#sometimes house feels a sliver of guilt for taking advantage of this mindset
marc--chilton · 1 month
(mgv) in spite of overbearing tendencies, wilson under the effects of rut is hugely beneficial to house. without a marriage tying him down, wilson focuses entirely on him. he frets but takes the hint when house cuffs him over the ear with a short hiss, pacing but waiting for time to pass so he can get close again. he follows house around not unlike he did when house first bailed him out of jail, lost and lonely in new orleans.
but the real jackpot is, ironically, a bad pain day. all he has to say is "my leg" in that frustrated, pained growl and wilson's all over him. petting his hair, scratching his stubble, sitting him up to stuff a pillow under his leg and placing vicodin on his tongue. house is doing him a favor, really; if wilson didn't get his "need to be needed" out of his system regularly, he'd be on wife number four by now. and even with the fog of Stupid that comes with a cycle, he just knows house well enough to not need to be asked to curl up at house's side, slither halfway into his lap, and purr into the infarction scar like the best heating pad in the world.
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