#something probably made her think of her brother and shes just like
reyreadersblog ยท 2 days
My unpopular tig/tgg opinions!!
These are MY opinions and i'm allowed to have my own thoughts on certian things, just as you are, okay..? Just wanna..get this out of way, i know everyone is respectful in this fandombut still.
1. this is something that should NOT be an upopular opinion. AVERY IS THE MAIN CHARACTER FOR A REASON. okay? She is a girlboss, and she needs more appretiation, cus literally search up tig on tt rn. Everybody and their cat named Stewie is talking about Grayson and Jameson? WHAT ABOUT MY MG AVERY? And if you see any post about her, it's probably a hate vid about how Avery should've kept the money...SHUT UP. Read what she said carefully..."no one deserves that kind of power.." and then think about it deeply.
2. I DO NOT WANT TIG TO TURN INTO A TV SERIES (or even a movie). i can't name all the reasons 'cus then the the list would be endless. First of all, i know, I JUST KNOW, they'll choose the worst cast ever. And even if they find the most accurate cast for the Hawthorne brother i will still be dissapointed, because the images of them i have in my head...THEY'LL NEVER TOP EM. second of all, they will leave out important moments, just as simple as it sounds, and trust me they will, just like they do with most of the live adaptations of books. Third of all, SHIP WARS!!! I phisically can't with ship war, like I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF EM IN THE PAST WHEN THE BOOKS WERE STILL COMING OUT. And just the thought of Averygrayson shipper saying "yeah Avery and jameson were endgame in the books but they might change it in the movie..." GIVES ME NIGHTMARES. and overall, not everything needs a live adaptation yk? sometimes things just have to stay the way they are.
3. ...this is a bit contrevertial.and i don't want to sound like a hater since i've said this a multiple times before but Rohan's pov was my least favourite in the grandest games. Purely bcs whatever Savannah and Rohan had going on...don't get me wrong, i like Savannah (even tho she did and said some fucked up things) and Rohan, SEPERATLY. But them being together...idk man, they were too..."booktokish" for my liking, yk? and i do love banter and teasing, but they were like basic "i like you but i like winning more" "couple". Not to mention they were so random...like where did they come from? I remember when we first saw Sav and Rohan having the same symbols on their cards i was very excited, i expected a different dynamic between them...PLUS THE WHOLE GAME THEY JUST WANTED TO FUCK๐Ÿ’€
4. Hating Alisa Ortega and loving Grayson Hawthorne is CRAZYYY, and i'm saying this bcs they're pretty similar in different ways. And the thing is people are mad at Alisa for "saying mean words to Libby" (she was literally doing her job, you would understand if you were at her place) MEANWHILE GRAYSON LITERALLY THREATENED A HEIRESS! (sayin this as a Gray stan) *sigh* y'all are something else๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ.
5. Ohh...this one is risky...BUT CAN Y'ALL STOP ACTING LIKE JAMESON IS BLAMELESS?? all i see is Grayson slander, AND I UNDERSTAND, he fucked up, but saying "Jameson was so much better than Grayson" is a lie, at least for me. (He was better for Avery tho) he fs made mistakes that fandoms chooses to ignore. Like lets not act like treating Avery like a toy wasn't wrong. Lets not act like him blaming Grayson for everything wasn't wrong. Let's not act like him reminding Grayson of Emily's death wasn't wrong. And i know that later on both him and Grayson had a great character development, but still, i've never seen anyone talk about this.
6. This isn't about tig. But LIKING JLBS WORK AND BEING HER FAN DOESN'T MEAN YOU'RE GLAZING HER๐Ÿ’€ (talking about an argument i had a while ago...) like is it so hard for your brain to understand that it's called having an opinion. Idc if it's JLB or any other author, okay? Like i've read almost every Jlb's books and i love them, AND i also publicly talk about how much iblove her work, does that mean i'm glazing her? UHM NO WTF๐Ÿ’€.
7. LET. PEOPLE. HAVE. PREFRENCE. (I'm talking about ships btw) . Someone prefers LyraGray over Averyjameson, and that's okay. Someone loves Averyjameson the most, and that's also okay, someone likes Libbynash more then Xandermax, AND THAT IS ALSO OKAY.
I'll probably do part 2, i have more to say i'm just really tired rn.
Also it's not proof read so sorry if there are many mistakes.
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ihopesocomic ยท 2 days
See something funny
When I watched My Pride I always thought Feather was just Nothing's step-brother
Makes sense, son of her step-father, that's her step-brother
But then I watched your review on it and yall kept calling him her cousin and I went???? No that's her step brother
Until I realized, no he IS also her cousin, her mom and his mom are sisters AND I DIDNT KNOW
They did SUCH a bad job with establishing basic character relationships that I didn't know that Powerstrike and Waterhunter were sisters.
Powerstrike and Waterhunter literally never interact it's hard to tell if they even know each other????
Like in IHS you can instantly tell the relationships between Clever, Careful, and Vicious and you can tell they're sisters because omfg they actually talk and interact like they know each other!!!๐Ÿซจ๐Ÿซจ๐Ÿซจ
Like you don't even need to make Waterhunter speak but just let her interact with ANYONE????
She feels like a such an outsider you can hardly tell that Nothing, our main character who she lived with and who grew up with her around, EVEN KNOWS WHO SHE IS
lmao yeah, we've got a lot of comments that are all 'you keep calling Feather her cousin when he's not, he's her little brother: this just proves you didn't watch the show properly and your whole argument is void!' and we're just there snickering because we know...
In some twisted way, nobody knows the ins and outs of this show like we do. We didn't study it for six months without dotting the i's and crossing the t's. We didn't ask for this. We could've become well versed in French or some shit but instead we became experts in My Pride lore. It's a curse. lolol
The only thing I think I messed up was calling Kyoga a 'god' once or twice but, in my absolute defence, she did transform into a literal god at one point so I don't know what the hell else I was supposed to call her. lol
But the weird thing about Waterhunter is that she was actually supposed to have lines and she did have a VA. The lines were just cut for whatever reason. I'm willing to suspect that Tribble probably found the notion of having a voiceless character quite funny but it just made her a big ol' waste of space. A lot of nonsensical things seem to happen just so Tribble could have her weird inside jokes (i.e. Nothing have that weird ass steak thing on her face, Feather randomly disappearing in the middle of the Nothing vs. Fire battle).
A lot of characters could've been combined here. Powerstrike and Waterhunter. Farleap and Feather. Maybe even Silentstalk combined with them two for good measure. There was also no reason for Quickmane and Proudmane to be separate characters either.
But thank you so much, anon. I think another thing that helps is that Cat also designed the three sisters to actually look related too. Powerstrike and Waterhunter not only do not remotely resemble each other but neither of them resemble their mother either. Which is weird because I don't recall Cow of the Wild having this issue. - RJ
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acerikus ยท 2 days
G o d. All gekkos' outertale posting makes me wanna talk more in depth about the characterisation and plot issues in this game and why they bother me...
(readmore bc holy fuck this got long, it's probably like 5k words. It's also pretty much all salt, categorised by character)
Why. Why is she like this. Kinda feels like the creator of the game hates her and if they don't, they have a weird way of showing it. She's treated as overdramatic and unjustified in her anger at asgore despite the fact that he DID declare war on humanity and he DID willingly let the people believe he was killing human children to harvest their souls. Even if he didn't do it for real in this game, she has every right to be angry and to not trust him, and it CERTAINLY doesn't make her undeserving to be a mother or whatever. Idk about you, but I don't think wanting kids to stay away from a man yelling about wanting to kill every child that crosses him makes you a bad parent, even if it turns out he didn't really hurt anyone y'know?
They also REALLY zoned in on 'mother' with her in a way that doesn't really make sense here. I could maybe see her feeling guilty for making a snap judgement but how would that call her motherhood into question?
Sans saying isolation messed with her makes no sense too!!!! The outerlands or whatever they called the ruins isn't sealed off in this game, other monsters seem way less intimidated by her in this game than in undertale (she has friends! She knows sans by name and goes to napstablook's shows and even has their phone number!), and we outright get told she takes the taxi to get her groceries... Meaning she headed off to the rest of the outpost and probably does that often enough.
All things considered, Toriel seems fairly well adjusted in outertale, at least by outertale standards. Kinda then makes it feel like everyone's just trying to convince her she's hysterical and that... Sucks.
Also the fact that they added an ending where you stay with her and framed it as a bad ending that doomed everyone is... Really mean? It sucked ass I'm sorry :/
... Why is he like this. This take on Sans is absolutely infuriating tbh. The only positive I really have here is that his puns are kinda good, I've seen fangames that fuck up this element massively and it was kinda fun to see his interactions in starton.
Okay, back to salt. His whole 'i became a sentry to help humans' thing is trash. He didn't care about that in ut! He didn't care about that at all! The only reason he looks out for frisk is because he made a promise to toriel, and he hates breaking promises. He didn't want to let down his friend.
...Huh. realising this is yet another case of Toriel disrespect somehow. Yet another thing they took from her, that they then just... Handed over to sans instead. :/
His lack of backstory. Look, I get wanting something silly, but they took almost everything that makes sans interesting away. Not hyperfocusing on sans like certain aus do is nice, but it feels like in a lot of situations in this game they overcompensated by a long shot.
No mysterious past/origins. We know he worked with alphys I guess but???? Honestly I have a LOT to rant about for that part so I'll leave it for twinkly's section. And yet despite all this, Sans inexplicably bleeds in tpe when not even undertale has that happen? Make up your mind!
His role in non Asriel chaotic also... Sucks ass. I'm in a pretty awesome corner of the fandom in terms of the people I follow and the takes I see as a result, so if I'm honest, when I saw all those posts about 2024 fanon sans being indifferent to his brother's murder, I kinda just figured they were vaguing about this game. You're telling me that sans of all people just shrugs off you killing everyone and complains a little bit before letting you pass?! He should know alphys already ran off. He should know the only person left to stop you is asgore, and that it's obvious he won't. Part of this could be connected to how frisk is written perhaps, and much like the twinkly situation, I'll have much more to say on that further down.
I understand the creator didn't wanna have a sans fight in their game - however, if that's the case... Maybe come up with a reason for him to NOT show up in the last corridor, then? Have him busy helping with evacuations or something, or already dead like in the first chaotic ending... This was just sloppy.
Honestly he wasn't... Terrible. The phonecalls were fun even if most were cheap references (though they can be fun in fangames sometimes so I'm not mad at this lol). Him being extremely talented at making spaghetti is just one symptom of one of this game's biggest flaws, however. I really don't like how nobody's really allowed to be bad at anything or have any real struggles in this game - especially when spaghetti in undertale is used to demonstrate his relationship with undyne and the similar wavelength they're on when humans aren't involved. She's the one who started teaching him to cook it, it's deeply intertwined with his desire to be a royal guard, and it's something they suck at together. Him just inexplicably being good at it is... Weird, and feels really disconnected from their friendship and her reluctance to let him in the guard yknow?
Also: his boss final phase. Having the dog NOT take his special attack away this time was really funny admittedly but... Idk? Not only is the fight really unfair for pacifist/neutral and those who aren't as good at the game (ut never gets this hard outside of geno), it feels way too on the nose in terms of insisting he's strong and has powerful attacks. Undertale didn't need to overcompensate to get across that papyrus is strong and disciplined and the way you have to infer that in undertale is way cooler. I might just be nitpicking with this point tbh but it's whatever. Letting myself be a hater for once.
And don't get me started on him getting together with Mettaton. It seemed to come out of absolutely nowhere, the idea that they were already friends in this was glossed over really quickly and no time was really put into developing the relationship save for papyrus commenting on finding him attractive every few minutes.
Gotta be honest, I've never been a fan of this ship nor understood its popularity. Papyrus very briefly mentions thinking he's attractive in undertale, but it doesn't really go anywhere and I'm not even sure mettaton knows he exists. It feels like it was just kinda added because it's a popular ship and that's it, not sure it really contributes much to either of their arcs. It was a light-hearted celebrity crush in canon and never really tried to be more.
Oh, oops. Had more to say here than I thought.
Not much to say here... I think she was okay, there's nothing super bad with her. I do think the way gerson kinda downplays her/lacks faith in her in the chaotic route kinda sucks and I think choosing to make her non-undying chaotic bossfight harder sure was A Choice, but it's whatever. Undying was weirdly easy in a way that didn't do her much justice. Honestly they didn't do enough with her for me to have a wall of complaints and I can't tell if that's a good thing or not. Her relationship with alphys didn't really amount to much and her lack of understanding of human culture doesn't really hit as hard when she's just talking about random sci-fi things that we have no way of knowing are real or not in this game's idea of the 2600s ourselves, y'know? Her love of anime (that she mistakenly thinks is human history) is pretty absent here except to validate her relationship with alphys in a very shallow way.
The Ghost Family
Hoo boy... Was gonna make this the mettaton section, but I wanted to talk about napstablook at the same time, so I'm just gonna lump them all together.
What. What the hell was this plotline.
It feels like they tried to go for 'smalltime farmer chases passion for stardom after feeling unfulfilled at home' and as I've seen someone else say, 'shy business owner struggles to talk to their cousin outside of work'. This would've been fine tbh, but... There's a lot of things in the execution of this that kinda grossed me out if I'm honest. I don't think they were intentional, but I think it could've been thought through a lot better to avoid some unfortunate implications - or even lean into them in a respectful way.
Firstly, the ghost family intervention was pretty long, awkward, and didn't feel like it really added much - especially when most people playing would already know mettaton's backstory anyway (and his house is still accessible like in undertale!!!!! What was the point?)
Mettaton airing out his family issues on live TV feels very ooc - he keeps that stuff very close to his chest and I doubt he'd like it getting out. Him entertaining any of that out in the open seems... Weird.
Speaking of the intervention, his cousins' treatment of him was horrifying! Part of it seems intentional and it's nice that there's at least one part in the game where characters are allowed to have flaws and do bad things but... There's also elements that feel like you're meant to agree with them? Their insistence that mettaton just come home and everything they did in the past with constantly badgering him to come and help out on the farm were rightfully treated as something that hurt mettaton's feelings and that gave napstablook and the others pause. That's (mostly, we'll come back to it later) fine. He called them out for it and they reflected on it, cool. The way his ghost form was utilised makes me extremely uncomfortable, however.
Napstablook talks about hearing 'the real [mettaton]' in the recording, right to his face, 'the real mettaton' in this scenario alluding to his ghost form. Considering mettaton is a trans allegory, this feels... Kinda gross? In a similar vein, when passing mettaton's quiz barriers, one of the questions is 'what is mettaton's true identity' and you have the option to deadname him (using a name papyrus literally just made up in undertale rather than having any kind of creativity ofc) Alphys' reaction is simply to ask how you know that which... Doesn't feel great. The correct answer is 'mettaton' ofc thankfully, but everything around this particular plot point feels weird. Maybe don't do that w the most prevalent trans allegory character..?
And ofc, they keep insisting he just come home, go back to working on the farm, go back to his family... Idk, gives me vibes of someone abandoning their shitty transphobic family and then insisting they want to see 'the real [deadname] again' and for them to abandon their new life and just go back to the way things were before. Not good.
All of this would still be okay for the most part since the ghost family are painted as being unfair to mettaton... But in true pacifist, he goes back to helping out with the farm anyway and talks about how he thinks he was probably just being dramatic after all, and how 'blooky didn't do anything that bad'
... What?
It takes me right back to Toriel's treatment. Napstablook, Maddie and lurksalot gave no real thought to mettaton's feelings, made it all about them and showed pretty much no support for his transition nor his career! Fuck those guys! It's funny - mettaton is pretty consistently a pompous asshole (affectionate) in undertale but here, I think all his feelings towards his family were COMPLETELY valid. Mettaton outertale didn't do anything wrong.
Lurksalot didn't feel like they contributed much to the story either, save to be yet another character treating mettaton like shit with zero consequences nor narrative judgement. They just made every ghost family event even more drawn out.
And then ofc!!!! Mettaton and Alphys' friendship is so bland in this game! They're two people who kinda know each other and she says some nice things about him in a letter in chaotic but that's about it. Their friendship and the subsequent conflict frisk's arrival brings to it in undertale is the heart of hotland and the core, but here it's just replaced with unnecessary, hard to watch, boring family drama. The two of them have no issues to work out. She doesn't ask too much of him. There's no funny quips and barely any chemistry at all. God forbid either of them have any real flaws.
One last thing: I'm glad maddie gets her mew mew body, it's nice. Wish it was an on-screen moment or something alluded to more though. Some of that time dragging out the family drama could've been used on that instead, y'know? Especially with napstablook getting the mew mew doll... Genuinely thought they were gonna show it to her when they first got hold of it, rather than dragging Frisk into their intervention. She should've gotten to be more mad, too. Kinda a big part of her identity.
Oh, and mettaton's no-asriel chaotic fight was bullshit. It was a nice spamton reference and the first phase was cool, but the second was utter bullshit and dragged out the fight way too long. Attacking him after snapping all the wires should've killed him im sorry. It's even more of a shame bc I genuinely really liked this game's mettaton neo fight - it was fun and creative and felt possible.
Holding myself back from adding any more to this bc I could go on and on, ugh.
Alphys. For a game that tries to make her the star of it, it's actually kinda impressive how much they managed to take away from her and just how uninteresting she is in this game.
At the surface level she's awesome, powerful, and the star of the show. In my first playthrough I was actually pretty happy to see her thriving like this! The more routes I played and the more I thought about it though they just kinda... Declawed her. Took away all her flaws. Made her 'perfect' in a way that I don't think works at all.
The amalgamates never happened. None of her experiments went wrong. She never hid away from her mistakes, or lied to anyone (save for keeping Asgore's secret, which she has no negative feelings about), nor did she over engineer any situations to make herself seem cooler. She doesn't argue with Mettaton! She's confident and assertive! She's Asgore's right hand woman and next in line for the throne! And ofc, the badass final boss! What's not to love?
...But none of this is Alphys, is it?
Her anxiety isnt just because of the determination experiments, it's pretty clear she's always been a pretty shy and nervous person. In fact, based on her entries they were one of the things she was more confident in before it all went wrong. People are hard, but she knows science, y'know?
She doesn't get to be flawed or interesting - despite her presence, she's just a generic cool scientist who's suave with the ladies, I guess..?
She isn't particularly dorky, shes overly confident, she has zero issues to work through. Her relationship with undyne is perfect (derogatory) and her infodumping about anime just before the archive feels very forced, like they remembered last minute that she does that and thought it should be included somehow.
Depicting what she'd be like in a scenario where the determination experiments never happened is a fun and interesting idea! But deltarune demonstrates how to do that well, and I think they completely missed the mark. The way she talks, her body language, the way she acts around others in general... These things are universal constants and yet in outertale, she's basically a different person entirely.
Outertale alphys isn't allowed to lie (save to cover for asgore Secretly Being A Good Person), she isn't allowed to miscalculate, she isn't allowed to mis-speak or make mistakes or do anything she'd regret. She feels like an alphys written by someone who hates her in canon and thinks all her flaws make her terrible and unlikable. I doubt this is the case since I don't think a person like that would've given her such prevalence, but that's the level of love and attention I feel was given to her writing here. It makes me sad.
And, of course... The DT experiments and her fight.
... Why did she have vials of determination if all the humans are alive? Did she take it from them? If so, was this before or after they went into stasis? We know she's not been the royal scientist for long in relation to how long humans have been falling, so did ROMAN take the determination? How much of this did she even DO?
Why did she and sans even DO anything with determination? It... Doesn't really make sense.
Speaking of determination, why did she melt at the end of her fight? I'd assume she's injected herself with determination as one of the vials in her lab is mentioned to be partially used, but I'm pretty sure it's also like this on pacifist. Was that overlooked? Are we just meant to assume it's MORE depleted? Does she just have natural determination now because She's So Cool And Badass? This isn't even really a complaint about the fight, more just how poorly that part of her lab is handled lmao
But getting into her fight... Idk, it didn't really feel like her. A lot of it was just random bullshit that was hard for the sake of being hard, that didn't really seem to be tied to her identity very well at all. People complain a lot about the Zenith Martlet fight in undertale yellow but that's done far better than this, imo. It clearly reflects martlet's character, personality and canonical bullet patterns (we see Alphys' in ut tpe!), there's a genuine feeling of progression in the fight and the act you're given to help with the fight feels more effective - you can still damage her on her turn, so taking a turn to heal act doesn't feel like a waste. The Asriel acts though... They just don't last long enough to feel that worth it? Sure they're okay, but in general, you get a lot less time to breathe. Martlet's fight lets you retry from phase 2 if you die. Sans' in undertale gives you as many turns as you need to heal while he's sparing you. Alphys' fight just feels like it's made to feel un-fun and painful throughout in a way that just isn't worth it, and doesn't really feel like it fits her personality either, y'know? The fight was just a slog and like many others, I had zero motivation to finish it legit. I don't think it helps that the undyne and mettaton fights in this route are fairly easy and simple in comparison.
Tldr: they took away everything that makes alphys endearing, fun and interesting. This isn't alphys at all.
A huge chunk of this essay accidentally got deleted, including my first attempt at writing this section. In it, I mentioned that the Asgore apologism went way too far.
This time though, I don't think I'd even call it that. Reflecting on it, it feels less like an attempt to defend him and more like a way to hate on and spite Toriel.
Seriously. So much of his character basically just feels like someone going 'fuck you toriel. I'm giving EVERYTHING to asgore.'
It's... Really weird?
Asgore having a way out of killing humans is an interesting concept! Outertale takes place 500 years in the future compared to undertale, so the idea that they have the resources and technology to do that is kinda cool and in theory, exploring this idea sounds really fun. In practice though, it feels like it was mostly done to make Toriel out to be an asshole for no reason and to laugh at her for ever assuming he would've really killed anyone (despite... Y'know. Telling everyone that's what he was doing.)
He just. Completely moved on from Toriel without a second thought seemingly, and doesn't even look that affected by seeing her turn up again - meanwhile SHE'S got crumpled up tea recipes in the trash and all the Sad Divorced Energy - it doesn't really fit either of them! Toriel wasn't really given a reason to miss him like that, and I think even if he DID fully move on, he'd be way happier to see her than that.
All his leading statements on how she must feel in LV1 pacifist sucked ass also, especially with the way she kinda just agreed that yeah, she feels like shit for not trusting that he'd suddenly do a 180 and not hurt anyone (AGAIN. AFTER HE CONTINUED TO LET EVERYONE BELIEVE THIS) and that she must feel unworthy of being a mother. She hadn't even said half of this in front of him yet! He put words in her mouth! That in itself would be fine (social blunders are pretty normal for asgore after all) but it... Wasn't treated like that. It was handled as if this was a sweet and compassionate thing for him to say which... Yikes.
And ofc he gets to adopt frisk, and monster kid, and get to have Asriel live with him! His fatherhood is never called to question in undertale, but ofc Toriel's motherhood has to be here. Hell, despite their divorced status, if you talk to gerson in tpe it's highly implied frisk asks if asgore would start aging again if he became their dad! Idk, all of this part just reeked of Toriel hate and nothing more. Asgore is just yet another character to get sanded down and de-clawed and it sucks. So much of what makes him interesting is his mistakes and flaws and how they impact him, y'know?
I wanna start this by saying I don't think his writing is too bad. It's not amazing by any means but by outertale standards, he's one of the better written characters. That being said, Flowey is my favourite character of all time so I'm still gonna be critical.
So they did save the goat. Save the goat aus really aren't my thing nowadays - I feel like so often people act like he's a separate person to Flowey entirely and act like the alarm clock app dialogue doesn't exist. Asriel didn't end the story as a doomed tragedy fated to fade away! Flowey ended the story as someone who finally got closure on the loss of his best friend, and can finally learn to move on, even if it takes him a while to adjust. I don't think he needs to be a goat again for that.
That being said, I know these kinda aus are a big wish fulfilment thing for a lot of the fandom that aren't even necessarily something people want to be canon as much as they just wanna explore the idea and see him truly happy, so I won't judge that element too harshly. People are allowed to have fun, and I think save the goat can be fine if it respects him as flowey rather than separating them.
I really like that they allow Asriel to be fucked up and an asshole rather than him soft rebooting into some Sweet Perfect Little Prince once he returns to his old form, like so many other save the goat takes. Even in lv0's ending he struggles to bite back insults and mean comments aimed at Monster Kid which is... Admittedly kinda refreshing! There's definitely some flowey (or I guess in this case, twinkly) behaviour that still comes through here and I'm glad. This carried over to chaotic, too. While his characterisation wasn't perfect, this at least felt like twinkly obtaining a few form and continuing to play with the world, rather than your standard Asriel take. I also really liked that he remembers and acknowledges chaotic if done before pacifist, that was neat and adds to his character (as far as this game goes) I think.
However, onto the biggest, glaring issue I have with him.
Why. Why does he exist.
No, seriously.
In its attempt to make the world perfect, a world that blatantly only exists so the creator could make a save the goat ending, mind, there's no reason for the goat to need to be saved at all. Nor for him to exist after dying back when Chara lived with the dreemurrs.
Asgore isn't killing humans, so the souls don't need to be absorbed by anyone. Frisk can just enter the archive and lend their power to destroy the forcefield themselves, so there's no ultimatum like there is in undertale - there's no implied tradeoff of Frisk's life for the freedom of monsters without twinkly's intervention. In undertale, flowey's messing around opened up an ending that would've otherwise been impossible, something that worked for everyone.
Without him existing at all here, frisk could've broken the barrier just fine. All it really added to pacifist was a couple extra boss fights and asgore being dead for two minutes. And him being saved I guess but again, there's no real story justification for him being here EXCEPT to pat yourself on the back for saving him.
Why was he created? In undertale it's pretty clear - they wanted a vessel to hold all the souls in for now during the true lab experiments. He exists because Alphys selected the first flower to ever grow in the garden and injected it with determination that she extracted from the human souls.
... But all the humans are... Alive and well in outertale? They don't need a vessel to contain their souls. They don't need to extract any determination from anyone. Again, why do they HAVE vials of determination? And why did she inject one into a flower?
AND THAT'S THE OTHER BIG THING. It's established she and sans injected a starling flower for... Whatever reason. SO WHY THE HELL IS TWINKLY A CARTOON STAR?!
This point makes absolutely no sense at all. He looks absolutely nothing like a starling flower nor does he behave like a flower at all, which is confusing if that's what he started as. Honestly, I think it would've made more sense to just keep him as Flowey if they were gonna include him at all, and just have his appearance reflect a starling flower instead of a golden flower.
This applies to his fight too. Mechanically I think it's AWESOME, but the visuals are... Just very very boring. A huge part of why his fight in the original is so good it's the bizarre and chaotic nature of it, the horror elements, and the way so much of flowey's trauma in terms of how he was created and the things he finds scary was put on blast for all to see. The combination of mechanical and organic elements, all the plants and insects... Idk, just going 'hmm he's a star. Let's have him go through a star life cycle' is boring, there's no visual appeal.
If his creation is so vague and wishy washy, this would've been a great opportunity to flesh it out more. How was he created? What kinds of technology and machinery did alphys use to put all this together? How did she (or roman????? unclear) get the determination? What does twinkly remember?
That leads me onto a tangentially related topic - his trauma. I... Don't think this was shown very well. He talks a bit about BEING traumatised from the lab, but telling isn't the same as showing and canon flowey is terrible at hiding it, whereas I'd just as easily believe outertale Asriel made it up for sympathy points. He never really projects, he doesn't force anyone else to experience anything like he did, nothing like that. He's just a cocky asshole who likes killing, and who eventually decides to start being nice.
This game constantly seemed to be speedrunning ways to get him from being twinkly to being Asriel as quickly as possible in almost every single route which... Huh???? It's weird. Would've been nice to let him be a star more rather than just Asriel...
(final amendment bc I lost a huge chunk of this essay originally and had to rewrite it, and I'm realising I didn't manage to fit this in this time... How does a single monster soul let him get his Asriel form again? Sure he's still treated as if soulless and it doesn't make him a good person, but if he was 'so tired of being a star', why hadn't he tried doing this sooner? It makes no sense...)
For a game that exists to give him a good ending, it's so ironic how little he needs to exist at all in this world. Just goes to show what it looks like when you go too far with 'fixing' things or removing stuff you seem 'too problematic' for the sake of being wholesome or whatever.
Speaking of which... Look I'm just gonna say it. This version of Chara sucks so bad.
Chara is one of my favourite characters - they're really interesting, morally grey, and a fascinating way for undertale as a game to interface with us as players.
They're a child who likely saw the worst of humanity, then found themselves in a home with family who genuinely loved them once they fell down and met the monsters. Their intense saviour complex made them feel like the best way to help their family was to sacrifice their own life to get enough souls to break them free (and once they realised they had control, get payback against the humans while they were at it). They could be mean-spirited and a prankster. They valued efficiency HIGHLY. Their favourite number was nine because it's the limit, the absolute, a way to stop hurting and to stop others hurting.
And by doing geno, you can push this fixation on stats further. Max out all your stats. Gain power. Get stronger. Become invincible. Nobody can hurt any more if the world is gone. And ofc, they stand as the final arbiter of consequences for the player. Your punishment for killing everyone and for pushing them into believing it needs to be completed. Chara both IS is and is separate from us in a way that can't really be fully disentangled and it's really, really cool.
Anyway, enough gushing about undertale Chara. What's outertale Chara in comparison?
... Nothing.
They're nothing.
Outertale Chara narrates occasionally. They're a ghost that follows frisk around, but aren't confined to that, and have been actively wandering the underground since their death. They also still have a SOUL for some reason? This part doesn't really make sense at all.
Other than sacrificing themself and maybe wanting to take out a few humans after Asriel absorbs them, they don't do anything that could be considered bad ever. The most devious thing they ever do is snatch Asriel's diary to leave a silly comment in there when they first arrive at the outpost (sans does this with Toriel's phone in undertale tpe for comparison lmao). Despite what Asriel seems to believe, Chara is completely absent from the chaotic route - never getting corrupted, never caring about our stats, never wanting to hurt anyone, never even trying to make us face any consequences. They're just... Not here. For a character so prevalent in the murder based route of undertale this is fucking wild.
They all but vanish if you so much as say something slightly mean to someone, too! It's strange, makes no sense, and just like with sans, it feels like they overcompensated waaaaaaay too much for the people who insist they're evil. On top of that, if you do chaotic before lv0, they don't even remember chaotic happening! They'd may as well have just been a member of the ghost family who likes following Frisk around when they're especially nice. Like Asgore and alphys, they've been sanded down and de-clawed to be 'wholesome' and 'perfect', and it just results in a bland, boring character who loses anything that made them interesting, nuanced and fun.
'Chara wasn't the greatest person'... Why, though? They don't have enough substance in this game for that line to really have as much impact.
I'm gonna be honest - I actually ADORED their frisk at first, and I think that's because I started with a neutral run and ended up drawing them a lot. They felt silly and mischievous and interesting, and this continued into chaotic. They seem pretty chill with what's going on but then take that even further by being hilariously affectionate with Asriel and still doing silly things like being up for picking up the electrodampening fluid or drinking directly out of the fountain. They felt like a funny little mini-kris (save for being okay with all the murder ofc).
Then uhhhhhhh... That's when I experienced the second chaotic ending, the one without Asriel, as well as lv0. I feel like they definitely DID try to lean on the Kris angle on purpose in terms of their feelings on being controlled and stuff but it???? Just doesn't work very well? There's no ambiguity to this version of frisk once you've seen all the routes. Just like EVERYONE ELSE, they're just a perfect little angel who would never do anything wrong and anything past lv0 is just the eeeeeevil player influence or whatever. Come on, we have deltarune for that kinda approach to control ๐Ÿ˜ญ (though even then, Kris is a layered and interesting character who isn't goodness and innocence personalised, and that's why they're cool)
In undertale, we have no idea what frisk is like as a person. WOULD they spare everyone without our influence? Would they kill? Would they be a scared child lashing out in self defense? Would they run from everything, then give up and let themselves die permanently somewhere? We just don't know! We're not supposed to know! It feels like it went back to the very early fandom interpretation where frisk is Good And Sweet and Innocent while Chara is evil incarnate - except this time they're BOTH the former.
It's a contradiction too! Why in the Asriel chaotic route are they so down to follow him, and pet him, and hug him every chance they get if they don't like all the stuff we're making them so? The player has no influence over Twinkly. Every single thing he did, he chose to do, and yet even if the only time frisk has seen him was him destroying their mercy button and forcing them to kill for him, they seem to love him to pieces and go along with whatever he says happily. What.
I feel like they didn't know what to do with Frisk here at all and it shows.
Other characters
This has been ridiculously long, but to quickly go over non-major characters... They did very few things to make Roman seem interesting, the amount of stuff hes implied to have helped Asgore with just reduces even further any influence or impact alphys had, and (a smaller nitpick)... Why didn't he use times new roman as a font when we DID see him speak in the archive/on the signal stars? It's such a missed opportunity...
Burgerpants was fun... Kinda. Developing him like this feels like something that should've happened DURING the actual game rather than before it though because it made him feel like a whole other person entirely? The poisoned food was very funny though.
Why is Snowy now Stardrake when his dad hasn't changed at all and Crystal looks like any other snowdrake? That was bizarre.
I actually really liked the humans! Establishing them as actual characters was really fun, and I especially like justice. Justice, at least in my opinion, is probably the most interesting character in this whole game tbh - someone who tried to do good but ultimately caused more harm than good, while NOT downplaying it, showing the consequences directly, and showing them work to try to make things better. The way we don't grab their item like the others in the twinkly fight nor go through an area for them in the archive (and just talk to them instead) really adds to their intrigue - what are they like? Who did they know? Is there something they don't want us to see? How are they strong enough to not need us to grab their weapon at all to lend their help? I think it's get funny that the only character I'm fully praising is the clover-adjacent one. Justice outertale they could never make me hate you
(that being said... seeing the way this game is clearly just supposed to be a 'fix' for undertale does sour my thoughts on the humans a little. did they only do this bc they thought them NOT being full characters in ut was bad/a problem with it? ๐Ÿฅด This applies to the additional monster kid story focus too).
Speaking of monster kid... Them being an orphan was clearly just a plot device to give asgore more kids and therefore feel like he won more than Toriel. Monster kid in undertale seems like they probably did have real and loving parents, and they have a sister too!!!! Would've been nice if they'd at least done something with their sister :(
This got... Way longer than I expected, so I'll stop here. But outertale definitely gave me an even bigger appreciation for other ut fangames. My gripes with deltatraveler section 3 feel much smaller in comparison now, if tsus misses the mark on Flowey later down the line they've at least already done most characters so much more justice, and it really puts into perspective all the heart and soul that went into kissy cutie, as well as its genuine love got the source material and characters.
Sorry outertale, you weren't for me. That being said, if anyone disagrees with any of this then that's fine! These are all just my opinions and feelings on it after going through all the routes and talking about it with friends. Media is always gonna resonate with different people in different ways and that's a good thing! If your perspective on any of this is different and if you had way more fun with it, I'm glad you did and I genuinely wish I could've felt the same. I feel like at the very least, making it has probably been a great learning experience for the devs and I really hope they carry on making games and improving their skills. Hope y'all are thriving and having fun regardless ๐Ÿ’™
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horrorsfollowed ยท 4 months
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There'sย  more,ย  thereย  isย  alwaysย  MOREย  onย  theย  shouldersย  ofย  aย  womanย  whoย  canย  notย  makeย  aย  PROPERย  choice.ย  Theย  oneย  whoย  knowsย  despiteย  whatย  sheย  mayย  do,ย  theย  cardsย  willย  alwaysย  beย  theย  WORSTย  theyย  can,ย  theย  towerย  isย  herย  futureย  andย  sheย  LOOMSย  inย  anย  eternalย  stateย  ofย  everyoneย  andย  everythingย  leavingย  her.ย  Conversationย  canย  oftenย  bringย  thisย  backย  toย  herย MIND.ย 
Whatย  sheย  FAILSย  toย  seeย  isย  howย  oftenย  sheย  forgetsย  toย  HIDEย  theseย  thingsย  withย  herย  face.ย  Wellย  versedย  sociallyย  sheย  is,ย  sheย  forgetsย  whatย  herย  faceย  canย  EMOTEย  clearย  sheย  isย  soย  fullย  ofย  emotionย  sheย  willย  BURSTย  .ย  Wineย  liftedย  toย  herย  lipsย  asย  heย  speaksย  beforeย  shouldersย  SHRUGGED.
ย โNotย  allย  ofย  lifeย  isย  goodย  &ย  happy,ย  DESPITEย  whatย  Iย  mayย  sayย  oftenย  theย  tragediesย  ofย  lifeย  areย  whatย  TAKEย  OVERย  myย  thoughts.ย  Iย  apologize,ย  thatย  soundedโ€”ย  aย  lotย  lessย  horribleย  inย  myย  head.โž
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@sangore sent: " the look on your face says there's more on your mind . "
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atopvisenyashill ยท 1 day
do love how this is an asoiaf blog but i did not put either show in my top 10 this is the world we live in
#the only season that really compares to the book is season 1.#the rest even when theyโ€™re engaging have changed something that feels so central to the hook that iโ€™m mad aksjd.#getting on my soap box#if iwtv s3 is good it may knock someone out. probably qaf.#bsg is p high up there i just think season 4 really suffered on pacing & the suspicious nature of who dies annoyed me.#veep is also very high up there tbh i need to rewatch it. the thing is. as we know. i am a romantic at heart and amy & jonah have my favorit#sitcom relationship. veep has genuinely one of the best finales to ever exist but iโ€™m a sap.#and amy coming back to tell jonah that he made her realize she doesnโ€™t actually have to expect the worst from life. oh my god.#also superstore >>> parks & rec >>> the office bc superstore never romanticized the hell of their job#amy quitting her corporate job when she realized she would never be able to make the changes she wanted within the system she was always#going to compromise too much and wind up like jeff. glenn reopening his dadโ€™s hardware shop & specifically who goes w him & who stays w gina#at the store? it has what the other two lack which is characters that feel like they keep existing after you stop watching#BECAUSE the way they interacted with the world was so real and so much more realistic. amy canโ€™t fix the system but she can find a job that#she doesnโ€™t feel is so soul sucking. glenn may be choosing a harder path by reopening the hardware store but itโ€™s the one that makes him#most fulfilled. gina just gets to make money and be bossy w people who do what theyโ€™re told. that rings so true to me.#i almost out bojack horseman in here too actually but once again i think the last season just needed to be a tad longer just like bsg.#also same issue w pitch as w bly manor - itโ€™s an amazingly written season of tv but itโ€™s ONE season of tv#big brother as always outsells yes i am hoping to tempt some of u into watching by posting dan & ian in the dog costume#i have that gif and the โ€˜sitโ€™ scene saved on my phone always
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gu6chan ยท 1 month
the brief mention that 1.3 leonard could still be feeling some deep lingering grief over his brothers' deaths still never fails to fascinate me tbh like, does he think of the standards he must have lost since their passing and feel guilt? or does he see them in every child he abuses??? does he keep his grief to himself or does he find it a useful anecdote to what must be a countless number of families dealing with loss??? does the green dragon know? does he confide in it????? since leonard seems to be aware of what arioch lost to the union, just how aware is/was she in what HE lost???????? did they have a role in each other's loss? is THAT where their beef came from??????? im going to merge into a wall
#gu6chan's musings#drakengard#drag on dragoon#leonard drakengard#drag on dragoon 1.3#drakengard 1.3#on the other hand; i've been obsessed over the idea of doing the 'nothing in life matters ๐Ÿ˜”' (DOD1) 'nothing in life matters ๐Ÿ˜Ž' (DOD1.3)#meme with them because of this#still... why would they give us the base concepts for the 1.3 cast but literally none of the depth for 98% of them (angelus is excused lmao#like you're going to make them edgier okay BUT THESE ARE STILL THE SAME PEOPLE???? WHAT PUSHED THEM TO THAT BC IT CAN'T JUST BE A 'DIFFEREN#TIMELINE DIFFERENT PERSONALITY' THING OTHERWISE YOU LOSE ANY SENSE OF โ€œselfโ€ THEY HAD IN THEIR CHOICES IN THE DOD1 TIMELINE ENTIRELY#there HAS to be SOMETHING that made them like this... well caim we pretty much see it#BUT LEONARD AND FURIAE?????? i still stand by it; they fucking took the dragon-blood pill too i just KNOW they did#but that still doesnt answer what the fuck went on with him and arioch#the boring but most STRAIGHTFORWARD answer would probably be something among the lines of#'Oh well she came to the village and he had to drive her out after realising she was literally insane and she's been waiting to get back in#ever since. leonard just kinda knew about the dead relatives bc thats everyone'#but i dont like that explanation as much as the idea that they KNEW because they had some INVOLVEMENT when it happened#(likely unintentional.... maybe? ๐Ÿ‘€)#also why the fuck does the prologue just casually mention leonard was part of the union but literally never brings up why he's midgard's#most wanted by the time the truly diseased takes place and what led him to (presumably) abandoning it to begin with#....WAS IT SOMETHING TO DO WITH THE DEATH OF ARIOCH'S FAMILY???? HUH??????#ngl im entering conspiracy mode with this but being honest#it almost seems in character and MAKES SENSE that him having something to do with the death of/possible killing of arioch's family would#drive him to where he is by the time TTD takes place#think about it!!! leonard joins the union; ends up driving a woman to literal insanity after involving himself with the death of her family#the guilt causes him to leave the union and seek a life of atonement helping OTHER families whose lives were torn apart by the war/union;#his brothers are possibly killed during his defection??? maybe??? something something#arioch seeks his ass out and spends her time waiting to feed on the village/semi-subconsciously maybe waiting to ruin everything he's worke#for....
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seariii ยท 5 months
Hm /pos
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torgawl ยท 1 year
this week's episode was pretty set on confirming a few of our suspections were true like tianchen impersonating his sister and cheng xiaoshi being in lu guang's body at the end of the last episode. to me the thing i'm most curious about is tianchen's ability. is he actually red eyes? red eyes from last season could use their ability though photos but the tianchen we personally know controlls people through touch. having the ability to control multiple people (or two, specifically) simultaneously, which is something quite interesting. unless he can use his technique in two different ways, which we haven't seen any ability user do so far, this feels really odd and i'm starting to think the siblings having red eyes was simply a detail to throw us off?! maybe this doesn't make sense but you know how cxs has brown eyes but his eyes change colour while using his ability? why wouldn't tianchen's eyes change colour if he was the one possessing other people's bodies? and the way his eyes glow in the final scene with lu-guang... is that to show he's evil or is that a sign he's using his ability? but then how? because he was just talking to lu guang in his own body and lu guang wasn't under his influence, right? i'm very confused about him and his relationship with qian jin
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violetrainbow412-blog ยท 3 months
From hate to loveโ€ฆ or something like that
Aegon II Targaryen x fem!reader
word count:ย 15.7k (sorrrryyyy)
warnings:ย arranged marriage, hate-to-love, mentions of rape, mentions of incest, mentions of suicidal thoughts, drinking alcohol, mommy issues, daddy issues, mentions of sex without love, unprotected sex, oral sex (f receiving), porn with plot (but something cheap, tbh) and I probably forgot something but I think that makes it clear that this shit is not for minors, so MINORS DNI :)
A/N: I started this since the second season premiere started so if you find any canon-like scenes I completely promise it wasn't intentional. I also want to make it clear that you are responsible for what you read and if you don't like something please just let it go, that would be very kind of you!
And this doesn't make me team green at all, I'm a defender of the rightful queen to the deathโ€ฆ it's just that her brother is too sexy to ignore ๐Ÿซฆ
taglist (who I thought might be interested):ย @barcelonaloverf1life @ilovequeen978
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Finding a wife for Prince Aegon II was probably one of the most difficult tasks Alicent Hightower had to face.
The engagement with his sister Helaena had been broken after a more tempting offer for the princess, which would get them a permanent alliance with the Lannister house that they couldnโ€™t refuse. Viserys himself had agreed to accept and the queen consort had no choice but to give her little daughter in marriage to a blonde lord. The problem was that her son was left without a fiancรฉe.
Aemond didn't worry her, after all he was growing up quite quickly and she knew that he was more inclined to become a warrior than to fulfill his marital responsibilities. But Aegon, however, was a lost cause.
It was no secret that Alicent had always felt disappointed in her eldest son. He was careless, lazy, and a hopeless alcoholic, qualities that couldnโ€™t be celebrated at all. Now that her beloved father had returned, the queen didnโ€™t hesitate to consult him on the matter, hoping that the man had a solution for the problem that afflicted her, and together they analyzed what was the best option to unite the king's first-born son. Especially after, years ago, Rhaenyra and Daemon got married and moved to Dragonstone indefinitely.
โ€œIt must be someone we completely trust, someone who cannot dare to hurt us because they know that their blood is linked to ours.โ€
The Arryns were loyal to the future queen Rhaenyra and some of the houses south of Vale were too. The Westerlands was the richest section of the Seven Kingdoms and was already secured, so it seemed prudent to the king's hand to go for the next widest section: The Reach. The most formidable options within this area were the Hightower and the Tyrell. Obviously taking the first option would be a waste since the members of that house would support Aegon without complaint due to their kinship, so the decision was made with the direct heir of Highgarden.
King Viserys agreed to the idea without putting up many obstacles, since poppy milk clouded his judgment most of the time and also the affairs of his first son had never interested him much.
The union was sealed as soon as the deal was offered to Lyonel Tyrell, who was extremely happy to be able to assure his family a future with said marriage. It was thus that he gave you, his only daughter, to Prince Aegon II Targaryen.
And the second the boy saw you, he absolutely hated you.
He had come to the idea (very unpleasant, by the way) of marrying his younger sister and now that his mother was forcing him to marry a complete stranger, he couldn't be angrier. In a short time he would turn twenty and it seemed pathetic to him that at that point he would have to offer shows like those before the kingdom. Because the wedding wasnโ€™t simple, of course, but thousands and thousands of guests were present at the banquet that Alicent forced the king to prepare, claiming by saying that he had done the same for Princess Rhaenyra's wedding.
โ€œIt is a pleasure to finally see each other, your grace. They have told me a lot about youโ€
You had said those precise words the first time you had met, when his mother organized a walk so that you could 'get to know each other better', although supervised by her own eyes that were behind you, making sure that her son didnโ€™t commit any indecency. But no matter how sweetly you smiled and spoke them, Aegon could sense that you were lying.
There was hatred in your eyes and a clear resentment towards the life from which you were torn, as if it werenโ€™t an honor to have the opportunity to marry the prince of the seven kingdoms. Your hypocritical words represented an insult to the boy and that is why he decided from the first moment that he would hate you deeply.
With your mere existence you would have deprived him of his freedom, his entertainment, his youth. He would be tied to you for future occasions, he would have to take you to all the events, secure your food, your clothes. share the same roof and pretend to be nice to you in the eyes of others. And, besides, he could have thought of a lot of candidates better than you, physically speaking. Your beauty was quite ordinary for his taste, as if he were looking at any painting; cheap and repetitive.
โ€œI regret to admit that I am not so fortunate, Lady Tyrell. But I am happy for the union of our housesโ€ he lied, in the same way that you had done.
And it was obvious that this didnโ€™t go unnoticed by you, that you had the same critical eye as your recent fiancรฉ but that you sought to maintain composure in the presence of your future mother-in-law.
On the wedding day Aegon had a good time only because he was able to drown himself in monumental quantities of liquor and because he was able to eat as much as he wanted of the exquisite banquet. He didn't even pay a bit of attention to how you looked in the wedding dress that the royal seamstresses had been in charge of making in record time, because when the time came he flattered you superficially and then ignored the matter. The ceremony kiss was the first you shared, and it was so fleeting and awkward that the prince felt disappointed. On the wedding night he was so drunk that he didn't even look at you.
You knew that the unfortunate day would come when you would have to carnally please the young man and the simple thought of being defiled in this way caused you terror and nausea in equal parts.
It was a stranger whom you had married, of whom the only thing you knew was his noble title and name.
In the days following your marriage, unfortunately or fortunately, Aegon didnโ€™t even speak to you. You didn't have to share a room, so it was easier for him to completely ignore you while he went about his ways.
You had to admit that the only good thing about having taken this trip was the beautiful landscapes that King's Landing offered you. Your room had a direct view of Blackwater Bay and you spent several days looking out the window at the beautiful sea. Sometimes you could watch Prince Aemond ride his dragon, and honestly, the size of the beast scared you a little. You hadn't had the chance to observe Aegon in Sunfyre yet but if he was as impressive as Vhagar, then he would be quite a sight.
A week passed, then another and another where you were nothing more than a guest in the palace. You didn't talk to anyone, you ate dinner alone, you barely saw the outside of the castle. Sometimes you went to the Sept, pretending to pray, but really just killing the endless boring hours of the day. You were somewhat lucky if you found Helaena, the most sensible and calm within the royal family, because you had pleasant conversations with her. When you met the queen it was a little more difficult, because she asked you endless questions in which you had to fake the answers. How could you be fulfilling your parenting responsibilities if the capricious prince wouldn't deign to lay a finger on you?
After a month, Alicent seemed to take matters into her own hands and forced her eldest son to take you to sleep in the same room as him. However, Aegon seemed to want to blame you for something you hadn't chosen. He never spoke to you and every time you went to bed, he would stand with his back to you as far away as possible. And as if that werenโ€™t enough, he had explicitly ordered his guards not to allow you to leave the room unless it was in his company. It was his way of punishing you, of getting even for the complaints of his mother and grandfather regarding his lack of interest in marriage.
โ€œMy mother wants us to attend a dinner tonightโ€ you were so unaccustomed to hearing his voice addressing you that it took you a second to process what he was telling you โ€œI will talk to the maids to bring you a suitable dress.โ€
You didn't know what to say. You didn't want to go to that dinner, nor did you want to be with him, or wear one of those tight, annoying dresses. Aegon, noticing your silence, deigned to look at you and in your eyes he could see the aversion you felt for him. It was something difficult to mask and he had seen it on so many faces that it was nothing new.
โ€œAs you wish, prince.โ€
A bitter laugh came from your husband's throat.
โ€œDon't be a hypocrite, for God's sake. I know you hate me as much as I hate you. Save appearances for guests, not in the chambers."
You wouldnโ€™t have had the courage to admit out loud what his majesty had said, but you didnโ€™t dare to contradict him either. You had to play the role of a self-sacrificing and suitable wife for the man if you wanted to keep your honor, but above all your head.
You tried, with all your might, to see some quality in Aegon that you liked so that you could treat him in a better way, which always resulted in something useless. Perhaps if he had been nicer to you, you could have known how to forgive his faults, but even that wasnโ€™t granted to you.
The dinner was mostly family-oriented, with the guest of honor being from House Baratheon whose purpose was to discuss some political matters with the king and queen. Due to his health, Viserys didnโ€™t usually leave his room more than necessary, however, that night the occasion warranted it.
โ€œLady Tyrell, how is your stay in King's Landing?โ€
The king had a reputation for being gentle with his guests and was the first person to ask you a personal question, so the smile you showed him was genuine.
โ€œVery pleasant, your grace. The servants treat me as well as possible and I must admit that the views from my room are beautiful. Your dragon is impressive, Prince Aemond, by the way.โ€
The boy, who wasn't all that expressive, just looked at you for a moment and tilted his head down slightly.
โ€œI'm glad you like it, princess.โ€
"And my son? How is our Aegon treating you?โ€
That question was more complicated to answer, since it required expressing a lie. Everyone present focused their attention on you, except your husband who had been staring into nothingness for a long time.
โ€œVery well, my king. Heโ€™s a good husband and I am happy to have been able to unite our houses.โ€
The aforementioned snorted, incredulous at what you were saying at the table, and took a long drink from his glass of wine.
โ€œAnd I hope very soon you can give us strong and beautiful heirs.โ€
Although that was intended as a compliment, you felt the weight of that responsibility pressing down on you again.
โ€œI wish the same. It will be an honor to serve the crown and bear the progeny of a house as formidable as yours."
The queen was pleased with your answer and for a moment felt sorry for you. She knew her son well, so deep down she knew that it wasnโ€™t a gift from the gods to be married to him. The rest of the table looked at you curiously, wondering if you were serious, trying to be ironic, or just trying to play the good girl role.
Aegon, as expected, became intoxicated during dinner and when Queen Alicent announced that she was going to retire to sleep you thought it prudent to do the same. Your husband, however, had other wishes.
โ€œStay here,โ€ he asked, his voice serious.
When he was drunk he looked you up and down, probably evaluating how worth it would be to decide to strip you naked and fuck you once and for all. Your body in the dress you were wearing looked better with a few drinks on him.
โ€œI think it would be best to retire, my husband. This way you can stay with the men to chat andโ€ฆ drinkโ€
โ€œBut I want you to stay here to keep me company,โ€ he insisted, holding your wrist tightly โ€œOr don't you want to please your prince?โ€
It wasnโ€™t a loving request, but one for control. He wanted to have you there only to demonstrate his power over you, without paying attention to you or talking; only as an ornament.
โ€œAegon, enough,โ€ Alicent interrupted, observing the scene that had begun to unfold. โ€œDaughter, let's go to sleep. โ€œI will accompany youโ€
โ€œFine, do whatever you want,โ€ he spat contemptuously, abruptly releasing the wrist that was holding you. There was hatred in his eyes, but also pride.
The queen said goodbye to everyone present and then offered you her hand to take you away from there. You spent most of the way in silence, walking through the long, wide corridors of the fortress followed only by the faithful footsteps of Ser Criston Cole.
โ€œYou must be patient with himโ€ he began to say โ€œHe is a particular man and sometimesโ€ฆ difficult, but I know that with your docile character you will be able to deal with his temperament.โ€
What did she know about your character? She didn't know you at all.
โ€œSo it shall be, Queen Alicent.โ€
โ€œI understand what you are going through, dear. We both come from the same lands to endure the difficult task of accompanying a monarch. But it is our duty to carry it out with all the honor and temper worthy of our homes. Of course, I can trust that as a woman you will be able to help him fulfill another of the most important marital commitments, such as having children, to maintain the lineage and blood. For a virgin like you, Aegon may be rough, but... patience and resilience are among the best virtues. A woman in royalty must endure these things to give the best to the people.โ€
You had never wanted to be a princess. And just when you thought the queen was showing you compassion, you realized that she was only looking out for her interests and those of her family.
"Thanks for the advice. I'll keep it in mind"
She smiled and immediately left a kiss on your forehead, which could have been taken as a maternal kiss but which you didn't like at all. The longer you can postpone suffering, the better. If Aegon didn't even want to look at you, it was perfect.
That night, as soon as you touched the mattress and the silk sheets that decorated it, you began to cry until you fell asleep.
Time passed again and although the punishment of not leaving your room was not revoked, you found multiple activities with which to entertain yourself in the prince's absence. You filled your mornings and afternoons with reading, writing, knitting and embroidering. The nights were even more boring because most of the time your husband wasn't there either.
Rumors that you hadnโ€™t yet consummated the marriage had spread through the halls of the palace and soon the smallfolk would murmur too. After all, the people couldnโ€™t entertain themselves with anything more than the gossip and the plays that were going on in the poor neighborhoods, making fun of royal affairs.
You no longer even had the energy to deny those accusations and Aegon had given you the perfect opportunity by throwing you out of his room and refusing to leave the four walls of yours: if you didn't leave there, there was no way anyone would question you. And since you didn't have family inside the Keep, you didn't have any visitors either.
One night, however, your husband surprised you by entering your room. It had been days since you two had seen each other and his staggering around the room warned you that he was drunk again. You often wondered how he resisted drinking so much and the long-term effects it would have on his health, but right now your mind could only focus on the fear of what he might want in that state.
โ€œGood night, dear,โ€ he drawled, sounding as sarcastic as possible.
You were in your nightgown and you were carrying in your hand an old book that you had been reading and that you threw on the nightstand as soon as you saw him approaching you. You didn't have time to say or do anything else when he had already approached you in giant steps to grab you by the back of your neck and start kissing you. He was abrupt, careless, with his mouth smelling of wine and tasting even worse. You wanted to cry from helplessness.
โ€œIt's what everyone wants, isn't it?โ€ he murmured, separating himself from you, but still holding you by the hair at the back of your neck. โ€œA marriage arranged in a couple of days to form alliances. And that's it, my life was ruined thanks to my father wanting your stupid castle to expand his domain."
The truth is that couldn't be further from the truth. Viserysโ€™s ambition had never been that, as he had been so little involved in the process that he simply didnโ€™t care who his children were or were not married to. Except for Rhaenyra, of course.
Aegon continued:
"I didnโ€™t want this. I didn't want to marry you, or anyone..."
โ€œAnd you think I do?โ€ you confronted him.
You were tired of the insult, the humiliation and him ignoring you as if you were worthless; even if that was what a husband did. And the most likely thing was that your words would be forgotten due to alcohol or that they would put an end to the wait for your suffering to begin and Aegon decided to take you once and for all.
โ€œYou have nothing to lose, prince,โ€ you continued. โ€œYou get drunk as much as you want, you run away from your responsibilities and walk everywhere when I have to stay locked up here all day just because you want me to. I have to endure the suspicious looks of everyone because I still don't have an heir in the womb while you go and fuck your whores."
โ€œI'm the prince and I fuck whoever I want, did you hear me?โ€ he hissed. The grip on your hair had already begun to become painful and a few tears slipped down your cheeks โ€œAnd I stop fucking whoever I want too. I'm not going to please anyone by getting you pregnant. There they will see if they come and force me to put my cock in youโ€
โ€œDo you doubt that, your grace?โ€ you exclaimed bitterly โ€œDoubts that will force us to conceive?โ€
โ€œSo that's what you want? Do you want me to do it?โ€
โ€œI want to go home. That is what I want. But my father used me as a bargaining chip and that's why I can't do anything."
โ€œI'm sorry it was like that. If I had chosen my wife, I would surely have chosen someone prettier and more educated than you, but I can't do much either."
Once again, the man pushed you until your lips joined his and the same discomfort settled in you. He didn't kiss you with love, but with fury and violence to the point that you had to push him away when he bit you so hard that a trickle of blood began to come out of your lower lip. Aegon was also stained by it and with an acidic smile he ran the tip of his tongue all over his mouth to remove any traces.
Looking at you he didn't look happy, but he didn't look angry either. He just seemed fed up.
Everyone knew, or suspected, that the prince was very capable of taking sexual advantage of any woman. He had done it before with maids and prostitutes and had slept peacefully throughout that time. However, there was something about you that encouraged him not to. He didn't even think it was something about you specifically but about the situation, because he wanted to do the opposite of what he was ordered: if everyone ordered him to take you to have an heir, it automatically became an unpleasant act and at the same time that he refused.
He was hurt, not because of you but because of years and years of abuse and neglect. He didn't really know you at all, he only knew what you represented.
You were just the unlucky one who had married him.
"I hate you. I hate that you are my wife and you are not worthy of me even touching youโ€ he snapped with disdain. You were still fighting to keep the tears inside your eyes and his vision had also blurred slightly โ€œI wish I had never met you.โ€
โ€œThe feeling is mutual, your grace,โ€ you expressed, your voice breaking. If it was an offense to the crown, you wouldn't even care anymore and if he killed you right there you wouldn't regret it too much either.
Aegon looked at you one last time before staggering back out the door without another word, closing it behind him with a loud gesture and leaving you alone in the room. The reality that you had escaped, once again, from being raped by the man fell on you like a bucket of cold water and your knees weakened until you fell to the floor.
You were hurt, tired, and defeated by the stress of the situation and the fear that had washed over you the entire time. Luckily he was gone, otherwise you didn't know if you would have endured what he had to do to you. It was better to have him busy in a brothel than to have to endure him in your bed.
You wished you could talk to someone and cry on a loved oneโ€™s shoulder, only to realize a second later that that was impossible. Aegon was your new family, now you belonged to the Targaryens and you would have to do as they wished.
Anger completely overwhelmed you to the point where you stood up from your seat and began throwing pieces of glassware all over the room, in a violent outburst at what had just happened and the way you felt. None of the guards outside your door dared to come in to check on you and soon enough you fell back to the ground, exhausted from the effort.
As you cried, perhaps for the umpteenth time since you had been married, you thought about how you would never be able to love Prince Aegon. Not even if you tried.
After months, the inevitable arrived. The truth was that the first time you felt sorrow and anger, but the following times it became more tolerable. Not because it was better, but because you began to get used to it. Aegon didn't change his attitude towards you one bit. You indeed spent more time together, although that didnโ€™t mean that you got along better or that you had begun to have more sympathy for each other.
The only advantage was that you had started to be friends with some people in the palace. Your sister-in-law, to begin with, as well as some of the maids who were in charge of looking after you, as they turned out to be your only company during those days. Those distractions were more than enough for you, considering the situation you were in, and they kept you sane as time went by.
Almost like a punishment from heaven, it seemed that you werenโ€™t pregnant yet, since your biological processes seemed to continue working to the letter. That meant that, unfortunately, you would have to keep trying; when Aegon was lost enough to forget who you were and you had to stand still as a statue to let him loom over you.
You often liked to imagine what your life would have been like if you had stayed in Highgarden. Nobody knew it yet, but there you had found your first love and although it never went beyond a few kisses, you treasured the memory with particular affection. You had always wanted to marry a sweet man who loved and respected you, who would give you your place as a wife and adore you day and night; someone with whom you could feel protected, cared for, but above all happy. You thought, naively, that that boy you had met and who was nothing more than a commoner could have given you that life, but all those possibilities were nothing more than fantasies in which you tried to lock yourself in to feel less miserable with your unpleasant reality.
One night Helaena had invited you to a modest dinner in her company that you couldn't refuse, since none of your husbands were present and some time with friends could clear your mind. You didn't even know where the prince was, although it was expected that he was spending some time in the town with his friends.
โ€œSometimes I feel sad about our situation,โ€ said the blonde. You were in the privacy of her chambers, not even with the maids present, so confessions like that were allowed โ€œBut I am happy that you are my friend, something that wouldnโ€™t have been possible otherwise.โ€
โ€œI'm glad to talk to you too,โ€ you smiled sincerely. โ€œYou're the best thing I've found around here.โ€
โ€œMy brothers aren't that bad, they're justโ€ฆ well, we've had a hard life. And that's why they behave like that."
โ€œI think there is no justification for being aโ€ฆโ€ idiot, you wanted to say, but you had to remember that you were in the presence of the princess, โ€œa person who is rude to others. But I guess that happens with royalty, right? They do what they want without consequencesโ€
"I guess so. Kings, princes, the heirs, lords, dukesโ€ฆโ€
โ€œOkay, I get it,โ€ you laughed bitterly โ€œIt's probably a masculine quality.โ€
You never thought your sister-in-law would have that kind of humor and to be honest, most of the time she was a comic relief for the situations you two were going through. Sometimes her prophecies scared you, especially the way she phrased them, but you wanted to think that her premonitions would never affect you directly.
When you finally got tired of chatting and the food was finished, you decided to return to your room, so you could have a peaceful night's rest. It was raining outside and thunder echoed in the distance, making the atmosphere slightly gloomy, but at the same time cooling every corner of King's landing.
The novelty of your position was no longer important enough to require you to be escorted by guards twenty-four hours a day, so you were able to slowly walk through all the corridors that led to your sanctuary. It was modest but cute, although not on the level of Aegonโ€™s.
A man was guarding the door and you bowed your head to him to let you pass, which he did without any opposition. Once inside you got rid of your shoes and unbuttoned your corset, not caring that the room was almost in darkness; only the moonlight illuminated from the window. You took a few steps forward and squealed when you discovered that there was another person in the room, sitting at the small table with a drink in his hand. You would have started screaming for help if you hadn't noticed that said intruder had silver hair falling like a curtain over his face.
"Your grace?" you asked cautiously.
It isnโ€™t usual for Aegon to drink in your room, as he preferred other places with more interesting company, and when you didnโ€™t receive an answer you approached slowly. You thought that at best he had simply fallen asleep and at worst he would be dead.
At first his long, wavy hair covered your view of his face, but when he noticed your presence he raised his head and then you could see him. His features became clearer as lightning illuminated him from the outside and for a second you were horrified.
His cheek was red and a trickle of blood was dripping from his nose, however, what surprised you the most was seeing his eyes completely swollen.
โ€œFor the seven, Iโ€ฆ I'll go call a maesterโ€
โ€œDon't even think about it,โ€ he exclaimed hoarsely, seeing that you were already rushing towards the door.
Your husband didn't sound like his usual angry tone, but rather he seemed... hurt.
You thought for a second about what the appropriate reaction to the situation was. You couldn't leave the room because, in addition to the guards murmuring, it would be impolite to leave him in that state; also, where would you go? If you ignored him, he would probably take it as an insult and he had already made it clear that he didn't want to see someone who could take care of those injuries.
You hated him, it was true, but you weren't an insensitive monster either.
"Who did this to you?"
Aegon was surprised by how soft, even kind, your question sounded and the intoxication gave him some courage to answer.
โ€œMy mother and my grandfather. Mostly my mother, my grandfather rather dedicated his efforts to reminding me how useless I amโ€
You didn't know what to say. You never believed that the queen would be capable of hitting one of her sons like that. You didn't believe it from any mother, actually.
With some trepidation you took one of the chairs and placed it in front of him, expecting him to immediately push you away or ask you to get out of his sight. However, the prince didn't seem to have enough energy to do any of those things.
He had a lost look on his face and tears began to run down his face.
โ€œNothingโ€ฆ nothing I do pleases her. Neither to her, nor to my grandfather. All the time they are pressuring me, demanding me, yelling at me. Apparently Otto still hopes that my father will name me king, but I've never wanted that. They blame me for drinking all the time and how do they expect them not to? My father cares so little about me and my mother hates me. All his life he has hated me. She does it, my brothersโ€ฆ and so do you. My own wife hates me. Everyoneโ€ฆ everyone who knows me does itโ€
You were silent for a moment.
There were mixed feelings inside you, because you couldn't forget the mistreatment that the man had given you during those months, nor the way he used you for his pleasure. He was right when he said you hated him. However, there was a compassionate part of you, deep down, that felt sorry for the man's state.
โ€œAnd sometimes I just want to be dead. I just wish all the shit would go away and drowning in alcohol and dying would take away Alicent's problem and allow her to focus her attention on something betterโ€
His gaze lifted and he looked at you with crystallized eyes.
โ€œMaybe you should poison me one day. So your suffering would also endโ€
โ€œYour highness, I cannot do thatโ€
โ€œBut would you like it? Do you hate me enough to wish me dead?โ€
โ€œOf course not,โ€ you said quickly.
"Liar. You lie like everyone else. You want me deadโ€
You knew that saying something negative at that moment, in the state he was in, could result in him making some incoherence that you would be blamed for the next morning. So it was best to act cautiously.
โ€œI don't think anyone wants thatโ€
โ€œMy mother does. My father, Rhaenyra does it, and so does her stupid new husbandโ€ฆโ€
โ€œYour graceโ€ฆโ€ you interrupted him harshly. Listening to him sink into his self-indulgence was too much to bear โ€œYou better go to sleep, don't you think? Now you're not thinking clearly, you'll feel better in the morning."
But Aegon seemed to be lost in his own thoughts, oblivious to anything you had to say to him.
โ€œI guess I just wish someone wouldn't completely detest my existence, you know?โ€
Aegon had done terrible things to you, of course, but seeing him at that moment made you wonder if all of this was the product of poor parenting and psychological abuse that had been perpetuated for twenty long years. You couldn't say your father loved you, not after what he had done, but at least he hadn't constantly hurt you as the man in front of you had. You knew better than anyone that hate had to be healed with empathy and for a brief moment you felt soft for him.
Once Aegon was a small child, without sins, without accumulated hatred, without evil... and apparently that frightened child hadnโ€™t been completely buried, because it was him who cried inconsolably and saw death as a viable alternative to end that suffering. However, there is no redemption without guilt, right? You don't get to heaven without first repenting.
You stayed silent for a long time, listening to him sob, and when you gathered the courage you spoke:
โ€œPrince, can I be honest with you?โ€
You had spoken in a low and benevolent voice, while you slid from your chair until you were kneeling in front of him. The boy didn't even want to take advantage of that position for a sexual act, he was simply too tired and drained to think. You placed your hands on his knees and seeing that he nodded, you continued:
โ€œYou say you wish someone wouldn't hate you, but have you ever made an effort to do so? Or have you even wondered why people feel that way about you?โ€
โ€œIt's something natural for themโ€
โ€œI didn't feel it,โ€ you said, honestly. You hated the idea of getting married out of obligation, but if he had been different from the beginning maybe your feelings for him would be too โ€œAnd you made me feel it. With your contempt, your humiliations, your punishmentsโ€ฆโ€
โ€œIf everyone thinks you're a monster, what's the point of contradicting them?โ€
โ€œAnd then you prefer to agree with them?โ€
You were probably taking too many liberties with the prince, but you would never have a chance to talk to him like that again. He was vulnerable and therefore less defensive than normal.
โ€œEvery person is responsible for their actions,โ€ you continued. โ€œYou can't change how the queen or king feels about you, but you can choose to offer something better to others. If itโ€™s your desire that people not hate you, that wonโ€™t happen overnight just because you tell it to. It takes time, effort and above all it requires kindness. If you live regretting the concept that people have of you, without doing anything to change it, then you will live a lifetime of dissatisfaction. If you seriously want someone to feel happy about your existence then pursue that goal, donโ€™t expect it to be granted to you as a divine work.โ€
A deeper cry began to well up from the man and you almost thought he would lean down for your hug. Still, he didn't.
โ€œI don't know how to be someone else. I have always been thisโ€
โ€œNot always, that's for sure. Water that stagnates rots and becomes a swamp. The one that runs, on the other hand, becomes a river and flows into the ocean.โ€
You raised the handkerchief you always carried and, in an act of kindness that was also intended to be an offering of peace, you gently wiped the tears and dried blood from his face. Aegon squirmed as he had never experienced that kind of care.
โ€œYou just have to ask yourself: what do you choose to be?โ€
For an endless moment he watched you. His judgment was clouded by drunkenness, but he wondered if he wasn't hallucinating and you were simply the voice of his conscience telling him something he had never wanted to accept.
It was easier to blame others for his mistakes, to justify himself by saying that everything about him was his mother's fault and that if he behaved the way he did it was only a defense mechanism. Aegon had never thought about how his treatment of women was a direct consequence of Alicent's upbringing: if his own mother had hurt him, why wouldn't other women do the same to him? And since he was convinced that they were all going to do it, he preferred to turn them into objects that he could use for his benefit.
He was so drunk and so exhausted from all the crying he had shed that he simply pushed your hand away from his face and stood up from the chair, without saying a word. You, now standing, saw him begin to undress and the first thing you thought was that he would seek to heal his sorrows by having sex with you. However, he only got rid of the essentials and then lay on his stomach on the bed. Without any choice, you took off your clothes for the day, put on a nightgown and also lay down on the mattress to sleep.
You were sure that the next day Aegon wouldnโ€™t remember anything and you weighed the possibility of the whole story repeating itself, in an endless and painful loop for the two of you. And if you were right, it would be a shame if you had to live like this for the rest of your days.
โ€œDo you know where Meryna is?โ€ you asked one of the maids who had come in to change your bedding.
โ€œNo, your graceโ€
โ€œI'm starting to get hungry and she still hasn't brought my breakfast,โ€ you exclaimed sadly.
You had woken up a while ago and had gotten dressed to go for a walk after eating, to see if this would cheer you up a little. It had been a few days since Aegon had opened up in the privacy of your room and after that you had barely seen him, much less spoken to him. You believed that everything was due to a matter of pride or even shame for what you had witnessed and you simply didnโ€™t give it importance, because you knew that eventually he would approach you again. You just had to wait for him to want to do it.
Almost as if by summons, the black-haired girl appeared through the door, looking agitated and embarrassed by the delay. Furthermore, she came empty-handed.
โ€œDidn't you bring breakfast?โ€ you asked, still sounding cordial but slightly surprised.
โ€œI'm very sorry, it's just that Prince Aegon asked me to bring the food to the royal dining room. He is waiting for you there, he told me to come and get you.โ€
He hadnโ€™t mentioned requiring your presence for any breakfast and, according to you, there were no guests in the palace to accompany. The two women noticed your dismay and Meryna stood waiting for a response.
โ€œDid he tell you why?โ€
โ€œNo, your graceโ€
"Good. Then tell him I'll be there in a moment."
You only took a few minutes to change your dress, one more suitable for being in the presence of the prince and in case there was a guest you didn't know about. There were no guards at your door so you were able to walk to the dining room by yourself and were surprised to see that only your husband was at the table. He had an expression that you interpreted as a mix of impatience and nerves.
โ€œOh, you finally arrived. Sit down. You, bring the princess something to drink,โ€ he ordered a maid. He used to call you that in the presence of guests, but it was rare for him to have that courtesy when alone.
โ€œAre we waiting for someone?โ€
"No. I just thought you might want to have breakfast together.โ€
You were already sitting next to him, and for a second you watched him with a frown. Had he hit his head somewhere or why was he acting so strange?
โ€œDo you prefer juice or wine, your highness?
โ€œAnd bring her some strawberries,โ€ Aegon exclaimed.
There was something about the situation that scared you, because you imagined that he wouldn't be treating you so kindly without wanting something in return. But you were already his wife and he did whatever he wanted with you, what more could he want from you?
You looked him up and down, as if searching for some sign, but he looked completely normal. He was wearing one of those full black robes he was used to, with a golden chain with emeralds decorating the hem of his neck and a belt accentuating his figure. The dark circles in his eyes were pronounced, as always, but the look was not that of someone angry; you would even say that he looked somewhat passive, even sleepy.
While you were thinking about all that, you remembered the last conversation you had had with him. You feared that madness had finally exploded in your husband and the food you were about to eat was poisoned, as he had suggested at the time. Perhaps out of courtesy he was waiting for you to take the first bite and, trying to control the trembling in your hands, you took a portion of the cold cuts on your plate to put it in your mouth. Luckily the food didn't taste different and after seeing that the man ate it with the utmost calmness, you assumed that it didn't contain any poison either.
There was freshly baked bread, jam, some cheeses, the aforementioned cold cuts, a variety of fruits, scrambled eggs with fresh herbs and chives, as well as some stuffed buns for dessert. It was a mini banquet and as you ate it you couldn't help but wonder why this show of kindness was due.
Aegon didn't seem to have any intention of talking and you didn't try to force him, not wanting to either. The atmosphere was one of peace and tranquility, one you had not experienced since your wedding day until now, and it was a very different but strangely pleasant feeling.
It was just a couple sharing breakfast time, but for two people who come from such a broken home it felt like a totally new experience.
You continued in silence until most of the things served were finished, leaving only what wasnโ€™t to your palate's liking or that your body was simply no longer able to ingest.
โ€œDo you need anything else, your majesty?โ€
โ€œClear this table, we won't eat anymore,โ€ he said to the maid, nonchalantly pointing to the leftovers you had left. Then he looked at you โ€œSatisfied?โ€
"I am. Everything was deliciousโ€
โ€œI want us to do the same tomorrow. I will send a maid for you, so get ready soon,โ€ he said decisively.
Then he got up from his chair, stretched a little, and left the room without saying anything else to you.
You didn't see your husband the rest of the day, but the next morning he kept his promise without fail. Although the breakfast menu was different the routine was the same and again it made you wonder what the reason for it was.
The next day he also requested your presence for breakfast and you concluded that he intended to make it a habit. For the rest of the morning you were supposed to dedicate yourself to your activities, but after a week of following that routine Aegon informed you that he had other plans for you.
โ€œI want you to come with me for a walk.โ€
"To the exterior?"
"Yeah. I have training with Ser Criston but I don't wish to attend, so you will be my excuse. I'll tell him that the princess wanted to go for a walk and that I couldn't let her go alone."
He was telling you that lie almost like a childish prank and you would swear he was about to smile.
โ€œHuh, okay. If you want it, we willโ€
You were still confused by his actions, because in all the time you had been there it was the first time he treated you decently. You didn't know if he was still drinking in large quantities, but at least when he went to sleep he no longer reeked of liquor in the same way. And all that week he hadn't forced you to have sex with him.
What had motivated the prince to change his way of behaving towards you?
"Do you want to go to the beach? I will order a couple of horses to be saddled for usโ€ he exclaimed when you had already left the dining room.
You couldn't refuse to go to the bay, because in your entire life you had never seen the ocean and your curiosity was greater than any other feeling. Besides, you loved horses, and being with them might even make you feel better.
Aegon did as he told you and soon enough you were in the stable. He had ordered a beautiful white mare for you, with a silver mane the color of your husband's hair and a formidable build.
You approached to pet the animal, carefully, and tensed completely when you felt another body behind yours. Until that moment you hadn't realized how warm your husband was.
โ€œShe's pretty, right?โ€
His voice sounded at your ear level, as he had also reached out to touch Frostfireโ€™s hair.
"She is"
โ€œI guess you know how to ride,โ€ he muttered under his breath and you let out an offended sigh.
โ€œOf course I do. Highgarden is the heart of the chivalry of the seven kingdomsโ€
After saying that you turned your head just a little and met his gaze, indigo eyes with hints of lilac looking at you carefully. You could feel his breath against yours and at that closeness your cheeks had already turned red involuntarily.
He separated from you and then went to choose his horse, a black thoroughbred with beautiful braids, to get on it and ask the guards to open the door for you. You almost managed to sneak away, but Ser Criston stopped the two of you just before you could do so, claiming that he had a scheduled practice with the prince.
โ€œI'm taking my wife to Blackwater, she hasn't had a chance to visit since her arrival.โ€
โ€œBut your grace, your fatherโ€ฆโ€
โ€œWe will continue with training later, Ser Criston,โ€ he said firmly.
โ€œWill you go to Blackwater without an escort?โ€
โ€œI willโ€
"That's impossible"
โ€œDon't worry, I don't want to be accompanied. Just rest for now.โ€
โ€œBut you are the prince.โ€
"Exactly. I am the prince and I want my orders to be respected."
The boy was a smug son of a bitch when he put his mind to it, just like now. The man had no choice but to obey the words and then the two of you were able to leave. You could get there on foot, but Aegon had felt like riding and had wanted an alternative to quickly escape if something went wrong.
You walked along a path that still belonged to the Red Keep grounds, so there was no great danger of being attacked along the way, and you soon reached the bay. It was even more beautiful up close and as soon as you got off the mare you forgot any courtesy towards your husband, as you rushed towards the shore to watch the waves crash. Your pumps and dress were soaked when the water reached your calves, but it didn't bother you too much because you were happy for the reason.
โ€œHave you never been to the ocean?โ€
โ€œI'm afraid not, your grace. There was never any business that required me to be on the coast of The Reach and I have always lived surrounded by hills and forests. I had seen some rivers, butโ€ฆโ€
Before you could continue your story you staggered because of a wave and to avoid falling you tried to hold on to whatever was within reach, which turned out to be the man next to you. He supported you from the elbows with his strong arms.
โ€œOh, I'm so sorry.โ€
โ€œItโ€™s okay,โ€ he laughed. For the first time in your presence, he had laughed โ€œBut we should get away from the shore. I wouldn't want to take you back to the castle all soakedโ€
You heeded the boy's advice and, still leaning on him, walked towards the sand. The sky was slightly cloudy, so the weather was perfect for walking around without any discomfort.
โ€œI've never visited Highgarden, is it as impressive as rumored?โ€ he asked, as he began to walk in the opposite direction of the Red Keep.
Although you never believed that the prince would be interested in such things, you began to talk to him about your hometown with particular emotion. You told him about his surroundings, about the castle and you also told in greater detail the gardens that once belonged to you and were full of golden roses, as was the emblem of your house.
You were surprised by how attentive the boy was to everything you had to say to him and for the first time since your arrival, you didn't feel like a stranger in your own skin. Talking about your home was like remembering a part of yourself, as if you were showing him your insides through stories of the beautiful hills where you had ridden so many times.
โ€œEverything sounds wonderful,โ€ he concluded. The sea breeze had already ruffled both of your hair and he took advantage of this to brush a strand out of your face โ€œSomeday I should go visit itโ€
โ€œYes, maybe you would like thatโ€ you exclaimed smiling. You had come too far and it was time to walk back, towards where you had left Frostfire and Moonshadow tied up โ€œYour grace, may I ask you a question?โ€
You opened your mouth to ask him why he was doing all that and why he had suddenly started showing so much interest in you. You wanted to know the reason for his unexpected kindness and his abstinence from activities that werenโ€™t very pleasant for you. But before you could speak, you took a moment to observe him. His skin looked paler in the light outside and his silver hair waved in the wind, however, what caught your attention the most was the serene expression on his face.
Although you couldn't say that you knew Aegon, the time you had lived together had shown you that his personality was extremely challenging. If you pointed out that he was being nicer to you and questioned him about it, he would most likely revert to his old behavior towards you simply on a whim. So no, you couldn't ask him about anything or you'd ruin the minuscule part of a good relationship you had managed to build.
โ€œI was thinking... Do you think we can one day bring golden roses to the royal gardens? Green and gold are part of your emblem too and that would beautify the place. I could take care of them, if you want.โ€
โ€œThat's a good idea,โ€ he exclaimed happily. You had already turned around to return and you calculated that it must be after noon โ€œI will order them to be brought in as soon as possible, in the hope that the hot weather at King's landing will not ruin themโ€
โ€œI hope not,โ€ you said, although a little less enthusiastic than before.
You had been lost in thought after the appearance of that question that you did not verbalize and suddenly Aegon feared that he had made some mistake. You walked a few meters in silence, until this state was unbearable for his majesty and he stopped you by holding your shoulders. You were about to ask what had happened when he pulled you against his lips, stealing your breath. It was still a rough kiss, but this time less desperate than before. His hands went down to your waist and held you to his body until there wasnโ€™t even a centimeter of distance left, with your belly touching the heat of his stomach.
โ€œStill no signs that you are pregnant?โ€
You thought that, perhaps, your answer was in that question and that the only thing the man wanted was to convince you to hurry up the matter of producing an heir.
โ€œI'm sorry to say no. It's very unfortunate."
โ€œWe'll have to keep trying,โ€ he said, shrugging his shoulders as if he wanted to downplay the matter โ€œMother insists on it.โ€
โ€œHas your mother always been like this to you?โ€
"What are you talking about?"
โ€œIt's justโ€ฆ she seems to have everything under control all the time.โ€
You couldn't be further from the truth and rather than describing it that way Aegon would have said that she was controlling. She wanted to have things under control, but she couldn't and as an example was the eldest prince himself, whom she had never been able to persuade to behave the way he did.
โ€œWell, she is the queen. I guess that's how she must beโ€ he exclaimed without much encouragement. He was still holding you by the waist and was surprised by how intimate that position was. โ€œBut we better get back, they must be wondering where we areโ€
โ€œMaybe they even think I ran away, taking advantage of the fact that you weren't there to watch me,โ€ you joked.
"Would you do it?"
"Do what?"
โ€œRun awayโ€
You looked at the man, incredulous, because it was stupid to think that if you were planning to run away you would just tell him like that. That was the characteristic of it, that it was surprising and hidden.
โ€œWhy would I do, your grace?โ€
โ€œMaybe because I'm a bad husband,โ€ he said quietly. You weren't understanding the game Aegon was playing and it was driving you crazy.
โ€œI wouldn't dare do it. I have nowhere to go and I know I couldn't even get through the doors without your majesty noticing,โ€ you replied.
The prince didnโ€™t want pragmatic reasons like that, but rather his question was more aimed at whether it was your will to abandon him.
Against all odds a couple of raindrops began to fall and very soon a storm had already brewed over your head. It was useless to run, but you did it anyway and Aegon held your hand to prevent either of you from falling due to a trip. Somewhere along the way you lost one of your pumps and at this you began to laugh and he, infected by your joy, did the same. It amused you greatly to think of the face the queen would make when she saw you enter the castle, with her eldest son soaked from head to toe and your clothing incomplete. But you also laughed from the joy of feeling so alive in that moment. You felt like a girl playing in the rain and despite the coldness of the falling water, you felt a certain warmth traveling from the tips of your fingers to your chest.
Although he was sure that you were an excellent rider, your husband insisted on taking you on his own horse to avoid any accidents and you agreed without complaint. His body sheltered you all the way to the Red Keep and once there, under the roof, he helped you down from the chair with extreme care. You didn't think he was that strong until you felt him grab your waist and place you on the floor effortlessly.
โ€œAsk the maids to prepare a bath for you, or you will catch a cold,โ€ he said, putting on your back a cloak he had found hanging on one of the walls.
There was the hint of a smile on his face and seeing him behave like this towards you made you feel weird. You almost felt like he was trying to be affectionate with you, even though he wasn't quite succeeding.
โ€œYou should do the same,โ€ you exclaimed softly.
Motivated by the kind moment you had shared, you reached out to brush away the wet hair that had stuck to his face and he shivered at your touch. It was the first time you touched him that way, out of conviction and with care.
โ€œYour majesty, Lord Hand is looking for you. He says he needs to talk to you urgently."
โ€œMy grandfather,โ€ he sighed at you, as if wanting to apologize for the words the guard behind you had just said.
He gave the man Moonshadow's reins and then explained that someone had to go get the horse you had left in the bay, so you assumed your presence there was no longer necessary. You were about to leave when he stopped you, grabbing your arm somewhat roughly and looking at you with a feeling that you couldn't decipher.
โ€œI'll go to your room tonight,โ€ he informed.
You felt a little disappointed by the reality of having to share a bed with him, after so long without having done so, but you were grateful that he was at least warning you.
You nodded your goodbyes and he did the same, forming an unspoken agreement. You thought maybe that was why he had been polite to you, so he could get back under your bed sheets. But there was no point in doing it, he wasn't courting you to win your hand, but you were already his wife and he had made it very clear that he could do with you whatever he wanted.
Still a little confused, you were escorted to your bedroom, where you hoped that a tub with hot water and essences would be enough to appease all those doubts that were growing in you.
At some point Aegon would get tired of all this, you were sure. But while that moment arrived, you were thoroughly enjoying all kinds of attention you received from your husband. He kept his promise to bring golden roses for the gardens and although the queen wasnโ€™t very happy, in the end they adorned some of the busiest sections of the place. You took that as an act of good faith, so you thought that maybe the thought of repaying him for some of the decency he was showing you wouldn't kill you.
There wasnโ€™t a single breakfast that you skipped, except when the prince was required for political matters or had to travel. You were too proud to admit that you had begun to genuinely enjoy his company, as you still had some distrust due to how temperamental the man was. It wasn't all sunshine and flowers, as the young man still had some outbursts that made you fear him and reminded you that this was who you were really talking to.
His drinking habits hadnโ€™t changed much, since although he was able to handle it during the first week after that period, it was inevitable that he would go back to his old ways and drink an entire jug of wine in a couple of minutes. With sex it was the same, because he continued to fuck you without signs of care and regularly when he was lost in drink. It amused you to think that perhaps that was the reason why you still didn't carry a child in your womb; that he was too drunk when you tried to be of any use.
However, as your relationship strengthened you could notice slight (you almost swore they were imaginary) changes when having sex. He was no longer as rough towards your body as before and tried to thrust into you a little slower, as if he wanted to lengthen the moment and not just unload into you and sleep like a baby after that. Maybe it was just that the drink made him lethargic, but he had even started seeking your lips in the middle of the act or kissing everything within reach of the skin on your neck. You didn't intend to spend much time analyzing his behavior because for you it already represented a victory that he had stopped hurting you after every time you had sex and, honestly, you didn't want to inquire about it. Once again you thought it was more prudent not to question the prince and simply let him continue behaving that way.
Until one night, things looked different for you.
When you heard your husband open the door, quite late at night, and saw him approach your bed, you knew that the same dynamic of nighttime visits would take place. Aegon, already hard as a rock, would kiss you a few times, undress, order you to undress, and then position on top of you to satisfy himself. Needless to say, under the confidence that being in the dark gave you and your husband's lack of interest, you looked away or concentrated on something else while your martyrdom was carried out. He would finish, lie naked next to you, and then sleep soundly with no memory the next morning of what had happened.
Aegon called your name, just to check that you were awake or otherwise wake you up, and you were surprised to hear that his voice sounded quite normal. He wasn't slurring his words like usual.
"Your grace?" you called back, propping yourself up on your elbows so you could look at him.
He did what was expected and as soon as he was far enough away, he started kissing you. You must have known something was wrong from that first moment, when he grabbed your cheek with his wide hand and offered you the most passionate kiss you had ever had. It is reiterated that Aegon was always somewhat careless in intimacy, but this first contact hadnโ€™t felt as impatient as others, but rather was something more careful and planned.
Only one other man had kissed you like that in your life and although the feeling brewing in your chest must have been pleasant, the truth was that it wasn't. You had endured too much abuse from the white-haired man so your body didn't know how to react otherwise. That's why when he continued kissing you for longer than usual and then laid you down meekly, you couldn't do anything but tense uncomfortably.
You were only in your nightgown so there wasn't much difficulty in sliding the straps to the side, almost exposing your tits. Suddenly Aegon lowered his kisses to your neck, where his stubble scratched your skin. Knowing that he would be busy in that area, you turned your head away to focus your gaze on a tapestry on the wall. However, you got a surprise when you felt the prince move away from you and then a bigger one when he took your face between his fingers, placing his index finger and thumb on each of your cheeks to force you to look at him. At first you thought there was anger in his eyes, but after looking at them for a second more you concluded that the feeling was more like that of someone insulted. And why? you asked yourself. What had you done that had offended the prince?
โ€œWhy are you looking away?โ€
His question had a certain aggressive tone, but, at the same time, he sounded hurt. With that you confirmed that he wasnโ€™t drunk or that, if he was, he had drunk just enough to make him feel slightly dizzy. You couldn't tell the way your eyes looked at him, but Aegon interpreted your expression as one of disdain.
Unbeknownst to you, he had his own whirlwind of feelings inside him, one that was driving him crazy and causing him to look you up and down while still holding you. Heโ€™d never been like this on another night, so you were at the mercy of knowing how good or bad that would turn out.
Suddenly he seemed upset, you would even say disgusted, and surprisingly stood up from his position. The cold air hit you where he had been before and you sat on the bed to watch him, completely confused by the way he was behaving.
"What's going onโ€ฆ?"
โ€œYou don't want this,โ€ he spoke firmly. It was obvious that you didn't want to and you wondered how he had barely realized it. โ€œNot like thatโ€ฆ Iโ€ฆ no. Not this way"
His babbling confused you even more and when you saw him walk away with exaggerated steps until he left through the door, you couldn't help but feel totally amazed.
What was the reason for what your husband had just done?
The feeling of being abandoned was more hopeless than having him fuck you would have been, and for a moment you even felt ashamed. Maybe he didn't like you anymore or he would just go and cure his frustration in the bed of a woman you didn't know.
He had watched you very strangely and the whole scene wasn't like him. You even pinched yourself just to check that it wasn't some strange dream, getting a moan of pain in response to your question. You thought that perhaps you were acting impulsively, but barely a minute later you put on a green robe over your nightgown and headed towards the door, still not knowing exactly what you were going to do.
โ€œWhere are you going, your grace?โ€ the guard on duty asked, putting his voluptuous body in your way.
โ€œPrince Aegon, do you know where he went?โ€
โ€œIn that direction, your majesty. But I'm afraid I must recommend that you return to your room, it is dangerous to walk around the palace at this time."
โ€œBut I wish to see my husband,โ€ you said firmly.
The man let out a sigh and then slid to the side of the hallway, leaving you a clear path. Even so, when you started walking you felt his footsteps following you because he probably wanted to make sure that something didn't happen to you. You walked for a while, but you knew it was useless when all you found were locked doors that you couldn't knock on and that you couldn't open either. If Aegon was in any of those rooms, you wouldn't know it. Defeated, you returned to your room and, as expected, found it empty again.
The next morning there wasnโ€™t a single word about that event, but it was present in your mind throughout the day. You had already lived with him enough to realize that something was bothering him, however, upon noticing that he was less talkative during your usual breakfast, you decided to give him time.
You were about to leave the table when he stopped you, asking you to take your seat again and looking at you seriously.
โ€œI have to travel for a couple of weeks,โ€ he informed you. You were surprised to hear that he almost sounded sad โ€œThe king is required on some business and since my father can no longer travel, I will have to do it.โ€
โ€œI hope the entire journey is favorable and the visit profitable, your grace,โ€ you exclaimed cordially. However, your husband didnโ€™t seem pleased with it.
One of his hands slid to hold yours, with a strength that surprised you. There was urgency in his grip, like he needed to hold on to something.
โ€œIs that all you have to say?โ€
A couple of wrinkles appeared on your brow, as you clearly weren't understanding what he expected of you. Accompanying him would be reckless and you didn't know if he wanted you to keep him there at King's landing.
During those last months something had changed in the man's face, because those eyes surrounded by purple marks no longer saw you with the same aversion as the first time. And it disheartened Aegon that his attempts to please you were yielding no apparent fruit. He was giving you time, effort, and being kind to you like you had said was necessary, but he still couldn't help but feel that you still considered him a stranger.
He had been patient because he thought that, as time went by, you would begin to seek him out or not shy away from his touch. Aegon cared a lot about the physical, so every time he sneaked into your room he did so with the hope that you would welcome him with open arms and give yourself to him willingly. Countless nights he waited in his own room for you to show up to keep him warm and love him throughout the night. But it never happened and a part of him couldn't blame you either.
However, he was already tired of it. He wanted to make it clear to you that he not only wanted to give, but also receive. But forcing you to do anything would ruin everything; you had to want it.
โ€œHave I said something that offended you, prince?โ€
โ€œI just thought you would say you were going to miss meโ€
A laugh echoed in your throat at those words and for a second Aegon felt hurt, like you were mocking you. He was going to let go of your hand and walk away, insulted, but you squeezed his hand harder as a sign that you didn't want him to do that.
โ€œI'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh at you. I just didn't think that if I harbored feelings of that kind they would be of interest to your majesty."
โ€œDo you miss me when you don't see me?โ€ he asked now, allowing himself to be vulnerable in front of you โ€œOr are you glad to have me away?โ€
You didn't know what those direct questions were about, because you didn't expect that a man like him would be plagued by uncertainty about knowing the answers.
โ€œNot at all. I will always be willing to be with you whenever you want.โ€
โ€œAnd you want to be with me?โ€ he insisted.
โ€œI think that what I want is not importantโ€
โ€œBut I'm trying to make it so. I thought I was making it clear enough,โ€
He was angry, but not for the reasons you might think. It frustrated him that he was trying hard to improve and that your eyes continued to see him like that first time. Too many people were already observing him like that and he thought that, perhaps, since you were the most recent to do it, you could also be the first in whom he could manage to modify it.
You, however, were still too confused by his signs. Sometimes his attitude didnโ€™t coincide with the intentions he had, since antipathy was often the only emotion with which he allowed himself to express and feel, accustomed to what he received during all his years of life.
All those months of effort were a direct product of the talk you had had with him, of that moment of weakness in which, instead of ignoring him like everyone else did, you had stayed with him. Aegon was aware that the treatment towards you was sometimes inhumane and he couldnโ€™t explain how despite this you had wiped away his tears with such care, expressing nothing more than an act of integrity. Sometimes he even just imposed things on you to see if he could push you to the limit and he was surprised to see that you endured everything with honor and decency. You were good, something he could never be.
He didn't want to hear anything more and then let go of your hand, feeling rejected again.
"It's getting late. I have to go feed Sunfyre so he can endure the trip.โ€
โ€œWill you travel by dragon?โ€
โ€œHow else would a Targaryen do it?โ€ expressed obviously.
You were silent for a moment and then he stood up, ready to fulfill his obligations. In the afternoon he had already left, without emotional goodbyes or anything like that.
You had those weeks alone to reflect on everything that had been happening. You firmly believed that a cruel and evil person would always be that way, even if they hid it, because humans canโ€™t change from one day to the next. Still, you had to allow Aegon the courtesy of admitting that he wasn't being a complete jerk lately.
You tried to think of any unpleasant moments with him during that week and although you found a couple, you realized that they had all been because of minor arguments or simply that one of the two of you had woken up in a bad mood. The hatred for the boy had been so ingrained in you that now it was difficult to decipher how much of it was due to things that were really happening and how much of it was a resentment carried from the past, at the beginning of that harmful relationship that existed between you.
He was no longer a mean man to you, he just sometimes had those logical slips for anyone who has never been taught to love. He didn't know how to care for you, how to talk to you, or even how to touch you properly. He had always existed alone and could still be seen reflected in his incessant desire for you to be the one to look for him, in his longing to know that you would miss him during his absence and in wanting you to look forward to his return. He wanted you to pay attention to him. He needed it.
One fine afternoon the vision of Sunfyre finally appeared in the bright blue of the sky, with you watching from the huge window of your room. He looked majestic, flying deftly and confidently with the rider above him grinning from ear to ear. Aegon had once confessed to you that he loved to fly on his dragon and he spoke about it with a devotion that completely touched you.
You thought about going to look for him, grateful that he had returned, but you were afraid that your presence would bother him or, in that case, that there would be murmurs about you. You didn't want to seem like a desperate wife so you thought it would be best to look for him at dinner time and in case he wanted to see you before, you stayed in your room all afternoon.
Once night fell, you put on one of your prettiest dresses and went to the royal dining room hoping to find him there, but it was in vain. Luckily one of the cooks had seen him and he told you that he was in his room, since he had ordered that something to eat and drink be brought there.
Determined, you made your way there and took a moment before entering. You hoped that the time away from King's landing had not hardened your lover's character, because it would be a shame to waste what you had built for some time and have to start over, or not do it at all, which would be even worse. Since there were no guards at the door, you were able to push the wood without any hindrance and then you saw it.
Aegon was sitting near the fireplace, his back to the entrance and leaning against a table that had a jug that you assumed was full (or not so full anymore) of wine. When he heard your footsteps he turned slightly and when he saw you, he kept a serene expression on his face.
โ€œHey,โ€ he exclaimed quietly.
โ€œThe maids informed me that you were hereโ€ you explained and he nodded.
You noticed that he no longer wore his black doublet with the Targaryen emblem, he only kept the breeches of the same color and a mint-colored linen shirt that left part of his chest exposed. His white hair had some natural curls that fell delicately over her shoulders.
โ€œYeah. I don't feel like seeing my parents.โ€
โ€œI understandโ€ you assumed that if he hadn't wanted to see you he wouldn't have hesitated to tell you, so you approached him. Undecided whether you should greet him with a kiss or just stay to the side, you placed your hands on his shoulders and leaned a little to look at him โ€œHow was the trip?โ€
โ€œIt was good,โ€ he responded with reluctance. โ€œBut my body feels completely crushedโ€
โ€œHm. It showsโ€ you whispered, amused. The tension in his body was palpable and that's why you began to massage him, pressing hard just where he needed it. Aegon, feeling your skilled hands doing this, let out a satisfied grunt and leaned his head back with his eyes closed.
Doing that wasnโ€™t something you had planned when you went there, it had only happened out of the heat of the moment and the reality that your husband's body was taking its toll on him for the hours he had spent riding his dragon.
With each passing second Aegon's burden felt lighter and lighter, wondering where you had learned those movements and how your hands were strong enough to exert the right pressure.
"Feel better?" you asked kindly and he nodded immediately, eyes still closed.
Suddenly one of your hands slid lower, towards his chest, to caress him. This time your fingers were light as feathers, sending an electrical current up and down the man's spine under your touch. No whore had ever touched him like that, with that force and at the same time so delicately.
But it was clear that you were not a whore. You were his wife.
โ€œCome here,โ€ he said firmly, reaching out to wrap his hand around your wrist and pulling you directly into his lap.
It was extremely painful to admit that he had missed you. He was physically frustrated because he hadn't dared to take any other woman in your absence. It had been a long time since he had frequented pleasure houses, since his appetite was awakened only by being with you.
What the hell had you done to him?
โ€œThe cook told me that you ordered some food, but I only see wine around here. Have you already eaten anything?โ€
โ€œMhmm,โ€ he said absently. Your legs dangled to the side and one of his hands came up to your face, brushing your loose hair away from it. The other one surrounded you until it planted itself firmly on your belly. โ€œStill no signs of anything?โ€
โ€œHonestly, I don't know. The maesters canโ€™t say with certaintyโ€ฆ I am sorryโ€
โ€œWhat if you are sterile?โ€ the mere possibility of it made you nervous and you wondered what your fate would be if that was the case. Aegon didn't look so worried โ€œWhat a disappointment for Alicent.โ€
You didn't know how to take that, because on the one hand it could be that your husband was amused by the irony of the matter and on the other hand it was that he would never have wanted to have children with you. For a moment you thought that the tranquility of the environment had been fragmented by this, but it turned out that the man couldn't care less. He was completely focused on your lips, almost as if hypnotized.
โ€œI trust that is not the case, your grace. Justโ€ฆ it was a streak of bad luck.โ€
โ€œI guess so,โ€ he murmured nonchalantly. He was still watching your mouth when you spoke โ€œBut now I donโ€™t care much about that.โ€
He carefully grabbed you by the back of your neck and brought you closer to shorten the distance, giving you an eager kiss that took your breath away. The hand that was on your waist pulled you closer to his body, leaving practically no separation between you and him. You could feel the desperation on his lips and in his touch, like he was eager to make you his. And at the same time, he was kissing you like he had never done before: it was sweet, yearning, passionate. You felt like he really wanted you.
He separated from you so you could breathe and, as best he could, he maneuvered to lift your body until he placed you on the table, where it was easier for him to place himself in the space between your legs. You instinctively placed your hands around his neck and wrapped one of your legs around his body.
โ€œI longed for you. These weeksโ€ you finally confessed. You heard him, and felt him, breathe more erratically at this because your words had fallen on him with the force of an axe.
From there, Aegon acted solely driven by the feeling of knowing that you had wanted to see him as much as he had wanted to see you.
His entire body leaned over you to kiss you, with the same urgency as at the beginning. While he did that he grabbed you by the lower back, pulling you until your body collided with his crotch which, if it wasn't already hard, wouldn't take long.
His kisses were clumsy due to urgency and after a while he moved away from your mouth to descend to your neck. Sometimes he left a kiss or two, at most, but this time he seemed to want to take his time. His tongue ran all over your skin, freshly washed, and he spread caresses without restraint. Every place the dragon's lips touched lit up with fire and his hips grinding against you weren't doing much for the blush on your cheeks. Inevitably you began to sigh from so many stimuli, right at the level of his ear, which only motivated him to continue.
As best he could he pulled the laces on the back of your dress and it didn't take long to get rid of the restraints. He slid one of your sleeves over your shoulder to begin kissing that section, the same way he had done with your neck. An indiscreet moan escaped you as your husband bit into your soft flesh and you could feel him smile against your skin.
โ€œYou're mine, right?โ€ he sighed brokenly. You had tilted your head back to give him more space and he took the opportunity to lower the entire torso of your dress. โ€œOnly mineโ€ฆโ€
With the same devotion he took care of your breasts and you couldn't do anything but continue alternating between sighs and some muffled moans. You could feel how he longed for you, eager to be able to kiss every inch of your skin even if it took him the entire night. Suddenly your body had become a temple, an object worthy of worship. The prince continued to distribute kisses that each time descended towards your belly, until with one hand he violently threw everything that was on the table and you ended up lying completely on it. Then he walked away.
You were about to ask what had happened when he took care of taking off your ballerina flats and throwing them somewhere far away in the room, only to stretch your leg up to the height of his torso to start kissing it. No one, not even him, had ever done that to you, so it was natural for you to be dismayed. His kisses moved quickly up your thigh and once he did that, he dropped to his knees in front of you. The skirt of your dress blocked your view and when you tried to get up something made you scream. Aegon had bitten into the tender flesh of your thighs, quite close to your crotch and with more force than he had hit your shoulder. You could only imagine his face when he carefully licked the mark he had surely left on you, once again making your chest exhale a moan.
What he did next and the sensation it caused, you could never have even imagined. That mouth, which most of the time was used for ironic puns and sloppy kisses, was now taking expert care of all of your pussy. Aegon was devouring you completely, touching just where it was necessary to make you squirm on the table. He wasn't careful at all; it was a touch hungry and extremely dirty.
You wanted to hold on as much as you could to keep yourself attached to reality, but it was difficult with your husband eating you like that. One of his arms wrapped around your leg and placed it over his shoulder, probably to give him better access. You had never moaned like that in his presence and it only made him harder and harder beneath the tight fabric of his breeches.
The pleasure was barely getting to your head when he stopped and a dissatisfied grunt escaped you shamelessly. Aegon laughed unabashedly at this, pleased at the control he had gained over you, and then went up again to kiss you hungrily. You couldn't do anything but welcome his salty lips and you moaned against him as he leaned against your body and you could feel his crotch, not knowing if it was your own wetness or his that was present.
He held you from behind and, without stopping kissing you, carried you until he placed you on the bed. You considered it somewhat unfair that your husband already had you trembling beneath him and still hadn't taken off a single piece of clothing, but your complaints were silenced when he hurriedly pulled his shirt over his head and took off his breeches in record time. In the same way, he pulled your dress towards your legs so that a second later it ended up on the floor, along with everything else.
He knelt down on the mattress and spread your legs roughly, lining himself up with your entrance. He began to rub the tip of his member up and down your already wet center and that did nothing but drive you crazy again.
When a delicate, pleading, ยซpleaseยป escaped your swollen lips, Aegon knew it was more stimulating to have you begging for him than to worry about only satisfying himself.
He played with you for a while longer, smiling from ear to ear at the sight of his delicate, pretty wife vibrating from having him close, until he finally plunged into you. For the first time there was enough wetness in you that the stroke felt satisfying rather than painful and both of you let out a delicious moan.
He set the pace, slow at first, but after a while his movements became more desperate. He wanted to get to the core of you, he wanted to fill you completely so you knew that only he could make you feel that way. When his body began to ache he leaned towards you, resting each of his arms on the side of your head and looking directly at you. You had stopped looking away from him, now you were looking at him with your mouth open with pleasure, your eyes watery and your pupils dilated on your completely flushed cheeks.
โ€œAegon,โ€ you sobbed pathetically, clouded by everything you were experiencing and proving that it wasn't long before you reached your orgasm.
You had never called him by his name. You always referred to him as ยซyour graceยป, ยซprinceยป or ยซhusbandยป, at best. So hearing his name come out of your lips like that, under those circumstances, was too much for him to bear.
Knowing that he couldn't last much longer, one of his hands moved down to rest his thumb on your clit and once there he began to make erratic circles. You closed your eyes, completely seized by pleasure and a couple more thrusts were enough to make you lose the battle. Hearing your whimpers, combined with the way your walls squeezed him, was enough to make him cum too. With trembling legs you felt the warm liquid filling you and, for the first time, it was comforting.
When Aegon plopped down next to you, you immediately missed his body warmth. Both of you were breathing heavily, trying to catch the breath that the orgasm had taken from you. You could clearly feel your heartbeat bouncing off your bare chest and the stinging sensation coming from your crotch and running through your entire body was something you could get used to. Your hair had stuck to your face from the sweat and not to mention your lips, which you felt were burning from your husband's attention.
Aegon had already had many orgasms in his life so this time he decided to turn his gaze a little to see you enjoying yours. The mere idea that he was responsible for your condition made him completely shake.
โ€œYou look beautiful,โ€ he blurted out suddenly. You thought he had heard wrong because of the rush, but from the way he was smiling at you, you highly doubted it. โ€œJust like thatโ€
โ€œLike what?โ€
โ€œFreshly fucked. Well fuckedโ€ he corrected himself.
A laugh bubbled up from within you and you blushed even more, if that was possible, perhaps from the nerves and elation of what had just happened. The man stood up a little from his seat and leaned down to kiss you, although this time he did it with a calm and affection that you never thought you would see in him. It was just that he couldn't deny it anymore; from that moment on he would become an open book for you, where you could see all his feelings, desires and fears.
โ€œI don't know why you're doing this,โ€ you suddenly murmured and Aegon pulled away enough to look at you โ€œAnd I don't know why you've been acting like this these past few months. But I like it. I think it's a good time for you to know."
โ€œYou said I could choose who I am,โ€ he said meekly. One of his hands grabbed your chin and stole another fleeting kiss from you. โ€œI haven't forgotten, every word is present in my head. It's just... sometimes it's hard. And I thought I would have a better chance with you, even with the things I did to you when we got marriedโ€
You smiled at him and were happy to know that the change in his behavior was because of the talk you once had with him. If he continued like this, ignoring the demons inside him and trying to be better, then your marriage had a chance to become more than just a condemnation.
Driven by the pleasant feeling growing in your chest you reached out towards him to reward him with a kiss. The man's breath hitched when you pushed him to the side and reversed roles, now you being the one pampering him while he was lying down. There was a playful glint in your husband's eyes as you looked at him.
โ€œDo you know this is the first time you kissed me?โ€ he exhaled softly.
You couldn't believe that was possible and for a few seconds you tried to remember so you could contradict him. But every time you remembered you realized that it was always him who initiated the contact to which you only responded, so, effectively, it was the first kiss you gave him out of conviction.
Maybe it was an omen that something good was coming.
Still happy with how everything had turned out, you snuggled into his side, your head resting on his chest while he hugged you and threw a sheet over your bodies. You planted a hand on his bare skin and began drumming your fingers, alternating with small circles made with the greatest delicacy.
You were silent for a long time, you even thought that your husband had fallen asleep until you heard him speak again:
โ€œIt's also the first time I'm doing this.โ€
โ€œAre you talking about sex, your grace?โ€
โ€œNo, I'm talking about cuddling,โ€ he confessed softly, his hand caressing your back the same way you did with him, โ€œAnd don't call me your majesty anymore. I am Aegon. Or my prince, at any rate. But my is importantโ€
With the affection worthy of a wife, you raised your head to place a kiss on his cheek and assured him that from now on you would call him that in the privacy of your chambers.
Suddenly, after another moment of silence, Aegon pulled you close to him as if afraid you were going to suddenly evaporate. Intending to calm his fears, you climbed until you were on top of his body, hiding your head in his neck so that the distance became minimal.
There was silence for another couple of minutes.
โ€œDo you think I can ever be forgiven?โ€
Apparently the atmosphere of the moment had managed to soften the boy's heart.
โ€œWe can all be absolved, Aegon.โ€
"And you?"
"Me what?"
โ€œDo you think you can ever love me?โ€ you were quiet for a second, thinking about your response. Then, he added โ€œOr could you at least try? It would be a nice detail for me. No one has ever done it before.โ€
Not wanting to ruin the mood with a false word you decided to kiss his neck gently and that was enough of an answer for him. He would have to trust in your goodwill and that he could continue to restrain his impulses to keep this newly discovered gem that was his wife. With some luck you could even be that person he prayed for so much all his life, one with whom he could feel safe.
The slowing of the man's breathing revealed to you that he had already fallen asleep and you discovered that it seemed not so bad to find yourself in that position, sheltered by your lover's arms.
Under that scenario, the idea of eventually loving Prince Aegon Targaryen no longer sounded so far-fetched.
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asahicore ยท 21 days
cold hands - psh (m)
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this work contains smut - minors please do not interact
pairing. sunghoon x fem!reader
synopsis. plot plot plot what is a plot when you can just have vibes and a vague narrative direction... if you MUST know you go to your brother's hockey team back-to-uni party accidentally matching one of the members with your cowgirl barbie costume. hopelessly romantic sunghoon sees this as a sign that the two of you are meant to be together, but you're impossible to read and soon the two of you settle on an ambiguous secret friends with benefits relationship. unfortunately, conflict ensues.
genre. strangers to friends to fwb to lovers..?? its not an asahicore fic if it doesnt have fluff angst AND smut, brothers best friend, jock x nerd type vibe, slight miscommunication put your pitchforks away and hear me out pls it works out i promise, reader has ISSUES ๐Ÿ’œ loser loverboy sunghoon, its mostly in his pov, i know nothing about ice hockey
word count. 39.5k ๐Ÿ˜‚
a/n. inspired by @moonlighthoon's request for the 1k trope event! sorry it took ages to write but i hope you like it and that i met ur expectations!!!! hope everyone else enjoys it too, this is the longest fic ive ever written and im quite proud of it, pls pls pls let me know what u thought <333 shoutout to @zreamy .. good luck with your studies, thank u for beta reading and making this fic exponentially better as u always do โญ๏ธ credit to @/plutism for the dividers :)
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Some men never think of it. You did. Youโ€™d come along And say youโ€™d nearly brought me flowers But something had gone wrong.
The shop was closed. Or you had doubts - The sort that minds like ours Dream up incessantly. You thought I might not want your flowers.
It made me smile and hug you then. Now I can only smile. But, look, the flowers you nearly brought Have lasted all this while. - Wendy Cope, Flowers
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When Sunghoon falls in love, it usually goes as quickly as it came.
Just to name a few:
There had been Ahn Yujin, whose family had moved next to his when he was twelve, and whose dog got on perfectly with his. His crush on the cute girl next door grew with every walk the four of them took but disappeared the second she ditched him to walk home from school with Na Jaemin.ย 
A few years later, there had been Bae Sumin, who sat in front of him and always had her hair up in a ponytail he found exceedingly pretty. An appointment at the hairdresser was enough for him to stop liking her, as if his interest in her had been laying in the ten centimeters of hair she had cut off.ย 
In his junior year of high school, there had been Kim Yerim, a college student that tutored him in Math and English. She was three years older, but that didnโ€™t deter himโ€”what did was the fact that she was dating a college graduate. She showed him a picture once, and the guy had biceps probably twice the size of Sunghoonโ€™s. He thought it was safer to give up on her than to fight such a bulky guy five years his senior.ย 
The first time it stuck was during his first year of college. She was his coachโ€™s daughter and he liked the way she would smile at him when she came to watch their practice. Sunghoon didnโ€™t like to think about her, mainly because even after she broke his heart, for a while there, he continued to love her.ย 
So, when he first spots you from across the room at the Welcome Back costume party thrown by his hockey team, unintentionally the Cowboy Barbie to his Cowboy Ken, he tries not to read too much into it. Barbie was a hit this summer, itโ€™s an easy and topical costume, of course thereโ€™s a pretty girl wearing the same bright pink cowboy hat he is. It doesnโ€™t mean sheโ€™s the love of his life.
He knows you from the pictures that littered the walls of Minjeong, Yunjin and Chaewonโ€™s apartment last year, from Instagram posts, both yours and your friendsโ€™, from your video calls with Jake, who dragged him into the cameraโ€™s view. Say hi to my sister, heโ€™d insist, like Sunghoon was a child who didnโ€™t want to greet his great-great-aunt. Heโ€™d dip in to say hi as requested, ask how you were, and mumble me too like a fool when you said you heard so much about him and were excited to meet him in real life.ย 
These are the things Sunghoon knows about you: Jakeโ€™s older sister by a year, currently on a year abroad in Rome, studies something fancy like Classics, which he hadnโ€™t known people still did in the twenty-first century, deep attachment to Stardew Valley in first year, rarely seen with the same man twice, very pretty. Absurdly so. Heโ€™s also weirdly obsessed over the texts youโ€™ve sent to the group chat he was added to at the beginning of last yearโ€”scarce, short, elusive. Never more than two sentences, and always long after the conversation was over. But sometimes youโ€™d send photos and videos out of nowhere, of your adventures or of funny things you saw online, and he always hearted them. He even replied to it sometimes (brave hahas or thatโ€™s so cool!s), in hopes that it would make you like him, would make you think, he gets me.ย 
The two of you have never formally yet because you left for Italy the year he started university. Heโ€™s been nervous about meeting you since the first time the group told him about you.ย 
Now that he is about to, he can hear his heart thumping so loudly in his ears, it drowns out the bass of the music. Heโ€™s glad he gets to see you before having to talk to youโ€”heโ€™s not sure he could take in your presence and form coherent words at the same time. He watches you laugh with your friends, the smile lines that form like dimples around your mouth, the strands of hair you keep tucking behind your ear. Then someone joins your groupโ€”except itโ€™s not just someone, itโ€™s Minjeong, her denim jacket so often worn he recognises her from the back, and he realizes the people youโ€™re with have been Chaewon and Yunjin this whole time. The three of them have been banging on about you all year, even more so due to the fact that their replacement flatmate was dreadful, a Spanish girl who only hung out with other Spanish exchange students and looked the girls up and down when they tried to invite her out somewhere.
You turn towards Minjeong, and before he knows it, heโ€™s in your line of sight, and your eyes meet. Confusion, then a flash of recognition goes through your eyes. He had been resting his elbow on a countertop, cider bottle in hand and watching you, he realizes, not unlike a creep, but now he stands up straight and looks around him as if you hadnโ€™t just caught him staring. Before he can find a way out, Jake appears by his side and throws an arm around his shoulders, guiding him into the throng of party-goers and, coincidentally, closer to you.
โ€œDude, youโ€™ll never guess what.โ€
โ€œWhat?โ€ Sunghoon says, tone coming out more irritated than he means it to. Heโ€™s just had to give up on making a good first impression on you, and he doesnโ€™t even have the time to think of a way to redeem himself. When he dares to look back at you, your eyes are already on him, a small smile on your lips. You probably hate him already.
โ€œMy sister is dressed just like you. If I didnโ€™t know any better, Iโ€™d think you guys came together or something. Hey, guys!โ€ Jake calls out, and all of a sudden, itโ€™s not just your eyes on him, itโ€™s everyoneโ€™s. Well, to be fair, theyโ€™re also looking at Jake. But youโ€™re only looking at Sunghoon, and he canโ€™t look away from you either, canโ€™t even manage the politeness to hug everyone in greeting like Jake is doing now. He watches as your eyes rake over his figure, taking him in, assessing him, and he suddenly feels awkward in his costume that matches yours, like heโ€™s somehow overstepped a boundary, like you might think heโ€™s asked around about your costume, found out you were going as Barbie and decided to match you so youโ€™d think the two of you were meant together, like he had two minutes ago, and come to the fairly reasonable decision that he was the weirdest man on Earth. But then you meet his eyes, smile a kind, genuine smile, and his whole body relaxes.ย 
โ€œHey, Hoon!โ€ Chaewon calls, arms open wide. He remembers himself and hugs everyone, even you, and he has to pretend like this is completely fine and normal, like his hands arenโ€™t practically shaking as his arms circle your shoulders in a two-second embrace.ย 
You squeeze one of his shoulders, and keeping his countenance is a Herculean task. He feels like those people centuries ago who passed out at the sight of a ladyโ€™s ankle. โ€œItโ€™s so nice to finally meet you,โ€ you say, peering at him over the rim of your red cup. โ€œIโ€™ve heard so much about you.โ€
Sunghoon feels the blush growing on his face; he wasnโ€™t expecting so much of your attention so quickly. He takes a swig of his lukewarm cider, hoping if he seems drunk, it might explain his redness. โ€œGood things, I hope,โ€ he says, aware of the unoriginality but unable to come up with anything better.
โ€œOh, donโ€™t worry, theyโ€™ve made you out to be a saint.โ€ Youโ€™ve not once broken eye contact or stopped smilingโ€”it should intimidate him, but instead, it makes Sunghoon feel like youโ€™ve known each other for ages and that this isnโ€™t your first conversation at all. He finds himself able to relax into a smile, and manages to meet your eyes for more than three seconds at a time.
โ€œYou donโ€™t believe them?โ€
You pause, gaze zeroing in on him even more intensely than previously, smile turning smirk-like. Sunghoonโ€™s heart skips a beat. Okay, maybe heโ€™s not that relaxed. โ€œI donโ€™t know you well enough to make up my mind yet. But weโ€™ll be seeing plenty of each other from now on, wonโ€™t we?โ€
This is exactly what Sunghoon has been warned about. You at parties, the way you look at guys, the way you talk to them. Sunghoon has been the audience of more than one recreation of such a scene, Yunjin pretending to be you, Chaewon pretending to be your โ€œvictim,โ€ as the others liked to call them. Because once you had set your eyes on a man, he had little chance of making it out. Jay prides himself as being the only survivor, although he has to admit itโ€™s only because Jake interrupted your conversation, telling him, โ€œI see youโ€™ve met my sister.โ€ And Jay was not the kind of person that got off with their friendsโ€™ siblings, especially since his and Jakeโ€™s friendship was only a week long at that point, and he didnโ€™t want to ruin the atmosphere in their dorm for the rest of the year just because his dick had gotten the best of him. His words. Whenever they were all hanging out together and they called you, one of the girls would inevitably ask if you had โ€œturned any Italian boys into menโ€ or if you had been โ€œterrorizing the good men of Rome recently.โ€ You would either roll your eyes or say this was not a conversation to be had in front of your brother.
Sunghoon had been sure they were exaggeratingโ€”it takes two to tango, as they say, and it wasnโ€™t like you ensnared innocent men into your trap. They had to be willing, to want something from you just as much as you wanted something from them. Heโ€™d also gotten them to admit it wasnโ€™t that frequent, that you werenโ€™t looking for a new prey every party, just once in a while when you found someone you liked. (Heโ€™d been very quiet when Jay asked why he was trying so hard to defend you.)
But now that he is on the receiving end of your alluring smiles, he starts to understand how one could fall for you without meaning to. He knows he canโ€™t โ€” Jake probably wouldnโ€™t take to it kindly, and he didnโ€™t want to spoil the dynamic of his best group of friends at uni โ€” but he has a feeling that ten minutes of talking to you would be enough to shake his resolve.
โ€œOh, yeah, Iโ€™m sure we will. Jake said you studied a lot, but Iโ€™m sure weโ€™ll get to hang out. All of us, I mean,โ€ he quickly adds, lest you think heโ€™s already asking you to hang out one-on-one. Sunghoon would not be that forward.
โ€œOf course. I have to see if you did a good enough job replacing me for a year.โ€ Sunghoonโ€™s eyes widen, and before he can blurt out something weirdly laudatory like โ€œI could never replace you, I would never even try, I donโ€™t know you but youโ€™re clearly far superior to me in every aspect and I could never even claim to fill your spot,โ€ you giggle and tell him itโ€™s just a joke. โ€œIf anything, Iโ€™m happy Jake has managed to make a new friend that he didnโ€™t meet through me, that loser,โ€ you say, and together, you laugh at Jakeโ€™s loserness, a topic that will never fail to amuse Sunghoon, although heโ€™s not faring much better in that department.ย 
โ€œLike, look at him right now,โ€ you say, jerking your head in Jakeโ€™s general direction, somewhere behind Sunghoonโ€™s shoulderโ€”and thatโ€™s when he realizes that itโ€™s just the two of you standing there, the others gone without him even noticing. Sunghoon turns around, finding the girls, Jay, and a bunch of other people he vaguely recognizes huddled around Jake. They all start chanting his name as he gulps down a giant red cup of beer, then raises the empty cup over his head in victory and crumples it, beaming at the people around him.ย 
โ€œWhat is he doing?โ€ Sunghoon asks, laughing at his friend.
โ€œJay called him over for a beer-off,โ€ you explain. After a beat, you ask, โ€œYou didnโ€™t notice?โ€
The implications are clear in your tone and in your eyes. In the smile playing on your lips, just shy of being a smirk. You didnโ€™t notice because of me, is what youโ€™re really telling Sunghoonโ€”at least, thatโ€™s the impression heโ€™s getting. And youโ€™d be right. He was too busy talking to you and trying his best not to make a fool of himself to notice his friends leaving, too engrossed with you to register the sudden disappearance of four people. Across the room, where people have shifted their attention to yet another hockey player downing a sizable amount of beer, he catches Chaewonโ€™s eyes, and she winks at him. Of courseโ€”leave it to Chaewon, to whom Sunghoon once made the mistake of drunkenly rambling about how pretty you looked in your Instagram posts last year, to give you and Sunghoon some time alone, โ€œto get to know each other properly,โ€ she would probably say. Although he isnโ€™t sure that small talk over 2000s music counts as getting to know someone. According to the others, she and Yunjin started dating a month into their second year, so Chaewon has proclaimed herself as the goddess of dating and is now always trying to set people up. Sunghoon thinks sheโ€™s just living vicariously through her friends now that she has a Mrs. at home.
Because the filter usually at work between the part of Sunghoonโ€™s brain where sentences are formed and his mouth is apparently on leave today, he says, โ€œI do have a pretty distracting sight in front of me.โ€ Heโ€™s immediately both mortified and impressed by this sudden bout of confidence, but then you look down and giggle, actually giggle, the sweetest sound heโ€™s ever heard, and only pride remains.ย 
โ€œSo, Ken?โ€ you ask, a cute attempt to change the subject, taking the fabric of the pink bandana around his neck between your fingers. Sunghoon wonders if youโ€™re going to yank him down to your level, and he thinks he wouldnโ€™t have much of a problem with that.ย 
He realizes that even though you should technically know each otherโ€™s names, you havenโ€™t actually exchanged them, so in a confused but correcting tone, he says, โ€œUm, Sunghoon.โ€ He only belatedly realizes that you hadnโ€™t gotten his name wrong, you were just making a comment on his costume, which he had completely forgotten he was wearing in the first place. Just as heโ€™s about to backtrack and salvage what he can of the situation, you burst into laughter, hand leaving his bandana to cover your mouth as he hides his face behind his own hands, laughing along with you despite himself.ย 
โ€œI know your name is Sunghoon!โ€ you exclaim. The gratification of hearing you say his name takes away some of his embarrassment. โ€œIโ€™m Y/N, by the way. Not Barbie.โ€
Sunghoon nods. โ€œGood to know.โ€
The laughter gradually dies down, but your smile stays the same; wide, bright, a smile that exposes your teeth and turns your eyes into crescents. Sunghoon canโ€™t look away. Heโ€™s awash with nerves, your gaze simultaneously planting his feet to the ground like theyโ€™re full of lead and making him light-headed. His heart is beating so fast, he can barely feel it anymore.ย 
The two of you stand there, looking and smiling at each other, like in a clichรฉ movie scene where everyone else at the party seems to fade into the background. He has no idea how much time has passed when you break the silence. โ€œIt really is nice to finally meet you,โ€ you say, repeating your statement from earlier, as though you mean it more now.ย 
โ€œIt is,โ€ Sunghoon simply replies, because he doesnโ€™t know how else to express the relief of seeing you in the flesh after hearing about you and looking at a digital version of you for a year. The relief, but also the anticipation of what is to come now that he knows he likes you even more now that heโ€™s actually seen you. And improbable as it sounds, you might even feel the same.
Sunghoon can already feel it. The beginning of something.
You nod towards his now empty cup. โ€œWant a refill?โ€
Together, you make your way through the crowd of increasingly drunk students until you reach the kitchen, where the countertops overflow with open bottles of liquor of all sorts and paper plates with half-eaten pizza slices on them. He watches your every move as you find a cold bottle of beer in the fridge, a bottle of strawberry syrup in a random cupboard that you had to know was there, and a half-empty discarded bottle of lemonade on the counter. You ask him to tell you about last year, everything you missed out on, and so he does. He knows youโ€™ve probably heard it all from the others before, but you still laugh and gasp like itโ€™s the first time youโ€™re hearing about any of it, all the hockey games they won, Jay getting food poisoning from the sketchy pizzeria he kept eating at, Yunjin almost getting into a fistfight with a man twice her size who was flirting with Chaewon.ย 
You assemble two drinks and hand him one of them. When he takes a sip, his eyes widen at the refreshing and sweet taste. โ€œGood, right?โ€ you say. โ€œI discovered it on a trip to France last summer.โ€
โ€œThank God for France. I think thatโ€™s the first time Iโ€™ve ever enjoyed drinking beer,โ€ he says.
โ€œThatโ€™s probably because you canโ€™t taste the beer at all.โ€
Sunghoon smiles. โ€œProbably, yeah.โ€
You turn around, lower back against the counter, and take in the current kitchen population. โ€œWe really werenโ€™t very original with our costumes tonight.โ€ Sunghoon, who had not taken his eyes off of you this entire time, follows your gaze. He counts five partygoers dressed in some version of Barbie or Ken, and thatโ€™s just the kitchen. He doesnโ€™t blame themโ€”the fact that so many people came dressed in costumes at all impresses him, especially for a party on the 10th of September and not the 31st of October. The social committee of the hockey team just seems to really love themed and dress-up parties.
He chuckles, then takes a sip of his drink. Itโ€™s really nice. โ€œYeah, but we look the best.โ€
Your head whips towards him, eyes glinting with something that makes Sunghoon smile, even though he doesnโ€™t know what youโ€™re thinking. โ€œShould we enter the coupleโ€™s costume contest?โ€ you ask.
At the mention of couple, his eyes widen, his brain tricking him into thinking youโ€™ve asked him out for a second. But when what you actually meant dawns on him, the first thing to come out of his mouth is, โ€œThereโ€™s a coupleโ€™s costume contest?!โ€
โ€œMh-hm. The sign-up sheet should be around here.โ€ย 
For what feels like the millionth time since heโ€™s started talking to you, his face heats up. โ€œAre non-couples allowed to enter?โ€
โ€œWeโ€™re Barbie and Ken. Iโ€™d say thatโ€™s enough of a couple, donโ€™t you think?โ€ย 
Right. Because he had been thinking of Sunghoon and Y/N, while you obviously meant Barbie and Ken. In the contest, it doesnโ€™t actually matter whether the contestants are dating in real lifeโ€”it matters that their costumes match. Sunghoon knows that. He just needed a second.
He grins, deep dimples punctuating his cheeks. โ€œOkay, letโ€™s do it.โ€
Armed with your drinks, you walk around the kitchen in search of the sign-up sheet. You find it on a wall next to the dining table, which has been turned into a beer pong table for tonightโ€™s festivities, and the sheet is almost filled with names already. Sunghoon can only hope that by midnight, when the contest is set to take place, most participants will have had too much to drink to remember it. You write your names on the list, and Sunghoon likes seeing his name in your handwriting so much he almost wants to take a picture.
โ€œThere you guys are!โ€
You both turn around to find Jake stumbling towards you, clearly more intoxicated than when he had left you half-an-hour ago. He rests his arms on your shoulders, forcing Sunghoon down to his height and making you stumble forwards from the sudden added weight. โ€œIโ€™ve been looking all over for you- Youโ€™re entering the contest?!โ€
For a split second, Sunghoon is scared heโ€™s going to get scolded by Jake for trying to hit on his sister, but surprisingly, itโ€™s you he narrows his eyes at. โ€œY/N, what are you roping my little Hoonie into?โ€
Sunghoon groans, face perpetually red at this point. Leave it to Jake to make him seem like a total loser.ย 
You frown at your brother. โ€œIโ€™m not roping your little Hoonie into anything.โ€ Sunghoon wants to bury himself alive. โ€œWe agreed on doing it together. Right?โ€ you ask, turning towards Sunghoon and batting your eyelashes at him. It makes him feel a bit better.
He turns back to Jake. โ€œRight. Weโ€™re just joining forces to crush the competition.โ€
Jake scoffs. โ€œAs if.โ€ He snatches the pen from your hands and underlines his name as well as Kazuhaโ€™s, the girl he came with tonight, three thick black lines that almost erases the names underneath them. โ€œYou canโ€™t beat the hockey player and cheerleader combo.โ€
โ€œThose arenโ€™t even costumes, you guys are a hockey player and a cheerleader,โ€ you protest.
โ€œSo?โ€ Jake simply retorts, more attitude in his tone than he would have were he sober.
โ€œSo, that defeats the whole purpose of a costume contest.โ€
Jake knocks on your cowboy hat, and you immediately put it back in place, glaring at him. โ€œAs if Barbie was the greatest costume ever. Whatever, letโ€™s just play beer pong so I can defeat you guys twice in one night.โ€
โ€œYouโ€™re on, Sim.โ€
โ€œYouโ€™re going down, Sim.โ€
Sunghoon had just been watching your back-and-forth amusedly when you grab his hand, leading him to the side of the table opposite Jake. His fingers tingle under your touch, but just like that, itโ€™s gone. Heโ€™d rather keep on holding your hand than play this stupid game, but he isnโ€™t opposed to taking Jakeโ€™s ego down a notch, either. The boy can barely stand straight, anyway, so it probably wonโ€™t be a very tough match.
Some guy he doesnโ€™t recognize in a striped black-and-white referee t-shirt fills most cups with beer and a couple on each side with shots of vodkaโ€”heโ€™s so earnest, Sunghoon isnโ€™t sure whether heโ€™s just taking his costume-slash-role very seriously or if he has genuinely been hired to look over the beer pong matches of the night. Some order in the brutish world of college parties, Sunghoon guesses.
Minjeong, Yunjin, Chaewon and Jay appear then, exchanging a quick look at the sight of you and Sunghoon together. The two former join your team, while the two latter join Jakeโ€™s, as well as other people that Sunghoon vaguely recognizes from other parties. But by the simple action of getting behind him, they become his most trusted allies for at least this part of the night.
Youโ€™re a terrible shot, but Sunghoon makes up for it by scoring almost every round. In his defense, he only misses when you come up close to him and whisper in his ear which cup he should go for. Your breath tickles his (oddly sensitive) ears and the combined scents of the strawberry and lemonade on your tongue and your delicate perfume make his head spin. He can barely think straight, so his aim is naturally thrown offโ€”other than that, he makes Jay drink a healthy amount of beer. He almost feels bad for his friend, but heโ€™d arrived late at the party and needed to quickly catch up with everyoneโ€™s level of ebriety anyway.
When the opposite team is down to their last cup, a lightning bolt of luck strikes you, and your ball disappears straight into the vodka-filled cup that Jake now has the honor of downing.ย 
Sunghoon gives you no time to celebrate, to gloatingly pump your fists in the air and point a mocking finger at your brother, because as soon as you make the shot, he wraps his arms around your waist and lifts you off the ground. When youโ€™re on your feet again, you spin around to find a proud-looking Sunghoon beaming down at you. You burst into giggles and high-five him, your palms perfectly clapping against each other, and he threads your fingers together. A current of electricity rushes through him, and for a second, he swears itโ€™s just the two of you in this packed room.
The moment is cut short by the loud cheers of the others on your team as they shake your shoulders and raise their hands for you to high-five them too. Minjeong flips the other team off and Yunjin has to go hug Chaewon and reassure her itโ€™s nothing personal. Itโ€™s really quite easy to make college students happyโ€”or devastated.ย 
You raise your eyebrows at Jake, whoโ€™s busy glaring at you instead of accepting his defeat and taking his shot. With a begrudging sigh, he tips his head back and drinks the vodka in one gulp, the cheers doubling in volume when his face scrunches at the bitter taste of the liquor.
โ€œDonโ€™t act so proud,โ€ he scolds you. โ€œSunghoon carried your team.โ€
โ€œMaybe, but she made us win in the end,โ€ Sunghoon retorts, putting an arm around your shoulder.ย 
Jake scoffs, frowning at Sunghoonโ€™s hand placement before eye-rolling his gaze away. โ€œWhatever.โ€ He slides his phone out of his back pocket and smiles as he shows the two of you his screen. โ€œWould you look at the time? The contest is starting soon.โ€ Then, with an accusatory finger pointed at you, adds, โ€œYou may have won this battle, but Iโ€™m winning the war.โ€
He stomps away, presumably to find Kazuha before the contest starts, and itโ€™s your turn to eye-roll at his dramatics. You grab Sunghoonโ€™s hand that hangs off of your shoulders, and together, make your way through the crowd again to the garage, where the contest is taking place. All the alcohol heโ€™s been drinking has definitely started kicking in by now, and he finds himself giggling at nothing with you.
When you reach the threshold, still hand in hand, Sunghoon stops so abruptly behind you that you almost stumble. You look back at him, then follow his gaze towards the garage and the sheer amount of people in there. Worriedly, his eyes take in every single one of the contenders. You let go of his hand and stand in front of him, placing your hands on his shoulders and putting on a determined expression. Youโ€™d almost look like a parent reassuring their kid before their first day of kindergarten if you werenโ€™t so much shorter than him. โ€œDonโ€™t even worry about them, Sunghoon. We look better than anyone here.โ€
His eyebrows crease. โ€œThereโ€™s like, three other Barbie-Ken couples here. Some of these costumes are so original. And do you see their makeup? Is that even possible?โ€ he asks, staring at a couple in scarily realistic cosplay of Simon and Jeanette from Alvin and the Chipmunks, fur and all. He canโ€™t look at them for too long without getting chills.
You shake your head. โ€œAlmost everyone here is either a hockey player or aโ€ฆ hockey-affiliated person. Youโ€™re the beloved and talented defenseman of the team and Iโ€™m the star playerโ€™s sister. Theyโ€™ll love us,โ€ you say with a smile, watching the worry dissipate from his features.
โ€œWeโ€™re like nepo babies,โ€ he whispers. His lips break into a grin when your eyebrows furrow in confusion. โ€œI donโ€™t know how nepotism works,โ€ he admits, smiling wider when you burst into laughter. โ€œHow do you know if Iโ€™m talented, anyway? You havenโ€™t seen me play yet.โ€
Your eyes rake him up and down appreciatively. โ€œI took a wild guess.โ€
Not unlike a cartoon character, Sunghoon audibly gulps. As a hockey player since his most tender age, and dare he say, a pretty good-looking guy, he is used to girls flirting with him, and he is even hit sometimes by the occasional lightning strike of confidence that allows him to flirt back (he still canโ€™t believe he managed to call you โ€œa distracting sightโ€ without spontaneously combusting). But thereโ€™s something in your eyes, in your smile, in the way you talkโ€”something about you that has his breath hitching and his heart racing. He doesnโ€™t know if he wants to run away and hide in a corner or kiss you right then and there.
Heeseung, the captain of the hockey team, announces into a microphone (which Sunghoon wonders where they got the money for) that the contest will start now, so he can neither kiss you nor run away. Instead, he follows you to the side of the room where all the contestants, including Jake and Kazuha, wait for their names to be called out. There are so many participants, it takes way longer than Sunghoon would like for the two of you to step onto the makeshift stage. Judging by the looks on the audienceโ€™s faces, everyone is surprised to see you and Sunghoon togetherโ€”the hockey community at your university may be big, but everyone knows everyone, and gossip travels fast. No one had seen you and Sunghoon together before, for the obvious reason that you hadnโ€™t even met before tonight. But you could be sure that by tomorrow, as silly as it sounds, word will have gone around that you and Sunghoon had participated in a couple costume contest together.ย 
At least, you give them something of substance to talk aboutโ€”as you and Sunghoon pose on stage, wearing your brightest smiles to please the crowd, you stand on your toes and press a kiss to Sunghoonโ€™s cheek. Sunghoonโ€™s eyes burn a hole in the side of your face but you just watch as the audience of drunken 20-somethings goes wild over something as simple as a peck on the cheek. Jake is the only one booing.ย 
Sunghoon is still in shock when the next couple is called forward and you have to step off. His cheeks are redder than before and he canโ€™t quite meet your eyes. Apparently, he also goes wild over something as simple as a peck on the cheek. You nudge his shoulder. โ€œSee, I told you theyโ€™d like us.โ€ย 
He feels like a fourteen-year-old for it, but Sunghoon canโ€™t stop thinking about your soft lips against his cheek, so much so that he barely says a word as the three judges deliberate. If you notice the sudden change in his behavior, you donโ€™t comment on it, perhaps chalking it up to nerves. Heโ€™s glad for itโ€”he doesnโ€™t know if he could handle being teased about it, especially from you. Although heโ€™s not sure he wants you to think heโ€™s the kind to stress over a last-minute Halloween costume contest.ย 
In the end, you donโ€™t win. He suspects it was a rigged contest all along: the couple in the unimpressive Edward and Bella costume are friends with one of the judges, probably leading to their anticlimactic victory. At least it isnโ€™t Simon and Jeannette who win, or Kazuha and Jake, even less original than the winners. Anyway, Sunghoon couldnโ€™t care any less. With your hand in his as you walk back to the main room in search of your other friends, he feels like the biggest victor of the night. He doesnโ€™t even mind it when his teammates tease him about his costume and how good the two of you look togetherโ€”the smile you shoot him makes putting up with it worth it. He tries to think straight, but between the alcohol and your proximity, he feels like youโ€™ve cast a spell on him.
Jake stumbles into your group, three drinks drunker than when Sunghoon last saw him, enthusiastically reporting that a game of spin the bottle is about to start in one of the rooms upstairs, because what every college party needs is a middle-school game to shake things up. None of the guys seem particularly interested until Jake reveals that the cheerleaders are playing.ย 
Sunghoon looks down at you, laughing when he sees your mildly disgusted moue. โ€œDonโ€™t feel like playing?โ€
โ€œNot really, no.โ€ Your eyes linger on his face. โ€œThereโ€™s only one person here I want to kiss, anyway.โ€
All capacity for thought leaves Sunghoonโ€™s brain. He just stares back at you blankly, lips slightly agape, willing himself to say something but also terrified that whatever leaves his mouth might make him seem like the biggest loser ever.ย 
You couldnโ€™t possibly mean himโ€”but did you? Was he the person you wanted to kiss?
As these questions resound through his head, your gaze drops to his lips. Thereโ€™s his answer.ย 
His heart beating wildly in its cage, Sunghoon decides to do one smart thing tonight and leans in, slowly but surely closing the gap between the two of you. Then a sudden vibration in the back pocket of his jeans zaps through him like lightning and he jumps back, as if startled out of the trance you had put him in. Shame flooding his cheeks, he checks his phone; itโ€™s the stupid alarm he set himself earlier to make sure he doesnโ€™t get home too late. Midnight, Cinderella-style.ย 
You scratch the back of your neck as your eyes dart around the room. For the first time tonight, you look embarrassedโ€”Sunghoon is in disbelief at how pretty you look even then. โ€œI, um,โ€ he starts, clears his throat. โ€œI have this thing tomorrow morning, so I canโ€™t stay too longโ€ฆโ€ he says guiltily.
He doesnโ€™t want to get his hopes up, but he swears that what he sees on your face is disappointment. It makes him want to take it all back, to stay here with you for as long as you want and forget about tomorrow morning.ย 
โ€œOh, right,โ€ you say, nodding. โ€œThatโ€™s fine. What thing?โ€
โ€œOh.โ€ Sunghoon turns an impossibly deeper shade of red, further resembling the strawberry syrup the more he gets himself in these embarrassing situations with you. โ€œJustโ€ฆ choir. I go to choir on Saturday mornings.โ€ He looks down at his feet like heโ€™s just revealed a secret, shameful part of himself.
You burst into laughter, and Sunghoon is scared for a second that youโ€™re making fun of him, and his feelings are a lot more hurt than they should be by someone he just met. Although, to be fair, you donโ€™t feel like someone he just met.
โ€œThatโ€™s so cool! It must be such a nice change from all the dudes on the hockey team,โ€ you say, a sweet, curious smile on your lips. Like you mean what you say. Like you might want to know more.
Sunghoon thinks he just fell in love.
He chuckles. โ€œYeah. Definitely a nice change. As much as I love hockey, itโ€™s nice to do something calmer, you know. And I like singing. And the cakes the local grandmas bring.โ€
โ€œSo thatโ€™s what itโ€™s all about, really.โ€
โ€œYep, you caught me.โ€ Sunghoon still feels the almost-kiss lingering, a tension between the two of you that has him on edge. He feels like heโ€™s just missed his bus because it left a minute earlier than planned. The opportunity is gone, and he would definitely mess everything up, trying to kiss you now. So instead, he decides to leave. Whatever must happen, will happen, even if itโ€™s not tonight. You have the same friendsโ€”this is definitely not the last time you will see each other. โ€œWell, I should probably head. I have to be up at eight tomorrow.โ€
โ€œOh, wow. The choir grandmas donโ€™t play around.โ€
โ€œThey really donโ€™t.โ€
โ€œWell, see you around then,โ€ you say, a clumsy laugh falling from your lips as you wrap your arms around Sunghoonโ€™s neck, bringing him into a tight but short hug. You also smell good, he notes to himself. Of course you do.
โ€œSee you, Y/N.โ€ Just as heโ€™s about to turn away, you wrap your hand around his wrist.
โ€œWait. Sunghoon?โ€ Heโ€™s only half-surprised at the immense relief he feels to hear his name on your lips. Like you, too, didnโ€™t want to part with him just yet.
โ€œYeah?โ€ he says, wishing the hope and anticipation arenโ€™t too obvious on his face.
โ€œWhereโ€™s that choir of yours?โ€
When Sunghoon arrives at his neighborhoodโ€™s community center, ten minutes before nine a.m., youโ€™re already there. Despite the seven hours of sleep under his belt, he feels like he couldโ€™ve done with three more, and the singular cup of instant black coffee he had for breakfast was both atrocious and useless. But your smile has the restorative effect of two Red Bulls and a power nap. You look surprisingly bright, like you either managed to get a very good nightโ€™s sleep or are just the biggest morning person to ever exist.
He hugs you when he reaches you on the sidewalk, tighter than he probably should, but you return it. You smell like fresh soap and sugar. The two of you exchange quick greetings before he leads you inside the center.ย 
โ€œI made some cookies as well.โ€ You point to your tote bag and Sunghoonโ€™s jaw slackens.
โ€œYou had time to bake?โ€ย 
โ€œKazuha made me take Jรคgerbombs, so I felt crazy when I got home. I thought it wouldnโ€™t be fair on the old ladies if they did all the work.โ€
Sunghoon laughs. โ€œTheyโ€™re going to love you.โ€
You follow Sunghoon up two flights of stairs and into a spacious room with a wooden stage. Thereโ€™s a snacks table on one side of the room that is almost fully decked with plates and tupperwares of all sorts, and although their contents remain covered by tin foil or lids, the coffee and hot water pots are free to use. Most of the chairs are stacked on each side of the room but a few have been put in the middle, the grandmas sitting and chatting there waving at Sunghoon as the two of you walk in. There are about fifteen people in the room so far, most of them older ladies, but not only. Thereโ€™s a dad that came with his daughter, a couple of teenagers, and a few other adults. Itโ€™s quite an eclectic mix, and Sunghoon loves it.
Minjeong is here, too, which Sunghoon realizes he forgot to say until he sees the sheer confusion of finding someone you know in an unexpected place on both of your faces. She walks towards you, suspicious eyes darting between you two.
โ€œHey,โ€ she says only to Sunghoon before turning to you, arms crossed over her chest. โ€œAnd what are you doing here?โ€
โ€œHi, Minjeong, so nice to see you too!โ€
โ€œI invited Y/N,โ€ Sunghoon says quickly, although you did technically invite yourself. For some reason, he feels the need to defend you, even though he knows you and Minjeong have been friends for years now, and Minjeong is just always this blunt.
โ€œI didnโ€™t know this was the choir you went to,โ€ you say to Minjeong.
โ€œOh, this?โ€ She looks around the room. โ€œItโ€™s only the choir Iโ€™ve been going to since I was a kid. Youโ€™d know that if today wasnโ€™t the first day you showed interest in it, ever.โ€
โ€œI came to your concerts!โ€
One of the old ladies calls Sunghoonโ€™s name from the snack table, and he is glad for the diversion. โ€œRight. Iโ€™ll let you guys talk this out.โ€ A hand on your shoulder, he smiles down at you. โ€œIโ€™m gonna say hi to the ladies over there. Be back in a minute.โ€ He shoots Minjeong a look as if to say, Be normal.ย 
As he approaches the small group, one of them asks very loudly if youโ€™re his girlfriend. They all burst into giggles, blushing and eager-eyed like theyโ€™re sixteen rather than sixty. Sunghoon would be endeared if you didnโ€™t look so alarmed and Minjeong so horrified, both of you looking at him before turning back to each other and getting into a very heated and secretive discussion. He is bombarded with a hundred questions: what your name is, where youโ€™re from, how did the two of you meet, are you together? No? But youโ€™re so pretty! And heโ€™s such a nice boy! He answers all of their queries to the best of his ability while checking that your conversation with Minjeong hasnโ€™t turned physicalโ€”your arms are now also crossed over your chest, and you look annoyed while she looks like sheโ€™s accusing you of something, but at least, punches arenโ€™t being thrown.ย 
Thankfully, itโ€™s only a couple more minutes until the conductor calls for everyone to gather on stage, and a weight is lifted off of Sunghoonโ€™s shoulders once the ladiesโ€™ collective attention is no longer on him. He isnโ€™t sure where they came from, or why theyโ€™ve decided to make the choir rehearsal their hang-out spot, but there is always a group of women who sit there and knit while chatting quietly or listening to the songs, and they are sometimes joined by children whose parents are part of the choir but donโ€™t want to sing themselves and apparently have nowhere else to go. Sunghoon had been so excited at the prospect of having you come see him that he hadnโ€™t thought of how boring this might be for you, sitting with sixty-year-olds for two hours, listening to an amateur choir go through scales and sing corny romance balladsโ€”theyโ€™re rehearsing for a wedding theyโ€™ve been hired to sing at. But as the minutes go by, his worry dissipates when the delighted smile on your face hardly falters. He canโ€™t imagine that his choir is that good, but you genuinely look like youโ€™re having a nice time, and it makes Sunghoon stand a little taller, sing a little louder. Your eyes are on him for most of the time, and he blushes every time your gazes meet, but he still canโ€™t keep himself from looking away from the conductor to check on you every few seconds.ย ย ย 
Once rehearsal is over, everyone gathers around the refreshments table. When you tell Sunghoon that he looked good out there, he stuffs his mouth with banana bread to stop himself from blurting out something stupid. Your cookies are a hit, and so is everything elseโ€”Sunghoon would be more than happy to watch you eat as many baked goods as you possibly can and chat with the grandmas, but he has something to ask you. Without thinking much, he wraps his fingers around your wrist, gently pulling you away from the table and towards him. The question that was at the tip of his tongue fades as soon as you meet his eyes, looking up at him like a deer caught in headlights, cheeks stuffed with brownie. Youโ€™re so cute that words fail him for a second, and when he notices the proximity between the two of you, takes a small, bashful step backwards. You glance at his hand still around your wrist, and he withdraws it like heโ€™s suddenly been burned.ย 
A playful smile grows on your lips. โ€œEverything alright?โ€
He scratches the back of his head. โ€œYeah, yeah, everythingโ€™s fine. I just, um, well. Thereโ€™s a bus that takes us from right across the street directly to the beach, if youโ€™re, um, if youโ€™re interested. In going. With me. If you want.โ€
Your eyebrows cock in surprise, and Sunghoon thinks heโ€™s messed it all up. You shoot Minjeong a quick, worried glance, then seem to think for a second. But when you look back to him, your smile is soft. โ€œThat sounds nice.โ€
An hour later, youโ€™re running around together on the beachโ€”or rather, Sunghoon is running around, and after five minutes of watching him with a smile on your face, heโ€™s convinced you to run around with him. Youโ€™ve both long discarded your shoes and socks, jeans scrunched up to your mid-calves, grins so wide, your cheeks start to hurt. The wet sand is hard under your feet and the water cold against your skin. Sunghoonโ€™s t-shirt sticks everywhere you sprayed water on him, and he knows putting his shoes on later will be a whole ordeal, but it doesnโ€™t bother him. Even the gray September sky feels brighter because youโ€™re standing with him underneath it.ย 
The water-splashing battle quickly has you both out of breath, and Sunghoon is ready to call a truce when you spot something behind him, gasping and running towards it. He turns around to find you picking up a bunch of sandcastle-building toys that mustโ€™ve been left behind by some kids. โ€œI havenโ€™t built a sandcastle in such a long time, this is so exciting,โ€ you say, excitement written all over your face.ย 
As much as he loves seeing the glint of childish amusement in your eyes, Sunghoon keeps looking around in case the owners of these toys might appear out of thin air. โ€œI feel like thereโ€™s something immoral about this,โ€ he says, and you stop stacking sand into one of the toys to look at him with a confused frown. โ€œArenโ€™t we technically stealing from some kids?โ€
โ€œSunghoon. If those kids really cared about these plastic toys, they wouldnโ€™t have left them here.โ€
โ€œWhat if they come back for them?โ€
โ€œThen weโ€™ll give them back. Weโ€™re not monsters.โ€ Thatโ€™s all it takes for Sunghoon to give in. He helps dig trenches around the towers you build, carving out small windows on them and apologizing profusely when he accidentally pokes too hard into one of them, destroying half of it.ย 
The second he notices you shivering, Sunghoon is on his feet, unwrapping the scarf around his neck and laying it like a blanket over your shoulders. โ€œIโ€™m going to get us something warm to drink. Iโ€™ll be back in a minute!โ€ he announces before you can even protest, and practically runs to the nearest cafรฉ.ย 
He only leaves you and the slightly pathetic-looking sandcastle alone for a minute, quickly coming back with two take-away cups of milky Earl Grey tea and a brownie that he couldnโ€™t help himself from buying. The moan you let out when you bite into it, gooey, sweet chocolate sticking to your teeth, goes straight down Sunghoonโ€™s spine, but he tries not to let his thoughts get too carried away.
โ€œGood, right?โ€ he asks, laughing when you nod fervently. When you laugh too, itโ€™s a sound so sweet, it rivals the decadence of the brownie. โ€œI sometimes make the trip all the way here just for this.โ€
โ€œI thought Iโ€™d be done with sweets after this morning, but this is so good.โ€
โ€œBetter than Bertaโ€™s banana bread?โ€
โ€œOh, a hundred percent,โ€ you say, covering your mouth with your hand as you speak. โ€œSorry, Berta. Iโ€™ll be thinking about this for the rest of my life.โ€
Sunghoon hopes youโ€™ll remember him as the boy whoโ€™d introduced you to those brownies, if nothing else.
The two of you are silent for a little bit, but itโ€™s a comfortable silenceโ€”something Sunghoon didnโ€™t know was possible with someone heโ€™d just met. This was something he loved about the sea: it allowed for some quiet. The crashing of the waves against the shore, the calls of the seagulls, the dogs barking after themโ€”it all meant he didnโ€™t need to fill the space with needless chatter. He could look out at the peaceful water, you by his side, and just enjoy the moment.
โ€œIโ€™m still so amazed whenever I come to the beach, no matter how many times itโ€™s been.โ€ Sunghoonโ€™s voice is quiet when he speaks, lower than usual. It sounds a lot more intimate than he means it to be. You turn your head to look at him, silently asking him to go on. Thereโ€™s a small smile playing on his lips, a twinkle in his eyes as he watches the water. โ€œThe town I grew up in is right in the middle of the country, so the sea is like, a five-hour drive. There was a lake nearby, but it was nothing compared to this. It might sound silly, but being from somewhere where everyone knows each other, I never realized just how big the world was until I came here and saw the sea for the first time.โ€
โ€œYouโ€™d never been to the sea before coming here?โ€ you ask, surprise clear in your voice.ย 
He shakes his head. โ€œMy hometown isnโ€™t far from the mountains, so itโ€™s a huge tourist spot both in the winter and in the summer, which meant my mom had to work even when my sister and I were out of school and could actually go on holiday. Weโ€™d go visit my grandparents and aunts when we found the time, but that was it.โ€ He meets your gaze, a smile playing on his lips at the thought of his hometown and his family. โ€œThis is the furthest Iโ€™ve ever been from home.โ€ย 
The corners of your lips raise into a smile too, matching Sunghoonโ€™s. โ€œAnd how has that been going?โ€
He sighs. โ€œItโ€™s okay. I miss my mom and sister like crazy, of course, but they FaceTime me so much that I barely notice it. And anyways, itโ€™s also nice to be on my own. Discover another part of myself, and all that.โ€
โ€œFor sure.โ€ย 
Thereโ€™s a slight shift in your expression that Sunghoon catches onto, a falter in your smile and a hint of sadness in your eyes. He doesnโ€™t want to force a topic that you donโ€™t want to talk about, so he just gently eggs you on, in case all you need is a small push.
โ€œWhat about you? I think Jake mentioned you guys growing up around here, only an hour or so away.โ€
At the mention of your brother, the smile returns to your eyes. You take a deep breath and think for a bit, but eventually, you start talking. Although Sunghoonโ€™s eyes are on you, you keep yours trained on the sea. โ€œYeah, we did. We live just up the coast, so we were always hanging out at the beach. In a way, itโ€™s nice having the sea here as well. Itโ€™s like-I donโ€™t know.โ€
โ€œLike having a piece of home even when youโ€™re away?โ€
Your gazes meet for just a second, the surprise clear in your eyes, but as quickly as it came, itโ€™s gone, and you turn away from Sunghoon once more. โ€œBasically, yeah.โ€ A sardonic smile appears on your lips. โ€œAlthough the constant reminder isnโ€™t always appreciated.โ€ย 
He tilts his head. When you donโ€™t say anything further, he flicks some sand onto your hand and asks you what you mean by that. He looks at you with curiosity and kindness only, eager to know more about you, to let you know that you can open up to him, that he wonโ€™t judge you, but careful not to overstep any boundaries either. It seems to work.
โ€œIt might sound stupid, but back home, the beach was a place I could go to when it all was a bit too much, you know? Like an escape from everyday life. Where I could forget about all of the pressure on my shoulders.โ€ Sunghoon hums, and you take another deep breath. โ€œI donโ€™t know if you and Jake talk about this sort of thing, butโ€ฆ our parents are barely nice when we do well, and pretty awful when we donโ€™t reach their expectations. So we were like, constantly having to outdo ourselves just for them to say, โ€˜Keep it upโ€™, or something like that. And if we did something wrong, wellโ€ฆโ€
You trail off, but Sunghoon knows what you mean. โ€œYeah, Jake said they barely spoke to him anymore because he decided to play hockey instead of becoming, like, a doctor or something.โ€
You smile, but itโ€™s humorless. โ€œYep. They send him money, and he comes home for a bit over Christmas and summer break, but thatโ€™s it. Iโ€™ve gone home by myself sometimes and they wonโ€™t even mention him, itโ€™s insane.โ€
โ€œHe also doesnโ€™t talk about it a lot.โ€
โ€œI know. Iโ€™m always the one to bring it up. I know itโ€™s a sensitive topic for him, obviously, but I still find it amazing how well he deals with it. But meโ€ฆ despite everything, I still need their approval, you know?โ€ you ask, and Sunghoon nods.
โ€œThat makes sense.โ€
You sigh. โ€œI guess. And Iโ€™m obviously not becoming a doctor like them. Not a medical one, at least. It took a year of convincing them that doing the degree Iโ€™m doing was okay. โ€˜Cause at the end of the day, itโ€™s still me filling in my university applications, and they canโ€™t actually force me to go to medical school, but I still wanted them to be proud of me. Even if I study languages.โ€ Itโ€™s quiet for a few seconds as you both look out at the waves crashing against the shore. When you start talking again, you look down at the sand, picking it up and letting it filter through your fingers. โ€œSo, yeah. Jake got a scholarship here, and I didnโ€™t wanna be too far from home, so here we are. Weโ€™re so close to home, the sea I went to when I needed a break in high school and the sea I go to now are one and the same. And now it reminds me of my parents rather than making me forget about them.โ€
โ€œIโ€™m sorry for bringing you here,โ€ Sunghoon says. โ€œI didnโ€™t thinkโ€ฆโ€
You cut him off with a smile. โ€œItโ€™s okay. Now Iโ€™ve created new memories. Nice ones. And you knowโ€ฆ wherever I am, itโ€™ll be at the back of my mind. Itโ€™s up to me whether I let it affect my life or not.โ€
โ€œLetting go of these things is never easy,โ€ Sunghoon offers. โ€œYou also canโ€™t blame yourself if it does affect you sometimes.โ€
When you look at Sunghoon, your eyes darting back-and-forth between his like theyโ€™re searching for something there, he feels himself tense up slightly. He canโ€™t read you at all, has no idea what youโ€™re thinking even as you smile and say, โ€œYouโ€™re right.โ€ Even as you silently link your pinky with his, gazing down at your hands with a small smile. He hadnโ€™t realized how cold his hands were until this small touch, so small yet able to spread warmth throughout his entire body. When he speaks, he canโ€™t bring himself to meet your eyesโ€”heโ€™s still so focused on where your hands touch, too aware of the skin of your finger right against his. Such a small, innocent touch. He canโ€™t even begin to understand why it means so much to him.
โ€œFor what itโ€™s worth, I think what youโ€™re doing is super cool,โ€ he says. โ€œIโ€™ve always been so shit at foreign languages, let alone dead languages. And packing your bags and going abroad for a year, not everybody can do that. Becoming a doctor might be hard, but it also takes a specific kind of person to do what you do. And what Jake does. Itโ€™s all valuable.โ€
โ€œNow, if you could say that again while I record you to show my parents, please,โ€ you say, making him laugh.
โ€œItโ€™d be my pleasure.โ€
โ€œWhat about you?โ€ you ask him after a small pause. โ€œI canโ€™t be the only one who trauma-dumps on the first date.โ€
Sunghoonโ€™s breath hitches in his throat. He hadnโ€™t even dared entertain the thought that this might be more than a platonic hang-out in case he was crossing a lineโ€”but youโ€™ve just called it a date. With just a few casual words, youโ€™ve changed the entire meaning of the hours youโ€™ve spent together. He hopes you canโ€™t tell how flustered itโ€™s made him.
โ€œWell, thereโ€™s not much trauma to dump, really. Sorry.โ€ย 
You giggle. โ€œDonโ€™t apologize. Thatโ€™s a good thing.โ€
Now that youโ€™ve just opened up about your parents, Sunghoon is scared that telling you about how good of a childhood he had might come off as insensitiveโ€”but you smile softly at him, holding his hand face-up in yours, tracing the lines of his palm with the tip of a finger, and he starts talking. โ€œSo, it was just me, my older sister and my mom growing up. My dad died when I was 2.โ€
โ€œOh, Iโ€™m sorry.โ€
โ€œItโ€™s okay. It is a bit sad that I donโ€™t have any memories of him, but everyone who knew him said he was a great guy. And my momโ€™s had this boyfriend since I was like, 10? Heโ€™s the one who got me to start hockey. So it hasnโ€™t been that bad.โ€
โ€œYour mom must be really strong.โ€
Sunghoon smiles. โ€œShe is. Sheโ€™s amazing. To raise two kids on your own while grieving and not royally fuck up isโ€ฆ well, amazing. Sheโ€™s always been so supportive of us, no matter what we wanted to do. My sister did well at school, but I wasnโ€™t so good. I never really enjoyed it, but sheโ€™s never made me feel bad about it. She didnโ€™t mind that all I wanted to do was hit a puck around.โ€ย 
โ€œAnd youโ€™re pretty good at hitting that puck around, arenโ€™t you?โ€
โ€œIโ€™m not so bad,โ€ Sunghoon says, chuckling along with you. Heโ€™s about to go on, but he is cut off by a raindrop hitting his hand, then another one; before either of you know it, your clothes are soaked through. Sunghoon takes his denim jacket off, using it as a makeshift umbrella for the both of you as you run towards the nearest awning, shaking with giddy laughter until you forget about the chilly rain and the clothes sticking to your skin. When it doesnโ€™t let up for another few minutes, Sunghoon suggests catching the bus back, and you agree.ย 
The heating on the bus is set on low, but itโ€™s enough to warm Sunghoon up as soon as he steps onto it. You sit at the back in a corner of your own, multiple rows away from the other people onboard. The two of you are relatively quiet, lost in your own thoughts until Sunghoon, after much internal deliberating, takes one of your hands in his and interlaces your fingers together. You look up at him, but he doesnโ€™t return your gaze, eyes fixed on the window to hide his shy smile and the blush slowly staining his cheeks. To his surprise, you squeeze his hand and rest your head on his shoulder. He freezes for a second, unsure how to react to your reciprocated affection, but he makes himself relax into your touch, and starts brushing his thumb back-and-forth on the back of your hand. The sudden storm has made day turn to night a little earlier today, and with the quiet hum of the bus, he finds himself on the edge of sleep for the whole rideโ€”the only thing keeping him awake is his booming heart.
The bus is nearing his stop when the buzz of his phone in his back pocket jolts him awake. You lift your head from his shoulder, massaging your neck as you fish your phone out of your own pocket. Sunghoon, more intrigued by you than by whoever has texted him, watches as the brightness of your screen makes you wince. Once youโ€™ve read the text, you turn towards him, sleepy eyes and sleepy voice as you ask him whether heโ€™s seen โ€œthis,โ€ referring to a text from Chaewon. dinner at our flat tonight!!! come whenever. bring drinks.ย 
โ€œOh, I forgot she was doing that tonight,โ€ you say through a yawn.
Sunghoon chuckles. โ€œDo you have enough energy for it?โ€
โ€œI always have enough energy for Chaewonโ€™s cooking.โ€
You and Sunghoon make a pit-stop at a grocery store to buy two bottles of white wine and the hummus Chaewon likes, then head to your flat. Naturally, questions are asked when you and Sunghoon arrive at the exact same time, but before Sunghoon can explain that you spent the day together, Minjeongโ€™s head pops out of the kitchen door, and she asks whether you ran into each other downstairs. Chaewon is only looking at the both of you, waiting for an answer, so she doesnโ€™t see the very pointed look Minjeong gives you, as if to say Agree with me or else. You quickly glance at Sunghoon then say, โ€œYeah, we just arrived at the same time.โ€ When theyโ€™ve both turned away, you tell him in a hushed tone that youโ€™ll ask her about it later.ย 
The girls are busy in the small kitchen and Chaewon insists that they donโ€™t need any more help, so you and Sunghoon bring two chairs by the kitchen door and sit as Yunjin catches the four of you up on the most recent drama in her Law cohort. Jay arrives twenty minutes later, but it isnโ€™t another hour before Jake shows up with the excuse that he was taking a nap.
โ€œSomeone would think you donโ€™t sleep at night, with the amount of naps you take,โ€ you say.
โ€œOh my God, I miss when you werenโ€™t here,โ€ Jake replies, flicking your forehead before promptly plopping himself down on the couch. โ€œI was so hungover when I woke up. I had to sleep it off,โ€ he explains as he grabs four cans of beer from his backpack.ย 
Chaewon always makes a point to ask how everyoneโ€™s spent their day, but today, she unfortunately starts with Sunghoon, so he doesnโ€™t have any time to come up with anything believable other than the truth, which is exactly what he doesโ€”and when Jay asks, What, to the beach by yourself? under Minjeongโ€™s heavy gaze, he has no choice but to say yes. He isnโ€™t sure why itโ€™s such a big deal that you spent the day with him, or why it needs to be kept a secret, but there must be a reason. Heโ€™ll find out later. When itโ€™s your turn, you look straight into Sunghoonโ€™s eyes as you say you spent the day at the library but didnโ€™t get much work done. Everyone ignores Jake when he exclaims Boring! and Chaewon swiftly moves onto Jay.
But you donโ€™t.ย 
Your eyes stay on Sunghoon, unflinchingly watching him, expression unreadable, and he finds himself unable to look away, even as he feels his face heat up and his stomach flip. Then you smile, a satisfied smirk like you got what you wanted, and shift your gaze to Jay, whoโ€™s going on and on about the first six episodes of Lost he binge-watched earlier and wondering why nobody had told him about this โ€œmasterpiece of a showโ€ before. Sunghoon is too busy thinking about the way youโ€™d looked at him and pondering all the reasons for it to listen carefully. He watched Lost when he was fourteen anyway.
All throughout the evening, as the seven of you eat Chaewonโ€™s pasta dish (which she made entirely from scratch, and is probably one of the best things to have ever graced Sunghoonโ€™s taste buds), drink, talk, and afterwards, play card games, every glance between you and Sunghoon feels like a secret conversation that only the two of you are privy to. No one except for Minjeong is aware that you spent the day just the two of you until nowโ€”and even she doesnโ€™t know what it is you did. Within a day of knowing each other, you already share memories that are yours and no one elseโ€™s. Sunghoon is giddy with the knowledge, heart skipping every time your eyes meet, no matter how fleetingly. When youโ€™re all saying goodbye, it takes everything in him not to hug you for an awkwardly long time and to tear himself away from you.ย 
He can hardly fall asleep that night.
For the entirety of the year you were gone, Sunghoon could only nod and smile while the others bemoaned your absence or commented on how much more fun itโ€™d be if you were here (even Jake, after enough wine spritzers, would admit to missing you). He understood that the group dynamics might feel different to them without you around, but this particular set of people was all he knew, so he never minded it. It reminded him of people telling him how sad it mustโ€™ve been growing up without a father, trying to be empathetic, when he didnโ€™t know how he could miss something he never had.ย 
But now that youโ€™re here, he gets it. You add something to the group that he canโ€™t quite put his finger on. Itโ€™s in your affectionate gestures towards Chaewon and Yunjin, in your shared sense of humor with Jay (which no one else seems to find funny, save for Sunghoon, sometimes), in your bickering with Minjeong and downright arguing with Jake. Itโ€™s a hackneyed expression, but you do light up a roomโ€”at least in Sunghoonโ€™s opinion, you do. In your presence, everything feels not only more lively, but also more cohesive, like you were the missing piece of a puzzle. Like a historic work of art that has been returned to its rightful owner.ย 
Sunghoon just finds himself drawn to you, at times unable to keep his eyes off of you, and the only things keeping him from making a move are his inherent shyness and the eyes of your friends. He doesnโ€™t want to mess up the friendship he has with anyone from the group, least of all Jake, just because he canโ€™t keep it in his pants. He thought of Yunjin and Chaewon, how their relationship had gone smoothly from the beginning and posed no problem to the dynamic of the group, but he had no idea if this was replicable between you and him at all.
If he had to be honest, a big part of him was also just afraid youโ€™d reject him.
Getting a read on you is hard, which doesnโ€™t help. Itโ€™s been three weeks since the gang reunited, since that party where you met. The first semester of his second and your fourth year started a little bit over a week ago; Sunghoon sometimes worries that you think there is some big age gap between you and that you see him as a kid, even though, admittedly, two years is not such a huge difference. In those three weeks, there have been many encounters which could be seen as cases of flirting between the two of youโ€”Sunghoon has noticed every single one of them and replayed each an embarrassing amount of times in his head. A hand carefully posited on his shoulder; prolonged eye contact; jokes whispered in his ear at a crowded house party; knees lightly touching at first, then pressed together during movie night. None of it ever fails to make Sunghoonโ€™s heart flutter. You could breathe in his general direction and itโ€™d make his heart beat fast enough to worry a cardiologist, so when you smile at him, itโ€™s a small death every time.
And so he dares hope that his interest isnโ€™t one-sidedโ€”although most of the time, he is so stuck between thinking none of it means anything and thinking every single thing you do is a sign that you like him, that he rarely knows what to think. And whenever youโ€™ve paid him enough attention to make him believe itโ€™s not all in his head, you do something that proves him wrong. Watching you interact with other people, he realizes that you keep good eye contact with everyone and that youโ€™re just as touchy and playful with all of your friends. At parties, you hit it off with new people and catch up with old friends without so much as a hint of awkwardness. He watches as you talk to other guys, the same smile that has been making him weak for the past three weeks, directed towards them and not him. Sunghoon assumes youโ€™re either really nice to everyone and oblivious to the fact that it could be seen as flirting, or you just flirt with everyone.ย 
In that sense, the two of you are complete opposites. Sunghoon, whose entire friend group hangs on the fact that he befriended Jay, who knew Jake, who knew you, Minjeong, Yunjin and Chaewon. Sunghoon who has spoken to maybe half of his hockey team outside of the locker rooms and the occasional party. Sunghoon who, outside of his usual friend group, has managed to make three other friends on his own in the year heโ€™s been at university, because they had been put in a group project and magically hit it off enough to upgrade from classmates to friends.ย 
Then thereโ€™s you, who has to stop every thirty seconds at a party to say hi to someone you know. You, who still keeps in touch with the friends you made in a foreign country, even those who spoke broken English. You, who didnโ€™t make Sunghoon feel like his crippling shyness was a problem when you first met.ย 
He doesnโ€™t understand how everyone who meets you doesnโ€™t instantly fall in love.ย 
Or maybe they do, and heโ€™s just one of many vying for your heart.ย 
Tonight is one of the nights where all he can do is watch from afar as you interact with another man that he desperately wishes was him. With your lower back against the kitchen counter, drink in hand as you laugh with that other guy, eyes never leaving his face, it almost looks like someone has copied your time with Sunghoon at the costume party and pasted it onto this post-hockey game party. All youโ€™re missing is a bright pink cowgirl hat and boots to match.
And yet, itโ€™s his team jacket over your shoulders, his name and number on your back. Sunghoon shouldnโ€™t feel nearly as jealous as he does.
So he does what any good friend would do, and blames Jay for reasons completely unwarrantedโ€”even now, days after receiving his advice, and hours after taking it, Sunghoon still canโ€™t help but regret involving him at all.ย 
Initially, Sunghoon hadnโ€™t wanted to tell anyone about his growing feelings for youโ€”heโ€™d thought that if he pushed them away and kept them to himself, theyโ€™d go away on their own. But clearly, they didnโ€™t, seeing as how his stomach always twisted in nervous excitement at the prospect of seeing you and how he could never get through a conversation with you without blushing. So, quicker than heโ€™d like to admit, heโ€™d given in and told Jay about the day youโ€™d spent at the beach and how felt about you now, thinking it was some big shameful secret that would render his friend flabbergasted.ย 
That was his first mistake.ย 
Jay wasnโ€™t impressed. โ€œYeah, itโ€™s been pretty obvious, dude,โ€ heโ€™d said through a mouthful of cheeseburger. It was after hockey practice, and they were sitting in the burger joint near the ice rink that had some of the best student deals in town. Jake was going on a Hinge date, and Sunghoon had lured Jay in with the promise of free food (Jay wanted to go home and game, but all Sunghoon needed to do to convince him was to say โ€œIโ€™ll pay for itโ€).ย 
โ€œObvious? How obvious? Does everyone know? Does Jake know?โ€ Sunghoon asked, growing more agitated by the second.
โ€œJake is possibly the worst room-reader that has ever lived, so no, I donโ€™t think heโ€™s caught on. But the rest of us know. I mean, you look at her like a twelve-year-old with a crush on his English teacher,โ€ Jay said, unceremoniously cramming fries into his mouth.
Sunghoon ignored the slightly humiliating remark, still preoccupied by the fact that he hadnโ€™t been as discreet as he thought he had. He leant in towards Jay and dropped his voice to a whisper, even though the restaurant was practically empty, save for them and a group of rowdy middle school boys who were definitely not paying attention to them. โ€œDo you thinkโ€ฆ does she know?โ€
Jay dropped his fist on the table in sudden annoyance, causing Sunghoon to jump back in his seat. โ€œNow youโ€™re acting like a twelve-year-old.โ€ Before Sunghoon could defend himself and argue that heโ€™s being completely rational, Jay launches into a surprisingly moving monologue. โ€œItโ€™s fine if you like her, thereโ€™s nothing to be embarrassed of. Everybody feels attraction towards other people, everybody gets crushes, itโ€™s no big deal. Just talk to her. Worst case scenario, she doesnโ€™t feel the same way, and you both move on, because youโ€™re adults.โ€
Thereโ€™s nothing worse than a friend being right about something you absolutely donโ€™t want to hear. Sunghoon did feel like he had been carrying a horrible secret around, but Jay was spot-on: crushes are a very common, very human experience. And yet Sunghoon managed to feel like he was the only one who had ever had to go through this torture. โ€œYou say that like itโ€™s easy,โ€ he said, sulking.
โ€œIt is easy. Youโ€™re making it hard.โ€
โ€œSo what, your advice is just to confess to her?โ€
Jay rolled his eyes. โ€œSee? Youโ€™re saying confess like itโ€™s some sin you have to repent for. Yeah, just tell her.โ€
โ€œJust tell her,โ€ Sunghoon repeated, looking at his friend like he was crazy. Jay just took another bite of his burger.
โ€œYeah, dude. Itโ€™s not even like youโ€™ve known each other for a long time, so thereโ€™s no risk of ruining a friendship, or anything.โ€
โ€œBut do you even know if she feels the same way at all?โ€
Jay shrugged. โ€œShe hasnโ€™t mentioned anything,โ€ he said, and Sunghoonโ€™s heart dropped in disappointment. โ€œBut itโ€™s Y/N, sheโ€™ll be cool about it. And who knows, she might actually see something in you, for some godforsaken reason.โ€
Jay laughed at his own joke, and Sunghoon afforded him a chuckle. They moved on to other topics, but later, as they waited for Jayโ€™s bus to come, he couldnโ€™t help himself. โ€œDo you think Jake will mind? If something happens with Y/N and me?โ€
Jay thought for a second. โ€œI think heโ€™d be more upset with her than with you, what with everything that happened with Heeseung... But knowing him, he probably wonโ€™t care as long as you arenโ€™t weird in front of him.โ€ He puts a hand on Sunghoonโ€™s shoulder and shakes it gently. โ€œDonโ€™t let that stop you from making a move, okay? Youโ€™ll cross that bridge when you get to it.โ€ His bus came then, so Sunghoon couldn't ask for more details about this Heeseung situationโ€”he knew that there had been something between you and him which hadnโ€™t ended particularly well, but no one ever really talked about it so he didnโ€™t dare bring it up. All he knew was that it had been significant enough for Jay to mention it now, and for Jake to seem bothered every time it was mentioned.
He put all of that out of his head for the time being. In a way, he had just received Jayโ€™s blessing; even if it scared him shitless, he could make a move. Perhaps not something as straightforward as Jay was suggesting, but something, at the very least.ย 
The first major hockey game of the season was that coming Friday. Sunghoon had an idea.
The morning of, he shot you a text. He tried to make it sound as nonchalant as he can, so that you wouldnโ€™t know he spent close to an hour deleting, writing and pouring over a singular sentence. Can you meet me in front of the locker rooms 30 mins before the game?ย 
That was his second mistake.
You replied twenty minutes later, twenty minutes that Sunghoon spent questioning everything that had led up to this moment.
yn.sim iโ€™ll be there!!
You even got there five minutes early. He was waiting for you, all decked out in his hockey uniform, save for the gloves and protective headgear. He was anxiously chewing on gum, heart doing somersaults inside his ribcageโ€”a grin found his lips as soon as you appeared around the corner, the sight of you alleviating his nerves for a second, then doubling them when you came close. โ€œHey,โ€ he said, voice soft and slightly trembling.
โ€œHey,โ€ you simply replied, a smile on your face to match his as he took you in his arms. It was a hug that lasted a second longer than it should, but that also ended too early for his liking.
โ€œUm, I only have a second, Coach will be wanting to give one of his pep talks,โ€ he said when you separated. One quick glance back at the locker room doors behind him, then back at you. The tips of his ears burnt, and he couldnโ€™t stop his eyes from furtively darting between your face and the floor. But heโ€™d come this far, so he couldnโ€™t back out now. He just had to get it over with. โ€œHere,โ€ he blurted out, holding out the letterman jacket he had been hiding behind his back. You grabbed it, eyeing him with amused suspicion at first, but surprise spreaded over your features as you unfurled the jacket.
โ€œYour team jacket?โ€ย 
He couldnโ€™t tell whether you were amazed or horrified. You stared wide-eyed at the jacket, at its dark green sleeves, at the four letters of his last name and the huge number 8 embroidered onto the back. Your surprise faded back into what he thought โ€” what he hoped โ€” was excitement as you looked at him. He scratched the back of his neck, feeling his face flush red. โ€œYeah, I just, you knowโ€ฆ Itโ€™s the first big game of the year, and I thought itโ€™d bring me good luck if a pretty girl was wearing my nameโ€ฆโ€ he explained, repeating the words heโ€™d practiced over and over, voice turning into more and more of a mumble as he spoke. He had planned on speaking with more confidence, but now, the fact that he could speak at all felt like a miracle.
A light giggle spilled out of your mouth. Sunghoon immediately took it for mockery and regretted every decision that had led him here. โ€œSorry, it was a silly idea, you donโ€™t have to wear it if you donโ€™t like it,โ€ he said, reaching for the jacket. But you were quicker than him, hugging the thick bundle of fabric to your chest as you now beamed at him.
โ€œAre you kidding? I love it,โ€ you said, shrugging off your jacket and replacing it with his.
First, relief flooded his body, then pride and excitement โ€” as you spun around and showed the jacket off โ€” at seeing his name on your back, and his attempt at making a move being successful. At least, he thought it was clear what he meant by giving you his jacket to wear at his gameโ€”he could only hope you understood. โ€œWellโ€ฆ Iโ€™m glad.โ€ Your eyes met, and you both chuckled softly, gazes holding each otherโ€™s for a second too long.ย 
Two weeks ago, Sunghoon still wouldโ€™ve been able to convince himself this was a fluke; that this was just another one of his crushes that a gentle breeze could blow away. Because after all, when Sunghoon fell in love, it usually went as quickly as it came. But at that moment, in front of the locker rooms, his mind solely on you and not the opening game of the season, he realized this was something else entirely. And whatever it was, he hadnโ€™t felt it in a good long while.
He was terrifiedโ€”but infinitely excited, too.
โ€œOkay, I should probably head back in now,โ€ he forced himself to say, but made no move to go.
He paused. โ€œWill you be cheering me on?โ€
Your smile widened. โ€œOf course.โ€
He nodded slowly, upper body starting to turn away but feet still firmly planted on the ground. โ€œOkay.โ€ย 
Another second passed, and just as he was about to actually walk away, you grabbed his hand. Before he could compute what was happening, you lifted your head and pressed a small kiss to his cheek. His hand was still in yours when you took a step back, and for once, it was you who looked sheepishly at the floor. โ€œFor good luck,โ€ you explained. He had no time to replyโ€”you were already walking away, only looking back once to wave and shoo him in the direction of the locker room. He chuckled and nodded, but waited until you were out of sight to head back into the locker room.
Inside the locker room, everyone was too focused on getting their head in the game to notice his giddy smile. Your lips had been warm and soft against his cheeks, a welcome repeat of that time at the costume party, but the quickness of it all had only made him want more. From that very first night heโ€™d met you, the question of how your lips would feel on his had scarcely left his mind. This brought him a step closer to getting an answer, but also made his curiosity grow tenfold.
Thankfully, by the time his coach gathered them around for a last minute pep talk, heโ€™d managed to put the distracting thoughts of you out of his head, at least temporarilyโ€”heโ€™d need to play well, for himself and his team mostly, but impressing you was also a priority.ย 
As the captain, Heeseung said a few words. He reminded the team of how important this match was and went over the main strategy points. For the time being, Sunghoon was able to forget about his arguably unfounded resentment against the older boy and whatever it was he had to do with you. This was not the time for jealousy over someone he had no right to feel jealous over.ย 
A few minutes later, his members and those of the opposing team poured out onto the rink for warm-up. Sunghoon searched the crowd for your faceโ€”when he found it, you were already smiling wide and waving at him. His heart did something funny, but Jay punched his shoulder pad and he remembered what he was there for. He could get lost in the eyes of a pretty girl later, specifically when heโ€™d destroyed the other team and shown her how good of a hockey player he was.
Every now and then as he skirted around the rink and did his stretches, he stole glances at you. They didn't last long, because every single time, youโ€™d already be looking, as if your eyes never strayed from him. Knowing you were watching made him nervous at first, but by the end of warm-up, mainly because he didnโ€™t have much of a choice, heโ€™d turned those nerves into an ever stronger will to do well.
The moment the referee blew the whistle, and for the hour that followed, Sunghoon was locked in on one thing and one thing only: winning. He was only competitive when it came to hockeyโ€”he didnโ€™t care about dying in an online battle game or losing to Jake at beer pong, but once he was on the rink, he had to win. Pride surged through him and filled every crevice of his aching limbs whenever he or one of his team members scored, and the feeling that came with a victory, with hugging his teammates in celebration or hearing the crowd cheer for them, was like nothing else heโ€™d ever known. The other side of that coin meant that any loss was a tremendous disappointment. Getting beat at an important game could put him in a week-long funk. His sister had once carefully hinted at his self-esteem relying too much on his hockey performance, and although his first reaction had been to dismiss her, he knew she had poked at some truth there. But what could he doโ€”on particularly lonely nights, he truly thought hockey was all he had going for him.ย 
To his overthinking nature, becoming so single-minded the second the whistle blows was a relief, a break from the stress of daily life. He didnโ€™t have to worry about his next deadline or about what the guys on the team thought of him or about the inevitable phone call to his mom asking for more money for groceries. It was respite from the thoughts surrounding you that plagued him: how you felt about him, how you might react knowing what he felt for you, how Jake might react. Why Minjeong hadnโ€™t wanted you to say anything that evening, but why Jay had told him to just go for it. Heeseung, whom he had to respect as the captain and an undeniably talented player, but also as someone who had had something to do with you, whether good or bad. All of it had been wildly bustling around Sunghoonโ€™s mind, but once on the rink, all he had to concern himself with was the puck and getting it in the opposing teamโ€™s goal.ย 
And Sunghoon did just thatโ€”he scored the first goal of the game, another one in the second period, then a third during the eleventh hour, breaking the tie between the two teams. He smiled right at you after each one, just to make sure you had seen everything. He couldnโ€™t quite describe how it felt to see you clap and cheer for him, jumping up-and-down, forming a megaphone with your hands around your mouth and yelling, โ€œGo Sunghoon!โ€ all while you wore his jacket. It was a separate kind of pride and satisfaction from the sort heโ€™d get seeing anyone else cheer him on, for sure.ย 
The other team put up a good fight, getting in a few goals of their own and protecting their side well, but in the end, thanks to Sunghoonโ€™s goal, it was his team that won. He took his helmet off and got his hair ruffled by half of his team, then shook hands with the other team, trying to contain his boastful smileโ€”some ice hockey players flew off the handle very quickly, and starting a fight was the last thing he wanted.
Kids and local fans huddled by the barriers on each side of the playerโ€™s tunnel to get an autograph or a picture. People around here were weirdly attached to their university sport teams, and the athletes on teams that did particularly well โ€” namely football and rugby โ€” were sort of local celebrities. Their ice hockey team wasnโ€™t quite at that stage yet, but they were placing better nationally with every year, and so the local interest had grown. More kids had started signing up for lessons, and their parents often brought them to home games. As Sunghoon chatted with men twice his age and took selfies with ten-year-olds, he tried to find you in the crowd, to no avail. Heโ€™d been hoping for a thumbs-up from you for a game well played, or even a hug, but you were nowhere in sight.
It wasnโ€™t until half-an-hour later, after saying bye to all the fans that had waited after the game for them, listening to Heeseung and their coach congratulate them (but also remind them to not take anything for granted), showering and changing, that he got to check his phone.
chaewon we going k-bbq! u guys played well see u later at da party!!!!
Disappointment only had a second to sink to the bottom of his stomach. Heโ€™d barely finished reading the text when he was hoisted up by the shoulders. Two of his senior teammates, Soobin and Beomgyu, marched him towards the exit. โ€œWe are getting you wasted tonight, Park,โ€ Beomgyu announced, a wide grin on his lips.
โ€œI have a good feeling about this season,โ€ Soobin added. Sunghoon looked back to find Jay and Jake simply shrugging and laughing at him.
Indeed, the second they got to the dorm where tonightโ€™s party would be taking place, a beer was thrusted in his hand. It was only 7 p.m., still light outside, but that didnโ€™t stop the team nor their friends that had come to the game. They sipped beer like it was water, so much so that two hours later, when the party started to grow, Sunghoon was already quite inebriated. It didnโ€™t help that his cup was never empty for too long, and that he had the reassurance of being in his own dormโ€”it was the closest student building to the ice rink, and so was one of the prime spots for hockey parties. He could get as drunk as he wanted โ€” or as Beomgyu wanted โ€” and still get home in less than a minute.ย 
He somehow ended up in the corridor, part of a nonsensical conversation about candle-making with two guys he had recognized from one of his Phys Ed classes but could not for the life of him remember the names of. One had shared that candle-making was a big hobby of his, and it had made Sunghoon and the other unknown man lose their mindsโ€”Sunghoon had never realized how curious about candle-making he was, but he couldnโ€™t stop asking questions. It sounded great. Maybe heโ€™d have to pick up candle-making, too.ย 
Eventually, he headed back to the kitchen for a new drink. For the nth time this evening, he thought of texting you, then immediately thought against it. He wanted to know when youโ€™d get here, but he didnโ€™t want you to know that he wanted to knowโ€”although as the night deepened and his intoxication rose, he could remember less and less why that would be such a bad thing. He stepped into the kitchen, and going from the brightly-lit corridor to the dark kitchen with flashing neon lights made him so dizzy that he made a beeline for the couch, needing to sit down for a second.
And that was when he saw you.
Lower back against the counter, talking with a guy heโ€™s never seen in his life. You look like youโ€™re having funโ€”smiling, laughing, keeping eye contact with that guy. Youโ€™re still wearing his jacket. It should probably reassure himโ€”his name is literally on you, what does it matter that youโ€™re speaking to someone else? But instead, all he can think is that wearing his jacket must mean nothing to you. What was basically a confession from him seems to have fallen on deaf ears.
His friendsโ€™ words over the past year come back to himโ€”how much you flirt with people, how it wasnโ€™t a rare occurrence for you to go home with a guy after a party and never speak of him ever again. Was this what was happening here?
He knows itโ€™s unreasonable, but in his drunken state, he takes it as a betrayal. Like he canโ€™t believe you havenโ€™t read his mind, figured out how he felt about you, and decided to give special attention to him and him only. Heโ€™s only able to take it for so longโ€”two minutes later, he trudges out of the room, walking right past you but not looking your way.
His new mission is to find his friends, but before heโ€™s done much searching, he hears his name being called out. Of course, he recognizes your voice immediately, but he doesnโ€™t quite believe it until he looks over his shoulder, and there you are, face glowing and smiling wide. Youโ€™ve clearly had a few drinks, but he likes to think youโ€™d be just as happy to see him if you were sober. He turns around to face you, watching as you narrow the distance between the two of you. Heโ€™s not in a much better stateโ€”the simple thought that you had come after him makes him forget any sort of resentment he held against you a second ago. When you reach him, he holds on to one of your arms, as much an effort to stabilize his swaying body as an excuse to touch you.
โ€œHey,โ€ he simply says. Heโ€™s always at a loss for words around you, so scared heโ€™ll say the wrong thing that he ends up barely speaking at all. Heโ€™s only sober enough to know that with all the cheap beer and vodka running through his blood, his odds of making a fool of himself are even bigger.ย 
โ€œHey. I was wondering where you were.โ€ย 
โ€œYouโ€™re the one who came late.โ€
โ€œI know!โ€ you exclaim. โ€œI wanted to come right away, but Chaewon was hell-bent on getting her Korean barbecue.โ€
โ€œShe does get cranky when she hasnโ€™t had pork belly in a while.โ€ Sunghoon feels like heโ€™s just won the Nobel Prize when you let out a laugh. โ€œWas the food good at least?โ€
โ€œIt was amazing. So worth getting here late,โ€ you joke.
He rolls his eyes playfully. โ€œI see how it is.โ€ Then, before he can stop himself, he adds, โ€œThen we should go there together next time.โ€ย 
Your smile changes, turning from cheerful to surprised, but amusedโ€”almost mischievous. You take a step forward. Sunghoon gulps; the gap between the two of you was narrow to begin with. โ€œAre you asking me out on a date?โ€
Usually, this type of straight-forwardness would have him stuttering, but drunk Sunghoon is a man sober Sunghoon barely recognizes in the morning. โ€œYeah. I am. Is that okay?โ€
You nod. โ€œMh-hm.โ€
โ€œNice. Okay.โ€ For a second, you just look at each other. Another thing about drunk Sunghoon: he doesnโ€™t feel like prolonged eye contact will make him spontaneously combust. He actually quite enjoys it. He also stumbles, even when all heโ€™s doing is trying to stand straight. โ€œYouโ€™re still wearing my jacket,โ€ he eventually says, reaching out to take the end of your sleeve between his fingers.
You stretch out your arms and appraise the team jacket as if you only remembered you had it on. โ€œYeah. Itโ€™s comfy.โ€
โ€œIt looks good. You look good.โ€
โ€œYouโ€™re not quite sober, are you?โ€ you ask suddenly.ย 
โ€œIs it that obvious?โ€ When you nod, he giggles, lowering his head in defeat. โ€œThe guys made me drink so much.โ€
โ€œYou did score three goals after all. And you looked good doing it.โ€
At the praise, he stands up to his full height and places his palms behind his head in a victorious pose. โ€œI did, didnโ€™t I?โ€ he says, looking off in the distance with a self-assured look that makes you burst into laughter. He drops the confident facade and laughs along with you, until somebody bumps into him and sends him stumbling forwards. If you werenโ€™t standing there to catch him, heโ€™d probably have fallen flat on his face. But even though he doesnโ€™t fall, he feels all the alcohol catching up to him and threatening to come right back out where it came from. You hold him for a second, and just as you ask him if heโ€™s okay, he says, โ€œI think Iโ€™m gonna throw up.โ€
You sigh. โ€œOkay. Whereโ€™s your room?โ€ย 
Arm under his shoulders, you let Sunghoon lean most of his weight on you as you guide him towards the elevator. Itโ€™s just one floor, but you said you didnโ€™t want to risk the stairs with him. โ€œHey, who was that guy with you in the kitchen? That guy in the striped shirt? You guys seemed real chummy back thereโ€ฆโ€ he mumbles as you help him out of the elevator. Even on the verge of sickness, Sunghoon is preoccupied by more important things.
โ€œOh, that was Jaemin.โ€
โ€œJaemin,โ€ he echoes, more venom in his voice than needed.
You look at him, taking in his disgruntled expression, and chuckle. โ€œYeah, heโ€™s having some problems with his boyfriend. He asked me for advice.โ€
Sunghoon almost freezes in his tracks, but youโ€™re there to keep him walking towards his room. โ€œOh. He has a boyfriend.โ€
โ€œYeahโ€ฆโ€ He can tell you want to tease him about it, but thankfully, you say nothing. Heโ€™s made it clear he had gotten jealous of your gay friendโ€”no need to spell it out in so many words. Once you reach his studio (which heโ€™d stupidly left unlocked), he heads straight for the bathroom, locking himself in, half out of embarrassment, half because he really doesnโ€™t want you to see him throw up. Talk about a turn-off. He leans over the toilet bowl, waiting for the vomit to rise, but nothing comes. He waits, and waits, mind completely empty, head spinning even though heโ€™s sitting very still, when suddenly a knock on the door pulls him out of his stupor.
โ€œSunghoon? Itโ€™s been ten minutes. Everything okay?โ€
He doesnโ€™t say anything, just unlocks the door for you. Without realizing, he fell asleep like a bored teenager in math class. โ€œAll right,โ€ he hears you say.
Heโ€™s surprised youโ€™re able to carry him out of the bathroomโ€”if he was a deadweight before, by now, rigor mortis has practically set in. Despite his small student room, crossing it takes you an entire minute, and when you reach his bed, you all but let him flop on the mattress. He doesnโ€™t mind. As soon as his body hits the bed, he feels quite snug, curling against his blanket. You start to unbutton his shirt, probably just thinking heโ€™s already fallen asleep and wanting to make him more comfortable, but your fingers freeze when he starts giggling. Shoulders shaking with unbridled laughter, he feels as delighted as a five-year-old who just said a naughty word and made all his drunk relatives laugh at the family dinner.ย 
โ€œI know I looked really hot tonight, but can we wait until Iโ€™m sober?โ€ he asks, slurring his words slightly and keeping his eyes shut, despite the shit-eating smirk on his lips. You hit him on the chest but it just makes him laugh more.
โ€œBold of you to assume Iโ€™d still hit when Iโ€™ve just had to peel you off your toilet seat.โ€ He lets you finish helping him out of his button-down.ย 
โ€œWouldnโ€™t you?โ€ he asks. He tries to look at you, but his eyes donโ€™t quite open all the way, and they donโ€™t focus properly, due to a strong mix of alcohol and inappropriate thoughts. Of you, specifically. His body feels suddenly very heavy, his want for you weighing him down into the mattress. The room is dark, your face illuminated only by the light in the bathroom and the glow of the street lights outside. You always look pretty, but your beauty is especially breath-taking right now, Sunghoon thinks. He wants to reach out and touch your face, wants to trace your jawline and know what your skin would feel like against his fingers. He doesnโ€™t realize heโ€™s actually doing it until he hears you inhale shakily.
The expression in your eyes is unreadable, and quickly gone, replaced by an annoyed squint. You grab his wrist gently, setting it back down next to him. โ€œIโ€™m gonna make you some ramen. You need to sober up, and you havenโ€™t had dinner, have you?โ€
Sunghoon shakes his head. He feels rejected, and it makes him inordinately sad.
For five minutes, he watches as you rummage around his cupboards for a pack of ramen, fill a pot with water and bring it to a boil. His thoughts float back to your day at the beach, memories that heโ€™s preciously held onto for the past few weeks. You running around on the sand, opening yourself up to him and letting him open himself up to you, holding his hand on the bus. That day, heโ€™d really thought it would be the beginning of something new; but as time passed, he became less and less sure of himself. Heโ€™s scared it mightโ€™ve just been a fluke, and that heโ€™d have to destroy the castle heโ€™d built in his head. Heโ€™s seen you almost every day since, but itโ€™s never been the same. And even if your eyes met unexpectedly sometimes, or if you went out of your way to sit next to him during movie nights, he canโ€™t let himself go on with so few signs. Jay was rightโ€”he had to be clear about his feelings, otherwise this would go on forever. Even if it didnโ€™t feel like it, the Earth would continue spinning on its axis if you didnโ€™t reciprocate.
โ€œIโ€™ve missed you.โ€
You pause in your movements. โ€œMissed me? But weโ€™ve seen each other every day,โ€ you say after a few seconds, still facing away from him. Your voice is softer than heโ€™s heard it before, almost unsure of itself.
โ€œNo,โ€ Sunghoon whines, frowning. He can barely keep his eyes openโ€”he wishes you could read his mind so he wouldnโ€™t have to explain, but alas. โ€œI miss youโ€”the you from the beach. When it was just me and you. Itโ€™s not the same with the others around.โ€
Silence falls over the room again. Sunghoon wonders if youโ€™re just going to ignore what he said, until you take a deep breath, and walk back to his bed. You crouch in front of him and take both of his hands in yours. Electricity flows from where your hands touch to the rest of his body. He suddenly feels a lot more awake.
โ€œItโ€™s just the two of us now,โ€ you whisper.ย 
Sunghoon nods. โ€œI know. Itโ€™s nice.โ€
You smile. It might be the alcohol playing tricks on him, but Sunghoon swears thereโ€™s a hint of sadness in your eyes. One of your hands comes up to his hair. You thread your fingers gently through it, pushing it away from his forehead, then bring your hand down to the side of his face, your palm cupping it tenderly. Sunghoon lets himself lean into your warm touch. With his eyes closed, the darkness surrounding him makes this feel like a dreamโ€”he basks in the moment so as not to let a second of it go to waste.
โ€œDo you wanna do something just us two this week?โ€ you ask softly. His eyes shoot openโ€”he needs to be sure this is really happening. He nods again, fervently this time, and it makes you chuckle. โ€œOkay.โ€
โ€œJust us two?โ€ย 
โ€œJust us two.โ€
He relaxes once more. He guides your hand towards his mouth and presses his lips against your palm. Something shifts in your eyesโ€”Sunghoon thinks the opportunity to finally kiss you has arisen, but as soon as his gaze drops to your lips, youโ€™re back on your feet. โ€œLetโ€™s eat some ramen, shall we?โ€ you ask as you head back towards the kitchen. Sunghoon tries his best (and probably fails) to not let his disappointment show.
Thereโ€™s no dining table to speak of, only a low table near Sunghoonโ€™s bed, on which you set down a wooden board and the steaming pot of spicy noodles. You hand him a pair of chopsticks and a spoon, and tell him to eat. Neither of you say much for a while, and Sunghoon grows redder and redder under your watchful gaze. He asks if you want any a few times, but you always turn him down. The silence quickly gets a little too unbearable for him, and heโ€™s got a question burning the tip of his tongue anyway. Nowโ€™s as good a time as ever to ask it.
โ€œSomethingโ€™s been bugging me recently, actuallyโ€ฆโ€ You wait for him to go on. โ€œSo, at the costume party, right?โ€ You nod. โ€œYou said there was only one person you wanted to kissโ€ฆ Did you mean me?โ€
You tilt your head, looking at him like youโ€™re trying to figure out whether heโ€™s joking or not. โ€œYeah, Sunghoonโ€ฆ I meant you. Who else?โ€
Heโ€™s only half-relieved. โ€œSo why wonโ€™t you kiss me now?โ€
To his surprise, you smile. โ€œBecause youโ€™re drunk.โ€
Confusion fogs Sunghoonโ€™s brain. Is that all youโ€™re worried about? Is his blood alcohol level the only thing stopping you from kissing him? โ€œBut I-Iโ€™m fine. I give you consent to kiss me, Y/N.โ€ Heโ€™s dead serious, so when you laugh, it only frustrates him further.
โ€œFinish your food, Sunghoon. Weโ€™ll see about kissing later.โ€
He sighs. Later he could deal with. โ€œFine. But Iโ€™ll hold you to it, okay?โ€ he says, pointing a menacing chopstick at you.
But Sunghoon canโ€™t keep quiet for longโ€”ten seconds later, heโ€™s remembered another question heโ€™s been dying to ask. He continues drinking his soup in an attempt to appear nonchalant. โ€œSo what happened between you and Heeseung?โ€
The question takes you so off-guard, you look like you wouldโ€™ve done a spit-take had you been drinking water. โ€œThatโ€™s-you know about that?โ€
โ€œWell, not much, thatโ€™s why Iโ€™m asking.โ€
You scoff. โ€œWhy do you want to know? Itโ€™s boring.โ€
At those words, Sunghoon whips his head up to look at you. โ€œItโ€™s not boring!โ€ he exclaims, perhaps a tad too vigorously. โ€œAnything that has to do with you is interesting to me.โ€
Finally, the corners of your lips rise. Sunghoon hated the ten seconds in which you werenโ€™t smiling. โ€œWell, there isnโ€™t much to say, anyway. We had a thing when we were in second year, I caught feelings and wanted more, and he didnโ€™t. The end.โ€
Sunghoon freezes, staring at you with his eyebrows furrowed and his mouth agape. He then sets his cutlery down neatly next to the pot of ramen and clasps his hands together like heโ€™s in a business meeting. โ€œSo youโ€™re telling me that he had the opportunity to make you his girlfriend and he justโ€ฆ didnโ€™t?โ€
You shrug. โ€œBasically, yeah.โ€
He hits the bedsheets next to him, huffing out in annoyance. โ€œWhat an idiot.โ€
โ€œHe sure is,โ€ you say. You smile to yourself as you grab Sunghoonโ€™s spoon and try some of the broth. He wonders whether anything lies behind that smile. โ€œBut it happened a while ago. Donโ€™t be weird with him on my account. Heโ€™s still your captain.โ€
Sunghoon thinks for a second. โ€œCan I side-eye him once in a while? Or not pass him the puck during practice?โ€
โ€œSure,โ€ you reply, laughing. You swiftly move on to other topics as Sunghoon slurps the last of his noodles, asking him about the beginning of the party and just how much his teammates made him drink. Heโ€™s recounting the shot contest they held, which Mark won with an impressive seven shots of tequila in a row โ€” Sunghoon hopes the boy is okay now โ€” when your phones buzz at the same time. Minjeongโ€™s name appears on your screen, Jayโ€™s on his, both asking where you are.
โ€œShould we head back now?โ€ you offer, although Sunghoon, wishfully perhaps, detects a trace of reluctance in your voice. โ€œYou look like youโ€™ve sobered up a bit, seeing as youโ€™re able to string more than two sentences together.โ€
โ€œI wasnโ€™t that bad!โ€
โ€œI shouldโ€™ve filmed you.โ€
Itโ€™s one a.m. when you head back down, and the party is in full swing. Pop music blasts through someoneโ€™s JBL speaker in the shared kitchen, the hallways are more crowded than the subway at rush hour, just as full of hockey fans celebrating their teamโ€™s win as students who just wanted an excuse to party, and every window is open to alleviate some of the stuffiness. They probably have another hour left before the dorm residents who decided not to join in the festivities call campus police on them.
Sunghoon is relieved to find that Jake is off with other team members, reaching levels of drunkenness that will most definitely be regretted in the morning. Technically, he hasnโ€™t done anything wrongโ€”he simply let you nurse him back to sobriety after he almost regurgitated his pre-game protein bar and three beers all over your nice shirt. Chaewon and Yunjin are busy making out in a corner, their lack of decorum only increasing when theyโ€™ve been drinking, but Jay and Minjeong eye you suspiciously upon seeing the two of you arrive together. You explain what happened so casually that they donโ€™t question it any further.
Chaewon and Yunjin only tear themselves off of each other when a Beyoncรฉ song starts playing, and they drag all four of you to the makeshift dancefloor, which is really just three meters away in the middle of the kitchen. Sunghoon is practically all sobered up by now, but heโ€™s loosened up enough not to feel self-conscious with every step he takes; the fact that you look so happy, dancing with him and laughing at his silly moves, is a considerable bonus. He wonโ€™t drink any more, not wanting to risk embarrassing himself further in front of you, and Jay, as the groupโ€™s self-proclaimed health guru, probably had his last beer around nine p.m., but the girls, each of them with a cup of suspicious transparent liquid in hand, are getting drunker by the minuteโ€”and so is Jake, who has now joined you all on the dancefloor, if his inability to stand straight is anything to go by. Sunghoon assumes youโ€™re also done with alcohol for the night, until you turn to him in the middle of a song no one has heard since 2015 and tell him youโ€™re going to get a drink.
โ€œOkay!โ€ he simply answers, and for a good thirty seconds, basks in the blissful satisfaction of knowing he was the one you informed of your whereabouts. That is, until he realizes a minute later that it was probably a covert invitation for him to come along, which he totally missed. But when he looks over at the counter where all the drinks are, his heart dropsโ€”Heeseung is standing in front of you, pouring gin and lemonade into your cup. A flurry of emotions course through Sunghoon, emotions he has no idea what to do with, because heโ€™s not sure theyโ€™re entirely warranted. Heโ€™s angry that Heeseung is talking to you, after what he did, confused that youโ€™d let him; but mostly, heโ€™s jealous. But he knows itโ€™s only because he has no guarantee that you like him, and that you wonโ€™t go off with Heeseung, despite having just talked about how you were over him.
Waitโ€”is that really what you said? You told Sunghoon that what happened with Heeseung didnโ€™t bother you anymore, which doesnโ€™t necessarily mean you wouldnโ€™t go back to him, given the chance.ย 
Before he can think it over a second time, Sunghoon heads over to where you and Heeseung stand. He places himself right behind you, reaching for a bottle of Coke on your side and pouring himself a drink.
โ€œOh, hey, Hoon,โ€ his team captain says, clearly surprised to see him there and looking so discontented. Sunghoon canโ€™t remember whether theyโ€™ve ever been close enough for Heeseung to call him by his nickname. โ€œHaving fun?โ€
โ€œYep,โ€ he curtly replies, avoiding eye contact with either of you and looking out at the crowd of party-goers instead. He can feel your gaze, heavy on his face, can see the knowing smirk slowly rising on your lips. How was it that you could see right through him so easily?
โ€œToo much dancing made you thirsty?โ€ you ask, taking a drink from your cup and hiding your smile behind it.
He glares at you, more annoyed that his attempt at subtly sussing out what you and Heeseung were doing together was shut down so quickly than anything else. โ€œYep,โ€ he repeats.
โ€œYou guys know each other?โ€ the older boy asks, eyes darting between the two of you.
โ€œJake introduced us,โ€ Sunghoon quickly answers. To his surprise, this makes Heeseung chuckle.
โ€œJay, Sunghoon, meโ€ฆ Wow, do you meet all your friends through your brother, Y/N?โ€ he asks jokingly. Immediately, so many alarm bells ring in Sunghoonโ€™s headโ€”the implication that you and Heeseung are friends, the fact that he put himself and Sunghoon in the same bag, and above all, that teasing, almost flirtatious tone of his.ย 
Heโ€™s horrified to find you rolling your eyes playfully and saying, โ€œI have other friends, thanks,โ€ in a tone far too similar. At that moment, Minjeong starts yelling about how much she loves everyone in this room but particularly โ€œyou guys,โ€ pointing to Jake, Jay, Minjeong and Chaewon, and โ€œyou guys, too!โ€ screaming over the music as she points to you and Sunghoon.
โ€œThereโ€™s one of them,โ€ you say, half-amused, half-exasperated. โ€œWe should probably go check on her. See you around, Heeseung.โ€
โ€œRight. See you, Y/N. Sunghoon.โ€ย 
Back to no-nickname basis, apparently.
Your groupโ€™s indicator of when itโ€™s time to go home is when Minjeong starts one of her โ€œI-love-my-friends-so-muchโ€ rantsโ€”if sheโ€™s that drunk, everyone else must be wasted. Indeed, Chaewon and Yunjin are holding onto each other to keep themselves from falling down, and Jake is unable to keep his head up. You, Sunghoon and Jay herd your friends outside and wait for Jakeโ€™s Uber, making sure to get him safely inside and to tip the driver generously for his pains. Jay lives nearby yours and the girlsโ€™ flat, and Sunghoon, ever the gentleman, walks you all home.
โ€œJust โ€˜cause you and Jay might need a hand getting these three home,โ€ he tells you. Yunjin, Chaewon and Minjeong are currently running around on the road, pointing and laughing at random shop names, and Jay is yelling at them to get back on the sidewalk.
โ€œAnd itโ€™ll be good to completely sober up before going to bed.โ€
Thereโ€™s no use putting up a front with youโ€”heโ€™s an open book and youโ€™re an avid reader. You donโ€™t need to say anything to make it clear that you know itโ€™s just an excuse to spend more time with you.
โ€œYou know, I told you not to be weird with Heeseung,โ€ you say, gently punching him in the arm.
โ€œWas I weird?โ€ he asks, knowing fully well he hadnโ€™t acted at all like he usually did around his captain.ย 
โ€œYou basically only spoke to let Heeseung know weโ€™re friends. You were making yourself all tall and looking mysteriously out into the distance instead of at us.โ€
โ€œBut I am tall and mysterious,โ€ he says, pride coursing through him as it always does when you laugh at one of his jokes.
โ€œYouโ€™re probably the least mysterious person I know, Hoon.โ€
Hoon. How much sweeter that name sounds coming from you over anyone else.
โ€œSo you agree that Iโ€™m tall?โ€
You roll your eyes, but thereโ€™s a grin on your face. A win is a win. โ€œThatโ€™s just a fact.โ€
Sunghoon smiles victoriously. โ€œIโ€™ll take a fact. But Iโ€™m sorry if I was acting weirdโ€ฆ I just wanted to make sure he wasnโ€™t bothering you.โ€
โ€œHeeseung is always bothering me,โ€ you say with a sigh. โ€œHe comes up to me like this at every party. Heโ€™s just asking how Iโ€™ve been, but itโ€™s like heโ€™s sussing out whether or not heโ€™s still got a chance.โ€
โ€œDo you need me to beat him up? Threaten him? Dox him?โ€
Even though Sunghoon was only half-joking, you burst out laughing, hard enough for Minjeong to whip around and shout, โ€œWhat are you laughing about?โ€ as if you had offended her personally. At least Jay is there to make her turn around and focus on walking straight.
โ€œI appreciate the offer, but that wonโ€™t be needed. I just donโ€™t like talking about it, โ€˜cause itโ€™s really not that big a deal anymore. It feels like digging up old bones, you know?โ€
Sunghoon shrugs. โ€œIโ€™d commit grave robbery with you.โ€
โ€œNevermind. We obviously donโ€™t have to talk about it, but Iโ€™m curious.โ€
You sigh. โ€œI guess itโ€™d make sense for you to know about this.โ€ Sunghoon thinks he sees something like panic flash across your features, but itโ€™s so quick and such a rare expression on you that heโ€™s not sure whether he just imagined it. โ€œYou know-just โ€˜cause everyone else is aware of it, and everything,โ€ you quickly explain.
โ€œI justโ€ฆ Iโ€™m sure Heeseung is a nice guy when it comes to other things, but what the girls and I have concluded is that heโ€™s a bit of an attention whore, you know. When it comes to girls. We fooled around for a while, and he never made it official, even when I made it pretty clear that that was what I wanted. But every time we saw each other after that, heโ€™d flirt with me like nothing had happened. I fell for it at first and flirted back, thinking he had changed his mindโ€ฆ but he really just wanted to make sure I was still into him.โ€
โ€œLooking for validation,โ€ Sunghoon says.
โ€œExactly. And when I realized that, I stopped giving it to him. I was getting tired of him anyway, saying the same thing every time. But now, I entertain him for a couple of minutes before I walk away. I shut him down before he gets a chance to do it to me.โ€
โ€œThatโ€™s smart.โ€
โ€œI know,โ€ you say, smiling. โ€œI understand the need for validation, but he wonโ€™t be getting any from me.โ€
Jay bravely handles the three drunkards the whole way home, letting you and Sunghoon hang behind and carry on talking. You reach the boyโ€™s apartment first, and yours five minutes later. But when you reach your front door, Minjeong announces she needs to talk to Sunghoon. โ€œPrivately,โ€ she emphasizes.
You give Sunghoon an amused look and shrug as if to say โ€œSheโ€™s your problem now.โ€ He doesnโ€™t have time to protest before youโ€™ve bid him goodnight and disappeared behind the door, Yunjin and Chaewon in tow, yelling good night at Sunghoon like theyโ€™re not going to see him for months.ย 
Minjeong places her palms flat onto Sunghoonโ€™s torso and looks right at himโ€”to the best of her ability, at least, considering sheโ€™s having a hard time focusing her eyes. โ€œSunghoon,โ€ she says gravely.
โ€œListen, thereโ€™s something Iโ€™ve been wanting to tell you,โ€ she says, slurring her words. โ€œYou know I love Y/N, sheโ€™s amazingโ€ฆโ€
โ€œYeah, she is,โ€ Sunghoon says firmlyโ€”already, he can tell where this is going, and he doesnโ€™t like it.
โ€œBut sheโ€™s not the best with relationships.โ€
โ€œWhat do you mean?โ€
Minjeongโ€™s hands drop by her sides and she exhales deeply. โ€œIโ€™ve just never seen her in a committed relationship in the-in the almost four years Iโ€™ve known her. She never lets things get serious. Sheโ€™s just so afraid of being hurt, Hoon, and I-โ€ย 
A hiccup escapes Minjeongโ€™s lips as tears start pooling in her eyes. Sunghoon has only ever seen Minjeong cry when drunkโ€”even movies that had him sobbing barely made her eyes water. Even if she isnโ€™t in her right state of mind, he knows it means this must be important to her. He holds her arms and tries to put on the most reassuring tone he can. โ€œBut I wouldnโ€™t hurt her.โ€
โ€œNo, I know that. Iโ€™m scared youโ€™d get hurt. I donโ€™t want things to become weird between all of us.โ€
Sunghoon shakes his head. โ€œMinjeong, what-that wouldnโ€™t happen.โ€
โ€œBut it will!โ€ she exclaimed. โ€œIf something happens with you and her, and it doesnโ€™t work out the way you want it to, itโ€™ll make things awkward-โ€
โ€œIf that happens,โ€ he interrupts, โ€œIโ€™ll deal with it. I wonโ€™t make it your guysโ€™ problem. Y/N and I are adults, okay?โ€
โ€œYouโ€™re like, nineteenโ€ฆโ€
โ€œYeah, whatever. Donโ€™t worry about it, okay? Itโ€™ll be fine.โ€ He takes a step back and opens the door for her to get in.ย 
Sheโ€™s only on the first stair when she turns back around. โ€œBut, Hoon-โ€ she tries, though he cuts her off.
โ€œMinjeong, I promise-โ€
โ€œJust donโ€™t rush into anything, okay?โ€
โ€œAnd donโ€™t say I didnโ€™t warn you.โ€
โ€œGo inside.โ€ย 
She complies, giving him one last look before climbing the stairs to her apartment. Sunghoon closes the door behind her, a heavy sigh leaving his lips.
Sunghoon is on his way home from hockey practice when his phone buzzes with a text from you.
yn are you still up for doing something this week?
He almost throws his phone in the air in celebration, as if it was a graduation cap. His Sunday was spent going back-and-forth between lapidating himself for his drunken stupidity, memories, rough as stones, hitting him in the face every time he thought of what he said and how he acted, and congratulating himself for having finally made his feelings for you somewhat clearer. Hopefully, you now know he isnโ€™t just awkward and silent around new peopleโ€”well, he is, but itโ€™s worse with you.
She never lets things get serious.
Minjeongโ€™s warnings echo in his head as he types a positive โ€” although not over-enthusiastic, โ€˜cause thatโ€™d be uncool โ€” answer, but he dismisses them easily. Perhaps he shouldnโ€™t; Sunghoon is, after all, incredibly serious about any and all romantic encounters. The girl at the grocery store who reached for the same red bell pepper as him was the most serious thing to him in the world for a good ten minutes; all of his school crushes were of utmost importance to him, however long they had lasted.
So this? This is capital-s Serious. But therein lies the problem; heโ€™s so serious about you that heโ€™d let you not make it serious. If Minjeong is right, and youโ€™re not planning on taking this nearly as far as he wishes for it to go, he can already tell heโ€™ll just let you. Heโ€™ll probably be happy you wanted anything to do with him at all.ย 
He has ways of reassuring himself, of convincing himself he isnโ€™t a totally lost cause. Because when Sunghoon falls in love โ€” and he had an inkling this was what this was โ€” it usually goes as quickly as it came. Whoโ€™s to say this time next week he wonโ€™t have completely moved on? Maybe this date that heโ€™s agreed to will go horribly wrong, youโ€™ll be rude to the waiter, youโ€™ll spill tomato sauce all over your shirt, and the flame in his heart will be put out. Easy as that.
You decide to meet on Wednesday evening, two days from now. Sunghoon suggests a Japanese restaurant he likes, a place he had gone to with his mom and sister when they had dropped him off at university before his first year, and that he knows is nice enough for a date but wonโ€™t burn a hole through his wallet.
Seeing you at the library the day before is a real thrill. Nobody but you knows of your plansโ€”at least not until he caves in and tells Jay about it, who congratulates him with a roll of his eyes and a pat on the head. All of your eye contact feels loaded with the kind of complicity that comes with sharing a secret. As much as he would love boasting about it to every soul whoโ€™d listen, this secrecy electrifies himโ€”it binds the two of you with something much more real than before. At least, more real than Sunghoonโ€™s imagination and one-sided feelings. He knows that your text wasnโ€™t in any way a confession of your own feelings for him, but itโ€™s a step in the right direction.
In the few hours before your reservation at seven p.m., Sunghoon spends so much time thinking about the date that heโ€™s almost late for it. He thinks about his expectations, then tries to get rid of them; he comes up with ideas of what your expectations might be, remembers Minjeongโ€™s words, dismisses them, remembers them again; he goes through scenarios upon scenarios of everything that might go wrong and everything that might go spectacularly well. He ends up with less than twenty minutes to get ready, but manages to arrive at the restaurant a minute before you.
When he sees you approaching, Sunghoon feels like one of those boys in Disney movies as they watch their girlfriend coming down the stairs in her prom dress. Youโ€™re not wearing an over-the-top poofy purple dress, but the effect is the sameโ€”his eyes are glued on you with every step you take towards him.
You grab him by the arm and lead him into the restaurant as soon as you reach him. Heโ€™s too busy taking in your appearance to be bothered by it. โ€œDonโ€™t look at me like that,โ€ you chide as you wait for waiting staff to seat you. Heโ€™d actually think you were mad at him if it wasnโ€™t for the small smile playing on your lips.
โ€œLike what?โ€
โ€œLike what youโ€™re doing right now! Youโ€™re staring.โ€
Realization slowly dawns on him; your gazes have made him lose his composure too many times for him not to know what being flustered looks like. Heโ€™d be lying if the fact that it was you in this tight spot and not him didnโ€™t heavily stroke his ego.ย 
โ€œWhy wouldnโ€™t I? You look beautiful,โ€ he says, dropping his voice to a whisper so that the approaching waitress canโ€™t hear. Her presence saves you from responding verbally, but as she brings you to your table, you pinch his arm lightly as if to say Be on your best behaviorโ€”although Sunghoon would argue this was his best behavior.
You have trouble making up your mind about the foodโ€”you want to try everything on the menu. Sunghoon tentatively offers to order a bunch of dishes and share them. โ€œItโ€™s what my family always does at the restaurant, just try as much as you want and take the leftovers to go. We never ate out very often because my mom would spend so much money every time,โ€ he recollects, smiling fondly.
โ€œThat actually sounds like a dream. My parents would never do that. It was always just eat what you got, but Iโ€™m unable to look at someone elseโ€™s food and not want to try it. It honestly should just be common practice to share dishes at the restaurant.โ€
Sunghoon thinks he could get down on one knee right then and there. Whenever they went out to eat, the boys would roll his eyes at him when he stole bites of their food. But youโ€”youโ€™re like him. He knows heโ€™s prone to over-exaggeration, but he canโ€™t help but feel like if you understand each other on this, you must understand each other at a molecular level.
He had expected a level of awkwardness to your date, at least at the beginning โ€” God knows the moments in which he doesnโ€™t feel like a mumbling fool in front of you are few and far between โ€” but to his surprise, everything goes smoothly. There is no uncomfortable silence, all his jokes miraculously land, even the lousy ones, and you both laugh and talk and share sushi and pork cutlets like itโ€™s the most natural thing in the world, which perhaps it is. His attempts at flirting are well-received and he only turns violently red twice when you compliment him and smile at him in a particularly pretty way.
Itโ€™s that day at the beach all over again. Always on the same page, you dip in and out of topics with a synergy he has rarely felt before. Sunghoon realizes it must be the presence of others, rather than you yourself, that makes him feel like he canโ€™t act the way he wants to around you, makes him so nervous. Save for the moments where you make his heart flutter like a thousand butterfliesโ€™ wings, he actually feels quite at ease with you, all things considered. Of course, he still tries โ€” and fails โ€” to look cool for you, but he knows it comes from a place within himself rather than because you make him feel as though he has to meet a certain standard. Surprisingly, he can be totally himself, and it seems to be enough for you.
He loves his friends. He wouldnโ€™t trade them for the world. But heโ€™s not sure he wonโ€™t have moments where heโ€™ll wish nothing more than for them all to go away and leave the two of you be.
You eat until you canโ€™t anymore and are still left with enough food for another full meal. You only let him get the bill once heโ€™s promised that next time will be on you. If it means thereโ€™ll be a next time, heโ€™s more than happy with making that promise. The sun has set when you exit the restaurant. Sunghoon shivers as he steps outside, the temperature having gone down by at least four degrees in the last two hours.
You grab his hand; it warms him right up.
Your apartment is a thirty-minute bus ride away, but Sunghoon offers to walk you home. Anything to spend more time with you.
He spends the first few minutes of the walk worrying about his hand, whether itโ€™s too clammy, whether itโ€™s holding yours right, but he eventually relaxes into the touch. When a particularly chilly gust of wind blows, you drop his hand and hold onto his arm instead, inching closer to him for more warmth.ย  He only drank lemonade with his meal, but he feels blissfully light-headed.
Silence only arrives when you reach your doorstep. You stand in front of each other, Sunghoon looking down at his feet, you gazing out at the empty street. He knows this is the moment where he is supposed to kiss you. If there was a step-by-step guide on how to date โ€” there probably is, but Sunghoon hasnโ€™t resorted to such loser-like measures yet โ€” this would probably be the moment where it would be written to just kiss her, you idiot. But nerves get the best of him.
At least, youโ€™re there to save the day. You direct your gaze towards him, a bashful smile playing on your lips. โ€œSoโ€ฆ are you gonna kiss me now?โ€ you ask, essentially reading his mind.ย 
He reacts immediately. โ€œY-yep. Yes. I am.โ€ Heart racing, he takes a step towards you as he rests his hands on your waist. Then he changes his mind, and brings one hand up to your cheek. Thereโ€™s an eyelash that has fallen below your eye; he brushes it out of the way with his thumb before leaning in and pressing his lips against yours.
In all of his late-night scenarios and daydreams of kissing you, he had never imagined something as good as this. You find your rhythm within seconds. Itโ€™s slow, almost hesitant, yet so tender, it makes Sunghoonโ€™s heart ache. As your lips move against each other in perfect sync, as your hands find their way around Sunghoonโ€™s neck, he realizes he should have known โ€” this will not go away as quickly as it came.
Only when you grab a fistful of his hair, making him react viscerally and wrap his arm around your waist to bring you closer to him, does he remember where the two of you are. He leans back, then almost passes out when you chase his lips and press a shorter but just as sweet kiss there. He commits this view to memoryโ€”the smile on your lips, the glow on your face, the haziness in your eyes.
โ€œDo you wanna come up?โ€
โ€œYes,โ€ he replies immediately, and it makes you laugh. You grab his hand and lead him up the stairs and into your apartment.
โ€œAre the girls in?โ€ he asks as you lock the front door.
โ€œMinjeong is at karaoke with her school friends, and Yunjin and Chaewon are at a dinner party somewhere.โ€
โ€œMinjeong karaokes?โ€
โ€œGet enough G&Ts in her and sheโ€™ll do anything.โ€
You turn on a small lamp in your room and take off your jacket. Sunghoon has been in your apartment before, but never in your roomโ€”at some point, heโ€™ll spend an hour observing every photograph and trinket in detail, asking you about every backstory, but right now, heโ€™s got more important things to tend to. His heart beats uncontrollably as you shut the door to your room and walk towards him, eyes gazing deeply into his. The corners of your lips rise when you tug at the bottom of his sweatshirt, a clear indicator that you want it off. He wastes no time in obliging.
The air is buzzing with electricity when your lips find each other again. Youโ€™re both more confident this time around, and so the kiss is deeper, your touches bolder. Everything happens quicklyโ€”one second, youโ€™re standing in the middle of your room; the next, youโ€™re laying on your bed, Sunghoon underneath you.ย 
โ€œYou know,โ€ he says between kisses, โ€œIโ€™d really planned on being a gentleman and not going up to your room after the first dateโ€ฆโ€
Your lips move from his lips to his jawline, warm and soft against his skin. Sunghoon closes his eyes and lets out a low hum of approval. โ€œIโ€™m glad you changed your mind,โ€ you whisper, lips brushing against his neck as you speak. โ€œAnd since weโ€™re onto confessions, I can finally say Iโ€™ve been wanting to do this since we met.โ€
This information sends his mind reeling. Not once had he been sure of how you felt about him โ€” he even remembers you saying no to a kiss โ€” and here you are, saying youโ€™ve been wanting to kiss him since the beginning, just like he had.ย 
โ€œYouโ€™re me,โ€ he replies breathlessly.
โ€œI mean, me too.โ€
You pause your kisses to giggle, a sound so soft and intimate it has Sunghoon melting impossibly more. โ€œYouโ€™re me?โ€
Unfortunately, he is too preoccupied by you to put a filter between the weird, half-formed thoughts in his brain and the words that leave his mouth. โ€œDonโ€™t question it,โ€ he says, a smile audible in his voice, before moving his head and catching your lips. If he couldnโ€™t stop himself from saying odd things, he could at least distract you from them.
Sunghoon thinks heโ€™s doing a good job keeping himself together, until you roll your hips against his. Itโ€™s barely anything, but it sends waves of pleasure and anticipation through his body. His grip on your waist tightens, and when you repeat the motion, his hands sneakily find their way down your back and under your dress. Palms splayed against your ass, he brings you down closer to him. The second you moan into the kiss, heโ€™s a goner.ย 
After that, it doesnโ€™t take long for clothes to be discarded or for curious fingers to find the otherโ€™s waistbands. Your movements are hasty, messyโ€”the tension that had built up over weeks of pining for you, after getting close to kissing you twice and thinking about it a hundred times more, it all comes crashing down in this moment, as his teeth sink into the flesh of your neck, as your hands pull at strands of his hair, as your bodies gently bump into each other. If someone asked Sunghoon right now how long heโ€™d known you, heโ€™d say years, not mere weeks. It couldnโ€™t possibly be real that this much desire had accumulated inside of him โ€” and inside of you, if your broken moans and rapid breathing are anything to go by โ€” in just over a month.ย 
He only slows down when he has you naked and heaving underneath him, reminding himself to savor the moment instead of rushing it. His fingertips graze down your sides until they reach between your thighs, and he marvels at the way his touch makes you shiver. His eyes are so wide with amazement at the sight of you that he probably looks like heโ€™s never seen a woman before, but he canโ€™t help himselfโ€”he always thought you were beautiful, but this is something else entirely.ย 
His first touch is hesitant, a slow upward motion of his thumb between your folds as if quite literally testing the waters. But it has you arching your back and gripping his bicep, meeting his eyes to silently plead for more. Sunghoon takes that as his green light, thumb circling your clit as his lips continue their work on your neck, on your face, everywhere they can reach. He slips a finger inside of you, then a second one, and when he is satisfied with the state heโ€™s gotten you in, all disheveled and gasping for air, he replaces his fingers with his dick, rock-hard just from seeing and hearing you.
He slowly inches forward until heโ€™s bottomed out, letting you adjust around him. โ€œAll good?โ€ he whispers, lips moving against the shell of your ear.
โ€œNever better,โ€ you whisper back, smiling. You kiss him, and the tenderness of your lips on his, mixed with the feeling of being inside you, has Sunghoonโ€™s heart constricting inside his chest. He starts rocking his hips back-and-forth into you, the side of his face is pressed up against yours, head light from the little oxygen the two of you share. It all feels oddly intimate for a first time, feels more like the kind of sex two people would have after years of knowing each otherโ€™s bodies. He moves like itโ€™s second nature, thrusts deep and slow, trying to reach those spots that have your hands clawing at his back. He wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him, using his free hand to push the hair that sticks to your face with sweat.
You wrap your legs higher around his hips, the shift in angle letting him go deeper. โ€œFuck, right there,โ€ you say, voice strangled. Sunghoon doesnโ€™t need to be told twiceโ€”he picks up his pace, and already within a minute, starts to feel himself reaching his limit. He tries to muffle his groans against your skin, but with the way your hold on him tightens and your moans go higher in pitch, you seem to be just as close as he is. When you do come undone around him, breath hitching in your throat before you release a heavy sigh, he has mere seconds left in him. A few thrusts later, his orgasm finally releases him from the tension that had been twisting his stomach into a knot for the past half-hour. Youโ€™re both spent, but he continues lazily rocking his hips against yours chasing the last remnants of pleasure, wanting to bask in it just a bit longer. He rolls onto his back after sliding out, wrapping his arms around you. You bury your face in the crook of his neck.
His chest rises and falls as his breathing takes its time returning to normal. In a way, heโ€™s almost relieved itโ€™s over, like any longer wouldโ€™ve actually taken too much of a toll on him. He likes the comfort he gets from having you in his arms as much as the sex itself. โ€œI didnโ€™t know it could feel this good,โ€ he says, the words spilling out of his mouth before he can stop them. He needs more than a few minutes to get his head back on straight and start thinking before he speaks again. You chuckle airily, he chuckles too, and within seconds, youโ€™re both laughing for seemingly no reason. The bliss of such an intense orgasm and the lack of oxygen must have gone to your brain, too.
โ€œMe either,โ€ you say once the laughter dies down. When your lips find his once more, Sunghoon forgets entirely about his exhaustion and feels like he could go for a second round. โ€œShower?โ€ you ask right when he realizes how sticky and smelly he is.
โ€œYes, please.โ€
He canโ€™t keep his hands off of you in the shower, rubbing soap on every square inch of your skin when you could do it perfectly fine yourself, kissing you even when youโ€™ve both got foaming cleanser on your faces. The taste of soap in his mouth is worth the giggles he gets out of you.
Sunghoon reaches heaven when you drop to your knees in front of him, water rushing down his back as you take him in your mouth. Heโ€™s eager to return the favor, of course, thumb flicking your clit with a speed and dexterity even he didnโ€™t know he was capable of. If you werenโ€™t already in the shower, youโ€™d have needed another one.
As soon as your bodies hit the mattress, you both drift off to sleep, limbs wrapping around each other as though they had been separated for too long and finally found each other againโ€”not to let go again.
When Sunghoon wakes up, it takes him a few seconds to realize that he hadnโ€™t dreamt up last nightโ€™s events. He reaches a hand out hesitantly, still half-asleep and scared that youโ€™ll disappear into thin air at the touch of his fingertips. But noโ€”he feels your skin, warm and soft, and he knows this is real.
Youโ€™re laying on your side, facing away from him, so he has to strain his neck to peek at your face. You look so peaceful as you sleepโ€”he doesnโ€™t want to wake you up, but he canโ€™t stop himself from wrapping an arm around your waist and pressing his torso against your back, humming contentedly to himself. He presses a soft, quiet kiss to the top of your head, just because he can.
Outside, clouds part, and a bright ray of sun shines through the window, landing right on your face. Sunghoon watches as you grumble and turn around, burying your face in his chest to avoid the blinding light, but the damage is doneโ€”youโ€™re awake. He can tell from the drawled-out whine you let out and the way you grab tightly onto his waist, as if it was his fault the sun had decided to shine right on you.ย 
He lets you settle in a comfortable position. Stays still as you hike your leg over his legs, then slip it between them instead; as you press your cheek against his chest, then bury your nose in his neck; as you wrap your arm around his waist, then move it to thread your fingers through his hair, until you give up on falling back asleep altogether. โ€œItโ€™s so bright in here,โ€ you mumble in lieu of a good-morning greeting.
You canโ€™t see him, so Sunghoon smiles and tightens his grip around youโ€”one arm circling your shoulders, the other, your waist. Skin to skin. โ€œWe forgot to close the blinds yesterday.โ€
โ€œItโ€™s okay,โ€ you say, sighing. You press a kiss to the base of his neck, right between his collarbones, then lift your face to look at him. โ€œHow are you feeling?โ€
This is what it feels like to wake up next to her, Sunghoon thinks. Heโ€™d thought about it so many times: what you would look like first thing in the morning, what youโ€™d say to him, what itโ€™d feel like when your eyes met. If youโ€™d be a slow sort of morning person, cuddling in bed with him until the very last possible second, or if youโ€™d be up and about as soon as you woke up. If youโ€™d be grumpy. If youโ€™d want coffee. If you liked morning sex.ย 
It seems to be a recurring theme that Sunghoonโ€™s imagination never quite lives up to reality. Your sleepy eyes boring into his, struggling to stay open, your fingers playing with the hair at the nape of his neck; your skin, so warm and so soft, your scent, so intoxicating he can barely think straight.
Youโ€™re better than a dream.
โ€œI feel great. Do you feel great?โ€
โ€œI feel amazing, thank you so much for asking,โ€ you say, burrowing yourself impossibly closer to him.
The two of you stay like this for a while, talking about your plans for the day and begrudging how little you want to go about them. Sunghoon wishes this could go on forever, but then his stomach growls so loudly, his face turns red from embarrassment. He hadnโ€™t even noticed how hungry he was.ย 
โ€œYouโ€™re me,โ€ you say, laughing, and Sunghoon canโ€™t help but join in. โ€œIs it crazy to have last nightโ€™s leftovers for breakfast?โ€
What Sunghoon hears is that you want him to stay; that you donโ€™t want to part ways just yet.
โ€œIf by crazy you mean the best idea ever, then yes.โ€
โ€œAmazing, because Iโ€™ve been thinking about that curry all night.โ€
โ€œReally? I was thinking about something else,โ€ he says, burrowing his face in your neck and leaving warm kisses there.ย 
You hum and lean into his touches, leaning into his touches. Chills run down his spine as your nails graze his sides. โ€œThere mightโ€™ve been other things occupying my mind, too.โ€
And just like that, breakfast is postponed to thirty minutes later.
After that night, Sunghoon forgets how to act right.
His mind has never been so singularly taken up by sex in all of his life. It was already preoccupied with you most of the time, but now that it has more material to gnaw on, itโ€™s practically started to eat away at him. It doesnโ€™t help that youโ€™ve seen each other every day since, or that at every chance you get, you smile knowingly at him or try to get him to play footsies with you. Of course, he loves every bit of attention that he gets from you, but whenever he feels his heart get carried away, Minjeongโ€™s words come back to him in a panic, and he remembers that he has no idea what it is thatโ€™s happening between you and him. You could be stringing him along, for all he knows, or you could be as into him as he is into you and just letting things happen. Unfortunately, just letting things happen was not something Sunghoon was good atโ€”if things werenโ€™t written black and white, heโ€™d find a way to overthink even the littlest of details. Like how youโ€™d kissed him for a good five minutes before letting him leave your apartment, otherwise known as the least platonic parting to exist, or conversely, like how youโ€™d sometimes take hours to reply to texts.
If he was already a mumbling fool in front of you before, his condition has only worsened now. He tries his best to be normal and not make you or anyone in the group feel weird, but the fact is that you rocked his world and now he canโ€™t look you in the eyes and not remember how it felt when you touched him or the sounds you made or the way you looked. Itโ€™s all playing in a loop in his mind and the only way he knows how to control it is by limiting his interactions with you, which doesnโ€™t even work that well.ย 
The first couple days, you seem amused by his shyer-than-usual demeanor, but you quickly grow confused more than anything. Sunghoon wonโ€™t sit next to you, only speaks to you when necessary, doesnโ€™t seek you out outside of a group setting. He tells himself he just needs some more time to be able to be around you casually again, but before that happens, one day at the library, you make a point to ask him if heโ€™ll come help you get drinks for everyone from the dispenser machine. He knows itโ€™d be too odd to say no, so he follows you.
He presses the buttons for everyoneโ€™s order (a Sprite for him, Diet Cokes for the girls, a Red Bull for Jake who has a midterm tomorrow and nothing for Jay who only swears by his disgusting herbal infusion) as you lean against the machine, arms crossed over your chest as you stare at him.
He has never felt so awkward in his life.
โ€œSoโ€ฆโ€ he starts although he has no idea what to sayโ€”he hopes something will just appear in his mind and that itโ€™ll alleviate the tension. However, you seem to have other plans.
โ€œWhat the hell, Sunghoon?โ€ you say, taking him aback. When he glances at you, you donโ€™t seem angryโ€”just genuinely confused. โ€œYouโ€™ve been avoiding me like the plague.โ€
โ€œI havenโ€™t!โ€
โ€œSunghoon,โ€ you say sternly. He gives in right away.
โ€œOkay, Iโ€™m sorry. I just-I didnโ€™t know what to do. After we, you knowโ€ฆโ€
โ€œAfter we had sex?โ€ you say, then burst into laughter when he looks around the room to make sure no oneโ€™s heard. His cheeks heat up.
โ€œYes, after we had sex,โ€ he whispers.
He pays for the drinks and picks them up. When he looks at you again, your smile has completely died down, and worry has settled into your features. โ€œDo you regret it?โ€ you ask, voice now as low as his. As if it hurts to say the words too loud.
Panic overcomes him, and he almost drops half of the drinks as he shakes his head. โ€œNo, of course not! Iโ€™m really sorry, Y/N, I never meant to be weird about it, I was just trying to wrap my head around everything, and I justโ€ฆ Well, I just didnโ€™t know what to do. Iโ€™m sorry.โ€
You nod, taking his words in. โ€œThatโ€™s fine. I get it. I just wanted to say, you know, it doesnโ€™t have to change anything. We can still be friends and all. Like you said, it shouldnโ€™t make things weird.โ€
Sunghoonโ€™s stomach drops. He knows youโ€™re trying to make him feel better, but youโ€™ve inadvertently said the exact opposite of what he wanted to hear. He doesnโ€™t want things to stay the same, or for you to stay friends. For him, things canโ€™t go back to normal after that night โ€” whatever normal means for the two of you โ€” and he was foolishly hoping that you felt the same.
But clearly, you want to let the whole thing die and pretend like it never happened. And whether itโ€™s a good thing or not, his feelings for you have grown so much, heโ€™ll just let you lead him anywhere. Even if that turns out to be nowhere.ย 
So he conjures up the most convincing smile he can, hands you half of the drinks to carry, and says, โ€œYeah, sounds good.โ€
After that conversation, Sunghoon doesnโ€™t think anything else will happen between the two of you. You had sex, you talked it out, and thatโ€™s the end of it. But then, it turns out that both of your last midterms are at the same time, in the same building, so you invite him to celebrate with pork belly and some drinks. Sunghoon is finishing his second beer when he starts to feel like heโ€™s on that date again, laughing for no reason, butterflies in his stomach every time his gaze catches yours. You lean on your hand as you listen to him talk about a stupid memory from his childhood and he thinks heโ€™s never seen anyone as pretty as you.ย 
The sun has long set when you say, โ€œYou know, itโ€™s Wednesday today.โ€
Heโ€™s not sure what youโ€™re trying to get at. โ€œYeah?โ€
โ€œMinjeongโ€™s out at karaoke tonight.โ€
With these simple words, all the images of you that Sunghoon had finally managed to banish from his mind come flooding back, and he is not even surprised to find himself half-naked in your bed thirty minutes later. So much for staying friendsโ€”one time is one thing, but Sunghoon knows heโ€™ll never be normal again after a second time with you.
Itโ€™s not a long time before he finds himself in your room again. Every item of clothing between the two of you is gradually discarded while you kiss, lips growing more impatient with every inch of bare skin uncovered. He reluctantly lets you go when you suddenly giggle and say that you really need to pee, watching as you grab his t-shirt off the floor and put it on, just in case Minjeong comes home. You wear it like itโ€™s yours, like itโ€™s the most natural thing in the world that youโ€™d be wearing his clothes. An indescribable feeling washes over Sunghoon at the sight, so intense he feels tears welling behind his eyes. Like something heโ€™s been yearning for is finally at the grasp of his fingers; like it might slip away at any moment.ย 
His feelings mustโ€™ve transpired in the way he was looking at youโ€”when you meet his eyes, your expression shifts slightly, and you quickly slip out of your room. He tells himself to reel it in. Get it together, he thinks. Or youโ€™ll drive her away.ย 
A wave of tiredness hits him in the minute that youโ€™re gone, probably due to all that soju and beer. โ€œIโ€™m back,โ€ you whisper, but he doesnโ€™t move, only opens his arms wide for you to get back into bed with him. Itโ€™s like a weight is lifted off his heart when he feels you against him again. Youโ€™re back. Your face is fresh, as if youโ€™d splashed it with cold water, but when he slips one of his hands underneath your (his) t-shirt, your skin is still just as warm as before. Far from the fuzzy, tingly feeling he had gotten when youโ€™d woken up together the other morning, now, he feels his desire for you deep in the pit of his stomach. The kind of hunger food couldnโ€™t satisfy. โ€œI missed you,โ€ he whispers, voice low and gravelly. He reacts immediately when you squirm against him, tightening his grip around your waist and pulling you to him.
โ€œI was gone two minutes.โ€
โ€œI mean these past few days. I was starting to think Iโ€™d dreamt you up.โ€ His hand on your lower back sneaks its way up between your bodies until it finds your breasts, cupping one of them with his palm before taking your nipple between his thumb and index, gently twisting. It pulls a half-gasp, half-moan from your throat, and the sound goes straight to his dick. โ€œBut youโ€™re real, arenโ€™t you?โ€ย 
โ€œVery real,โ€ you reply, a tremor in your voice. Heโ€™s barely touching you, and youโ€™re already having trouble breathing. Sunghoon smiles at the idea of him having as much of a hold on you as you do on him.
โ€œGood,โ€ he says, voice so low itโ€™s almost a growl. In one quick sweep, he pushes you down so your back is against the mattress, resting his palms on each side of your head.
Heโ€™s inside you within mere minutes. Heโ€™d wanted to hold back a bit, but you whispering Just put it in after thirty seconds of his fingers loosening you up was enough to convince him. His mind is already fuzzy with remnants of alcohol, and his overwhelming desire for you only makes matters worse. He barely has any control over his movements, rushed and sloppy, but as he drives himself deeper into you, your moans increase in volume. He only later realizes how tight his grip on your hips is when he sees two small bruises forming on the skin there.ย 
He comes quickly, probably embarrassingly so, but he canโ€™t bring himself to careโ€”heโ€™s got other things on his mind. Heโ€™s not even bothered to discard the condom as he makes his way down your body, lips around your clit before youโ€™ve even had the time to register what was happening. You cry out, a sound that Sunghoon works to pry out of you over and over again. Even when your thighs start shaking and you squirm away from him, he doesnโ€™t relent. Heโ€™s just as desperate to make you feel good as he was desperate chasing his own pleasure earlier. He hooks his arms around your thighs, bringing you down to him and ensuring that you canโ€™t get away. One hand still in his hair, the other clutching the bed sheets, youโ€™ve turned your face sideways into the pillow so that your moans come out muffled. He is only satisfied when youโ€™ve reached your second orgasm.ย 
As your breath slowly returns to normal, Sunghoon makes his way back up your body, leaving a trail of kisses in his wake. You clear your throat of its dryness and burst into soft, quiet laughter. โ€œWhatโ€™s funny?โ€ Sunghoon murmurs, lips against your neck.ย 
โ€œNothing,โ€ you say, still laughing. โ€œThat was just really, really nice.โ€
Sunghoon smiles. โ€œIโ€™m glad,โ€ he says before kissing you, lips moving slowly against yours.
As he lays against you, the top of his head under your chin and your fingernails grazing along his back, a weird feeling overcomes him. Sunghoon is usually a pine-from-afar sort of guy, with at least five instances of hanging out that could or could not be a date before making things any sort of official. The pining has been a constant with all of his crushes. Heโ€™s gotten to the hanging out stage a couple of times, but the officialising has only happened once. Despite its low success rate, itโ€™s a cycle Sunghoon feels comfortable with, and heโ€™d imagined the rest of his romantic encounters would follow that pattern.ย 
But this is completely different. Of the three times you guys have met separately from your friend group, already two times have included sex. This isnโ€™t a stage Sunghoon usually reaches before at least a few months and it disorientates him. What does it mean? That you like him so much, you decided to skip all of the steps and jump straight into the thick of it? He is reasonable enough not to delude himself into such a thought. He likes you a lotโ€”that much he can be sure of. Heโ€™s liked you since the moment he laid eyes on you, even if the reason eludes him. Something in the way you smiled at him, the way you took him in stride as if youโ€™d known him forever. When he thinks back to that party, he canโ€™t believe it started out as the two of you being strangers. Even now, feeling your warm skin against his, it feels like a lie that just two months ago he hadnโ€™t even met you.ย 
What he canโ€™t say with total certainty is that you like him the same amount. Or that you like him any amount, really, although in his naivety he doesnโ€™t understand how anyone could be this intimate with another person without liking them at least a little bit. And he doesnโ€™t just mean the sex. He means this. The silently laying in each otherโ€™s arms, the soft kisses, the caresses wherever hands can reach. Eating post-sex snacks together, laughing as you watch the first episode of each otherโ€™s favorite sitcoms (Brooklyn Nine-Nine for him, Pen15, oddly enough, for you). Falling asleep together, cuddling the entire night then waking up and diving right back into each otherโ€™s embrace.ย 
After an entire day spent in rumination, Sunghoonโ€™s still not sure what to make of it all.
All he knows is that when he DMs you that night, asking you how your day went, he goes through every emotion between anxiety, self-hatred and indifference in the five minutes that separate his text from your reply. Heโ€™s never been so happy to hear that someone couldnโ€™t concentrate in class because of him.
Sunghoon has always been obsessed with the way couples stand together in public.ย 
Every time, it takes everything in him not to stare, because he wants to take in every little thing they do. He has that practically everywhere he goes, wanting to stare at people just to see what their deal is, but he is never quite as simultaneously fascinated and envious as when he spots a couple. But he knows staring isnโ€™t the socially appropriate thing to do, so he either steals glances or watches for a little bit then pretends they arenโ€™t there. He canโ€™t help himselfโ€”even if they arenโ€™t holding hands or obnoxiously making out in public, itโ€™s still visible to anyone with eyes that there is something tying these people together. Itโ€™s in the way they stand near each other, their bodies turned inwardly, as though enveloped by a bubble containing just the two of them and no one else; in the way they look at each other, their eyes never straying from the otherโ€™s face as they talk, intimacy showing itself even in a loud, crowded room. Sunghoon craves to find that proximity, to be able to touch and be touched so softly, every graze of a hand purposeful and unconscious at the same time.
Itโ€™s the first of November already. The Weather app, as it tends to do, has deceived you; so instead of a walk on what was supposed to be a sunny day, you find yourselves in a busy cafรฉ near the University, the air outside too chilly even with your scarves and gloves. Youโ€™re waiting for your order at the end of the counter โ€” a mocha for him, an oat flat white for you โ€” when he notices it. Your body is fully facing him, youโ€™re distractedly playing with the hem of his sweatshirt, and youโ€™re not looking at anything but him as you rant about that annoying classmate of yours that goes by a self-made nickname and always talks over the tutor. In this light, the two of you are like the couples heโ€™s always longed to beโ€”the simple thought makes him want to cry. As more and more often is the case these days, you have no idea what youโ€™re doing to him.
Itโ€™s been around two months since you first met and in that time, although Sunghoon is lucky not to have enough fingers to count the number of times you have seen each other one-on-one, not much has happened. Minjeong, who had understood what was going on the first time she saw the two of you eating leftovers from the Japanese restaurant on the couch at 10 a.m., has grown accustomed to his presence in the apartment and even sometimes sits down to watch a movie with the two of youโ€”a movie that Chaewon would usually have forced you to watch in the living room instead of the privacy of your bedroom, so that everyone could join. Sunghoon is just glad Minjeong has stopped silently scolding him with her eyes every time he comes out of your room. She never mentions that night when she essentially warned him against you after the party.ย 
Jake seems to be the only oblivious one in your group. Yunjin and Chaewon have eyes like hawks and horrifyingly vivid imaginations when they put their heads together, so they were probably already making plans for your wedding and fighting for the title of godmother when you and Sunghoon met at the beginning-of-semester party. They cornered him once at a party and forced him to spill the beans and spare no detail, because you apparently were โ€œdenying everything, but we know thereโ€™s something going on.โ€ Jay is still Sunghoonโ€™s go-to person when he needs advice concerning you, although the older boy doesnโ€™t understand why it has to be so complicated and always tells him to โ€œjust tell her how you feel,โ€ which Sunghoon will not do unless there is a gun to his head. But Jake just seems happy to see his friend and his sister get along this wellโ€”no matter how many times you wear his jacket at their games or disappear at the same time at the end of parties, he doesnโ€™t grow suspicious. If he does, he doesnโ€™t mention it to Sunghoon, at least.
Between the two of you, not a word is spoken about the nature of your relationship, which remains unbearingly undefined. For a while, he weakly convinces himself that he doesnโ€™t need to have that conversation with you. Heโ€™s young, heโ€™s free, he should be able to enjoy casual sex without putting a label on it. The main problem, though, was that the sex could not be further from casual, at the very least not to Sunghoon.
He has never known anything quite like it. In mere weeks, youโ€™ve both mastered the art of pleasuring each other. He understands your body like itโ€™s his, knows what each of the sounds and expressions you make means. He knows where to touch you to have a kiss go from light-hearted to dizzyingly intense, how to move his mouth to have you arching your back and holding onto him for dear life. And youโ€”he thinks your skin must be laced with cocaine, the way he can never get enough of it.ย 
But itโ€™s always the moments afterwards that get him in his head. To him, casual sex means getting dressed the minute itโ€™s over and going off to do other things, which is the absolute opposite of what you do. Whether itโ€™s falling asleep together or spending Sundays in bed, you always stay together afterwards, curled up in each otherโ€™s arms as you talk away the hours, conversations interspersed with slow, lazy kisses. Heโ€™ll say things like, โ€œYouโ€™re so pretty,โ€ or โ€œWhy do you smell so good?โ€ because heโ€™s so smitten with you that he can never stop himself from uttering every compliment that flashes through his brain, but the things he really wants to say are harder to speak out loud. Even just a What are we?โ€”three simple words that he canโ€™t bring himself to ask, too scared itโ€™ll ruin everything.ย 
Arguably worse is that sex isnโ€™t even a requirement for when you and Sunghoon see each other. He goes on walks with you whenever youโ€™ve spent too much time in the library and need some fresh air. You go shopping with him when his department throws a fundraiser and he needs a formal outfit. He cooks you your favorite meal when your period is particularly nasty. You sneak into the ice rink after his practice and let him โ€˜teachโ€™ you how to skate, even though you already learned how with Jake when you were kids. Even mundane moments become fun when spent with you, and you share so many hobbies and interests that you never run out of things to do or talk about.
And yet, it feels like one step forward, two steps back with youโ€”if you let him close one night, youโ€™ll run away the next. A week will pass without you seeing each other outside of the library or group hang-outs, and if Sunghoon asks you out, youโ€™ll say no, usually blaming the amount of work you have. He gets itโ€”due to the nature of your degree and your being a fourth-year student, your workload is much heavier than his, with essays, translations and oral presentations due every other week. And thatโ€™s not even including midterms and finals. But still, he doesnโ€™t see why you would need to stay at the library for ten hours straight for days on end. Heโ€™d start worrying about your health if you didnโ€™t at least relax on weekends.ย 
So while Sunghoon wants nothing more than to go all in with you, he senses you holding back. He notices you avoiding eye contact during particularly intimate moments, and when you look at him perhaps too fondly for your liking, you quickly catch yourself and resume your neutral, sometimes almost cold expression. When he tries to broach more personal, sensitive topics, you always find a way to change the subject or turn the conversation towards him before you get too deep.ย 
As time passes, and especially as exam season nears, he can tell thereโ€™s something that youโ€™re not telling him about. His suspicions are confirmed when you come back from a weekend at your parentsโ€™ house. Heโ€™s also been away for an out-of-town hockey game, and because he hasnโ€™t had much time to text you (and because their team won, so he wants to show off a little), heโ€™s particularly looking forward to seeing you again that Monday. Itโ€™s only been three days since youโ€™ve last seen each other, but he misses you like crazy.ย 
But the minute youโ€™re back, you bury yourself in work like never before, often waking up at ungodly hours and staying at the library until midnight. More than once, he stays behind with you, long after the others have gone, reminding you gently every hour that it might be time to go home and get some rest. The moments you actually agree are few and far between, and although he sticks it out at first, sleeping with his head on the table until you tell him youโ€™re ready to go, your stubbornness soon starts frustrating him, and he ends up leaving when he gets too tired. He knows this is important to you, but he doesnโ€™t understand why you have to go to these lengthsโ€”youโ€™d still easily be one of the best students in your class without all this exertion. And despite his many attempts, you wonโ€™t tell him whatโ€™s wrong, wonโ€™t even admit that something is wrongโ€”you keep repeating that โ€œitโ€™s just what exam season is like.โ€
When he asks your friends about it, they seem just as confused as he is. One evening when you have plans to order some food and watch a movie at your apartment, he shows up at the agreed time, but youโ€™re nowhere to be found. Thankfully, the girls are there to let him up and not leave him standing outside in the rain. You donโ€™t pick up when he calls you and call him back a minute later, apologizing profusely but still saying that thereโ€™s something you really need to finish first. If it was only a one-time thing, it wouldnโ€™t make him as angry as it doesโ€”but this has been going on for almost two weeks now, and Sunghoon is close to boiling point.ย 
The fact that itโ€™s been months since your date at the Japanese restaurant, and the only thing that youโ€™ve said about what was happening between you and Sunghoon โ€œdidnโ€™t have to change anything.โ€ The fact that youโ€™re essentially each otherโ€™s boyfriend and girlfriend without the label or the reassurance that comes with it. The fact that thereโ€™s something clearly bothering you but that you wonโ€™t tell him about it. The fact that this something is effectively coming between the two of you. Sunghoon was originally more worried about you than anythingโ€”now that studying has taken obvious precedence over him in your list of priorities, heโ€™d be lying if he said his ego wasnโ€™t wounded. He isnโ€™t asking to be the number one most important thing in your life, and he knew before even meeting you that high academic performance meant a lot to you, but he likes to think he deserves at least a little bit of your time and attention.ย 
Except, does he really? Itโ€™s not like youโ€™re actually dating.
Thereโ€™s a pang in his heart as he remembers this fact that he should never have forgotten in the first place. It hurtsโ€”and so perhaps, heโ€™s less patient than he ought to be.
โ€œWhatever, Y/N. Donโ€™t worry about it, just let me know when you have time for something other than getting As.โ€
He hangs up and meets your flatmatesโ€™ worried eyes.ย 
โ€œShe still at the library?โ€ Chaewon asks, tone delicate as if trying not to scare off a wounded animal. Sunghoon nods, a deep sigh escaping his mouth.ย 
โ€œShe always studies a lot,โ€ Minjeong starts, โ€œbut this is something else.โ€
โ€œHave you guys tried saying something?โ€
The girls nod. โ€œEven Jake has talked to her, but she wonโ€™t listen. And he usually always gets to her,โ€ Minjeong says.ย 
He goes home soon afterwards and spends the rest of his evening in rumination, torn between his worry and his anger towards youโ€”emotions which only increase as more days pass, and he sees less and less of you. Your behavior was already concerning while preparing for your exams and final assignments, it gets even worse when exams actually do start. He doesnโ€™t hear from you for an entire week, and the one time you miraculously agree to a short group hang-out in the form of getting coffee, youโ€™re only half there, physically present but mind far, far away. You barely react when the guys tell you about their victory at the latest hockey gameโ€”which you didnโ€™t attend, as well as any other game recently.ย 
No matter how much he tries to put it out of his mind, to focus on his own exams and hockey games, you stay at the forefront of his thoughts. The hockey team is away for another out-of-town game when he decides to broach the subject with Jake, with whom heโ€™s sharing a room. The entire semester, heโ€™s been careful not to raise Jakeโ€™s suspicions about the two of you, both out of consideration for you, whoโ€™d mentioned you didnโ€™t want your brother to know what was going on, and for himself, who would also rather Jake not know, at least not until your relationship became official. Which it never did. But now that all he gets from you is radio silence at a time when youโ€™d usually be an hour into a FaceTime call, he canโ€™t help himself.
Jake is just coming out of the bathroom, drying his hair with a towel, when Sunghoon takes his shot in the dark. โ€œHave you heard from Y/N recently?โ€ he asks as nonchalantly as he can, pretending to not be avidly waiting for his friendโ€™s reaction by keeping his eyes on his phone.
โ€œY/N?โ€ Jake echoes. โ€œNo, not really. Why?โ€
โ€œJust โ€˜cause I havenโ€™t seen her around much. Iโ€™m wondering if everythingโ€™s okay.โ€
โ€œYou mean her staying at the library all day?โ€ Sunghoon nods; Jake sighs. โ€œYeah, sheโ€™ll snap out of it soon enough. She gets somewhat like this every time exams come around, but even I have to admit itโ€™s pretty tough this time around. The last time I saw her like this was way back in high school, and thatโ€™s because our parents were watching right over her shoulder. Itโ€™s been better in university thanks to the distance.โ€
โ€œSo this has to do with your parents?โ€
โ€œOh, one hundred percent. Sheโ€™s always wanted to do well at school, but she only gets this obsessive when our parents are involved.โ€
โ€œI guess this did start after that weekend when she went homeโ€ฆโ€ Sunghoon muses absent-mindedly. It couldโ€™ve passed off as an off-hand remark, but Jake pauses in his movements and looks at him warily.
โ€œYeah, she didโ€ฆ You noticed that, huh?โ€
Sunghoon pauses. This whole time, he was sure Jake was oblivious to anything happening between you and himโ€”but he might have underestimated his friend. Like brother, like sister; he can hardly read either of you when he really needs to. Jake might genuinely be surprised that Sunghoon remembered your whereabouts that weekend, or heโ€™s onto him. โ€œI guess I did,โ€ he finally says, going for as noncommittal an answer as he can.
Jake says nothing for a bit, and Sunghoon thinks heโ€™s managed to get through the conversation without raising too much suspicionโ€”until a minute later, when Jake speaks again. โ€œDo youโ€ฆ like Y/N?โ€
Sunghoon freezes, snapping his head towards Jake, whoโ€™s lying on his back and staring up at the ceiling. His first instinct is to deny, but thereโ€™s no point pretending anymore. Itโ€™s one thing keeping it from Jakeโ€”lying to him about it is something else entirely. Itโ€™s an uncomfortable conversation, but it must be had. โ€œYeah, I do,โ€ Sunghoon replies, guilt clear in his voice, more because heโ€™s only now admitting it to Jake than because of his feelings themselves.
A shaky breath comes out of Jakeโ€™s mouth, as if this was the exact answer he had dreaded. โ€œRight, okay. Since when?โ€
โ€œSince I met her, basically.โ€
Jakeโ€™s head whips towards Sunghoon, and their gazes meet awkwardly. โ€œSince that party in September?โ€ he asks, shock written all over his face. Sunghoon nods, and to his surprise, Jake bursts out laughing. โ€œDonโ€™t tell me itโ€™s because you accidentally matched costumes?โ€
Sunghoon looks away, frowning. โ€œThat mightโ€™ve helped things along,โ€ he mumbles, embarrassment washing over him as Jakeโ€™s laughter intensifies. At least he was taking it wellโ€”a bit too well, perhaps.
โ€œYouโ€™re so predictable, man,โ€ Jake says when heโ€™s calmed down, wiping a tear from his eye.ย 
โ€œHow did you know, anyway?โ€
โ€œYouโ€™ve been pretty obvious with it recently,โ€ Jake replies after a few seconds. โ€œI could tell you were a bit shy around her at first, and when it got better I just thought youโ€™d become friends or something. But when she showed up with your jacket at every game and you never left her side at parties, I assumed something else was going on. Youโ€™ve always been staying behind at the library these days, and I know you donโ€™t have that much work.โ€
Sunghoon chuckles. โ€œI guess I havenโ€™t been trying hard to hide it lately.โ€
โ€œYeah, why would you hide it in the first place? You couldโ€™ve just told me.โ€
โ€œI didnโ€™t want to make things weird.โ€
Jake frowns. โ€œIt wouldnโ€™t have been weird. If anything, hiding it makes it weirder.โ€
โ€œI just thought, if one of my friends had a crush on my sister, Iโ€™d probably rather they hid it. Like, I donโ€™t need to know about that,โ€ Sunghoon says, and it makes Jake laugh.
โ€œDude, Y/N and I are only a year apart. Do you know how many guys have come up to me asking me for her number or advice on how to ask her out? Itโ€™s been, like, one every few months since middle school. Guys here especially have no shame telling me how hot they find her.โ€
Sunghoon makes a face. He doesnโ€™t disagree, but heโ€™d never go out of his way to tell your brother how exquisite you looked in certain outfits. โ€œThatโ€™s gross.โ€
โ€œYeah, it is. But youโ€™re my friend, not some greasy rando, so I trust you. If anything, Iโ€™d probably have to tell her to be nice to you, and not the other way around.โ€
โ€œYeah, you could say that again,โ€ Sunghoon grumbles, then realizes his mistake immediately, eyes widening.
โ€œWhat do you mean?โ€ Jake asks, sounding genuine at first, but when Sunghoon stays quiet for a couple seconds, debating whether he should just lay the truth bare, Jake sits up on the bed and repeats his question, his tone much warier this time around. Sunghoon glances at him then looks away guiltily.
โ€œWell, to be completely honestโ€ฆ Weโ€™ve sort of been seeing each other, kind of. But itโ€™s complicated.โ€
Jake flops back down on his mattress with a grunt. โ€œWho else knows?โ€ he asks, rubbing at his eyes with his hands as if suddenly very exhausted.
โ€œWell, Jay, Minjeong, Yunjin and Chaewon.โ€
โ€œSo everyone.โ€
โ€œBasically, yeah.โ€
โ€œGreat.โ€ Jake sighs. โ€œSince when?โ€
โ€œSince October,โ€ Sunghoon mumbles, feeling guiltier than ever. Heโ€™s belatedly realizing that it wouldโ€™ve been much easier to have everything out in the open from the get-go, both with you and with Jake; now heโ€™s both stuck in situationship limbo and has to face the consequences of keeping something this important from one of his closest friends. โ€œAre you upset?โ€ Sunghoon asks, feeling a bit like a ten-year-old.
โ€œKinda, yeah, but more at her than at you. Iโ€™ve told her not to go after anyone from the hockey team.โ€
โ€œโ€˜Cause of Heeseung?โ€
โ€œYeah. God, that was messy. He gave her mixed signals for so long, I could barely talk to him without thinking of her crying for so long. And now heโ€™s the one who canโ€™t quite look me in the eye,โ€ Jake says, shaking his head at the mere thought of his captain.
โ€œWas it that bad? She made it seem like it wasnโ€™t that big of a deal.โ€
Jake raises his eyebrows. โ€œReally? It upset her for a while though,โ€ he says, then turns his head to look at the ceiling again. โ€œI guess thatโ€™s not so surprising of her. She sometimes likes pretending she doesnโ€™t have any emotions, even though Iโ€™m pretty sure she has more than most people.โ€
โ€œHuh.โ€ That would explain some things, Sunghoon muses. Emotions are not a topic that comes up very often with you, and every time heโ€™s gotten an inkling of them, you seem to shut it all down immediately.
โ€œBut you know, Iโ€™m more surprised than anything. Aboutโ€ฆ about it all, really. Not just that youโ€™re only telling me now, but that itโ€™s lasted this long. She must really like you.โ€
โ€œYou think?โ€ Sunghoon says, his face brightening with hope, the words slipping from him before he can stop them once again. He shrinks when Jake laughs at him.
โ€œLook at you. Down bad, huh?โ€
โ€œShut up.โ€
โ€œBut yeah, dude. Iโ€™ve told you about this. Iโ€™ve never seen her in a relationship, ever. Says she doesnโ€™t have the time,โ€ Jake says, air-quoting you. โ€œIโ€™ve only had the displeasure of seeing her go home with one-night-stands. You know that since she started college, sheโ€™s had a rule that sheโ€™d only see someone three times and that was it?โ€
โ€œYeah, so she wouldnโ€™t catch feelings. Iโ€™m telling you, sheโ€™s crazy. So you must be special.โ€
Sunghoon canโ€™t stop the smile from spreading on his lipsโ€”special. But it doesnโ€™t make him feel that much better, either. โ€œItโ€™s not like weโ€™re actually dating, so Iโ€™m not sure how special I can beโ€ฆโ€
Jakeโ€™s head turns to look at Sunghoon again, but the younger boy keeps his eyes trained on the ceiling fan above him. โ€œWhatโ€™s happening between you guys?โ€
A blush creeps on Sunghoonโ€™s cheeks. โ€œIs this something you really want to talk about?โ€
โ€œWell, spare me the gruesome details, please,โ€ Jake says, chuckling, โ€œbut yeah, I would like to know whatโ€™s going on with my best friend and my sister.โ€
โ€œIโ€™m your best friend?โ€ Sunghoon says, grinning as he meets Jakeโ€™s gaze, who rolls his eyes.
โ€œDonโ€™t change the subject.โ€
โ€œFine.โ€ He sighs. โ€œWell, I didnโ€™t think it would happen more than once-โ€
โ€œWhat would happen more than once?โ€
Sunghoon pauses. โ€œWell, you knowโ€ฆโ€ Jake gives him a look as if to say, Well, no, I donโ€™t know, so Sunghoon is forced to go on: โ€œSleeping together.โ€
โ€œYou guys slept together?!โ€ Jake exclaims, sitting up on his bed once again.
โ€œYeah, what did you think?โ€
โ€œI donโ€™t know, just that you were going on dates, hanging out one-on-one, or whateverโ€ฆโ€
โ€œWell, we were.โ€
โ€œUgh, whatever,โ€ Jake says, waving his hand in front of his face like swatting a fly away. โ€œSo, not just once, then?โ€
โ€œNo. And I thought itโ€™d be a one-time thing, โ€˜cause a few days afterwards she said something about it not having to change our friendshipโ€ฆโ€
โ€œYeah. But then it did. Happen again, I mean. And itโ€™s been happening frequently since. But weโ€™re notโ€ฆ dating dating. We havenโ€™t had that conversation.โ€
Jake frowns. โ€œWhy not?โ€
Sunghoon releases a shaky breath. Why not, indeed. โ€œโ€˜Cause she hasnโ€™t mentioned it. And Iโ€™m too scared to do it.โ€
โ€œWhat are you scared of?โ€
โ€œThe typical stuff. What we have nowโ€ฆ itโ€™s not what I want, but itโ€™s managed to not disrupt the group, you know. Iโ€™m scared that if I tell her how I feel, itโ€™ll make things awkward between the two of us, and between all of us by extension.โ€
โ€œWell, it might,โ€ Jake says after thinking for a few seconds. โ€œI wish I could tell you with certainty that sheโ€™ll like you back, but I honestly canโ€™t. As obvious as you were towards her, she was not giving anything away.โ€ Sunghoon chuckles, more out of self-deprecation than anything. This was not the pep talk he had hoped for. โ€œBut, I can tell you that she wonโ€™t be the type to make things awkward. You have nothing to risk by telling her, because in the long run, youโ€™ll be better off that way. I know you, Sunghoon. Youโ€™ll be miserable if you canโ€™t be fully yourself with someone.โ€
Decidedly, Sunghoonโ€™s friends had a way of telling him the exact opposite of the things he wanted to hear while being completely right. He wishes things with you could stay the same โ€” minus the overworking yourself and ignoring him in the process โ€” and that he wouldnโ€™t have to do anything that might make them change. But just as Jake said, heโ€™d also reach a point where he couldnโ€™t take it anymoreโ€”a point he was already inching closer and closer to with every passing day. He likes you enough to let you not define the relationship, but he likes you too much to let it go on. He likes you too much to not be able to tell you, and show you, and remind you of it every day. He hated having to hold back, and he hated feeling you holding back. He wanted to give you his all and he wanted all of you, too, not just bite-sized portions of you.
โ€œYouโ€™re right,โ€ he finally says. โ€œI havenโ€™t been able to talk to her lately, but Iโ€™ll have to tell her soon enough. When her exams are over, I guess.โ€
Jake sighs. โ€œYeah. I donโ€™t know if thereโ€™s any getting through to her right now.โ€
โ€œSheโ€™s blown me off so many times! I donโ€™t know what sheโ€™s doing, spending so many hours in that library. Iโ€™d go insane.โ€
โ€œSheโ€™s a perfectionist,โ€ Jake says, shaking his head. โ€œIโ€™ve talked to her about it. When it comes to school, she needs everything to be as flawless as can be. She spends hours re-reading and editing her work. Itโ€™s not good.โ€
โ€œNot really, no.โ€
โ€œBut sheโ€™s only got a week left. Iโ€™ll try to convince her not to go home for too long, and itโ€™ll be better after the holidays. Then weโ€™ll make sure thereโ€™s not a repeat of this next exam season.โ€
He thinks of Christmas break and of not seeing you for two weeks; of next semester and going through all of this with you a second time. The uncertainty, the fooling around behind your friendsโ€™ backs โ€” although that might not be needed now that Jake is in on it too โ€” Sunghoonโ€™s not sure if he can go through it all again. โ€œYeah, we will.โ€
They lose their game the following day. They had an amazing run, either winning or tying every game so far; this loss is not enough to make them drop significantly in the rankings, but itโ€™s enough to demoralize Sunghoon. It couldnโ€™t have come at a worse timeโ€”between you and this failed game, his self-esteem is taking a real hit.
He dared hope for some comfort from you once he was back, but in vain. He doesnโ€™t know why he imagined your attitude mightโ€™ve changed overnight, and when he texts you asking to hang out, the same old sorry I canโ€™t atm fills his phone screen. And just like that, as strong as his feelings for you have been all this time, so is his resentmentโ€”unwarranted, perhaps, but he thinks he deserves better than this, and heโ€™s both angry at you for not giving him anything and at himself for letting it happen.
Now, heโ€™s the one who spends hours working himself to the bone in the ice rink, whoโ€™s clearly preoccupied with other things when everyone gets together, and who doesnโ€™t even show up to the party the whole group goes to when youโ€™re all done with exams. The last game before winter break is in two days, and he doesnโ€™t want to waste a day nursing a hangover when he could be practicing.
That night, he thinks everyone is out at some random club downtown, so he does a double-take when itโ€™s past eleven p.m. and you show up at the rink. Heโ€™s skating laps, practicing his speed and his goal-shooting, only noticing you when youโ€™re standing in the middle of the rink. He almost skates right into you.
โ€œY/N?โ€ he asks, not completely sure youโ€™re not just a figment of his imagination. Heโ€™s so exhausted, he wouldnโ€™t be surprised if he were dreaming you up.
โ€œJay texted me.โ€
โ€œOh. Why?โ€ Heโ€™s out of breath, and the words come out blunter than he intends them to.
โ€œBecause itโ€™s almost midnight and youโ€™re still here,โ€ you reply, crossing your arms over your chest. Thereโ€™s a hint of a smile on your lips, but your eyebrows are furrowed in what looks like worry. Itโ€™s the first time Sunghoonโ€™s seeing you concerned over something other than an assignment.ย 
He shrugs and resumes his laps, slower this time, forcing you to keep turning on your feet. โ€œIโ€™m practicing. Thereโ€™s a big game coming up.โ€
โ€œWhich is exactly why you should be resting, like everyone else on your team right now.โ€
He resists rolling his eyes. โ€œWhy would I rest when I could be getting better?โ€
โ€œBecause you need rest as much as you need practice. You wonโ€™t be any use on the rink if youโ€™re too tired to play properly.โ€
โ€œAnd I wonโ€™t be any use if I canโ€™t shoot properly, either.โ€
โ€œSunghoon, you need a break. Youโ€™re clearly exhausted-Will you stop it?โ€ you suddenly snap. โ€œIโ€™m trying to talk to you, and Iโ€™m getting dizzy.โ€ย 
Your small outburst only has him growing more agitated, and even though he does stop, itโ€™s more so you can see the annoyance on his face than anything. โ€œYou know, this is a bit rich coming from you, Y/N.โ€ He knows this is not the right time to bring this upโ€”if he has grievances against you, he shouldnโ€™t be bringing them up when heโ€™s already frustrated. Heโ€™s well aware of this, but he canโ€™t help himself.
You scoff. โ€œExcuse me?โ€
โ€œYouโ€™re the one who spends twelve hours a day in the library during exams and does not budge even if I tell you you should go home.โ€
โ€œThatโ€™s different-โ€
โ€œHow is it any different?โ€ he interrupts, voice rising. โ€œYou donโ€™t listen to me when you overwork yourself. I donโ€™t see why I should.โ€
โ€œSo you realize that youโ€™re overworking yourself?โ€
โ€œOf course I do! But I have to.โ€
โ€œNo, you donโ€™t-โ€
โ€œY/N, please. I have to win as much as you have to get the top grades. Is it actually necessary? No, but you know how shit it feels not to.โ€
โ€œAnd itโ€™s exactly because I know that feeling that Iโ€™m telling you to stop. Youโ€™re just feeding into it.โ€
โ€œSo are you, staying until 2 a.m. in the library. Youโ€™ve never once gone home when I asked you to.โ€
โ€œAgain, thatโ€™s different-โ€
โ€œHow?! How is it different? Please enlighten me, โ€˜cause theyโ€™re the exact same thing to me.โ€
You sigh. A sudden sadness appears on your face. Sunghoon is torn between wanting to see this to its end and taking everything heโ€™s said back. But he keeps quiet, and your eyes, when they meet his again, harden. โ€œAre you really gonna make me say it?โ€
As if you couldnโ€™t say your next words while looking at him, you tear your gaze away from his face. โ€œBecause Iโ€™m actually concerned about you, here. The only reason you want me to stop and go home is so we can fuck.โ€
Sunghoon is so astounded that all words fail himโ€”he stares at you, mouth wide open like you just shot him. After a few seconds, all heโ€™s able to come up with is an incredulous, โ€œWhat?โ€ His voice is a mere whisper.ย 
โ€œYou heard me,โ€ you say coldly.
He closes his mouth and swallows. โ€œSoโ€ฆ youโ€™re the one whoโ€™s worried, and Iโ€™m only after sex?โ€
You glance at him. โ€œYeah.โ€
A chuckle escapes Sunghoonโ€™s throat, then another, until laughter spills out of him uncontrollably. He feels like the world is upside down. How could you have lived the same thing and come out of it with such different perspectives? Your account of his intentions with you is so ridiculous and unfathomable to him that he canโ€™t do anything but laugh.
You seem taken aback at first, but your surprise quickly turns into annoyance. โ€œSomething funny?โ€
โ€œHilarious, actually,โ€ he says, holding his stomach. He takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself. All he finds at the end of his amusement is anger, bright red and hot. Itโ€™s not an emotion he feels often, its rarity only serving as an intensifierโ€”he starts making his way out of the rink before it can explode and hit you in its wake. โ€œWell, thatโ€™s convinced me to call it a day. So you got what you came for, I guess.โ€
His fingers tremble as he undoes the laces on his skates and puts his sneakers on again. You stand by the door of the rink, holding onto the frame as you look at him, that same sad look still on your face. โ€œHoon,โ€ you say, voice weak. What would usually have him melting only has his anger flare harder.
โ€œDonโ€™t. For the first time ever, I actually really donโ€™t want to talk to you right now.โ€ He stands up, gives you one last harsh look, and turns away. He only halts right before exiting the bleacher area, and after a couple seconds of thinking, turns back around. โ€œOh, but donโ€™t worry, Iโ€™ll let you know when I want to fuck again. Since thatโ€™s all this is, clearly.โ€
It seemed to you no one thought you were good enough for Sunghoon.
Only Yunjin and Chaewon seemed excited at the prospect of the two of you getting together, or at least getting to know each other, but they were also the type to coo at dogs in the street and tear up at the sight of old people holding hands; Minjeong was apprehensive from the start, and made it clear; Jay was indifferent; Jake was oblivious for a while. Sunghoon wasโ€ฆ
What was Sunghoon?
Someone who had come out of nowhere, shaken up your routine and messed with your head. Thatโ€™s what Sunghoon was. He didnโ€™t seem apologetic in the slightest.
Maybe it was your fault for not opening up to the people closest to you and letting them think you were some kind of no-strings-attached one-night-stands-only emotionless maneater who had been single for as long as they had known her, who would be seen with someone new every few months, and never for long, who, as far as the eye could tell, only used men for sex. Maybe it was their fault for never trying to dig deeper.
No, okay, it was definitely your fault.
Based on your conversations with your friends, they thought Heeseung had broken your heart, and you had never bounced back properly. Heโ€™d hurt you so much, you couldnโ€™t fathom a real relationship anymoreโ€”you could only be with someone casually. Which wasnโ€™t so far from the truth, but what Heeseung had done was much worse than just breaking your heart. Heโ€™d confirmed what you already knew of yourself: you want too much. You want what you canโ€™t have, what you donโ€™t deserve.
From the moment you met Park Sunghoon, you knew you didnโ€™t deserve someone like him. Minjeong seemed to agree, and when she saw you and him together at choir that Saturday in September, three months ago already, she made sure you knew her thoughts on the matter.
โ€œThis is soโ€ฆ unlike you,โ€ was the first thing sheโ€™d said after she pulled you aside.ย 
โ€œWhat is?โ€
โ€œThis,โ€ she repeated, waving her arms around. โ€œBeing here. Coming with him.โ€ She pointed at Sunghoon, whose hair was being ruffled by one grandma and his cheek pulled by another. He kept glancing back worriedly at youโ€”you liked him so much already. โ€œSee? Youโ€™re smiling at him,โ€ she said, making you realize a sappy smile had started growing on your lips at the sight of him. Your face dropped and you scoffed at the disgust in her voice.
โ€œYeah, some of us like to smile. You wouldnโ€™t understand.โ€
โ€œY/N, you know what Iโ€™m trying to say.โ€
โ€œI donโ€™t think I do, actually.โ€
She sighed. โ€œYou donโ€™t do this. You donโ€™t meet a guy and show up to his choir practice the next morning. Whatโ€™s happening?โ€
You crossed your arms over your chest. Had you known your presence would be questioned like that, you mightโ€™ve thought twice about coming. โ€œCanโ€™t a girl enjoy a choir without getting interrogated these days?โ€
โ€œYouโ€™re avoiding my question! Listen, Y/N. Sunghoon is not the kind of guy you usually go for. Heโ€™s-Stop. Donโ€™t smile at me like that.โ€
โ€œIf you like Sunghoon, you can just tell me. You know I wouldnโ€™t stoop so low as to go after a guy my best friend likes.โ€
โ€œSo you are going after him?โ€
โ€œSo you do like him?โ€
Minjeong shook her head violently and put her hands on your shoulders, staring into your brain as if trying to make you see some sense. Calmly, she said, โ€œNo, I donโ€™t. Sunghoonโ€™s nice, but he is so far from my type. Heโ€™s tooโ€ฆ nice.โ€
โ€œYou mean he doesnโ€™t wear leather jackets or ride a motorcycle?โ€
โ€œThat was once. But no, he doesnโ€™t do that. And what Iโ€™m trying to tell you is that heโ€™s not your type either.โ€
โ€œAnd how have you gathered that?โ€
โ€œBecause so far, youโ€™ve only wisely chosen guys who are as detached and emotionally stunted as you.โ€
โ€œIโ€™m not-โ€
โ€œBut heโ€™s not like that, Y/N. Heโ€™s the bring-home-to-your-parents-for-Christmas type. Not the hump-and-dump type.โ€
โ€œIโ€™m starting to get offended by this conversation.โ€
โ€œAll Iโ€™m saying is, donโ€™t go breaking his heart. Or yours, for that matter. It pains me to say but I care about both of you very much and I donโ€™t see this going anywhere good.โ€
You shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other. Was her opinion of your romantic tendencies โ€” or lack thereof โ€” that bad that she couldnโ€™t even recommend you to her friend? You felt like a chastised child whose mom told you you couldnโ€™t get the toy you wanted. Despite being well aware that you werenโ€™t the most committed when it came to relationships, you still felt like she was going overboard. Just because nothing had stuck so far didnโ€™t mean it wouldnโ€™t nowโ€”she was acting like you went around playing with peopleโ€™s feelings for fun.
โ€œJesus, this is my second time seeing him. I just wanna see what his deal is. Iโ€™m not breaking anyoneโ€™s heart, okay?โ€ย 
The choir conductor had called out for everyone to gather on stage then, and that was the end of that conversation. You still remember how funny of a thing it was, seeing Sunghoon in his nice shirt and trousers, his hair falling into his eyes, singing diligently with the choir, when just the night before he had been playing beer pong dressed as Cowboy Ken. In this new light, you understood why Minjeong was so adamant about him not being your usual type, and why the grandmas were fussing over him. You hadnโ€™t known what had pushed you to invite yourself to this rehearsal, and even then as you sat there, you werenโ€™t sure what you were doing or why you couldnโ€™t stop smiling as you watched Sunghoon sing.ย 
Time made things clearer, starting with that afternoon at the beach. The salt in the air that day had clouded your thoughts, covered them with a thin layer so that your usual reluctance to share anything remotely personal had dimmed. Or maybe it had had nothing to do with the air and everything to do with the boy sitting next to you on the sand, the way words came tumbling out of your mouth before you could think about them and were only met with understanding and empathy on his part. For once, you didnโ€™t feel the need to guard yourself, to adapt your words and actions to the person in front of you. It was something you didnโ€™t know was possible with a near strangerโ€”perhaps because Sunghoon felt nothing like one.
He made you feel things you hadnโ€™t felt in a long time; things you had been craving to feel, needed almost as much as oxygen. Being with him felt like breathing again. But you had been underwater so long, being on land again felt foreign, scary, and you couldnโ€™t help but dive back into safe waters, coming up for air once in a while.
Whether he had intended to or not, Sunghoon had started to scratch at your surface, until heโ€™d burrowed a small holeโ€”shallow, but enough for cracks to appear, cracks you were quick to put back together as best as you could.
So when his gaze was too tender, his touches too gentle, you bristled. You went away, because you were afraid of what might happen if you stayed. The more you wanted to give him, the less you gave him anything at all. Your own desire overwhelmed you. His letterman jacket was warm around your shoulders, you proudly walked around with the four letters of his last name on your back, but you couldnโ€™t get out of your mind how cold it would be if it was one day ripped away from you.ย 
You thought of Heeseung, how disillusioned you had been when you thought you had finally met someone who would love you the way you had always yearned to be, only for him to toss you away when you started asking for too much. You thought of your friends in middle school, how it seemed that no friendship could be more wonderful until you overheard them talking about you at a sleepover, about how clingy you were. You thought of your parents, how they had only bestowed kind words upon you when you performed well in your role of perfect daughter, of academically gifted child. How they hadnโ€™t even glanced at any of the drawings youโ€™d done of the four of you, mother, father, son and daughter holding hands with a bright yellow sun in the corner of the sky. How they had pushed you away from their bed when you seeked some comfort after a terrible nightmare. How they had never bothered to hide their disappointment when you came home from school with anything less than an A. How they had shunned your brother for not going down the path they had envisioned for him, how hard you had to fight to make them accept yours was not a worthless one.
Even your best friend seemed to think you were unable to receive affection of the likes of Sunghoonโ€™sโ€”but what you were afraid of was that he wouldnโ€™t handle the amount of affection you knew you were able to give. In a way, that was what had drawn you to Sunghoon in the first placeโ€”from the moment youโ€™d met him, you had been able to tell there was something of you in him. It seemed to you he had a heart that was overflowing with love, love to give, love to spare on whoever would have it. In his words, you were him. Nevertheless, your fear of getting hurt overrode your desire to feel Sunghoonโ€™s love, and you didnโ€™t know whether you would be able to revert to your nature after having spent so much time perfecting your new facade.
You knew what it was like to be cold. And so you prematurely braced yourself for it by pushing away Sunghoonโ€™s warmth. If it was going to happen at some point, like Minjeong had hinted it would, might as well get used to it, right?
Except the cold never came. Sunghoon kept on burning relentlessly, no matter how much wood you fed his fire withโ€”you could cling to him for nights on end or ignore his texts for days, without fail, heโ€™d welcome you with his usual, unwavering warmth. He allowed you to bask in it, to momentarily let down your defenses. But something always happened to make you raise them back upโ€”Minjeong would eye the two of you suspiciously, Heeseung would post on Instagram (Is one of the girls on slide five his new fling? Are they serious and it wasnโ€™t that he wasnโ€™t ready for a relationship, itโ€™s that he didnโ€™t want one with me?), or your mom would text you to ask you whether everything was okay.
Yet increasingly, you suspected there was something behind Sunghoonโ€™s warmth, something you had missed, something that was tricking you. He looked at you like you had hung the stars in the night sky, yes; in public, a knowing look from you was enough to have his face turn bright red, and in private, one simple touch had his chest heaving, yes; he expressed disappointment every time you turned him down for a hang-out. Your attachment to him grew, and it became harder to put what the two of you had into words.
It wasnโ€™t just sexโ€”it couldnโ€™t be. It ran deeper than that. You knew what relationships that consisted of just sex were like, and this wasnโ€™t that, it was too good, too intimate to be just that. But you werenโ€™t a couple, that much was clear. Only four other people were aware something was even going on, your brother not included, and you acted as regular friends in front of everyone. Jake had insisted you didnโ€™t fool around with another member of his hockey team because his relationship with Heeseung had already deteriorated enough, he didnโ€™t need to be on weird terms with anyone else on your behalf, so you were not keen on letting him know about what you got up to with Sunghoon. Anyway, even if everyone on earth was in on your shenanigans, you and Sunghoon hadnโ€™t convened on what it all meant. Who knew what was going on in his head? You were no stranger to how deceitful men could be when they were after certain bodily pleasures. Unless Sunghoon said it in so many words, multiple times, you would not be a hundred percent sure he wasnโ€™t only looking to get laid, or wanted someone to act like his girlfriend without the label and the obligations that came with it.
Because you basically were acting like his girlfriend, and he like your boyfriend. You always went to each other. Always, only each other. Whether he needed a second opinion on an outfit, you needed a rant session about your dissertation, either of you a really good orgasm, it was each other you went to.
You waited for him to initiate a conversation about the status of your relationship like one waits for church bells to ring at the turn of the hourโ€”you knew it was coming, but the sound might be too much to bear. And the longer you had to wait, the more you dreaded it. Because how would you react when the time came? You didnโ€™t trust yourself not to run away; neither did Minjeong.
The cold hadnโ€™t come yet. You couldnโ€™t let yourself feel the warmth unreservedly. It was all unpleasantly lukewarm.
Then you went home for a weekend.
It was a good friend from schoolโ€™s birthday, and despite having spent a lot of time with Sunghoon at the expense of studying, you had done well this semester and thought you deserved a break. After having been away for so long, you had started to underestimate the power of your need for your parentsโ€™ approval over you. One small instance that your brother and many other people wouldโ€™ve brushed off easily was enough to set you offโ€”that same cold look of disappointment when you decided to be honest and told them one of your courses was deadly boring all while being unnecessarily complicated and you had received a low B-grade in it. They barely spoke to you for the rest of the evening.
Exams were a mere few weeks away when you got back. You buried yourself in work, forgot everything and everyone else, even Sunghoon, even yourself.
The cold hadnโ€™t come yet, so you sought it out for yourself.
At the same time, you hadnโ€™t indulged in enough introspection to realize how frustrated you had been at Sunghoon for not trying to create defined boundaries around your relationship. You were unable to do it yourself, you unrealistically wanted him to do the work for the both of you, you got upset when he didnโ€™t. What you were able to do was make up reasons why he wasnโ€™t giving you the what are we talkโ€”he doesnโ€™t like you that much, he just wants sex, heโ€™s settling for you until he finds the next best thing, the real thing. This wasnโ€™t leading anywhere, so you cut it off before he could.
You set foot in the library at seven thirty a.m. on a Monday and every following day of that week, then the next, then the next. He managed to pull you out every now and thenโ€”you werenโ€™t that strong against his big pleading eyes, his soft messy hair, his warm hands that entirely covered yours.ย 
Oftentimes, you were too tired at the end of a long library day to have sex. Sunghoon never held it against youโ€”he seemed more than happy to cook you dinner, let you fall asleep halfway during a movie you had chosen, and cuddle all night long. But your body burned with resentment at his mere presence in your bed, in your home, in your text messages. Who was he to stop you from studying, from achieving your goals, to distract you from that top grade just so he could get off? Even your friends and brother werenโ€™t trying so hard to make you take breaks. The worry that furrowed his eyebrows, which you used to want to see fade away with a caress of your thumb, now infuriated you to no end, it seemed โ€” to you โ€” put-on. He kissed your neck and you wanted to push him away instead of melt into him like you had before.
It was his turn to leave for a weekend for an out-of-town hockey game, and you convinced yourself his absence came as a relief. But on the Sunday evening they got back, as you came out of the library, you spotted your brother waiting right outside of the building.
โ€œWhy is it so hard to reach you?โ€ he said when he saw you in lieu of a greeting. โ€œWhatโ€™s the point of having a phone if you donโ€™t even use it? I called you, like, five times.โ€ โ€œIt was on airplane mode.โ€ He rolled his eyes so hard, you could almost hear them moving beneath their lids. โ€œWhat have you done to Sunghoon?โ€ You stopped dead in your tracks. โ€œSunghoon? What about him?โ€ you asked, chest constricting at the mere thought of him and at the implication that something had happened to him, even if you were the cause. He hadnโ€™t said it in so many words, but it was clear the truth had been revealed to Jake, and for some reason, it didnโ€™t surprise you. You knew they roomed together and assumed Sunghoon mustโ€™ve told him. You tried your best to take it in stride. โ€œI thought we said the hockey team was off-limits after Heeseung,โ€ he said sternly. โ€œAlso, Sunghoon, of all people?โ€ he adds before you can say anything. โ€œThatโ€™s like, my bro. And heโ€™s the nicest guy ever. Not the perfect pick for one of your victims, I must say-โ€ โ€œOh, please, heโ€™s not a victim. Heโ€™s a consenting adult.โ€ โ€œThen why is he so upset over you spending more time studying than with him?โ€ โ€œThatโ€™s the male ego for you, Jakey.โ€ Your brother sighed deeply. โ€œHeโ€™s really hurt, Y/N. If you were going to reject him, you couldโ€™ve done it nicely.โ€
You frowned. โ€œWho said anything about rejecting him?โ€
โ€œYouโ€™ve shut him out. Youโ€™ve shut all of us out.โ€ Jake was staring at you, trying to get you to look at him, but you kept your gaze on the ground and kicked non-existent pebbles around, hands hiding in your coat pockets. โ€œYou might not have meant it as one, but he took it as a rejection.โ€
You scoff. โ€œThere was nothing to reject. Itโ€™s not like weโ€™re actually together.โ€
โ€œYeah, thanks for telling me anything was going on, by the way.โ€
โ€œIt wasnโ€™t any of your business.โ€
โ€œIt is, โ€˜cause it concerns my sister and my best friend.โ€
โ€œHeโ€™s your best friend?โ€ you echo, a teasing smile on your lips. He rolls his eyes again.
โ€œGod, maybe you guys arenโ€™t so bad together after all. But Y/Nโ€”Iโ€™m serious. You need to do something.โ€
โ€œWhy canโ€™t he?โ€
โ€œBecause youโ€™re the one whoโ€™s been fucking around.โ€
Ouch. โ€œYouโ€™ve known about this whole thing for what, two days, and youโ€™re already blaming me for the fact that itโ€™s not going perfectly? How little do you think of me?โ€
โ€œI donโ€™t think little of you, Y/N, I just know you have a track record of not being serious about relationships.โ€
Your body tensed up. Maybe it had been a particularly long day. Maybe it had been a long time coming. Tears well up in your eyesโ€”a sight youโ€™ve not let your brother see in many, many years.
โ€œYou know what, fuck this, Jake. Iโ€™m stressed enough as it is. Iโ€™ve done my best with what I have, and you donโ€™t get to pin this on me. As if I was the only person in that relationship. If Sunghoon has a problem, he can take it up with me directly.โ€
You walked away. Jake called after you once, and when you didnโ€™t come back, caught up with you. โ€œIโ€™m sorry, Y/N. I donโ€™t wanna upset you. I just-I hate seeing him hurt, you know? And you too.โ€
โ€œIโ€™m glad my feelings are of some importance to you.โ€
โ€œOf course they are,โ€ Jake said, too concerned to detect the sarcasm in your words. โ€œAnd youโ€™re right, Iโ€™ve only heard Sunghoonโ€™s side of the story. But it really sounded like-โ€
โ€œListen, Jakey, I really donโ€™t wanna do this right now. Letโ€™s talk about it when exams are over. I canโ€™t have anything else taking up mental space. I mixed up my Greek third declension endings earlier.โ€
โ€œGod forbid.โ€
After some arguing, Jake let you off the hookโ€”โ€œJust for now,โ€ he said. Youโ€™d get him to recount his and Sunghoonโ€™s conversation in excruciating detail later.
You come out of an evening of contemplation resenting Sunghoon for bitching about you to your brother, of all people. As if he had been begging on his hands and knees for your devotion, as if you had been cool-headed and detached and not thinking heโ€™ll ask me to be his girlfriend any second now every time you spent time together. You told yourself you were well and truly done with him for the time being. If there was anything to salvage, that was future youโ€™s problem.
But late on Thursday evening, Jay sent you a voice message, something he only did when he was gravely drunk, shouting over loud chatter and rap music that Sunghoon hadnโ€™t shown up to a party and was apparently still practicing. Youโ€™d caught wind of their loss at the game, and even though your heart had swollen with concern for Sunghoon, very well aware of how important winning was to him, youโ€™d managed to squash it down. You had bigger fish to fry, namely, an Italian written exam that made up 75% of your overall grade for that course. But after ten minutes of re-reading the same three lines of an article from Republicca, you couldnโ€™t get the image of Sunghoon skirting endlessly around the ice rink and potentially hurting himself out of your head. You told yourself you only had this one exam left and plenty of time to revise for it, packed up your things and headed for the rink.
It was past eleven p.m. when you got there. The rest is history.ย 
Your grievances came out in an ugly way, but Sunghoonโ€™s refusal to listen to you got the best of your nerves, and although you really did feel that your worry was more genuine than his, you didnโ€™t truly believe that all he wanted from you was sexโ€”at least, you hoped it wasnโ€™t. It was the first time you ever saw any sort of negative emotion on Sunghoonโ€™s handsome features, be it anger, sadness or pain. It tugged at your heartstrings, made you want to wrap him in your arms and get him away from whatever it was that tugged his eyebrows into a frownโ€”even if that was you.
Now, as if the water has inched up your ankles and frozen over, your feet stay planted on the ice for a while after heโ€™s stormed off. You donโ€™t even realize youโ€™re crying until a hot, salty teardrop falls on your lips.
Your feet regain control of themselves, and they seem to move of their own accord as they guide you right in front of Sunghoonโ€™s dorm room. Youโ€™re barely conscious as your knuckles rasp against the door, and the tears that had fallen back behind your eyes spill out once more as soon as your eyes meet his. Heโ€™s just come out of the shower, a white towel wrapped around his hips, another one that he uses to dry his hair. His movements stop when he realizes whoโ€™s standing at his door, mouth falling slightly agape, chest visibly rising and falling. Heโ€™s so beautiful, you feel your heart breaking all over again.
Sobs pour uncharacteristically out of you, so much so that you have to hide your face behind your eyes. He ushers you in, holds you tight as everything flows out, the stress, the resentment, the loneliness, the longing. How could he be so close yet so far away this whole time? Did he want those miles of distance between you, or had you forced them upon him?
Sunghoon smoothes your hair down and shushes you, telling you itโ€™s okay and that heโ€™s here, voice strangled as if heโ€™s on the verge of crying, too. A part of you still feels angry towards him, but the bigger part of you knows only he can give you the comfort you need.
โ€œI missed you,โ€ you say when youโ€™ve calmed down partly. You only realize how true those words are once youโ€™ve spoken them. Youโ€™ve missed waking up next to him, watching trashy reality TV together, taking coffee breaks that lasted too long in-between study sessions. Youโ€™ve missed the scent of his hair, the scent of his skin, youโ€™ve missed watching the way his back muscles shift at the slightest of movements, feeling the weight of his head as he lay on your chest. All for a bunch of As you wouldโ€™ve gotten without exerting yourself so much anyway.
โ€œI missed you too, baby. Where did you go?โ€ Just like that, you break down again, and he dissolves into apologies. โ€œYouโ€™re here now, itโ€™s all that matters,โ€ he whispers against your hair.
โ€œYou didnโ€™t see them, Hoon. You didnโ€™t see the way they looked at me,โ€ you say, struggling to speak, unsure youโ€™re even making any sense but unable to stop. โ€œI got As in everything, I worked so hard. Just one B, one week where I had four things due at the same time. Their faces, Hoon, like they were thinking, what was the point of letting me do this degree if I wasnโ€™t even going to excel in it?โ€
โ€œBut you do excel in it, Y/N. Youโ€™re amazing at what you do. And even if you werenโ€™t, you love it, and thatโ€™s what matters the most.โ€
โ€œNot to them, it doesnโ€™t.โ€
โ€œThen forget them.โ€
โ€œI canโ€™t, Hoon,โ€ you say, voice trembling. โ€œI just canโ€™t. I need them to be proud of me.โ€
โ€œIsnโ€™t it enough to be proud of yourself?โ€
โ€œI wish it was.โ€
โ€œDoes it help if I tell you how proud I am of you and of how hard youโ€™ve worked?โ€
He doesnโ€™t see it, your face is still hidden in the crook of his shoulder, but a small smile makes its way to your lips. โ€œA bit.โ€
โ€œThen Iโ€™ll tell you everyday until you donโ€™t need their approval anymore. They donโ€™t deserve you, Y/N. They donโ€™t even see what an amazing, beautiful, smart daughter they have. Or her sort-of-okay brother.โ€ You laugh, and so does he. Sunghoonโ€™s words and soothing touch against your back already alleviate the weight on your heart. โ€œBut I see it.โ€
You lift your head to look at Sunghoon. His eyes are glassy. โ€œYou see how amazing, beautiful and smart Jake is?โ€
He laughs again as he tucks a stray strand of hair behind your ear. โ€œYeah, exactly.โ€ The way he looks at you makes you wish you could go back to the day you met him and right all of your wrongs. No more hiding or running away. You only want to stay under that gaze of his. But sadness soon replaces the joy in his eyes. โ€œYou mean so much more to me than you give yourself credit for, Y/N. This has never been just about sex for me. Not even for a second.โ€
โ€œThen what has it been about?โ€ย 
He frowns like a student in an advanced math class whoโ€™s just been asked what three plus three isโ€”isnโ€™t it obvious?
โ€œI love you.โ€
Your eyes dart between his as if searching for any trace of deceit there. Of course, you donโ€™t find anyโ€”because there hasnโ€™t been any since the start. Youโ€™d let your own fears invent things that werenโ€™t there. Your lips tremble and you find yourself bawling on his shoulder once more, your tears like a well that digs deeper and deeper so as to never run out of water.
โ€œI hope these are good tears,โ€ Sunghoon says light-heartedly, but you can detect the nervousness behind his words. You nod your head vigorously, willing yourself to say something back, but your tears overflow, make your breath hitch.
โ€œWhy didnโ€™t you say anything earlier?โ€ you manage in between sobs.
โ€œI didnโ€™t think it was the kind of thing you wanted to hear,โ€ he explains.
โ€œI was waiting for you to say something.โ€
โ€œI didnโ€™t know. I thought I was being obvious enough.โ€
โ€œYou probably were. I was the one who couldnโ€™t see it,โ€ you admit.
โ€œI thought you didnโ€™t want me like that.โ€
โ€œI thought you didnโ€™t want me like that.โ€
Sunghoon chuckles, a sound of relief. โ€œIโ€™ve wanted you like that since the start.โ€
โ€œI think I have too.โ€
โ€œYou think?โ€
You lift your head again and when your eyes meet Sunghoonโ€™s, it feels like coming out of your hiding place hours after the round of hide-and-seek was over. He hadnโ€™t forgotten to come and find you. He was waiting for you to reveal yourself.
Which goes against the rules of hide-and-seek, but you donโ€™t blame him.
You smile; he smiles, deep dimples carving crescents into his cheeks. โ€œI love you, too.โ€
You hadnโ€™t realized how cold your hands were until Sunghoon found them.
Everything after that was a blurry mess of tangled limbs, warm kisses, happy tears and relieved laughter.
Your touch had always been intoxicating, but Sunghoon was particularly sensitive to it that night. The mix of not having felt you close in weeks and the heightened emotions driven by your confessions made his skin tingle everywhere it came in contact with yours. Heโ€™d never slept so little without regretting it in the morning.
It goes without saying that most of the night was not spent talking, but you still had things you needed to discuss. The two of you laid out all of your fears, and Sunghoon was immensely relieved to finally get a glimpse into that mind of yours. He made you promise to always tell him what was going on, and he promised you youโ€™d never be too much for him. Always just right.
Now, he gets to wait outside of your exam hall with your favorite flowers in hand, to put his arm around your shoulders during movie nights instead of holding your hand beneath the blanket, to kiss you over the barrier at the end of a hockey game he won. Heeseungโ€™s narrowed eyes at the sight of the two of you is an added bonus.
You text him that youโ€™ll hang around the locker rooms after the game so that you can head to the party together. The end of December is nearing and you canโ€™t wait for the new year, for twelve whole months of not hiding your feelings for Sunghoon from anyone, not even from yourself, least of all from him. At least, thatโ€™s what you told him in a sappy, drunken voice message at two a.m. the previous night when the girls made you drink a bottle of prosecco to yourselfโ€”their way of congratulating you for an arduous but successful exam period.
He steps out of the locker rooms with Jake and Jay. Youโ€™ve never looked quite as pretty, face lighting up as you spot the three of them, his jersey on your shoulders. Youโ€™d worn it during your last examโ€”โ€œI thought it might bring me luck to wear a pretty boyโ€™s name on my back,โ€ youโ€™d told him, to which heโ€™d replied that it was good practice for when you actually took his last name. Youโ€™d looked away, fighting a smile.
Now your smile is full-blown as you look at him, but the downside of being an official couple is that Jake has now more material to tease the both of you with.
โ€œOh my God, you waited for me, what a sweet sister I have been blessed with!โ€ he exclaims, arms outstretched as he barrels towards you.
โ€œFuck off, Sim,โ€ you say but accept his hug nonetheless. โ€œNice game.โ€
โ€œI know.โ€ He pulls away and ruffles your hair. Jay nods at you like youโ€™re someone he shared a class with back in second year and not his friend of almost three years.
As if on cue, just as Sunghoon reaches you and envelops you in a hug, Jake turns around and yells loud enough for all the players spilling out of the locker rooms, โ€œAnd donโ€™t forget to wear protection! Iโ€™m not ready to be an uncle yet.โ€
โ€œThatโ€™s disgusting, Jakey,โ€ you yell back, and he smiles proudly. Sunghoon had never thought the day would come where youโ€™d initiate a kiss in a room full of peopleโ€”heโ€™s on cloud nine when you take his head in your hands and press your lips to his, murmuring praises about how well he played.
โ€œIt was all for you, baby,โ€ he says, trying to appear cool even though a blush is creeping up his ears.ย 
โ€œNot for the recruiter of the national team?โ€ you asked with a smirk.
He smiles, shrugging. โ€œMaybe a bit for him too. Youโ€™re the one I want to impress.โ€
โ€œConsider me impressed.โ€ You stand on your tiptoes to kiss him a second time.
You head towards your friends, hands warm against each other.
In classic mysterious Jay fashion, he organizes a New Yearโ€™s Eve party that he canโ€™t attend himself.
Heโ€™s on holiday in some exotic country halfway across the world with his family, but heโ€™s offered up their house for a celebration and tasked Jake with making sure no one trashes anything.
The party started three hours ago, and youโ€™re sure itโ€™s in full swing by nowโ€”youโ€™re sure everyone is having a jolly old time, getting drunk enough to welcome the new year with a hangover, searching the crowds of people for the person theyโ€™ll want to kiss at midnight. Youโ€™re sure that people are having so much fun that whoever notices your and Sunghoonโ€™s absence might think youโ€™re missing out.
And maybe you areโ€”but thereโ€™s nowhere youโ€™d rather be than where you are now, straddling your boyfriendโ€™s lap in the backseat of his car. Heโ€™s a little bit tipsy, youโ€™re a little bit tipsy, itโ€™s obvious in the way you kiss each other, messy, impatient, interspersed with giggles and with perhaps too much tongue. Your hands are not much more polite, harshly grabbing at his hair just the way you know he likes it, and neither are his, having snuck their way underneath your black satin dress long ago already.
When Sunghoon pulled you away from the party, youโ€™d appropriately exclaimed, โ€œBut the party?โ€, to which he replied, โ€œFuck the party.โ€ It wasnโ€™t like him to curse, or to have anything but a bashful smile on his lips, like a guilty dog whoโ€™d been caught doing something it knew it shouldnโ€™t, even though he was just standing there, so when you see his stoney expression, you think something serious mustโ€™ve happened.
The something serious turned out to be โ€œthat guy who was touching your shoulder.โ€
Clearly, itโ€™d take Sunghoon a little bit more time to be entirely secure in your relationship. In the meantime, you didnโ€™t mind letting him fuck his jealousy away.
Although heโ€™d been the one to whisk you away, youโ€™re the one who finds yourself begging for him to speed things up. Your flimsy thong does absolutely nothing, so youโ€™re basically grinding yourself bare against his clothed erectionโ€”and itโ€™s not like the fabric of his suit trousers is very thick, either. A girl can only put up with so much dry humping before having her boyfriendโ€™s dick inside of her goes from being a want to a need.
โ€œNeed you, Hoon,โ€ you coo against the shell of his ear. A few words usually do the trick, but Sunghoon has other plans tonight.
โ€œWhat do you need, baby?โ€
โ€œIโ€™m right here,โ€ he says, punctuating his words with a squeeze of your ass.
โ€œYou know what I mean,โ€ you say, practically whining.
โ€œIโ€™m not sure I do, actually.โ€
You pull away and, looking at him directly, say, โ€œGod, Sunghoon. I want you to fuck me.โ€ His shit-eating grin simultaneously makes you roll your eyes and goes straight to your core.
โ€œThat I can do.โ€
He keeps one hand on your ass as he loosens his tie first, then undoes his belt and trouser buttons. His slacks and underwear pool around his ankles, and all he needs to do is hike your dress up around your hips and push your thong to the side. You wrap a hand around his dick, but your mind is too hazy to do much with itโ€”heโ€™s started rubbing circles on your clit with his thumb, the pressure and speed as perfect as it always is. You let your forehead fall against his shoulders and moan unabashedly, thankful he decided to park the car far enough away from the house.
โ€œYou like it when I touch you like this, baby?โ€
โ€œI love it, Hoon.โ€
He hums his approval. โ€œYouโ€™re so perfect. So perfect and so wet for me, isnโ€™t that right?โ€
You start to say โ€œyes,โ€ but you interrupt yourself with a gasp. You hold onto Sunghoonโ€™s arm, feel his muscles move under your palm as he slips two fingers inside of you without warning. โ€œPlease,โ€ you choke out, a tight knot already forming in your stomach.
โ€œPlease what?โ€
โ€œNeed you. Need your dick, baby.โ€
He smiles as if endeared, but his words couldnโ€™t be more different. โ€œMaybe you shouldโ€™ve thought of that before going off with some random guy the one minute I was somewhere else.โ€
โ€œHeโ€™s just-fuck, Hoon, heโ€™s just a mutual friend of Jay and I. Fuck, right there, baby.โ€ Forming coherent sentences when Sunghoonโ€™s fingers flick against that perfect spot deep inside you again and again is no easy task, but you need to defend yourself.
โ€œRight there?โ€ he echoes, voice a whisper against your ear. When you nod, eyes shut tight, he slips his fingers out. You look at him, betrayed. โ€œThatโ€™s too bad. Why donโ€™t you ask him to touch you right there, hm?โ€
You donโ€™t know how much of his jealousy is put-on to get you to beg and how much of it is real. You make a mental note to have a conversation with him about this laterโ€”right now, you donโ€™t mind playing along if it means your boyfriend will deign to fuck you. You know he wants to, heโ€™s just making you work harder.
You move your hand up and down along his dick, brush his reddening tip with your palm every now and then. โ€œHe couldnโ€™t touch me like you, Hoon.โ€ You lean in and trail kisses along his neck, his jawline, his ears. โ€œCanโ€™t fuck me like you, either.โ€
With exams, hockey matches and any other responsibilities out of the way for winter break, the two of you had had an obscene amount of sex in the past couple of weeks. Youโ€™d done other things, of course, namely having much-needed conversations with each other, your friends, your families. Sunghoonโ€™s mother was overjoyed at the news, glad her โ€œduckling had finally met someoneโ€ โ€” her words โ€” and his sister kept stealing his phone from him to talk to you when you were on FaceTime. You and Jake had gone home for two days for Christmas, and although Jake had needed to pep talk you into it for over an hour, you managed to tell them that you wouldnโ€™t stand for being belittled for your life choices anymore.
But in-between these conversations, you couldnโ€™t keep your hands off of each other. Youโ€™ve grown more comfortable with each passing day, both of you bolder in vocalizing what you want and how you feel. And so, you quickly found out that your Sunghoon, your shy, sweet Sunghoon, got off like nothing else on salacious words. In line with his possessiveness, he loved hearing about how he and only he could do these things to you; in line with your need for validation, you could practically come from hearing his praises alone.
โ€œThatโ€™s right, baby.โ€ Like the gentleman he is, he fishes out the condom wrapper he had gotten ready from his trouser pocket, tears it open with his mouth and rolls the condom on with one hand, his other one still preoccupied with you. โ€œCome here, my love,โ€ he whispers, his sweet tone worlds away from his previous teasing, almost cocky one. He grabs your hips, guides you closer to him and lines your entrance with the tip of his dick. He lets you go at your own pace, rubs your thighs soothingly as you sink down onto him slowly and adjust to his size. You throw your head back, mind hazy with pleasure as you move your hips back-and-forth against him.
โ€œYou feel so good, baby. Youโ€™re doing so well for me.โ€ His words make you pick up your pace, and you wrap your arms around his neck, fingers grabbing at his hair and sides of your faces pressed against each other as you start lifting your hips and sinking back down. Sunghoonโ€™s hands hold your ass tightly, guiding you up and down. Itโ€™s hot in the car; sweat runs down your hairline and your back, air is running low, the windows are fogging up, but it only adds to the dizzying bliss growing in you. Even the seatbelt receiver digging into your knee doesnโ€™t bother you.
โ€œFeels so good, Hoon,โ€ you moan.
โ€œI know, baby.โ€
Your hours of studying everyday means your thighs arenโ€™t the strongestโ€”good thing for you that your boyfriend has enough stamina and strength for the both of you. As soon as he feels you tiring, your rhythm becoming slower and more irregular, he picks up your slack. One hand on your back, one arm around your waist, he presses you close to him, his hold on you so tight you can barely move. He bucks his hips harshly into yours, faster and faster, making you cry out with every brush of his tip against that spot deep inside of you. Your whole body shakes with pleasure as your moans grow higher and louder, until the tension in your stomach hits its apex and unravels. A gasp leaves your throat as you come around him, but heโ€™s unrelenting, the overstimulation quickly making tears form in your eyes. Strings of curses and praises of how perfect you are spill out of Sunghoonโ€™s mouth disorderly as he reaches his own end.
Together, you take your time catching your breath, his fingers roaming your back while you trail soft kisses all over his face and neck. โ€œMy pretty baby,โ€ he whispers, and it makes your heart swell with so much affection for him that you press your lips to his, shutting him up in case he says something that actually has you exploding.
You wish you could spend some more time just the two of you before returning to the party, but when you check your phone, itโ€™s already five minutes to midnightโ€”he puts his clothes back on as you fix your hair in a rush, Sunghoon helping you wipe away traces of mascara under your eyes, and together, run back to the living room where everyone has gathered. You find Minjeong, Yunjin, Chaewon and Jake, who has Jay on FaceTime. Itโ€™s only five p.m. where he is.
Everyone counts down from ten together. The first thing you do in the new year is kiss Park Sunghoonโ€”and youโ€™ll make sure itโ€™s the last thing you do, too.
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ยฉ asahicore on Tumblr, 2024. please do not repost, translate, or plagiarize my works. support your creators by reblogging and leaving feedback!
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lisired ยท 7 months
wish i never
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pairing: Jaehyun x (f) reader
genre/warnings: smut, angst, debatable morals, unprotected sex, brotherโ€™s worst enemy, forbidden love, markโ€™s dad is a cop for the sake of plot, mentions of drugs and drug-related death
summary: Your brother, Johnny, hates Jaehyun and has never told you why. Although you intend on leaving it alone, unforeseen events thrust you into a forbidden love affair with Jaehyun. In between hookups and stolen kisses, you have to bury your feelings for Jaehyun around your overprotective older brother.
word count: 27.2k (listenโ€ฆ i donโ€™t know anymore okay)
a/n: this one lowkey kinda hit different for me cause iโ€™ve had a forbidden love and it broke me. you can kinda tell by how long this is lol ya girl went all OUT. as always, feedback is appreciated!
โ€œAbsolutely not.โ€
โ€œDude, come on,โ€ Mark whined.ย 
โ€œHell the fuck no,โ€ Yuta barked firmly, crossing his arms. โ€œThe last time we gave you shrooms, you texted Johnny to ask him where your phone was.โ€
โ€œYou texted him from your own phone,โ€ Yuta deadpanned.ย 
You snickered. Your best friend and drugs were an infamously egregious combination. Mark Lee sober was already full of shit, but Mark Lee high on whatever substance he could get his hands on? Indescribably bad. You couldnโ€™t think of a word to even explain it.
Mark gestured over to you. โ€œBut you gave her drugs.โ€
Yuta grimaced. โ€œFirst of all, donโ€™t say that too loud. Johnny will kill me. Second of all, she can actually handle her shit and what can I say? She's a loyal customer.โ€
You added, โ€œPlus Iโ€™m not doing fucking shrooms. Yuta just deals me weed. If Johnny ever found out I was doing anything else, he would have a fit.โ€
Mark huffed something under his breath about how shrooms were the softest of soft drugs there were, not that it wouldโ€™ve helped his case.ย 
Your lips curled into a grin as you joked, โ€œWhy donโ€™t you just chug Jenoโ€™s notorious punch and call it a night? Thatโ€™s what Iโ€™m gonna do.โ€ย 
โ€œIโ€™ve actually got plans with a chick whoโ€™s been dying to chug my notorious punch. Iโ€™ll be back later. Save me a drink, dude,โ€ Mark said, grinning from ear to ear at a text message on his screen. Probably from the aforementioned chick that was begging to blow him, or so he said.ย 
You pretended to wince, but gave him a high five in celebration. โ€œAye, aye, captain,โ€ you chirped, saluting him.ย 
After Mark made a break for the stairs, you abandoned Yuta to make a beeline for the drink bar. There was no such thing as a party with some of your boys without drugs and alcohol. Your brother was an overprotective nuisance, but even he knew it was impossible to keep you away from your shots and the occasional marijuana.
Plus it would've been hypocritical as all hell, so he let it slide. Not that you wanted to press your luck with something harder. On some nights you were a little drunk and a little high, and it brought out the worst in you. You were certain all of Johnny's friends kept blackmail worthy videos of you doing the unspeakable and you were content with never knowing what all those fuckers had on you. The embarrassment would be enough to kill.
You clocked one girl dry-heaving in the corner on the way and it was all the discouragement required to make you reach for a can of beer instead. To your surprise, it seemed like somebody had a similar plan, their hand coincidentally dropping on the same one.ย 
"Oh, I'm sorry. You can have itโ€ฆ," you trailed, glancing up to make eye contact with nobody less than the devil incarnate.
Ricky looked surprised to see you, though you werenโ€™t sure why. If Jeno was throwing a party, you were bound to be in attendance. โ€œWhat up, baby? Long time no see.โ€
โ€œRicky, you lost the right to call me that the second I caught you with your pants to your ankles in a closet with what's-her-face.โ€
More importantly, you were frankly surprised to see him there. Your stupid ex was many things, none good, and his audacity? It was out of control. Part of you wanted to commend him, because it took guts to show his face around your side of town after you yanked his trousers down in front of everyone and their mother.ย 
And yet he took that retort in stride. โ€œBaby, how many times do I have to tell you that Iโ€™m sorry? It was a mistake and Iโ€™ll never make it again.โ€
โ€œYouโ€™re absolutely right,โ€ you replied, bobbing your head in agreement. โ€œYouโ€™re a sorry motherfucker and youโ€™ll never make it again, because weโ€™re done for good.โ€
But Ricky just couldnโ€™t take the hint that you were so fucking over anything that had to do with him and crept closer, continuing darkly, โ€œDonโ€™t you know youโ€™re nothing without me? Nothing!โ€
Having surrounded yourself with enough drunk and high people countless times, it was obvious that Ricky was under the influence, which made him extremely capricious. He looked a grand total of two seconds away from reaching out and seizing you by your arm.ย 
Your eyes darted across the room for anybody you knew, but it was difficult when dancing bodies obscured them from your field of view. Yuta had probably wandered to snag more drug deals, Mark was getting his dick wet, and Johnny and Taeyong were nowhere to be found.ย 
You were about to resign yourself to the fact that you were positively out of luck until you heard a deep baritone ask from beside you, โ€œDo we have a problem over here?โ€
It took all of two seconds to recognize its owner. Jeong Jaehyun, sang the little chorus in your head. Your brotherโ€™s worst enemy. The beef seemed more than a little one-sided, but you didnโ€™t ask questions. For whatever reason, the mere mention of Jaehyunโ€™s name made your brother tense.ย 
It was clear that Ricky was sizing Jaehyun up and he snapped with potent venom, โ€œWho the fuck are you?โ€
โ€œThe hostโ€™s cousin,โ€ Jaehyun said, looking tall and foreboding, as if he was daring somebody to challenge him. โ€œAnd you are?โ€
โ€œThe love of her life.โ€
You didnโ€™t know how he could confidently lie like that, though you wouldnโ€™t be surprised if he wholeheartedly believed it, which was downright terrifying. You learned the hard way that this boy was as self-centered as they came.ย 
Jaehyun took one look at you, and the glaringly obvious discomfort on your face, and replied, "Yeah, I don't think she wants to be around you. If I were you, I'd get the fuck out of here and never come back."
Ricky chuckled. "And if I don't?"
Jaehyun shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. "Fuck around and find out," was all he said. His lips were drawn into a line and his gaze was fixed to your ex's idiotic face with a lethal stare. Not to mention Jaehyun had a couple of inches on him, which made you resist a satisfied little grin.
Obviously, Ricky wanted to stay and claim you as his pretty property, but even the lack of inhibitions didnโ€™t hinder his judgment at that moment. Like any wise person would, he made a beeline for the closest exit. It was common sense that Jeno and his associates were not to be fucked with.ย 
Your shoulders relaxed when Ricky was gone. If anything, he had gotten off easy. He was lucky that you had no clue where Johnny was. You were positive he wouldโ€™ve knocked the sense out of him, if he had any, which was debatable.ย 
โ€œInsufferable prick,โ€ you grumbled under your breath. Then, you glanced up to Jaehyun, who, to your surprise, was already looking at you. โ€œThanks, Jaehyun. I donโ€™t know what he wouldโ€™ve done if you werenโ€™t here.โ€
Jaehyun still looked a little pissed, but your words seemed to make him soften. โ€œYou donโ€™t have to thank me for that. Itโ€™s basic human decency.โ€
โ€œAnd some people donโ€™t even have that,โ€ you replied, intending for it to be a joke, but it came out a little more melancholy.ย 
If Jaehyun noticed, he said nothing about it.
Before he could even if he wanted to, something stitched your brows together and you mentioned, โ€œHey, I didnโ€™t know Jeno was your cousin.โ€
โ€œMe, neither.โ€
It took a second for that to settle in, but once you finally understood, amusement broke the confusion tensing your face and your lips parted in laughter. Jaehyun joined you. His bold-faced little white lie saved your ass, but ironically, that wasnโ€™t what you were focused on.ย 
It was those deep, adorable dimples on both of his cheeks that somehow made him even more handsome.ย 
Instantly, something in you chided, Bitch, donโ€™t check him out. Heโ€™s your brotherโ€™s worst enemy. Youโ€™re out of your goddamn mind if you think youโ€™re getting laid tonight just because heโ€™s playing nice.
โ€œI should go,โ€ you said after a minute, finally grabbing a beer. โ€œThanks again. I really appreciate it.โ€
You escaped before Jaehyun could tell you not to thank him. His eyes were fixed to your back, following you until you were obscured completely by partygoers. He knew you were Johnnyโ€™s sister, but damn, you were kinda cute.ย 
At least for now, Jaehyun wouldnโ€™t play with fire. Johnny almost kicked his ass one time and he wasnโ€™t exactly keen on getting his ass handed to him.ย 
You were half tempted to stop by Jenoโ€™s room to check if any of the guys were passing a blunt around in there, but the last time your curiosity got the better of you, you accidentally walked in on Jeno shirtless with some half-naked girl. Not a sight you wanted to relive, so you kept downstairs.ย 
Your eyes scanned the living room for any familiar faces, but it was difficult to tell if anybody was there. There was a gigantic crowd dancing to Kiss Me Thru The Phone and you chuckled at a certain memory of Mark drunk-singing along to the lyrics.ย 
โ€œThere you are,โ€ came a familiar voice beside you. Your gaze flitted to Johnny, whose face was stitched with concern. โ€œTaeyong told me that he saw you with Jaehyun. You good?โ€
โ€œIโ€™m fine,โ€ you hollered over the music. โ€œJust heartbroken that Mark abandoned me to get laid.โ€
Any other time, Johnny wouldโ€™ve laughed, but his lips were pressed into a solid line. โ€œHave you had anything?โ€
You rolled your eyes and exhaled a breath. โ€œJust the beer in my hand, Johnny.โ€
He studied your face, as if he was attempting to figure out whether or not you were telling the truth, but ultimately decided to believe you. โ€œListen, I just wanna look out for you. Youโ€™re my little sister. If anything were to happen to you...โ€
โ€œMom and Dad would kill you and dump your body in the woods for bears to find. Yes, I know,โ€ you groaned exasperatedly, cutting him off. โ€œI get it, Johnny. But I need you to get that Iโ€™m not a little girl anymore.โ€
โ€œIf you were a little girl, you wouldnโ€™t be here and we wouldnโ€™t give you weed.โ€
That comment wasnโ€™t even worth a roll of your eyes. You took a sip of beer and ignored it.ย 
โ€œWhy were you around Jaehyun anyways?โ€ Johnny asked. It was obviously the question he was itching to ask. Probably wanted to make sure Jaehyun wasnโ€™t making any advances.ย 
The memory of your bastard ex getting uncomfortably close to you after reaching for a drink he clearly didnโ€™t need, raising his voice at you in a way no woman should ever accept, made you shudder. โ€œRicky decided to try and win me back. If you can even call it that.โ€
Johnny immediately perked up in anger. โ€œWhat?โ€
โ€œRelax. Jaehyun already took care of him. Thatโ€™s why he was there. Nothing more, nothing less.โ€
โ€œI swear to god, Iโ€™m gonna kill that son of a bitch,โ€ Johnny hissed, looking a total of five seconds away from giving someone a piece of his mind.ย 
โ€œRicky, or Jaehyun?โ€
โ€œDoes it matter?โ€
You shrugged. Your lips parted to ask why he hated Jaehyun in the first place, but you cut yourself off. There was a reason why you didnโ€™t ask him months ago. Johnny mightโ€™ve been overprotective, but that was because he was your brother and he loved you. When he was ready, he would tell you.ย 
The night dragged on. This one was a little more boring than usual, but that couldโ€™ve been chalked up to you still being shaken up about your encounter with your ex. You almost considered what wouldโ€™ve happened had Jaehyun not been around to intervene, but your mind dared not wander there.ย 
Part of you wanted to know where he was camping out at. Surely, he had to be around here somewhere, but you werenโ€™t going to look. Especially not with Johnny on high alert. He was being extra careful, wanting to be there in case your ex was crazy enough to return.
You listed what you knew about Jeong Jaehyun. For one, he was fine as hell. That was undeniable. Secondly, he was lowkey, which was why you essentially knew nothing about him other than the fact that he was drop-dead gorgeous.ย 
Sure, he made an appearance at these parties every now and then, but most of the time he kept to a tight-knit circle of friends and if they werenโ€™t there, there was no way in hell he was coming. Sometimes his roommatesโ€™ threw parties at their house, but he rarely went downstairs, preferring to linger in his room doing fuck knows what.ย 
You honestly couldnโ€™t blame him. People sucked. Most of them, anyways.ย 
Only one day later, you were gripping an overlook, peering down at little critters splashing in the lake from the bridge above. For a long time, there was nobody there to join you other than your little nonhuman friends. You liked coming here every now and then to clear your head. It was your safe place, your happy place.ย 
The sky was cloudy but there was only a nine percent chance of rain this afternoon, thus you werenโ€™t too worried. You needed to go somewhere. Home was too isolating, but everywhere else was too open.ย 
You could be happy here. There were no entitled assholes or overprotective brothers around to get on your nerves every five seconds. It was only you and the gifts of nature.ย 
And somebody else.ย 
โ€œI thought that was you,โ€ said somebody from your side.ย 
Imagine your shock when you turned and saw Jeong Jaehyun jogging towards you. In the fucking flesh.ย 
It was harder not to check him out this time. The man was practically drenched head to toe in sweat, his very exposed skin glistening with moisture. The shirt he was wearing hugged his chest and it was all you could do not to salivate.ย 
Rather than continue to rake your eyes up his frame, you asked playfully, โ€œAre you stalking me, Jeong Jaehyun?โ€
Jaehyunโ€™s eyes twinkled with mirth. God, how come you never noticed how pretty and brown they were? โ€œActually, Iโ€™m surprised. I was cutting through here instead of my usual jog route. The weather looked pretty bad.โ€
You snickered, crossing your arms. โ€œYou didnโ€™t check the forecast before you left the house? Itโ€™s not gonna rain. Probably.โ€
Jaehyun furrowed a brow. โ€œProbably?โ€
โ€œThat guy on the news is an infamous liar,โ€ you grumbled under your breath.ย 
Jaehyun chuckled. He wiped the sweat from his forehead, coming closer to the railing where you were, but kept a safe distance between your bodies lest he made you uncomfortable. โ€œI told you why Iโ€™m here. What about you?โ€
Your nose got an instant waft of Jaehyunโ€™s scent and it was godly, which was shocking considering he was literally sweating everywhere. โ€œOh, you know. I come here from time to time to think, or to not think. Depending on what the situation calls for.โ€
You bobbed your head. โ€œYeah. Why?โ€
Jaehyun shook his head. โ€œNothing,โ€ was what he said, but in reality, he was thinking about how he passed this bridge nearly every goddamn day and never knew if he took a detour, heโ€™d potentially cross paths with a pretty little thing like you.ย 
You lifted a brow, but didnโ€™t press.ย 
โ€œAre youโ€ฆ okay?โ€ Jaehyun reluctantly asked.ย 
You bobbed your head. โ€œYup, Iโ€™m alright. Itโ€™s just that Ricky approaching me has Johnny on edge, so now whenever I go out he and his friends are watching me like a bunch of hawks.โ€ย 
Jaehyun winced. โ€œDamn. That must suck.โ€
โ€œI get heโ€™s doing it from a place of love, but fuck, sometimes I just wanna be left the hell alone, you know?โ€
Jaehyun nodded. God, did he know. And not only because he was an overwhelmingly introverted dude. โ€œYeah, I know exactly what you mean.โ€
That caught your attention. โ€œYou do?โ€
Jaehyun scratched the back of his head. โ€œI mean, I donโ€™t have an overprotective brother, but I do have an overprotective mother. Itโ€™s sweet and all, but do you know what it makes you look like when youโ€™re on a date with a girl and your mom wonโ€™t stop calling you?โ€
Your lips couldnโ€™t help but curl into a grin. โ€œAw, youโ€™re a Mommaโ€™s boy.โ€
โ€œThis is exactly what I mean,โ€ Jaehyun groaned.ย 
โ€œNo, itโ€™sโ€ฆ cute,โ€ you said, but it was impossible to control the giggles falling from your lips. โ€œMost of the guys I know like that are sweethearts. Johnny, Mark. Maybe you.โ€
Jaehyun found that amusing. โ€œYou think Iโ€™m a sweetheart?โ€
You shrugged your shoulders. โ€œMaybe. I donโ€™t know you well enough to decide, but seemingly, sure.โ€
โ€œDo you want to?โ€
โ€œDo I want to what?โ€
โ€œKnow me better,โ€ Jaehyun said, tentative. Almost as if he wasnโ€™t sure what he wanted.
That was the million dollar question. On the one hand, Jaehyun was cute and it most likely wouldnโ€™t hurt to spend a little time together, but on the other, there was the Johnny thing. You groaned. โ€œGod, Johnny would have a heart attack if he knew I was with you right now. Maybe even an aneurysm.โ€
Jaehyun snickered with mischief. โ€œWho said that he has to know?โ€
That response downright shocked you. You werenโ€™t expecting it from somebody like him, though then again, you knew virtually nothing about this boy and it only made you want to sate your curiosity. โ€œOoh. Youโ€™re trouble, Jeong Jaehyun.โ€
Jaehyun took that in stride. โ€œIโ€™m guessing you like that.โ€
Taking a step closer, you started to close the gap between you that Jaehyun had created for your sake. โ€œHm, you know what they say.โ€
โ€œI donโ€™t think I do.โ€ย 
โ€œItโ€™s always the quiet ones that deal the most damage,โ€ you whispered sultrily, glancing into his gentle brown eyes.ย 
Jaehyunโ€™s eyes flickered. That caught him off-guard.
Then, you backed away and waved him goodbye. โ€œIโ€™ve gotta go. Later, Dimples.โ€
Dimples? That was new. Jaehyun was pleasantly surprised by the nickname and he was so stunned that it distracted him from his train of thoughts.ย 
It was only when you were long gone that he realized that you never answered his question.ย 
You needed time to think, to decide if Jaehyun was worth potentially losing your brotherโ€™s trust. You didnโ€™t know why he hated him, but his less than enthusiastic reactions to him said more than enough. Jaehyun was cute, but you could easily find another cute guy whose bones your brother didnโ€™t mention crushing.
But damn, you were curious. And curiosity killed the cat. You knew one thing, though. You were starting to like Jeong Jaehyun.ย 
You shook your head, ashamed of yourself. This is really whatโ€™s itโ€™s come to, huh?
Jaehyun thought about that exchange on the bridge every now and then for the next couple of days and chastised himself for even making moves on you of all people. Sheโ€™s his baby sister, you asshole. Sheโ€™s off-limits.ย 
Not that it would really stop him, if you let him have you.ย 
It wasnโ€™t like Johnny had to know. Jaehyun could keep a secret and he assumed that you had a handful of your own. People with strict upbringings tended to have a lot of practice with being sneaky and your situation was close enough.ย 
He sat on his bed and heaved a breath, playing with a lighter.ย 
Meanwhile, you were with your boys, listening to them chatter about disgusting boy things but lowkey too curious to abandon your spot on the sofa that was too comfortable for its own good. Nobody liked sleeping on sofas, but you swore you wouldnโ€™t mind on this one. Plus sometimes youโ€™d gotten drunk here enough where you almost dozed off.ย 
You made a gagging noise when Mark started to talk about his nth blowjob of the week. You werenโ€™t counting, but he definitely was.ย 
โ€œYour dick probably has so much chlamydia that itโ€™ll mutate into a different variant like Covid,โ€ Haechan teased.ย 
You grimaced, but you definitely agreed.ย 
โ€œYouโ€™re one to talk,โ€ Mark snapped.ย 
Haechan nodded, grinning proudly. โ€œOf course, I am. I always wear condoms and get tested regularly. Iโ€™m clean as a whistle.โ€
You shook your head in amusement. โ€œIโ€™ve never understood the saying โ€˜clean as a whistle.โ€™ Like arenโ€™t whistles actually contaminated from being in someoneโ€™s mouth? Now, when you combine that logic with your dickโ€ฆโ€
Jeno burst into laughter. Yuta obviously found it funny from the smile on his face and Mark would never miss a chance to laugh at his friendโ€™s expense.ย 
Haechan dramatically rolled his eyes. โ€œAnd what about you, little miss? How often do you get laid?โ€
โ€œDefinitely not as often as you guys,โ€ you replied, coming to a stand. Not that you wanted to kiss the sofa goodbye. โ€œIโ€™ll be right back. Iโ€™ve gotta tinkle.โ€
Markโ€™s nose wrinkled. โ€œYou didnโ€™t think that was too much information?โ€
You almost threw the remote at your best friend, but spared him. There was no way this dude was talking about too much information when he was literally giving you all a play-by-play of his sex life.ย 
โ€œIf it burns when you pee, Mark gave you the airborne strand of chlamydia,โ€ Yuta joked dryly.ย 
You left too quickly to see Mark attempt to murder Yuta and it was a shame that you had to miss it. There was no doubt that Haechan would exaggerate the moment to make you regret not being there, but right now, you were concentrated on finding the bathroom.ย 
And of course, it was when you finally made it upstairs through the groups of bodies that you realized you didnโ€™t know where it was.ย 
You groaned, cursing yourself for being so forgetful. Youโ€™d only been here a couple of times and never long enough to use the fucking bathroom, apparently. And you really couldnโ€™t fucking hold it.ย 
You glanced around the set of doors upstairs, incapable of keeping still. Thank god nobody was here except for you. If I was a bathroom, which door would I be behind?
You set eyes on a random door and said, โ€œFuck it.โ€ You marched right up to it and knocked none too gently, seeping with impatience.ย 
To your surprise, it was Jaehyun that opened the door, a pair of headphones slung around his neck. And behind him was a bed, not a toilet.ย 
Jaehyunโ€™s eyes flickered with shock and he said your name. โ€œWhat are you doing here?โ€
โ€œOh, um, I was kinda looking for the bathroom. Iโ€™m guessing this isnโ€™t it,โ€ you said with a little humor, which was remarkable, all things considered. โ€œWhat are you doing here?โ€
โ€œI live here, baby.โ€
โ€œOh.โ€ You knew that, so the fact that it slipped your mind meant that you definitely werenโ€™t yourself when you had to pee.ย 
Jaehyun had the audacity to laugh. He opened his door a little wider. โ€œYou can use mine. Itโ€™s that door over there.โ€
โ€œThank you,โ€ you said in relief, immediately darting for the bathroom.ย 
You were even more relieved by the time you washed your hands and walked back into his bedroom, no longer fighting to keep still. Jaehyun was sitting on his bed where his headphones were now cast aside. God, how loud did you have to be knocking for him to hear you over those?
โ€œYou sure were in a hurry,โ€ Jaehyun teased.ย 
You rolled your eyes, but a little laugh fell from your lips. You wholeheartedly blamed Jeno and his damn poisonous drinks. Sighing in relief, you glanced around Jaehyunโ€™s room. For a boy, he was exceptionally tidy. He had vinyls organized on a shelf. โ€œNo girls in here, I see.โ€
Jaehyun didnโ€™t know whether to be offended by that or not. โ€œWhat do you think I am, a pimp?โ€
You snickered. โ€œNah. Iโ€™m just traumatized. Sue me.โ€
Jaehyun knew better than to ask questions that he didnโ€™t want to know the answers to, so he left it alone. โ€œYou never answered my question the other day.โ€
โ€œWhat question?โ€ you asked. Obviously, you were playing dumb. You needed every second to think about what your response would be, although youโ€™d had the past forty-eight hours and then some to contemplate.ย 
Your damn brother was the only thing that stood between you and Jaehyun.ย 
Johnny wasnโ€™t around this time for obvious reasons. There was no way in hell that heโ€™d step foot in the house of his mortal enemy. He didnโ€™t want you to be there either, but you assured him that youโ€™d steer clear of all things Jeong Jaehyun.ย 
And it wasnโ€™t as if you had deliberately lied. It (kind of) wasnโ€™t your fault that you didnโ€™t know where the bathroom was.ย 
โ€œIf you wanted to get to know me better.โ€
You stepped over to his bed, sitting beside him and sighing. โ€œJaehyun, you know my brother wonโ€™t approve.โ€
โ€œI guess thatโ€™s a โ€˜noโ€™ then,โ€ Jaehyun muttered.ย 
Your eyes glanced at his handsome face, then his beautiful, twinkling brown eyes, and finally his soft pink lips. And when they flitted so low, there was no looking back. You leaned in and pressed your lips to Jaehyunโ€™s, waiting for him to kiss back, and when he did without hesitation your heart soared.ย 
His hands flew to your back, eyes fluttering closed. God, he tasted as good as he smelled, and it was more than a little arousing. You made him fall against his mattress, straddling his hips and kissing him even deeper.
The change was welcome. His heart was racing just from locking lips with you and it took him to the sky. He grabbed a hold of your hips, which fit snugly in his palms, and listened to the soft sighs that slipped from your mouth in between the kisses.ย 
Mark was probably downstairs wondering, Damn, bitch, how long does it take to piss?
You pulled back when a certain groan of his turned you on a little too much to be safe. Jaehyun was secretly disappointed, but he didnโ€™t complain, taking time to catch his breath. โ€œIs that a maybe?โ€
You giggled and shook your head. โ€œItโ€™s a yes.โ€
Jaehyun sat up and grinned. He knew what he was getting himself into, but he didnโ€™t care. There was something about you that made him defy gravity.ย 
Still straddling his hips, you threaded your fingers through his hair and leaned in to whisper into his ears, โ€œWeโ€™re playing with fire.โ€
โ€œIronically, I thought the same thing,โ€ Jaehyun deadpanned.ย 
You chuckled. Well, if you didnโ€™t care, and he didnโ€™t care, nothing more needed to be said. You were really doing this.ย 
Jaehyun realized that he already really liked holding you. You were warm and soft to the touch, and you fit perfectly in his arms. โ€œHave you been drinking?โ€
โ€œDid you do any drugs?โ€
โ€œNot even a little,โ€ you said, raising a brow at the question. Much to your chagrin, it reminded you of your brotherโ€™s incessant worry. โ€œWhy?โ€
Jaehyun said without hesitation, โ€œBecause Iโ€™ve got weed.โ€
That was exciting. No wonder Jaehyun never came downstairs during his roommatesโ€™ parties. The real party was in his bedroom. โ€œGeez, Dimples. What are you waiting for?โ€
Jaehyun laughed at your enthusiasm and grabbed his lighter off his nightstand. You were flattered when he let you roll and even more when he praised your technique, which took years to develop. Thank god for your experienced friends.ย 
The high had you hyper aware of everything. Jaehyunโ€™s whole room smelled like him, to no surprise. As he said, he lived there, fuckโ€™s sake. But it was pleasant and you were honestly forgetting that you even promised to return downstairs.
The guilt and pressure of keeping secrets from Johnny was heavy on your back a few moments ago, but after the marijuana settled in, you relaxed into Jaehyunโ€™s side. He didnโ€™t seem to mind. Maybe it was the tree getting to his brain, but his hands got a little bolder, too.ย 
And it also only enhanced your curiosity. โ€œDo you do this often, Jaehyun?โ€
โ€œYou mean invite girls into my room to talk and smoke?โ€
Jaehyun took a drag and exhaled into the thick air of his room. โ€œEh, not really. Iโ€™ve had girls in my room before, obviously, but it never really lasts.โ€
You werenโ€™t surprised. Any girl could see that Jaehyun was handsome as all fucking hell and you didnโ€™t expect him to be a total sexless loser. Matter of fact, if he told you that he was a virgin, you doubted that youโ€™d even believe it.ย 
โ€œMaybe you havenโ€™t met the right girl then,โ€ you suggested coyly.ย 
Jaehyun chuckled. โ€œMaybe.โ€
It was way too soon to ask if he thought you were the right girl, so instead you settled for asking where his interests lay. โ€œWhat exactly are you looking for?โ€
Jaehyun knew the answer to that question in perfect detail because heโ€™d thought about it countless times, being his typical hopeless romantic self. This was a boy that dreamed of finding his miss right before he went to bed. He was a simple guy. He wanted picket fences and kids. Perhaps a puppy.ย 
But maybe it wasnโ€™t all too simple. Jaehyun wasnโ€™t searching for a housewife. He wanted someone to go to random old shops with and look at vintage items together. He wanted someone that didnโ€™t draw a lot of attention, but liked to go outside and explore. Money be damned. Thanks to his mother, he had ample cash, but no one to spend it on.ย 
Jaehyun hummed, pretending to think about his answer. โ€œGuess.โ€
You threw him a look. โ€œAre you serious?โ€
Jaehyun bobbed his head eagerly, lips curling into a mischievous little grin. โ€œIโ€™ll tell you, but I want you to guess first.โ€ย 
You sighed and glanced around his bedroom for clues, and fortunately enough, there were plenty. โ€œVinyls from the nineties. Youโ€™re an old soul and you want someone who fits your vibe. You smell like expensive cologne, so maybe you want someone to wine and dine, but you definitely want to be comfortable.โ€
Jaehyun said nothing, but you could tell that he was listening.ย 
You looked at the pictures of him and an older woman framed on his nightstand and continued, โ€œYou want the type of girl you can take home to your mother. And your mother wants the absolute best for her son, so she raised you to have high standards.โ€
โ€œYouโ€™re good at this,โ€ Jaehyun muttered.ย 
โ€œIโ€™m nowhere close to being finished,โ€ you said, grinning from ear to ear. โ€œJudging from the souvenirs on your shelf, you like going to different places, so you want someone curious and adventurous in nature. Appreciative and respectful of different peoples' cultures.โ€
Jaehyun was only smiling at this point. It was kind of funny and spooky being read like this.ย 
โ€œYouโ€™ve searched for love and havenโ€™t found something that feels right, so now you keep girls around for a good time, not a long one. And you love a damsel in distress, I think,โ€ you said, concluding your investigation.ย 
โ€œWow,โ€ was all Jaehyun said.ย 
Though you already knew the answer, you pressed your lips into a smile and asked, โ€œAm I warm?โ€
โ€œYouโ€™re on fire,โ€ he replied, wondering how in the hell you got all that just from looking at his bedroom. โ€œBut how did you know?โ€
โ€œThat you love a damsel in distress?โ€
โ€œThat Iโ€™ve looked for love and gave up on it.โ€
You almost rolled your eyes. You couldnโ€™t believe he was seriously asking that question. โ€œNo offense, but you scream hopeless romantic. Plus youโ€™re hot. You know your worth and what you want and I doubt itโ€™s meaningless sex.โ€
Jaehyun had this melancholy look on his face for the briefest of seconds, but it disappeared so quickly you couldโ€™ve imagined it being there.ย 
โ€œI donโ€™t think you gave up, I think you took a little pause. You know sheโ€™s out there, and when the timeโ€™s right, youโ€™ll know.โ€ Then, you abandoned the sadness and quipped, โ€œBut youโ€™re also a guy, and guys want sex.โ€
Jaehyun chuckled, but you had somehow penetrated his mind. You had part of him figured out and he didnโ€™t know what to do with that. It was too soon to get too deep.ย 
You exhaled contentedly, but the marijuana had you thinking. You couldโ€™ve been wrong about Jaehyun. You had definitely been wrong before.ย 
There was this tension in the room now that neither of you were equipped to handle. As standard when he was fooling around with a girl, there was a piece of him that wondered if it could be the real thing this time, but he didnโ€™t want to get ahead of himself.ย 
It wouldnโ€™t have been the first time.ย 
Jaehyun gave you back the blunt. โ€œWhat about you - what are you looking for?โ€
โ€œWho said I was looking?โ€ you asked with obvious amusement.ย 
That shattered Jaehyunโ€™s former thoughts of possibly wifing you up one day. Of course you didnโ€™t intend on dating the dude your brother hated. It wouldโ€™ve been a very unconventional relationship. You could keep him around for fun, but it would have to end sooner or later.ย 
So Jaehyun contentedly resigned himself to the fact that you would pass, just like all the other girls he brought up to his room, and decided he was fine with that. Maybe he had high standards, but youโ€™d forgotten to mention the part that they came with moderate hopes and low expectations.
That way getting hurt was borderline impossible.ย 
Then, Jaehyun started to grin like an idiot and reminded, โ€œYou said that you think Iโ€™m hot.โ€
โ€œI literally said that ten hundred hours ago,โ€ you groaned, exhaling a puff of smoke into the air.ย 
You cried out in shock when he grabbed your hips and pulled you back onto him again, but instinctively leaned into his shoulder. Jaehyun was (usually) humble, but anyone who thought he didnโ€™t know he was hot was a fool. โ€œAm I hot enough to kiss?โ€
Your lips tugged into a smile, and rather than directly answer his question, you went in for a kiss, holding the blunt away from his face so that he wouldnโ€™t get burned. Jaehyun effortlessly matched your rhythm and it was dumbfounding how he could be so excellent of a kisser.ย 
You spent the better half of the night passing a blunt back and forth with Jaehyun, kissing and talking in between (featuring some inappropriate touches). Jaehyun was so fucking easy to talk to, the topics were boundless. Neither of you opened up much outside of your relationship goals and lack thereof, but you still got to know each other a little better.ย 
Jaehyun loved music from r&b to jazz to soul, though you couldโ€™ve guessed how passionate he was after one look at his vinyl collection. He was flirty sometimes, but soft-spoken and very gentleman-like and he never once proposed for the two of you to have sex. Plus he was a bit of a goofball.ย 
To say nothing of the fact that he could play the guitar. You didnโ€™t know why, but that somehow made him even more delightful.ย 
It was pleasant to be in the presence of a guy that was simultaneously attractive and respectful.
Because it was far too late for you to drive yourself home when you finally started to get sleepy, he let you steal his bed and slept in the room of one of his roommateโ€™s that was never home, according to Jaehyun.ย 
Jungkook was what he said his name was. Apparently he basically lived full-time in his girlfriendโ€™s apartment and Jaehyun didnโ€™t know why he still paid rent, but he didnโ€™t complain. It was going to be a sad day for his bank account when Jungkook finally moved out.ย 
And that left Yugyeom. He was the one that threw all of the parties. You asked Jaehyun last night why he rarely came downstairs during those parties and his response was, โ€œI donโ€™t like the attention.โ€
Morning had come loudly as ever. Birds chirped outside, singing sweetly. You stretched your arms above your head and yawned, unable to ignore the dark curtains that effectively kept the sunlight out.ย 
The first thing you did was let a little light in. And the second thing was remember how you spent last night, memories of marijuana and laughter, and flirtatious behavior hitting you all at once. It seemed that Jeong Jaehyun was a promise of fun.ย 
Grabbing your phone, you headed down the stairs and breathed a little in relief when you saw Jaehyun already awake, waiting by the toaster. โ€œGood morning, Dimples.โ€
Jaehyun turned when he heard your voice and the smile that spread across his lips was instantaneous. โ€œGood morning, beautiful. How did you sleep?โ€
โ€œI shouldโ€™ve known that your bed would be as cool and collected as you are,โ€ you quipped, rubbing your arms. It was colder without Jaehyunโ€™s blankets to help strengthen the temperature.ย 
Jaehyun shook with mirth and it was a sight you wanted to see more often.ย 
โ€œI couldโ€™ve slept on the sofa,โ€ you said without complaint. โ€œThe party was over by the time we called it a night and itโ€™s the most comfortable sofa Iโ€™ve ever put my butt on.โ€
โ€œIt goes against everything I believe in to let you sleep on a couch when thereโ€™s a perfectly functional bed upstairs.โ€
โ€œAw, what a gentleman,โ€ you replied, coming to stand at his side. โ€œI drew the curtains in your room open, by the way. I donโ€™t know how you live like a damn vampire.โ€
โ€œWhatโ€™s wrong with living like a vampire? Vampires are cool.โ€
โ€œI donโ€™t think Vampires need Vitamin D. Humans do,โ€ you retorted, arms crossed.ย 
Jaehyunโ€™s lips curved into a stupid little smile that reeked of mischief and you instantly knew where his thoughts were before he even said anything.ย 
You rolled your eyes at his silliness and told him, โ€œWhatever youโ€™re about to say - donโ€™t.โ€
Bagels popped out of the toaster and the sight of food made Jaehyun forget about his previous shenanigans. He set both bagels on individual plates that already had food and said, โ€œI made you something. Itโ€™s not much because Iโ€™ve gotta go soon, but I didnโ€™t want you to be hungry.โ€
โ€œThank you,โ€ you said with gratitude, accepting the plate he handed to you. Plate in hand, you went to sit at the table, watching Jaehyun bring cups over.ย 
โ€œYouโ€™re welcome,โ€ Jaehyun told you gently. โ€œNext time Iโ€™ll make you a real full-course meal as a treat.โ€
You gawked. โ€œYou can cook?โ€
โ€œA little bit, yeah. Why?โ€
โ€œYou just got so much hotter,โ€ you breathed.
Jaehyun grinned.ย 
The time you spent together that morning was a duplicate of the night before except there were only the lingering overnight highs instead of the fresh ones. You were sad that you had to leave, but Jaehyun had to work and you needed to go home.ย 
Sitting in your car, you checked your phone for the first time in hours. There had to be a thousand missed calls and unanswered messages from your friends and Johnny. Though it wasnโ€™t unusual for your phone to be on Do Not Disturb, it was definitely strange to not at least tell your loved ones that you were very much still alive.ย 
You were just so hooked on Jaehyun that it completely slipped your mind to check your phone. There wasnโ€™t a dull moment upstairs in his bedroom and even when it was silent you were comforted by the sound of a vinyl playing quietly on his record player, which you were stunned that he even had.ย 
You texted your friends to let them know that you were on the way home and called Johnny to get his usual tantrum out of the way before you got there, but it was safe to say that you werenโ€™t expecting to come back to Johnny and Mark waiting for you in the kitchen like two unhappy parents.ย 
You reached into the cabinet to grab a glass and deadpanned, โ€œUh oh. Am I in trouble?โ€
Mark snickered and he looked like mischief. โ€œVery much so.โ€
Your gaze flitted towards Johnny, who was clearly the more disgruntled of the two, and asked, โ€œWhy are you looking at me like that?โ€
โ€œYou look like you had a long night.โ€
โ€œThatโ€™s probably because I did.โ€
โ€œDid you hook up with anyone?โ€
You grimaced. โ€œGross, Johnny. Do I ask you who and what you do with your dick?โ€
Johnny gave you a look that told you he was serious.ย 
โ€œNo, I didnโ€™t hook up,โ€ you replied, filling your glass with water and hoping to find a way out of this situation so that you could shower and brush your teeth.ย 
Johnnyโ€™s lips were tugged into a frown. This older brother responsibility was far from easy when his little sister made it even harder to check up on her. โ€œI worry about you. Is that a crime?โ€ย 
You exhaled a long breath. โ€œYouโ€™re right. I should have at least let you know that I was okay and I didnโ€™t, and Iโ€™m sorry. I just gotโ€ฆ distracted.โ€
That got Markโ€™s attention and he butted in dramatically, โ€œWhere did you go last night? I was this close to filing a police report, but it hadnโ€™t been twenty-four hours.โ€
Typical cop father response. That was half the reason why nobody wanted to deal him drugs. Thank goodness he had you to vouch for him. โ€œAnd what would you do if I was off with a serial killer instead of some hot guy?โ€
โ€œI wouldnโ€™t be too worried. Youโ€™re annoying. They would return you on the front doorstep with a note that said โ€˜come get your bitch back.โ€™โ€
You were tempted to roll your eyes, but you noticed Johnny laugh a little and it honestly made you feel somewhat better. He had been painfully uptight lately and you just wanted him to chill for once.ย 
โ€œIโ€™m gonna go take a shower and brush my teeth,โ€ you announced, discarding your glass in the sink and heading for the stairs.ย 
Of course, Mark had more insults on deck and didnโ€™t hesitate to ask, โ€œYouโ€™re gonna need more than that for all the cum you had to have gargled last night.โ€
โ€œFor the last time, I did not hook up,โ€ you huffed in exasperation, marching up the stairs. โ€œAnd get the hell out of my house - you donโ€™t even live here!โ€
You could hear Mark laughing from the overlook.ย 
A lot of time was spent counting down the hours until you could see Jeong Jaehyun again. You learned that he was not the type of guy to sit around waiting by his phone. This was a busy man with business to take care of and he didnโ€™t have a lot of spare time.ย 
You didnโ€™t mind, because he spent it talking to you, which was definitely an indicator that he was starting to really like you. With so few hours in a week, let alone a day, it was hard to believe he let just anyone consume the little downtime that remained.ย 
Jaehyun let you crash some nights at his place when your brother was being a massive thorn in your side. It wasnโ€™t a crime, but it was easy to get away with, all things considered. Yugyeom never bothered either of you and Jungkook was rarely there, so you spent most of the time talking incessantly and getting high.ย 
Maybe some kisses were shared in between, but nothing more. Jaehyun was content with just getting to know you for now. His usual invitees consisted of one-night stands and girls he hung out with for a couple of weeks, but you were different. You made him think, high or not, and it was rare a girl penetrated his mind so deeply.
And so quickly. It had only been a month, maybe a little longer. He was still afraid of being completely open with you, but the way the two of you touched each other was starting to get riskier and riskier.ย 
Kisses lasted longer. More than once, he caught himself going after your clothes, but he didnโ€™t want to seem like an animal. You did seem a little eager too, kissing the breath out of him and getting more and more flirtatious, but Jaehyun hated having to guess.ย 
He wanted you to tell him what you wanted in no uncertain terms. No room for uncertainty.ย 
Yugyeom knocked on Jaehyunโ€™s bedroom door, which was already cracked ajar, and asked, โ€œHey, is she coming over tonight?โ€
โ€œYes, so please be on your best behavior. No bullshit,โ€ Jaehyun replied, getting a whiff of the trouble that was Yugyeom and wrinkling his nose.ย 
โ€œHave you guysโ€ฆ you know?โ€
โ€œThatโ€™s a personal question.โ€
โ€œSo you havenโ€™t.โ€ Yugyeom pressed, โ€œMan, when are you gonna tell her youโ€™ve got the hots for her? You know what, Iโ€™ll clear the house and leave a bottle of wine out. Light one of your expensive candles. Girls like that shit.โ€
Like hell Jaehyun needed advice on how to set the mood, from Yugyeom much less. Plus he was none too pleased at being interrupted, especially because now he was thinking about having sex with you and it was doing things to him down there. โ€œI think I know what girls like.โ€
โ€œThen whatโ€™s the problem? And donโ€™t tell me that you havenโ€™t thought about it. Weโ€™re both dudes, man. Thatโ€™s bullshit.โ€
โ€œThere isnโ€™t one,โ€ Jaehyun replied to his roommate honestly. Of course, he had thought about having sex with you. He mightโ€™ve been respectful, but like Yugyeom said, he was still a dude. Hell, the words had come out of your own mouth.ย 
Yugyeom prodded, โ€œThen?โ€
โ€œI just donโ€™t wanna rush into it.โ€
Now that Yugyeom could buy. Jaehyun was sentimental like that. When he really liked a girl, evaluating her worth took priority over getting laid. Jaehyun had this wall of ice put up that even Yugyeom had to steadily break through. Ironically, sometimes it felt like he was still on the outside.ย 
But he put two and two together. If Jaehyun liked you - as in really, really liked you - then that made shit even more complicated. It was no secret that Johnny had it out for Jaehyun and he obviously came to the same conclusion that Jaehyun had; shit getting serious with you was dangerous.ย 
So Yugyeom left it alone.ย 
Like clockwork, you were pulling into Jaehyunโ€™s driveway only a few hours later. You discerned that the lot was empty save for your car and Jaehyunโ€™s which more than likely implied that the two of you would be completely alone in the house together.ย 
Slipping the spare key from under the mat, you unlocked the door and sang after locking it behind yourself, โ€œDarling, Iโ€™m home!โ€
โ€œIโ€™m upstairs,โ€ Jaehyun called out from the second floor, his room door obviously open for once. The benefits of having the house to himself.ย 
You didnโ€™t hesitate to make your way upstairs, not failing to clock the bottle of expensive wine on the counter when you passed by the kitchen, but you thought little of it when you came through the hallway and slipped into Jaehyunโ€™s comfortable bedroom. โ€œHey, Dimples,โ€ you greeted.ย 
Jaehyun smiled at you and waved. His room was dimly lit. The overhead lights were turned off, but the candles on his nightstand were ablaze and there was an old school classic going on in the background.ย 
The second you came in, Jaehyun set his book aside, giving you his undivided attention. โ€œCome here.โ€
You wasted no time doing as told, advancing towards the bed and giggling when he snatched you into his open arms for a handful of kisses. Your whole body was soothed from his slightest of touches, at ease in his arms. Jaehyun had quickly become your second safe place.ย 
God, you had been waiting for this moment all week. Johnny wasnโ€™t on your ass any more than usual, but it got lonely in that house and it was even worse when you found yourself only craving Jaehyunโ€™s company. There was something happening to you and you couldnโ€™t tell if you liked it or not.ย 
Jaehyun drew back after a minute, taking a moment to breathe and brush a loose strand of hair behind your ears. โ€œThings okay at home?โ€
โ€œNew topic,โ€ you groaned.ย 
Jaehyun winced. That couldnโ€™t have been too good.ย 
โ€œYou smell good,โ€ you purred, breathing in his scent.ย 
โ€œYou always say that.โ€
โ€œBecause you always smell good.โ€ย 
โ€œI just got out of the shower.โ€
โ€œWithout me?โ€
โ€œYou sound like a guy,โ€ Jaehyun said in disapproval.ย 
You snickered. You had definitely gotten that comment from a boy before.
Jaehyunโ€™s eyes were fixed to your face, taking in how beautiful you were. Damn, it was like every time he saw you, you looked even more breathtaking.ย 
You couldnโ€™t help but stare back. Jaehyunโ€™s visuals were out of this damn universe and it was borderline maddening he could be this fucking fine. But deeper than that, sometimes you couldnโ€™t help but stare into his dark eyes and wonder what all he was hiding back there.ย 
It was plain as day that Jaehyun wasnโ€™t the type to wear his heart on his sleeve, especially not when his romantic feelings were involved. In the time that youโ€™d spent together, you had gotten to learn some things about him, but there was plenty that he filtered out as a defense mechanism.ย 
When you wanted to get closer, Jaehyun shut down, which was totally ironic, because he was the one that asked if you wanted to get to know him. Now you had to fight for it?
Maybe he meant get to know his body and you were oblivious - and you wouldnโ€™t have minded one bit - but if that was the case, you shouldโ€™ve already had sex and been out of the picture. Yet he was keeping you twice as long as most girls lasted and for no apparent reason.
Sex made things more complicated. If you had sex with Jaehyun right now, and it was good, there was absolutely no telling how that would shift the trajectory of your entire life. But the way he was looking at you right now tempted you to risk it all.ย 
Your lips found Jaehyunโ€™s again, but the kiss was different this time. It was needier, desperate. It sent heat stretching through every bone in your body and straight between your thighs, and you felt like you were levitating. Your body scorched with desire, hands running down his chest.ย 
Jaehyun kept up with your reckless kissing very well, but he couldnโ€™t ignore the nature of it and it made him ask himself questions. You were kissing him like you wanted him. Tired of wondering, he pulled back and asked forthrightly, โ€œDo you want to have sex with me?โ€ย 
โ€œIsnโ€™t it obvious?โ€ you countered, quickly seizing the opportunity to return your lips to his.
All of this beating around the bush was getting on his nerves and Jaehyun took matters into his own hands. Literally. You gasped when he pushed you onto your back, pinning you onto his bed, and locked your wrists above your head. โ€œI want to hear you say it.โ€
Now that was sexy as hell and your thighs involuntarily pressed together. โ€œI want to have sex with you.โ€
That was all Jaehyun needed to hear. He was quick to catch your lip in between his teeth and seal your lips in another heated kiss, taking in your every trembling exhale. You moaned into his mouth, a little too enamored with how good it felt beneath him.ย 
His hands released your wrists in favor of your waist, testing the waters. You were reactive to Jaehyunโ€™s touches, hyper aware of his hands steadily falling lower, but not daring to touch you too intimately yet. Like he was waiting for something to happen.ย 
Jaehyunโ€™s eyes sank to your empty neck and something deep in the pit of his gut was set on fire. โ€œAre marks okay?โ€
Making quick work of his shirt and tossing it over his shoulders, you nodded your head. โ€œYeah. Johnny will notice, but heโ€™ll never assume theyโ€™re from you.โ€ย 
It took absolutely nothing else for Jaehyun to connect his lips to your throat hungrily, leaving mark after mark on your skin in an effort to stake his claim to you. And all it did was turn you on further. There was a thudding between your legs, arousal spilling over.ย 
Little soft sighs and curses slipped from your lips and you could feel the bedroom get hotter and hotter. It wasnโ€™t as if you and Jaehyun had agreed to be exclusive, but you hadnโ€™t been with anyone else in the time that the two of you had been hanging out, meaning it had been over a month since youโ€™d last had sex.ย 
And it fucking showed. You were aching for more, on top of your natural desire for Jaehyun. If you didnโ€™t fuck his brains out right now you were going to self-destruct.
โ€œJaehyun, fuck me,โ€ you groaned impatiently.ย 
Instead, he grinned, too fond of the neediness in your voice and on your pretty face. Jaehyun looked you plain in the eye and said, โ€œI want you to beg.โ€
You were too gone to roll your eyes, but not too out of it to retort, โ€œMake me.โ€
โ€œIโ€™m gonna make you beg, alright,โ€ Jaehyun said without question. He made a move for your shorts and tugged them off your ankles, repeating the gesture with your panties.ย 
The only thing that kept you from being totally naked was your top but Jaehyun didnโ€™t look too concerned with getting rid of it yet. Instead, he focused his undivided attention between your legs, entranced by your glistening core and his mouth going dry with the desire to have a taste.ย 
You watched the enthrallment on his face with satisfaction. Funny how his ability to conceal his emotions went out the window when pussy was involved. His eyes were dark as ever and Jaehyunโ€™s voice somehow got deeper when he asked, โ€œWill you let me taste you?โ€ย 
โ€œFuck,โ€ you mumbled, sensing that he was about to wreck the living hell out of you. โ€œUh, yeah. Yes.โ€
No room for uncertainty. Now that he had your consent, Jaehyun gathered your legs in his hands, tossed them over his broad shoulders, and went to town. You gasped aloud at the first pass of his tongue at your clit and it couldnโ€™t have been further from tentative.ย 
Of course this man went straight for your sensitive bundle of nerves instead of your slick folds, he knew better. Given how exciting the thought of Jaehyun dicking you down had been, you were already throbbing, but now you were tense and unstill.
There was something about the feeling of his lips sucking and licking at your cunt that made you squirm and cry out in an overwhelming bolt of pleasure. Jaehyun clamped his big hands onto your thighs to keep you pliant, holding them right where he wanted them, and kept eating you out.ย 
It made zero sense how hot you found every little thing that he did.ย 
โ€œJesus, fuck,โ€ was basically all that you could say. With how vigorously Jaehyun was sucking at your bundle of nerves, it was getting borderline impossible to think.ย 
Jaehyun sure didnโ€™t seem timid. Matter of fact, the way he refused to shy away from in between your pair of legs, doing everything in his power to keep them separated at both sides of his head, said loud and clear that he was a man on a mission to make you unravel.ย 
Not to mention that he was doing a damn good job. Your ears were hardly even working, the whole world fading to static, the only audible sound being the incessant throb of your pulse quickening by the minute.ย 
The sheer opposite was true for Jaehyun. His ears were on full alert and he could hear everything from the increasing volume and speed of your breaths plus your soft moans to the gentle rustling of the trees' leaves outside his open window.ย 
Jaehyun peered up at you, noticed the euphoria tensing your beautiful features, and his lips broke into a wide grin. โ€œHow are you doing up there?โ€
No words would come. It took twice as long to even process the ones that left his mouth. Your eyes were drooping and misty, damp with moisture, and all that escaped you was a befuddled, โ€œFuck.โ€
Jaehyun snickered. That was answer enough. โ€œIt sounds to me like youโ€™re having a fun time,โ€ he started. โ€œDo you want to cum?โ€
You obviously heard that and hissed, โ€œDonโ€™t ask stupid questions.โ€ย 
โ€œIf you want to cum, then beg me for it,โ€ Jaehyun growled darkly. You appreciated the brief lull of peace, but of fucking course, it was that moment Jaehyun chose to press a long pair of fingers into your dripping pussy.
Your back arched and your soft cries filled the air. It felt like somebody had given Jaehyun the blueprints to your body with how he excelled at satisfying you in ways literally nobody had previously.ย 
The answer was obvious. Jaehyun wanted you to beg? Fuck it. You would beg.ย 
โ€œPlease,โ€ you said, your voice raising a few pitches. โ€œOh, god. Please make me cum, Jaehyun.โ€
Jaehyun didnโ€™t make a sound but you could feel his mouth on your cunt again and knew that he was about to take you there.ย ย 
And then it came. The mind-numbing orgasm engulfed you in its fury and you were scarred with burns from head to toe, most of it pivoting towards your core.ย 
Your hands desperately grasped locks of Jaehyunโ€™s soft fluffy hair in an attempt to anchor yourself and you didnโ€™t release him from your clutches until every tremble faded. Jaehyun got so aroused watching you shudder with release that he swore his own mind went blank.ย 
It took a good minute and a half at the least for your mind to start to clear itself and you sighed pleasantly as the wrath of your orgasm slowly began to die out. You peered down at Jaehyun, blinking a couple of times, and slackened your grip when you realized how tightly your hands were latched to him.
Jaehyun didnโ€™t seem to mind, contentedly watching you try to gather your bearings. โ€œAre you back to earth?โ€
โ€œBarely,โ€ you rasped, still unable to feel your thighs.ย 
โ€œDo you want to stop?โ€
You gawked. โ€œAre you kidding? I still wanna fuck you. If you still wanna fuck me.โ€
โ€œI still want to fuck you,โ€ Jaehyun said, pulling you in for another hot but reassuring kiss. It was hard to breathe, but so worth it. You slipped your tongue into his mouth and tasted yourself on his.ย 
Kissing you made Jaehyun feel like he was ascending, but right now it also made his dick ascend and his patience was steadily dissipating into thin air. You could feel his hard-on against your naked thigh and it sent shock waves to your brain.ย 
I think thatโ€™s the best head Iโ€™ve ever had, you admitted to yourself, but not aloud. Your dating history wasnโ€™t top secret but you spoke little of it to Jaehyun. Did it matter that all of your exes were scumbags and rarely bothered to get you off?
Except for one. The sex was good, but it wasnโ€™t a fair trade-off for your heart. No man nor his cock was worth your sanity and you told that to yourself every time you engaged with one.ย 
Plus you just got this weird feeling where nothing or nobody else mattered when you and Jaehyun were alone together. You didnโ€™t think of the various roots of the stresses in your life and calmness was finally an option.ย 
You didnโ€™t want to ruin that, so you didnโ€™t get too deep.ย 
But you were hoping Jaehyun was packing enough to be deep inside of you. Fuck that, you had felt it against your thigh. You knew that he was and it was exciting.ย 
Your voice was weighed down by the thickness of your breaths. โ€œDo you have condoms?โ€
โ€œAlways,โ€ Jaehyun replied, pulling a drawer open on his nightstand to retrieve one.
That was a relief. You had never done it raw before and though you liked Jaehyun, you werenโ€™t sure where his dick had been and what all it had seen. Youโ€™d rather be safe.
Jaehyun gently pushed you back onto the mattress and crawled over you, drawing the condom between his teeth while he tossed your shirt and bra halfway across his bedroom, then whispered, โ€œTell me how you want it.โ€
โ€œHard and deep. Deep and hard,โ€ you confessed sultrily, looking him dead in the eye.ย 
Jaehyun smirked. โ€œThat can be arranged.โ€
You watched Jaehyun shuffle out of his pants and put the condom on, but the bulk of your attention was set on that thick, girthy cock. Your mouth was watering. Maybe some other time you could suck him off, but right now getting it between your thighs was all you wanted.ย 
It didnโ€™t seem as if he glanced up, but Jaehyun said, โ€œYouโ€™re staring.โ€
โ€œNo, youโ€™re not,โ€ Jaehyun said.ย 
You giggled. โ€œNo, Iโ€™m not.โ€
The sound faded when you spread your legs apart invitingly and he penetrated you at an excruciatingly slow pace, sinking deeper inch by fucking inch.ย 
You and Jaehyun made a sound in harmony when he finally filled you to the hilt, grasping your waist and using it as anchor like he was at risk of going dangerously deep if he made one wrong move and never returning to the surface.ย 
Good thing it was only the two of you. You, keeping quiet when he was this good with his hands and presumably even better with his thick cock? There was no way in hell.ย 
โ€œOh my godโ€ฆ,โ€ you whispered, obsessed with the sensation of being filled.ย 
Whatever you were thinking right now, Jaehyun wholeheartedly agreed. You made his brain grind to a halt and stutter. โ€œDoes that feel okay?โ€
โ€œMore than okay,โ€ you told him, because it was the truth. Somehow the pleasure was only spiking. The ecstasy continued to build.ย 
You looked so beautiful beneath the golden-yellow hue of his lamplight and Jaehyun knew he would be fantasizing about how your face tensed with pleasure for weeks, if not months.
Jaehyun especially liked the way you were tightening around his cock, gripping it for dear life as if letting go simply wasnโ€™t an option. You wound your legs around his hips and helped draw him into yours in spite of knowing it could ruin you, a telltale sign that your desire for more outweighed any rational thinking.ย 
It just felt so good that it had to be illegal and though you knew that it wasnโ€™t, it was damn near close.ย 
There was still music playing from the vinyl player in the background that soothed any and all nerves that you couldโ€™ve ever had. You took a moment and inhaled deeply, breathing in the musk of Jaehyun and the scent of the candles.ย 
Your eyes fluttered closed. It was ironic that you were on a raging high even though you hadnโ€™t even gotten around to having your usual fill of marijuana. In legal terms, you were far from inebriated. But according to yourself? You were fiending for Jaehyun and found him lethally intoxicating.ย 
His weight on top of you. His deep, guttural grunts in your ear between his jagged breaths. His perfect thrusts and the way he stroked you exactly how you wanted, all the while reaping his pleasure from your body.ย 
It was fucking mind-blowing.ย 
Jaehyun had a similar thought and it tore a noise out of him. His intentions in inviting you over tonight werenโ€™t to have sex, in spite of his roommateโ€™s attempts at getting him to get laid when he was only trying to break you in, but it was an unregrettable decision.ย 
โ€œYou take it so good, baby,โ€ Jaehyun said tenderly, but it barely scratched the tip of the iceberg of praises he had in storage especially for you.ย 
Fuck, you wanted to hate how easy it was for him to kindle these rash flames inside of you, but your attraction to Jaehyun became undeniable the second you initiated the first rendezvous.ย 
You were peering into Jaehyunโ€™s soul, searching his whole face without knowing what you were looking for, and saw the euphoria fluttering his eyes closed and spreading his lips apart just enough for those heavenly sounds to slip through.ย 
You guessed you found it then, because the tightening in the pit of your gut was at an all-time high and it wasnโ€™t skipping out on the extremes.ย 
Combing your hands through his hair, you whimpered, โ€œIโ€™m so close.โ€
Jaehyun accelerated his pace, wanting to take you to the ends of the earth and back. You noticed, because you could feel his hard dick slapping against your hips with a purpose, and you swore to god your eyes rolled somewhere black.ย 
The end was creeping up on you from behind. You could feel it. Jaehyun could feel it himself, the telltale twitch of his cock indicating that he was pushing his limits.ย 
โ€œI want you to cum,โ€ Jaehyun growled in no uncertain terms, his tone dominant. โ€œNice and hard. Can you do that for me, baby?โ€
โ€œYes,โ€ you choked out.ย 
If you were being frank, he didnโ€™t even have to ask. It was impossible to hide the evidence of your impending orgasm, the heightened tremors in your voice and the shakiness in your body were more than enough proof.ย 
All you could think about was how restlessly you were going after this orgasm and how terribly you needed it like it would fix every little thing going wrong in your life.
Your hands slipped from Jaehyunโ€™s hair to his shoulders to finally his back, raking your nails down the flesh in a set of ministrations that were bound to leave red lines, and you rasped breathlessly, โ€œFinish me.โ€
The hoarseness of your voice alone couldโ€™ve broken Jaehyun but he hung on for your sake, fingertips flitting to your sensitive, swollen clit again because he knew he wouldnโ€™t last very much longer.ย 
You were even more restless than before and it wasnโ€™t long until Jaehyun granted your wish, your lips parting in a scream and your vision going totally black. Your toes curled into tight bends as you grinded your hips into Jaehyun, milking your release for every damn dime.
Jaehyun could feel you clenching rapidly and repeatedly around his cock and merely seconds after that it was game over. He came with the deepest, sexiest groan you had ever heard before in your life, hips stuttering as his cum filled the condom, and all you could think about was how this could not be a one-time thing.ย 
The next few minutes were a blur. You only recalled Jaehyun peeling off you to dispose of the condom, the layers of sweat on your naked bodies keeping you connected, and returning to your side briefly.ย 
Jaehyun scanned you for any signs of obvious discomfort. โ€œAre you okay?โ€
Your mouth was hanging open, aggressive pants falling from your lips, but Jaehyunโ€™s attention was no longer focused on your heaving chest - it was on you. โ€œNo, more like incredible.โ€
That had Jaehyun in the first half, but he snickered in amusement and relief when you wrapped up your sentence. โ€œDo you wanna shower with me?โ€
โ€œThatโ€™s kinda intimate,โ€ you said, as if that was actually going to stop you. โ€œHell yeah, I do.โ€
Jaehyun rolled his eyes, but there was a smile plain as day on his face. You cried out in surprise when he hauled you into his burly arms, hooking one of them under your knees, and carried you into his bathroom.ย 
Your own individual toothbrush was in there on the sink counter squarely beside Jaehyunโ€™s. It was only right that he let you keep one there, given how many late Friday nights you spent at his house instead of your own.ย 
Plus some of your clothes were there, tucked into his drawers, but when you returned to his bedroom, you donned one of his shirts that was unsurprisingly oversized on you.ย 
You sat on Jaehyunโ€™s bed, memories of what youโ€™d just done on his sheets still fresh, and watched him rifling through his vinyl catalog, but because he was shirtless you quickly got distracted by the view you had of his back.ย 
At least until he turned around after setting the vinyl on his record player, apparently oblivious, and coming to sit at your side.ย 
There was mischief on your face and you were struggling to stifle a giggle. It was obvious, and Jaehyun furrowed his brows. โ€œWhy are you looking at me like that?โ€
โ€œOh, nothing.โ€
Jaehyun didnโ€™t believe you at all, but he didnโ€™t press.ย 
You sighed contentedly, leaning into his naked chest. The little voice in your brain was thinking about how he smelled so clean and fresh, and good. Well, duh, she snapped. If you somehow werenโ€™t paying attention, he just got out of the shower.ย 
But you were definitely paying attention, maybe a little more than you shouldโ€™ve. It wasnโ€™t your fault he looked like the leading role of every romance book ever. This was a man out of every little girlsโ€™ childhood dreams and, more importantly, every grown womanโ€™s wet ones.ย 
As Jaehyun held you in his arms, you couldnโ€™t help but think, spotting little items in his room that screamed, I come from money. โ€œJaehyun, is it okay if I ask you a question?โ€
Jaehyun hummed. You figured he mightโ€™ve been close to dozing off, but in reality, he was just captivated by the smell of your hair and hoping it lingered on his pillows.ย 
โ€œYouโ€™re pretty well-off, but you live with two other guys. Youโ€™re technically always alone, but you donโ€™t live alone. Why?โ€
Now that wasnโ€™t what Jaehyun was expecting you to ask him, but you were full of surprises. He took a moment to ponder his answer, finding himself reflecting. โ€œItโ€™s because of how I grew up, I guess. I was the only child, so it was just me and my parents in the house. I guess I kind of wanted to know what it's like to have brothers.โ€
You made a noise of content. โ€œYouโ€™re close then.โ€
You could feel Jaehyun playing with your hair and it made you smile gently.
โ€œWhat about you and your friends?โ€
โ€œWhat about them?โ€
โ€œWhatโ€™s the relationship like? Have you fucked Mark?โ€
You were taken aback, though rather than be affronted, the ridiculousness of that question made you laugh. โ€œNo way. I prefer my vagina itch-free,โ€ you quipped.ย 
Jaehyun chuckled. It was a shock that that kid got around town the way he did, but that was why Jaehyun had to respect the hustle.ย 
Then, out of nowhere, you got a little sober. โ€œOn a serious note, Mark is my bestie and heโ€™s what I imagine having a little brother is like. Johnny really likes him too, so sometimes Iโ€™ll walk in on them hanging out without me.โ€
You didnโ€™t notice the way Jaehyunโ€™s head bobbed along, but he was listening. It was believable. Mark was a social butterfly and impossible to dislike, no matter how irritating.ย 
And he was only irritating to some. Those who didnโ€™t find him to be a thorn in their side probably wanted him a number of inches deep in their guts.ย 
You continued, โ€œYuta is more Johnnyโ€™s friend than he is mine, but heโ€™s laidback. Haechan is a little shit but heโ€™s funny as fuck. And you know Jeno is chaotic as ever.โ€
You were fond of your circles of friends. Most folks assumed it mustโ€™ve been suffocating to be the only girl amongst a group of insufferable horny dudes, but it wasnโ€™t half bad. Jeno had tried to get into your pants before, but when you turned him down he took the rejection coolly.ย 
Mark, like you said, was like a sibling to you and that went both ways. When somebody suggested the two of you hook up, his knee-jerk reaction was to hiss, โ€œEw!โ€
Haechan was a slut like all of them but he knew better than to slut himself out to you and Yuta, though you already couldnโ€™t have been further from his type, was one of your older brotherโ€™s closest friends. According to Yuta himself, the thought of being in a relationship with you was hilarious.ย 
Never mind the fact that he admitted heโ€™d actually do it, but strictly for fun. Pissing off Johnny was his full-time job and dating his younger sister? It wouldโ€™ve been the easiest way.ย 
You and Jaehyun chatted until you couldnโ€™t ignore each otherโ€™s incessant yawns and made the mutual agreement to crawl under the sheets together. A rare Jungkook appearance one weekend forced you into bed with each other and ever since that was how youโ€™d slept.ย 
Side by side, skin to skin.ย 
The sun was brighter than ever when you woke up some hours later. You noticed that the curtains were open. And they had been since you likened Jaehyun to a vampire.
Speaking of Jaehyun, he was still sleeping like a rock beside you, completely still other than the gentle heave of his chest as he snored quietly. You crawled gingerly out of bed so as not to disturb his rest, the sight of him still asleep when you stood making you sigh out in relief.ย 
After a quick wash-up in the bathroom, you headed downstairs for a snack. Your stomach was rumbling and you realized that you hadnโ€™t eaten since you left home.ย 
What you didnโ€™t expect was to see Yugyeom half-naked in the kitchen though.ย 
You werenโ€™t sure why. It was his house and if he wanted to walk around like he just went skinny dipping, then he had that right. Fortunately, he was wearing sweatpants, so you were spared from that unsightly picture.ย 
Yugyeom heard your footsteps and turned. โ€œOh, hey. Sleep good?โ€
โ€œI only slept for a few hours,โ€ you confessed, though you felt like you were quite well-rested. โ€œBut yeah, I slept pretty good.โ€
Yugyeom chuckled. โ€œI bet.โ€
You said nothing else. Yugyeom wasnโ€™t a total stranger, even before you started crashing at his house, but you werenโ€™t close by any means.ย 
โ€œI didnโ€™t think youโ€™d be here,โ€ you said after a pause, straddling a barstool.ย 
โ€œI mean, I do live here. Who do you think pays most of the bills?โ€
โ€œJaehyun,โ€ you chirped.ย 
โ€œOkay, thatโ€™s fair. Who do you think pays the second most of the bills?โ€
โ€œYou and Jungkook, but it wasnโ€™t always that way.โ€
Yugyeom threw in the towel, realizing Jaehyun had most definitely had this discussion with you at some point. Then, he started to laugh. Jaehyun was discussing their finances with you? There was no way in living hell.ย 
Iโ€™ll be damned. Yugyeomed sighed in amusement. โ€œYou know, youโ€™re the first girl Iโ€™ve seen last this long with Jaehyun.โ€
โ€œIโ€™m not saying heโ€™s a player, but I thought Iโ€™d stop seeing you around here, like, two weeks ago. For a girl to survive a month with him, she has to really crank up his brain. And Jaehyun isnโ€™t easily impressed,โ€ Yugyeom said.ย 
It was obvious what he was implying and you knew exactly where this was heading. โ€œIโ€™m sure, but Jaehyun and I are just vibing.โ€
โ€œI didnโ€™t say that you werenโ€™t.โ€
โ€œYes, but you think that we arenโ€™t,โ€ you replied, rubbing your arms. It was always cold the mornings after.ย 
Yugyeom laughed. โ€œNo, I donโ€™t. Not right now. I didn't even crack Jaehyun that soon. All Iโ€™m saying is Jaehyun is a real gem and I think that you have a solid chance.โ€
โ€œAnd you want me to take it?โ€
Yugyeom was strategically bouncing around, going from subtly planting ideas in your head to making them seem as if they were your own. โ€œWhatever you do with that information is out of my hands and none of my business.โ€
Your lips parted to speak, but you were fortunately saved by the bell. Footsteps were heard from the hall and Jaehyun emerged from around the corner, voice deep from sleep, โ€œWhat are you two talking about?โ€
Yugyeom lied without hesitation, โ€œHow handsome you are, of course.โ€
Jaehyun didnโ€™t believe it for a second, but he stole the barstool beside you and gently nudged your elbow. โ€œYou think Iโ€™m handsome?โ€
โ€œOh, the handsomest,โ€ you deadpanned, but rested your head onto his shoulder.ย 
Jaehyun let you. At least for a little while, but then he pulled you into his chest and mumbled groggily, โ€œYou left me.โ€
โ€œIโ€™m sorry,โ€ you whispered, your hands tangled into his dark hair. โ€œIโ€™ll stay next time.โ€
Yugyeom was peering into the fridge, shaking his head, wondering if he was the only one that saw your fate.ย 
The whole weekend was spent in Jaehyunโ€™s arms, restless. If you werenโ€™t getting high on marijuana and chatting about whatever came to mind, you were dancing to one of his vinyls. If you werenโ€™t kissing each other breathless, you were fucking each other senseless.ย 
It was two days of whimsical fun, ignoring the world and its insignificant little woes. In many ways, Jaehyun was like your oasis.
You were starting to hate Mondays. They were the days where you realized that nothing was forever, every time without fail. The days you had to finally face the world after a weekend of neglecting its existence.ย 
Plus you didnโ€™t get a lot of Jaehyun during the other five days of the week, and though you understood your conflicting schedules, it was getting less and less easy to cope.ย 
Finals week thankfully gave you less time to think about whatever the hell was blossoming between you and Jaehyun. You didnโ€™t want to think about it, because you were well aware that it wouldnโ€™t last. As perfectly as Jaehyun molded into you, there was no piece of him that fit the bigger picture.ย 
But of course, you were pacing down your schoolโ€™s courtyard with a bag slung over your shoulder when you noticed Markโ€™s footsteps catching up to you. โ€œWanna tell me why Johnny asked me if youโ€™ve been going out with somebody lately?โ€ he asked.
You pretended to be oblivious, keeping your head straight and your steps quick. โ€œWhy would he ask you that?โ€
โ€œBecause Iโ€™m your best friend and you tell me everything, or so I thought,โ€ Mark hissed.
You groaned, weighing your options. You could keep this private love affair to yourself and let the guilt and pressure split you down the middle, or you could confide in your best friend and hope it took the edge off.ย 
Pulling Mark behind a tree and scanning your surroundings for unwanted bystanders, you exhaled roughly and said, โ€œDonโ€™t freak out, but I may or may not be sleeping with Jeong Jaehyun on the weekends.โ€
Mark was understandably dumbfounded by that information and screeched aloud, โ€œWhat the fuck, dude?โ€
โ€œI just said donโ€™t freak out!โ€
Mark shook his head, the total opposite of cool and collected. There was no way in hell he wasnโ€™t going to freak out. โ€œAre you kidding? Johnny literally wants to kill him.โ€
โ€œGod, I know,โ€ you bemoaned, pressing a palm to your forehead. This whole situation combined with the stress of finals was giving you a splitting headache.ย 
The shock was still evident on Markโ€™s face, but he seemed to be cooling off. โ€œShit, dude. This is crazy. Is the sex at least good?โ€
Your mind was fluttering with memories and it was hard to resist a smile. Getting laid right now would probably fix you. โ€œJeong Jaehyun may be a scoundrel for whatever reason, but I can reassure you he is not lacking in the sex department.โ€
Or any department. It was strange that in the weeks the two of you had spent bonding and the like, you had yet to identify a single red flag of Jaehyunโ€™s. Apparently, the weirdest thing about this boy was the amount of pictures he kept of his toes.ย 
โ€œOh my god,โ€ Mark gasped.ย 
โ€œThat night you went upstairs to pee and didnโ€™t come back,โ€ Mark started, finally connecting the dots and displeased he hadnโ€™t seen the hints earlier. โ€œYou were off screwing Jaehyun, werenโ€™t you?โ€
โ€œActually, no. I was with him, yes, but we werenโ€™t hooking up then.โ€
Mark was baffled to very fucking his core. That had to be half a decade ago. This whole time, you were spending your spare time on Jaehyun and nobody knew?
Gripping Mark by the shoulders, you stared into his eyes and said sternly, โ€œListen. You canโ€™t tell Johnny.โ€
Your best friend made a face of disapproval, but nodded his head. โ€œAlright. Fine.โ€
โ€œIโ€™m serious. You have to promise.โ€
Mark groaned, โ€œDude, Iโ€™m not gonna tell Johnny that youโ€™re fucking Jaehyun. No matter how bizarre and borderline batshit insane that is to say aloud. I promise your secret is safe with me.โ€
You released his shoulders and a shaky breath, relenting. โ€œOkay.โ€
โ€œBut that doesnโ€™t mean that I approve.โ€
โ€œUnderstandable. I can live with that.โ€
โ€œI donโ€™t see how,โ€ Mark grumbled under his breath.ย 
You frowned.ย 
Months flew by. Christmas and News Year were a blur, two events you and Jaehyun spent at separate locations. Your parents were rarely home, but the winter holidays were a period of time that they always made sure to be around for. And Jaehyun paid his family a visit that week.ย 
But then it was February, and the national holiday that was Jaehyunโ€™s birthday came of nowhere.ย 
โ€œNo way you were born on Valentineโ€™s day,โ€ you remembered telling him a few months back after asking him about his birthday. Jaehyun had groaned, more than accustomed to how this conversation played out. This was far from his first rodeo.ย 
Though it was rare that a girl made it to actually celebrate his birthday with him.ย 
Idiotically, you found yourself scorching with nerves that afternoon, overwhelmingly anxious. Your whole body was tense and you paced around your room antsily for hours until it was time to get in your car and head out to Jaehyunโ€™s house.ย 
You had gotten him a gift and you werenโ€™t sure whether he would like it or not. Then again, you had spent weeks planning what you would give him based on every second of every little conversation youโ€™d shared and you were half confident, half uncertain.ย 
Jungkook opened the door to leave at the same moment you were preparing yourself to go inside, most likely heading to his girlfriendโ€™s place after spending the morning celebrating his friendโ€™s birthday, and held the door open for you. โ€œUh, do you need a minute?โ€
โ€œNo. Thank you,โ€ you replied bashfully, catching the door and finally turning inside.ย 
You took one more deep breath and paced upstairs while gripping the box in your hands so tightly it mightโ€™ve broken.ย 
Jaehyun was sitting on his bed, his guitar in his hands instead of standing upright in the corner of his bedroom as typical, and glanced up when he heard your footsteps. โ€œHi.โ€
โ€œHi, birthday boy,โ€ you greeted.ย 
Jaehyun was smiling. You had already wished him a happy birthday at midnight on the dot which was a sweet gesture in itself.ย 
โ€œI, uh, got you something,โ€ you said, mentally cursing yourself for sounding so nervous.ย 
โ€œI can see that.โ€ Jaehyun set his guitar aside. There was curiosity in his stare, but he whispered, โ€œYou didnโ€™t have to.โ€
โ€œBut I wanted to. Youโ€™re myโ€ฆ friend,โ€ you told him awkwardly, handing over the gift before it made you say something stupid. โ€œI didnโ€™t know what to get a guy who has literally everything he wants, but I tried.โ€
Jaehyun accepted the gift box graciously, peeling off the wrap, and said, โ€œWhatever you got me is more than enough, baby.โ€
You sure hoped so. You didnโ€™t spend the past few weeks stressing over this very moment for nothing. You wanted to give him something thoughtful and memorable.ย 
Anticipation made your heart sound like thunder. You fidgeted, twiddling your thumbs as Jaehyun slowly opened the box, retrieving a guitar strap alongside a couple of other items. The awe that tensed Jaehyunโ€™s features was authentic and your heart was taut with giddiness when his lips tugged into a beaming smile.ย 
A few words scribbled onto the guitar strap caught Jaehyunโ€™s attention and he unhesitatingly pulled them closer to his face to get a better look. It was like a little note, but words only you would say. Play me till the end.ย 
โ€œWow,โ€ Jaehyun whispered, feeling a thumping inside of his ribcage. โ€œYouโ€ฆ I literally mentioned that I wanted one of these in passing.โ€
โ€œWhen you talk, I listen.โ€
Jaehyunโ€™s eyes met yours. โ€œThank you.โ€
โ€œYouโ€™re welcome,โ€ you murmured, straddling his lap and tossing your arms around his neck. โ€œHappy birthday, baby.โ€
Jaehyun set his hands at your hips and kissed you restlessly, restraint taking the backseat as he absorbed every bit of your warmth and used it to fuel his fire. Your lips took him to the other side but your hands kept him grounded.ย 
Things felt different now. Kissing Jaehyun had never not been spellbinding, but right now? The feeling in your chest was indescribably hot.ย 
But it was dangerous and terrifying. It defied everything you told yourself to be true, and every principle you had laid out. This was deeper than building a relationship with the enemy. It was the intimacy that accompanied trusting another guy with your heart, and fighting the unshakable doubts.ย 
You had built something of a friendship with Jaehyun. Friends that occasionally kissed and felt each other up and had hooked up more than once.ย 
But what if you wanted more? What if you were really two star-crossed lovers that couldnโ€™t have each other? What if?
Jaehyun wondered if your feelings had gotten as tense as his were. Months ago, he was telling himself not to get too close to you because of who your brother was and your clear lack of romantic intentions, but no amount of walls he put up couldโ€™ve prevented his feelings from getting this deep.ย 
You wouldnโ€™t tell him even if they had. What good would it have done for him to know that you loved him, but you couldnโ€™t have him?ย 
When Jaehyun pulled back, he stared into your eyes, not at your lips. โ€œLetโ€™s go make hot cocoa,โ€ he said after a pause.
You blinked in surprise, but Jaehyun was already tugging you along before you could even think.ย 
The time in the kitchen together was a beautiful mess. You liked randomly bursting out into song and Jaehyun liked dancing, which ultimately turned into him tenderly cradling you there in his arms and mumbling into your ear, the hot cocoa all but forgotten.ย 
You especially liked the toasty smell of a hot, creamy mug of hot chocolate. It was very Jaehyun-like. The winter seasons in general were reminiscent of his personality, not because he was cold (like some people assumed), but the sheer opposite.ย 
Jaehyun was the warmest guy that you had ever met, in a way. Anyone who said otherwise didnโ€™t have the privilege of knowing him, but you? You liked to think that you had him all figured out.
Maybe there was a chance you did to an extent. Getting to know him over the course of these long months had definitely shifted your previous perspective. Jaehyun kept to himself because he was afraid of his vulnerability being used as a weapon, but when you broke those stubborn barriers, you saw that Jaehyun was just a guy that wanted a home.ย 
He had one, metaphorically speaking, but no one to share it between. That was why you used to think he was shy, and why others thought he was cold. Jaehyun wanted to protect the home heโ€™d built for himself and was reluctant to let others in, because he wanted it to be sturdy for the ones he would let stay.ย ย 
A hopeless romantic to his core.ย 
After making sure the kitchen was tidy, Jaehyun led you away to the infamous white couch that stretched along his living room wall. Your favorite spot in the whole house. Aside from his bedroom, of course.
Jaehyun, on the other hand, couldnโ€™t decide. Half of it was littered in a slew of memories of you and his whole bedroom smelled more like you than it did himself now. Picking a favorite would be an impossible choice.ย 
There was a lull of silence as the two of you sipped from your mugs, but it wasnโ€™t an issue. The silence was always comfortable with Jaehyun, as well as literally everything else about him.ย 
Though you didnโ€™t notice, the weird thing now was that Jaehyun was less secure. He didnโ€™t make it obvious, but he was remarkably nervous. Jaehyun tried to cloak his nerves when he said, โ€œI kind of got you something, too.โ€
Your eyes went wide with shock. โ€œYou got me somethingโ€ฆ for your birthday?โ€
โ€œI mean, yeah. Itโ€™s also Valentineโ€™s day and youโ€™reโ€ฆ important to me,โ€ Jaehyun confessed softly, a tiny smile breaking out onto his lips.ย 
โ€œI am?โ€
โ€œYou are,โ€ he whispered, hurriedly reaching into his pockets for something. Imagine your surprise when he dropped a USB drive into the palm of your hand. โ€œStick it into your computer when you get home.โ€
You nodded obediently, sitting it on the coffee table so that it wouldnโ€™t be crushed in your jeans, but your innate curiosity was never satisfied and you asked, โ€œWhatโ€™s on it?โ€
โ€œA surprise,โ€ was all Jaehhyun said.ย 
You hummed. If Jaehyun didnโ€™t want to tell you, you knew it would be pointless to press.ย 
But you would be lying if you said that it wasnโ€™t killing you.ย 
Jaehyun knew that. He knew you were a curious individual, because he was drawn to your insatiable need to know. But he didnโ€™t want to be there to see your reaction. Just looking at you made his chest taut and rejectionโ€™s brutal fangs still ripped him to shreds.ย 
At least you couldnโ€™t tell by looking at him. Jaehyun had made sure of that. โ€œTalk to me,โ€ he said, squeezing your hand.ย 
You smiled, because his hands were warm from the hot cocoa. โ€œAbout what?โ€
โ€œTell me more about yourself. Itโ€™s been months, but I feel like thereโ€™s still more to know about you. Talk to me about what you love. Your hopes and dreams.โ€
A little sigh left you. โ€œWhere do I even begin?โ€ That was what you said, but youโ€™d already continued without affording yourself any time to pause. โ€œI want to be an orthopedic surgeon. Iโ€™m obsessed with anatomy and how our bodies function. Thatโ€™s why Iโ€™ve been busting my ass for grad school.โ€
That much was obvious. Anybody that saw you on the party scene mightโ€™ve assumed you were merely another hopeless college student who only knew hooking up and getting shit-faced drunk, but Jaehyunโ€™s first time seeing you was in the back of a library with a laptop and a heap of textbooks.ย 
You were a hard-worker and no hangover stood a chance between you and your goals. But you were also just a normal girl who wanted to let loose sometimes. It was the perfect balance.ย 
Jaehyun was a keen listener. โ€œThat sounds tough.โ€
You fought a groan. โ€œGod, yes. But itโ€™s so worth it. Itโ€™s my senior year and Iโ€™ve been waiting my whole life for med school.โ€
โ€œYouโ€™ve wanted to be a surgeon for that long?โ€
โ€œIโ€™ve always known who I wanted to be,โ€ you exhaled contentedly. And for that you were endlessly grateful. โ€œWhat about you?โ€
Jaehyun shook his head. โ€œNo. Not always. First, I guess I had to leave home and do the whole โ€˜finding yourselfโ€™ thing.โ€
โ€œThereโ€™s nothing wrong with that. Itโ€™s rare that people are born with an innate sense of who they are. We deserve to live life through trial and error. Thatโ€™s freedom,โ€ you said.
Jaehyun wholeheartedly agreed. Leaving home to explore his identity mightโ€™ve been the toughest decision he ever made, but also the best one. โ€œWhat about love?โ€
โ€œWhat about it?โ€
โ€œDid you ever dream of that, too?โ€
You shouldโ€™ve figured he would go there. It was the essential question. The world of trauma beyond your control. โ€œI used to,โ€ you admitted, somber. โ€œI just havenโ€™t had a ton of faith in it lately. Thatโ€™s what happens when you grow up, I think. You realize lifeโ€™s not like the movies.โ€
Funny how I call you a hopeless romantic when hopeless romantics are anything but hopeless. In spite of the pain and the betrayal, they refuse to accept that they might die alone one day. If anything, Iโ€™m the hopeless one. Iโ€™ve fallen in love with the one boy I could never make mine.ย 
Jaehyun frowned for a split second, but recovered quickly. โ€œYeah, I know.โ€
You wondered who had hurt him, but chose not to ask. If he wanted to tell you, then he already wouldโ€™ve.ย 
โ€œYou didnโ€™t ask me,โ€ Jaehyun started.ย 
You glanced up at him.ย 
โ€œAbout my pain,โ€ he continued shortly. โ€œAbout her.โ€
โ€œI didnโ€™t think you were ready.โ€
โ€œDo you want to know?โ€
โ€œI mean, yeah. Of course, I want to know who hurt you and how that made you who you are. I want to understand you. But only as much as you want me to,โ€ you told him. The truth was that as curious as you were, you were afraid of overstepping. The same way that Jaehyun was terrified of oversharing.ย 
He replied with total certainty, โ€œI want you to know.โ€
You swallowed, feeling a lump form in your throat and unsure why. It was his deep, dark secrets being revealed, not yours. Plus you were positive there wasnโ€™t a single person in the county who didnโ€™t know your history with your one and only ex. โ€œOkay. Take your time.โ€
Jaehyun heaved a shaky breath, preparing himself to share something that heโ€™d never specifically told anyone. โ€œBack home in Seoul, I dated a girl. I was naive and I thought she was the one. But she wasnโ€™t. She only wanted a guy handsome enough to impress her parents.โ€
You maintained eye contact to let Jaehyun know you were listening.ย 
Jaehyun continued, โ€œI guess we had different desires in life. She wanted a boy to show off and I wanted a girl who was my best friend at the foundation. We only talked about surface things. I couldnโ€™t be myself around her.โ€
You nodded. That sounded like the Jaehyun you knew.ย 
โ€œThen, I found out she was cheating on me,โ€ Jaehyun added calmly, but he still recalled the trembles of anger that wrecked through his body. โ€œAnd I left her then and there. I dipped. I mightโ€™ve been a naive idiot, but I knew my worth. She was my first and my last.โ€
You were shocked. That you shared the same pain - an unfaithful partner - and that Jaehyun hadnโ€™t had nearly as many other partners as you thought he wouldโ€™ve. โ€œYouโ€™ve only dated once?โ€
โ€œFor me, once was enough to figure out what I wanted in a relationship, and it wasnโ€™t a girl who I could barely trust or be myself with,โ€ Jaehyun said. โ€œI talked to other girls, but like I said before, nothing lasted, and Iโ€™ve obviously hooked up.โ€
Ironically, Iโ€™ve been hurt more by girls I never had than a girl that was supposed to belong to me.ย 
โ€œI harbored resentment for a long time, but what lasted longer was the leftover fear of trusting someone again. I only let people see what I want them to see. And because of that, Iโ€™m a little lonely sometimes, but itโ€™s okay.โ€
โ€œDoes it get sad?โ€ you asked quietly.ย 
Jaehyun shrugged his shoulders. โ€œMaybe, but itโ€™s better than being heartbroken. Anyways, Iโ€™ve gotten better about inviting people into my life and having good judgment. Time makes it easier.โ€
You make it easier, was what he meant, but Jaehyun wasnโ€™t that bold yet. He might have been the one to approach you and attempt to initiate this private affair, but you sticking around was the last thing he expected. And that opened the door for the possibility that relationships didnโ€™t have expiration dates.ย 
Reading between the lines, you were hoping that somewhere along them he wasnโ€™t hinting about a potential future with you. Jaehyunโ€™s head was in the clouds, but you were grounded below the surface. Because you had already resigned yourself to the fact that you didnโ€™t have a future together.
But of course, that never stopped you from letting him undress you.ย 
You were hyper aware of Jaehyunโ€™s eyes staring into yours and it was beginning to unnerve you a little. โ€œIs there hot cocoa on my face?โ€
Jaehyun shook his head with a cute laugh and finally leaned into you for a kiss, obviously done speaking and prepared to show. You let him take you down onto the couch, laid defenseless beneath him, on the edge of surrender.ย 
You giggled into his lips, pleased at how silly it was that he tasted like the hot drink youโ€™d shared. Your hands were wound through his hair and tugging him closer to you, wanting to be inseparable. You wouldnโ€™t be sated till his soul was tied to yours.ย 
When it came to your body, you were more than inclined to let Jaehyun dominate you. But your heart was more than you had bargained for.ย 
Jaehyun yanked at the waistband of your sweatpants and you swore you could sense your heart swelling with the exhilaration of getting laid by the only guy you wanted. You raised your hips, letting him take them and your underwear from underneath you.ย 
You gasped loudly when his fingers ghosted along the insides of your thighs and unhurriedly traveled to your core, which was throbbing at the barest of touches. Jaehyun made you ache. Your body neglected every thought that didnโ€™t concern him when it longed for him to use it until you were sore.ย 
Jaehyun sucked a slick pair of fingers into his mouth fleetingly before inserting them inside your pussy, making you verbally respond to the contact with a soft whimper, and stole the sound right from your lips with a hot wet kiss. You only tightened around his digits when he pressed his lips to you and it made his head spin quicker than ever.ย 
You pulled back and panted, โ€œSo, you wonโ€™t let me sleep on the couch, but youโ€™ll fuck me on it?โ€
โ€œItโ€™s seen worse days,โ€ Jaehyun said, muting the sound of his own chuckle when he pressed his mouth to your neck.ย 
You were torn between a laugh and a moan and the final sound was a breathy whimper of Jaehyunโ€™s name. His mouth felt too good on your neck and you couldnโ€™t forget his hands between your parted legs. Gentleman in the streets, but a beast in the sheets.ย 
Jaehyun was touching you impatiently. Your exhales were loud and jagged when he pulled back from your stained throat, and Jaehyun couldnโ€™t help but imagine the noises you would make when he was finally seated deeply inside of your pussy that was clenching around his long slender digits.ย 
Deciding you were wet enough to take his cock, Jaehyun recouped his hand from between your thighs and asked, โ€œYou ready for me, baby?โ€
โ€œMore than,โ€ you whispered, disgruntled with the emptiness but consoled by the knowledge that you would be full of him momentarily.ย 
Jaehyun stepped out of his clothes without hesitation and got a hold of your naked legs, dragging you toward him and leaving no room for empty space. The two of you locked eyes when he finally started to penetrate you and he looked at you with need. But you glanced away. You couldnโ€™t stare into his soul as he captured yours. You couldnโ€™t do it.ย 
You moaned when he pushed the head of his cock through your entrance and again when it went as deeply as it could enter. The stretch was so mad, but so good. You never knew how closely the pain could be interlocked to pleasure before Jaehyun took you for a spin on his big cock.
Jaehyun pulled out with a disgruntled groan, stealing the pleasure before you could really soak in the sensation.ย 
You winced your eyes open and asked confusedly, โ€œWhy did you do that?โ€
โ€œI forgot a condom,โ€ Jaehyun admitted bashfully, a timid little glint in his stare.ย 
โ€œGee, you sure chose a fantastic time to remember,โ€ you deadpanned.ย 
Jaehyun looked like he was a little ashamed and it amused the hell out of you. In the heat of your vice-like cunt, heโ€™d lost track of all thoughts other than getting his cock inside.ย 
You gawked when he stood and you caught an eyeful of his cute butt when he turned for the stairs. โ€œWhere are you going?โ€
Like it was the most obvious thing in the whole world, Jaehyun replied nonchalantly, โ€œTo get a condom.โ€
โ€œSit your cute ass down,โ€ you told him a bit too assertively. โ€œYou can have me raw.โ€ย 
Jaehyun looked like his brain short-circuited. โ€œFor real?โ€
You nodded. โ€œYes, for real, you dummy. Just pull out.โ€
Jaehyun combed his fingers through his hair and groaned, โ€œThatโ€™s one hell of a responsibility, woman.โ€
You purred teasingly, โ€œAre you scared you wonโ€™t be able to do it, or are you scared that youโ€™ll bust too fast?โ€
Jaehyunโ€™s eyes fell to your gorgeous, spread legs, thickly swallowing the lump in his throat at the mouth-watering sight of you laid bare and exposed as you waited for him to take you. Fuck. Maybe both.
You snickered to yourself. Unbeknownst to Jaehyun, you were on birth control. And you had no intention of telling him right now. You wanted to gauge his restraint.ย 
Jaehyun didnโ€™t reply, but he did return to the couch to slip between your folds again, and that was even better. Your pussy throbbed tirelessly, missing the way his thick cock stretched you out, and it drew deep grunts from the very back edge of Jaehyunโ€™s throat.ย 
You could feel every inch of him pressed deep inside your pulsing walls, flush against you. All of him. There was literally nothing to separate the two of you, exactly as you had wanted, only the heat and tightness of your cunt suffocating his cock relentlessly.ย 
Jaehyun loved how you took him like a fucking champ. You sucked his cock back in like you needed it, like you needed him just as badly as he needed you. Your eyes winced closed and your lips parted as you sang his name in a shrill whimper.ย 
You were rapt with ecstasy at his long, deep thrusts that took you to the moon. The pain and guilty thoughts disappeared into his slow yet steady rhythm, as if Jaehyun wanted to make sure you could feel every bit of himself that he had to offer.ย 
Like he was making love to you.
โ€œYouโ€™re so beautiful. Iโ€™m in love with your body,โ€ Jaehyun whispered gently into your ear, hooked on you.
You moaned, oblivious to the fact that he really meant he was in love with you. When your naked bodies were bursting with heat and satisfaction, meeting each other in a wet collision, all else ceased to matter.ย 
Jaehyun kissed you again. You swore he stole the pulse right from your chest in that very moment, your heart open to him. His hands were everywhere, tenderly cupping your breasts and thumbing your stiff nipples. This was pleasure. This was elysian. This was all yours.
You were breathless when the two of you separated and the minutes of your lips tangled together felt like mere seconds. God, Jaehyun made you insatiable. As you did to him. The two of you couldnโ€™t get enough, not of the sex and not of each other. It was lethally dangerous to want something as badly as you both wanted one another.ย 
But you knew that when you laid eyes on him, when you indulged him. You knew that he was endless trouble and yet you crept into his arms anyway like a moth to the flame.ย 
โ€œGod, fuck,โ€ you rasped, throat hoarse from how you were screeching his name. โ€œYou make me feel so good.โ€
Jaehyun was so gentle and affectionate with you, tickling kisses down every bit of your soft skin his lips could access. It was times like these, when he completed you perfectly, where you welcomed the thought that you were made for each other. And only for each other.ย 
Your mouth was dry, open with every halfway cry of Jaehyunโ€™s name that you could manage. Your skin was damp and sticky with moisture, a thin layer of sweat keeping his skin adhering to yours. Of course, there was a similar glistening sheen dripping down Jaehyun, beading at his forehead and neck.ย 
It made you lick your chapped lips. This man was abundantly mouth-watering. You wanted to give him anything he wanted and in this sex-induced haze, you knew that you would have.ย 
Jaehyun noticed your eyes fixated on literally anywhere but his face and it made him chuckle smugly. He craned his head downwards to nibble beneath your ear and groan praises about how perfect and tight you were around his cock.ย 
You tangled your hands in his hair again, desperate to ground yourself, before sitting them at his handsome broad shoulders. He had no business being this good at touching and fucking you. You were downright ashamed of the noises that left your lips but made no attempts to block the pleasure causing them to slip into the dense air.ย 
โ€œLike that. Fuck, Iโ€™m gonna cum, Jay,โ€ you whimpered, squeezing his shoulders.ย 
The thought of you releasing around his bare cock made a shudder shoot through Jaehyun and he almost couldnโ€™t take it. You sensed his pace getting a little rougher, as if he was out to get you. Out to finish you. โ€œLook at me,โ€ he growled.ย 
You did. You didnโ€™t have any other options. Not when it was him bleeding you dry, making your body dependent on his touches.
Looking into his dark eyes, everything stopped. The whole world was set on pause. You almost couldnโ€™t breathe. This was how it felt to fall with no anchor.
โ€œI want you to cum on my cock,โ€ Jaehyun said lowly, rutting into you at a dangerous pace.ย 
You nodded. You were completely submissive to his desires.
There was a throbbing pressure in your gut that only got harsher with every wet smack of Jaehyunโ€™s hips into yours. You wound your legs around his waist and pulled him into you, wanting to fuse together your limbs.ย 
Your body felt as if it were on fire. The sweat cooling down your neck, the lack of oxygen in the air. The breaths Jaehyun snatched plain from your lips. It was more than enough to take you out.ย 
Jaehyun watched as your orgasm finally seized you in its open arms, taking you by surprise. Your abs tensed viciously and you arched into Jaehyun with pleasure, sensing your eyes roll to the very back of your head and your toes curl into taut knots.ย 
You were still sensitive from your climax but Jaehyunโ€™s pace was absolutely unforgiving, rutting into you mercilessly through your release. The tightness of your pussy drew a thick groan out of his mouth, but he still wasnโ€™t done with you yet. And you were very keen on letting him use your body until he finished.ย 
Jaehyun relented when you finally started to calm down after coming undone, kissing your cheeks and the corner of your lips as you went almost entirely slack. The only motion in you was the aggressive heave of your chest as you panted for breath.ย 
You let Jaehyun thrust in and out of you, fighting the overstimulation for his sake. You were content to feel him brushing against your slick walls and hear those breathy grunts.ย 
Smoothing your hands up and down his burly arms, you whispered, โ€œJay, baby, keep going. I donโ€™t care how long it takes. Fuck me until youโ€™re done.โ€
Jaehyun bit his lip to veil a pathetic moan at those words. After he took care of your needs, you were letting him ply you for his own pleasure. You were his vice, his ruining. Your fingers grazed across his back, gathering the droplets of moisture that were beading at the surface.ย 
You could feel how hot his skin was, burning up in the heat of you.ย 
Abruptly, Jaehyun pulled out of you and tore you upright, holding his desperate cock in the palm of his hand as he groaned, โ€œGet on your knees.โ€ย 
You obeyed without hesitation, meek. Crawling onto the carpet floor, you took him in your palms and stroked his thick girthy cock gingerly, careful not to be too rough. He was victimless in your warm hands, needy and at your mercy, leaving you with total control.ย 
Then it was game over for Jaehyun when you finally took him between your soft lips, gently easing him to the back of your throat. God, it was a struggle to fit his big cock completely into your mouth, but you somehow managed. You kept your cheeks hollowed, opening them for him to thrust.ย 
โ€œFuck,โ€ Jaehyun moaned, head thrown back and eyes winced closed. You knew exactly what needed to be done to finish him off.ย 
You liked playing with his cock, obviously, but you loved having it in your mouth way more. There was nothing like driving Jaehyun to the cusp of insanity, teasing him with your tongue and hot mouth, plucking those beautiful sounds out of his lips. He lost himself whenever he was inside your throat.ย 
Jaehyun was in total bliss. Your mouth was no less impressive than your sheathlike cunt for all he knew, your lips wrapping around his stiff cock feverishly without a doubt in your mind that you could make him lose his own, and he almost didnโ€™t want to orgasm yet. He only knew you, and what you did to him. And he was too greedy to want it to end.ย 
You had this boy all to yourself, wrapped tightly around your fingers with nowhere to hide. And you didnโ€™t have the slightest clue what to do with him, or yourself.ย 
Aside from pleasuring each other in bed, or on the couch in this case. You were exceptionally gifted at getting him off.
Jaehyun could feel himself approaching the threshold of release and he did everything in his power to fight it off, to keep it at bay, but it was basically useless. He couldnโ€™t even help but fuck your mouth. You were working him too good and he was coming whether he liked it or not.ย 
You were impressed that he had even lasted this long. Normally, when you let a guy hit it raw, they could barely resist emptying their load into you at the peak of climax.ย 
Jaehyun ultimately couldnโ€™t control himself anymore and his jaw slacked with a deep, lethal groan as his hips came to a total standstill, painting the back of your throat with a streak of cum. Fuck, it was the sexiest noise youโ€™d ever heard, and it aroused a throbbing between your legs.ย 
You managed to gulp him down and it was the hottest thing Jaehyun had ever seen watching you swallow his cum like that. He pulled back, a misty gleam in his dark soulless eyes as he collapsed onto the couch, breathless. There was a layer of dew at your lashes and you dabbed at your eyes to wipe them clear.ย 
Jaehyun looked like heโ€™d just had the ground ripped from underneath him. โ€œYou just blew my mind,โ€ he said through jagged breaths.ย 
You didnโ€™t miss a beat. โ€œI just blew you.โ€
Jaehyun laughed, shaking the hair out of his face.ย 
After both of you found your clothes and redressed yourselves, you decided to mention slyly, โ€œBy the way, Iโ€™m on birth control.โ€
Jaehyunโ€™s mouth gaped open. โ€œAre you serious? I was scared you might get pregnant.โ€
โ€œThat didnโ€™t stop you from fucking me though, now did it?โ€ you replied, crossing your arms.ย 
โ€œI wasnโ€™t that scared.โ€
You snickered. This idiot was a man you wanted to protect with your life, but you knew that you lacked the arsenal. โ€œBesides, at least our baby wouldโ€™ve had the worldโ€™s finest father.โ€
โ€œAnd the worldโ€™s finest mother. They wouldโ€™ve been beautiful,โ€ Jaehyun flirted.ย 
Your cheeks flushed with heat at the compliment and his obvious flirtatious behavior. โ€œI meant that you wouldโ€™ve been a good dad, but sure. That works too.โ€
Jaehyunโ€™s eyes flickered in shock. โ€œWhy do you think that?โ€
You shrugged, not thinking too hard about it. You didnโ€™t need to when the answer was right at the tip of your tongue. โ€œBecause love itself is your passion. Youโ€™re selfless, patient. Protective. And you fight for what you love.โ€
Jaehyun said nothing. He was mulling over your confession, suspiciously quiet the whole time, but you were so tired that you hardly noticed. Your body was spent and you wanted to go upstairs and climb into his bed.ย 
You stretched your arms over your head and stood to collect the cocoa-stained dishes in your arms. Jaehyun blinked at the action, and wouldโ€™ve stopped you to do it himself, but you were already halfway to the kitchen by the time he noticed.ย 
Jaehyun walked over and pressed himself behind you, draping his arms around your hips and resting his chin on your shoulder. You giggled, enamored with how it felt to be skin-to-skin with him, and when you finished with the two mugs, he reached over your head to set them down in the cabinets.ย 
You dragged Jaehyun upstairs by his arm to his own bedroom and slipped beneath his silk sheets, but invited him to drape himself above you and rest his head on your chest like you were his fluffy pillow and he was the thick, cozy blankets.ย 
It was comfortable that way. You liked Jaehyunโ€™s weight on you, so close to you, crushed beneath the pressure. His arms would tangle around you and leave you little room to escape. But you wouldnโ€™t want to leave.ย 
That was how you woke up sometimes. You used to be afraid that youโ€™d accidentally rouse him and disturb his beauty slumber, but Jaehyun always slept like a ton of bricks. This boy could probably sleep through a hurricane and wake up wondering what happened to his roof.ย 
You sighed, whisking your fingers through his dark hair and staring at his face. You expected his eyes to be closed when you looked at him, but they were watching you. The ache in your chest was unignorable, unbearable.ย 
Those long nights and shorter mornings with Jaehyun were all you had, but you wanted something of permanence and you were finally admitting it to yourself. You knew these moments couldnโ€™t last forever and didnโ€™t attempt to deny it, but you were hoping and wishing.ย 
Smoothing your thumb down Jaehyunโ€™s cheek, you felt a piece of your heart crumble. I canโ€™t have you and I donโ€™t even know why.ย 
โ€œJay?โ€ you whispered.ย 
You hesitated, brimming with reluctance. A few months ago, you wouldโ€™ve thought it wasnโ€™t your place to ask, but dammit Johnny was your brother and Jaehyunโ€ฆ meant something to you. This was officially your business. โ€œWhy does my brother hate you?โ€ you asked.ย 
Jaehyun sat up abruptly, surprised. You matched the shock in his eyes, startled by his sudden movements. โ€œYou donโ€™t know?โ€
You shook your head. โ€œNo. Johnny never told me. I assumed he would when he was ready, but itโ€™s killing me and I need to know.โ€ Because I canโ€™t make sense of why we canโ€™t be together, but ironically, it makes it easier to justify being here with you right now.
Jaehyun ran his fingers through his hair, looking particularly perturbed. No wonder it was so easy for you to climb into bed with him. Night after night, weekend after weekend.ย 
You were almost afraid to ask, โ€œIs this going to change my perspective on you?โ€
โ€œIt shouldnโ€™t if you believe me,โ€ Jaehyun said, but the truth was that he wasnโ€™t too confident that youโ€™d take his side.ย 
You peered up at him expectantly, resting your hand on his back while he sat beside you. You were partly terrified to know the truth, watching him nervously, but god, you were exhausted of being kept in the dark.ย 
Jaehyun exhaled deeply. He didnโ€™t want to lose you, not before he truly had you, but he knew what he was, and more importantly, he knew what he wasnโ€™t. โ€œYou knew Mike, right?โ€
You bobbed your head, lips parting in surprise at the mention of Johnnyโ€™s friend, but let him continue.ย 
Jaehyun explained, โ€œIโ€™m sure you know, but he was addicted to drugs and it was fucking up his whole life. I tried to help him get clean before he fucked around and killed himself. And he was, I think. Thatโ€™s what he said.โ€
You recognized this story. Johnny had said something similar, but it was about his own efforts. You somehow never realized that Jaehyun and Mike were friends. โ€œBut?โ€
โ€œBut then he wasnโ€™t clean anymore,โ€ Jaehyun said in the tiniest voice ever. โ€œLast year, at one of Xiaojunโ€™s parties. It came out of nowhere. He overdosed on fent and coke.โ€
You knew that too. And you hated that Mike was gone so soon, taken by a poison he couldnโ€™t stop once heโ€™d gotten his hands on it. It was heartbreaking.ย 
โ€œThen some people started to say that I did it, that I gave him the drugs. And I was at the party only a room away when he ODโ€™d, but I swear to god it wasnโ€™t me. But they ran with it anyway.โ€
You frowned, pausing your handsโ€™ consolations at his back in shock. It was starting to add up now, why Johnny hated Jaehyun. Because he thought he was complicit in the death of one of his closest friends.ย 
That was when he started to become a tad too overprotective of you and it didnโ€™t take a genius to piece together why, but you never knew it was the reason he loathed Jaehyun and didnโ€™t want you anywhere near him. There were so many nights where you went to parties at Jaehyunโ€™s house and Johnny would ask if youโ€™d done any drugs.ย 
Because of Jaehyun.ย 
โ€œGod, to this day, I want to punch the bastard that gave Mike that stuff. And if I knew who he was, Iโ€™d kick his ass. So, I can understand why Johnny wants to kick mine. But it wasnโ€™t me,โ€ Jaehyun said, sounding broken.ย 
You blinked, taking it all in silently. You were at a crossroads.ย 
Though he was hesitant, Jaehyun glanced into your eyes, unsure of what your silence meant. It was killing him. โ€œPlease tell me you believe me.โ€
โ€œI believe you,โ€ you said, because you did. You had no reason to doubt Jaehyun. Plus you hadnโ€™t known him to press his luck with anything other than weed in the time that youโ€™d known each other.ย 
โ€œThank god,โ€ Jaehyun sighed in relief. โ€œDoes this change things between us?โ€
You shook your head. โ€œNo. I thought you were a good guy before and I still think youโ€™re a good guy now. Nothing is new.โ€
โ€œThank you.โ€
โ€œFor what?โ€
Jaehyun rested his head on your shoulder and mumbled with obvious melancholy, โ€œTrusting me.โ€
You laced your fingers through Jaehyunโ€™s, squeezing his hand. โ€œIโ€™ll always trust you.โ€
That warmed Jaehyunโ€™s heart and he sat there wondering what he had done to deserve you. It felt like there was a burden lifted from his shoulders.ย 
The day went on, bleeding into night. You expected Jaehyun to want to go somewhere to celebrate his birthday, but he reassured you that he was more than content to spend it indoors with you.
Still, it made you a little sad and you tried your best to cloak your gloomy emotions with your affections. You didnโ€™t want Jaehyun to know, but you were thinking about how nice it wouldโ€™ve been to do something as simple as go out together.ย 
Reasonably, you were shocked when Jaehyun said, โ€œI want to try out this Japanese restaurant with you next weekend.โ€
You blinked. โ€œYou want to go outโ€ฆ with me?โ€ you asked, making sure you werenโ€™t mistaken.ย 
Jaehyun nodded, enthusiastic. โ€œIs that a bad idea?โ€
โ€œWhat if we get caught together?โ€
Jaehyun shrugged. โ€œThatโ€™s a risk Iโ€™m willing to take.โ€
โ€œOf course it is. You donโ€™t have anything to lose,โ€ you said, but your tone was humorous.
Jaehyun replied without hesitation, โ€œI have you to lose.โ€
You were sold. Those five words were all you needed to hear.
There was a ginormous beaming smile on your face when you both finally decided to call it a night and you fell asleep with a certain soreness in your cheeks.ย 
Jaehyun stayed up a little later than you had. Not on purpose, but it was impossible to rest his eyes when he was distracted by your sleep patterns. Your soft snores and the way your hand curled over his stomach.ย 
It was the sheer opposite of annoying. It was intoxicating.ย 
He was the one clinging to you when you roused from bed after sunrise. You felt bad for slipping away like a thief in the night, but in your defense, it was daytime and you had to be in your professorโ€™s classroom for attendance.ย 
After washing up and tossing on a spare outfit you had in Jaehyunโ€™s room for events like these, you scribbled an apologetic note that he would surely find on his nightstand and quietly crept downstairs with a sadness weighing on you now that you had to leave.ย 
And surely enough, Jaehyun woke up to the note and smiled like a dumbass when he rubbed his eyes and read it to himself.ย 
Good morning, sleeping handsome. Iโ€™m gonna miss you today, but I have an early afternoon class that I have to pass to graduate. You sleep like deadweight, by the way. I had to fight out of your arms and you didnโ€™t notice. See you next weekend. Call me.ย 
Jaehyun crawled out of bed and headed to the bathroom for a shower, but he could tell that youโ€™d obviously already taken one with a single simple glance, and he was wishing you had invited him to join you.ย 
Now he sounded like a guy. Which was fair, because he was one.ย 
You raced home after class ended. Though you had more than enough exams that it wouldโ€™ve been a good idea to study for, the main thing on your mind was plugging in the flash drive Jaehyun had gifted you, because you still were dying to know what was on it.ย 
It was safe to say that a song was the last thing you were expecting.ย 
You froze on your bed, unsure of how to feel. Everything hit you hard. The wistful yet romantic lyrics, the softness of his voice. Jaehyun was pouring his heart out to you, opening up to you about his feelings the best way he knew how.ย 
There was a ripple of emotions bursting through you. The lyrics were a little too sentimental for you to attempt to convince yourself that this wasnโ€™t Jaehyunโ€™s idea of a love confession. Maybe youโ€™d known all along, but you didnโ€™t want to accept it, because you knew that it wasnโ€™t written in the stars.ย 
Now you had no choice.ย 
You sat there and cried. God, it was a beautiful song and that only made the tears drip even harder. You were bemused and overwhelmed. Bemused that he had obviously taken a lot of time out of his busy life to sit there and record a song for you, and overwhelmed by everything else.ย 
Jaehyun loves me. Jaehyun really loves me, you thought, admitting it to yourself. And it scared you to death, because you loved him too.ย 
Then the day came for you to hang out at the restaurant. It was the first time you and Jaehyun actually spent time together outside of his house. The meetup on the bridge and the incident at Jenoโ€™s house didnโ€™t count. Those were merely instances youโ€™d happened to cross paths.ย 
When Jaehyun came up behind you in a back hug while you were waiting for him (you were embarrassingly early), you didnโ€™t jolt or startle, relaxing into his touch without sparing him a glance first. Nobody else would be wearing his sexy ass cologne.ย 
You didnโ€™t mention the song or acknowledge the obvious romantic tension between you at all, much to Jaehyunโ€™s disappointment. But he knew you definitely took the flash drive back home. It wasnโ€™t on the coffee table when he went downstairs, meaning you had grabbed it on your way out.ย ย ย 
He couldnโ€™t help but wonder if you had listened to it and vividly pictured your reaction, but Jaehyun knew it would be pointless obsessing over the thought if he wasnโ€™t going to ask.ย 
The truth was that you were conflicted. Your heart wanted Jaehyun, but you were rational and knew it was ridiculous. There was no point in setting yourselves up for more useless heartbreak.ย 
But you had fun with Jaehyun in that restaurant. You didnโ€™t want to admit it, but it was the closest thing to a date you would ever have with him. You talked and held hands underneath the table like the pair of lovers you hoped you were in another life.ย 
Your insatiable lovesick heart was aching for more. And the worst part was that Jaehyun was oftentimes right there in your arms but had never felt further.ย 
It wasnโ€™t until you were unfortunately back home and walking through the front door that you read aloud the text youโ€™d received from Johnny. We need to talk. Iโ€™ll be home in an hour. โ€œWell, that cannot be good,โ€ you mumbled to yourself.ย 
โ€œIt isnโ€™t.โ€
You jolted in alarm. You didnโ€™t know Johnny was home, though it had most definitely been well over an hour. Jaehyun was too interesting for you to even think about touching your phone once.ย 
Given the familiar less than content glare on Johnnyโ€™s face, you fought a groan, wondering what you couldโ€™ve possibly done now when youโ€™d been on your best behavior lately. You lilted in the usual tone you used when you wanted to get out of trouble, โ€œHi, my handsome big brother that I love dearly.โ€
Johnny, obviously not in the mood, snapped, โ€œTaeyong saw you with Jaehyun today. You wanna explain that to me?โ€
That was the last thing you expected him to say and the shock was plain on your face. โ€œWhat?โ€
Johnny shook his head, unsurprised that you were acting clueless, and though he was furious he tried not to raise his voice. โ€œDonโ€™t play dumb. Are you dating him - fucking him?โ€
โ€œIโ€™m not dating him, weโ€™re justโ€ฆ,โ€ you trailed in frustration, realizing that youโ€™d been caught. โ€œShit, yeah. Iโ€™ve fucked him and weโ€™re hanging out.โ€
Johnny blew out a long, exasperated sigh. โ€œI canโ€™t believe this. God, my own sister.โ€
Tears threatened. At this point, you were desperate. Your whole world was crashing down without warning. You wished you wouldโ€™ve at least seen the text and braced yourself. โ€œJohnny, please. If you gave him a chance, I think you two would really like each other!โ€
โ€œI could never like him,โ€ Johnny replied viciously, face tensing in fury as if the suggestion was an affront to his entire existence.ย ย 
You approached Johnny, somehow mustering the courage to come near him. โ€œPlease listen to me, alright? He didnโ€™t do it, Johnny. It wasnโ€™t him!โ€
Johnny gawked. He couldnโ€™t believe you were defending Jaehyun and took a gigantic step back, wanting to be nowhere near you. He hissed, โ€œOf course thatโ€™s what the bastard told you. Did he give you proof?โ€
Frantic, you shook your head, and it came to you that you only had trust to back Jaehyunโ€™s claims. โ€œNo, but...โ€
Johnny grabbed his keys and interjected, โ€œStop. Just stop. I donโ€™t even want to see your face right now.โ€
Your lips were agape when Johnny stormed towards the garage, full of purebred rage and disappointment.ย 
After a few minutes, the shock started to dull away and you temporarily regained the ability to function, racing upstairs to your bedroom to be inert. You hated the brutal sting splitting you in half. While your thoughts were on pause and you were consumed by emptiness, it was the one thing keeping you from dissociating.ย 
Sitting there on your bed, knees pressed to your chest and your arms curled around yourself, you couldnโ€™t even cry. It would come, but right now you were trying to process the pain. And in the meantime, you realized what needed to be done.
Two long days later, you were meeting Jaehyun at the bridge one final time. It took nearly forty-eight hours of gathering the courage to pick up your phone, but you had to let him know it was over. That this was goodbye.ย 
You ran your fingers across the wooden overlook, taking in nature, but even the peaceful noise of your surroundings failed to soothe your heartbreak.ย 
The sound of tentative footsteps barely drew you from your own head, and you didnโ€™t want to face your visitor. You knew it was Jaehyun. For more reasons than one.ย 
Though you couldnโ€™t see, Jaehyun had his hands in his pockets. โ€œAm I late?โ€
โ€œNo, youโ€™re perfectly on time. I got here early. I needed time to think,โ€ you replied with a fleeting glance at your watch.ย 
Jaehyun watched you with unease, a perturbed thud in his heart making it challenging to breathe. This was bad, he knew, and for whatever reason, that fear that he was doomed was unshakable. โ€œWhat happened?โ€
โ€œJohnny knows,โ€ you began, finally whipping around. It was the least you could do, knowing you had to break his heart. โ€œTaeyong saw us together. He snitched. Now Johnny wants nothing to do with me.โ€
Jaehyunโ€™s heart sank. No wonder you hadnโ€™t texted or called him in two days. Aside from inviting him here, that is. โ€œWhat now?โ€
โ€œI canโ€™t see you anymore. Johnny already hates me now. If I keep seeing you behind his back, I wonโ€™t have a brother anymore. I canโ€™t live with that guilt. Thatโ€™s why Iโ€™ve been running from it for months,โ€ you said quietly.ย 
Jaehyun stiffened, like a boulder. โ€œWeโ€™re giving up? Thatโ€™s insane! Donโ€™t let him stop us from being together.โ€
You recoiled, surprised. โ€œAre you asking me to choose you over my brother?โ€
โ€œNo, of course not,โ€ Jaehyun sighed, combing his hands through his hands as he searched for the right words.ย 
You desperately wanted to reach out to him, to touch him, but you couldnโ€™t bring yourself to move. โ€œYou should be with someone who can treat you the way you deserve to be treated. Someone you can hold and kiss outside without any worries. I canโ€™t give you that, Jaehyun.โ€
Jaehyun shook his head. โ€œNone of that matters to me. I want to be with you. I donโ€™t care what compromises I have to make.โ€
โ€œWell, I do,โ€ you whispered sullenly, reminding yourself of everything you had to lose. โ€œIt was never going to work. You had to know this. We arenโ€™t Shakespeare characters. Hell, even they donโ€™t get to be happy!โ€
Jaehyunโ€™s chest was taut with pain. It was usually him that had to tell people the brutal reality of unfortunate situations. And this was how it felt to be on the other side?
Fighting the oncoming threat of tears, you continued, โ€œIโ€™ve enjoyed these past months with you and weโ€™ve made special, unforgettable memories together. But enough is enough. We were gonna have to face the truth one day, and that day is today. It was inevitable. I hope that somehow we can still be friends.โ€
Jaehyun spat, โ€œI donโ€™t want to be just friends. I canโ€™t be just friends with you. Why donโ€™t you understand that?โ€
Oh, you did. You really, really did. This was hurting you in ways unimaginable and nothing couldโ€™ve prepared you for the moment where you had to set Jaehyun free.ย 
Not even knowing this day would come.ย 
โ€œI love you,โ€ Jaehyun confessed for the first time, taking some steps closer to you. The gleam in his eyes killed you.ย 
Those words were like ice in your veins. Your heart stopped beating. For half a minute, the whole world ceased. You shook your head, sensing a vicious pain returning to you. โ€œYou canโ€™t love me.โ€
Jaehyun switched on a dime and hissed, โ€œYou canโ€™t tell me how to feel.โ€
Denial still crept through your blood. Apparently, it was one of your many talents. Jaehyunโ€™s too. โ€œYouโ€™re in love with the idea of me. You just want somebody to love again and maybe I made you realize that, but you donโ€™t love me.โ€
Jaehyun was trembling. You were trying to diagnose him and he wouldnโ€™t stand for it. โ€œSaying that doesnโ€™t make it true.โ€
You were defiant. You needed it to be true. There had to be some way to get him to let you go and move on. You didnโ€™t want to resort to cruel methods, but you would if you were rendered optionless.ย 
Jaehyun continued, โ€œYou did make me realize that I wanted love again. But I also realized that I could have it all in you.โ€
Finally pushed past your limits, you shattered and screamed, โ€œGoddammit, Jaehyun - you canโ€™t have me!โ€
You turned away, hoping he would let you leave. You didnโ€™t want things to end on even worse terms than they already were.ย 
But you shouldโ€™ve known Jaehyun would be relentless. He was a fighter. You were what he wanted, what he loved, and heโ€™d damned if he surrendered without a fight. โ€œSo, thatโ€™s it? Youโ€™re just going to walk away?โ€ย 
You rooted in place and exhaled loudly, bristling with frustration. โ€œThe fuck do you want me to do, Jay? Itโ€™s out of my hands.โ€
โ€œTalk to Johnny - you know that I didnโ€™t do anything!โ€
โ€œNo, I donโ€™t know anything,โ€ you grumbled, crossing your arms tightly.ย 
That stunned Jaehyun. You didnโ€™t trust him anymore?
Jaehyun laughed, but it was humorless. Needless to say, he was pissed. โ€œWow. You gave up the fight before it started, before it was over. You never gave us a chance.โ€
You walked away. You didnโ€™t have the strength.ย 
Jaehyun kept prodding. You were unbelievable and he couldnโ€™t stand you right now. โ€œI bet this isnโ€™t just about Johnny. I bet him being your brother is just a cop-out so that you donโ€™t have to trust another guy again.โ€
Now that stung deep. He was hitting you where it hurt, making sure you understood how badly you had wounded him, and you realized there was a chance he was right and you hadnโ€™t even considered it. You whipped around, snapping, โ€œFuck you. I wish I never met you.โ€
Jaehyun watched you disappear behind the thick branches, simmering where he stood. God, he resented the fuck out of you right now. You were accepting defeat, throwing in the towel, and he hated you because of it.ย 
The seemingly endless months of ignorant bliss were washed down the drain all because you didnโ€™t want to be a little more optimistic. You couldโ€™ve had it all together, had you not resigned yourself to being unhappy. You were so hell-bent on being realistic that you closed the door on other possibilities.ย 
Almost the second you burst through the front door, your tears fell after what felt like an eternity of fighting them back. Johnny and your parents turned to face you with alarm when you paraded through the living room, but you ignored your motherโ€™s questions and made a beeline for your bed.ย 
Johnny didnโ€™t ask. He already knew, and he was only somewhat satisfied that you had done what shouldโ€™ve never needed to happen in the first place.ย 
The days of the week started to bleed into each other. You didnโ€™t talk to Jaehyun for obvious reasons. Johnny, the man whose shoulders you thought would always be there for you to lean on, was ironically giving you the cold shoulder. Andย  Mark wouldnโ€™t understand even if you explained, though you knew he was available.ย 
Never had you felt so alone. You had no one to escape to. No one who could comprehend or justify the moral dilemma you forced yourself into. Iโ€™ve truly outdone myself. Iโ€™ve betrayed my brother, baffled my best friend, and lost my lover back to back. That has to be a world record.ย 
Seven days marked the longest time you had gone without speaking with Jaehyun since the onset of this private love affair. He didnโ€™t call or text you either, which was understandable. Plus it was what you wanted, or at least that was what you used to think.ย 
You werenโ€™t sure anymore. Cutting him off was the whole purpose of meeting him, but why did it make you feel so isolated?
It wasnโ€™t that long ago that you did it because you thought it was the right choice, or maybe because you thought it would make things better. But it hadnโ€™t. Now that you had effectively shielded yourself from the universe, you were less free and more lonely.ย 
And time continued to fly by, days of leaving the house only to attend class and coming back to your room only to collapse into sorrow.ย 
Johnny felt bad. At night, there were a couple of times where he hovered near your door and heard you sobbing, but he was too petty and spiteful to knock or check up on you. You had stung him too.ย 
The difference was that when Mike died, you did everything in your power to console Johnny. You gave him the space he needed, of course, but you opened the door for him to talk to you if he wanted and lent him a shoulder to cry on. You bought all his favorite snacks and encouraged him to go outside, even if it was just the backyard.ย 
Now, you were suffering your own loss, one of many but in a different manner. It wasnโ€™t like you were a bereaved wife, but the agony wasnโ€™t any less excruciating.ย 
Mark came over whenever he had the extra time to spare every week to check up on you, reminding you that you werenโ€™t as alone as you thought you were, but you still didnโ€™t want to confide in him about your emotions. You were afraid he would unintentionally make you feel more stupid.ย 
You were a little verklempt. Maybe more than. They said time was the healer of all wounds, but with every week spent without Jaehyunโ€™s familiar musk in the air and dreamy voice in your ear, you felt less and less whole.ย ย ย 
What could you have done to keep him close to you, even if it was just for a little while longer? Maybe if you hadnโ€™t ended on such cold, distant terms, moving on would be easier and you would be happier. You couldโ€™ve contentedly looked back on the memories of your last time together knowing you had done everything in your control to make it better.ย 
But you were worried that that was false. You were worried that Jaehyun was right and this ending was premature.ย 
It doesnโ€™t matter, premature or not. It was going to end either way. Thereโ€™s no point in delaying the inevitable, you reassured yourself in what you once believed was aggressively honest consolation, but you were starting to question how you could be so certain.ย 
You told yourself that with the burden of your immoral secrets weighing you down, you and Jaehyun couldโ€™ve never been a pair. You knew it wouldnโ€™t last forever. Youโ€™d always known. You didnโ€™t expect things to make it this far, but dammit you didnโ€™t expect to have your fun cut short so soon either.ย 
It wasnโ€™t fair.ย 
Sometimes you dreamt of what it would be like to hold Jaehyun in your arms without worries, without stolen touches and kisses when nobody was paying attention.ย 
You sat in the nook at your window, curled up into yourself, thinking only about Jaehyun. If it wasnโ€™t for the stupid secret that unraveled far too damn quickly, maybe none of this wouldโ€™ve ever happened. Maybe I would have you, with nothing to lose. Nothing to fear.
Fuck, you shouldโ€™ve been happy. Given how unlucky in love you were, you doubted that you were intended to ever be happy. You hadnโ€™t smiled in an eternity. But Jaehyun made you feel your peak of happiness, as if you had never been more euphoric with anybody else.ย 
More than once, you had been in love, but never like how you were in love with Jaehyun. Why did things have to become so complicated for the both of us? Why did reality hit like a fucking freight train?
If only you never fell for Jaehyun, never even gave him the time of day, then you wouldnโ€™t be hurting. Your heart was being tortured.ย 
It took another day of stumbling into the kitchen with dark eye bags after yet another sleepless night of sobbing into your pillows, and Johnny ignoring your existence altogether while he poured himself a mug of coffee, but it finally occurred to you that you couldnโ€™t relive this agonizing cycle over and over.ย 
You were sick of the pain and the dread. The insufferably cold distance when his bedroom was right down the hall from yours. You were sick of sniveling until you had no more tears left to weep, until you felt totally empty.ย 
Something had to give.ย 
To your surprise, and luck, Mark called you a few minutes after you strolled back into your room wordlessly, devising a plan you loathed yourself for not thinking of earlier. โ€œHey, bestie. Talk to me,โ€ he said. โ€œHow you feeling?โ€
โ€œLike judgment day came early for me, I guess,โ€ you mumbled into the phone, collapsing onto your sheets.ย 
Mark sighed roughly. โ€œDamn. I was hoping you would feel a little better this week. Johnny said youโ€™re the worldโ€™s biggest hermit and itโ€™s kinda depressing.โ€
That shocked you to your core, but you tried to play it off. โ€œOh, Johnnyโ€™s been talking about me?โ€
โ€œWell, yeah. Iโ€™ve obviously been checking up on the both of you on the regular, and neither of you really wanna open up to me, but Johnny has less of an issue talking about you. Man, he still cares. Heโ€™s your brother.โ€
Your heart was sore. You wished he would tell you that himself. In your own home, to your own brother, you felt like a stranger.ย 
Tears burned your eyes, but you fought them and lilted playfully, โ€œOh, my beloved bestieโ€ฆโ€
Mark knew that tone and interjected, โ€œFuck.โ€
You fought a tiny laugh and continued, โ€œWould you mind doing your best friend a teeny tiny little favor?โ€
The suggestion alone sounded like bad news and Mark was questioning what he was about to get himself into, because no matter what came out his mouth first, you were his best friend. Of course, he was going to tell you โ€œyes.โ€
Mark huffed, โ€œJesus. Ease up on the mischief. Johnny still wants to beat my ass too, you know? He asked me if I knew you were boning Jaehyun and of course I couldnโ€™t lie. Iโ€™m a man of God.โ€
Because you didnโ€™t feel like disputing that statement, you ignored his speech entirely and asked knowingly, โ€œYour dadโ€™s a cop, isnโ€™t he?โ€
โ€œI donโ€™t like where this is going.โ€
Your voice was maybe a little hopeful. โ€œIs there a way that he can look into the investigation of Mikeโ€™s overdose?โ€
Mark knew exactly why you were asking and even he was ashamed he hadnโ€™t thought of the little plan. There was a brief pause before he said, โ€œIโ€™ll call you back.โ€ And then he hung up.ย 
You were a little tense sitting there on your bed waiting around for a phone call. Not because you were worried about Mark not doing it, which would be ridiculous because you both wanted what was best for Johnny. It was because you were scared of not having a solution.
Deciding it would be useless to sit around antsily, you took a well-deserved nap after a restless twenty-four hours of no sleep. It would only do you good. Even if Mark didnโ€™t have the answers you wanted, your grades would thank you.
Sleep came easy. Though they werenโ€™t Jaehyunโ€™s, it was nice and peaceful bunched beneath your blankets. You flipped your pillow over to the side that wasnโ€™t stained with tears and let darkness take the wheel.ย 
Johnny peeked inside your room after an hour or two, wanting to talk to you, but when he saw you comfortably snoozing in your bed and obliviously clinging onto a spare pillow for dear life, he backed away and shut the door. He knew you needed the rest.ย 
You jolted awake when your phone started to ring vehemently beside your head, cursing yourself for not turning on Do Not Disturb before immediately remembering why you didnโ€™t, and quickly lifting the phone to answer gruffly, โ€œHello?โ€
โ€œGood news,โ€ Mark started, sounding suspiciously chipper. โ€œI had my dad pull some strings. And youโ€™re gonna wanna hear this.โ€
Sitting up, you exclaimed in an impatient whisper, โ€œWell?โ€
โ€œJeong Jaehyun is not a suspect, for one. There were witnesses that confirmed him giving Mike his fix was impossible. But for two, the case reopened a few months ago and theyโ€™re literally about to bust the guy that did it. Theyโ€™re waiting on a warrant. Youโ€™ve got great timing,โ€ Mark said.ย 
You rubbed your eyes in disbelief. โ€œWhat the hell?โ€
โ€œIsnโ€™t this good news?โ€
โ€œYeah, it is,โ€ you whispered, too shocked to know how to feel. You didnโ€™t think the stupid plan would really work. โ€œThank you, Mark.โ€
Mark was quick to reassure you, โ€œYou donโ€™t need to thank me. Youโ€™re my best friend and Johnny is like my brother-in-law in some weird way. See, that sounds weird. Anyways, when do you plan on telling him?โ€
You laughed at his rambling, but hummed when you thought about his question. โ€œUh, would today be a bad time?โ€
โ€œThe sooner the better.โ€
You sighed in relief. Then, you donned the loveliest tone you could muster, and asked sweetly, โ€œWill you come with me please? I think your presence will really help.โ€
Mark retorted, โ€œShould I bring the entire police force too?โ€
You rolled your eyes and begged, โ€œCome on, Mark. Youโ€™re my bestie and I need you. Heโ€™s more mad with me than he is with you and plus you have the benefit of a credible father.โ€
โ€œI was already on my way,โ€ Mark chirped, jiggling his keys loudly before hanging up.ย 
You giggled. What would you do without that boy? He was your ride or die.ย 
Fifteen minutes later, Mark was pulling into your driveway and hopping out of the car. You let him in, locking the door behind your best friend and embracing him in the biggest hug of his life. You needed the comfort to wean off your nerves.ย 
The last thing you expected was for Johnny to come trudging down the stairs within the very next minute.ย 
You released Mark, turning to your brother, and you and Johnny said in unison, โ€œHey, I really need to talk to you.โ€
Johnny blinked in surprise. It almost seemed like he was mirroring you. Mark snickered to himself, mumbling something about you two obviously being related, but Johnny was chill and said, โ€œYou can go first.โ€
You heaved a breath. It was a shock that Johnny deliberately chose to speak to you for the first time, presumably without the intervening influence of your parentsโ€™ rebuttal on your behalf. โ€œI donโ€™t know how to say this, but first I wanted to tell you that Iโ€™m really sorry for sneaking around with Jaehyun behind your back. It was a really shitty thing for me to do.โ€
Johnny nodded along, listening.ย 
โ€œBut I fell in love with him,โ€ you said without hesitation. โ€œAnd Iโ€™m not going to ask you to accept us or anything. Thatโ€™s your choice. But I thought there was something you should know thatโ€™s bigger than Jaehyun and I.โ€
Johnny looked tense, but he encouraged you to go on. โ€œOkay.โ€
It felt like the whole world was watching you with Johnnyโ€™s eyes carefully set on your face, but you didnโ€™t let it stop you from continuing, โ€œIt really wasnโ€™t him that gave Mike his supply, and yes we have proof. Markโ€™s dad not only confirmed it wasnโ€™t him, but theyโ€™re working on getting him into custody.โ€
Mark nodded, standing right behind you. Like he was vouching for you the same way youโ€™d vouched for him all these years. โ€œItโ€™s true, Johnny. It wasnโ€™t Jaehyun. It was some random shady dealer that preys on addicts at these parties. He has a track record.โ€
Johnnyโ€™s eyes flickered. โ€œIt really wasnโ€™t Jaehyun?โ€
Mark shook his head. โ€œHeโ€™s innocent, dude.โ€
Johnny fell silent for a long time. You could see him stiffening, penitent. โ€œI donโ€™t know what to say,โ€ he whispered. โ€œI feel like shit now.โ€
You snorted. โ€œDonโ€™t do that to yourself. Please. Iโ€™ve felt like shit enough these past few weeks for the both of us.โ€
โ€œAbout that,โ€ Johnny began, getting whiplash. The look on his face was gentle, remorseful, and he hated himself for being anything else to his sister. To the last person that deserved his misplaced frustration. โ€œI wanted to tell you that Iโ€™m sorry for freezing you out.โ€
โ€œJohnnyโ€ฆ,โ€ you trailed.ย 
Johnny shook his head. He needed you to let him say this. โ€œI know youโ€™ve had a rough few weeks, and though I havenโ€™t exactly been pleased with you, youโ€™re still my sister. The least I couldโ€™ve done was ask you โ€˜how are you doing?โ€™ but I couldnโ€™t even be bothered.โ€
You sighed loudly. That was true. And youโ€™d be lying if you said it didnโ€™t rub salt in the wounds.ย 
โ€œI havenโ€™t done a good job at showing it, but I care for you. Youโ€™re my only sibling and letโ€™s be honest, I donโ€™t think Iโ€™ll be getting another one,โ€ Johnny said lightheartedly.ย 
You snickered. Damn right. You knew your parents would vehemently agree if they were here. They couldnโ€™t be happier that all of their kids were adults. Well, maybe if you moved out.ย 
Johnny breathed in some air. A lot of mistakes had obviously been made on both parts and he was ready to put it all behind him. โ€œI guess what Iโ€™m trying to say is that I forgot to do what was more important. Be your brother. And Iโ€™ll apologize for the rest of my life until you forgive me.โ€
โ€œNo need. I forgive you right now,โ€ you whispered, simpering.ย 
Johnny stood there like a dumbass, hesitant. He didnโ€™t feel like he deserved your forgiveness and would be spending the next weeks repairing his relationship with you, doing whatever it took.ย 
You took the lead, starting reluctantly, โ€œListen. I know Mikeโ€™s passing has been hard on you, Johnny. Thatโ€™s why you want to protect me and everything else you love in your life, but Iโ€™m an adult. You need to let me take care of me.โ€ย 
A cloud of melancholy hung over Johnny and it wouldnโ€™t leave. The grief was still fresh, as if Mike had died yesterday.ย 
You stepped forward, placing a hand on Johnnyโ€™s shoulder. โ€œAnd youโ€™re my big brother. Iโ€™ll obviously still give you a call when Iโ€™m going through a rough time. But you have to respect that Iโ€™m my own person.โ€
Johnny nodded. โ€œYeah, I know. Iโ€™m sorry about all that too. Iโ€™ll be better.โ€
โ€œI will too,โ€ you said, because the truth was that it was time the two of you started making efforts.ย 
Johnny grabbed you in his arms and pulled you into a gigantic bear hug. You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him close, and breathed easier in relief as weeks worth of wounds vanished.ย 
Wincing your eyes closed, you let yourself be content in your brotherโ€™s loving embrace for the first time in a while. You needed this.ย 
You could barely feel yourself breathe when Johnny started to hug you so tightly you thought he might accidentally squeeze the life out of you. โ€œAlright, chill, Johnny. I think I might die,โ€ you wheezed.
Johnny released you with a chuckle. You gasped for breath, shaking your head. Though the bone-crushing hug was appreciated nonetheless.ย 
Mark was content to be in the background and cheered in awe, โ€œIโ€™m so proud of you guys. You overcame your differences and reunited like real siblings. I knew it would happen eventually, but dude, this is refreshing to see.โ€
You nodded in agreement. One less broken relationship. But you had another one to salvage before it was too late.ย 
Then, Mark remembered Johnny was none too thrilled that he was complicit in you getting away with your sneaky little secret and asked, โ€œYo, Johnny, are we good?โ€
Mark gawked.ย 
โ€œIโ€™m kidding,โ€ Johnny said with a teasing lilt. โ€œWeโ€™re good, man.โ€
Mark exhaled in relief. โ€œThank god.โ€
You smiled to yourself. You were happy, but you couldnโ€™t shake the feeling that something was missing from your life.ย 
Johnny clamped a hand onto your shoulder and said, โ€œGo get him.โ€
You gasped, but you didnโ€™t question how he knew. He just did. It was a sibling thing. โ€œYou mean it?โ€
โ€œYes. You said it yourself. You love him, and I have no reason to come between that anymore. You deserve to be happy after dating asshole after asshole,โ€ Johnny told you (sort of) kindly.ย 
You snickered, and grabbed your keys from your pockets. โ€œPray for me. Heโ€™s not gonna be thrilled.โ€
Johnny shook his head, disagreeing. โ€œYeah, he will. Tell him that Iโ€™m very sorry, but the threat to kick his ass still stands if he fucks with you.โ€
โ€œIโ€™ll be sure to let him know,โ€ you deadpanned, heading for the door.ย 
The drive to Jaehyunโ€™s house was inexplicably anxious. You could still think, but every thought went by at the speed of a thousand miles per second. And it didnโ€™t help that you were overthinking the entire situation, dreading the endless amount of โ€œwhat ifs.โ€
For fuckโ€™s sake, you didnโ€™t even know if he would be there. You were showing up unannounced, uninvited. What if he had already found another woman to keep him company in your forgettable absence?
Then, you were at his front doorstep. And you had no time to vividly imagine every possible scenario, because Jungkook answered your knocks and you could only barely see inside.ย 
You politely greeted him in a small voice and asked, โ€œCan I come inside?โ€
Jungkookโ€™s eyes narrowed and he didnโ€™t waste any time in snapping, โ€œWhy should I let you in after you broke my friendโ€™s heart?โ€
โ€œBecause Iโ€™m sorry and I want to set things right with him,โ€ you said, matching his lack of hesitation.ย 
Yugyeom hurried over and took the lead, widening the door for you to enter and whining dramatically, โ€œOh, god. Please come in. Fix him. Do your womanly magic and bring him back to life. Iโ€™m sick of his brooding ass.โ€
You wanted to laugh, but you hated the thought of causing Jaehyun all this suffering. If it was anything like the kind youโ€™d been through lately, you knew he was in a tough spot.ย 
Thanking Yugyeom, you made a beeline for the stairs, rushing up them like Jaehyun would somehow know it was you approaching them and slip away before you could get the chance to apologize.ย 
You knocked on Jaehyunโ€™s door, but you guessed he really wasnโ€™t expecting you to come over, because he shouted exasperatedly, โ€œJesus, Yugyeom. Fuck off.โ€
โ€œItโ€™s not Yugyeom,โ€ you called back. โ€œItโ€™s me.โ€
All you could hear was silence. Then there was a shuffle, and a few moments later the door clicked unlocked and Jaehyun was standing before you in all his glory. โ€œWhat are you doing here?โ€
โ€œI walked to talk,โ€ you replied timidly, struggling to maintain eye contact.ย 
Irritated, Jaehyun huffed, โ€œWe already had a conversation.โ€ Though the truth was that he was glad you were here, standing in front of him again. He was borderline miserable without you in his life.ย 
The reminder of your final exchange with Jaehyun made you wince in shame. โ€œI know, but I wanted to apologize. Wonโ€™t you at least hear me out?โ€
Jaehyun turned to return to his bed, reminding sharply, โ€œYouโ€™re the one that walked away. I was willing to at least try to make us work, but you didnโ€™t even want to do that.โ€
โ€œBecause I thought it would be useless,โ€ you admitted, giving chase and shutting the door behind yourself. โ€œBut I donโ€™t anymore. You were right. I shouldโ€™ve fought for us and I regret not doing it earlier.โ€
Jaehyun mightโ€™ve acted like he wasnโ€™t listening, being totally dismissive, but he definitely noticed your specific use of language. โ€œYou said โ€˜earlier.โ€™ What do you mean?โ€
You had a beaming smile on your face as you admitted, โ€œI mean, I talked to Johnny about us. I managed to get him to listen to me and proved your innocence. Thank god Markโ€™s father is a cop.โ€
Jaehyun softened. โ€œYou did all that? Why?โ€
โ€œBecause youโ€™re worth fighting for,โ€ you whispered tenderly, looking at Jaehyun like he was your entire universe.ย 
Jaehyun was so close to accepting that he would never have anyone look at him that way again. After a heartbreak, the feeling of being unlovable always loomed over his head and you were no different. But dammit if he wasnโ€™t tired of the doubts.ย 
Tentatively, you came towards Jaehyun completely, sitting beside him on his mattress that you missed almost as much as you missed him. โ€œI didnโ€™t mean it, when I said I wish I never met you.โ€
Jaehyun almost laughed. That was the least hurtful thing to leave your lips. โ€œI know. You were upset. And you had every right to be.โ€
You frowned, suspicious of how calm he was. You half expected him to lash out. โ€œStop being understanding.โ€ย 
โ€œIf youโ€™re expecting me to be angry, I canโ€™t do anything for you. Iโ€™ve already spent the past few weeks in that stage of grief.โ€
You blinked. It was as if he could read your mind. โ€œWhere are you at now?โ€
Jaehyun was totally indifferent when he told you, โ€œBargaining.โ€
โ€œFunny. Me too,โ€ you sighed. If only you had been more open-minded, you could have spared you and Jaehyun all this worthless misery.ย 
You noticed that Jaehyun said nothing, but he looked a little in his head. And he was somewhere up there, scolding himself for letting him be a fool for you, then thinking, I couldnโ€™t resist loving you. Sue me.ย 
The emotion was finally surfacing on his face. You could see all of it now. The distress and the love and the heartache. You smirked, thinking to yourself, Heโ€™s my little damsel now.ย 
The grin on your lips was fleeting and it disappeared by the time you grabbed Jaehyunโ€™s hands in yours and he peered down at you in surprise. โ€œIโ€™m sorry,โ€ you told him softly. โ€œI thought you were crazy and hopeless for thinking we could be together. Now, I see that you didnโ€™t want to quit until youโ€™d exhausted your resources. And I forced your hand. Iโ€™m sorry.โ€
Jaehyun squeezed your hand. โ€œItโ€™s okay. I understand where you were coming from. You were trying to make things as painless as possible because you genuinely thought we didnโ€™t stand a chance against fate.โ€
โ€œAnd somehow I made shit ten times more painful,โ€ you murmured, ashamed.ย 
โ€œLike I said, I understand where you were coming from,โ€ Jaehyun said, being gentler than he shouldโ€™ve.ย 
You shook your head. That meant nothing. โ€œBut do you forgive me?โ€
Jaehyun gazed into your pained eyes. It still broke him, but he was starting to lick the wound clean. Things were changing. โ€œYes. I forgive you, baby.โ€
Your heart softened at the pet name. You never expected to fall for Jaehyun. Not Jaehyun or his precious smile and adorable face. Not the little things heโ€™d say that made you feel as if you would burst with love.ย 
But you did fall for him, and all those little things that made him himself. And you didnโ€™t want to be without them ever again.ย 
โ€œIโ€™m tired of loving each other behind closed doors. I want to be seen with you. I want to go to museums and look at really abstract paintings that youโ€™ll tell me are meaningful for whatever reason. I want to explore the city with you and visit shops Iโ€™d never think to go to otherwise.โ€
Jaehyun was sporting a beaming smile. โ€œYou said you love me.โ€
โ€œI havenโ€™t said it before?โ€
Jaehyun huffed, โ€œNo. Not even once.โ€
You held his face, cradling it just shy of yours, and confessed, โ€œThen, I love you. I love you. I love you so much, Jaehyun. I donโ€™t know what to do without you.โ€
โ€œI love you too,โ€ Jaehyun said, leaning in to mumble the tiny confession into your neck, and reminded of how desperately he craved the warmth of your skin.ย 
You were grinning so hard your cheeks were hurting.ย 
โ€œDonโ€™t leave me ever again. Donโ€™t ever let me go. Never,โ€ Jaehyun instructed you sharply, and although it was partly muffled, you heard him loud and clear.
โ€œI wonโ€™t,โ€ you told him, kissing his forehead. โ€œIf you play me that song you made me on your guitar.โ€
Jaehyun blinked up at you in surprise. โ€œYou liked it?โ€
โ€œI think Iโ€™ve cried to it, like, a million times,โ€ you admitted unabashedly.ย 
Jaehyunโ€™s jaw went slack for only a split second, then he quickly recovered and leapt up to grab his guitar from its resting position in the corner of his room.ย 
A smile danced onto your lips as he held the guitar, strumming to the beautiful song heโ€™d written with only his insurmountable adoration for you in mind, and the pining nature of the lyrics made you realize that the yearning was over. You were Jaehyunโ€™s. And Jaehyun was yours.ย 
Losing Jaehyun, one of the few people you loved depthlessly, was like losing the last person you had. You didnโ€™t know how to be without him. And you didnโ€™t have to learn, because you never would be without him again.ย 
You watched him attentively, beaming from ear to ear, taking in his beautiful smile and soft voice, and familiar heady cologne. And you thought to yourself, Thereโ€™s nothing to dislike about this guy.ย 
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briefinquiries ยท 1 month
Tyler Owens x Reader: Chase Your Fears
Prompt: You and your younger brother are roadtripping across the US when you encounter a tornado. Luckily, the tornado wrangler himself shows up to help.
Word count: 11k
Warnings: tornado mention
A/N: Had this cute little idea and suddenly it turned into an 11k monster fic... anyway, i will be obsessed with tyler owens & twisters for the foreseeable future, so please send recs if you want!
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โ€œWhat is that?โ€ย 
You leaned forward in your seat and peered out the rearview mirror warily. But even with a better view, you still had no idea what you were looking at.ย 
โ€œSeriously,โ€ your little brother gawked from the front seat, body twisted so that he could turn around and see. โ€œWhat is that?โ€
โ€œI donโ€™t know,โ€ you admitted, knuckles turning white as you tightened your grip on the steering wheel. You kept your eyes trained on the dark clouds swirling behind you. Thankfully, all the roads out here in Oklahoma were so long and straightโ€“ otherwise, you probably would have crashed your car.ย 
โ€œIs that a tornado?โ€ย 
โ€œNoโ€“โ€ you began. But even as the words left your mouth, you realized that you actually had no clue. โ€œWell, maybeโ€“โ€
As soon as you spoke, both of your phones went offโ€“ an alert warning you of severe weather in the area.ย 
โ€œItโ€™s a tornado,โ€ your brother exhaled, as he read the alert off his lockscreen. โ€œNo wonder the roads were so quiet todayโ€“ย  weโ€™re the only idiots dumb enough to be driving through a tornado!โ€
โ€œWeโ€™re not driving through a tornado, technically weโ€™re driving in front of oneโ€ฆ Besides, arenโ€™t tornadoes thinner? Like a funnel?โ€ you said, trying desperately to lighten the mood. You thought if you stayed calm, maybe it would keep your brother calm.ย ย 
โ€œDonโ€™t fat shame the tornado! What do we do?!โ€
โ€œI donโ€™t know,โ€ you admitted, mouth growing increasingly dry.ย 
โ€œWe should call Momโ€“โ€ย 
โ€œNo, we definitely should not.โ€
โ€œWhy not?โ€ you could hear the panic creeping up in his voice.ย 
โ€œBecause,โ€ you said calmly. โ€œMomโ€™s in New Hampshireโ€“ probably crocheting a blanket as we speak. What is she going to do to help us?โ€
Your brother opened his mouth to speak, then closed it again like he was realizing you were right.ย 
โ€œCalling her is only going to make her panic halfway across the country.โ€
โ€œWe should call Dad thenโ€“โ€
โ€œAnd whatโ€™s dad going to do from Texas?โ€ you challenged.ย 
โ€œMaybe heโ€™ll know what to doโ€“ he said they have tornadoes where he lives.โ€
You frowned. โ€œItโ€™s behind usโ€“ we just need to keep driving and keep it behind us.โ€
โ€œOkay,โ€ your brother said uneasily. When you glanced his way, you saw his hands positioned in his lap, trembling. Instantly, you felt your chest ache. Your parents had the two of you nearly fifteen years apart. And as his big sister, in charge of escorting him across the country so that you could both stay with your dad for the summer, you felt like it was your responsibility to keep him safe.ย 
โ€œI shouldโ€™ve just flown,โ€ he whimpered. โ€œWhat was I thinking, doing a road trip through the midwest during tornado season?โ€
โ€œHey,โ€ you said, reaching over to grab one of his hands. You had been the one to suggest the two of you drive to Texas together. A few weeks earlier, you had finally quit the job that had made you miserable for the last two years. It had been a long time coming, but with nothing else lined up, youโ€™d been terrified to officially make the jump.ย 
You hated being afraid. Maybe it was stubbornness, maybe it was stupidityโ€“ but something inside of you was driven to face your fears. If youโ€™re afraid, do it, you always told yourself.ย ย 
So that was how you found yourself jobless at nearly twenty-eight. Currently, you were going through a transitional period that your mom liked to call your quarter-life crisis. Youโ€™d wanted a distractionโ€“ something fun to make you feel adventurous and brave and alive again. Initially, heโ€™d been skeptical of the idea. While the two of you were close, he was cautious about spending the two weeks youโ€™d planned out in a car together. But once you told him about your plansโ€“ stopping in New York and detouring to Nashville, he was sold.ย 
Hearing the fact that he regretted his decision made a pool of guilt spread through your insides.ย 
โ€œYou were thinking about how awesome it was going to be to spend two whole weeks with your sister on a road trip. I promise Iโ€™m not going to let anything happen to youโ€“ Weโ€™re okay.โ€
He nodded slowly, although the look of terror on his face told you he didnโ€™t entirely believe you.ย 
โ€œDid you know they call this area Tornado Alley?โ€ he asked, speech rapid. โ€œCold air from the Rockies meets damp air from the Gulf of Mexico. Itโ€™s likeโ€ฆ the perfect recipe for tornadoes.โ€
You sighed. In the past, you probably would have questioned why your New England-raised brother knew anything about tornadoes. But youโ€™d since learned that his brain quite literally never forgot any shred of knowledge. The kid remembered everything.ย 
โ€œDid you know that thirty percent of the countryโ€™s total number of tornadoes is in Tornado Alley? Or at least they have been since the fiftiesโ€“โ€
While your fight or flight response was generally more geared towards running, his was fact-spewing.ย 
You gave his hand a reassuring squeeze, trying not to give away the fact that the tornado in your rearview mirror was seemingly getting closer with every glance you took.ย 
As you pressed your foot harder against the gas, you smiled towards him. โ€œTell me more. How do tornadoes form?โ€
โ€œWellโ€ฆโ€ he began, and then he started talking rapidly about air pressure and moisture and wind speeds and other things you really didnโ€™t understand. Truthfully, you tuned it outโ€“ your only focus on getting the two of you somewhere safe.ย 
Your method for calming him down workedโ€“ at least until the winds increased. Then a giant chunk of debris came flying at your car, forcing you to swerve quickly.ย 
โ€œWhat was that?โ€ he yelled, all panic that had previously faded from his voice returned in an instant.ย 
โ€œI donโ€™t knowโ€“โ€
โ€œOh my God, itโ€™s closerโ€“ itโ€™s right behind us!โ€ย 
โ€œI know,โ€ you said, your own voice raising. Your foot was practically touching the floor, but your car wouldnโ€™t go any faster.ย 
Another piece of debrisโ€“ this time you recognized it as a piece of a fence, slammed into the side of your car.ย 
โ€œShit!โ€ your brother screamed. โ€œShit!โ€
โ€œWeโ€™re okayโ€“โ€ you tried to assure him. โ€œListen to me, weโ€™re okayโ€“ But I think I need to pull the car over.โ€
โ€œWhat?!โ€ he practically screamed.ย 
โ€œI knowโ€“ I know itโ€™s scary, but I donโ€™t think youโ€™re supposed to be in a car if a tornado gets too close.โ€
โ€œHow do you know that?!โ€
You furrowed your brow. โ€œI think I heard it on the Discovery channel or somethingโ€“โ€
โ€œDiscovery channel?!โ€ย 
By now he was frantic, and you knew that you had to stay calmโ€“ no matter how panicked you were. But your brother also required plans and he required explanationsโ€“ so you tried to give them to him.ย 
โ€œListen to me, I am going to stop the car, and we are going to get out, leave our stuff and run, okay?โ€ย 
โ€œRun where?โ€ย 
โ€œUh,โ€ you stammered. Truthfully, you hadnโ€™t gotten that far yet. You looked around, realizing that your options were incredibly limited. There was an old barn to your leftโ€“ and while the shelter enticed you, it didnโ€™t look entirely sturdy. Further down there was an actual farm houseโ€“ maybe they had a storm shelter or a basement. But you had no idea if youโ€™d make it that far.ย 
Suddenly, an entire goddamn tree flew by your car, taking the side mirror with it.ย 
โ€œThe farmhouseโ€“โ€ you said. The barn would never stand.ย ย 
โ€œCan we make it?โ€ your brother asked.ย 
You nodded. โ€œWeโ€™ll make it.โ€ย 
With that, you slammed on your breaks, causing your car to come to a sudden stop.ย 
To your relief, your brother followed your instructions. He launched himself out of the car and hurried around the hood to you. You quickly grabbed his hand before turning to start towards the barn.ย 
But before you could even move more than a few steps, a pair of headlights seemingly came out of nowhere to your right. A red truck screeched to a halt just as a man, clouded by the fog, stuck his head out and shouted, โ€œGet in!โ€ย 
โ€œWhat?โ€ you screamed over the wind.ย 
He motioned with his thumb towards his truck. โ€œGet. In!โ€ he emphasized. โ€œNow!โ€
Before you could hesitate or question anything, instincts kicked in. You shoved your little brother towards the man and his truck. The man had already hopped out and was opening the back door. Once you reached him, he grabbed your brother first. With ease, he lifted him into the truck.ย 
โ€œBuckle upโ€“โ€ he instructed. โ€œSee that harness strap? Put that onโ€“โ€ Next he turned to you, โ€œI got gear in the seat back here, itโ€™ll take too long to moveโ€“ youโ€™ll have to go up front.โ€
You nodded before hurrying to the passenger side of his truck. Without hesitating, you hoisted open the doorโ€“ a task that proved to be increasingly challenging based on the wind speeds. It was like the door was suctioned to the body. You gave it a few good pulls, using all your strength, but it wouldnโ€™t open.ย 
You glanced at your brother through the back window and saw his eyes grow wide. He screamed your name before banging on the windowโ€“ reaching for you.ย 
โ€œItโ€™s okay!โ€ you cried. โ€œIโ€™m okay!โ€ Although you werenโ€™t sure how true that would be a few moments from now.ย 
โ€œShit,โ€ you said to yourself, jostling the handle. โ€œShit, shit, shitโ€“โ€
โ€œItโ€™s okay,โ€ you heard a voice call. The man had turned the corner of the truck bed and was reaching for the door. With one strong pull, he hoisted it open. โ€œThere we go, letโ€™s get ya insideโ€“โ€ย 
You reached up, grabbing the handle on the door while stepping up. You felt a hand on your back give you a gentle nudge as you hoisted yourself the rest of the way inside. Once you were positioned in the seat with the door closed, you watched through the windshield as the man jogged lightly around his car with ease and climbed into the driverโ€™s seat.ย 
โ€œHarnessโ€“โ€ the man said, pointing towards the straps behind you before slamming his door shut.ย 
Quickly, you shrugged them over your shoulders and fastened the buckle.ย 
โ€œI canโ€™tโ€“โ€ you heard your brother say from behind you. When you turned in your seat, you saw that he still wasnโ€™t buckledโ€“ his straps were tangled.ย 
You moved your hands to your own straps to undo them, but were stopped by the man. โ€œI got him, you stay buckled,โ€ he said before turning to extend his torso into the backseat. โ€œHere we go, buddy,โ€ he said gently. You marveled how, even with a tornado barreling towards you all, the man could remain so gentle and calm. The way he talked to your brother wasโ€ฆ well, you couldn't quite find the words for what it was, but you appreciated it. You made a mental note to thank the man for it if you made it out of this alive.ย 
โ€œI canโ€™t do itโ€“โ€ you could hear the panic in your brotherโ€™s voice.ย 
โ€œItโ€™s okay,โ€ the man said. โ€œI got you. Iโ€™m gonna help. Everythingโ€™s okay.โ€ย 
โ€œThe tornado is right there!โ€ he screamed, fear and anguish building in your brotherโ€™s throat.ย 
โ€œTry to stay calm,โ€ you said. โ€œWeโ€™re okayโ€“โ€
โ€œWeโ€™re NOT okay!โ€ย 
โ€œIt looks closer than it is,โ€ the man soothed. โ€œLook at my faceโ€“ do I look scared? So thereโ€™s no need for you to be scaredโ€“ I got you, see? Harness is done. Youโ€™re all strapped in. Nothinโ€™s gonna get ya.โ€
Swiftly, the man spun back in his seat, did up his own harness in a few seconds, and then pressed a giant, red button on a stick shift near the center console of his truck. You heard a loud soundโ€“ like gears shifting, above the whipping winds outside. And then he leaned back in his seat, checking on the storm in the rearview mirror.ย 
โ€œAre you going to drive?โ€ you asked him, turning to get a look at him for the first time. He had a baseball cap resting backwards on his head and a button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He was handsome, you realized.ย 
The muscles of his forearms flexed as he reached for the wheel. But instead of driving anywhere, he shook his head.ย ย 
โ€œWhat?โ€ you gasped. โ€œItโ€™s coming right for usโ€“โ€
โ€œI knowโ€“ we canโ€™t outrun it,โ€ he explained. โ€œSo we just have to let it pass. Hang on, weโ€™ll be okay.โ€
โ€œI thought a vehicle was one of the worst places to be in a tornadoโ€“โ€ย 
โ€œIt is,โ€ he replied simply, only making your panic increase. โ€œBut weโ€™ll be alright. Trust me.โ€ย 
You were about to argue, but before you knew it, he shouted, โ€œHang on!โ€ โ€“ Just as the cloud funnel consumed you.ย 
The next seconds or minutes or hours passed in a terrifying blur. With your eyes squeezed shut and hands held over your ears, you still heard everything. You heard winds whipping against the truck, causing it to rock back and forth. You heard your brother scream from the backseat, feeling helpless because there was nothing you could do to help comfort him. You heard the slamming sound of debrisโ€“ trees, fences, and whatever the hell else as it crashed into you and everything around you. You heard the ringing in your earโ€“ like it was all too much to bearโ€ฆ All the while wondering which blow would be the one to kill you.ย 
And then suddenly, you heard nothing at all. You remained frozen in place for a moment longer, in case this silence was a fluke. But then slowly, things came back into focus. You lowered your arms and opened your eyes to see the man leaned over in his seat, harness already unbuckled, while he gazed at you.ย 
Although laced with concern, his eyes were the prettiest shade of green youโ€™d ever seen. He really was handsomeโ€“ almost shockingly so. And now, he was mouthing somethingโ€“ like he was trying to talk to you.ย 
Suddenly, his voice came through the fogโ€“ soft and gentle. โ€œAre you okay?โ€ย ย 
You nodded slowly without actually knowing if that was the case. Youโ€™d know if you werenโ€™t, right?ย 
โ€œHowโ€“โ€ you said suddenly, turning to look outside. There was debris everywhereโ€“ tree limbs and branches, leaves and chunks of housing.ย 
โ€œNothing hurts? Youโ€™re okay?โ€
You turned back towards him and did a quick body scanโ€“ checking in on your body before shaking your head a little more confidently. Then you remembered your brother in the backseat. You turned the best that you could with your harness still on, to glance at him.ย 
โ€œAre you okay?โ€ you asked him.ย 
โ€œYeah,โ€ you heard his shaky voice ring out. You exhaled a breath of relief.ย 
Careful not to kick you with his boots, the man maneuvered to the backseat with ease.ย 
โ€œHey buddy,โ€ you heard him say. โ€œYou alright back here?โ€ย 
โ€œIโ€™m okay.โ€
โ€œGoodโ€“ you did great. Mustโ€™ve held on real tight. Can I help ya with the harness now?โ€ย 
You started grasping at your own harness. Except, when you moved to adjust the buckles, you realized that your hands were shaking too hard to be of any use. No matter how hard you willed them to steady, they wouldnโ€™t.ย 
You continued to try until the man hopped out of the truck and came around to your side. He hoisted open the door and placed his hands on top of yoursโ€“ the sudden warmth sending shock waves through your body, causing your head to shoot up.ย ย 
You were met by his intense gaze for a second time, a sea of sage green took your breath away. You swallowedโ€“ realizing how dry your mouth suddenly had become. Although the pair of you were complete strangers, the manโ€™s strong jawline flexed as he gazed at you with what looked like worry.ย 
โ€œWeโ€™re okay,โ€ he assured you. โ€œYouโ€™re alright. Can I help with the harness?โ€ย 
You gave him a quick nod before dropping your shaky hand from it. When he was finished, you stripped off your harness straps and turned to hop out of the truck. As soon as you did, you saw his outstretched handโ€“ offering to help. You swallowed the lump in your throat and took it, not trusting yourself or your unsteady legs. As soon as your feet were back on the ground, you released his hand and turned towards your brother.ย 
โ€œAre you okay?โ€ you asked for a second time, a sob prickling the back of your throat. As soon as he nodded yes, you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, tugging him against you. Even at twelve years old, he was almost taller than you.ย 
โ€œGod, Iโ€™m so sorryโ€“โ€ you said.ย 
โ€œWhat were you guys doing out here?โ€ the man suddenly asked. He stood with his hip popped slightly, his hands resting on the waistband of his jeans. โ€œTheyโ€™ve been announcing this storm since this morninโ€™.โ€ His voice wasnโ€™t accusatory, just generally curious.ย 
Keeping your arm around your brotherโ€™s shoulders, you turned to face him. โ€œWeโ€™re not from here,โ€ you explained. โ€œWe were just driving throughโ€“ we didnโ€™t know it was coming.โ€
He nodded. โ€œThey can sneak up on ya sometimes. Where are yโ€™all from?โ€
โ€œNew Hampshire,โ€ you said.ย 
The man let out a low whistle. โ€œYouโ€™re a long way from home.โ€ย 
โ€œWe were driving my dadโ€™s,โ€ your brother piped in. โ€œHe lives in Texas.โ€
โ€œI shouldโ€™ve paid more attention to the weather,โ€ you admitted, shaking your head. โ€œIt was stupid. But thank youโ€ฆโ€ your voice trailed off, realizing you didnโ€™t know the manโ€™s name.ย 
โ€œTyler,โ€ he replied, extending his hand for a second time, this time for you to shake.ย 
โ€œTyler,โ€ you repeated. โ€œThank you Tyler, for saving us.โ€ You quickly introduced yourself before turning and introducing your brother.ย 
โ€œHang on. What were you doing out here if theyโ€™d been talking about the storm all morning?โ€ your brother asked bluntly.ย 
Just as you were about to give him a look that said donโ€™t question strangers who save our lives, Tyler smiled, flashing his white teeth. โ€œI was chasinโ€™ her,โ€ he said, nodding towards the tornado still spinning in the distance.ย 
โ€œYou chase tornadoes?โ€ your brother exclaimed.ย 
Tylerโ€™s grin got wider. โ€œSure do. Thatโ€™s why my truck didnโ€™t blow away. I got extra precautions.โ€ Then, like he could see the eagerness in your brotherโ€™s face, he smirked. โ€œWanna see?โ€ย 
Your brother nodded before breaking away from your embrace and racing back towards the truckโ€“ like heโ€™d already forgotten about the tornado that almost killed you both.ย 
โ€œThat alright with you?โ€ Tyler asked.ย 
You nodded, head still foggy and body still trembling. โ€œYeah,โ€ you said. โ€œYeah, thatโ€™s fine.โ€
โ€œYou sure youโ€™re okay?โ€ he asked, eyeing your shaky hands.ย 
โ€œOhโ€“ yeah,โ€ you said. โ€œJust nervesโ€ฆ We donโ€™t get many tornadoes up in New Hampshire, and we sure as hell donโ€™t chase them.โ€
โ€œYou did good,โ€ Tyler told you. โ€œYou stayed calmโ€“ kept him calm.โ€
โ€œThanks,โ€ you said shyly, feeling stupid that this strangerโ€™s compliment actually meant something to you. Then, you motioned with your thumb over your shoulder. โ€œIโ€™m gonna go check out my carโ€“ see how bad it is.โ€
With that, you left your brother with Tyler, and turned the corner of the hood of his truck, tracing your steps back to where youโ€™d initially abandoned your car. As soon as you entered the clearing, you wished you hadnโ€™t. There, amongst the piles of debris and chaos, was your SUV laying on its sideโ€“ the front windshield completely smashed, both airbags deployed, and the doors caved in.ย 
โ€œShit,โ€ you muttered, unable to help the tears forming in your eyes. You were grateful for your brotherโ€™s safety, but you knew you couldnโ€™t drive your car like thisโ€“ย 
You took a few steadying breaths, reminding yourself that completely falling apart wasnโ€™t going to be helpful. And, despite the part of you trying to avoid this, you knew that youโ€™d have to call your parents.
You turned back towards Tylerโ€™s truck and saw him and your brother laying on the groundโ€“ looking at something underneath the bed. Thatโ€™s when you noticed two, gigantic-looking screws secured into the ground. That must have been the button Tyler pushed right before the tornado had engulfed you.ย 
Your brother looked content for the time being, so you pulled out your phone and dialed your mom first.ย 
She answered after only a couple of rings.ย 
โ€œHi honey, how are things going?โ€
โ€œHi Mom,โ€ you said, voice already shaking. โ€œDonโ€™t panic okay? Weโ€™re both alrightโ€“โ€
โ€œWhat happened?โ€ she said urgently, clearly doing the opposite of what youโ€™d requested.ย 
You sighedโ€“ might as well just come right out and say it. โ€œWeโ€™re in Oklahoma, and a tornado just hitโ€“ like literally hit us.โ€
โ€œWhat?โ€ she gasped. You could already imagine her sitting up from her recliner, tossing her ball of yarn or whatever she was using to the side.ย 
โ€œYeahโ€“ Some guy came and helped us. We were able to wait it outโ€ฆโ€ you paused, like you still couldnโ€™t entirely believe what had just happened to you. โ€œBut I canโ€™t drive my car.โ€
โ€œOh my God,โ€ she breathed. โ€œAre you sure youโ€™re alright? Whereโ€™s your brother?โ€
โ€œWeโ€™re fine, Mom. The guy who helped us is still hereโ€“ heโ€™s showing him stuff in his truck to keep him busy.โ€
โ€œWho is this guy?โ€
โ€œJust some localโ€“ we got lucky, he knew exactly what to do.โ€
You heard her exhale a sharp breath.ย 
โ€œMom, I donโ€™t know what to doโ€“ Weโ€™re stranded here.โ€
โ€œOh, honey,โ€ she sighed. โ€œI should have never let you take him in a car. You should have just flown. Gosh, you both couldโ€™ve been killed.โ€
The pool of guilt grew larger inside your chest.ย 
โ€œI knowโ€“โ€ you said, feeling defeated. Because she was rightโ€“ what the hell were you thinking?
After a moment of silence, she sighed. โ€œIโ€™m so glad youโ€™re alright. Why donโ€™t you call your fatherโ€“ see how far he is? Maybe he can come and pick you up. If he canโ€™t, call me back and weโ€™ll figure something out..โ€
โ€œOkay,โ€ you said, voice thick with the tears you were trying not to shed.ย 
โ€œI love you,โ€ she assured you.ย 
โ€œLove you, too. Iโ€™ll talk to you later.โ€
With that, you hung up the phone, just as a few tears splashed down your cheeks.ย 
After wiping them away, you glanced back towards Tyler and your brother. Tyler was helping your brother into the truck bed, where he had a bunch of gear strapped down. Your brother had a look of pure excitement plastered on his face as he looked around. You were far enough away so that you couldnโ€™t make out what they were saying, but you could see your brotherโ€™s lips moving rapidly, totally skipping the shy-stage he normally went through when he met new people.ย 
Like he could tell you were staring, Tyler looked up and caught your eye. Even from this distance, you saw the way his lips curled into a smile that made something in your stomach flutter. He gave you a quick wave before turning his attention back towards your brother.ย 
Realizing your brother was in seemingly good hands, you knew you couldnโ€™t stall calling your dad any longer. So, you pulled up his contact and dialed, preparing to give the same explanation to him as you did your mom.ย 
โ€œHey kiddo!โ€ He answered. โ€œHowโ€™s the road trip going?โ€
You were nearly twenty-eight years old, but your dad still answered the phone the same way he did when you were ten.ย 
โ€œHey dad,โ€ you said. To your dismay, no matter how hard you fought it, your voice still cracked.ย 
โ€œEverything okay?โ€ he asked, instantly picking up on the fact that something was wrong.ย 
You bit your lip, fighting back tears. When you felt composed enough, you spoke. โ€œNo,โ€ you admitted. โ€œWeโ€™re in Oklahoma, and we got hit by a tornado while we were drivingโ€“ Weโ€™re both safe, but my car is totaledโ€“ I canโ€™t drive it.โ€ย 
โ€œOh my God, what?โ€ he gasped.ย 
โ€œI donโ€™t know what happenedโ€“ it was all so fast. I couldnโ€™t outrun itโ€“ I tried. But there wasnโ€™t anything we could doโ€“ it was moving so quickly andโ€“โ€
โ€œOkay, breathe,โ€ your dad interrupted, his voice calm.ย 
You were breathing, werenโ€™t you? Except, when you went to inhale, you realized that no, you were not. You sucked in a breath before letting out a choppy exhale.ย 
โ€œGoodโ€“ everythingโ€™s going to be okay. Itโ€™s just a car. They can be replaced. Youโ€™re safe, your brother is safeโ€“ thatโ€™s whatโ€™s important.โ€ย 
โ€œWeโ€™re strandedโ€“ in the middle of nowhere.โ€ย 
โ€œWell thatโ€™s all of Oklahoma, honey. Do you know what town youโ€™re in?โ€ย 
โ€œNo, but I can find out,โ€ you said shakily. After wiping your wet cheeks the best you could, you made your way back towards the truck.ย 
โ€œTyler,โ€ you said, catching his attention. โ€œWhat town are we in? My dad wants to know.โ€
โ€œYouโ€™re talking to Dad?โ€ your brother piped in. โ€œTell him I said hi.โ€
โ€œWeโ€™re near Stillwater,โ€ Tyler replied.ย 
You repeated it back to your dad.ย 
โ€œOkay, whoโ€™s there helping you?โ€
โ€œUh this guyโ€“โ€ you said, turning away before Tyler could overhear. โ€œHe saved us.โ€ย 
โ€œWell Iโ€™m glad to hear that. Sounds like he was in the right place at the right time. Stillwater is about six hours north of me. How about I put you guys up in a hotel for a night then I come and get you tomorrow and we can figure everything else out?โ€ย 
โ€œHotels are a lotโ€ฆ you donโ€™t have to do that.โ€
โ€œI know, but itโ€™s going to get dark before too long, and I donโ€™t want to be driving late. I just want you both safe until then. Why donโ€™t you see if that guy who helped you knows a place?โ€
โ€œYeah, okay,โ€ you said, pulling the phone back again. โ€œHey Tyler?โ€ you turned to see him in the same spotโ€“ still showing your brother various gadgets and gear. โ€œDo you know of any hotels or anything nearby? I canโ€™t drive my carโ€“ and our dad canโ€™t get us until tomorrow.โ€
Tyler sucked in a breath of air. โ€œYikes, there ainโ€™t much around here. Unless you want to bunk at the motel off Broadway street. I think itโ€™s up to a 1.8 star review on Yelp, but last I knew they had a cockroach problem.โ€
You grimaced. โ€œWhat about buses or anything that we could take to Austin?โ€
โ€œYou know,โ€ Tyler began, eyes flickering into the distance before looking back at you. โ€œI got a big oleโ€™ farm house not too far from here with a couple of extra bedrooms. Why donโ€™t you both just stay the night and your dad can get you from there in the morninโ€™?โ€
You immediately began shaking your head. โ€œNoโ€“โ€
But your dadโ€™s voice on the phone caught you off guard. โ€œLet me talk to him.โ€
โ€œDadโ€“โ€ you protested.ย 
But he insisted.ย 
So, begrudgingly, that was how you found yourself passing your cell phone to Tyler.ย 
Tylerโ€™s eyebrow raised gently at the gesture.ย 
โ€œHe wants to talk to you,โ€ you explained.ย 
Tyler pointed to himself, as if he was questioning if you meant your brother instead. โ€œMe?โ€
You nodded.ย 
Tyler reached his arm out skeptically, taking your phone, then pressed it to his ear. โ€œUh, hello?โ€ย 
You couldnโ€™t hear your fatherโ€™s voice on the other endโ€“ just mumbling.ย 
โ€œYes sirโ€“ No, thatโ€™s not necessary, I was happy to do itโ€“โ€ There was a brief pause. โ€œYes sir. Cockroaches yeah, you heard that right. I do. Right in town actually. Itโ€™s not a problem, I have the spaceโ€“โ€ Another pause. โ€œOf course, I can send my contact info, and the address.โ€
You shut your eyesโ€“ as if your father was coordinating a sleepover at Tylerโ€™s right now. Itโ€™s not like you werenโ€™t grateful for his offer, but you felt like heโ€™d already helped too much. First he saved your lives, now he offers shelter?
โ€œAlright. Alright, you too. Take care.โ€
With that, Tyler passed you your phone back.ย 
โ€œGo with him,โ€ your dad said, as soon as you held it back against your ear.ย ย 
โ€œItโ€™s one night,โ€ he insisted. โ€œItโ€™s either him or the cockroaches.โ€
Less than thirty minutes later, Tyler was pulling his truck down a long, dirt driveway. Positioned at the end of it, set back with the setting sun as a backdrop, was an old, white farmhouse with a wrap around porch and blue shutters.ย 
โ€œYou live here?โ€ you asked in awe.ย 
Tyler smiled. โ€œBeen in my family for a long time.โ€
โ€œItโ€™s beautiful,โ€ you said, eyes now scanning the amount of land he had. There was a wheat field to the right, and to the left was a sturdy-looking barn with an exterior that matched the house.ย 
โ€œTechnically it belongs to my aunt. But sheโ€™s living it up in Tulsa right now, so I stay hereโ€“ maintain the place for her. Itโ€™ll be mine one day.โ€
โ€œDo you have horses?โ€ your brother asked from the backseat.ย 
Tylerโ€™s grin stretched the length of his face. โ€œSure do. Letโ€™s get you guys cleaned up and fed, then we can see them later.โ€
Tyler unloaded the suitcases youโ€™d recovered from your SUV and carried them inside for you, despite your protests. You were quickly learning that Tyler was a gentlemanโ€“ always holding doors and offering his hand to help. Each time he went out of his way to help you, it caused strange feelings to stir up inside of youโ€“ ones that you had no business feeling about a man youโ€™d just met.ย 
The interior of the farmhouse was just as beautiful as the outside. Tyler showed you around the first floor, pointing out the kitchen, bathroom, and living room before walking your luggage up the stairs to where the bedrooms and second bathroom were.ย 
โ€œBoth rooms have double bedsโ€“ thereโ€™s only a shower, itโ€™s in the bathroom up here. But feel free to use it. Towels and washcloths are in that closet thereโ€“ extra blankets are in the chests at the end of the beds.โ€
โ€œThank you,โ€ you said again, finally taking your luggage from him. โ€œThis isโ€ฆโ€ you shook your head. โ€œYouโ€™ve been really kind, thank you.โ€
โ€œMy pleasureโ€“ only the best for my first New Hampshire guests,โ€ he said cheekily. Then, Tyler clasped his hands together. โ€œAlright, well Iโ€™ll leave you guys to it. Come on down whenever youโ€™re ready, Iโ€™ll whip up something to eat. Yโ€™all like burgers?โ€
Your brotherโ€™s face lit up. โ€œLove them!โ€ย 
โ€œSounds great,โ€ you replied.ย 
โ€œCouplaโ€™ burgers cominโ€™ right up then,โ€ Tyler smirked.
โ€œHeโ€™s so cool,โ€ your brother muttered before grabbing his bag and heading off to claim a bedroom.ย 
Cool was one word for him, you thought.ย 
You took longer in the shower than expected. Probably because every time you closed your eyes to rinse the shampoo out of your hair, all you could see was that goddamn tornado barreling towards you. Each and every time, it made your entire body lurchโ€“ causing you to snap open your eyes with a sense of urgency.ย 
Even though you were just showeringโ€“ it felt like you were outside runningโ€ฆ your breath was choppy and your heart was racing just standing there.ย 
You forced yourself to unclench your jaw, worried that your molars were going to crack with how tense you were. Eventually, you gave up and decided to just keep your eyes open while you rinsed your hair out.ย 
When you were finished, you threw on a pair of sweats and an old T-shirt from your suitcase before heading downstairs to join your brother and Tyler. You could smell the burgers before you even got to the kitchen, making your mouth water.ย 
โ€œThereโ€™s New Hampshire,โ€ Tyler grinned, seemingly proud of the nickname heโ€™d given you. He was behind the island, setting a steaming pot down on a cooling plate next to a few empty plates stacked on top of each other.ย ย 
Your brother sat on a stool at the islandโ€“ his hair still damp from his own shower, nibbling on a piece of plain white bread while he watched Tyler maneuver around the kitchen.ย 
โ€œDo you need any help?โ€ you asked. As soon as you spoke, you could hear the shakiness in your tone. Youโ€™d been trying to ignore how tight your chest still felt, but youโ€™d have to do better at hiding it if you wanted to evade detection.ย 
You didnโ€™t miss the way his eyes lingered on you for a moment before Tyler shook his head. โ€œNah, Iโ€™m almost done. I got burgers on the grill, some corn, and leftover pasta salad from my momโ€“ you gotta try it.โ€ย 
He handed you and your brother each an empty plate before taking the lid off the corn pot.ย 
โ€œIโ€™ll go grab the burgers, but help yourself.โ€
With that, he was disappearing out the back door.ย 
โ€œHowโ€™re you doing?โ€ you asked your brother once you were alone.ย 
โ€œHungry,โ€ he said as he piled a mound of pasta salad on his plate.ย 
You reached over and ran your hands through his hair before shaking his head lightly. โ€œI donโ€™t mean thatโ€“ I mean howโ€™re you doing after everything today? That was a lot.โ€ย 
Or at least it had been for youโ€ฆย 
Your brother shrugged. โ€œIt was scary, but Iโ€™m okay now. Statistically speaking tornadoes never strike the same place twice. So that oneโ€™s gone for good. And Tyler said the likelihood of another one hitting the area is extremely low.โ€
โ€œThatโ€™s right,โ€ Tyler said, as he reentered the kitchen with a plate stacked full of burgers.ย 
You watched him move through the kitchen with ease, pleasantly surprised by the fact that heโ€™d obviously helped to reassure your brother.ย 
โ€œYou want one or two burgers?โ€ Tyler asked him.ย 
Your brother held up two fingers with one hand and his plate with the other.ย 
โ€œWhat do you say?โ€ you mumbled, nudging him in the side.ย 
โ€œPlease,โ€ he said, flashing his teeth.
โ€œYou got it,โ€ Tyler chuckled.ย 
With a full plate, your brother headed for the dining room, leaving you and Tyler alone in the kitchen.ย 
โ€œHow are you doing?โ€ Tyler asked as he passed you the plate of burgers.ย 
โ€œMe?โ€ you said, trying your best to sound casual. Apparently you were the only one even remotely freaked out by the fact that a tornado had almost killed all of you today. โ€œOh, Iโ€™m alright. Much better after showeringโ€“ thank you again.โ€
โ€œYou gotta stop thanking me, really itโ€™s not a problem. I wouldnโ€™t have offered if it was,โ€ย  How are you really doing though?โ€
You glanced up, surprised to see Tylerโ€™s concerned gaze fixated on you. Heโ€™d ditched the baseball hat, allowing you to see his sandy brown hair for the first time. It was slightly disheveled, but so soft. The way it was pushed back from his face made it look like Tyler had been running his fingers through itโ€“ a sight you wouldnโ€™t mind seeing.ย 
Quickly, you averted your gaze back to your plate. โ€œIโ€™m fine.โ€
โ€œReally?โ€ he challenged you. โ€œBecause itโ€™s okay not to be okay after getting hit by a tornadoโ€“ especially for the first time.โ€
It was like he could sense how anxious you really wereโ€“ like one of those emotional support animals. Or maybe you just didnโ€™t have the poker face you thought you did.
โ€œI was just worried for my brother,โ€ you said, taking a spoonful of pasta salad. โ€œBut it seems like you managed to calm his nerves.โ€
โ€œYeah, well, kids are all the same. They just need reassurance. They wanna feel safe.โ€
Now was your chance to poke a little deeperโ€“ to shift the conversation off from you, but also to learn something about Tyler. โ€œDo you have kids?โ€ you asked, trying to make the question sound casual.ย 
โ€œNo,โ€ he answered quickly. โ€œGot a niece and a nephew though. They live in Texas, so I donโ€™t get to see them as much as Iโ€™d like. Do you?โ€ Tyler asked, glancing over. When he caught your confused expression, he added, โ€œHave kids?โ€
โ€œOh, no,โ€ you said, shaking your head. โ€œGod, no. You saw what happened todayโ€“ I have my brother for less than two weeks and I almost got him killed. Imagine if I had an actual child?โ€
โ€œYou didnโ€™t almost get him killed,โ€ Tyler refuted. โ€œYou had no way of knowing that thing was cominโ€™.โ€
โ€œYou knew it was coming,โ€ you challenged.ย 
Tyler shrugged. โ€œWell thatโ€™s โ€˜cause Iโ€™m a professional.โ€
โ€œI didnโ€™t know you could be a professional tornado-chaser,โ€ you said teasingly, finally picking up your plate to head to the table.ย 
Tyler followed close behind, choosing a seat across from you and your brother. โ€œI prefer the name tornado wrangler, myself.โ€
โ€œTornado wrangler?โ€ you repeated skeptically.ย 
โ€œThatโ€™s right,โ€ he smirked, a hint of playfulness in his tone.ย 
โ€œYouโ€™re such a badass,โ€ your brother said between bites. He was already halfway done his food. You felt another pang of guiltโ€“ he really was hungry.ย ย 
โ€œSo what does a tornado wrangler do exactly?โ€ you asked.ย 
Tyler chewed his food for a moment before answering. โ€œWell, we have a YouTube channel. And we livestream videos of us headinโ€™ into storms. We offer our viewers a close look at the tornadoesโ€“ a view most of them will never see in real life.โ€
โ€œWe? You mean thereโ€™s more than just one of you crazy enough to chase those things?โ€
Tylerโ€™s face was full-on beaming now, and you could tell just how passionate he really was about all of this. Even if it scared the absolute shit out of youโ€“ you loved to hear him talk about it.ย 
โ€œI got a whole teamโ€“ thereโ€™s Boone, heโ€™s my buddy behind the camera, he takes care of the livestream and the editing when we need it. Then I got Lilly, she operates our drone. That helps give us alternative coverage and vantage points when we need it. Dexter and Dani both help with storm trackingโ€“ but Dani also helps fix the gear and stuff when we need it.โ€
โ€œWhatโ€™s the scariest tornado youโ€™ve ever seen?โ€ your brother asked, pieces of burger flying out of his mouth while he spoke.ย 
โ€œChew your food before talking,โ€ you said under your breath.ย 
โ€œSorry,โ€ he mumbled.
Tyler let out a soft chuckle, his eyes flickering to yours before turning back to your brother. โ€œI think the scariest tornado Iโ€™ve ever seen was when I was about your ageโ€“ My mom and I got caught up in an EF 4 while we were drivinโ€™. It picked us right upโ€“ dropped us in a field about half a mile away.โ€
โ€œEF 4?โ€ you asked cluelessly.ย 
โ€œItโ€™s the Enhanced Fujita Scale,โ€ your brother replied. โ€œIt measures the tornado's speed and estimated damage.โ€
โ€œThatโ€™s right,โ€ Tyler smiled, like he was proud of your brother for knowing. โ€œThey measure on a scale of 0-5.โ€
โ€œWhat was the one that hit us today?โ€ you asked warily.ย 
โ€œToday was an EF1,โ€ Tyler answered.ย 
All the blood drained from your face. โ€œA one?โ€ you gaped.ย 
In the midst of taking a bite of corn, he nodded.ย 
โ€œYouโ€™re telling me that thing could have been worse?โ€
The corner of Tylerโ€™s lip twitched upwards. โ€œA lot worse,โ€ he said grimly. โ€œThatโ€™s why it was safe to stay in my truck. We drive her into zeroโ€™s and oneโ€™s all the time, she handles a two pretty good. Even managed a three once.โ€
โ€œShit,โ€ you muttered under your breath.ย 
The rest of the evening consisted of your brother bombarding Tyler with questions about his jobโ€“ how many tornadoes had he seen? What was an EF5 like? Had he ever seen a cow fly through the air like in the movies?ย 
But you had a hard time listening after a whileโ€“ each additional fact you learned about tornadoes made your skin crawl. Your heart rate had picked up againโ€“ similar to how it was in the shower. It was taking all of your energy to just appear normal while you picked at the remaining food on your plate.ย 
Why would anyone willing chase one of those things? What you witnessed today was one of the smallest possible tornadoesโ€“ and it was still terrifying. You couldnโ€™t imagine if youโ€™d been out there faced by something worse.ย 
Their conversation eventually became muffled background noise, something that nestled in the back of your mind while you tried to focus on your breath and willed yourself not to shake.
That is, until you feel something boney jab in your side, making everything come back into focus again.ย 
โ€œWhat?โ€ you asked, turning cluelessly towards your brother.ย 
โ€œTyler asked if you were done,โ€ he said, nodding towards your plate.ย 
โ€œOhโ€“โ€ you said, embarrassed. Thatโ€™s when you noticed Tyler was now standing, arm extended like he was reaching for your dish. โ€œYeahโ€“ yeah, Iโ€™m done.โ€ย 
He moved to collect your plate for you but you stopped him. โ€œNo, Iโ€™ll get theseโ€“ you guys talk.โ€ย 
โ€œYou sure?โ€ he asked warily.ย 
โ€œYeah, Iโ€™m sureโ€“ You cook and house us, I can do some dishes.โ€
With a brief, unconvincing smile, you quickly gathered as much as you could in your arms and fled into the kitchen for some space.ย 
What the hell was wrong with you? It was like you couldnโ€™t catch your breath, no matter how hard you tried.ย 
As you scrubbed at the dishes, arms extended under warm water, you tried desperately to get it together. No one had diedโ€“ no one had even gotten hurt. Plus, like Tyler had told your brotherโ€“ the probability of this happening again was incredibly slim. So why couldnโ€™t you stop feeling like that EF1 was consuming you?ย 
By the time you were finished with the dishes, your hands were shaking so bad, you could barely set them on the drying rack. So, you snapped off the water and leaned against the counter, gripping the lip of it tightly and taking some deep breaths. Vaguely, you heard your little brotherโ€™s laughter from the other room. You latched onto the sound and tried to let it soothe you.ย 
Everyone was okay.ย 
Heโ€™s laughingโ€“ heโ€™s having fun. Youโ€™re all okay.ย 
After his laughter stills, you hear the sound of chair legs sliding across the floor. โ€œIโ€™m gonna go grab some water, you want any dessert, big guy? I got ice cream.โ€ย 
โ€œNo thanks, Iโ€™m full from the burgers.โ€
Tyler chuckled. โ€œAlright, be right back.โ€
Quickly, you swallowed the lump in your throat and started putting the condiments away, trying to look as normal as possible before Tyler approached.ย 
โ€œThanks for doing all of those,โ€ Tyler said once he got to the kitchen. โ€œYou didnโ€™t have to do that.โ€
โ€œOh, itโ€™s the least I could do,โ€ you said, turning to face him.ย 
โ€œMy mom would kill me if she knew I let my guest do the dishes.โ€
โ€œMy mom would kill me if she knew I let someone save, cook, and house me without me doing the dishes.โ€
Tyler grinned. โ€œFair enough, New Hampshire.โ€ย 
โ€œYou keep calling me that,โ€ you said. โ€œBut I donโ€™t actually live in New Hampshire, you know?โ€ย 
Tylerโ€™s eyebrow curled up in an expression that said tell me more.ย 
โ€œMy mom and brother live there. I used to live there. But now I have an apartment in Boston, been there since college.โ€
โ€œBoston?โ€ Tyler repeated. โ€œAh, so youโ€™re like a nine-to-five city girl.โ€
You frowned. โ€œNot anymore,โ€ you admitted. โ€œIt was killing me. Especially in the winterโ€“ you go to work before the sunโ€™s up, and youโ€™re out after it sets. I couldnโ€™t do it anymore, so I recently quit.โ€
โ€œWhatโ€™re you gonna do now?โ€ he inquired.ย 
You shrugged. โ€œIโ€™m trying to figure that out. Probably move somewhere with less concrete, and hopefully find a job that lets me out before the sun sets.โ€
Tyler set his glass of water on the kitchen island. โ€œSo what youโ€™re saying is I canโ€™t call you New Hampshire or Boston?โ€ย 
โ€œYou got a problem with just using peopleโ€™s names?โ€ย 
Tyler shrugged. โ€œI like nicknames. Shows that someoneโ€™s special to ya.โ€
You felt like your feet had been knocked out from underneath you. You cleared your throat before looking away, heat rushing to your cheeks.ย 
โ€œYou know, I donโ€™t mean to pry,โ€ Tyler said, changing the subject. โ€œBut are you sure youโ€™re alright?โ€ย 
โ€œIโ€™m fine,โ€ you said quickly.ย 
โ€œI justโ€“ at dinner you seemed a little zoned out.โ€
โ€œIโ€™m just tired,โ€ you lied.ย 
Tyler paused, eyes scanning you sincerely. His gaze felt like it could set you on fireโ€“ like every inch of your skin was set ablaze. Ultimately, he decided to back off. โ€œOkay then,โ€ he said. โ€œIโ€™ll finish up here, why donโ€™t you guys get settled for bed? Itโ€™s been a long day.โ€ย 
โ€œOkayโ€“ yeah, thatโ€™s a good idea.โ€
Pushing off the counter, you brushed past him, pausing only when you got to the doorframe.ย 
He spun around quickly.ย 
โ€œI know you said to stop thanking you but seriouslyโ€ฆ Thank you. For everything.โ€ย 
His lips curled upwards in a smile that didnโ€™t reach his eyes the way youโ€™d already learned you liked. He gave a curt nod. โ€œIโ€™m happy to do it, New Hampshire,โ€ he said, sticking with his original nickname.ย 
You made your way upstairs to bed with your little brother and a stupid smile plastered on your face.ย 
โ€œWe have to move!โ€ you shouted, hoping your brother could hear you above the wind.ย 
But instead of reacting or doing anything at all, he just stood thereโ€“ his back towards you while he stared at the swirling clouds in the distance.ย 
โ€œHey!โ€ you screamed. โ€œWe gotta go!โ€ย 
You took a step forwardโ€“ but werenโ€™t any closer to him.ย 
Frowning, you took another stepโ€“ then another. But the distance remained the same. Screaming his name, you pleaded with him to turn around. If he didnโ€™t move, you were both going to dieโ€“ the tornado had touched down. It was barrelling right for you. It was sucking roofs off houses, and breaking fences into tiny pieces. Debris flew all around at what seemed like a hundred miles per hourโ€“ shards of glass, pieces of plywood. Something was going to hit youโ€“ or worse, your brother.ย 
You were running now, trying desperately to reach him. If you could just get there in time, maybe you could grab his arm and pull him away in time.ย 
But it was no useโ€“ you were too slow. And the tornado was so fast. Right before your eyesโ€“ you saw your brother get sucked into the funnelโ€“ his entire frame flying up in the air.ย 
You screamedโ€“ย 
He screamed backโ€“ you heard your name echo through the storm.ย 
He was calling for youโ€“ begging for you to save him.ย 
You screamed louderโ€“ย 
Then you heard a voice yell. Except, this voice didnโ€™t match your brothersโ€”it was too deep and less familiar. Your body tensed as you were jostled.ย 
With force, your eyes finally snapped open, revealing the vaguely familiar room around you. The moonlight poured through the curtain that you forgot to close and revealed Tylerโ€™s worried-looking face peering over her. His green eyes were blown open and wide, his lips slightly parted as his gaze raked over the length of you.ย 
โ€œTylerโ€“โ€ you croaked.ย 
โ€œThere you are,โ€ he exhaled. โ€œYouโ€™re okay, youโ€™re at my houseโ€“ youโ€™re safe.โ€
You opened your mouth, instantly trying to think of a way to brush this whole thing offโ€“ maybe make a joke or something to ease the tension. But instead of finding words, a choppy, uneven huff of air poured out of you. You tried again, but this time all you could do was desperately gaspโ€“ like you couldnโ€™t get enough air in your lungs.ย 
โ€œHey, hey, hey,โ€ Tyler said. You felt the bed dip as he sat down beside you. Without even thinking, you reached out for himโ€“ fingers clasping onto the fabric of his white t-shirt. He placed his hands on top of yours and gave them a gentle, reassuring squeeze.ย 
โ€œBaby, youโ€™re okay,โ€ he said. If you could breathe, you might have melted at the pet name he gave you. Instead, your wild eyes searched his desperately.ย  โ€œI got you. Breathe with meโ€“ look.โ€ Tyler took a couple of deep breaths, exaggerating the act so that youโ€™d copy him. You tried, but ended up just choking harder.ย 
โ€œJust do it with me.โ€ย 
With an intense amount of concentration, you were finally able to latch onto the sound of Tyler breathing. In, hold, out. In, hold, out.ย 
โ€œThere you go,โ€ he soothed. โ€œYou got it.โ€
Youโ€™re not sure how long the two of you stayed like thatโ€“ but eventually, your breathing returned to normal.ย 
Thatโ€™s when the embarrassment kicked in. Because how utterly mortifying to be a guest at someoneโ€™s home and to wake them up screaming because of some stupid nightmare.ย 
โ€œIโ€™m soโ€“โ€
โ€œDonโ€™t even think about apologizing,โ€ Tyler said gently. โ€œYou got nothing to be sorry for.โ€
You opened your mouth to protest, but then realized there was no point. Tyler would just refute whatever you said. So instead, you asked the question that had been burning in your brain since you got to the farm house.ย 
โ€œWhy am I so affected by this and no one else is? Whatโ€™s wrong with me?โ€
โ€œNothingโ€™s wrong with you,โ€ Tyler assured you instantly. โ€œIn fact, youโ€™re probably the only normal one in this houseโ€“ most people get freaked out after beinโ€™ near a tornado, much less in the middle of one. I have this weird thing goinโ€™ on where I just feel more alive if my lifeโ€™s in danger, and no offense but I think your brotherโ€™s brain might be wired a little differently than most.โ€
You let out a genuine laughโ€“ the first of the night. โ€œHeโ€™s on the spectrum,โ€ you explained. โ€œYouโ€™re really good with him, you know? Most people just think heโ€™s odd and ignore him. But not youโ€“ you actually talk to him.โ€ย 
Tyler smiled, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he did. โ€œHeโ€™s a good kid.โ€ย 
You nodded in agreement. โ€œYou know he didnโ€™t even want to come on this road trip with me? He wanted to fly to my dadโ€™sโ€“ but I talked him into it. Iโ€™ve felt so lost since quitting my job and I needed a distraction. I used my little brother as a distraction.โ€
โ€œWanting to spend time with someone doesnโ€™t mean youโ€™re using them. It seems like heโ€™s having a good time,โ€ Tyler said. โ€œHe told me all about the Titanic museum you took him to in Nashville.โ€ย 
You chuckled. โ€œHe loves disasters. Itโ€™s kind of his thing. Thatโ€™s why he knows so much about tornadoesโ€“โ€
โ€œAnd today he got to see oneโ€“ up close. I bet heโ€™ll tell that story for the rest of his life.โ€
โ€œThe story about how his older sister almost got him killed,โ€ you said, head hanging with shame.ย 
โ€œThe story of how his big sister stayed so incredibly calm, even though she was terrifiedโ€“ just so that she could make sure he was okay. The big sister who kept him safe even though they got caught in a tornado.โ€ย 
You glanced up towards Tyler to see him looking at you with what looked like yearning in his expression. You wanted to just lean forward and wrap your arms around his neckโ€“ let him hold you and comfort you and tell you that everything was going to be alright. You couldnโ€™t know for sure but he just looked like he gave the best hugs. Instead though, you tried to come to your senses. You blinked harshly, and glanced down at the blankets pooled in your lap.ย 
โ€œI hate being afraid,โ€ you admitted. โ€œI know itโ€™s normalโ€“ and it keeps us safe. But it makes me feel weak.โ€
โ€œI get it,๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ Tyler replied. โ€œThatโ€™s why I started the channel. I was sick of being afraid of โ€˜em, so I decided to chase โ€˜em instead.โ€
โ€œYeah, well maybe Iโ€™ll have to tag along with your team on the next one,โ€ you joked.ย 
Tylerโ€™s face lit up. โ€œYou could, you know. We go all the timeโ€“ and itโ€™s tornado season in Oklahoma so we probably wouldn't have to wait that long to find one.โ€
He couldnโ€™t possibly be seriousโ€“ but the look on his face told you that he was.ย 
โ€œMy dadโ€™s getting us tomorrow,โ€ you reminded him.ย 
All the excitement on Tylerโ€™s face fellโ€“ making something inside of you fall with it. โ€œRight,โ€ he said, shaking his head. โ€œOf course, yeah.โ€ย 
โ€œBut maybe Iโ€™ll tune into your channel,โ€ you offered, hoping to get even a hint of that excitement back. You hated seeing him disappointed.ย 
Tyler smiled, โ€œYou better,โ€ he teased, nudging your leg through the blanket. โ€œHey, I donโ€™t know about you, but Iโ€™m probably not going to get much sleep tonight. You want some tea or somethinโ€™?โ€
You couldnโ€™t help but nodโ€“ it was hard to say no to him.ย 
You and Tyler ended up talking through most of the night. The more you talked, the more you realized he was someone you could really see yourself falling for. He made you laughโ€“ and not the fake kind you did to avoid hurting someoneโ€™s feelings, either. On several occasions, he had you curled over, shaking with laughter because of something he said. And he was a good listenerโ€“ always asking follow-up questions or inquiring more.ย 
Before you knew it, six entire hours had passed and the sun was rising on the east side of the barn, shining golden light through the gaps in the curtains.ย ย 
You had found yourself curled up in the living room, back pressed against the arm of the couch and facing Tyler. He shifted in his seat, and, without thinking, you tucked your feet underneath his thigh, causing him to hiss.ย 
โ€œYour feet are freezing,โ€ he gasped playfully, but he didn't pull away.ย ย 
You laughed in response, digging them further underneath his legs.ย ย 
โ€œI can feel them through my pants,โ€ he said, laughing with you.ย ย 
โ€œItโ€™s morning,โ€ you observed, unable to believe that you spent an entire night talking to him.ย 
He bit his lip and nodded. โ€œTime flies.โ€ He chuckled lightly before standing up from the couch, leaving your feet feeling cold again, and walking into the adjoined kitchen. You followed him awkwardly, just a step or two behind. You watch as he retrieved two mugs from a tall cabinet and placed them on the countertop.ย ย ย ย 
โ€œCoffee?โ€ he asked, nonchalantly, holding the cup up as an offering.ย ย 
You sighed a breath of relief at the thought of coffeeโ€“ especially after only an hour or two of sleep. โ€œYes. Please.โ€ย 
Tyler rummaged around the kitchen for a few minutes, putting the coffee on before peering into the fridge. He pulled some items out, placing them gently on the counter behind him. His back was turned towards you for the most part, and you couldnโ€™t help but watch him as he moved. It was a nice view, you thought.ย ย 
ย โ€œDo you like eggs?โ€ Tylerโ€™s words interrupted your staring. โ€œI have some bacon, too.โ€
โ€œYouโ€™re making breakfast?โ€ You asked, your tone sounding sharper than intended through your disbelief. First saving your life, then dinner, then a place to sleep, then comforting you during a nightmare, now breakfastโ€ฆย 
Tyler nodded, โ€œIโ€™m a breakfast guy. Unless youโ€™re not hungry,โ€ he said, backtracking quickly. โ€œI just thoughtโ€“โ€ย 
You could sense the panic in his voice, almost as if he was just as nervous as you. You quickly spoke up to reassure him. โ€œNo- I love breakfast. I just wasnโ€™t expecting any, is all.โ€
Tyler subtly exhaled a breath of relief. โ€œYeah well, be sure to give me a five star review. Iโ€™m competing with the cockroach motel for business. Scrambled okay?โ€ he asked, motioning towards the eggs.ย 
You nodded before taking a seat at the island.ย 
Tyler continued to work with his back to you, arms moving a bit as he scrambled the eggs that were cooking in the pan. When he was finished, he pulled out three plates and portioned some into each. Then he moved to throw the toast and sausage heโ€™d also made on top.ย 
Because your brother wasnโ€™t up yet, Tyler set a paper towel over his plate, preserving it for now before traveling to your side of the island and taking a seat right beside you.ย 
The two of you ate breakfast, your conversation never faltering. You talked about schoolโ€“ what you studied, who your roommates were. You talked about jobs and familyโ€“ one conversation just naturally progressing to the next.ย 
After about half an hour, your brother staggered downstairsโ€“ his hair poking out in all directions informing you that he slept โ€œlike a baby.โ€ Tyler listened to him talk about his dreamโ€“ something about robots chasing tornadoes. Tyler asked him follow up questions, tooโ€“ like what kind of robots they were and what kind of truck they used to chase the tornadoes.ย 
Tyler was kind of beautiful, you found yourself quickly realizing. Not that you hadnโ€™t noticed how attractive he was beforeโ€“ of course you hadโ€ฆ Practically the first moment you laid your eyes on him after your life was in danger. But Tyler smiled this giant smile as he let your brother talk his ear off about stuff you knew he couldnโ€™t possibly care about. But he pretended toโ€“ and his eyes got crinkly and his laugh came straight from his belly.ย 
You supposed you could blame your fluttering stomach on the adrenaline still coursing through your system after being attacked by a tornado and then having a panic attack last night. Your skin felt electrified. But you knew that the trauma youโ€™d endured had nothing to do with it. You knew it could only be Tyler that was making you feel this way. And youโ€™d only known the man for about sixteen hours by now, but you couldnโ€™t deny what you already felt for him.ย ย 
It felt easy with Tyler. And although you spent the night before pretending you were fineโ€“ you realized that you didnโ€™t have to. He was someone you could just be authentic with.ย 
Your dad reached out to you shortly after seven, informing you he was on the road and would be in Stillwater just around noon.ย 
You found yourself dreading having to say goodbye to Tyler before the moment even came.ย 
In the meantime, he took the time to show your brother the horses, letting him spend as much time with them as he wanted. Then he gave him a full tour of the barnโ€“ chickens and cows alike.ย 
You were outside, watching your brother be brave enough to approach one of the horses that Tyler had ensured was friendly when his phone went off beside you.ย ย 
Tyler pulled it from his pocket and checked the caller ID before sliding his thumb across the screen.ย 
โ€œHey Boone,โ€ he answered. โ€œNo, I havenโ€™t looked yet. Why? Oh is it? Where?โ€ย 
You tried not to eavesdrop, but you really couldnโ€™t help it.ย 
โ€œWhat time are they thinking? Yeah, no. Iโ€™m busy until noon. Threeโ€™s perfect. Alrightโ€“ see you then, bye.โ€
He slid his phone back in his pocket with ease, his attention falling to you.ย 
โ€œAnother tornado?โ€ you asked, eyebrows raised skeptically.ย 
He smirked. โ€œCanโ€™t stop weather, New Hampshire. Inviteโ€™s still there if you wanna tag along.โ€ย 
Despite how badly you wanted time to stretch on forever, your fatherโ€™s truck rode into the driveway just before after noon.ย 
Tyler took all your luggage downstairs and loaded it into the truck while the three of you reunited. You met your dad halfway between his car and the porch, letting him pull you in for a tight hug.ย 
โ€œIโ€™m so glad youโ€™re safe,โ€ he murmured into your hair before reaching for your brother. When he was done embracing you both, he held his hand out towards Tyler.ย 
โ€œThank you, son,โ€ he said genuinely. โ€œFor being there for them.โ€
โ€œMy pleasure, sir,โ€ Tyler replied, shaking his hand firmly.ย 
To your surprise, after everything was loaded in the car, your brother ran right up to Tyler and wrapped his arms around his waistโ€“ offering him a hug. Your brother rarely showed affection to those within his familyโ€“ let alone people outside of it. In your eyes, that was further evidence of how special Tyler really was.ย 
Tyler hugged him back before ruffling his hair affectionately. โ€œTake care, bud. Thanks for helpinโ€™ me with the horses today. You gonna come back and visit soon?โ€
He nodded eagerlyโ€“ to your delight, the pair had exchanged numbers.ย 
โ€œAlright cโ€™mon,โ€ your dad said, ushering your brother to the car and leaving you and Tyler alone.ย 
โ€œWhat about you?โ€ Tyler asked, taking a step closer to you. โ€œAre you gonna come back and visit soon?โ€ย 
Your entire insides eruptedโ€“ like molten lava was encasing everything inside of you. You could smell the aftershave heโ€™d splashed on his neck and wanted nothing more than for it to just engulf you entirely. โ€œThat depends,โ€ you said, standing your ground as he took another step forward.ย 
โ€œOn what?โ€ he asked gently, reaching across the small space between you to tuck a loose strand of your hair behind your ear. It was a simple, yet incredibly intimate action that made your knees feel wobbly.ย 
โ€œAre you going to drive me into the middle of a tornado?โ€
โ€œI might.โ€
You smirked. โ€œWell then, I guess I might come back.โ€
โ€œLord help me if you do, New Hampshire.โ€
You knew your dad was right behind youโ€“ but you couldnโ€™t help but wish Tyler would kiss you right then and thereโ€“ prove to you that he felt the same things you were feeling. Then maybe you could leave behind your dad and brother and stay a little longer with Tyler. But that was too big of a risk without the confirmation. You looked at him eagerly, willing him to say something.ย 
โ€œSo I guess Iโ€™ll see ya around,โ€ he said, making your shoulders fall.ย 
It felt so final.ย 
โ€œSee ya around,โ€ you replied, hating to admit how disappointed you actually felt. You offered him one final smile before turning around and jogging back towards your dadโ€™s truck.ย 
โ€œYouโ€™re an idiot,โ€ your brother said from the backseat, catching you off guard.ย 
โ€œExcuse me?โ€ you said, turning to face him.ย 
โ€œWhy didnโ€™t you stay? I heard Tyler invite you like three times.โ€
You frowned. โ€œHe didnโ€™t mean it. He was just being nice.โ€
โ€œI donโ€™t think Tyler says things he doesnโ€™t mean,โ€ he said simply.ย 
You heard your dad let out a choked laugh from beside you.ย 
โ€œI canโ€™t just stay at Tylerโ€™s houseโ€“โ€ you said. โ€œThatโ€™s crazy. Weโ€™re going back to Texas.โ€
โ€œActually, I already drove six hours today,โ€ your dad said. โ€œI really donโ€™t want to drive another six, so I was planning on grabbing a hotel. We could just pick you up later,โ€ he suggested.ย 
โ€œOr not,โ€ your brother piped in.ย 
You bit your lipโ€“ and really considered the possibility of taking Tyler up on his offer. But that was crazyโ€“ you barely knew him. What if he didnโ€™t really mean itโ€“ what if he was just trying to be nice?
โ€œI think youโ€™re just afraid,โ€ your brother said.
โ€œAfraid?โ€ you said with disbelief. โ€œOf what?โ€
โ€œTornadoes, rejection, loveโ€ฆ you name it.โ€
God, you hated being afraid.ย 
Tyler watched as your dadโ€™s truck got smaller as it drove further away. He kicked himself for not trying harder, for not doing more to convince you to stay. He knew he couldnโ€™t force you, and the last thing he wanted to be was too pushy, but damn he wished youโ€™d taken the bait.ย 
He couldโ€™ve kissed youโ€“ God, he wanted to. But your dadโ€™s gaze was lingering warily and he just couldnโ€™t take the chance. What if you pulled away? What if you were insulted? What if heโ€™d read all these signs totally wrong?
Heโ€™d never felt anything like how he felt around you. And he just knew that the sound of your laugh would hold a spot in his heart forever.ย 
But maybe this was how your story was supposed to endโ€“ like a tornado. No matter how badly he wanted it to last forever, eventually they all fizzled out to blue skies.ย 
Full of self-pity, Tyler was just about to turn and head back into the house when he saw the brake lights of your dadโ€™s truck turn on. In the distance, he watched as you climbed carefully out of the front seat, hoist open the back door, and haul your luggage out.ย 
His heart fluttered at the sight. But when he saw you grab your bag and start jogging back towards him like you had a purpose, he felt like his chest might explode.ย 
You wanted to stayโ€“ย 
With a newfound confidence, Tyler began running towards you, kicking up dirt and rocks as he went.ย 
When he reached youโ€“ just past the mailbox in the road, you offered him a small smile.ย 
โ€œYou came back,โ€ he observed.ย 
You shrugged your shoulders, slightly out of breath. โ€œI did.โ€
โ€œWhy?โ€ he dared to ask.ย 
You paused, like you were really thinking about his question. After a moment, you said, โ€œI think the one thing that scares me more than tornadoes right now is you,โ€ you admitted to him. โ€œAnd I really hate being afraid.โ€
Tyler was pleasantly surprised when you started stepping forward. He matched your efforts and soonโ€“ you were almost chest to chest. He glanced down at you with awe.ย 
โ€œSome cocky YouTube star once told me that you should chase your fears,โ€ you said breathlessly.ย 
Tyler couldn't contain the smile that was spreading across his entire face. โ€œHe sounds like a really smart guy, you should introduce meโ€“โ€
โ€œWill you shut up and please just kissโ€“โ€ย 
Before you could even get the words out, Tyler reacted the way his body wanted him to. Firmly but gently, he cupped your jaw with one hand, the other arm curling around your back.ย 
And then, right there on the lone dirt road that always had a way of feeling like home, he kissed you with everything he had.ย 
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alicentofhightower ยท 2 months
the cost of a dragon
Tumblr media
pairing: addam velaryon x wife!reader
synopsis: addam is covered in cuts and scrapes from falling and running in the forest, and now you must take care of him.
includes: fluff, episode 6 heavy spoilers, probably historically inaccurate w some parts but weโ€™re just gonna Let That Slide, not proofread again oops
wc: 1.3k
a/n: i love him so bad. rn my top 3 tb characters are rhaenyra rhaena and addam. heโ€™s so sweet!! i really hope we get to see a lot more of him in the next few episodes
Addam is bewildered when he returns to your home, panting, eyes wide and mouth agape. Youโ€™ve never seen him like this, but you guess that itโ€™s the dragon laying beside your house thatโ€™s done it.
โ€œWhatโ€™s happened?โ€ You exclaim when you see the way heโ€™s stumbled in, bleeding from a cut on his cheek.
โ€œโ€ฆThe, the dragon,โ€ He mumbles, locked hair spilling over his shoulders. Addam walks over to where you stand by the kitchen table, hands gently grasping your forearms, as yours do his, thumbs running over your skin to ground himself. He smells strange, like something otherworldly. Could it have been because of the beast outside your door?
โ€œIt came to me, followed me through the woods by the shore. I think Iโ€™ve claimed him. Yes, thatโ€™s what Iโ€™ve done. I must go.โ€ Addam attempts to retract himself from your grip, but to no avail.
The pots and pans inside rattle when the silver creature lay its head on the yard outside, no doubt resting from its flight. โ€œPlease, my love,โ€ Addam insists. โ€œI need to go and see the queen myself. She is in need of more dragons herself, is she not? If I serve her, perhaps she will allow you and I to live at Dragonstone with her. This is our chance.โ€
You shake your head, apron ruffling from the beachโ€™s wind blowing through the window. Addam has always been ambitious, has always wanted the best for you and himself. Heโ€™s fiercely loyal to you, a quality that made you want to marry him in the first place.
โ€œAddam.โ€ Your hands fly up to cup his cheeks, stopping him from continuing on with his tangent. โ€œYouโ€™re covered in gashes and dirt and sand. At least let me lend you a hand.โ€
He softens at that, jaw seeming to unclench. Addamโ€™s brown eyes have always been expressive, and now they seem to look at you as if youโ€™re the sweetest person heโ€™s ever known. โ€œโ€ฆI suppose youโ€™re right,โ€ He mutters, โ€œbut we must make haste.โ€
Finally, you let go of each other. You use one of your hands to intertwine your fingers with his, and the other to grip your skirts as you lead him to your room. Itโ€™s small and modest, mostly swallowed up by the bed you share. โ€œSit,โ€ You say, almost commandingly, quickly fetching a spare piece of cloth by the tub in the main room and a bowl of water.
Addamโ€™s eyes almost glint at the way you flounce about before him. He spreads his legs so you are able to stand between them, chin tilting up so he can make eye contact with you while you fix him up.
โ€œLet me see.โ€
He holds out his right arm, palm up, covered in tiny scratches and sand from his poor attempt to escape from his new dragon. Seasmoke, he remembers. Addam squeezes your right hand lightly while the other cleans him up.
You barely manage to suppress a heavy scoff at the mess in front of you, but you dab gently at it with the towel anyway, soaked with water. โ€œWhat did you do?โ€ You ask, brows knitting together. โ€œDid you try to run from it?โ€
โ€œYes,โ€ He admits, face scrunching together at the fresh memory. Youโ€™ve told him to be careful of the sky-beasts constantly looming over the two of you, and he knows heโ€™ll be scolded for trying to escape the damn thing.
You shake your head, mostly to yourself, and Addamโ€™s shoulders deflate. โ€œWell, what would you have done?โ€ He asks, exasperated. โ€œMy apologies for wanting to come home to you tonight.โ€
You pinch his arm. โ€œI only worry for you,โ€ You say, voice soft. Addam and his brother, Alyn, are the only family youโ€™ve left; youโ€™d never known your father, and your sweet mother had died of a fever shortly after your seventeenth nameday. She hadnโ€™t been able to last, to see you wed the man you love so dearly.
โ€œโ€ฆWhat will you say, when you see Queen Rhaenyra? She may think you are coming as a foe, to battle rather than service.โ€
Addam hisses as you brush against a particularly deep cut, eyes squeezing shut. โ€œSorry,โ€ You say, and he only tips your interlaced fingers up to his lips and kisses the back of your hand.
Your husband pauses after he lets your hands back down, considering the weight of whatever his words to the Black Queen will mean. He almost thinks of it as a duty, to you and his brother. To further your ever so small family.
โ€œI suppose the words will come to me when it happens.โ€ He swallows harshly, eyes averted from yours, darting around like heโ€™s telling himself to fucking think.
Youโ€™ve moved onto his other arm, now, and suddenly the odor of him has become unbearable. Itโ€™s nothing like anything youโ€™ve smelled before.
Grimacing, you drop the washcloth and cover your nose with your hand, taking a step back. โ€œWhat?โ€ questions Addam, clearly confused. โ€œWhatโ€™s the matter?โ€
โ€œGods, you fucking stink. What is that?โ€
Addam laughs. He laughs, tension seeping out of him as he does. โ€œIt must be the dragon,โ€ He claims, reaching out to grab your waist and pull you back towards him. โ€œDonโ€™t mind it, please.โ€
Youโ€™re unable to fight the smile you feel blooming, because despite the fact that your husband reeks of his new dragon sleeping outside your home, and your feet are sore from walking to the markets, only to find nothing, and your nerves are set ablaze thinking of his meeting with Rhaenyra, Addam is here. Heโ€™s here with you, holding you, safe in the comfort of your humble little home.
The feeling is fleeting, only settling in you for a moment, but you tip your head down to press a kiss to his mouth. โ€œYou must be vigilant,โ€ You plead when you pull away, ignoring the way Addamโ€™s lips seem to chase after yours. โ€œAnd you must return to me. I do not know what I would do if I were to lose you.โ€
โ€œI will be. I swear it.โ€
You brush away the dried blood on his cheek with the cloth, frowning. โ€œWe should leave, shouldnโ€™t we? Fly to Essos, where we will be safe without the threat of war. That dragon is large enough to saddle three, isnโ€™t it? We can go-โ€œ
A thumb soothingly presses against your lips, silencing you. โ€œโ€ฆIf I can put the thing to use, it will strengthen us. Strengthen whatever I have with my father.โ€
Addam had always been desperate to get the same attention from Lord Corlys that Alyn had always seemed to receive after heโ€™d saved the man. Youโ€™d never spoken to the Lord Velaryon yourself before, but it was hard to miss the way heโ€™d stare at you when you visited your husband in the shipyard, almost melancholically.
โ€œI do not care for jewels and gowns and for you to be gilded in glory, Addam,โ€ You state, pushing his wrist away from your face. โ€œI care for you. Should we not go now? I could find your brother.โ€
โ€œNo.โ€ He shakes his head, standing from the bed, now towering over you. His fingers, callused from his seemingly never-ending work on Lord Corlysโ€™s ship, caress your waist almost reverently.
Almost every inch of your skin heats up when Addam leans down to kiss your chest, right where your heart is. The skin is covered by the sea-blue gown you wear, a white apron tied about your waist, and you shudder at the feel of his lips on such an intimate spot.
He kisses up from your bosom to your mouth again, firm and sweet and longing. Thereโ€™s no guarantee youโ€™ll ever see him again, but some strange part of you feels that all will be well. Itโ€™s a naive thought, perhaps, but one you welcome nonetheless.
โ€œI will come back to you,โ€ He promises, voice rasping. โ€œI love you.โ€
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racew1nn3rs ยท 3 months
โ”€ ๐˜ด๐˜ค๐˜ฆ๐˜ฏ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ช๐˜ช. (๐˜ฎ๐˜ข๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ ๐˜ฐ๐˜ง ๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ต๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ๐˜ท๐˜ช๐˜ญ๐˜ญ๐˜ฆ) ๐ŸŠ
โคท summary: saudi arabian and australian grands prix happen! y/n starts making vlogs for the races and it reveals more about her and a certain driver's feelings than she hoped, not that she notices. poor oscar's stuck in the middle of it all but he's trying his best!
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liked by f1, landonorris, and 55,007 others
tagged landonorris and oscarpiastri
mclaren saudi arabia, you were beautiful even if the results weren't! ready for what's to come
user1 admin not using a single nice photo of the drivers ๐Ÿ˜ญ
user2 admin be honest is this your revenge era
mclaren well, yes!
user4 the way lando looks at her ๐Ÿ˜ญ
user5 this is a place of business
user6 oscar looks petrified ๐Ÿ’€
mclaren dw guys we're still training him!
oscarpiastri wtf why would u say it like that, i'm not a dog
mclaren full-time team mascot, part time driver
user7 admin drop the insta your so pretty ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
user8 no literally, content of her WHERE
mclaren ynusername ๐Ÿคฒ๐Ÿผ
mclaren they don't pay me to LIE
user11 CRAZYY
mclaren what can i say, i am no mans peace ๐Ÿฅฑ
user13 icon
landonorris reporting you to hr
mclaren for what
landonorris idk harrassment or something
mclaren ok keyboard warrior, lets calm down ๐Ÿ’€
user15 i vote admin just takes over and we don't even get driver pictures
user16 real and true
user17 i fear we may have lost the plot
user18 thoughts on today's results
mclaren i'm trying to be positive in general but man
user20 ik the pr department is shaking in their boots after every post notif
mclaren probably! but unfortunately for everyone, i am going to keep doing whatever i want
user21 no more lando beef, mclaren admin?
mclaren i forget but i never forgive. i forgot why we were fighting but i stay hating bitches ๐Ÿฅฑ
landonorris literally WHAT DID I DO
oscarpiastri diabolical photo choice
oscarpiastri i look like a little kid on picture day
mclaren so basically your everyday look
oscarpiastri yk what you are making this work environment very hostile
mclaren i can make it more hostile if you want ๐Ÿคจ
oscarpiastri nevermind!!!
maxfewtrell most flattering lando picture i've seen in years
mclaren that's saying something isn't it ๐Ÿคฉ
user22 i went to haterville and they all knew you admin
mclaren they actually just elected me mayor there!!! ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป
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liked by bsfusername, landonorris, and 17,800 others
ynusername if my admin duties don't kill me, i promise my caffeine addiction will! (:
user23 be honest, how many coffees have you had today
ynusername 3!
user24 oh that's not that bad
ynusername +5
bsfusername at this point i think meth would be healthier
ynusername honestly yeah
ynusername thanks for the suggestion!!
user25 nooo admin don't do meth ur so sexy aha
ynusername that just made me want to do meth more
landonorris so what i'm hearing is buying you an espresso machine would get me in your good graces ๐Ÿ˜‡
user26 oh brother here he goes
ynusername you must be deaf then
landonorris ๐Ÿ˜” 2 espresso machines?
ynusername i don't want ur dirty espresso machines ๐Ÿ™„
oscarpiastri now what car is that ๐Ÿซต
ynusername SHHHHH
oscarpiastri TRAITOR
bsf2username when your not busy being super sexy on a race track, can we go thrifting and get sweetgreen and overpriced coffee ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ
ynusername this could've been an email, get this out of my comments ๐Ÿ’€
ynusername but yeah obviously
user27 admin vlogs when ๐Ÿ˜”
ynusername SOON!!! very very soon
user28 mother feeding us once again
ynusername brb, adding single mom who works two jobs, loves her kids, and never stops to my resume
danielricciardo coffee recipe where?
ynusername in your dms now โ€ผ๏ธ
danielricciardo is this flirting
ynusername no if i was flirting i would've told you to ask me in person, i'm just being charitable
landonorris can i get the coffee recipe too then ๐Ÿคฒ๐Ÿผ
ynusername wdy want next, my mugs? keep on walking charity case
user30 she's so effortlessly funny and mean i love her
user31 i feel like this is so unprofessional /:
ynusername babe professional where, you are on??? my personal?? account???
user32 maybe she's born with it, maybe it's the fact that she's consumed enough caffeine to tranquelize a horse
user33 oh please the horse would be dead
ynusername call an ambulance, BUT NOT FOR ME โ€ผ๏ธ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ
โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” เผปโœฉโ‚Šโ‹†โ˜พโ‹†โบโœงเผบ โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”
ynusername posted to story!
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(caption: melbourne vlog out now on youtube, go watch!!)
15,221 replies
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"This thing better be working," could be heard slightly muffled in between vague shuffling sounds. After a second or two of incoherent noise, the camera footage finally came on. Y/N smiled at herself in the camera as the recording light blinked to life, and raised her hand victoriously. She grabbed the smile microphone in front of her and laughed, "It looks like everything is working. Thank God, I wouldn't have known how to fix it otherwise."
"Alright everybody, welcome to the first race weekend vlog hosted by me! Your favorite McLaren admin and social manager. It took me forever to figure out how I wanted to go about this, but now I think I settled on a format that will work," She explained as she walked around the small, clean kitchen that was within frame of the camera. She pulled a glass jar out of her cabinets and left it on the counter before pulling a jug of cold brew and a cartridge of milk out of her fridge.
"It is currently 7:30 A.M on March 29th, and I have a flight to Melbourne in 3 hours. I'm already packed and ready for this weekend, but I wanted to get an introduction filmed and I wanted to take a shower before I left." Y/N paused for a moment as she poured the coffee into her mason jar until she seemed satisfied and began to add some milk. "I am totally exhausted so this is probably cup one of like," she laughed, "I don't know seven probably. And this is a pretty big jar I won't lie."
"The race weekend doesn't technically start until Friday, so I'll be getting there a bit early, but I wanted to film some content before the race weekend gets really hectic, so McLaren is sending me a little bit earlier. I'm excited though! I love the heat, even if I live in London the antithesis of Australian weather," she taste-tested her coffee and hummed in delight.
"God I really never miss with this stuff," she said contently. "Anyway, it's a bit of an early start today, but I'll have plenty of time to sleep on the fight. I mean can you believe that London to Melbourne is a nearly 22 hours," she scoffed. "I vote that we start making all of the races in one place so I don't have to feel jet lag more painful than the force of 1,000 suns every other weekend. Not that I'm complaining," she chuckled awkwardly, "I love my job McLaren please don't fire me."
Abruptly an orange tabby cat came into the frame of the camera, causing Y/N to abruptly grab her glass jar in the hopes of avoiding a mess. She gasped, but laughed as the cat scampered off as quickly as it had come. She shook her head fondly.
"That, ladies and gentleman, was Cali! My cat. She's literally my baby, and I love her more than anything else on this earth. However, she does have an affinity for hitting things off of counters and breaking them. She also hates men and nearly all other animals, so she's basically the world's biggest hazard to society. She's a good girl, I love her." Y/N explained between sips of coffee as she stared wistfully past the the frame of the camera, where it could be assumed Cali had gone.
Abruptly an alarm went off and Y/N threw her head back with a groan.
"That means I have to get in the shower and get ready so I can leave on time," she said, before taking a few more sips of coffee. "I'm going to go do that, and the next time you'll hear my beautiful voice will be at the Melbourne Airport! Cue the travel montage!"
An assortment of clips follow. Y/N is seen dragging her luggage through Heathrow Airport. Y/N is seen ordering another coffee at the airport, finishing the coffee, and ordering another before her flight. Y/N is seen responding to emails from her airplane seat, editing video footage, and responding to instragram and twitter comments. Footage is shown outside the plane window of a cloudy, blue sky and a time lapse is shown as the sky grows beautiful shades of pink and red before becoming a starry-night sky. Y/N is seen cozy in a throw blanket and a travel pillow, presumably asleep with headphones on. Y/N is shown pulling her luggage through the airport once again, with a brand new coffee cup in hand. She smiles, taking a sip before she is seen settled down in a seat in the bustling airport.
"Twenty-two or so hours later and I have finally landed in Melbourne. I'm waiting for my Uber to get here so I can finally be taken to my hotel to drop my stuff off. I have a meeting with the McLaren drivers in two hours, but luckily I slept really well on the plane. I don't know how else I would be able to deal with Lando Norris. I'm going to finish this coffee in order to maximize my tolerance for the next few hours, but I suspect I'll be getting a new coffee before I reach that meeting. My addiction truly knows no bounds," she laughs, trying to ignore the people vaguely shown within frame that are staring at her speaking to a camera.
The camera cuts abruptly and the waiting screen from SpongeBob flashes on the screen, including the narrator's voice reading "2 hours later."
Y/N is shown once again in new clothes, a new coffee cup in hand, and luggage replaced by a small canvas bag. Her comfortable plane clothes have been swapped out for jean shorts and a plain white tank-top. Her hair is clipped back out of her face, and she is adorned with simple gold jewelry and light makeup.
Y/N smiles at the camera as she walks, bustling and talking heard around her, before whispering into the small microphone, "I have arrived at the McLaren garage. It is now time to meet with Lord Lando and workplace mascot Oscar Piastri," the titles slip off her tongue sarcastically and she doesn't bother suppressing an eye-roll.
In the next clip, Oscar and Lando are seen seated on either side of her as they sit in what seems like a board-room. Lando leans over and whispers something that the camera doesn't pick up and Oscar laughs while Y/N grimaces and reaches forward to readjust the camera. When the camera comes back on, Lando and Oscar are seated together on the left of Y/N as she faces on angle toward both them and the camera.
"Don't just sit there and look pretty, say hello to the camera boys," Y/N says and Oscar cackles at the disgruntled look on Lando's face.
"Is that your way of calling me pretty Y/N," Lando chokes out between laughs, and Y/N scoffs with an eye-roll.
"I was actually talking about Oscar, but whatever floats your little papaya boat Norris," Y/N deadpans and Oscar doubles over from the force of his laughter at the pout on Lando's face.
"That's not nice at all, I hope you know that. I think I am sitting here very prettily, thank you very much," Lando says, leaning into the girl next to him to speak into her microphone.
Y/N draws the microphone back, swatting him away, "Yes, yes quite prettily," Y/N mocks in a British accent.
Oscar, still trying to recover, joins in, "Pretty little Lando Norris," and Y/N laughs jovially, reaching across Lando as if the boy weren't there to high-five the Austrialian driver.
"Bullies, the lot of you," Lando mumbles and Y/N brushes off his comment without response before finally facing the camera.
"Anyway, welcome to the first McLaren race weekend vlog. I'm Y/N L/N, the best media manager in the whole god damn world, and this is Lando Norris, the biggest pain in my ass, and Oscar Piastri, the second biggest pain in my ass. How are you feeling about Melbourne boys?" Y/N questions, transitioning smoothly much to the British driver's chagrin.
"Feeling proud to be the second biggest pain in the ass and not the first. Probably the only time i've been glad to get second actually," Oscar comments and Y/N laughs as Lando shakes his head in disappointment.
"But in all seriousness it is good to be home, this is easily my favorite race of the year seeing as it's my home race and i'm looking forward to, hopefully, good results from our team," Oscar supplies and Y/N nods along to his words.
"Yes, Australia, we are in you and we are happy about it," both boys choked out a laugh at the manager's sexual innuendo and Oscar quickly covered his mouth with his hand so as not to react too much. "What about you Lando what are you feeling," Y/N questioned, leaning the small microphone to the boy.
"Feeling like that was a stupid joke. And also like I am going to be getting P1 this weekend. I can feel it in my bones."
"Leave my jokes alone Lando, you're not being paid to be a critic," she scoffed, "and if I recall, you said the same thing in Saudi Arabia not that long ago. What's changed now?"
Lando rolled his eyes, "What's changed is that we're in Australia now and I'm feeling much more confident."
"Well thank god for that," Y/N supplied unhelpfully as Oscar laughed.
"Now, what we really came here for, it's time to film a video for this channel, it's going to be a fan Q and A, I picked the questions. By the time this vlog is up, the QnA should've already been posted. So feel free to stop watching this and to go watch that or whatever," Y/N commented. "After that we're going to film a TikTok challenge," both and Lando and Oscar grimaced, but Y/N ignored their dismay at the idea of fiming yet another TikTok, so cue the montage! Filming time!" Y/N exclaimed and the screen transitioned to a new series of clips.
In the first clip Oscar and Lando were sitting in two chairs while Y/N sat across from them with a set of notecards.
"Lando, this question from user "ln4mania" asks, "Are you and admin actually friends? Or is the online beef real? The people demand answers!" Y/N reads off with a laugh.
"Do you hear that, the people demand answers Lando! Don't keep them waiting!" Oscar and Y/N laugh as Lando shakes his head and tucks his face into his hands.
"There is no beef, guys. Me and admin, or rather me and Y/N are just fine. We hadn't even actually met when that happened," Lando supplied between laughs. Y/N looked at the camera and rolled her eyes with a shake of her head, faux-disagreeing with the boy.
She ignored the simmering pit of disappointment in her stomach. She did in fact have a problem with entitled little Lando Norris who still gave her side-eyed looks and judgmental stares whenever he saw her. If that wasn't humiliating enough, Oscar had clearly noticed it too, which just gave Y/N the feeling that she wasn't being taken seriously at all now that Oscar understood Lando's lack of respect for Y/N. However that didn't matter in the current moment. All that mattered was making this video.
The next clip showed Lando and Oscar sitting at a table with bowls of water in front of them and towels strewn across a chair just within frame of the camera. Y/N stood behind them, hands rested in their hair as she reacted to the prompts being read by someone, an unnamed media intern, off-camera.
"Who is harder to make videos with?" The intern asked and Y/N huffed out a laugh as she let her hands fully grasp Lando's curls and push him into the water quickly. He sputtered, trying to blink the water out of his eyes as Y/N laughed at the wet-puppy dog look he was sporting.
Y/N tried to shake the ridiculous desire to let her hands run through the soft curls underneath her finger tips. Curse Lando and whatever stupidly good, rich-person hair routine he used that made him smell good and look good, and... whatever.
Lando, blinking water out of his eyes, was now undoubtedly certain that being damn-near waterboarded was worth it if it meant that Y/N would laugh like that again. He knew Oscar would harass him again later for being "down-bad" or something along those lines- as he had done every time he caught the man staring-, but as he caught a glimpse of Y/N's bright smile and shaking shoulders, he found he didn't really care.
The next clip showed Oscar, Lando, Y/N, and a laughing media intern as they all dried off- somehow all having become wet through the course of filming. Y/N dried herself off quickly, taking a sip of her newly refilled coffee, not seeing the way that only the camera and Oscar saw Lando stared at her until the driver was nudged back into focus on drying himself off.
A title-card once again came on the screen with white words on a photo collage of Australian grand-prix candids that Y/N had taken, reading "Race montage? More likely than you'd think."
Footage was shown of the free practice sessions. Oscar and Lando getting in and out of their cars. Engineers along the pit wall going over data. The team speaking incoherently, going over the game plan for Sunday's race. Oscar and Lando greeting fans, signing merch, and posing for photos. Y/N smiling and waving at a cheering crowd of people before staring at the camera incredulously with a small caption reading: "Omg she's famous your honor". More clips showed Lando laughing as Oscar tossed grapes and Lando moved to catch them with his mouth. Lando nearly choking as Y/N cackled in the background. Multiple clips showing Y/N with a fresh coffee, and another... and another, as Oscar's face in the background grew with concern. Zak Brown explaining to Y/N the dangers of caffeine overdose, and the need for moderation. Y/N explaining to Zak Brown that without coffee she would simply collapse and die, which the camera showed did nothing to ease her concern. Y/N getting caps signed by the drivers for fans and walking away with intricate friendship bracelets decorating her wrists.
And finally footage of the race. The engineers in the garage. The pit-crew changing tires. The cars racing past as Y/N watched attentively. Footage of the crowd as they cheered when the cars whizzed past. Smiling faces of fans. Y/N's cheers as Oscar and Lando passed. The smiling faces of McLaren employees as Lando and Oscar crossed the checkered flag in P6 and P8 respectively.
Y/N accepting hugs from both drivers, ignoring the burning sensation in her stomach as Lando wrapped his arms around her with a smile and a laugh. Y/N calling Lando smelly and telling him to go wash off if he wants to hug her next time, and him rolling his eyes at her fondly before making a face at the camera. The podium celebration is shown and Y/N smiles as the anthem plays, even though it's not for her own team.
The final clip is shown of Y/N in her hotel room, comfortable in sweats as she sits on the unmade bed.
"Not bad results this week guys! P6 for Lando and P8 for Oscar, which are good points for the team. I'm happy on my end, I think we got some good content filmed, and I am now ready to go to sleep so I can get home to Cali and my own bed quicker. I hope you enjoyed this video, and if you didn't don't tell me because I don't care!" Y/N jokes with a smile.
"Hopefully I will see you all at the next race, if not the race after that! Bye papaya fans, and be sure to follow us on instagram and all of the other social platforms!" Y/N exclaimed, gesturing to the list of the social media handles that appeared on her right hand side.
And with that, the camera cut to black.
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liked by oscarpiastri, maxverstappen1, and 29,145 others
ynusername afraid to report that i fought jetlag and lost ๐Ÿ˜” i did sleep for 25 hours straight after melbourne and i had no clue where i was when i woke up! shout out cali for waking me up ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ best friend frl
bsfusername i'm going to try not to be offended by that caption (love you bb cali) but FUCK YOU CAUSE I BOUGHT YOUR ASS BREAKFAST
ynusername my bad! s/o to that bomb ass omlette ๐Ÿคฉ
bsfusername never doing shit for you again
user34 that vlog was god tier, how long did that take
ynusername it took 7 hours of editing and years off my life, thanks so much for asking ๐Ÿฅณ
maxverstappen1 thanks again for those podium photos! you have a gift for photography ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป
ynusername don't mention it! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ
ynusername (no seriously, mclaren might behead me)
mclaren beheading is so last year. firing squad. ๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ
user35 not y/n threatening herself ๐Ÿ’€
oscarpiastri suprised your body didn't naturally wake up for coffee
ynusername it did! just 25 hours later
user36 your poor cat was literally starving for a whole day? youre a horrible owner
ynusername let me introduce you to god's greatest creation: the automatic feeder!!! i'm sure they can mail one to whatever fucking rock you live under!
user38 me personally? i'd never log on again
user39 she needs a personal channel ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ i'd subscribe
user40 her cat is so cute ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ gimme that
user40 my bad fam ๐Ÿง๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ
user41 i want someone to love me as much as she loves that mean ass cat
landonorris don't you have a job to be doing ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€ she slept through a full work day
user42 lando always on her ass and for whattttt
user43 obsessed obsessed obsessed
ynusername i had the day off! but not the guy who was streaming video games coming for me ๐Ÿฅฑ talking bout get a job
user44 lando and y/n beefing on insta again? we're so back
user45 at this point instagram comment beef isn't enough, they need to duel or some shit
user46 the caffeine addiction almost got her guys
ynusername i wish it would, then i wouldn't have to work with lando's annoying ass
landonorris I CAN SEE YOUR COMMENTS???
ynusername THAT'S THE POINT
user47 honestly just give her a gun atp, these men test her too damn much
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user49 no fr, like let's get back to bed grandma
user50 OP, are you concussed?
user51 no actually cause didn't y/n just say she wanted to khs working with him ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€
pastryboy81 that sign can't stop me, because i can't read!
user54 ARE YOUR EYES CLOSED???!1!1
user55 i fear i totally get it ๐Ÿ˜”
user56 it's giving enemies to lovers, secret relationship type vibe lowkkkk
user57 no deadass like he hugged her reallll tight
user58 she also hugged oscar ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ?? and he has a whole gf
user59 the way she shoved him off and told him he reeked not 5 seconds after ๐Ÿ’€ delusion is a disease yall
user60 someone call the f1 gossip pages cause ๐Ÿ˜—
user61 more like someone call the ward cause somethings real off with yall ๐Ÿคจ
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sorry that this update took forever, i had surgery and recovery has been rougher than i expected! hope you enjoy!!
please leave your thoughts in the comments and feel free to drop a request for your fav in my asks <3
๐™ฉ๐™–๐™œ ๐™ก๐™ž๐™จ๐™ฉ
@lemon-lav @slutforpopculture @m4rt10ne @urfavsgf @sadsierra2 @96jnie @sltwins @poppyflower-22 @alliumiae @livelovesports @liberty-barnes @the-holy-trinity-l @iliwyss @awritingtree @redpool @elliotts1one @velentine @chaoticmessneutralplease @5sospenguinqueen @charizznorizz @2pagenumb @mxdi0 @cwiphswmwasohmm @tremendousstarlighttragedy @lnspipedrm @itseightbeats @tinycoffeeroom @woozarts @personwhoisther @a-beaverhausen @love-simon @annabellelee @ravisinghs-wife @chezmardybum @greantii @weekendlusting @monserelates @sapphiccloud @halleest @deamus-liv @gigigreens @morenofilm @laneyspaulding19 @lanireadss @dear-fifi @moldyshorts1997 @oliviarodrigostan13 @eugene-emt-roe @ilivbullyingjeongin @im-a-ghost666
2K notes ยท View notes
emeraldspiral ยท 5 months
So another interesting thing about Jane Eyre is its take on relationship inequality.
Like, Jane is 18 at the beginning of the story and Rochester is said to be something like 35-38. And it's not casually brushed aside like that was normal back in the day. It wasn't. Concerns about the age gap are raised within the text. But the story emphasizes that Jane feels comfortable accepting Rochester's proposal, despite the age difference, the class difference, and him being her boss, because Jane feels that Rochester regards her as an equal. When they converse, Jane doesn't feel any tension, like she has to impress him or try to read his mind and say whatever he wants to hear. She feels that he respects her and values her thoughts and isn't compelled to use his power against her if she says something to displease him. Around the midpoint of the story, Jane believes that Rochester is going to marry another woman, and resolves to leave because she's heartbroken, believing that because she is poor and plain Rochester can't possibly be as hurt by their parting as she is, and he'll forget her and move on long before she does. But it turns out to be the opposite. After finding out about Bertha, Rochester begs Jane to stay and insists he'll be miserable forever without her, while Jane, still thinking she's too poor and plain to ever attract someone like him again, resists all temptation and leaves him. And she does this specifically because she feels that if she were to compromise her morals and self-respect to be Mr. Rochester's mistress, then he would lose respect for her and the relationship would fall apart. It was only by maintaining her integrity that the relationship could stay in-tact when the reconciled at the end.
St. John Rivers on the other hand, I don't think is given a definite age, but I think he's intended to be a much younger man, probably in his early 20s. He is poor and without relations aside from his sisters or any other connections, just as Jane. Jane finds out they're actually cousins at the same time she learns she's come into a vast fortune that was willed to her rather than the Rivers, but decides to share her fortune equally with them. So she arguably had more social capital, even though she made an effort to put St. John on equal footing with her, because the money was hers by right and she could've presumably cut him off at any time, just as easily as Rochester could've terminated Jane from her job.
And yet, Jane's relationship with St. John is vastly more unequal than her relationship with Rochester. Even though Jane practically worshiped Rochester but only cares for St. John as a brother and is acutely aware of his faults, she still finds herself desperately craving his approval in a way she never did with Rochester. And St. John is willing to exploit that intentionally. He asks her to do things she doesn't want to and make sacrifices for him just because he knows she'll do anything to please him, and that's why he thinks she's the perfect wife for him. Where Rochester tries to explain himself and persuade Jane not to leave him by addressing her concerns, St. John basically tries to command Jane to marry him and refuses to accept her "no" as final. He withholds affection from Jane as a tactic to get her to compromise in order to reconcile with him when he's the one who should be apologizing to her and considering her needs and not just his own. Jane knows that she can't ever be happy with him because he doesn't respect her and his lack of respect only makes her want to seek his approval, which he is all too happy to exploit for his own benefit.
But Jane ultimately stays firm and rejects St. John's proposal of a loveless marriage, just as she rejected Rochester's proposal of an unlawful marriage, because both situations were doomed to fail if she didn't put her own self-respect first.
So this novel from 1847 was really saying that power dynamics aren't pure black and white. Age and class and wealth and status can be a factor in making a relationship unequal, but you can also be equal on pretty much all social axis and still have inequality in a relationship. What's really important is that there's mutual respect.
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