#something something tango felt it during decked out 1
owtenen · 1 year
hc where tango knows that the more the dungeon is built the more it requires from him. hc where tango knows as he goes deeper into decked out his biology changes (cough cough blue fire tango) and he just… can’t be away from the beasts for too long. hc where, despite everything that pulls him to the surface, tango knows the only way for the dungeon to be truly complete is that he becomes part of the deepest depths of decked out and never resurfaces again
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dexandderek · 7 years
Ransom week day 1
today’s theme was:
March 28 (Ransom’s Birthday): Celebration or “Remember that time…”
i chose to do celebration
here is how the team and Ransom spent his birthday
The whole Haus was up and busy before sunrise. Since this year Ransom’s birthday fell on a Tuesday the team had decided to forego the celebratory kegster and just have a small get together, a fact they might have neglected to tell Ransom. Since his party was supposed to be a surprise the birthday-boy had to be kept away from the Haus until the afternoon and Holster was unanimously volunteered to be the person to do so.
Getting Ransom out of the Haus was the easiest part (“Best Bro Birthday Brunch, bro!”) but then the SMH had to coordinate decorating, preparation of snacks, and all of the classes the individual team members had during that day. The tadpoles were on decoration duty after lunch because they only had a morning class on Tuesday. Nursey was responsible for music because he and Ransom apparently had a pretty similar taste and music (and also because nobody wanted Holsters musical playlist or Nursey getting hurt in the process of decorating). Dex and Chowder were acting as sous chefs for Bitty. Lardo was in charge of picking up Jack, Shitty and a surprise from the train station and wrapping the presents since apparently none of the team members except Bitty and Dex knew how to tie a nice bow.
“I just hope everything works out,” Bitty sighed, “his last birthday at Samwell should be special.”
“This is nice.”
Instead of good old Jerry’s Holster had taken him to a fancy breakfast place. He nearly felt bad for ordering something after he saw the prices but Holster said it was okay. Something about spoiling him senseless today.
“You should take me out more often.”
Holster smiled.
“Maybe I will. There's a bazillion places in Boston I can take you to.”
He took a bite out of his french toast.
“I'll take you out too. Can't have you pay everything for me.”
Holster reached across the table and took Ransom’s hand in his own.
“Listen Ransy-poo you're a broke college student that soon has to survive medical school. I basically have a job. And even if the Bruins decide to drop me I'll still have 3 companies that would hire me in a second. I have the money, now let me spend it on you.”
After he picked up the bill they decided to walk along the river before Ransom had to go to class. They sat down on a bench and Holster reached into his backpack and pulled out one of Bitty’s mini pies and put a candle in it.
“Happy Birthday bro.”
Ransom had tears in his eyes from the sentimental moment and the deliciousness of the pie. Holster always took care of him.
The tadpoles swore in the living room and Tango walked into the kitchen soon after.
“We ripped the banner.”
Dex sighed and went to wash some flour of his hands.
“I'll go take care of it. Lardo has needles and thread in her room right?”
He quickly texted her if it was okay if he went into her room while walking up the stairs and nearly collided with Nursey who was on his way down.
“Careful there. Can't have you getting hurt before the next game.” Nursey chirped.
It was weird hearing that from Nursey but Dex just laughed.
“Thanks man.”
He continued walking up while Nursey went into the kitchen.
“I got a 10 hour playlist of Ransom’s favorite songs up on Spotify. I also hid all embarrassing old pictures Holster has of Ransom and i wrote speeches for everyone because I got bored.”
“Oh sweetheart you're an absolute godsend. If I wasn't elbow deep in cake batter I'd give you a hug.”
“Speaking of cake, how's it coming along?”
He turned around to see the wooden base Dex and Lardo had built. The bottom was painted to look like cake while the middle and top part would actually be cake.
“It's alright. It's different than just making a pie but no major setbacks yet. The first batch just needs to cool before we can cut and stack it. If you're free can you do me a favor and whip up some of the cream filling? Just pour it into the mixer and let it run until it's smooth.”
They had a lot of work to do.
“Professor Miller made the class sing happy birthday for me.”
Ransom was leaning against his D-man on a bench in river quad.
“Because you're her favorite student bro.”
“Yeah maybe. Hey wanna head over to the Haus? Bitty probably has a stack of birthday pie in the kitchen.”
Holster sat up abruptly, forcing Ransom to sit as well.
His best friend looked at him questioning so he followed up quickly.
“I wanted to take you out to get ice cream. Best friend Sunday.”
Ransom was thankful that he had a friend like Holster, who knew him so well and cared for him so deeply.
“Aw Holtzy.”
“Everybody go get ready. Holster should be back with Ransom soon. Tango go put on another shirt, go take one out of my closet. Dex you go borrow one from Chowder. Go, go.”
Bitty was just putting the last finishing touches to the cake. The decorations were hung all over the house, the presents were all wrapped, and the table they had set up in the living room was decked.
He just finished putting the candles in the cake when he saw Ransom and Holster walking towards the Haus.
“Everybody get down here!”
“Today was a great birthday Holtzy, thank you so much.”
Behind Ransom Holster could see Shitty in the window giving him a thumbs up.
“Aw bro. It's about to get even better.”
He leaned forward and half hugged Ransom half opened the door behind him. He didn't see the disappointed face Ransom made because of course his best friend wouldn't admit his feelings for him on his birthday. Before he could say something Holster turned him around.
The entire team was in the living room which was generously decorated. Bitty ushered him inside and he could see Jack and Shitty standing there with the team.
“You guys…”
Bitty quickly disappeared into the kitchen only to come out seconds later with a truly gargantuan cake. He had to strain to push it but ultimately managed to get it to the middle of the living room. He lit the candles on top of the cake and brought Ransom forward to blow them out. The team sang happy birthday to him and after he blew the candles out Bitty moved to take away the top layer of cake. He barely made it two steps before the top of the cake opened and HOLY SHIT IS THAT ALEXEI MASHKOV ?!?
Alexei “Tater” Mashkov, professional hockey player for the Providence Falconers, had popped out of his birthday cake in all his shirtless glory like a flapper girl at a 20s party.
He carefully stepped out of the cake in shorts that had Ransom concentrate real hard not to faint.
“You're Justin, yes? Ransom? Jack say you friend and that you like Tater. Say you have birthday so I say I come and surprise. Happy Birthday.”
He opened his arms and hugged Ransom who just clung to him like it's the only thing he wanted to do till the end of time.
“Okay, great surprise. Somebody give me shirt?”
The team just stared at him.
“Okay I stay like this. Am very attractive I know.”
The ate the cake and opened presents. Most of the boys had gotten him stuff for hockey, class, or for his and Holsters future apartment in Boston. Tater had gotten him a bunch of Falconers stuff with his signature. Ransom was so glad for his friends.
They would throw a birthday kegster for him on the weekend but for now getting drunk with his friends meant a lot to him. Jack had automatically become his number one friend (except for Holster) a fact that he told Holster while the taller man was walking him up to the attic. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to drunkenly cling to your best friend/crush crying about how much you love another guy.
“His abs are so big.”
“I know Rans.”
“Like a solid eight-pack bro.”
“I know.”
“I want him to have my babies.”
“I know Justin.”
“I want you to have my babies too.”
“I kn… wait what?!”
“My babies Holtzy. I want you to have my adorable black jewish giant babies. Even if they end up half blind like you or anxious messes like me.”
He patted the blonde on his broad chest before turning away and ralphing in the hallway by Chowder’s door.
“It's okay Ransy-poo,” Holster helped his friend stand straighter and pressed a kiss to his head, “let's get you into bed, okay? We'll talk about it tomorrow.”
It was a swasome birthday though.
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