#sometimes brushing your hair off your face very sooo lightly.. ..his fingers feeling like feathers against your neck.....
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ghoulspaw · 4 days ago
Haku the type of guy that if his hands aren't in close proximity to your his crush's body, he'd detonate like a bomb and DIE (it's THAT serious for him).
Pre-relationship?? If you're sitting next to him, he makes the fake yawning move and has his arm resting behind your back/on the chair. If you're walking side by side, he "accidentally" bumps into you cause he's a little "tired" and "sleepy" (probably throwing a "would love to take a nap on someone's lap haha" comment in there). You're having lunch together? "Oh, wait, dont move, you have something on your face..let me clean that up for u 😉" (you did, in fact, have nothing on your face). Feeling upset? How about a hug. Stressed? A massage would definitely work!! He does not go by a day without giving you a headpat...
Now...post-relationship?...... 🙏. Him sitting next to you?? HAND ON YOUR THIGH ‼️🗣 Walking next to you?? HAND HOLDING‼️ 🗣 (dare i say... hand on WAIST too..). Nap time?? CUDDLING ‼️🗣 Feeling upset? Stressed??? All of the aforementioned, but now ☝️ he adds KISSES......... now it's not only his hands, but also his lips........ (and tong-*GUNSHOT*)
This man needs his fingertips touching your skin at some point during the day or he'll have 911 on speed dial its true
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pickle-plum · 7 years ago
"Kiss" for Edan and Hermann in the AU where they get married, please?
Here they are in the world of my NaNoWriMo project! Thanks for asking @bamfcoyotetango! Sorry it took so long to finish!
Hermann blinks, eyelashes dragging against his pillowcase.
He groans, pushes up on his elbows.
Another knock—a very distinctive knock—at the door.
“I’m coming!” hollers Hermann, wings pressing against their binding and heart thumping against his ribs, wiggling off the mattress.
A muffled cheer from the hallway.
Hermann wobbles to his feet, smooths down his jumper, limps across the room, manages the bolt and knob.
Edan beams, sketches a wave from the other side of the threshold.
“Good afternoon,” greets Hermann, a little hoarse.
Edan goes sheepish, ducks his head. “Were you sleeping?”
“No!” Hermann runs a hand through his hair, huffs. “I may have been dozing, however.”
“Sorry! I-I can come back later!”
“It’s alright! I need to begin packing.”
“Oh, uh, right. Packing ….”
“Right.” Hermann shifts his feet.
Edan rubs the back of his neck. “I know it’s cold out tonight, but I was hoping you’d maybe go stargazing with me? Before you go home?”
“That sounds pleasant. Let me put on my coat.”
“Mind if I teleport us someplace dark?”
“Not at all.”
Edan lights up. “Brilliant!”
Hermann nods absently, smiling to himself, bundles up in his long wool coat.
Edan bounces on his toes, offers his arm.
Hermann links up, takes a deep breath.
“In three … two … one!”
The world blurs, a wave of pressure pushes the air from Hermann’s lungs, and his cane slips—
Edan catches hold of his elbow, steadies him.
—checks his balance, tilts some ringing from his ears, murmurs, “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome!” Edan beams, gestures to a pair of camp stools a few steps away, sings, “We’re here!”
Hermann raises an eyebrow.
“You … you prepared for this.”
Edan rubs the back of his neck. “Only took a moment. You know, poof here, poof back.”
“I really envy witches their ability to travel.”
“You only need to ask and I’ll pop us wherever you want.”
Hermann swallows the lump forming in his throat.
“Shall we?”
Hermann grunts agreement.
They ease themselves down to sitting, Edan keeping a gentle touch on Hermann’s elbow, the contact sending a sparkle of electricity along Hermann’s nerves.
Edan makes an airy gesture.
The chill breeze stops.
“Did you … did you just change the weather?”
“Uh, no? It’s more like a filter slows the fastest-moving air entering a bubble about my arm-span wide.”
“Amazing.” Hermann stretches his legs, tilts his head back and admires the stars, shoulder lightly brushing Edan’s.
“It’s only a little thing? Bloke I learned it from can barely float a feather, but nails this one every time.” Edan snorts a laugh. “Probably because his wife’s always cold.”
Hermann hums approval.
Above him, the stars twinkle in the crystal clear, pitch black sky.
“Where are we, exactly?”
“Ben Lomond, north of Glasgow.”
“A park?”
“A mountain. My favourite mountain.”
A long, quiet moment passes.
“Any of your favourites out tonight?” asks Edan.
Hermann tilts his head further back to take in the full sweep of the sky. “Altair,” he says and points, picking out a single bright point in the thick carpet of lights arcing above them.
“You can put the hand down. I know which one she is.”
“Oh. Of course.” Hermann feels his face heat.
“You’re a natural teacher. It’s a hard habit to break, even when you’re with your friends, aye?”
“Aye,” echoes Hermann, relaxing, his shoulders releasing a little of their tension. “Any of your favourites visible?”
“Well, you know me, it’s all about the darkness between.” Edan laughs weakly. “Nothing to see without some serious gear.”
“Even with your magic?”
“Nobody’s got that kind of power, except maybe a faerie queen. Us mere mortals have to make do with our time on the Lovell.”
“What an utter disappointment,” deadpans Hermann.
“I’ll muddle through, somehow,” snickers Edan.
Off behind them, leafless branches clack together in a breeze which doesn’t reach Hermann.
He sighs, content.
“Sooo …,” says Edan. “I’ve been thinking—couldn’t sleep last night because of it, actually ….”
“Didn’t you have a final today?”
“Um, yes, but it was ‘art history for nerds’ so it was a doddle, even sleep-deprived.”
Hermann shakes his head, chides, “That sort of thing will cost you someday.”
“Probably, but sometimes I can’t help it.”
There’s a note of helpless laughter in Edan’s voice.
“You’re hopeless.”
“That I am.”
Hermann rolls his eyes.
They watch the stars in the quiet for a comfortable while.
“I’m more than a little in love with you,” Edan finally says conversationally, as if it was the most unremarkable thing in the world.
Hermann stops breathing—
“You hadn’t a clue, yea?”
—and his heart stutters.
“It’s been like trying to charm a wall.”
Hermann still doesn’t move.
“I mean, I know I’m not the greatest catch, but … well, I’m yours. If you’ll have me.”
“I … don’t know what to … are you sure?” croaks Hermann.
Edan laughs—
Hermann’s heart flutters, takes flight.
—says, “I’m sure, Hermann. Completely sure. Cross my heart.” He makes the associated motion.
“Oh. That’s good … I think.” Hermann takes a deep and shaky breath. “I’m sure … I’m sure I want to be yours, too.”
“Thank goodness. My heart can start beating again.” Edan slouches, drags a hand down his face. “Well, seeing as I just gave it to you, I hope you’ll let me use it for something as mundane as pumping blood.”
Hermann gives in to a goofy grin. “Of course. I don’t think this will be quite as much fun if I let you die.”
“No, probably not,” Edan says through a laugh. “I’d like to kiss you. That alright?”
Hermann gives a timid nod.
Edan smiles reassuringly as he takes a gentle hold of Hermann’s chin and guides their lips together.
It’s quick and it’s soft and it’s warm and Hermann’s not sure it’s much of a kiss by typical standards, but it’s enough to short-circuit the few parts of his brain still functioning.
The world swirls and Hermann’s wings tremble under his layers and he sways in his seat.
Edan places a hand on the nape of his neck to ground him.
Hermann breathes deeply through his nose, slowly calming.
“Wasn’t too bad, was it?”
“No. No, not bad at all,” Hermann manages with a small, crooked smile.
Edan replies with a warm one.
Hermann threads his chilled fingers through Edan’s, squeezes.
Edan returns the gesture.
Hermann smiles, heart light with hope.
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