#something to write before I eep c:
“You make me feel safe.”
Those words escaped Dre’s mouth before he even had time to process what he even meant. He made a noise in confusion at that, soon feeling uneasy as he waited for Cala’s response.
Cala was in the middle of drawing in her sketchbook but she paused and looked up at him.
And smiled.
“Aw, well I’m glad to make you feel safe Dre.” She simply replied, that radiant smile never leaving.
He had no idea why, but she just felt pleasant to look at.
Like he could just stare at her and the itch of feeling like he’s forgetting something is just… gone.
She feels like a safety net.
He just nodded and she gave one more smile before she went back to drawing.
He stared at her for a few minutes, contemplating on what to say next before he floated behind her to see what she was sketching.
She was drawing a portrait of.. him. He almost looked startled at first as he saw the sketched version of himself, seeing the obscured face and the torn wings.
It felt like he was about to faint seeing that but, in a way he was also oddly calm.
“I know you don’t like looking at yourself in the mirror,” Cala began as she looked up at him, her smile softening as her eyes were soft with care,
“So I wanted to draw you to show you what you looked like.”
Dre paused, and a part of him still felt on edge. Like he was terrified of seeing how he looked.
It felt wrong seeing himself.
But when she was showing him it felt.. safer.
He stayed quiet and nodded, looming closer to her.
Cala stiffened slightly but let him, not minding that the green ichor was dripping onto her clothes or the paper.
He stayed quiet, admiring it for a minute before he spoke,
“…Do I make you feel safe?”
Cala blinked, almost surprised about his question before she pouted to think.
“…I mean. In a way, yeah. You’re scary looking and very foreboding, but that’s not a bad thing. I don’t judge by looks— and you ah, listen to me when I ramble a lot and you try to take care of me when I’m not doing my best so— I say yeah.”
She shrugged and soon laughed, a sheepish smile across her face as a blush formed,
“I think you’re a good person. You feel like a good person to me, so you feel safe.”
Dre felt his whole body heat up as green ichor practically dripped down heavily. Cala made a noise in surprise and he pulled away, shaking some as he stared.
He felt like a good person to her..?
Why did those words seem so foreign?
Like they felt new to hear.
He was expecting to be berated or her to be insulting but in reality she was nothing but kind.
This kindness felt so new but so… welcoming.
And terrifying.
He nodded wiping his face before his voice cracked,
He quickly disappeared, trying to figure out why he was feeling so scared by her saying those simple words.
And she was left alone, confused but worried about her ghost friend.
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scoonsalicious · 6 months
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Unwanted: Chapter 12, Unlucky - Pt. 2
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Fem!Reader
Summary: When your FWB relationship with your best friend Bucky Barnes turns into something more, you couldn’t be happier. That is, however, until a new Avenger sets her sights on your super soldier and he inadvertently breaks your heart. You take on a mission you might not be prepared for to put some distance between the two of you and open yourself up to past traumas. Too bad the only one who can help you heal is the one person you can no longer trust.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language,
Word Count: 935
Previously On...: It's finally time to present your Crisis Prediction Algorithm to the Stark Industries' Board of Directors! EEP!
A/N: Another short part, but I'll be honest and tell you that this one has my all-time favorite Pocket/Tony interaction in it, so it was *so* much fun to write! I just love the dynamic between the two of them. And for a little Good News/Bad News: Bad News-- I'm heading off to New Orleans in a few hours Spring Break (like, I have to leave my house at 2:30am, it's godawful), so I'm not going to be very active on here for several days, and I'm not bringing my laptop (which is how I prefer to Tumblr, tbh). The Good News? I'm setting up scheduled updates so you'll keep getting your Unwanted segments in a timely fashion! I just won't be very interactive during that time period to update chapter links; you'll just have to find parts by navigating my feed. Sorry! I'll make it all better when I come home; promise.
Banner By: The absolutely amazing @mrsbuckybarnes1917!
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
Taglist: (Please let me know if you’d like to be added!) @jmeelee @cazellen @blackhawkfanatic @les-sel @marcswife21 @buckybarnessimpp @mrsbuckybarnes1917 @erelierraceala @hayjat @capswife @itsteambarnes @jupiter-107 @marygoddessofmischief @sebastians-love @learisa @lethallyprotected @rabbitrabbit12321 @buckybarnesandmarvel @fanfictiongirl77 @calwitch @fantasyfootballchampion @selella @jackiehollanderr @wintercrows @sashaisready @missvelvetsstuff @angelbabyyy99 @keylimebeag @maybefoxysouls @vicmc624 @sashaisready @j23r23 @wintercrows @crist1216 @cjand10 @doublejeon @pattiemac1
To your absolute delight, and no surprise to Bucky, the presentation went off without a hitch. The board was impressed with the level of detail you’d put into your work, and the extensive data you had to show from your months of trials. You’d managed to succinctly answer every question they brought up concerning protecting civilian privacy, system security, and cost/benefit analysis to their satisfaction. 
When the time came for the board to vote, you held your breath, squeezing Bucky’s hand under the table as each member called out their ‘yay’ or ‘nay.’ When it was all said and done, the overwhelming majority had voted for Stark Industries to fund the implementation of the crisis prediction algorithm system, tentatively now called C-PAS, with the only votes against being concerned about cost, and not the benefits or merits of it. You couldn’t have been happier.
In celebration, Tony and Pepper took you and Bucky out to dinner at one of the most exclusive rooftop restaurants in the city. Now, as the Stark Industries’ CTO, you were definitely not hard up for money, by any stretch of the imagination, but the atmosphere around you was beyond anything you’d normally immerse yourself in.
“Here’s to our girl!” Tony exclaimed, raising a glass of 1998 Rosé Dom Pérignon. You blushed as Bucky and Pepper raised their glasses in your honor before you all took a sip. “I’m so proud of you, Pocket. I couldn’t be prouder if I had done it myself, so you know that’s saying something.”
You laughed at that. “Thank you, Boss,” you said, raising your glass to him. “That is truly a rare compliment, coming from you.”
“Don’t mention it, kiddo. Can’t think of a single person more deserving of the success than you.”
You ducked your face, trying to hide the flush of pride and embarrassment that was now coloring your cheeks. No matter your accomplishments, you would never become accustomed to being acknowledged for doing something well.
Bucky grabbed your hand and gave it a gentle squeeze before bringing it to his lips. “He’s right, sweets. You’ve worked so hard for this, and you deserve to be celebrated for it. Not that often Stark and I can whole-heartedly agree on something, but we’re of like minds on that.”
 You hid your face in your hands as Tony smirked at Bucky and raised his glass in salute.
“Boys,” Pepper interjected with a soft laugh, “while I completely agree with your shared assessment, you’re going to kill Pocket from embarrassment.”
“Thank you, Pep,” you murmured through your fingers.
“Alright, alright,” Tony said with a laugh, “subject change. So Barnes, when are you going to make an honest woman of our girl and weirdly become my brother-in-law? Huh– there’s a phrase I never expected to utter.”
You nearly choked on the piece of bread you’d been nibbling on as Bucky began spluttering on his mouthful of champagne. You cleared your throat and put a reassuring hand on Bucky’s knee. “If that becomes a topic that needs to be discussed, Tony, you will definitely be one of the first handful of people to know.”
“The first handful?” Tony cried, face affronted. “I should be number two, at least!”
“Number two?!” you asked him incredulously. “Come on, you egomaniac! How the fuck do you figure that?”
“Easy,” Tony said, leaning over the table toward you. “Barnes knows first because he decides he wants to marry you for some reason known only to him and his maker, he asks me for my blessing, and then you can find out after. So, number two! Come to think of it, you’ll probably be fifth to know, because I’m sure he’ll tell Capsicle after me, and of course I’ll tell Pepper, so it’s actually you in the first handful, not me.”
You rolled your eyes at him. “Oh really?” you asked, and he nodded, smirking at you. “Well, in that case, what number is Pep going to be when you decide to get your ass in gear and make an honest woman out of her? No offense, Pep,” you added quickly.
“None taken, honey, but are you both positive you’re not actually siblings?” Pepper laughed.
You and Tony both snorted, rolled your eyes, and muttered “He/She wishes” at the same time, which caused your entire table to laugh, breaking any tension that might have remained following Tony’s mention of a possible engagement.
From there, the conversation flowed to much less loaded topics, and soon your third course dishes were being cleared. You were feeling slightly buzzed from the champagne and were devilishly seeing how far you could push Bucky by tracing your hand along his upper thigh when Tony’s phone rang.
“Tony,” Pepper chastised as he pulled out the device to look at the screen. “I thought we agreed on no calls during couple’s time?”
You quickly shot Bucky a teasing look as if to say “see?”
“Sorry, honey, but it’s the emergencies-only line.” He put the phone to his ear. “Talk to me, Banner. … When did they get in? … WHAT?! … How? … Is he…? … No, I got it. We’re on our way.” Tony stood up abruptly from the table, ending the call.
“Tony, what–” Pepper began, but Tony put his hand on her arm, pulling her up and cutting her off. 
“Wilson, Carthage, and Rhodes just landed from the Malaysia mission,” he began, his face stone serious. It was a look you hated seeing on his face, because it meant something was horribly wrong. “Rhodey’s been hurt. It’s bad. We need to get home. Now.”
<- Previous Part / Next Part ->
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according2thelore · 6 months
These ES/LS snippets are truly saving my need for more of your fics.
You very quickly became my favorite wincest author, hitting every one of my favorite tropes(hurt/comfort is my bread and butter too!) And I'm excitedly(and impatiently lol) waiting for your next fics to come out.
Your writing is SO GOOD and I find myself going back to your fics all the time. My first was your love potion fic and that's still one of my absolute favorite samdean fics out there.
This isn’t really an ask so much as it is an appreciation lol. Can't wait for your next fic!
(If this was an ask though, I'd love more thoughts on your ES/LS universe and even MORE hurt/comfort and jealousy lol)
BABE???? OH MY????
i don't even know what to say! this is the nicest compliment!!!!! you're so incredibly kind, and i'm so unbelievably honoured that my work is special to you!
EEP! i can't even express how much this ask means to me!!!! there are literally no words!!!! the love potion fic was meant as a fun little add-on to that month's challenge, but i've been blown away by how much folks have liked it--i live for a little melodrama and H/C, lol!
every writer dreams of getting asks like this one, and just ARGH! i'm kissing you on both cheeks!!!!!
as for upcoming things, my next fic will probably be my teen!chesters piece for the wayward sons zine (it will be HEFTY). charlotte and i were outlining this fic, and it ended up being about five pages of outline. so def a larger one!
because this ask was so incredible and lovely and kind (so kind?? holy shit?? my hand in marriage??) i wrote a little thing for you! i hope you like!
dean rubs his hands on the sides of his jeans, before he catches himself doing it. shit.
he crosses his arms, then realizes that he looks awkward and posed, so he uncrosses them again. he pushes his hair back from his face--but fuck, what if his hair looks weird now? dean checks frantically around for a reflective surface, but the only thing even close to him is a giant telescope, and--even though he briefly considers it--there's no way he'd be able to crawl back up it and down in time.
"what are you doing?" he mutters to himself, able to at least recognize that he's acting like a preteen about to meet one of the jonas brothers.
it's just sam.
just sam, kind of, dean's brain quietly corrects. it's just sam, but fucking huge.
it's just sam, but his ridiculous hair has grown and curls softly around his ears, brushes his jaw when he ducks his head. it's just sam, except his arms are bigger than dean's head. dean didn't miss the show the other day when sam came to look for something and lifted a fucking stuffed armchair with one arm.
(dean tried it later, and it took him both hands and two tries to get it off the ground. that thing must be reinforced with some crazy cold war steel or something. definitely.)
dean eyes the main room again. he should just sit at the big table. he eyes the big sword on one of the shelves. no--focus. sam went into "library annex 3" to find a book that he thought dean should absolutely take a look at, and left dean, dazzled, in his wake. so dean is going to sit here and wait, because he's been running out of excuses to see sammy lately.
dean slumps into one of the chairs, sighing. what is wrong with him?
he gets so...easily distracted whenever sammy--future-sam or whatever--starts talking to him. and most of it isn't even his fault, okay? sammy always puffs up whenever either 2006 winchester gets close, a dick-measuring if dean's ever seen one. as soon as sam got a single inch on dean in height, dean's never heard the end of it. but this sammy, older sammy, straightens up and his chest gets all big and--fuck--arms! big arms!!
dean keeps trying to find plausible excuses for sammy to take off his shirt because dean is convinced he has a six-pack under there, and it's his right to know!
"i found it!" a muffled voice from down the hallway, so deep that dean's brain goes a little sideways. and dean feels his whole body lock up, like he's just been thrown out of an airplane.
sam--sammy steps through the doorway, holding up a book triumphantly. his eyes are bright, and he's got little wrinkles at the corners, barely there. his grin is radiant, and dean feels absurdly like he's looking directly at one of those religious frescos with the yellow circles behind everyone's heads. sam would get a kick out of that.
dean whimpers. he straight up fucking whimpers, covering it quickly with a cleared throat.
"great!" he says, too bright. it's not his fault! it's not! dean barely resists the urge to bash his own head in.
so sue him! sam is suddenly huge and old and glad to see dean? he lights up whenever dean walks into a room, greeting him warmly. he seems to find dean adorable, which dean kind of resents, but it's hard to stay mad at sammy when he clearly finds so much delight in seeing him.
and 'sammy' isn't helping. 'sammy' had always been a dean word. it had been an 'us' word, a 'they don't know you like i know you, they can't understand you like i can' word. as soon as dean's own sam--2006 sam--had shrugged off the word, and older sam had donned it, dean knew he was screwed. wires crossed. you can only call so many men 'sammy' before you start to tease them and want to be around them and give them shit and look at their huge fucking tits--wait...no. shit. focus!
"so get this," sammy says, and he slides into the chair next to dean, smooth and graceful and so in touch with every muscle in his body that dean has to catch his breath a little. and his chest does something funny, because sam shows him the book and starts babbling.
he starts babbling. like a two year old sam and an eight year old sam and a twelve and a fifteen and an eighteen year old sam.
it seems impossible that this person--this man, all poise and purpose and focus, whose eyes can cut and soothe, whose stubble scratches when he rubs a hand across his jaw--is still dean's sam. dean's sammy.
and he knows it. and he likes it. this sammy brushes his shoulder and doesn't recoil like it burns. he looks to dean first when something is wrong. dean saw, the other day, how his older self comforted sam after a nightmare, how easily sam contorted himself to fit the shape of older dean's arms. sam likes being dean's. or at least this version of dean.
"anyways, i think that this is probably our most comprehensive record of vampires--their habits, their physiology, their weaknesses. if you wanted to give it a read, i think it'll really come in handy." sam says, still talking like dean cares at all for vampires and not the exact shape of sam's mouth.
dean aches. he feels inadequate. there is something clearly in this dean that is worthy, something that sam finds lovable. or necessary. dean wants to be necessary. dean needs to be necessary.
"yeah." dean says, suddenly, when he realizes that sammy's looking for a response. "that--uh--that sounds great."
"you didn't hear a thing i said, did you?" sammy asks, eyebrow raised, teasing and knowing and fuck--dean's chest collapses. sam knows him.
it's so strange to be known by this...this man. this man who blots out the sun with his shoulders, and has callused hands, and looks at dean like he's proud of him. this man knows him. this man is sammy, and that's all dean every really needs.
"naw." he says, scrubbing a hand in the close-shorn hair at the back of his head, abashed and feeling strange. "'m sorry."
"don't be." sammy rolls his eyes, but it's in good humour. sam--2006 sam, and it's weird that dean has already made that distinction--would genuinely be put out. he thinks dean doesn't take him seriously.
both sams are alien to dean. sam, because his burden is eating him alive. he's terrified of himself, of his powers. furious at what he's becoming and increasingly furious at dean for not taking his own safety seriously. like sam could ever hurt him.
and this sammy, of course, is different. he's physically very different, but also...softer? that's the wrong word. he's easier, maybe. his smiles are soft and he thinks through things before he says them. he doesn't hurt to hold in your hand like sam does, all spikes and hard edges like rock that resents you for holding it. sammy is a stone worn smooth by a river, and dean doesn't know if that makes him a bad brother.
he doesn't want to know, because he can't think about this being another way of failing sam. dean's been failing sam since that first over-long look in 1995.
this sam, at least, dean has a reason for not understanding completely. time has made a stranger of his brother, not circumstance, and time is easier to blame.
"what?" sammy asks, and dean snaps back to the present, abashed again. god. it's like his first fumbling date a fourteen all over again. but wait, no it's not--why did dean think that?
"nothing. sorry. you're just--" dean can't find the words. sammy seems delighted at this, eyes sparking with a challenge like they're both in on a joke.
"i'm..." he prompts, drawing it out. dean sputters. he and sam give each other shit all the time. it shouldn't feel different with this sam, but...it does.
dean jerks away, sitting up straight in his chair. sam stands in the doorway. he looks pissed. his hands are balled into fists at his sides, his jaw is set, and he's...not looking at dean.
dean looks to sammy, whose eyes widen. he seems surprised by something. proud of something.
"dean wants to know if we're ready for dinner. what are you doing?" sam asks, words loaded. dean's about to jump in, feeling weirdly guilty. they're just talking about a book, it's not like they were--
"just talking with my little brother." sam says, jostling dean's shoulder with his elbow, like this is all a big joke but what the fuck?? dean's spine melts and drips down his ribs. oh my fucking god.
little brother little brother little brother sam could pin dean down if he wanted to, dean looks down at sam's huge fucking hands oh my god, little brother--
"you--" sam starts, and sammy sits up straighter, tilting his head forward like he's coaching sam through something, but sam's eyes are suddenly on dean, and dean freezes.
he doesn't know what to do under sam's critical gaze. the weight in his stomach is definitely guilt, but dean doesn't know why. dean looks away first.
"we're just talking shop, sam." dean says to his hands. a pause. dean hears sam leave, his footsteps echoing down the corridor.
he better not be going to see that old geezer. dean doesn't like he way he looks at sam.
"we almost had him," sammy says, thoughtful. dean looks up, and sammy is looking down at him with an expression so fond that dean's throat closes. "next time."
dean's heart beats faster.
oh man. he is so fucked.
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wiffhuff · 2 years
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I was talking to a mutual about some XCX AUs (I have 5 million but I need to get my stuff together before I post them lol). We both had separate highschool AUs created years ago, and after lots of funny jokes I kinda got the motivation to redraw some of my old sketches??
Some fun facts:
- My highschool AU is based off more Japanese anime, unlike an American setting (which would make more sense). The reason why is b/c 1. I like writing the more stupid and tropey-nature of an anime setting and 2. I’m not too familiar with American highschooling eep
- Cross is the main character, and the plot kicks off when they start this new highschool after they moved
- I am planning to draw AT LEAST the main 18 recruitable characters in the uniforms so long as I keep the motivation b/c honestly I am having fun thinking about this AU again. Though, I am hoping to draw some NPCs such as Solan!
- This AU is about 2 years old??? It’s been sitting in my google docs for ages ;-;
Also some text translation if it’s too hard to read my notes (I have the handwriting of a doctor):
On the left (Going down) - Elma says “I got a perfect [on a test], how about you?”, Elma questioning a teacher asking “Sensei, what’s the homework” and someone shouting “SHUT UP ELMA.”, Elma petting a cat with a blurb that says “Loves cats”
On the right (Going down) - Elma’s hair in a side view, “School Emblem” with an arrow pointing at the neck adornment, a sketch of Elma’s uniform with the accompanying notes “Elma’s fit”, “Typical school blazer”, “Knee length skirt”, “Knee length socks”. The ‘Notes’ sections reads “I want to add a pin on her blazer to show she’s an elite student [or something]. Other students can have pins to represent their clubs”. The ‘Fun Facts’ section reads “The school uniform used to be red and black, but the school went through recent rebranding, and thus have different colours!”
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bloominggiggles · 2 years
For The Sake of Research!
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Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons is my favorite game series of all times, and the lack of tickle content, and fan content in general, is a crime!
So I’m writing something self-idulgent because why not?
Game: Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns.
Pairing: Ford x GN!Farmer 
Warnings: This is a tickle fic! Don’t like, don’t read!
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"W-Wait! Fohohohord!"
The farmer exclaims between giggles, their body squirming as their husband poked at their sides.
The two of them had been cuddling on the couch after a long day of work for both, when Ford had subconsciously squeezed his spouse's side, causing them to let out a squeak. And of course he couldn't just ignore that.
Which led them to this situation.
"Interesting. I have met quite a few patients that were ticklish, but never one as ticklish as you, my dear."
The doctor says, his purple eyes showing a glint of curiosity behind his round glasses, his expression serious and studious, a look the other knew all too well from the times they'd watch him work.
The farmer feels their cheeks heating up with his words, feeling embarassed.
"Y-Yeah, I'm rehehealy ticklish, s-so stohohop!"
Bubbly giggles burst out of their lips when gloved fingers moved to wiggle against their stomach.
"I'm afraid I haven't collected enough data to stop just yet."
Ford says, unfazed, looking at his fingers and the way his lover tries to suck in their stomach.
"I need to find out just how ticklish you are, and which spots get the strongest reactions."
He continues, noticing how they tense up, but not saying anything.
"W-Whyhyhy would yohohou n-need tohoho do thahahat?!"
The farmer questions, still squirming and trying to get away from their husband's fingers.
"For the sake of research, of course. As a doctor, I should always study new findings about the human body."
He replies, trying not to think about how that was a big lie, and he simply couldn't bring himself to admit he was enjoying something this...childish, along with his beloved spouse's laughter.
Luckily for Ford, said lie was not hard to believe at all, since he is constantly studying and coming up with new medicines during his lunch breaks at work, or when inspiration hits long after work hours were over, and during his days off.
"Did you know that being tickled stimulates your hypothalamus, the area of the brain in charge of your emotional reactions, and your fight or flight and pain responses?"
The doctor asks the giggling farmer in order to keep up his lie.
"It's interesting, really. Older research shows both pain and touch nerve receptors are triggered during tickling..."
"C-Come ohohon!"
"...there are many theories regarding why the human body is ticklish, but the most logical one is that it is yet another defense mechanism our bodies developed..."
"N-Nohohot nohohow!"
The farmer exclaims through their giggles. They always loved to listen to their adorable husband go into his nerdy rambles about scientific and medicinal facts, but not when he's tickling them like this!
"Hmm, your reaction doesn't seen to have changed much."
He says simply, and before the other can protest, his fingers and poking and digging between their ribs, making them arch their back with a jump.
They practically shriek as their giggles turn into full laughter and squeals, the heat on their cheeks spreading to their ears.
Ford would be taken aback by the outburst, his gloved hands freezing for a moment, a faint blush dusting his cheeks.
He thinks, before his fingers start tickling the farmer's lower ribs once more, moving up then back down, and repeat.
"That was quite the strong reaction, my dear. You truly are the most ticklish person I have ever met."
"But why? I'm merely stating a fact."
"There's no reason to be embarassed about such a thing, it's simply a part of how the human body works."
A squeal leaves them when the gloved fingers move up to their underarms, making them bring their arms down, trapping their husband's fingers there.
"...that won't do, there are still a few spots left for me to study."
He says with a frown, perfectly masking the playful smirk the corner of his lips was trying to lift into, wiggling his trapped fingers and making his spouse giggle.
"But if you wish for me to study this spot a little more than the others this badly, I shall do so."
It was going to be a long night, but neither of them were really complaining.
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ptergwen · 3 years
when you least expect it
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peter parker x black cat!reader
w/c: 3.0k
warnings: swearing, hints of angst, mentions of death
summary: peter can’t stand you. you’re constantly interfering with spider-man’s work, and tonight is no different… until it is.
a/n: i could not be more excited to share this with y’all omfg i’ve wanted to write black cat!reader for so long :D i tried to be as comic accurate as i could so i hope i got it right eep but anyways that’s all from me! please enjoy!!
peter crawls up the side of the building, each of his movements controlled and calculated. he’s been planning his attack for a while now, and he’s already come this far. he has to be careful not to screw it up. he stops for a moment to briefly check his surroundings from his peripherals, making sure he isn’t being followed.
by you, of course. you’re always getting in his way. wherever you go, chaos seems to follow.
much to peter’s satisfaction, there’s only the dark night sky and whistle of the wind. he continues to his destination; wilson fisk’s penthouse suite. he soon reaches fisk’s main balcony that overlooks the city, scoffing at its grandeur. it sticks out like a sore thumb.
fisk, more formally known as kingpin, is new york’s most infamous crime boss. peter has a hunch the business is how he brings his money in. ever since peter slipped into the spider suit, fisk’s mobs have been causing him trouble. he’s finally fed up. by taking down their leader, he takes down all of them.
“privileged piece of shit,” peter mutters to himself, leaping onto the balcony.
he lands softly and crouches down behind the sliding glass doors so as not to be seen. curtains shield his view of the inside of the suite, but he catches a glimpse of fisk’s silhouette. it’s not only fisk that he makes out, though. there’s someone else with him.
someone who triggers his spider senses.
peter uses his advanced hearing to listen in on the conversation between wilson fisk and the mysterious figure, slowly lifting to his feet in anticipation.
“where is it, fisk?” the figure demands, their high-heeled boot kicking fisk into his desk chair. “i won’t ask you again,” they threaten. their heel digs into fisk’s chest to keep him in place. “i dunno what you’re talkin’ about, sweetheart. you’re gonna have to be more specific,” fisk plays coy.
the figure chuckles lowly. they trail a gloved finger up to fisk’s neck, their claws for nails scratching at his throat. their hand wraps around his throat, fisk gulping.
“i’m feeling generous tonight,” they hum. “one last chance. where’s the goddamn necklace?”
fisk lets out a strained laugh, refusing to answer. color rushes to his pale face as the figure’s grip around his throat tightens. although he’s far larger than them, they have him beat. he’s in a chokehold.
“what’s the matter, big boy?” the figure coos. “cat got your tongue?”
great, it’s you. black cat, another one of spider-man’s adversaries.
from what peter knows, you’re a burglar who by some miracle hasn’t been caught yet. believe him, he’s tried to catch you. the only difference between you and your average criminal is that you have combat skills and a gimmick. well, in his opinion.
peter caught fisk at just the right moment, and you’re about to step on it. it’s not often there’s a time or place where fisk isn’t accompanied by his mobsters. but, tonight happens to be one of those rare occasions. without his henchmen there to protect him, peter can sneak up on fisk and handle him once and for all. fisk might be strong, but he’s no match for spider-man.
peter has to do something before you ruin his whole operation.
“c’mon, use your words,” you mewl, dragging fisk closer by his throat. your face is inches from his. “tell me where the necklace is. that’s all you gotta do, hm, willy?”
spider-man suddenly breaks through the sliding doors. shattered glass crunches under his feet as he takes his stance, chest pumped and head held high. you gaze up at him nonchalantly through the cutout eyes of your mask. 
“we’ve got company,” you announce. fisk struggles to look over his shoulder and see. “whatcha doin’ here, kitten?” peter questions, arms crossed over his chest. you smirk at his signature nickname for you. “nice to see you too, spidey,” you greet. “we’re kind of in the middle of something, though. right, willy?” you sink your claws farther into fisk’s throat.
fisk clutches at your hand in an attempt to pry it off of him. you pout condescendingly.
“can it wait? i’ve got some dirty laundry of my own to air out,” peter informs you. “come give me a hand, then. the more the merrier,” you run your thumb along fisk’s cheek, his face redder than a tomato. “no thanks,” peter rejects. he cocks his head to the side. “i know better than to take in a stray,” he patronizes you.
“ooh, good one,” you deadpan, fisk gasping for air in your grasp. “never heard that before,” you laugh lowly. peter breathes hot air through his nose, losing his patience with you. “alright, kitten. fun’s over. we can play later, but right now i’m here for fisk,” he says sternly.
you eye spider-man over your lashes, a grin pulling at the corners of your lips. fisk thrashes around in his chair, trying to free himself from your hold.
“unfortunately for you, i’m here for fisk, too,” you say to spider-man while staring down fisk. “he has something of mine, and i’d really like it back,” you explain. “ironic, isn’t it?” fisk chokes out, you easing your grip so he can speak properly. “stealing from a thief?” he finishes.
“keep going down this road, you’re gonna end up just like your daddy,” fisk says, a wicked smile creeping onto his features.
you slam him against the back of the chair, your boot now pressing into his thigh.
“don’t talk about my father,” you warn fisk through gritted teeth. fisk snickers. “or what? what’re you gonna do about it, sweetheart?” he prompts you.
he winces as you wrap your fingers around his throat once again. your claws pierce his skin, eyes darkening and locking with his. you’re not holding back this time.
peter can tell where this is headed, and he has to intervene. he can’t just stand by and watch you strangle someone.
“hey, hey, hey. let me handle this,” peter says calmly. he makes his way over to fisk’s desk, coming up behind you. “let me handle it,” he repeats, your hand still around fisk’s neck. “i’m not leaving until i get my necklace,” you stand your ground.
your hand is starting to shake, uneven breaths escaping your lips. in all the years peter has known you, he’s never seen you like this.
“look at me,” peter wills you. you glance back at him, grip on fisk loosening. “you’ll get your necklace, okay? but first, i have to-“
spider-man is interrupted when fisk escapes from your hold completely and shoves you off of him, knocking you onto the floor with a victorious cheer. you pull yourself onto your knees and blow a piece of hair out of your face, glaring up at him.
“watch it, willy,” you warn, fisk chuckling. “stay down, kitten. it’s my turn,” peter takes over.
he webs both of fisk’s wrists before you can argue, you only watching.
“it’s about time we finally met, don’t you think? spider-man. it’s a pleasure” peter introduces himself.
spider-man yanks fisk forward by his webs and then lets go. fisk falls back in his desk chair, spider-man jumping into his lap.
“i know who you are,” fisk breathes out. “the pleasure’s all mine.”
he makes a fist and moves to punch spider-man, who dodges him easily. that doesn’t stop fisk from going in to punch him again. spider-man scoffs, catching fisk’s hand and pushing it back until you hear a pop.
“nice try, buddy. that the best you got?” spider-man taunts him. “eh, i could do better,” fisk shrugs.
he grabs both of spider-man’s arms in his other hand, effectively holding him back. spider-man grunts and wiggles around, but to no avail. he’s trapped. he twists fisk’s fingers on the hand he still has a hold of, which elicits a yelp from him. fisk is distracted enough by the pain for spider-man to hop out of his hand and off of his lap.
you stand up beside spider-man and place a claw on his shoulder. you bat your lashes at him, nails scratching lightly.
“need some backup, spidey?“ you purr, peter feeling the skin-tight leather of your suit brush up against him. “yup, and the authorities are on their way. called them a long time ago,” he replies. “i meant me,” you huff. “but i guess your boys in blue will suffice,” you sarcastically respond.
your fingers slide down spider-man’s arm, touch tingling. he attributes it to you setting off his spider senses again.
he doesn’t trust you.
“forget about me?” fisk’s voice booms. he rises from his chair, towering over both you and spider-man. “i could never, willy,” you assure him.
you hoist yourself up onto fisk’s desk so you can reach him and launch yourself at him. your legs loop around his throat, hands pushing down his shoulders. you spin your body around so you’re in a position that allows your thighs to squeeze his neck tighter. hands steadied on his shoulders, you lean over to be in fisk’s face.
“where’s my fucking necklace, huh? where is it?” you shout at him.
peter has to admit it, you’ve got moves. he’d be impressed if he didn’t absolutely loathe you.
fisk stumbles over to his desk, your legs still hooked around his throat. you won’t budge. you’re restricting his airways so much so that his face has gone from red to blue. he opens up a drawer and frantically tears through it, retrieving what you’ve been asking for all along.
your necklace.
it catches your eye when fisk dangles it above your head. you relax your legs around his neck, focus now on getting your necklace. you attempt to seize it from him, so he holds it up higher and higher.
“please, fisk. let’s end this,” you beg. fisk chuckles maniacally, swinging the necklace between his large fingers. “you want it?” he asks, you nodding in response. “here, kitty kitty. go and get it,” he concedes.
fisk tosses your necklace off the balcony. you gasp and instantly hop off of him, diving down off the balcony to catch it.
at last.
peter is glad to see you go. dealing with you is one thing he can cross off his to-do list.
now he can give fisk his full, undivided attention.
“and then there were two,” fisk mutters. peter turns his head to crack his neck, the eyes of his mask narrowing. “not for long,” he quips.
peter lunges forward and webs fisk’s feet, then kicks him hard in the stomach so he loses his balance. fisk goes tumbling back into his desk chair again. he lets out a noise of anguish, pounding a fist in peter’s face.
“uh oh, too slow!” peter ducks, tiptoeing behind fisk.
he gathers both of fisk’s arms and webs them together, then webs fisk to the chair for good measure. fisk growls and tugs at his restraints. grinning to himself, peter comes back around to stand before fisk and admires his work.
“he’s in here, boys!” peter yells out.
on cue, the authorities bust down fisk’s door and aim their guns at him.
“freeze! hands in the air!” the chief commands. peter moves aside to reveal fisk tied up. “already taken care of, chief,” peter laughs.
a couple of officers run over and surround fisk while the rest begin to collect evidence. peter steps away to speak with the chief, leaving a red-faced and whiny wilson fisk behind.
“you may have won this round… but this isn’t over, spider-man!” fisk calls after him. “tell it to the judge, fisk,” peter shoots back.
he raises his hand as if he’s saluting him, but flips him off instead.
after saying his goodbyes, peter fills the authorities in on all the information he has. fisk is officially in their custody. peter deems the officers fit to handle fisk themselves from here, so his job is done. he shows himself out the way he came, on the balcony.
peter is proud of what he accomplished here tonight. he successfully put a stop to the man who’s been tormenting him since he was a teenager, and put him behind bars where he belongs.
his stomach gurgles as he begins to climb the building. he’s starved. he’d kill for some tacos right about now, honestly. so, he decides to treat himself to dinner to celebrate his win.
peter climbs all the way to the roof and hauls himself up onto it, letting out a content sigh. he often resides on rooftops after a fight to cool down and reflect. they’re the perfect place to be alone, feel the refreshing breeze on his skin. plus, the view isn’t half bad.
“karen?” peter awakes his artificial intelligence. “open uber eats.”
“spider-man uses uber eats?” you speak up, peter whipping his head around in the direction of your voice.
he didn’t notice you up here in the darkness. he’s surprised his spider senses hadn’t alerted him.
“well, well, well. look what the cat dragged in,” peter remarks. “how original. you’re on a roll tonight, spidey,” you retort, sauntering over to him. your heels click loudly against the pavement. “what happened with fisk?” you wonder.
“what do you think? i kicked his ass, obviously,” peter gloats, a hand on his hip. you stop in front of him. “they’re taking him down to the station once my webs dissolve. his hands are tied right now… literally,” peter jokes. you let out a humorless laugh. “prison, yeah? i hope he rots there,” you say. “for once, we’re on the same page,” he agrees.
you give spider-man a once over and a small smile. peter’s lips twitch into a smile of his own, but he bites down on his bottom lip before it grows.
you’re you.
“what happened with your necklace?” peter changes the subject.
he doesn’t care all that much, but he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t the least bit curious about it. you were hellbent on getting it.
your smile fades, whole demeanor shifting at the mention of the necklace.
“right,” you murmur. you hold out the necklace in the palm of your hand, showing it to spider-man. “broken.”
peter squints at the piece of jewelry.
it’s a gold chain with a heart locket attached to it. the locket is cracked, and the chain is split into a couple of pieces.
you close your hand after spider-man has gotten a good look at it.
“the ground caught it before i did,” you elaborate, rather solemnly. “that’s too bad,” peter clicks his tongue. “can’t you just, i dunno, steal another one, though?” he chuckles. you shake your head. “no,” you answer. “why not? that’s your thing, isn’t it?” he mocks you.
the flashing lights from the police cars illuminate your face. there’s smudged mascara that’s dripped down your cheeks, which peter assumes are the remnants of tears. you meet his gaze, your own intense as your claws fiddle around with your necklace.
“have you been crying, kitten?” peter asks, sounding almost concerned. “the necklace was from my father,” you dodge his question. “he gave it to me when i was a little girl. he… passed away not too long ago,” you speak quietly, opening up the locket.
inside is a picture of you and your father. he’s carrying you up on his shoulders, wide smiles on both your faces. it’s the only part of your necklace that stayed intact.
“he taught me everything i know. trained me,” you reminisce. “this is the last i have of him. or… had, i guess,” you correct yourself. peter peers down at the photo, frowning behind his mask. “i’m so sorry,” he genuinely apologizes, both for your loss and for poking fun at how torn up you are over the necklace.
he had no idea of its sentimental value to you.
“i, um, lost my dad, too. when i was a kid,” peter empathizes with you. “both my parents, actually. fucking sucks, doesn’t it?” he tries to lighten the mood. a fresh tear trickles down your face, although it’s accompanied by another smile. “does it ever get any easier?” you whisper.
maybe, peter misjudged you all these years. you’re hurting. he’s been through his share of heartbreak, and he knows what it can do to a person. he has to cut you some slack. he behaved similarly to you when he first got his powers and before he learned to use them for good. he’d channeled his rage into fighting, and it seems like you’re doing the same.
he understands why you do it now.
he understands you.
“you want me to be honest?” peter quirks an eyebrow. “please,” you mumble. he puffs air out of his cheeks. “not one bit,” he confesses.
the two of you burst into a fit of laughter, you wiping your tears with a clawed finger. it feels good to not be hating your guts for a change.
“thanks for keeping it real, spidey. i can always count on you for that,” you giggle. “your friendly, neighborhood spider-man is at your service,” peter responds.
you tackle spider-man into a hug with no warning, catching him off guard. he exhales an oof as your arms wind tightly around his waist.
“seriously, thank you,” you repeat, your cheek rubbing against his chest much like a cat would do. “easy there, kitten,” peter chuckles out. he hugs you back nevertheless, his fingers lightly stroking your locks. “you’re welcome,” he speaks quietly.
you two pull apart after a moment, spider-man clasping his hands behind his back awkwardly. he takes a step back to leave. you don’t want him to go just yet, though. peter doesn’t want to go either. he’s finding your presence oddly comforting, and you’ve never minded his.
spider-man gets out his phone and unlocks it, pointing at his screen. you look at it curiously.
“i was just about to order some food,” he reminds you with a grin. “you like tacos?”
ps: let me know if y’all are interested in more because i’m thinking of making this a series!
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A Duel Between Brothers
Word count: 2750
Ok, so this one is one I started months ago, even before most of the other fics I've written, but I never finished it. I just randomly got inspired to finally write the ending. Hope it came out alright!
This one guest stars Thor (trying to write for some other characters here and there!)
* * *
All you had wanted was to sit quietly and watch some TV. Simple, really.
You didn’t expect to walk in on a full-on brawl between the two Asgardian brothers. If you could call it that, really.
You had been making your way down to the common area in the tower when you heard the shouting. At first you were concerned someone was in the process of being beaten to death, the yelling was so loud. Then you noticed the booming laughter strewn throughout the shouts, and you breathed a sigh of relief. Just the boys again… you thought, slowly approaching the doorway to the common area.
Thor and Loki often fought with one another, so this didn’t really come as a surprise to you. What you didn’t expect was to find Loki pinning his brother to the floor, Thor’s laughter echoing through the room as Loki tickled him mercilessly. The sight was sort of adorable.
“It’s not as enjoyable as it was when we were children when you are on the receiving end, now, is it brother?” Loki taunted. Thor reached up to shove his brother off, but Loki was agile, his fingers darting under the elder brother’s arms so he’d clamp them down at his sides.
You felt heat prickle in your cheeks as you stood quietly in the doorway. You were quite ticklish yourself, although no one in the tower was privy to that information just yet. It was unclear whether you were happy or disappointed by this – you actually enjoyed being tickled, in a fun, playful, sometimes flirty way. You also had a weird tendency to feel ‘sympathy ticklish’ when you saw someone else being tickled. Of course, these weren’t things you wanted to openly admit. So, you tried to stay out of the way in the rare instances you came across a tickle fight such as this in the tower.
After watching for a few moments, you already felt tingles on your sides and a small smile growing on your face. You turned to walk back out of the room quietly before the boys noticed your presence. Unfortunately, you’d waited just a moment too long.
“Lady Y/N! Plehehease! I-I require assistance!” Thor begged. You stopped dead in your tracks and spun back around to find both Thor and Loki’s eyes on you. Loki had let up on his brother for a moment as he observed you with a questioning look.
“Oh, uh… I don’t want to get in the middle of this. Sorry Thor, you’re on your own,” you stammered, remaining at a safe distance in the doorway.
“Were you planning to use the common room, Y/N? Please, don’t feel you need to leave on our accord,” Loki insisted, resuming his attack. You took a few gradual steps into the room, unsure how best to proceed from here. If you appeared too anxious and left, surely, you’d give yourself away. If you stayed, you’d have to watch the boys fighting, and your expression may also give you away. You opted for a sort of in-between option for now, standing a few feet away from the brothers but not yet making yourself comfortable.
“Are you sure I won’t be in the way?” you asked timidly, though loudly enough to be heard over Thor’s boisterous laughter.
“Please. Sit down. Pay us no mind,” Loki insisted, conversing casually as if he wasn’t currently torturing his brother. Reluctantly, you sat gingerly on the couch and picked up the remote to turn on the TV.
You couldn’t bring yourself to relax into the couch cushions, so you sat unmoving while trying to avoid looking at the brothers on the floor a few feet away. You couldn’t help but steal an occasional glance at the pair. It was taking everything you had not to start giggling nervously as you watched Loki tormenting his brother. You could only imagine what it would be like if you were in Thor's position...
“Were you planning to use the remote? Or were you simply hoping the television would magically turn itself on?” Loki asked, jerking you from your thoughts.
“What?” You looked down at the remote in your hand, still unused. “Oh. Yes. I was going to watch some TV.”
“You seem a bit… uneasy,” Loki noted, finally releasing his brother as he turned his full attention to you.
“Brother, you will pay for-“ Thor was silenced before he could finish his threat as Loki held his hand up, silencing him.
“What do you mean?” you asked innocently.
“You clearly seem distracted by something. Normally you’re shoving people out of the way to get to the remote to watch your silly reality television programs, but today you seem to have forgotten how to turn the television on. And you’re stiff as a post.” His eyes narrowed a bit as he tried to analyze your expression, and you felt a blush creeping up your neck.
“I’m not sure what you’re talking about, Loki. I’m fine.” You leaned back against the couch cushions to prove your point and propped your feet up on the coffee table, aiming the remote at the TV. Before you could press the ‘on’ button, Loki stepped between you and the cable box, a slow smirk spreading across his lips.
“Tell me, Y/N… are you ticklish?” Your eyes widened for a moment, almost imperceptibly, at the unexpected question. Quickly, though, you tried to regain your composure, clearing your throat, and steeling yourself.
“No, Loki. What would make you think that?” you inquired, fighting to hide the smile that was tugging at the corners of your mouth.
“You’re not exactly subtle, darling.” The mischievous glint in his eye made you jumpy, and you slowly rose to your feet to move away from the advancing Asgardian. “For one, you’ve been blushing furiously since entering the room to find me torturing my brother. And that is only after you attempted to leave before we noticed your presence.” He started to take a few steps toward you as you slowly backed away, cursing your face for having betrayed you. “In addition, you’re already attempting to hide what I assume to be your most vulnerable areas,” he gestured at your arms folded across your ribs, which you promptly lowered to your sides. Your back suddenly met the cold plaster of the wall, and you mentally cursed yourself for literally backing yourself into a corner.
“I-I really think you’re o-overanalyzing this, Loki… you’re just being r-ridiculous,” you insisted, pressing yourself flat against the wall as Loki blocked your exit, placing a hand against the wall on either side of your head.
“Oh, am I?” His face was now only inches away from yours as his impish smirk continued to grow bigger. “Well, darling – there’s only one way to find out.”
Without any additional warning, he brought his hands down to latch onto your sides. The suddenness of his movement made you shriek as you grabbed hold of his wrists. He kept his fingers still, pressing just gently enough into your skin to set your nerves on fire.
"Wait, wait, wait! C-can't we talk about this?" you asked nervously, the god leering down at you with an evil grin on his face. He applied just a bit more pressure with his fingers, causing your breath to hitch in your throat.
"Any last words?" Loki asked, his eyes gleaming with mischief.
"I- eep!!" You opened your mouth to respond, but he suddenly began kneading his fingers into the soft skin of your sides, causing you to squeal and begin giggling rapidly. Your knees buckled as your muscles weakened with laughter, and you slid down the wall as you sank to the floor.
“Oh no, you’re not going to escape that easily,” Loki teased, halting his attack to scoop you up off the floor and carry you over to the couch, holding fast despite your thrashing.
“Whyhyhy?!” you cried, still giggling from the residual ticklish tingles in your sides and the giddiness you felt at suddenly being swept up into Loki’s arms. “What did I do to you??”
“God of Mischief, darling,” Loki mused, dropping you unceremoniously on the couch you’d been seated on when this all began. Before you could move to escape, he planted himself down on your legs to keep you from kicking him as he dug his fingers into your sides once again. You batted at his hands with your own, trying to cover your weak spots as best as possible. “Now, Y/N, you’re making this difficult. Thor, a little assistance here please?”
“Certainly, brother!” Thor obliged, grasping your wrists and pinning them above your head, leaving you feeling even more vulnerable to Loki’s ticklish onslaught.
“Thohohor! Why are you helping him??” you pleaded, tugging at your arms to no avail.
“I apologize, Lady Y/N, but you should have assisted me when I requested your help,” Thor replied, his tone somber but his eyes bright with amusement. “In addition, you are adorably ticklish!” You groaned, your face burning even more, if that were even possible.
“Now then, tell me – where else are you 'not' ticklish?” Loki queried, moving his torturous fingers to your belly without awaiting an answer. You shrieked and squirmed a bit harder, which Loki turned into a game, moving both hands to one side and then rapidly switching to the other when you twisted and exposed yourself. “You’re not doing a very good job maintaining your blatant lies, Y/N.”
“OKAHAHAHAY! I’m ticklihihish! You wihihin!” you implored.
“Yes, I believe we’ve established that, thank you,” Loki replied sarcastically. “I’m having too much fun now to let you off that easily. Where was it you were trying to hide? Oh yes, I remember!” He dug his fingers into your ribs and your laughter grew more desperate, your muscles turning to jelly as he spidered up and down your ribcage.
Meanwhile, you felt another five fingers start scratching underneath one of your arms. You squealed, glancing up to see Thor hovering over you with a huge grin on his face, still grasping both your wrists in his other hand.
“NOHOHO THOR!!” you pleaded, the sensation overwhelming you between Loki’s fingertips drilling in between your ribs while Thor simultaneously spidered his fingers in the hollows under your arms, swapping between each side to keep you squirming.
“Brother, we do not want to kill our little friend here,” Thor warned as your laughter was growing silent, hiccoughing intermittently.
“I suppose you’re right,” Loki agreed, stilling his fingers against your upper ribs but not yet releasing you completely. Even the feeling of his fingertips pressing into your sides, unmoving, was unbearable; keeping you giggling and squirming. “I’m not even tickling you! Have you gone mad?”
“Nohoho, I can’t help ihihit!” you whined. Loki finally let go of your ribcage and Thor released your wrists, allowing you to breathe for a moment.
You certainly weren’t expecting to get yourself in this predicament when you’d entered the common room. You supposed you could have maybe pictured a situation like this with Thor, but never with Loki. While he did have a trickster reputation, you’d never really thought of him as the playful type.
You’d become friends with Thor almost immediately. On numerous occasions, you’d hung out with him and some of the other Avengers in between missions, showing him the art of Midgardian video games and laughing at his overenthusiastic excitement. In a way, Thor was like the older brother you never had.
With Loki, things were different. During the few months you’d been living in the compound, you had interacted with Loki only intermittently during mealtimes or in the training room. He didn’t say much except to his brother, but his sharp wit and sarcastic sense of humor had drawn you to him, and not in a familial sense. It was odd, really; you had only said a few words to him here and there, and yet you felt yourself falling for him hard and fast. There had been just a few longer conversations that you treasured – discussions about a mission, or a novel he was reading or a movie you had watched. He was always friendly when you spoke, but it was hard to know how interested he really was in chatting with you.
You’d been hoping to capture his attention somehow, but around Loki you seemed to forget how to formulate proper sentences. Never in a million years did you expect to find yourself pinned down and tickled senseless by the God of Mischief. But now that it was happening, you weren’t ready for it to end just yet.
You seized the opportunity while Loki and Thor thought you were still weakened from laughter to reach out and grab hold of Loki’s sides, getting in a quick squeeze or two before he grabbed hold of your wrists.
“Haven’t had enough, yet, have we? Oh darling, you’re going to regret that,” Loki warned ominously, pinning your wrists to his chest with one hand and digging into your ribs once again. A new wave of helpless giggles spilled from your lips, and you yanked desperately to pry your wrists out of Loki’s grasp. “It’s adorable that you think you can escape me, really. I am a god – do you truly think your strength outmatches mine while you are in such a weakened state?”
“Lohoho… Loki!! Stahahahp teasing!” you pleaded.
You hadn’t noticed Thor’s absence above your head until you felt a large hand wrap around your ankle. You shrieked as a finger traced the bottom of your foot, tugging your leg to pull out of Thor’s grasp.
“Brother, what in the nine realms are you doing to make her thrash so much?” Loki asked, turning to look back at Thor without halting his attack on your ribs.
“Well, brother, it appears our little friend has ticklish feet as well,” he responded casually, an air of amusement in his tone as he wrapped both ankles in a headlock with one arm and fluttered his fingers up and down both soles simultaneously with his free hand.
“GUHUHUYS!! I CAHAHAN’T!!” you shrieked through wild laughter.
“I suppose we should let up so our dear mortal can breathe,” Loki pondered aloud, slowing his fingers to simply scratch at the bottom of your ribs. Thor released your ankles as well, returning to your side so he could grin down at you with endearment. You pushed Loki’s wrists away from your torso so you could curl up and wrap your arms around your ribcage, residual giggles still bubbling from your chest.
“Rehehe… remind me not to walk in on a tickle fight between you boys ever again,” you mused, chest heaving with exertion.
“A poor decision, really,” Loki agreed, smirking down at you.
“Brother, we should allow Lady Y/N to watch her television program, now that we’ve finished tormenting the poor girl,” Thor urged, tugging on Loki’s arm.
“Wait!” You sat up, stopping them before they turned to walk out of the room. “I… uh… I don’t mind if you guys want to stay and hang out. Watch a movie or something..?”
Loki looked at you with surprise and confusion written across his face. If you hadn’t known any better, you’d have thought that just maybe you saw a hint of red tinged across his sharp cheekbones. Thor smiled, glancing over at you, then back up at his brother.
“I do apologize, but I have a prior engagement I must attend,” Thor responded woefully. “However, Loki would most certainly love to keep you company, wouldn’t you brother?” Loki shot him a wide-eyed look as Thor pounded his large hand against the back of his shoulder, causing him to lurch forward a bit from the impact. Thor’s smirk never faltered, his eyebrows elevating ever so slightly as he held Loki’s stare.
“I would like that,” you said after a moment, breaking the silence. Loki’s head turned to look at you, and upon seeing your pleading eyes staring up at him, his face broke out into a genuine smile.
“Well, who am I to say no, then?” He took a seat beside you on the couch as you aimed the remote at the TV, searching through the movie list. Thor bade you goodbye as he ducked out of the room, leaving you alone with the handsome trickster sitting beside you.
The opening credits began scrolling across the screen. Maybe it was the residual adrenaline from having been tickle tortured only moments before, but a surge of bravery ran through you, and you leaned your head against Loki’s shoulder. You were rewarded with a gentle laugh, vibrating from deep in his chest. He wrapped his arm around you and tugged you closer, his hand resting against your side. You flinched as his fingers twitched, digging slightly into your skin.
“Sorry, love – I couldn’t resist,” he chuckled in response to the playful glare you shot at him. He moved his hand to rest on your arm, and you nestled in comfortably against his side. You weren’t sure yet exactly what this was, but you most definitely liked where it was headed.
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bocadelicate · 3 years
The Voice AU
Introduction 1 (you are here) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Summary: A year after Adrien and Marinette get together, Adrien accepts an ultimatum from his father.
Author: @dpandascorner
“Play this chord right here,” Adrien said, his fingers hovering over Marinette’s above the ivory keys. His other arm wrapped instinctively around her waist, keeping her steady in his lap. He listened intently as she hesitantly pressed down, letting a beautiful C major chord ring out through the room. Marinette squealed excitedly and turned around to face him, her smile so bright it made Adrien’s heart melt.
Two years. Two perfect years of dating this amazing woman, and nothing could be better. He loved her more than anything he had ever loved before, and he knew for certain that Marinette loved him back just as much as he did. Not only did their partnership in songwriting get better, but they were more honest and open with each other now that the biggest secret kept between them had been torn down.
“See?” He asked, brushing his nose against hers and kissing a few of the freckles lightly dotting her cheeks. “You’re a natural.”
“I just played one chord, Adrien. That’s nothing special.”
“It’s you. That alone makes it special.”
“Flatterer.” Marinette pushed him away, rolling her eyes. The gesture was ruined by the effervescent smile on her face, one radiating warmth and love and joy. “So, that’s the chord progression of this song?”
“Yup, C Major to F major to G major. One of my favorites,” Adrien explained as she played all three chords on the piano, pausing in between each one to position her fingers properly. When she got it right, he kissed her on that spot right below her ear, refraining from trailing them further down. He leaned in and pecked her lips, and she blushed bright pink. Adrien chuckled, finding it cute that she got flustered whenever he kissed her. How long would it stay that way? A few more months? Maybe even a couple of years?
“Aren’t we supposed to be writing a song right now?” She asked, breaking Adrien out of his train of thought.
He gazed back at the notebook that lay on his bed. They had already written a verse of the song, and half of the chorus was done. Then, he pulled his line of sight back to Marinette, who was sitting before him with an expecting look on her face. “We wouldn’t exactly be behind schedule if we stopped writing for today…” He trailed off, a smirk growing.
“Adrien, we can’t waste any more time— Eep!” Her protests were interrupted when Adrien picked her up and ran the short distance over to his bed. She shrieked in his arms, kicking and flailing until he set her down on the bed. She stared up at him with wide eyes and a gorgeous smile, making his heart do a few backflips in his chest. Adrien would never tire of seeing her smile. And knowing that he was the one making her that joyful… That was the best feeling in the world. It didn’t help that she was absolutely ethereal either.
“I love you,” he whispered, hovering over her. He ran a finger through her long, silky hair. He’d dreamed about being close to her like this for years, and now that it was finally coming true, Adrien couldn’t describe how happy he was. He got to hold her and kiss her as much as he wanted, whenever he wanted. “I love you so, so much.”
Her eyes sparkled, and she pulled him down by the collar of his t-shirt, bringing their lips closer and closer together. “I love you, too,” she replied, her breath warm against his skin.
Not wanting to waste any more time, Adrien pressed his lips to hers, and the rest of the world faded away.
Adrien opened his eyes the next morning, feeling a warmth pressed against his bare chest. He wrapped his arms further around her, smiling into her shoulder. She had looked so beautiful the night before, and that was only for his eyes only. Something about that sparked a possessive fire in his chest because his heart knew that she was his and only his.
He pressed a kiss just below her ear and intertwined their legs closer together, keeping their distance as small as possible so he could soak up every ounce of her warmth. Her skin was smooth under his touch, and he had to ask her how he got her to smell like vanilla the way it did. She hadn’t been living in the bakery for two years, yet she still possessed that telltale smell of freshly-baked pastries and the blend of vanilla, sugar, and cinnamon. He could revel in that scent forever and never get bored.
Frankly, he could revel in all of her and never get bored. Everything about her was so, so perfect, he didn’t know why or how she settled for someone like him. Her beauty made the fashion models he worked with jealous; the way she sang was like listening to the angels themselves sing a heavenly tune; the way she always made him feel special…that was the thing he loved most about her. She never took, but Adrien was always more than willing to give. He always tried just as hard to make her feel just as important as he knew she was.
“Mmm, Adrien…” Marinette mumbled, shifting in his arms. She turned to face him, burying her head in his chest, her hair creating a curtain around her face. “What time is it?”
Adrien lifted his head, hoping that he would be able to make out the numbers on the clock hanging on his wall. “I’m not wearing my glasses, Mari.”
She groaned, the vibrations sending shockwaves throughout his skin. “Why’d I have to get myself a blind boyfriend?”
Adrien knew that she was just teasing—he could practically hear the smile in her voice. But his heart did backflips whenever she called him her boyfriend, despite them being together for as long as they had been. “What the body and the brains don’t do for you? Or the fact that I literally write love songs for you?”
“Nope,” she replied, popping the ‘p’.
Adrien laughed, wrapping his arms tighter around her. “Well, you’re stuck with your blind boyfriend, whether you like it or not.” He pressed a kiss to her hair, and she peered up at him, her eyes still closed but her lips stretched into a wide, lazy smile.
“It’s okay.” She leaned in, pressing her lips to his in a chaste kiss. “I’d love to stay with my blind idiot any day.”
Before registering what she had said, Adrien responded, “Forever and always…wait!”
She giggled, pressing her lips to his before he could complain.
“Did you finish the project?” Nino asked, kicking his foot against the sidewalk to build momentum and increase his speed so that he could catch up to Adrien. “The one for our final composition.”
They were on their way to a café after their music theory class for that day had ended. Adrien always enjoyed hanging out with Nino, but, frankly, he was in a rush to arrive at the café so that he could see Marinette again. Call him a clingy boyfriend, but he was just a guy stupidly in love with his amazing girlfriend.
“Yeah! Marinette helped me last weekend.” He grinned widely at the mention of his girlfriend and looked back at Nino. “What?”
“Dude, you’re smitten .”
He sighed happily, remembering all the times he’d listen to Nino endlessly gush about Alya. Finally, after so long, he got to return the sentiment. “I am, aren’t I? I mean, who wouldn’t be in love with a woman like her? Kind, beautiful, talented, sweet, one of a kind. She’s it for me, Nino.”
Nino smiled lopsidedly. “What else do you love about her?”
Adrien gasped happily. “I thought you’d never ask!”
“Oh, dear—”
He brushed his hands against each other. “I love the way she cuddles into me even when she’s half asleep and I probably have layers of sweat on my skin. I love the way she laughs and the way her eyes light up whenever we talk about something she’s interested in. I love how she smiles when she’s around people she loves and how she always wants to help everyone.”
His best friend smiled knowingly. “You really do love her, don’t you, Mec.”
He sighed with a lovesick grin. “That I do—hey!”
Marinette blushed as she wrapped her arms around his torso from behind, squeezing him tight. “I love you too, my silly dork.”
Adrien ran his hands over hers. “As long as I’m yours.”
“Okay, can you two stop being lovesick idiots for two minutes so we can grab our food?” Alya asked, chuckling as she laced her hand with Nino.
Nino looked at Alya, then glanced back at Adrien, flashing them a smile. “Alya, let’s leave them be just a little while longer.” He pressed a kiss to her cheek, bringing his lips to her ear. “I don’t say it nearly as much as they do, but you know I love you more than anything, right?”
Alya smiled. “I’ll never forget it.”
Adrien knew for a fact that he couldn’t sing. Any time he tried, he ended up sounding like a dying walrus instead of the angel Marinette sounded like whenever she sang. However, he continued to insist that he could sing, so every once and a while, and, surprisingly, she was right to an extent. Adrien didn’t consider himself the greatest singer in the world—in fact, he was usually off-key and his voice broke quite a bit—but his singing made Marinette happy, in some strange way.
With Marinette’s playlist on shuffle, they were cuddled on the couch that evening, swaddled in a pile of comfy blankets. Adrien stopped singing along with Marinette to whatever song was playing next, leaning over to pause the playlist. He pressed a few kisses to her lips but pulled away only when his phone began vibrating.
He cut her off with a kiss. “Ignore it.”
She agreed and continued to kiss him until the vibrating began again, this time more insistent than before. “Adrien,” she whispered, pushing him away gently and grabbing his phone. “Check it.” She shoved it in his face, making him grab it out of her hands.
“Shit,” he muttered, scrolling through the messages. “I have to call Father.”
“I told you so-”
Adrien pouted as he pressed a finger to her lips. “Yeah, yeah, I’m sorry.”
Marinette just smiled, kissing his skin. “It’s alright. Your dad is a bit of an ass, isn’t he?”
“Would he be himself if he wasn’t?”
Marinette laughed, shoving his arm. “Go call him, you dork.”
He grinned, blowing her a kiss dramatically before opening the door to their bedroom. “You called, Father?”
“Adrien, we need to talk.”
Adrien could visualize the frown on his father’s face. “About what? Did you chicken out of asking Nathalie out again?”
“I thought we agreed to never speak of this.”
He snorted. “Maybe you did but not me.”
Gabriel groaned. “Very funny, but no, this isn’t about your.. assumption of my infatuation with Nathalie. This is about you and Mademoiselle Dupain-Cheng’s.. career.”
Adrien’s breath caught in his thoat.
“Adrien, you need to stop making music.”
“What did you say?”
Oops. Had he said that out loud?
Instead of wanting to change his answer, however, he stood his ground, balling his fists and tightening his stance the slightest bit. “I said no, Father." He tried his best to not let his voice waver in fear. "You know, the opposite of yes?”
“I’m not an idiot, son. But think about it! You’re not taking business classes anymore, you’ve practically stopped modeling, plus do you even imagine what my colleagues think of this?”
Adrien scoffed. “To hell what they think! Marinette and I enjoy what we’re doing, and that’s all that matters to me. Not whatever you think is good for the brand.”
Gabriel clenched his teeth, grumbling a little bit from the other end of the line. “You’ll regret it.”
“Will I?”
Gabriel exhaled deeply, an action carrying evident traces of fury and frustration. “Fine." He conceded. "Will you agree to an ultimatum?”
That caught Adrien’s attention, a little sparkle of hope flickering in his chest. Maybe he wouldn't have to quit music after all. He knew that despite how much he stood his ground, his father always had a way of reigning him back in and keeping him under his control. “...What ultimatum?”
“If you and Mademoiselle Dupain-Cheng, hypothetically, can win that one singing competition in London—”
“The Voice?” Adrien interrupted.
“Yes, that. If you can win that and get the prize, you will be allowed to continue your...music thing. If not, you return to business school and resume your modeling. Good?”
Adrien grinned, ignoring the sudden churning in his stomach. He knew he couldn't sing, but he was pretty decent on several instruments, and Marinette had the voice of an angel. With their combined efforts, they could do anything, right?
Well, even if they couldn't, it had to be worth a shot. He would never, no way, no how, give up making music with Marinette. He'd take any chance he could get, even if that included possibly making a fool of himself on live television. “Sounds good.”
Adrien took a calming breath as he disconnected the line. They could do this, he tried to remind himself. It would be a piece of cake.
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sweetchup · 4 years
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Type: Pariston Hill x Reader
Prompts: Soulmate Au (Colorblind) + 7– Innocent/Corruption Kink
Author Note: OMG I am so so so sorry this took so long. I’m not sure what it was but my brain couldn’t write for Pariston. Like it was if the zodiacs took over and put it into a total shut down mode. It was insane. (ALSO Small warning, this is Pariston and, as expected, he’s an abusive dick)
(Valentine’s Day Masterlist)
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When you had first accepted the job of being randomly assigned someone’s secretary, you hadn’t expected to be assigned to the CEO of a high end tech company. You mean, who in the world would have known that by just calling a flyer on a street corner would have led to working with someone so prestigious.
It almost sounded too good to be true!
….And, you wished you hadn’t jinxed yourself in that moment. The CEO of that high end tech company actually turned out to be only 21, having inherited the company from his father. He was not only a spoiled brat and a player but, my god, was he lazy. You were sure that if you hadn’t spent hours on the phone discussing ideas with his father and done all the paperwork for him, that the company would be in ruins before someone could say “We’re broke!”.
Though, no matter how hard you worked your ass off these past couple months, nothing could prepare you for this moment.
“Dear god someone help me…”
You and his father had told him many times over this week. On February 14 at noon, you have an important meeting with the Hunter Association. You can’t miss it.
But, of course, that lazy ass was running late. By 45 minutes to be exact.
“Miss (y/n), is Mr Avoli going to be showing up any time soon? It isn’t like him to be late.”
… And it surely didn’t help that you were standing in the meeting room, waiting for him with the Hunters Association's very own Zodiacs.
Shamefully, you turn to the doglike woman who had introduced herself as ‘Cheadle’ earlier and give an apologetic bow, “I-I deeply apologize. You see Mr Avoli's son, Hunter Avoli, recently took over the company. I reminded him constantly this past week about the meeting but I’m afraid he may have forgotten...”
“Oh that guy.” You hear the monkey zodiac ‘Saiyu’ spit out in disgust, “He is almost as bad as that dirt bag, Ging.”
“It’s not a problem Miss (y/n). I’ve met Hunter many times before so I’ve seen first hand how unprofessional he acts. This is clearly not your fault.” Cheadle reassures, giving you enough confidence to lift your head up from bowing to look at her as some of the Zodiacs complain in the background.
As you stare at the grayish colored woman, you can’t help but wonder what color she was wearing. Due to you still not having found your soulmate, you can only see the color of your soulmate’s eye color. Which, in your case, was brown. A chocolate brown to be exact.
And, usually dogs were brownish in color so you kind of wondered what color Miss Chealde chose instea—
“We are still waiting on the chairman and two other zodiacs so why don’t you take the chance to try and give Hunter a call.” Mizaistom, the ox zodiac, suggests suddenly.  
“O-oh of course. Thank you very much Miss Cheadle, Mr Mizaistom. I’ll be very quick— Eep!”
Oh god why me?
Just as you made your way to the door to exit the room, someone on the other side had already swung it open. Making you, in pure surprise and shock, take a step backwards. Though, just like how your day is going so far, Luck truly didn’t seem to be on your side as you end up tripping on your own two feet and begin to fall backwards.
You expected to land hard on the cold tile floor in front of everyone, extremely embarrassing really, but instead you don’t. You still hit something firm and hard but… it was different. Actually, now that you think about it, you felt higher up than you were before…
“Ah, Ging this is why I said you shouldn’t barge into rooms so suddenly! You scared our poor guest!” A voice suddenly calls out from behind you, his breath slightly tickling the shell of your ear. Quickly, in surprise, you whip your head around to—
As your eyes lock with the male’s chocolate brown ones the room suddenly bursts into a flurry of color. Blues, reds, greens, maybe yellows? You honestly didn’t know the proper names for all the colors you were seeing for the first time. However, in all this chaos, you happened to know two things.
One, That you had just met your soulmate and Two,...
… it was none other than the Vice Chairman himself, Pariston Hill.
“Oh my! How unexpected!” Pariston chuckles out, causing what seems to be sparkles to pop out around him, “I never thought our guest here today would end up being my soulmate. Not at all!”
“I—“ “Shut up Rat!”
You freeze as something suddenly comes flying past your head. What the fuck...
“You have a soulmate? Not a Chance! Not a Chance! Not a Chance!”
“Quit joking.”
“I doubt the King Of Kickbacks would have an ordinary soulmate.”
It was as if a bomb had erupted in the room, everyone was in pure disbelief at what Pariston had just said, Suggested, he even had (Well everyone except Ging, of course). Hell, some of them haven’t even found their own soulmates yet. So, why did the heartless ass Rat get to have one?!
“I assure you, I’m speaking the truth. Why would I lie about something like this?”
We can think of many reasons…
“U-uh…” You suddenly speak out, slightly flinching as everyone’s attention turns to you, “He is telling the truth… I saw colors other than brown for the first time when we locked eyes.”
“See!” Pariston says happily, pulling you affectionately closer to him in his hold. As you are flustered by the act from the handsome man, he takes the chance to walk to what you believe is in the direction of an empty seat. However, you soon realize that wasn’t what he was intending as he walked right by it and leaves through the other door located in the room.
“Hey Rat!! Where do you think you are GOING!?!” The tigerlike man screeches out, storming through the door you two just left as well.
“Well, I’m going to spend time with my soulmate of course.” Pariston exclaims, his smile not even flinching as bloodlust from the other zodiacs creeps out from the room.
“As if I—“ Suddenly, a loud chuckle behind you rings out, cutting Kanzai off.
“C-Chairman Netero!” You squeak out in surprise at the older man. Oh god, what a disaster. As someone trying to make a deal to him, this looks bad. So bad.
“My, what a twist!” The Chairman rings out, stroking his beard as he thinks as he walks past you two. “Hmm… You and (y/n) can be excused from today’s meeting, Pariston.”
“B-But, Chairman!” Kanzai rebuts. Soon shutting up however as the chairman grabs onto the collar of his jersey.
“It only makes sense to give them alone time, Kanzai. We will just call Mr Aloisi for the meeting instead of having (y/n) give it to us.” Netero explains, giving you a small wink as he drags Kanzai as if he was some kitty cat back into the meeting room.
What a strange group…
As you sit there stunned at everything that has happened so far, you don’t realize Pariston has already begun walking again. It takes you a while to realize as well, precisely the loud sound of the door of his private office being closed. He must have walked pretty fast…
“A-ah. Umm you can put me down now.” You mumble out to the… Blonde man (unable to tell if that was the correct color).
“Hmm. What was that?” Pariston asks, as if he didn’t quite hear you from before.
“Oh. I was wondering if you could put me down.” You tell him again. Shit, the way you said that came out bad. “I-I mean I’m really appreciative of you saving me but you are likely getting tired of holding me and I can walk on my own.”
You expected at that exclamation that Pariston would instantly put you down to the floor, but instead he walks over to his deck and places you down in front of that. Odd, but you don’t question the sparkly man.
Speaking of odd, as you looked around the room, you realized it was really cold in here. Much colder than the conference room and hallway. God, what a bad day to wear a skirt but no tights. Especially those insulated ones you recently bought.
“Are you Cold?” Pariston suddenly voices up, causing you to turn behind you to look at him. He still hadn’t moved from his spot right behind you.
“A-ah yes I am. I don’t want to be a bother but could you possibly turn it down a couple of notches?” You ask, taking a step back a little to give a little bit of space between you two.
“I’m afraid I can’t. My thermostat broke this morning.” Pariston exclaims, his smile turning into a bit of a frown. However, that didn’t last long as he soon had a full blown out smile again. “But, I do have my jacket that I wore to work this morning. It should be… Ah! There it is! Right on the seat of my chair if you want to grab it.”
“Oh.. thank you.” You give Pariston a small smile before leaning over the desk to grab the brown coat.
You couldn’t wrap your head around it but for some odd reason you didn’t feel fully comfortable around him. Which was even weirder because you didn’t understand what was causing it. Shouldn’t you naturally feel comfortable around your soulmate?
Perhaps, you just needed to get to know him better. That’s likely it. Your just nervous since he was supposed to be your clien—
“Ah!” You let out a yelp as you feel pressure and sharp pain in your lower regions. At first, you thought it was perhaps a weird cramp or something like that. However, once you fully grasped what you were feeling, you realized you were just trying to make yourself believe that.
“Oh whoops! Tight. Tight. That must have hurt.” Pariston chuckles out, rocking his hips back and forth as his eyes watched his cock disappear and reappear out of your hole. Harshly letting go of the strap of your panties that he had pulled aside to watch as an ever so slight bit of blood comes out in your slick. Delighted to see such results.
“P-Pariston. Please be gentle.” You gasp out, turning yourself by your waist to place a hand on the man’s chest. Ever so slightly fisting the fabric of his suit when he suddenly gave a really hard thrust. “Let’s slow down… too soon…”
“How come? I thought you said you were grateful to me right?” Pariston teased out, pulling your hand off his suit as well as pushing your front down against the desk. Making it so you were trapped underneath him.
“I-I am but—“ “Shh… I’m only taking my reward!”
However, even with your constant pleas for him to be slower, gentler, Pariston continued his actions. Watching you grow more and more wet as that uncomfortable burning sensation suddenly turned into pure ecstasy.
It was perfect…
Pressed down against the desk, unable to move as you were essentially being taken advantage of by him. Your very own soulmate.
It was embarrassing, agonizing and traumatizing.
Surely, you hated him. You despised him.
Having waited long enough, Pariston decided to finally pull out and flip you over so he could see you and the results of his hard work. “Now, Now my dear. It’s not so—“
Pariston feels himself blink a couple of times.
Oh… So, you were one of those types huh?
It was if you were some humanized version of a golden retriever. Your eyes that were supposed filled with terror or hatred were still as sparkly and innocent before you began. You were loyal to him to a fault and he honestly doubted you could bring it in your heart to even hate him.
It was annoying but it wasn’t that big of a problem. He could always break you in other ways.
However, that’s not exactly what was troubling him right now.
Fluttering? Or, Bubbles?
Whatever it was, he didn’t understand why he was feeling this sort of way. Especially seeing you look at him like that. With that love filled look…
“Pariston…” You mumble out, your voice slightly slurred. “Are you okay? Are you done?”
Are you okay?
Those three words ring in Pariston’s head. Eventually, causing him to break his composure and let out a light laugh.
“Aw. Did I leave you high and dry? Here I’ll fix that.” Pariston calls out. A slight shiver going up his spine as he hears you let out a small moan as he slips back into your dripping cunt.
You know what, he didn’t care how strange you were making him feeling.
Whether you looked at him with loved dazed eyes…
Or cried out how much you hated him with those kissable lips of yours.
Either way, he would enjoy every bit of playing with you. You had the rest of your miserable lives to try it out after all.
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saktetsu · 4 years
'You're Mine' Demon!Oikawa x Princess!Reader [Chapter 1]
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Breeding Kink, Size Kink, Over stimulation, Manipulation
This Chapter doesn't have Smut yet. Though I'll only continue this if someone asks for more. I don't wanna write something nobody wants to read.
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It was a Dangerous World that they lived in, they all knew that. But despite the Danger that lurked around every corner, behind ever door; [F/N] [L/N], the Princess of Haikaru remained Innocent.
She had never crossed paths with Danger, had never experienced what it was like to lose something dear. The People of Haikaru purposely protected and shielded the Princess off from any sort of Darkness. She was their light, a light that they swore to Protect.
But of course, protecting her came with a major set back. Their walls less guarded from the Demons that lurked the night. But enough to keep them out. Well, most of them.
"Send him to the Dungeons, keep him out of sight and Lock him up as much as possible." The King, ordered his men.
"Yes, Sir." They voiced with a salute. "Move on your feet you Wretched Demon." One of the Soldiers kicked the said Demon, causing him to snarl out of annoyance.
"Now that's just rude." The horned Male barked out, his fangs showing.
"Fine, fine~"
The Group of Guards surrounded the Demon, leading him slowly towards the entrance of the dungeons.
"Get in." One of them opened the door, shoving the Evil Entity inside. Soon after they entered as well, making sure to chain the Cyan Horned Man against the Single Wooden Pole. "This should keep you in place, Oikawa Tōru."
"Oh my, so you do know my Name? I'm quite flattered. Am I perhaps famous around here?"
"In your case yes. Yes you are. We've heard of what you've done to Humans like us. Demons should be banished, specifically a Demon as awful as you" And that was it, the last thing that the Group of Mortals said to the Beast. Leaving him alone in the empty open space, where only the chains that dug through his skin lay.
Oikawa moved his Left Arm slightly, hoping to snap the chains off with a bit of Magic. Only to be met by a sharp pain striking all throughout his body.
"Now, I wouldn't do that if I were you. These chains? They were made to keep Demons like you in place. To keep you from causing anymore trouble than you already have." The Royal turned on his heel. "You deserve to be treated like this."
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"Dad, what's in there?" [F/N] pointed towards the cellar, where 2 Guards stood against.
"My sweet Princess, there is no need to be curious about what is within the door. You must avoid that place, for you are not safe there." Her Father replied, patting her head softly while a smile.
"Alright Father" She nodded her head slowly, yet curiosity still lingered inside her thoughts.
Eventually when night began to fall, [F/N] snuck out of her Room. Descending down the nice tiled stairs to approach her destination. She made sure to avoid the soldiers who were put on nightly duty.
Peeking around the corner, she spotted the two guards who were put to stay in front of the door. To her luck, they've fallen asleep. And was on the floor crouching.
[F/N] approached the two, giving them a slight poke to make sure that they are indeed asleep before taking what seems to be the key to the room.
As soon as she unlocked the door, she pushed it open. Making sure that she wouldn't make a single sound in the progress.
From what her Father had said before, this place was dangerous. Yet as soon as she stepped into the so called 'dangerous' room. She wasn't expecting to be met by a Handsome man, straddled with chains around his body. His arms had burns including his neck.
Without much hesitation she shut the door behind her slowly and approached the stranger. "Oh my God..- Are you alright?"
The man slowly opened his eyes, lifting his chin up to meet [E/C] orbs. Oikawa's eyes slightly widened, the scent of the most purest mortal he has ever smelled rushed through his nostrils. Instinctively, he leaned forward, causing the chains to burn his arms a tad bit more. Tōru grunted from the pain, and was unable to Heal himself unless they were off.
He was expecting her to run, to scream as soon as she saw his horns. But what he didn't expect, was her leaning in to slightly brush her finger against them. "What.. What are these? They're so cool"
Oh my, he wasn't expecting any of this at all. His lips quirked up into a devilish smirk, his eyes darkened with the thought of how innocent this little Mortal was. He often went out to many Villages to capture, and redeem souls. Hunted and killed Mortals who stood in his way to feast on their Flesh. But not only does he feed off of flesh, he also feeds off of arousal.
And here he was, chained to the floor with a full course buffet standing before him, offering her concern and curiosity. He could capture her, take her back to the underworld where he will make her his. His to love, his to cherish, and his to claim. "They're my Horns [F/N], you like them?"
[F/N] nodded slowly, she didn't question the Horned man how he knew what her name was. Instead, she maneuvered her way over to the source of the chains, quickly disengaging them.
"What.. The.. -" Tōru felt the chains loosen around him, his eyes darting over to the Precious Girl he sought to claim. "Why.. Why did you do that?" He questioned.
"You seem like a good Demon so.. I thought.. Maybe my Father was wrong about you. Plus um.. It looked like the chains were preventing you from talking properly without wincing in pain"
'She truly is innocent. Fuck, I want her even more now' he stood up, brushing the dust off his legs before completely healing his wounds. "Is that so? You're quite an observant little thing aren't you? But have you ever heard of a Good Demon?"
[F/N] shook her head. "No, I've never even met one up until now"
'Seriously? They were trying to protect her from us? How pathetic, yet rewarding..'
"Oh, well the pleasure's all mine little one. I am Tōru Oikawa. Don't bother telling me your Name." He walked closer, expecting her to back away in fear that she had made the wrong choice. But once again he was proven wrong when she didn't move at all. Instead her eyes remained staring back into his. "How can I repay you Princess..~?"
"Become my Friend"
Oikawa was stunned, his mouth ajar as his eyes grew. "Excuse me? Could you, perhaps-- I don't know--- Repeat that?"
"I said.. Become my.. Friend. My Father doesn't let me go out of the Castle walls, and I don't really have Friends here. I mean I do get along with the people around here but they never really showed interest in trying to get to know me"
"I see.. So you want me, the King of the Underworld, to become your Friend?" Without much of a reply, [F/N] nodded her head vigorously.
"Alright then, I'll be your Friend Little One. I'll make sure to visit you once in a while in your room." Oikawa leaned forward and planted a kiss on her forehead. "Make sure to not tell anyone with our little Meet ups alright?"
"I won't, I promise.." [F/N]'s cheeks reddened a bit, not expecting to get a kiss on the forehead by the King of the Underworld himself.
But what she didn't know, was that the kiss contained more than just a Thank You. It was a way to tell the other Demons similar to him to back off as soon as they smelled her essence. With the invisible pendant forming on her forehead only for demons to admire, she was practically untouchable.
Days passed with Oikawa constantly visiting [F/N] in secret. Their Friendship growing into a much more passionate one. The lingering touches he dreamt of doing to her were kept at bay, fearing that he might ruin his only chance to claim her.
"Tōru?" [F/N] called out in a soft voice, she nudged her Demon friend on the shoulder a bit.
"Huh" His eyes widened slightly, being snapped out of his thoughts. "What is it?"
"You've been thinking for a while. What has you troubled?"
"Nothing, nothing at all." He slowly lets out a long, low sigh as he feels his hair through his fingers.
"Well, if you say s-"
A sudden knock came from the door, capturing both Tōru's and [F/N]'s attention. Her eyes widened in panic as she quickly got up, ushering Oikawa to leave before he was seen.
"Yes? I'm here!" She replied, her voice was soft and timid compared to her usual out going self.
"Is something wrong?" The knight asked from behind the door. "Your Father sent me here to accompany you. Apparently you've been more distant lately, spending most of your time in your room.. Is there.. Anything I could do to help?"
[F/N] slowly opened the door, peaking through to see who it was. And to her surprise, it was Iwaizumi Hajime. a Friend of hers from a far away village. The only Friend that her Father allowed to blossom. "H-Hajime-"
"I know, it's been a while hasn't it? [F/N]." He smiled ever so softly before staring back at the door that kept him from slinging his arms around her. "Mind if I get in?"
"Not at a- eep!" She stilled, feeling a pair of hands rest on either side of her waist. Slowly moving down to her core. She turned to look at Tōru who had a shit eating grin, obviously proud of the reaction he got from you. "Tōru.. Not now.. What are you doing.. -"
"Is someone there with you?" Iwaizumi asked with a concerned look on his face.
"N-NO- No, I was just startled. You haven't been in my room for.. Over 6 years y'know, and it's kind of overwhelming"
"R-Right... You're making me feel old [F/N]"
"That's because you are, blehhh" Hajime chuckled, forcefully pushing the door open with his strong arms.
"Alright, that's it you little trouble maker. I'm coming in whether you like it or not"
"NO- WAIT N-" She quickly turned to look at Tōru, but was met with an empty room. No trace of him but her bed and along with her other furniture.
Iwaizumi stepped in the room, chuckling at her childish actions. "You seriously can't be that embarrassed with me being here, are you?"
"Kind of... But um, apart from that. How's your Village? Everything alright?"
"Everything's been normal. Not to mention the Grand King hasn't visited us for over a week. It's quite a relief, yet terrifying." He walked further into the room, taking his helmet off with a Huff.
"I wonder why.." [F/N] mumbled out softly. Of course she knew why, she was the reason that Oikawa has been rarely seen out and about. He's always hanging out in her room, chatting, and laughing with her as if he wasn't some demonic entity. But at the end of the day, he's still the King of the Underworld. "How long are you gonna stay here for? Not that I want you to leave or anything"
"Maybe for a couple of days. You know, until you brighten up a bit."
"Haji, I'm okay I promise."
"You Promise?"
"Pinky Promise"
Hajime stared straight into her eyes with concern, but eventually sighed. "Fine, but if your Dad yells at me for not cheering you up? You're so in for it."
"Pfft, yeah, yeah" She quickly plopped herself beside Iwaizumi, slinging her arms around him with a cheerful smile. "I missed you"
He stuttered out a small 'Thank you' before wrapping his arms around her waist. His cheeks were painted pink as he dipped his head against her shoulder.
Little did the two know, a certain horned man was watching them, anger flowing all throughout his body as his fists clenched. She was supposed to be his, not that porcupines woman.
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sanemisthiccbih · 4 years
hcs for reader having a mutual crush with deku/baku/todo and asking them out? i've only ever been asked out once, and i rejected him oof... i have a difficult time connecting with people romantically and don't focus so much on love, so when i really want somebody i feel like i'd be the first to ask them out casually (and probs take it easy if they reject) love ur writing! 💕
Lol, ive gotten a few really random confessions but it was only after i knew these people for maybe like.... 2 hours worth of classtime. And not connecting deeply is totally ok! Maybe you just haven’t met the right person, but if not then being aromantic is nothing to sweat 😌. Also props to you for actually wanting to ask out your crush! I always get to nervous and try to hint at likeing them but they never get it 🙃 Also, THANKYIU FOR THE PRAISE!! it makes me •~•
Warnings: A lil bit of cursing, just some floof :)
Ok this one would be EASY k?
We know this boy. This sweet, timid, and unexperienced boy (omfg i love him so much)
He’d be so flustered anytime you interacted with him, and he’s constantly keeping mental notes about you
When he sees the huge grin go across your face after eating your favorite sweet, he ensures to keep that information tucked away for next time you’re out in public.
He won’t ask you out unless Mina tells him to and sets a whole thing with roses and candlight lmao
Other than that, he’s just awkwardly making his way through moments with you
Blushing like crazy when your fingers brush against eachother
Becoming a stuttering mess when you ask him to go with you and drop off some papers
If he ever sees you out in public, and out of uniform, his brain will go into panic mode and let out a little “eep!”
Why does she look even prettier? How did she somehow become more beautiful? Oh right! Shes in real clothes.. I can’t talk to her when she looks like that! I need to go-
His little thought flurry is interrupted by you noticing him and tapping his shoulder “Deku! What are you doing here?”
Eye contact is non-existent, he might cry if he sees you being so cute right now from the sensory overload
You figure well... we’re both in public by the theaters so... why not shoot your shot?
“Well... if you’re not really busy out here... do you wanna see whats in theaters?”
Deku is s h o c k e d
You? Asking HIM to go out?
He’d squeak out “L-like as friends?!” Only barely able to look at you with his head turned to the side
Baby wont take the hint, you gotta tell him straight up “No silly! Like a date! But if you want to go just as friends, then thats fine to-“
This boy SNATCHES your hands and intertwined your fingers “no! I really want to go on a date with you!!”
You just stare at your fingers intertwined with his all wide eyed (0.0) before he realises and tries to pull away
You won’t let him 😈
Now he has to walk hand in hand with you to your date, blushing like crazy 💅🏼
Mans is INTIMIDATING ok? Like he is DEFINITELY a Tsundere
If he has a crush on you, you’d probably know it but DAMN would he be so passive aggressive
You’re cooking in the UA kitchen right? But your finger hits the pot and now you’ve got a burn
The SECOND it happens, Bakugo is next you “YOU DUMBASS” he’s already putting ointment on the finger “You cant do anything right >:( HOW THE HELL DO YOU BURN YOURSELF DOING SOMETHING SO SIMPLE?” Now he’s gently placing this pink band-aid on the burn
“Just go and be lazy on the couch already, cant do anything right i swear!” “but bakugo im hungryyy” “YEAH YEAH I KNOW, IM GONNA FINISH COOKING YA HEAR? NOW GO SIT YOU PRETTY ASS DOWN ON THE COUCH AND BE LAZY ALREADY”
If you dont comply he’ll just teach you how to cook but he’ll be very angry about it the whole time 😤😤
He actually ask to train with you sometimes, mad respect if you can ever get close to pinning him, but he friggin gloats hard on you “heh, good thing im gonna be a pro so i can protect weaklings like you. Then you’ll stay out of harms way forever >:|”
Bakugo doesn’t really change much, he’s great enough and you gotta deal with that. But when he realises he’s whipped for you, and you’re whipped for him, he can’t help but follow you around after that.
One day when you ask why he’s suddenly waiting for you after classes and stuff, he burst “IDIOT, I KNOW YOU GOT A THING FOR ME”
Idk bout you but I’d have tears in my eyes, BUT! You’re not me lmao, so i’m pretty sure most peeps would be like “hm... might as well shoot my shot 🤷🏻‍♀️ “
“Well why not indulge in my crush bakugo?” At this he turns away and just stays silent. Before you could say anything he’d reach out an arm
You happily extend your own to grab his but he just yells “tch, NO DUMMY, your bag first!” Once he takes your bad over his shoulder he reaches out once more
“NOW give me your hand” and with that, you’ll be happily walking hand in hand with this little tsuntsun towards your next class ❤️
Baby has a hard time connecting to others, so when he starts likeing you, he probably won’t think too hard about it and wave it off “it’s just a phase 😌”
But after seeing you get along so well with the Dekusquad he’s like “oh fuck 😳”
His affection would come out VERY subtly. But as you know he’s kinda anti-social and oblivious
He knows he can’t just walk up to you after like a week and say “hey i like you” (well according to wiki how he can’t)
So he just does small things like offer to take your trash, extra training, texting you first, etc.
He’ll basically pave the way for you though, if you talk, he will have his 100% attention on you and is ready to engage. During class activities, he’ll heo you out subtly, maybe leaveing secret spots in his ice for you to jump across with idk 🤷🏻‍♀️
Eventually the tension between you 2 is just so built up, the whole class is fed. Up.
When you finally pop the question (boy figures if you don’t ask, then you dont want it lmao) the whole school probably goes quiet
He’d smile softly and look you in the eyes “yeah... I’d like that 🙂” and the whole fucking school goes feral lmao
He’s definitely a simp for you, but like, in a low-key way. Gets your food for you before you can even get up, ask if you’d like something the MOMENT you glance at it, buys it for you without hesitation. Secretly likes it when you two match
Y’all this was literally so garbage 😔. Tumblr mobile is BOOTYYYY. I lost my train of thought like every other sentence to lmao. In conclusion, i am s o r r y
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beth-bethar00 · 4 years
Love Blooms Like a Rose
This is my entry for @takuyakistall​​’s Valentine’s prompts. Sorry it’s so long, my brain went brrrrrrr while writing
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Valentine prompt 1: Confession. 
Pairing: Beth Brella x Octatrio 
Tw: Hanahaki au
It’s been a few months since Beth’s life at Night Raven College began and her meeting the octatrio. At first she was content with the 3 of them being her friends, but lately, she’s noticed that her feelings seemed to have changed towards them. At first she had no idea what these feelings were, but after awhile she understood. What she was feeling, was love. She had fallen in love with all 3 of them at the same time, but instead of happiness, she felt a sense of dread and anxiety. “Do they actually like me that way… W-Would they all be ok with sharing me between the 3 of them…” She’d ask herself while tending to her flowers. After a few minutes she started coughing and after the fit ended, she noticed some petals on the floor. At first she thought nothing of it, that she might’ve just blown some off her flowers from coughing, but then she felt something wet run down the side of her face and grew pale when she wiped it. There on her handkerchief, was a mixture of white and teal flower petals and blood. “O-Oh no… H-Hanahaki… Me of all people to get it… Fate really is cruel…” To which she choked out more petals into her hands and started shaking slightly from the pain that’s starting to form in her chest. She then walked over to her desk to look into her flower journal to find out what flower these petals are from. “L-Lets see…” She flips through the pages, seemingly not having any luck until, “A-Ah…” She at last finds the flower she’s looking for. “C-Christmas rose… Their flower language meaning is… Ah… The irony…” Sensing another painful coughing fit approaching, she quickly moves away from her desk to head to her trash can and hacks up a bunch of petals and an actual whole flower this time. She left the book open on the page, with the meaning of the flower now underlined, ‘anxiety’
It’s now been a few weeks since this all started, and the effects of it are starting to become apparent. Beth’s gotten significantly paler and weaker, she barely seems to be eating, and has been excusing herself more often. And most of all, she has been avoiding Azul, Jade, and Floyd. During times where it’s impossible to avoid the 3 of them she acts really tense and nervous, and right now just happens to be one of those times, as they have her currently cornered in the courtyard. “So, is there a reason why you appear to be avoiding us, Beth-san?” Azul asked, sounding rather concerned given how she currently looks like she’ll keel over at any second. “A-A-Ah… I-I haven’t really been f-feeling that good, a-and I didn’t w-want to get you guys s-sick…” She was hoping this would be convincing enough to get them off her tail, and for the most part it was, until Jade spoke up. “Oya? If you aren’t feeling well, then let us take care of you, the lounge is closed tonight, but we still have some things we need to take care of there. You may stay with us during this time” “I-I don’t w-want to impose-” Beth attempted to stutter out before getting cut off by Azul, “Please, we insist you do” Azul was giving her that smile. That dang smile that causes her heart to race a mile a minute and turn her brain temporarily to mush, That smile that caused her to stutter out, “W-Well… A-Alright…” “Wonderful! We’ll see you there after school.” And with that, the 3 of them headed off to their next class. Once they were out of earshot, Beth doubled over in pain over a bush and painfully choked out a bunch of christmas roses, their white and teal hues hidden by both the bushes and her own blood. Once she had recovered enough, she headed off to her next class as well.
Classes had finally ended, and Beth was heading back to change into her dorm uniform, only to be dragged off to mostro lounge by Floyd the second she steps through the mirror. “W-Wha?! A-At least let m-me change into my dorm clothes f-first..!” She stuttered out, surprised by Floyd dragging her off. “Nope~ Azul’s orders. He wanted you to come straight over, men-dako-chan, and told me to get you.” He happily says before he notices something about her. “Eh..? You usually feel way stronger than this usually, normally you’d have some resistance to my pulling you like this, but right now you feel like a wet noodle! Aha~! You must be really sick…” Floyd’s face quickly changes between amusement and concern as he talks on the way over there, as he notices that Beth’s starting to shake and appears to be in a lot of pain. “M-Men-dako-chan..? You aren’t looking too hot, hang on…” To which he immediately picked her up in a bridal carry and practically ran the rest of the way there, he yelled for Azul and Jade as he burst through the door. She could clearly sense the amount of distress he seemed to be in as he ran over and set her down on one of the lounge couches. She could feel another coughing fit coming and tries to head to the bathroom, only to be pushed back onto the couch by Floyd as Azul and Jade run out from the vip room. By the time the 2 reach her she’s unable to hold the coughing back anymore and choked out a whole bunch of flowers in front of the 3 of them, stunning the 3 males for a while as she rode out the incredibly painful coughing fit. 
The room was silent for a bit before Jade finally managed to speak up. “Hanahaki… How long have you…?” “A-A few weeks now… I.. I didn’t want to worry any of you.. I-I’m sorry..” She was shaking and refused to make eye contact with any of them, instead she was staring down at the pile of bloody flowers underneath her. Jade seemed to be staring at the flowers, as if he was analyzing them, before finally saying. “Christmas roses… Are you perhaps anxious about love or who you love not returning your affections? There are other cures for this, you know…” Beth remained silent for a bit before finally saying, “... I’d rather die than lose my memories of you three…” Which once again shocked the 3 of them before they happened to notice the colors of the flowers, which looked exactly like their hair colors and that’s when it clicked. She was anxious about whether they’d accept her love. 
Azul was the first to act. He walked over to the couch and sat next to her, put his hand under her chin and gently tilted her face towards his own, and leaned in to kiss her. She went wide eyed for a moment before melting into the kiss. It didn’t last long, however, before Floyd pulled her away and mashed his lips onto hers, almost hungrily. She was still reeling from Azul’s kiss and immediately melted into Floyd’s kiss as well. It took Azul to pry him off of her. “Aha~ You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do that, Beth~” For once he didn’t use the nickname her gave her, and that could only mean one thing, He was being serious. 
But it wasn’t until that moment that the 3 of them noticed something. Jade was nowhere to be seen. He must’ve slipped away while Azul and Floyd were busy kissing Beth. “D-Did he really just up and leave like that..? That’s low, even for him…” Azul said, with a tint of anger and concern in his voice. He was deep in thought, only coming out of it when he heard the sound of Beth being pulled over the back of the couch, earning a surprised look from him and Floyd. ‘E-Eep..! Mmph!” This caused the both of them to look over the couch and now they look even more surprised now. There, sitting against the back of the couch, was Jade. He had both his arm and legs wrapped around Beth and was kissing her rather passionately. 
This went on for a minute before Azul decided to break it up by saying, “Oya, get a room you lovebirds.~ Fufu~” Which seemed to make him promptly stop the kiss and look away, and for once, all 3 of them could see Jade blushing, bright red as a matter of fact. Thankfully for him, Floyd decide to speak up and it caused the attention to be shifted away from his embarrassed blushing. “Nee nee, you don’t need to be afraid anymore, right Beth? All 3 of us love you a lot!” “It’s true. You mean the world to us Beth-san. We couldn’t think of anyone else we’d rather spend the rest of our lives with. So please… Be our angelfish.” Azul said, and from his tone of voice, it sounded sincere and it caused her to smile softly. “I’d like nothing more..~ The 3 of you mean so much to me.. A-Ah.. T-The pain in my chest, i-it’s fading..? A-Am I cured..?” Hearing this caused the 3 of them to smile. Azul and Floyd then got off the couch to cuddle with Beth and Jade, and the 4 of them stayed like this for the rest of the night. And for the next few days worked tirelessly to nurse Beth back to full health.
                                                  The End
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talpup · 4 years
Lost Song:10
Summary: The war between the Dragons and Griffons ended 233 years ago, and both races right along with it.
Or so it was believed. There are three individuals that will soon change that.
Kai is the last of the Dragons and he seeks to take what he sees as his rightful place and rule over all of Oblvi. Meanwhile, Shouta, the last Sphinx, wants nothing more than to do his job; keep the peace and and teach the young Fourth’s to hopefully avoid the mistakes of their ancestors. And Teris, a Foundling who is just trying to understand and survive in this strange new world that is supposedly her own.
All three have their own wants and desires, but Kai’s plans, Teris’ existence, and Shouta's past mean that none of them may get what they want.
This fic is rated explicit and has warnings of sex, violence, and other possible triggers.  For a full list of story tags please check the fics AO3 (link to that at the top of my tumblrs homepage).
Notes: Flashbacks/memories are in italics. I decided to give Pops a name.  Ryuu.  For those of you who haven't read BNHA Vigilantes.  His Purple Highness is a character from there.
Shouta entered the library of his Ilca dorm carrying a stack of essay’s to grade.  His student's complained every time he assigned them homework.  As if they alone suffered.  If anything, they had it easy.  They only had to write a single paper.  Where as he had to grade them all. He set down the pile and frowned at the top page. ...And try to decipher Kaminari’s handwriting, he thought with a tired sigh.
Shouta shuffled the Venti-High Elf’s essay with its chaotic scrawl to the bottom of the pile and sat down. At least he had the next few nights off from patrol.  Though it was doubtful he would get any rest from the time off. Not with members of the Council arriving and the truth of Teris being a griffon needing to be guarded.  If anything, he’d probably get even less sleep than usual.
The thought of Teris had Shouta reaching into his pants pocket in search of the item he had been carrying around for two days.  His hesitance was illogical and had to end. With Elders of the Council arriving later this evening, he could no longer stall.  He had to give Teris the gift today.
A soft humming growl reverberated in Shouta’s chest.  Not gift, he corrected himself. Why did he keep on thinking of the thing as a gift?
He growled again at the other, far more crucial failing on his part. With the Council Elders arriving this evening, Shouta should've given the thing to Teris this morning.  But the infuriating woman had had been spoiling for a fight.  And with the little sleep he had invaded by dreams of her.  Shouta, in his irritation, had given in and snapped back. Because of that he had held off giving Teris the bracelet. He couldn’t say why, but he didn’t want to give her the gift in anger.  It’s not a gift, Shouta told himself inner voice stern in it’s scolding. It’s a necessary thing for her protection.
Shouta entered Nedzu’s office.  “You wanted to see me.”
“Yes. Please come in and have a seat. We have a concerning issue.  Tea?” The Director of Traverseen Hall offered.
Shouta sat before the Hybrid’s desk and shook his head.  When Nedzu didn’t even make himself a cup, Shouta realized just how serious the matter was.
“I’ve been informed that some Elders of the Council will be coming to Traverseen Hall.  They wish to see the Foundling’s.”  Nedzu said.
The heckles on the back of Shouta’s neck rose in protective aggression and worry. “Teris…  There a those on the Council that will know her for a griffon at first scent.”
Nedzu nodded.  “I’m aware.  It’s not an easy thing to tell a Fourth's species by scent alone, especially when both parties are in human form.  But there are those on the Council who were high ranking in the Griffon Court and dealt with griffons often and closely enough to know Teris is one at first whiff.  While a few others would be able to do the same, having specialized in hunting and stalking out griffon locations for the dragons. If one such Elder is part of the group that’s coming.  I fear there is little we could do to stop them from taking Teris before the panel.  And we both know what that would mean.”
Shouta's chin ducked, teeth baring in a snarl that was hidden by his capture weapon.  Teris was his. He would end anyone who dared tried to take her from him.
Nedzu went on. “It’s why I called you here.  I’m aware the Dryad King found a small library of books near where he discovered you.  And that he kept those books secret from the Council, gifting them to you as your inheritance as the last Sphinx. I was hoping somewhere in that small portion of what remained of the vast stores of Sphinx knowledge is something that could assist us in this.”
Shouta had barely been able to focus on teaching his class that day.  When the school day finally ended he had filed out quicker than his student's.  He had missed dinner and evening lesson with Hizashi and Teris. Having called in a favor with Nemuri to cover his patrol, Shouta had spent a sleepless night locked in his chambers scouring the books in his personal armory for something to help. An hour before sunrise, he had found a solution.  If he combined a specifically forged charm and overlayed a certain spell on it…  The following night had been another sleepless one.
An echoing clang of metal hitting metal sounded from deep within the bowels of Traverseen Hall.  Even in the middle of winter the furnace room was as hot and sweltering as hell.  The place was windowless and dark.  The sole light of the furnace fire throwing long flickering shadows.
Tired and slick with sweat, Shouta set down the hammer and examined the layered mix of salted iron and shining silver.  He pushed back his plastered hair and wiped the sweat from his brow with a leather gloved hand. One more turn in the fire and a few more hits of the hammer, and the charm would be complete.
The cuff bracelet he was making could've been made from of any metal.  It definitely would've been easier and far quicker if he opted not to blend two separate metals.  But given the dangers Teris would face on the patrols she and Hizashi would go on with him, Shouta found it illogical to waste the opportunity to add other layers of protection.
Sweat rolling down his bare chest, Shouta smiled, pleased with how the gift was turning out. He frown at the cuff. Why did he keep thinking of it as a gift?  It wasn’t a gift.  It was a necessity.  He wasn’t doing this to court Teris. He was doing it because the Council was coming and Teris needed protection from being sniffed out as a griffon.  Him making this thing had nothing to do with his care for her.  He had no care for her. The only reason he was doing this was because it was his responsibility as Ilca leader to see both Teris and Hizashi protected.
Shouta didn’t dare ask himself if he would’ve put the same amount of time and effort into making the item look perfect and pleasing if it were for Hizashi's protection instead of Teris’.  Shouta did his best not to examine his thoughts where Teris was concerned. Why would he?  Teris was an annoyance he’d rather not think about at all.
Black pants hanging low on his hips, Shouta stepped back to the fire.  It was cathartic to thrust the confounded item he kept thinking of as a gift into the blaze.
Humans might’ve needed protection against the furnaces heat and sparks.  But even in human form Shouta didn’t have to worry about such things.  The only thing he had to worry about was getting this right the first time.  While he had enough material in the stores of his personal armory to make the gift.  He only had enough for one attempt.
Shouta turned the long tongs, evenly heating the salted iron and sliver.  More strands of inky black hair fell from the messy bun.  The escaped dark waves clung to his face and neck. Sweat sizzled on his body and evaporated.  It rolled down his chest and pooled in his navel then continued on and caught in the dark trail of hair that disappeared beneath the waistband of his pants.
Thoroughly heated, Shouta pulled the red hot metal from the flame and returned it to the anvil.  The firelight highlighted the rolling muscles of Shouta's back as he took up the hammer and lifted it.  He brought it down with a clank and mass of sparks.
With the charm forged he now had to place the overlaying spell on it.  But something made him pause.  The charmed bracelet would muddle the scent of the wearer’s species.  While the spell would stop the charm from interfering with the wearer’s personal scent.  It meant that Teris would still smell like herself; but she wouldn’t smell like a griffon.  But what if one of the coming Council members were so familiar with griffons that muddling the smell of Teris’ species wasn’t enough?
If he added a few strands from his mane.  No.  The underlying scent of a Fourth’s species became stronger and much more prominent in their true form.  Such a powerful scent of hereditary marker would garner attention in itself.  But if he were to add some hair from his human form, the charmed bracelet would carry and muddle his species scent along with Teris’.
Shouta hummed, pleased at the thought of Teris having a part of him so close. He frowned.  What kind of silly youngling thought was that?  Why would he even want Teris to keep a part of him close when he couldn’t stand and didn’t want to be near her?  Growling, Shouta blamed his exhaustion. He rubbed his tired eyes and read over the instructions for making the charm to be sure the addition of his hair would work.  Satisfied that it would, he pulled the tie holding his hair back.  The dark, sweat drenched locks fell with a plop.
He smirked at the thought of how Teris would react if she knew she would be wearing his unwashed hair around her wrist.  But it was more than a petty vengeance.  His beastly scent would be more potent this way.
Shouta reached up and sectioned out a bit of hair from the nape of his neck.  Mind wandering back to the thought of Teris keeping a part of him close, Shouta carefully braided the strands unaware of the smile that crept onto his face.
Shouta stared down at the bracelet in his hand.  Like all creators he easily picked out every minute flaw in his creation. Even though he had been careful in braiding, and selected the best portion of the strand to use. His critical eye found the braid sloppy. It’s weave marginally tighter at one end of the cuff and looser at the other.
At least he had done a bit better with the actual metal work.  The layers sandwiched silver and salted iron so thin a Fourth would have to be in their true form and squinting to see them.  The cuff looked like one solid piece.  The salted iron giving it a charcoal color.  While the silver gave it a sheen.  His braided hair looked like a decorative black metal detail. And with the charm finished, its spell set in place, it may as well have been.  Even in their true form, only a small handful of Fourth's would be able to see it as the hair it truly was.
Shouta ran a calloused thumb over the bracelet.  He wondered if Teris would like it.  The clock in the great room chimed the hour.  Teris would soon be returning from her lessons with Kai.  A slight nervous excitement bubbled up inside him.  He scolded himself.  This wasn't a courting gift.  It was something he had to do protect Teris from the Council.
What if she did more than not like it?  What if Teris rejected it?  Maybe he should have Hizashi give it to her.  Teris would surely be more accepting of the bracelet if given from Hizashi instead of him.  A low growl rumbled in Shouta’s chest at the thought of Hizashi giving Teris the gift he had worked so hard on.
Shouta stared at the bracelet and sighed. Truth is getting harder and harder to ignore, he thought.  He shook his head and told himself to shut up.
It’s an illogical waste of time and energy to continue attempting to deny the truth, his inner voice continued.  You’ll have to face the fact of it sooner or later.  Why this stubborn insistence on delaying the inevitable?
I don’t know what you’re talking about, Shouta told himself.
Stop trying to convince yourself otherwise.  Just admit that you want her, his voice of reason sounded. This blatant denial of facts is childish and doesn’t suit you.
I don’t want her.  I can barely stand her, Shouta argued with himself.
Then why worry if she’ll like the cuff and accept it?
You’re right, he told himself. It’s a necessity not a gift.  As her Ilca leader, I’ll simply order Teris to wear the thing.
That’ll certainly warm her to you and win her favor, his inner voice taunted.
What do I care if Teris warms to me, he thought.
You did proposition her with seeking release, he told himself.
That was simply so I wouldn’t have to go to Nemuri.  It’s not like I asked Teris to mate or be companions, he reasoned.
You wanted to though, his voice of reason pressed.
No. I didn’t, Shouta thought getting annoyed with himself.
You were disappointed when Teris turned down your offer of release.
Release, he thought. There’s no feelings involved with that.
There can be, his rational side argued.
Yeah, well, there wouldn’t have been if Teris accepted, he told himself.
You should ask her again, he thought. With her around you’ll be needing release more often.  You need it now. No doubt she’s needs it too.  Maybe after you give her this gift…
The main door to the dorm opened drawing Shouta’s attention and ending his inner argument. He rose to his feet and exited the library.  The sight of Teris made him pause.  She was beautiful.  Lips slightly swollen and redder than usual.  The ends of her hair damp and wetting her shirt.  Wait… The smell of sex carried across the great room and assaulted his nose.
Shouta growled, heckles rising.  The light excitement he had felt upon seeing Teris darkened and disappeared. His heart clenched. Chest aching as if physically wounded.  Incisors lengthening Shouta pressed teeth painfully together, trying to get himself under control.  The image of biting down and ripping Kai’s throat out danced in his mind along with other far less desirable scenes of Teris and Kai together.
A faint burning red mixed and tinted his charcoal colored eyes. He was kill the Dragon for taking what was his.
She’s not yours, his inner voice of reason taunted. You don’t even want her.  Remember?
Right, Shouta gruffly thought.  He had no interest in Teris.  No desire to take and claim her and make her his.  She was free to seek release with whomever she pleased.  The only reason it mattered to him was because Teris was a griffon and Kai a dragon.  That was why he was upset.  No.  Not even upset.  Just concerned.  As Teris’ Ilca leader, it was his duty to protect her.  And Teris had just unknowingly put herself in further danger by seeking release with Kai.
Teris’ nerves were still on edge from the encounter with the red winged man.  Relief instantly filled her at the sight of Shouta.  His presence alone made her feel safe and secure.  Shouta would know what to do and how to deal the winged man.
Teris rushed across the room to him.  “Shouta--”
Shouta stepped back with a hard blowing exhale.  The smell of sex and Kai on her was too much to handle. He couldn’t bare it.  He shoved the bracelet at her, letting go without a care if Teris had a grasp on it or not.  “For you.”
Teris fumbled with the item thrust at her.  She didn’t even look at it.  “Okay. But first--”
Shouta made his way to the still open door.  He needed to get away from the stench of Kai and sex on her.
“Shouta! Where are you going?  I need--”
“I don’t care what you need.  Either deal with it yourself.  Or wait till I get back.”
Teris stared after him, hurt and angry by his dismissal.  She wanted to ask when he’d be back.  Wanted to yell and demand he stay and listen.
Shouta slammed the door behind him.
Teris jumped, startled by the resounded sound.  Left alone with her worry and growing anger.
Even after a long hot shower Kai was still upset he hadn’t been able to bring Teris back to his rooms and properly tend to her. Though she had assured him she was fine with a quick cleansing dip in the hot springs, he had wanted. Needed. To do more. It was his own propensity for cleanliness, mixed with the instinct to care for his chosen mate that had left him angry and distressed about his inability to properly tend to her.
Next time, Kai thought as he buttoned up his shirt. Next time he would show Teris what a good, caring attentive mate he would make her.
His cock stirred at the memory of Teris beneath him.  The feel of her tight silken heat was something he would never forget and couldn’t wait to feel again. His eyes closed remembering the way she had moaned and cried out his name.  He frowned recalling how she hadn’t been blushing or nervous at the start. Even in the heat of the moment with beastly instincts running high from the chase Teris hadn’t behaved like a virgin.
A growl bubbled in his chest. It was cut short by a knock at his chambers door.
“Enter.” Kai called, tightening his tie in place.
The door opened revealing Hari.  “Master Ryuu has been seen on his way.  He will be here shortly.”
“All work has been stopped?”  Kai questioned, wanting to make sure.
Hari nodded.  “All work ended late last night, just as you ordered.  The Ilca has informed your followers to cease and conceal all doings until they have been told it is safe to begin again.”
“Good.” Much as Kai hated having to pause his efforts to reclaim the lost Dragon throne. Continuing them while members of the Council were here would be reckless and foolish. Especially when one of the visiting Council members was the man that had found his egg and raised him.
Kai exited his room and walked down the long hall. Hari turned and followed a respectful half-step behind the Dragon.
“I hope it’s alright.  I took it upon myself to order the Ilca to busy themselves elsewhere this evening.” Hari said.
“Excellent. There’s no reason for them to meet Ryuu anyway.”  Kai’s eyes slid to Hari.  “Though if they do happen to find themselves in his presence they are to show him every level of respect.”
Hari nodded.  “Of course, Sir.  Master Ryuu is the reason you are here to give us purpose and hope.  He deserves the utmost respect for that.  I will make sure the Ilca knows it.”
“He’s a kind man who might suggest you stay with us.  But we both know you have work to do.  So after I introduce you, take your leave.  Understood.”
“Yes, Sir.”
A knock on the door sounded just as they reached the great room.  Hari quickened his steps to answer.
“Master Ryuu.  It’s an honor.”  Hari bowed.  “Please.  Come in.”
Ryuu looked about the Ilca dorm.  The space seemed to expand and contract, perspective changing in direct response to his focus. He had known Traverseen Hall had been built by some of the most powerful Dwarf clans a thousand or so years before the rise and rule of Dragons and Griffons.  But that didn’t make it any less impressive to finally see the ancient and powerful magic the place was imbued with.
“Do you ever walk around in your true form in here?” Ryuu questioned, a desire to try himself welling up.  As a  Tengu, his true forms size wasn’t hugely different from his human form. Still, to see and experience how the space altered to accommodate the change…
“That would be unseemly.  You raised me better than that.”  Kai said.
Ryuu’s eyes fixed and focused on the Dragon. A warm smile sprung to life.  “Kai. My boy.”  He looked the young Dragon over.  “Not such a boy anymore.  Look at you.”
Kai cleared his throat, glad for Hari’s preemptive removal of the rest of his Ilca.
Ryuu smirked and glanced out of the corner of his eye at Hari.  “I’ve embarrassed him.  He was never good with being fawned over.  Now praise.  That’s a different matter entirely.  Kai’s never had any issues with being told how smart and special he is.”
Hari ducked his head and looked away, uncomfortable.  He could feel Kai’s molten eyes on him.  Judging and waiting for reaction.
After a brief moment, Kai spoke.  “This is Hari.  My second.”
Well aware Kai was subtly telling him ‘enough’, Ryuu inclined his head.  “And I’m sure Kai’s told you all about me.”
Hari bowed again.  “Master Ryuu.  It is an honor.”
“You already said that my boy.  Are you looking to make this old Tengu blush?”
Kai felt the beginning of a growl at Ryuu’s informal address.  It didn’t matter whether Ryuu had called Hari ‘my boy’ because the Tengu already felt a warm favor toward him.  Or simply because Hari was introduced as his second.  Kai didn’t like it.  Ryuu was his mentor.  Hari his second.  His things didn’t converse or bond without his say.
Even though the Ilca dorm was empty save for them, Kai extended a hand toward one of the private sitting rooms.  “Shall we sit.”
Ryuu nodded and stepped in the direction Kai had gestured.  He stopped when Hari bowed and turned away.  “You’re not joining us?”
“He has work to do.”  Kai answered for him.
“Ah. Of that I am far too familiar with.  Even here work follows me.” Ryuu said, entering the sitting room.
Kai paused, respectfully waiting for the Tengu to sit first.  “If I may ask.  What brings you here?”
Ryuu’s eyebrows lifted in surprise.  “They didn’t tell you?”
Kai stared across the coffee table.  A tight tenuous smile graced his lips. “I am rarely told anything.”
Ryuu chest lifted and fell in a sad silent sigh.  He wasn’t some deluded old man that thought if people were more kind and welcoming Kai wouldn’t being looking to reclaim his throne. But he liked to believe that Kai would’ve softened and responded if he was treated with less guarded animosity simply for being a dragon.  And yes, Ryuu was aware of Kai’s plans to claim the lost dragon throne.  Even if Ryuu’s clan of spies hadn’t reported hearing such whispers.  He knew Kai too well having raised him.
“We are here to meet the Foundlings.”  Ryuu said, speaking of himself and the other Council members he arrived at Traverseen Hall with.
Kai blinked, pretending this was news.  Just because that Rat Director hadn’t informed him of anything didn’t mean his wasn’t fully aware of things.  He simply had wanted Ryuu to be the first to bring Teris up.
“I was charged with the females Foundling’s instruction.”  Kai said.
A proud smile tugged at Ryuu’s lips.  “So I’ve been told.  What can you tell me of her?”
Kai took in a breath, resting forearms on knees.
Ryuu’s sharp eyes narrowed slightly noting a subtle change in Kai’s expression.
“She’s smart.  Clever and capable.  Eager to learn and able to retain what she’s read or been told.”  Kai could go on forever talking about Teris’ desirable attributes.  But he didn’t want to appear like a lovesick fool.
“High praise coming from you.”  Ryuu commented.  And it was true.  Kai was a hard man to please.
Wanting his mentor to properly meet and get to know his chosen mate, Kai offered. “I’m sure you’ll be seeing her during tomorrow’s gathering.  But if you wish, I could have her join us for dinner tomorrow evening.”
Thinking of the reason he and the others were here, Ryuu nodded.  “I would like that.”
Kai inclined his head.  Glad to have his plans so easily set.  Now all he had to do was invite Teris who would surely and readily agree.
Oblvi Facts 1
(aka info dump cause I’m a lazy writer who’s not making the effort to fit this seamlessly into the fic)
A bit about Dryads:
Dryads of Oblvi were one of the first earth Spirits in existence.  Like Venti, they are elementals.  Though not the Elemental of earth.
They are ruled by either a king or queen.  Their current ruler, His Purple Highness, is also an Elder on the Council. His reign as King began 380yrs into the 867yrs Dragon-Griffon war.  And he has ruled as the Dryad King for a total of 711yrs.
Dryad’s do not mate/bond.  It is against their nature and something they are incapable of doing.  Occasionally Dryad’s will take on or become companions with one or more Fourth’s.  But as a whole they simply seek and provide other Fourth's with release.  Unmated Fourth's or those lacking a companion will often seek a Dryad out for release.  Though not compelled by their nature or some order to accept a Fourth seeking release.  A Dryad will rarely, if ever, turn the seeking Fourth away.  Release/sex is not needed for a Dryad to live.  But it does provide many benefits to the Dryad, their home tree, and consequently surrounding flora.
A Dryad’s home tree is the tree they were born from.  It more than houses their soul.  It is their soul.  The only way a Dryad can be away from their home tree for more than a day is by taking and carrying a cutting of their home tree.  Even then, if the cutting were removed for whatever reason the Dryad would weaken, wither, and die sooner than the usual day they could survive away from their home tree. This is why the chosen Piece of Their Person for all Dryad’s is a cutting from their home tree.
Since a Dryad’s home tree is their soul, the physical and emotional state of a Dryad will effect their home tree.  This is most noticeable when having sex.  As a Dryad’s arousal heightens flower buds will appear on the cutting and home tree.  During the act, those buds will grow. Upon orgasm/release the buds will blossom and bloom.  The magic imbued within the pollen of a Dryad’s release will carry on the air and spawn a reaction in the surrounding plant life causing those plants to blossom and flower in kind.  While it’s not necessary for a Dryad’s sexual partner to orgasm for this to happen.  Their partner's release does strengthen the magic in their pollen thus creating and supporting further life in the area surrounding them and their home tree.
Along with her own personal quarters, Nemuri had a different set of chambers where she took Fourth's seeking release.  While she wouldn’t have minded allowing some of her regulars into her personal space.  Having separate rooms was all together easier for a number of reason.  Not the least of which was the feelings of one of her three companion's.
Poor Sekijiro. Tonight was suppose to be his night.  But when Shouta who rarely sought release and always scheduled appointment several days in advance had shown up without one, Nemuri couldn’t send her friend away.
Thankfully she had been the one to answer the door and had been able to tell Sekijiro of their evenings delay without Shouta hearing.  Cause let’s face it, Shouta had already been apologizing and trying to leave despite his clear need for release.
The Sphinx's level of control amazed her.  As a Beast still early in his prime one would've expected Shouta to come seeking release at least once a week if that little.  Yet it had been months since Shouta had last sought her out.  And she knew for a fact Shouta didn’t have agreement with anyone else to seek release from.
Speaking of agreements.  Along with scheduling before hand, despite Nemuri telling him it wasn’t necessary, Shouta had a list of set rules.  Lists of preferences or strict no’s were rather common. But Shouta's list was extensive.  Nemuri supposed it was part of Shouta's nature as a Sphinx to want to be prepared for every possible outcome.  Never mind his need for control as an apex alpha.
Despite one of his rules being no cuddling after, Shouta always provided other forms of aftercare.  It was an unnecessary thing.  And most who sought release didn’t do it.  If she needed tending after Nemuri had her companion's for that.  But whether it was because they were friend's.  Or Shouta was simply such a caring lover it bled through even in this professional setting of release. Shouta always asked if she needed anything.  If he had tied her up, his calloused hands would smooth over her body seeking out tense muscles or knots to message away.
Shouta hadn’t tied her up this time.  There had been no scene to lengthen his release.  There hadn’t even been much foreplay.  Not that Nemuri was complaining.  Shouta always satisfied. And tonight was no different.  Already having one orgasm, Nemuri was well on her way to a second.
Panting and sweating Nemuri's nails raked up Shouta's strong arms encouraging him along.  She delighted in the way his biceps quivered and rolled under her touch.  Shouta growled.  His powerful hands gripped her hips, holding her still.
The head of his cock hit that spot inside her. Nemuri threw her head back and moaned.  Her sensitive pussy clamping down around his thick pulsing length.
Shouta's hands tightened, fingers digging into Nemuri's flesh, adding a delicious pain to her pleasure. Nemuri moaned again.  Shouta’s betraying mind once again wondered what Teris would sound like.  His teeth scraped over and bit into his bottom lip wanting to bite at Teris’ tender flesh. He wanted to feel Teris dig her nails into him. Wanted to hear Teris moan and scream his name.  He would mark her and claim her as his.  Would feast on her lips and…
The cutting of Nemuri's home tree laid at the base of her throat jostling with Shouta's every hard, deep thrust. Three new dark purple buds sprung out near the already blossomed flowers.
“Fuck.” Shouta cursed, thrusts growing ragged and rougher.
Nemuri's back arched, pressing her breast into Shouta's large groping palm.  He tweaked and twisted her nipple.  She moaned again.  The coil within her tightened further making her vision go white.
Shouta's eyes squeezed further shut.  Teeth gritted, he shook his head.  It wasn’t working.  Why wasn’t it working?  Balls heavy and tight.  Cock throbbing and ready to burst.  He was so damn close to cumming.  But it wouldn’t happen. Why wouldn’t it happen?  Why couldn’t he cum?
Growling, Shouta stopped.
“Wha--” Dazed by her impending orgasm, Nemuri lifted her head.
“Sorry.” Shouta mumbled.
Despite the set rules Shouta had about no kissing or touching of the face or lips, Nemuri reached out to cup his handsome face.  It was an instinct born of desire to help her friend and happened without thought.
Shouta jerked his head back.  He grabbed her wrist and pulled it away. “What are you doing?”
“Taking care of you.”
Shouta let her go and pulled his cock out of her wet heat. He rose to his knees, chest rumbling with a noise of disapproval. Deep voice stern, Shouta shook his head. “No.  You know I’m not looking for connection or affection.  Merely release.  Nothing more.”
Arousal fading, the purple buds on Nemuri's piece withered and fell away leaving only the blossomed flowers from her first orgasm. “I’m well aware.  I just thought that with everything going on you might need something more to help you along.”
“Going against the boundaries I set isn’t going to make me less tired or distracted by the Council’s presence.”  Shouta said, face expressionless.
Nemuri blinked rapidly eyes rolling in her head. Is that the excuse he was going with?  They both knew full well him being tired and distracted had nothing to do with it. Still, he was right about her crossing a line.  It didn’t matter how pure or earnest her reasoning was.  It had been unprofessional and wrong.
“I’m sorry.  I overstepped. It won’t happen again.”  Nemuri said.
Shouta gave a curt nod of forgiveness, the matter over and forgotten the moment she said it wouldn’t happen again.
Nemuri propped herself up on elbows.  Her piece fell safely between her breasts.  The cutting of her home tree hanging by a smooth, shining cord of black leather.  “But if you ever want to properly kiss or allow the touching of faces.  I would be okay with it.”  She shrugged. “Who knows?  It might make what you were imagining feel more real.”
Shouta's eyes sharpened.  The rest of his face an expressionless mask. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I’m not offended.  Plenty of Fourth's seeking release close their eyes and pretend to be with someone they favor.”
“My eyes were closed because I’m tired.”  Shouta said.
“So you were falling asleep while fucking me?  Now that would offend me.”
Shouta sat on his haunches and sighed. He knew Nemuri had been close and felt guilty for leaving her in want.  “I could finger or go down on you.”
Nemuri smiled gently.  Shouta was such a sweet, caring person. Not that many knew it.  Seeing only the cold hard exterior of indifference Shouta displayed to protect himself. “You already gave me one release.  This was for you, Shouta.  What’s going on? Why couldn’t you finish?”
Irrational as it was Shouta refused to accept the known facts on why a Fourth was unable to finish.  He rose up and moved from between Nemuri's legs to sit on the edge of the bed. “This arrangement works because it’s of benefit to both of us.”
“This arrangement works because you tell yourself it’s of benefit to both of us.”
Shouta looked back at her.
Nemuri sat up and shrugged a shoulder. “It’s true and you know it. Even if I didn’t have three companions.  There are countless others who regularly provide me with release when they seek it for themselves.”  She looked over Shouta's strong, naked frame and smiled.  “Not that release with you isn’t some of the best I have.”
Shouta huffed.  He shook his head and looked away.  Wavy dark hair fell across his face hiding the light blush Nemuri's praise evoked.
Nemuri got out of bed and slipped on a robe.  “So what’s the matter?”
Shouta took the tissues she offered him and wiped his softening cock clean of her arousal.  “Just tired.”
Well aware of the same facts Shouta was blatantly ignoring, Nemuri challenged. “You’ve been tired before and always finished.”
Shouta tossed the tissues in the bedside trashcan and reached for his clothes.
“Does it have anything to do with a certain member of your Ilca?”  Nemuri pressed.
Shouta’s head snapped back to her. “Don’t be ridiculous.”
Nemuri smirked at the Sphinx's furrowed brows and bared teeth.
Fingers fumbling with his pants zipper, Shouta muttered.  “This has absolutely nothing to do with Teris.”
“Who said anything about Teris?  I was talking about Hizashi.”
Shouta's eyes narrowed.  He didn’t need to see Nemuri's dancing blue eyes to know the Dryad was toying with him.  He could hear the smirking tease in her tone. “This has nothing to do with anyone.”
“Fine. But I’m here if you need to talk.”  Nemuri sighed.
“There’s nothing to talk about.”  Shouta brusquely pulled on his long sleeve shirt.
“As you say.”
Shouta suddenly softened. “Sorry. I didn’t check. You need anything.  Water?  Warm towel?  I could draw you a bath.”
Nemuri smiled in thanks. “No, Sweetie.  I’m good.  Just gonna take a quick shower and meet Sekijiro.”
“Alright then.” Shouta turned and made for the door.
Nemuri opened her mouth to ask one more time if he was alright, but stopped.  There was only one reason why a Fourth in their prime wouldn’t be able to finish.  Shouta knew that just as well as she.  If he wasn’t ready to admit to it there was little she could do to help. At least at the moment.
Shouta walked through the long hallway of Nemuri's Ilca dorm.  Lost in thought it took him a moment to register Sekijiro’s presence.
Waiting for Nemuri to finish with her unexpected caller, Sekijiro had left the doors to his rooms open. It was bad enough he had to suffer sharing Nemuri with her two other companion's.  Never mind the Fourth's that continually called on her for release.  But tonight was suppose to be his night alone with her.
Having heard Shouta exit the hated chambers Nemuri used for those seeking release, Sekijiro moved to stand in the doorway of his quarters.  The smell Nemuri and sex on the Sphinx invaded his nostrils.  His red eyes glowed.  A deep, dangerous growl echoed through the long hallway.
Sekijiro would’ve thought that as a beast Shouta would understand. Or at least have sympathy for his situation. It wasn’t as if the Sphinx didn’t know about his predicament. Badly kept secret that it was.  There wasn’t a single Fourth in Traverseen Hall, aside from the student's, who wasn’t aware Sekijiro was emotional mated to Nemuri.  That as hers and hers alone Sekijiro couldn’t have sought release elsewhere.  Even if he wanted to it would've been useless.  He wouldn’t have been able to finish.
Shouta inclined his head in stiff greeting as he passed. “Kan.”
“Aizawa.” Sekijiro growled out between clenched teeth.
Bad as Shouta had felt for Sekijiro.  He had seen it as the mans own fault for falling in love with Nemuri when Dryad’s were incapable of mating.  It had struck him as irrational that Sekijiro had let his feelings grow to the point that the Vampuric Gargoyle was essentially one-sidedly mated.  That was until tonight. Until Shouta discovered first hand that no matter the effort you didn’t always have a say in who you fell in love with.
Teris had grown more and more furious as time progressed.  How dare Shouta leave like that when she needed him.  Of course Hizashi, ever the peacemaker between her and the ill-tempered Sphinx, had tried to soothe her anger saying Shouta was probably on edge about the Council’s arrival.  So what?  For some reason everyone at Traverseen Hall was on edge about the Council’s arrival. Far as Teris saw it that didn’t excuse Shouta’s behavior.  Kai never would’ve ignored her and walked out like that.  Kai would've listened and…
Teris shivered.  She had never seen Kai act violently.  But something told her the Dragon was more than capable of doing so. She pushed aside the foreboding feeling and inner knowledge that she never would've gone to Kai about the winged mans kiss, and continued pacing the great room.
She hadn’t told Hizashi about the encounter with the strange winged Fourth either.  Hizashi had only stopped by the dorm to change and get ready for his date with Oboro.  Teris hadn’t want to ruin his time by worrying him.  Or worse have Hizashi call off the date to stay with her until Shouta returned.
It wasn’t really that big a deal.  Angry as Teris was about the unwanted kiss.  It had been the look in mans eyes that truly disturbed her.  The sharp dissecting gaze that seemed to pierce deeper than skin and bone. Like she was some sort of puzzle to examined and solved.
Teris unconsciously rubbed the bracelet Shouta had given her. The act brought a calming comfort.  Her muscles relaxed then tightened when she caught herself.  Teris growled and pulled her hand away from her right wrist.  A petulant urge to take the thing off welled up inside her. But she couldn’t bring herself to do it.
Why had Shouta given it to her?  More like threw at her, Teris thought with a huff.  ”For you.” Shouta's gruff words as he thrust the bracelet toward her replayed in her mind.
Teris looked down at the bracelet for the hundredth time.  Not overly large or ornate, it held a reserved, subtle beauty. Her fingers traced over the braiding wondering what metal had been used for the decorative detail.  The thing was flawless. Certainly the finest piece of jewelry she had ever owned.
With another growl, Teris made for the door.  Waiting around here was driving her crazy.  The night was nice.  Maybe a stroll would take her mind off everything.  Besides, the last thing she wanted was for Shouta to return and discover she had been waiting for him.
Teris opened the door and walked straight into the Sphinx.  She crashed into Shouta's solid chest and stumbled back a step.  Strong arms wrapped around and steadied her.  The smell of sex and someone she vaguely recognized as Shouta's fellow Ilca leader friend Nemuri burned her nostrils.
Face an inch from hers, Shouta stared into Teris’ wide eyes.  Her mouth was slightly open, warm breath ghosting over him.  She had showered and changed.  The smell of Kai and sex was gone, leaving her scent alone to delight in.   Shouta’s humming purr went unnoticed by Teris who pushed and pulled away.
“Get off!” Teris tripped over her feet and stumbled again.
Shouta reached to steady her.  Teris slapped his hand away.
“Don’t touch me.”  Teris hissed through bared teeth.
A low displeased sound came from Shouta's throat.  The known facts were wrong.  There was no way he loved this irritating, ungracious woman.
Teris’ gut twisted, heart aching. Was that where Shouta had been?  Having sex with Nemuri.  Had it been a scheduled meet up for release?  Or just something that happened?  Both prospects were equally upsetting.
Why, she asked herself.  You had sex with Kai only few hours ago.  What’s it matter who Shouta seeks release from?
It matters because I was unsettled by that winged man and needed him, Teris thought.  Shouta's my Ilca leader.  He’s suppose to be there and help in times of trial.  If he left in a rush when I needed him just to—  Her mind stopped, forcing the abhorrent image of Shouta and Nemuri from her head.
She took shallow breaths through her mouth trying to lessen the sicking stench of sex and Nemuri from invading her senses.  Needing fresh air more than ever Teris took off down the hall.
“Teris. Get back here.”  Shouta stared after her a moment.  When she didn’t stop and return he stormed after her.  His longer stride saw him quickly catch up.  “Where are you going?”
“Away.” Teris puffed, trying and failing to pull ahead of him.
“It’s late.  Get back in the dorm.”
“Don’t tell me what to do!”
“Teris…” Shouta’s hand brushed her arm.
Teris spun right hand swinging out.
Shouta grabbed her wrist before the slap could connect.  Teeth bared he pulled Teris to him by the forearm he held. “What’s wrong with you?”
“You! You’re what’s wrong.“ Teris accused, free hand pushing against Shouta’s firm chest.
Shouta stood immovable.  His eyebrows knitted together. “Me?”
“You with your face and hair and way you move.  That voice that makes me—“ Teris didn't know if she caught and stopped herself.  Or stopped because someone was approaching.
“No!” The man approaching complained. “Don’t stop on my account.  I just love watching confessions of love.  There’s nothing better.  Well, there is.  But I wouldn’t watch that unless you two invited.”
Shouta stiffened.  His eyes darted down to Teris’ wrists.  Relief washed over him.  She was wearing the bracelet.  A warm exhilaration blossomed in his chest.  She was wearing the bracelet.
Shouta’s thumb brushed over the metal made warm by its contact with Teris’ wrist. The spell broken when Teris pulled her arm free of his hold and turned on the newcomer.
Shouta did the same.  The both of them telling that a there had been no confession of love because neither felt anything of the sort.
The Dryad King smirked at the way the two spoke over each other in their rush to assert their mutual dislike.  This era’s youth sure were curious.  Why did they insist on making everything so difficult? Granted in his day there had been a war raging.  The youth of his time having serious matters to contend with. Still, was this ages young ones that in want of tension and spectacle?  Surely they could find meaningful trial elsewhere. Love was suppose to be easy.
Shouta stopped.  He frowned at Teris who continued on for a time.
“Your Highness.”  Shouta inclined his head to the tall, slender man. “Are you lost?”
The Dryad King placed a manicured hand to his exposed chest. The buttons of his dress shirt undone all the way down to his tailored vest. “I came to see you, Shouta.”
“We’ll be seeing each other at tomorrow’s afternoon gathering.” Shouta said.
The Dryad stepped ever closer.  His footfalls eerily silent on the wooden floor.  Teris noted the mans apple green shoes perfectly matched his three piece suit down the shining gold embroidery that depicted lush swirling leaves.
His Purple Highness shook his head and sighed in disappointed disapproval. “You’re always so gruff and distant, Shouta.  No wonder you and your lady friend are unwilling to accept the truth of your love.” Shouta and Teris opened their mouths but His Purple Highness went on.  “It’s been years since we last saw each other.  Can you blame me for not wanting to wait to see how the young Sphinx I found and finished raising is getting on?”
Teris turned to Shouta.  “This is His Purple Highness?”
Shouta heaved a tired sigh and nodded.
“You’ve hear of me?”  A large beaming smile cracked the Dryad King’s face.
Teris looked back at the man and blinked. He was…  Different from what she expected.  Though she couldn’t really say what she had expected.  Certainly not some ostentatiously dressed man wearing a dark purple wizards robe over an impeccably tailored skinny cut suit.
The Dryad wagged a finger at Shouta and tisked in teasing censure.  “Have you been sharing story’s of me, Shouta?”
“No.” Shouta deadpanned.
His Purple Highness looked at Teris.  “Whatever he’s told you.  I swear it’s a hundred times more salacious.”
The man stopped in front of Teris.  He held his hand out, knuckles up.  Teris quirked a brow.  Did the Dryad expect her to kiss his ringed fingers?  He was the Dryad King.  Maybe it was expected protocol.  Kai had never mentioned what to do when faced with a species royal leader. The only time he talked about them was to dismiss and belittle their authority.
She glanced at Shouta for direction. Shouta gave a small, subtle shake of his head.
Relieved, Teris gripped the Dryad’s fingers and shook his hand.  “Nice to meet you.  I’m--”
“It’s you.”  His Purple Highness breathed.
With the smell of sex and Nemuri perfuming the air, His Purple Highness hadn’t registered the woman’s scent. But when Teris had moved, her scent had wafted through the air and tickled the Dryad King’s nose. Her scent was warm, fresh, lovely. And the underlying scent of her species…  Muddled as it was, His Purple Highness wouldn’t have been able to tell what she was if he hadn’t smelled this particular Griffon before.
It was early spring.  Snow still clung to small shaded patches of earth. The Dryad King walked through the forest alone.  Nature was a living thing.  If left alone for too long it would grow sinister and violent.  This forest had been void of life for quite some time. Why? What was warding the lesser creatures away?
His Purple Highness followed his senses.  Pulled to the thing that was keeping everything else at bay.  Green shoots of new plant life sprung up and spread in his wake.  Deep in a cold stone cave he found him.  A young Sphinx frozen in time by a Gargoyles stoning spell.  The boy was hold something.  Clutching it in his hands.  His small frame curled around it as if to protect it.
A feather.
Not just any feather.
Stoning spell removed the young Sphinx was slow to wake.  It gave the Dryad King time to realize the youngling held a griffon feather.  As he plucked the speckled grey and white feather from the Sphinx's tightly balled hands the Griffon’s scent wafted through the air, tickling his nose.
His Purple Highness had hid the feather for Shouta’s safety.  Even then it had taken calling in several favors and making countless promises for his fellow Elders on the Council to agree to let the Sphinx live.  Even now Shouta was watched.  The ax hanging over Shouta's head ready to drop at the first mistake he made.
Eventually Shouta forgot about the feather he had been found clutching to his heart. Yet even without it, the Sphinx had managed to find his Griffon.  And with her, the dangers His Purple Highness had tried to protect Shouta from.
Love was suppose to be easy.  But that didn’t mean it always was.  Sometimes love came with great hazard and difficulty.
This fic will have a LOT more world building than my others.  Please feel free to comment or send me an ask if you have any questions.
Thank you to those who have left hearts. And a special thank you to those who have left comments and/or reblogged. They really mean a lot.
Special thank you to @inorganicone2230 who knows of my love for the mythic and encouraged me to start this fic without stressing about the other two I’ve got going.  Your friendship means the world to me.
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zambie-trashart · 4 years
Evillustrator Rewritten Series
Read the whole series
Summary: Nathaniel has a crush on Marinette and Damian isn’t having any of that. Superboy and Chat Noir become friends and bond over their annoyance with Chloe’s attitude.
Nathaniel stopped Lady Wifi and Stormy Weather who were hurting Marinette. She was grateful that he saved her and fell into his arms obviously in love.
Nathaniel snapped out of his delusions when Jon nudged him looking at the teacher. He we sent to the office and Jon gave him a look from the back of the class as if saying sorry.
“And the next group is Adrien, Nino, and Alya. And then Chloe, Sabrina, and Marinette,” Marinette slammed her head into the table groaning. Jon was already in a group with Nathaniel and Kim so there was no trading with him and Alya wouldn’t want to switch either.
They met up in the library later after Marinette told Sabrina that she shouldn’t let Chloe bully her. 
That was when a bunch of hats started falling on Chloe which looked really suspicious, then a giant hairdryer.
The heroes decided to go back to Chloe’s place to keep an eye on her.
“Any idea why this Evillustrator would attack you particular Chloe?”
“No, everyone adores me,” Chloe said flipping her hair.
“Right cause you’re just so adorable,” Ladybug said sarcastically. She was so out of there. 
“I can’t believe her!” Ladybug said going through her window and Jon was sitting down in her computer chair. 
“Your thingy is flashing,” Jon pointed to her yoyo.
“What Chat?” she asked exasperated.
“Could you possibly send in Superboy fro backup if you’re not going to be there, I would ask for Robin but I know you and SB are close,” Chat said into his baton.
“Yeah, but don’t you like someone else?” Marinette teased making Jon’s eyes light up and look at her asking for more information. 
“Ha ha really funny.”
“He’ll be over in a bit,” Marinette said hanging up. “Go on, why is it always blondes with you though?” Jon stood there eyes wide mouth open.
“Really, you think so?” Marinette asked. Jon flew out of the house furiously trying to get as far away from his teasing cousin as possible. 
It was twenty minutes later that Marinette called Jon on the superphone.
“JON HELP!” she yelled.
“OK, breathe in then out what’s going on,” Superboy said excusing himself from Chloe and Chat. 
(Two C’s and two blondes God if Jon was bi, he’s not tho)
“Evillustrator just came to my house, I don’t want to interrupt you but could you call Robin, I’m sure he could handle it,” Marinette said not wanting to drag the dark brooding bird into her business but she didn’t really have another choice.
“Yeah, I’ll text him,” Jon said hanging up and texting Damian.
Jon: Marinette needs help, I’m caught up in something. Help her but as the bird not the brat.
Damian: screw you Kent
Jon: you wish
Chloe was freaking out, Superboy was in her house but he seemed to be more interested in Chat Noir.
“So, Superboy, how long have you been in Paris?” Chloe asked grabbing onto his arm.
“Ladybug has my phone number, she calls me every time something goes really wrong or if she just wants me to visit,” Superboy said making Chloe gasp.
“Maybe you could give me your number too, we could be the cutest couple in Paris!” Chloe said jumping on Superboy’s back making him fall over shocked.
“Yeah, maybe not, not really interested in you that way,” Superboy said taking Chat’s offered hand as Chat laughed.
“Not really interested huh?” Chat asked smiling. Jon let out the most manly eep ever before letting go of Chat’s hand.
“Yeah, not really interested. I heard from Ladybug that you like someone though,” Superboy said fluttering his eyelashes.
“Alright I’ll answer that if you tell me if you and Ladybug are dating or not,” Chat countered.
“Nope, hell no, I would never date Ladybug, she’s like a sister to me. Your turn.”
Robin stood on top of the boat with his sword out watching intently as Marinette flirted with the villain, she was a great actress unless... no, she couldn’t actually have a crush on Nathan or whatever Jon’s friend’s name was. He... he was a villain, Damian got his breathing back to normal and continued watching feeling something red hot, not jealousy, burning up inside him as she gave the signal.
Robin blushed and watched Marinette grab the pen and soon they were in an enclosure together. Damian took his sword and pushed up before grabbing her and grappling back to shore.
“I hope I didn’t make you think that I don’t know how to do my job, Ladybug and Chat Noir are normally the ones to handle this sort of thing. I’m going to find Superboy,” Robin said smiling at Marinette.
“He’s still a little grumpy, I have no idea how Jon works with Robin,” Marinette said before transforming.
“Where the hell have you two been?” Robin asked going through the window of Chloe’s hotel room.
“Just chatting,” Superboy said before they both laughed.
“God, it’s like they’re the same person,” Damian said filing that away for later. Ladybug swung in through the window. 
“Aww, the whole gang is here, Jesus Christ Supes, you look awful,” Ladybug said looking and poor Jon who’s cape was slightly torn and had lipstick on his cheek.
“It’s been a long day, can you just finish this up,” Superboy said.
“Chloe has a little crush on Supey here, said he’s not interested. Chloe doesn’t really take no for an answer,” Chat said sheepishly. Damian felt like an idiot for not noticing sooner but filed that Chat had an understanding of Chloe’s behavior.
When Evillustrator did come around, he was taken down rather quickly. All the teens went their separate ways. 
Chat was sitting outside of the Dupain-Cheng residence watching Jon through his window when he felt a tap on his shoulder. 
“I know who you are, I know that you care about Jon... Adrien Agreste, you care for him deeply but he is one of Superbaby’s friends so that means that you have to leave him alone until you at least have the strength to not jump when I tap you on the shoulder,” Robin said mask eyes in slits. 
“I guess I can work with that but you can’t tell anyone who I am,” Chat said holding out his hand.
“Wasn’t planning on it.” Damian was going to have a lot of fun with this information.
It was the next day at school and Nathaniel was in the back and Jon sat down next to him. He was drawing again but it was someone different this time. It was Superboy and Ladybug fist bumping.
“Cool drawing, you should start a comic book,” Jon said smiling at Nathaniel and Adrien eyed Jon from the front of the room lovesick. Good thing Valentine’s Day was right around the corner.
Wifi and I talked about that for around twenty minutes trying to put certain character in certain places. Hope it paid off. I think I’m about done writing these for today but I’ll be posting three or four more tomorrow.
Peace out ya’ll
@mochegato @loveswifi @ash-amg @wannajointhecrabcult
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abbybubbls · 4 years
5 Easy Steps
I wrote a Good Omens thing a while ago, it’s on my AO3, but I felt the need to post it here... because I can. This fic is VERY self-indulgent. My mental health obviously hasn’t been so great throughout this year (just like everybody’s), and I have been projecting myself onto Aziraphale a lot. Writing this really helped, and I hope yall like it.
(I also fixed and added very minimal things to this, so I guess I gotta do the same for the AO3 version, huh? Yeah, I’mma get to that.)
If you’re ever feel the need to talk to somebody, please do. Reaching out for help can go a long way. :)
- Enjoy -
Summary: A month has passed since Aziraphale last called Crowley, and he suddenly gets a message. Good thing he’s not a heavy sleeper.
Beep beep. Beep beep. Beep beep. Beep beep. Beep beep. “This is Anthony Crowley, you know what to do, do it with style.” Bee-EEP!
Crowley opened his eyes slowly.
“Again…? Uh- Crowley? Are you there? I- I don’t know if you can hear me, but ah… I don’t… I’m not feeling my very best, and uhm… I was hoping we could talk to get my mind off of it, but… I know you don’t like being interrupted in your sleep, so… I won’t stop you. If you want, you can call back whenever… Goodnight, Crowley.”
“Angel, I’m right next to you.”
With a jump, Aziraphale dropped the phone to the floor. He clutched his chest, holding onto the corner of his desk. Crowley simply had his hands in his pajama pants’ pockets, with this subtle concerned look on his face. His hair was noticeably a tangly mess.
“You alright?” Crowley asked. Aziraphale swallowed and tried to compose himself by straightening his vest.
“Not after seeing you inches close!” he exclaimed. “At least knock the door, Crowley…!”
“I’m sorry,” Crowley shrugged a bit. “Heard you weren’t feeling great, and I wanted to see for myself.”
“Well…” It sounded like Aziraphale was conjuring up some kind of retort, but he paused. His frightened posture softened. “You didn’t have to, but… thank you.”
Crowley’s response was a small nod.
“Nobody has seen you outside, breaking any rules,” Aziraphale asked. “Right?”
It took Crowley a few seconds to remember that there was a lockdown still going on. “Oh- no, I miracled here, in the middle of your message.”
“Okay…” Aziraphale’s voice was quiet. Crowley glanced down to see his hands wringing together. He’s seen this before.
Without looking behind him, Crowley plopped down on the couch, patting an open spot. “C’mere, sit.”
Aziraphale promptly did so, adorably politely sitting next to Crowley, with his hands on his lap.
The two sat in silence for a moment. Crowley was observing Aziraphale, catching up notice that every few seconds, he’d try to come up with something to say, only to stop himself multiple times. His fingers were clutching onto each other as if they had their own little ten lives, and they all depended on hugging so tightly, that the knuckles almost went white. Crowley took notice of this, seeing Aziraphale’s face turning pink. He could sense the anxiety in the whole bookshop. He’s seen this before.
“Aziraphale,” Crowley said, only getting skittish glances. “Aziraphale-”
“Yes!” The response was quick, with the angel turning to Crowley with a small and nervous grin. “What- What is it?”
Crowley pursed his lips. “You gonna… tell me what’s wrong?”
Aziraphale opened his mouth and stopped for the nth time. “Well… I don’t know if it’s something that is wrong at all.”
“I mean, it’s gotta be something that’s bothering you,” Crowley said. “You did say you’re ‘not feeling your very best’, so… what’s up?”
A small sigh. “I’m just… antsy, I suppose.”
“Over what?” Crowley asked. His arm was draped over the top of the couch, and over behind Aziraphale’s shoulders. The angel wiggled a bit and cleared his throat.
“Over… this.” He gestured weirdly with his hands. Crowley doesn’t get it. “This year has been… strange. We all thought this year would be something special and exciting, but it just… spat at us with a bunch of things at once.”
Crowley shrugged lightly. “We’ve had big pandemics every one hundred years. It happens, angel. You know that.”
“I do,” Aziraphale replied, hands still clasped together. “I do, but I… I know it’s nothing for me to worry about, and I know I should try to focus on myself for once, but… so much has happened, that I  can’t  focus on myself at all. Even in America, I’m worried. Can’t people just go by the rules? Is it that hard for people, who claim to just love love LOVE their country so much, to stay indoors and respect others by how they look? Whatever happened to common human decency?!”
Crowley has been taking a nap for a month, so he obviously hasn’t caught up on the news, especially with what’s happening in America… but from the tone of Aziraphale’s voice and his wording, Crowley could tell that something big must be going on over there… again.
Aziraphale leaned back on the couch, with Crowley noticing his hands gesturing around and shaking as he spoke. “And I know! I know there are good people, who are fighting and protesting for a wonderful cause, and they’re all putting their lives on the line, but… no matter what I hear, from two people taking walks outside, to a single person I let visit my bookshop for comfort, it’s always bad news, everywhere…”
Crowley silently nodded along, and Aziraphale’s voice started to waver. “I’m sick of it. To the point where I’m not sure what news could be real or not- I…”
Aziraphale almost flinched at the feeling of a careful hand on his back. Crowley was frowning, watching him attempt to wipe his eyes with his trembling hands multiple times.
“I just feel so helpless,” he said as a whisper, now clenching fists against his lap. “At first, I liked staying in the bookshop, because staying home would be helping people. I’m an angel, I’m supposed to help people. But now, with everything that is happening out  there… I hate it here. I hate staying cooped up, I hate not being able to do anything about these problems that have absolutely nothing to do with me, or you.”
For some reason, it’s always a surprise to Crowley that Aziraphale would sometimes use the word ‘hate’. And he loves just about everything in the world.
“I’m just…” Aziraphale held in a breath and sighed shakily. “Not feeling like myself lately. I want this ‘bad news’ year to be over. And we thought 2016 and Armageddon were bad, heheh…”
He laughed, weakly. It was a poor time to add humor into this, but Crowley would have to give the angel credit, at least he tried.
Crowley watched as Aziraphale kept wiping his eyes, sniffling lightly. “Oh, I’m- I’m sorry, Crowley, I- I… I figured you wouldn’t have wanted to see me like this. I knew waking you up was a bad idea.”
“Aziraphale,” Crowley shifted on the couch, facing the angel. His hand was still on his back, comfortingly. “Feeling like all of that is okay. You’re not the only one-”
“I know, Crowley!” Aziraphale was gritting his teeth, making Crowley hold his hand back. The angel quickly looked guilty from his sudden snappy tone, and tears welled back up in his eyes. His voice broke. “I know.”
Aziraphale then started crying. Frowning deeply, Crowley immediately pulled him into a gentle hug. “I’m sorry- It’s okay, it’s alright. I’m here, angel. Shhhshhshshshshshh. I’m right here.”
Aziraphale tugged onto the back of Crowley’s shirt, sobbing. Brushing his fingers through the angel’s hair and rubbing his back, Crowley began rocking from side to side. “Let it out now, Aziraphale, it’s alright. I’m here, it’s okay.”
Minutes have passed, and Aziraphale’s crying quieted down. Crowley figured that he’d be feeling better by now, but once his arms went free, Aziraphale’s grip around him tightened, which began another round of soft crying.
“Shhhhhh.” Crowley sighed and continued rubbing Aziraphale’s back gently. “Breathe. You’re alright.”
There were only small, desperate whimpers. Crowley sighed through his nose, feeling his eyes sting a bit. His eyebrows then raised, remembering something. He put his hands on Aziraphale’s shoulders. “Aziraphale, look at me.”
Aziraphale was lifted off of Crowley, but his head was down with his eyes shut closed. Crowley cupped his cheeks, wiping dried tear streaks off. “Look at me, angel.”
Melting at his touch, Aziraphale’s hand went up to hold Crowley’s. His eyes opened slowly, puffy from crying, looking into Crowley’s.
“You wanna try something for me?” Crowley asked. “I think it’ll help.”
Both hands were being held as the two shifted on the couch. Aziraphale cleared his throat multiple times.
Crowley held up a hand freely. “Name five things you see.”
Aziraphale opened his mouth, and stopped.
“Five things you can see,” Crowley said. “You don’t have to list every single thing in the shop.”
“I know…” Aziraphale’s voice croaked, and he cleared his throat again. “Uh… The lamp… the desk… the bookshelf… the phone… and you.”
“Alright,” Crowley said, holding up four fingers. “Four things you can feel.”
Aziraphale pursed his lips. With his leg dangling off the edge of the couch, his toes wiggled in his sock. “My socks…”
He glanced down to see his thumb fiddling underneath his pinkie ring. “My ring…”
He gripped onto the blanket on the couch. “The blanket…”
He felt Crowley’s hand holding onto his, carefully. “And you.”
Crowley held up three fingers. “Three things you can hear.”
Aziraphale blinked. “Well, that one must be a bit difficult to understand, don’t you think…?”
One of Crowley’s eyebrows quirked upward, and he was smirking. Aziraphale blushed. “Right. Uh… me…”
He looked around the room, seeing his record player, not playing anything. “Whatever song is playing in my head… if that counts…”
“It does, don’t worry,” Crowley said.
“And you,” Aziraphale finished.
Smiling softly, Crowley held up two fingers. “Two things you can smell.”
Aziraphale took a deep breath through his nose, and sighed with a small smile. “My leftover cake from yesterday…”
Another deep breath, and Aziraphale blinked up at Crowley. “And you…”
Crowley was curious as to what the Someplace Aziraphale might have caught that smelled like him, but another part of him just went, “No, he’ll just fuss over how weird you smell, you’ve been sleeping for a month, get it together, man.”
Crowley shook it off, and held up one finger. “One thing you can taste.”
“Oh, now that’s just too many to choose from,” Aziraphale muttered, making Crowley snicker. The angel snapped his fingers, in an attempt to recollect any remaining taste from the cakes he’s had. His hand then clenched into an excited fist, and he grinned. “The cherries from my Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte!”
Crowley’s smile widened along with Aziraphale’s. He held onto both of his hands now, feeling the trembling go away. A little bit of the anxieties were still there, but at least the angel was smiling.
“It wasn’t any miracle,” Crowley said. “But you can use that little shtick to help you if you’re ever feeling worried again.”
“I still am feeling worried…”
“And that’s okay.” Crowley’s voice was soft. “You can just use it to be more aware of your surroundings instead of what’s going on somewhere else. And yeah, it doesn’t get rid of how you’re feeling, but it helped, right?”
Aziraphale nodded slowly. “It did.”
“Right,” Crowley replied, cupping the angel’s cheek again. “It’s just a little reminder that you’re still here. And you’re safe. You have every right to be worried about America. There can be dumb people and there can be smart people. Try not to let it take over your whole head when you think about it. Okay?”
Aziraphale nodded again with a smile. “Alright, I’ll try. Thank you, Crowley.”
“No problem, angel.” Crowley wrapped his arms around Aziraphale again, pulling him in for another tight hug. “If you feel the need for help, just ask me. I’ve helped you dozens of times before, and I’ll keep doing it dozens of times again.”
There was a tearful chuckle. “I just don’t want to push all of my troubles onto you.”
“I honestly don’t care,” Crowley said. “I’m not the  best  therapist demon in the world, but I still want to help you in any way that I can.”
The only response to that was Aziraphale’s grip, tightening around Crowley’s shirt. He could practically feel the angel smiling. He could tell he was thankful.
Minutes have passed.
“You know, Crowley… you don’t have to stay over here.”
“Yeah, I know. But I want to anyway.”
“Oh… you’re too kind.”
“‘Kind’ is a four-letter-word, Aziraphale.”
“Uh… you’re too… great?”
A tiny scoff, but the hug didn’t break. “I admire you, but you can be a real pain in the wing over such simple words.”
A shrug. “Eh. What can you do.”
“Well… nothing, really.”
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Can I request prompt number 7 (“ Are you... jealous?”) for Giyuu, please
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“ Are you jealous”
I hope you enjoy anon! I hope I did Giyu Justice (I’m not the best at writing out cold characters but GOD DAMNIT I TRIED ESPECIALLY FOR THIS ADORABLE BOY!!) thank you for sending a request :>
“ Thank you so much, how can I repay you?” The voice of a younger woman asked the young demon slayer, as the black haired demon slayer replaced his sword back into his holder, the blood of the demon he had slain still wafting through the air. His cold icy blue eyes stared at the woman before him, while his partner walked up beside him from finishing their own battle with a smaller demon.
“ we’re simply doing our jobs, payment is not needed.” Looking back at his partner, he gently nodded his head, knowing he was praising you for getting your job done swiftly and without injury. You knew Giyu cared for you and your well being, as much as he didn’t want to show it or speak on the matter. But when his actions came to it, if you truly had gotten hurt, he’s always by your side saving you or seeing how tense he became when it came to defeating the one who put you in harms way.
“ oh I must simply give you something in return!” Watching the woman lash out and take a hold of Giyu’s hand, the boy flinched and was going to pull away, but you placed your gentle hand on his back, ushering to him to just let the lady do it for it wasn’t anything harmful or to affect him negatively. His body relaxed at that, his shoulders sinking while inhaling slowly.
“ Here, if you wouldn’t mind, my town is just a little ways up the hill. Once we get to my home I’ll pay you greatly for your kindness and hard work. I know how hard you demon slayers work to begin with!” Letting the smaller woman pull him along, Giyu looked back at you nervously, all the while you giving off a smile that hid your small ping of jealousy of this woman holding his hand when that’s what you currently wanted to do.
The walk up the hill wasn’t bad, and as the woman said it wasn’t that far of a distance. The town was small but welcoming, and thanked the demon slayers for saving the woman who was returning from seeing her grandmother down the hill. Reaching the woman’s home, she ushered the two in as she walked to the back, still having a hold on Giyu’s hand. Your fingers twitched slightly, wanting to lash out and rip their hands apart and take that worn calloused hand into your own.
“ Please excuse the mess,” the woman turned as your face shifted, knowing you probably had quite the scowl going. You didn’t want either her or Giyu to see it, especially Giyu. ‘ Your ugly when you scowl,’ ‘ you’ll grow wrinkles’ ‘ Scowling is not a good look on you’ Giyu’s words ran through your head, a soft blush reaching your cheeks as you played with your fingers.
“ Now, what can I repay you with? Would you like to stay the night? Maybe a nice massage or relax in the baths in the back? I’m sure with how hard you work your body needs rest, especially saving me.” You knew at this point this demoness was trying to steal your man, completely forgetting that, hey, you were still very much present in the room, feeling like a third wheel in a relationship that wasn’t even currently happening! You could practically see the thought bubble above your head as you choked out the woman trying to please Giyu in only ways you know how as Giyu tried to pull you off her. “ or maybe I could give you something more,” Seeing the woman start to slip the shoulder of her kimono off, your mind practically blown, growling as you were about to say something.
But, Giyu was much swifter, feeling the heat of anger and jealous radiate off of you like the burning sun. Taking the woman’s hand out of his own, he gently closed his eyes, thinking over what exactly he should say. He didn’t want to be rude but, he was much too tired from todays missions to be kind, especially to such a greedy woman. He was shocked that his lover behind him hadn’t ripped her head off yet, and he was quite tempted to let them go at it, at least he’d be given a show he knew his partner would win. “ Please, take your hands off of me,” stepping back and away, he opened his eyes as his cold icy stare burrowed through her. His glare was one that pierced through the most intimidating of enemies, least to say the woman was shaking a bit from seeing how frustrated he looked.
“ I didn’t want to take your offer of giving up payment in the first place, but for once I decided to be nice and let you give us something in return for saving you. But see that all you wanted from me was a simple one night stand,” Giyu turned on his feet and walked past you, watching your partner walk to the double doors to leave. He turned his head as his blue eyes were the only thing bright from the darkness that covered him. “ Your just as disgusting as the demons.” Leaving out the doors, your heart practically fluttered as he left out.
That was your boyfriend, your best friend, your everything. He had acted cold so many times before, even to you but you couldn’t help the way your heart picked up speed when he acted that way. His icy attitude always froze others in place, while it warmed you up, damn him and his ways of making you love him more and more each day passing. Snapping back into reality, you quickly turned toward the woman and stuck your tongue out before racing out to meet up with Giyu who was waiting on the side for you to arrive. “ Are you doing alright Giyu?”
Seeing he was leaning against the side of the building, he opened his eyes to look at you, sitting up fully. “ are you…. jealous?” Your face deadpanned as he questioned you. You blinked a few times, with slight pings of sweats ripping down your face, you looked around quickly before pointing to yourself and with an innocent tilt of your head, “ m-me?”
“ who else would I be talking to?” He approached you, looking down on you like a demon ready to eat it’s prey as you shrunk even more under pressure. “ I-I… uh…” trying to find a way out of the question, your mind was reeling as Giyu waited for an answer, and you knew he hated to be kept waiting. “ M-me? Jealous? Of who? Why would I be jealous when I know you’d never get with her to begin with? I never get jealous!” You bluffed confidently as Giyu places his face in front of your own, making an ‘eep!’ Escape you and sweat gather more at your head. He stared at you as you shook under pressure, god, he was gonna make you faint!
“ you know how I know your lying?” “ how?” You squeaked. “ because you were scowling earlier, and your ugly when you scowl.” Your face blanked before growling and digging away at your head. “ DAMNITTTT!!! I KNEW I WAS SCOWLING!! I THOUGHT I WAS DOING SO WELL AT HIDING IT!! WAIT A SECOND, HOW DID YOU NOTICE, YOU NEVER TURNED AROUND!!”
Giyu simply smirked before turning on his heels and walking the other direction. “ HEY, HEY!! YOU DIDNT ANSWER ME ASSHOLE!!” Rushing after him, you walked beside him as he glanced over to your current scowling face as you glared at him. “ I just know, but… I have to admit. You being jealous was quite adorable, I was tempted to let you deal with her instead of me.” Stopping in your tracks at that, your face burst into red as your hands quickly placed themselves on your cheeks. “ y-you thought… I was c-cute?” “ nope.” He said as you glared once again, chasing him down. “ You totally did! You can’t lie to me!!” “ your not cute at all, especially not right now.” He sighed, as you huffed and pouted next to him. Looking down at you, he couldn’t help but smile a little knowing just how adorable you were and happy to have you by his side.
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