#something to keep in mind with the recent proliferation of like. bedroom dsbm bands.
sendmyresignation · 3 months
hi! idk if ur into dsbm but if so do u have any recs outside of like lifelover lol that seems to be trendiest band within the genre and i was looking to get more acquainted with it ! i feel it deeply inspired the foundations single too, with gerard having been spotted wearing a leviathan t-shirt at one point i believe and following xasthur on ig, it wouldn’t come as a big surprise honestly
hi anon! sorry this took me a bit to get to- totally slipped off my radar.
i am really not personally familiar with dsbm, the two artists I've spun and enjoyed are limited to None and Kekht Arakh but overall it's not a sound i reach for/have a ton of knowledge about. ive heard good things about bethlehem! though theyre not entirely dsbm, just sort of foundational to its development.
but i agree with you about foundations here- the production and sound is honestly a huge soup of stuff, not any one thing. but that current preoccupation Gerard has with the like. one man black metal scene (he mentioned watching that omm doc which features both leviathan and xathur in a podcast but for the life of me can't remember where) totally factors in, especially in the cultivation of atmosphere in the static (similar technique for a different effect)
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