#sometimes i feel like i get mad for nothing
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MtL - Likely to worry if his alpha uses his given name instead of a pet name
(Incl. Iruka, Chouji, Shino, Neji, and Shikamaru.)
A/N: This is a Christmas gift for the wonderful @omeganronpa!!!! It's nothing crazy this year because of the ol' arm situation, but I hope you enjoy it anyway!! I wish you a very relaxing and merry Christmas and want you to know that I am honoured to have lived yet another year with you as my friend <3333
And a very merry Christmas and happy Hanukkah to everyone!! 🎉
Warnings: Non-descriptive allusions to sex.
A normal, well adjusted king, we stan.
Pet names sometimes come into the relationship, but Chouji is equally okay with being called Chouji.
That's his name, why should he worry or feel weird? He doesn't have a guilty conscience like some others on this list 👀
In fact, he actually loves to hear his name from your lips. The soft voice, the love, the sing song tone. He revels in it.
There's something about you using his given name with him in private that makes him feel seen. You see him, all of him, the real him, and you love him.
And that's the most precious gift he could have.
Preferred pet names for you to use for him: His name or babe usually. Occasionally, super sweet ones like sweetheart or sugarplum, said with complete earnest.
Neji also likes to go by his actual name a lot of the time, so it doesn't raise any red flags for him to hear it fall from your lips.
Much like Chouji, he finds it entirely logical for you to use his given name, and he never assumes you're mad at him.
I only put him a bit higher on the list because he can sometimes get finickity about what you call him in bed.
If you call him by his real name, but you don't use a super gentle, loving tone, he doesn't like it and he WILL get grumpy.
It makes him feel a bit unloved, like the sex is transactional and you're just saying what you think you have to say.
He wants you to call him darling, prince, my love, or any other classic pet name when you're ravishing him, and if you have to use his name, it better be whispered into his skin with hushed reverence befitting the worship of a god.
Otherwise he can sometimes get upset. And because he's Neji, he won't say why he's upset, he'll just pout about it until you notice.
This issue doesn't crop up that often, but it's been known to happen, hence his slightly higher ranking on the list.
My beautiful princess with a disorder, please talk to me.
Preferred pet names for you to use for him: He adores the classic but slightly fancier pet names, such as darling, my love, prince(ss). And he's always willing to accept appearance based names, like beautiful, too.
When it's just the two of you, or you're in the presence of close friends or family, you always call him Ruka.
Because he's your Ruka at home, just like he's Iruka sensei at the academy, or 'the shouty chunin' at the missions desk.
So it absolutely stands out if you suddenly call him Iruka and he will notice straight away.
But he's still on the terrifyingly small list of mostly well-adjusted shinobi, so he's not going to panic.
He kind of assumes that you're starting a conversation about something more serious when you use his full name. He zones in, fully focused, ready to problem solve whatever has happened.
This has the unfortunate consequence of snapping him out of intimate moments when you use his full name.
Iruka sat on the bed trying his best not to fidget with the comforter as he stared at the bathroom door. His mind was racing with possibilities and no amount of deep breathing or internal arguments about restraint were controlling them.
It had been an entirely normal day ten minutes ago. He'd taught his classes, covered for a few hours at the mission's desk for a sick colleague, and then stopped by a convenience store on the way home so that he didn't have to cook.
Not that you let him in the kitchen anyway.
But then you'd approached him, all coy smiles and well-placed touches, telling him that you had a surprise for him, but that you needed a few moments to get changed and that he should wait on the bed.
So now he was here, on the bed as directed, eagerly anticipating the opening of the ensuite door. Should he get undressed in preparation? No, no, that would probably be weird. But maybe he should take his hair down? Yes that sounded good; you loved his hair down and it would give him something to do while he waited.
He pulled it down and spent a few moments running his fingers through it and trying to arrange it as best he could, but then it was done and you still hadn't opened the door.
He just needed to be patient, you shouldn't be much longer.
Although that was easier said than done when his underwear was becoming uncomfortably wet.
There! He could hear shuffling approaching the bathroom door. He straightened himself out, ready.
"Iruka?" you called from behind the door.
He blinked as he registered his full name. Oh no. Don't tell him something had gone wrong. He was so looking forward to this! His mind conjured images of disaster. Maybe the outfit had ripped? Or you had accidentally hurt yourself? Or the sink had broken and was now spewing water everywhere.
"What's wrong?" he asked, getting up from the bed and approaching the door. "Are you okay?"
The door opened, and you stood on the other side, blinking at him in confusion. He tried not to focus too much on the new lingerie. There was a problem to solve first, he couldn't get distracted.
"Yes?" you answered, the question clear in your voice. "Why are you at the door? I told you to wait on the bed."
Before his mind could catch up, he asked, "Is the sink broken?"
There was a pause.
"Why on earth would the sink be broken?" You sounded entirely baffled.
"Well, I'm not sure, but-"
"Did you do something to the sink?"
"No!" he defended, crossing his arms over his chest. "I haven't touched the sink."
"Then why are you asking about it???"
"Because... because..." Iruka paused when he realised how stupid it would sound to explain that he'd assumed something was wrong because you called him by his full given name. He rubbed at his scar bashfully. "It doesn't matter, sorry, I was being... never mind, don't worry about it."
You blinked at him, and he coughed awkwardly.
"Okaaaaaay," you drawled, stepping back into the bathroom. "Should I close the door again and pretend this never happened?"
And when you opened the door this time, he was waiting on the bed, stunned speechless by your lingerie and ready to end his normal day in a particularly extraordinary way, bathroom sink forgotten.
Preferred pet names for you to use for him: Ruka is his favourite by a wide margin. He doesn't mind babe or baby either, nor omega specific names.
If you're in public, he fully expects you to use his actual name.
In fact, it's for the best that you do, because pet names in public will make him embarrassed enough to try and hide in his coat.
But when you're at home, just you and him... he will immediately assume you're upset with him or signalling a need for space if you use his given name.
Because Shino basks in the loving pet names you lavish him with. He doesn't have to be Shino with you, or at least, he doesn't have to just be Shino with you. He can be your love, your honey bun, your sunshine.
Every time one of those names is whispered in his ear or spoken against his lips, Shino squirms in pure joy. There is nothing else that can brighten his day so quickly and effectively.
And you can absolutely get creative with pet names for Shino!
Excluding the most ridiculous ones, and some of the appearance based ones, Shino loves them all.
But calling him his name is :(((
He will anxiously and sadly wring his hands together every time 🥺
You let out a relieved breath through your nose as you finished the penultimate page of the paperwork you'd been forced to bring home.
One more. Just one more and you were free for the evening, then you could run it by the jounin commander tomorrow morning, and this whole situation could be behind you.
Work disasters were the absolute worst.
You took in one more big breath before letting it out slowly. One more. You could do one more.
But just as your pen was about the make contact on the paper, movement from the corner of your eye drew your attention out of the little paperwork bubble you'd cocooned yourself in. It was Shino. He was lurking in your periphery like a shadow, idly rearranging knick knacks on the shelf but glancing over in your direction every five seconds.
Now that you were aware of him, you were also aware of the anxiety swirling in his scent. You may have wanted to get this paperwork done and out of your life as soon as possible, but you could hardly ignore your mate's unusual behaviour now that you had been made aware of it.
"Shino?" His head snapped to you instantly. "Are you okay?"
He dropped the eye contact and went back to fiddling with a rock from the shelf. "I'm fine," he said simply, the lie extremely obvious.
"Shino..." To your surprise, he flinched. What?
"I'm... fine." The lie was somehow even more obvious this time. He was either consciously or subconsciously hoping to pull your attention onto him with a lie so blatant.
You stared at him intently, trying to figure out what was wrong. Why would he...?
Oh. Your face relaxed into understanding when you figured out what you'd done.
"What's wrong, lovebug?" You made an effort to push as much affection into your tone as you could. He looked at you again, some surprise colouring his gaze. You patted the seat next to you on the couch in invitation. He immediately accepted, coming over in quick steps and slotting himself against your side. You pressed a kiss to the side of his head. "Is this better, lovely?"
Shino hummed gently, resting his head in the juncture of your shoulder. You grumbled a comforting noise to reassure him.
"I think this paperwork kept me in work mode even after I'd got home," you explained. "I forgot that it was just us here."
Shino hummed again, acknowledging and forgiving you in one noise.
"All the more reason to get this paperwork over and done with so we can relax. It shouldn't take more than twenty minutes. Is that alright, honey bun?"
He purred his approval, so you returned to the paperwork, but this time, you had one hand focused on holding your omega.
Preferred pet names for you to use for him: Anything extremely cute and sweet will make him melt. Honey, sweetie, lovely, etc. Lovebug is one of his special favourites 🤭
Two words: Guilty Conscience.
He's another one who goes by a shortened name by default, Shika, so calling him Shikamaru will immediately grab his attention.
And he will assume he's in trouble with you every single time.
Sometimes it's pretty funny to watch, but other times his stomach drops and his mind races to try and figure out what you could be mad about.
And during those dramatic times, because Shikamaru can't be normal for even five minutes, he oftentimes jumps to worse case scenarios where he's failing to make his obsession happy and you might leave him because of it.
You never know which response you're going to get when you call him Shikamaru. He's either going to claim his innocence in regards to an imaginary misstep, or Panic™️.
The only exception to the rule is during moments of heightened emotions and extreme vulnerability.
For example, if he's very sad, saying "oh, Shikamaru..." will push him over the edge into tears immediately.
And groaning out his full name at the moment of your orgasm is a one hit K.O. for him without fail.
If you want to avoid the Nara dramatics, better stick to Shika most of the time 😉
"Shikamaru?" He heard your voice clearly from his position on the tatami mats of his office where he was playing a solo game of shogi. Usually, hearing your voice after a long day was a balm that soothed the nerves he hadn't even realised had been frayed, but now, those same nerve ends were crackling with the beginnings of anxiety.
Oh no.
You had used his given name. That couldn't mean anything good.
Shikamaru uncrossed his legs and stood from the floor as his mind raced. He could see the situation clearly in his head. You had come home from work, exhausted, and immediately been confronted by some kind of chore or errand that Shikamaru has said he would run on his day off and then fucking forgot about like he always did! Now you were going to be annoyed with him and his plans for a peaceful evening would go up in smoke because he couldn't even remember what he was supposed to be apologising for.
He heard your footsteps coming up the stairs. "Shikamaru? You in your office?"
Think, think, think! What did you ask him to do? There must have been something! Probably something you could have seen not long after walking through the door, likely in the living room or kitchen.
Shikamaru tugged on his ponytail in frustration as your footsteps reached the landing, just outside his door.
Did he have to wash the cushion covers in the living room? No, he did that last week and there was no need to do them again so soon. Did he promise to make dinner in time for your arrival home? No, no, he specifically remembered you saying that you were going to cook dinner together tonight. Then what could it possibly-
As the door swung open, the answer struck him like a bolt of lightning.
"There you are! Why are you just standing in the middle-"
"I didn't buy soy sauce!" Shikamaru blurted, his voice much louder than he had intended.
You jumped at his shout, blinking at him in surprise. Shikamaru felt the rush of heat that flooded his cheeks. He awkwardly cleared his throat and tried again.
"I forgot to buy soy sauce today." He managed to keep his voice somewhat level this time. "I'm sorry. Really, I didn't mean to forget, it's completely my fault."
Shikamaru tried to analyse your face to see how well his apology had landed, but all he saw was confusion. Right, that made sense. You were confused as to why he was apologising when he should be just going out to fix it.
"Sorry, I'll go and grab some now, it shouldn't take long." When he tried to move past you, you grabbed his arm and halted him.
"You forgot to buy- what? No, I only asked in a 'if you happen to go out today' kind of way, you don't have to go out now, it's not a big deal." You squeezed his arm. "Relax, it's fine."
"But, but we're going to cook dinner together tonight," Shikamaru protested.
"And we'll live without soy sauce for one night." You stared at his face, eyes narrowed like you were trying to solve a puzzle. "What's got into you today?"
Shikamaru's thoughts whirled for a moment, trying to figure out if that question was some kind of trap that would soon reveal the real reason you were upset with him. But soon the energy needed to keep up that level of questioning collapsed, and instinctively, he moved to directness.
"Are you mad at me?" he asked, hating the insipid imagery of needy omegas that jumped to mind at the question. This was so stupid, what was he doing?
Your brows furrowed and you gently cupped his face in your hands. Shikamaru shivered as you ran your thumbs against the space underneath his eyes.
"No," you said softly. "Did you think I was?"
His mouth feels dry all of a sudden and he can't form the words, so he just nods. You coo at him, a deep noise in your throat, and Shikamaru is embarrassed at how well it drains the stress from his muscles.
"I'm not angry, Shika. I'm so happy to be home with you, my love."
With your use of his shortened name, the last anxious fog clears and Shikamaru is left only with the stark and sudden realisation that he was being absolutely ridiculous.
You must have noticed the clarity returning to his eyes because you laughed. You laughed at him, all gleeful and knowing. The heat returned to his cheeks and he dropped his head onto your shoulder.
"Shut up."
"I didn't say anything." He could hear the smile in your voice.
"These instincts are more trouble than they're worth."
"You're such a liar, Shika."
Yeah... yeah, he was.
Preferred pet names for you to use for him: Shika is the go-to, but as long as the pet name is simple and mostly serious (babe, omega etc.) he's fine with it. If you call him something ridiculous like pookie or nugget, he will assume you are making fun of him. And if you aren't making fun of him, he'll make fun of you for thinking it was a good idea.
#a/b/o#omegaverse#chouji#shino#neji#shikamaru#iruka#alpha reader#alpha!reader#gn reader#headcanons#most to least#christmas present!!
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Chiseled Heart | Part 3
CW: A man being creepy at the gym
AO3 | Part 1
“She gave me a gift card.”
König stares at his boots, arms crossed and shoulders resting against the back of his therapist’s couch.
“I’m not seeing why this makes you so upset.” Rich shifts in his chair across the small room, putting his stylus on the screen of his tablet. “Last time we talked you told me you were worried about a woman you had helped at the gym since she had been hurt and now you’re mad that she gave you a gift card to say thank you for the help?”
Frustrated, König turned to stare out the window. Sometimes squirrels would scamper down the powerline and give him an excuse to avoid trying to find words. He doubted he would find the words for this feeling in any of the languages he knew.
“I am…upset because,” he pauses, collecting his thoughts, “Danke was enough.”
“Do you feel like it’s fair to say you are upset because the exchange of money changed the interaction for you?”
“Ja,” he nodded.
“Okay,” Rich glances at his watch. “Can I give you my thoughts on the matter? I know you’ve been working at understanding others more.”
König narrows his eyes but nods his consent. He had worked with Rich for enough years to trust his opinion.
“You said she told you that she would bring a card the next day you saw each other but insisted after you walked her to her car, right?”
“Okay, did you consider that she felt like asking for help needed something in return? Walking a woman to her car is a layer of safety, a measure of security that to her must have been a weight off her shoulders. She doesn’t know you well but wants the exchange to be equal. Could it be that she didn’t want to burden you?”
König turns the words over in his mind. You had been so apologetic even ask you asked for his help. The only time König had ever feared for his life had been under the hands of his vater.
“Help is no burden,” he argues, not quite willing to concede the point.
“I don’t imagine that it is, you work hard to be kind. I am saying that from her perspective, help and kindness are not guaranteed. By virtue of being a woman, she is always at a disadvantage and will do what she can to keep herself safe.”
He grunted.
“Sorry König, this might be one of those times to use radical acceptance. You will never understand the fear of existing in a small body where every man is a threat.” Rich shrugged one shoulder.
A moment passes in silence before König reveals the other reason the interaction bothered him so much.
“She has started to appear in my art.”
That got a double eyebrow lift from Rich. It wasn’t often that König caught his therapist by surprise.
“You’re art is how you process a lot of the trauma from serving right? How do you feel that your gym buddy is in your art?”
Rich said nothing, only noting something on his tablet.
The silence compelled him to speak more. Rich knew it and König knew Rich knew it.
“Carving her feels different. Pulling memories from stone reminds me of the sting of pain.”
“How does carving her feel?”
Rich studies König. König leans over and picks through the basket of fidgets that sat at the end of the couch.
“Do you want to go into that more or leave it for now?”
König delayed answering until he pulled puddy between his hands.
“Leave it.”
“I’ll make a note to check back on the topic next time we chat then. How is your art selling right now? It’s still on display at the gallery right?”
They drift into more familiar and safe discussions.
There is only five minutes left. He has been watching the clock. There wouldn’t be time to get deep into this.
“Tell me to stop, to stop talking to her.”
Rich’s brows lift with confusion, it is also in the lilting of his voice, “You want me to tell you to stop making a human connection? The goal we’ve been working toward for nearly seven months now?”
König scowled as he shifted on the couch, arms folding across his chest. It sounded stupid when he put it that way.
“It’s okay to be scared König. This is a big step.”
He doesn’t reply, debating how to settle this struggle within himself.
“Did you already schedule your regular appointment with the front desk?” Rich asks, letting the topic drop.
One thing he excelled at carving had always been hands. The intricacies and the expressions that can be found in fingers had fascinated him. It was your hands he pulled from a small chunk of granite. Before he knew they were your hands he had carved a delicate ring on the left hand. The fingers on the left hand curled over the right ones, the piece ending below the right wrist. The pose reminded him of how you held pressure on your bleeding finger those weeks ago.
Frustrated he set it aside to continue on a massive piece. With a view into a building, as wide as he is tall, a house of worship is starting to come together. He carved out the rough shapes of the pillars and dug through the stone to what he had decided to be the back wall. Now came the time-consuming work of removing stone until he could begin to carve the bodies that lay scattered along the floor. This had been one of his worst nightmares. They had been too late.
Music drifted through the space from his built-in speakers. König worked late into the afternoon until Feather, the gallerist, arrived to peruse his recently completed carvings to see which she would like to house and which would be listed on the website or hawked directly to wealthy buyers.
Feather looked like she ran an art gallery. Her bold colors, expensive suits, matching lipstick, and perfectly done hair always set König on edge. Even in her heels, the top of her head reached his elbow. He remained seated as she let herself into his studio.
“Ah! There is my favorite artist. Where are the new pieces for me?” She breezed past him as he stayed seated on his stool. Feather knew where the new pieces would be by now.
Ignoring her, König focused on his carving. He could not work while anyone else existed in his studio but this process of removing stone to access the image didn’t count.
After several minutes Feather appeared in his line of view.
“I want the whole lot, stellar as always my dear.” She spoke with a crispness to her words, as if her job required a level of uppityness.
“Same terms as always,” König fiddles with the edge of his chisel. It needs to be sharpened soon.
“Agreed,” Feather crosses her arms. Her eyes drift over his current work in progress before she turns and points to the hands he had set aside.
“How much for the hands?”
A chill wraps itself around his spine.
“Not for sale.”
A good business woman Feather narrows her eyes at him and throws out a number much higher than they usually agreed upon for smaller pieces. He lifts a brow before shaking his head.
She tried three more offers before sighing and folding her arms dramatically.
“König I know all artists are finicky about their work but I have a patron who has been asking for something like this for a long time. He would pay through the nose if I sent him a photo. He would pay especially well since it is your work.”
“Goodbye Feather,” he pulled the remote from his pocket and increased the volume of the music.
He didn’t create for money. König carved images from stone because if he left them inside they would fester and canker his soul.
Feather got the message and fired off a text to him before leaving of when her team would be by to pick up all the pieces agreed upon and confirmed his payment would be sent via wire after they arrived at the gallery. He marked the messages as read and set all his tools in their home nearly an hour later. Eating a quick meal he readied himself for the gym, and more of you.
His time with KorTac gave him the ability to appear focused while his mind drifts. Sliding through his thoughts König cannot quite decide how to feel about the interactions he has had with you. Bringing you up in therapy hadn’t helped yet.
When the doors move and allow you entry König is shocked at your smile as your eyes find his. He reciprocates the small wave you give him as you head into the changing room. Then curses himself for the niggle of brightness that your smile brought. Continuing his workout König kept you in sight but did not approach. He had been stilted and stiff when you had pressed the gift card into his hands on Wednesday and didn’t know how or if he wanted to try and bridge that gap.
A man approaches you four different times in the span of twenty minutes. When you finally snap at him, anger contorting your face, you point to König. He watches as you stomp away from the man and approach him instead.
Any anger disappeared from your eyes by the time you reached him. You folded your arms tight to your chest and blinked rapidly as if to fight back tears. When you stopped you stood entirely too close for the acquaintances that you were.
“Can you bend down a moment for me?”
He does as requested, not pausing to think that he should not accept orders from you.
“There is a man that is bothering me and I told him you were my boyfriend. Can you pretend until he leaves?”
König can only blink at you before glaring at the man in question. The prick sneers a huff of breath in your direction.
“How does one pretend to be a boyfriend?” He keeps his volume low.
“You could put a hand on my waist or something? I just need him to leave me alone. The reason I like this gym is most of the guys only talk to me when they have a correction or to encourage me to hit a new PR. I don’t want to leave but if he keeps bothering me I am gonna have to go home,” you tighten your folded arms to your chest, clearly upset.
Following the twitch of his muscles König pulls you into a hug, resting his chin on the top of your head as he lets his killer face stare out at the man who bothered you. The fucker tries to maintain a sneer, but when your arms slip around König’s waist and the hateful glare pummeling him from across the gym becomes too much he man left in a tizzy.
When you pull back from the hug König struggles to return his hands to his sides and not leave them trailing the top of your hip bones. His fingers ache both from the touch and the lack of contact.
You rub a palm under one eye, wiping away the wetness that collected there.
“Thanks, sorry. I had a bad day at work and then the nonsense with a guy being a jerk I might actually call it a night.” You sniff lightly, giving him a watery smile.
“We can work out together if you want?”
König took whatever courage he had found a way to take the reigns and shake it until the bastard had to be dead in his skull.
You rub a thumb beneath your nose, face contemplative.
“That would actually be okay, yeah.”
He blinks at you, unsure why you would say yes. And then unsure of how to make this work.
“I don’t want to disrupt your routine,” you rush to fill the silence that had grown between you, “I can do whatever you are doing today, provided we fix the weights for me.”
Nodding König replies, “Company is welcome, but no offering to pay.”
You tongue at your teeth behind your lips.
König gives a startled laugh. You had labeled the feeling he and his therapist were unable to articulate.
“Okay, you are uncomfortable with thank-you gifts. Got it.”
“Ja, help is given, not bought.”
A beautiful blush stains your cheeks. The sight of your blushing smile sticks like a bur on a sock as he walks you to your car and waves to you as you disappear into the night. The change in color on your face haunts his dreams.
Masterlist | Chiseled Heart Masterlist
@backseatsoldier minor updates from what you read but 😘
#cod#fanfiction#cod x reader#konig x female reader#konig call of duty#konig#konig x reader#lostintransist#lostintransit writing#chiseled heart
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This only fits into my idea that Wolvie is demi. Sure he knows someones hot when he sees them but he dosn't really... feel anything.
He's been alive so long that people doing stuff to him just feels... kind of annoying at this point? Like yeah, okay, in Logan the drunk wife girl flashed her tits at him and he snorted, and rolled his eyes all embaressed but I don't think this counts as "hot and bothered." I think this counts as "omg lady calm down lol im just the driver lol" he did think it was a nice gesture but its an empty gesture and thats why it dosn't really do anything for him.
I think this is why he and Kurt get along so well (HERE ME OUT) Because one of kurts biggest "flaws" is that he is extremely touchy, and while the other x men cant touch logan much or lean on him, sit on him, etc, Kurt can full pearch on him and Logan dosn't care. Actually he does care. He's glad. He's happy that Kurt feels this safe with him. Happy that he feels comfortable enough to be around "the angry guy with claws". Happy that Kurt openly gives him affection without there being this weird "okay now we have to fuck" silent agreement. Logan is so tired of trying to get to know someone, cuddle them and hug them, without them immediately expecting them to sleep together. (*JINGLES KEYS* Stay with me!)
And i mean... no.. hes not sex repulsed clearly but it dosn't feel right in his chest. To fuck someone and then they leave. Wolverines mate for life so I think the thing is, what gets him hot and bothered is proving youll stay. Sticking it out with him through all times, telling him you're never going to leave him.
Then- Oh good golly then? Everything is horny worthy. You could just be sitting there and he'd get all pissy because now hes horny and mad about it. You could cassually bring him food and say you thought he might be hungry and he'll let the food get cold because hes too busy fucking you, and then eat the food after to show gratitude and appreciation.
Logan is not meant for hook up culture. He is made for "Our souls are so intertwined that seperating us would put a tear in the universe."
He could see someone whole ass naked and just blink and ask where their clothes went. You could tell him that you want him to do the dirtiest things and he'd probably just blush and think you have alternate motives.
I like to think that he does sometimes finally accept a hook up here and there simply because A. Why not. He hasnt been held in awhile and B. Why not he's literally gonn live forever might as well get some tail if they're offering.
But if and when he finds that person(s) he's locked in. Theres nothing no one else could do that would make him all hot and bothered. Someone could literally give him a lap dance and hed probably just sit there confused as hell, tell them stop, or just leave. It doesn't do anything for him at all.
Now litsen (at least in Finding Home Au, cause theyre married) Wade could come slip into bed with him, very gently rub his arm, kiss him goodnight, then cuddle into his back and Logan would automatically sit up and glare at him cause now hes hard.
"Why do you keep doing that?! Stop!"
And wades all confused "stop what?" Cause hes genuienly tired, but too bad cause Wolvie puts that baby to sleep a different way. (Best sleeps of his life btw)
Morph too, I feel like in 97 morph gets a lot of passes for jokes and touchiness. I also feel like that for the first week (maybe a month idk logan is dumb) or so logan thinks moprh is joking and dosnt actually care about him in that way, so morph starts saying more genuine and sensitive things to him and Logan now is actually blushing, still in denial but is catching butterflies, hoping that morph isnt lying but is too scared to make a move, worried their friendship will end.
Man idk what to say about storm. Logan was hot for storm the first time she punched him in the face. Idk what to tell yall, hes a simp for that woman and I am too so like I get it. Id be terrified to fuck storm though if I was litTERALLY MADE OF METAL like bruh he has more balls then me cause id be scared shed kill me after I ate her out by electrocuting me with my skull crushed between her thighs. ANYWAY
I think Logan would be very difficult to get hot and bothered. Like. He's been through so much yanno?
Like flash a titty at this man and he'll probably be like, "what the fuck am I supposed to do with that? Can't you take me to dinner first?"
#wolverine#logan howlett#logan james howlett#logan#xmen 97#kurt wagner#deadpool and wolverine#nightcrawler#moprh#kevin sydney#ororo munroe#storm#glory glory what a helluva way to die#thunder thighs literally
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FloaPS Facts 5
Red Son and Wukong Edition!
Tw: grief, child neglect, coma, near-death experience, mentions of death
Wukong's fur has fallen out on multiple occasions due to grief and stress. He naturally sheds fur with the seasons, but he has a hard time growing fur back
Most of the fur loss is contained to his limbs, but he has a few bald patches on his torso as well
Red Son noticed that Wukong didn't seem to particularly enjoy his furless look, so he bought a henna tattoo kit and offered to draw on him if he liked
Red Son and Wukong now have "henna & spa" days together where they bathe, braid hair, and draw henna on each other
They will both draw wherever the other is comfortable, which is basically everywhere except the privates
Wukong is better at drawing henna than Red Son
DBK once saw Red Son with his hair braided and henna covering every inch of skin aside from his face, looked at his son, and said, "Your uncle got ahold of you, didn't he?"
Wukong used to babysit Red Son on the regular
Wukong loves belly dancing
Red Son used to watch Wukong belly dance as a toddler and would sometimes try to copy him
Wukong noticed and decided to give him belly dancing lessons
Red Son got really good at it and looked forward to every lesson
Despite how proficient Red Son was at it, he was too shy and embarrassed to do it in front of anyone, but Wukong and his husband
After his father's imprisonment, Red Son was forced to cut all ties with Wukong and stopped belly dancing as a result
It was only recently that Red Son worked up the courage to ask for more dance lessons, but by then, Wukong was too weak from his sickness to dance
Wukong is intersex and genderfluid (still uses he/him pronouns as he tends to fluctuate towards masculinity)
Wukong was the one to carry and birth each of his children from both of his past marriages
Red Son used to see Wukong belly dancing while in his third trimester and thought nothing of it at the time. Now, he questions how Wukong was ever capable of such a thing
Wukong's kids would refer to Macaque as Baba
His kids didn't want to refer to their new step-dad as "Baba" because in their minds, Macaque had dragged that name through mud and other discusting materials and Ao Lie deserved better, they decided to call him Pom-pom.
Red Son thought Pom-pom was his actual name until Wukong clarified it on New Years that he was, in fact, Ao Lie and not some random other dragon that he decided to build a life with
"I'm glad I got the opportunity to meet most of the pilgrims, though I do wish I could've met Ao Lie too." "What are you talking about? You've met him!" "Wait, I have?" "Pom-pom? Do you not remember him? Please tell me you remember him!" "WAIT POM-POM IS AO LIE???!!!"
Then came the talk of "No, Mei is not related to me, she's a descendant of one of my step-kids" and "No, my kids aren't considered part of the dragon clan since they don't approve of me or of Lie's divorce to his previous spouse"
Monkeys often sleep together, so whenever Red Son spent the night at Wukong's house, he'd sleep in a ginormous bed with every member of Wukong's family
At one point, Red Son started spending more days of the year being babysat by Wukong than with his parents. He still doesn't know why
Red Son feels extremely lonely whenever he has to sleep alone, which is often, though he never dares to try climbing into his parents' bed with them
Wukong had a workshop where he'd invented all kinds of gadgets
Red Son took an interest in this, and you can figure out where that led him
The gauntlet was Wukong's idea, but no one knows except them, and they'll never tell
Wukong drew the blueprints, and Red Son prayed that his mother wouldn't recognize the handwriting. She didn't notice
The reason Wukong didn't remove the staff himself was because heaven would get mad and threaten to hurt DBK and his family all over again
If anyone laid an ill-meaning hand on his nephew, Wukong would snap their neck in an instant
He apologized for punching Red Son while possessed by LBD. Red Son held him to no blame
The longest that Red Son has ever stayed at Wukong's house is three years straight
Wukong lectured both DBK and PIF about being present in their child's life after this
They were part of Red Son's life after that, at least until DBK's imprisonment
PIF wasn't very active in Red Son's life after that, and Red Son didn't go to Wukong for help for fear of his mother's wrath
Red Son basically spent anywhere between 85-92% of his childhood without his parents being there for him physically and/or emotionally
Meanwhile, Wukong was heartbroken from the deaths of the pilgrims (especially Ao Lie), and since he can't die of heartbreak, he spent ~400ish years in a coma, instead
Red Son knew that Wukong was in a coma, but his parents didn't find out until long after the fact
Wukong is no longer the only emotionally available person in Red Son's life
Red Son has been scared out of his mind for Wukong since the surgery announcement
Wukong had always seemed like an indestructible and untouchable person to Red Son, and seeing him go through so much has been nearly world shattering for him
Wukong tried his best to reassure him that he'll be fine, but he is almost as scared as his nephew
Red Son suggested that Wukong recover from surgery in the Demon Bull Family Palace, and everyone agreed to the idea
Red Son has been putting together a recovery room for Wukong
The walls are covered in flower murals and filled with soft blankets and pillows
The recovery room looks a lot like the nursery that Ao Lie set up for Wukong when they were expecting their first baby
Wukong loves the recovery room. It's his favorite room in the palace now
@starrclown @swkbiggestdefender @istopaskingmemate @ainnur @then-be-a-warrior @weaverpop
#lego monkie kid#lmk#lmk sun wukong#legomonkiekid#lmk sunwukong#lmk monkey king#lmk swk#lmk fanfic#lmk fic#lmk fanfiction#floaps#floaps facts#flower of a poisonous seed#lmk red boy#lmk redson#lmk red son#lmk wukong#lmk demon bull family#lmk demon bull king#lmk dbk#lmk princess iron fan#lmk pif#lmk ao lie#ao lie lmk#what is red son and wukong's duo name?#i need to knooooow
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I just have a few things I want to say in which you don’t have to agree, but the first being what did you guys get out of exposing Dodo? Why do people feel the need to expose others? Just makes room for others to bring that person down and hurt them, but because something is done to you doesn’t mean you do it back to others. Where it is wrong, all the stuff Dodo did, and no one will really know why she did it, but to say Chei did nothing isn’t possible. People don’t do things to hurt others without reason unless something was done to them. Sometimes we don’t realize we upset people, but that’s where Dodo should’ve communicated. 2: About all the hate that’s been received on here, it can easily be ignored. No one can control you; no one can do anything that would take away value from your life, so why do everyone not just ignore anons? There’s no need to announce a hiatus or threaten to go on one; just do it if you really want to. It’s only an act of looking for sympathy so that people will tell you to stay. And lastly, people love to use the term sexualizing easily when it comes to idols but never western artists. People are sexual; it’s normal to feel sexual feelings towards others. You don’t think idols fuck? You don’t think idols think about fans and other people that way too? What makes it wrong that we do it but okay they do? It’s funny no one gets mad when people talk about western artists that way. The fact of the matter is we’re human; now, to sexualize someone is to purely see them in a sexual way. But if you care about them and also feel that way, it’s normal news flash we’re created to procreate. People always make it seem like such a crime to express how you feel, which is why every interaction is on the surface because everyone’s too sensitive to go deeper. Overall you don’t expose others; you guard them. No matter what they’ve said or done, you protect one’s secrets because that goes to show your true character. Judge Dodo all you want and be mad at her for the things she’s done, but can you all honestly look at yourselves and say you’re perfect? You’re no better than her. You think because you don’t do as she does or say what she says, it makes you a saint? You’re not.
( didn't wanna respond cuz it's a lot )
Well this is a lot but I have disagreements
1 what did you guys get out of exposing Dodo? Why do people feel the need to expose others? Just makes room for others to bring that person down and hurt them, but because something is done to you doesn’t mean you do it back to others
I don't like the way u put it as if she wasn't bullying a friend of ours so of course we exposed her ( and we also did it so people know how she is and so she doesn't hurt others ) and people feel the need to expose others because of the reasons I explained above. It's about ur morals aswell because why must anyone be silent when someone is an objectively bad person? Ur disgusting if u think like that actually. And our objective was to not send hate to dodo, but to tell others what she did and because she lied as well. And to ur last part, what happened to dodo never happened to me so I wasn't spreading hate or anything I simply told everyone what a bad person she is.
2 Where it is wrong, all the stuff Dodo did, and no one will really know why she did it, but to say Chei did nothing isn’t possible. People don’t do things to hurt others without reason unless something was done to them. Sometimes we don’t realize we upset people, but that’s where Dodo should’ve communicated
Actually I disagree because dodo did not have a reason to be mad ( read here through pic 1-4 ) and chei did nothing because they were joking together and that was definitely not the reason dodo was mad cuz dodo joked the worst out of all of us. If dodo had a reason she should've told me instead of escalating the situation. And I agree with the last part ( first time we agree ), if she did have a reason she should've told us instead of taking whatever she felt out on chei.
3 About all the hate that’s been received on here, it can easily be ignored. No one can control you; no one can do anything that would take away value from your life, so why do everyone not just ignore anons? There’s no need to announce a hiatus or threaten to go on one; just do it if you really want to. It’s only an act of looking for sympathy so that people will tell you to stay
Firstly what the fuck. What ur saying is easier said than done cuz we all are different in the way we handle things, if u can ignore the hate doesn't mean someone else can too. Just because it didn't/did happened to u and u ignored it doesn't mean it can be the same for others. Like May, the anon was literally threatening to come to her house and saying all sorts of nasty things which is pretty hard to ignore ( even for me ) so are u invalidating her feelings? And what if the anon came to her house and hurt her? Then are u gonna tell her she should've ignored it? Ur actually disgusting. This was a very ignorant take
4 And lastly, people love to use the term sexualizing easily when it comes to idols but never western artists
I disagree because people sexualize these idols on both sides. And also unlike kpop, ( some ) pop idols use s*x appeal to sell themselves ( which does not justify anything I'm just pointing out the obvious) but kpop capitalises mostly on parasocial relationships ( like variety shows, lives, fan calls, fan meets, etc) which you rarely see pop idols doing and also cause of the fact that kpop is full of minors in groups as well. And to the adult kpop idols, it still doesn't justify u sexualizing them because sexualizing people is a form of dehumanizing people and only seeing them as s*x objects rather than people which is disgusting actually.
5 People are sexual; it’s normal to feel sexual feelings towards others. You don’t think idols fuck? You don’t think idols think about fans and other people that way too? What makes it wrong that we do it but okay they do? It’s funny no one gets mad when people talk about western artists that way
Just because people are sexual anon, doesn't mean they must act out their sexual feelings ( like calling them daddy, filming under skirt videos, etc. ) kpop idols are humans and they deserve to be respected. And why would I think that idols are fucking or them thinking about people that way, it's none of my business and it's straight up gross to even think about. S*x is a normal thing to feel and talk about, but imagining people u don't know feeling like that is weird af to me. And people don't get mad at pop idols because ( some ) pop idols talk about it in their lyrics and use it as their whole brand sometimes ( eg. Megan Thee Stallion, cardi B, Playboi Carti, Niki Minaj, Ice Spice, Glorrila, Sabrina Carpenter, etc. ) so it is weird to compare them to kpop ( idols ) which goes for a kind of opposite brand.
6 The fact of the matter is we’re human; now, to sexualize someone is to purely see them in a sexual way. But if you care about them and also feel that way, it’s normal news flash we’re created to procreate
I disagree because a lot of things can exist at the same time. U can sexualize an idol while also caring about them. It doesn't make it less bad tho cuz u still sexualizing them no matter how u put it. And that's not how sexualizing works, u don't need to be able to procreate to sexualize an idol (eg. u can be a man sexualizing a man or a woman sexualizing a woman too and etc. ) so that take is very close minded, it's 2024 wake up. Just cuz we can procreate doesn't mean we should or have to because u don't need to be able to procreate with someone to love or sexualize them
7 People always make it seem like such a crime to express how you feel, which is why every interaction is on the surface because everyone’s too sensitive to go deeper
Anon u can express ur love to an idol without sexualizing them at all, u can talk about their talent, their personality, their music or new haircut. And we're not sensitive for calling out behaviour like this for example:
( u can see it's dodo in the URL )
In conclusion
Although u made some points ( barely ), ur statements were still heavily flawed. I suggest u do some character improvement with some of these takes because they were either ignorant or close minded
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omtsy - Carlos makes a perfume that smells like Lando’s intimate parts 🙈
It took Lando a moment. Carlos had the guiltiest expression on his face, and Lando hadn’t understood why. They had always done this (well—at least since Lando started living with Carlos): every evening, after Lando returned home from Maestro Luigi’s, he would in the following order 1) kiss Carlos (this occasionally took longer than expected); 2) help Carlos close up shop; and 3) take a good, deep sniff of any new perfumes Carlos had been working on.
Today’s batches were interesting! A rose cardamom, tempered with amber, that made him crave dessert; a gardenia vetiver that Lando wasn’t sure worked, and he knew Carlos already knew that; and, set a little away from the other experimental scents, a non-descript bottle with next to nothing in it.
“U-uh, Lando–” Carlos stammered, but not before Lando had already sniffed it.
Huh. It was odd. Weirdly familiar, but also not. Very surprisingly musky. But also like rain? Only a very distant petrichor, even some wood. It was mostly musky, not unpleasant, just a little…sweaty. Like the way someone’s skin would smell after a lot of activity. Like–
Lando spun on his heels. He stared at Carlos, still holding the bottle of perfume and a dropper. The look on Carlos’ face was confirmation: he looked like a boy being caught touching himself (a simile that Lando wouldn’t have come up with, if not for the evidence in his hands).
“I-I,” Carlos began, before clearing his throat and throwing his shoulders back. “I miss you during the day. And sometimes you have long hours. And sometimes you sleep at the studio. So.”
That was all the explanation Lando was going to get.
The store was closed; Lando made sure the windows were too, before carefully setting the bottle of perfume aside and stripping off his clothing.
“Aren’t you going to test how close it is to the real thing?” Lando asked, his voice husky, aroused already at the thought of Carlos laboring over a perfume that would smell like him.
Carlos’ eyes shifted. He drew closer to Lando, arms reaching for him, and Lando—now nude, skin pebbling in the evening chill—turned and rested his elbows on the table, his back arched and ass made available to his beloved.
“And I’ll need to know everything about the process, Signore Sainz,” Lando continued, hearing the rustle of Carlos divesting himself of his hose, the way Carlos lined himself up with Lando immediately even as he reached for the bottle that would ease his entrance.
“You would hear about how I took feverish notes, how I knew I was doing well because the smell of it made me touch myself?” Carlos whispered harshly into Lando’s ear. His slick, perfumed fingers pushed into Lando at once, and Lando crooned with it. “You would hear about how the bottle is low because–”
“I would hear about it once you’re inside me,” Lando snapped, impatient with his arousal. And Carlos, despite his nature, removed his fingers and pushed into him, rending the resistance easily. Lando gasped with it, with the fullness of Carlos inside him, and threw his head back.
Carlos took his chin, lifted it, pressed his nose into Lando’s neck and breathed him in. “Fuck. Fuck. Just the way you smell makes me mad. The way you feel, the way you sound, but the way you smell…”
He was fucking into Lando in earnest, no time wasted, his desk rattling against the wall, and Lando caught sight of that bottle again, that evidence of Carlos’ madness. He unstoppered it with a finger.
“You have notes? You can make it again?” Lando gasped, forcing himself to speak in complete sentences and not the babbling he wanted to be reduced to.
“Yes, yes, fuck, so good for me.”
Well. That was assent, wasn’t it?
So Lando tipped the bottle over and doused himself in the perfume. Carlos stopped thrusting, and Lando knew Carlos was watching as the oils glaciated down Lando’s neck, down his chest, his back, further and further until his pubic hair was coated in the oil, until he could feel the oil down his lower back, his ass.
“So tell me, Signore,” Lando asked, feeling more than seeing Carlos�� blown-open eyes, the flex of his fingers, the tension in his body. “Is this too much me for you?”
Lando’s answer was Carlos pushing him down onto the ground and fucking him with a wildness.
#hibi answers#omtsy#not proofread!!#and I need to make breakfast so I couldn’t fill out the ending as much as I’d like :(#hibi writes
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i feel like most horror fans can't go 5 minutes without being ableist in some fashion its so god damn hard to interact with people who like this genre too
it is maddening honestly like i think the horror of the lack of power that can come with disability is very real especially in our current society. it can be a good thing to talk about in a horror story. but god damn, like, referring to scarring and injuries and in general differences one can sustain irl as "Body horror" feels so detached from reality. i think so many people dont even stop to realize that it can be so dehumanizing to the disabled person affected, or people, lol. it's been definitely normalized to a very scary amount to regard realistic differences (especially in faces and heads) as body horror
and im not even referring to purposefully unrealistic exaggeration like idk, m/ndela catalogue's, bc that reaches a point where it's "fantastical" enough or cartoony to be like yeah ok, this is body horror because it goes beyond what human limits are like. but burn victims, people who sustain injuries from acid, and in general people with different facial conformations which can be results of genetics or illnesses are not body horror and require as much respect/awareness as your average person. like i would imagine it feels othering
tho i speak from the pov of someone who's been living with a disabled person for years now, and while i dont have that specific kind of situation myself, i've become more sensitive to this stuff lol anyways youre right anon. sorry for the ramble. but its unfortunately true.
in the specific topic of m/uthw/shing, taking aside what i think of curly's personality and attitude pre-crash, post-crash he is disabled... and part of the point of the game is how this condition of his is taken advantage of while he cannot do anything himself as an amputee because he is, realistically, still suffering his injuries!! jimmy being a dick is part of the point but with this & other topics ill reserve myself from rambling about it feels like people are just not understanding the story at all!! like, the least you could do is not dehumanize curly (and fairly enough most people ive seen don't do this, but it takes me so little for me to be pissed off lately. this is why i try to not tag my posts so people dont see them). bare minimum. the bar is in hell dude
#asks#tw ableism#ill tag it just in case people dotn wanna see discussions of it but i mean like#i feel like my complaint isnt unjustified#ill reserve my harsher thoughts for another day#thank u anon though i dont feel as crazy after ur ask#sometimes i feel like i get mad for nothing#like im the only one getting all peeved over something stupid
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everyones more than welcome to send me asks about stuff* btw, i know i havent been that good in answering, but i think thats largely bc i always want to do too much, like .. drawing entire character design sheets and everything and then never having the energy or motivation for it so it sits around like all of my hundreds of wips i never finished bc i lost energy/motivation, waiting for it to come back .. which might never happen (and i still dont know how to handle compliments ,, i might never will tbh- if i havent answered a compliment its very very likely i dont know how to properly convey my gratitude- feeling like theres no amount of things i can do or say to 'pay back'? ... kinda weird if you think about it .. but i am weird so what do i know jsklfnhsdk, i promise you i treasure it)
im pretty sure not everyone that sends an ask expects a drawing or multiple and pages long text right? thats my skewed perspective isnt it?
*stuff being like .. about my ocs, about my zelda comic, about the totk rewrite project, suggestions, ideas, rants too, kind of anything though im less likely to respond to personal things (and in case theres anyone newer to tumblr, asks dont have to be literal questions, you can write in those what you want, i like them alot bc its a lil message without the chat type of commitment to it ... im even worse at keeping up responding in chats (not intentionally .. my short term memory sucks) o3o)
#ganondoodles talks#personal#i might ... have gotten some of my art spark back .... i think#i dont want to announce anything before knowing for sure#but i was able to fix the comic panel i kept getting frustrated on today so im countign that as a win#............... in case you are one of the at least 8 people who saw the oc post i wrote yesterday btw ... sorry my fear of being cringe wo#i deleted it earlier today T-T#i still feel like im making myself too vunerable talking about my ocs#like oh gods i cant write things like that .. scenes out of context that mean alot to me but are jsut werid to read for others#i fought the cringe fear for a long time but it still won#if you dont know- its nothing to worry about ... just got mad at myself for wasting an entire evening just daydreaming about ocs again-#and added a really sloppy summarized version of a scene i came up with for them that made me feel things but makes no sense-#-and has no weight written in tags like that so uuuuh thats gone now dfjkgndfjknjkd#i sometimes think i shouldnt be allowed to make posts past 10 pm but here i am writing one at .. FRICK ... 1am again#....going to bed now .. woops
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Growing up as an only child people would always like talking to me and say I’m nice and generous then when they found out that I’m an only child they’d tell me “oh so you’re spoiled and don’t know how to share?”. And it was always so frustrating because why would I be spoiled? Yes both of my parents attention was only on me but they raised me right? And I’ve met people that are spoiled and not brats, like spoiled brat and spoiled are two different things.
And I love sharing and always have bc I never had anyone to share with so I like letting other people use my stuff. One of my friends that I did so many things for all of middle school (I gave her homework answers, pencils, erasers, bandaids, some of my lunch, gum, etc) told me that I don’t know how to share because I’m an only child. We’re not friends anymore because at one point she started rushing me to do my work so she could copy and she would not let me concentrate and she wouldn’t copy my shit while I was doing it and then she’d get mad at me because she was failing. But anyway, I was a little mad because you KNOW me, but you’re just gonna say that because why, exactly? It was like people were always telling me what I should be like and telling me that I don’t understand any childhood experiences.
And then I get told I must not know how to compromise just because I’m an only child? Like what? I will do anything to please you so what the hell are you talking about.
And people go on rants saying that parents need to start having more than two children because they hate only children. I’ve seen this so many times and it makes me a little sad because my parents tried, okay? Generalizing is not cool. They’ll hate only children just because they had a bad experience with someone that happened to be an only child. And then I’ll make friends with someone and when they find out I’m an only child they’ll tell me they never would’ve guessed because they hate only children. Thanks, I guess?
“You must not have a very good family bond” uhh why? My cousins are the closest thing I ever had as siblings growing up and I genuinely don’t understand when they would say this because it doesn’t mean I can’t bond with people my age.
“You probably get everything you want” i was told this just because I bought a new notebook when my old one ran out of pages. Again, what is the thought process here because it’s not like I can ask for anything and get it just because I’m the only kid my parents have.
I would say I’m lonely and want a sister and people would get straight up mad at me. “No you don’t you’re lucky” and you think there aren’t things I want that you have too? I literally feel so alone 24/7 but I guess I’m not allowed to feel that because at least I get privacy.
They also always assume I’m rich. I am very much not rich and I did have friends that lived in bigger houses and it made me so insecure about mine. Idk what it is about assuming only children are rich. I wish being an only child came with that bc then I’d never complain again. But unfortunately it doesn’t work like that.
Anyways. This was a random rant. I just remembered that I would get so frustrated because I would literally cry from the fact that I didn’t have a best friend or someone like a sibling to talk to, and then I’d be told my feelings weren’t valid. I know this is such a non issue, but just sharing I guess.
#idk it’s midnight#can’t sleep#and I’m feeling lonely and this was the result#I might go crazy if I can’t find a best friend that will call me their best friend back#everyone seems to have their person but me and that’s not fair#only child#only child core#if anyone gets mad bc they can’t handle someone has a different experience I swear#rant#midnight rant#random post#and when my parents die I’ll be alone#I literally cry thinking of it#and I either live up to their expectations or literally nothing else bc J haven’t really thought of a plan b#all the pressure is on me and that kind of sucks#only child culture#only kid things#but yeah call me spoiled just because my parents couldn’t reproduce another offspring#the fact that I’m so scared to not be okay because my parents only have one daughter#I’m trying so hard to make it worth it#only child experience#spoiled brat#according to everyone#eldest child#middle child#and when they say ‘attention whore’ as if said attention doesn’t feel like being under a microscope sometimes
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dose anywan else really hate being asexual this isntreally a vent post im just curious
#its so annoying#ijave no problem at all with asexuality in general i just Personally hate. being. It#im more like grayace than anything. or something. udont really like labels#iwas thinkingabout it today and how lonely it can feel sometimes#again just genuinely wondering if anyone elsefeels dis way#i always heard the whole like. “missing something” thing and was kinda like Yeahhh okay but i really get it now honestly. fomo type shit#feel like everyones in on this big inside joke that i know nothing about . or something#no like anger towards anyone. imnot mad at the world or something. i just always feel like im always trying to catch up and never#getting anywhere#i dannoooo
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The way I wanna see Luis go completely apeshit and just start doing things that he wouldn’t do in canon. In canon we know he feels immense guilt for his past and wants to make up for it all. We see him trying to do good over and over again. He wants to redeem himself and prove he’s changed.
But a part of me so badly wants him to kinda just,, lose the plot for a hot minute. The whole “be the monster they always said you were” kinda ordeal. He gets left for dead after the Krauser attack and nobody came back for him so he’s kinda bitter about it. I know it would be out of character because of what we’ve seen him go through and do, but… I do kinda wanna see it happen anyway.
#so naturally I’m brainstorming a corruption arc fic that will never be completed bc nobody wants to see this#and also because I will get people saying it’s ooc#I love him for how good he genuinely is and how human he feels I swear#but sometimes I just wanna see my beloveds go fucking berserk#I’m sorry i think he would also kinda be hot as a mad scientist#you ever see someone reach their breaking point? where they realise everything they’d done had been for nothing? completely useless bc#nobody bothered to see the good in them?#ofc Luis had Ashley Ada and Leon who saw the good in him and gave him the opportunity to do good#but also nobody went back for his corpse for a proper burial so like…#idk. I’m just saying shit out here.#Luis Babygirl Serra#moose rambles#moose posting#focusing on his anger bc if I think about his sadness I’ll break down and cry
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i feel rly sad and conflicted abt one of my best friends on earth but idk who to ask for advice bc i usually would have consulted her in this situation lmao
#shes cool and i dont want to lose her and i know Logically i love her but atm i feel so strange towards her#and idk what to do abt it bc i know in the past ive like...over-communicated a lot and over the last few yrs ive been trying to not do that#bc thats an anxious impulse i think .so like . self control#AND IMPORTANTLY . i may actually be the problem here ?? ok again i love her i dont want to lose her etc but basically ive noticed a pattern#which is that whenever she gets a bf/a man (even fwb) in her life she basically stops talking to me and the limited interactions we do have#become abt him. and while i support her it is acc too much. like we barely talked while she was w her ex bf until he became abusive and#then we talked a lottt like all our convos understandably were abt him . and then when they broke up we kept hanging out so i didnt rly see#the pattern there but still she seemed to centre men a lot in her life like sbe was excited to not date and find herself and then#immediately afterwards started seeing this other guy with whom shes basically in a relationship now#hes nice and all but like . HES ALL SHE TALKS ABT . actually we barely talk atp but when we do its abt him#she sends me reels sometimes but its all abt being jealous abt him etc . and shes bi but she said she doesnt like the idea of dating women#bc theyre scary . and i thought she was kidding in the ohhh women r so beautiful that theyre intimidating way but no she was being entirely#fr . she explained jts bc she was bullied by a girl in the past but like...bro ur ex bf literally abused you like surely you see men are#capable of just as much harm? but obvs who she dates is her own choice . but anyway she has consistently made plans w me then cancelled the#like an hr before . or asked to call me and then proceeded to not do so . when i ask her to meet/call its the same she just doesnt respond#or she cancels ? and while i understand anxiety sucks it feels SO WEIRD STILL . maybe im the problem slightly too bc ik i have no right to#feel this way but it rubs me the wrong way that ik she has so much time to spend w him/calls him all the time despite meeting him just a fe#months ago whereas i just have to like ...be ok w not actually having talked to her for a long time#its gotten to the point where when she says do you wanna meet/call i automatically respond yes and then just assume it doesnt happen . like#there have been several times over the past few months i double booked plans over when we were supposed to call/meet bc i was sure she#wouldnt show up and ive been right each time#like she sends me texts that she misses me or im her best friend etc etc occasionally and then acts rly . contrary to that ?#ive talked to her abt the issue w cancelling on me twice btw. when i was still dating the situationship person she would get sooo mad at#them for not respecting my time and shed tell me i deserve better etc etc and then like . she doesnt seem to respect my time at all#anyway she said she understand and she admits to like...being flaky etc but does nothing abt it#and its not like i can tell her to stop caring so much abt men bc we sorta had convos like that b4 she got This involved w this guy#and apparently it did nothing and the last thing i want is to police her relationships or get in her way#its just AUSHD AUGH#anyway i rly miss her it just doesnt feel the same at all anymore
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g*lmar rly has to be the best skajrim character on the real like even if you don't like him he just is . literally The best one i think......... on dat note i also imagine that he and ulfr*c despite being fairydust BFFs for lyfe genuinely have the worst communication skills ever seen
#text#but i already talked about how g*lmar is weird about ulfr*c anyways#literally jubilant and feeling special cus he's the only person ulfr*c actually trusts and speaks to outside of formal conversations#he's a very manly man too (like N*loth) for wanting to just control everything... well actually having ulfr*c under 'control' is enough 4 -#- him. unlike n*loth who wants to be above everything that moves. literally not about him tho#i hope that other st*rmcloaks develop a habit of going to hide downstairs in the palace whenever they can tell the vibe between -#- g*lmar and ulfr*c is off because they're gonna be yelling at each other and throwing shit around for 40 minutes in a few seconds#i don't believe they'd fight insanely often but being at an active war probably gets them heated more. Often than usual; and their -#- conflicts are never resolved. i feel like they just don't talk to each other for a good 2 days and act like nothing happened#they're way too manly and prideful to actually let the other one 'win' so they just don't say anything ever post-arguing#Tbhs g*lmar actually really likes that ulfr*c is so unstable and harrowed because it makes himself feel very good and reliable -#- but he has his limits 😂LMFAOO i bet sometimes he gets really tired of him being so traumatized. very rarely but he does think about it#i'll have to desribe that a bit better later tho... don't know how to word it atm#but maybe he wants to punch him or something BYE. no...... 💔savage as hell#he likes it in a very general sense of ulfr*c's personality especially between them but doesn't like it when it causes them to clash#this might just be mostly ulfr*c's doing cus i doubt he's actually talkative about his past issues and Troubles (torture mayhem) and -#- can't communicate anything about it or set boundaries when needed. he just gets mad or very avoidant. No fixing that tho#well it's just shameful to him so he'd rather do nothing than even admit anything to anyone Everrrrr#why does his life suck so bad LMFAOOOOOOOOO#their nasty musty mutualism .. leeching off your traumatized Bff so that he can make you feel good by saying he needs you in particular#while U pay him back with some support.......SOME#Oh well#that zero communication between some sk*rim characters looks yammy as fuck to me. A;lways. ALWAYS#nelvas is power dynamic induced...... g*lmar&&ulfr*c trauma-caused... elituli Um😂 t*llius doesn't even know any hobbies she has#bye this is why they're serving so hard
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#putting this here because i need to put these thoughts into words -#so many of my joints and limbs hurt all the time and its always the most bastardly combinations too#it's been only getting worse ever since it started a decade ago#and i feel like i am going insane#my limbs sometimes feel like they are on fire and i can't do anything about it#recently my knees have been worse than ever before and i feel held hostage by my own damn body#i always feel like people are let down by me when my body forces me to do/not do certain things#and it makes me feel so bad to talk about my pain with anyone around me#i've been chasing an answer with so many different doctors but it is so hard to not just get dismissed as a crazy 24yo woman#and end up with zero help#and this is not even counting the very possible allodynia in my hands -#im just so tired of pain and people around me getting mad at me for being in said pain#or not even MAD. they get so disappointed.#i dont know where else to put this right now and you guys are always lovely to me#so if any of you read this - i wish you nothing but good things. make sure to drink some water ♥#also side note: thank you all who read the new OKR part. it means the world.#lila post
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#dont mind me just havin a conversation about rpgs and mods (specifically BG3)#and the person says they don't like mods and im like thats fine! nothing wrong with that!#and then they just go off “Mods are delusions and lies and deception!! its not real!!”#like ummm idk how to break this to ya buddy but uhh#the entire video game is not real lmao#they seem weirdly attached to the idea that the creator's vision is law and anything remotely changing any detail is blasphemy#nevermind all the things Larian themselves have retconned and moved around lol#the studios themselves dont know what their own canon is sometimes#in TES Kahjiit look different in each game#the elves are drastically different between each Divinity game#idk this is just a super bizarre conversation and ngl it threw me for a loop lmao#“mods are an illusion” feels like a meme#like i get that in spirit they mean that mods can hurt the integrity of a game and oossibly change the original vision#or go against established lore#but at the same time like....who cares? the creators aren't going to be offended and block you from playing the game because ur using mods#sorry im rambling but im just so darn confused#this is a hot take i wasn't prepared to catch#like show me where the video game mods have personally attacked you lmao#and YES if youve made it this far into the tags i will tell you#this was a conversation with an anti aa person on the aa kiss mod#theyre mad because it just “supports a delusion” and “ruins the story Larian is telling”#cause ya know ...the Tav expressions are meant to godmod players so that we know AA is abusive!#it was just all very patronizing#theye like “nothing wrong with using this mod if it makes you happy!! but hust remember that its NOT real and not canon!!”#imagine being so bitter you have to comment on things not for you just to bring down morale of those who enjoy it#and you do it with a take that isnt even correct lmao
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i love you jiang yanli shes like an oc to me. she got fridged in the book so now i get to say anything i want about her and no one can prove me wrong because she barely gets any agency in canon so we dont know WHAT shed do given the chance
#my thots#thats it thats the post#i just love her. im thinking of her always#<333#shes my baby girl guys. i think she should have lived and i think she should have thriving relationships with other women#and i think she should be allowed to be mad at people and feel betrayed and be mad about that and she should be allowed to be ugly and jeal#jealous and imperfect and yell sometimes#and she should be allowed to be an imperfect mother#i think she should be allowed to be fairly strict when parenting for real she should have kind of high standards#like jin ling has to really give his all to anything he wants to do and if he doesnt full ass every part shes like why are you even doing#this. a-ling do you really care be honest.#and if he doesnt thats fine its just nothing is ever casual when jiang yanli is involved#modern au where yanli has a teenage rebellion phase and runs away from home for a month and when she comes back#her mother is like. yeah thats what i thought you little bitch and yanli just says oh fuck you too.#and yu ziyuan is like damn i see how it is. i see your game okay#and after that yanli has an allowance now she didnt previously but now she does#i can argue this btw in terms of like where im getting this characterization specifically for madam yu moreso than for yanli#but anyway. i love them both thats it
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