#sometimes marley turns to market or markey
erikismybitch · 5 years
Waiting In Vain : Chapter 12
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Summertime Magic.
Marley was just about done with her work shift. She had to be online for ten more minutes , then she could log off. Erik was sitting at the end of her bed watching True Crime on her TV. The evening was approaching . Marley had begged him to come over so they could go to the state fair.
Take me to the state far , I want a funnel cake .
Oh you tryna date date?
Omg 🙄...Please!
“I’m done!” Marley announced and slammed her computer shut. She was ready , all she had to do was put on her shoes and they could go . Even though it was almost night time it was too hot .Erik wore dri-fit shorts and a new white T. Marley looked very festive in her little denim dress and wheat colored Yeezys. Marley knew Kanye was a complete idiot but that wouldn’t stop her from being the best dressed.
There were lots of teens , it made Erik itch . He hated kids , they were loud and obnoxious for no reason. Erik paid for their entry and they went in. Marley couldn’t decide what to do first . Or better yet , what to eat first .
“Corn dogs, deep fried Oreos , garlic fries !” Marley spun around like a child in a candy store. The rainbow like lights flashing everywhere were nostalgic. Reminding her that this was exactly what fin was . The intoxicating smells of fatty foods waiting to be devoured . And the screams of people riding rides .
“Did you come to eat only?” Erik said in all seriousness , he knew her .
“You guess it!” Playfully Marley punched him in the side of his waist . He twisted her arm in a way that made her fall into him. His free arm wrapped around her. Marley tried to fight him off but she was no match for Eriks strength . So she gave in and rested against him .
“You weak”
“If you were anybody else , I would have laid you out on this concrete” she sassed .
The flashing lights written in the words Wipeout drew Eriks attention . Watching how the cars flipped and spun around , he wanted to get on that first . It was the inner child in him too . He asked Marley to wait in the long line for the both of them . Erik went to search for a ticket booth so they could ride.
He found one , and just like everything else , that line was long . Erik was impatient so he was agitated already . During the wait he took some time to observe everything around him . The little kids running from their parents , the teen boys call catting girls and fucking Tiana.
She was with a group of similar looking friends . Half dressed , taking photos of eachother. Tiana noticed Erik as soon as he stepped in line, and now that he made eye contact with her she took that as an invitation. Erik was hoping that she would turn away when she saw him, but that would be too much like right . Tiana walked over to him, she was much skinnier than he remembered .
“Hey” Tiana was very chipper as she stood next to him . She folded her arms , feeling slightly misplaced . She shifted her weight from one foot to another . Erik didn’t respond , he just scrunched up his face . “Seriously, it’s like that?” She fumed .
“Like what ?” Erik responded as if he was clueless . “Are you on a date or something ? You don’t want your girl to see you talking to me? Where is she?” Tiana looked around aggressively, Erik laughed to keep his cool. This reminded him of everything he didn’t like about her . “I thought you didn’t take girls on dates” At this point, Tiana was just listening to herself talk . Erik just wanted to make his purchase and get back to Marley.
“Or you brought your kid or something , you never told me shit anyway”
“ I haven’t talked to you in months” he gave in to ignoring her, again Erik was impatient.
“Dont you think you owe me an explanation?”
“I don’t owe you shit!” he hissed loudly . He was a little loud and looked around and ignored the stares of strangers. Then he looked over to Marley , she was far enough but he didn’t want to chance her seeing everything .
She was making small talk with another girl in line . He softened a little, just watching her be the total opposite of this chaos . Tiana spotted her too , and when she did she saw red .
“Are you fucking serious , her!” She shouted. As soon as Tiana looked as if she was heading towards Marley he grabbed her wrist tight . He squeezed until she moaned out in pain . He let her go before they made too big of a scene .
“Chill out”
Tiana rubbed her red wrist .
“She told me what you did to her , your own family ? Stay the fuck away from Marley”
That was a threat , Tianas eyes began to water. And it was clear to her that Erik no longer cared about her . It was his turn at the ticket booth , he smiled and conversed with the worker . Like nothing ever happened. The worker suggested he purchase ride bracelets instead of Tickets. That way they had infinite riding rights . He got two , thanked her and found Marley. Tiana still stood and watched with malice as Erik put the bracelet on Marleys wrist and kissed her forehead. Tiana watched them until they were in her view no longer .
Erik was not going to tell Marley about His encounter with Tiana. They both sat on the wipeout. Markey on the right because the ride would cause her to slide onto him. She was itching to pull her phone out and take a picture. So she did , surprised at how Erik obliged . Her head rested on his as the camera snapped at a low angle. He smiled with his bottom teeth so his gold grill would be exposed . Erik looked good , but Marley’s double chin was in full view . She laughed at the picture .
“Lucky these are just for me” She kissed him and caught the side of his lips.
“ I like that” Erik took the lead this time , giving her three sensual kisses before she pulled away. The ride had started.
Marley stopped posting photos and her business online a while ago . It was liberating to always be living in the moment. And not be compelled by her cell phone . The ride was over , it was more intense then they had expected . Erik said he felt kind of dizzy . Marley told him that it was a sign that he was getting older . Erik recalled when he was younger , he could clear several rollercoasters back to back . Marley told him that she couldn’t, she was always afraid of those . Fairs were just right , nothing too extreme and better food .
Feeling hungrier than before, she pulled him towards the smoked turkey legs . She ordered one for the both of them and paid .
“ Just one ?” Erik asked .
“You don’t wanna share with me?” He shook his dread head like a selfish child . “You don’t wanna put your lips on the same thing I put my lips on?”
“When you put it like that”
Marley was handed the huge leg . She took two bites of the juicy meat then let him take a bite after.
“This shit is good” his mouth was full but that didn’t stop him from taking another massive bite.
“I probably should have gotten two” she let Erik hold it for now.
The screech of a woman caught them both off guard . It was the sound effects from a haunted house ride .
“You know we gotta ride that right ?” He mentioned, still eating .
The line wasn’t long when they went to it. Erik found humor in the people exiting looking frazzled from the ride . “Maybe this shit is scary” Marley paused as it was time for them to board the ride. Erik sucked his teeth and pushed her from behind . They sat in the small car. The operator strapped them both in . The ride began with a deep chilling voice telling them the story of a murder . The creaky doors opened . It was pitch black and the car came to a halt . Erik crept closer , and started kissing on Marleys neck .
No, they hadn’t been too intimate yet . Just kisses and feels every now and then. At this point Erik new that he could do what he wanted with her body . He just hadn’t tried anything yet . Marley closed her eyes and took in the feeling of his soft lips on her neck. Not focused on the spooky figure that popped out to scare them.
“You gon’ open them legs for me?” His mellow smooth voice was like a trance, she opened them . His warm fingers ran up her thigh , Erik bit into her neck softly, because he just couldn’t get enough of her. Damn, he had been wanting her for so long. Marley pivoted and kissed him, a tongue kiss . That tasted like lust and meat. He got his hand into her panties now. With his two skilled middle fingers he toyed with her clit . At first , side to side . But when he moved them in circles , Marley made noises. He knew that was the way . He played with her faster, she couldn’t kiss him anymore . Tired of breathing into his mouth , her heavy head laid on his shoulder . Watching his hand disappear under her dress was means enough to drive her wild . This was so fucking hot and nasty . She squirmed but made sure not to stray away from daddy . Well , Erik . But that’s what she wanted to call him.
“ Fuck!” Charged Marley, loud and clear. Erik nonchalantly took a bite of the still warm turkey leg. So amused at the faces she was making . He had been longing to see what she would look like when he really put it on her. He moved his hands even faster with pressure, Marley couldn’t take it . She grabbed at his hand and tried to surrender .
“Nah!” he snapped at her . “Don’t you fucking move my hand”
Her head flew back onto the car , it was low. Her heady chest was exposed and moving up and down to the rhythm of his movements. Marley’s mouth open wide as she cursed him out for making her feel so good . He took another vicious bite of the turkey leg , still watching Marley go crazy . He was fucking crazy. Her eyes squeezed shut as she prepared herself for the eruption. “I’m about to cum!”
The high pitched panting from her wide open mouth made the veins in his dick shoot straight out . And if the ride was any longer , he’d make her sit on his lap and ride him till he got his too. She blissfully came back down from her quick orgasm , full of adrenaline as she grabbed his face and kissed him roughly. He laughed in the kiss , she was so eager . Erik pulled her panties back over her wet cunt, it was practically begging him to come inside and have some more fun. He squeezed her ass . “You got me ready to fuck you on this ride” he taunted .
Marleys merciful hands were placed on both sides of his face . With her thumbs she caressed the low part of his bearded cheeks. She loved the sound of his voice . All raspy and that hood-like accent . Her lips lingered against his before she kissed him again . “What’s stopping you ?”
Erik drew back hauntingly and hoisted his entire expression . It wasn’t until Marley began laughing that he knew she wasn’t serious . He pushed away from her as she kept laughing . She fought his rejection by giving him apology kisses . When they returned to the beginning of the ride , the operator looked at them oddly. It wasn’t until Erik noticed the small black and white security screens on the control panel . Each followed every ride car. He decided not to tell Marley about that either . Unsure of if she’d let him touch her in public again.
That exciting night was coming to an end. They both were becoming restless , and Marley’s feet were hurting a little. The duo sat on the last ride for the night , the Ferris wheel . Marley laid her head on his shoulder .
“I gotta catch a plane at midnight” Erik told her as if he was Cinderella or something. Some flyover state for work . During a past conversation Marley learned that he was a Computing engineer . For some company that was partnered with clients all around the world . He told her it was a private company . “When technology fucks up, they send to fix it” he said . He kept explaining his job to her . Marley felt as if he made it sound complicated so she wouldn’t bring it up anymore . She wouldn’t , because she didn’t care that much . “It’s not like your doing illegal shit right” . She joked with him . The only thing she disliked was the fact that if they needed him, he had to leave right away . Sometimes for long periods of time . Erik said he couldn’t leave until the problem was terminated... or whatever that meant . Marley love that he was super smart, she had never dated anyone like him in that matter.
She was learning that semi serious talk only came from when he said her name first . And nothing else after . Once it was “Who mounted your TV in your room, was it a dude... y’all related or friends ?” and that other time “If you need anything , stop being afraid to ask me for it”
“Yeah” she removed her head from his shoulder so she was able to look in his eyes . They were reflecting the colorful lights of the fair . Hers were like that in his view too .
“ Nothing , you real cool, that’s it” She smiled , and rested her head back onto his shoulder . Marley melted his heart in a way he didn’t know it could . He could only hope that letting her in was the right decision, for her. He didn’t want to hurt her , this was his first time letting someone in like this . He was used to being selfish about his, now he had another person to take care of.
Marley went to the bathroom as soon as they were let off the wheel . She drank a fairly large lemonade with the two corn dogs she scarfed down earlier . When she walked inside , despite how busy it was ... she saw Tiana. Her anxiety got the best of her and she smiled at her cousin . She didn’t mean to , but it just came out that way .
Tiana didn’t say anything , she whispered to her friend and washed her hands . Marley went into the stall . Overhearing Tianas friend mention her name . But what else they said , she couldn’t make out over the sounds of toilets flushing . Luckily when she exited the stall , Tiana and company were gone . But they were outside .
But so was Erik , and that made her smile . Forreal this time . Who made her feel protected when he wrapped his arm around her neck and pull her close . Considering her feelings . He wasn’t concerned about the third party presence. They walked away . Marley glanced over her shoulder . Tiana gave her a look that shook her. It worried her most because she was so open with it , even her friend stared at her oddly. Marley has seen her cousin take a loss, but she did it with pride and in private . Something was off . Marley looked back to Erik. Really off .
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