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Stay Safe Online
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killedbyxcuriosity · 10 years
[[ Woven threads.
     There was a problem with being without your regular coworkers: you didn’t have all the resources you normally had or the comfort of familiarity. Kentucky was not her home turf, and neither were these officers someone she was overly comfortable with.
     She knew next to little about the area, and even less about what was going on here. It wasn’t the number of murders per se that drew this level of investigation but the manner in which they were done.
     If it didn’t look like someone got put through a blender, they looked like the aftermath of a dog with a rag doll. She had seen her share of grotesque crimes; some were quite artistic. This string wasn’t like those. It was just plain ugly, and furthermore it was proving exceedingly difficult to pinpoint what the motive or pattern was. Apart from the fact people were being brutally massacred.
     She took a picture of the broken phone on the ground. Smashed to pieces and punctured in the middle like someone had stabbed it with a sharp stick. Not far away were a couple straps of cloth; they looked like they once belonged to a jacket. She took a picture of that too.
     Someone had been here, but they weren’t in the area anymore. It didn’t look like they were dead. Judging from the smudged blood and foot print -- it looked like a boot -- this person was still functioning. Now, whether this person was a perpetrator or a victim, they didn’t know yet.
     Crouching down, she carefully parted a couple branches of underbrush. More blood. This hadn’t been blotted out, so it probably went unnoticed. She marked it down and snapped a picture. If this person was alive, and regardless if they were a victim or not, they had to find them.
     Pushing back up to her feet, she moved on.
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inhismemory · 11 years
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           " ---... you look confused as shit, pup."
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myturntocarvearchive · 11 years
that matters
      this is deanna winchester we're talking about. the years of trying to uphold moral standards and save the innocent tangled up in supernatural bullshit have long since passed. this is a woman who drove an angel blade through an innocent girl because she was possessed by a reaper. this is a woman who won't think twice about the innocent fodder left behind because she's meant to take out the bad and maybe she's saving enough people to make up for the ones that die anyway. this is a woman who could very much be considered a serial killer if you want to get technical. so yes -- everyone that matters ;  she could count them on one hand. 
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lumbxrjack · 11 years
ya'll muthafuckas lookin' to get pimpslapped by jesus, i stg.
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valixnce · 10 years
somethingtocarry replied to your post: outofmagic. Pops in to show off my ico...
-winks respectfully at- (because suggestive winking is not classy u kno)
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asxyouxwish · 11 years
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         ♘ —- ❝ Is there a reason you are on my ship? ❞
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inhismemory · 11 years
somethingtocarry replied to your post “– ”
for a creature thing. |:
What did you want me to say? You're cute for a human? Because you aren't one.
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myturntocarvearchive · 11 years
( -sits in your ask- tail wag? )
   [ is in kansas for the weekend because of reasons ; left a zip loc bag full of bacon for the wolf in a place he'll find it. ] 
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maliciousxgod · 11 years
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          [ ∞ ;          It was never good when mortals start to realize that they were not alone in this world. Some handled it fairly well, some, not so much. It was really a hit and miss when it came to them, unpredictable little things, really. As of late, there seemed to be a lot of misses because he could not even begin to count the amount of souls he has reaped from either humans accusing other humans to be--well, not human. Or those fae making a meal of the lot.
           Not that Deux really cared if a handful of humans died here and there, considering how little he thought of their kind, but unfortunately, there was a balance to things. An order that had to be kept. And without the said order, chaos was promised. And though the deity did not mind the carnage here and there, the aftermath ( and consequences which always followed ) were not always fun and easy to clean up.
             For some reason or another, Kentucky has been getting a lot more attention than it has in years. It was rather surprising, really, considering how small it seemed to be compared to the other states, though he supposed that may or may not be the allure it had. And when too many things went bump in the night, it was usually him who had to take care of the problem.
            He would have sent one of his reapers to do the job, but they were not always reliable and they only did well when dealing with the dead. Since not all of these creatures were part of the undead, it saved more time if he did it himself. Being a God and all, one would think he would be all knowing, but it was a terrible misconception. A thorough investigation was called for, though it wasn't hard to find who fit in and who didn't.
             The deity was in the middle of flipping through the channels in a bored fashion when he heard the sound of approaching footsteps, coming right outside of the door. Despite such, he did not even spare it a glance as he settled on some old horror film. It was far from impressive, but it was better than the stupid romance movies aired on the previous channels. When the door finally swung open, he greeted the other with a small scoff, though he did not bother looking back at him.
                                             "About bloody time,                                                     I was getting rather bored." 
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consequentiae · 11 years
He didn't know her. Didn't know what to think of her. Didn't know what to /do/ with her. So he sat and stared at her, trying to figure out why she felt like a bottle of magic swirling around in a glass jar. It was both fascinating and concerning. /Was she a threat or harmless?/
     “—- so, is this a staring contest or am I mistaken?” The Ideology leaned forward, settling her chin over slender fingers as her eyes watched with slightly amused curiosity.
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