya would be that it was like an adventure, interesting and fun. You’re bored? He would take you to explore interesting (and safe) places he encountered while on his commissions. You’re sad? Nothing like him dragging you to the very top of the Cathedral and hugging you close to him as you both watch the sunset wouldn’t solve.
Kaeya’s kisses can be either quick or desperate and hungry, yet passionate. The first case usually happened whenever you two were in public, though he doesn’t have a problem with PDA. If it were up to him, he would spend every second of the day kissing you. But you’re both busy people so most times one of you is in a hurry. The second case happens when either one of you come home after a long day. It starts slow, maybe a few pecks here and there, but soon enough he picks up the pace. One hand around your waist, keeping you close to his body, and his other hand on your face, deepening the kiss. It always leaves you breathless, and he takes those few seconds you take to catch air to kiss your jaw and neck. He loves you and your body, he could spend a lifetime worshipping it.
Insecurity was somewhat a problem in the relationship, from both sides. On his side, he sometimes worried that you would get tired of him and slip away, just like most people in his life. And on your side, you feared that he would find someone who was braver, prettier and more skilled than you. But at the end of the day, even if there were times in which you argued over this problem, you both would always come home to each other. Nights would be spent in each other’s arms, constantly reassuring each other that you’re both here to stay.
Overall, dating Kaeya isn’t easy. You knew this the moment you both confessed. But it is worth it, no one makes you feel like he does, no one makes you swoon and laugh like him. And no one, and I mean, not a single person in Teyvat, could make Kaeya happier.
Scaramouche was angry, to say the least. How dare you, a fellow Fatui Harbinger who he had to see almost daily, make his heart beat fast and legs shake? Why was he feeling like this? So stupid?
He thought your confession was part of a game, a dare. He saw you laughing with Childe a few moments before, and not that he would ever admit it, in fact he would rather lose his Vision and die than admit it, but he was a little bit jealous of the scene. He wanted to make you laugh like that, he wanted to make you blush and he wanted to have your heart. The moment you confessed, he was angry. He was sure it was a dare and Childe’s plan to make fun of him, but he quickly regretted it once he saw your sad face. “No, leave” he had said. Your shy smile dropped instantly and you slowly nodded, turning around and starting to walk away. His mouth opened before he could actually stop and think of what to do. “Do you mean it?” he asked. “Do you actually like me? It’s not a dare?” “Why would it be a dare? Scaramouche, I’ve liked you for a while now, everyone knows but you” you said, facing him once again only to find him trying to hide away the strong blush on his face. “Then... I think I like you too” he said, not daring to look at you.
Scaramouche was a harsh and jealous lover, he wanted you for himself. Fights were normal in your relationship, words without real meaning would be thrown at each other all the time. Yet, neither of you walked away. Neither of you verbally apologized for the harsh words either, but instead, you would let your actions apologize for you. Normal fights would be due to his jealousy, you spending a little too much time with Childe or other Harbingers for his liking. Yes, he knows you love him and yes, he knows that he is better than everyone else there. But he also knows he’s not the most liked person among the Fatui, and often worried that you would soon agree with people who said that. After taking a deep breath of air, you would drag him to bed and hold him close to you. His arms around your waist as he snuggled closer to you and buried his face on your neck. You hold him for a few hours while whispering soft promises of love and endless praise, reassuring him that you are not going anywhere anytime soon. “Don’t worry, you’ll have to put up with me for a long, long while” you whispered as you kissed his forehead. “I wouldn’t have it any other way” he whispered back.
Contrary to popular belief and also to his personality, his kisses are soft and unsure. He doesn’t have a lot of experience in this area, so his kisses tend to be short yet soft. Mostly in private as well, since he would rather die than let his underlings see this side of him. He would wrap his arms around your waist, probably as he makes a teasing comment about how desperate you are or how much you probably missed him, and then kissed your lips. He is fascinated by the way your lips feel against his, he gets drunk by the feeling.
Overall, your relationship with Scaramouche is wild, to say the least. One moment you’re yelling at each other, ready to fight and the next one you’re holding him close as he whispered protection promises and kissed your neck. But despite all the problems you both encountered, you’re always there for each other. You rely on him and he relies on you, and that’s enough.
“What’s this?” He asked you as you slowly pulled away from him. “A kiss” “Disgusting. Do it again” He said, pulling you back to him with one hand as the other rested on your waist. You smiled through the kiss, and he felt like all his pain and karma vanished. After a while, you pulled away. “Again” he said, chasing your lips before crashing them with his in another soft yet desperate kiss. You giggled and pulled away. “I need to breathe” you said, chuckling at sight of his lips pouting. “Why”
The first time you met, he saved you from treasure hoarders. But before you could thank him, he disappeared. You didn’t know who your savior was, so you tried your best to remember the mask that was on his face. You didn’t see him again, until you found yourself in Wantshu Inn after a long day of commissions far away from your home in Liyue Harbor. You needed rest, but the clear night and stars were calling for you, and before you noticed you were at the top floor of the inn. That’s where you saw him, and for reasons he doesn’t understand, he didn’t leave. He remained sat on the floor, looking at the sky as his legs were hanging from the edge. “Isn’t it pretty? I barely see stars as clear as these back home” you said to the stranger from a close yet appropriate distance. He didn’t reply, he didn’t look at you, but he knew who you were. He remembered you from the time he saved you. Next thing you noticed was the mask that was on the floor next to him. Your eyes widened and your mouth dropped. “You’re... the one who saved me” you said, shock flooding your face. He rolled his eyes in response, can’t he be left alone? “I never got to thank you so... thank you” you simply said, a soft expression replacing your shocked one.
You started dropping by Wangshu Inn a bit more often, whenever your time and commissions allowed you too. And every time you brought different kinds of foods to offer to Xiao, no one ever telling you that his favorite was Almond Tofu. He found it annoying at first, but soon enough got used to it. The day you brought Almond Tofu though, he almost smiled. Almost. His expressions as he ate the offering didn’t go unnoticed by you, and quickly learnt that it was his favorite.
After a while he started looking forward to your visits, but if someone ever asked him about it, he would just say it wasn’t because of you, it was for the almond tofu offering. You started spending more time with him, even though he barely opened his mouth and you did all the talking. He found you amusing, truly. Something about you, made him feel funny inside. And that scared him.
Your relationship started with a kiss. “Again” he would say. “Again” he would repeat whenever you broke away to breathe. This was new to him, and he knew it was wrong since he is who he is and could harm you at any second, but he was addicted. He was addicted to your kisses, to your touches. He got drunk by the feeling you gave him, not wanting to ever let go. “Let go, let go of them. You’ll only harm them” he kept repeating to himself in his mind, but his body moved by itself, pulling you closer to him. He was addicted, and he knew it was bad.
There weren’t many arguments in your relationship, maybe a few over you taking dangerous commissions, but other than that it was full of affection. Affection used to be a strange concept for Xiao, who once was determined that it’s better for everyone if he stayed away. But then you appeared, and no one ever made him feel the way you did. He started yearning for your touches and he looked forward to you coming back to him so he could kiss you. You were better than any medicine Zonghli could ever give him, you made his pain ease. And as you were wrapped in his arms watching the stars at the top floor of the Inn, he made a promise. A promise of protection and love, he would never let anyone or anything harm you, and even if you die of old age he would still love you for centuries to come, and he will find you again in your next life.
Overall, your relationship with Xiao started slowly, but soon grew more and more with each passing day. He trusts you almost as much as he trusts Rex Lapis, and he would always watch you closely whenever you go out on a commissions. How did you get so lucky?
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tamago-tamago · 3 years
little acts of love
what are some little things that the genshin boys would do to show that they love you? sometimes, there are acts of affection that aren't so obvious to the human eye alone.
characters: diluc, kaeya, xiao, albedo
genre: fluff, gender neutral
a/n: hey, hey, this is my first genshin headcanon, please let me know your thoughts:)
Diluc ❣
he would pat your head
whether he's simply passing by or watching you work hard on whatever task you have at hand, he always feels inclined to give you a pat on the head
it's nothing extravagant, really
but, he finds that it delivers a sense of reassurance and the pride that swells in his heart when he sees you — feelings that he normally finds difficult to convey through words
as he's quite a tall person, i think it also comes naturally to him
he wants to protect you, and the way you always lean into his touch reminds him that you understand that
it's almost become a thing between you two, whenever you'd run up to see him, he'd greet you with a smile and a small pat on the head
whenever he holds you, he feels like he has the whole world in his hands (which he firmly believes he actually does)
and you, you love the warmth of his touch
he would leave small gifts
diluc may constantly be absorbed in his work, but there's almost never a moment where you leave his thoughts
he'd be walking down the streets or around the winery and suddenly think, "ah! they would surely love this" or "huh, this reminds me of that one time they stupidly tripped down a hill"
and he would promptly be reminded about the million reasons why he loves you
up until today, there's hardly been a time where he came home without something in hand
sometimes it's a small flower that he thought would match your outfit today, sometimes he goes out of his way to buy you some materials that he knows you've been needing recently
whatever it is, the effort that goes into getting you these gifts is always worth it if he gets to see the bright smile on your face
Kaeya ❣
he would keep an arm around you
oftentimes it's around your shoulder, sometimes it's around your waist
wherever you go, kaeya loves to keep you close to him
maybe it's because there's a deep-rooted fear that you may disappear if he doesn't cherish you enough, yes, that point still stands
but! more than that, it's simply because he loves being near you
he can't get enough of your beauty, your lovely voice and cute smile — he's absolutely drunk on you
he would openly admit that he also likes showing you off too
he wants to make sure that everyone knows just how great of a person you are, so that they could shower you in the praise that you deserve
this man would never leave your side unless he has to
he would let his guard down
everyone knows kaeya for his smug personality, there's almost never a moment where he's not acting haughty
but there are times where even he gets tired of keeping that act
and those times are when he's with you
of course, he still pulls out a joke and teases you from time to time (he can't help it, it's practically in his blood), but he's also a lot calmer and relaxed when you're together
or should i say, he becomes soft
he doesn't feel the responsibility of being the cavalry captain or the pressure of being, well, kaeya
at least the kaeya that the rest of mondstadt thinks he is
he knows he's popular and that some people have mixed feelings about him, but he has complete trust into you, knowing that you love him for who he actually is — both the personality he projects, and the quieter one he keeps hidden
Xiao ❣
he would watch you as you leave
xiao's primary job is to protect liyue, so this makes sense
you are just as important (if not, more) to him, so he would do anything in his power to keep you safe
but of course, there is an extent to his doting, he understands your individuality and knows you're very capable of taking care of yourself
though that doesn't stop him from sitting on the roof of wangshu inn and watching your figure retreat into the distance
he'd sit there and watch you until you were out of his sight
this means even if you stop to talk with other travellers or merchants along the way, or if you get off track because you've spotted the resources you've been needing recently
xiao's a patient man, and not a single ounce of him would complain about that; all that matters is that you're safe
he also finds it cute when you spot a familiar face and get all happy, though he can't understand how you could possibly be excited about meeting someone
he would kiss you when you're asleep
or maybe... you weren't actually asleep but he thought you were asleep !?!?
speculations aside, i think this is the vulnerable side he would only show in private
we all know he doesn't really care for relationships or as he calls it "mutual understanding", so falling in love was already something really big for him
but seeing you asleep, sometimes on his lap, or against his chest, or next to him in bed, he can't stop the urge to plant a soft kiss on your forehead
he literally cannot stop it; the warm buzz in his chest and the way his heart warms as he kisses you
only being near you quells those feelings
sometimes you stir in your sleep because of him, so he'd spend the next while gently stroking your head to lull you back to sleep
Albedo ❣
he would trust you
okay look, that might not sound like much, but to an alchemist who's always making sure that everything is precise and accurate, it's difficult to find someone that he doesn't have to be wary of while conducting experiments
add on that internal battle he's constantly having with himself, it's relieving to finally have someone that he can be himself around; he doesn't have to keep his guard up
whenever you enter the lab, he doesn't have to pause his current experiment to accommodate to your presence
usually, he'd have to stop, so that he could focus and discuss matters with whoever came in without interruptions
however, you both have this mutual agreement that if you came in while he was working, he didn't have to worry about diverting his attention — he could finish it and as soon as he does, he would give you all the attention in the world
he appreciates that you genuinely listen to his speculations about life as most people tend to brush off his rambling and nonsense
he would constantly draw you
as an artist, albedo knows the importance of occasional practice and warm-ups to ensure his skills don't get rusty
so why not practice on you?
to him, you were the perfect model, he was fascinated by every single detail of your body and he thought you always moved with elegance
he doesn't think he would ever get bored of drawing the same thing over and over again, because he learns something new about you every single day
and most of the time, you aren't even aware that he's sketching you
he'd quietly sit at a distance and watch as you carry on with your own work
by the time you're done, his page would be full of small sketches
if you nudge him, he might give in and show you those drawings, but oftentimes, he keeps them to himself
he's sure you already know how beautiful you are, and if not, then boy oh boy is he whipping out the sketchbook
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brattata · 2 years
hellooo howre you?? i hope youre doing great! id like to request a genshin matchup please ^^
for the age range i would prefer someone pver or 18 please
my pronouns are she/her and id like to be matched with a male character, im an entp and my love languages are gift giving and physical touch (although i have a really hard time expressing my feelings)
as for personality, in a person who sometimes talks a LOT.. like way too much but then i get tired and dont say a word for hours, im usually very energetic and more of a comical relief person hehe and i also love teasing people. for the good traits id say i can get along and understand pretty much anyone, im a very empathetic person and i always try to male everyone happy. for the bad ones id say since im a huge people pleaser i tend to bubble up my emotions and sometimes its hard to control them, i can also be kind of childish at times when im too stressed
for my likes and insterests i wanna say drawing (im going fo art school aadhshe im so happyi really adore it) i love reading a lot and especially about history. i also love rock/metal music and true crime.
for the fluff alphabet letters im gonna say L, O and K
thank you sm!!
Hey there, anon! I’m going to assign you a 🤘for masterlist purposes.
I went back and forth on this one between Kaeya and Albedo. 🤔 Poly Kaebedo maybe?
Ultimately I think you’re just a liiitle bit more compatible with…
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Kaeya Alberich!
You know that “we irritating 😂😂😂” meme? That’s you. You’re Mondstadt’s golden couple, but also just a little too much sometimes. 😝 I could see Kaeya initially getting close to you as an information source (since you’re well liked in Mondstadt and seemingly can’t stop yourself from spilling all the hot goss), sticking around because he finds your rambling and childishness cute and enjoys riling you up, and gradually falling in love with your deeply empathetic nature. For whatever reason I don’t see Kaeya being super into metal (though he’ll listen to it and go to shows with you, like a good bf), but I could see him being an extremely troll-y true crime fan.
K is for Kiss
Okay, I’m undoubtedly biased because he’s my favorite, but there’s no way he’s not an amazing kisser, right? Very seductive and playful, perfectly smooth lips, just the right amount of tongue, and he’s also great at using his hands. Like, suggestively rubbing your waist (not too high or low ofc, he’s an honorable Knight of Favonius after all), or maybe trailing a chilly fingertip down the side of your neck. If his kissing technique has a flaw, it’s that he can be a little lacking in genuine passion. But be patient with him, it’s just hard for him to express his true feelings sometimes.
L is for Love Confession
This would be very difficult for Kaeya I think. Like you, he’s used to keeping his emotions locked up tight, but he almost never loses control of them - at least, not where anyone else can see. He has a lot of trauma around losing or being left by people he loves - his bio dad, his adopted dad, his adopted brother, to name a few. There’s also his heavy responsibilities as cavalry captain (/basically one-man FBI of Mondstadt), the looming threat of Khaenri’ah (and what side he’ll choose when that goes down), just so many justifications for keeping you at arm's length. He’ll only confess when it seems like he’s in danger of losing you, and even then part of you may worry he’s just telling you what you want to hear, but he means it.
O is for On Cloud Nine
To most people in Mondstadt Kaeya in love is almost identical to his usual charming self. But you know the three people who notice the biggest change? Venti, Rosaria, and Diluc. Kaeya still spends most of his evenings hanging out in Angel’s Share - that’s actually for work as much as for fun - but he gets drunk less often and rarely stays until closing time now that he has someone to go home to. Diluc thanks you for influencing Kaeya to be a less obnoxious customer (but secretly it’s for making his brother happy 🥲).
Congrats anon, and as a diehard Kaeya simp I hope you’re happy with the result! 😉
For others who may be reading, I’m not taking matchup requests right now, but I do take requests for HCs and drabbles. Please check out my pinned post for more info.
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genshin-impacted · 4 years
liquid courage // Kaeya x Reader
Word Count: ~3k
Notes: gender-neutral reader, Kaeya/Reader; cw alcohol, established friendship; friends to lovers (real quick); tons of flirting/bantering (and kissing), PDA, third-person POV of relationship
Summary: And there it is again-- another chance to back away. You wonder how many times there have been close calls like this when the flirting feels all too real and your feelings almost bubble to the surface. Tonight, the two of you are a little tipsy, a little braver, and more reckless-- and you do not back down from Kaeya when he looks like he wants to kiss you.
Kaeya is an intelligent, well-to-do charming individual and the whole of Mondstadt knows it. As far as the citizens know, he’s the captain of utmost chivalry (especially to the elderly population), and to the Knights, he’s a thinker who, despite his status and position, keeps people at arm’s length.
Except for you.
For most of the people in Mondstadt, they take a look at you and Kaeya and there is no doubt you are the closest of friends. When you buy dinner at The Good Hunters, you always order skewers for Kaeya, and when you are late for your nightly drinking, Kaeya subtly slides his drink to the side to save a seat for you. In both daylight and nighttime, the two of you exchange words in a fast-paced banter that makes it easy for either of you to get along. Or so the common folk assume; they certainly do not converse with Kaeya the way you do, which has always, in some way or another, included some back-and-forth-- some more flirty than others.
"The bed was lonely without you," Kaeya croons when you finally get back from a week-long journey. You choke on your spit when he gives you his best sultry stare. Before, this statement would have turned heads, but the Knights and citizens of Mondstadt are far too used to hearing these snippets of your conversation-- not that it makes it any less interesting to listen to. (And if people take notes on the flirty comments for future use, that is neither here nor there.)
"The feeling is mutual," you coo, recovering quickly as you grasp your hands in prayer. "I spent every night looking at the stars and thinking how much they reminded me of your eyes."
"Oho, thinking of me before you sleep, huh?"
"Every night--"
God forbid a child hears the two of you, but for the most part, you keep it friendly. A jab here-- “I didn’t know you were such a… slacker”-- a flirty remark here-- “Kaeya, just who are you trying to show off to with that outfit”-- whatever makes the other's lips upturn and whatever comes to mind first almost like a battle of wits. However facetious your comments are to each other, the people do not question your friendship for the times you bump shoulders after coming home from an expedition in varying levels of wear and tear with a grin on your faces.
(“I’m just glad Kaeya has someone to look after him,” Jean answers when someone asks about the two of you. She pauses and sighs. “...And the other way around.”)
For whatever reason, no one has ever taken your flirty remarks to each other seriously despite how long they’ve been going for. Nothing has made them question your friendship for how long it has stood or how real the flirty remarks are (if they ever have been in the first place).
The problem with joking about something or doing something ironically is that oftentimes it ends up being quite real.
"Sir Kaeya," you say dramatically one day when Kaeya comes back from an expedition that takes twice as long. You place your hand over your heart, ignoring the way it beats rapidly at the sight of him safe and sound. "Oh, how I have missed you."
"And I, too, my dear heart," Kaeya replies back without a beat in between. And it seems you cannot hide the relief on your face because he drops his flirty grin to settle into a soft smile. "Worried about me?"
Without a flirty remark to hide behind, you can only nod.
(If not for the fact that sometimes you actually feel your face warm from Kaeya’s comments or praises-- and more so when they are actually genuine-- you would have been otherwise ignorant to your own growing feelings for a certain cavalry captain.)
Kaeya always ruffles your hair then, even if you squawk at him and jab at his non-injured side, and those feelings are placed in the back burner to brew later.
The tender moments come and go, and neither of you is the type to sit in it, for how easy it is to clear the air and go back to bantering. You don't mind either way if you were honest. You're the only one who Kaeya shamelessly flirts with and you're the only one privy to the thoughts he holds (especially when drunk). You hold a special position as his friend and he has a special place in your heart as well.
You would be lying to say that everything between the two of you was platonic, not when sometimes you catch yourself staring at Kaeya when he's not looking or wondering briefly what his hair would feel like through your fingers. (You attempt to run your hands through it once but he's much too quick and tall for you to catch him unawares, and now it has become a game that usually ends up with your hair looking like a nest gone wrong.) The thoughts come and go, and you are content with being Kaeya’s friend, for now.
"Another, please!" You wave your hand in the air as you grin, Diona huffing even as she provides two new drinks for you to bring back to your table. "Thank you," you sing, walking with a sort of sway that makes you spill some of the drink on your hands. You're buzzed, that much is certain; you lick at your hand to save what you can before you slam the drinks down in front of Kaeya.
"Bottoms up," you cheer, clinking glasses with Kaeya who laughs a little more freely now that he has a few drinks in him.
"Are you sure you can handle any more?" Kaeya asks, swirling his drink with an amused smile. "No use in pushing yourself. If you're trying to drink as much as Rosaria, you might as well stop now."
"Friends that drink together stay together-- or however that phrase is supposed to go," you say, waving your hand flippantly as Kaeya snorts in his drink. "Something, something, I can drink more. Trust."
"Stop," Kaeya laughs, putting down his drink and throwing his head back. You grin up at him when he throws his arm over your shoulder. "You didn't even give me a real reason."
"You didn't give me a reason when I caught you day drinking the other day," you retort playfully, and Kaeya snickers again, putting his hands in the air.
"What, can't a guy enjoy a Death After Noon... after noon?"
"You're terrible."
"I'm terrific."
You're warm from the drink pouring down your throat and the arm comfortably hooked around your shoulder. If Kaeya notices you lean into him more, he does not say a word, but you joke again, not straying an inch from his side as though you're addicted to his warmth. And aren't you, in a way? With how you keep coming back to the thought that your best friend is one of the most attractive men in Mondstadt, that his eyelashes are unfairly long, and that sometimes you wish you could kiss his eyepatch-- just to see if you can fluster him like he always does to you with you.
Ah, you think, feeling the heady pull of intoxication, there are those thoughts again.
You laugh lightly at something he says under his breath about one of the other customers in Cat's Tail and take the moment to push the thoughts away when Kaeya suddenly cups your face. You would complain about the way he maneuvers your face to his pleasure, turning your head this way and that, but you laugh instead, inwardly pleased by the attention.
"What is it?"
"Lipgloss," he says, and you blame the alcohol for dulling your senses when you only stare blankly at him, wondering if you accidentally missed a piece of the conversation. He snorts when he sees the evident confusion and explains, "Lipgloss-- are you wearing them right now?"
"No?" You ask back, laughing as you shyly swat his hands away to no avail, "I don't think so?" When Kaeya only hums, you reply back almost instinctively, spurred on by your thoughts and-- well, your remarks have always been on the cusp of being real. You press your lips together as your heart races. "Why, they look kissable?"
"Very," he says teasingly, and you smile widely at him as though the two of you were not in an intimate position.
There's always a way out, you realize, at every step of the way-- to deescalate, to redirect the conversation, and treat it as a joke. You could have changed the subject and talked about how dry the weather has been; Kaeya could have replied back as sultry as ever and dropped his hands from your face.
But he doesn't.
Instead, his thumb surreptitiously brushes over your bottom lip, and you look up at him and wonder what your eyes look like to him at the moment.
It would be easy to playfully push him away and call him a flirt. But you don't.
You meet his eyes and say, "Why don't you find out for yourself?"
There is a pause, then-- "Alright." And you can feel Kaeya close the distance between the two of you, his free hand wrapped around the arm you placed onto the table. Your breath hitches when Kaeya stops with his lips an inch from yours and looks at you searchingly.
And there it is again-- another chance to back away. You wonder how many times there have been close calls like this when the flirting feels all too real and your feelings almost bubble to the surface. Tonight, the two of you are a little tipsy, a little braver, and more reckless-- and you do not back down from Kaeya when he looks like he wants to kiss you.
Your eyes flutter closed, and that is the last thing Kaeya needs to close the distance completely.
It is a kiss that is all too chaste-- something that, when people think of Kaeya, is not what they would associate him with. But this is a Kaeya you're familiar with, have seen a glimpse of-- and you are warm everywhere when Kaeya gently slides his lips over yours and tilts his head to fit with you better. Everything is hazy, and you think it's the alcohol, but you're hyper-aware of the softness of his lips on yours, the way your hand reaches out to hold onto the front of his shirt, and the way he holds you so tenderly.
You think you can kiss him forever.
(Neither of you takes note, but the bar has quieted down considerably as the table next to you stares, gaping as the two of you kiss. And with their heads turned, others turn with them as the two of you inadvertently pull the rug from under all of them. The two of you are dating? Since when? Was the flirting never just a joke? What was happening?!
I need a drink, someone says, and the rest of them nod in agreement, much to Diona’s dismay.)
Kaeya is the one that pulls away first, laughing under his breath. “Are you even breathing?” He asks you teasingly, his hand still cupping your face. “I know I take your breath away, but you can’t faint on me.”
You snort, your hand raising up to cover your smile. “Sorry,” you drawl, watching as his hand falls to your thigh. “You were just so breathtaking I forgot how to do anything.”
“Well,” Kaeya says, his voice low enough to be a purr. “You sure knew how to kiss, though.”
You laugh, waving your hand flippantly. “Why, thank you,” you simper, doing a mock-bow. “Same to you. Excellent skills, Sir Kaeya; my heart skipped a few beats there.”
Kaeya lets out another laugh as you pick up your drink and smile into it. And like that, you two are where you first started-- almost.
The two of you talk about whatever comes to mind, bantering ever so often. But for the rest of the night, Kaeya’s hand stays on your wrist, his thumb rubbing over your hand absently, and you catch yourself staring down at his lips as he talks. If you end up in his space again, you stay a little longer, even as you start to sober up and feel your eyes grow heavy.
“Aw, is it your bedtime?” You hear Kaeya say from the temporary darkness you placed yourself in as you bury your face into your arms on the table.
“Shut up, Kaeya.” You snicker, swatting away his hands when they poke at your cheek. “It’s been a long day.”
“Well, I suppose I’ll just have to walk you home now, don’t I?”
This time you are the one looking up at him searchingly, watching for signs of whether he’s joking or not. Your eyes stop at his lips and you turn your head into your arms again. “...Sure,” you say. “Thanks.”
You aren’t sure if you can ever flirt with Kaeya in the same way again, with how your heart skips at the thought of him, but you will manage if that’s what you have to do. You push your stool under the table and throw Kaeya a smile when he opens the door for you to exit first. (You don’t know why Diona glares at the two of you when you wave goodbye, but judging by the cat-nipped smile on Kaeya’s face, you can probably ask him later.)
You’re surprised from your thoughts when you feel a weight on your shoulders, and when your hands reach up to touch it, you feel fur wrapped around your neck. It smells like Kaeya.
“You looked cold,” Kaeya says when you look at his cardigan wrapped around you before glancing back at him. He does not let you provide a response when he starts walking ahead of you. When you make a noise of displeasure, running to catch up to him, he laughs, quietly slowing down his pace until the two of you are walking synchronously.
For once, the two of you are silent.
Every so often your hands brush over his, and your thoughts are loud when they tell you how much you want to hold his hand. You think you will dream of that kiss you shared with him tonight, and then tomorrow the day will begin as normal, teetering on the edge of platonic and romantic. The more you think about the less fine you feel about leaving everything as it is. You don’t want to overcomplicate things but there are so many questions that you want to be answered. Did that kiss mean anything? Does Kaeya have feelings for you? Does he know you like him?
The walk to your home is much too quick this time around, and you are already shedding the cardigan Kaeya has given you as the two of you reach your doorstep. Wordlessly, Kaeya takes back his jacket and you open your mouth without anything to say.
Of all the time for you to be speechless in front of your best friend, it had to be now.
“Good night then,” he says, a second faster than you. With the moon behind him, it’s hard to see his face, but you can imagine how his lips quirk up into a soft smile with how he speaks to you-- and your heart tightens. “Be sure to drink some more water. Can’t have you waking up with a hangover now, can we?”    
You nod, lowering your head. “Yeah,” you say. “Same to you.”
The silence is deafening.
Without another word, you hear Kaeya’s boots shift the gravel underneath his feet, and though there is no more liquid courage coursing through your veins, you tell yourself to be reckless anyways. Your relationship will survive, you tell yourself. Whatever happens, Kaeya will be important to you.
You call out his name.
When he turns around, you ask him to kiss you again.
It’s hard to imagine what sort of expression he has on his face when you’re in uncharted territory, and the slow response has you sweating bullets. But then you hear a quiet “Alright,” and Kaeya is in front of you, putting his hands onto the wall behind you.
You are ready when he dips his head down to kiss you again.
It is just as good as it was the first time.
You wrap your arms around him, a hand buried into his head (finally!) and another clasped behind his neck as he pulls you closer to him with a hand on your waist. Those with Cryo Visions run cold but Kaeya’s lips are nothing but warm as they nip at you and press onto yours over and over again. You bite back a pleasant gasp when you allow him entry, his tongue sliding across yours that has you hazy.
You break away first, and you note vaguely that you are not the only one breathing heavily.
“On a scale from one to ten,” Kaeya says, holding you close to him with a grin, “would you say that was better than what we did in the tavern?”
You roll your eyes even though your face warms at the comment. “Bold of you to assume I would kiss and tell.”
“I do well with constructive feedback, you know,” he quips, making you laugh. “What? Are you saying I don’t?”
“No,” you say, breathless from the kiss and from the elation that everything was okay. “No, I’m just thinking how I would write an evaluation for you with strengths, weaknesses, and improvements--”
Kaeya kisses you again and you forget what you wanted to say.
“...Is this all I have to do to win an argument against you?” He says teasingly, and you headbutt into his chest, much to his amusement.
“It’ll stop working eventually,” you say, settling your hands behind his back as you rest your face onto him. He hums as he holds you close, and you look up at him again and grin. “Guess you’ll have to see how many times it’ll work though.”
And Kaeya laughs into the kiss as you pull him down for another one.
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blacktassel · 4 years
drunken feelings.
summary: sometimes you need your completely drunk brother to confess your feelings for you
prompt: “is somebody jealous?” (req)
pairing: diluc x gn!reader (feat. kaeya and venti)
word count: ~1.4k
genre/warnings: fluff, humour, sfw, diluc sucks at confessing
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It was common knowledge that sometimes Kaeya got a little too drunk.
And when he got a little too drunk, he seemed to bring out an alternate side - or rather, sides - of himself; hidden personas only a bucket of magical alcohol (and the influence an equally drunk bard) could bring out.
You and your fellow barmaid kept a record of every type of drunk Kaeya you’d witnessed; and in the span of your few months working at the Angel’s Share, you’d encountered multiple already. 
So far, there was the moody-drunk Kaeya (who’d sulked in a corner for half the night, only to be dragged out by Diluc himself), flirty-drunk Kaeya (who would’ve been more suave if he hadn’t been tripping over his own feet every minute), tearful-drunk Kaeya (who would not stop crying at the bard’s songs) and poet-drunk Kaeya (...never again).
Tonight, it seemed like the Cavalry Captain had had too much to drink again.
“Behold…” Your co-worker says beside you, looking over the wine glasses she was wiping, “the wildcard Kaeya,” 
You nod, approving of the label. “His mood’s changed three times tonight. From his usual self to poet to moody to…” You glance at Kaeya in the corner, who now seemed to be dabbing at his eyes. “Teary?” 
What sort of new alcoholic drink did Diluc put on the menu?
“You don’t think that bard has got something to do with it? Venti, they called him?” Your co-worker glances at the green figure who was now singing his heart out to a sad ballad - he had half the tavern of drunken citizens and Cavalry Captains swaying and tearing up along with him. You suspect he’s had one too many drinks himself.
“Is it already this rowdy?” You hear Diluc sigh as he comes in through the back door, already shrugging off his coat and holding a hair tie between his teeth. There’s a freshly bandaged cut on his cheek, you notice. You wonder what he gets up to outside of working at the bar; delivering wine and doing business definitely didn’t result in fresh bandages every week. I’ll ask about it later, you decide, pushing the worries to the back, First we’ve got to make sure nobody ends up blacking out.
“Master Diluc, you’re here!” you greet, relieved to see another person who wasn’t drunk beyond his wits. “It’s.. going to be a night, alright. Your brother he’s already...”
Diluc sighed again, tightening his ponytail, which was tied up high tonight. He seems to have grasped the situation already. “I’m going to have a word with the new importers,” He slides you a box of tissues. “Give these to Kaeya… we don't want to have to wipe the tables of tears,”
You nod, carrying over the tissues through a crowd of now quietly weeping drunks and past Venti (who was currently taking a drink break, and looked a little too proud of his influence over the crowd) to the cavalry captain’s table in the corner.
Just as you set the box down on the table, Kaeya flashes you his signature smile. “Ah it’s you! thank you-” He sniffs. “-kind one!” He pulls out a handful of tissues, and blows his nose dramatically; drawing the stares of a now-quiet tavern. 
Kaeya is blissfully unaware of the stares and awkward silence, and to make things worse, he lets his head fall face flat onto the table in front of him. Venti chuckles and awkwardly strums his lyre, before starting up his next song.
“Uh.. are you alright, sir Kaeya?” You shake his shoulder gently. He doesn’t stir. 
What was in those drinks? 
You stand next to him, attempting to wake Kaeya up again as Venti’s next song progresses. 
Without warning, Kaeya whips his head up, slightly dazed. “A lo - hic! - love song!” Kaeya babbles out, tears pricking in his eyes again. “Hm. How fitting…” His eyes go to Diluc, who was glancing over, and then to you, before he smirks. “A fool who’s too shy to confess his feelings… and the one he’s in love with,”
You open your mouth to rebut - before you freeze. What was he rambling on about this time? ‘How fitting?’ What was that supposed to mean? 
Before you could ask him about the number of drinks he had that evening, he burst out again “Hm. If only you’d notice the way he looks at you… You see, Diluc talks in the looks he gives. Glowers. Hard stares. Rolling his eyes. I’ve been his brother for years and have managed to see a whole range of looks come out of him…” he chuckles to himself as he looks over at Diluc, “...and I’ve never seen that look he gives you, before… It's shy. And hesitant.” He finishes, before hiccuping loudly.
“Uh...” Heat rushes up to your cheeks. Diluc? Harbouring feelings... for you?
Kaeya gestures at you, signalling you to come closer. You make eye-contact with Diluc, who was coming over in your direction with a glass of wine, before awkwardly ducking down next to Kaeya. “And what’s more, did you know that Diluc-”
“Oh? We were just talking about you, Diluc,” Kaeya smiles slyly up at his brother, who was clearly sick of Kaeya’s antics. “You see, I’ve noticed your little crush on [name] here-”
“Kaeya. How many drinks have you had?” Diluc interrupted, unfazed.
Kaeya guffaws. “Oh? Trying to change the topic? How classic of you, Diluc,” he places his chin on his palm. “Or.. is somebody jealous? That I was able to confess your own feelings before you?” He sends you a wink. “Trust me, he would have been a saggy old man before he’d ever work up the courage to-”
Diluc swishes the wine glass in his hand, and suddenly that’s all Kaeya cares about. He reaches out, plucking it out of Diluc’s hands. “For me? You shouldn’t have,”
You look at Diluc in shock. What was he thinking? Kaeya was in no position to drink another glass. But before you can stop him, he downs the glass completely.
He spits it out instantly.
“My, you’re cruel.” Kaeya says, “Grape… Juice…”
Diluc stands, arms crossed and looking down at Kaeya. You get the feeling that this definitely wasn’t the first time he’d done this.
While Kaeya sits stunned, and deeply offended, you hear someone making their way through the crowd, “Sir? Sir!” a young man bursts through the crowd. He must be a knight. He hauls Kaeya up by slinging an arm around him, who was now descending into wallowing in self-pity.
The knight sighs, looking at his own Cavalry Captain. “Master Diluc was right.. You’ve had too much to drink.” Kaeya scoffs, but now that he was on his feet, he was too disorientated to make a comeback. 
It didn’t stop him from trying to get back at his brother, though. As the Captain stumbled past the two of you, he pats your head, and completely dishevels Diluc’s hair, a stupid grin on his face. Diluc doesn’t blink.
After he’s left, Diluc pinches the bridge of his nose, sighing. “Archons…” He turns towards you. “He didn’t… make you uncomfortable at all, did he?” he asks, worried.
“Oh, no! He didn’t. He just… changed his mood pretty quickly,” You let out a laugh. “He really must’ve have had too much to drink, I’ve never seen him like this before,”
He nods in agreement. The two of you stand there, awkward. You shift on your feet, heat pricking at your cheeks, remembering what Kaeya told you.
Diluc coughs, ears now bright red. “About what Kaeya said-” 
“Don’t worry about it, it was probably the alcohol speaking-” You rush out, trying to push down any hope you had inside of you. You can’t fathom the idea of Diluc having feelings for you - he’s never had feelings for anyone, as far as you knew.
“It’s true.” Diluc glances at you, before looking down at the floor. “I… have feelings for you,”
Oh. Nevermind.
“You don’t have to accept them; don’t feel obligated to say anything-”
“No, Diluc, it’s okay,” You look up at him, a small smile on your face. “I like you too,”
Tonight’s events must have given you a decent burst of adrenaline, because before you realise it, you go on your tiptoes, and give him a small kiss on the cheek. “We can talk later; we’re on the job still, remember?” And with that, you spin on your heels, and walk back to the bar, heart beating out of your chest.
Diluc’s left standing, stunned, and now bright red.
Behind him, Venti laughs and plucks at a few of his chords playfully. “Is Diluc... speechless?”
Venti was almost never allowed to play at the Angel’s Share after that.
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hydrospearuser · 3 years
Headcanons: Dating Kaeya, Tartaglia and Xingqiu
Gender neutral reader, SFW (aside from some joking), comfort Warning for alcohol
Kaeya Alberich
He’s a huge tease, but we already know that, don’t we?
However, he is also very perceptive. Kaeya will pay close attention to your well-being and how you react to things he does; if he catches you seriously disliking anything he will stop immediately and make sure you feel better as soon as possible.
Despite his flirty nature, it took him a while to find someone (you) and he actually only ever flirted with others. You’re probably his first partner.
That doesn’t mean that he has no idea how a relationship works though. Again, he is very perceptive, he’s seen how things work and how they don’t and what he should and shouldn’t do.
Is touchy and takes his time to be affectionate with you. Most of the time he’s the big spoon, but ocassionally he snuggles onto your chest, wanting you to caress his hair.
Sometimes just starts to whisper the sweetest compliments into your ear
Nicknames you things like Fine Lady, Boy Toy, Kitten, Gold and Treasure, the last two being jokes on the pirate grandpa situation. In general, a lot of the pet names Kaeya gives to you seem a bit unpersonal and like the basic smug daddy stuff, but he really does love you and you know that. These names, aside from serving the purpose of teasing you, come from heart.
Hugs you from behind a lot. He likes to surprise you with random displays of his affection.
Kaeya might have to leave early in the morning to follow his duties as a Cavalry Captain, but that doesn’t mean he won’t cook you some breakfast. He also lets you sleep as long as you want to, especially because he usually takes you to the taverns with him.
He also makes sure you won’t drink too much and never gets too drunk himself.
Speaking of taverns; you actually get along with Diluc pretty well, to everyone’s surprise. He probably was the first one Kaeya told about your relationship. Now he’s showing you off, though.
He steals a lot of kisses, even in public. Preferably on your lips or neck. Also pulls you close to him when you kiss, holding onto you tightly.
The knights are super supportive of your relationship, Jean and Amber appreciate your presence, Lisa teases you about it by asking slightly uncomfortable questions and don’t get me started about Klee. The little girl loves you, talking to you and the fact that Kaeya brings you with him every now and then.
Childe is incredibly affectionate, especially at home. Loves cuddling with you and always wants you to be near him.
Dating Childe lowkey feels like you’re dating Zhongli as well. Not in the actual romance aspect, he’s just sort of always sticking around, but you don’t mind as he’s pretty nice and if you and Childe wanted more space, he’d give that to you.
Childe goes out with you a lot; be it nice restaurants or just sitting somewhere outside and enjoying yourself.
It’s important to him that you get along with his family—and you do, very well, even.
You love how he treats his family and how important they’re all to him. And you’re very glad to be a part of it now.
Speaking of which, Tartaglia is also very devoted to you. He does treat you well and babies you a lot.
When he stumps his toe, he starts whining like a little baby but when he’s actually injured or sick, Childe acts like he’s perfectly fine. Though you won’t let him get out of bed in such situations.
He really doesn’t want you to do anything in the household. He wants to cook, he wants to do the laundry, he wants to do it all on his own so you can relax. Jokes on him, you’re scared he’ll overwork himself with that, so you forcefully do some of the chores by yourself.
Tartaglia is super scared your relationship will hurt you, so he’s really protective of you and always lays an eye on you.
Oh, he also loves to give you nicknames, but his are more out of the “simp”, classical and companion categories, such as Prince(ss), Comrade, My Love, Darling and so on. Not that he forgot about calling you Girlie when you first met. Sometimes, he does a little throwback to that because he likes remembering every moment he spent with you.
To be honest, he showers you in affection and compliments and is also a little playful.
He really does take you everywhere, just to protect you. And because he likes being close to you a lot.
Even though he loves to snuck out of home, he’ll always let you know where he is.
Xingqiu’s love language is very gentleman-like, to say the least.
He loves kissing the back of your hand, your cheeks, head or forehead or just. All over your pretty little face.
Lets your head rest on his lap while he’s reading and carefully stroking your hair. He loves these small little gestures. They might be subtle, yet show a lot in his opinion.
In public, he’s a lot less affectionate but still can’t hold back from stealing some little kisses or intertwining your arms elegantly.
Xingqiu’s very classic—you’re guessing right if you think he got that from his books.
This young man loves a little adventure, so the two of you always meet up somewhere outside at night or he asks you to snuck into his house. Through the window, preferably. You then cuddle, read together or exchange little displays of affection.
He can be a bit shy, but sometimes he’s also really playful and a bit daring.
He prefers formal and classic nicknames, like My Lady/Lord, My Heart’s Desire, Darling, My Love and of course My Liege. The latter is for more playful times.
Likes to take you out on book shop or library dates, gifts you flowers and loves to take walks with you.
Chongyun is also with you a lot. He was wary of you at first, but now he likes you and is pretty happy that Xingqiu has found someone like you for himself.
You think it’s totally adorable when Xingqiu rambles about his books.
He also teaches you how to read his handwriting and is very fascinated by yours.
He would love to travel around with you (and Chongyun), but unfortunately he’s prohibited to do so. Maybe somewhen in the future.
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bow-x-reader · 3 years
Can I ask for a comfort scenario with Albedo, Xiao, and Kaeya with an s/o whose going through an existential crisis? There has been a lot of change recently in my life and I don't really know who I am or what I want anymore 🙃
oh dear, i understand... what a horrid feeling that is, one i sympathize with. i do hope these scenarios bring you comfort, and please do not hesitate to send me a message if you need an ear to bend 💚
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word count: 555
warnings: slight existentialism, angst
~°.• ☆
understanding people is difficult for the alchemist. their moods, their preferences, their behaviours… all fascinating to observe, but hard to wrap his head around, so he didn't care to.
you, however, are an odd exception. albedo could never take his eyes off you the day you began your help with his research. he found you much more than just interesting, and in spending more time with you, he came to understand his own feelings towards you: love. 
so when he found you at your desk with your head in your hands, he felt concerned, but he didn't know how to show it on his face.
" good… morning? " his tone hitched up with the unsure statement, and you couldn't hold back a bitter laugh.
" if only, if only. " you reply.
albedo's brows furrow, and he takes his sketchbook from his desk slowly. you were sassy at times, but this feels off. distant. cold like snow. it was dreadful to the blonde. clearing his throat, his head tilts away, and he casts his gaze out the window.
" if you wish to discuss the circumstances, i am all ears, " he says in a soft drawl. " though, i find i am not good with words of comfort. "
you sigh and rest your chin on your fist, staring at him while your legs cross. you watch as he pulls up a chair and sits across from you, charcoal in hand, sketchbook in his lap, ready to take notes. you choke back a scoff and rustle your own hair in frustration. 
" i didn't know you were a therapist, too. alright then. "
and so you start. you talk about the ungodly detachment you feel from the world. from yourself. your body doesn't feel like yours. you don't feel yours. nothing is right and it makes your head spin. you want answers but there are none in sight and you don't know where to look.
as you speak, albedo scribbles notes in his sketchbook, nodding along and occasionally asking a question for clarification. it's frustrating, yes, but you know deep down that it's how he's trying to understand, in his own special way. the sentiment is a little reassuring in the end.
by the time you finish, he's still writing, and you fidget nervously in your seat. you worry he'll be upset with you, though you don't know why. he's never been upset with you before.
you snap from your thoughts when he stands and sets his materials down on his chair, walking around the desk to stand before you. you give him a confused look before he takes your face into his hands and presses your foreheads together. the sudden affection catches you off guard, but you feel oddly grounded by the action, so you close your eyes and gently put your hands over his.
" it's alright to be confused sometimes, my dear, " he says and kisses the tip of your nose. " but if you would like reassurance of your being, perhaps we could run some tests to see? "
you can't help but snort out a laugh. a pointless suggestion, but so naively precious that it warms your heart. it just lets you know he truly does care, and if you mean so much to him, then maybe you do exist. you're here, with albedo, and he won't let you forget it.
~°.• ☆
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word count: 388
warnings: mentions of alcohol, slight existentialism, angst
~°.• ☆
" oh, kaeya, i can't take it! "
the cavalry captain jolts as you hit your hands on the desk, shaking your head and holding it afterwards. he walks over from the bookshelf he stood at to wrap his arms around you, shushing you under his breath and rocking you. 
kaeya is always quick to use his body to comfort you, but you don't want just his touch. you want to hear his voice. you want to hear him say your name and affirm who you are. who are you? do you know? does he know? you let out a soft cry and try to hit the desk again, but he takes hold of your wrists, kissing your knuckles.
" don't just spoil me, " you whine, and he bats his eyelashes at you before tilting his head. " talk to me. "
" is that what you want? "
" hell if i know, kaeya! "
he shushes you again, carefully and sweetly, and he lets go of your hands. one finger tilts your head up into a gentle kiss and you try to enjoy it, but it doesn't feel real. nothing does.
you push yourself up and out of your chair, and kaeya wastes no time wrapping around your waist. you whine wordlessly at this, and try to push him off, but he buries his face in the cook of your neck with a whimper of his own. sighing, you lean against him and cross your arms.
" i'm sorry, [y/n], " he sighs himself now. " i love you so much, but i don't know how to help. do you want a drink? i find it easier to open up when i can't think straight. "
a horrible idea, really. you can never tell right from left when drunk, but kaeya has told you before that you talk often when drunk, so he probably doesn't know any better. you turn your head to kiss his temple, but still reach a hand up to gently tug his hair. he grunts and gives you a sad look, but it fades into worry when he sees the tears in your eyes.
" can you say that again? " you ask shakily.
he understands immediately. 
" i love you. "
" say my name… "
" i love you, [y/n]. my [y/n]. my one and only. "
" that's how you can help. don't stop, please. "
" anything for you. "
~°.• ☆
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word count: 352
warnings: slight existentialism, angst
~°.• ☆
it isn't rare for you to visit wangshu inn, seeing as it was the one place you could consistently find your lover, but this is the first time xiao had seen you so upset upon his summoning.
your face tinted red with frustration, eyes shimmering with unshed tears. you saw him beginning to get upset and figure he thinks someone has hurt you, but the only one hurting you is yourself… right? you let out a broken sob and your arms fly around xiao's waist  catching him off guard as he puts his hands on your shoulders.
" what happened? are you hurt? " his tone is flat, but you can tell there's hints of concern sprinkled in, and you squeeze him close to you.
" i don't know! " you cry out, and he barely flinches at the volume.
you struggle to vocalize your feelings, between choking on tears and not knowing just how to word your thoughts. it feels like your brain is floating in the stars, picked apart and scattered all over to match the glimmering array.
yet xiao seems to understand, and his arms slowly wrap around your shoulders, pulling you against his chest. he runs a hand through your hair and scratches your scalp, other hand rubbing gentle circles on your skin. the precious touches threaten to draw out more tears and you nearly pull away, humiliated, but xiao sinks to his knees and takes you with him, adjusting so you sit in his lap.
" let it out, " his voice is barely above a whisper, but you hear it loud and clear in the night despite the blood rushing in your ears. " i'm here, [y/n]. we're here. "
and so you do. you shake and cry for what feels like hours, and the yaksha holds your through it the whole time.
afterwards, you still don't have yourself in one piece, but he assures you that he'll come when called again. you ask him to stay the night with you at the inn, and with slight hesitance, he agrees, only to ensure your safety.
and that's all you could ask of him.
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genshingal · 4 years
Drunken Mishaps (Kaebedo)
Albedo was sitting in his workshop rather late at night, he was working on an experiment that he didn’t want to leave for the next day. It was a quiet evening in the Favonius headquarters, everyone else had gone home leaving just him with his experiments. He preferred that sometimes. Albedo glanced up at the time seeing it approaching midnight when he heard a knock at the door, curious at who would need assistance at this hour he stood up. Opening the door and starting off right away with, “The knights have gone home if your quarrel is urgent lea-” He was cut off by the scoffing of Diluc.
“I’m not here for that Albedo. I’m here because of him." Scoffed Diluc, adjusting himself slightly. Kaeya was leaning heavily on his back as he hiccuped. “He managed to get his hands on an experimental wine of mine that wasn’t fully processed and got drunk off his ass,” Explained Diluc as Albedo took Kaeya into his arms. Diluc brushed himself off and fixed his jacket, “I don’t care enough to remember where he lives but I know that you two dabble a lot together so you take him.” Says Diluc with disdain as he walks away.
Albedo watches Diluc leave as he looks at Kaeya who was a drunken mess, looking up at him. “Albedoooo~” Slurred Kaeya as he tried to stand but stumbled and Albedo caught him, beginning to pull him over to the couch nearby. “Hello Kaeya,” Hummed Albedo as he gently set Kaeya down. Kaeya groaned and stretched out on the couch looking up at him. “Where am I..” He grunted. Albedo adjusted his jacket. “You’re in my lab, you’re too drunk to walk and I’m too busy to walk you home right now,” Sighed Albedo.
Kaeya nodded softly as he looked around, Albedo went to walk back to his experiment when Kaeya grabbed his jacket and yanked him down on top of him. Albedo jumped slightly and grunted when he hit Kaeya's chest. Blinking repeatedly he sat up and looked at Kaeya before squinting his eyes and fanning in front of his face with his hand. “You reek of alcohol,” He sighed. Kaeya hiccuped before wrapping his arms around Albedo and pulled him back down. “Cuddle meeee,” He whined.
Albedo looked at him. “I have work to do though,” Kaeya groaned and held Albedo tighter. “But I want cuddlessss and you’re the only one heree,” Whined Kaeya again as he nuzzled into Albedos jacket. Albedo rubbed Kaeya’s head. “Kaeya, please let me go. I have experiments to run and it’s hard to do them when you’re holding onto me like a Koala,” Sighed Albedo. Kaeya rolled over on his side pulling Albedo with him as he coddled him like a sloth with a branch. 
Albedo grunted as he hit the couch and looked at Kaeya. “Kaeya, let me go," Huffed Albedo again. Kaeya shook his head and held onto him, nuzzling him happily. Albedo groaned as he paused to think about how to get Kaeya to let him go when he felt something poke him in his thigh. Blinking rapidly he glanced down behind Kaeya’s arms to see he had a boner. Albedo hummed for a moment before coming up with an idea.
Albedo moved his hands around Kaeya’s back and pulled him close, moving his head forward Albedo started to lick and nip at Kaeya’s exposed chest. Kaeya moaned in response and glanced down at him. “Mmm...Here? You’re so naughty~” He cooed. Albedo rolled his eyes as he bit down a little rougher, getting a loud moan from Kaeya. Kaeya’s grip started to loosen and Albedo flipped them around so he was now on top, pulling his hands from behind Kaeya’s back. He pulled down Kaeya’s shirt a little more as he toyed with his nipples. Kaeya moaned and kicked his legs slightly. 
Albedo continued the onslaught on Kaeya’s chest until Kaeya’s arms fully slipped from their grasp on his jacket. Thinking now is his chance to escape, Albedo suddenly leaped up from the embrace standing up besides the couch. Adjusting his jacket and wiping his chin clean from saliva. Breathing a sigh of relief he looked down at Kaeya, who in turn was trying to figure out where he went, his face had gone up a different shade of red as he panted slightly, his chest covered in Albedo’s saliva.
Albedo watched him for a bit before groaning, knowing that if he didn’t finish this then Kaeya wouldn’t shut up enough for him to get work done. Removing his jacket Albedo set it down on the table nearby and went back to Kaeya, stripping him rather quickly. Kaeya shivered when the cold air hit his body. Albedo removed his shirt and boots but left his pants on for now as he climbed back on top of Kaeya.
Kaeya looked down at him panting slightly as Albedo looked up at him and licked at his dick, Kaeya moaned in delight, happy with the response Albedo moved a hand forward to start jacking him off, rapid up and down motions making Kaeya moan and tremble in delight. Albedo glanced up at him before continuing to jack him off, glancing between his dick and looking into Kaeya’s eye.
Kaeya bit his lip as his entire body trembled and he ejaculated quickly on Albedo’s face. Albedo winced slightly closing his eye, as he looked at him licking some off. “That was fast,” Hummed Albedo. Kaeya was still shivering as he held onto the couches cushions. Albedo looked back down to Kaeya’s crotch sighing when he was still hard. “I will never understand alcohol, but fine if it’ll get you tired enough to sleep,” He says to himself as he removed his pants and lifted up Kaeya’s legs over his shoulders. 
Kaeya watched him with a loving gaze as he prepared himself, Albedo stroked himself a couple of times before moving down and thrusting himself into Kaeya’s ass. Kaeya moaned loudly, digging his fingers into the couch cushions, tearing them slightly. Albedo glanced at the cushions and groaned, knowing he’d have to fix that in the morning. But that was a task for the morning, for now he had to focus on the cavalry captain moaning in front of him. 
Adjusting himself slightly, Albedo started to roughly thrust himself into Kaeya’s ass, making Kaeya moan loudly as he held onto the cushions, his body trembling. Albedo moved his hands down from holding onto his legs and to Kaeya’s chest starting to toy with his nipples again. Kaeya tried to say something but his words failed him as he moaned and arched his spine slightly. Albedo leaned down the best he could without hurting Kaeya’s legs as he kissed his chest.
Kaeya moved his hands forward to grip onto Albedo's shoulders moaning incessantly against the once quiet room of Albedo’s lab. “Are you getting close?” Groaned Albedo biting down on Kaeya’s chest. Kaeya couldn’t say anything, the pleasure preventing his words from escaping his throat as he nodded eagerly. Albedo nodded softly in return, moving his hands down from his chest and gripping onto Kaeya’s dick.
Kaeya moaned louder which Albedo didn’t think was possible at this point, as Albedo started to jack him off in time to his thrusts. Kaeya came quickly spurting his semen all over his and Albedo’s chest. Albedo slammed in roughly one more time before cumming as well inside of Kaeya’s ass. Kaeya shivered and trembled as he was filled up. 
Albedo paused for a few moments to catch his breath as he slowly pulled out. Kaeya gasped and moaned softly before sighing happily and relaxing. Albedo gently set Kaeya’s legs down on the couch. Taking a few more moments to catch his breath, Albedo looked over at Kaeya who had passed out. Sighing in relief Albedo stood up and stretched. Grabbing a spare towel he dampened it with some water from the sink and carefully cleaned Kaeya’s body.
Cleaning himself off as well, Albedo pulled his pants back on and after slipping Kaeya’s pants back on for him. He draped his coat over him and went back to his experiments. At least now he hoped he could get some work done with the distraction now quelled.
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