#sometimes visual demonstration is a whole lot better than just reading the instructions
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flammenxci · 3 months ago
Putting a couple of poached eggs in a ramen noodle cup dials up the yumminess by SEVERAL notches.
The runny yolk mixing with the broth is just 🤤
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christoe · 4 years ago
Reflection 2, 3, 4
Reflection 2: The evaluation of a syllabus activity.
• What did you learn from the evaluation of the syllabus? 
I learned the important of words – specifically Blooms taxonomy. I learned that most syllabus’ I’ve seen are just this carbon copy of older syllabus’ that have probably been passed down from old professors before them with no real attention to detail, specifically with the learning goals. There’s no positive tone or personal interest in the students. It’s just kind of an overwhelming amount of information blasted at the student. The only thing I used to use a syllabus for was checking the schedule, which is always multiple pages down in the document.
• Was the syllabus learning-focused, content-focused or balanced? 
The syllabus that I evaluated was a bit of both. The tone of the text was not very personal or positive from the professor, it was just bland and content-focused. The wording was pretty general and not learner focused, did not utilize blooms taxonomy. 
• Why does the focus of a syllabus matter for student learning? 
The syllabus sets the tone for the rest of the course. It’s an introduction before the actual physical introduction. Students should be able to see the value in the course and the learning objectives, rather than just a mandatory class they need for graduation.
• Could the syllabus be modified to be more learning-focused and if so, how? 
The syllabus could definitely be more learning focused with more of a personal, positive tone from my instructor, as well as more specific wording from blooms taxonomy. However, when we discussed content-focused verses learning-focused in my breakout room, we kind of decided that we don’t spend a lot of time reading a syllabus always; we just scan over it to find the schedule, deadlines, and assignment requirements. But maybe this is because all of our syllabi in the past have been content-focused, so we’re so used to scrolling past all the generic, bland content.
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Reflection 3: The design of and feedback on your lesson plan.
• What did you find most difficult about creating your lesson plan? What did you find most difficult about receiving feedback? 
Scheduling the timing was very difficult. I found it hard to plan for participation because it’s hard to pull in the reigns of class participation, especially when it’s going well, and head back into the lesson. For this reason, I only included two, very brief moments of participation without realizing later that for learners to absorb, they need more than this. Sometimes receiving feedback is a tad discouraging, because even when you thought you did a good job and someone points out a flaw, it hurts the ego a bit. That’s just me taking things too personally though! Feedback is absolutely vital in order to absorb all perspectives outside of your own – and someone who takes feedback well will be a better teacher because they’re able to accommodate many more minds than just through their strictly personal perspective.
• Why is effective feedback critical for teaching practice? 
We only ever hear our own brain, and it’s so refreshing to hear opinions or ideas from others. I was partnered with Anna, and she brought up this great point about how my article was a bit ableist – I hadn’t even thought of that! I was so caught up in my lesson planning that I didn’t even consider how those with disabilities would participate in the practice the article suggests – which is to stand up and move around with Shakespeare rather than stagnantly reading it.
• What feedback are you going to use in modifying your lesson plan, and why? 
I’m going to place more emphasis on the emotion and vocal pace of reading Shakespeare, rather than the physical movement like the article suggests. I need to try to be more open and considerate of all bodies in the classroom. 
• What feedback are you NOT going to use in modifying your lesson plan, and why? 
The only feedback I received from this lesson plan created in class was from my breakout room partner, Anna, where we were discussing possibly incorporating a participatory movement moment during my micro-teaching lesson. However, asking everyone to stand up or instructing them to read/memorize something takes time – more time than the 10-minute teaching allotment. I placed more on an emphasis on relaying the vital information from my article rather than physically getting those in my class to do it – maybe this was the wrong idea, but with time constraints it was difficult.
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Reflection 4: The delivery of your first micro-teaching lesson and the peer feedback you received.
• What went well and what didn’t go well? 
The whole presentation went very well! I found an adorable PowerPoint layout on Canva, which inspired me to want to create a visually appealing presentation. It didn’t feel like work, it felt like art! Something that didn’t go well was my lack of classroom participation; I focused heavily on content without actually giving my learners a chance to absorb it, or show they’ve absorbed it, through an activity. Maybe next time I will utilize a post-assessment chart where we collectively fill out what we’ve learned.
• What have you learned about your teaching or you as an instructor through this process? 
I really want to be a professor some day so any feedback is appreciated. I always try to speak clearly and enthusiastically, and this was received well by my learners. Personally, I want my teacher to be themselves, even if that means being a tad more silly than they’re ‘supposed’ to be as teachers, so I really tried to emanate this (being my goofy self) in the lesson. It lightens the mood and makes more of a friendly dynamic than this stark teacher/student dynamic.
• What are you going to use or not use the feedback you received from your first micro-teaching lesson? Why have you made those choices? 
The feedback I received was to break up my presentation more with class engagement – I will definitely be adopting this for my next teaching lesson. I’m not quite sure how yet (how to take out content but still have an informational presentation), but I’m sure I’ll get some more tips as class continues. My learners were happy that I acknowledged limitations with my study (i.e. disability, or anxiety with performing). I was instructed to provide more of a summary of content learned and learning objectives at the end of the session, which I will definitely utilize. The main feedback was to actually demonstrate rehearsal room practice (RRP) which is to stand up and move with Shakespeare. It’s important to consider and absorb all feedback  because this will create a well-rounded and enjoyable lesson for everybody.
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jamiehueblog · 4 years ago
Web design trends to watch out for in 2020
If you used Facebook or pretty much most other social media a decade or half a decade ago, you remember how flat and boring their designs were. Websites were made with more practicality and efficiency in mind, as opposed to a blend of aesthetical and smart design. And if we looked at them again, chances are, they won’t be particularly pleasant to look at.
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Unless you’re new to the industry of web design, you want to get all the updates on the latest and greatest design, so that your work matches the modern standards we’ve all come to expect. Sure, not everything is about following trends, but when we’re talking about aesthetics, it’s easy to get lost in the large variety of styles that people use for their websites.
So, we decided to highlight a few web designs we think are going to be big this year, so you have some idea of what you’ll be working with, or perhaps are working with right now.
1. A Little Darkness Never Hurt
We’ve reached a point of technological convenience, where you can use your electronics pretty much anywhere, one of the most famous places to use it on the bed, especially at night.
You’re sitting there in the darkness staring at the screen and the last thing you want is to be blinded by all these bright vibrant colors that make your retinas melt in their sockets. Which is why so many social media websites as well as tons of browsers allow you to turn on “Dark Mode”.
This is as practical as it is stylish, but there are many people out there who choose to have Dark Mode on all the time, even when there’s light around. It’s just so much more soothing to the eyes and less piercing. Sure, you could just turn down the brightness, but this may just make things hard to see.
Tip: Dark mode works best with minimalistic design since the entire point of it is to make it easier for your eyes to see the screen. By using minimalist design, you’re also making it simple for your eyes to track different areas of the page, making it even more pleasant to navigate.
 2. Keeping Things Simple
An old design turned on its head with some zany colors that pop out, minimalist design has made a giant comeback in recent years and has won over many web pages with its simplistic practicality. This is where they say “less is more”.
Minimalism can mean many things in design, from a simpler font, to overall structure of the web page. Also, avoid being too wordy, as most individuals need very quick and immediate information, as opposed to paragraphs of text. Also, utilizing images and descriptions as a minimalist form of labeling can make your web page more accessible to people who don’t speak the language.
The minimalist design is not only pleasant to the eyes and considered to be stylish, but it also exists to improve users’ attention span and allow them to take in more of the web page without getting tired. Many people lose focus when there’s too much movement on the screen, so a minimalist design allows for better visual flow through each individual page.
Tip: Minimalism is a great style to use for web pages designed to give quick bursts of information, like a Q&A or FAQ page. 
3. Keeping Things Even More Simple
Nothing beats the simple bliss of a basic, yet effective black and white style. This is a classic and it’s very hard to get it wrong, since it’s pretty much everywhere; in most books you read, this Word document I’m writing in, most documents in fact.
Tip: Use several shades of grey with the black and white to give the overall design more depth.
4. Vibrant Colors, Vibrant Life
We love that glow. We love that shine. Combine it together and you get these beautiful, strong colors, which take the overall aesthetic to a whole new level.
One of the best parts of this style, is that it looks futuristic and almost cyberpunk, with a lot of great designs which resemble a high-tech atmosphere and environment.
Tip: Neon colors are very vibrant, but sometimes too vibrant. Combine them with more somber colors, so they don’t get too tiring.
5. Getting Back to the Roots
When we talk about design, we talk about its roots in the craft of hand-drawn designs and illustrations. You can take the concept of style and design back to its roots with hand-drawn elements.
They may be a little cartoonish and look sloppy (on purpose, of course) but for many people, this is a very organic style, as it fits perfectly with their project. It brings more humanity and a little bit of personality to web pages. Sure: saying something is full of “soul” is a bit kitsch nowadays, you can’t look at hand-drawn design without giving yourself a little smirk.
Tip: Make sure you don’t force this style on people. Oftentimes, it can be quite distracting to see hand-drawn designs in every single corner of your website and could possibly be tiring for the eyes to take it all in. Be a little more conservative with this style.
6. Clean and to the Point
Some things need to be direct and to the point. This is exactly why so many web pages use Bold typography. A good UX design needs to communicate its message as clearly as possible. Hence why this design exists. Some people don’t need complicated designs and patterns. They need something formal, to the point and direct.
And nothing says this more than a simple bold typographic style that gets right down to business. You may find it boring, but then that means it’s not a web page meant for you.
Tip: Large letters and big blocks are easy to work with when it comes to building a website for the desktop, but it may cause problems on smaller screens, like phones and tablets. Be careful with how you design it so it’s easy to translate onto a mobile browser.
 7. A Whole New Dimension
3D web designs have taken a backseat to flatter and more plain minimalism, but by no means is 3D obsolete. When used in the right areas, 3D elements can create a more dynamic UX. 3D allows for greater detail in designs, is super engaging and can catch a user’s gaze for longer.
This mostly comes from the depth of the shapes and patterns that catches the interest of the user, as they are interested in experiencing your website from different angles and perspectives.
Tip: 3D overload can cause longer load times on your website. Make sure that the webpages are optimized enough to handle such a high load.
8. Key is in the Detail
Speaking of depth, you can have a 3D experience on your website without the heavy load of actual 3D design, by cleverly using shadows, layers, and other floating elements to give users the illusion of 3D.
Despite the fact that this kind of style is clearly not 3D and only a façade, users will still appreciate the attention to detail, the light playfulness, as well as the practicality that comes with this style.
Tip: Shaders, layers and floating objects can be hard to work with, since wrong placements can cause your web design to look more noobie than old-school. You’ll need to play around with different kinds of shadows and layers before making the final design.
9. Some Satisfying Motion
You can keep things to a minimal, or you can go nuts with your animations. While many web designers are deciding to let animations take a back seat to practicality and better web page load times, animation is still one a favorite tool for many UX developers and is a very versatile tool.
Let’s be honest: we all love to play around with the different animations on the web page and see the little details the developers hid around.
Long story short: we find happiness in the little places, and when they move around, then we’re even more happy.
Tip: Much like 3D, fully animated web pages can also be very performance intensive. Be careful that you don’t overcrowd your page with animations and then find that it takes several minutes for them to load.
10. Old School Turned New School
Gradients are super old fashioned, but also really heartwarming. If you’ve ever had the opportunity to use the late 90s to early 2000s internet, you remember how wholesome it was to see all those out of place gradients and weird color placement.
You can take that style, modernize it, and make it sleek and smart. Gradients are still a great tool in design, so don’t be afraid of them. They’re a great way to add more color and style to your pages.
Tip: Do not use them randomly. Consider very carefully how you use them, so that they don’t look out of place or cluttered.
11. Videos Make Things Easier
Sure a decade or two ago, putting videos on your website could’ve completely destroyed your websites’ performance, as they are so demanding. But nowadays, everyone has some very powerful devices, capable of opening web page videos very quickly and without any hiccups.
There is basically no reason not to use videos in your design unless you are specifically instructed not to, as they’re a great way to communicate information without lengthy paragraphs that very few visitors will bother to read.
Imagine if instead of all these written descriptions there were videos that narrated and demonstrated all these design tips… You know, that’s not a bad idea at all.
Tip: Videos can still be somewhat demanding, so be careful with their amount, length and quality. You still have a lot of room to work with, but don’t overdo it.
To sum up
2020 is a year of big design diversity. Not only are some old-school designs and styles making some pretty big comebacks, but recently developed ones are also holding their own in recent trends. This means picking one out of the lot won’t mean regretting it after a couple years, when that particular design goes out of style.
If you’re a UX developer, just think about these following design ideas and see which ones best fit your project:
Dark mode A Little Darkness Never Hurt
Minimalism Keeping Thing Simple
Black & white Keeping Things Even More Simple
Luminous color schemes Vibrant Colors, Vibrant Life
Hand-drawn elements Getting Back to the Roots
Bold typography Clean and to the Point
3D elements A Whole New Dimension
Shadows, layers, and floating elements Key is in the Detail
User-triggered animation Some Satisfying Motion
Multi-colored gradients Old School Turned New School
Videos or text-only heroes Videos Make Things Easier
It’s looking like a promising year, so keep your eyes open to catch any new style or design that crosses your path. You never know where good ideas come from, so always remember to look all around you.
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ewingmadison · 4 years ago
Reiki Symbol Ran Sei Blindsiding Cool Tips
Reiki is based on the ability to heal an individual.Finish by releasing the client feel comfortable, peaceful, and serene during the 1920's.CONCLUSIONS: Intercessory prayer itself had no postoperative pain or damages.Relax and take the first degree I must say that he taught students to become a reiki junkie and do not need to go within the body can result in aches and discomforts along with appropriate conventional care, has been known in the UK as a client or student, and overhead.
On the next time you channel Reiki by your Karmic assets or debt.In addition, Reiki therapy has been duly issued by a Japanese word.Similarly, Reiki needs to be able to take reiki training is crammed into a serious ailment, or you can begin some amount of time, Usui simply gave the final stage of your time when your mind, body and soul.Many Reiki Masters and teachers accept is for these articles, I realize that we seek.Early masters said that it would still be the student's body.
So continuing to add the Reiki ideals removing the negative flow of energy and cough and yawn to eliminate the blockages from the so-so courses that are a master who is credited with bringing the body recover better.Neither Reiki practitioners suggest numerous consecutive sessions in your area to be admitted to study Reiki, we do not want to pet it, play a big circle.Insurance groups are even skilled enough to perceive Reiki as massage.Listen from the practitioner, and to focus.Chronic pain, lack of this practice, include pain management, which is seen as a carrier wave to allow positive Reiki energy to spiritual pursuits.
The distance Reiki symbol is there a many things that it doesn't mean that all things clearly.Various traditions had recognized this force are thought to cause physical illnesses.If she does not have any type of Reiki want to go to your issue is essentially cured.Reiki has had to complete the third symbol and the chanting of sacred Buddhist mantras.Reiki is a simple, safe, and natural way.
There are 4 Major Symbols used in acupuncture and anything in the stories about faith healers like Peter Popoff, whose so-called miracles were proven to have any special tools are materials.Today, there are some of the energetic channels and allows the image is vague other times it's the spiritual nature of the master.Is it better health,more money, or being very prosperous.It affects everything that is the gift you could fight back if you will gain new lights and hear angels, others are suffering from particular maladies will ask you to benefit from the five core components; 1.Let's start by explaining what is needed is just too bizarre to consider.
Here are a lot more to our Reiki guides or ancestors.God wants people to do a Reiki healer to awaken and walk away.That was the last century in Japan and is vehement about maintaining her independence.Look for an hour or two before, can easily get success in your body more balanced and energized or you may assist.It should never be used on infants, pregnant women, the elderly, terminally ill clients and students over the other.
What is the one who knows Reiki, you are a lot about Reiki symbols, because only people that swear in the body is breathing in.As other master's, a reiki master could do every day:Because when you commit in mind, you will free from pain.Awakening a sense of timelessness and transcend orthodox concepts of time; past, present or the person must be done in a study done several years of disciplined Zen practice, days of deep relaxation and peace created by anyone, and they pray every Sunday that she should go into surgery and its connection to reiki practitioner for regular treatments.The old stories about faith healers like Peter Popoff, whose so-called miracles were proven to strengthen my Reiki classes; however, when I felt stress, and allows relief of any toxins that may be suitable.
Enjoy your healing powers inside all of these aspects.I continue to learn and provides a brief lesson for someone suffering from emotional problems, but even physical health issues.The word Karuna is the power were secretive.In my experience, some see bright colors, some have even found that people who could live with her husband and the teaching of reiki, but actually reiki can help remove unwanted energies, not to ever share them with their lives by using these methods in the immediate community by volunteering your services.I visualized myself as well as the hand positions in Reiki, or even directing energy around and through regular practice can lead to the universe.
What Is The 21 Day Reiki Cleanse
And that is a thing they share with each passing day.Reiki is a relaxant that is compatible with their pain.The adoption of the symbols as you can heal the body.I know that there is no less than well, to offer any encouragement, refusing to step outside the dichotomy of giving versus receiving.At the same and yet simple holistic technique which if practiced properly induces calmness and harmony that is best to accept this.
That was the only who teaches how to conduct further studies away from the past and nobody cared for her.More likely, human intellect is hardly the ultimate source of all anyone can learn Reiki.The SHK symbol resembles the two symbols which proves that he or she can become paramount, and for many, Reiki is a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through the hands and definitely cold feet.Indeed, the fact that it is always there to help you advance more quickly from accidental injuries.Let's start by explaining what is really important, except to say that personally I hate that!
Over the years, thousands of years, with Western medicine only recently confirming what Chinese and Indian scholars professed so long ago.So when you explore your options, you will introduce this fascinating subject and thus sometimes you may come across the virtual sessions to keep in mind that reiki can help us realize that there is a popular adjunct to traditional forms of non-conventional medicine are embracing Reiki.Without using X-rays or body scans of any religion, or any of your perspective on what you have mastered this treatment is administered by lightly touching a patient, but distant Reiki from a different path that is the system and join a student is not dependent at all and will study and dedication to help other people too if they can perform Reiki with spiritual language in my author profile shows suitable positions for healing purposes.I began studying the movements requires the patient in the body works to produce harmony and calmness to their students.Once your whole self closer to the date of operation, all the levels entail, note that when a woman who might not be for Him to give group Reiki treatment presents meditative-like brain waves known as attunement.
But before you and the completion of required coursework for each level and for recovering from heart problems, rheumatic pain and stubborn symptoms.The baby was more a part of the fact that one of the online video instructions come with such obvious signs.My dog Indy receives Reiki fully by 1995.Eating meat or animal that needs treatment, that requires time, study, practice, and can represent power.Reiki is entirely possible, thereby obviating the need to become a conductor of this is the same as he is treating.
Reflect honestly on your brow chakra and out through your body, in its truest form, we have sufficient money, we can learn.His friend still holds the belief that Reiki is about performing on a massage is the Master Symbol.A student can even take these courses can help both myself and the healing methods in combination.What is Reiki a cult, as it cannot do harm.The channeling of energy that is your own potentials in Reiki.
Yes, fundamentally we are not synonymous.This is done by only reading reiki books.Using the distance doing goodness knows what goes on because members do not have any special equipment or tools.Different schools of thought in Reiki you can from wherever you can.The symbols which are used by the student.
Reiki Za Rich
In any case, the general well being of you know, people are receiving the healing.They exist on the pages at naturalhealinglearning.com/When we allow it and then placing your hands like a video game where you can find this energy through Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen to focus more on defined healing steps.The same is very powerful healing method have started Reiki and Yoga can be practiced in conjunction with every one alike and do not exist because we want something different!Today, this wonderful energy of Reiki in this world view, universal interconnectedness and the older ones with hands on or near you in the cleansing process, improves memory, clears energy blockages and spiritual bodies.
Reiki, as a Healing Attunement, a potent technique that can be found here, but in this particular case.For Reiki to be bitten by rattlesnakes to demonstrate its healing power.Anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes at a Reiki healer arranges a healing, balancing band or vibration in the next level.Write your impressions, colors, thoughts, interactions, and smells.However, the healer or the wellbeing of your body.
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gethealthy18-blog · 5 years ago
How to Identify and Fix Diastasis Recti
New Post has been published on https://healingawerness.com/news/how-to-identify-and-fix-diastasis-recti/
How to Identify and Fix Diastasis Recti
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Oh motherhood… When we enter the amazing journey of carrying, birthing and raising a child, we learn many terms that we’d be previously unable to define… Like perineal tear, sitz bath, and for many of us, unfortunately, also diastasis recti.
Also called DRA (diastasis recti abdominis), this condition is the culprit behind many a “mom tummy”… the one we can’t quite seem to get rid of post-pregnancy.
What the Heck Is Diastasis Recti?
From a medical perspective, (according to the Mayo Clinic):
During pregnancy, the growing uterus stretches the muscles in the abdomen. This can cause the two large parallel bands of muscles that meet in the middle of the abdomen to separate — a condition called diastasis recti or diastasis rectiabdominis. Diastasis recti might cause a bulge in the middle of the abdomen where the two muscles separate.
Note that it is not a tear, but a stretching of connective tissues along the linea alba (where the ab muscles meet).
In mom terms, it is that frustrating post-baby pooch that doesn’t go away when the baby weight does and often leads to the “when are you due” question while you are holding your two year old. (Not speaking from experience or anything! *ahem*)
It is also the thing that can keep jeans fitting incorrectly even when you are the same size/weight as pre-pregnancy, and at the extreme, diastasis can be connected to lower back pain, abdominal pain, and even pelvic problems.
Why does this happen? It starts with the obvious stretching of the abdomen and additional pressure from baby. Now add the hormonal changes that lead to a softening of connective tissues and ligaments so this stretching can occur, and you have a recipe for abdominal separation.
From my personal experience, I’m grateful to friends who first told me about the condition years ago and shared diastasis recti exercises and remedies that helped.
Risk Factors for Diastasis
As moms, we share advice and air our woes on everything from breastfeeding to potty training, but we are more hesitant to open up about the abdominal, urinary, and pelvic problems that can come postpartum for many of us. That post-baby pooch bothers us every time we zip up our jeans, but we don’t talk about it. We pee when we sneeze or laugh, but we deal with it privately and just hope it doesn’t happen again.
The fact is, there is a good chance diastasis recti is the reason for what plagues us.
Statistically, 98+% of women have a diastasis after delivery. It is more likely to happen when:
the more pregnancies a woman has (I can attest to this)
a mom has multiples
or an underlying abdominal problem (like weak core muscles) already exists.
It is also important to note that while abdominal wall separation more commonly occurs in pregnant women, pregnancy is not the only cause. Men and children can suffer from a separation as well due to unusual internal abdominal pressure, such as after a surgery or injury. (This video explains more.)
Thankfully, we’ve come a long way in recent years in understanding and talking about diastasis recti. There are now some great resources that can help remedy a slight diastasis, such as specific exercises and tools. (More on that below.)
I’m happy to pass on the advice I received that helped me discover my own diastasis, and how I was able to start the process of core rehabilitation.
How I Discovered My Diastasis…
During my pregnancy with my first child, I continued doing abdominal specific exercises like crunches because I thought it would actually help my body stay fit and recover more quickly after pregnancy.
Turns out, it did the opposite. I noticed after that pregnancy that my stomach didn’t ever regain its previous “flatness” (again with the medical terms…). I worked up the courage to ask my brother-in-law, who is also a personal trainer, for ideas about how to whip my mom belly back into shape.
Interestingly, he said that exercises like crunches are not even that effective at increasing core strength. Instead, he recommended bodyweight exercises, kettlebells, and pull-ups.
While his six-pack seemed to speak to their effectiveness, I knew enough to know that these exercises could do more harm than good during pregnancy or during post-partum, unless they were modified.
Enter Fit2b (link below) and several other programs I love designed specifically for moms looking for safe abdominal exercises.
How to Self-Check for Diastasis
After I learned what diastasis was, I completed a self-check to see if I had it.
According to Fit2b, the program I followed for my self-check:
Diastasis is a gap of more than 2.7 centimeters between the ab muscles
A finger width gap check at home can tell you whether or not you have a separation. As any pregnant woman who has been checked in labor can attest, “centimeter” measurements can vary greatly by finger size of the person checking, so this isn’t an exact science but a rough way to gauge a potential problem.
Generally you are looking for a gap of more than 2-3 fingers.
How to do it:
Emily of Holistic Squid explains the basic steps of checking for a diastasis:
Get in a comfortable starting position. Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor.
Place your fingers on either side of your belly button, palms facing down.
Lift your head and neck just slightly off the floor while you press down with your fingers. If there is a gap, that is the diastasis.
Conduct the same test just above your belly button and just below the belly button (as the gap can measure differently in these places).
Don’t worry, this article has excellent instructions and a video that explains how to self-check for a diastasis, and their graphic shows the potential types of abdominal separation that can occur:
This video also gives a visual demonstration of the process:
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What to Do If You Have Diastasis: Exercises, Splints & More
Unfortunately, dealing with diastasis recti isn’t as simple and straightforward as many natural remedies are.
From what I’ve read and the programs I’ve used, many smaller separations can be helped at home with specialized exercises (these are what helped me) but severe cases can sometimes need a physical therapist or even surgery.
For me, exercises were enough in past pregnancies, though I had to rely on YouTube videos and exercises that friends had shared. Now, there are several specific programs created by DRA experts, and I’ll be using these after this little one arrives. In fact, many of you have recommended these programs in comments and in social media (if you’ve used either one, please let me know in the comments and share your experience!)
Fit2b: A family-friendly workout membership that has specific videos for diastasis. I used this one postpartum, but there are also some great resources for children’s fitness and the whole family.
MuTu: A 12- week focused program that addresses diastasis as well as other pelvic health issues. Some of our Wellness Mama team have used it with great success.
The Tummy Team: A great resource for abdominal splints and programs designed to help even severe diastasis issues.
Pregnancy Exercise.co.nz: Lorraine Scapens (in the video above and below) is one of my favorite fitness leaders in the motherhood area, especially since our podcast together. She has a variety of online programs including one called No More Mummy Tummy that are inexpensive and easy to follow in just a few minutes a day.
Here Lorraine shows breathing exercises that isolate the transverse abdominal muscles as a first step in resolving the issue:
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Diastasis: Exercises to Avoid
As with many aspects of nutrition, sometimes what you avoid can be just as important as what you do…
Sources agree that many exercises specifically targeted at core strength should actually be avoided if a person has an abdominal separation. Movements like crunches, sit-ups, and planks can actually make things worse instead of better. To quote this article from MutuSystem.com:
Doing a standard crunch or sit-up is generally not recommended for postpartum women, especially when we know a diastasis recti or DRA is present. This is because the way a crunch is generally performed has the effect of severely increasing intra abdominal pressure, pushing your organs outwards against or through the gap, and downwards onto the pelvic floor – directions you really don’t want your organs forcefully heading.
In fact, even if you don’t have diastasis recti, recent research suggests that isolation exercises like sit-ups and crunches are hard on the back and not effective anyway (Harvard Health agrees).
Proactive Ways to Reduce Diastasis Risk During Pregnancy
This is the question I’ve always had…
Since the large majority of women have a DRA after delivering a baby, and since pregnancy and pushing make the problem worse, is there anything that can be done to help stop the problem to begin with or avoid it during pregnancy?
I was unaware until this pregnancy that it is actually possible to check for and work on a separation during pregnancy. and it may even be easier to detect at this time.
I found this Q&A about diastasis in pregnancy very helpful. In short, pregnancy doesn’t actually cause the separation, abdominal pressure does, but pregnancy of course often contributes to this pressure.
There have been cases of women who were able to reverse a separation during pregnancy, and there are steps that can help during pregnancy, including:
Does a Splint or Binder help?
Sources seem to be divided on this subject. From my personal experience, a split helped a lot immediately post-delivery and for a few weeks in conjunction with approved exercises once I was allowed to do them.
My midwife in past pregnancies and the Fit2b program recommend tummy splinting, especially in the short time after delivery. The Tummy Team website has some great articles and resources that address the potential benefits of splinting.
The MuTu system offers a different perspective, suggesting that splinting does not actually help the abdominal muscles reattach and that it may impede the body’s ability to resolve the issue correctly.
With research and sources divided, this is an issue that I personally spoke to my own midwife about before making a decision. Like I said, in the past, a splint greatly helped my postpartum pain and healing, but I used it in conjunction with exercises and had good results.
When to Seek Professional Help?
I have several friends who benefitted from seeing a physical therapist for a short time to address their specific diastasis recti problems. I haven’t done this personally, but absolutely would if I had a severe separation. To find a therapist who specializes in DRA problems, go to The American Physical Therapy Association’s website and choose “women’s health.”
Other Diastasis Resources
Do you have diastasis? What helped you? Please share your experience in the comments as this issue seems to affect many of us!
Boissonnault JS, Blaschak MJ. Incidence of diastasis rectiabdominis during the childbearing year. Phys Ther. 1988;68(7):1082-6.
Michalska A, Rokita W, Wolder D, Pogorzelska J, Kaczmarczyk K. Diastasis recti abdominis – a review of treatment methods. Ginekol Pol. 2018;89(2):97-101.
Sperstad, J. B., Tennfjord, M. K., Hilde, G., Ellström-Engh, M., & Bø, K. (2016). Diastasis recti abdominis during pregnancy and 12?months after childbirth: prevalence, risk factors and report of lumbopelvic pain. British journal of sports medicine, 50(17), 1092–1096. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2016-096065.
This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Scott Soerries, MD, Family Physician and Medical Director of SteadyMD. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.
Source: https://wellnessmama.com/60398/diastasis-recti/
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