#something thats been on my mind a lot as of late is that i spend a lot of time supporting and writing shit for other peoples f/os and ships
goodnight gamers!
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#ash rambles 💚#it's been a pretty solid day! i didnt do much other than play j.udgment for hours straight tbh#and hey. I'm fine with that#I've had a lot on my mind as of late with just life and everything being pretty nuts so I'm glad to have that escape#i hope everyone is doing good#one day I'll organize this blog more and write some more fanfic also#... one day- i know i've said that time and time before#yawwwnnsss I'm so sleepy.. its about 1am rn so I'm about to snooze. just got to chapter uhhhh 8 of the game 👍🏽#something thats been on my mind a lot as of late is that i spend a lot of time supporting and writing shit for other peoples f/os and ships#which is great. it's awesome. it makes me happy. whenever i write these things there is never a doubt in my mind that the character LOVES#the shipper. when i say theyre soulmates i wholeheartedly mean that from the bottom of my heart. yet it's only when i write my own shit that#i get all insecure about it. especially in the case of my dearest husband since I really do just love him so much. i never do allow myself#that same grace huh? i never let myself be loved despite how i am towards my selfshipper friends#it's just been something that's been on my mind lately and it's something I'm trying to get better at. sometimes it's just hard to believe#that they really do feel the same. I adore these characters so much it makes my heart ache. that kind of love doesnt always come easy#okay now I'm just sleepy rambling#feel free to ignore this LMAAAOO#i am literally half asleep rn#gn gamers! sleep good! or good morning too if that applies#I'm gonna go fantasize about my husband + some y.akuza crushes and knock tf out#goodnighty!
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sweetcollywobbles · 3 months
more leon headcanons
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i miss him i miss him i miss him i miss him i miss him i miss him
i miss my wife, tails.
so lets talk about him.
⟢ leon was 6 years old when his family was murdered. there was a time when he could remember all of their faces. yet as he gets older, their faces have become a lot more blurry. sometimes he catches himself staring into the mirror. did nonno have the same nose as he did? was he the same blonde as his nonna? does he have his moms' smile? were his dad's eyes just as blue as his? when they looked at him, did they see themselves in him as he's so desperatley trying to remember them in him?
⟢ leon is the italian version of a "no sabo" kid. he knows the language, yet doesn't seem to be able to put the words together himself. he just kinda stands there nodding his head with a blank stare. then when he has to respond he's just kinda like "uuuhhhh tbh idk". he knows how to correctly pronounce some words and phrases, but that's about it.
⟡HOWEVER, he will call his lover with italian terms of endearment, i.e., amore mio, cucciolotta, cuore mio, piccola, etc. he might even say some phrases that he does know in italian, i.e., Io e te per sempre (you and me forever), sei la mia vita (you are my life), ti amo tanto (i love you so much), etc.
+p.s. sorry for any misinterpretations, i'm not italian but i am mexican so spanish and italian are not too different (???) but please correct me if i'm wrong!
⟢ leon has always been a dinosuar guy. he's watched probably every dino documentary thats ever been made and rewatches them whenever they're on. so, naturally, whenever he travels for work, he'll try his best to visit every museum he possibly can to see their dino exhibit and nothing else. of course, as het gets older (probably DI to RE6) he'll explore the other exhibits but for rn he'll just stick to the dino exhibits. and if you must ask him what his favorite dinosuar is, he'll say the answer he said as a kid, a spinosaurus. it's common enough for people to know and not give him a strange look of confusion. but really, his heart belongs to the pachycephalosaurus.
⟡ of course, in its natural progression, leon will also delve into a fascination of raptors and reptiles. he'll go to zoos and spend his time in the reptile exhibit. he'll also go bird watching for any avian raptors he can find. this also does mean that he has nice pair binoculars and will buy a native bird identify guide when he travels. his documentary options have now expanded with his two new interests which really excites him.
⟢ whether you believe it or not, leon is actually more of a fruity cocktail kinda guy. he doesn't mind beer or hard liquor, especially when he needs something strong and to the point. something to help him drink away the bad memories and all too realistic nightmares. but if he's just in the mood to enjoy himself, leon will cook up a salty dog or a cranberry vodka.
⟢ leon oh so terribly wants kids. but before he forces you into his life, he never thought that to be possible. so in his off time, he would volunteer for the NICU at the local hospital to be a baby cuddler. he got into it after he tried it with rebecca. it gave him the sense that everything will be okay, that even if he can't have a few of his own, at least he can be there for little ones that need someone, even if its for a moment.
⟡ TRUST, that once you do have a baby with this man, he's all over them. that baby will never not be in his arms or in the proximity of him. he's on spit up and diaper duty. baby wakes up late at night crying? no worries, he's already in the room (he was sleeping on the nursery floor). you will almost have to battle this man to hold YOUR baby.
⟢ leon is actually a really big fan of romcoms and time pieces. in fact, his favorite time piece movie is pride and prejudice. oh he absolutely adores romantic pieces like that especially because he's a hopeless romantic at heart. he's fallen in love with the idea of falling in love with a girl he's just met and having soft intimate moments with them. his guilty pleasure romcom is 13 going on 30, especially since after the whole plagas incident, the movie was just released and he binged that movie on repeat.
⟡ BUT, just because he likes time pieces and romcoms doesn't mean he doesn't like action or thriller movies. leon's a really big fan of the matrix series and star wars series. also the fast and furious franchise is actually where his love of fast cars and motorcycles stem from. he just can't do any horror movies because baby has trauma :(
₊˚⊹ ᥫ᭡. 𓂃
it's not much, but i thought these were silly and gave him a little more character. please let me know what you think or if you have any headcanons of your own!!!
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i-cant-sing · 3 months
i was just minding my business like scrolling to find new fics to read since i was so so bored and while i was finding some delicious fics (ahem ahem: yandere big brother bakugou x little sister reader) ur post suddenly idk the word (lumitaw (its a filo word)) and i was screaming and immediately dropped what i was supposed to read to read yours 😭😭😭
i got the worst memory ever to exist because i keep forgetting their names but i think i'll grasp them once the next chapter is out (hopefully) but yeaaah!!! baris reminds me of abbas in a way but ig he's a bit more.. brute yk what im talking about????? ig he's ok..
OH! and i have a theory about the painting, y/n's face getting smudged maybe because baldwin or SALAUDDIN decided to smudged it to forget how they look due to heartbroken (prob not baldwin,, but i feel like salauddin would do that ??) i guess im getting married again 😔😔 i feel like im betraying my pookie salauddin 💔💔💔🙏🙏 BUT ANYWAYS THANK YOU FOR THE UPDATE SNOW!!!! AMAZING AS ALWAYS!! can't wait for the next one already!! 😭😭😭 i think i'll send more of my thoughts if something crosses over my mind (prob when im in the shower)
ooohh i like your theory(portrait pictures at the end). i like it a lot. expanding on it:
Baldwin would probably cause the painting to be smudged because he's kissing it, kissing your lips, drunk off his mind, tears streaming down his cheek as he spends hours sitting in front of it, talking to the painting as if u still exist, begging u to come back from heaven, even apologising for all he's done, just please- come back, angel...
Meanwhile Salauddin would probably be staring at your portrait angrily. He understands why you had to leave but.... you couldnt have told him where you were goinh? Do you not think he couldve protected you? He wouldve used his whole army, gathered Muslims from all around the world to protect you. Did you... did you not have the least bit faith in him? deep down, he knows u did this to prevent a war between him and baldwin but.... Salauddin wouldve gone to war for you. Happily. This wasnt your decision to make alone. Now, he stands in front of your portrait, he has it in his palace now, and he doesnt say voice it out like baldwin, but he has complaints. HE keeps them inside, mentally talking to you, telling you just how stupid you were for sacrificing yourself, for jumping off that stupid cliff. How u shouldve just- just asked him for help ONCE, and he wouldve fought until his last breath if it meant keeping u safe. In his mind, u sacrificed yourself to protect Baldwin from murdering innocent muslims or anyone else u wouldve seeked help from.
And now? All Salauddin can do is pray for you. He wakes up late into the night and sits on the prayer mat, making dua for you for hours, reading Quran for you, has animals slaughtered on eid on your behalf, even doing charity and hajj (pilgrimage) on your behalf, just so that you can have more good deeds in your name. He still has the chess board u gifted him, but he's stopped playing chess. He never played the game again, it was only a painful reminder of you. The one person who he could never beat.
As for your painting, why it was smudged? Salauddin didnt want anyone to see your beauty, thats why he kept the portrait hidden in his room, but then he feared that one day when he's not around anymore, someone will see you. So, he used a rag soaked in turpentine to smudge your face, but couldnt do more than just the bottom half of your face. He thought that was fine, after all, thats how u did often appear when you were around, wearing a niqaab, a veil that covered your face.
Now that he looks at your eyes, he realises his mistake. He heard the wise tell him-
"Eyes are the windows to the soul."
He now knows it to be true.
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This is what I think the portraits look like:
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Notice that this is the earrings Salauddin gifted Y/n when she was in the market with him:
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How Baldwin's been:
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levilxvr · 9 months
who confessed first?
ft. levi, armin, mikasa, annie, hange x gn!reader
cw: fluff, none else that i can think of tbh
you confessed first
He thinks about you every night, replaying little scenarios of your interactions in his head to feed his bedtime thoughts. Everyone knows he’s got a soft spot for you, and erwin has been telling him to grow some balls and tell you how he feels.
But one night you’re on the rooftop of hq with him, spending some time alone. It’s become one of your favourite nightly escapes, catching up and discussing each others’ worries in the dead of night. But this time was different. He was complimenting the way you look under the moonlight, fingers absentmindedly trailing through your hair. You let out a small giggle and his heart warms. God, even your laugh is so perfect.
“you know levi, I kinda like you.”
“oh?” He’s honestly not surprised, but a small part of him felt as if maybe you wouldn’t feel the same.
“hm.. good thing I’ve got a thing for you too, then.” One of his rare smiles forms on his lips and he pulls you in, stealing a quick kiss on the top of your head.
he confessed first
Armin was a little drunk when he confessed, it was after a dinner party during the trip to Marley. Eren accidentally made him drink too much and you took him back to the hotel so he could rest, but he ended up clinging on tight to you, begging you to stay. Of course you agreed, and seconds later he just kinda spilled the beans in his intoxicated state.
“I.. hic- I love you.. love you so much..”
At first you tried to brush it off, thinking he didn’t really mean it since he was all drunk and blushing. But the next morning when you guys wake up you ask if he remembered what happened the night before.
“I really did mean it when I said I love you.”
The smile you return is enough for him to know you reciprocate his feelings. And armin has never been happier in his life.
you confessed first
ok she kinda dragged it out of you lol. She caught feelings the moment her gaze landed on you, but never wanted to confess because of the fear that you’d turn her down. But over the weeks she started to get subtle hints that you like her too. Sasha keeps encouraging her to make a move but poor girl feels like she’s just being delusional HSJSFD
One day you’re alone in the gym with her, doing your daily morning workouts together as usual. She catches you eyeing her every now and then, especially while she’s doing her sit ups. It feels like your gaze is burning right through her and she can’t contain herself anymore.
“do you like me?” she randomly blurts out the question and you’re caught off guard. “I mean, it’s a safe question, I just need you to answer honestly.”
“yeah..” You turn away to avoid seeing her reaction.
“hey,” mikasa’s hand cups your cheek and turns your face back to her. “I like you. a lot. And I enjoy hanging out with you, I just wanted to be sure cuz, y’know.”
And just like that, the hard part is over and now she can finally make all her dreams come true.
she confessed first
Annie isn’t one to catch feelings that easily. She prefers to keep herself reserved and unknown to the rest of the world, but every time she sees you walk by there’s this strange sensation she can’t seem to ignore.
It’s late at night and you’re lazing around in your room when you hear a knock on the door.
“I.. need to talk to you about something.” Her cheeks begin to heat up and the blood rushing to her face gives you a hint of what’s on her mind.
“You can tell me anything, annie.” You take her hands gently and she doesn’t let go.
“Every time I see you or hear your voice, there’s this.. feeling I can’t seem to put my finger on.”
she nods. Love, thats right. She’s in love. You brush the hair out of her pretty blue eyes and squeeze her hands. When you tell her you’ve got feelings for her too, it feels as if a weight has been lifted off her shoulders and she can finally be at peace.
they confessed first
It was a really unplanned, random setting. You were in hange’s lab helping to conduct an experiment with flowers and slime. You’re wearing their lab coat and goggles, standing by the side as you hold up the little glass vile of slime. The fascinated look on your face makes hange smile. You look adorable in that coat, gazing in awe at the sample they picked up earlier.
They move closer and ruffle your hair, hand lingering for just a little longer than necessary.
“you’re so cute.” Hange laughs, taking the tube from your hand and emptying it over the bowl of crushed flowers. Your heart skips a beat and you avert your gaze.
“come on, of course you are, always! Why do you think I like having you in the lab with me?” Hange gives you a side hug and you return it, leaning your head against their shoulder.
“oh, and by the way, I mean I like like you.” they wink and go back to stirring the mixture on the table as if nothing happened.
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ghostmaldo · 8 months
ꨄStardew Valley Headcannons: Artist farmer leaves a sketch for their love interest to find ꨄ
This took me so long to write, I’ll cry if this flops, but its fine ;-;
I might draw out the poses honestly… gives me something to do hehe Xp
No warnings, fluff, comfort, GN!Reader
Ask box: Open 💙
ᡣ𐭩 Penny ᡣ𐭩: Ooooh this sweet child, I just want to take her away from all of her troubles-
~It’s been a long day for Penny. She’s been spending most of the day tutoring Vincent and Jas, taking them out into the wilderness and to the library. Standing outside for a moment while the rain pelted the library rooftops. Of course, eagerly chatting with farmer while they ran around town doing their usual chores.
~ Between all that of course she’d have a altercation with her mother. Nothing she can’t handle but that dosen’t mean it dosen’t hurt any less. So, she practically dragged her feet back to her camper (RV? Whatever that thing is called).
~She reaches out for the handle of the door, then she stops. What this…?Her eyes blowing open slightly as she sees a neat envelope sticking out of the crack in the door. She see’s her name written in a sparkly gel pen as she retrieves from the door. Her heart starts to beat a bit harder in chest…
~She carefully opens the envelope. The scent of a sweet smelling perfume pulls at her heart strings further. Someone must have put a lot of thought into this little gift…for her…?
~Unfolding the paper from inside, she takes in a sharp breath. It’s a portrait drawing, of her sitting in fields. It’s gorgeous… It looks exactly like her… Penny marvels at each pencil stroke. Even the little smudges at the ends of the paper catch her eye. She almost feels like crying. And a single tear does fall when she sees the signature at the bottom.
From: (Farmer)
~The farmer, as if one Que, appears behind her. “Oh you found it! I was worried it might-“
~She can’t hold herself back from throwing her arms around the farmer and hugging them tight. The farmer returning the embrace happily. Penny didn’t know how the farmer knew, but she needed to see this after the kind of day shes had.
~She frames the drawing and keeps it in a special place her mother can’t find. Often looking at it when she needs a pick me up and instantly she feels a little better about life.
ᡣ𐭩Shane ᡣ𐭩 Disclaimer: Due to my own personal experiences/triggers I’ve been warned by my friends I shouldn’t play his route and I’ve only really picked up things here and there so it may not be perfect, but I still want to include him as he is still very deserving of affection. That being said, this is where farmer and Shane have a few hearts between each other and he dosen’t hate them entirely ^^
~Another late night walking back alone to his Aunt’s house from the saloon. His head is swimming with all the beer in his veins, swaying from side to side on his feet as he walks. Eventually arriving to his doorstep, through his blurry visions. He makes out his name on the front of his door. “Shaaane… thats my name.”
~His a bit confused at first. Reaching out to touch the letters of his name written in the sparkling gel ink. That’s when realized his name is written on an envelope of some kind. The confusion on his face only deepens. What kind of joke was this? He certainly wasn’t laughing.
~He grumbled as he fumbled with opening the letter. Revealing the picture of himself with his chicken Charlie… He blinks… and blinks again… He stares at the picture for a long time. His drunken mind unable to process what his looking at. At the bottom of the page he reads:
“From (Farmer)”
~He feels a tightness form in his chest. He almost wants to be angry the farmer left this for him to find… Yet… he thumbs over the thin strides of ink forming his face.
~After several minutes of just standing there holding the drawing, he carefully tucks the drawing into his coat pocket. Wondering inside and briefly forgetting about it as he throws himself into bed to sleep off the hangover. The farmer somehow finding themselves into his dreams.
~He won’t bring up the drawing for a few days I think. Not exactly knowing what to say. It isn’t until he sees the farmer one random afternoon buying supplies from Marnie that he catches them before they leave.
“Uhh, thanks for this.” He takes the folded piece of paper out from his pocket, unable to look the farmer in their eyes. “It’s nice…”
ᡣ𐭩Maru ᡣ𐭩
She’s having her afternoon sit near the saloon. Enjoying the warm air and peaceful chirping of the birds near by. Penny usually does by to sit with her sometimes, but she’s pleasantly surprised to find the farmer waving at them. A brand new battery pack in their hand, instantly she perks up, wondering if perhaps…
~ It is! She’s overjoyed to receive another battery pack from the farmer. Maru already knows the exactly project she’ll use it for. She waves the farmer good bye as they have other things to do.
~Once they’ve gone. Something feels different… about this battery pack. Sitting back down and inspecting the object more closely. She noticed theres something attached to the battery. An envelope with her name written on it. “Hmmm?”
~Cursorily, she thumbed the letter open. Using the upmost of care to unravel the drawing inside. Her eyes went wide with surprise. A drawing of her at the clinic writing something on a clipboard. It was so… life like. Just by looking it over, Maru could tell it was done with care. She smiled fondly. A loud, she read: “From, (Farmer)
~Quickly, she hurried after the farmer, hoping they hadn’t gotten to far. Seeing them about to head back to their farm, she blitzed it. Hugging them from behind as she reached them. “Thank you farmer! This is the best!”
~Another one to frame it and place it somewhere special. Considers it one of her most prized possessions.
ᡣ𐭩Sebastian ᡣ𐭩
~Lizard blinking at 10am in the morning. Sebastian reaches to turn the alarm off on his phone. He groans and grumbles for a few minutes before deciding to sit up and move over to his computer. He placed his fingers on his keyboard, the abruptly stopped when he felt a strange sensation on the pads of his fingers.
~Tilting his head, he spotted… an envelope His name written in a neat sparkly cursive. Ugh… he hoped this wasn’t a joke from his mother. He carelessly ripped the envelope open, though he was careful with the contents inside. Unfolding the paper, his eyes landed on a drawing of him… one of him working on his motorcycle. One of the corners of the page reading: From (Farmer)
~Sebastian.exe has stopped working-
~He takes a slow deep breath in, heart beating wildly inside his chest. He found the gesture to be so… sweet. Sebastian admires the piece for a long while before he can focus on anything. He places it somewhere safe but where he can still admire it within his working space. It’s all he can think about for the entire days (And probably for several days after)
~In the evening time, he purposely places himself near the mines so he can show his appreciation to the farmer. He waves them over as soon as he sees them. He becomes a little shy rubbing the back of his neck nervously, but he does want to say something. “Hey, I found the drawing on my desk… Thank you… That was very kind of you…” Will hesitate to go in for a hug but if farmer meets them halfway he will gladly embrace them.
ᡣ𐭩Leahᡣ𐭩 Disclaimer#2: I haven’t tried to romance Leah yet and I know the very baseline of her personality so I apologize (again) if this one isn’t perfect but also still wanted to include her.
~Leah’s been inside her small home for most of the afternoon working on her latest project. Deciding to take a stroll through town to take a small break and stretch her limbs out. She opens her door and catches the glimpse of something fluttering downward and landing on her door mat. An envelope? What could this be?
~ Inspecting the object, she traces her finger over her name. Some of the glitter from the Gel pen rubbing off. She can’t hide the smile that creeps onto her face. She’s a bit giddy over receiving something so mysterious and thoughtful!
~She opens the letter and finds the portrait of herself inside. She’s smiling happily with her house in the background. Lead is amazed by the penmanship. Her eyes glaze over every detail, her heart swelling with emotion. At the bottom of the page is a signature: From (Farmer). She lets out a happy squeal and lightly presses the drawing to her chest.
~Quickly, she runs inside to find a frame for the piece. Placing it on a special place on her wall where she can easily admire it. Then she takes off into town as originally planned. Now with a new motive in mind.
~She’s happy to find the farmer running around town. Lead quickly catches them and pulls them into a warm hug. “Farmer! I didn’t know you could draw! I love the gift you left for me! We should have drawing sessions together!” She’s just so happy and excited to have someone to relate too and the gesture was so sweet to her.
ᡣ𐭩Sam(son) ᡣ𐭩
~Okay, okay, so his already well into his morning routine before he notices anything. He comes back into his room to retrieve his skateboard when he then notices something tapped to it. An envelope with his name written on it. He eyes cursorily as he picks it up. Honestly having no idea what the letter could possibly be about.
~Opening it up, he find the drawing of him on his skateboard. A really well done drawing of him on his skateboard. “Wow.” He grips both ends of the paper and takes a moment to admire it. Eventually finding the signature at the bottom corner of the page. From: (Farmer).
~He breaks out into a wide smile. He can feel the warmth of his own face and his heart swoons. He places the drawing on his dresser before taking off without his skateboard. He briefly pauses outside, having mean to have grabbed it. But his brain is spinning so much he just waves off the skateboard and takes off on foot to see if the farmer might be wondering around somewhere.
~And his right. He catches them coming out of the community center. He approaches them with a smile thats returned to him. “So, when did you have time to sneak into my room hm?” He teases lightly, and they share a laugh together. “Hey but really, that was really nice of you. You’re really talented!”
~Another one to become shy when he goes in for a hug but once he feels the farmer wrap their arms around him, his content.
~He’ll stick around a moment to catch up with farmer, inviting them to hangout with him and his friends sometime at the saloon. He gives them one last hug before letting them get back to their work. The whole walk home his smiling like his on top of the world.
~ Tapes up the drawing somewhere in his room, his mom asks him about one time and he blushed the whole time as he explained the farmer gave it to him. Mom finds it sweet and teases her son about it.
ᡣ𐭩 Haleyᡣ𐭩
~ Haley opens the door to her shared home and finds the farmer standing there, mud and all, trying to place the envelope of the frame of her door. They stare at each other for a moment before he nose scrunches up as she notices the mud caked around their boots. “What are you doing?” She asks a bit dryly before she notices her name inscribed on the letter.
~”Oh! Is that for me?” She plucks the letter from the farmers hand before they have anytime to explain themselves. They stand there awkwardly as she doesn’t hesitate to rip the letter open. Revealing the drawing of her with her camera. Her face turns into one of surprise, a little oh leave her lips. it’s a bit hard to tell at first if she likes the drawing…
~Then she smiles gleefully. Spinning around with the drawing still in her hands and hugging it to her chest (not so gently as Leah but the drawings fine ^^). She goes to hug the farmer but stops when they realize they’re still covered in mud. So, instead, she gently lays her hand on their shoulder, giving it a light squeeze.
~”You made me look so pretty! Thank you! If you maybe… clean up a little maybe you can join Emily and I for dinner?” The farmer happily agrees. At dinner time is when Haley hugs them properly now that their clean. Even going as far as to compliment the shampoo they used. “So much better now that all the mud is gone!” (It’s a compliment, I promise)
~At dinner time, the farmer can see Haley’s placed the drawing in a frame and has it in her living room where everyone can gaze upon her beauty capture by the farmer.
ᡣ𐭩 Harveyᡣ𐭩
~”Alright (Farmer), just take this medication as directed and make sure to stay hydrated okay? And try to be careful in those mines!” Harvey’s gives the farmer a friendly smile as they are discharged from their clinic. Linus having brought them him when he found them exhausted in mines some time during the day. He was glad to see they were alright and hoped they found some time to get some rest.
~As his going to finalize his paperwork and pass it on to Maru, he sees an envelope on top of his other paperwork… when did that get there? He read his name on the letter, lightly pulling it from his clip board. He rest up against the counter, pulling the drawing from inside. A drawing of him taking a stroll through the patchy area in town. It’s so lovely… it takes him a moment to realize it is him. “From… (Farmer)”
~His so touched by the kind gesture he just stand there for a long time. Maru has to come find him to notify him he has Marnie waiting for him and he quickly has to tuck away the piece of paper in his coat. Clearing his throat and desperately trying to compose himself. “Sir your face is a little red are you okay?”
Stutters out a: “O-Oh yes! I-I’m fine just a little warm is all.”
~His a little distracted throughout the day and he can’t seem to stifle the rapid beating of his heart. His already thinking of something he can give to the farmer as appreciation… but he can’t seem to find anything he deems would speak his gratitude… Oh well maybe…!
~After locking up the clinic for the day, he catches the farmer out of the corner of his eye. He hollers for them and smiles brightly as they approach him. He lightly scolds them for not being in bed and resting, but quickly forgives them when they show him the bottle of water tucked away in their overalls (Or however farmer may carry this item ^^)
~”Oh and thank you for the uh… letter you left me. That was nice of you…” Is a blushing red mess and his nervously fiddling with his hands. “Um don’t worry about the bill this time. I’ll take care of it… just this one.” His startled when the farmer hugs him out of nowhere. The scent of the earth coming of their clothes makes his mind go a little blank., though deep down he enjoys the interaction.
~Has the drawing carefully tapped onto his clipboard so he always had it with him.
~Emily’s happily bursts through the doors of the saloon for her shift. There dosen’t seem to be too many patrons yet as she walked over to the other side of the counter. Gus appeares suddenly and catches her attention. “Hey! Secret admirer left this for you.” He claims with a wink as he slides over an envelope to her.
~”Oh! A secret admirer?” She looks at her name on the letter fondly. Closing her eyes as she holds it up above her face, almost if she were trying to conjure a face of who would have left this for her. The anticipation becomes too much as none of the faces she makes seem’s right. She impatiently opens the letter and finds the drawing of her dancing elegantly inside.
~She gasps and her eyes double in size…. Then promptly screams in absolute delight, jumping up and down on her feet. Gus shaking his head and smiling in the back ground while he prepares for the salon. “Make sure to read the bottom left corner.” When Emily hears this, she seizes her jumping and looks back at the drawing. From: (Farmer)
~ It’s at that exact moment farmer walks through the front doors. Emily sequels happily upon seeing them. Immediately running to practically jump into their arms. “(Farmer)! This is so sweet, I love it so much! Thank you, thank you, thank you!” She gives you a tender kiss on the cheek that has farmer melting. Me too farmer, me too.
~Invites them to have a drink at the bar while she works. Every so often coming over to talk with them. Anyone can tell she has an extra pep in her step and her eyes are dazzling every chance she speaks with the farmer.
~ Frames the drawing and places it in a special spot in her room. Frequently picks it up and talks to it as if it the farmer themselves.
~Elliot is peacefully taking his afternoon walk, his mind a bit busy with thinking about his writings. On his way back, he crosses paths with the farmer. Seemingly in a mad dash to get where they were going, though they do wave at each other and smile before they disappear from his sight.
~Upon returning home, he instantly spots the envelope on his door. “My, my, what is this?” He says to himself, gingerly picking up the letter and delicately prying it open. Inside, is a beautiful drawing of him at his piano. A hushed gasp leaves his lips. He covers his mouth with his finger tips as his in pleasant shock. His eyes travel all over the drawing until he finds the signature at the bottom. From: (Farmer)
~He shakes his with a smile on his face. “Oh, that farmer.” He speaks lovingly. He takes the drawing inside where he sets it on his piano like a sheet of music. Theres something brand new brewing in his mind. He sits himself before the piano, fingers tapping away at the keys experimentally. Until theres a new song dancing on them. It’s not long before his scribbling notes on blanks sheet music.
~Before the sun goes down, Elliot decides to take one final stroll through town. In hopes to find the farmer still running their many errands. Lucky for him, he finds them doing just that. Snagging them as gently as he by the arm, he playfully swings them around. “There you are (Farmer)! If I may have a few moments of your time.”
~Sits them down on the nearest bench and shows them the song he wrote for them. (Yay swooning yet?) Together they sit and chat long after the suns gone down. Invites them over the following day so he can preform said song for them. “For your art of me. I was touched by it (farmer), allow me to show you my appreciation.
~The drawing sits on one side of his piano much like sheet music
ᡣ𐭩Abigail ᡣ𐭩
~Abigail is wondering the valley late into the evening. Hitting all of her usual spots and now headed for the graveyard. It’s a pretty normal evening when she first arrives. Then theres something laying on the ground that catches her eye. An envelope with her name on it, sitting in the middle of a gravestone. “Ooooh, spooky!”
~She reached for the envelope and looks over the writing. She turns it over a few times to see if there’s anything else mysterious about the object. When she dosen’t find anything more, Abigail opens the letter. Finding a drawing of her playing her instrument in a majestic looking manner. “From: (Farmer)”
~She holds the drawing up to the light to admire the details closer. She’s so touched by the gesture. She has half the mind to run over to the farmers house right now. But decided to simply find them in the morning. By the time she gets there, they’ll be long asleep.
~Best believe as soon as she wakes up for the day shes at the farmers door knocking. When they open the door, she dosen’t waste a second in throwing her arms around the farmers neck in an embrace. “Thank you so much for the drawing! It’s beautiful! I had to come over and say thank you!”
~She’ll stay awhile and chat with the farmer before heading home. But not before she invites them over to possibly have a game night or hangout at the salon.
~Frames the picture and has it in her room where she sees it at least once each day.
~His outside throwing the football to himself before deciding to come inside. His grandparents are out and about at the moment, so he decides to sit at the kitchen table. Once his settled, he noticed something on the table. White envelope sitting undisturbed with his name on the front.
~Thinking its a note from his grandmother, he opens it without a second thought. His face drops when he sees the drawing of him inside. Football in hand. He gawks for a moment, totally caught off guard by the illustration. At the bottom he finds the infamous signature: From: (Farmer)
~He smirks at the discovery. Leaning his head into his palm while still holding the paper with admiration in his eyes. His ears momentarily perk up as he hears a familiar voice outside. His granny, and behold, the farmer themselves!
~Alex quickly gets up from his chair and quickly makes his way outside. Nearly running into his grandmother, she walks inside with a happy, knowing smile on her face. Chasing after the farmer, he catches them just in time. “Running away when you’ve left me such a charming gift?” His smirking but his mostly playing around.
~ Chats with the farmer and manages to slip in they should come over for dinner with him and his grandparents. To which farmer gladly agrees.
~While Alex was away flirting with the Farmer, his grandmother finds the image on the table and decides to place it on the fridge. Alex dosen’t have the heart to move and honestly its the perfect place for it.
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chaosisalwayscrying · 7 months
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⇥ synopsis : nsfw abcs for chris (my man)
⇥ warnings : smut/suggestive themes
⇥ extra : this is also late but my mom has not left me alone long enough to actually write these on time 😭😭
⇥ masterlist !
⇥ taglist !
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A = Aftercare (what they're like after sex)
   hes so good at aftercare!! like he is so so gentle. asks before pulling out and SPRINTS to get a rag to clean you up with, or if youd prefer he turns on the shower and helps you get clean before dressing you
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner's)
   chris loves his hair, he loves how you tug on it as hes eating you out, and he loves the way you play with it when hes draped on your chest
    chris loves your ass and hips. he loves the way your ass jiggles when you walk up the stairs from his room, loves the way it bounces when you ride him, and he loves seeing his handprints on it
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
   never used condoms, youve been on bc since chris suggested starting to have sex. he obviously asked you about condoms multiple times in the middle of sex, scared youd changed your mind and he just forgot (bless his heart)
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
   LOVES LOVES LOVES when you blindfold him. loves not knowing whats gonna happen, he also loves how it heightens his other senses
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they're doing?)
   had 2 bodies before you, so he had some experience under his belt, but he still asked you what you were comfortable with
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
   doggy and reverse cowgirl. backshots are his absolute favorite thing ever because he can easily smack your ass and grip your hips hard as hell. he also loves watching your ass bounce as you bounce on him im reverse cowgirl, turns him on so bad
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
   nothing is serious to chris, hes cracking jokes left and right. only sometimes will he let it be more serious
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
   hes shaved not bald. has DEFINITELY let you use wax to make designs in his hair 😭😭
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
   can be romantic but doesnt do it often, hes not very good at it. praises you to the max to make up for it when hes trying to be more serious 😇
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
   he did it a LOT before you got together, but now that youre together he doesnt as much anymore. you do enjoy sending him nudes so he can send you videos of him jerking off in return tho
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
   mommy kink ‼️ he calls you ma outside of the bedroom anyway, but if hes feeling like being a sub hes whining out mommy every other word and LORD ITS HOT
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
   anywhere. if matt and nick are gone, hes a big fan of bending you over the kitchen table. in public he will literally follow you into the dressing rooms and press you up against the mirror
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
   literally anything. if its a serious situation hes not even thinking like that, but accidentally look at him the wrong way and hes hard, squat to get something, hes hard, change in front of him, hes hard. (bless his horny little heart)
N = No (something they wouldn't do, turn-offs)
   brat taming, doesnt like the idea of punishing you or having you act a certain way 24/7
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
   this man could happily spend a year of his life buried between your legs. will literally eat you out until youre spent beyond belief. he doesnt mind you sucking his dick but he would much rather have you bouncing on it.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
   fast and rough 95% of the time, but he can absolutely be slow and sensual if thats what you want. his pace depends all on you, you say go faster? hes going faster immediately. you say slow down? hes slowing down without a complaint and pressing a kiss to whatever bit of exposed skin he can
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
   LOVES LOVES LOVES QUICKIES. at a party? youre going to the first bathroom he can see without a line. at the mall? dressing room. at a restaurant? bathroom.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
   chris isnt opposed to experimenting, hes down to try most things once, but he does have a list of hard nos.
   however, he will take as many risks as he possibly can that youre ok with
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
   3 or 4, doing so many sports as a kid paid off because he has an insane amount of stamina. can go three rounds without even faltering, sometimes the fourth isnt possible cause he gets tired, but if hes REALLY horny he can go for four
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
   he owns none but you own a dildo and vibrator. he likes using them on you to tease you, and he likes watching them use them on yourself
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
   chris loves to tease but if he can see you arent feeling it he stops without you having to say anything (hes observed all your signs during and not during sex so he can read you like a book)
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
   sort of loud. if hes giving you backshots hes grunting and groaning but hes not being quiet about it, and if youre riding him, hes moaning and groaning and whining loud
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
   saw a tiktok about this couple doing a clone-a-willy, and very eagerly asked you if you would what that 😭 (clone-a-willy is this thing where you make a silicone mold of your dick and mail it to the company to make a dildo out of and they send it back)
X = X-ray (let's see what's going on under those clothes)
   CHRIS IS THICK. he isnt too long but the thickness makes up for it. definitely needs to stretch you before even thinking about putting his dick in you 😭
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
   9/10, dude is ALWAYS HORNY, but he knows when to be serious and can go from 9/10 to 0/10 real quick
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
   falls asleep so fast, but he would never let himself fall asleep before you were both back in bed and comfortable.
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⇥ TAGS !
@sturnioloshacker @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @hertvgirl @cupidzsq @sturnnie @leah-loves-lilies @billkaulitz0630 @sturniolololover @stqrnstars @cicicinquistausa @tylerthecreatorsrealwife
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sharkboywrites · 5 months
Um. Hi. Im currently going......through something right now. so if requests are open, can i maybe request Hurt/Comfort Ruggie or Ace with a male reader who currently found out that reader lost/is losing someone or something important to them?
It would help me a lot thanks. Um. have a nice day and dont force yourself to fufil my request. And remember to take care of yourself or take breaks (This is my first time requesting anything from anyone, so thats also why i sound nervous and kind of word vomit a little bit.)
Ruggie and Ace With a Male S/O: Losing someone important to them
A/N: Hi, sorry I took so long to get to this, I’ve been very busy. Around the time that I got this request I also lost someone close to me, so it kinda hits hard. Hope you’re doing well
Male reader, mentions of death/loss
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- Ruggie was doing his usual shenanigans, probably running errands for Leona, when he found you curled up by a tree in the courtyard
- At first he was hesitant to approach you. Maybe you were upset, maybe you were just trying to rest, maybe you hurt yourself
- When he did approach you he noticed that you were upset right off the bat
- Instead of immediately asking questions, he decided to sit by you instead, wrapping an arm around you, but only if you gave him permission to
- He waited until you were ready to explain what happened, and when you did he was upset for you
- He knows what loss is like, his life growing up in the Savannah wasn’t easy, and it was always a fear that sat in the back of his mind
- He isn’t exactly the best person at comforting, but he does his best
- He lets you lay on him, use him as support to lay on while he tells you it’s gonna be okay
- He won’t downplay it or pretend like nothings happened, in fact he’ll probably directly address it
- He’ll use the reality of what’s happening to try and calm you down. Yes it is happening, but there’s nothing either of you can do about it and while it takes time to heal, the world doesn’t stop moving
- He’ll give you all the comfort you want, and when you feel a bit better, he’ll offer to spend more time with you and go do something, like stealing food from the cafeteria
- He’s there for you when you need him, anything you want and he’ll be running to get it, and while his approach at comforting is a bit straight forward, he’s still doing his best and wants you to be okay
- Ace isn’t really the best at comforting
- He’s more of the teasing type, so when it suddenly comes to such a serious situation, he’s not exactly sure what to do
- He’s noticed that something’s wrong, the way you’ve been so distant lately
- You seem so tired and upset, barley having the energy for school let alone his nagging
- He does eventually ask you what’s wrong, still teasing but you can tell through the act that he’s genuinely concerned for you
- When you tell him, he’s not exactly sure what to do
- Like we said before, he’s not the best at comforting, he gives a few awkward “I’m sorry”s and “that’s terrible”s
- While he isn’t good with his words, he shows that he wants to support you through his actions
- He’ll buy you a snack or two, invite you to his basketball practice, or suggest you two go do something fun as a way to distract you
- Distraction is his go to, he just wants to make you feel better
- It doesn’t have to be anything big either, it can be hanging out and putting on a show to get your mind off it
- If you do end up getting worse, starting to cry, he will comfort you
- He’ll hold you and run his fingers through your hair while telling you that everything will be okay
- It’s a bit awkward, but he really does put in his best effort
- He may not be perfect when it comes to comforting you, but he’ll always be there for you in different ways, even if one of those ways is getting in trouble with Riddle because you broke a few rules
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sofia-cloud · 1 year
Hey!! Do u mind writing a spider noir x fem reader (they live in the same universe) where the reader and Peter are already dating but he decides to confess that he’s spider man to her? Btw i absolutely love ur work! Stay safe and make sure to take breaks <3 (also sorry if this Req doesn’t make any sense I tried my best to explain it 😭😭)
— love you more ᥫ᭡.
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- pairing: Spider-Noir x fem!reader
❀˖° contents: pure fluff, peter is so lovely, dating, hugging, praising, pet names.
❀˖° summary: reader and peter are dating since few months, then peter decides to tell reader his identity, there are alot of emotions going on through the story.
❀˖° notes: sorry if this too long but noir is something else ya know 𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒
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You and Peter have been dating for 2 months now, you are very comfortable with him and he is always comfortable with you.
Since yall date you do nothing but think about him, you can't get him out of your head, the way he talks to you, how he smiles at you, how he holds your hand when you go on a date, he was simply perfect for your eyes, your love for him grew more and more and didn't slow down.
One day he invited you to the movies with him, you accepted of course, you wanted to spend as much time as possible with him.
When you got to the cinema he hadn't arrived yet, maybe he was late you thought, but 15 minutes passed and there was no sight of him yet.
When you're almost resigned, you hear someone in the distance calling your name, you turn around to see who he is and it was Peter yelling at you to wait for him from afar.
“ 'm sorry, i had an unforeseen event and..” Peter said trying to catch his breath.
“Its okay, dont worry 'bout me, worry about the movie” you said as the movie had already started 20 minutes ago.
“I see, so you wanna go home or do you want to see another movie?” He told you with a sorry look, he really didn't want to be late on a date with you, but unfortunately his other life as a spider noir didn't give him any choices.
“Well, I want to spend time with you so it's okay if we see another movie” you replied by putting your hand on his shoulder smiling at him.
He nodded and then you entered the cinema.
“That was a good movie,” you said giggling a little and holding his hand.
“Yeah, it was for sure,” he replied with a smile back.
He accompanied you home while the sun was setting, you had spent a good time with him, and he also did with you.
The more time passes, the closer you get and feel that you have more and more feelings.
The dates continued, but it must be said that he arrived 70% of the time late, you didn't understand why he always arrives 15 or 20 minutes after the time you gave yourself, if it didn't suit him then he could tell you but he didn't.
Peter doesn't want you to think that for him you go in the background or that you're not important enough to him, unfortunately he doesn't decide when the city needs him, there is one and only spider noir in the world, and it was him.
Precisely for this reason, he thought a lot about the decision to tell you his identity, you were the person he trusts the most, and he can't keep hiding it from you, he doesn't want you to come up with bad ideas, he felt comfortable with you, he doesn't want to ruin the relationship you have created in these months.
At this point he prefers to let you know now, he doesn't want it to be too late to tell you.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
“Can I come over, my love?” He told you on the phone.
“Yeah sure, there's something wrong?” You answered him, noticing that he was nervous by his voice.
“I needa tell you something really important” he only answered you this and attacked.
What does he mean by this? Did something happen between us? Lately I see him a bit in his thoughts, maybe he wants to tell me the reason why he's been behaving like this lately. These were your thoughts when he told you this, you were afraid to know but you were also impatient, you wanted to know so bad the reason, but at the same time you were nervous.
“Sorry dove, I really need to go” he told you as he put his jacket back on and got out of his chair.
“But u said we'll go to-“ you tried to answer, a little disappointed with his behavior, but you were stopped by him,
“I promise one day i'll explain you everything, just remember that I love you” he told you softly as he stroked your cheek with his hand, then gave you a kiss in the head and said you goodbye.
Damn it, you couldn't get mad at him, he was so sweet and adorable with you, whatever he's going through you would have listened and tried to understand him, he's not the type to leave this way for nonsense, if he has to leave it will be for a good reason.
And he knew you trusted him, that you would wait for him, that you would give him time to confess everything to you, by now he no longer needed to say to leave, you understood him immediately when he made that sincerely sorry look.
“Love, i-“ he tried to tell you while you were having dinner at your house, he took a look at the window, he always gave a look at the window before leaving, you didn't understand why but it didn't matter.
“You can go babe” you told him as you smiled softly at him and put your hand on his arm.
There was no reason to get angry, you trusted him a lot, you know he would never lie to you, you know he would never let you down, that's why you didn't ask where he was going, you had to wait for him, you always tried to put him at ease and he did the same, your esteem for each other was very high.
“Youre the best” smiled back at you as you saw him walk out the door.
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The steps were fast, the breath accelerated, nervous look, sweaty hands and lost in the thoughts, am I really going to tell her that i am spider noir? How will she react? That I'm just a liar? A guy who deceives people for fun? These were Peter's thoughts on his way to your house, you were both agitated, you didn't know what the other would say and react, the fear was high but the patience is no less.
You heard three knocks on the door, got up quickly, opened the door and Peter had a nervous look in his face. He could say the same for you, he wanted to greet you but no sound came out of his throat, he kept telling himself to take courage.
“Hey, you good darling?” You said, noticing that he was nervous, so you tried to calm him down by putting one hand on his shoulder.
“Hi dove, yeah im good.. What 'bout you” he tried to create a normal conversation, hoping to improve the situation for whatever reaction you would have.
“Im great too, so are you gonna tell me?” You answered while you invited him to sit on the couch with you.
He accepted your request and sat down next to you, you looked at him, waiting for an answer, and the only one you wanted was a yes.
“Yeah, but promise me you won't be disappointed or angry with me love,” he told you, looking into your eyes in a deep, sweet voice towards you.
“Of course babe, ill never get mad at you, you know that” you said as you smiled softly to put him at ease, you weren't a touchy person, so you know you wouldn’t.
“Okay then.. you know when i kept going away without giving you a good reason, or when i arrived late at our dates? Well, theres a big reason, really big.” he communicated to you in a sincere and serious voice.
He was waiting for your reaction, with that he didn't want to worry, he meant that he would never send you into the background for something unimportant, you were too important to him, so he preferred to tell you now, hoping it wasn't too late.
“Love you know you can tell me everything and i will always understand you, whatever is the reason, even if is the craziest reason, ill always be on your side” you answered softly, damn if he loved you so much.
“Even the craziest reason? Even if im.. spider noir?” He didn't even know with what courage he said it, his heart accelerated the beat, waiting for some significant reaction from you.
“What?..” your reaction was shocked, but it wasn't clear whether it was positively or negatively shocked, so he kept saying,
“ i know you think im joking or lying but its the true, and i wanted to tell you now because i was scar-“ tried to say but was stopped by you,
“This is..” you kept looking at it with the same expression as before,
“Please trust m-“ was stopped a second time, when you suddenly hugged him, he opened his eyes wide at first, confused by your sudden gesture of affection, so it meant that you were neither angry nor disappointed , his heart began to calm down, and Peter found himself at ease so he returned the hug, still slightly confused.
“Amazing. This is amazing Peter” you said as you held him tighter against you.
“I love you more than anything, remember that.” he told you, as you continued to hug.
The next few months Peter and you were still in love if not more. Now that you know that he is spider noir, he often carries you in his arms, while admiring the city at night, Peter stopped over a skyscraper.
“The moon is beautiful, isnt it?” You said as the full moon lit up your face beautifully, you looked like an angel in Peter's eyes.
“But you're definitely prettier dove” he confessed to you as he sat on the edge of the skyscraper, you sat next to him, and rested your head on his shoulder.
“Love you, Peter.” you answered almost whispering,
“I love you more.”
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reblog and comment if ya like💓
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WIBTA for asking out my manager?
Hi there. Trust me this is a WIBTA and not just dating advice.
So I (35F) am basically working at my dream workplace. I cant say what exactly, because I know people follow this account there, but suffice to say its in a desirable industry with a lot of passionate folks, and while its a big (~150 people) place, there's an atmosphere of kindness and joy I've never seen anywhere else. I know a lot of you probably hate me for this, but I am truly aware how rare a workplace this is, and I am grateful. I dont take it for granted. Sometimes the work itself truly sucks, and the pay is outright atrocious, but when your coworkers have your back, it makes all the difference. They accept me even tho I'm trans, and when I've been sick or injured they make sure I'm taken care of. I feel like they are a family of sorts, and I've been working there for over a year now.
Anyways, this wonderful place is held up by a lot of wonderful people, but one in particular is my manager (30F). When I first got hired, I noticed she was cute, but more importantly she was welcoming and accepting. I set aside those feelings, of course, because its a workplace, but they havent gone away.
But lately, this all started to change. We now spend a lot of talking! We have lots of common interests, and there have been nights when both of us will stay for HOURS while the other works, just to chat about whatever! We even text a bit, even about not-work things. Sharing fandom stuff, whatever. The more and more we talked, the more I fell for her. I could hear her go on for days, even if its something I dont care about. Hell, she could read the dictionary and I'd be sitting there grinning because I get to hear her talk. I've got it bad! And then, a few weeks ago, she even brings up how she's given up on dating...but before I could ask more or say anything really, a coworker interrupted and the moment passed.
And here I am, weeks later, smitten like crazy. And I'd say "oh she obviously likes me, she sticks around for you, shares stuff with you" but she's like this with everyone. She's a bit airheaded honestly about it, I mostly find it endearing, but she could absolutely just be doing it because she talks like that to everyone. She's bisexual, and very pro-trans, so I dont think that would be an issue in any way.
But here's where the WIBTA part comes: I have told a couple other coworkers, and they brought up not only that its a dangerous move to date a manager, but also that it could hurt the workplace itself. I mean, this is a place where so many people get to have a joyful opportunity at life, and as I've said this is tremendously rare...what if I take up too much of this manager's time, and she cant be there for other workers? What if this manager gets fired for dating an underling, and gets replaced by someone awful? There's a whole lot of what-if's floating through my mind.
And then I start thinking, if I ask her out, wouldnt that be putting her in an awkward position? I mean if she doesnt like me, and has to turn me down, she still has to work with me, and I her. I can compartmentalize that, but...she might have more trouble. Is it selfish of me to even try, when I could just let well enough be? And on top of that, what did she mean by "giving up on dating"? It didnt sound like she was aromantic, just that she decided it wont happen, but maybe its just going to be a problem if I ask her out. It feels like the stakes of even asking her out are so high. So I keep chatting with her in hopes that I'll catch a lead, but...idk.
Anyways, I am primarily concerned with if it would be a dick move to anyone in my workplace, especially her, but genuinely I am just lost here. I've never dated anyone at a workplace, but like. The dating apps suck, and I dont think I've ever felt this way about anyone before. I've even thought about quitting or finding another workplace to make it an easier decision, but I feel like thats even worse; like it would put pressure on her to date me because I quit for her or something. So how about it? Should I keep my mouth shut, or is love truly worth all risks?
What are these acronyms?
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gojos-thot-patrol · 2 years
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Sukuna was a long forgotten God, one with only one true devotee left. And he would do anything to keep his high priestess safe.
NSFW God!Sukuna x HighPriestess!Reader. lots of religous refences and symbolism, heads up. also full of Mahito slander. an attempted (and failed) assult attempt. Blood kink if you squint. I believe thats it for TWs. 18+ only minors DNI, reader is AFAB and uses she/her. i wrote this while very very drunk. no beta reader, we die as men. no editor we die as fools.
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On the edge of the village, deep in the woods, across the river and past the graveyard, there stands a long forgotten temple. Though, “stands” is pretty generous these days if you were being honest with yourself. The temple had fallen into your family's care you don't even know how long ago. That record had long since been lost to time, as well as any record of the temple even standing, thanks to your 7 times great grandfather. Your family had at one point taken great pride in maintaining the temple, but, since sorcery came to your extremely small village and took over as the dominant religion, running a temple of any sort could have gotten you killed. 
And your family just so happened to worship Sukuna, a god deemed the worst of the worst by the sorcerers. It made maintaining the temple almost impossible. And with the death of your father, you were left as the last of your bloodline. The last person that would ever care for that holy ground. These are the thoughts that plagued your mind as you made the hike to what you genuinely considered to be your safe space. The place that your mind summoned when you closed your eyes and envisioned home. You grunted as you opened the door, noticing that it was starting to stick again. Yea, the winter was coming. That checked.
The only thing that stood truly tall in this church for a heretic was a 7ft tall marble statue, representing the visage of your god. At least you think it did. You’d never met the man (being?) personally. “I’m sorry I’m late my lord,” you muttered softly to the marble as you knelt by the altar in front of it. You’d taken to talking more casually to Sukuna these days. Despite being a literal God, he was the only being (entity?) you had ever felt comfortable talking to. “Mandatory worship ran late today, though, I suppose there's nothing new there.”
Despite the relationship a priestess should have with her deity, you had taken to almost considering Sukuna to be a friend of yours. Should you do that? Probably not. But, as far as you knew, you were the last person in the world that worshiped this God, and as far as you were concerned, that met you got to decide how best to honor him. 
You spoke freely with the god as you placed the offerings on his altar, a long ornate table with a plush velvety cloth running along its length. The offerings were nothing special. Some roses from your garden, a few gold you were able to spare, and some coffee. You had brought enough for 2 cups, enough to share. As you placed the offerings, you swore the statue behind the table warmed, the energy in it changing from cold stone to something with more life in it, as if Sukuna himself had awoken to spend yet another evening listening to you.
Of course, you had no way of knowing that was literally what was happening. It had become how Sukuna kept track of the days, marking each one with a visit from his high priestess. He watched from the statue's eyes as you curled up at its base with your coffee and a book. He noticed a cup next to him. 
“Oh, how cute.” he thought to himself, “We’re sharing coffee now…I used to kill people.” he groaned to no one, rolling his eyes inside the stone.  It annoyed Sukuna to no end how long it had been since he’d been summoned. It wouldn’t take much, her unshakeable faith in him had kept him relatively strong. A blood sacrifice was all he was asking. Any trivial reason would do, any excuse to escape this miserable marble. He resented your however many great grandfathers for burning the information on how to properly worship him.
“Mahito came to ask for my hand in marriage again today.” you told your god as you sipped your coffee.
“Oh, this fucking guy again.” Sukuna growled. That failed science experiment of a man had been harassing you for months now. “I’ll slaughter him for you. Just let me out of this marble hell.”
“He said I couldn’t keep denying him forever.”
“Yes you can.”
“I told him I very well could.”
“Then he told me that no one else in the village wanted me. And that if I keep this up I’d just die an old hag.” you sighed into your cup.
“I’d rather you die a hag than touch him.” Sukuna scoffed. He couldn’t imagine his last priestess being violated by that unloved rag doll. 
“I said better a hag than his wife. I’d rather cut my hand off than touch that breathing corpse.”
“Atta girl.” Sukuna smiled. He didn’t know if you felt his influence that strongly or if you were just inherently on the same wavelength as him. Whatever the case was, He couldn’t remember liking any of his other followers quite as much as he liked you. Not that he’d ever admit it. For him, an immortal god of war and death, to care for a mortal was disgraceful at best and a sin unto itself at worst. Still, he knew a part of him would mourn you when your inevitable last breath escaped you. 
“Honestly my lord, every day I come just a little bit closer to faking my death and running to live the rest of my life here, away from the village.” you announced, agitation lacing your voice. Honestly, Sukuna wasn’t against the idea. At least then he’d always have you near. “I know it’s my duty to bear children so your worship continues after I'm gone, but the men in this village are truly insufferable my Lord! Couldn’t you send me just a half decent one? I’ll settle for one that showers!”
Yeaa, that wasn’t really in Sukuna’s wheelhouse. Besides, He’d given up long ago on his worship being continued after you were gone anyway. He wished he would find a way to tell you that. That he’d rather have no followers than a follower that came from any of those filthy fucks touching you. He thought for a moment, then summoned what he hoped was a sign. 
“Oh! A spider friend!” you laughed as you noticed a garden spider crawling up your leg. You took it in your hand, knowing Sukuna was historically considered the father of spiders due to his many arms and eyes. “I must have said something you liked, hmm?” you purred, gently placing the friend at the statue's base. “Does this mean you will send me someone?”
Sukuna decided that signs were utterly ineffective against humans, because everytime he sent one they fucked it up. He’d have to just spell it out for her. And he would! If she would just SUMMON HIS CORPOREAL FORM, FOR FUCKS SA-
“Oh dear, it’s getting late isn’t it? “ you muttered, packing up your things. “I should return home…” you never wanted to. As far as you were concerned, this was home. Here, in the woods you grew up in, hidden by the walls you had entered every day since you came to age, next to possibly the last idol of your god left in the world. But, sadly, if you choose to just up and leave, people would look for you. And you couldn’t risk them coming here. 
“Goodbye, my lord.” you muttered, moving around the altar, stretching on your tip toes and still only managing to kiss his sculpted robes. You chuckled to yourself. The sculpture was so nice, even all these years later you still expect the cloth to give at your touch. 
“Goodbye Y/n.” Sukuna sighed as he watched you ready yourself to leave. So ends another day. You gathered your things and made your way back to your little cottage at the edge of your village. 
The walk back to your place was as uneventful as ever. It was peaceful even. The moon was full and bright, lighting your way easily through the dark woods, and you didn’t even feel a little spooked when you passed through the graveyard. But, that wasn’t really anything new. You always felt more confident after visiting Sukunas altar. It may have sounded crazy to others (I mean, it sounded a little crazy to you,) but you swore you could feel your Gods protection as you walked home.
That was until your cottage came into view. You didn’t know why at first, but when it came into view your blood turned to ice. Your body instinctively stopped, knowing the danger before your brain did. Why were you so scared? Then it hit you. The lights were on inside. You never leave the lights on when you leave your home. Hell, you barely had the lights on when you were home, they were far too bright and you could think of nothing more opposed to your soul than sitting with them on when they didn’t need to be. That's what candles and table lamps were for, not the main light.
So then why the fuck was the main light on? Your body went into defense mode, which..was honestly just the symptoms of a panic attack coming on. Your mouth became a desert, your stomach threatened a violent revolt, and your heart decided to run a marathon. You could feel spiders crawling up your spine, as if they were telling you to walk away. Don't go in there, return to the safety of your shrine. But when you touched your spine, you found nothing there. 
Your entire being was shouting at you to turn around, That that house held something dangerous inside. But you had never been one to listen to your instincts. And you had contraband in there. Journals filled with your day to day activities. Including your worship habits. Confessional after confessional sat on a bookshelf in your living room. How could you have been so foolish? You mentally apologized to your ancestors for being angry at them with burning ancient texts, and ran to your demise. 
You honestly should have been less surprised by what you found. “Oh, Y/n. You're home.” Mahito greeted you, looking up from one of your many journals as you walked into your living room. Your eyes didn’t meet his though. You were more focused on the knife shining in his free hand. That didn’t come from your kitchen. Why did he have it? Mahito was more than annoyed now. He was standing in your home and yet you still had the audacity to ignore him? He closed the book with a soft thud and stood up from your couch, walking over to you.
Suddenly, you were forced to make eye contact with his cold mismatched eyes. He had grabbed you by your cheeks and forced you to look at him, his grip tightening as you struggled to move away. “My my Y/n…look at the mess you’ve gotten yourself into now.” he sighed.
“Let me go!” you demanded. He pulled you closer.
“But I can't do that dollface. You’ve been practicing curse worship! I should report you to the church, you know that right?” he faked a sigh, his voice dripping with pity, but his eyes enjoying your pain a little too much.
“No! You wouldn’t do that! You hate the church as much as I do!” you gasped as he brought the knife to your face.
“No, you’re right. I wouldn’t, and I do. It would be much more efficient to just kill you myself, then show your diaries to the church as a defense.” you hated the fact that he’d get away with your murder by showing the church leaders some bound paper, but..it was still a fact that he would.
“Mahito, please..” you whimpered.
“Please what doll? Make a deal with you?” he asked, pulling your body unwillingly closer to his. He nestled the cool steel of his hunting blade into your cheek, and became all too preoccupied with your chest. “We could do that..but of course, I’m going to want something for my silence..”
Oh, fuck that! If you were going to die anyway, you were gonna die fighting. You Violently shook your head, freeing your face from his grasp and cutting your cheek in the process. You reached up and grabbed his knife by the blade, not even feeling it slice your hand open as you rammed your forehead into his nose. The pain that pulsed through Mahitos skull in electric waves forced him to stumble back.  
“You fucking cunt!” he roared, regaining his balance. But, you were already out the door, running for your life to the woods. When nowhere else was safe, your shrine was.  You could hear Mahito stumbling after you, determined to finish what he started. You began to pray with everything you had that you’d at least survive the night. Not that you needed to. The moment you had felt you were in danger, Sukuna had been hyper aware of you. 
In his current state though? His hands were all but tied. All he could do was will you to his side, and hope the temple would scare him off. He watched as you burst through the temple door, almost knocking it off of its old hinges in your desperation. His outlook on the situation greatly approved as he saw the crimson dripping from you. 
“My lord!” you yelled despite yourself, running to the shrine. 
“Look at you, you pathetic wench! Calling out for a god that doesn't even exist!” Mahito yelled as he entered the temple behind you. You fell onto the table, your bleeding face and hand in the offering altar. “And now, you’re going to die here, screaming for help that won’t come!”
“Sukuna!” you yelled, not entirely sure why. It seemed to work though. While normally there was supposed to be more showmanship and bravado involved with summoning Sukunas corporeal form, he’d make an exception all things considered. The candles in the temple all went out as an ice cold wind blew through the thin walls, and lighting cracked the sky, so violently even Mahito had to pause to take notice.
The very foundation of your small temple began to shake, causing the roof to rain down spackle. You covered your head with your arms, blocking the view. “What the, who the fuck are you!?” you heard Mahito yell in confusion as the smell of pine and iron filled the room,
“I’m the God that doesn’t even exist.” a rough unknown yet familiar voice said. It was like a poisonous honey, sweet with the promise of death. “And you're in my temple. Harassing my high priestess. And I can not let that slide.” No fucking way. You thought to yourself. You opened your eyes to see the back of an impossibly tall, muscular man. He was covered in tattoos, with too pretty to be on him pink hair. Oh, and he had four arms.  Is that?..
“Oh, are you now?” Mahito asked, ever the incredulous one. “Well then, what are you going to do about it?!”
“I’m going to kill you.” Sukuna said, deciding that sugar coating it would be a disservice to both of them. I guess Mahito didn’t see that the man in front of him was seven feet tall, or that he had four arms. Or maybe Mahito forgot this was a Sukuna fic, and he was the villain. We don’t know what went through his head. What we do know is he ran at Sukuna, knife up ready to kill. He didn’t get very far though. Sukuna grabbed him by the throat the moment he was in arms reach.
“You don’t listen very well, do you punk?” Sukuna asked as the small man struggled for air in his hands. “I didn’t expect you to. My priestess has told me all about your refusal to take no for an answer.” Sukuna pulled Mahito close to him, getting a good look at his face. He was far less than impressed. “I don’t like it when others try to play with things that are mine. And you’re notorious for that.”
His claws dug deeper, drawing blood. Sukuna watched as horror filled the blue haired man’s eyes, and it sent a rush of blood straight to his head. He grinned. Gods, he missed this. “Not only that, but after harassing my girl, you come to my temple and disrespect me. I was going to make this quick at first,” no, he wasn't. “But now? I think I’ll take my time.”
You covered your eyes again as your God got to work, not wanting to see his bloody creative process. Mahitos screams were unlike anything you had ever heard before or would ever hear since. The sounds of someone begging for mercy, then for help, then for death is a sound that becomes etched into the human soul. You wanted to feel bad for him, but you couldn’t help but feel like he deserved it. 
It felt like hours before the man had finally fallen silent. In the quiet aftermath, you heard footsteps coming toward you. “Are you hurt?” the man (being? entity?..deity?) from before asked, noticeably less edge in his voice. You felt a heavy hand rest on your shoulder, and you finally opened your eyes. “It’s..it’s really you.” you muttered softly. Sukuna gave a sly grin.
“In the flesh,” he confirmed. You quickly remembered your place under him, and scrambled to your knees to pray. You..should have taken worship waaayyy more seriously than you had. 
“Oh, don’t do that.” Sukuna scoffed. You had been far too casual with him in the past to start doing shit like that now. It felt unnatural. “Look at me Y/n.” he demanded. You were not one to refuse an order when given to you by a god. You looked up at him with giant doe eyes that would have pulled on his heartstrings if he had one. He inspected your cheek, brushing the blood away with his thumb. Disgust filled his blood as he realized someone else had left their mark on his shrine maiden. But, at least they did a shit job of it. It wouldn’t scar.
“Hand” he said, extending his own. You placed your injured hand palm up in his clawed one. He inspected the cut, maybe a little longer than he really needed too. It always fascinated him the way humans bleed and how easily they did so. That liquid crimson gave them life, and yet they were always so quick to lose it. He brought your palm to his surprisingly soft lips, kissing the wound gently. And bringing you to your feet. Your blood tasted sweet to him. He wondered what else tasted sweet.
For the first time you got a good look at the deity you had been worshiping. He looked at you with four maroon eyes, burning into yours. Your heart skipped a beat and you couldn’t help but mentally compare him to a puppy. Ok, well, maybe not a puppy. More like a fighting dog. All of his features held the pain of war, his clenched jaw, his muscular body, the way his very presence demanded and commanded fear, the cold steel he held in his eyes. Even so, beyond all that cold steel and rage, his eyes held a softness you had no way of knowing was reserved for you.    
“Thank you.” you whispered, finally finding your breath. You forced yourself to look away from Sukuna.
“For what?” he asked, though he already knew your answer. 
“For, well..I mean..” you vaguely gestured over to the pile of red goo formerly known as Mahito.
“Killing him?” Sukuna asked, raising a sculpted eyebrow at you.
“Yea..” you gulped, looking over at the massacre, then down. They were gonna need a sponge to get him into his funeral… “You took care of a major problem for me..”
“I know.” It was like you had forgotten all those conversations you had with him. Or you didn’t realize he heard them all, even through the thick barrier of the marble. “Don’t be confused mortal, I didn’t do this just for you. He was a  problem for me too.” you suddenly felt embarrassment explode in your chest.
“O-oh, of course! How silly of me to think that a divine being would sully their hands just for me, I think I must forget myse-”
“Stop that.” Sukuna tsked, shutting you up instantly. “Were you not listening earlier mortal? He was a problem for me because he wanted to possess you. And I don’t like it when entitled fucks try to touch what’s mine.”
Oh. He considered you to be his property. You supposed that checked out. You had dedicated your life to him after all. “I just..I can’t believe you're real.” You muttered despite yourself. That almost offended Sukuna.
“That so? So tell me then, do all humans make a habit of bringing their imaginary friends offerings, or are you just the odd one out here Y/n?”
“Oh, come on, you’re a God! You know that's not what I meant!” you argued, forgetting that it wasn’t your friend you were arguing with, but a literal god of death, destruction, ruin and war. Someone that could tear you asunder with just a flick of their wrist. “I ment like…I can’t believe you're here and well…real! In the flesh! Something corporeal that I can touch and not just a distant entity..”
Sukuna was smirking at your little outburst. This is how he loved you. When you forgot where you stood before him. “I assure you darling, I’m real.” he promised, amusement leaking into his voice.
“But you shouldn’t be.” You reminded him, “So, It’s hard to believe..” your body froze as you realized Sukuna was walking closer to you. He stood mere centimeters away from you. You felt suddenly overwhelmed with his presence, he was suffocating, filling your senses with nothing but him. A divine sense of warmth and a blood chilling sense of dread and danger. He leaned down, his face so close you could feel his hot breath wash over you.
“Do you want me to prove to you just how real I am?” he asked. Your brain couldn't register the question. You were too focused on mentally tracing the lines on his face.
“I-I..” you mutter, looking for words other than may I please see your cock my lord, I want to see if it’s tattooed as well.
“I-I-I,” Sukunas mocking forced you back into focus, “What’s wrong pet? Deity got your tongue? What happened to all that tough talk from earlier?” Sukuna cooed mockingly.
“Would it be sacrilegious if I touched you, my Lord?..” you muttered softly, your mouth spitting out words your brain gave it no permission too. Sukuna grinned, your words going straight to his dick. 
“Oh, most definitely.” He promised, closing the gap between you two. His hands found your hips, rubbing circles into them with his thumbs as he pulled you closer to him. His touch sent static to your core. “I'm no fertility God, fucking isn’t typically allowed in my temple.” fucking. He said it as an insult. “In fact, the very act of you lusting for me like this is considered sacrilegious.”
You felt dirty. You should have known better. Fantasizing about a supreme being in their own temple, how shameless were you? Not to mention self absorbed, thinking a God would be intimate with a lowly mortal like you. You suddenly become hyper aware of his every touch.
“But, I’ll make an exception for my favorite shrine maiden.” he purred into your ear, his head dipping down to kiss your neck, one of his unoccupied hands coming up to move your head to give him more room to work with. If his touch was static, then his kiss was pure lighting. Any thoughts that you shouldn’t be doing this melted from your mind as you relaxed into his arms. A soft purr escaped your lips, bringing a grin to his face.
His last free hand moved in between the two of you, finding the waistband of your skirt. A small gasp left your mouth as he slipped his clawed hand under it, using said claw to cut a slit in your underwear right where your folds are. You felt your heart race with anxiety and excitement as he ran his long fingers along your slit. 
“So needy, aren't you pet?” he groaned softly. “I’ve barely even touched you and you're already dripping for me. So cute.” He mocked, his finger brushing against your nub. You whimpered softly, trying to move your hips for more friction, but his hands held you still. Curse him for having four arms, and curse your monsterfucking heart for being so into it.
“All for you..” you muttered softly, “Please...I-I need your touch my Lord..” Embarrassment burned you as you spoke. “I beg..” Your words went straight to Sukunas already hardening cock. The way you whined for him, like a desperate sinner begging for forgiveness. As if his touch and his touch alone could save you from damnation, when in reality, it was your one way ticket to hell. 
Sukuna moved your head so he could get a better look at your still bleeding cheek, licking the blood away as he finally began to massage your swollen clit. Ecstasy pulsed through you as you moaned out your god's name. “You like that, don't you Heathen?” Sukuna taunted you, adjusting to slip his finger inside you, rubbing his thumb against your nub. You nodded dumbly, focusing on how he seemingly instantly found your G spot. “It’s so good..” you muttered.
Sukuna held back a laugh. Of course it was good. He knew your body better than any mortal man ever would, before he even touched you. He slipped another digit into your weeping pussy, forcing a moan from you. “Look at me Y/n.” He demanded. You forced your eyes open, unsure when you even closed them. You stared into his molten crimson eyes, an intensity drilling into your soul that forced you into submission. 
Sukuna licked his lips as he stared into your tear pricked eyes, watching you desperately try to keep it together while he pumped his fingers into you. You looked even better than he ever could have imagined. And you we’re only going to look prettier the more fucked out you got. He caught your lips in a kiss, his tongue slipping into your mouth before you could even register what was happening. 
You moaned softly into his kiss, losing yourself in him. He was all consuming. His lips were soft and plump, his fingers moved with expert skill, between the electric storm forcing your toes to curl and the fiery passion that filled your head with smoke, you forgot everything that wasn’t Sukuna. You could feel a knot forming in your stomach, threatening to break. His thumb focused on your clit, switching from lazy half circles to massaging with precision and purpose. A moan ripped out of your lungs and you felt your breathing become more labored. 
“Sukuna, I-I’m,”
“I know you are.” Sukuna growled, focused on bringing you over the edge. He could feel the way your walls clenched around him, the way you gushed around his claws. The sound was obscene. “Cum for me darling,” he ordered, his mouth latching onto your neck to leave evidence of his ownership there.
It was as if your body didn’t know how not to follow the deity's command. The knot inside you snapped, waves of pleasure crashing into you and pulling you under as your cunt convulsed around his fingers. His name ripped its way out of your lungs as ecstasy shot through you, your vision turning white hot. Sukuna finger fucked you through your high, feeling his dick ache for you as he watched your blissed out face contour with pleasure.
“That's it slut,” he purred, “Cum all over your god.” you whimpered as your body finally relented, letting you look up at him. You’d never cum that hard on your life. Was this what it was like to be intimate with divinity? He removed his fingers from your dripping pussy and sucked them clean, humming in satisfaction. “You taste just as good as I thought you would.” he praised. 
“Thank you my lord..” You muttered, unsure what else to do here. 
“Oh, I’m not done with you yet, Pet.” Sukuna laughed. “I've waited for centuries to be summoned into my physical form, and I’ve waited far too long to fuck you to let you tap out now.” He chuckled darkly. He should be more embarrassed, frankly, That he was a God, a being of pure divinity and holy spite, that was desperately lusting for a human. But he was also the last of his kind. Who the hell was there for him to be embarrassed for? “On your knees, slut.” He growled.
You feel to your knees without having to even think about it. It was honestly your natural position in this holy temple. Sukuna looked down at you, on your knees, your head bowed before him, as if in the middle of prayer. It made his already impossibly hard cock twitch, desperate to sully you even further. It was times like these Sukuna wondered if he was really a god or just a demon parading around like one. 
Doesn't matter. He rid himself of his robe, finally freeing his straining cock. “Look up.” He commanded you. You did so, your eyes filling with shock as you came face to face with the cock that was going to ruin you. Your innocent eyes widened as you forced yourself to look away from his dick and make eye contact with the devilish deity. He looked down at you with dark eyes.
“Don’t be so frightened. You can handle this.” He assured you, grabbing the back of your head and urging you to take him in. you licked your lips and wrapped your mouth around him, determined to please your god. Sukuna had a pretty cock, long and far thicker than you would have expected. And yes by the way, it was tattooed, just like the rest of his body. You sucked on his leaking pink tip, your hands moving to massage the prominent vein on his shaft. You moved to take as much of him in your mouth as possible, your hand handling (ha) everything that wouldn't fit. 
Sukuna tangled his clawed hands into your hair, his hips rutting into your mouth and hitting the back of your throat. You gagged around him, pulling a satisfied moan from Sukunas lips. You could feel the intensity of his eyes drilling down into you. You imagined this is what a bunny felt like when spotted by a wolf. You willed your eyes to look up at him, and felt ice run down your spine and straight to your soaking cunt. All four of his eyes were blown to hell with lust, a burning need to touch you in ways no mortal ever had before. If he had it his way, you’d be addicted to ‘worship’ before the night was over.
“That's right pet, just like that.” he praised you, before very abruptly slamming his entire length into you, forcing you to gag around him. “Your mouth feels so good princess,” He cooed, looking down as tears began to stream from your face. You’d think that may have slowed him down, but in reality it had the very opposite effect. Sukuna had never seen anything sexier. It set an explosion off in his blood and mind. He was suddenly done playing.
He pulled you off his cock, groaning at the sight. You looked up at him with a tear stained face, confusion in your red eyes, a string of spit connecting your puffy lips to his cock. He wanted to paint a picture of the scene and hang it in a museum. Wanted to frame the work of art and hang it in every temple that had ever been dedicated to him. He pulled you off the floor and into his arms, carrying you to the sturdiest wall his temple had left.
“M-my lord?..” you asked weakly. His touch burned your body in all the most exquisite ways. The feeling of being touched and desired by that was untouchable was forever engraved into your mortal flesh. He pushed you up against the wall, two arms holding you up and two arms ripping off your blouse. “M-my lord,” you tried again, “Should we really-”
You were cut off by an absolutely sinful moan ripping from your throat as Sukuna's mouth wrapped around your hardening nipple. His now free hands we’re bunching your skirt around your hips, finishing the job from earlier and ripping your panties in 2. Anxiety and excitement exploded in your chest as you felt the tip of his cock glide along your folds. Two hands continued to hold you up, one finding your exposed breast and massaging it while the final hand intertwined itself with your injured palm. Salt from sweat filled your open wound, stinging it and spilling blood into his own hand.
“Beg for me Princess.” He demanded, teasing your entrance with the head of his dick.
“Please! Please fuck me Sukuna!” you panted out, trying to grind your hips down onto him, desperate for any friction. A desire unlike any you had ever known overtook you. “Please! Fuck me, I need it. Leave your mark on me, fill me, do whatever you want to me, but please I need your cock inside me.”
Sukuna would be lying if he said he wasn’t a little taken aback by just how vulgar his little shrine maiden could get. He’d also be lying if he said he wasn’t beyond into it. “Look at me.” He demanded, holding your gaze as he finally lowered you onto his throbbing cock, pulling you down to his hilt. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as he split you open in the most delicious way. Your head back as you savored the burn he sent through you. 
“You’re so fucking tight.” Sukuna groaned, burying his face into the crook of your neck as he lost himself in your warm velvety walls. He would have cum right then and there if he was any closer to mortality than he already was. “I’m going to mold this cunt to my cock.” He said, pulling back just to slam you right back down onto him. He set a ruthless pace, slow yet hard. He wanted to take every moment of you that he could. You moaned out his name as a broken prayer, dragging your nails down his back to try and ground yourself in reality. Nothing was real about this.
“‘So good…” you moaned, unable to form words.
“I know.” He chuckled darkly, quickly deciding his favorite version of you was the fucked out one. “What kind of god would I be if I couldn't please my priestess?” he hummed, littering marks wherever he could on your neck. He squeezed your thighs tight enough to leave bruises, and made sure to brush your g spot with every stroke of his cock. An unholy symphony of your sounds filled the once holy temple.
You could feel your skin heating up as electricity coursed through your blood. You lost sight of everything that wasn’t the divine cock punishing your pussy for every sin you had ever committed. You tangled your free hand into his hair. Trying and failing to catch your breath as a now familiar knot formed inside your abdomen. 
“Fuck, Y/n,” Sukuna moaned, catching your lips with his. “You’re taking me so well, it’s almost like this cunt was made for me. What do you think Pet?” He asked with a particularly hard thrust to your cervix. You nodded without thinking.
“Yes! Yes, lord, yes!” you moaned breathlessly. Sukuna grinned, looking down at you through half lidded eyes.
“I was hoping you’d agree.” he moaned, his hand slitting itself in between the two of you and rubbing calculated circles into your clit. You screamed out his name at the added stimulation, so close to the edge it hurt. 
“Oh God, I- fuck..” You spoke through broken moans.
“Look at you, calling for me like a whore when I'm right here.” Sukuna mocked, “Still doubting if Im real or not?” if you could have formed a thought, you would have said ‘no my lord, not any more.’ but at that moment, your brain only had one thought.
“I’m gonna cum! Gonna cum, please, let me cum-” you begged for him.
“Cum for me darling.” He moaned, basking in the way you came undone around him. The way your pussy squeezed him was divine, your legs locking him in place as he rocked into you, helping you ride out your right. He was lost in the way you felt, your pleasure the greatest offering he’d been given. Euphoria and ecstasy washed over you in intense waves, so much so you thought you might suffocate. It was overwhelming in all the best ways. 
Sukuna felt you gushing around him and couldn’t hold himself back anymore. He came undone, spilling his divinity into you in white hot spurts. Your fluids mixing together as Sukuna fucked his holy seed back inside you, riding out both of your highs.
You went limp in his arms, his head rested on your shoulder as you both struggled to catch your breath. “My god..” you muttered softly.
“Yes?” Sukuna asked with a light chuckle. You softly hit his shoulder, as if that was going to do anything. He pulled out of you, letting the warm fluids drip down your legs. He adjusted your position in his arms. Holding you bridal style as he walked you over to his altar, arguably the most comfortable place in his table. He laid you down as if you were an offering to him, holy and sacred in your own right. 
He chuckled when he saw you reach out for him. He was going to ignore you, but cuddled up beside you on the table despite himself. He couldn’t get enough of your mortal warmth.  It was comfortable having you in his arms. He could get used to this. How bad could fucking your last devotee be anyway? He liked this.
“The townspeople are going to surely ask about Mahito.” you muttered. You had to ruin it, didn’t you?
“Don’t worry about them darling.” Sukuna muttered, pulling you closer to him in hopes of lulling you to sleep. 
“How can I not, my lord?” you asked with those innocent eyes Sukuna was growing to love and loath.
“Because in the morning I’m going to burn your village to the ground with everyone in it.” Sukuna didn’t mince words. You were his follower, you knew what he was about.
“Oh, I see.” you nodded, not bothering to talk him out of it. You didn’t want to talk him out of it.
“Yes. so get some sleep Darling. We’ve got a big day tomorrow.” he said, pulling you into his chest, keeping you more than warm while you slept.
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vipersiia · 2 years
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i have recently joined the bloomic discord and talked abt xyx, with,,, so many people and here r my headcanons, there are,,, a Lot of them and they are so so so fluffy i promise
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OKAY SO FIRST OF ALL - he has such a thing for petnames, and will Melt if u reciprocate
absolute pro at not being able to take what he can dish out, dont fret though, he absolutely builds a tolerance
ironically uses terrible pet-names in public, if you use some on him he Will make it a competition and he Will win ("snookums here wants a refund on this." "yes sorry, mcdreamy here said it didn't look good on me" "oh schmoopy , how you wound me i did not sa that")
xyx is such a people-pleaser, so he Knows what you like and what you don't, he'll keep an eye on your expressions subtly ("hey babe why is there so much snack you really like in our pantry?" "it was on sale!")
he will Spoil you, he's not the type to spend a lot of money on himself but on You?? oh you better watch out
still careful with his money but if you're eyeing that bag, or pair of shoes, or poster, he will buy it for you.
even if you off-handedly comment wanting something, expect it in your arms Soon ("i saw this really cool poster at the mall today?" "oh really? what did it look like doll?" "it was like, of my favourite character holding their love interest" "oh thats very cool" schemes)
will absolutely do the evil villain chair in dark thing with Cat if you come home late ("i've been,, expecting you" "babe its 1 am what are you doing up?")
he knows your favourite drink, exactly how you like it, and it tastes perfect everytime. YOU NEVER TOLD HIM EITHER, he just had you try a buncha things and watched your reactions ("hey love, im trying out a new recipe, wanna try?" "of course!")
dont think about it but seeing him playing with cat, watching the muscles in his arm flex??? him Noticing you noticing and flexing a lil harder, before going all out, Cat meowing indignantly over his bicep???
stop thinking about xyx coming home from work, seeing you and Cat cuddling on the couch?? being so in love that he scored someone as amazing as you?? he is just, so so so, in love with you at the moment?? that he just, comes over, picking u both up and twirlin you around. Cat immediately, outraged bats him the face but he doesn't notice because you're giggling so hard rn
if he's meeting your parents??? ohhh be prepared, he is such a smooth talker and hes Proud. He comes in, nicest most neutral cologne, nice powersuit, a subtle chain necklace with your initial???
he is All smooth talk, keepin an eye out for any cues of like or dislike on topics, always complimenting whoever cooked
when getting to the Interrogation? oh he's Ready ("so what do you do for a living" "oh well i work as a lawyer, it makes me elated to be able to provide for mc like i can" "nice, nice" *visibly impressed*)
the car ride home after??? oh he is Menace, he is all grins, puffin out his chest like a bird ("doll they loOoooveee me" "did you see that? arent you proud love?") you're gonna have to keep saying yes but its okayyy because you're both sickeningly in love with eachother
him being hella cheesy, tellin u one day ("hey doll, i bet i can hold the entire universe in my hands" "what??") and immediately cupping your face??? pulling you into a soft kiss??
you keeping that in ur mind,,, ready to strike back?? sitting on the couch with him laying between them, cheek pressed into your thigh as you both play with Cat? when Cat leaves, leaning down and cupping his face in your hands??? ("you are so gorgeous babe") and he goes Red (mc - 1 / xyx - 4million), his breath Stops.
leaning down to kiss him??? catching him even more off-guard?? absolute knock-out. he tries so hard to play it off ("ill never be as gorgeous as you doll") but being sooo off his game? so caught off guard??
a sunshower happening, cue you, dancing in the rain like a madman??? him coming over and seeing you?? glad u cant see him because he is Positive he looks so sappy rn. eventually meeting his eye?? running up to him and grabbing him by the hand?? leading him into the rain?? he immediately takes over the dance, spinnin and twirlin you around.
pulling you into his arms?? arms resting on your hips as you grab him by the face?? pulling him into a kiss???? laughter breaking out between you two, as he peppers your face in kisses??
doing research on filipino wedding customs, finding out that you traditionally ask the parents for their blessing
ASKING XYX'S PARENTS FOR THEIR BLESSING?? going over to their house for a dinner plan, getting him distracted and asking his parents for their blessing??? planning the wedding with them??? burning the unity candle?? the rice toss?? the money dance???
at the altar, can't even get though the first line of his vows before he cries ( "and i, xyx tak-" *literally sobbing*)
DOING HARANA FOR HIM??? getting all the members of the bloomic server to participate, as you sing his praises? good at singing or not he is so choked up in giggly, hands over face ugly bawling
lighting the unity candle with him is a whole ordeal, neither of you can stay still long enough to keep the flame steady, almost lighting the tablecloth on fire
him holding you as close as you can fit against him?? teary eyed all over again because wow, he cant believe that you really wanted to marry him??
post first dance, as the night wanes, hiding behind the couples table, on the floor, in his arms??? as he feeds u mango sticky rice and vice versa???
sayin sum cheesy shit like ("oops i missed a spot, hold still love") before leaning in for a kiss??? not realizing the photographer AND videograper saw this and got it all in 4k??
the discord prompts that inspired me, thank u i luv u all(real)
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sirenjose · 5 months
So I've been really into your analysis lately and I'm a huge fan now, wanted to ask some questions, feel free to not answer any
1- what was your favourite idv story/event to analyze?
2- your least fav of the latter?
3- are you into anything else besides idv?
4-how do you find the motivation to analyze stuff? I've tried before and it was very draining :')
Thanks for your time, hope you have a lovely day
I'm very happy to hear you're enjoying yourself despite my own low opinion about much of what I put out. I'll do my best to answer!
Hmm I always dislike picking favorites because I'm bad at picking eheh... But the ones I liked most... I honestly enjoy T&I and COA (1-5) even more than the main story. So I think I might pick... Atropos' Ropes for T&I and for COA, thats harder... 3-5 are my faves but I might pick 4 just because of how it felt it had the most story/details given than all the rest. Even the *SONG* had story. I loved it.
Least fave, eh... Orfeo and Zinaida immediately come to mind, though Orfeo I'd say was worse... COA 1 is another primarily because of how DIFFICULT it was for me to figure it out enough to put together an analysis. And I had to rewrite that thing at LEAST 3 times to the point I'm just hoping it's good enough and leaving it alone. Time of Reunion I think is another that comes to mind, mainly because I didn't appreciate how they treated Norton in there, especially in the videos (but at least those aren't canon like the in-game event was). So based on all that, I might say Orfeo if I really had to pick 1. Then rank ToR 2nd and Zinaida/COA1 3rd.
FF14 and Honkai Star Rail especially I'm playing actively these days, but I honestly like a lot of stuff. Like Persona (espeially 4), 999 aka Zero Escape, and Star Ocean Til the End of Time. Least in terms of games.
Hmm... Maybe because the 1st reason I play a game is because of the story, and gameplay is always 2nd to me. If the story and characters are good, that gets me interested. Issue with IDV is we only get bits and pieces. Really need to look deeper to really understand some of the characters. I actually only started analyzing because I challenged myself (partially out of curiosity for the answer) to see if I could prove if Norton wasn't as evil as people thought (based on all the comments I saw when I 1st joined the fandom a long while ago). From there, there was Jose who I wanted to analyze because he honestly had so many plot holes I couldn't (and still can't completely) solve. So I get the most enjoyment analyzing something that doesn't have a clear answer. Which is why I don't always post for every letter. A big part of it is I enjoy history and culture and such, so it's fun for me to learn about different foods, or time periods, or how bad the environment was for miners or sailors back in the day, etc... I dont think I have an easy answer (I can see I'm rambling). Norton I actually only began to like because I was spending so long working on my 1st analysis for him (and my perfectionism made me analyze all of Norton's essences before i could call it finished). Jose was because I love Captain Hook, and then after because of the plot holes that bothered me. Then for others, I think I enjoy making analyses to... try to sometimes change people's opinoions/beliefs. Like with Margaretha or Vera. With Edgar was because I was more interested in his story and him as a character only once I put together all his lore. Sort of goes on from there. I could ramble on but I'm going to get even more guilty. I hope this helps somewhat, but let me know if it doesn't and I'll keep going. Maybe the simple is A) I like history/culture/research, B) I like to convince people that certain characters arent as evil as they think or change beliefs I think aren't quite accurate, C) I like solving puzzles and I love story, D) I already think too hard about literally everything, and combined with my perfectionism, we get analysis
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ayoharuko · 7 months
Valentines with Him! Part 2: Xavier
Hello! Welcome to part 2 of Valentines with Him! This time make way for our not so innocent boi. Xavier!
If you haven't read part 1: Click this - Valentines with Zayne!
Reader here is Female! (She/Her)
I hope you guys enjoy your time with Xavier~!
Reminder: The character belongs to INFOLD/ its respective creators; this is all just fictional work so please try to not take these too seriously :)
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“Are you sure you wanna make a min cake for Y/n?” A girl with brown hair asked as she nervously stares at the boy standing in front of her.
“Mhm…I wanna make something special for Y/n this once..” He said and Tara sighed….guess he was very much lovesick for her bestie; And so, the baking lesson had began..and ended in tragedy- ahem ahem I mean…it ended in an ambivalenttype of way.
It was 2 days before Valentines day, you and Xavier had taken a day off on that day and had made plans for it, but you've noticed a few things about Xavier these past few days.
“Tara and I were assigned to an assignment together…is that alright with you? He asked a few days prior and you had agreed it was fine since Tara was your friend and you actually just didn't mind…
However, when it started happening in the later days you couldn't help but grow suspicious of their relationship. I mean you trust your boyfriend and best friend but you couldn't help but grow a little jealous that he was spending more time with her than you. But when the day Valentines finally came you believed that you were finally going to get him all to yourself.
.Oh how wrong you were.
It has almost been an hour since you came to the arcade you both were supposed to meet up at, you were early yet when the actual time for the meet up strike you knew that Xavier is officially late to your date.
You pulled out your phone to text him and you sent a text asking where was he, which he replied with a 'I'm sorry…something came up, I'll be there in a few minutes.' He text back….
I bit my lip and I went to a nearby cafe to wait there instead so I can sit on a chair.
“Xavier! Tha-Thats not how the cakes supposed to look like!” Tara screamed through the phone as Xavier packed the min questionable yummy looking cake inside a small box.
“This will have to do, it might not look appetizing but I'm positive it tastes amazing.” He said quickly ending the call with Tara who was yelling at him to NOT give it to you…
He quickly put on the clothes he prepared beforehand and he ran to your location (using your shared location to find you) and when he got there he was surprised to see that you weren't at the front of the entrance of the arcade.
He pulled out his phone from his pocket and text you; asking where you were, to which you responded that you were already walking towards the entrance of the arcade. He looked up from his phone and saw you walking towards him dressed in beautiful clothing.
“Oh…were you waiting for a long time Y/n?” Xavier said putting his back in his pocket as he gripped the box tightly; “Why were you late…?” I asked in a low tone, looking down at my shoes.
He muttered for quite awhile but finally spoke and I didn't quite expect the words that came out of his mouth that made me look up at him in shock.
“I…baked a cake for you, but something went wrong so I called Tara to help me and she gave me a lot of instructions so it took awhile and I eventually lost track of time — I'm sorry….” He said bowing his head in shame; my heart fluttered and filled with guilt.
My heart fluttered because he went on his way to bake me a cake — even asking Tara for help; my heart filled with guilt because I suspected that he had some type of relationship or feelings for Tara. As a full minute passed filled with silence, I let out a chuckle and slowly intertwined my hand with his; slowly rubbing my thumb along his; I could have swore I saw bunny ears appear on his head as light (figuratively) radiated from him.
I smiled and took the box from him, “Uhm..should we go to a nearby park to sit on a bench and eat this first?” I asked smiling at him and he seemed more then pleased to do what I suggested.
After we got to the park and found a bench to sit on, he took out the cake from the box as well as two forks; when I took a gazed at the cake I mentally died instead.
“Ahh…it looks…” I tried to smile brightly at him as he looked at me with expectation; “It looks delicious! Thanks so much for working hard on this Xavier…although you really didn't have do” I said as he took a LARGE chunk of cake with the fork and slowly moved it to my mouth…
“its alright, I really wanted to surprise you; I'm confident in my baking skills” He said proudly smiling; right… 'baking skills'
I gulped and prayed to whatever God was up there to wish me luck. I took the bite with my eyes closed.
The taste of strawberry, vanilla, and cream was present and the sweetness filled my entire mouth; “Its..it's delicious Xavier!” I yelled out in surprise and he just chuckled softly at my reaction. I can't believe it, he actually made something delicious — I might have to thank Tara later. We both sat in silence and ate the cake while talking about our past missions together.
Instead of continuing our date at the arcade we both decided to just watch the sunset and stargaze. As the sunset and the stars started to appear me and I was admiring the beautiful sky which later the bright moon had appeared as well.
“The moon is beautiful, ain't it?” I asked setting my eyes on Xavier whom was already staring at me with warmth in his diamond eyes….
“Xa-Xavier…?” I said his name aloud as he seem to be in a daze which he snapped out of quickly; “The moon is beautiful…yet you're more beautiful.” He suddenly said and my face immediately bursted up in shades of red as I processed what he had just said.
“Your so cheesy Xavier….” I said pouting a little as I heard him chuckle; “But it's true?” He said making me look at him once more, we both gazed at each other. Silently admiring each others features, as I felt his hands intertwine against mines.
Slowly and slowly our faces had inched towards each other, I could feel his breathe against mines; soon I felt his lips intertwine with mines giving me a soft and tender kiss.
I soon felt his lips leave mines and I opened my eyes to see him smiling at me, bringing his other hand to slowly stroke my cheek; to which I leaned against letting out a small sigh.
“I love you..your the best boyfriend I could ever ask for, thanks for baking the cake for me” I said giving him peck on the nose. I saw a little red on his cheeks as he inched his face close to mines again, however this time; he kissed my forehead and I heard him tenderly whisper….
“I love you more. I'll never leave you again.”
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The awaited second part has come! I had some trouble writing this for Xavier, expect his lore I kinda know nothing about him-
I'm working on it...aka spending but I'll write him better next time~
I hope you guys enjoyed reading and thanks for reading this far! See you in part 3~!
Reblogs are appreciated and Feedback/Comments are always appreciated! :3
(Note: please don't copy and paste my works anywhere, and if you do see them on other platform please inform me.)
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heartssatoru · 1 year
hi hi hello!! how are you? <3
i just wanted to say that i really enjoy your writings! :3
i appreciate the effort you put in this and if you had 1 fan, it would be me. if you had 10 000, i would be one of them and if you had none, ill be dead. <3
also i’ve got a request but feel free to ignore this, its reader x sukuna (omg i cant get enough of him🤭) where we got a cat and we really love it. we always make time for it and spend lots of nights just playing or cuddling if the cats wants so, but one day sukuna starts feeling needy and touch starved so i wonder what he would do?😩
also maybe angst? the cat dies and we lose all motivation but you don’t have to include this..
but yeah, feel totally free to ignore this or change it. thank you! <33
Broo its been a bit, im sorry about this being late. Especially to all the other requesters! I'm lacking motivation right now so take this for now. Thank you for the request!! <33 I didnt know what gender you wanted to the cat to be so I made it a girl I hope thats fine lol😭 and thank you for the kind words! I really appreciate it💕💕 I decided the cat lives, but if you want an angst ver lmk and ill do one!!
Warning: not proofread!
You had gotten a cat cause you wanted one for a long time. Sukuna didnt care at first, but he grew annoyed with her.
He'd ignore her all the time. Refusung to look at her. Sometimes he'd give the cat a glare every now and then.
He finds her annoying. And hates when you say shes your child, cmon now. Not to mention how she steals you from him.
Hes about to force you to sit on his lap or something, but instead the cat is the one sleeping in your lap while you pet her.
No way he's gonna stoop THAT low and be jealous of a cat. He absolutely refuses too.
Ever since that damn cat came along though, you guys hardly ever spend time. Its always with the cat. And he likes being alone with you.
He wouldn't mind if your attention wasn't ALWAYS on the cat. You'll be spending time together and then the damn cat comes and your smothering her in kisses.
You were trying to teach sukuna how to hold her (forcefully) but when you tried handing him her, he gave her a look of disgust and took his hands away.
You almost dropped her, which sukuna chuckled at. But luckily you didn't.
Another thing he hated was how she would always try and eat his food, even foods that had stuff that wasn't good for cats.
Hes done with her, but since he knows you care for her a lot he decides to give her another chance.
You were laying on sukunas lap as he played with your hair. Well, until the devil woke up from her slumber and jumped onto the bed.
He expected you to be respectful for once and not get off from his lap, but you did. And your attention went back to her.
"Did I say you could get up from my lap?" You hear sukunas voice as your petting her. Her fur went up for a split second.
"Aw come on-" you were about to say before being cut off by sukuna "that doesn't answer my question, brat. Did I say you could?"
Your still petting her, you rolled your eyes. Still petting her. Until you feel his hands around you waist. Easily yanking you back into his lap.
He glares at the cat, who is now trying to 'save' you from him. (She fails)
Now his arms are wrapped around your waist. His face nuzzled in your neck. "Damn cat" he mumbles from your neck.
You couldn't even escape cause of how tight his grip was. You both see the cat walking on the bed over to you guys
"Aww! Come here" you pat the empty space left next to you "seriously?" he scoffs. His arms still tightly wrapped around your waist.
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coconutbabydoll · 1 year
ೀ-one last time
pairing: abby anderson x fem!reader
warnings: reader is a cheater, open ending, bad grammar, lack of vocabulary lol that’s it i think. don’t keep scrolling i’ll get better over time!!
summary: so one last time i need to be the one who takes you home ;) (lyrics from the song bbg)
a/n: okay so it took me like 5 days to write this , please please interact likes,reblogs, and comments are appreciated but not mandatory!! if there any grammar, punctuation, mispelling lmk!! i would listen to the song after reading this but it is a popular song you probably already heard of it. also is this giving wattpad core ?? that’s like my biggest fear, okay shutting up posting this and now i’m throwing my phone across the room!!
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it’s becoming more and more physically impossible to pull yourself away from your bed. only thing inducing you to get up was your nine to five job. you sighed and wearily pushed your hands on the bed and looked at your pillow. there was a big wet spot on your pillow. why were you crying? you were the one who messed up, you were the one who lied, it’s been five months why couldn’t you just get over it. you jumped off your bed and walked over to vanity desk and grabbed your phone. immediately you clicked on the instagram icon, for the past five months this became apart of your daily routine, abby. you tried to resist stalking her page but she was really unforgettable. you scrolled through all of her gym photos, photos with friends , and photos and videos she still had up of the two of you. you didn’t really know what that meant, at first you thought it meant she missed you, so you tired to contact her but she always left you on seen. you clicked on her profile picture icon to see what she posted on her story.
oh, you didn’t see that coming. it was photo of her and some girl, the girl was kissing her on the cheek and her arms wrapped around abby neck while abby made duck face, one hand holding the phone towards a bathroom mirror and the other on the girls waist.
the picture was caption: happy two months baby!! i love you more than words can explained :)
two months? so it only took her three months to get over you while your suffering everyday, always wishing you go back five months in time so you could take back that one moment that’s been repeating in your head every single day , that moment wasn’t even the worst part it was abby little puppy dog eyes when she found out, god you felt so awful then, all you wanted to do was stick a knife down your throat, you still do now.
you swipe off of instagram and deleted the app, you got enough of that. you open your message app and texted your boss telling her that you had fever and you weren’t able to make it, you needed a little break. you’ve been working nonstop for five months , you needed something to distract your mind.
it was a friday after all, just because abby moved on doesn’t mean you have to spend it depressed and cooped up in your bed. maybe you could hang out with your friends, you still had a decent amount of those. actually no, all your friends were shared with abby and if they still talk to abby, which they most certainly do, they would know abby’s girlfriend. if you asked to hangout with them, they would invite abby and she would invite her girlfriend, absolutely not. maybe a frat party, there was a decent amount of those too, a perfect way to meet new people and to get over somebody, you used to go to a lot. thats actually how you meant abby , that’s how you lost her too.
the thing was you have been so out of the mix lately, you haven’t heard the word frat party since five months ago. there always a party on friday, right? dina, dina, dina, dina, she would know she goes to almost everyone. plus you guys still keep in contact. you open your message app and clicked her contact name.
y/n: hey dee, is there a frat party going on tonight? cs i kinda wanna go to one, pls lmk
dee: oh wowww looks who finally wants to come out their shell, haha yes there is one at 11 can i come over a 10 with some stuff so we can get ready??
y/n: yea sound great
now what to do till ten, you could get up and get some coffee, walk to the park, make some breakfast, read a book. nope, you decided to download instagram again , log back into your account and stalk abby. you sighed, was it really that easy for her to forget about you, get over you? maybe she wasn’t over you, she still had your pictures up! messaging her again wouldn’t hurt, you thought.
you click on the message button and look at all your previous messages, all of them including an “i’m sorry, please just listen to me.” your only contact with her was instagram because she blocked you everywhere else. you were always puzzled as to why she blocked you everywhere else but not instagram. you hesitated before typing and deleted a couple of sentences and finally you were satisfied.
“hey abby, i’m sorry to bother you on your anniversary and stuff but i just want to tell you somethings i felt like i really didn’t have time to explain, first of all i’m truly and deeply sorry from like the bottom of my heart. it was never my intentions to hurt you , it just happen i was drunk out of my mind and the whole time i thought about you, i hated myself for doing that to you and i wanted to tell you before she did but i chocked imma fucking coward i know , i’m sorry abby. i don’t deserve you at all but i miss you.”
it’s not like she actually was going to reply but you still wanted to express yourself, what you really wanted was her to forgive you but that’s never going to happen. you still had several hours left before dina came over , you decided to take a nap.
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you were woken up to the static of your intercom, you whined and look for your phone with your hands scavenging around your bed. your eyes were dazzled by the brightness of your phone screen, it was 10:13 and you had loads of text from dina, you got up and pressed the door button to your intercom and open your apartment door and stood at the threshold.
“how long are your staying?” you sarcastically questioned dina as she walked up the stairs with a travel suitcase.
“i brung options, i know how picky you are.”
when dina walked in she gazed around your apartment, like she’s never been in there before.
“i feel like i haven’t been in here forever, it still looks the same.” you let out a little chuckle.
“i brought everything, shirts, shorts, skirts, dresses, jeans. here pick out what you want,” she shoved the suitcase towards you. “imma gonna to do my hair in the bathroom.”
you tugged on the zipper moving it around the suitcase and opened the top, you eyes were met with a variety collection of clothes. you didn’t really think about what to wear. a nice top and shorts would be fine. before you had the chance to grab an outfit you heard your phone buzz, you reached over and grabbed it- no fucking way! abby had message you back, we’re you dreaming ? you took the back of your hand and firmly rubbed your eyes, gazed back at your screen and nope this is real, quickly you clicked on the message and your phone automatically unlocks.
“can you stop, no like actually i had enough. all those other messages i ignored, but cmon on my fucking anniversary. my girlfriend and i are happy and i don’t need you back in my life. i don’t need any source of reminder of you. doesn’t matter how many times you say sorry it doesn’t take back what you did! and i asked you and you lied! stop it i don’t care anymore, leave me alone before i block you, this shit is super annoying.”
geez that was awful, we’re you really that annoying? you were just trying to express yourself, she never gave you chance to actually explain she just went off of what the girl told her, but you did lie and what did you expect? for everything to be all happy and sunshine, for her to read your message and want to get back together? but there no actually way that sh-
“what are you doing?” dina giggled as she walked in the living area, her hair was straightened down with a middle part. you didn’t realize how long and deep you had been into your thoughts, fuck that was embarrassing.
“nothing, i was just thinking about um some stuff.”
“well can you think about what your going to wear, cmon let’s go!”
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this party’s stinks, no like actually it stinks, it smells like sweat, must, and ass. and you weren’t really having fun, a couple of people try to flirt with you and got some girls number, made out with like two of them but none of them gave you that same tingly feeling you had when you met abby.
“dee, i’m gonna head to the bathroom,” you informed dina, she waved you off and continued talking with some guy, the three of y’all were sitting on some torn up leather couch along with some others. you were scrolling on your phone the whole time, and peeling the leather off of the couch. you made your way upstairs where you assumed the bathroom would be and it was, there wasn’t a line but someone was in there, so you patiently waited on the side of the door.
and as if it was by fate or the universe just really wanted to be entertained right now, guessed who walked out of the bathroom. abby fucking anderson.
her eyes kinda widened and her lips slightly parted, she look like she just seen a ghost, she took a deep breath and you saw her chest moved and back down, like she was in awestruck or something. the staring between to both of you felt like it would last an eternity, in reality it probably only lasted five seconds until she scoffed and walked away making sure to bump your shoulder.
“abby abby! please wait,” you yelled chasing after her, she was walking fast so you started speed walking to catch up, when you did you grab her wrist in attempt for her to stop.
“get the fuck off of me!” she fumed and spun around and stopped walking. “what the fuck do you not understand? i don’t wanna see you, leave me alone!”
“abby please, one more time! just this once and i’ll leave you alone forever please,” you sniffled. you didn’t want to cry but shit. the anger in her face kinda soften. and you two stood there for what felt like an eternity again.
“cmon,” she finally said while she grabbed your hand and led you into a empty bedroom. she let go of your hand and closed the door behind her, and sat on a unmade bed.
“this better be worth my fucking time, go!”
“it is! i swear, i- i just don’t exactly what to say, i mean i’ve been waiting to speak to you for months and i missed you so much abby, there’s not a day that went by that i didn’t think of you and-,” you rambled out but was eventually cut off by abby.
“okay so what exactly do you want to talk about, i know what happen , i know you lied, and i know you regret it and all that bullshit but we’re not getting back together, my girlfriend is downstairs waiting for me and i’m going to keep her because she doesn’t cheat and lie.”
“i know but , i just wanna put this past us and i know we can’t be together but i don’t wanna be friends either, i can’t stand to see you with someone else, i feel like- i don’t know like we were meant to be, it’s corny i know. and i know she’s probably a good person, probably the best you ever had, but i’ve been miserable, i don’t want to be without you,” you expressed, you walked closer to the unmade bed where abby was sitting and gently caressed her shoulder, she looked nervous but at the same time it was how she always used to look at you when you two were a couple.
“what are you doing,” she said uncertain, low, and shy. she was looking down at her leg which was bobbing up and down.
“i don’t wanna think about it,” you breathed, and pulled abby into a kiss. it didn’t last long but it was loving and for three seconds you swore she kissed you back until she pulled away.
“i can’t- this is wrong i have-.”
“don’t think about it ,i know you want it too, just one last time.”
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roseamongroses · 1 year
Idc if im the asshole tbh but I think this is funny. I (15F) am a hero intern for this fairly big company, think superhuman secret society typa shit.
The thing is because I'm more of a "in the chair" hero, I spend a fair amount of time in the Headquarter's lab. My work load swings between nothing to fucking do and non-stop crisis mode.
Somedays I literally can't afford to take normal breaks and go home This facility, despite all the money we get, is held together with a paperclip cyber-security wise (and security wise. there's one them that lowkey be stealing but i aint a snitch okay). We do have an AI program (she's great, love her) but she's hella overworked too and essentially babysits the boss in the field, in his personal life, etc.
So forgive me if during the brief moments of peace, I happen be playing the sims. I never use the work monitors for this and the AI is fully aware that this is how I take my "breaks" and is FINE with it.
But one day the boss randomly walked in while I was busy browsing some hair options and lost his shit. "Something, something, anomoly" I don't even remember what he said, all ik is he was growling n shit over my shoulder with his stank ass breath. I didn't even think he was mad at ME fr-- he's just unhealed like that, so i let that shit go this time.
i leave to grab lunch rq and come back. day goes by normally. but when i log back into MY PERSONAL COMPUTER, my shit was gone.
Obviously ik it was him. No one else cares enough to do anything like that. So i go confront him. And of course that villianous ass bitch is cracking a smile talking bout some "you can play dress up at home,". like NO???? SIR I NEVER GO HOOOMMME. IM HERE ALL THE TIME???
keep in mind i do NOT get paid for this. the most i get is experience and a therapy session on Wednesdays, thats it.
unhealthy yes, but he knows that i care about this work and he def knows my home life isn't the best anyways. so idk why he was being so petty about it.
but since we're being petty now of course i had to go lower.
he has this lil hologram suit. it's cute or whatever, super secure. but i just asked his AI for a favor and she let me go ham on the programing.
everytime the program detects his heartrate above a certain level, his costume will change. i have it cycling through a few options, but the bunny suit has been a fan favorite lately.
he's pretty pissed about it and ik he suspects me, but he doesn't want to admit that i somehow got into his superfancy tech and embaressed him. so its a lot of passive aggressiveness and for sulking now. everytime he changes it, i change it back and then some. it's fun.
it has also become a growing meme in the work gcs, tho some of the heros have tried to scold me about it. but tbh idc. none of the costumes impede his work, if anything the distraction helps him catch villians off guard. so pretty harmless, i could do worst. so im taking suggestions on how to keep ruining his day until i get bored of it (or till i get all my cc redownloaded).
update: thank you for all the outfit suggestions!! also to the grown men mad at me in my messages, check ur emails for something fun :)
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